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Phycocyanobilin Effects of plant tetrapyrrolic compounds on pancreatic cancer and heme oxygenase activity KonKonííččkovkováá R,R, VaVaňňkovkováá K,K, VanVanííkovkováá J,J, ZelenkaZelenka J,J, SubhanovSubhanováá I,I, MuchovMuchováá L,L, ZadinovZadinováá M,M, VVíítektek LL 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague Czech Republic Tetrapyrroles in blue-green/red algae Phycocyanobilin Spirulina platensis (Cyanophyta, phycocyanins) 3,5 billion years old! Chlorophyllin Tetrapyrroles in red algae (Rhodophyta - Cyanidium caldarium, Porphyridium cruentum): phycoerythrins Phycoerythrobilin AnticancerAnticancer effectseffects ofof bilirubin,bilirubin, phycocyanobilinphycocyanobilin andand chlorophyllschlorophylls Keshavan P et al. Unconjugated bilirubin induces apoptosis in colon cancer cells by triggering mitochondrial depolarization. Int J Cancer 2004;112:433-45. Ollinger R et al. Bilirubin inhibits tumor cell growth via activation of ERK. Cell Cycle 2007;6:3078-85. Jiraskova A at al. Association of serum bilirubin and promoter variations in HMOX1 and UGT1A1 genes with sporadic colorectal cancer. Int J Cancer 2011 [Epub] Ismail MF et al. Chemoprevention of rat liver toxicity and carcinogenesis by Spirulina. Int J Biol Sci 2009;5:377-87. Castro DJ et al. Identifying efficacious approaches to chemoprevention with chlorophyllin, purified chlorophylls and freeze-dried spinach in a mouse model of transplacental carcinogenesis. Carcinogenesis 2009;30:315 Balder et al. Heme and chlorophyll intake and risk of colorectal cancer in the Netherlands cohort study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2006;15:717-25. Hypotheses Does Spirulina platensis have antiproliferative effects on human pancreatic cancer? Can algeal tetrapyrroles account for these antiproliferative effects? Do algeal tetrapyrroles affect HMOX activity in a way analogous to metaloporphyrins? Drummond and Kappas. Prevention of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia by tin protoporphyrin IX, a potent competitive inhibitor of heme oxidation. PNAS 1981;78:6466-70. Hypotheses Does Spirulina platensis have antiproliferative effects on human pancreatic cancer? Can algeal tetrapyrroles account for these antiproliferative effects? Do algeal tetrapyrroles affect HMOX activity in a way analogous to metaloporphyrins? Do algeal tertrapyrroles effect mitochondrial membrane potential analogously to bilirubin? Methods In vitro studies on pancreatic cancer cell lines PaTu-8902, BxPC-3, MIA PaCa-2 exposed to various tetrapyrrolic compounds. Commercial tetrapyrroles used except for phycocyanobilin which was isolated from freeze-dried S. platensis (Martin Bauer, GmbH, Germany, isolation method adopted from Smith A.G., Witty M.: Heme, chlorophyll, and bilins - Method and protocols. Humana Press 2002) and verified by MS and NMR spectra HMOX activity (measured as CO production by GC) and HMOX1/BLVRA mRNA expressions were determined The effect of tetrapyrroles on mitochondrial membrane potential determined by fluorescent dye (JC-1) In vivo studies on athymic mice xenotransplanted with human pancreatic cancer treated with S. platensis (PaTu-8902) Effect of S. platensis extract on viability of human pancreatic cancer cell lines Vliv extraktu ze Spiruliny platensis na viabilitu nádorových linií 140 karcinomu pankreatu PA-TU-8902 120 MIA PaCa-2 BxPC-3 Cell viability [%] 100 * * k v % * ě 80 * 60 * * viabilita bun 40 * * * 20 * 0 0,08 0,16 0,31 0,63 1,25 2,50 koncentrace g/L concentration [g/L] *p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test with post-hoc analysis *p<0.05,Viability Kruskal-Wallisovo determined srovnání by MTT s post-hoctest testováním, viabilita určena na základě MTT eseje Effect of oral intake of S. platensis on pancreatic ca growth 12 athymic mice (CD1 0,85 strain) sc. transplanted placebo with PaTu-8902 0,75 ) Spirulina pancreatic ca cell line 3 0,65 6 mice treated daily 0,55 with S. platensis (0.5 0,45 Tumor size (cm g/kg for 17 days) 0,35 0,25 0,15 0 4 7 10141720 days Data analyzed by RM ANOVA on Ranks with post-hoc testing Spirulina-treated placebo-treated Are plant tetrapyrroles responsible for observed antiproliferative effects? Vliv fykokyanobilinuPhycocyanobilin na viabilitu nádorových linií Effect of chlorophyllinChlorophyllin on pancreatic cell lines viability 140 karcinomu pankreatu PA-TU-8902 PA-TU-8902 MIA PaCa-2 140 120 BxPC-3 MIA PaCa-2 Cell viability [%] Cell viability [%] 120 100 % BxPC-3 * 100 k v ě 80 80 60 * * 60 * viabilita bun * * 40 40 * * cell viability % 20 * 20 * 0 0 31,3 62,5 125 250 500 31 63 125 250 500 koncentrace μmol/L *p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallisovoconcentration srovnání s post-hoc testováním, [μmol/L] viabilita určena na základě MTT eseje concentrationconcentration μmol/L [μmol/L] *p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis comparison w ith post-hoc testing, viability w as determinated by MTT assay Vliv bilirubinu na viabilituBilirubin nádorových linií karcinomu 120 B pankreatu PA-TU-8902 100 MIA PaCa-2 BxPC-3 % * * Cell viability [%] 80 * k v ě 60 * * * * 40 * viabilita bun viabilita * 20 0 5 10 50 100 koncentrace μmol/L concentration [μmol/L] *p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallisovo srovnání s post-hoc testováním, viabilita určena na základě MTT p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test with post-hoc analysis, viability determined by MTT test Plant tetrapyrroles and heme oxygenase PaTu‐8902 HMOX activity HMOX activity measured as CO 200% 180% production by GC-reduction gas 160% detector (pmol CO/hr/mg protein), 140% control) 120% qPCR analyses performed on of (% 100% Applied Biosystems ViiA7 80% activity 60% instrument HO 40% 20% 100% 167% 100% 92% 48% 94% 0% control 1hemin control2 UCB chlorophyllin PCB Inhibitory effects of chlorophyllin 30 uM 10uM 30uM 30uM observed also in other pancreatic (MiaPaCa-2) and prostate ca cells HMOX1 mRNA expression (PC3) BLVRA expression was not affected by any of used substances UCB: unconjugated bilirubin; PCB: phycocyanobilin Plant tetrapyrroles and mitochondrial membrane potential Cell line Intervention MMP 12 hr incubation of control 5.65 HepG2 hepatoblastoma and chlorophyllin (3 uM) 1.34 pancreatic ca cells chlorophyllin (30 uM) 0.55 with therapeutics S. platensis extract Addition of JC-1 (0.03 mg/ml) 4.14 fluorescent dye S. platensis extract (Invitrogen, 20´) (0.1 mg/ml) 3.55 Determination of S. platensis extrakt MMP as a relative (0.3 mg/ml) 3.54 proportion of control 6.30 PaTu‐8902 precipitated and free PCB (0.5 uM) 3.29 dye PCB (1 uM) 2.91 PCB (5 uM) 1.29 PCB (10 uM) 0.74 MMP: mitochondrial membrane potential; PCB: phycocyanobilin Conclusions Oral administration of Spirulina platensis has potent antitumor effect on experimental human pancreatic cancer In vitro, both chlorophylls and phycocyanobilin demonstrated potent antiproliferative effects on pancreatic cancer cells Chlorophylls substantially modulated HMOX activity in cancer cells, which might contribute to their putative antiproliferative action Chlorophylls, as well as phycocyanobilin at low concentrations inhibited mitochondrial membrane potential, which might also account for their anticancer effects Acknowledgements This work has been supported by grants No. LH11030 given by Czech Ministry of Education, and GAUK- 52210, GAUK-4389/2011 and SVV–2011–262513 given by the Charles University in Prague.
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