Men’s Rugby April 2015

Upcoming Events 2015 President’s Message Hello Rugby Alumni, Parents and Friends,  QWB Rugby th Regale - June 18 I’m writing this message to offer congratulations to all those rugby alumni for in their part in helping the team enjoy one of the best seasons in recent memory,  QRFC Rugby Golf both on and off the field. I am also writing to congratulate the players and coaches for their magnificent effort in earning the praise and accolades they Tournament - received. You will read about the accomplishments in another part of this th June 20 at Glen newsletter. Lawrence Golf Club in Kingston The Queen’s Men’s Rugby Booster Club has been around for a long time, but it really developed into its present iteration a decade ago after the Hall of Fame dinner in 2006. A group of dedicated alumni formed an executive and began Other Highlights planning on how best to utilize the funds generated in 2006 and how to engage more Old Boys. Since then we have organized one Hall of Fame Dinner in 2010,  Men’s Rugby five golf tournaments, receptions in Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary, plus a awarded Jim Tait decade’s worth of victories in the annual alumni game. We have also participated Trophy in the creation of Nixon Field, one of Canada’s best rugby fields, in the heart of campus. A lot has happened in the past decade and there is more to do.  Jacob Rumball

awarded Jenkins The landscape of university rugby in Canada has changed a great deal in the past Trophy 10 years. Some schools offer athletic financial awards (AFAs), others have dedicated on-campus coaches, off-season strength and conditioning programs, while some are touring overseas. There is also a 7s tournament in Victoria, BC every spring that has quickly become an important event.

Through your support Queen’s has remained at the top of the game. We are the three time OUA champions, have produced two consecutive Jenkins Award winners, won the award as the University’s most outstanding varsity team in 2014-15, produced National team members and have player-fundraised over $150,000 for charity in the past five years. It is a wonderful record and one that wouldn’t have happened without the players, coaches, and alumni all contributing.

In the past six years alumni have provided over $55,000 in financial support to the team. This money has helped support six teams, a fantastic coaching staff, additional equipment, and helped to subsidize trips to the University 7s in BC. In addition, alumni support has provided an endowment of over $150,000 (at the time of writing).

Our initial fundraising campaign, The Jersey Appeal, asked for a five year commitment in exchange for the opportunity to purchase a Queen’s Old Boys’ Jersey. The campaign tapped into an unfulfilled desire to renew contact with the team and our old teammates and it far exceeded our financial goal. Those pledges are now up and it is time to renew the commitment to supporting the team. We are looking at creating a schedule of events over the next few years that will allow all rugby alumni an opportunity to interact with teammates, return to campus or support the team in any way they want. Our next event is the Queen’s Rugby Golf Tournament on June 20th in Kingston, and our next Hall of Fame Dinner is scheduled for the fall of 2016. At that time we will be announcing the next phase of our fund raising campaign.

I look forward to seeing you soon, Sandy Townsend, Arts ’81, President, Queen’s Rugby Booster Club Al Ferguson, Vice-President Andrew Folwell, Com’04, MIR’05, Secretary Jim Friars, Arts/PHE’86, Ed’87, Communications David Loucks, Arts’79 Richard Powers, Arts '78, MBA '83, LLB '86

Welcome Jim Friars to the Men’s Rugby Booster Club Board

The Board of the Queen’s Rugby Booster Club is pleased to welcome Jim Friars (BA/BPH 86, BEd 87) as our newest member. Jim has served Queen’s rugby as a player, assistant coach and head coach and now