Ramapo College of

2014 Fact Book

Office of Institutional Research

March 2015






INTRODUCTION Introduction and Acknowledgements v Vision Statement and Mission Statement vi The Board of Trustees vii The Foundation Board of Governors viii President's Cabinet ix Office of Institutional Research x Organization Chart xi

CHAPTER 1: NEW STUDENTS Table 1.1 Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment Figures for First-time Degree-seeking Students 1 Figure 1.1 Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment Trends for First-time Degree-seeking Students 2 Figure 1.2 Ramapo College of New Jersey as a Choice Among First-time, Full-time Students 3 Table 1.2 Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment for Entering Transfer Students 4 Figure 1.3 Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment Trends for Entering Transfer Students 5 Table 1.3 New Undergraduates by Admission Category 6 Figure 1.4 New Undergraduates by Admission Category 7 Table 1.4 Academic Profile of First-time, Full-time Degree-seeking Students by All and Regular-Admit 8 Table 1.5 SAT Scores and Class Rank for First-time, Full-time Degree-seeking Students 9-10 Table 1.6 Remedial Requirements for First-time, Full-time Degree-seeking Students 11 Table 1.7 Demographics of First-time Degree-seeking Students 12 Figure 1.5 Race/Ethnicity and Sex for All First-time Degree-seeking Students 13 Table 1.8 Place of Origin of All First-time Degree-seeking Students 14 Figure 1.6 First-time Degree-seeking Students From New Jersey by County of Origin 15 Table 1.9 Enrollment of First-time Degree-seeking Students by School and First Major 16-17 Figure 1.7 Enrollment of First-time Degree-seeking Students by School 18 Table 1.10 Demographics of Entering Transfer Students 19 Table 1.11 Place of Origin of Entering Transfer Students 20 Figure 1.8 Entering Transfer Students From New Jersey by County of Origin 21 Table 1.12 Entering Transfer Students by Location and Type of College 22 Table 1.13 Enrollment of Entering Transfer Students by School, Major and Transfer Credits Accepted 23-24 Figure 1.9 Entering Transfer Students from New Jersey Public Community Colleges 25 Table 1.14 Applications, Admissions, and Enrollment Figures for First-time Degree-seeking Graduate Students 26 Table 1.15 Demographics of First-time Graduate Students 27 Table 1.16 Enrollment of First-time Graduate Students by School and Program 28

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CHAPTER 2: ENROLLED STUDENTS Table 2.1 Enrolled Students by Attendance Status 29 Figure 2.1 Undergraduate Headcounts 30 Figure 2.2 Graduate Headcounts 31 Figure 2.3 Enrollment Trends by Career 32 Table 2.2 Overall Headcount and Full-Time Equivalent (FTE), Fall 1971 - Fall 2014 33-34 Table 2.3 Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) and Student Credit Hours (SCH) 35 Table 2.4 Enrollment by Sex 36 Table 2.5 Race/Ethnicity of Enrolled Students 37-38 Table 2.6 Enrollment Trends by Class-level and Attendance Status 39 Table 2.7 Enrollment by Citizenship 40 Table 2.8 Enrollment by Age 41 Table 2.9 Enrollment by Place of Origin 42 Table 2.10 Enrollment by New Jersey Counties and Other Locations 43-45 Table 2.11 Undergraduate Enrollment by Class Rank 46 Table 2.12 Enrollment by Matriculation Status 46 Table 2.13 Undergraduate Enrollment by Special Program Status 47 Table 2.14 Enrollment by Veteran Status for All Students 47 Table 2.15 All Non-Citizen Enrollment by Country of Origin 48-49 Figure 2.4 Undergraduate Enrollment by School 50 Table 2.16 Undergraduate Enrollment by Matriculation Status, School and Major 51-53 Table 2.17 Undergraduate Enrollment by Majors with Concentrations 54-56 Figure 2.5 Graduate Student Enrollment by Program 57 Table 2.18 Graduate Enrollment by Program 58 Table 2.19 Graduate Non-Degree-Seeking Students by Program Affiliation 58 Table 2.20 Undergraduate Distribution of Course Enrollments and Credit Hours by Schools 59 Table 2.21 Graduat