footpaths leading from Railway Street and pany's Albert Dock between Manor House Eastfield Street to the said footbridge, and to Bridge and the River Humber; stop up the footpaths so proposed to be (2) All such rights of footway as at present diverted, and so much of Richmond Road as exist over or along the Company's estate lies between the commencement of the said between their Albert and William Wright new road and Eastfield Street, and so much of Docks and the River Humber between a point Eastfield Street as lies between Richmond about 120 yards east of the Swing Bridge Road and the termination of the said new road. across the.entrance to St. Andrew's Dock and To empower the Company to execute the the eastern end of the riverside quay; folloAving works, and to exercise the following (3) All such rights of footway as at present powers (that is to say):— exist over or across the entrance to the Com- In the County of Northumberland. pany's William Wright Dock between the To stop up and discontinue in the parish of Strickland-street footbridge and the River Whitley and urban district of Whitley and Humber; Monkseaton the existing level crossing over the and in connection. with these several rights of Company's Manors North to Tynemouth Rail- footway to repeal so much of Sections 34a 35 an