Dear Friends,

Today, the 27th of May, is the tenth anniversary of the passing of . It is right that this date should be celebrated above all through his music, which in these days, and throughout 2013, is at the heart of many events and concerts in Italy and round the world. But in the more intimate environment of the family and the Centro Studi, which conserves the message of Berio's work and furthers its knowledge, we felt the need to pay tribute to Luciano – the man, father, companion, friend, and – of course – musician; constantly, and in everything he did, the musician.

This was the idea behind the “open home” on our website which is indeed the home of our Centre - a mobile, virtual home but always lively and accessible. From today there is a new “room”, Per Luciano [link], hosting a tribute to him. It features testimonials, unpublished documents and images sent for the anniversary by friends, colleagues and long-standing collaborators.

We hope this gallery of recollections will continue to grow. Among the missing faces I wish to recall those who are no longer with us: , Miriana Berio Bellini delle Stelle, Rivi and Yossi Pecker, Edoardo Sanguineti, Henri Pousseur, , Roberto Leydi, … Each of these names calls up other stories, images and memories of Luciano’s life and creative parabola.

I am grateful to Angela Ida De Benedictis, scientific director of the Centro Studi, and Luisa Santacesaria, our webmaster and much else besides, for the dedication, rigor and human warmth with which they have assisted the construction of this tribute- room. And finally, many thanks to all those who have contributed, and will contribute, a recollection of their own per Luciano.

With affectionate and heartfelt greetings,

Talia Pecker Berio

Centro Studi Luciano Berio [email protected] via di San Vito 22, I - 50124 Firenze tel. +39 055 5358090 cod. fisc. 94175580482