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.. e ^Bt&eze VoLl7. Jamea Madlaon Untvcnity, HarrUoqbfg, Virginia Tuesday. February 5, l«» N«LI2

> Page 2, THE BREEZE Tuesday February 5,1980 Fire stairs called a hazard Delay in construction of new stairs angers JMU Shenandoah Apartment's residents By KEVIN MILLER affairs. Merck has authorized been here a few times to fix Residents of Shenandoah that a new set of metal stairs them up a little bit," but I Apartments are convinced be built. think they're iust "putting that their fire escape is a However, Merck said he off" replacing them, he said. dangerous fire hazard that does not know when the new "Now it's worse than it's X needs to be replaced im- stairs will be constructed. One ever been," said Golden, a mediately. company has submitted an resident of Shenandoah The James Madison estimate but two more are Apartments for four years. University Safety Office does needed, so- the university can Golden's concern for the not consider it a "fire take the lowest bidder, he safety of the fire escape hazard," but admits that if said. prompted him to ask a should be replaced. Shenandoah's Hall Council volunteer fireman to inspect Meanwhile, residents of President Stan Golden, and the staircase. "In my opinion Shenandoah are irritated with Resident Adviser Scott it's a fire hazard," said Butch the delavs. Williams have complained Funk, a Mt. Jackson Volun- "We plan to replace them about the two-story wooden teer Fireman. "When I looked with metal stairs," said staircase for. over a year, at (the fire escape) I was William Merck, assistant according to Williams. shocked because I didn't think vice-president of business "(Building and Grounds) ha* JMU would let a thing like that get by," he said. Funk cited several safety violations. One reason the stairs are unsafe is because they are made of wood, he said. If a fire spread between the inside and outside wall, the outside bricks could be intensely heated, igniting the wooden staircase. "As dry as those stairs are it could easily Ptwto by CharlOT A. Mzk> happen," he said. PROPANE tanks under the stairs are cause for concern. In addition, two large Coordinator Richard Garber. come to support it, they could propane tanks are located Garber does not think the have built a new set of stairs," next to the stairs. steps are a fire hazard. "I said Fernando Navarrete, Funk also warned that the inspect that building every another (, resident of the steps are not steady enough to two weeks," he said. "We apartments. support more than four of five shored up the stairs to the A maintenance worker who men at one time. "Guys on the point where we consider them wished not to be identified second floor could be trapped safe." stated that "the steps are in the building if there was a Garber follows a number of definitely dangerous as fire," he said. "I know it state and federal standards narrow and old as they are." wouldn't pass inspection in when determining the safety It's good that people are Mt. Jackson." of the structures on campus. finally doing something about Regardless of Funk's In order to meet fire stan- it," he added. opinion, neither Mt. Jackson's dards he consults the State nor Harrisonburg's Fire Fire Code, he said. While the students wait for a Department has jurisdiction While v Garber maintains new fire escape to be built and at JMU, according to George that the stairs are not a fire JMU waits for construction Marcum, superintendent of hazard he said he thinks they bids, Navarrete is concerned: buildings and grounds. need to be replaced. "If there was a fire I'd be up Photo by Chtrlw A. Failo Decisions concerning safety "As many times as the creek because my window LACK OF construction bids has delayed replacing the wooden here are made by Safety (Buildings and Grounds) have is 30 feet above the ground." steps.

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By CINDY ELMORE The bill, introduced by student governments and 'Isn't it odd that your A bill 'that would have Delegate John Buckley, student newspapers. university is the only in- prohibited student fees from defined political organizations "I think it's fundamentally stitution in the state to support going to politically-affiliated as any student, organization wrong to require a student to this bill?' I said no, because campus organizations was engaging in support of or fund another student's politics we believe students shouldn't killed in the Virginia General opposition to federal, state or to get an education," Buckley have to physically or finan- Assembly Education Com- local candidates or said. cially support any candidate mittee last week. legislation. The bill excluded However, "members of the or legislation not of their committee didn't see any choice." problem giving money to Buckley explained that his -i*"**— he added, bill would not have prohibited LUIGI'S the bill would groups "not fundamentally 1 sterilization political in nature" to engage campuses." ■-. **** PIZZERIA**** in political activity; it simply would have required those Presents:, HOUSE BILL 213 was en- groups to take any such action dorsed by the James Madison with their own money. + * Chicago Style Pizias * * University Student Govern- According to Cunningham, Cliffs Notes help busy ment Association senate and the committee brought up "all people... Subs & Deli Sandwiches executive council last week. types of absurdities" during • study more effectively. ABC on Premise Chuck Cunningham, SGA his testimony. administrative vice president, "They said the bill limits • increase understanding of Old Mill & Michelob on tap and Jim Burroughs, JMU freedom of speech and press, novels, plays and poems. -daily lunch specials from 11-2:00 Board of Visitors member, where it clearly excludes • review quickly for exams. testified in favor of the bill student newspapers." Cun- plus your Favorite import-beers* before the house committee ningham said. "The big thing Come in today! We have Thursday. that bothers me is bow they more than 200 Cliffs Notes "I was glad to have the ran the hearing. If I hadn't titles to help improve your At two Locations: endorsement of the JMU interrupted the chairman, I H _.:.. grades and save time. No, .1 1010 S. Main'433-110T student government," would never have been able to Buckley said. "I was glad they answer the questions." Available at: . (in front of Campu>) understood the concept behind it" A COMMITTEE member . ON CAMPUS DELIVCftlES According to Cunningham, accused the JMU student student governments at the government of "only scrat- Starting at 6pm.-11pm. Mon. -Thurs University of Virginia and ching the surface of this bill," George Mason University and of not understanding its • last call 10:30* were opposed to the bill. He repercussions, Cunningham added that the uVa student said. No. 2 1059 S. Hign fall 433-0077 government believed that 12 Buckley added that he does BOOKSELLER to 15 UVa organizations that not plan to reintroduce the bill • DINE IN OR TAKE OUT • are front-end budgeted by its next year. "Until the make-up student government would of the education committee Hours : opsn 7 days a week have been affected by the bill. changes, it won't make a difference," he said. "I don't Sun- -Thurs til Midnight "I FEEL this is a pile of see much hope. It's a shame, rubbish," Cunningham added. because the concept is still Fri.-Sat. til 2 am "The committee asked me, valid."

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OFFER EXPIRES »H7»»» Mkukniab. -2 -80 i J Page 4, THE BREEZE Tuesday, February 5, 1960 Fewer faculty may be hired, COLLEGE ten percent raise requested NIGHT By CINDY ELMORE faculty members. still variations at alt colleges and EAT DRINK & BE MERRY!!! Fewer additional faculty retaining the 484 faculty universities. These lists are positions may be filled at member level permitted at compared to state-supported PITCHERS James Madison University if JMU. schools in Virginia according the Virginia General Currently, JMU has 460 to the enrollment size, faculty l.f© Assembly does not approve a faculty members. size, and number and levels of 10 percent pay raise for "The amount of money is degrees offered, Stanton Real Homemade Spaghetti current faculty. set up by the legislature, but explained. Minutes from the Jan. '17 we have flexibility in how it is He emphasized that the & Meat Sauce $3*5' faculty senate meeting state, divided up," Stanton said, General Assembly probably 'To increase faculty salaries, explaining that JMU can not would approve a 10 percent ALL YOU CAN EAT J increase in faculty salaries at the administration has con- With Home Baked Garlic Bread k Salad sidered filling fewer positions all state-supported colleges than have been authorized and 'We are hiring now and universities in Virginia, if using that money for salary it approved the pay hike for P.F. Come As You Are!! THERE IS NO DRESS CODE IN increases for present because we're OUR DINING ROOM DAY OR NIGHT!! faculty." Current annual faculty 10 Percent Off Discount to Students, all Day, Any Day!! Originally, $12,230,700 was $o sure' salaries at JMU are $25,300 for 1 , 51 Court Square 434-2809 requested for faculty salaries full professors, $21,400 for at JMU for the 1960-1961 associate professors, $18,100 academic year, according to exceed the 484 faculty for assistant professors and Dr. Thomas Stanton, vice positions, nor the $12,230,700 $15,300 for instructors. , president for academic af- faculty. salaries ap- "I mink the General fairs. That allocation would propriation, but could cut Assembly is going to come permit JMU 484 faculty back on either allotment through and give the money," positions, at a seven percent General Assembly Stanton said, adding that the raise above current salaries. guidelines are established by funds transfer would be a However, university using a "peer rating" system, "last resort President Ronald Carrier has Stanton said, "so that our "Right now, things appear MIDWAY requested additional state salaries are like salaries all to be clicking along well. We funds which would give a 10 over the United States." are hiring now because we're percent raise to current Peer ratings list salary so sure it's going to happen." 157 Warsaw Ave. One block west of JMU's Front Entrance 434-7943 Bridal Show Wlm-Wd Swatoij, Fetowwy 10 ot!

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