■' ι Foi. ~E8UtbHeht ~ι ι· ι V.V, /.S7Î'.'. sï = ■ PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING. APRIL «ι—. w - ■ 9, 187Θ. — : -. ψο.οο ver ft.ntt.11m The Portia nil Daily Press miscellaneous. miscellaneous. M18C Je published every (lay (Sundays excepted) by GLLANEO US. he THE DAILY Ρ HESS Portland Publishing Co., A. DAII.Y PRESS. Portland. Parlor and ROUNDY «fc CO 7 Per Ct. Gold BUSINESS DIRECTORY. At 109 Exchange Stbkjit, Chamber Furniture. Loan, jfOUTLAND. Terms:—Eight Hollars a Year in advance. RETAIL· DEALERS IN FREE OF U. S. TAX, BOOTS OFBURrS OF THE We invite tb* attention of both City and Saturday Klaiiw State Press Moraine;, April 9,1870. Tlic AND Boots, Shoes and Rubbers Country readers to the following list of Port- Is every Thursday Morning at Burlington, Cedar and A Reign or published OTHEE Rapids Tebroh.—A Key West letter a year; if paid in advance, at S2.00 a CELEBEATED MANÏÏFAOTUEE, land BUSINESS HOUSES, which are among $2.50 of a late date says: The savage year. Minnesota R, R. Co.'s malignity of Opposite ST. on hand. the most reliable establishment» in the the JULIAN, Constantly City. Spanish volUDteers seems not to have of Advertising.—One Rates iDch of space, W. First abated one iota since the of " P. FREEMAN & killing Castanou in length of column, constitutes a square." CO., Mortgage Advertising Agency, ; per first N"o. 93 Middle and what was at first considered ao unfund- 11.50 square daily week. 75 cents Street, Repairiog Neatly & Promptly Done AT WELL & CO., 17« Middle Street. week after; three or out GEO. W. PARKER & at Store 31 ed rumor of a c?rtain number of Spanish vol- ppr insertions, less, 81.00; Having bought CO., Piee street, have this day removed to the new other and 50 Year Bond» S come to continuing every day after first week, 50 spacious store, Agricultural & ttee«l·. unteers delegated to Key West to cents. Implements SAWYER & avenge the death of t'astanon now proves to Half three JPOB TLA ND, . With in Included WOODFORI), No. 11# Eicliangc St. square, insertions or less, 75 cents; Interest, Gold, from Nov.l, be a reality. For the last l^w dajs the one week. 50 painful SI.00; cents per week after Cubans bave been a the Special No. 15^ AT OS. Auctioneer. holding fair, proceeds Notices, one third additional. Street, to to The ball not Under Exchange C. W. go "Suffering Cuba." being head of "Amusements," S2.00 per S. HOLMKS, No. 327 Congress». Auction Sales Opening—Friday, April TrusteesJ EDGAR Private large enough wherein the fair was lield, tem- square per week ; three insertions or less 81.50. THOMPSON, Pliilad'pbla. every Evening. Salee during the day. " I Formerly occupied l>y Messrs. Tl BBETS & Advertisements inserted in Maine MITCHELL), an t would respectrully Invite their irieads and CHAKLESL. FBOST, iiew ïork. porary trame work was erected adjoining, the the public to visit them at generally, the r new place of business, aud examine their stock ot which was covered with canvas. the State Press" (which has a large circulation Agencies for Sewing Machine*. Among Tbese Bonds are payable, principal and who In every part ot the State) for ¥1.00 per square TURNER interest, many thronged the plac'j was ODe Ed- BROTHERS, in coin, at New York or London the S. W. EATON. 103 Middle Street.