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"The Crescent" Student Newspaper, November 1, 1996

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NOV. 1, VOL. CXI 1996 ISSUE 8

Crescentft 'The relentless pursuit of truth and excellence, in Christ. Campus dirty laundry A N N E T T E N E L S O N frequent as it was last year. Staff Writer, The Crescent Students spoke, and Stu dent Life listened! So, its ten o'clock at night, you're According to Jeff studying away for your accounting VandenHoek, although the test, and suddenly you remember only new machines to be that you put on your last pair of clean added this year were in the socks tills morning. new residence hall, several ex Your jeans have needed washing isting machines have been for the last two weeks, and your bath juggled around to make the ra towel is beginning to exhibit that all- tio a little more workable. too-familiar musty smell once again. Last year, Woolman Apart With visions of attending class ments got an additional ma half naked and smelling of mildew chine, and Barclay house got dancing in your head, you drop that one that had previously only accounting book, throw all your serviced eight students. They clothes into the laundry basket, grab _ ^ w i l l s h a r e your box of soap and a dollars • withMunn wortii of quarters, and - pausing ^ ; House, briefly to go on a sock hunt in the . k T h i s living room - dash out to thelaun- ' f year, a set dry room. w a s m o v e d After dropping the whole load f r o m F e l l onto the sopping wet sidewalk house (which while fumbling with your keys, you is not being finally stumble into the room—only u s e d f o r s t u d e n t to di^over both sets of machines in housing this year) to the use, thirteen piles of laundry wait Weesner laundry room, bring ing on the floor, and their owners jeal ing their total up to three sets. ously guarding their places in line. There are not currently any ASC Student Chaplain, Jeff Simons imagines what it would be like to be a stapler Looks like you'll be wearing your while a bemused Nate Macy looks on bathrobe to that test tomorrow. Well, believe it or not, for many Please turn to residents, this scene is not nearly so LAUNDRY, Page 8 Students polled: Dole's sitting pretty at Fox

SARAH JOHNSON is favorite at this point, have such a sizable lead as with crime than not. The grams favored Dole, and staff Writer, The Crescent were compiled into a far leaders go, we would in other two questions had re took consistently conserva one-sided questionnaire a typical circumstance see sponses that were predomi tive views in their responses sheet. Each student was results from questions that nantly Republican. to issues. With the General Election then assigned a living correlated with party affili This high level of indeci However, in the Masters of Education program, looming only a week away area, group of employees ation. sion and inconsistency I be now, students in Ron Mock's or students (including However, this was not the lieve, stems from the fact that Clinton ran away to victory, American Government and graduate) to poll. case, particularly among un at the undergraduate level, taking a huge 85 percent of Presidential Elections classes The results are very in dergraduates. In Pennington students are still influenced the vote. carried out a campus wide teresting, as there are a Residence Hall, 75 percent by what their parents believe In carefully examining poll, in an effort to gauge feel lot of "difficult to explain said that they would vote for as far as party affiliation goes, the responses to the ques but are starting to make their tions sure enough these stu ings on important issues and tendencies" among vari Bob Dole, however on the is support for various candi ous voter groups. One of sues, things did not follow. own decisions as far as where dents were extremely con dates. 'the most interesting phe- Regarding health care, they stand on individual is sistent. In the 400 level Presidential n o m e n o n s w a s t h e f a c t there was a very wide sues. Of course, these are not Elections class which is only that Dole won approxi spread, ranging from 15.4 These results have been perfect results, but they taught in election years, the mately 70 percent of the percent extremely in favor (a strongly influenced by a lack paint a pretty realistic pic major election issues were dis vote, compared with 10 strongly liberal view), to 27 of knowledge on most of the ture of the sentiments on cussed, and questions were percent for Clinton, and percent strongly disapprov subjects. campus. created for the five most im another 20 percent at that ing of allowing everyone People have a tendency to The biggest problem that portant issues. There was a lot point, undecided. "free" access to health care. choose any answer they feel those students toiling to of heated discussion, but in As any of you that have When asked about mak like when they don't have a carry out this survey en the end: tax cuts, access to kept up with national ing community college as strong opinion or much countered was a severe lack health care, access to commu poles will realize, there is universal as high school, knowledge on the matter at of cooperation to help us get nity college education, ways a complete reversal of the more people were in favor of hand, and that can really our "job" done: we encoun to fight crime and welfare re national trend here in the that than not: another "left throw results in a big way. tered very low return rates forms were favored by the ma "George Fox bubble." ist position. The same sur The Graduate students in almost all cases. Whereas nationwide Dole faced on the subject of ways that were polled, both on the We at GFU should take an jority. The five questions covering is trailing by a sizable mar to deal with crime. Newberg campus and Tigard, active role in the elections. these subjects, along with a gin, Clinton is trailing on At this Quaker institu Portland, Eugene, Boise etc. A f t e r a l l i t ' s o u r l i v e s t h a t were far more consistent in are going to be affected by question chosen by the stu our own GFU campus. tion, more of the Pennington dent individually and a ques Due to the fact that the residents were eager to find the stances that they took. In the choices that are made on tion regarding what candidate Republicans looked to alternate ways of dealing most cases particular pro Novembers, 1996. 1996 THECRESCE>aFRIDAV^NO^ PA G E 2

0I'II\I|()I\| ft (:Oh'lli'll WlAUY

The Lesser of Twoour proposals Eyils for a ^ T h e CHRIS STEFANIW tives instead of taking for stead of getting bogged down Staff Writer, The Crescent granted that we must vote for in arguments over whether a one of them. The eight presi ^ew government program Crescent Millions of Americans MISSION STATEMENT: "The mission of The Crescent is to provide n dential candidates are Harry should take two pounds of flesh forum characterized by integrity & excellence. V^e seek to use Christian ethics have been seduced into think Browne (Libertarian Partyj, o r o n l y o n e . t - . • l u to bring to light the truth, encourage thought & challenge faith..." ing that they can solve their Bill Clinton (Democratic The Libertarian Party is the Andrew Miller, EdIlor-in-Chicf Kelly Irish, Assistant Editor problems by voting for the Party), Bob Dole (Republican Sarah Swanson, Sports Editor Brycc Tucker, Advertising Director most plausible alternative to flte Meredith Michel, Office Manager Elizabeth Fhares, Layout^ [X*sign Editor lesser of two evils. As tempt Party), John Hagelin (Natural two major parties. Libertarian Elizabeth Ford, Administrative Assistant Shaun McCloud, Computer Technician Law Party), Mary Cal Hollis Chrlilina Reagan, I'age l^ayoul rred Slephenton. Page layout ing as this belief may be, the candidates have run m every Kri>linejaan. i'agc LaycHit Kari Coctel. Page tjiyoul truth is that doing so accom (Socialist Party), Ralph Nader Rachel Dunean.Copy Edilnr Andy Linvilte. Copy Ldilor single presidential election since E^ran Zempel, Victual layout Selh Nickeson, Virtual t,ayoul plishes nothing more than to (Pacific Party), Ross Perot (Re Andrea Adamson. Dackrtiom Manager the party was founded 25 years Jon Webb. Stall rhulograptier form Party), and Howard Maria Townsend, UacKccxim Stall Carmen Baker, Darkroom Stall guarantee that the next time aeo It is the first third party in TheCrcscent encourages "Letters to the Editor." Lc-ltersshould be typewritten and no longer than they will again be faced with Phillips (U.S. Taxpayers American history to qualify its 250 words. Letters must be signed and may be edited for length, spellingand clarity. The Crescent essentially the same two evils. Party). reserves the right to aTusc publication of any letter. Send letters to The Crescent, SUB Box E. This vicious cycle has led When I look at all eight ot presidential ticket on all 50 state the presidential candidates ballots two elections in a row many politicians down the (and three times to road to prosperity, tal). Almost 1000 b u t i t i s a m e n a c e T r e a s u r e s i n t o a l l o f u s t h a t "Harry Brown wants to Libertarian candi- goes so far as to poison the heart of change, the , political , lineup ^ by T o^ce h e ws L iyear, b e r t a r^ i a n Heaven our democracy. Democracy is making the Libertarian 1 arty y,ag a base ot AMY DENT nothing more than the third major party instead t h a t i s g r o w i n g Staff Writer, The Crescent picture you made for her in a h o l l o w s h a m grade school. To see your whenever it fails to "Do not store up for cousin searching with fran of the first minor party/' both the Democrats represent the will yourselves treasures on tic intent through the ashes of the people. The tendency and the Republi- earth, where moth and rust of the closet where her t o v o t e f o r t h e l e s s e r o f t w o Harry Browne is the most ap- cans. It already has 176 people destroy, and where thieves wedding dress was stored. evils inevitably leads to a sys serving in public office, includ break in and steal. But store pealing. He wants to win the Sure, valuable things like tem where many are left to ing a state legislator, a county the entertainment system presidency even though he up your for yourselves choose between two similar knows the odds are against his supervisor, a mayor, and more treasures in heaven, where and the microwave, and ne candidates- neither of which than 30 city council members. moth and rust do not de cessities of life like clothing victory. But whether or not he represent them. We now live wins, he can achieve his three There are alternatives to the stroy, and where thieves do and food were lost. But our at the mercy of a system that other goals. status quo. Vote for the candi not break in and steal. For treasures were more in our offers a virtually meaningless Harry Browne wants to date who best represents you. where your treasure is, m e m o r i e s a n d o u r s e c u r i choice between a candidate change the political lineup by You are only throwing away there will your heart be ties. We held on to things, who wants government to also. Matthew 6:19-21, to antiques and family heir making the Libertarian Party your vote if you vote for some grow by 5% a year and his the third major party instead one who will not represent you NIV" l o o m s t o r e m e m b e r w h o w e shadow who w:ould rather of the first minor party. if they are elected. Why waste I don't know how many are and what we came strangle us a little more He wants to change the your only vote? times I've read those from. We were cherishing slowly by having government terms of the debate so that fu Vote your conscience so that verses, sitting in my room the memories of those who ture political discussions are with four cases of books, a are gone, and times that are grow by only 3% a year. you will not be responsible for There is a way to escape over how much government electing a candidate to represent closet full of clothes, and past. this fate. We can refuse to to get rid of- not whether new No one died, but it feels you by doing things you could figurines of all kinds every not do with a clear conscience. where, while silently avow like part of our past,did. play into the hands of those programs are needed. running the Democratic and His fourth goal is the sim Elections are important, but ing that I would keep my For my aunt and uncle, a Republican parties by consid plest one- to have a good time none are worth the cost of sacri valuables in the spiritual piece of the future died, because he enjoys discussing realm. I never realized the too. The coming months ering our six other alterna ficing you integrity. irony, and yes, the hypoc will be filled with questions risy of those scenes until and uncertainties, hard last weekend. work and change. The fam Lessons from Zachary Last Friday, my aunt and ily will be there, and our u n c l e s h o u s e w a s b u r n e d t o love wont change. We may BETHANY SONERHOLM . He was going to play bas jumped straight into God's the ground. They got out not ever hear my aunt play Staff Writer, The Crescent ketball, meet the girl of his waiting arms. safely but with little more " T h e S a b e r D a n c e " o n t h e dreams, and grow even closer So what makes this so amaz than the clothes on their old piano with a few notes I have a story to tell you... it's to the Christ that his life was ing? All six guys became Chris one of those ones that will give absolutely dedicated to. His tians. At the funeral, his brother — " O u r t r e a s u r e s w e r e you goose bumps. It's the story entire future was opening up in and sister, who Zach had been of my summer - and why I'm front of him. It seemed like such so worried about - rededicated changed forever. a waste - so useless! their lives, and 15 other people m o r e i n o u r m e m o r i e s a n d 1 worked as a camp counse Deep down inside I knew vvent forward to make a deci lor this summer, and one of the that God had some reason for sion. Over 20 people were di most popular questions my o u r s e c u r i t i e s . " this - but I could see nothing. rectly effected by this one per campers had was, son... not to mention "Otis, (that's my / / T V j r 1 J - - m - i i u L C O m e n n o n b a c k s a n d t h e i r c a r s . W e r e missing, but there will be camp name) why do JVl^y th6 Ood of llOjpG fill of the repercus- very thankful that they are more pianos. bad things happen to physically fine, but there is We are silly creatures, good people?" you with all joy and peace as Starting! ^ I always managed still a lot of pain for every hanging on with such des you trust in him, so that youthan ^ I thought was one involved. peration to our things be to come up with an The "proper Christian" cause of the sense of security answer involving possible - but after and knowing that they give G o d ' s w i l l , b u t I may overflow with hope by seeing this little piece thing to say of course, is that of God's perfect plan, none of those material pos us, instead of clinging to the never thought that I the power of the holy spirit. /f I wouldn't wish him sessions mattered. But its not One who is those things. And really did their curi back for all of the that easy. I want to run out yet...and can it osity justice; I hon Romans 15:13 right now, buy a fire-proof ever be easy to gracefully let estly didn't have the musical talent in the safe no matter what the cost, go of things that represent knowledge or experi world. and cram as much as 1 can ence. So now it's up to your life, memories and feel Well, let me tell you the story of me to do two things: 1 want to into it. ing of safety. Little did I know less then Zach. It hurts so much to realize I think maybe I will get that t w o w e e k s l a t e r 1 w o u l d He had gone cliff-diving that help keep alive everything that Zach started, and I need to live that the family pictures are fire-proof safe. Ill put great- glimpse through a very hum day with 9 other guys - 3 were gone. To stand on a 2-foot grandma Luise's letters in it, bling example, one of the rea Christians - and they had been my own life according to God's layer of ashes and realize and Grandma Pearl's year sons why even the 'best' people witnessing to the other 6 all day. perfect will. that beneath you is that books and scrapbooks, too. aren't immune to bad:the awe- It was Zach's turn to jump He How? wooden floor you scooted But 1 cant put everything in it; someness that can come from it. stepped to the top of the cliff Romans 15:13, around on in your earliest my fears stay out here with 1 was at camp July 24 when I and yelled, "This jump's for ofn?h hope fill you 'he with all joy God and memories. To see your aunt me. My memories remain at received the phone call that Jesus!" and jumped. standing in the smoky, black risk. 1 cant live in a fire-proof broke my heart. One of my two Half way down Zach yelled, th^t l"® him, so ened remains of the house world, but 1 have hope of one best friends in the world had "It's rad to be a Christian!" And' hrt K overflow with she decorated herself not in the where our been killed, he was gone. I've only heard 'he power of the holy knowing where to start hop memories are made perfect Zach was 21, and just 3 speculation, so I don't know for ing. She cries when you and we will no longer have weeks from beginning liis fresh- sure just what caused him to need of possessions as man year at Portland Bible bring her the browned, but die, but 1 doXVI,uw know that uiai instead instead cau^iP u still legible, remains of that reminders. College. of jumping into the water Zach lifp fh beginnings in your tben you ever dreamed.

L ISg_ggg§CENX FRIDAY, NOV. 1,1996 PA G E 3

Little Women a success Auditions jpY KYLLINGMARIC than usual. Usually the actors will rehearse a wanted most for the audience Director Dr. Jo Lewis and as Normally everyone would re scene several times in a row. to get from the play, Lewis a s u c e s s sistant director Jeffery Atkisson hearse without scripts for a Lewis doesn't ask "Beth," who is paused for a moment. both intend to bring out the his month before the first show. This played by Elissa Sartwell, to do "Family values is a cliche, SARAH RODGERS torical truth in the play Little time, they have only two weeks. the scene more than once at a but that's a good one. It's al Staff Writer, The Crescent Women tliat will begin perform "I don't think I could be any time. ways good to go back and see ing on November 7. They aim to happier with how tire cast is do- what sustained people in the A s I e n t e r e d t h e ing," Addssonsaid. "They'll bend past. Louisa May's love for c r o w d e d a u d i t o r i u m I capture the spirit of what Louisa over backward them." He went May Alcott wrote, both in her her family comes through sensed the tension and ex on to say that some actors had in every citement in tine air. The first bookDff/e Women andinheriour- read the book three or four nals. s c e n e . . . m e m b e r s o f three rows of the theater times just to make sure they this family love each were filled with students, Dr. Jo has worked very very were capturing Al