Minutes of No Mans Heath & District Parish Council Meeting Held at Bishop Heber High School 15th January 2015 PRESENT Chairman – Cllr. F Hughes Cllr. H Ackerley Cllr. G Carr Cllr. R Dobson Cllr. P Done Cllr. D Hughes Cllr. D. Lithgow-Smith Cllr. P Roberts Cllr. A Warner Cllr. M Wise Cllr. H Wright Members of Public & Parish – 6 Clerk – Ann Wright

APOLOGIES Cllr J Bailey - Unwell. Cllr. H Bolton - Holiday. Cllr. P Guildford - Family commitment.


PRESENTATION & DISCUSSION John Webb and Chris Whitehurst gave a presentation about the South Borders Community Land Trust (SCBLT) which included the following points:- A report was produced by Salford University in November 2011entitled 'Proof of Concept Community Land Trusts' which explains community land trusts. There is an affordable housing crisis particularly 'truly affordable' homes that can be afforded by local residents as affordable homes are pegged at 85% of market value. The SCBLT aims to tackle the lack of truly affordable homes on a ward wide basis rather than just focusing on Malpas. The land trust will be run by local people with the aim of helping the community. Without young people staying in the area the services provided by Malpas will become unsustainable as there will be a lack of workers to deliver these services whether that is nursing home carers or shop workers. The provision of 'expensive' homes excludes many doing key tasks in the community. The catalyst to the land trust has been the need to provide a new larger doctors surgery in Malpas and the offer of land on Road where this could be built in the future, this is idea is still be deevloped. CW&C have provided funding to establish the land trust and the trust is now going through the necessary legal processes to become a legal entity. Some of the needs identified by the land trust include homes for older people including single storey dwellings, homes for people with special needs, infrastructure other than housing, affordable homes that are affordable for perpetuity, homes for young carers and homes for those who have had to leave the area but want to come back. Two barriers have been identified, firstly existing housing allocation policy does not favor those living in our communities and secondly there needs to be a cultural shift towards the whole community helping to provide a solution. SCBCLT is on a journey of discovery and there is a lot a work to be done, therefore need support to move forward. Need to create an effective core group to establish the land trust, need active local authority support, need to identify funding (funding cocktail) to achieve goals, need long term and on-going commitment. Land trusts are 'Localism' in action. There will be a visioning workshop on Tuesday 27th January, from 7pm at the Jubilee Hall, Malpas. 326

It is important that people from the No Mans Heath and areas are involved to provide their insights which will differ from that of Malpas. There will also be learning day to be confirmed in March. The land trust needs to acquire land through it being gifted or purchased at a reduced rate and has considered the affordable homes that were available in No Mans Heath (The Hamptons). Funding can be obtained by land trusts from various banks and cooperatives at low or zero interest and can have various delivery models including self build projects. There is S106 money available in the area given by developers in lieu of affordable homes. The land trust will be its own legal entity and can therefore set its own, flexible approach to housing provision and allocation criteria to reflect local need. The Chairman thanked John Webb and Chris Whitehurst for attending the meeting and giving the presentation. Cllr. Paul Roberts and Trevor Parker, Neighbourhood Plan Chairman agreed to attend the event on the 27th January and be involved with the SCBCLT.


MINUTES 15/265 RESOLVED - that the Chairman signs the Minutes, as circulated, of the meeting held on 18th November 2014, as a true and proper record.

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN Trevor Parker circulated the responses to the draft polices consultation, pages 330 and 331 of the minutes book, approximately 550 surveys had been distributed of which 39 had been returned a 7% response rate. The responses included 125 specific comments and 70 general comments of support. The responses were divided into two categories those of the Parish Council to consider and those relating to the plan. Some amendments have been made to the policies following comments from CW&C, other amendments will now be made based on consultation comments. The neighbourhood plan group is now looking to develop a settlement boundary around the settlement of No Mans Heath itself as it is likely to be identified by CW&C as a 'Local Service Centre' in the Local Plan Part 2. In additional there is a conflict between policies Strat 8 and Strat 9 of the CW&C Local Plan both of which cover rural areas one allowing small levels of the development while the other is highly restrictive the creation of a settlement boundary around No Mans Heath would provide a clearly definition of where these policies should be applied. Councillors were asked to attend the Neighbourhood plan meeting on the 3rd February which will be looking the settlement boundary plus identifying areas of open or green space which require protection. The Chairman thanked Trevor Parker for all the hard work which it going into creating the Neighbourhood Plan.

SCHOOL HOLIDAY PROVISION The clerk reported that the Beeches Pre-School was unable to assist with holiday provision during the Easter holidays. It was agreed that the Council should try and identify how much demand there was for holiday care in the area through the Council's Facebook pages and e- mail distribution list and based on the results consider providing some activities in the summer holiday.

LITTTLER'S CROFT The Council agreed the survey, page 332 of the minutes book to be circulated with the pre paid envelopes for the surveys return.


FLASHING 30MPH SIGNS The clerk read a response from Graham Lowe, CW&C highways regarding the effectiveness of interactive 30mph signs which stated that the introduction of these signs where there was no change in the speed limit reduced speeds by an average of 4mph. It was also reported that the impact of these signs on drivers has reduced due to the increased number of these signs on roads. The Council agreed to purchase 100 30mph and speed kills wheelie bin stickers to be given to residents on Cross O'th Hill and Back lane in No Mans Heath. The clerk reported that a resident of Bickerton Road had requested the council consider the introduction of a 30mph speed limit on Bickerton Road and that the weight restriction signs be made more visible. The clerk confirmed that highways had been asked to review the location of the weight restriction signage. The Council agreed to ask CW&C highways department if a 30mph speed limit would be feasible on this stretch of Bickerton Road, and will consider the matter again at the council's March meeting.

CHRISTMAS BUS SERVICE It was noted that no one had booked the bus from the Council area although there had been bookings from Malpas and Tilston. It was agreed the idea of a Christmas bus should be considered again at the Council's September meeting.

CIVIC SERVICE The Chairman suggested having a civic service in April 2015 to mark the changes to the No Mans Heath & District Parish Council area and also Cllr Ann Wright stepping down as CW&C ward councillor. The service would be followed by an afternoon tea at the Coronation Hall. It was noted a number of the Councils in the area will not be sitting in April due to the boundary changes and election. A final date for the service will be considered at the Council's March meeting.

DISPENSATION 15/266 RESOLVED – That council agree a d