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------: IN THE MATTER OF: : : VALOR DEVELOPMENT, LLC : Case No. VOLUNTARY DESIGN REVIEW @ : 16-23 SQUARE 1499, LOTS 802, 803, : 806 AND 807 : : ------:

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Hearing Room 220 South 441 4th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C.

The Public Hearing of Case No. 16-23 by the District of Columbia Zoning Commission convened at 6:30 p.m. in the Jerrily R. Kress Memorial Hearing Room at 441 4th Street, N.W., Washington, D.C., 20001, Anthony J. Hood, Chairman, presiding.


ANTHONY J. HOOD, Chairperson ROBERT MILLER, Vice Chairperson MICHAEL G. TURNBULL, FAIA, Commissioner (AOC) PETER G. MAY, Commissioner (NPS) PETER SHAPIRO, Commissioner




NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 www.nealrgross.com 2


The transcript constitutes the minutes from the Public Hearing held on January 25, 2017.

NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 www.nealrgross.com 3 C-O-N-T-E-N-T-S

Introduction, Chairman Anthony Hood...... 4

Presentation by the Opposition ...... 6

Commission Follow-up Questions ...... 23

Cross-examination...... 36

Organizations in Opposition...... 44

Follow-up Questions...... 62

Individuals in Opposition...... 75

Rebuttal by the Applicant...... 137

Cross Examination of Applicant ...... 172

Adjourned ...... 208

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2 6:31 p.m.

3 CHAIRMAN HOOD: Good evening ladies and gentlemen.

4 This is a continuation of Zoning Commission case number 16-

5 23. I'm going to incorporate most of the first part of the

6 introductory remarks into this case as well. Joining me are,

7 soon to join me are, Vice Chair Miller, Mr. Turnbull,

8 Commissioner May, and Commissioner Shapiro. Again my name

9 is Anthony Hood, also joining me are Office of Zoning staff

10 Ms. Sharon Schellin, as well as Office of Planning Mr. Lawson

11 and Ms. Von Teller.

12 Again, we will, we have a set schedule of what

13 we're going to do tonight. We're going to hear the

14 opposition, the party in opposition, the persons in

15 opposition rebuttal, and then we will have cross on rebuttal

16 if any, and then we have closing, by the applicant, in that

17 order. So Ms. Schellin, you want to add anything, did I get

18 that right?

19 MS. SCHELLIN: Yeah, I'm going to put a piece of

20 paper up here, on the end of the dais. For some reason

21 they're not able to, the people who didn't previously sign

22 up, so if they previously signed up their name should already

23 be there. But those who didn't have an opportunity to sign

24 up, in opposition, we've already taken testimony in support.

25 So those in opposition, can print their name so

NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 www.nealrgross.com 5 1 I can read it. I'll add you to the list up here, I can still

2 add you. I'm not sure what's going on with the kiosk over

3 there. But I'll put a piece of paper up.

4 CHAIRMAN HOOD: Okay, hold on one second. Do you

5 have something to help us to that?

6 MS. SCHELLIN: If you're a party to this, you

7 don't need to do it.

8 CHAIRMAN HOOD: Yeah. You already recorded, you

9 want to say something, introduce yourself –-

10 MR. REPP: Yeah, I was –-

11 CHAIRMAN HOOD: Introduce yourself.

12 MR. REPP: Shelly Repp, from Citizens For

13 Responsible Development, in opposition. People have signed

14 cards, and delivered them over here? It's different.

15 MS. SCHELLIN: That's a, that's for the court

16 reporter. Even if you signed cards –-

17 MR. REPP: They should be on the list.

18 MS. SCHELLIN: You should be on the list.

19 MR. REPP: That's what I, that was my question.

20 CHAIRMAN HOOD: Okay. All right Ms. Schellin's

21 going to set that up, give her a moment to get that set up.

22 She's going to set up a list, and you'll be able to sign in.

23 Again, we're only hearing from folks in opposition. We

24 noticed that we did have some letters, added to the record

25 I believe, since the last time I looked at it, a lot in

NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 www.nealrgross.com 6 1 support. So we, so noted. I just want to make sure you

2 noted that. Because tonight we have a specific –- yes we did

3 support and undeclared already, thank you.

4 All right. Okay I'm going to give Ms. Schellin

5 just a moment, to get the list, and I guess she's going to

6 put it over here to the left, to my left. Okay, so Mr.

7 Donohue, Ms. Schellin how many, they have fifteen, you will

8 have fifteen minutes? All right, Mr. Donohue, you may begin.

9 MR. DONOHUE: Thank you Mr. Chairman. Members of

10 the Commission, my name is Ed Donohue, with me is Shelly Rep,

11 who you've already met. And he is the lead for Citizens for

12 Responsible Development. We have a number of speakers in a

13 short period of time, so without further ado, I'm going to

14 hand it right over to Mr. Repp.

15 MR. REPP: Thank you. Good evening Commissioners,

16 thank you for the opportunity to speak with you this evening,

17 on behalf of Citizens for Responsible Development. As Ed

18 said, my name is Shelly Rep, I live on Windom Place,

19 Northwest, just five houses removed from the SuperFresh site.

20 I will be joined by three of my colleagues here, my neighbors

21 here, in a second here.

22 Almost 600 D.C. residents have signed a petition

23 in opposition to the Valor project, as currently envisioned.

24 73 households have submitted letters to the Commission in

25 opposition to the project. And 16 of those households are

NEAL R. GROSS COURT REPORTERS AND TRANSCRIBERS 1323 RHODE ISLAND AVE., N.W. (202) 234-4433 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005-3701 www.nealrgross.com 7 1 200-footers. Our goal here this evening is to look at

2 Valor's proposal, and offer the reasons why Citizens for

3 Responsible Development objects to the project.

4 Okay. The applicant proposes using the new design

5 review process to build two 5-7 story buildings on the former

6 SuperFresh site. The site faces two local streets, lined

7 with 2-story residential homes. What would this project look

8 like? You asked that question two weeks ago, what it would

9 look like, and this is an important question, because we

10 believe that Valor's renderings do not show the buildings as

11 they would appear to the human eye.

12 The following images, prepared by Digital Design

13 & Imaging Service were developed in accordance with National

14 Park Service, National Capital Planning Commission, and

15 industry standards. They show, the first one here shows the

16 proposed building, looming over the Spring Valley Shopping

17 Center. The next image here shows the site from -- with the

18 model built in, from Windom Place, where I live, with my

19 wife.

20 The next rendering here, photograph, is an aerial

21 view of the site, it shows how the proposed building sits in

22 the middle of a residential community. Once again, this is

23 a, this project is not