Nuaber J lropical Meteorology A COMPARISON OF THREE MAJOR NORTHWARD-MOVING GULF COAST HURRICANES - CAMILLE (19b~), ELOISE (1975). AND FREDERIC (197~J Stephen M. Blumel National Weather Association Tropical Meteorology Commlttee Ft. Myers, FL

ABSTRACT reconnaissance flight recorded winds of ilO The €o11o~t"g report serves to analyze both mpn at 3U,000 ft. Maximum sustaineo surface differences and siailaricies of thc~e recent winds were estimated at 200 mph when the .ajor northward aoving hurricanes along the was less than 100 miles south of the Gulf Coast. Hucr(canes C.aille, Bloise and mouth of the River. Maximum Frederic all severely affected the aid-Gulf sustained winos at Pilottown, La. at the SE Coast region, between , LA and edge of the river mouth were estimated at St. !flicks, PL. 160 mph. Nearby, tides at Boothville, LA reached 15 ft above MSL. Also briefly touched upon is « look at the comparative ~eakenin9 cates of two different Deaths totaled 146 along the Gulf Coast, and intensities of traversing the same 110 in due to flooding from record general geographic and physiographic rains of up to 27" within 8 hours at Nelson regions. County and an unconfirmed report of 31~ at , Virginia. All tide data is in feet above mean sea le­ vel (HSL; National GeOdetic Vertical Datum Damages totaled 1.42 bi110n dollars, with of 1929) and is based primarily on post­ S140 million in Virginia. star. high water .a~k surveys. 2. , 1975. Significant wave heights are based on oil rig and NOAA data buoys, and refer to the The of Hurricane Eloise made prevailing wave heights over the sea surface near Destin, FL at about 1200 EST on Sep­ in view. Wave heights were .easured froa tember 23, the first direct hit by a major trough to crest. hurricane in this area since at least 1900. Destin reporded the lowest central pressure for the storm of 28.2U in, and hignest 1. HURRICANE CAMILLE, 1969. estimated sustained winds of 125 mph. A ~8-ft tower 13 miles offshore of Panama At about 2330 EST on Aug. 17, 1969, the eye City, FL measurea sustained winos of 92 mph of Hurricane Camille crossed the Mississippi and gusts of 155 mph. At Eglin AFB, Val­ Gulf Coast over Bay St. Louis, where the paraiso, FL, sustainea winds of 81 mph and central pressure was measured at 2b.85 in. gusts of 115 mph were measured before the Maximum sustained windS, as indicated by instrument failea. Five miles NW of Ozark, eyewitness observers' reports, and a special , 60 miles inlano from point of post-storm survey team, were npar 175-2UO landfall, sustained windS of 104 mph with mph, with gusts to over 200 mpt. A post­ gusts to 120 mph were measured. storm tide surveyed a peak higl-water mark of 24.2 ft above MSL at nearby Pass A post-storm tide survey indicated a peak Christian, and estimated at 31 ft above MSL. high-water mark of 18.2 ft above MSL at Dune Allen Beach, FL. Thus marked the passing of the most intense hurricane of record to cross the U.S. There were four deaths in Florida, ana 15 in mainland. Previously, the lowest measured the northeastern part of the country, due to mainland U.S. pressure was 27.43 in during torrential rains of up to 10 inches over the the ~Okeechobee Hurricane~ of 1928 at West lee side of the mountains from Virginia to Palm Beach, Florida. southern New York. Damages were over $luO million in the north­ Early on the afternoon of Aug. 16, Air Force eastern U.S., SlOO million in Alabama and reconnaissance aircraft measured a central S4uO million in the northeastern U.S. pressure of 26.73 in and 70U-mb (about 8000-9000 ft) flight-level winos of lbO mpn 3. HURRICANE FREDgRIC, 1979. 20 miles from the eye. The maximum was not recorded due to attenuation of the Doppler The eye of Hurricane Freaeric crossed the radar beam in the intense rainfall. Another Alabama-Mississippi coastline at about 2230

21 National Weather Digest

,Compar1s0~ of thr:e.e b.O.rt~Ward:-rO~1¥,. Ja1dLplt: co:aa~ hu.r:r1C~~'~1~:. -: t· i ;.. :-.~. __ .; .... :.,_.iU:mm.r SUS'l'AlNED wr;;biJ< ~ 1IPlf' I· .!. . .:: .,+.~__ . I ;. iat p~~t~~hi :! 'i! i : i I I ~r r-:"'dtB;ll I ~ ,Jj~: I i . --- ...,.-. Camille i - . ·Eloise II ,F'.r6der1 I·,· I lcraDlf 1e· I Eloise· .Freder~c :. ;' II ';: :II;II, II I !. I' I Il ! I' I iHtl!" i; " ,,;. f~ r"- _. .. 1 , I' I" I I .I I' I 1 r200- .... _: .' .-... I . II.I I I I 1 - ,. I, j I '~~f\'~'~:~-:- ,~1-;~'1 ;'[1 'Ii' '1 ' Mii , ". r;':-:- '. L .... ·1···· ,.1 Ii', ,11111 II ' .,' 1,1 it1'5'~~- 1 .. I: ; i I II I 'III r I t I iII If ii' 1:1\'; 'I i,',:I,W,1i: I I I U, lIil Ii!! t~d:l~H!lluwl " ~ ! I~ii '{ l--::-:~~l-' ;lj; il'i~ !III ~too::~~::~bNl~;: ,.;' "·1 I: .:::::: "":," ." ~~J' I::::: :-~ :: .. T, .. - •• - T' I 'I II ': I I ~o-~ 9 as. ~ d, ,

Figure 1. Comparison of three northward-mo~ing mid-gulf coast hur r icanes.

22 Volume 6 Number 3 \l

/ . / /

Figure 2. Tracks of Hurricanes Cami~le, Eloise, ana Freaeric.

EST on September 12, 1979. Shortly betore heights were observed to 37 ft, ana waves to landfall a NOAA research plane recorded 29 ft were measured in flight-level winds of 160 mph. Maximum sus­ while it was stili a minimal hurricane in tained surface sinds were estimated at 135 the southern . mph and reconnaissance aircraft measured a minimum central pressure of 27.94 in. At the Hurricanes Camille, Eloise ana Frederic all Dauphin Island {ALl Sea Lab, the lowest passed inlana on the mia-Gulf Coast witnin pressure in the storm's history was meas­ 200 mile~ of each other, ana within an 11­ ured, 27.84 inches, along with wind gusts to year time span. All three were major hurri­ 137 mph before equipment fallure. At the canes at lanafall - category three or higner Dauphin Islano Churn station, peak gusts to on the Saffir-Simpson scale; that is, sus­ 145 mph were measured along with tioes of tained windS over 110 mph, or central pres­ 10.0 ft above MSL. Neither station observeo sure 27.91 in or less. In fact, Camille was the eye, WhlCh passea Just to the west of a 5, Eloise a 3, and Frederic a strong 3. the island. The FAA at Grano Bay, AL reported an unconfirmed aneroid pressure of 27.49 in, ana was apparently in the eye. All three crossed each other's paths over the central Gulf some 250-350 miles south of A post-storm nigh-water mark of Ib.2 ft the Mobile Bay, AL area while travelling above MSL was found near Gulf snores, AL on primarily in a northerly airection. th south shore of Mobile Bay. Freaerlc was the strongest hurricane in this area this Camille and Freaeric both followea nearly century. There were 5 deathS and 2.3 oililon iaentical, parallel tracks from the west dollars in damages in the U.S. coast of until they were well inlana from the Gulf Coast. Their tracks varied Data from oil rigs in the Gulf lnaicated from 60 to 1~0 miles apart. Eloise crossed significant wave heights during Hurricane over the NE coast of the Yucatan Peninsula; Camille of 47 ft, ana extreme heights of 72 tnen it turnea north, tnen NE betore lana­ ft. In Hurricane Eloise, signiflcant wave fall.

23 Frederic and Eloise reaChea peak s~rength at BIBLIOGRAPHY landfall, while CamiLle reachea peak strength well south of the coast by several 1. Cli.dtologlcal Data-National Sum.ary, hundrea miles and held this strength until Annual 1969. Vol. 10, 113 Pl" 60-71. Ashe­ landfall. ville, NC. Eloise and Frederic both received their 1. Climatological Data-National Su~mary, names in the tropical Atlantic east of the Anoual 1975. Vol. 16, IIJ Pl" 69-74. Ashe­ Lesser Antilles, ana both crossed the West ville, NC. Indies first as minimal hurricanes and then as weak tropical storms. Additionally, both J. Mariner's Weather Log, January 1970. rapidly regenerated over the Gulf of Mexico, Vol. 14, no. 1, pp. l-lJ, 21. National reached peak intensity over the Gulf, were Oceanographic Data Center, Washington, DC. major hurricanes at landfall, struck the area of coastline within 250 miles of each 4. Hari.'l~r's ;,reather Log, March 1976. Vol. other, and occured within two weeks' time in 20, no. 2, pp. 63-7J. National Oceanographic the same month - September. Camille was Data Center, Washington, DC. named south of western Cuba, in mia-August, but steadily intensifiea while moving NNW 5. Mariner's Weather Log, March 1980. vol. thru the central Gulf. 14, no. 1, Pl" 88-103. National Oceano­ graphic Data Center, Washington, DC. Camille originated as a tropical depresslon over the NW Caribbean Sea, ~lolse as a 6. Weatherwise, Peb, 1970. vol. 23, no. I, tropical depression several hundred miles Pl" 11-17. Arnold Sugg and Lenorad Pardue. ENE of the Lesser Antilles, and Frederic American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. near the Cape Verde IslandS, oft Africa's west coast. 7. Heatherwise, Oct. 1969. Vol. 11, no. 5, Pl" 172-180. Richard M. DeAngelis. American Camille merged witn a cold front S~ of Nova Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. Scotia, Eloise lost identity over virginia, and Frederic dissipated over Nova Scotia. 8. Monthly Weather Review, April 1970. Vol. 98, no. 4, Pl'. 19J-J06. R.H. Simpson, Arnold Sugg and StafE. U.S. Government Printing Finally, While Camille was a superstorm at Office, Washington, DC. landfall and Eloise and Frederic were not, all three storms were at nearly the same 9. 19th Conference on Radar Heteorology, strength by the time they had reached 120­ April 15-18 1980. pp. 48-55. T. rheodore 140 miles inland (Fig. 1). This seems to Fujitol, Roger M. WaJd.oto and Duane J •. indicate that the more intense a hurricane Stiegler. A.erican Meteorological Society. is at landfall, the more rapid will be its filling rate the first few hours after 10. Hurricane Surve~ ot The Alaba~a Coast, landfall, until weakening to at or just April 18, 1967, 1'1' 1-74. U.S. Arm~ Corp5 of below minimal hurricane strength (central Bngineers, Ar~~ 8~gineer District, Hobile, pressure around 29.0 in). At. House Document '108.

11. Report all Hurricane Survey of the NW Plorida Coast, Jan. 26, 1966. U.S. Army Corps oE 8~gineers, Arm~ Bngineer District, ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Mobile, AL. 90+ pages.

I would like to extend my most gracious 12. Report on Hurricane Survey of The thanks to the following persons whose Hissis~ipPl C~~st, J~n 21, 1966. U.S. Ar.~ assistance made this report possible: Don Corps of Bngineers, Ar.y Bngineer Di5trict, Gorey, Major, United States Air Force ~obile, AL. 100+ pages. (Retired); Vic Veceralli, Observer in Charge, Office lJ. Hurricane Camille Tidal Floods of Aug. (WSO). Fort Myers, FL; Ray Giordano, former 1969 410ng The Gulf Coast, B~drologic OIC at WSO Fort Myers; the late Hardy Owens, tnvestigations Atlases 1396-408. Bnglish Meteorological Technician at WSO Fort Myers; Lookout, Hiss. to Grand Bay, La. Quadran­ Henry 3. Lee, Chief of Coastal Branch, U.S. gles. U.S. Geological Surve~, 1969. Army Corps of Engineers, Mobile District; sylvia Thompson, WSO Ruskin, FL: my parents, 14. Hurricane FrederiC Tidal Ploods of Sept. Ray and Helen Blumel of St. Petersburg, FL; 1979 Along The Gulf Coast, Hydrologic and finally, my wife Penny, who tolerated Investigations 4tl~Aes 1611-641. Kreole­ the many hours of time, research ahd typing Grand Ba~ SW Quad. Hiss. to Navarre Quad­ this report has entailed. rdll;71e, PIa. U.S. Geological Surve~, 1980.

24 Vol ume 6 Number 3


Mu. Suat. Lowest Total Total N.... Date Winds Pressure Damage Deaths ( f) 1980 Allen Aug. 1-12 195 190 26.55 $ 1.062 265 1979 David Aug.25-5ept.7 175 lS} 27.29 $ 1. }20 1268 1979 ll'rederic Aug.29-Sept.14 1}5 160 27.84 $ 2.}OO 12 1915 Eloise ,3ept.13-24 125 164 28.20 $ 0.650 80 1969 Camille Aug. 14-22 200 210 26.7} $ 1.420 259

Notes;l't) denotes wind speeds measured at tlight level. 2.all wind data in miles per hour. 3.Max. 5~t. - maximum susta1Ldd wir.d speed, the estimated one-minute average speed. 4.pressure data in inches ot mercury at sea-level. 5.damage is in Billions ot dollars.


Figure 4. Hurricane Camille Data Report, Figure j. Three Major Mia-Gulf Coast August 1'1t19. Hurricanes in the Period 19b9-l979.

25 Data in the these charts is a follows:

i ...wind equipment disabled at speed o o indicated. / G•.. peak gusts or gusts. I 127 ••• number only - denotes sustained wind i/ir 7 speed. Ilap Soo1oCllI) o o o 28.20•.• inaicates measured sea-level pressure, in inches •

• o

o • \ Figure b. Hurricane Eloise Data Report, \ • September 197). \ \ )..

Figure 5. Hurricane Camille Estimated Wino • ~.4'O Field. Isotachs of Peak Gusts in miles per 21 ..... » hour.

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26 Vol ume 6 Number 3

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, • / Figure 8. Hurricane Freaeric, September / 197~; Storm Track and Location Map. / / /I " - ...

Figure 7. Hurricane Eloise Estimated Wino Field. Isotachs of Peak Gusts in miles per hour. o o

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27 National Weather Digest


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o n~"..o • ...,., o 1'1.01 •• ,•. Figure 10. Hurricane Freaeric Estimated Wind Field. Isotachs of peak Gusts in miles per hour.

I Figure 9. Hurricane Frederic Data Report, /0 \0 september 197'j. / \ ;,ir OJ / \ 0'" Soo.lo{lIl) "- • ! / Au.. "- • i " / // "- "- \ 0 '\ "- • 1 / "- \ \ • • I I 0 n. 1 \( I \ . , ~ \> ,.., .. ~.\\ \ \ ~!\~... ~ "'\'\\'-, 0 ~ \ I( \ \ \',\ \ \ \ ~, \ \ \ , ~ n ,. \ .00 'l~ ,So so <1S .. " ..