27th November, 1939.

A Meeting of the Finance & Works, Waterworks and Public Health Committees was held this day at the Town Clerk* s Office, Town Hall, , at half-past seven o fclock p.m.

The Members present being:-

Richard Corish, Esq., Mayor (in the Chair)

Aldermen; Thomas Walsh, and Robert Coffey.

Councillors: James Murphy, James Gaul, James Crosbie, Thomas Byrne, Patrick Atkins, James Sinnott, Stephen McMahon, Patrick Hawkins, Thomas Hayes, Robert Moran, Thomas Dunne, and Nicholas Connolly.


The Town Clerk reported that he had received 48 applications for allotments. In the field at present used for this pirpose at John Street there was only provision for 12 allotments which left 36 more to be provided, and would require, approximately, 4^ acres of land. As regards the field at John Street it was unanimously decided that the applicants who had been granted these plots during the current year should be given first preference for them for the year 1940. The Town Clerk further reported that he had received an offer of 3 acres of la. nd at Bishopswater from a man named Hamilton, who required £10 per acre. He had, however, informed Hamilton that the average price paid by the Corporation for such land was at the rate of £3 per acre, the owner paying all rates, taxes, etc. and Hamilton had now made an offer to\^ \ let the Corporation have the land for the purpose of allotments at £6 per acre, so it was unanimously agreed that this be accepted, subject to the approval of the Borough Surveyor if the land were suitable, and to the sanction of the Minister for Local Government and Public Health. It was also decided to write to Messrs. Brockhouse & Co., inquiring if they would be prepared to lease a field they had at Maudlintown for the purpose of the provision of allotments.


The Town Clerk Intimated that he had received the Corporation^ Solicitors Bill of Costs and asked the Members to appoint a Solicitor to represent the Corporation at the Taxation Proceedings, so It was unanimously decided, as in previous years, to appoint Mr. J. G. Byrne, Solicitor, to do this work.


Under even date the Borough Surveyor renewed his application for payment of the usual fee of £1 per house for all work done by him in connection with demolition and clearance orders. He stated that he had made considerable inquiries regarding this matter and was advised that the work was extra to the duties set out in the terms of his appointment, and respectfully submitted that he should be allowed these fees.

©: Wexford Borough Council rv 2

27th November, 1939.

It was pointed out a couple of years ago that a proposal had been made by the Corporation to pay such fees to the Borough Surveyor and Town Clerk, but sanction had been refused, so it was decided to again approach the Department of Local Government and Public Health with a view to having sanction to the payment of such fees.


A letter was read from the Department of Local Government and Public Health in connection with the demolition of houses condemned as unfit for human habitation, and it was decided to have a report submitted to the next meeting setting out a list of the houses condemned but not yet demolished.


With reference to Minutes of last meeting when the question of the provision of a W.C. for house at William Street, occupied by Miss Margaret Johnson, was under consideration, the owner Mrs. Gordon, Parnell Street, intimated that she was not prepared to install this convenience at present, so it was decided to inform her that the Cor­ poration proposed to do the uo rk themselves and requested the Borough Surveyor to make an estimate of the cost.


With reference to previous discussions on the subject of house at Parnell Street, formerly occupied partly by a Club and partly