TUESDAY, AUGUST 18,194S r ■■■ flanrbratn: Etmifno U m iD k ATcrag* Dally Clrealation For the Month of July. 1848 evening by Miss HenrletU Ray­ Miss Shirley Porterfield of Oak properties were acquired aa an In­ Emergency DOctora Boys Hurl Snowballs Three Birch St.. vestment. X Catherine Carney naud. of 18 Myrtls street. Th0 Grove street has returned home On Manchester Street 6,367 Olooiy toalght and TharsiSy, after a week’s stay with Mr. and It Is generally reported that party waa arranged by Miss Rey- oooler fonigirt. About Town this month, usually dull In riial Mambsr o f tho Aadtt Dr. D. C. Y. Moore and Dr. Mrs. Robert Altken of Groton. Houses in Sale Tendered Shower naud who had Invited friends of M. B. Moriarty are the physi­ Boys engaged In a snowball estate transactions, has proven to Barsan of CIroalatloas be one of the moat active of the Miss Camsy to her home and were cians o f the Manchester Medi­ Mrs. Helen D. Smith and her fight this afternoon. It took MancheaUsr— A City of Village Charm . wfll b* a dlatrtbuUon of cal Association who will re­ place on Johnson teirace. The year and far ahead of any recent all gathered when Miss Camay daughter. Miss Rayetta Smith, - MIm CaUierlne Carney, daughter oommodltlMi consliUiig of spond to emergency calls to -, snow used was not deposited In a large real estate transac­ month. arrived. Miss Camey who 1s to be . TUCeUblM, Frtdmy, at the who are spending some time at (FOURTEEN PAGES) morrow afternoon. I there by any freak o f nature, i tion completed today, Mary Mc- Prospective purchaMra o f pro­ of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Carney married next month was given (ClassWsa Advartialai oa Faga II) MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1940 depot, Klttel’a etore, BtaaeU their cottagejt Andover Lake, are perty for investment appear to be many presents. A luncheon was VOL. L IX , NO. 269 entertaining a party of 65 mem­ but was carted from L. T. | Cormaok. administratrix of the of 71 Garden street, was given a very much interested In two fami­ bers of the Children of Mary of SL Wood's ice manufacturing plant | estates of Hugh and Sarah Moii- aurprtse miscellaneous shower last served by the hostess. ly or larger structures. Rents are The third In a series of Play­ Mary's church, Wlllimantlc this on BIssell street around the r; ';AttatBey Jay K. Rublnow and arty, sold to Allan M. Barrett of scarce in Manchester and money ground Days will be held at the afternoon and evening. Rev. Ijcon corner. Two dump carts, each | Attorney Herman TiUee U this town three dwellings on Birch placed In real estate of desirable k This “ Mystery Weapon” in Fierce Air Fightl East Side playground this Friday Plcher, curate at St. Mary's and containing about three tons of | el for the plaintiff In the I snow, was' dumped into the lot. street. The properties consist of type now. It is said, show prospect and the fourth will be held at formerly at St. Bridget’s church one single house at 38 Birch, one Knox Avers ‘Huge Prelude to Invasion > daauca eult brought by George : The snow was removed from of showing a fair return. The rapid Manchester Green on Friday, Aug­ hfre, -was a guest. ^ duplex ,at 36 Birch 'and one four OcISiB agalaat Dr. Morrla Fancher the pipes and machinery of the growth of Manchester restcjential- ust 23. family dwelling at 78-80 Birch «ra r the death of a dog. An appeal ice plant as it is necessary to ly plus the improvement In nearby HALE'S SELF SERVE Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wilson street. Robert H. Smith of the R. eeOl be taken by Dr. Fancher to ■ defrost the pipes at different industries marks the start of an Miss Constance Della Fera of and children. May and Tommy, of J. Smith lncorporate

vota aolldlF for Uta ax-«tfl«f axacu- CommItteewonUUi Mary C. Cough­ will be placed at tha farm, he eald, stalled at the Intersection e t Ooa- dviUaatlaa irldeh the antira Adri­ atU b a a n tlia bnuit of the confUot, Uva. lin; Mayor John W . Murphy of end jobe wUI be rearranged. nacUcut and Stratford Avae., at atic coaat aad tha Island by Coifu InTasion Prelude winning Its Inspiring succesoas Rules Group Hart Confers War Reshaping Tennessee Will Preset Despite that formidable bloc, New Haven; Mayor George J. The warden declined to make a lore Speed BridgeporL Traffic control signal knew in past oanturiea throtifb undar neyor-caaalng strain, which formal answer to an open letter to WAKE UP YOU! the Democrats favoring Robert A. Coyle of N ew Britain; and J. W al­ light# w ell approved for the town tha aotlvlty a t ths republlo a t only Its own membara can fully With Our Guards Is Renewed Today ter Darley, secretary of the Demo­ Governor Baldwth, which appeared of Hamden at the Intersection# of Venlca, a t whoss apleiutor tranea appreciate. It behoovaa all othar Hurley, of Bridgeport, state public Battle Seen With Colonel Cross’ Name works commissioner, are pressing cratic S ^ t e (Central Oimmittes. In the Thompsonville Press last 4iirb8 Favored Whitney avenue and Hawthorne still exlat,” the newspaper said. branches of national defense. In­ Valley^s Economic Scenery __ LIVER B IL E - their claim that they already had St^te CThaIrman John F. McCarthy week. The letter said escapes street and at Whitney avenue and “AD tbla aector stretching, frodi (Oonttqned From Fage Ona) cluding the civil arm and the hocta On Maneuvers were so common at the farm as to IWMal TWIW M 4 enough delegates lined up to make waa present for a few , minutes, Park avenue. A request for a the Adriatic to the Black Sea en­ of war production, to redouble M i» iIm M «4 i« lU t f to > i t n O l l t K C S I l l t S ' tor construction of a post office at 0«t a paekac# today. IVka aa dti ' were approved for ilx more com­ county organization met and en- Committee on the eve of the Dem­ intersection of U. 3. Route 5 and This means that Rear-Admiral Only yesterday Italian spokes­ hollow bark of German airplane were aasumec^.to have struck back Cotton fields are being plowed and able to carry Ita share of ree- The week went by like lightning Cross will be presented for con­ Stonlngton, (?onn.. it was’ announc- Aoiatinc in maklas Hla flow fraaly. . munities at a meeting of the State doraed him unanimously. ocratic state ronvention which for Cartar'a Littla Llvar PUla. 10# and 1 Route 20. At this point the New Morljl Takeda. commander of the men accused Greece of having ter­ cannon, chatter of machine-guns, this morning. Berlin bad a 47-mln- up for factories. N ew Industries ponslblllty for production,” said for the Guardsmen, and many of sideration as the Democratic gu­ - ed today. Neither he nor McCarthy, both Four other communities, which al- York. New Haven, and Hartford Japanese Naval garrison In Shang­ ritorial designs on Albania, which boottaing of anti-aircraft firs and ute air raid during the night and are spending millions in building. David E. Lllienlhal. Tennessee Val­ them are already making plans bernatorial nominee for the. sixth opens here Aug. 23 was foreseen of whom were present, would i^ady have speed limits, were railroad tracks cut across the ap­ hai, will preside as senior officer. Italy annexed after her Good Fri­ roar of hundreds of motors came the Bremen radio abut down The tempo of life haa changed for ley Authority director, after a toui for their visit home, as they call time In ten years at the party's today. ^tate Pollca today still had the comment on the news of the granted permission . to extend proach to the bridge owned by the Hope To Block Jap Move day Invasion in 1039. as the military correspondent of abniptly, a usual sign of raids. thousands of farmers who are leav­ of Inspection which carried him to It. The way the boys feel around , state convention here next week. The prospect of a spirited ses­ north end of town under Burvell-” Cross announcement. Windsor Locks Canal Co. Since Admiral Hart’s presence here The press campaign against Reuters (British) News Agency Southampton. Britain's biggest ing the plow for the machine. key defense Industries and projecti here they are going to have a v isit! Dr. Cross, governor for four lance ss they continued s deaden- them. the bridge Is only 15 feet wide, declared, ."all reports confirm that A t the Bridgeport meeting, sion became a probability last f The towns to impose limits for nevertheless was viewed as great­ Greece, opened by the week-end southern port, was a principal ob­ The Industrialization of the In the valley. to Manchester In between encamp- ‘ terms from 1931 through 1938 and | traffic crossing the tracks Is often the present German tactics against James J. Whelan, town chairman ' night when the member.-» of the Ing hunt for Wayne Swanson. 3.3. ■ ly strengthening the American disclosure of H oggls's death, was jective In yesterday’s day-loiig aouth, under the drum-beats of Growth Inevitable meats. the party’s unsuccessful candidate , the first time are Granby, Zf> and dangerously slowed up or stalled, of Bridgeport, waa elected to the | party's Study (Jomniittee. holding who escaped from the Enfield stand on reassignment of the Brit­ marked today by these additional Britain are similar to those pre­ mass raids, the government dis­ war on other continents haa been "Growth of Industry in the The officers of the 3rd Battalion 1 In the 1938 election, announced : SO miles an hour; North Branford, it was explained. The committee succeeding ' a preliminary meeting here, dc- prison farm August 4. No further ish defense zone, and those who developments: liminaries which w.ers ao success­ closed last night. So furious was quickened beyond the realization south, an agricultural section, has -Including Captalna Jamea Mc­ last night that Mayor Vincent county chairmanship. ‘ Hmita ranging from 30 to 40; Kil- was advised to consult with the I cided to avoid all ronlroversia! clues as to the man's w-hereabouts opposed handing It over to the Stefanl, ofllcial Italian news ful against Poland." the fighting here, said an A ir Min­ of most of the Inhabitants. been Inevitable. The change hai Veigh, Hotace Murphey and Ray­ A. Scully of Waterbury would McCarthy. Ungly, 30 on Maple street; Cheater, canal company since the state has Military and aviation circles re­ --- I platform matters and refer them have been discovered. A woman Japanese hoped he might be able agency, reported In a dispatch istry commu.nlque, that "at one Industry Eyes Valley been coming gradually, and It was mond Hagedom and Lieutenant# place his name In nomination at , limit# ranging from 2S to 35; no jurisdiction over the bridge. from Tirana-tluit "acta of violence fused to confirm reports that 11 ! lo the Rules Committee. reported seeing Sw-anson In some to block such t move. time enemy bombers and fighters Industry has at last turned Its right that It should, but national . Stephen Frey, Charles Bycholski the convention. north end w-oods Monday, but a Branford, 25; Middlebury, 35 and Members of the WMndJSor Locks against Albanians ahow no sign of parachutists, landed In Britain's National Committeeman David Japanese officials have expressed were falling out of the sky at ths eyes on the valley's rich resources defense needs have accelerated the and Terry Yanlsheyzsky, attended The former dean of the Vale thorough search of the locality 40. committee were former State Sen­ dlmlnlahlng” In Greece. industrially vital Midlands last Manchester E. FitzGerald, spokesman- for the a hope that the United States rate of about one a minute." in labor, materials, electric power, pace. Now the south Is ready.’’ their annual dinner in Ogdens- Graduate School, now hale and : had today yielded no signs of the A 25-miIes-an-hour blanket limit ator .lames Rahhitt. Dr. E. H. (Greece haa denied any reaponat- night and that seven of them were Stiijly Committee wh)( h -z ill pre­ was granted New London for all Richmond. Frank Johnson, and might follow Britain's lead by The Air Ministry said 600 planes rail and water transportation Lllienthal will visit the president burg Saturday night. Thq offi­ active In his 79th year, said he pare suggestions lo be pre.sented presence here of the sought-after wlUidrawlng the Marines now sta­ blllty for Hoggia’a death.) rounded up. had Invited Scully to make the Date Book , convict. streets where higher limits have Robert Walker. The newspaper n Meaaaggero took part in yesterday'a attacks. facilities, temperature, climate and this week to give him an oral re­ cers were transported to town in j to the Resolution.') UommmiUee at tioned in Shanghai. It was admitted several para­ nomination and that the mayor of ■ Tighten Rules not been Imposed. Suffleld receiv­ asaerted that restoration of A l­ Revised figures published this inland security in event of pos­ port of the national defense pro-^ reconnaissance care leaving the \ the convention, would not reveal Spokesmen for the Japanese- chutes had been found, but these Waterbury, where Dr. Ooss ap- i Meanwhile, Warden Ralph H. ed approval for additional. limits banian territorial integrity "must morning set at 78 the numlier of sible future invasion by enemy gram In the TV A region. camp about five o'clock. Thls Week what tentative planks of the plat- controlled Chinese administration sources said they were not of the parently haa a strong following, Walker of Connecticut State Prison ranging from 30 to 45; Brookfield, be aatisfled in the shortest possible German aircraft "definitely known forces. "I shall give the president a vl Incidentally, 1st Sergeant Aug 16 - Democratic Town ! form had been disc'u;se-l Invasion Seen at Nanking have said they would type used by parachutists who In­ said he was tightening the regu­ SO for three additional town road.s: time." to have been destroyed," with 13 The valley, Included In the region optimistic and heartening repd Ihomaa PaganI is the brass hat had accepted. Committee Informal dance at j not countenance transfer of the vaded The Netherlands and Bel­ To Reaffirm National Platform lations at the prison farm as the Derby. addltlon,al limits ranging Albanians Arrested British fighter planes lost. (G er­ which President Roosevelt once on the national defence aspects 'o f K again this year. The top Several hours before Dr. Cross Country j.^lub gium. They advanced the opinion He said however that the body result of the escape by Swanson In Northeast Britlah sector to American troops. Stefanl's Tirana dispatch alleged many said the British lost 1(82 termed "the nation’s No. 1 econo- the valley," Lllienthal said. kick 1s Bort of a part of the out­ made his announcement, Scully Coming F.venta Invest in a fine Fur Coat now at substantial from 25 to 30. British yoopa withdrew yester­ the parachutes belonged to avia­ Aug. 18 Hose Co. No. 1, M. F. Was agreed on Including a reaffir­ and Red Steams, who has been re­ Parking restrictions were ap­ that a number of Albanians had planes yesterday, the Germans fit, and belongs as much to K pledged his support to the former , savings. Here vou're a.s.sured of Quality, day from Peiping, leaving that tors shot down in raids far inland governor, stating that he w-as D. outing, Osano cottage. 1 mation of the Democratic national captured. Both men w-ere sex o f­ proved for Windsor Locks on parts been arrested In northern Greece (Uily 28.) company as the rifles do. . Stv ie and (,ood Value I Choose from the (Oontlnned from Page One) city without British forces for the last night. '•tl\e logical candidate.” Also - Knights of Columbus I plptform in a. preamble to the fenders of Main street; West Hartford, no and "dragged In chains" to prison. The British acknowledged suf­ planes destroyed In four days of Fifth column actlvitlea finally first time in 40 years. The con­ Counter Blow at Italy hit our company according t o ______Hergt. Thomas ______PaganI______Last week former State Chalr- outing at Rod and Gun club. \ state platform "W e will be more careful In the smartest furs . . . in 1911 ’’Hit” styles. parking on part.s of Newington It quoted the Tirana newspaper fering only a series of fires and Germans Attack massed attacks on England— In­ many can effectively bomb muni­ tingent of two officers and 30 men The A ir Ministry announced a Sergt. Gerald Demeusy and on a ...... I man . Francis Smith of Water- A(4g. 19-24 Tall Cedars Joy- The committee, he ..aid. would future, " the warden said, "in se­ road; Wind.sor. a 30-minute park­ Tomori as saying the time had "a few casualties" In the big at­ cluding the raids of Inst Thursday tions works and armament fac- went to Tientsin. counter blow at Italy In which a large scale. The officers and ser- i the railhead. That w-ill mean bury announced that he also land. Dougherty lot. I take further action at another lecting prisoners to be transferred ing area on Poquonock avenue. come "to make Athena understand tacks. —WO.S estlfnated at 363, with Ger­ torie.s the British Army will be at strong force of bombers flew over Strategic Points geants had not taken over a^nho„t twice as much work for our would support Cross, leading pfj- Aug. 26-Sept 3 - K of C. Car­ meeting next Monday night to the fami. There will be fewer Silver Fox Jacket Parking wafl re.stricted also on the game has gone too long." See West Coast Raids man losses of only 83. least .50 per cent stronger next northern France and Switzerland dozen steps from their table after | poor Guardsmen, liticsl observers to believe that nival at Main street grounds. Those who attended la.*l night's of this type, sex offenders, at the parts of Whitney avertue In Ham­ n Popolo dl Roma's reference Many British believed Britain's (The British said they shot riitawsy front icivinq a tuxedo spring. and bombed military objectives In west coast, until now relatively ex­ mess today, when the ten fly | pete Ponttcelli la running the the 41 members of the Waterbury Sept. 4 Reopening of public ! meeting were 'former Gov Wilbur farm " den; on U. S. Route 6A in the vi­ Britisli Bomb to the Mitlre Adriatic coast em­ (Oonttnned from Page One) down 78 German planes yesterday Two additional guards probably High Morale British Probleen braced Dalmatia In Yugoslavia, industrial cities. Including Milan overllcad, crashed to the ground. yjtjjjgn in tm form this year, and delegation to the convention would ; schools for 1940-41 school year. 1 L. Cross; FitzGerald; National cinity of Lake Wamgumhaug at empt, next may feel the fxill fury and lost 13 themselves. Tills, they I However, the British will have which Italy failed to receive after and Turin. All British planes re­ If It had happened a ij|pment | jt truthfully said, that the Coventry; on Mam street and of the Nazi mass raids. was to be encountered In the North said, brought the German losses the problem of keeping the great­ Italian Centers the World war though she claimed turned, although one went down at These ports are officially ac­ sooner, it -would have b(Wi too . eating better than the Route 144 at Es.aex, Sea. for four days to 263 and the Brit­ s49.50-s59.50 est army ever massed in the Island it had been promised her by the sea near the Engli.sh const, the knowledged to be "pretty full," had. However, it is bcileved | fjuards ever did in the past, Diagonal I'arking Forrea Destroyers to Retreat ish losses to 68.) AI%o a>ailahlo In Skunk, Bemver at llehting pitch, as well as fit and secret treaty of 1916 under which British .said. Its crew was rescued. much shipping having been divert­ that the agents did not lime it . uorp. Charles Barrera, is expect- Branford received perniisalon to (Continued From Page One) A submarine chaser flotilla ran In addition, the German! said, and Squirelette, from $39.98 up contented, though idle. she became an ally of Britain and (An Italian communique said 22 ed from the eastern and southern right. I ed to come up and visit in the tent Open Thursday and Saturday Evenings prohibit diagonal parking on any into a flotilla of BrltLsh destroyers their dive bombers sank two Brit­ to SlOO.fM). Award of this problem. The M.in- France in the World war. rivlllans were killed and more than porta nearest the enemy's bsses. Corp. William A. Dickson is - shortly, but just now he Is washing part of the Boston Post Road. U S. I military or industrial establish­ there yesterday, the German com­ ish freighters of about 15.000 tons chester Guardian has advocated Italian spokesmen yesterday had .oO wounded in the raids.) This morning’s pre-dawn raids looking around for one cent ' out his clothes. He spent all after- Route 1. within the limits of the not only varied ontertoinment for ments. One person was reported mand reported, and forced it to re­ each and two patrol boats as they Indicated that Premier Mussolini The fleet al.so .struck suddenly at were reported to have Injured a stamps right now. By the time lie ^oon looking for a battery to book center of the town. It was voted troops, but lectures, language killed and eight wounded. treat into the fog after a short moved out of the Thames estuary. would demand sllees of both Greek Italian troops and mechanized few persons by flying glass in a gets those postcards mailed we'll up an electrl - light t.vstem on the Muskrat COATS also to eliminate diagonal parking classes and schools. Firefighters Killed skirmish. ^ Port facilities at Portsmouth, and Yugoslav territory for Al­ I transport moving along the roa.stal northea.st Scotland town. Resi­ be home again. -mpany slicct He is writing Sable dyed. A graceful swing In the center of Cromwell on Route "Alessandria and Tortona also bania—and therefore for the Ital­ "German submarines continued Bournemouth and Plymouth, mu­ were bombed. Nine were reported ' road from Zeilan-i toward Merbor.a dents of a tenement house were Incidentally, relatives of Guards­ hom.e for one due to the fact that coat with a Youthful Yoke. 8 between West .street and the ian empire - in a "general settle­ their tasks unhampered." this nitions works at Exeter and Bris­ men who have not been hearing »on>e one han ied tilin a small flash­ killed at Alcssandra, Including in British Somaliland, the admlr- preparing to go to a shelter they m'omlng's communique said, re­ tol. and petroleum tanks In North railroad tracks. m ent" eventually. had built back of their lAilldlDg from them should forgive the boys light battery instead. About To>vn three firefighters who ran to carry­ I ally announced. porting the return of one U-boa* Billingham were damsged severely • The commission voted also to al­ when a bomb fell on their struc­ because stamps are very scarce Happiness reigns around here S125.00 out their work. Several were re-, I 'The bombardment scattered the which had sunk 41.611 tons of in bombing attacks, it was said. low channelling islands to be in­ around here A few in a letter to tonight. Tho boys have aasembled And f)fhpr^ From *99.50 TTp, ported wounded. Itnlian.s and .stopped them on their ture wrecking it. shipping, including a 11,400-ton Twelve barrage balloons were said Keith s August Furniture Sale The regular monthly nieetlnp of In the Mldland.s three police of­ ■ a brother or son would he very ami are singing at the top of their "A bombardment of Augusta, I march toward B\dhnr. 40 miles auxiliary cruiser. to have been destroyed at Folk- M IN K DVKD I Mona-Ypres Post B\VV., will be near Syracuse, where four bombs Open Forum west of Berbera. chief port of the ficers were killed by an automo­ much appreciated. voices. j With fog over the North Sea and stone. Pvt. Tiircott of Headquarters held at the British American club were dropped caused neither casu­ ' protectorate, the Briti.sh .said, bile on n country road while wav­ Pvt. Clarence Paquin aaserted NOW GOING ON heavy clouds over the ("liannel as- DNB, German official news tonight that if things get loo Company is taking care of the re- tonlj^ht at 8 o’clock. alties nor damage. ing red lamps during a raid to sertedly favoring German air m CONEY COATS Twelve Inch Bass j British Situation "Serious" order motorists to switch off their agency, tabulated British alrplans tough he'a going to all the inilts this year at camp. "An enemy torpedo plane was The British situation there wa.a operations, Germans were reticent ^ "Dyed b.v Mendoza” or Because members of the com- shot down ty our Navy anti-air­ llght.->. losses ye.stcrday as follows: way back lo Manchester. He must Headquarters Company w()l Card of Thanks - deserlbed ss "serious, hut by no concerning the objectives assigned "Dyed hy Oakland’’ wl>h to thank all our mlsflion were othenx'lse onjraK^'d. craft artillery. The crew, com­ Editor of The Herald: The Briti.sh met the air blitz­ Lost in air fights over the chan- have slept over those weary miles work with the 18th Infantry of the I means critical." with other Italian for the "new action" today. Tour assurance of lasting color. and nelghbnra f^r K;nf. their rare. ^Ve Turin said: ters played to full audleoccs. yesterday hammered at airdromes camp at the end of the second .10x61 in. refectory (able and w ould espertalJy tl)«nk the St Reservation for the ouUnp of "Italians: To gain the liberty black baas at ten Inches. The Admiralty alacr announced (Civilians, however, appeared to I Downed by anti-aircraft at Aal- week and establish another near- cpectlon. Iseone Sori»r\- of H artf -rd. Sona of a .Naval fight in the .North Sea in and armament plants far behind borg— one. four styled ladder-back chairs in S49.50 Italy, Ladlea Aux St. l.«*one Sou,.’. the Washington Social club, which and independence of Italy your an­ I Now, our Fl.sh and Game de- be more careful about carrying j which the de»tro>-er.s .Malcolm and coastal defenses, and did "tre- ! Destroyed by anti-aircraft over LuxurioualT Satin Lined. ty. Htfd. l>au)ithterR <>f Itnly. .ludKe is to bo hold Sat inlav at tho Man- cestors ro.se in arms agaimyt i part.ment ha.a been given the power their gas masks with them, as they mendoua” damage In "the moat a most attractive and service­ Hyde, and ^rr8 Hvile. I-'otuat E'aok- ohester Rod and Game club in tyranny and chased tho hated en­ Verity attacked a German fleet of German territory nr by German declined to comment- opposed an affO Store, Fred a I’aokage. rcrvJni I to put special realriction.a in re­ constantly have jieen warned to do. successful" raids yet carried out i bombs 'on British .Urp'orts''~42.' able maple finish. \ regular Coventry, should be made at once emy Germans from Piedmont and gard to angling on certain bodies six trawlers and three torpedo­ amendment replacing the present USE FRADIN’S BUDGET PLAN Package. Naretto Package. Oxford aigalnst Eng.and. See No Change board with a three-man body, Packaae. Pagam Package, Silk City by contacting the stewarP> - Two wrecked and hurned in attacks nn tions; opposed the House-approved game bes'k.) British destroyers hit three Ger­ airports at Eastchurch and Detling (AP Via Ra­ definition of agricultural labor and Italy is a vassal of Hitler. Why A ten inch bsss is no walloper, nated" by searchlights of the de­ are you at war? Perhaps for a stroyers, the Admiralty com­ man Naval units in an engage­ in Kent, where the British^ base dio)— The Berlin radio declared Menibrra of Srnalp objected to limitations on back FRADIN’S but It is still a good pan fish, and greater Italy? Not at all. ment early today, the Admiralty fighters to protect the south side today that "Inquiry In competent pay allowances to reinstated strik­ will put up a respectable scrap munique said, and the actual dam­ "Yoti are at war to make Hitler age caused hy hits scored bn three announced, adding that "It Is of the Thames estuary, and at An­ quarters regar^ng the employ­ Ojmmittee Hear f)ppo- ers .Vow when we hook bass this size .stronger and thus able to exploit of the eraft could not be determin­ thought that one armed trawler dover and Odlham. which bark up ment of long-range guns against He was reported opposed also you Italians for his war." six times out of ten the bass will ed definitely and pne E-boat ( German speed­ the defenses of the great southern England's southeast coast elicited sition bv Green. to a provision that would give em­ The leaflets dropped on Milan swallow the hook and die. There (TJie Germans said the British boat) w-ere sunk.” Naval base of Portsmouth. no denial. ployers the right to discharge any CHEAP PRICES is far less bass killed under ten This w-as in connection with "re­ Washington, Aug. 14 -Pi-Op­ striker who engaged in violence. said: withdrew and e--.aped into the fog The admiralty communique said: Other airports w-ere attacked at will stare you in the face.' But don't be "Itallan.s—who threw you Into Inches than there are between ten after a ".short .sklrml.sh.") "In the early hours of this morn­ Farnborough arwl Mlddlew-allop. ports published in New York position of the American k'edera- Simmons Innerspring Mattress this war? Are you slaves to and twelve inches. .Attack Industrial Rcglpn ing two of our destroyers. H.M.S. Armament plants at Exeter and newspapers" that the English tlon of Labor to certain House- mislead. Price has nothin? to do with This law will not help make the coaat bad been shelled. Is Honor Guest bend your backs to your heredi­ Seven or eight waves of German Malcolm (Capt. T. E. Ralsey Plymouth on the southeast -were approved amendments to the na- , tire value. Be sensible; ?ood tires can­ tary enemy, Germany ? Open fish in our lakes any larger, or planes penetrated British coastal declared to have been "effectively Made by the makers of Dorn) and H.M.S. 'Verity (Lieut. tlonal labor relations act brought i not be sold at ^'lowest prices." well your eyes, because war with more plentiful, because they will defensc. The new.spaper Picolo reported ten inch limit. stroyed " and "damaged" In the air Besides the 132 British planes casualties and damaged buildlnga the law by the present Congress fore her recent marriage w-as Mlsa edge, covered in a dura­ rying speed boats). Our destroy­ The committee continued its ^ Florence Peterson of Birch street, Italian planeo had been bombing If the State Fish and Game De- -attles of Monday and Tuesday, ers at once engaged the enemv shot down In these operations and were believed by some observers ble tick. Regularly sells PUT YOUR MONEY in Britlah attacks on German-oc­ closed session after hearing Wil- i wa.s given X surprise mlscMlane- ! British fortifleatlons and bases In ' partment is going to continue with the second and third big days of i "The enemy forces retired bc- to have been cau.sed by shells for $22.r)0. Save British Somaliland, had set oil these restrictions, in my opinion, the German air offensive. In addi­ cupied territory, the Germans said from German guns emplaced on Ham Green. A F L president. ous .shower at the home of her IN QUAUTY TIRES ; hind a smoke screen as soon as Chairman Thomas (D., Utah) of depots on fire and machlne- it should ban fishing in certain tion to the 140 prevlo((sly reported they shot down 12 barrage bal­ the French roast. husband's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 they were illuminated by the the committee and Senator Ellen- j Eric Gothberg of 'Vernon street, gunqed truck columns. I lakes for a period of from two to "definitely destroyed." loons and lost but 28 of their own i Brtt'sb authorities said there H FFM II 1 pearchl(ghts of our destroyers. der (D.. La.) quoted Green as say- - Sunday afternoon. Fifty friends Other sections of the press said I five years. The Ministry said "greater ac­ planes. was no confirmation that artillery 1 Before they .were able to escape, ing yesterday that he would prefer j and relatives were In attendance > 0 41 Germany's object in beginning the There Is only a handful of atatefl tivity" was ca.-slng it to discard These striking successes, as de­ shells caused the explosions, but however, three of the enemy vea- having the act "remain as it la" | from this Iowti, Wllllmantlc and ■ air offensive against Britain \yas ! that make twelve Inches legal size previous restrictions that corpora­ scribed by the high command. In­ permitted dispatches reporting Beerand “ sels w-ere seen t1ng (nereasing attention to and a road was blocked by a burst nent probably w-Ul be modified to Huge Urea Near Dover both like YOU BET. CAMEL'S for the average run of fishermen British ground defenses. I see we New London Fmlt A Produce Company Anaatronq Ah CoatWn o ra gas main. Incendiary bombs were Berlin, Aug. 14—(/P)— DNB. who have little tackle, but love permit Spain to receive restricted Gun emplacements, searchlights, New London, Connecticut built with Utra r u b b a r com* Hints Italy May C.luim dropped in several areas. official German news sgenoy, said THEKXTRASINOUR SlOWiR BURNING their fishing, and want to come imports of raw materials which airfields and highways in this area pauadad with Hna chamlcol* •Small Number In Night Raid had Entire Adriatic Coast home with some fish when they go tho British Navy is trying to keep were attacked yesterday, it w-ns today British air defenses C/e^RETTE. IVE GIVES ME THE ^oad with good quoUty cords. The night session of Germany’s from Germany and Itnly, an In­ failed to stop the midday attacks Tbay ora mold thopad lo form Rome. Aug. 14—(yP) - II Popolo out. said. aerial blitzkrieg also brounht at­ formed British source said today. of Nazi raiders and that huge SA\0KE0 CAMEIS EXTRA MILDNESS m conpraMioa traod lor •alar It's time the State would give Although Dover bore the brunt Di Roma hinted today that the tacks on Wales, southeast Eng­ This informant expressed belief fires had been started in the Dover aad loaqar aUloaqa. Greek Island of Corfu and the the fishermen a break. More stock­ land. northeast Scotland and scat­ of the fourth day of massed at­ FOR YEARS I WANT AND EXTRA ing with larger fish is what's need­ that Spain and Portagal do not tacks, the Germans said almost area. The fighting was stUl in entire Adriatic coast might be tered points In the southwest of progress at 6 p. m. (11 a. m.. e. claimed by Italy as a sequel to ed: and don't forget those ten and now consider the British blockade, the entire southern and southeast­ SMOKING. TOO t.oo-ic England, but the government said extending from the Arctic to s. t.), the agency said. with your old Ure the hatchet murder of Dant Hog- eleven inch bass are "dam " nice the activity "was confined to a ern coast of England, extending gia. Albanian "patriot" allegedly fish, and a fourteen inch pickerel North Africa, "a great hardship. ” 310 miles westward from the small number of aircraft. Not 'Considered Protest slain by two Greeks. is nothing to be sneezed at either. "One factory w-as hit,’’ said a Thame# estuary, wsa under fire. It was asserted that Spain, in a Attacks were reported on ob­ is an %xcaptioriaIly low price'^ior thip long m ileage "Italy restored to Albania that Elliott E. Fish. communique this morning, "and a NDW! note delivered In London early last jectives in a belt 60 miles wide In considerable number of housea suf­ No Advaaoe tira. Pay this Utils mors than "lowest pries'^and gel week, ''reserved her rights” with the south. a lot mors tirs valus. fered minor damage In different reaped to the blockade but the STATE In Prices! parts of the country. Casualties Attacks "General .Action” Britlah source said this was not to German commentators said the 8 «« It Teelskt...CImhA I m M imu/ were caused.-i some of them serious, be considered a protest. Tm A TV..ti.i Tm m m m L but very few fatal Injuries have assaults on England no longer Spain Is known to be anxious to could be regarded as Individual Announcing The Opening been reported. GUARANTEED IX MONTHSl receive materials which the Brlt- The public was well aware that , . -____. raids but must b^ viewed as "a AGAINST ALL KINDS the Battle of Britain finally was - to exclude from the general action" developing In ac­ Axis nations and their occupied cordance with a wedl-Iald plan. Those sections of the country OF ROAD HAZARDS territories and the Spanish press While the German raiders ham­ THURS., AUGUST 15 which escaped the mass raids by has complained bitterly of Inter- mered at Britain’s defenses, Ber­ day, with hundreds oif bombers ferehce with the .nofmal supplies lin this morning received what FOR OVER 27 YEARS of the and fighters crossing the Channel of oil and wheat. w-as taken to be first band evi­ Tbo Armstrong Rubbor Componf In ever-lncreaalng waves, were ______bos boon making GOOD Uros that dence the British are striking'' told BO by the press. i i tv hoTO boeomo famous lor sturdy back. miioogo poriormanco. T Ominously, all felt certain the ' JLlellR F CrFR For the third time since the be­ worst was yet to come. ginning of the war, air raid sirens Sandwich Nook The authoritative Times, close flU THIS QND in the German capital screamed an FOR OVER 20 YEARS to the government, said "this la in Given 3rd Shower Alarm and residents scurried from Armstrong Tiros boro boon uiw' fact the beginning of blitzkrieg," their beds to air raid shelters. HERVEN TOO conditioooUy guaroolood against 999 Main Street and It llkiened the air blitzkrieg to Miss Constance Della Ferra of They remained there for 47 min­ PLUS. ."LA CDNOA NIGHTS” rood hosards.^ That's RCAi proof (Formerly WloFs Jewelry Store) the early stages of Germany’s re­ utes. No bomb explosions-or gun­ ^ oi quality. 72 Oak street was the guest of extra cent campaigns on the continent, fire were heard In the downtown mioHtss honor last night when her sjsters, with the “climax’’ perhaps "close area but suburban dwellers said VS1 W « have *lowast pricas” Mary and Sylvia, gave a surprise Luncheonette — Sandwiches at band. they heard distant shooting. shower for her. This was her extra COOIHESS YC 3 too* VYa hova tiraa oa low oa "The assault upon Great Britain Informed sources said later that THURSDAY - FRIDAY .98 third shower. OM $ 4 la working to a crescendo on very British planes had penetrated to extra sm o k e s W . >i (w s h b 4 rtiws an. lor low'mUoago with your The home was decorated \vith For Iona ■ llo f o oae Air Cooilofs. Soda — Ice Cream much the same lines as In previous the vicinity of Potsdam, 20 miles E K • - •Id tiro blue and pink streamers and bal- ' EXTRA HMO* PER PACK! campaigns, beginning with the at- west of the capital, but had been CIRCLE 5 , tack upon Poland,” said the paper. loona In various colors. A beauti­ AUGUST SALE SPECIAL For Hoaaat Tiia Pricas.oBdjSuarantaa, saa.ua turned back by anti-aircraft fire OVEN WARE TO LADIES! It'» eauy fo buy now at August nale prirea . . . and just as easy to pay for your pur­ - ‘T he tactic Is to batter the defen- ful centerpiece waa arranged with without dropp&g any bombs. a wedding cake, and each of the HOT D O G S ------I alve system yvlth cumulative vio­ N o estimate of the number of JOHN OARnELD chases on our Budget Payment Plan. 5c guests present were served Indi­ 6 Way Floor Lamps lence from the air. . . . British craft waa made. ANN 8HERIDEN In Preparation for landing vidual pieces of the cake on leav­ (Western Switzerland had- two SET THE ''EXTRAS” Heavy Bronze Base — Pleated Silk skada I " If the project of invasion la ing. “SATURDAY’S HOT TAMALES - - - 5c air raid alarms during .the night CHILDREN” WITH SLOWER-BURNINt CUT RATE I still seriously entertained— and There were 35 of Mlsa D6lla when unidentified p lu e s were I the organization set up for the Ferra's girl friends present, from heard overhead. N o bomixi fell.) August , Sale I whom she received many beautiful PLUS! "Opened By Mistake” $8.95 purpose la elaborate—all this la Reanlts of Raida I obvioubiy preparation for a land- and useful gifts, both personal and Summarizing the results of yes­ rkuiri“— i 'S ^ . ■ r TIRE SHOPPE FREE Coffee and Pie 1 ing. household articles. Games were terday's raids, the Germans de­ NOW: SUPER GIANT 8HOW! "On that assumption, the air at­ enjoyed and a dainty buffet lynch- clared 132 British planes had "LILLIAN RUS8ELL” ' HARTFORD ROAD TEL. 3866 tack must be expMted to increase eon was served. been shot down or destroyed on "GHOST COMES HOME” KEMP'S, Inc. still further in severity: and the Miss Della Ferra will be mar­ the ground— a record for a single On Opening Day climax may well be close at hand, ried to Frank Gallas, of North day'f fightings German loasea CAMELS TELEPHONE 5080 COMINO 3-BIO SERIALS-S G. L Kimi FomiiiRE Co. THE CICAREnC OF COSTLIER TOIACCOS for the season is far advanced. 7VFMONEYJUDE6NAKMSmOM&S ^cbool st;aet at St, James's church were put at A planes. S^T.l PLV8I t BIO H1T8I Main and School Streets, Free Parking ^^Opposite^Hi^^dhw "5VhUe the Royal A ir ~Force 'on Labor Qay at 10:00 a. m. TIis total number of British T /

MANCHESTER EVENING HER AID, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14,1940 trotm MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1940 cal comedy prJduced by Eddie Maine Man, Kidnaped by Indians Joke Bring$ Withdrenoal Dowling entitled 'T he UtUe Dog and has ths temperamental, per­ Security Plan Romantic Side Laughed," due at the Bhubert Of Dofuaionjor Willkie White Boy, Notes 101st Birthday versity of the operatic prims don­ lyers for Nation’s theater Aug. <19 and which will be Elks Discuss na. ENDICOTT- SUPER SAVING VALUES! Won’t Suffer Shown in Play the first play of the Hub's 1940-41 Bolton’s Girl Scouts When he wreckp the conveyance season. This concerns an American Aug. 18— OW—Ayouth learned that his P**‘*“^® “j*® which is supposed to be "his cross Kansas City, Aug. 14.— dictator who passes a decree to do Houlton, Ms., W inter Plans CHECK THESE PRICES! —A visitor entered the Will- Jeremiah Campbellton, who was had been carried away by the In­ of thorns", the audiences are cer­ JOHNSON Stores Know Styles away with all redheads. Ths book dians and their home burned. ^ kie-for-Presldent club, enroll­ kidnaped by Indians as a child and tain to give vent to their feelings Drama About Dickens is by Joseph Shrank and the music Although he never went to Make Last Pilgrimage BUY HERE! Workers Assured of No ed and volunteered 80 cents later guided Houlton's settlers. Is with gales of real spontaneous by Harold Kome, who did "Pina school, Campbellton can converse Patriotic ActiviticA to laughter. No two performances Sportawear. Inc." "Party Drew Retreat Because of for support-...... Is B a s^ Upon Series and Needles ’ The cast includes 10 1 years old today. i Influx Near Midsummer Co." "Moonlight Dance Frocks, "Are you sure you want to Although blind for ths past 18 in French, Italian and Indian dia­ the same, it in an act that you Paul Drape, Philip Loeb and Mllll lects besides English and is a Be Undertaken by can see time after time with never Inc.” Defense Program. give this now?" Joked R. P. Of Author’s Letters. yeara, ths wiry Uttls man boaats , ------— - . wiui up scMon mih a Medical Head P e a k in Gotham’s flit* Monti. that hs sUU could find hla way close follower of world nmvs. a dull moment. Many people in their twenties Rice, club secretary. "After On Labor Day, Ed Wynn returns Trip to Hale Home-1 ^ ^ , Lodges in State. Everybody's around ths famsd Allsgon forest- to him by his daught^, Mrs. Mar- Tramers Circus Is one of the 000,000,000 Garment are skilled buyers today, but the Washington, Aug. 14.— (/P)— all, Wlllkle hasn’t accepted Boston, Aug. 14.—KA>)—Charles to the stage in a new musical he the nomination yet. He won’t lands wbsrs ha apsnt much of h is' garst Hughes, with whom he Uvsa “mueta" for you to see when you average age inclines toward 60. Forty million American workers Dickens, who made a pretty fair has both written and produced Campbellton is five feet four stead in (kiventry; CjrllCSt SpCHKCl* New Haven, Aug. 14 — iJPi — Business Now. Tears ago, when fashion was do that until Saturday at El- lUe. visit the Tall Cedars Joyiand, dur­ received assurances today from ricord for himself ae an author, called "Boys and Girls Together.” inches tall, weights 12 0 . pounds, Highlights. Andrew F. McCarthy of New ing the week of August 19 to 24 more static and stores could stock wood, Ind." Sept. 10 will bring Dwight Deere A native of Van Buren, Camp­ Journey’s Arthur Altmeyer, chairman of the "You’re right,” said the visi­ was a bit of a ladies man, tod, it bellton was kidnaped by Indians of eats four meals s day and chews London and Frank M. Lynch of at the Dougherty lot. Market! 9 y Mm t EUulwOi Plammer far ahead without much danger of Wiman, the millionaire producer, Social Security Board, that there tor, pocketing the 80 cents. s.eems. the Mie-Mao tribe when he was' tobacco. Bolton, Aug. 14— (Special)—The Former Physician at N#w York, Aug. 14—W)—Miss missing the mode, the buyers came Henry H. Harper, retired Boston back to Boston to try again with a The old woodsman has 20 grand­ New Haven respectively president FREE DELIVERY! DIAL 5721! twice a year: July or August, and would be "no retreat for eoctal "He' might reject It, mightn't seven years old and he remained and vice president of the Connec« TInlur, of th« mlUinery dtpsrt' publisher and head, of The Boston new comedy by John Van Druten, children, 13 great grand children Bolton Girl Scouts enjoyed their Mayo Qinic to Appear 1-7.Jr ! January or February. / security as the kesult of the de­ he? I ’ll aee you Monday— entitled "Old Acquaintances," and with them until he was IS, when ticut finks Association, Mayor Norwich Elks Bibliophile Society, came into a be made his escape. and four great, great grandchild­ last historical pilgrimage of the atent, Miss Depp, of the neiier , j^n^ary still are the fense program.” ' maybe. the following week Sam Harris Before Kiwanis Club. Martin Cunningham of Danbury, e s Reviewing the five years since series of Dickens litters som# Returning to Van Buren, the ren. season when they spent the after­ FRl ITS AND VEGETABI. ARE CHEAP! LOOK! drosses, end many thousand of heaviest seasons In the market, time ago, and as a result has writ­ will bring out the newest Georg'e chairman of the Grand Lodge Named in Suit but the buyers come at any and the. social security law went into Kaufman-Moss Hart opus. noon In Coventry visiting one of Dr. Ralph Tovell, chief of the Judiciary Committee and Andrew tltelr kith and kin are in town. effect on Aug. 14, 1938, Altmeyer ten s play in collaboration with The influx of buyers is near its all timrt. his wife called "Romantic Mr. Look Forward To Comedy the finest American , historical department of anesthesia of the Hardy of Newtown, Mass., vice said last night that there was Adkins Leads Hartford Hospital and a former president of the Maamchusetts Fancy Peaches 4 lbs. 25c Bddsummer peak in Gotham s |1,- "likelihood of judicious strengthen­ Dickens." This is a comedy called "George shrinss in the country. Waterbury, Aug. 14—(JPi—^The 000,000,000 garment business. The play alms to present Dick­ Washington Slept Here," which has Seven scouts under the direction member of the department of sin- State Elks Association, discussed Norwich lodge ot Elka today waa I-»rgo ing of the act as a bulwark for the csthesla of the Mayor ainlc, They spend their days in the internal defense of the American In Arkansas ens as a human being and not Ernest Truex and Jean Dixon in of their leader. Lydia Young start­ a program of patriotic activities to made a party defendant to a $100,- nirtored showrooms of the whole- Ships Transfer merely as a great literary fl^re. ed from Bolton Center at 1:30 Rochester, Minnesota, will address be undertaken by the Elks of 000 civil action brought to the Sweet Plums 2 doz. 25c economic system. Its cast, and Boston is looking for­ the Klwanls Club at the Monday gale houses that honeycomb the "So sound is its financial base In exploring the writer’s private ward tb something of a pretty high Tuesday afternoon. Mias Young Connecticut this fall and winter.at WaterbOry Superior court by 3 D A Y S I.arge meeting. Seventh avenue garment center that current reserves have led the life, ths play turned up at least order by the authors of “The Man had hoped that permission would a meeting here last evening. Rep­ Charles Daniels of Waterbury Former Internal Reven* be granted the troop to see the Inr rie IS a native of Syndhom, On­ resentatives of many Connecticut against Rudolph Caron, Norwich Bartlett Pears doz. 25c and psrt of West 47th street, Seen Rejected board to recommend that benefits four women who had considerable Who Came to Dinner," which also Thursday — Friday — Saturday watching pretty models languidly influence on him, says Harper. .Jerior of the Nathan Hale Horae, tario and graduated from Queen’s lodges attended. promoter, and The Norwich Rec­ be Increased to more adequate ue Collector Apparent­ played here prior to opening in University. Kingston, Ontario. parade in the new fall fashions. level," he added. The lettere which Harper found, New York. had written to George Dudley Others who took a prominent reation Association. Daniels, a j Seedless Grapes 2 lbs. 15c ’ ■‘Number 869," chants the man- rmour of New Haven, who owns Canada and for three years was a part in the promoting of the pro­ motfirrycle racer, was badly in­ Walsh Preflicts Congress “Pa>1ng Its Own Way" •• ly Democratic Choice. he says, were of the nature which A road company will do "Life member of the department of an­ Large plkin in a bored, chime-like voice. "It Is a financially sound system usually are not Included in conven­ With Father," starting Sept. 30 _Strong Homestead, the Nathan gram were Past President/* John jured in a spill in a race held at | lale Homestead and the Hunting- esthesia in the Mayo Clinic, the Norwich track Aug. 2?, 1939. | 367 prs. Summer f i "39.80.’• Will Not Give Britain that is paying its own way." Little Rock, Ark., 14 — (/f^ — tional biographies because the and lasting as many weeks as the Rochester, .Minn., where he receiv­ Nugent of Ansonla, William Flood Seedless Grapefruit 4 for 25c Miss Depps apprai.sing eye writer’s family. In the interests of box office can take it, while con- ton Homestead for permission .nit of New Haven, William Seully of He claims the track was defective. | Any Destroyers. Pointing out that no European Homer M. Adkins, 49, former In- ed a Fellowship in that branch of psisses no detail of the dress as the nation has found It necessary "to property, didn't care to tell the olderally farther In the back­ received no reply, it was with re­ .Meriden, Robert Cunningham of The rlalm is made that two ' 4 for 10c model slowly circles. She notes on temel revenue collector for Ark­ gret that the group learned that his profession. Sunkist Lemons curtail its social insurance pro­ world all there was to know about ground on .' hrlatmas eve—Mosa Dr. Tovell has been chief an- Danbury, District Deputy William mortgages, totaling $25.0(H). were Shoes Must Go her order pad. "Number 369.” ' Wa.ahington, Aug. 14 iJ’i — gram in the face of actual war," ansas. appeared today to have won Charles. Hart is going tt unfold a novel George Dudley Seymour has been Beers of New Britain, Frank Don- given by The Norwich Reiireatlon I By night. Miss,Depp and Miss ronflned to hla bed for some time ethestist at the Hartford Hospital While Hlack Drown Large Cantaloupes each 10c Chairman Walsli (D-Mass.) of the he observed: the Democratic nomination for Wsrmer Picture Given piecs which he -.vrote and is going for the past six years and con­ nely, trustee of Norwich. George Asi/iciatlon to the .Norwich Ixidge ! Tinker more than likely dine at a ‘Stabilisation of family Income governor In a four-cornered first However, some letters gave a j to protiuce without Kaufman's col- and has given no permission for Williams of Manchester, I’ast Dl.**- of Klk.s wltliout con.sideration and ‘ Kver\ I’air This Season’s Style! Senate Naval Committee predicts visits to the interior of the Nathan ducts coiirse.s at that Inslltutlon doz. 20c roof-top restaurant with Mr. that Congress will not approve represented by the social Insurance primary contest. rather different and warmer pic- laboration. This is a drama, as yet trlct Deputies (Charles Carroll ot the rourt is asked to .set these Native Yellow Corn ■ and Mr. McKibbon of Hale Homestead. which are attended by Hartford • l!iei'> I’.'iir a Iteal Hti\ ! Pair ■layback and .Mr. i tramsfer of rhiteil Statc.s destroy* ; and public aeslstance programs has Unofficial tabulation from 1,894 ture of the man—and these are i unnamed, with music and dancing, physicians and nurse anesthes- Meriden, Joseph A, Miildooii of mortgages asiile The property on i o m e men s wear departmenb^wno|^^^ Important than it of the state’s 2.169 precincts gave the basis of the play. and probably will have Gertrude Is Noted Antlquartao Bridgeport, Edward Haggerty of ! which the mortgages have been SAVi: NOW! Fancy Lima Beans 4 qts. 25c are pretty well-dressed them- j tists. 1 [ilaccd have been attached in con- by Gen. John J. Pershing- on the cver was before him a 27.41? vote lead over Gov. Harper hopes to establish Dick­ Lawrence as the star. George Dudley Seymour is a de­ He will addrciss the members of Greenwich, Archie McCullough, (.Ml .Sizes Mut .Not In Kvery Style) •elves. I prountj that such a tmn.sactlon Under the lav's social Insurance Carl E. Bailey, who sought a third ens as not merely a recluse writing scendant of the Samuel Birchard the local Klwanls Club on "Anes­ .Secretary of Derby, John F. .M( - ! ncttlon with Daniels’ suit. Fancy Shell Beans 4 qts. 25c They go to the theater after- | would constitute ’’an act of war. " system, he said, more than 40,000,- novels, nor as a playboy, but as a i Swedish Ship Sunk. whose father John Birchard built Donoiigh, treasurer, of Bridgeport, ward, and then drop in a night | two-year term, and a clear major­ thesia." General Pershing recommended 000 workers have wage credits ity of 26,958 over his combined op well-rounded, iikeable chap. The the first house in Coventry. Mr. Dr. Tovell was a elassmate of Attorney John Sullivan and Clar­ Si-lf-Servliv- On Milk New Onions 3 lbs. 10c Club. It ii part of their business, i toward death benefits, with production also considers Dickens' Seymour is considered an antlqunr- ot j in a radio address recently that .'50 i London. Aug 14 - — R Reu- Dr. A. K.. Friend of this town at ence Hennessey, exalted ruler as experts on style and value, to j position. World War built destroyer.s be vtdows, orphans and dependent The vote early today; interest In the home for "fallen I ters (British' nows agency) dis­ liin of note and an authority on the Ontario University. New Haven. I Bourne, ,Mas.s l/I^ A I'xal j No. 1 Potatoes peck 23c "keep In touch." i parents eligible for amounts rang­ Coventry history and has erected Endicott-Johnson Shoes tranafered to Great Britain. Aclkln.«, 121.08?. women” which he helped e.st.abll.sh patch from Stockholm reported to­ President McCarthy announced I dairyman found a [lackage neatly Of all the groups that come in l "The transfer of Naval destfoy- ing up to $S0 a month per family. with Baroness Burdctt-Coiitt.s. day tile sinking of the 1,300-ton fine granite' markers at all the ! tied with blue ribbon to the horn to New York, the buyers are the ! Bailey. 93,640. the appointment of Jam es L. .Mt- 71?) MAIN ST. STATK THKATh:K Bl.rUi. Native Cucumbers 3 for 10c era from our flag to the British i ’nder the unemployment eon»e After a tryout in Spring Lake, Sedish .steamer Varia in an air historical spots in Coventry. Sec? Big Gain Here Govern of Bridgeport as chaii iuan j of one of his liest milk producing best-dressed, the most theater- | .1. Rosser Venable, Little Rock The group first naw the site of flag, no matter by what method pensation provl.«ion of the act, ,\lt- World war veteran, polled 636 N. J.. tonight Producer Victor : attack in the English channel. of the .State I)cfens<‘ Coniniitt>>'. ' cows Inside the package was a and-night club conscious; in some , or device, makes mockery' of our meyer said more than 28.000.000 Payne-.Iennings hopes to bring it ' Eight of the crew are missing. the home of Asher Wright who quarter an.477 for. iiiiv July 1 ( Rreatpst miniature i.m.muire cir*emus mr that m. Polish Style Ham ' lb. 49c the market—they have hundreds ! argued that the destroyer^ I official executioner to carry out panelling In this house Is twenty- j ^ increase of 18.4 , presented. The a t W c.7 - S friends here. Particularly the [although outmoded, werew« needed the .sentence, remedied this over­ seven Inches wide and 1s (lalmed conslatR of shiny ponies. Irmnacu-...... , Salt Lake City, Aug. 14—(>P)— per cent. ^ U A % f i S leM sight today. to be the widest lioard In Connee- The first six months of thla lately clean dngM, a remarkably Lean Bacon lb. 19c OBsa known as squarsshootera. cjolleglate member* of Utah’s trained monk4*y. bird-* anoly. keep, the stage! their destination. 1 their training were complete. Grove.9 d the Houthorn side of thr alive with surprises and .snappy j lb. 25c aasnufsetufer of smocks and Mid- attack. Arms f Sft, Lean Daisy Hams dlas, with his pockets full of or- hlUlHC I fl fin** statue of NAthsn action. While the conu*(ly elenvnt ' ehsstra seat theater tickets for his Hale a ted hy (Jcorjje Dudley prevails, at all times the superb 'a-’a-.i';"’ ,- « Kraft Cheese 2-lb. box 43c Seymour. ! training of thl.H group mak*’S it tevorlts buyers on the day they j Aup. 14 - Ja arrived. Deacon Richard Hale who ere< t- * P* ! one of the outstanding attractions 2 cans 29c ed thla home waa a man of tine ! reflentnlive Smith < O.. ('onn i said ! in the miniature circus field. 3 t o y / U V E / \ Lunch Tongue Stamper used to go about bis he wimlil Inlnxiui e an amendment C;L^VALCA'Dt j husineas in the '90s wearing a character beine a gooil ehuri h- The mule. Is a circus alone man, an able farmer and an in­ to the national defen.se art of 192h This critter dev<*lopH every .stage Tunafish, large 2 cans 29c Wing collar. Hla daily report, "A r­ authorizing the .a"( retary of war 12 m o n t h s rival of Buyers,” used to be illus­ I# telligent eltlzen. He aent tliree aona of sluhliorness to the N'.lh degree trated with pictures of women In through college by the mile of to supply State Gu.ir l orgauiza- Crab Meat large can 19c • waihtub hats. dreaaeii pork and beef. He worked tlona, replacing Nation:V Guanl Styles changed. Those hats unceaalngly

  • -j influx of buyers is one of man that worked ao hard for both Roasevelt to order out the Nation- spread throughout the roun- , 5.00- 12 5.50- n Deviled Ham, reg. 15c 10c worlda aa Deacon Hale." 5.00- 20 >ae phenomena that you usually :tl Guard as part of the Fcdeial |try^ made Peterson's Ointment , m 5.50- 19 take for granted, partly because Blrth|»lH<-e I’reaened Army. |a favorite In thousands of homes.. 6.25-17 of Its magnitude. Seventy-five Some state.s, parti‘;ularlv Massa- your dniggist for a 35c IkoC of , 6 .00- n (i^KX'ERV SAVINGS THAT STAND OUT! The present Hale Homestead oiir thousand buyera of apparel, acces­ waa erected after the birth of usetts, have expressed doubt Peterson's Ointment today, or BOr , 5.50- n 6.25-16 f^pf. sories and piece goods came. Into Nathan Hale, but hla Wrthplace about their right under the law to | tube with applicator. Money back 5.50- 19 6.^ 1 6 New York last year. establish such units and furnish . if you are not delighted with the ■ waa uaed for the ell wkleh extenda . A _ Represent 1,000 Cities to the rear of the pre.aenf home. them with arms. relief. 6 00 6 Spry 3-lb. can 49c 7 00 16 Nearly 15:000 were here in July. Proceeding from the Hale Home­ OuOron^cea 6 00 16 \ On some days, they represent 1,- stead toward the village of South • i s sa o MTHSI 6 20 16 45 Rinso, large 2 for 39c 000 ciUes. 6.00-46 1 1 5 ” Covent.y the grouii paaaed along 1 3 rmAP* i And these figures do not convey Lake Wangumbaiig named, accord­ /rni r r ra-'>3.*9 Lifebuoy or Lux Soap bar 6c the scope of buying activities, be­ ing to one authority from an In­ 'Ocara (1 I.arg<' Box F iw l) cause a huge number of firms dian word meaning dew water. Ar- UL have a resident office,-'or use a cording to another authority ■ It Super Suds 2 for 41c firm of resident buyers who ser\’e meana bent or crooked poml. It la SEAt£DBFm S4^i a number of clients. fed by hidden apringa ami Ita Ivory Soap, large size 3 for 25c In addition, the buj-ing that | water power has been ii.sed for a Neiv Improved Safety Lights wHh Grauln& goes on in the world’s greatest ■ variety of manufacturing piir- 'CMcUcni t o r Mazda All GIass Hermetically Sealed Bulb*. .MuxupM Hoiim* * garment center is only a part of poaea. It la on the aoiith aide of the washinc Same construction as new car equipment* the whole picture. Other thou­ lake that Samuel Burchard built windows A Coffee 2-lb. can 45c sands of buyera are doing the the firat hoiiae In Coventry, the vslw s4 $••• Install a pair on your tar same thing in the great wholesale Bite being marked by a granite and enjoy 1940 lightins — Vanilla Ige. bottle 25c markets, of other cities, such as slab. Complete wtth wire and B;iker> Chicago and St. Louis. .Nearer tfie village, on the aanje ■witch. Here are some figures that help road, l» a house which has the date Root Beer Extract ■ 2 btls. 25c suggest the scope of all this ac­ 1784 on the- chimney. I t I* said tivity in New York: that this house waa built for the Ivory Snow, 1 pkg. Free both 21c There are 6,000 wholesale dress |Uter of Nathan Hale, Joanna. HydrfiuVie - firms with New York offices; 3.- 'T h e Huntington Homestead, Libby's Corned Beef Ige. 19c 000 well-known women’s ready-t

    MANCHF/STER e v e n in g HERAI/D. MANCHESTER. CONN WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14,1949 FACE iOBsa MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14,194® Providence Agtdn Gaine 0«rman fllars ara carrytag^lt to to Russia as our apparently natu­ Cudahy to Tell AuirlfMtrr th« British. ral ally the dependable and vary Buyers of Campaign Book Landon Slaps • SERIAL STORY TUle o f Safest CUy Always the Leader - - - Ths third snd by no mesna^ ITTMt Chinas# nation, w# would Daily Radio Programs Interview Tale lEttntinQ X m lb negligible fact la that, In spite of h a v e^ better opinion of his Inter- Vote Frauds MURDER INCOGNITO ■ssteffn OayBghI flm s Unlaas OlMrwIte NeflsB. Providsnee, B. I., Aug. 14— all their claims of command of the nationdhvl^on. ^ May Not Be Prosecuted (JT)—Providence once more la PUMLdHMtliU MX t'HM ____ nitALD PXINTIMO CO, XMC air, Hitler’s forces have not at­ BY NORMAN KAHL Carries His Version to tbs safest city In Amsrlca. No wonder America buys more of these 1« BIi m II StrMt tacked London. London la, after Terrible F a te ^ Westrick Washington, Aug. 14—(iF)—Jua-'^to be aucceaaful in going before Willkie Agrees with As< Tbs city sstahllshed a na­ UMnehMtar. CeiiM. Adventuras In Bclenee; 4:80 war Washington on Condi* tional racord of 188 days with­ T^ifAB rCRonaoN all, Britain’s greatest port, the tice Department officials Unwiawered. sertion on Machine Om 4 of ChMROtera gamea broadcast; 5:16 Bob Bdg* 0«n«rA ) MtABAcar Adolf Hitler will pro^abjjr be windowa locked and there ob­ out a fatal highway accident moat Important military center of Martin S a y le * ^ Uwyor with Program. WJZ-NBC— 11:80 a. m. tions in Belgium. du ai-oven Ranges than any other! F»Bnd*d Oetakar I, Itfl pretty careful, after this, about today in guarded private comment Although other department offl- Politics in Cities. viously Isn’t any gleao broken. I WTIC Farm and Homs Hour; 1 Margaret yesterday to wrast the title the empire, as well as Its capital that there was little likelihood of dais Informally expressed doubts too many enemlea. don’t see . . . Oh—oh, what a from Kansas City. Providence F «ktlih *d >T *rr BvanlDB tending agents like Dr. Weatrlck Dale Appleby —Sayler*# atepeoa. Hartford Banning Comment; 1:30 U. 8. Ma­ •vaiart and HoIldsTa Eat«r*d a< prosecution for purchasers of the i that campaign book purchasers this?’’ , New York, Aug. 14— —John originally won the title In 1938 and metropolis. Colorado Springe, Aug, 14-—(JPi Rhoda Watora—Appleby'a fian- 1040 kc. 2884 m. rine Band. MBB—12:45 Thursday Hi* P**t OftU* *t Manchester, tu cultivate buslneaa relations Democratic 1940 campaign book would be prosecuted, they left two Serenade. 2:15 Women World (Tudaby, United SUtea s mbaaaador with 111 consecutive no-fatal- Oana.. as aeeond Class Mall Matter. Only one reason for failure to —Wendell L. Wlllkle nodded agree­ oee. with big American buslneaa men in the eveirt that the Democratic connected queatlona unanswered: O’Leary got up and came to the Wide from Elwood, Ind...Short Ity days but Ksnsas Cnty, with attempt the bombing of London Is Haael Leighton—Saylor’s Sweet- to Belgium, carried to Washington 86 dsstblsss days, was award­ B U B s e m m o M r a t r b like Captain Torklld Rleber, head National Committee decides to aell j What about a d v er^ ra who ment aa Alf M. Landon, 1986 Re­ window. "W hafe the matter?" Wednesday, Aug. 14 waves: HAT4 Budapest 6:85 con' today his vsrsion of a mass Inter* Oa* Tsar hr Mall ...... M-M IWBite ed th* tlU* a few weeks on conceivable—fear of disastrous re­ the volume deaplte tfa^ Hatch act. purchased apace In tte Democratic publican presidential nominee, told •‘Look, thi* ’ window 1* un- P. U. cert orchestra; OSD 08C London view he gave In London about con* ogo Par Month hr Mall ...... I . « of the Texaa Corporation. They Wlaalow Mardell—a gambler., . latched. That’* queer. Sayler 4:00—BackUoge Wife. a per capita basis. - NC AL sults, not only In wholesale de­ One official said that prosecution hook before the Hatch act a effec- 1:15 serial "Rupsrr of Hentzau ' SlaBle Copy -IH a press conference yeaterday: George Borboor—Soyler’s dltlons In Belgium for which he Delleered One Tear ...... tt.M might get their automobile regis­ under a law which could Imppae a tive date July 1®- never perinltt<^ iq fuide them in the way they But It isn’t much fun for me. he had spread before him bn the Billy Conn-Bob Pastor fight by Cudahy Removal And ao we go on 1.3 noisea. or even by movement. ' New York, Aug. 14— More dally happenings in the life of the the maintenance or reconstitution ' War But how Admiral Stirling . should go. there will be more Re- either. There’s been a murder desk. "I think I'd like to talk WJZ-NBC last night, the battle of tha dissolved aocletlea. If for­ In discussing headache it Is ; than $10,000,000 of life insurance third trombonist of any swing being postponed to Sept. 6. when band. For instance, they tell one committed In thia house, and I'm to the young lady. Maybe she’d eigners, they are to be expelled ' figures it that America can ever publicans voting for Roosevelt moat convenient to consider the going to be asking some awfully it will be held Indoors. Urged by Legion $24-85 No Despairing' Fight . has been Issued to New York about Paul Whiteman, and Ben know Bomething about this." from France. be free from danger at the hands ^ Republican: Why jiiat various types separately; thus silly questions until I get the right there la the toxic type which is state residents by mutual savings Bernle. Dale waa curious. "Do you A preamble to the decree declar­ Out of the turmoil of the Euro­ of a Japan which is a devoted look at the parade of bolters al- answer. We get pretty curious mind telling me what it is?" Progranja tonight: Europe — San Diego, (tellf., Aug. 14—(iP) ed that "no government" could af­ Imported tapestries that we can’t,re-order . . due to autointoxication or to con- banks since the banks were au- plus a new group of chairs covered in plain pean Vf/tr, with its censorships and ! imitator of Nazi Germany, which ready—Senators Burke and "Cot­ "Ben snd Paul were playing a about a lot of things that aren’t "I found it in Sayler’s top desk ■WEAF-NBC 6:15. 6:45; CBS 7;55, —The American Legion state con' ford. "eapeclally under the pres­ stipation; then there is the bilioua j thorlzcd to provide life Insurance anv of our business." 9;30; WJZ-NBC 9; MBS 9. 9;15; ventlon by resolution today urged friezes. Regularly theae popular chairs sell groteaqiie disparity of claims, two ' has precisely similar dreams of ____ton _ Ed"__ Smith;______George_ White,____ a type which may develop in the I ^ grudge golf match againat two drawer," Lieutenant O’Leary ex­ ent circuraatances." to permit the former Democratic national corn- Dale bit his lipa. "I’m sorry. NBC 11. the removal of John P. Cudahy, existence of groups pursuing aec­ for $29.75. "Excellent where you want utmost |((ll(irir-- or three significant facts appear music publishers. It was one of plained. "He evidently wanted it comfort without overcrowding. those matches where sportsman­ I’m upset, naturally. I’ll try to handy for the young lady when WEAF-NBC—7 HoUywood Play- ambassador to Bel8:ium for hia ret activities. as grounds for reasonable hope bouse: 7:30 Plantation Party; 8 Japan is capable of sending fleets John Hanes and former Senator ache due to digestive disturbances, president of the Savings Bank ship waa a thing of the past and if help you.” she came in to see him. Thia is "gratuitous insult to the armed that In hla attack on Great Britain and armies abroad, it is Imposai- James Reed and that’s Juat the you didn’t cough ‘-while your op­ "Thanks." said O’Leary. He a cashier’s check for $5000 mado Abbott and Costello; 8:30 District forces of the United States" In a Chinese Financier KIHed-’ Headache may be the result of ; Life Insurance Fund, said today, Attorney; 9 Kay Kyaer College. Hitler may meet hla Waterloo. hie to see beginning. Roosevelt split the eyestrain, being' Induced by a n ! A aubatantlal percentage ot ponent waa putting you were a brushed the incident aside. "I’m out to Hazel Leighton. And this' recent London Interview. The Democratic party by hi# decision sis^y. Came the eighteenth hole curious about this window next —he fingered a single sheet of WABC-CB3—7 Question Bee; reao.luUon requested the national Shanghai, Aug. 14.—(;P)—Chang One is that the British, despite Japan haa never had the very', r, ru„ for a third term and by the uncorrected eye defect and diaap- , these policies haa been for $500 ' and Whiteman sliced one leem- to the desk. You’ll notice that the legal-size paper—"this is a release 7:30 Dr. Christian; 8 theater of legion to demand hia removal Hslao-Llng, 63. counaellor to tha the most frantic effort of Nazi smallest degree of honest friend- high-handed methods of his man- peaxing aa soon as the patient gets ; or less Stars: 8:30 Lewiaobn Stadium fi­ from the diplomatic corpa. the benefit of- ■ properly fitted! “While this may acem like a I ingly out of bounds. Hla adver ■pot where the body lay waa di­ made out to Martin Sayler guar­ French Municipal Council and a bombers, surface craft and *ub- ‘ ship fpr any other nation. She has ‘ Chicago For every one small amount aa compared with series chortled with glee but Paul rectly opposite." anteeing against any breach of nale broadcaat, with John. O. Wl- Cudahy waa quoted at saying wall-known (kinase financier, waa of these men of prominence, there glasses. nant on social security; 9:45 Lieut. German, soldiers of occupation be­ martnea, continue to use the Eng-1 manifested an over-polite Imita- The average headache la due to the many billtona of life inaur- refused to play another ball till Dale walked over to the win