The BLSH flyer

Volume 10 Number 2 , 2021

Contents Black-winged Stilt Alan Edwards

From the President ········································································································ 2 Members’ Night ············································································································· 2 Conservation Officer’s Report ························································································· 3 Outing—World Wetlands Day, 2-3 February 2021, Charlston Dam ······································ 4 Outing—Bundanoon, 20 February 2021 ··········································································· 5 Outing—, 3 March 2021 ············································································ 7 Outing—Budderoo Plateau, 7 April 2021 ·········································································· 7 Outing—Blue Gum Creek Track, Nattai NP, 10 March 2021 ················································ 8 W2W Greening Australia, BLSH Joint Outing, Wingecarribee River, 27 March 2021 ················ 9 Outing—Lake Narambulla, 18 April 2021 ········································································ 10 Glossy Gang Update ····································································································· 11 Treecreeper a Photographic Challenge ··········································································· 12 Adelaide International Bird Sanctuary ············································································ 13 Landcare Schools Workshop ·························································································· 17 Snippet—Gough Island Restoration ················································································ 17 The Pantanal ··············································································································· 18 Science Corner No. 3—Some Facts About Feathers ·························································· 22 Showing the BLSH Brand ······························································································ 22 A Pied Oystercatcher’s Tale ··························································································· 23 Clown of the Sea ········································································································· 24 Rockwarbler ················································································································ 25 Members’ Photos ········································································································· 26 Bird News from around the Internet ··············································································· 29

June 2021

From the President

Nigel Hartley—16 May 2021

It is hard to believe it is already mid May. We have had a very busy few months including our AGM, a number of great outings, support for a Greening Australia workshop near Oxley College, progress with a number of projects including bird counts at Travelling Stock Reserves, and an excellent meet- ing supported by Peter Madvig’s very entertaining talk on Antarctica and Chile.

It seems only yesterday that a group of us met at “Derrick VC” rest area on the Hume Highway for an afternoon outing, just opposite the Towrang turn off. This bland looking spot turned out to be a little gem, full of history from the days the Hume Highway was being built, and some awesome birds, not least the Leaden Flycatchers which caused us all a lot of confusion over whether they were Satin or Leaden, and as it was suggested, maybe they were both there! Since that sunny evening we have had torrential rain in both March and May, which caused one or two events to be postponed/ cancelled, to a frosty outlook as winter approaches.

I’m embarrassed to say I missed our AGM, as Caroline and I were stuck on Lord Howe Island for an extra three days during a nearby cyclone. We set off for our plane on three separate occasions. On day one the plane flew over, had a think about it and returned to . On day two the scheduled planes were cancelled altogether, and on day three our plane arrived, but decided to have a mechan- ical and was grounded overnight. The upside was that with the crazy weather all manner of unusual waders were sheltering at the airstrip, including a Hudsonian Godwit and an Oriental Pratincole.

Meanwhile at the AGM Helen Saville was voted in as our new Treasurer, and Sandy Berry has stepped off the Committee but will continue to look after our Birdata records, there were no other changes. Our next meeting will be on 25 May, with Steve Debus sharing his expertise on raptors, and at last, the return of our supper service. I hope many of you can make it.

In the meantime, happy birding.

Members’ Night 25 May 2021 Report and photo by Peter Madvig

The meeting started with member matters, after which our President, Nigel Hartley, introduced our guest speaker. We were all rapt to hear the much-anticipated speaker, Stephen Debus. A good turn-out from members and some guests was very encouraging. Stephen is a much published, highly regarded authority on Australian raptors. He has studied or observed all 24 of Australia’s raptor species over Nigel And Stephen 40 years. He has authored many publications including The Birds of Prey of Australia: A Field Guide, Australian Birds of Prey in Flight (co-author, 2019) and Australasian Eagles and Eagle-like Birds (2017). Stephen shared a wealth of knowledge on the identification of the raptors of Australia, giving us much insight into the differentiation of the various families of raptors, as well as on their ecology. Questions from the floor were answered, but one was left wishing for even more insights. Rapturous applause to Stephen ended the talk and we then gathered to enjoy a vast array of nibbles and cakes provided by some of our members, together with coffee and tea. Thank you. Thank you also to Sue Hawick for providing accommodation for Dr. Debus.

June 2021 2