Student Guide INDEX

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Student Guide INDEX MILAN ACADEMIC YEAR 2021/22 INTERNATIONALstudent guide INDEX Welcome to Milan .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Before you Leave Home ......................................................................................................................................................................... 6 What to Bring to Milan ............................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Medical and Health Matters ........................................................................................................................................................ 10 How to Reach Università Cattolica Upon Arrival .......................................................................................... 11 Finding the Cattolica International Offices ............................................................................................................. 12 MIL Service (accommodation in Milan) ...................................................................................................................... 13 Food Services ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14 Sports .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15 Public Transportation in Milan .................................................................................................................................................. 16 Experiencing Milan .................................................................................................................................................................................... 18 Safety Tips ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................20 Money Matters ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 Staying connected ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 22 International Student Services (ISS) .................................................................................................................................... 23 Contacts ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 3 INDEX WELCOME TO MILAN Dear International student, Studying in Milan can be an exciting and daunting experience as well as an opportunity to challenge and open yourself to new social, cultural, and academic perspectives. This guide has been carefully compiled to provide you with the essential information to prepare your experience at Cattolica. You will find critical guidance about courses, visas, housing, student life and practical tips for your stay here in Milan. Please check regularly the International Student Web Portal: > in order to remain updated on academic issues concerning your stay. Further information relevant to your day-to-day experience in Italy will be provided during the welcome days, however this guide should give you a good idea of what to expect upon arrival. We hope you will have a wonderful time with us and an enrich- ing personal and academic experience. Cattolica International Staff 4 INDEX 5 INDEX BEFORE YOU LEAVE HOME Visa requirements Permit of stay Most students from outside the E.U. and All Non-EU residents require a visa Schengen Area will need to apply for a for a stay longer than three months student visa for programs of 90 days or (90 days). Within eight (8) days of longer. your arrival in Italy you are required to submit the application for a Permesso To verify whether you must apply for a di Soggiorno, Permit of Stay which student visa, check the Italian Ministry of will be issued by the Questura, local Foreign Affairs website here. police. You will require the following documents: Non-EU residents require a visa for a ■ An Application Form provided by Cattol- stay longer than three months (90 days). ica International staff upon your arrival You need to request a student visa at at University the Italian embassy or consulate for your ■ Passport jurisdiction. You will find below the basic ■ Photocopy of personal data page of the application requirements. visa It is however important that you verify your ■ Four recent and identical passport size consulate’s website for any additional re- photographs quirements: ■ VISA documentation and any letter is- ■ Admission letter sent via mail by Cattol- sued and stamped by the Consulate ica (make additional photocopies) ■ Passport ■ Admission Letters issued by Cattolica ■ Student visa application to be submitted upon Enrolment and avilable in the Er- in person nolment Portal ■ Proof of enrolment at home institution ■ Photocopy of health insurance coverage ■ Proof of adequate health insurance cov- ■ A Marca da Bollo, revenue stamp, of erage outside your country €16 to purchase upon arrival. It’s pos- sible to purchase it from tabacco shops. IMPORTANT: Before contacting your Con- sulate/Embassy you will need to complete Cattolica will provide you the Permesso the online VISA request procedure via the di Soggiorno/Permit of stay kit upon your Universityaly portal. arrival. You will collect it along with your Carta Ateneo+ (Cattolica student card). Additional information about the online VISA request procedure can be found here. After submitting the form to the Post office you will obtain your receipt. The administrative costs will be a total of €101,96. During the online orientation event a ded- icated info-session on how to fill in your Permesso di Soggiorno/Permit of Stay will be organized to assist you. 6 INDEX Travel registration We strongly advise you to register your contact details online with your own coun- tries representation in Italy. This is particu- Medical insurance larly useful in case of emergency and need to have contact with your home country. If you are a national from either a EU Mem- ber State or an EEA country or you are of Travel insurance Swiss nationality, you should have a Euro- pean Health Insurance Card (EHIC, Italian Your health insurance will likely not cover acronym: TEAM) obtained in your home any damage or loss of belongings during country from your national healthcare travel and stay in Milan. authority. The European Health Insurance Card (or EHIC) allows to receive medical We highly advise you to insure your most treatment in another member state for free, precious and expensive belongings such or at a reduced cost. as laptop and other electronics. In addition, Università Cattolica provides A travel insurance would also cover any a backup insurance to all its international loss of important documents such as pass- students staying in Milan. This insurance port, credit cards, etc. Your travel insurance policy covers COVID-19 related costs for may also cover emergency medical ex- the duration of your programme. See Poli- penses and medical evacuation. cy description. Do a search and compare the benefits and International Health Insurance, which see how they complement your health in- covers costs related to medical, treatment surance abroad. and admission to hospital and most im- portantly medical evacuation and repatria- If you do bring your laptop it is important tion to their home country. you insure it against damage or theft. Nev- er leave your belongings unattended an- Note: An insurance policy is compulsory ywhere on campus, library, computer lab, if you apply for a residency permit. etc. Do not mail your laptop as it will be held at customs and will only be released Non-EU Citizens are advised to enrol in by paying a customs fee. any international health insurance as di- rected by their home institution and/or study abroad provider. If you have no such requirements, the Cattolica health insur- ance will cover you for the exact duration of your programme at Cattolica. If you plan to travel prior to your arrival or at the end of your programme, you should be sure to have proper coverage for the entire du- ration of your stay away from your home country. 7 INDEX WHAT TO BRING TO MILAN Bring receipts of any electrical goods that you bring such as laptops, camer- as, iPods, etc. This ensures when and where the items were purchased. Documentation checklist ■ A valid passport ■ A valid student visa (if applicable) Packing ■ Travel itinerary/ticket ■ Travel insurance ■ Health insurance Milan is the fashion capital of Italy so re- ■ Credit cards & other cards member not to over pack. The weather ■ Any medical certificates in Italy can be variable from one day ■ Admission letter issued by host in- to another and you might experience stitution (if applicable) significant temperature
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