| Mediators | Arbitrators +44 (0)20 7421 8000 4 Field Court, Grays Inn, WC1R 5EF

Areas of Experience

Private Law Children Public Law Children Contact Clerks

Telephone: 020 7421 8019 Email: [email protected] Contact Joanne

[email protected] Joanne Ecob

Call: 1985


Arbitrator (MCIArb)

Direct Public Access qualified

Practice Profile

Joanne Ecob specialises in all aspects of the law relating to children and has extensive experience of the more complex and high profile private and public law proceedings. Joanne works across the full spectrum of cases in the Family Court, the High Court and the Appellate Courts.

Joanne has a particular interest in private law cases involving educational issues and in cases involving complex medical issues. She is known for her calm, reassuring and sensitive approach in cases of seemingly intractable disputes over arrangements for children following the separation of parents. Joanne frequently acts in cases involving intermediaries and children with and without capacity. She is experienced in both domestic and international abduction and relocation cases. Work Undertaken

Private Law Children International Children Relocation domestic and International Child Abduction domestic and international Public Law children (Care and Adoption) Public access

Publications An Orthodox Approach to Education

Appointments & Memberships

Family Arbitrator (MCIArb) Family Law Bar Association Direct Public Access qualified Head of Chambers Pupillage Committee from 2016

Notable Cases

LCC v AB & Ors [2018] EWHC 1960 (Fam)

Judgment of Keehan J dealing with the question of whether threshold is crossed on the basis that the care provided by a parent was not reasonable in circumstances where they accepted that they were unable to care for their children by reason of terminal illness and sought assistance from a local authority by way of accommodating the children under a s.20 agreement.

A Local Authority v X & Ors [2018] EWHC 874 (Fam)

Judgment in which Knowles J considered what impact, if any, the mother’s functions with her High Commission and the consequent diplomatic privileges and immunities enjoyed by her and her household, had upon the ability of the court to make public law orders in respect of her children.

Re Z (A Child: Independent Social Work (Assessment), [2014] EWHC 729 (Fam)

HHJ Bellamy sitting as a High Court emphasising the need for social work assessments of parents need to be “fair, robust and thorough”

Re G (Children) [2012] EWCA Civ 1233

Private Law case in Court of Appeal. Maurice Kay LJ, Munby LJ, Sir Stephen Sedley. Specific issue order appeal in relation to the education for five children from the Chareidi community of ultra orthodox Jews. Appeal successfully resisted on behalf of the mother.

AV v RM [2012] EWHC 1173 (Fam)

Private law case in which test for permission to appeal considered by Moore J

London Borough of Barnet v M1 (aka M2) [2012] EWCA 5 (Fam)

In which HHJ Mayer considered the evidential difficulties as to establishing identity where a parent claimed she was someone else completely from the person considered to be the child’s mother.