
Biodiversity and Geodiversity Supplementary Planning Guidance (Consultation Draft – March 2018)

www.npt.gov.uk/ldp Sand Martin Bank © Barry Stewart

Pipistrelle Bat © Laura Palmer

Shrill Carder Bee © Mark Hipkin Contents

Note to Reader 1 1 Introduction 3 2 Biodiversity and Geodiversity in 5 2.1 What is 'Biodiversity' and 'Geodiversity'? 5 2.2 Biodiversity in 5 2.3 Geodiversity in Neath Port Talbot 7 2.4 Green Infrastructure 8 3 Policy Context 11 3.1 National Policy Context 12 3.2 Local Policy Context 13 4 Policy Requirements 17 4.1 General Principles 17 5 Policy Implementation 19 5.1 Pre-Application Discussion 19 5.2 Planning Application Submission 28 5.3 Decision / Determination 29 5.4 Monitoring, Management and Review 32

6 Contact Details 35 Supplementary Planning Guidance: Biodiversity and Geodiversity (Consultation Draft - March 2018)


A SINC Criteria 1 B RIGS 11 C Specific Guidance on Wind Energy Schemes 15 D Compensation Scheme 21 E Glossary 27 Contents upeetr lnigGiac:Boiest n edvriy(oslainDat-Mrh2018) March - Draft (Consultation Geodiversity and Biodiversity Guidance: Planning Supplementary Note to Reader

Note to Reader

This note explains the purpose of the Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) and how to comment on the document. This note will not form part of the final published SPG.

The Purpose of the Document

The Council, at its meeting on the 27th January 2016, adopted the Local Development Plan (LDP) which now provides the basis for decisions on land use planning in the County Borough up to 2026.

Whilst the LDP contains sufficient information and policies to provide the basis for the determination of planning applications through the development management process, opportunities have been identified throughout the Plan for further detailed guidance to be provided on particular issues.

Selective use of SPG is a means of setting out more detailed topic or site specific guidance on the way in which the policies of the LDP will be applied in particular circumstances or areas. While only policies in the LDP have special status in the determination of planning applications, SPG may be taken into account as a material consideration in the decision making process.

SPG must be consistent with the parent LDP policy and should be subject to wider consultation with the public and stakeholders.

Biodiversity and Geodiversity SPG

The Biodiversity and Geodiversity SPG supplements LDP Strategic Policy SP15

(Biodiversity and Geodiversity), Policy EN6 (Important Biodiversity and Geodiversity Sites) Supplementary Planning Guidance: Biodiversity and Geodiversity (Consultation Draft - March 2018) and Policy EN7 (Important Natural Features).

The document provides information and guidance setting out the expectations on all development proposals to protect, conserve, enhance and manage important habitats, species and sites of geological interest.

The document focuses on the full range of biodiversity and geodiversity features and interests within Neath Port Talbot and sets out the measures that will be taken through the planning system to meet the relevant aims and objectives set out in the LDP.

The Consultation / How to Make Comments

The consultation period will run for 6 weeks, starting midday on Thursday 1st March and ending at midday on Thursday 12th April 2018. 1

Comments can be submitted:

Directly Online at: www.npt.gov.uk/ldp/consultation Note to Reader

upeetr lnigGiac:Boiest n edvriy(oslainDat-Mrh2018) March - Draft (Consultation Geodiversity and Biodiversity Guidance: Planning Supplementary Alternatively:

By E-mail to: [email protected]

By Post to:

Nicola Pearce

Head of Planning and Public Protection,

Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council,

The Quays,