DAILY TRIBUNE. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 NEW-YORK CITY GO WELL Order a Stem Brothers ; HOW CZAR'S SHES DIED BONDS Supply of • DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT -. (02J25. AM). BETTER THAX offering of 'JAX. FOUREX OS ST BR/XG are now the remainder their More than Gowns the Woods Spcycr § Co. May.Get Evans' Imported French TeUs lion Broihcrs in the Offering. Models at , Marked and Killed Enemies. Half of Consisting of the Latest city's p«r bonds went with Irush at r^ter^y Th« 4 cent Prices Jan Four*-, himself took the *and better than 102.25 when the bids were opened by the Reductions from Former Oilill Decided afternoon, before tti!ted Stare* at yesterday. The offering .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0»pov- Controller 2 o'clock Aleyou vr&nt a If rral > Hitchcock, at the r^urnption of the Russian ' of 512,5f/>.OOO was oversubscribed more than twelve (THIRD FLOOR extradition euJt. February, when ernm*r.fs Democrat tm time*. The last offering was in Po-jr*n Mid he had been a Social were ?o!d, at 104. but these carried 4l?4l? press, free public 550.000.000 Platform, he «da. *=tood for a free interest and as an Investment THANKS- and better per cent were worth m^tir^s Sorter hour, for workininnen considerably than those offered yesterday. - of landed barons. more Always room for one more— bouses for farmer tenants Several of the big bond houses offered to take the Women's Trimmed Hats Counsel for the Russian government here Inter- GIVING pattern after an- he entire lot. So we add one m-nrniiig to the witnesa that whatever Apply to Nearest acted 8 The tabulation will not be completed until some Dealer already generous stock of Offering mipht !,s*d airalnst him, and Commissioner other to the An Important Mid be time to-day. It is believed that fully one-half of Hitchcock also so warned Mm. Co., who advantage of warning to scare the offering will go to Speyer & bid 102.29R Winter suits- -taking 'MODELS, Pn^n whom the did Ml Feem jubi- MRS. GUNNESS ESCAPED IN AUTO? BEAVER, FELT ft VELVET FROM $|fi Kf) Democrats for the entire offering. Controller Metz was thing that comes \ a^.UVf at all went on tr. «ay that the Social every good new TOE LATEST SHArES, J the passport sys- lant over the success of the sale. FUR HATS IN also rtf^oa for the abolishment of Pur- activities Of police "The result .of to-day's sale Justine? everything by Lamphere Defence—Letter along. SECOND FLOOR. tem and the ftopping of the Intimated DEFT Ihave said Ihave maintained that the city as easy MILLINERY fpie? apainst re\x>lutionary sympathizers. when porting to Come from Murderess. No wonder choosing is just meetings In not bankrupt will be bankrupt," said '•Did take part in any political la and never an auto- m Tar- "Some those La Forte, Ind., Nov. 23.—Evidence that as was a month ago. summer of 1905?" asked Herbert Controller Metz. of muckrakers-I Gun- it Ruwa in th- any who have been mobile was seen to go down the road past the don't want to mention names— de- Winter suits, $18 to $45. norsp. Pouren's counseL that this adminis- ness f.irm on the morning of the flre which in the district Madeline, several meet- coining out with long statements the flre Rugs "Idid Sf extravagant running ahead of stroyed the Gunness home and that Oriental . of that year," replied Pouren. tration has been and" offered Ings durln July now take a back seat. The had been seen as early, as 3 o'clock was "probmbly twenty or thirty meetings." the city's resources can The de- Are you a chronic standee? sar, sale of corporate stc a to-day was one of the most to-day at the trial of Ray l,arnphere. — Important Reduction Sale of InRica, on November 19. Pouren went on to years was before -3 cushion congress Social Dera- successful that the city has had for many fence contends that the flre started Cushion shoes for sueh a he had taken part ina of the to-morrow, Lamphere the Smith Bald, new past. "When we get out the a. in., and. admitting that left Sarouk and Tebriz Rugs Room tion had for its object, he a tabulation by state, lie insole of elastic all-wool felt. / Fine Kirmanshah, Ispahan. in orratf. gov- average price at which the house at 3:20 a. m., as claimed the form of government, and to do away -with all which will show the Gunness bonds willbe sold. Idon't expect to.hear anything could not possibly have set fire to the $5. Sizes ernment thai was not good for the people. the militia, more from those knockers." On November 23. ISO6. as a member of ehe saw an auto- in two pitched The rate of 4 per cent is a. return to the rate Louisa Cackle testified that Pouren then testified, he took part the Gunness we're so for Also in vogue before the financial stringency last year. mobile in Park street coming from One reason solid laities at Bkribsr and I^Uwaren. near Madeline. The local company of The .-ale was of $7,000,000 corporate stock for vari- road at 3:30 o'clock on the morning of the fire. underwear is that The militia, he explained, was a might have Sehlichten Ramie Daghestans. $8.90, 12.90, 19.75 In these en- ous .municipal purposes, JI.tXKVXK) corporate stock defence intimates that this machine 250 Shirvans and Social Demociats, and their oppoa-uus after fibre, SiL'.V). 24.50 water, $750,000 stock for rapid transit Mrs. Gunness fleeing from the flre Ramie is the only solid textile R«ln<-*vi from IV~n an.l counters were the Tzar's troops. for corporate contained refuge for the killingthe and firing the house. the two Pour-in said, he took railroad construction, 1250.000 corporate stock children and so can he more thoroughly After battles. *500,000 Warden, Lamphere's counsel, received a letter (THIRD FLOOR) woods, bis company having been defeated, Public Library, ajsd assessment X. In th* fifty-year City to-day, signed "Urn. BeJle Gun- cleansed than any other. and there he stayed, a tU3idv3. for several months. bonds for street improvements.'' All were from Michigan ten that Mrs. Gunness would be refused to name his companions. bonds, except the assessments, which are for ness." and declaring Street He Michigan City address given in the let- Company. West Twenty-third "How did you live In the woods 7~ asked Mr. years. round at a - Rogers, Peet & ' ' 1905, August 12 The communication concludes as follows: Parsons. All issues between April 24, and ter. bonds; you attempt to have me arrested Iwill kill Three Stores. "The ffJiners and people around about gave us 1907, inclusive, were of 4 per cent all prior "If you. at o'clock. Come alone. Call food and dothlr.jr." replied Pouren. PA per cent, except the issue of January, 1001. which Come 10:30 258 . 842 1302 arms, did youT" a: cent. The September sale and that of for Mrs McConnell." "Have was 3 pet at . at at "Yes. we >. \u25a0: those from the central committee February 14 last were of iVz per cent. bids: 'GOT IT AND COMING.' Warren st- 13th st. 34th st in Madeline." • Following are some of the FARMER GOING "Were there soldiers about?" Boeyer & Co. offered to take all or any part of times they were around, hunting us, and and or none of $I2,0"OA"0 at by •Several SL2.OOO.OijO at 102.256 all Side Hour Side Only M>ve»a! times between January and September, in Man Out of Canada an Finds They always bunting Seligman & Co. bid for $12,600,000 at 101.77. _ . - - ISW. they attacked us. tver