55 Written Answers I ] to Questions 56

(d) There is a general shortage of exchange SlNHA) ; (a) Government believes that recent equipment and underground cables in the measures taken against smugglers will have a coun-iry. Within the available limited beneficial effect on all sectors of economy, in- resources every effort is being made to cluding the film industry. arrange for additional exchange capacity and (b) Government have no information in underground cables for providing new this regard. telephone connections to the maximum (c) Does not arise. | possible extent.] Corruption Charges Against a L. D. C. of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting 699. SHRI P. K. KUNJACHEN : Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state : (a) whether it is a fact that the CBI has in- vestigated the corruption charges against a L. D. C. in the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting who is reported to have earned lakhs of ruppees; (b) if so, what are the details thereof ; and (c) what action Government have taken in this regard ? THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING (SHRI DHARAM BIR SlNHA) : (a) to (c) One case relating to Shri R. K. Puri, Clerk of the Publications Division is at present under investigation of the C. B. I. Effect of Smugglers' arrest on Film Industry Film Trade with Bangla Desh 698. SHRI PRAKASH VIR SHASTRI : 700. SHRI N1REN GHOSH : Will the SHRIB.P. NAGARAJAMURTHY: Minister of INFORMATION AND BROAD SHRI B. RACHAIAH : CASTING be pleased to state : Will the Minister of INFORMATION (a) whether it is a fact that Government ND BROADCASTING be pleased to state : have refused to give special preference to (a) whether it is a fact that the film indus- Bengali films in the film trade with f has been adversely affected by the recent Bangladesh; and rests of top smugglers in the country; (b) if so, what are the reasons therefor ? (b) whether some of the film producers THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE MI- ;re being financed by the smugglers ; and NISTRY OF INFORMATION AND (c) if so, what action is being taken in the BROADCASTING (SHRI DHARAM BIR ttter ?1 SlNHA) : (a) No, Sir. The Trade Agreement between and Bangladesh provides for import/ export of films to the extent of Rs. 10 lakhs each way, which includes Bengali films as well. (b) Does not arise. Notice for Termination of Services of Hindustan Times Editor 701. SHRI KRISHAN KANT : SHRI PRAKASH VJR SHASTRi : f[THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE SHRI : NISTRY OF INFORMATION AND SHRI LOKANATH MISRA : OADCASTING (SHRI DHARAM BIR SHRI K. P. SINGH DEO : 57 Written Answers [ 28 NOV. 1974 ] to Questions 58

SHRI KALI MUKHERJEE : SHRI A. G. KULKARNl : SHRI GURMUKH SINGH MUSA- FIR : SHRI J. S. TILAK : Will the Minister of INFORMATION AND BROADCASTING be pleased to state : (a) whether Government are aware that t[Closing of small newspapers the management of the Hindustan Times is 703. SHRI O. P. TYAGI : Will the Mini- reported to have given notice to their Editor ter of INFORMATION AND BROADCAS terminating his services; TING be pleased to state : (b) whether Government have received a (a) whether it is a fact that a large communication from the Journalists" Associa- number of financially unsound small tion in this regard; and newspapers are on the verge of closing down (c) If so, what is Government's reaction their publications and other important thereto ? publications have almost come to a stop THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE owing to the scarcity of newsprint; and MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND (b) if so, what steps Government propose BROADCASTING (SHRI DHARAM BIR to take to solve their problem ?] SINHA) : (a) Government has seen Press re- ports to this effect. (b) No, sir. (c) Government have always held that edi- tors and working Journalists should work in circumstanies and environment consistent with fundamental rights of freedom of expres- tTHE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE sion. The working Journalists (Conditions of MINISTRY OF INFORMATION AND Service) Act 1955, and the other Labour laws BROADCASTING (SHRI DHARAM BIR like the Industrial Employment, Standing SINHA) : (a) No, Sir. According to the infor- Orders Act 1946, The Employees Provident mation available, no newspaper has been closed Fund Act 1952, and the Industries Dispute Act due to scarcity of newsprint, (b) Doei not 1956 are applicable to service matters between arise.] a working Journalist and his employer. Nationalisation of printing paper Recommendation of Fuel Policy industry Committee 704. SHRI O.P. TYAGI : Will the Minis 702. SHRI GANESH LAL MALI : Will ter of INDUSTRY AND CIVIL SUPPLIES the Minister of ENERGY be pleased to state be pleased to state : the main recommendations of the Fuel Policy (a) whether Government's attention has Committee ? been drawn to a news item which has appeared in the 'Times of India' New Delhi of 11th THE DEPUTY MINISTER IN THE October, 1974, wherein the President of the MINISTRY OF ENERGY (PROF. SIDDHE- Indian Federation of Working Journalists is SHWAR PRASAD) : A list of important reported to have urged Government to nationa- recommendations is attached. [See Appendix lise the printing paper industry; and XC, Annexure No. 42] (b) if so, what is the Government's reac- tion thereto ? THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUSTRY AND CIVIL SUPPLIES (SHRI B.P. MAURY A) : (a) Yes, Sir. (b) Government are not contemplating the nationalisation of the printing paper industry.

t [ ] English tsanslation.