Arbiter, October 4 Students of Boise State College
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Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 10-4-1973 Arbiter, October 4 Students of Boise State College Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. Julia Dar;s bridge closer to reality ... The Boise City' Council has tentatively O.K.'d the construction of a foot bridge to engineers and contractors. connect the BSC campus with Julia Davis According to Jim Lyons, .a concrete, The Walkway will have a layer of concrete over the wood to' haJp increase' Park. Plans have long been on the draWing representative from Teus·Joist, the total board, and II appears it will be sometime COst of the structure is unknown because the life of the structure. Since the bridge yet before construction will be started. but bids for the job 'have not been requested will be lighted, it is quite possible electric at least the idea is becoming a reality. yet. Funding for the project will come cables will be put in the concrete covering from BSC. Jackie Cassel, Executive . the Walkway so that ice and snow removal Mr. Grisham, assistant to Mayor Jay Secretary to President John Barnes said the could be facilllated. "'" Amyx, said the City Couhcil passed the. monies. will not come from 'student funds, Betty Kelley, Co-ordinator for the Green resolution with no dissenting votes and was but rather from grants and the state's Belt Committee jays the bridge is an Very much in favor of the plan. The, general fund. No increase in student fees important part of an ovetall plan calling for planned locatlon of t!le bridge will be should be expected from the project. -4> several bridges across the river, including one at Ann Morrison Park. She said that somewhere between. the west 'edge of Lyons said the' bridge will be modUlar, the bridge would go a long way toward Morrison Hall, and' cast wall of the approximately 190 feet long, 8 feet Wide, the alleViating the parking problem at Julia Business BUilding. TIle exact location will with a 10 foot rise in the middle, arid a Davi~ on weekends. No one, however, is depend on the resUlrs of studies by domed top. It will be made of wood and steel, with the abutments made of sure '-of what it will do to the parking problem at BSC. The ARBITER has learned that the BSC-Ju/ia Davis bridge is in the final stages- of design.. Trus-Joist has been working on the design and construction of the arching structure to span the Boise River. Above is an ARBITER interpretation of what the structure may look like. Drawing by Mike Gollaher. ARBITER staff artist. Registration problems considered most inept students at this .procedure, are 1!>'011t.~ VI graduates. data cards, confused students, and improve the overall efficiency of the ordeal. ,I Boise State ('.oJll~ Thursday October4, 1973 Other problems disc ussed include the long lines outside the gy. '1, students faking One Proposal. to be considered is one in class standing in order to ..egister early, the which students appearing on registration day practice of holding registration packets without their. packet on file would be until previous school debts are paid, part required to wait 48 hours before Senate sets 'homecoming eleciio~s registering. This would give the school ASBSC President Doug Shanholtz time/full time status problems, and the , present priority registration system. enough time to prepare a packet for the allempted 10 secure approV'JI of his last student. appontee to a senate vacancy Tuesday. It was suggested that incoming freshmen A proposal to lengthen the registration The highlight of this weeks ASliSC could register during orientation. This to two days will also be studied. By senate meeting was a proposal by the would alleviate some of the crowd on allowing more time for registration the Financial Advisory Board that the senate registration day. Dr. Guv Hunt, Director of long lines, huge crowds, and general approve a 4()'j~ increase in the service award Admissions and Records, and chairman of confusion Would be reduced. It would also for the ' Student Services Director. The the Registration Committee, is against this given department chairman a better reason for the suggested increase was that idea. Also it is doubtful that upperclassmen Opportunity to evaluate the way classes are the newly appointed director" of the_ would ever agree to it. -filling up, and to open up new classes if -pnigrJnl, Kit Clirislciiscfl;--is' also acting as One thing that previous registrations necessary. _ chairman of the Personnel Selection have been. short of, and this last one in There are to be-three students on the Commillee and therefore is entitled to the particular, is well trained staff people. Dr. Registration Committee. If you are increase. Hunt is now organizing a group of 20 interested in serving on this committee students to work during registration this Larry Dean, Chairman of the Election contact Kit Christensen at the ASB offices. spring. They will have training sessions in In the past, the Director (If the Student Committee requested that the senate The two students presently on the Student photo ID's which they will gain an understanding of Services program has received 585 for his approve October 15 and 16 as the dates for COmmittee are Vadja Brogdon and Mary the entire procedure. AA well informed services. Of that amount, 560 carne from the Homecoming Queen and Mr. Bronco Anv student Who does nOI have a student 10 Loftis. If you have any gripe about card for the fall semester should plan 10 Obtain a staff would help eliminate problems with ASBSC budge! and S25came from the Election. He also asked the senate to direct registration, let them know. the Homecoming committee to pay the card on one of the follOWing dates, They will be ,\dministrJtion. \VillI the elimination of taken in A·103. Administration Building. the Draft Counceling program from the people he plan to hire to conduct the DAY Student Services office, the administration election. The senate voted to comply his TIME Withdrew iI's share of the money. The requests. Wcdneoday. Del. 3.1973 dtscusston centered around the I'rJcticality 9:00 - 12:00 p.m. BSC decision makers selected of paying one person to do two jobs. Thursday, Del. 11,1973 I\,lso proscnt at this weeks meeting was 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. During the normal operation of an STUDENT UNION Another asnect of the proposal that Lyle Smith, Director of Alhletics, and Ron institulion the size of Boise State College, BOARD OF GOVERNORS COMMENCEMENT COMMITTEE Wcdnesd~)". Del. 17. 1973 generated debate was the recommedation Stephenscn,. Assistant Director of thousands of decisions must be made. Geary Betchan, Henry Artis, Stephen Owen Krahn. of the Financial Advisory Board the award 9:00 - I I:00 a.m, Decisions that effect each student who leMar, Rich Jones; Senate Representative, ORIENTATION COMMITIEE' i!',;' Athletics. They explained the ticket policy Thursday, OCI. 25.1973 1:00 .- 3:00 p.m. attends the college. To insure that the Dennis Ward, Treasurer Tom Moore, Dave Ward, Jon Rand. t Wedne~day. Del. 31. 1973 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. interest of t1le students are reflected in Ille President Doug Shanholtz, SUPB Chairman RECORD KEEPING decisions made in their behalf, and Steve Williams. POLICY BOARD T1lUroday. Nov. 8. 1973 extensive system of commillees has been EXECUTIVE COUNCIL There arc 2 Vacancies on the Board. 1:00 - 3:00 p,m. established. Mall.Y..9Lthesc....committees-are--Doug_Shanholtz; Mary-toftjs.--~-_. __SIUDENTAm'JSORY_ ,~~,-----W<!~n.,d;)";-Nov;-j 4;-1913---9:()() :"'iT:oo ~:m.----·-lnvOfveif -solely in determin ing policy 'C:lJ.R..RICUL~JMCOMMITTEE HEALTH BOARD ',1 . , Otllersplananddirect extchslV,qifograms- Kim Leatham, Ann millbrooke. Katrina Brown; DonPa:iker; Ron !-----TIItirSdiiy;No\·:22;·i97.3-------j:00 - 3:00 p,rn to entertain, inform, and educate the ACADE~UC STANDARDS O'Halloran, Rich Jones, Sue Stutzman. Wednesday. Nov, 28. 1973 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. Student. The members who serve on Alan leBaron, Nadja Brogdon. LIBRARY COMMITIEE (LAST OA TE FOR CONTINUING SER VICE) I1lese committees are selected by the FACULTY SENATE Mark Smith, One Vacancy. Personnel Selection Committee and Jerry Tipton-Student Representative. ACADEMIC GRIEVANCE approved by the ASBSC Senate. ATHLETIC BOARD OF CONTROL Ron O'Halloran, Four Vacancies~" State The follOWing is a list of the people who Pat Nance, One Vacancy. BRONCO BOOSTER COMMITTEES board .have been selected to serve the students of There is a need for several students on this BSC during I1le 73-74 academic year. Committee . PERSONNEL There arc still openings remaining on to meet SELECTION, COMMITIEE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT several committees. If you arc interested in Kit Christensen-Chairman, jackie Miller, COMMITIEE working to improve you college, contact Jefferson Timothy-Chainnan. A decision-laden agenda awaits State Rich Jones, Gregg Brown, Pat Deja, Owen Board of Education members when Ihey the ASBSC office on the second floor of PUBLIC RELATIONS BOARD the Student Union BUilding. Krahn, Hugh Larkin, John Elliott, Don meet for a four-day session at College of Parker, Dan Roberts, Pam Waddell, Tom Pat Deja.Director, Mike Koloski. Jon Southern Idaho in Twirl Falls Oct. 9-12. Kyle, Pat Bonadiman, Lee Dowdle, Rose Adamson, Owen Krahn, Gary Evans, Ken Dick, Barbara Samuelson.