A GLOBAL ADVERTISING SOLUTION FROM THE ECONOMIST TO REACH THOUGHT LEADERS AT SCALE. 50 This select alliance of premium digital Publishers have been identified by The Economist Group for reaching a like-minded 51 audience to our subscribers. We consider them the subscribers of tomorrow. This audience is curious, opinionated and influential. They are world leaders, captains of industry and entrepreneurs advancing the world around us. 52 ENGAGE THIS AUDIENCE THROUGH ♦ DISPLAY ♦ VIDEO ♦ MOBILE ♦ HIGH-IMPACT & NATIVE FORMATS. 53 BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY CULTURE & PUBLISHER GLOBAL NEWS SITE DESCRIPTION & INNOVATION LIFESTYLE 54 The Economist's ideas, culture and lifestyle magazine. x x 1 1843 ( 55 Insightful Analysis and commentary for US and Global Equity Investors x x 2 24/7 Wall St ( 56 A Premium travel publication for those interested in exploring all of the wonders that x 3 Action Asia ( South East Asia has to offer. 57 News and information site focused on politics and culture in Africa. x 4 All Africa ( 58 A widely respected English-language monthly magazine covering visual arts of all x 5 Apollo Magazine ( periods, from antiquity to the present day 59 Asia's leading news portal delivers the latest news and top stories across topics like x x x 6 AsiaOne ( stock markets, trade, conventions and economist statistics. 60 Asia Pacific Boating ( The premier resource for luxury yachting news, reviews and regattas across South East x 7 Asia 61 Luxury and Travel publication dedication to the pursuit of complete well-being x 8 Asia Spa ( 62 One of the best business magazines in India offering the latest updates on the stocks x x 9 Business Today ( and the global economy. 63 Leading global magazine for the frequent business traveller with the latest news about x x x 10 Business Traveller ( airlines, airports, hotels and reviews on travel products and tech. 64 Essential online industry resource for senior executives x x x 11 Chief Executive Officer ( 65 China's first luxury yachting magazine, reaching the wealthiest Chinese entrepreneurs x 12 China Boating ( and tycoons 66 Christian Science Monitor International news organization that delivers thoughtful, global coverage. x x x x 13 ( 67 CIO attracts the highest concentration of enterprise CIOs and business technology x x 14 CIO ( executives with unparalleled peer insight and expertise on business strategy, 68 Launched by New Statesman in 2014 to take complicated ideas from the world of city x x x x 15 City Metric ( planning and make them accessible to a mainstream audience. 69 Focusing on empowering enterprise users and their managers, helping them create x x 16 ComputerWorld ( business advantage by skillfully exploiting today's powerful web, mobile, and desktop 70 Congressional news and analysis, bill tracking, member profiles, government documents x x x 17 CQ (Congressional Quarterly ( and transcripts. *DC DMA not available with network. 71 Global Sailing magazine focussed on the non-comptetitve more leisurly aspect of x 18 Cruising World ( yachting 72 CSO serves enterprise security decision-makers and users with the critical information x x 19 CSO ( they need to stay ahead of evolving threats and defend against criminal cyberattacks. 73 Bringing you the worlds most inspiring articles and videos x x x 20 Curiosity ( 74 Defence & Security Systems International Leading industry specific title for professionals and decision makers within the global x x 21 ( defence community 75 Covers the latest news, expert opinion and in-depth features for audiences with an x x 22 Design Curial ( interest in architecture, design, interiors and art 76 Destination Wedding Luxury title offering ideas to those who are looking for weddings and honeymoons in x 23 ( exotic locations 77 UK based Elite Traveler is a private jet lifestyle magazine & website written exclusively x × 24 Elite Traveler ( for the elite affluent consumer 78 Advice, insight, profiles and guides for established and aspiring entrepreneurs x x x 25 Entrepreneur ( worldwide. 79 Euromoney magazine was created in 1969 to cover the re-emergence of the x x 26 Euromoney ( international cross-border capital markets 80 Leading progressive business media brand with a unique editorial focus on innovation x x x x 27 Fast Company ( in technology, ethonomics, leadership, and design. 81 Finance Director Europe (the- Essential Online industry resource for senior financial executives x x 28 82 Aviation news for both private pilots and private jet owners x x 29 Flying ( 83 Provides key decision-makers at Europe’s leading financial services organisations with x x 30 Future Banking ( reliable and accurate intelligence on emerging trends and breakthrough technologies 84 A leading news, opinion and data service for people and institutions using and working x x 31 Global Capital ( in the international capital markets. 85 Provides environmental news, commentary, and advice with humor x x x 32 Grist ( 86 A blog about the New York City restaurant scene from New York magazine with x 33 Grub Street ( coverage of the restaurant scene, openings and closings and reviews. 87 Harper's Bazaar, Singapore Is the modern and sophisticated woman’s guide to the best of fashion, beauty, design, x 34 ( travel and the arts (partnership with Singapore site only). 88 A leading fashion and luxury magazine in Singapore. x 35 ICON (www. 89 Since 1979, Inc. has been the most trusted source of inspiration, education and x x 36 INC ( connection for the owners of fast-growing private businesses 90 An Indian English-language weekly magazine and news television channel x x 37 India Today ( 91 InfoWorld, the leading voice in emerging enterprise technology, is the go-to resource x x 38 InfoWorld ( for developers, architects, and business leaders launching next-gen initiatives on cloud BUSINESS & TECHNOLOGY & CULTURE & PUBLISHER GLOBAL NEWS SITE DESCRIPTION FINANCE INNOVATION LIFESTYLE

International Accounting Bulletin Focusing on issues affecting accounting firms, networks and associations, it is a trusted source x ( for leading accounting news, vital data and analysis International Business Times Largest provider of international business news online. (US, UK and India versions of the x x x x ( publication are included). Stock market quotes and financial news from around the world and tailored to the local x ( audience A premiere site focused on financial investing education, personal finance, market x x Investopedia ( analysis & free trade simulators. The global authority on islands for both owners of privates islands and those looking to x Islands ( get vacation on private islands. JET Asia-Pacific is the leading publication for private and business aviation in the China x Jet Asia Pacific ( region, both reporting on and promoting the rapid rise of the industry. Trusted personal finance advice, business forecasting, investing advice, and financial x x Kiplinger ( management tools All of the core news, sport and lifestyle from South and Central America x x x x Latin Times ( A French weekly political and news magazine published in Paris, France x x x x Le Point ( A French weekly political and news magazine covering Africa. x x x x Le Point Africa ( LEAF Review is a procurement and reference site providing a one-stop-shop for professionals x LEAF Review ( and decision makers within the global Architectural industry. Is the largest Singapore-based Chinese-language newspaper. Covering both local and x x x Lianhe Zaobao ( international news and centered on the East Asia region. Asia's leading online luxury magazine that is the essential guide for the modern x Luxury Insider ( connoisseur The ultimate source of information for wealthy investors looking to purchase x Luxury Property ( outstanding properties in the Asia-Pacific region The latest health news, scientific trends and medical information that helps readers x x x Medical Daily ( make sense of complex and constantly changing science. Men's Health Provides information and tips on fitness, health, career, relationships. *Partnership is in x ( India only Modern Power Systems A procurement and reference site providing a one-stop-shop for decision makers within ( the global ModernPower industry National Review Conservative commentary on American politics, news and culture. x x ( Network World provides deep domain expertise on the modern enterprise data center, x x NetworkWorld ( including the latest networking, storage, servers, and virtualization technologies. is a leading science brand and an authoritative voice on all matters related to science, x x New Scientist ( technology and the ideas improving our knowledge of the universe. Current affairs, world politics, the arts and more from Britain's award-winning magazine x x x x New Statesman ( Covers the new, the undiscovered, the next in politics, culture, food, fashion and x x x x New York Magazine ( behavior nationally, through a New York lens. New York Review of Books Online news version of biweekly book review and journal of intellectual events. x × ( In-depth analysis, news and opinion about international issues, technology, business, x x x × Newsweek ( culture and politics. Japanese business publication with an extensive network of contributors including x x x x Nikkei BP ( academics, government leaders and captains of industry Oil & Gas Agenda (www.growthmarkets- Title focusing on the Oil and Gas sector for news, reference, and procurement A leading source of science and technology. featuring up-to-the-minute news, gadget x ( reviews, insightful commentary, and more Stories on global news, issues and cultures that inform and empower people to improve x x x x Public Radio International ( their lives and the world. News of legislative and political maneuverings on Capitol Hill and coverage of elections x x x Roll Call ( across the country. Leading global title on the competitive sailing scene x x Sailing World ( A lifestyle magazine for people who experience the world through food first. x Saveur ( Title from Bonnier for the scuba diving fanatic, offering ideas and international x Scuba Diving ( destinations for diving. Singapore based premium travel publication x Silverkris (www.silverkris) Hong Kong’s premier English language newspaper has the city’s most affluent and x x x x South China Morning Post ( influential readership, and a reputation for authoritative and independent reporting. UK based publication & website dedicated to wealth management, private banking,, x x x Spear's ( law, philanthropy, as well as culture - books, travel, art & food Technology Review Published by MIT, it provides the audience with the intelligence to understand a world x × ( shaped by technology. The Business Times South-east Asia's leading financial daily. BT brings its readers daily corporate, financial, x x x ( economic and political news, analysis and commentary the premier destination for women with stylish minds. No matter the subject, we x The Cut ( address our readers’ lives head on, with generous wit, honesty, and power. Authoritative weekly newspaper focusing on international politics and business news x x x x The Economist ( and opinion A digital news, opinion and media service devoted to comprehensive quality reporting x x x x The Fiscal Times ( on vital fiscal, budgetary, health care and economic issues. Digital news publisher with local editions in Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, x x x x The Local ( Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Austria and Italy. Covers news and events. Weekly news journal founded in 1865. It provides opinion and analysis on politics and x x x The Nation ( culture. Catering to the needs of its discerning HNW and distinguished readership, The Peak The Peak ( offers information that is exclusive, privileged and opinionated Established in 1828, and is the oldest continuously published magazine in the English x x x The Spectator ( language. Reporting on a wide range of topics from politics to culture. Is an English-language daily newspaper based in Singapore. Providing breaking news, x x x x The Straits Times ( reviews, opinion, business, lifestyle, technology content. Weekly British news magazine providing the perspectives of the week's news and x x x x The Week ( editorial commentary from global media. Times Higher Education News and educational resources for college professionals and teachers worldwide. x x ( Verdict covers global business issues with speed, accuracy and intelligence - all you x x Verdict ( need to know in an engaging, quick and a thought provoking way Washington Examiner A local newspaper covering a variety of both local and national topics, serving the x x x x ( Washington, D.C. metropolitan area Weekly Standard An American conservative opinion magazine x x x ( World of Fine Wine An award-winning magazine, website and app speaking to an international readership x ( of discerning individuals who each share a passion for wine. World Pharmaceutical Frontiers Premier information source for the world's leading pharma companies, with reliable x x ( and accurate intelligence on emerging trends and breakthrough tech Global luxury yachting and yachting news x Yachting (