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Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, January 1917" (1917). Special Libraries, 1917. 1.

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1910s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1917 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Special Libraries - - -. - - - - - . - .-. -.------JANUARY, 1917 No. 1 . -- .. - . - . - - .. - -...... - - .. . - The Library of the Bureau of Railway Economics in its Inter-Library Relations "

By R. H. Johnson, Librarian, Bureau of Railway Economics, Washington. D. C.

The Bureau of Railway Economics was limited to thirteen libraries and our own in founded in 1910 for the purpose of conduct- the expectation that in the larger collections ing investigations of interest to the rail- as a total practically all of the railway ways in common. Its main purpose is to literature would be disclosed. It was soon study the economic relations of the railways, found however that local material and even to collect information and to publish it in material of the most general interest was to statistical or other forms for the informa- be found-sometimes only one or two items tion of the railways, the public and special -in some of the less extensive collections. students interested in transportation. In The records have accordingly grown by per- fulfilling these aims it was necessary to build sonal visit and by correspondence so that up a library of railway literature with such now we have almost a hundred libraries in collateral material as could not be conveni- our records, including three European li- ently borrowed from sister libraries. Un- brar~es:that of Ihc International Railway der the broad purview of the railway Congress, from manuscript furnished by the presidents who have directed our work the Congress; the library of the School Bureau has developed into a quasi-public of Economics, from printed cataloges, man- institution made use of by all classes of uscripts and cor~.espondence;and the library individuals, business firms and libraries, but of the JIinistry of Public Works of PI-ussia, in referring to the work we have done in from the printed cataloges furnished by that connection with what we wish to continue library. Our original catalog was met to do we are compelled to state that the with most enthusiastic reception in Europe, increasing demands from those who sustain the Archiv fur Eisenbahnwesen making a the Bureau quite frequently abridge or at special article signed by the editor himself least delay undertakings of a more public who was for twenty-five years the head of character. the railway system of Prussia. These li- In building up the library collection it braries are as follows was not our idea that it would be possible American Philosophical Society. even after considerable time to bring to- American Society of Civil Engineers. gether in one library all of the available Amherst College. literature relating to the economic aspects Biblioth6que de la Commission Centrale de of railway transportation. A large propor- Statistique, Brussels. tion of the literature is found not in trea- Athenaeum. tises but in the so-called ephemeral pamphlet Boston Public Library. literature, in documents, state and federal, Eowdoin College. foreign and domestic, and as parts of books Brown University. on more general subjects. Our first eflort,, Buffalo Historical Society. therefore, was to obtain a record of the Bureau of Railway Economics. railway contents of other libraries both with Statc Library. a view to our own possible needs and also in Clark University. order to be able to refer investigators in Public Library. other citles to collections more accessible Columbia University than our own. This work was originally Connecticut Historical Society. Connecticut Stnte Library. *Pxl>el lead at thc mnual rncelinq, Nntion.rl Assn- Cornell University. eiation of Stute 1.111rn1ics, Asbury Park. June 29. 1916. Cossitt Library, Memphis. 2 SPECIAL LIBRARIES Texas State Library. Dartmouth College. Public Library. Public Lib~wy. rigs i\Ioines Public Library. Trenton Public Library. Good\wn Institute, Memphis. Tufts College. ~lnilact;~~of Professor Henry l3. Gardner, University of C~liJolmia. Providence. University of . Haward Vnirersit~. University of . Collection of James Hillhouse, Es~.,New University of . Haven. University of IIinnesota. Hopkins Railray Libi3ary, Leland Stanford Univcl-sity of Nebraska. Jr. Unirersity. University of Pennsylvania. Houston, Texas, Public Library. University of Toronto. Illinois State Library. University of \\'isconsin. Indiana State Library. Vermont State Librmy. International RnilWay Congress, Berne. Western Resel'rc I-Iistorical Society. Interstate Comnerce Commission. Worcestel- Public Library. Ion a Hislorlcal Society. Worcestel.: American .4nticlum-ian Socicty Iowa Leglslatir-e Reference Bureau. By the use of this union catalog we have Iowa University. been able to assist incpi~~ei~sat n distance, ,John Crernr Libral's. to render adlable to newspapers and in- Jollns Hopkins University. dividuals and eren to librnries'themselvcs, Kansas Historical Society. information contained in the larger libraries I

Allocation of costs in ~~ail\vayacccount- Govcsnnle~~ron 11cl.hliil1ol rniln-ny. Jlar. ing. AUK. 18, 1915. 4 Pa 1913. Printed. 14 p. Colnpulsol-y ill-bitration of railway Revised to Se1A 1914. Issued as labor disputes. Rim. 31, 1916. 2 F* Bulletin G2 of the Bureau. 93 p. Industrial arbitration in Aust~nlianncl A11-1G77. 93 p. New Zealancl. 4 P. 1)ocuments bearing on Hepburn ate. Stnlr.ments, ctc., concelwing ailr roads, bill. 5 P. of George Robci-ts Blm~cl~a~~cl,1841- Tnte~~loclcingdirecto~~ates. Oct. 21, 1911. l'f00. 2 P. [Mimcograp hedl 9 P. Govclmmcnt regulation of husincss 5 p. W~itingsof the Interstate Comme1,ce Railroad capitalization 4 11. Conumissione~s.Jan. t8, 1914. 28 p. Reccnt wticles 011 the British coal Jitneys and jitney regulation. .Jnl. 15, ~tl'ikeand lninilnum wage, t012. 1 13. 1915. [W~meog~~apliccl] 11 p. Railwy clea~.ances.Aug. 31, 19113.~ 5 11. Railroad land grants. No;,. 29, 1013. 10p. Color bl~nclncssand defective hearing Tlsansl~ortationof lxe stock, Nar. 9, among railway employees, June, 191G 5 n. 1911, 4 Pa ~ecellt books on stem11 locomotires. A Commerce Court. 6 P- Jan. 7, 1916. 8 p. Railway cost :iccountjng. dyr. 3, 1915. 3 p. Some vefel*ences on tlie Long Island Costs of mil~vayope~xtion. Jan. '28, Raill-oad. Xp1.. 28, 1916. 4 P. 191 4 3 P. Railway mail pny. 1811. 5 p. Grade crossinqs on ~*ail\vnys.[Mimeo- I,ocomotive mechanical stoliers. Jul. g~yhecll191.1, 27 11. 28, 1915. ~Min-~eogra~~hecll 9 Pa I'hng cam ancl dining hw~ice.Aug. Printcd~- -- in Locomotivcl fimnen and 18, 1914. ~Milneogrnpl~~d] 5 11 enginemcn's magazine, Sept. hIinol~economies in ailro road opevation. 1915, p. 2G9-7-1. ?lpr. 14, 1914. 2 p. Molsc important w~itingsof Hon. Ed- Industrial Insurance and employe~.s ward A. bloselev. Secretais of tlie liabilitv. Oct. 2'7, 1013. 18 p. 11;terstate Commerce ~o~&hsion, Erect of European War on milways 1887-1011. 1 P. of the United States. net. 30, 191_4. 2 p. General 1-ailyoad laws of Ken York Sul~plemenlarylist, Sept, 20. 19Ia. 2 11. State. Compilations. 2 11. Tlxnspo~tationof explosives. Mny 25, Yew York, New I-lnven and Hartford 1916. -IP- Railroad Company. Trial Biblio-

Euul-ess service.-- .- 7 o. graphy. Nov. 30, 1915. [3Iimeo-

hl&keting falw p~oducts. Mats. 19, A g~~phecll 144 p. 1015. 2 1). Noise problenl on rnil\vays. .Jol. 7, Past Freipht Lines. Oct. 24. 101-1. 1915. 3 p. ~Min~eogh~hetll 2 p. Use of oil as fuel for loconlotlie. JIny Federal control of conilnerce and cor- 11, 1914. 4 P. porations. Sept. 2, 191G. 4 p. Refe~acnceson the Panama Cand 17 11. [Supplemental-y to Library of Con- [Supplementary to Library of Con- gress list published 19151 gress list prepared hy IT 1.Nor- Federal incorporation. Jun. 29, 1915. 5 p. i*ison. Jr., 19001 Statements, writings, etc., of Albert ~assen~el-faces : Fink 1 Pa Two-cent passengel. fares. 4 p. Railroads and d1.e losses. 3 p. Aclditional refe~*enccson two-cent Rehearing of the Five Per Cent Case. passenger fares. No\-. 2, 191-1. 5 p. Oct. 14, 1914. 3 p. Add~t~onalreferences on two-cent Bibllographv of Sir Sandfold Fleming 6 p. passenger fares: Dec. 2'2, 1914. 5 P. Works of Sir Sandford Fleming relat- References on allwa way passengel- ing to railroads. 1 P. fares. Apr. 1, 1915. 2 P- Freight. Apr. 8, 1915. 9 Pa Maximnm I- a i 1 TI- a y passenger [Inclucles Freight, Yards, Terminals, fares. Am. 13, 1915. r3Iinleo- Freight Handling1 gxtl,hedj 15 P. Full Crew Laws. 1913. 5 P. Supplementary list, Jul. 29, 1915. 3 13. Printed in Specin1 Librcwies, Jun. Parcels post. 1011. 6 P. 1913, p. 121-25. rExtension of Libra~~yof Congl-ess Supplementary list, Aug. 28, 1914. 4 p. select list, 19081 Minilnum train crew and maximunl Relief and pension systems ,on Ameri- length of trains legislation. Feb. 1, can ailw ways. Apr. 13, 1914. 4 P. 1915. [ivIirneographedl 20 p. Revised to Jan. 21, 1916. 9 P* Printed in Specinl L,lbtnrt~~ics,Feb. Pe~iodicalspublished by Vnited States 1915, p. 25-29. ~.ailx-aysin the interests of their em- Supplen~entarylist, dpr. 10, 1915. 6 p. ployees. Feb. 29, 1916. [Mimeo- Writings of Hiram Glass relating to graphed] 2 P. railroads. 1916. 1 P- Physical examination of mihay em- References on Jay Gould. Nov. 20, ployees. Oct. 12, 1915. [Mimeo- 1914. 2 P. graphed] 17 p. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Pipe lines. Jan. 19, 1916. Memo. list. 1p. Use of intoxicants by railway em- Railway pooling. Jan. 4, 1915. 8 P. ployees. Jan. 8, 1912. 2 P. Public service commission and cor- Railroad terminals. Apr. 1, 1916. porations. Jan. 3, 1914. 13 p. [Mimeographed] 41 p. Suggested list of works on railways. Work done by railroads to increase Feb. 8,1916. [Mimeographed] 6 P. traffic. Dec. 16, 1915. 4 Pa Early American railroad and ea~ly Train loading. Oct. 26, 1915. 3 Pa works on railroads. 6 P. Valuation of railways. 1912. 26 p. Development of railways west of the [Revision in process of completion1 Mississippi River. Peb. 12, 1915. 3 p. 1916. Railway motor cars. Nov. 30, 1915. Locomotive valve-gears. Mar. 24, 1915. 11 p. [Mimeographed] 37 p. Printed in Locomotive fi?emcn and Printed in Locomotive fi~emenand englnemen's magazme, May enginemen's magazine, Feb. 191 5 : 509-15.

1916: 130-32: Mar. 1916: 251- Select- ~~. list ~~ on relation~ between- railwavs 56; Apr. 19.16: 390-9G;' May and waterways as agents of trans- 1916 ; 520-24. portation. 1909. 15 p. Operation and maintenance of rail- Railways and waterways. Feb. 1812. 20 p. ways. Dec. 18, 1913. Western and Atlantic Railroad. 1915. 3 V. Railway passes. Oct. 4, 1915. some-references on railways and eco- List of books on regulation of rail- nomic development. , 1916. 13 p. road and public utility rates. Apr. Some references on the ownership of 11, 1916. railwavs. , 1916. 4 P. Effect of regulation of railway rates on Some references on freight congestion the development of railways in the at eastern terminals. Apr. G, 1916. 5 p. United States. Oct. 21, 1913. Some references on railway fires and Conflict between state and federal reg- fire losses. Jun. 2, 1916. 3 p. ulation of railways. Mar. 25, 1916. Railway fire protection. , 1916. Railroads in South Ame~ica.Mar. 24, 2 p. 1915. Early history of railroads in Alabama. Statc documents relating to state ai'h Jun. 5, 1916. 3 p. for railroads. Jan. 16, 1914. Freight handling Jun. 3, 1916. 9 P. Railroad taxation. Oct. 23, 1912. Documents in the New Hampshire Use of railroads in war. Oct. 10. 1914. Railroad Controversy of 1887. Jun. [mimeographed] 15 p. 8, 1916. 5 P. Printed in Spsrird Li!wco.iss, Nov. List of briefs filed in Advanced Rate 1914, p. 134-43. Case before the Interstate Commerce Revised to Aug. 2, 1915. [Mimeo- Commission, I. C. C. Docket 6860 and graphed] 34 11. I&S Docket 333, 1913-1914. 2 Pa This list was used as a basis fo~ L~stof hricfs in the rehearing ol the bibliography in Edwin A. the case, Oct. 1914. 1 Pa Pratt's "The Rise of Rail Powel, List of bricfs filed in Western Rate Ad- in War and Conquest", London, vance Case. before the Interstate 1915. Commerce omm mission, I&S Docket References showing comparisons be- 555. 1915. 4 P. tween railways of the United States A third development from our records of and foreign countries. Feb. 23, 1915 the railway contents of other libraries of Rail way reconstruction. very large interest to us is our work with + Some references on savings plans for the library scrap heap. One of the large railway employees. Dec. 24, 1915. eastern railways sold its scrap metal for the year 1914 for $2,157,241.24, a sum less by Some references on the Seaboard Air a million dollars than it received ja 1918. Line Railway. Mar. 31, 1916. We have found much of value in the du- Regulation of the issuance of railway plicate collections of other libraries. We stocks and bonds. Feb. 17, 1914. solicit from other libra~iesany and all of Revised list, Feb. 6, 1915. their duplicates which relate to railways. Additional references, Apr. 13, In our purchases of lots nt auction and 1916. otherwise we acquirc duplicates of our own. Some references on ship railways. Feb. These duplicates we attempt to distribute 19, 1916. on open exchange except In the few in- Sixteen-hour law. Dec. 16, 1915. stances where they have cost us any large Some references on cost of operating sum. The distribution is conducted with a high-speed trains Jul. 6, 1915. view to localities, relative completeness of Some references on the speed of rail- sets and relative interest. Our largest way trains. Feb. 28, 1916. distribution heretofore has been of the an- Subways. Sept. 18, 1912. nual reports of the railway companies, due Industrial Tailways and tap lines. Jul. to the fact that these records are more 10, 1915. easily kept up to date than non-serials. It SPECIAL LIBRARIES may be readily appreciated that the in- current books and important pamphlets corporation of the records of one hundred which relate to transportation and parti- libraries into our bibliography must take its cularly to railways, which are not already place with the current demands upon the provided with cards. But we make an espe- Bureau. Now that this record is getting cial effort to supply copy for books which more close to date we expect to distribute our words show are contained in four or some thousands of duplicates of a more more other librarlcs. Cards for certain se- general and non-serial character. The fol- ries, such as the Interstate Commerce Com- lowing table will illustrate the growth of ~nissjonaccident reports, are supplied to the this phase of inter-library work: Library of Congress regularly by agree- ment and we comply with all requests or 1911 1912 1913 suggestions from the Library of Cofigress Items sent out...... 8,591 4,906 6,747 that copy be furnished even when the mate- Items received . . .l5,982 2,177 3,981 rial is in the possession of the Library of Congress, Approximately 1,800 cards have 1914 1916 1916 been thus provided during the last- four Items sent out.. . . .14,922 15,477 12,759 years. About five hundred have already been Items ~eceired...... 4,673 6,967 4,647 furnished during the current year;of which, however, only about four hundred have been a total of 63,401 ilems sent out 8s against so far printed by the Library of Congress. 38,427 received from other llbrarles. The The Bureau library does not attempt to numbel*of items received on exchange which take too broad advantage of the opportunity find a place on our own shelves is not now afforded by the Library of Congress to add as large as it was in the earlier years but entries within blbac1cetsfor headings not used the placing of material on the shelves of by them. Such entries however as "Rail- other libraries facilitates inter-library work, roads-Government ownership"; Railroads promotes the use of literature relating to -Financial conditions"; "Railroads-Use in railways and adds to the general informa- war" ; and "Railroads-Passenger rates" ; tion about railway aflairs which is far from we halve so added when there seems to be a being the matter of conmion knowledge so real need for them. generally supposed. The Bureau is very glad to respond to We consider that the information which inquiries from other libraries. We do not we furnish to other libral'ies of the contents expect to cover the broader phases of rail- of our own library is one of the important: way economics or even those more special aspects of the work we do in common with aspects which the larger public libraries other American librnlbies-the furnishing of and the Bibliographical Division of the Li- copy for Library of Congress printed cards. brary of Congress are handling to a rapidly Through the galleys of the Library of Con- increasing estent. The special library is gress, the records of the clepository cata- intended to supplement, not to supplant, the log, and the union catalogs now quite com- general library and there are some of .the mon in the larger libraries, the cards print- more minute questions which this Bureau ed for this Bureau come under the eye of is in a better position to handle than per- students and catalogers. haps any other general library. Some in- The Bureau supplies copy to the Library dication of the nature of such inquiries may of Congress for printed catalog cards for be afrorded by the following table:

TSQI'TRIES RECEIYED BY THE BTREI I- OF RITL'YI'IT EC'OSOMICS LTlSR IRY FH031 OTHE It LIIlRdRIES [Selected cl~ro~~olo~icnlly frolu tlw Tihrnry Log] Inqlti~y. Re~~ht Railway Mail Pay Committee Report and other ]nail pay material. LC. All furnished. List of insurance libraries in US. LC. List compiled and forwarded. "Recent periodical article" on railway fuel economy. Bur. Mines Liby. Bound in Railway 4ge Gazette. System of filing and indexing periodical clippings. Naval War College, Newport. Bureau's system described. Methods of computing earnings of proposed railways. ClevePL References furnished. Act and railroad owned steamships. UI References furnished. Collections of railway tariffs. CU Information as to best collections. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Material on government ownership of rail- ways. UW Printed material furnished. Railway maps. LC References given. Fire protection by Monitor hose nozzles. In- dependence Inspection Bureau, Phila. References furnished. Train-length limit legislafion. VaSL. Memo showing states having legislation. Railroad reports to copy for files. Penn- sylvania Lines West Llbrary. Copies desired borrowed on inter-library loan. Transportation of farm produce by water routes. Mass. Agric. College Lib. Referred to waterways expert and refer- ences suggested. Rolling stock of Trans-Siberian ~aiiwa~. Pan. Information furnished. Methods of filing periodical clippings. Bur. of Indus. Research Liby. D. C. Our system suggested and explained. Material for article on improvement in transportation since 1891. Dept. of Agri- culture Lib. References suggested and books loaned to the Library. Minimum passenger rate laws. LC. Memo prepared showing states having such laws, etc. Maximum passenger rate laws. LC Memo as in previous inquiry. References on railway pooling. LC List mailed to correspondent as requested. Trunk Line Committee Publications. Bangor, Me., Pub. Lib. Bibliographical information furnished. Montana Railroad Commission Reports. BUY of corporations Lib. Bibliographical information furnished. Material on safety first and trespassing. UW Printed material forwarded. Government ownership of railways. UW Printed material forwarded. Railroad reports to be copied for file. Penna. Lines West Lib. Copies desired borrowed on inter-library loan. Western Rate Case Exhibits. American Tel. & Tel. Co. Lib. Copies secured through Committee. Conant's testimony in Five Per Cent Rate Case. Amer. Tel. & Tel. Lib. Transcript furnished. Material for use in course of transportation of produce. Mass. Agric. Coll. Material furnished. Railway cost accounting and cost of operat- ing high speed trains. NW Univ. References furnished. Information rel. to Railroad Commission reports. Allegheny County Law Lib. Bibliographical info]-mation furnished. Transportation of explosives. Insurance Lib. Ass'n. References furnished. Publications of Nebraska Railroad Commis- slon . Allegheny County Law Lib. Bibliographical information furnished. Rare government docuincnts. 111. Leg. Ref. Borrowed on inter-library loan. Rare government publications desired. Penna. Lines West Lib. Copies secured. Noise problem on railways. NYMR References furnished. School ticket regulations. ICC Copy of' one road's regulation srcured. Passenger service and rates in U. S. and Europe. LC Memo. furnished. Ruilwy clearance. 111, Leg. Ref. Bur. References, copies of laws, bills, etc., for- warded. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Electrification of terminals. NYMR References furnished. Exhibits in Western Rate Case. Amer. Tel & Tel. Lib. Copies secured and forwarded. Railroad reports to copy for file. Penna. Lines West Lib. Copies borrowed on inter-library loan. Traveling railway libraries. StPPL Material sent; referred to other sourcea Copy of rare item desired for file. Pwa. Lines West Lib. Photostat copy secured from NY. Pub. Lib. Methods of increasing railway traffic. Ohio State Univ. Lib. References furnished. Employees' saving plans. American Bank- ers Assn. Lb. References furnished. Minimum railway rates. LC References furnished. Issuance of railroad stocks and bonds. EIU Graduate School of Business Adm'n. References furnished. Recent material on locomotives. LC References furnished. Perioclicals published by railway companies List furnished. for employees. Ohio State Univ. Lib. References. Addresses of Wilson and Post before Bail- way Business Ass'n. Ala. Dept. of Ar- chives & History. Copies furnished. Railway clearances. Later data than pre- viously given. Ill. Leg. Ref. Bur. Additional references sent. Speed on American railways. Waseda Univ. Lib., . Table of speed records furnished. Wig-wag signals at grade crossings. NYSL References furnished. Pullman sleeping cars. ICC References furnished. History of early passenger cars. Penna. Lines West Lib. Matel-ial and references furnished. Rail~*oadspublishing annual rcports. LC List of such roads sent.

Among the things we are endeavoring to graph operation of trains, occur in the rail- do and in the accomplishment of which we way technical literature and might fail to shall have to ask for much assistance from meet the eye of those very much interested the state libraries is the completion of the in them. We would be glad to extend this record of the documents relating to railways servlce. Of course it is part of our regular in the states not covered so far in Miss duty to notify railway folk of articles of Hasse's monumental work. It has already particular interest in their line of inves- happened that among our miscellaneous ac- tigation. cessions there have appeared documents Printed cards fill but a minor part of our copies of which were not in the files of the needs. For magazine articles and a large state library concerned because not printed number of our pamphlets we are thrown on In the jumbo set. While we do not find thes our own resources. Because of our need for things in the ground covered by Miss Hnsse a large number of cards to represent the we have been able at times to advise her that varied aspects of these articles and pamph- an item marked "not seen" has strayed into lets we have adopted the Relknap tag and our collection. Until the happy time ar- label addresser for printing these cards. The rives when Miss Hasse shall have covered stencils used in the addresser will take in the entire list of states we have some hope nine lines of seven words each. They are that our work in this field with the co-oper- prepared Japanese Silk Fiber, readily cut on ation of the state libraries may prove of any standard typewriter, and the printing mutual advantage. is made by placing the stencil in the ad- In a small way the Bureau library is now dresser, running an inked rubber roller over calling the attention of the librarians of it as many times as we need copies, and the some of the special libraries to titles re- stencil can then be filed for further use. It lating to their field which crop up within is our idea that as the Library of Co?gress our own. Such matters as fire losses, bank- will not be printing cards for magazlne ar- ing questions, street railway questions such ticles and analytics for a long time to come, as the jitney matter, telephone and tele- our work in cataloging the contents of the SPECIAL LIBRARIES

railway such as the Railway Age copies of the stencils on waste paper cut to Gazette and its predecessors, the Railway the three by five inch size at the rate of one Revienv, the Railway World and its predeces- and a half cents for ten titles. These figures sor, might be made available to other li- include postage in the first case in lots of braries if the extra cost of printing and dis- twenty-five cards and in the second case in tributing the cards were met by thcm. It lots of forty slips, and suppose a subscrip- would be our idea to add the railway ar- tion to either one or the other service of ticles in the files of the general magazines not less than ten libraries. It might be such as the North American Review, which added that if an additional number of li- even if indexed in Poole are not so indexed braries should subscribe the cost would prob- as to give all of the information of interest ably reduce in proportion, as the library of to the special student. It would also be our the Bureau would not seek to profit by the idea to distribute cards for currently re- undertaking. ceived material not found important enough If other libraries should feel that this to be included in the Library of Congress label addresser could be used in similar work or John Ci*erar printed cards. and the hbrary should cross some of the We find it would be possible to furnish ground that we would wish to cover, we such stenciled cards or the card regularly would be very glad to enter into an exchange used by us (LB-33110 unpunched), two proposition. The Bureau would not feel free copies to the order, at the rate of one and a to add subject headings or do more than re- half cents, with additional copies, ordered at produce the main card which we would need the same time, at a half a cent each. This foYour own records. does not include any over-head charges but represents only that additional labor and However halting it may be in its methods material needcd to make the cards for other the object of the library of the Bureau of libraries. We have also considered that if Railway Economics is to be as helpful to a library did not care to take a series of other libraries as its scope and Iacilities will cards, current cards, but wished to make a allow, and we will welcome any suggestions selection, it might be possible to furnish that will help us to further this object.

Formatio~~of Lhe National Industrial Con- Cotton Jlau~lfacturers'Assoc~ation, Nat~onal ference Board, with twelve of the most im- Association oT Wool Uanufacturers, Silk As- portant industrial organmations of the cowl- soclation of Aidcrica, Un~tedTypothetae and try in its membersli~p,as a "clearing house Franklin Clubs of Amer~ca,Ainerican Pa- of information" in the proposed study of per and Pulp Association and the Rubber problems confronring n1anufactu1'ers of the Club of America. Un~tedStates. was announced at a meeting Jlembersh~pin these organ~xationsis said of the National I"ounde1.s' Assoc~at~on,an to number 15,000 employers, giving work to organization of iron ~nanufacturers,in New a~)prosu?~ately7,000,000 peissons and repre- York city, Kov. 16, 1916. senting about $8,000,000,000 of capital. Frederick 1'. Fish, banker, of Boston, is "Heretofore to a substantial extent," Mr. chairman and Nagnus W. Alexander. oC Alesander said, "each manulncturer hns West Lynn. >lass., IS manager of tlie organ- studled only the problem dircctly affecting ~zation Willianl H. Barr, of Buffalo, gresi- himself, ignoring the fact that all industry is dent of the Sat~onalFonndcrs' Association, interrelated and that there is a vital need for commenting on the necess~ty for thc con- co-operntlve zction and united effort. The ference board, sumrned up ~tssignificance as war has broughl many new problems and follolvs : peace wlll bring many more These must be "The developnents of the last ycar, po- studled and solved llticall~and indostr~ally, eluphasized as "The Conference Board will be a clearing never before the need of more comprchen- house of ~nformation.Its purpose will be to sive co-operative action in industry." nnalyxe and present the essential elements Thc industrial bodies which haw joined in the siluat~on,suggcst iuetllods and inspire tho board are the Kational Fomdelss' Asso- united and intelligent action. Industry in c~at~on,National Metal Trndcs dssociat~on, this country ~ILIS~have the sympathetic sup- National Council for Industrial Defense, Na- port of the public. It 111usI have the co-oper- tional Association of JIanufacture~.s, Na- ation of thc government and 11 must act in- tional Erectors' Association, Watlonnl Asso- telligently and defin~tely on its own ac- ciation of Cotton JIanufacturers, American count." SPECIAL LIBRARIES 9

and practical work of farm journals consti- Special Libraries tute a valuable reference library, and all of this material is practically free. PUBLISHED BY THE SPECIAT, LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION The principal hindrance to its use in the hlonthly except July and August. past has been the lack of a system of classifi- Editorial and Pul,llcatfon Office Indlana Bu- cation for use and the lack of a key to the reau of T,eg~slatlve ~llformatl'on,Indinnap- material. Agricultural libraries, as a rule, olis. Ind. kept their material in complete files and Entered at the Postofllce at Indlanapolls, Ind., were more regardful that they should have as second-class matter a complete set for the use of research work------.-. - -- -. . .- Subscrlptlon...... $Z 00 n. ycn~(10 numbers) ers, than that they should have a particular Single coples...... 26 .cents article for practical reference by farmers. - -- .. - When the material was once put upon the Presldilllt...... C. C. TVllllamson shelves, it was lost so far as the average MUIIIOI~I:LII

List of References on the Milk Industry Compiled under the direction of H. H. B. Meyer, Chief Bibliographer. Library of Conpers

dnderegg, Felix. Allgemeine geschichte der Nilchwirtschaft, Ziirich, 0. Bussli, 1894. Wnnro, Killiam B. A bibliography of munic- 207 p. SF231.A6 ipal government in the United States. Anderson, John F. Standards for milk: their Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1915. necessity to the welfare of the dairy in- 172 p. [Harvard university. Publications dustry. Washington, Govt. print off., 1916. of the Bureau for research in n~unicipal 8 P. government. 3.1 Re~rintno. 318 from thc Public health "hlilk inspection" : p. 254-256. repoi&, v. 31, no. 1,jJan. 7, 1916. p. 2-8.. Z7164.L8Bi9 SF259.A55 *budnit,z, Robert Itr. Dle Arbeiten aus dem dustrin. Ackerbau-n~inisteriu~n.Jahresbe- Geblete der JIilchwissenschaft und 3101- richt iiber den Stand der Milchwirtschaft in kereipraxis. Leipzlg und Wien. [U. S. Dept. den im Reicharate Vertretenen Kanig- of agriculture Library has 1903, 2. Se- reichen und Landorn zu Ende. Wien, 1911- mester; 1904, 2. Semester; 1905-13. It is a 12. 2 v. SF227.A983 reprlnt of Monatsschrift fiir Kmderheil- -iyers, Samuel H. The present status of the kunde.] pasteurization of milk. Washington, Gov:. Rothqchlld, Henri J. N. C. de. Bibliographia print off., 1916. 16 p. (U.S. Dept. of agrl- lactaria; b~bliographie generale des tra- culture. Bulletin no. 342. Professional vaux parus sur le la~tet sur l'alla~teinent paper.) S21.A7,no.342 jusqu'cn 1899. , 0. Doin, 1901 584 p. "Reference to litesature" : p. 16. 1.-2 suppl6ment ann6es 1900- . . and Wilham T. Johnson, jr. The 81- 1901. Paris, 0. D~on,1901-02. 2 v. coho1 test in relation to milk. [tt'ashing- Z6675.1164RS ton, Govt. print. off.] 1915. 35 p. (U S. U. 8. Surgeon-general's offlce. Library. In- Dept. of agriculture. Bulletin no. 202. Pro- dex-catalogue of the l~braryof the Sur- fessional paper) neon-general's office, . "Literature cited": p. 34-35. iuth& and subjects Yashington, GOV~ S21.A7,no.202 print. off., 1880-95 16 v -- The bact,eriology of co~nmerciallg "Jlilk". v. 9, p. 291-306. --- 2d ser Washington, Govt. pasteurixed and raw market milk. Wash- print OR., 1896-1915. 20 v. ington, Govt. print. off, 1810. 98 p. (U.S. Dept. of agriculture. Bureau of an~inalin- "1I1lk": V. 10, 11. 857-890. %6676.U6 dustry. Bulletin 126) Q~IZLA~ Pasteurizing millc in bottles and bot- .Ilslwrg, Carl L. The policy of ille United tling hot milk aasteurized in Bulk. Wnsh- States Bnreaa of chem~stry regarding ~ngfon,Govt, pht, off., 1915. 27 p. (U.S. dalry and 1nillc inspection under the pure Dept. of agriculture. Bnlletln no. 240. food law. (In International association of Professional paper.) S21.A7,no.240 dairy and 1n11k inspectors. Report, 1915. "Citations to litcrature" p. 27 Washington, 1915. p. 113-116.) A study of the bacteria which survive SF257.16 1915 pasteurization. Washington, Govt. print. Discussion p. 116 off., 1913. 66 11. (U. S. Dept of agriculture. -ilvord, Henry E and R, A. Pearson. The Bureau of alnmal industry Bulletin 161) milk snl~plyof two hundred citles and towns Washington. Govt. print off.. 1903 SF623.133 4,no.161 210 p. (C. S. Degt. of agl-iculture. Rnreau Baker, Moses N The econonlic and sanitary of anmal indust~yBulletin. no. 46) supervision of city milk supplies (I11 'L'. SF623 ~i4,ao.46 S. Dul'eau of the census. Statistics of SF257.A47 cities having a po~ulat~oilof over 30,000: .imericnn association of niedical milk com- 1907. Washington, 1910, p. 3G-45) niissions. Proceedmgs . . . 1907-date. HA201.1900.B2 Cinc~nna~i,1908-date. SF257.A6 Municipal engiaeerillg and sanitation. Methods and standards for the pro- New Yorlr, the Maclnillan company, 1902.

duction and clisti'ibut Ion of "certified 317 p. (The citizen's library of economics.' ~nilli." Adopted . . , 1912. Wash- politics and sociology, ed. dy R. T. Ely) Ington, Gwt. pl'iilt off., 1012. 16 p. TD415.BJ6 SF256.d6 l9lG "Sanitary protection of tlie millc sup- Reprint no 85 froln Public health re- ply": p. 93-100. po~ts,v. 27, no. 34, June 54, 1914 Belgium. Administration du servlce de SPECIAL LIBRARIES 11

sant6; de l'liygi6ne publiclue et de la ance for thc regulatioa of the lllilk ~lipp1y voir~eco~nmunale. LBgislations Btrangeres of Saint Louis. [St. LOUIS]C~vic league. relatives au commerce dl1 lait. Disposi- 1912. 32 11. S1~28.S2C5 tions en vigueur en Bllemagno, cn Prance, C'oit, Hen~yL. Clean ~nillcin ~tsecononlic en Italie, en Suissc, en Angleterre, en and lned~calrelations w~thspeclal refer- Danemarli et aus Btats-Gnis d' A~uBrique. iwcc to cwtihed lnilli. [n. pl 1908. 14 p. Bi-uselles, Impr. -4. Lesigne, 1903. 10 p. SF257.CG SF257.BIS Pagel* read hefole the Jefferso~l count^ her^, Georg. Die Milchversorgung der Stadt ~nedical soclct~,Louisville, Iiy., and 1,;- Iiarlsruhe, untev bcsonderer beriiclisiclitig- p~mlted.IIYIIU the Kentucky state medical 11ng dcr P~odulit~ons-undpiqeisverh81t- iournal, Mas- 1908. nlsse. 31~1nchen~~nd Lcipzig, Uunclrer & Humblet, 1912. 168 1). (Schriften des T'er- (2d cd.) Tl'nsh~ngion,Govt. print bff1 1913. ems fiir Sozialr)olit~k.140. Bd. 3lilchw11't- :20 p. SF258 N5C6 1912a scl~aftlicheErzeugnisse . . . 1 t.) "Repl'~ntf~~m Publ~chealth reports, v. H13[i.V4,~.140,pt.l Ho+m (!hamber of commerce. Cominittcc Issued t~lsoas House doc 1911, 63d on agriclilt~u'e.Invesrigat~on and analysis Cong., 2d sess. ol the production, transportation, Inspec- -- Second report. . . . Containiug tioil and distribution of ~mllrand crealn in resolutions adopted at the ineeting in Neu . [Hoston 1 Doston chainl)e~~ Rirh~ilo~ld.\-a , May, 1913. TYns111ngton. of commerce. 1915 63 1) HY9282 U4B6 Govt ~l'int.OW.. 1913. 1733-1756 g. Boww. John T. The cost of pasreur~zing liep~1111 no 1 -I1 fl-om thc Public health ~nilliand cream. [TVaslnngron, Govt print. rcpol'ts, v. 28, no 34, Aug. 22, 11113 of[.] 1911. 13 p. (r.S. Uept of agrlcull~u'f. SF258.N5CG 1913 Bulletin no. 85. Professional gaper) ('oll11. 1-Ierbc~?TV. Standards for deternun- lng Lhe purity of nulk. The lin11t ol' error in 1)acterioIogical milk analyses. J17ash- Go~t.~i'int, off., 1915. 48 p. QR12l.C8 'I'he applicalion of refrigera1 ion to Relm~tno. 295 f~~ointhe Publ~chealth the handling of l~lllli [TVasl~ingto~i,Govt ~.eports.Y 30, no. 33 -4ng 13, 1915 ~irintof[ 1 1914 88 p. (I'. S. Degt. of agri- Cook. L R. The encouragement of clcan cu1ti11.e. Bullet~nno. 98. Professionrtl rm- milk production (In 1Iassachusetts. l3oa1.d of aq~wulture.Report, 1914. Boston, 1915. p, 115-121.) S73.d3 1914 SF45D.BSS Pnitor1111t.v of standards (In Inter- no~rllhal~,Herbert Z;: So~neof the methods nnt~onalassociation of da~ryand milk iu- employcd by the Department of millc in- spectors. Heport. 191 5. n'asliington. 191 5 spection, Somei,ville, JIass (In Internn- 1). 174-177 ) SF257.16 1915 tional association of clan-y and milk in- ('otlwreal~,Alfrecl fitucle sur la recherche spectors. Heport, lm5. TVashington, 1915. du mouillage clans le lait pal' le ~+fra- 1). 169-171.) SF257 IG 1915 romF.tre. Pa~qis,1111111' dc la Pacull6 dc Ilycl's. J. R. Milk. (In Canadian associatiot~ n~E.decine,Ii. Jouve, 1905. 95 p SF7X.CS-k for thc ~revent~onol tuberculosis. Re- ('y11nlulti, Benjainin 13eitrage zur Frage des 1)01't, 1!)14, p. 93-100) ve~~haltcnsclcs Lalitalbnunins in der Iinh- ('an~pl)t.ll,Alexande~~, millc company. Raising milch nnd in den Labomllten dieser Jlilch. the standard X story ot effort and Kvaliau, rniv.-huchdr 1904 52 1). achievement. Broolclyn. N Y., Ales. Cninp- SF253.C9 bell 111illi company, 1890. 40 p. SF257.C'lS l~nrli~~~ton.'rhon~as. The conti~olof the nnlk Cnr1so11. S. A. Jlunicipal snpply and distri- supl)ly. (In Baske~'ville,C.. ed 311uilcigal bution of n~illi; \nth d~scusslon (fn rhen~istry.Kew Pork, 1911 1). !)I)-1181 League of Rme~ican mun~cipalities Pro- TP149.B3 ccedings. 3914 Sew E'oi8k, 1914 p. 1GG- I);r)i~~c.Shcl.idan The JIanchesrci, milk 180) JS309.L3,1914 s~igpl>fronl a pnblw health point of new. ('nr)', Charles A. Dairy an11 in~lliinspection 3lnnclicster, J. Hcy~ood,[1q09?1 19 p. B~r~~~inghan~,Robei'ts & son, 1898. 211-258 SF258.113D4 1). (Alabama. Ag~~icultureexgeri~~ient sta- I)ont~e. Cllarlcs F The mlllc supply of t~onAu1)nrn. Bnlletin no. 97) twenty-nine sonthern cities Washingtou, S31 E3no 97 Govt, print. off, 1905. 40 p (C. S. Dept. of ('crt.ified milk producers' association of agr~culture. Uurear~ of animal industry. America. Proceedings of the annual con- Bullctit~no. 70) SF623.B14,no.70 vention. . . 1911. Alhnny, 1911. 1 v. I'scliels, C H. Factors affecting economical SFB21.C4 mllc product~on (In Massachusetts. State Uvic federal ion of Chicago. ITealth and san- board of agriculture. Report. 1914. Ros- itation cominittee. Alialyses of Chicago ton, 1915, p, 91-114.) S73.83 1914 ~narlielmilk 22 reliort In. 11. 19041 19 1) *Sot in the Library of Congress SF258 C'4C 1 Brf, Oscar. Cost of milk p~.odnction.(In In- Civic league of Saint Lollis. Proposed ordi- te~.national association of dairy and milk SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Inspectors Report. 1913 Washington, (In Illinois inunicipal leaguc. Proceed- 1913 p 119-126) SF357.16 1913 ings, 1915. Urbana, 1915. p 106-108) Ernst. Slrilhelm. Text book of nulk hygiene JS303.1313 1915 . . author~zed translation with an- Ilnrringtolt, T. F. Thc problem of city inilk notations and rev~sions by Dr. Joh11 R. su~ml~es,iIn Alnericall public health as- Mohler and Dr. Adolph Eichhorn Chicago, sociation. '~e~ortsand papers, v. 32, pt. 1, A Eger, 1914. 281 p SF257E72 New York, 1906 p. 153-159.3 Fratwe. Assemblee nationale. 187 Chambre RA421.AS,v.32,11t.l des deputes. Commission de l'agriculture. Hsnnii (Ter.) Milk commission. ~egortof Rapport fait . . . sur la proposition the Xilk comnussion to the govcrnor of de loi de 51. Lucien Cornet ayant pour but November 14. 1910. Honolulu, Mer- ... cantile printlag co., 'ltd., 1910. 10 1). la ---~~rduression~ des fraudes dans le com- merce du lmt. [Paris, Martinet. 19101 SF258.FI7A4 11 I). SF255.FS "The Commission conflncd its enqulrles ~ms&,Wilbur J C~ty11l11lc supply Ur- to the dairies supplying the c~tyof Hono- bana, [I!., 1903. 253-272 p. (Cnlversity of lulu w~thmilk." Illit~ois Agricultural experiment station -- Agricultural expe~~in~entstation, Bulletin no, 02) Sj5.E2,no893 Honolulu Production and insgection of - Economic nlilk production (In In- m~llc. Honolulu, Honoluln star-bulletm, ternational assoc~atloliof dairy and ~u~llc ltd., 1!112. 348 p SF256.H3 inspectors. Report. 7912. TJ'ashington. "Bibliography of mllli ~nspection": 11. 1!112. p 95-1 02.) SF257.16 1912 316-343. P~~event~ngcontam~nation of milk. Internntionnl association of dalry and 1n11lc Urbana, Ill, 1903. 221-249 p. (I7nlversity of insnectors. Annual ~~euo~'t.191 2-1915. Ill~nois,Agr~cult~~ial esperiment station. Bulletm no 91) S55.E2,noaW Codfrey. Holl~s The health of the city Bos- Ir~lantl. V~ce-regal co~nmission on Irish ton and Sew To~~li,Houghton ViRlin com- mmi supply First, [second] and Final re- cny, l!IlO 272 1). R8427 G5 ports oC the Irish nlillr conlm~ssioa,1911 '"The c~ty'smilk su~~ply":p 30-57. [and Appendixes] London, A. Thorn and (it. Brit. Parl~a~nent.House of commons. co , , 1913. 6 v. in 3. (Parliament. Milk and dairies. X h~llto make better Papels by comnland. Cd: 6683, 6684, 6936, grov~slonwith respect to the sale of m~lk 6937, 7129. 7134.) SF267.18 and the regulation of dairies. [Londonl J~nselt.Carl 0. Essentials of lnillr hygiene; Prmted by Eyre & Sl~ottiswoode,[19101 a 'pract~caltreatise on da~ryand millc in- 13 p (Pal liament. l!llO. H. of C. Bill. 123) spection and on the hygien~cproduction &-cell. John B. Law for the American far- and handling of ~nilli, for students and mer. Sew Tork, The Jlacmillan companv, dairying and sanitarians. SF2GLJ4 1911. 438 p. (The rural science series, ed. Tr. and a~nplifiedby Leonasd Pearson. by 1, H. Galley.) Philadelph~aand London, J. 13. Lippincott "Laws to scc1Il.e puve millc": 1). 156-163 company (1007) 275 p. HD185.G: Joltr, Hugo. An easy test for bacte~wIII (~IIII.Selsliar 31 Health department [\Ill- m~lliand crcam (Bnrthel's reductase tesr wnuliecl [Vilwnuliee. C'. 1-1. Iil'onenherger ~mproved.)nrookiyn, N. I-I., H. .Jone, 1915. & co] 1!11?. 3 v. iNilwaukee. Eurenu of 24 1). SI"253.JG 1!115a erououl) and efflcienrr Culletin no. 13. *doltes. C. Jl. ~Iillisupl~ly of J1inncal)olis. 15, 1s) JSllll A2 3Iinneapol1s. 1914. 12 1). Olinnesota. Dairy v 1 : Jlilli supply. Rbl78.JI68 1012 and food department Rnlletln, 110. 53.) Hawker. T. L Investi.~ntionsin ~nill<-p~*o-Kelly, El-nest. lled~calmilk co~~nnissionsand duction. St Paul. 1911 79 p. (JI~mlesota cert~fiedmilk rWashington, Govt p~~mt. State unlvel-sitr Ag~kultnralesperi~uent off.] 1913. 38 1) (C S. Dcpl of agriculture station. B~~llet~n,no. 110) S77 l??2,no.I41l Bulletrn no. 1) S2l A7,no.l Hmli~~ru.hllgemeine ausstelluni: fdr hy- and I,. R. Cook and J. A. Gmmblc. 3Iilli g~en~schr311lIive1w1-gnn:, 190:3 Dic .\lilrh and ci-emu contests n'asll~ngton, Gort. und I~I-e13edeut11ng fill- S'olk~n.irtschaft prmt ofr. 11116. 43 1). (I-.S nept ol agri- und Vollisgesundhe~t , C. Boy- cultui.e D~~llet~nno. 356 P~~ofcssion:~l paper) S21 .Ai,no.35G sen. l'Lll3 322 1). SF251 H3 -- Tllc nerd for.n~cd~cnl ~nhpectloll oC IIani~)tot!normal and agricultural inst~lute. FIa~uptor~T'n. Jl111c and milk prodr~rtq employees \vho a1.r engaged in Ilir pro- clnct~onant1 handling of m~lli (In Inter- Halilpton, T'n . Press of the Hampron no].- nat~onalassociation of dmry and milk in- ma1 and agricultnral institate, 1CI1;, 23 1,. sllectors. Report, 1915. TVashingtoa. 1915. (Lenflet. v 7, no ;J LC2701 H3,l- 7 1) SO-86) SF257.11; 191,; L Hau~wn. 11'. Jl~llisnpply in the cities of 1Eohrr. Geo~ge31. Jlillt in rclal~onto puhlic Washington (In League of TVnsllington health Thc necesstty I'or thc cl~actment mullIc~l)al~ties.Plm-cedings, 1912 p. 71- of Senate bill cntitled "A bill to regulutc 87.) the production and sale of milk and cream Hardhq. 1-1. A. Workable milk ordinances. 111 and for the Dist~~ictof Colutnhia" SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Washington, Govt. print. off., 1902. 236 p. rules for the Production, handli~lgand dis- (U. S. 57th Cong., 1st sess. Senate, doc. tribution of milk": p. 345-404. 441) SF257.K76 Xngrrldnr, George L. Further observations Krohl, E. C. 's experience in enforc- on the milk supply of Washington. [Chi- ing complusory pasteurization of its rnilk cago, American medical association, 19101 supply. (In International association of 27 P. SF258.W3M3

dairy and milk ins~ectors Report,-. 1915. "Reprinted from the Journal~ of-- the- ~- ~ashington,1915. p 181-184.) American medlcal association, Aug. 13. SF257.16 1915 1910, v. 55, p. 581-589." Lnne, Clarence B. Medical milk commis- The milk supply of Washington, D. sions and the production of certifled milk C. [Chicago? 1907?] 16 p. SIi'2Sg.W3R12 In the Un~tedStates. Washington, Govt. "Reprinted from the Journal of the print. off., 1908. 43 11. (U. S. Dept. of agrl- American medical association, Sept. 28, culture. Bureau of animal mdustry. Bulle- 1907, V. 49: 1088-1093." tin 104) The solution of the nliik problem. Gwes a list of commissions and date of Washington, D. C., R. BeresPord, 1913. organization. SF623 R14no.104 32 p. SF257.hI3 RIariiet nillli mvestigations. 11. The Jinngold, George B.. Child problems. New rnilk and cream exhibit at the National Yorlr, The hlacmillan company, 1910, 381 dairy show, 1906. Washington, Govt. print. p. (The citizens' llbrary of economics, OH., 1906 21 p. (U. S. Dept, of agriculture. politics, and sociology, ed. by R. T. Ely.) Bureau of animal industry. Bulletin 87) ITQ769.M25 SF623.B14,no.87 "The n~ilicproblem": p. 67-79 Lnrscn, Christian and Win. White. Dairy Problems of child welfare. New York, technology; a lreatisc on the city mlllc The RIacinillan company, 1914. 522 p. (So- supply, milk as a food, ice-cream making; cial science text-books, ed, by R. T. Ely.) by-products of the creamery and cheesery, HV713.M3 fermented milks, condensed and evaporat- See index under Mlllc. ed milks, milk powder, renovated hutter, lllnslinclll~aettsmilk consumers' association. and oleomargarine. New Yorli, J. TViley & Bricf . . . in favor of House bill no. sons, 1913. SF239 L3 1332, 1911. Doston, 1911. 51 p. SF257.h.14 Lederle, E. J., and R. Russell. The milk sup- 'I-4n act to promote the public health by ply of New Yorlc C~lyand its control by protecting the n~illcsupply " lhe department of hcalth. New York, 1912. ~Iilli. (In Encyclopedia britannica. 11th ed., 79 0, (New Yorlc city. De~t,of health. v. 18. New Yorlc, 1811. p. 451-452.) ~ono~i&phseries no 5; ~ept-1912) AE5.E36,v.18 RA122.N585,no.5 .\Io~irnd, John H. Pasteurization and milk The sanitary control of local inillc preservation, with a chapter on selling supplies through local official agencies. milk. Wlnnetlra, Ill., J. I-I. Monrad, [I8951 New York, 1912. 13 p. (. 80 p. SF259.hI7 Dept. of hcalth. Reprint serles no. 2, Nov. "Montclnir, N. J. Board of health, hIillc and 1912) cream and ice cream regulations; compila- T,efimnn, Henry. Analysis of milk and lnilk t~onof ordinances. Newark, N. J., 1915. products. 4th ed., rev. and enl. Philadel- 23 p. phia, P. Blaliiston's son C co. [I9151 115 g. -- Supervision of the milk and SF25R.L511916 cream supply. (In ~tsReport, 1913. New- Ihdsay, Samuel JlcC Regulation of the ark, N. J., 1913. p. 63-81 ) RA115.hI7, 1913 milk supply. (In Cyclopedia of Aine~~icanNoore, Elizabeth, and AIinnie D Weiss The government, v. 2. New Yo~k,1914. p. 441.) mlk problem in St. Louis. [St. Louis. JK!I.CD,v.2 1911?] 36 p SF258S2M5 Loml)nrd, All~*edSV. Prue contests: thew Jlayotte, lieno G. JIetliods cmployed in im- value Iri ~rnl~rovingour milli suypl~es.(In proving the ni~llc supply of the city of Intcrnat~onalassociation of dairy and millc .\Iontreal, Canada. (In Intcruat~onalasso- inspectoins Report, 1915. Wash~nglon, ciation of dairy and m~lli~nspectors. Re- 1915. p. 101-107.) SF257.16 1915 l~ort,191.5. Washington, 1915. p. 160-1 68.) Discusslot~s: p. 107-10!). SB257.16 3 93 5 Thdon. County col~ncil.Public health dept. Viill~nul)t, Eiigclbert Der RI~lcl~ring:ein The bacleriological csaniination of milk Rcitrag znlq Iiarteil-und I\Iilcli~~re~sPrage. Repor1 of the ~ucdicalolliccr presenting a ICm*lshr~~ei. B., G Braun, 1912. 111 p. ix?porl by Dr. A. C. 1-Joust,on on the bac- (Volliswi~~tsc~l~a€tI~clieaclhnndlungen der ter~ological exan~~nationof mi11c in rela- harl~sclien Hochschulen n. f rift. 9) tion to standa~~ls.[Imndon, Printcd for the "Litew,tul"' 4th prelim. leaf. London ('ounty Council, by Southwood, IID9282.G2Jr8 Smith and co.. ltd., 1!)05] 48 1, Sli'2S4 LS Tfuw Pork ((hty) Dept, of health Rules and MwXntt, Joseph S. A manual fo~health of- ~qgilatioasof Ihe Dcl)arin~entof health of ficers. New Pork, J. Uriley & sons, 1915. !he city of Ncw York for the snfc and Care 650 1) RA416.312 of millc. [n. p., 19101 12 P. "hlillc and other food supplics: standard St.1~Torlc (Statc) Attolney-general's office. 14 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Report . , . in the matter of the milk dairy and nulli inspectors. Report, 1911 investigation. Albany, J. B. Lyon com- Washington, 1915. p. 198-200) pany, 1910. 329 p. [Senate, no. 451 ~~267.16191 HD9282.U6N53 Spargo, Jol1~. The conmoll sense of th -Dept. of agriculture. Certifled milk mllk question. New York, The Macmilla in New Pork state. Albany, J. B. Lyon co , company, 1908. 351 p. ~~257.Sg 1910 88e p (Its Bulletin no. 18) "Notes and authorities": p. 319-340. S95.AlS,no.18 Stocking, lir. A. The work of the agricul New York milk conmittee. Annual report. tural collegcs and experiment stations 1 1911-1913. New Yorli, 1911,1913. 3 V. its relation to a better milk supply. (1 SF25S.N5N3 International associatlon of dairy and 11lil New Tork milk conference, 1906. Clean milk inspectors. Report, 1915. \Vashi~zgto~ for New York city. Report . 1915. p. 153-15s.) sF257.16 I!)-L [New York, 19061 86 p. ~~258.k5~4 Discussion: p. 158-158. Ontario. lfllr commission. Report . . . pSl~~rgis,Russell Role of dairy inspectlo: on inquiry into production, care and dis- in safeguardmg a city's milk ~11pp1y.NO) tribution of milk, 1909. Toronto, L. I<. Pork, 1915. 16 p. (New Pork city. De~i.0 Cameron, 1910. 142 p. SF25T.07 1909 health. Reprmt ser., no. 30) Orange, N. J. Board of health. Sugerv~sion l'l~onias, J. B A review of the gracticn of the milk supply (In its Report, 1914. ~nelllods for sugelvlsing the inilk suppl: Orange, 1914. p. 59-68,) RA115.07 1914 of cltles. (In *Ohio. Board of pll'hlil Philadelphia milk show, 1911. The report of health Pape~sand reports, 1911. v. 3C the Philadelphia ~nillcshow; its organiza- 1). 242-261.1 tion and management and a description of 'I'rlle, Alfrcd C'., and olhers. 31ilk. (In h'ev

the exhib~ts. Ed. bv Arthur E. Post ~ntcl~nationalencvclo~aedla. 2d ~ ed.. v. [Philadelphia] ~xecutkecommittee, 1911. h'& Yorli, 1916. p. 6GR-67417 123 p. SF258.P5P5 "Bibliography": g. 673-674. Plttsbnrrcl~. Chamber of commerce S~~ecial AE5.N553 1914 v.1; committee on nlillc supply. The improve- 'I'riidinger, Otto. Dle IIilchversorgung il ment of 's inillc supply. [Pitts- TViirttembe1.g. Munchen und burgh, 19101 12 p. SF25S.PGPS Dunclrer and Ilumblot, 1914. 127 p. (Schsif *Rhode Island. Cornmiss~onof inquiry into ten des Vereins fiir Soxialpolitili. 140. Ud the agricultural resources of the state. Jlilchwlrtschaftllche Erzengnisse 4. T) Milk and dairy problem. (In'its Prelimin- HB5.V4,v. 14 ary report, 1916 g. 17-26. 'I'ruc~nnn,J. JI Mlli supply of Chicago anc Richmond, Henry D Dawy chemistry; a twenty-six other cities. Urbana, 1907. 30 p practical handboolr for dairy chenlists and (Ill~nois.University. Agr~culturalexgcsi others having control of dairies. 2d ed. ment station Btillctm no. 120) rev. ond don,-C. Griffin & company, 1914. S55.EZ,no.12( 434 p. SF253.R5 U. S. Congress House. Committee on tht Rogers, L. A The significance of bacteria in District of Columbia. Health depnrtlnen mllk. (In ~nternat~onalassociatlon of of the DistiBict of Columbia Hcarinp~ dairy and m~lkinspectors. Report, 1915 . . . Sixty-third Congress, second ses- Washington, 1915. g. 516-152.) sion, on House res 320. Washington, Govf SF257.16 1915 print. off., 1914. 149 p Rosena~,Nilton J. The milk question Bos- Relates to the dairy industries. ton and New York, Houghton, Mifflin com- RC41.Cl 1914 pany, 1912. 309 p. (Northwestern univer- Dept, of agriculture. Bureau oj sity. The N. TiT. Harris lectures for 1912) anlmal industry. Chemical tebting of milll SF257 RG and cream. By Roscoe H. Shsw. Wasli- "References" : p. 298-302. ington.-. Govt. 1916 38 v. Ross, Harold E A dairy laboratorv guide. S253.UE ~ekYork, Orange ~~ddcompany,-19141 Dept, of agriculture. Bureau of 84 p. SF253.R7 1914 animal industry. Production of clean ~nilk. Savage, William G. Milk and the anblic [Washington Govt, prjnl off, 19141 18 p health. London, Macmillan and co, ltd., (Farmers' bulletin, no. 602.) 1912. 459 p. SF257.S3 602 Short, A. W, Municipal milk supply. London, Hygienic laboratory. Milk and its The Independent labour party, 1905. 13 p. relation to the public heath. Rev. and (Tracts for the times, no. 9) 'HD4501.M5S5 enl. ed, of Bulletin 41. 2d ed. Washington, Singleton, J. F. Testing of mllk, cream and Govt. print. off., 1912. 830 p. (Bulletin no. dairy by-products by means of the Bab- 56) cock test Ottawa, 1915. 24 p. (Canada. "List of bulletins of the Hygienic labor- Dept. of agriculture Dairy and cold stor- atory" p. i-vii at end. age corn. Bulletin no. 45) Bibliographies interspersed. SB227.C2435,no.45 R8421.U4,no.!jG Smith, Russell S. Problems of supply and SF257.U6 193 2 demand. (In International association of -Industrial cornmiss~on Report . . - SPECIAL LIBRARIES

on the distribution of farm products. [Pro- m~lli~nspection . . . and Essentials Bared by John F. Crowell] Washington, of m~llcbacteriology, by H. FB. Hill. 2d ed. Govt. print. off., 1901. 508 p. (The Commis- New York, W.R. Jenkins co. [19091 367 p. s~on'sreports, v. 6.) HC101.h3,v.6 SF239.W78 "The milk trade in clties and towns": \Yiscomsin. Dairy and food comnlission. p. 380-411. Weights and measures: regulations relat- Public health service. Bacter~olog~cal ing to cream test scales and Babcock milk standards for millc. Washington, Govt. and crcam tesl bottles. [Madison] 1914. 25 print. off., 1911. 6 p. QR121.'L'6 D. SF253.WG Reprint no. 192 from Public health re- W- Free library commission. Legislative ports, v. 29, no. 20, , 1914. reference departnlent Cities providing by 'I'm Slyke, Lucius L. Modern methods of ordinance for the sale of milk from tu- testing milk and in~lkproducts; a hand- berculin tested cattle exclusively, and book prepared for the use of dairy stu- their success in its enforce~nent;compiled dents, butter inalrers, cheese makers, man- from replies to a questionaire sent out. agers of nl~llc-shipping stations, milk 3Iadison, 1915. 4 p. typewritten. inspectops, physicians, etc. New York, 0. Woodwnrd, William C. A new method of Judd company, 1906. 214 p. SF253.V2 grading mill: and cream. Washington. Wnrd, Aschibald R. Pure milk and the pub- Govt. print. off., 1913. 10 p. lic health; a manual of inillc and dairy in- Reprint no. 117 from Public health re- spection. Ithaca, N. Y.,Taylor & Carpen- ports. February 21, 1913. SB255.W7 ter, 1909. 218 p. -- The principles underlplng thc con- "Refe~'ences"at end of chapters trol of the milk supply. (In International SF255.1V3 association of dairy and milk inspectors. Ward, Edward G., jr. JIillr transportation: Report, 1914. Washington, 1911. 1). 145- frcight rates to the largest fifteen cities 151 .) SF257.16 1914 In the United States. Washington, Govt. print. off., 1903. 60 g. (U S. Dept. of agri- culture, Division of statistics. Bulletin, 1901 Hanson, D. S. Milk conta~ninaLiouand no. 25.) I-ID9001.A5,no 25 how best to prevent it. ScientiAc ?)'asliingto~l, D. C. Chamber of commerce. Amer~cansupplement, July 6, 1901, Sgecial conmittee on milk situation in V. 52: 21338-21310. Tl.S52,v.S2 District oE Columbia. Report . . . 1002 Heilig, S. Paris and millc adultera- Prepared by Louls W~llige.Xash~ngton. t~ons. Current literature, Apr. 1902, Govt. psint. off., 1911. 437 p. (U. S. 61st V. 32: 399-400. AP2.C05,~.32 Cong , 3d sess. Senate. doc. 863) Chapln, Henry D. The problem of a "List of publications consulted": p. 225- pure millc supply. Forum, hIuy, 1902, 256. SF258.W3A5 1911 V. 33: 293-296. AP2.F8,~.33 Whitdier, George 31. The milk supply of 1903 Guarding water and inlllc st~pplios. Chicago and Washington. Washmgton, Scientific American, Bur. 2, 1903, v. Govt. print. olC., 1911. 40 g (U.S. Dept. of 5s: 807-809. Tl.S5.~.55 agriculture. Ruiseau of animal industry. Fallows, A, K. New Yorlr's campaign Bulletin 138) SF6?3.B14no.138 for pure milk. Century magazine, The ~lllllisupply of Boston and other Aug. 1803, v. 66: 555-5G5. New England cities. Washington, Govt. AP~.C~,V.GG print. off., 1898, 37 p. (G. S. Degt. of agri- Plummer, 11. R. Millc comxnission of culture. Bureau of nn~malindustry. Bul- Chicago. Charities, Sept. 5, 1903, v. letin no, 20) SB623.Bl8no.20 11: 207-810. I-IV1.CI,v.ll Tlie milk supply of Boston, New Pork, 1905 Abel, ill. 1-1. Clean milk; how it is and Philadelphia Wash~ngton, Govt produced and how it IS marlccted. prmt. off.. 1905. 62 p. (U S. Dept. of agn- Delineator, Oct. 1905, v. GG: 588-589, culture. B111-eauof ani~nal~ndustl'y. Bulle- 696-697. TTSOO.D3,v.(iG tln 81) SFG23.Bl1no.81 --- Offlcial milk insgection. De- Wilej-, Harvey TV Dairy and inlllc ~nspeclion lmeator, Nov. 1005, v. 66: 908-917. fro111 thc standyoint of the nlillc and cream TT500.133,v.GG producer. (In Inlernational association of Improvement of the milk sup- da~ryand milli insgectors Report, 1915. 111s. Delineator. Dec. 1905. v. GG: TVnd~~ngton.l!)l5. p. 72-77,) if53-3 161. TT~OO.DS,~.GG Discussiou : p ii-79. SF237.16 1915 1906 Steele. 1-1. T. 3Iillr campaign in Jlaly- IVil~g. Henry 1-1. 1Iilk and its products; a land. Charit~es,Aug.-.l, 1906, v. IG: trcatisc on the nat~u'e and qaali~ies ol 474-475 HV~.C?,V.IG da~rymillc and the manufacture of butter Prescott, Samuel C. The production and cheese Rev, and enl. New York, The of rlean nlillc from a ~)racticalstand- Rlacmillan company, 1913. 433 g. (The point. Charitics, du& 4, 1906, v. 16: rural scicnce series, ed, by L 1-1 Bailcy.) 488-491. I-IV~.C~,V.IG SF251.W77 1913 Jones, C. H. Present needs of the 7\'iltslow, Kenelnl The productioi~and han- millc supply of . Charities, dling of clean milk, including practical dng.4, 1906, v. 16: 499-503E-IVl.C4,v.16 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

1907 Saples, John E. Clean millr for New erate cost. Good housekeeping. York City Charities, Jan, 12, 1907, June, 1910, v. 50: 765-769. v 17: 677-684. HVl.C4,~.17 TXl.G7,v.50 Johnston, J. The solut~onof the milk Denton, 11. C. Pasteurnation of city problem, Independent, Jan. 24, 1907, milk supplies. Journal of home v. 62: 200-203. AP2,153,~.62 econon~ics,June, 1910, v. 2: 279-288. Aleyes, H. R. The Prussian railway TX1.67,v.Z department and the milk supply of Wile. I. S. Pure milk. Survey, Dec. Bcrl~n. Journal of political econ- 24, 1930, V. 25: 494-495. only, ?Jay. 1907, v. 15: 298-307. HVl.C4,v.25 HBl.J7,~.1,5 1911 Burks. J. D. Clean milli and the pub- Aclalns, Samuel H. Rochester's pure lic health. Amerlcan acadenly of mill: cnmualan. JIcClure's magazine. political and social sclence ~lnnals, I 117. 2: 1-19 - Mar. 1911, v 37: 436-450. AP2,;112,v.29 Hl.A4,v.37 Godfres. 1-1. The city and its milk De~nonstrationof the possib~lltyof a suppiy Atlant~cmo~~thly, Ang. 11107, hpgien~c m~llr supply Scientific v. 100: 252-260. AP2.AS,v.100 American, 1Iur 18, 1911, v. 164: 287 -- cond. American review Tl.S5,v.lOi of Iqevlews.Se11t. lrIU7. v. 36: 860-362. Bra~nerd.IT R. The milk problem. In- dependent, Apr, 6, 1911, v 50: 716- 721. AP2.153,v.70 nat~on'slllilli 511pply. Wol'ld to-da~. Glwlenaitz, A. Jlun~cipalm11k sup- Aue l!)OS. v 18: 785-792 nlv in Gerninnv. Scientific Amen- can sugplcment: July 15, 1911, v. 72: 40-41. Tl.S52,v.72 .. . as a national 1)luhlern. Anier~can Lederle. E. J. Sanitarv control of revieli of reviews. Sov 1 !107. v 36: Sew '~orlc's milk suiply. Survey, ,585-3!13. AP2.RJ.v.36 Oct. 21, 1911, v 27: 1034-1037. HVl.Cd,v.27 190s JIeyer, H R. Prussian lailways and Lewis, D. JI ~Tunicipalmilk inspec- the milli rate. Sat~on,-1111'. 9, 1908, v. tion A~nelican journal of public 86: 328-229 XP2 X2,v 8G health, Nov. 1911, n. s., 1: $78-782. Pope. J. E. 3Iodel 1111iliSIII)IJI~. Out- v. Rd421.A41 n.s.,v.l look, May. 30, 1908, v 89: 252-256 191'1 Hemernann, P. G. Thc problem of city AP2.08,v.S9 milk supplies. Popular sclence -4dam.s. J. H. I~ielit for uore ~niilr. monthly, .Jan. 1912, v. 80: 66-75. AP2.P8,v.80 C~ty1ni1k hupp11es and pasteurizat~on. 190!) Adauns, H. 31. Progress toward pure American review of ~~eviews,Feb. nlilk Good housekeeping, Apr. 1909, 1912, V. 45: 222-223. AP2.Rl,v.45 V. 48- 465-468. TXl.GS,v.48 Rinyoun, J. J., and L V. Dieter. -4 Rogers, I1 IT Work ol the Pure nlillc bacteriolog~cal study of the milk romn~issioii of the Children's aid supply of Washmgton American assocmtion of . Survey, journal of publ~chealth, Mar. 1912, Nay 1, 1909, v. 22: '76-183. n. s., V. 2: 262-274 I-IVl.C4,v.32 RA421.A41,n.s.v.2 Kew Torlt City's modcl ~nillr coln- Leugp, C. D. The fight for clean milk. pany. Survey, July 24, 1909, v. 22: Outlook, Mar. 25, 1912. v. 101: 190- 569-570. HVI .C4,~.22 198. AP2.08.v.101 W~cks,I?. S. C. Pm'c milk cnnlpalgn Eleventh hour fight agamst ~nillcbill. in hdiani~polis. Auierican city, Survey, Apr. 13, 1912, v. 28: 90-91. Seut. 1900. v. 11: 23-24. HVl.C4,v.28 HT101 A5.v.l Cleland, E. Medical milk conln~i.~sions. Adams, Samuel I-I. Solvmg the milk Ameman political science review, probleut~ 1IcClm.e'~magazine, Dec. Bug. 1912, v. 6: 425-426. J-41.A6,v.G 1908, Y. 32: 200-207. AP2.;\12,~.32 Chicago fights for pure milk. Survey, 1910 Durham, S. ITr. Portland pure ~niilr Bug. 17, 1912, V. 28, 642-643. way. Good housekeeping, Apr. 1910, HVl.Cl,v.% v. 50: 518-520 TX1.G-7,~50 Pure milk demanded for New Yorlr Fight Chicago milk o~~d~nance.Sur- restaurants. Survey, Sept. 14, 1912. vey, Bpr. 16, 1910, V. 24: 100-101. V. 28: 743-744. HVl.C4,v.26 HVl.C4,~.24 1913 The regulation of the milk trade in Colen~an,John 13. I-Iigh milk prices a Prussia. American city, Feb. 1913, public menace-with suggested rern- v. 8: 207. HVl.C4,v.8 edies. Editorla1 review, June, 1910, I-Iewlett, R. T. Pasteurization of millr. V. 2' 514-561 AP2.E26,~.2 Nature, Feb. 6, 1913, v. 90: 623-624. Flint, W~lliamR Clean inillr at mod- Ql.NX,v.Bfi SPECIAL LIBRARIES

?jrilliams, John R, Bacteria of bad in milli. Journal of industrial and business; study of Rochester's milk engineering chemistry, Feb. 1914, v. supply. World's work, Feb. 1913, v. 6: 131-133. TP1.J6,v.6 25: 413-458. AP2.W8,~.25 Certiflcatioa as a means of i~nprovlng Interstate conference to As milk the general inilk supply. Spectator, standards. Survey, JIar 15, 1013, v. Mar. 11, 1914, v. 112: 433-434. 29: 836. HVl.C4,~.29 AP4.S7,v.112 Baker, 11. N. Conference on state con- Buchan, John J. The mlllc problem. trol of ihc ~ll~lliindustry. National Bedrock, Apr. 1914, v. 3: 82-89. inunicipal rcview, Xpr. 1913, v. 2. AP4B35.v.3 313-315. JS39.N3,~.2 Discusses conditions in the United What does milk cost? Independent, States. , 1813, v. 74: 1208. Lange, Edward G. Dairvina in Wis- AP2.153,v.74 consin. Journal of geography, Apr. Weller, 31. hIillc supply of Chicago, 1914, V. 12: 241-248. Gl.J87,~.12 Journal of geography, May, 1913, v. Sk~mnl~ngpolitics from milk in Provi- 11: 291-204. Gl.JS7,v.ll dence. Survey, Agr. 4, 1914, v. 32: 311lli b~llsdefeated in New Yorlr state. 1. HVl.C4,v.32 Survey, , 1913, v. 30: 240. Bloor, W. R. The determination of fat H\'l.C4,~.30 in milli. American chemical society. "Bills int~oducedby tho New Yorlc Journal, June, 1914, v. 36: 1300-130h. Milk commiitee to give the state more QDl.A5,v.36 complete control of groductlon and Hewlett, Richard T. Le~lslationand handling." the 111ilk supply. at he, June 18, The cost of milk. Survey, Junc 21, 1914, V. 93: 403-405. Ql.N2,v.93 1813, v. 30: 386. HVl.C4,~.30 Buclrley, TVilfred. Certification of Schroeder, BI. C. The transportation milk and its effect on the general of mlllc. Science, Sept. 12, 1913, n. milk supply Royal sanitary ~nsti- s., v. 38. 376. Ql.S35,~.38,i~s. tutc. Journal, June, 1914, v. 35: Fronczak, F. E. The future of the mill: 1!)7-203. RA421.S3,~.35 industry, Anlerican city, Oct. 1913, Tustin, P. B. How Shnipeg's milk V. 9: 367-358. HT101.A5,~.9 supply 1s supervised Royal sani- Important loport on lllilli standards. tary institute. Journal, June, 1914, American c~ty,Oct. 1913, v. 9: 358- v. 35: 204-210, RA421.S3,v.35 359. IITlOl.A5,v.!) Baker, 31. 31. How to get purc m~lk. Pa~ker,1-1. K. City mill< trade. Na- Amei'ican c~ty,July, 1914, v. 11: 51- tional municipal review, Oct. 1913, v. 53. HTlOl.A5,~.11 2. 735-738. JS3 9.N3,v.Z Spending $300,000 to keep milk fresh Jordon, E. 0. Municipal regulat~onof and clean. Travel, Oct. 1914, v. 23 : nlilk supply, Anlerican lnedical as- 40. sociation. Journal, Dec. 27, 1913, v. Sawyer, A. 3Iilli Iegislrttlon for Cali- 61: 2286-3291. R15.818,~.61 fornia. Calil'ornia. State board of Discusses the character of thc mlk henltli. Culletin, Nov. 1914, v. 10: ordinances of ihe country and the 130-131. RA27.B3,~.10 relation of state to nlunicipal con- Pythgos, 1-1. C. The composlt~on of trol. illilk as sliown by analys~sof sam- Doctors and dealers agree on milk ples of linol~npurity nlade by the standards. Survey, Dec. 13, 1813, v. JIassachusctss state board of health. 31: 286-287. HVl.C4,~.31 Journal of industrial and engineer- 1914 Baker, i\f. N. Competitive essays on ing cl~e~niblry,Nor. 1914, v. 6: S99- the null< supply in 111~'city. National 908. TPI.JB,V.G ~nunicipal review, Jan. 1914, v. 3: 1915 Strnus. Sathan. The relation of the 107-109. CS39.N3,~.3 city to the niilli supply, American Kcnwood, Henry, d pure nl~llisupply. jousnal of puhlic health, Jan. 1915, Royal sanitary institute. Journal, 11. s , T-. 5: 11-1 i. RA42l d-i1.11.~.~.5 Jan. 1911, v. 35: 21-25. Co-operation betwecn railroads and RA421.S3,v.35 shipyers on m~lksugl~ly Railway dscott, TV~llianl. The nlillc dairies bill. review. Jan. 30, 1915, v. 56: 158-359. Royal san~taryinst~tulc. Journal, TT"l.R1,~.56 Jan. 1914 I-. 35: 44-46. James. &I. I-Ion- a clvic league secured Rd42l.S3,v.35 a clean ~llillis~ipply. Sru'vey, Jan. D~scussions: p. 46-49 16, 1915. v. 33. 421-422 HVI.CI.v.33 Electrical sterilization of milk. Elec- Nitclicll, -4. Philip Prevalence of tu- trical review and western elec- bercule bacilli in the Edinburgh trician, Feb 7, 191-1, 1'. 64: 290. mill; supply. Jotirnal of state medi- TI

r. s Public health service. The pro- New York. New York. Agricultural duct~on,care, and sale of milk and experiment station. Ifhaca. Bullet~n, cream, Jlontclair, N. J. Public October, 1915, no. 364: 111-180. health reports, Feb. 19, 1915, v. 30: S95.E3,no.364 591-594. RAll.B17,~.30 Cripps, Lucy D., and J. E. Purvis. Congdon, L, A. Survey of the mill< Relative resistances to infection of situation in Kansas. Kansas. State raw, pasteurized and boiled milk. board of health. Bulletin, Apr. J415, Royal sanitary mstitute. Journal, v. 11: 85-124 RA67.133,v.ll Oct. 1915, V. 36: 391-393. Bishop, Thomas. Prevention of milk RA421aS3,v.36 adulteration. London. Royal insti- Electric sterilization of milk Electri- tute of publlc health. .Jotn'nal, ;\lay, cal review and western electrician, 1916, v 33: 150-155. RA42l.L84,~.23 Xov. 27, 1915, v. 67: 994. Ordinance to create in the Depart- TKl.B45,v.67 ment of Public Welfaine, division ol The marketing of milk-how farmers health, a burcau of dairy and food are driven out of business. Current msgection to regulate the sale and oplnion, Nov.-Dec. 1915, v. 59: 355- distribut~on of food and food 1)ro- 356; ,434-437. AP2.C95,va69 ducts wit11111 the clty. Cleveland city Anderson, John F. TVhy standards of record, June 33, 1915, v. 2: 675-677. milk are necessary to the welfare Greig. R 13. The improvement of the of the industry. ?Creamery and milk supply. London. Royal instl- milk plant monthly, Dec. 1915, v. 4, tute of pubhc health. Jou~~nnl,June, 110. 4: 11-14 1915, v. 53. 161-170. RA421.L84,v.23 Rogers. L. A. Significance of bacteria U. S. Public health service. Ordi- in milk. Treamery and milk plant nances of Jersey C!ity, N. J, and monthly, Dec. 1915, v. 4, no. 4: 16-18. Rocli Island, Ill., relativc to groduc- JIitchell, 0. Mr.H., and G. E. Hannett tion, care and sale of milli and Snvestigating of neth hods of storing cream Its Public health reports, and dispensing 1~11;and the value June 4, 1915, v. 30. 1732-1743. of a practical scoring system. Rdll.Bl7.v.30 d~ncricanjournal of public health, Dnnn, G. There's monc!: in inilk goats Dec. 1015, n. s , v 5 : 1242-1250. Country life in America, July, 1915, R+1121.A41,n.c;.,v.5 V. 28: 46-47, Sl.C85,~28 191G Hammer, B W., and A. J. Rauser. Darlington, I. T Hxperiillental data Studies on the nlarket milk of Iowa; comparing the del~cacyof different with tabulated results. Iowa. Agri- tests for hydl'ogcn peroside in milk. cultural experiment station Bulle- Journal of industrial and enrineer-- tin, 1916, no. 164: 311-380. ing cllcmist~.y,Aug 1915, v, 7: 676 S61.E2,no.164 TP1 JG,v i Rowles, L. W. The city's nlilli supply. Rnehlc. G. L A.. and TV. L. Kulu. Country gentleman, Jan. 1. 1916, v Germ content of stable air and its 81 : 22. Sl.C8,v.81 effect upon the germ content of Seymour, E L D Modern tendencies milk. Kew Yorli. Agricultural ex- and the milk trade. Country life in gernnent station. Ithacti. Bulletin, Amer~ca,Jan. 1916. v. 29: 17. .lug. 1915, no. 109: 419-474. SI.C85,v.29 S95.E3,no.109 Systc~nsof buying milk. 'Creamery Conn, H. W. Standards for deteimin- and nlilli plant ~nonthly.Jan. 1916. ing the purity of milli; the limit of v 4 31. error in bacteriolog~calmilk analy- The milk situation again in the big ses r. 5. Public health servlce. citics. Current opinion. Jan. 1916. Pnbhc health reports, dug 13, 1915. V. 60: 63-63. SP3.C95,~.60 Y 30, 2340-2395 RA11.B17,~.30 Nilk product1011 In war time. Gt. Brit. Electrifled milk-distributing depot us- Board of agricu1tu1-e. Journal Jan. lng central station servlce. Electri- 1916, V. 29 981-986. S3.Gi,v.22 cal world, Sept 13, 1915. v. 66: 650. Expe~m~entsin on the pro- TKl.Es,v.66 longed pasteurization of milli *In- Se~denberg,A Dev~cefor the succes- ternational review of the science wedetermintition of the solids and and practice of agr~cultuse, Jan. fat in m~lliand other fluids. Journal 1916, v. 7, no. 1: 143-146. of mdustrial and enmneerin~chem- Jn~groving nlilli quality. New York lstr).. Sept. 1915, v -7: 769-773. Produce revlew and dn~erican TP1.J6,v.T creamery, Jan. 26, 1916, v. 41:552. Jlatson, J Jlilli question in Calcutta. SF22l.N45,v.41 %oral selt-govesnrnent gazette, Oct. 3IcClumpha, John I. Milk regulation 1915, V. 1: 912-923. In New Pork Rural New Torkers. Thonlpson, 4 L Cost of pl.oduc~ngmilk Jan. 29, 1916, v. 75: 164. Sl.R9,v.75 On I74 fnlm~s in Delaware County. ll~llrgrices again. Current opinion. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Feb. 1916, v. 60: 142. AP2.C95,v.60 the destruction of bacteria in large Gamble, J. A, hfilk supervision and volumes of milk by rnoans of elec- its control. Hoard's dairyman, Feb. tricity. Gt. Brit. Board of agricul- 11, 1916, v. 51: 95. SF221.H7,v.51 ture. Journal, Mar. 1916, v. 22: Syste~nsof buying milk. Hoard's dairy- 1229-1238. S3.G7,~.22 man, Feb. 11, 1916, v. 51: 107. Organization of the milk supply. SF'221.H7,v.51 [Great Dritain]. Gt. Brit. Board of Deloherty, T. J. Annual meeting of agriculture. Journal, Mar. 1916, V. Milk produccrs' association, Chi- 22: 1307-1308. S3.G7,~.22 cago, Feb. 1, 1916. Hoard's dairy- Shaw, G. W. Variations in the test of man, Feb. 25, 1916, v. 61: 204. milk. Hoard's dairyman, hIar. 10, SF221.H7,v.61 1916. v. 51: 284. SF221.117,v.Sl Washburn, R. 31. Dairying in Minne- Model 'millc ordinance. Hoard's dairy- sota. Journal of geography, Feb. map, Mar. 24, 1916, v. 51: 376t. 1916, V. 14: 206-211. 61.58 7,~.14 SF221.87,v.61 Reece, Thomas. Milk costs in Eng- New York cert~fiedproducers meet land. Kimball's dairy farmer, Feb. *Jersey bulletin and dairy world, 15, 1916, v. 14: 114. Mar. 15, 1916, v. 35: 389. Rlassachuaetts. bLillc board. Summary Grand Rapids milk produccrs con- of report subnlitted to the state de- sidering a co-ol~erative city plant. partment of health, together with New York produce review and statement of conclusions and draft Amerlcan creamery, XIar. 22, 1916. of proposed act relative to the in- v. 41: 914. SF221.IX4G,v.41 spection of milk. Rfassacliusetts. State monopoly of milk. Orange Judd Dept. of health. Bullelin, Feb. 1916, farmer, hlar. 11, 1916, v. GO: 7. V. 3: 27-37. RA84.B4,~.3 Sl.A33,v.60 Van Slyke, L. L. Butter fat as a basls BIilk producers hunt facts. Rum1 New for flxlng the conl~nercial value of Yorlcer, Mar. 4, 1916, v. 75: 389. milk; with discussion. New York Sl.R9,v.76 (State) Dent. of agriculture. Bulle- Main, W. 13. In the heart of a milk dm, ~eb.1516, v. 80: 1462-1478. countrv: organ~zed selling. Rural S96.Al8,v.SO New ~orlcer,~hIar.4, 1916, < 76: 392. Dana. Willialn E. Market milk prob- Sl.R9,v.75 le~is. New York (State) ~ept.of Boston milk liear~ng. Rural New agriculture. Bulletin, Feb. 1916, v. Yorker, Mar. 11, 19i6, v. 75: 44G. 80: 1608-1613. S95.A18,~.80 Sl.RY,v.75 Williams, L. R. Preliminary report of Dealers and fnrn~er~stalk milk Rural the effect of the sanitary milk case New Yorker, Mar. 18, 1916, v. 76: ugon the milk supply of thc state. 496. Sl.R9,v.75 New York (State) Dent. of agricul- Pasteurized milk. Scientific American ture. ~ulletin,keb. -1916, ?. 80: supplement, Mar. 11, 1916, v. 81: lG5. 1613-1618. S95.AlS,v.80 TX.S52,v.81 Andreason, F, W. California legisla- Klein. Louis A. Pasteurization is not tion; pasteurization defined. New a substitute for dairy hygienc. York p~oducereview and American American veterinary inedical asso- creanlery, Feb. 9, 1916, v. 41: 624. cialion. Journal, Apr. l!)lG, v. 4!): SF221.N45,v.41 49-53. SBGOl.AS,v.49 Bacteria from stablc air. Ohio fas- Swift, R. B. M~llc groduccr's story. mer, Feh. 12, 191G, v. 137: 215. Breeder's gnacttc, Apr. 20, 1916, v. S1.035,v.137 69: 86s. SFl.B8,v.G9 Breed, R. S. Regulating the qual~tyof Ilarpster, C:. U. Mlllc grading system. rnarlcet nullr. Ohio farmer, Feb. 26, "Crea~neryand millc plant ~uontlily, 1916, v. 137: 289. S1.035,v.137 Apr. 1916, v. 4: 11-12. Johnson, C. C. ~iectricprocess of Grade A millc in New Yorlc. "Crca~n- pasteurization Ohio farmel-. Feb. ery and millc plant monthly, AJII*. 26, 1916, v. 137. 301 S1.035,v.137 1916, v. 4: 14. Recent studies in pasteurized and ATillc groducers and Chicago dealers. boiled n~illi. Scient~fic American JIoard's dn~rylnan,Apr. 7, 1!)1G, v. supgle~ncnt,Feb. 26, 1!J16, v. 81: 131. 51: 46s S11'221 .I-r7.v.51 Tl.S52,v.81 Delo1101-y, T. J. Chicago milk p~ices. Judklns, H F. Standnrduing milk and Hoard's dair~mnn,ADI'. 7, 1916, v. cream. Wallaces' farmer, Feb. 1 X, 51 : 46!). S1+'221.H7,v.51 1916, v. .11: 280. S1 W3,v.4 I Lyon, 1-1. 11. Milk and m~llc])ric:cs. Kilbournc, Charles H. Progress in the 1Ioal.d'~duiry~nan, Apr. 23, 3916, v. ~uillc business, especially in New 51 : 551. SI?221.I-I7,v,fil Yorli city. 'Creamcry and milk I-Iersey, C. 13. Comparison oC'lnclho11s nlmt monthly, Mar. 1016, v. 4: 15-19. for tho determination of casciii in Lewis, Frederick C Ncw m~tllod101' milk. Journal or induslritll ;tr~tl 20 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

engineering chemistry, -4pr. 1916, v. produce review and American 8: 335-336. TPl.J6,v.8 creamery, , 1916, v. 42: 128. State inilk inonopoly recommended. SF221.N46,v.42 New Yoi'li r~roduce review and Hunxilrer. 0. F. Pasteurization. New Amcrican creamery, Apr. 19, 1016, v. York produce revlew and American 41: 109O. SF221.N45,v.41 creamery, May 17, 1916, v. 42: 150. Chicago millc strilic. New Yorli pro- SF221.N46,v.42 duce revlew and hincrican cream- El-f, 0. JIillc and cream rate hearing cly, A~I'.26, l!)l(i, v. 42. 2. belore the Interstate commerce com- SF221.N&5,v.42 mission. Ohio laiwer, , 1916, Thoinas, J. L. Favors co-operative v. 137: 712. 51 035,v.137 c~typlant at Beal~inont,Tcsas, Sew Schroeder, F. W. St. Louis nii11~con- Porli y~'oduc'ereview and American dltions. Orangc Judd farmer, 3Iay Creainely, Apr. 26, l!)IG, v. 42. 29. 27, 1916, v. GO. 9. Sl.A33,v.60 SF221.N45,r.41 Dean, 13. I-I. Cost consideration in Page, A. C Chicago 111111~ producers' feeding. Plwtical farmer, May 15, associat~onsliows its power 01-ange 1916, v. 112: 220. Sl.P82,v.112 J11dr1 ~I-IIY?~,Apr S, l!IJ6, v, GO: 1. Better milk suppl~es.Wallaces' farrn- S1 .AB:S,v.(;O el*, May %, 191 ti. v. 41: 804. PIoduc~rs ul'panlzr agency. O~mijie Sl.W2,~.41 Jutlcl, tarmer, 11111. 23, l!)lfj, v GO. Y. \Vli~tc,H Securing tl pure 1111lli SUP- Disc-usses I he JIllwa~~licc111111i :md ply. Arneric:ni city, .June, 1!)16, v. c4rralll sli~plre~~r'associal ion 14: 612-615 1-1T101.AS,~.l.I Sl A33,v.GO Qu~cli,11. Coi~lnlonsense aboul milk. ~lll:~llll,11. FlltlllT W~ll~kto1 ~rl~~ldll~!~rs, C'ountiy gentlelnan, June 3, 1916, v. Oimgc .lucltl ra~wer,Apr. 39, l!llG. 81 : 1143-1144. Sl.C8,~.81 v. 60: 13. Sl .A33,v.60 ('11y milli snppl~csin Enrope. 'Cream- ;\Iil\va~~Iic~einco~~porntcs Olange Jltdd wy and niillc plant monthly, June, fitriner. Apr. 29, l!llti, I-. 60: 1.1 l!Jl(i, v. 4: 21. S1.:133,~.60 F'~cle~xlinilk rommlssion; test of bill. DihcllssW tilt? llll~a~li~emilli and 'C'~.eame~'yand nlillc plunt inonthly. cr(~111shij~pers' associaliori Jurie, 1!)16, v, 4: 43. "l'hc weds of uilllc p~ml~icers.Rural ll:lcl;~ntosh,J. llanrwial values of con- SC\VTo~'lttl~'. .I~)I'. 1, l!ll6, v is: 5til. ccntmred foods In relat~onto cost of 81 .R9,v.75 food in thc produd~onof ~nilk. Gt Rliodc isla nil's 11cw schc~l~r101 111iii.- firif. hard ot agriculture. Jo~irnal, I ill Fiu 1x1 NPW Torlier, June, 1!116,v 83: 200-222- S3.G7,~.23 X1)r. X, l'll(j, v 55. GOl. S1 H!l,v.S5 Lyon, H. FI. The prim of ni~llr.I-Ioard's Slory, G. 1" lI11Ic within thc law tlai~.yman,June 2, 1!)1G, v. 51: 771. Co~~ntryqcntle~ii~n. Nay I::, 1016, v SF231.I-17,v.Sl 81 : 103;. Sl.CX,v Yl Hayden, C. 0. The cost of prodncmg I ' 1 Fight 101' 1 wenty-two quality milli. Hoard's dair~'inan. ccnth. ('orlntry gentlco~an.Nay 20, June 23, l!J16, v. 51. 869. 11316, \. 81: 1069-1064 SI.CE(,V.XI SP22LH7,v 51 llilli ~nsllectionin sinall coiu~~lunlt~es. Kolbe, A. H. Malting the dairy farm 'Creamery and 1111lli1)1a1it monthly, pay. Hoard's daii.yn~an, June 23, )lay, 1916, v. 4: 16. l!lIG, v. 51: 869. SF221.FI7,v.Sl Harding, >I. A. Present prncficability Swift, R. B Chicago's milli strike and oP federal slandarcls for mlllc ban- how it was won. I-Toa~~rl'sdairyman, dling. Treamei'y and milk plant June 30, 191G. v. 61 : 8!)5?. ~nontlily, May, 1916. v. 4: 19-23. SP221.H7,v.51 Kilboulme, Charles I-I. Solids not fat FIilliard, C. E. Pasteu~~ixal~onas a pub- in niilk as i~ standard of' uur~tv. lic health measure. Journal of ho~iie 'kC~.eaineryand milk planl inonthl?, economics, June, 191 6, v. 8 : 305-312. May, 1916, v. 4: 26. TX1.J7,v.g

Crls~sin the milk trade. Current- onin-- Congdon, L. A. Improving a state's ion, May, 1916, v. 60: 370. inilli supply [ICansas]. Country gen- AP2.C95,v.60 tleman, July 22, 7916, v. 81: 1403 Schusler, R. 15. Paying fol- quaiiG In Sl.C8,v.81 millc. Hoard's dairyman, , Peasc, H. 13. Observnt~onson causes 1916, v. 51: 663. SF22l.H7,v.51 of high bacterial co1111ts in marlret ?ItcBride, 3. N. Milk prices in Xichi- inilk. "Cr.earnery and nulli plant gan. IIoard's dairyman, , inonthly, July, 1916, v. 4: 11-13. 191F,, v 51: 691. SF221.H7,v.51 Steckel, L. M. Milk supply of New Morgan, 11. T. llillr producers str~ke. Yorlc city-a lesson in ~nunicipal Kilnball's dairy farmer, May 1, 1916, sanitation. Treamery and milk v. 14: 301 plant monthly, July, 1916, v. 4: 20- Milk standttrd hwring. Sew Yorlc 21. SPECIAL LIBRARIES

Crowthcr, Charles Thc influence of ~nan'sfigures. Rural Ncw Yorker, palm-kernel cakc on the production Aug. 26, 1916, v 76: 1139. of milk and butter. Qt Unl. Board Sl.R9,v.75 of agr~culturc .Jor~raal,J~lly, 1!)16, Dctln, W~lllarnH. IVar orders and our V. 22 305-320 S3 07,~.23 cla~ry~nen.Coantry gentleman, Segt. Gnnad. G. 11. Cost oC S~~IIIIICI'feed- 2, 1!)16, V. 81 : 1607-1608. Sl.C8,~.81 ing III ~n~llcprodr~ct~on Gt. Brit. Chase, I+ank h1. The Uiicago milk hard of agr~cultu~~cJournal, July, marlret~ng rontroversy. Hoard's l!llfj, V. 2::. 321-332. S':.G7,~.23 da~ry~nan,Sept. 8, l!Jlfi, v. 52: 212- 1lcndur11.S \Y ~\nalys~sof 111111~pro- 213, 216. SF22l.H7,v.52 duct~on data. IIoa~xJ's tlau'yman, Dijlistra, I,. S Suggest~onsabout Ihe J111y 21, 1!116, v 51 !)!I4 p~oductionof sanitary mlllc. Hoard's SF221.117,v.51 da~ryn~an,Sept. 2!1, 1!)16, v. 52: 316. Itrecbcd,'I'ho~~las. Ul~t~sh 111ilk sta~~d~rd SF231.H7,v.S2 and I)msec.cllrons Tloal'd's da~ry- Jlain, Walle~ 11. Teslirnony of nulk ui:ln, July 21, 1016, v. 51. 1000 men: what the Co~umittee found. SF221.1-17,v.51 Rural Ne'w Yol'lielq, Sell1 !), 3916, V. K~lly,15 'I'hc g~xtl~ngol ~nilk. Hoard's 75: 118% Sl.Rg,v.75 tlal~yrnan,July ZX, l!llG, v. 62: 111. D~scl~sscscost ol product~on. SF221.147,v 52 Ilowell, George 15. A livmg price for Itogevs, 13. 15 IJoinls on tesling milk. ~nill;. Rural Kcw Yo~lccr,Sept. 23, 1-1oa1d's dairyman, Jrrly 28, l!llG, v. 1!116, v 75. 3244. Sl.R!),v.75 52: 11. SFZ2l.I-I7,v 52 'I'tic battle for mllli i)I.lces goes on Ru- J71llon, John .I Plan lor ~.eorgan~zing the rn~ll;hus~ncss. RIII~I Naw York- (:nllaway, 11:. (!. Alillc on n quality ha- s~.IIow Portland, Ore., has auc- 'I'IXIII~I..I , and (:. tl I-Iart Pastcurl- weded in gett~ngit. Country gen- zalion In salcg~~a~dirigmrllc Infectcd Ilcman, 0c.t. 21, l!)l6, v. 81: 1862, 11 ti tul)clrle h;~r1111.Anie~.i~tln vet- 1884: S1 .C8,~.81 crmav) ~nediwlassor~nlion .JOIII.- .Iltlppelhec:k. John. Standardizing the rial, Aug. l!Ilfi, v 4!1. 678-6!)8. dairy. C:o~~ntrygentleman, Oct. 28, SF601.A5,v 4!1 NlG, v. Hl : 1904-11105. S~.CI,V81 SN111, It II. The c.0-o~erat~ve111arlret- Lyon, H 11. Ncw Yorli mllc prices. Ing of mill{ 1:r~cedcr.s' gazette, Aug. Hoard's da~~-yman,Oct. 6, 1916, v. 10, l!ll 6, v. 70: l!)X SFl.B8,v.70 52: a51-356. SF22LH7,v.U .llo~~ell,A C Cosl of distribut~ng ICi~kpat~-ick,K. A, Milk producers and mllli. Country genllelnan, Aug. I!), prices In Xtnmesota. I-Ioard's dairy- 1916, v. 81 : 1540 Sl.C8,~.81 man. Oct. 6. 1!116, v. 52: 354. -- Profit in tiistribut~ng millc. SF221.EI7,v.52 Country gentleman, Aug. 26. 1916, v. Lyon. 11. FI New Yolk ccrt~fiedinllk 81: 1578. S1 CS,v.ll urod~lcers~neet Hoard's dairyman.- I31'own, L. P. 1~:xpcrienceof Ncw York bct 211, 1916, v. 52: 430-432, c~ty in grading ~narlcef milk. SF22l.I-17,v.S2 *C:rcamel9y and mllc plant monthly, Allen, F. I, The problem of a young AII~1916, v. 4: 11-14. dairyn~an;thc fut~u'e of tho busi- Lyon, FT. FI Kew Tol'lc ~nilh~)roducers ncss. Rum1 New Yorlrer, Oct 7, r)lx?l)are. . for Rrrht Hoa~d's daiw- 1!)16, v. 75: 1375-1276. Sl.R9,~.75 man, 411g 4, I!)lti, v. 52: 33. Wing, Charles T;. Can Ohio d~irying SF221 H7.v.52 pay? Rural Ncw Yorke~,Oct. 31. AtluIte~~ationol milk "Jelscy hullet~n 1916. r-. 76: 1350. Sl.RR,v 75

and d'ury wo~~ld,Aug. 2, 1!116, v. 35: Ins~de~ -I~istorv of the nlillr t):~ttle. Ru- 11!J7* 1x1 New ~orlier,Oct. 28, 1816, v. 75: Important n11lk ratc case. Ncw Pork 127:3, Sl.Rg.v.75 pwduce review and A~rierican creamery, Aug. 2, 1'116, v 42: 599. SF221.N.15,~42 Urown~ll'sdairy Parn~er. scm~-u~onlMy. De- New Englar~d~nillz case. Railway age, I ro~t,142 L:+l'ayettc Boulcvm'd. Aug 4, 1916, v ti1 : 208-209. (!reanwry an4 milk plant unonthly. Chlcago, TF1.R2,v 61 227 LaSalk St i!lnea~neryjournal. senll-monthly. Watcrloo. Slmicrr8,F. I) Tlic cost or producing Iowa, F I,. Iiiml~allco. 1n11li. Rural New YOI-leer, Aug 6, C~'ennier.ypatron monthly. St Mary's, 0.. 1016, v. 75. 3055. Sl.RD,v.75 CI-camcry patron prmt~ngco. Lyon, 13. H. P~~oble~nsof the milk test. Dairv r~~nducc,weeltlv. Chicago.- 136 W. Rural New Yorlter, Aug. 19, 1916, v 1,aite-st. 75: 1111. Sl.R9,v.76 Delaware County dairyman. weekly. Frank- Dayton, C. D. Pennsylvania da~ry- lin, Joseph ~Gcland& son 22 SPECIAL LIBRARIES

IIoard'h (la11yluan. \\ r(!Iil~. 1't. Atliinson, \\-is., ly 1).Hoard & son coml)ml>'. 11o]stpll1-[?1icsia11 1.rgls1~1' semi-1110. 131'al- tlebolw, Vt., 1'1~k1'icbL I~oLlg~liOll. Holhtri~~-I~i~~cs~m\voi Id. wc~eltly. I lllacn. N. y , I]olslrin-I~riesitln ~ol'lclCO. Jersey 1)11llelin antl tl;liry \\ o1'1d. \vccl\ly. In- cIlnn:~l~ol~s,Intl.. 2':s S. .\1(~1'itl1n11St. Ki1rl1);lll's tl;~~ryhl,ll~(~r. ~(~1111-1110111i1Iy \\-a- tpl.loo, lo\\a, B 1, 1i11lll)illl (.(I Livc slocli and tlni~,y.jonrn:~l. illonllily. Sat,- 1,:1111ento,('ill , 422 .J St Alai 1ti111cIXI~II~PI~ and ( o-~IICIYLII~C(l:~iryiu:i~~. sc~~iii-~~~o~~tl~l~~S~ISS(~\,XV\\ 111 IIIIS\YI(~~~, R rJ.lto11111so11 PO. hlilli tl(~,ilc~~n~o~lll~l) \Irl\\:~~~l~c~c~, \\'IS, 71!l f;er111;1111illi111ld111g. 11 llk IIPU s IINIII~I~I?('IIK.:I~o. 2'1 S I,aS;\I I(% St

News and Notes

Mr. John Cotton ])ma, I,ihra~.ian of IIIP hrcau ol' entomology. Newark I'LIIIIICLihi8ary, has hen ITU))- E101'eht sel.vice. pointed Chairman of the Comniittec on Li- Bu~cauof plant industry. hrai.ies of thc Associalrd Advertibin~Cluhs of thc World The c!ub, thv committee and OtFicr of fa1 ln management. special I~bl~ryintcrehts aine all to Lc con- Olficc of ~narlcctsand rural organixation. gratulat~cion MI*. i)ana's acccptt~r~c.! of the Office of gut)lic roads and iwld engineer- posit~onn sccwritl lime. l'he \vo~-Iiol' ll~is ing. coinm~ttcv,i111de1- Mr. l)anals inspiring lead- ersh~p,mraus the inau~urntionof new busi- ncIIII:I I I l11111111g111) 01 al- ready v\lsI 111t: on~sIIil~o~~gI~o~it l lip c(11111try. The Report of Fredei.ick \V. Jenkins, Li- brarian of the Russell Sage Foundation Li- t~rary,is an interesting document, showing, what the Libra~knsays a ~'eportof a lib~arv A hcalth information bureau is the latest should show, 1. e., "four definite gains-a development in the work of the American more valuable collection, added facility for Public Health Association, 755 Boylston its use, a wider ficld of service, and larger street, Eoston. It will endeavor to answer use made of the resources oll'c~~ed."In dis- queries From all health workers, whether cussing the typewritten bibliogi.aphies com- members of thc association or not, on policy, piled by the L~brary,the report says: ascertained fact, methods, work of others, "In 1915-16, 223 such lists were made. authorities, or similar subjccts. Thesc I ange from a letter incorporating the titles of two or three of the best boolcs on n subject, to a 4-page bibliography such as Clarihel R. Barnett, Librarian of the Li- was nmde for the Jewish Community on the brary of the U. S. Depnrtment of agriculture Clothing Industry, or a 12-page reading list has issued her Report for 1916. This li- prepared Poi the Cornell Civic and social brary includes in addition to the main col- committee. Thesc lists are made with the lections, libraries in the following bureaus, helief often cxpresscl by Dr. James Harvey divisions and offices : Robinson that one worthless entry in- Bureau of animal industry. validates an entire bibliography. To in- Dairy division. clude only the really valuable is a difficult Biochcmic, pathological, zoological and proposition, but a sincere attempt at doing other divisions. this has made the output of much greater Bureau of chemistry. valnc."