Xtratum User Manual
XtratuM Hypervisor for LEON4 Volume 2: XtratuM User Manual Miguel Masmano, Alfons Crespo, Javier Coronel November, 2012 Reference: xm-4-usermanual-047d This page is intentionally left blank. iii/134 DOCUMENT CONTROL PAGE TITLE: XtratuM Hypervisor for LEON4: Volume 2: XtratuM User Manual AUTHOR/S: Miguel Masmano, Alfons Crespo, Javier Coronel LAST PAGE NUMBER: 134 VERSION OF SOURCE CODE: XtratuM 4 for LEON3 () REFERENCE ID: xm-4-usermanual-047d SUMMARY: This guide describes the fundamental concepts and the features provided by the API of the XtratuM hypervisor. DISCLAIMER: This documentation is currently under active development. Therefore, there are no explicit or implied warranties regarding any properties, including, but not limited to, correctness and fitness for purpose. Contributions to this documentation (new material, suggestions or corrections) are welcome. REFERENCING THIS DOCUMENT: @techreport fxm-4-usermanual-047d, title = fXtratuM Hypervisor for LEON4: Volume 2: XtratuM User Manualg, author = f Miguel Masmano and Alfons Crespo and Javier Coronelg, institution = fUniversidad Polit´ecnicade Valenciag, number = fxm-4-usermanual-047dg, year=fNovember, 2012g, g Copyright c November, 2012 Miguel Masmano, Alfons Crespo, Javier Coronel Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled ”GNU Free Documentation License”. Changes: Version Date Comments 0.1 November, 2011 [xm-4-usermanual-047] Initial document 0.2 March, 2012 [xm-4-usermanual-047b] IOMMU included.
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