SDBA: www.sutherland.basketball.net.au Email: [email protected] Ph: 02 9542 1999 / 9542 1819

Association Manager: Julie Doyon Email: [email protected]

Participation & Development Manager Coaching Director: John Suva Email: [email protected]

Referees Administrator: Michael Bills Email: [email protected]

Competition Manager Annette Heard Registrar: Kay Meadows Email: [email protected]

“Sharks Bite” Publisher: Christiane Markos Email [email protected]

Child Protection Officers: Rachel Loma 0418 443871 Lee Howell 0427 060998

Coaches Executive Daniel Oborn Robert Cormack Committee Dianne Murtagh Stephen Craig Email: c/- stadium

Basketball NSW: www.nswbasketball.net.au Tel. 8765 8555


Sutherland District Basketball Association welcomes all players and parents to the Sharks Junior Representative Program for 2014 This booklet has been prepared for your ready reference to give you as much information as we can as you participate in our program this year.

We hope that you have an enjoyable and rewarding experience in the year ahead.

Program Objectives

The Sutherland District Basketball Association aims to:-

Create an environment in which players and coaches at all levels in the Representative Program can reach their true potential by

 Providing a quality program in order to develop and improve the skills of all players and coaches  Providing a Mentor program for all coaches (junior) to ensure development and support throughout the season  Developing an Association style of play to assist in the education of all players and coaches and to ease the transition for players and coaches between age groups.  Providing open and effective communication channels to assist in the management of all participants and their families  Striving to compete in Division One for all ages with a development group to compete in the next division  Encouraging participation, positive attitude and good sportsmanship

IMPORTANT DATES IN 2014 Season Launch: Thursday, 30th February @ stadium from 5 pm

Social Fundraising Night for Juniors/Families 27th June

Junior Presentation Night Friday 5th September 2014 @ Tradies, Gymea, com.6.30 pm


General Information for Rep Players and Families

The Representative Season

Representative teams will compete in the Waratah Metro League Competition. Games are held on Sundays with games tipping off from 8:30am – 4pm at a multitude of venues throughout great metropolitan area. Pre-season competition will begin the weekend of February 8th and conclude on the weekend of March 1st . The first round of the Waratah Metro League Competition will begin on March 9th and run over the following weeks. Regular Season: March 9, 16, 23, 30 April 6, 13, 27 May 4, 11, 18, 25 June 1, 15, 22 29 Semi Finals July 13 Preliminary Finals: July 20 Grand Finals: July 27 State Championships: August 1, 2, and 3. Open only to the top Division One sides from all NSW leagues. Teams must be invited by Basketball NSW to compete. State Cup: August 9 and 10. The State Cup is for the top ranked Division Two sides in the State. Teams must be invited by Basketball NSW to compete.

In addition your team may choose or be eligible to participate in other tournaments throughout the season. These tournaments may include: Gosford Coastal Classic: February, Canberra Easter Tournament Melbourne National Junior Classic & Tournament: June long weekend. Under 14 National Club Championships: October

Where and when the games are played

Waratah Metro League games are played on Sunday’s with game times ranging from 8am to 4pm. Games conducted are usually 90 minutes in duration, with players required to be at venues at least 30 minutes before the scheduled game time. Home games are played at Sutherland Basketball Stadium however away games will involve travel to any of the following competing clubs’ venues; , City of Sydney, BlueMountains, NorthSydney, Glebe, Hawkesbury, Hills, Hornsby, Liverpool, Macarthur, Manly, Parramatta, Penrith and Ryde.

For all information concerning the Waratah Junior Metro League Competition please visit http://www.nswbasketball.net.au/competitions/waratah-junior-league/metro-league.htm


Number of Representative Teams

SDBA will enter a minimum of two teams in each age group and gender (U/12, U/14, U/16, and U/18) dependent upon player availability within age groups.

Division 1 teams will consist of 10 players, with the Division 2 coach having the option of selecting reserves. Division 2 teams will be selected with development in mind. A reserve player must practice twice a week with the team, and will only participate in games when required. Parents of selected players and reserves must sign an agreement form prior to their first representative commitment.

How much training is involved?

All teams will train twice a week: once as a combined age group on Friday night or Saturday at Sutherland stadium and once as an individual team throughout the week at an alternative venue All trainings are compulsory. It should be noted that absence from training may affect a players court time.

How much does it cost?

The cost for the 2014 representative season is $550 for a team member and $275 for a reserve player. This fee will cover the direct costs incurred in running the Junior Representative Program, these costs include: Training, Court hire, Referees, Court Supervisors, Equipment , Uniforms, Presentation costs. Team nomination fees and game fees for Waratah Metro League Pre season, Regular Season, Semi/Preliminary finals and Grand finals, Waratah Junior League State Championships and State Cup NB: The levy does not include nomination or game fees for additional tournaments

The player levy will be due in 4 installments due as follows $100 due by 13th December 2013 $150 due by 2nd February 2014 $150 due by 15th March 2014 $150 due by 30th April 2014

Player levies paid in full by 2nd February 2014 will receive a $50 discount

The Reserve levy will be due in 4 installments due as follows $50 due by 13th December 2013 $75 due by 2nd February 2014 $75 due by 15th March 2014 $75 due by 30thApril 2014

Reserve levies paid in full by 2nd February 2014 will receive a $25 discount


Non Payment:

The assumption is that all fees will be paid by the allotted time. A ‘no pay – no play’ policy will apply. Should payment not be received by the specified date, SDBA will remind the individual by mailing a statement to the registered address of the individual. If payment is not received within 14 days the player shall be deemed ‘unfinancial’ and may be suspended from representative games. Commitment by a player is for the ENTIRE season irrespective of later motivation. A player will be liable to pay full fees for the entire season except in the case of serious injury/illness or substantial residential moves.

Hardship: Cases of genuine financial hardship can be brought to the attention of SDBA. Requests for fee relief should be sent to the Association Manager by the participant (if under 18 years of age – the parent of the participant). Any requests for fee relief will be dealt with in confidence and on a case by case basis.

SDBA Funding & Support:

Sutherland Basketball Association will assist State Players and Coaches with costs involved in attending their respective National Championships Those eligible must submit a written request to the SDBA Association Manager Sutherland Basketball Association will provide a grant to any Sharks Representative Team successful in their entry into the U14 National Championships. Those eligible must submit a written request to the SDBA Association Manager.

Uniform . It is mandatory to purchase a Sharks tracksuit and warm up top. The coach may require you to wear a reversible training singlet for training sessions. Players entering any basketball stadium to represent the Association must be wearing the compulsory uniform.

The playing uniform (singlet and shorts) is provided for the season

Playing uniforms are assigned to each player at the beginning of the season.

These are to be held by the team manager between games.

Playing uniforms are NOT to be worn at ANY TIME other than during representative games.


Player Registration

All players must be registered with Sutherland Basketball Association. It is the responsibility of the player and/or their parents to ensure their registration is current. Registration/affiliation is not covered under representative fees and is an additional cost to participants.

Local Competition Commitments

It is compulsory for all representative players to play in the summer and winter SDBA domestic competitions during the calendar year.

All players are local competition players first and foremost, then a representative player. If you do not play in a local competition, you cannot play representative basketball for the Sharks. The only exception to this is when written approval to be exempt from the local competition is applied for and granted by the SDBA board Players must play at least 55% of all scheduled games within each competition


Player Responsibilities

Be prepared to work hard in order to gain positive results. You must be willing to accept responsibility for your own performance. Don’t blame other people and don’t make excuses. Great players know they are responsible for their own destiny. Respect the people willing to help you reach your goals. Listen and learn from your coaches, give them your undivided attention and remember they are there primarily for your benefit, not theirs.

Play for Sharks first, your team second and lastly for yourself. You should be proud that you have been selected to represent Sharks; however no one is bigger than the association.

Basketball will develop you as an athlete but it also presents you the chance to develop as a person. Some lessons that we value are;

Commitment – Being a part of a team demands that you can carry out your commitment to others. This will mean that you will need to give up some personal wishes and make sacrifices for the group.

Perseverance – When things aren’t going your way you must never give up when you are part of a team. Your team will need your total effort even when it is not your day.

Team Work – It is crucial that in sport and life you are able to work in a team situation. Sometimes this means learning your role and doing what is best for everyone and not just yourself.


Learning to Compete – This does not mean to win at all costs but rather to compete to the best of your ability at all times. Competition is present in all aspects of life and it teaches us to value our victories and to be gracious in our defeats.

Respecting Others – In life we must learn to respect everybody regardless of their roles and differences. In basketball we expect respect to be given to opponents, team mates, coaches, referees, spectators and administrators.

Player Expectations

Players are expected to conduct themselves appropriately at all times. Our Association is worthy of your best behaviour. With the exception of Under 12’s where all players must play in both halves, players have no guaranteed court time. Court time will be allocated at the coach’s discretion. Players will improve their chances of gaining additional court time by following the rules set down for attendance, punctuality, behaviour, appearance and attitude towards their coaches, team mates and referees and by demonstrating improved playing ability.

It is important that you communicate with others. If you have issues with a team mate or team official then approach your Coach or Manager .

You must arrive at training venues 10 minutes prior to the start time and in the correct uniform. You must arrive at least 30 minutes prior to games, in uniform and ready to play.

If you cannot attend training or are running late for training, the coach must be contacted directly (not through someone else) as early as possible before the session commences.

When injured you are still expected to attend games and training (unless you are receiving treatment for your injury at that time). If you are sick and could pass it on to others then you should not attend games or trainings.

If you have an injury that will affect your performance in either a game or training session you will need to inform your coach directly.

You will not argue with referees during a game. If you have any problems tell your coach so that they may approach the referees if necessary.

You will support your team mates at all times both on the court and on the bench. Negativity toward team members will not be tolerated.

Disciplinary Action

Technical Foul; On receiving a technical foul the player will be subbed off the court. The coach will decide whether this player will take any further part in this game depending on the severity of the incident. The coach will decide whether this player is started on the bench for the next game. Any further incidents will be reported to the SDBA Coaching Director. 9

Poor Sportsmanship; The coach has the option to sub the player off the court. If there is a second offence they will be left off for the rest of the game. Any further incidents will be reported to the SDBA Coaching Director Training.

Non attendance or lateness to training; Unless communication is made directly to the coach this may result in a coach’s decision to limit playing time in subsequent games. Ongoing non-attendance or lateness to training will be reported to the SDBA Coaching Director

Off the Court Incidents. If a player is found to be behaving in a manner that will negatively affect the reputation of the Sutherland Basketball Representative Program their coach will be informed. This may result in a coach’s decision to limit playing time on subsequent games. Any further incidents will be reported to the SDBA Coaching Director.


We know and appreciate the sacrifices you make in order that your son or daughter can represent our Association. It is essential that you support your children but you must also support the coach, team manager, other team members and club administration. It is particularly important that you support the coach. They have to make hard decisions every day concerning the welfare of the club, the team and the individual players.


Being part of a team means giving your all. Your attitude towards games and even training sessions will rub off on your children. The importance of training is a lesson you must help us teach your children. Please support the whole team during games and trainings, not just your son or daughter. The coach is to be the only source of technical feedback to the players. Coaching from the sidelines is never appropriate regardless of your knowledge of the game.

Parents also need to be careful about discussing team issues in front of their children. If you speak negatively about a coach, player or referee, your child may adopt the same negative attitude. We are looking for positive players and positive support from parents.

We do encourage you to be vocal in your positive support for our teams. However, do not make negative comments to the opposition, the referees or other team members; as all these parties are worthy of respect.


Parents must understand that all of our coaches are volunteers. They are the best coaches that we can make available to your children. The association will offer all help possible to coaches and players who want to improve.

Parents must also understand that coaches are given the task of making objective decisions in regard to your son or daughter with respect to what is best for the team and club. We do understand that there will be some contentious decisions. Effective communication between yourself and the coach is the key to addressing any issues you may have with the coach’s decision.

If you have positive feedback this may be brought up at any time. However, if you have issues that need resolving then please follow the appropriate process (outlined below).

Parent Enquiry Procedure

1. Do not approach the coach in front of other players and supporters. 2. Wait 24 hours before talking to the coach. Most problems will seem lesser after some time to think through the issues first. 3. The team manager should be included in the discussion as an objective opinion. 4. If a solution can not be reached then the matter should be referred to the SDBA Coaching Director .Should a suitable outcome not be reached, the issues will be heard by the Association Manager 5. Please follow the above process. It will ensure that everyone communicates with each other honestly and openly. SDBA will not look favorably on your situation if you have not attempted to follow the correct procedure.

Parent Expectations

Score Bench Duty

At games, parents will be required to complete allocated bench duties as rostered by the team manager. Once rostered for score bench duty, parents unable to meet their commitment on a particular game must organise a replacement, well prior to that particular game. Failure to ensure complete allocated bench duty or arrange suitable replacements could see their child not play in that particular game.

Bench courses will be conducted at the commencement of the season. Details will be posted on the stadium notice board and published in the Sharks Bite.


Fundraising Events

As part of the Sharks Program, all players are obligated to participate in the major fund raising activities organised by the association. Examples of activities undertaken can include: Trivia Night , Bunnings BBQ and Home Game BBQ’s Any fundraising undertaken for a team or teams must first be approved by the SDBA Manager and players need to make themselves available for all fundraising activities run for and by their team.

SDBA Sponsorship Program SDBA has a comprehensive sponsorship program to encourage businesses to become actively involved with a number of our basketball programs, including the Representative Program. Funds secured from sponsorship will greatly assist the Rep program keeping competition costs down for players as well as rep uniforms.

There are some great opportunities and benefits that can be offered to sponsors including access to around 6500 people who visit the stadium each week. The Rep program also provides great exposure to the Sydney Metropolitan as the 21 SDBA Representative teams play at various Basketball stadiums all over Sydney! We need your Help! SDBA are 2000 members strong! Member contacts and networks are important in helping to build relationships with potential sponsors. If you have a business or have contacts that could be interested in sponsorsing SDBA’s representative program please contact to Julie Doyon, Manager SDBA.

Individual Representative Player Sponsorship Opportunities SDBA members wishing to secure a sponsor for an individual representative player to cover the costs of levies may do so, provided they seek approval first. This is important so that the SDBA can assess and scrutinize the potential sponsor to ensure there is no conflict of interest with current sponsors and/or SDBA objectives.

Any SDBA member who discusses a sponsorship and associated benefits with a potential sponsor must not make any commitments until they have talked through their ideas with the SDBA Sponsorship Manager. The sponsorship and benefits that can be offered to a business wishing to sponsor an Individual Representative Player are:

Individual Junior Representative Player Sponsorship ($550 + GST) 1. Tickets – Ten (10) complimentary tickets to each home game 2. Company advertising – business name and logo included on the back of the sponsored player’s warm up top. 3. General Acknowledgements: business logo included in the Representative Year Book . 4. An opportunity to place an advertisement in one issue of the Sharks Bite Newsletter


Social Media Policy

This policy pertains to the use of Social Media by all persons who are registered to play basketball with SDBA along with any employee, representative coach, assistant coach, player, manager, referee or other person who is in a position where they represent SDBA in either a formal or voluntary capacity. Social Media includes facebook, facetime, twitter, emails, blogs and other forms of electronic communication to other persons. SDBA recognises that the use of Social Media is widespread and when used properly, it can be a very effective form of communication. However, SDBA also recognises that Social Media has the potential to be misused and this policy has been developed in order to assist SDBA comply with its child protection obligations and also its duty of care to all persons who represent SDBA in either a formal or voluntary capacity. SDBA condones the use of Social Media only in accordance with this policy and any use of Social media by SDBA personnel outside of this policy, is unauthorised. SDBA does not condone the use of Social Media by any adult person to whom this policy applies with persons under the age of eighteen (18) years.

If you use Social Media for a basketball related matter, then: You agree that you are personally responsible for what you post and to this effect, you release, indemnify and hold SDBA harmless from any misuse by you of Social media outside of the scope of this policy; You agree to adhere at all times to the SDBA Code of Conduct and any other policies or guidelines that SDBA may adopt from time to time; You agree not to post, send, sms, email or tweet photographs of persons under the age of eighteen (18) years unless the parent of all players that appear in the photo have given their prior written consent prior to its posting. You agree to refrain from promoting your own private interest such as a business interest, in your position as a SDBA representative without having the prior written consent of SDBA.

If you misuse Social Media for a basketball related matter then, you may be subject to disciplinary proceedings before the SDBA Board and or the SDBA Disciplinary Tribunal to explain your actions and you may be suspended from any SDBA representative position until the matter has been properly determined; and If SDBA forms the opinion that the misuse of Social Media is serious, then SDBA retains the absolute discretion to report any such misuse to other organisations such as NSW Police. SDBA expects that if you become aware that there has been a misuse of Social Media for a basketball related matter by any person to whom this policy applies, then you will bring this to the attention of SDBA as soon as practicable.

SDBA will deem that you have misused Social Media when you post comments, tweet comments, send emails or text messages on a basketball related matter, which are or could possibly be construed as: inflammatory; racist sexist or pertaining to a person’s sexual persuasion; pertaining to a person’s religious beliefs; bullying or have the potential to intimidate; relates to a person’s physical or mental disability; derogatory; offensive; and or contrary to any SDBA or Basketball NSW policy. 13


 All coaching staff, administration, players, parents and supporters shall at all times observe the SDBA Code of Conduct. And the Basketball NSW Zero tolerance Policy  All players, parents and supporters shall at all times be in the spirit of the game.  All players, parents and supporters shall at all times treat all officials and referees with respect.  No kicking of basketballs in the stadium.  No swearing, either directly at a person or yourself.

Breaching these rules may result in a suspension from the team, and continual offenders may be asked to leave the rep. program.

Please remember that each association has a LEGAL obligation to take action against an adult (ie, a warning or removal from stadium) who is verbally abusing a junior player or referee.


For the enjoyment and safety of all visitors, players and the community, SDBA applies a universal sporting Code of Conduct. Agreement to abide by the SDBA Code of Conduct is a condition of entry to its stadium.

The Code requires that you:

 Abide by the rules of the sport;  Follow all reasonable directions given by officials;  Demonstrate the principles of mutual respect and normal courtesy.

Designated officials of Sutherland Association are authorised to require any person to leave the premises who is responsible for:

 Verbal or physical abuse of other participants;  Harassment of individuals of groups;  Constant or aggressive questioning of decisions;  Ridicule, baiting or uttering audible obscenities;  Engaging in behaviour that fails the mutual respect test.

Further action is not precluded where verbal or physical abuse of other participants occurs, or where a person is asked to leave the premises.

SDBA officials and tribunal are required to apply the Basketball NSW Zero Tolerance Policy for breaches of this code.

We accept that disagreements or disputes may occur. Address these in a polite, calm manner. If you do not receive satisfaction, contact an Association official. 14

Basketball NSW - Zero Tolerance Policy for Parents and Spectators

To further enhance the playing environment for all players, particularly in creating a safe, enjoyable environment for children and young persons, Basketball NSW has in place a Zero Tolerance Policy for Parents and Spectators. This policy supplements the current policy applied to coaches and team officials. Basketball NSW will provide all representative basketball organisations a parent/guardian undertaking as to the display of inappropriate behaviour as well as an understanding that they will banned for the remainder of that year’s representative program.

1. There will be a zero tolerance policy towards any inappropriate or abusive behaviour from parents and spectators towards any other participant.

2. Any parent/guardian and/or spectator who feels the necessity to: � Persistently or willfully question or challenge the rulings of the referees � Berate or abuse referees � Berate or abuse players � Berate or abuse other parents or spectators � Display conduct which is inappropriate in a sporting environment will be asked to leave the venue immediately. Failure to do so will result in other formal actions being put in place. No warnings will be given in the event of the above action becoming necessary.

All participants have to accept responsibility for their behaviour.

Any appeals against disqualification under this policy should immediately be directed to Basketball NSW - Attention: Technical and Operations Manager.

This action has become necessary due to the reported instances of inappropriate and abusive behaviour at events conducted by or on behalf of Basketball NSW and our desire to nurture a safe competitive environment for all participants. Basketball NSW implores any parents or spectators who feel that they cannot refrain from the above behaviour not to attend.

Parents/spectators/organisations who would like to offer feedback or request clarification on officiating issues should either speak to a Referee Supervisor at an appropriate time or direct their correspondence to Basketball NSW. The health of our game depends on the nurture and development of game officials and younger players. The realistic barometer of the health of any Basketball Association is their capacity to provide well organised and officiated competitions for the communities they service. It is the aim of Basketball NSW to help associations increase this capacity.

This policy is not aimed at stifling or diminishing loud or raucous cheering or passing on positive reinforcement to all participants.

Please note that any action taken under this new policy and procedure is entirely separate to any action that may be necessitated by law under the NSW Child Protection Legislation or Sport Rage Guidelines.

Christie Graham Kim Murphy Basketball NSW Basketball NSW Events Manager Member Protection



Please visit Basketball NSW’s website for various rules and regulations: www.nswbasketball.net.au


NSW legislation and Basketball NSW actively support child protection in the community. All officials, coaches, assistant coaches and managers are required to complete “Working with Children” declarations, so that persons must declare if they have been convicted of a child sex offence, or are considered unsuitable to work with children.

Abuse of ANY kind (verbal, physical, emotional) is not acceptable behaviour, and should be reported immediately and directly to the SDBA child protection officer. All staff (paid and voluntary) have a legal obligation to report such matters to the child protection officer.


Why should I read the Sharks Bite?

The Sharks Bite (SDBA newsletter) is our primary means of communicating important information and is distributed fortnightly. It is also available on our website. It contains game times (before a draw is available at commencement of season), match reports and information about upcoming events. Please feel free to make a contribution to the Sharks Bite – words or photos.


SDBA’s website will also provide information, the Sharks Bite, important dates, photos, etc. It also has links to other sites and sponsors.





The internet is a wonderful tool that has become part of our daily lives. At Basketball and Sutherland District Basketball Association we use it to communicate with all our members. One of those communication tools is to post action photographs from various competitions and events with which BNSW/SDBA is involved, onto the BNSW/SDBA website. We know that most players love to see their photos and teammates on the web.

However, Basketball NSW/SDBA has a dilemma because, in spite of the best intentions in the world on the part of the publisher, children may end up being identifiable through published information including photographs. Evidence in Australia indicates that what is posted on an internet site or published in a magazine or newspaper has the potential to be used to target children for any number of reasons.

Basketball New South Wales and SDBA will always be vigilant in attempting to ensure that all material we use to promote a team or individual is not misused.

Accordingly, Basketball New South Wales and SDBA will:

1 Never give out personal information about any child. This includes surname, address or telephone number.

2 Photographs that are used will not include identifying information - such as full names, addresses etc.

3 Be very careful with all information that we utilize.

Basketball New South Wales/SDBA will only use approved photographers to take photographs throughout all Basketball NSW/SDBA events. Any player, whose parents (or guardian) do not fill out and sign the following form, will not be included in any photographs published on the BNSW website, SDBA website or in other BNSW or SDBA publications.

In addition to this, there is now a need to gain parental or guardian permission in relation to spectators/parents photographing or filming games. Each player competing in a BNSW /SDBA event will need to complete and submit the Photograph/Filming Permission Form . If a parent does not want their child to be photographed or filmed, then no one can photograph or film any game when that child is playing.


REPRESENTATIVE / DEVELOPMENT PLAYER AGREEMENT Representative Program honours are a privilege not to be taken lightly. Involvement in any organisation’s representative program not only reflects high individual skills but also implies a sound understanding of the positive philosophies of development, teamwork and sportsmanship. Accordingly, Basketball NSW’s (BNSW) Representative/Development Player Agreement (RDPA) defines the minimum standard of performance and behaviour expected of all participants involved in any of the BNSW’s Junior Leagues, Championships, Development Programs or Representative Teams.(Representative/Development Program (RDP))

1. I understand and accept that participation in any BNSW conducted event is a privilege and honour and agree to maintain the highest standard of effort, performance and behaviour at all times. 2. I accept without reservation, the appointment to any role of coaching staff, administrative staff and/or authorised personnel by BNSW or SDBA and agree to abide by any decisions made by those appointed by BNSW or SDBA. 3. I understand that my behaviour and performance reflects on BNSW as well SDBA and accept the right of BNSW or SDBA to consider further action should I fail to fulfill my obligations under this agreement. 4. I agree without reservation to participate fairly and in a sportsmanlike manner at all times in any fixture and at any venue within the RDP, whatever role my participation may take at the time. 5. In consideration of my team, SDBA or BNSW objectives, I understand and accept without reservation that the final decision regarding my participation in any event is entirely that of the appointed coach or an authorised representative of BNSW or SDBA. 6. I agree to abide by any rules, policies, by-laws and /or guidelines governing the operation or administration of the RDP including any rules, policies, by-laws and/or guidelines set forth by a BNSW, the governing body of the sport in NSW. 7. I accept that there are risks of injury associated with playing basketball, as there are with most sports. Risks will arise in the context of the activities of running, jumping, catching, throwing and guarding opposition players. While we aim to minimise risks, it is not possible to eliminate them all. 8. I understand that all players must be registered and are responsible for ensuring that their registration is current. 9. I agree to support BNSW’S and SDBA’s policies and guidelines of the statutory requirements of the NSW legislation in relation to child protection and BNSW’s sports rage guidelines. For further information regarding Child Protection please go to www.dsr.nsw.gov.au , www.playbytherules.net.au or contact your local Member Protection Officer. 10. I agree to make every effort to meet any conditions or requirements in relation to the administration of my team including attending all team meetings and training sessions on time. 11. As a parent/guardian of a RDP participant, I accept full responsibility for the supervision and welfare of my child before and after training or team meetings and scheduled fixtures. 12. As a parent/guardian of a RDP participant, I agree to set an appropriate example of sportsmanship and leadership by being fair and sportsmanlike in my attitude, actions and behaviour. I agree to make every effort to ensure my attitude; actions and behaviour are of the highest standards at all times and I am aware that a Zero Tolerance Policy exists in regards to inappropriate behaviours and that I could be banned from watching my child participate should I behave in a manner which is inappropriate and/or breaches these policies. 13. As a parent/guardian of a RDP participant, I agree to share the associated responsibilities and obligations of the team including transport, fundraising and scorebench duties to ensure maximum enjoyment for all and fair contribution by all. 14. I agree to meet all financial obligations as and when they fall due or to communicate any difficulty in meeting said obligations by the specified date. 15. As an official, I agree to perform my duties professionally, with impartiality and courage to the best of my ability. I undertake to accept criticism of my performance without malice, to help all participants in the game gain a greater understanding of the rules of basketball and their associated spirit, and to always strive for the highest standard of performance on my part. 18

Association Key Venue & Address Tel.

Bankstown Bruins BBS Bankstown Basketball Stadium 9707 1866 Third Ave,

Blue Mountains KIRC Katoomba Indoor Recreation Centre 9841 7301 Farnells Rd, Katoomba

Campbelltown Ghosts CENT Centennial Sports Stadium 4625 8558 Redfern Rd, Minto

Glebe BBC Sydney Secondary College 9660 5453 Blackwattle Bay Campus Taylor St, Glebe

Glebe PFA Peter Forsyth Auditorium 9660 5688 Francis St, Glebe

Hawkesbury Jets HIS Hawkesbury Indoor Stadium (M) 0414 286554 Stewart St, South Windsor

Hills Hornets HBS Hill Basketball Stadium 9894 8944, ext 3 Fred Caterson Reserve, Gilbert Rd, Castle Hill

Hornsby Spiders DRIS The Brick Pit 9980 6255 1A Dartford Rd, Thornleigh

Liverpool Spartans WHIT Whitlam Leisure Centre 9607 6598 Memorial Ave, Liverpool

Manly Warringah NBICS Northern Beaches Indoor Sports Centre 9913 3622 Jacksons Rd, Warriewood

Northern Suburbs NSISC North Sydney Indoor Sports Stadium 9906 7877 Cnr Clarke & Oxley Sts, Crows Nest

Parramatta Wildcats ABC Auburn Basketball Centre 9646 3840 Wyatt Park, Church St, Lidcombe

Penrith Panthers PSS Penrith Basketball Stadium 4731 3252 Herbert St, Cambridge Park

Ryde Bulls RAC Ryde Acquatic Centre 9877 5393 Karen Moras Drive, Ryde

St. George HALC Hurstville Aquatic Centre 95473290 Cnr King Georges Rd & Forest Rd Hurstville

Springwood BHSSC Blaxland High School Sports Centre Coughlan Road, Blaxland 4739 8999

Sydney Comets ALEX Alexandria Basketball Stadium 9699 3822 53-57 Maddox St, Alexandria