WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 28,1947 iBaurlfgBtfr Ettfninp Jerald Average Daily OrmlBiieef Pkv the Maath mt tmmm ie«1 I Burnham L- Bataan of thla I Cub pins wars proeentad to wn- Mr. agd Mrs. Charles Bigga o f nortda. Tha Waathee town was one of is members of f^ub« Are Ioforme<] I Ham Leeaa, Hobart Thornton and MeKinley streaL left yesterday for All wero atadaots at Manchae 9332 I n« h. 8. Waathm I Aliout Town I the home office agency a t ' Hart* ' WUUam RltaMe. An entertain­ Boaton, where they wUI be aworn ter High achooL and du rli« Mraihat e< tha AaiH . ford o f the Connect knit Oeneral About Jamboree ment for tha paranto, pro pared by li. the Coast Quard. They expect peat weak aaveral farewaU partlaa Partly HeaRy taatght aai I HALE'S SELF SERVE to take their basic training In The committee o f the lUlUin Life inauranoe company on the , tha den motiiers, fM low ^. Cub were given in their honor. Tht Oritiaal In New Enidand! combined eoeWMee will meet to* I honor roll, and one of two new ; MaeUr OIbba daaed the mMtlng by nlRbt at eifbt o’clock In the ItaJ* I members of tbe agency who quail- i Cub Pack No. 37 held Its month­ ! calling the boya together to give Ian-American cltibhouae on El* fled for the Vice Prealdent'a club, ly meeeting Monday evening In Bt. < a cheer. AND HEALTH MARKET drldge street. It la Imsortant that I the higheat Onnnectlcut Oenerel , Mary's Mrlah house. A. M. Chu- ANDERSON GREENHOUSES VOL. L X Y I, NO. 128 na Paga l«> all make Anal rStuma on the ; honor for new men. Frank O. H. rilla oA'Troop 301 spoke to the cubs MANCHESTER. CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1947 (SIXTEEN PAGES) pledge canla at thia lOMtlng. Williama Is manager of the agen* on the Jamboree at the State Ar­ laocal Boys Join Klorai Arrantvmptitp Hy Kg|Hrieiic«d Plsrlits PRICE FOUR CENTS *cy. mory, April 11, and put them For Faneral*. WotMinta, ABnivptgarlcs Taat preatdent of Mary Buabnell . through some of the cheers. (^ust Guard Outfit THURSDAY SPECIALS! "Finding Christ In the Manger" ' Chairman William Veen gave a DAILY DKI.IVEKIKS TO HOSPITAL Cheney Auxiliary No. 13. UJt.W. will be the topic of the Uenten Arraigned on Federal Charge V., will have a eorlal meeting a t , talk on the blue and gold, the m l- AND SIIKKOHMIING I'OWNS Top CIO Officers quiet hour this evening at 7:13 Green Btompft Given With Cawh Salet«! the State Armory. Friday after-* ! ora for February, and thanked the : William Carlin, Jr„ son of Mr. at Emanuel Lutheran church. I parents for their cooperation. He ' and Mra. Willinm Carlin of School Fkiwcra Telvffniphrff To Any Polnl In lh» 8. A^ n/Kin at 1:30. ! Herman Johnson, • vice chairman V. House Subcommittee I then introduced Alfred Hopkins. ; street; William McLaughlin. Jr., i of the Board of Adminiatratlon, Is son of Mr. and Mrs. William Mc­ Canada, and Kuritpc. Member of Hie llortsts’ Telccrapli •A aeml-fortnal dance will be | I advancement man, presented in charge of this series of Wed­ Laughlin of Eldridge street; Wil­ Delivery Aaaociation. Deny Communists held at the Manchester Country I I awards, which were pinned on the Tali Can 3 9 C nesday evening aervicea. I boya by their pareiite. 'ThoM who liam Keating. Jr„ son of M>. and Salmon Club, Saturday evening, March l.| I5& ELDKIIN;E8T. Tony Obrighfa orchestra will play ■ earned bobcat pins were Clifford Mra. William Keating of Hamlin IK U 8488 George O. Keith, son of Mr. and Anderson and David Custer. Wolf street and Charles BIgge, son of Demands Records of FaMty White Mrot for dancing. Mrs. Warren Keith o f 31 Cam­ bridge street, la a member of the In Their Unions Can 65c The square dance postponed chapel choir at Wesleyan Univer­ Tuna Fish from Friday evening will be held sity, Middletown, where be la a tonight at eight o'clock In the freshman. Ha la a nnember of Labor Leaders Headed social room of the Bticklngham Alpha Chi Rbo fraternity and a Promise More U. S. Ships in Russia Sardines 2 Cans 25c church. graduate of Choate achooL By President Albert J. Fitsgerald Ac­ Steel to Stop Beardsley’s Shredded cuse Senate' Labor! Hscl First Planned Cod Fish Cakes c. 20c Committee Members | Car Shortage British Labor Regime To Serve Subpoena RANGE AND FUEL OIL With “ Red BaiUng“ : ____ Against ’ Secretary o f Faces Big Test Over State Marshall But Wesson Oil ' Finl 49c Wholesale Gasoline WsshiDEton, Feb. 27.— UP), Shipments Mean- —Top officers of the CIO w hile A re Beina Held This Was Later Sus­ Fiatwo-Amerleaa SECOND FLOOR United Electrics! Workers to-! i j „ * aii - Night Shift Problem pended temporarily'' day flatly denied Communist ^ ***_ smarts o f By Bradley o f Michi­ c. 16c Bantly Oil Company membership and accused the The Country Today Spaghetti gan ; Gives His RcaMons 3.81 Main Street Tel. 5293 or 2-1057 Senate Labor committee of London, Feb. 27—(P)—Britoln'af can be token until tha govern' “red-baiting.” Three leaders By The Aasociated Presa tradition-shattering decUion to ment'e joint consultative commit­ Proraler Oppoaita the Armory HALE’S ! of the union, headed by Al­ New effects of the nation’s long- introduce the night shift In British tee of employers and unionlaU, Washington, Feb. 27.—(/P) Industry was expected today to headed by Labor Minister Oaorge building shortage of railroad — Representative Rrsdiey (R. Can bert J. Fitzgerald, president, confront the labor government laaacs, gate racommandatlona Pork and Beans 17c flared back at quaatlons by Sena­ freight carriers were reported to­ with one of the toughest teats It from regional Indur trial boards Mich.), today “tempomrily Outstanding Values in tors Taft (R.. Ohio), and BaU (R.. day after steel producers promised moan. Leas. Short Shaah haa faced in Ite 19 monthe in some Urns next month. suspended” the serving oif s Minn.), with protesU against ‘'In- to allocate more steel to building power. nuando" and "lies and slander." The joint committee Iteetf Is tn subpofins against Secretary of new cars. The governmant'e plan to recess until March 13, pending re­ FlUgerald, after testii^g that Industrial and railroad spokea- of State Blarphsll by s House Smoked Shoulders i.b. 47c he waa against barring “Oomniu- inaugurate night working ohlfte— ceipt of these recommendations. men agreed that the shortage waa which have been reelated bitterly First reaponsas to the night Merchant Marine subcommit­ Haleys Domestics FUR SCARFS nlsta, Soclallsta, Dem ocrats.. Re­ a long-term problem that would « for many years by British trade shift Idea from Industrial areas tee. Bradley, who ia chair­ publicans or anyone else" from not be solved immediately. unions forming the backbone of were mixed. MeeUnga of Industrial man of the full committee, union membership for reasons of Meanwhile, ahipmenta of fuel oil, pkg. 29c "race, creed or political belief,'' ^ ‘ w a'S to^m rA Sth^nStV lefi-latok-. the government's support— waa groups at Darby and Northampton seted shortly after tha aubcoes- Marrow Beans Now All On The Main Floor newsprtnL cool, grain, lumber, , ™ •‘"zauein iiert), oz, are accompan ed by a U. 8. nuirahal (center) aa th#v avn, snapped as be rose to leave: announced tn the House of 0>m- opposed night ahifu, on tke mittee, headed by Repreoentotlva NATURAL WILD MINK farm produce, manufactured prod­ D»e^. Calif., on a fede?il ehar^ that they k «i «* X Negro r o housemaid under Invol- "I have seen one o f tbe Bneet untory servitude for nearly 30 years. mone lest night during debate on ground they would not spread the Welcbel (R., Ohio), hod leeued tte ucts and raw materiala were held Woman, right roar, unidentified. —(A P wirophoto). subpoena for Morahall to appear examples of red-baiting hara this up at various points because box the grave coal and powtr crieia electric load effecUvaly and wroukl RENUZIT morning. We came here to testify which has closed many Induatrlal raise problems of transporting and and produos all recorda and conw EASTYARN cate, gondolas, and tank cars were munlcatfcma dealing with tha war- on labor legislation—" Inaiifflclent to carry all the ton­ plants and brought dlecoipfort to feeding workers at odd hours. Taft interrapted him. " — and nage. the whole nation. Te Start Night Shifts tima tranafer of United States Gal. 69c 2 Gals. $1.19 you failed to do so, Mr. Fitzgerald. ships to RuoMa. $ The latest stop toward relief Pacific Island Plan U S Expedition Sir Stafford Olppa, president of On the other haiid. representa­ Ombre* Blending Yam 25-00 YOU haven’t discussed anything waa made in Washington yester­ the Board of Trade; said tha pro­ tives of workers and employen at Bradley aald Underoecretery ot Per Skin that is before the committee." day. Senator Seed (R-Kaa) said gram for putting approximately Nottingham and Luton laid plans State Dean Acheoon promlaed him "We had been on our testimony that major steel companies had To Antarctica 2,500,000 Britona on night duty to begin night shifU next week f telephone to appear Si the Codex Dog Food only two minutra." Fitzgerald re­ agreed to furnish enough steel to Certain of Approval would be devised by "agreement without wotting for detailed gov­ Stchlgan leglslatoFs oaea at 4 2 oz. Ball 6 0 c joined, "when you injMted the build 10,000 new freight cars with the workera," and - oddad: ernment dIrecUvee. .m. (eat) today, wtth coplea ot Communist ioaue." monthly. Previcualy steel men had "Thara ia really no other solution" Sir Stafford told Porllamont that State Department oorrespondeaca 2 Cans 25c Net CenwinaietB Great Success with Ruaela relating to 9S lead Now in Cons - promised steel enough for 7,000 Almost All Conntries for the current crtils. present electric generntors could Ball asked the union president cars a month. Ne Date le Sriwdided not produce enou^ power to meet leaae ohipo. 10 different color combinations: Rust, Sunset, Burgun­ whether ho regarded Jamro J Chinese Reds Goal By Next June In Favor of a Man­ Admiral OuEen De« He did not elaborate aa to whan oil Induatrlal noada during roffu- Bradley Expreoaea Begiato dy, Brown, Pink and Blue, Legion blue, red, shamrock, Matlea, the union’s seeretarV- The promise of more steel came the step would become cffectlre, Bradley expren d regrot Wal- treaaurer, and Julius Emspak, di­ date Under a United Pranges 2 D... 59c orchid. (Rainbow l ’*'i-ounce ball). at a meeUng Reed had called of Open Big Drive dares Discoveries and but preaumsbly no definite action (Oonl aa Page Tw) ghel had loaned the zul^oena. A t rector of organizatlan. as Com officers of 30 railroads, 11 steel Nations Trusteeship a news conference tn tbe prennee Knitting Dept,— (Main Floor) ' muniata or Communist aympathl< rompanlea and 13 car building Polar Training Gained of Welghel, Bredl^ eatd: "I am zero. Fitzgerald said be did not. firma. However, the new goal, Reed very eorry be Izeoed It beeanse and suggested the committee aak z^d, would not be reached until Lake Succesa, N. Y., Feb. 37.— , Nearly 125,000 Tank Will Prove Valuable Gen. Marzball doeeat know • Grapefruit 3 for 25c the officers directly. about next June. (r>—The United States plan to damn thing about theaa RuaMaa Matlea, next to be called, was Led Troops Advane- Gives Tentative Plan Borne railroads announced they continue sole administration of Aboard U.S.S. Mount Olympus, ahipa." Another Shipment / greeted with the question point- Feb. 27.—(P)—The fourth Ameri­ blank. were cooperaUng in a plan to move the Japanese-mandated Islands ing in Manchuria Bradley said Speaker Martta froight over a northern Buffalo- can expedition exploring the mys­ also deplored the aetkm. "I do not happen to be one," be Minneapolla- L Paul * route to imder a United Nations trustee- teries of the Antarctic haa been For Allocating Funds 8 Nanking, Feb. 37—oPi—Nearly Welcbel td d BteuUey hla aetten L h . said firmly. Re denied belief In avoid tha congested Chicago gate- ship appeared today to be headed "very much a sueceea” both In dla- Tomatoes 19c Plastic Transparent Communist doctrlnaa, as well, and waa not tateoded oa a reOeetloa Wbyjroa. A apokesman for the toward almost certain approval hv 123,000 tank-led Chlnaae Com ooveriaa and tn polar training for eit MorahsU but waa "juat a formal under a b a m g e o f qkSHlemr aeid Western Atsflefalfcm o f fUilway the Security OounrH MmiA 7.' -mffhWto iMve opened a fierce drive tea Navy. Rear Admiral Rlcharff C W M pTnnanvbV he had never bean a Communist at procedure" tq ohtela reoorda the teeratlvee aeid carloadings foV Aa the delegates were called in­ In Manchuria that has swept to H. Cruzen said tonight aa thia committee haa been trying te got • c . at any time in his life. flagship began her Plan Rejected B c h . Table Cloth Covers to aeanlon at 3 p. m. (e.a.t.), to i«- within 15 miles o f Changchun, the ^ - her long101 journey News Conference Ex­ for two weeko. Celery Hearts 27c Emspak. tha next witneae, iv*,.®”! ■*’' were home over a fog-veiled eea. higher than any comparable per­ •time debate on the Britiah-Alba capital, government dispatches *Tt*z a formal way of making p.omptly volunteered: "Before you iod In five years and "the only nlon mine-laying diopute, some of said today. The Mount Olympus and the plains How a Sales aak the question, the answer is By Educators headllnea. too," Brailley r e t o r t s In 4 Sizes answer to the shortage is more them aUll were awaiting instruc­ Whether thia was the long Burton Island are steaming to­ no.” cars.” tions from their govprnmento on ward New Zealand with their Tax Could Be Spent Marshall left hla office for lunch Lies sad Mandera a w a iM push to break the winter ■hortly before 1 p. m. apparently Steel the Chief Problem the tnisteeahip proposal. However, jull In the vast region was not work finished, and Cniaan de­ He launched into a tirade without knowledge that he waa HEALTH MARKET TOose acquainted with the situ- a majority, including Soviet Rus­ known in Nanking, where it was clared "the time ia getting short" state Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 27 Spokesman for Buf­ against "lies and slanders pro­ sia, were reporteil to favor the for further flights by the eastern being Bought. Asked by reportm 36 in. X 36 in, — 6 9 ^ etlon said the shortage of steel has impossible to confirm the CVntral —(Al—Gov. James L. McOonaughy falo Teachers Asserts os he entered tha State Depa^ moted by adventurers in the labor w n the chief problem. Railroads plan “in principle." News Agency report. or western u'ing groups. disclosed today that a tentative FRESH SEA FOOD movemenL by Congressional The only opp^iUon was expect­ Nlmlla Sends Message ment elevator whether ha had have 88,000 cars on order, but The government agency in _ program for allocating $20,000,000 Quirk Action Needed been served with the House com­ souroea. Industrial sources, the need thousands more. Last year ed to come from Great Britain and dispatch from Changchun said the A« public press." Auatralla, but thia waa not cer­ the teak force, said: mittee subpoena he said, "What 54 in. X 54 in, — $1 .00 th railroads, which normally take Oommuniste quickly overran Nun- sates tax was being discuaoed by subpoena thaaa favorites: O. A. Knight, president o f the tain. Informed quarters said Brit­ "The chief of Naval operations leglalatlve leadegi which called for Buffalo, N. Y., Feb. 27—(O — A ** P*v cent of the nation’s output, gan and Klutol, 32 miles north Acheoon, who accompanied him, CIO Oil Workers, called Ball's bill got only 7,3” per cent. Production ain could be expected to object to and 30 miles northeast reapectivelv congratulates Tank Force 68 on $7,500,000 In state aid for muni­ spokesman for the Buffalo Teach­ to prohibit industrywide collective acUon at this time on legal of the capitol. Itj) achievements and the deter­ cipalities. ■ Sid, "I'll tell you all about It," and of consumer goods cut the amount ers Federation tentatively rejected they departed. Hoddock Mackerel bargaining "a hysterical propoaal.” available. grounds, but that she' would not mined manner In which it over­ The tentative allocaUon. said the i ’*• Advance units then lanced on In advance today a propoaad state Bradley told reportera "General 54 in. X 72 in, — $ 1.29 He said elimination of the closed go so far SB to veto the U. 8. pro­ came all ohataclea to thoro chief executive at a news confer­ The general situation caused by southward to Wanpaoshan, a vil- pay inertaae plan which adminis­ Marahall haa a lot o f other thinga Sm eltr Halibut shop and its modificationa, also the shortage was reflected in these posal. Australia was awaiUng l^ e only 15 miles north of Chang­ achievements. Your experience ence, called also for the earmark­ advocated by Ball, would "^rm it final instrucUona. chun, the agency added. and training in operations In Polar ing of $5,000,000 annually for the tration laaden had hoped would on hla mind more Important than scattered reports: thejw damn ohlps." management to conduct a guer­ Amendmeato Offered Near Dlvldlag Liae weather are a great asset to the retirement of the proponed $50,- send th« 2,400 striking Buffalo Salmon Ban Antonio. Tex.—Demand for teachers back to their cloaarooma. The Bubpoena directed the oecre- X — rilla warfare behind the lines” of goiidola or coal cars was as high Soviet Delegate Andrei A. Gro­ This .would place the vanguard Naval aervice.” 000,000 bond laaue to finance the 72 in. 90 in, $2*29 unions. The statement came amid re­ tary to appear before the commit- u ISO s day wl|i only eight or myko, In accepUng the substance 50 miles or more south of the Sun- Cruaen, the task force chief, veterans’ bonua; $5,000,000 for old Fillets of Hoddock On the other side of the capitol and main ternia o f the American ffr t river, which has been tffe oaid Naval personnel on the expe- age pensions under a plan abolish­ ports of student disorder and the St 9:3() a. m, (e. a t.) tomor­ Not Ehcactly 10 a day available. Sand, gravel row with "all books, papers, com­ Save laundering tablecloths. Put over your regular W iliam J. Qrede, president of the aM rock movement waa delayed. plan, offered three amendments at dividing line between the contend­ dition got a "real insight Into tbe ing the present $8 annual head snowballing of several non-strik­ OTHER SCARFS As niuatrated. Wisconsin Manufacturers’ Associ­ yesterday's meeting, but most ing armies since Manchuria’s long type of problems you have to risk tax: and $2,500,000 for such new ing teachers In th« four-day old munications and other memoranda Fillets of Pollack cloths. Water proof, acid proof—saves time, work and I. . ■ ^**’** ~ Shortage felt covering the nuitter o f apprord- ation, told the House Labor com­ Keenly ^ produce dealers. Addl- delegates felt that he would not and harsh winter settled over the In Polar regions, and that waa the appropriations aa the Legislature walkout which hat halted claosez money. Just wipe it off. RUSSIAN K OLIN SK Y...... $12.00 mittee that "the Federal govern­ veto the U. S. draft agreement land. primary objective—to flnd out may authorixa. o f 71,000 public school pupilg mately 100 merchant shlpa owned u o iw thousands o f cars will be by the United States now In the Cod... Sliced or in Piece P er S U a ment has no place In the employ­ neMed for moving dtnio. potato even if hla amendments were re­ Previous reports from the zone what our problems ere." In For A Hales Tax Raymond J. Ast, prasident of er-employee relationship.'' He jected. have Indicated, however, that wide InvoJuable Experienee Ths chief executive again ex- tha Taachers Federation (Inde­ pooaeoalon o f the Russian go\’crn- and melon crops soon. Shippera ment, the communications to Ruz- said the regulat’on and control of •aid they had trouble getUng roni Russia had offered similar stretches on both aides o f the Sun­ Invaluable navigational experl- preaoed a preference for the sales pendent) believed the proposed Good Quality BASSARISK (R in g ta il)...... $10.00 woricing condiUons, "if any la amendments to each of the eight gari are but lightly held and any tex rather than on Income tax, ■la and the replies of Russia." Fresh Oysters and Clams % Per Akin back from the eaaL plan o f Gov. Thomas E. Dewey's N E W SPRING necessaiy," should be at the sUte diaft agreements approved in attackers In force could move (ConUaued Oa Page Bight) saving that he was convinced that ■peels] education committea would (In view of . the constitutional San Frandaco—Big demand for reparation o f po\/ers between the and local levela. cember by the General Assembly, quickly against little rcaiatance. only the former levy would yield be unsatisfactory becauaa it pro- Suit Herring 2 for 25c RUSSIAN SABLE OR MINK DYED (pronounced Grady), from but all o f the amendments were If the Communists were headed $20,000,000 which he felt waa legislative, executive and judicial Morgan Dish Cloths fOeaUaued ea Page Tea) Treanury Balance branches of the government, con- Milwaukee. Is president of Orede rojectod. for Changchun, they will rui] into necessary to finance new or ex­ (Coatiaued oa Pago Toa) SQUIRREL (Double) ...... $9.95 Foundariea, Inc. | panded aervicea. greosional oourcea sold there was The Russian amendments pro­ a hard core of resistance because Washington, Feb. 27— The Per Rkhi SUITS Under questioning by Senator I posed: the’ capital la stoutly garrisoned. To realise $20,000,000 from an position of the Treasury Feb. ZB- (Coatiaued oa Page Tea) 4 f o r 4 0 0 (Single) ...... $5.95 Ball (R-Minn), Fitzgerald aald he British Isles 1. That the draft agreement Among the defenders ia believed Receipts, 1291,548,612.60; ex­ Income tax, said the govarnor it Featuring all the newest would not be in favor "o f any drop the provision that the Islands penditures. 8190.637,433.41; ba|. would be necessary to tax persona 4 Power Pact Per Skin styles and colors. Dress­ In unions or in govern­ would be administered "as an in­ (CoaUaued Ua Page Tea) ance, 86,163,4399)77.02. in the lowest of Income groups. Colorful striped dish cloths in red, blue and green. Four ment, which would deprive any in- Warmer Today tegral part of the United States.” The governor said that he hoped assorted to lockage. Pina 20% Tax maker, Classic and Cardigan. dividual of freedom of thought or 2. That it add tbe words "or that enpugh additonal revenue T o Curb W ar HOWARD OIL CO. See our collection a t ...... ** belief.” independence” after the words "to­ would Ub realized from propoaad ward self-government” in the aec- incfcaaca In the liquor tax and the Flashes! Other Morgan Dish Ctotha...... 10c ea. and 15c ea. r. Fitzgerald was fianked as he testified by two o f his top aides, Temperatures Rising Uon Iff whl^ the United States corporation businesa tax to close (Lata BulleHns of Ibe (At Wire) proposed to the politi­ Allies Feared Death Rays the $13,000,000 gap expected be­ Bevin ‘ DeclarcM That OTHER SUITS ... $22.98 lo $49.98 James J, Mstles, director of Slowly for tbe First Fuel Oil — Range OilGasoline organisation, and Julius Fmapay, cal development of tbe native pop­ tween general fund receipts and ulation. expenditures during tht coming Matter Will Be Dis- Solid Color Time in Six Weeks (loaoUae Tanks Explode 8. That it give the Security During D-Day Invasion biennium. (Coatiaued Og Page Tea) AboUah 9$ Head Tax c u s s in I at M ohcow B^toL Tenn„ Feb. 27,—(At— Wholesale and Retail eecretary-treasurer o f the union. London, Feb. 27—(P)— ScoUand (Coatiaued Oa Page Tea) The governor said that by al- WlUrn terrific roar that obook Face Cloths and northern England lay buried Washington, Feb. 27—(A’)— . ‘The general impression was London, Feb. 27—(A')— Foreign downtowa Bristol, gasoline tonka ■t ■ service station exploded 184 Oakland Street Tel. 6896 under several inchea o f freah Strong rumors that the Germans that in 1941 and 1942 the Germans (Coatiaued Oa Page Tea) Secretory Emeat Bevin said to­ anew today but throughout tbe would use radioactive “death rays" might have been ahead of ua," o(Ud day that he and the foreign min- shortly before noon today sod first reports were that three per­ Prepare Trial British Igles temperatures rooe, Teacher Wage prompted the Allied high command NIchola. "A t the end of tha war latera of U. 8., France and the 5 for 0 5 o alowly after nearly elk weeks W we learned we were two years Soviet union would discuss at Mos­ sons were entombed In the wreek- near record cold weather. to ocattA’ aoldier apeclallaU with Molten Flood age. ahead of them in 1944, when they cow a four-power pact to prevent • V w “ For Japanese Air ministry forecasters pre^ geiger counters through the first abandoned their efforts to develop any new aggression in Europe. Heavy weight solid color face cloths in blue, rose, green, Schedule Set Lava Flowing Slunrr dieted scattered snow for the D-day assault waves. an atomic bomb and concentrated Nears Hamlet Initiating a House of Commons peach, and yellow. « northwest and sub-normal night Thia was diacloaed today when their research on creating energy debate on foreign policy, ^vln I’alermn, Hirlly, Feb. 27—(At—. Eight Officers ^re Ac­ tomperaturao. but oaid warmer ^1. Kenneth D. Nichols, retiring to empower machinery, said he waa not sure that Ger­ The stream of laxa from a new TONIGHT'S Other Face Cloths...... 4 for 50c to 4 for 88c Feather during the ."^day was In Survey Made by a dtetrict engineer of the Manhattan "At the war’a end we found we many, even after defeate in two crater blasting In .Mount Ktim's BLOUSES cused of Torturing prospect for moat areas. Board o f Experts Rec- atomic bomb project, related in an wero ahead o f them In power re- lAiva frfim Mt. Etna great wars, knew the real mean side boiled on slowly tonight, but Dalwhinnie, In ScoUand, and Interview how worried actenttsts search. They didn't even have the Ing of defeat and recognised the a slarkrning in Its rate of priiqn-Hs And Killing Amerirans Dublin, with mlnlmums of 33 de- Rolling Steadily on raised hopes that If txmlti faller ‘^ r te M Gen. Eisenhower and firat unit, an uranium pile, going stupidity of war as an object of and hplt befun* en)elo|iin|( (he \l|- TH E N IG H T! C'.aniion Hand and Fare Sir.r AS ILLUSTRATED greea above zero, were the oolci^ Mk»^^^a»“^wS»atawter,' t ti6niir(>iy M^demPnatrate a " chaln-roac^n! Villagr 1 :x>* tha islands last night Norwalk, Feb. 27—(A')—A ealery z»^ a on general, on t|ie pooalbUity. They never made phitonium. T hey Only four-power agreement, he » A j C r f A aaeeeaaeaeeee'aaee quartere’ letnl aen<'<| The defendants. Including for- from shipping lanes. Icrbreak- the Municipal Board of Education general, ia returning to his aluja keep Germany denijIltariKeil for. ner LleuL Junaaburo intehiiiOb probably would not hove huit to be out of danger.) New llaten, Feb. 27—h/Pi—Nate ere escorted six vcsmIs into Co­ (knd tha Norwalk Teachers Azilo- 25 yearn. Mai;n. HuniUeii lioax.voeight, suf- ii . > . wmmandar of the prisoner of war mater. West Point «s professor of them. If It could have been done The prefci'te of neigltburlng penhagen and aik ahipa loaded ciatioo. nMbanica. He haa been azeigned Bevin told the Comnwna h<' M^rt guard, and Sbunoeiike quickly.------... .u. But u «•to wwtm,encamp mm In wenaucb aaa towno, utt archoishoD aa well aa tht archblahi fvrered fraelures of four rita it- with badly needed coal were en- Stating that It' would root the "Ihc# 1943 to the Manhattan pro­ hoped the pending Anglo-French hi-, light will) Hill Meiiiberg af «Vada. Interpreter who command- route from Gdynia to Stockholm place ra ght have had dire rosnlte.’*' >«Mf(alermo, Ernesto Cardlna. R uf. Ploying Starts. At B :is The JMKHAL4 CORF. city I321.24A more than is ject. which baa passed to control of AlUi If the invacUjiir fore<\ hn V /. GET AN- ANSWER! tW E OrTHr^RffTTBR AfUSttAl AMIII H AK TI OHD ACTS PLAYING IN THIS PART OF THE EAST. DEUVERY SOMETHING REALLY NEW . . . AND SBNSA* SERVICE Why tolt-padial th* beauty of your hands, nONAL! 2 5 / e a c h whan Elizob.ih Ard.nls Camaliia Hand Cr.«am Should it be yoipr aiisfor- 6 for $i.(k) tuaa to aged a wreebor or will giva them tha soft-p.tal touch? CERTIFIED * LESTER RUSSELL GENE DEVEAU a tow far. you will be Smooth, twaat*s«anlad, lhli..moHi.nt cream Afid nia Ptaao WItk Hla lalmltahl* iaed wlib the oeutfoag For S«|lert Of Qrtatost Number Of Tickets: BURNER SERVICE' OPEN 24 HOURS hands you beauty, elbow-hlght aad Belevax ImperwNwttena K eMcleat aervke taa- dered 24 Houre a Day ^ Firtf #riz(B $50.00 CeaelHe Ne.4 Om i. . . . l.fO Truly ■ Oruut Soag and Comady Ttam Second Prize $30.00 / Third Prize $20.00 • #JIS ALA aesaamw NO COVER! VlOMINIMITMl AAA e • mpuu0

1' • 0 >- L > A G E F 0 0 ft MANr HCTI BW EVmVTNn mniALD. MANTHESTSM. OONII. IHUItSDAT. FEBBUABT «7, IffT UANl^NKSTEK EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. tX)NN_ THUKSUaV, rEHKL'AKY 27. 1947 s PAGE n v E T I, eonaMering a teas costly replace­ Strip Tax stryction of private property for are ataying with their two eons. : appreciation of all aaaUtancc tlona and played hla first movie two wnnki. during which time he Victor and Douglas. fllin. “Lassie Come Home." He V. ar Claims Asked ernment haa officially Invited all. WUNK—111* ment when her contract la up in Reports Given { given and kindness expreaaed at role In 1914. .:nil Dame May. married In Lon­ June, while Uu Bob Buma aponaor la to make arrangementa with the -1 Polea to Immediately file flnanctal Aochaator. N. T„ Fab. f j —— The young people here are u k U*e time, be given through thf He last appeared on the stage don. Celebrated their golden anni- Warsaw (g») — in preparation w r m —ISM on NBC Sundaya Is looking lor an- A middle aged taxpayer appaarad owners of the boaee and make ad- Ins advantage o f'th e first r«aijy i >»«4ium of this column, In “Young Ur. Disraeli" iii New. veranry In 1941. claims ni a private, legal nature T€tday*s Radio otbar abow, after June, a ^ poml- JustmenU aatlafactr-y to.them aa They had lived of data to be presented at the against the Germans and former befora V. S. D a ^ y OaUaetor By Red G*oss good snowstorm of the year and I Schools are closed ell this week York In 1937 and Recently In the I here since 1939. I Peace (’onferencp, the Polish gov­ J>iy may taka Ellery Queen, sow Francis A. Dalton In tha Farcral to repairing or repiaclng them. art out wrlth their tohoggana and ' ^o** the eight week period receM.< authorities of the German Retch. on CBS. building arlth a problam. It waa reportad that the boys have skia enjoying every minute of it Mr. and Mrs. David Hunt of Previously annodneed for *’I owa the govemmmt vSTST,” Various CommittrM Are already vlalted aH thn ownera and that they can. West Hartford were callers at the WDRC—Harry P. Morae. change: Milton Berla taking over he told Dalton, "but Ita aewad on have made such arrangements Miae Anne Dix had aa her guest home of his parents. Judge and from Rudy Vallee on NBC March with soma of them. Chaunccy M. • Pwtsr; M WONB—Inalde of Sporta. the Inside of my underwear and Heard frum at RL over tha week-end. Mrs. Fred Allen .Mrs. tlayton E. Hunt, on Sunday. W ir e —Sjrmphony of Melody. 11; Malsie'a sponsor giving up his 1 mn’t get It out In front of all Squier. S r, wee the proaecuting of Hartford. ■; lUniig. CBS time on March 2B; Eddie Monthly Meeting grond Juror in the caae. c t Ocms. BiBB— these people." Mra. Nellie 8. Tuttle U spending Bracken being replaced by Tony A good numbqr of Columbia WOMB Js lw B o il WDRC—So^ianaa. Dalton led the aray to an unoc­ the next three weeks with her son Ben W ebster D ies, WONB—Sound Off. Martin on CBS March 30, and cupied cashlara booth wbare tha Thn regular bi-monthly mcntlng peopla attandad the Tri-Oounty Cherlea H. Tuttle in West Hart­ WTHT—B u td i Wy D— nd. Prank Morgan's ^mnsor on NB(' of thn Manchester Chapter. Ameri­ T w no-BM iuun wife. WTHT—Uim and Abner, fruatrated taxpayer removed hla P llR W J* Union meeting In Hebron Cbngre- ford. w n c —AMiich Pamily. shifting to "Featura Asaignment,'* long underwear, and pluckad from can Red Croea, waa held Tueaday getlonal church Sunday night to Slape. Screen Star «:U— a drama baaed on ni^aspaper sto­ Mr. and Mra. John Pringle and •ilS— It tha money to meet Uncle Sam’s evening, with 13 members preeent. hear the concert presented by the Mra. Pringle’s father Edwin F. WTHT—Monitor Vlawa In tha ries, April 2. mu. and the new chairmen. Dr. W. Windham Choral Society under the t u r k e YL- John Field, preaiding. Following Cross of WlUimantIc attended the WDItC-J45— by two detective sergeants who ll J WTHT—Mualcal Memorlea. to tod -p guptr TooUxo Plans are under way for future Robinaon, Mrs? Philip Isham and |cred in a body to watch and many g;48— said hr made .1 break to escape. KLEIN'S Home Nursing clasoea In a new Mrs. Lester Hutchins to purchase 1 helped to carry buckets of water WDRO-OM Record Shop. IBldB— Police tdentifled him aa John WDRC—Readcra Digeat—Radio We pledge to keep prices down. C O O K E S s ^ * location, according to the report material for vestments for the from the nearby homes to re-flll WOKS—Tom Mix.. Oreen, 21, who enmo here from No prices will he changed ex­ of tha chairman, Mrs. Douglaa junior choir, which is ohntlnutng the Indian pumps which were be­ WTHT —Tannaaaaa Jed. Edition. Helena, Mont., three days ago. WONB-Family Theater. cept Items romlag In to as nt Htekox. to do good work under the direc­ ing used by neighbors who came BACKACHE WnC5—PTont Paga Farrall. The policeman, hoepltallxed with higher east — and these llema The Disaster chairman, Leon tion of Mrs. Myrtle Englert who to help extinguish ttie blaze. An­ Branteg WTHT—Praaloant Truman, a bullet In his spine, is Art Fralde, w n c —Abbott and Coatallo. will be sold at Lowest PossIMs Thorp, reported the personnel add has taken over from Mrs. Carol dover and Hebron flic departments dtd »- 2«. FrleeSb equipment will Continue to be kept were called to the scene but be­ LEG FAIRS MAY Nawa on all atatJona. IdrdB— Lyman Ladd who directed them WTHT—Boxing. The chase started at Ninth and ready for service ‘r the event of last year. The vestments will be fore their arrival the local men B:t5~ Main streets when an unarmed need. NtaM $«i9t»sw B9 NRtata 1 M wagftitol 90 ••IPS • WDRC—HoadUnara Club. M:IS— off-duty policeman took after HAMBURGER made by the ladies at the next had it under control and no aeri- WTHT—Mualcal Notaa. ‘ " IT ’'* •^NCT u5 9 ^ Mrs. Candler Poole, Jr., new meeting so they may be ready for oua damage reaulted. Mr. and Mrs. WONB—Bperta Roundup; Mual- M ii»— Orem, driving a car reported chairman of Volunteer Special eal Roundup. stolen from a parking lot. Fralde 35c lb. Elaater. Berkowitz have asked that their tt totaathaaad lag fo&MopaUaffi WDRC—That'a PInnagan. Services, reported as follows: Dur­ Mrs. Lucius W. Robinson, J r , elWBMe.*g’tiaA«*SBBeeJaeB5 li W nc-Bob Bta^: U. 8. Waath- was felled In an exchange of shots Freshly gronnd hmf. Ideal tor ing the Lecember-January period. abaat thMB. Mahua MCTMwafBiag foa t h a t grille’i arfrcih aiid fashion-worthy as t Paris controls light u a lady finger; at wheels that curb ar Bureau. WONB—ArtM Oal'a Orvhaatra. four blocks later amid acorea of Patties ar Meat Loaf. Ton’ll * HBIJSJ- n u S s 4 Canteen CDrpe workers served was guest of honor at a stork label in a new bonnet. WTHT —Pantaay In Melody. ontookera. Hka the Savor af thia Qnallty 75 persons, working 20 hours; 4 shower given by a group of friends T hctl-ovar on rurna, and brakes both easy and sure. W n C —Eddie Cantor. at the home of Misses ^ a rlo tte e i e * eeMe e a jl » s 4 w w » w an e e e t a t Uw WTHT—Candlallght and Slhrar. Oreen, wounded In the arm, Ifambarger. Home Service dorps workers gave blee4. Tkav bt|p aMat paagla paaa aboM a Thai long, clean, swccping-all-thc-way-through fender Fact is, in this trim Convertible or any of the eight t m — Mt«B— drove two blocks more before he 28<4 hours; 3 drivers of the Motor and Janice Clarke, 'hostesseji, Sat­ WTHT—Earl Godwin. was trapped by traffic at Third Corps gava 90 1-4 hours, driving urday night. r kMaar tabaa aa4 ikafa line is as much a ’’must’' with the style-wise as white other body types, Buick's the smartest as well as WDRC—Rad Barber. 11:M— n a u r C n ^ P S aeiew w waeaemettirwiaja WON8—Anawar Man. and Main. Two other policemen CHUCK ROAST 1050,3 miles, covering 83 assign- Mr. and Mra. Howard Thayer tic with tails. ’47’i smartest cwr. It's the place where dollar-sensc Nawa on all atationa. menU. spent the week-end In Boston with WTHT—Muaic. ' with drawn guns raptured him. tajaM w aigy, aaatlag a» p b i^ awa«ag. meets with style-sense to produce America’s most HUB— Taken to a hospital, he had his 49c lb. Mrs. WInthrop Reed, Executive relatives. There’s the sparkle of bright, fresh colors — the rich W TfC -BaSla Cbta Oiaa Oub. WDRC—Newa, Pootnotaa. •:4S— arm treated and was being led Armonr*s best flrade AA. Aged Secretary and Mra. H. B. DeWolf, Mr. and Mrs. Hanv Jonea and a a a e .fy “ sheen of chaste chromc-thc sleek, slick, able look of an wanted auiom^ilc. WONB—CoiUMctlcut State iaaaadlba raia a taabi WDRC—Robert Trout, Nawa. out down a ramp by Rgts Harry Jast right fa giva yoa lender, rhapter secretary, were named aa daughter Marilyn, spent, three Ib b a a telature. Jack PIna'a Orchea- delegates tb the National conven­ ^ w rasf wt^faar kMatva ar Matow. express cruiser, shined and polished for Regatta Day. Such being so — why hesitate? A day lost now in plac­ WONB—Kaay Aoaa. Fremont and Ray Varein when the tasty roasts. days, Saturday. Sunday and Mon­ FatherJohns Dm I wrtU toil M r draniat tor Daaa'a tra. fatal gunfire cradcled. Varela said tion In June. day In New York City. They were m Bi. a MiSDlaaA toaniua. aitd aam iitoBj ing an order can be a week lust later in taking delivery, W HO LonraH Thomaa. WTHT —Muaic 'Ul Midnight, MEDICINE 7td B - Oreen asked for a cigarrt, pushed Ratification of the appointments accompanied on Saturday-by Mra. B u i is (his the only way in which Buick's smart?'Not so — gel your order in now! w n c —Harkiiaaa of Waahing- him aside and ran. ROASTING of several new chairmen was made; Newton B. Smith and daughter WDRC-MyaUry of tha Weak. ton. Successfully Used Ovei 80 Yeais by a barrelful! W O N S-ruRon Lawta, Jr. He had taken about 10 steps n.OIM0A-LA^GE Home Service. Mrs. Charles Fel- Nancy. Mr. Smith went down on lliBB— when three bullets from the de­ CHICKENS ber. Home Nursing. Mrs. Douglas Sunday to bring hla family back. Look at. the engine room in that bonnet — that means w n C —Supper Club. WDRC—Columbia Maaterworka. SVfttT.WiCf «0-176 i HIckox. Volunteer Special Serv­ IslS— tective’s guns brought him down, Dr. and Mra. Ralph Wolner and torrents of Fireball power to put the lift of a lifetime WONS—Bmll Coleman'a Or- dead. 49c lb. ices Mrs. Candler H. Poole, Jr., Wally Lohr are In Conway, N. H., W D R C -Jack Smith Show. cheatra. Newa. CALIFORNIA SOUO Production, Mrs. F. E. Watts, Staff in every mile. WONS—TaDo>Teat. Plump, native, brood-breasted w a r n for this week to enjoy the skiing. B m c K k j k s W n C —Story of Muaic. birds. CWSP HEADS Aasistanta, Kira. Everett MacClug- WTHT—Klmar Davla. »:«•— gage and Home Service Corps, During their absence, Mra. Wol- 5££ w n O —Ifawn ad tha WoaM. c a L O ^ 3 * roer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. FUEL and RANGE That hug-thc-road look means steadiness always—and WONS —Art Kaaad*a Orchaatra. SMOKED FIRM Mrs. James Kirkpatrick. « cushiony coil springs on all four wheels spell serene TUB— w n c —Newa. Oeorgla Oraene’a u i i y c E Dr. Field appointed an executive George Cavanaugh of Westport WDRO- ^ . Kaan. TrMar- M Orchaatra. Native RED-Rl« committee, to be comprised of the disregard of any road's rude jolts. • MtSB— SHOULDERS chapter officers with Dr. Eugene OIL garden EktSH WOlfS—Arthur HaM. WONS—Johnny Loog'a Orchea- Fresh Dressed M. Davla, Henry Mallory and Mlaa WTHT—Piefbaear Mua me Ckan, Careful Delivery! L ook at the width amidships that gives you lulling * '“wrAwr '«*» Quia, tra. 45c lb. CALIf. ALL GRttN ■ M t a r Anna C. Sampaon. w n c —Barry Wood Bhotr. le lie OF looV^ It waa announced that plana are PIN-WORMS Metered Gallonage! room both front and back-and at push-MUon con­ W n C —Mnalciana. POULTRY These are Armnnr’s Star — tha * m o a m im m m u * *■? *'•"** w zw n o kind moat people prefer. WASHED S i r F r i h C a k i all ready for the atari of the an­ New Treatment trols that not only raise and lower the lop, but move nual Fund Drive on March 2, door windows up and down and the front seat heady t o c o o k y j \ i ^ 9 Gets Real Results THE MANCHESTER LUMBER swwowo A •***«» RoasliiiE Chif'kenH, MRS. K LEIN ’S !S 8 S S S ^ FriltCafct^sr;«*:.^>t1.89 back and forth. S fW M H TEMPLt Don't let your child aulfer a aintle Spring Cleaning Threat 4 to 5 lliB . . . |y|yr l b . CO LE SLAW » 3 S R a U s e t *wIu5o*** J paaa 2 r needicsa minute of dtitreis with Pln- AND FUEL COMPANY LGE sheSIZE 170V^76'» Columbia W'orma 25S C EN TER ST. D IA LSH S And look deeper. At engines so fine-made Broilers, MilkBm ^oiMHn *exo'' 17* Reeeat medical reporta rereal that an they keep their ncw-car liveliness seemingly To Many Network Shows MIX, 23c pkq. amaiinx number of children land 2 V2 to 3 lbs., 45c lb. A balanced blend of six crispy, OliMfiR >****• ■«?ir The spring town meeting is ■rown-upa tob) may be Tlctlme of Pln- forever. Ai stout metals and sturdy under­ vitamin - packed, garden - fresh CAMAY SOAP scheduled to be held In Yeomans Worma—often without auspertinz what pinning, at husky, curl-aruund bumpers. Fryers, 1* 0? t S * hall Saturday night at 8, March 1. la wrong. Bo watch out for llie w-arii- . Ribtotb Stoudard Tima bThat’a PInnegan, eomady akit of vegetables. Have yon Irird It Tha Soap Oi Baabttiul Woman Ing tlgiia-.eapeclally the tormenting New Tork, Feb. S7— —In- { CBS on Tburaday nigbta, to clone to llw. , . e lb. y eir Only five clausea are included In 3 4 45 the warning of thia meeting which rectal Itch, Because now you can and ereaalng todlcatloae are that tha March SO, with tha sponsor ra- nfAM s coil s s•■K-wneitt s t s s ^ aiaotttt * I should do something about It! < fh» t if aatwork program aeana la to un­ plaeiag It with “The l^lstle^ a Fowl for Frirassee KRAFT will bring up the reports of both ' A highly effecllTe way to deal with FRIED OYSTERS, CLAMS dergo more than tha normal myatery draa^knd a summer fes' MOSS CAKE 1 0 * tha school building committee and thia ugly infection haa now been made SSL AVAILAMLE* the com m ittee on fire department pofslble. it is based on a new. officially amount of aprlag alteration this ture last yeai\at a new Wednes­ Drllveretl direct to your CHEESE FISH AND CHIPS WITH OUR NEW KKIAI.ATOK! year. And a ^ e r than usual, too. day night time. home Friday or Saturday, aivhtsittt* 1 7 9 to be acted upon, to make changes I approved drug principle. This drug huCaiNti rs» t* or additlona to the budget as m ay '“Icntent la the vital Ingredient In P-W Our new sanitary process gives rou a delicious, crisp, SosM of the ebangea are defl- Roy Rogera of NTC, which thia rijfht fnim the farm. 49c lb. 2 ...... ** . . . iKskIhe tkvm«medically44rMallw> aound^.aawved Pin-Worm_ a__treat­_ Mto; othara are etUl la tba gueaa- be deemed advisable and to lay golden brown IihnI — Seale in the flavor! (?oiiir in and season took orer from’^ e old'time Bave Ihc on this timely l.enten ** ■ iM M C M It a i 2 Mas 1 9 « tha tax on the newly completed ment da eloped In the laboratorlea of tag stage. Reasons behind the Saturday Bam Dance, to rto d up Dr. D. Jsjue a Son. 4 ry them! FR IED OYSTERS AND CLAMS PACKED Itetn. Tills price on oae pouad grand Hat. This last, according The amali, asay-to-take P-W tAbleta ahlfto aiSL of eoursa, unstated, but lata in March when the aponaor C A L L 5864 orders only. SkelletflM M to some town officlala will prob­ 10 TAKE HOME. C A LL .380.1. the “trade talk’’ has been stramlng Art in a apecial way to remove Pin- I drops the tlnm. For Prompt Service! m • n C e wawnM d cANa ably call for a somew'hat larger ' Worma. So 1. you auapect Pln-Womia, I meb points as aponaor desire for Meet me at Parky’a, alao NBC. tax rate than the 13 mills of some aak your drusflat for a package of dtffcrant types of abowa aa well aa to cloaa Mmuttaneously with the Orders Taken lentil Noon DRIED BEEF O rS p S frill aicTioNa *MN7 an* ^1 7^* years past. JAVNR’S P-W right away, and follow COMMUNITY RESTAURANT GORMAN MOTOR SALES, INC. the intention of effecting econo- sponsor In April. IN RR-rBEARLE OI.ABBEB the directlona. Thursday for Fridav and The $3,000 voted by the totrii i us NUHTU MAIN Sl'KEE'l HANCHEETEH 285 MAIN S T R EET mlaa In addition, Joan Davis’ CBS We Have a Choice Nelertlon of S b ria p SMALL SHI "c“an' 4 9 * I Aak your drugglat; P-W tor Pln- MANCHESTER Saturday Delivery. last year for advancing the fire Worma. . Newest devetopraents Mwwi Monday sponsor U reportad to be QUALITY COLD CUTS department Idea and the money I which will be needed to build the | SPIC A N D SPAN road on the property donated by ! H. W. Porter for the proposed i No Ritwing-No Wiping 5 2 ^ XT* consolidated school are two large j - .1.^ , . * 1LB D Q t additions to the budget since the j last meeting, and some m eans, 2 PKGS M U must be taken to raise the money to cover them. | 2-Piece KRuckle Afri Suitcs at a BARGAIN PRICE! 46 OZ The young people of the C hris-, Repeated Value Smash... Patterson's M arket fOHA AND Ubitm r 7 5 * Uan Endeavor Society met at the 1 101 CENTER STREET W S ( o n * J M W CAN coefttD ig ttfia WHERE QUALITY REIGNS SUPREME OTHER BRANDS •IIP MASH 'CAN mU* parsonage Sunday evening for a ' ^ ___ a. MtLIAiLt *N0. 2 * e g party in lieu of the regular m eet-: Adds Zdst To Any Monll Psttorson’s ■ § m CAN d l -1 Fancy—Double A—Bone In & JUICE K O Z V iO R ® erilNerWAI mg. Miss Patricia Taham, pro VKS — IT'K FOH NOTH PIKCKS WHOLE CAN gram chairman waa In charge of PeiMrtCnnehr?^*jra2 9 * the afnngements. UNPEELEO 0 2 -----Huikua Nu. aang Scotch Ham 79/ N VS F lU I t w S Whoi. irtaA can 1 4 The Misses Dorothy Squier and , TH K M IFA a n d t h e I'Li n C'llAIH Chuck Roast» 43 / CAN 3 6 * NALLMAAR Janet Collins, fre.shmen at th e ; 4 3 / 1 University of Connecticut, who | 0SM m i’COOHIO i r You haven't laen prices lit# this since pre-war A and Donbln A Short or Sirloin Fm h ly Ground— I.,cnn hgve been commuting the first ow w "!:.,-.H0223* CT semester, have secured rooms in days . , . and where else do you see them NOW PALMOLIVE SOAP Sprague Hail and took possession but at Tha Colony Furniture Co. 7 It's the pepu- S t e a k s SSa«n«£M?»9“ "WHtN RIOUAI « there on Sunday, to live there the ,lar London Club design with mahogany finishtd H a m b u r g AVAILAUir CAKl IU ” remainder of the school year, com- 4 5 / 1 V ing home on week-ends only. Lnuckis arms . . . full deep-coil spring construc­ tion through. W e maks it in our own factory Freshly SHcod—Wnfer Thin ShelTord’M—C'hevel aspMUdus N0 2 M.Q. LyM eiRavM I 2 cAaa 29* ’ With only the balance of the sr1 week left before a penalty Is add­ FOR ONE WEEK ONLY... and can vouch for ovary inch of its quality. Cov- MaurMla°*!?ec”..2 FKes 19> ed, 51ra. Laura Squier, tax collec­ ‘ ared in Tapren tapestry, as advertised in "Hous* •d tor rcpnrta that onlv about one K Garden." Don't miss it! D ried Beef i >t29/ SmkedSalBM half of those eligible to pay an old FEa 28 to MARCH 8, 9 A. M. to 9 P. M., (and Tonight) C h e e s e 9 9 / 1 MT $0D6I7 7II«M$* PAVOAITI V/! 2 7 « age aaaistance tax. have done ao. •n4 $7.13 4 no. am repeating Ihia offer In response to r». strictly F renh A Grade C h t t S i i y Saturday Is the deadline. Margarine A M H ^ ^ ^ i L k y - z s l b i i o q 9PACAO quests from all over Connecticut. O liv t OAANDKI 2 2 5 * John Szegda. IS, and Douglas Bellows, 1$. both of Columbia, d o z . TatMMU 2eaoa19* were' presented In Trial Justice L a r g e E g g s lb vf" C r e m e 4 5 / 1 MiM n»2Lr,s»n- CM lfflewerrrcrnr.'j*r27' Court In Yeomans Hall. Saturday YIP aoox night, charged with destruction of B s trs Larso-^-Jaicc - 20 OZ A A O Chtc.Syrip Tor CAN 1 9 « private property and evading re- Fancy— Western “ ■ I.a r g e - ^ u n k i8t Cellophane Pkg. A lA KINO aponslblllty. Tke two boys had Otalgiiffd and •PKGS L v CMeken MORTON’S M!‘ 3 2 ‘ r a n g e s been arrested February 19. , on MADK In Our G CARROTS LEMONS TOMATOES OetagtR 4 complaint that they had knocked CLIANSia CANt IV down rural mall boxes on Routes 'Own P acttryl 2 doz. 69c Kirkaii'taoi>A>Sta9cAA( 9' 8 and 87, "for the ftin of It." by . 2bcht.15c 6 for 25c . 23c pkg. WHCa AVAILAOtt" State Policeman C. Taylor Hart WNITINOUSI TALI A Q i of ihe Colchester Barracks. Both Faaqr— White Fancy—Green CANS U W boys pleaded guilty to the two Jumbo Cellophane Pkf. EVAP. MILK THERE'S NONE BETTER 3 charges through their guardians ad litem, Joseph Sxegda, brother ''“ P A U N IP S phnlogrephed im BROCCOLI GRAPEFRUtT SRNACH*""'*" of John, and ^ym ond Bellows; fathw of Douglaa, respectively. cur , 80s room 2 lb p .2 5 c Lga. bch. 23c Mm CI m u OOMItTie vaSi! 'TTilUQ|;1{*'t$MidkMfP'-]ta>ianto4»^ 2 for 25c 23c pkg. CHAIIAU O EIGHT O'CLOCK was revealed that Douglaa had • t r r iii'i cHiiai Zi Route 8 to the Whitney road, on Booeh-Ns^—Straiaod All Popular Brands which he lives, getting out at his »*■ fkiH irffintt 1. 1 2 * RED CIRCLE COFFEE home. During the trip, four boxes caiA M cNiiaa teat a d s n o g Pr9« Parilint a f i n aotT vAaiiT(ta-t u Mn |S^ h.«d been knocked down by ' the B a b y F o o d 3 2 5 / 2 » a s 8 5 * truck which John wras drtvlag. C ig a r e tte s carton * 1 . 6 9 frmlMMClMaM wSI*. BOKAR COFFEE though eridance showed Ballowi had remonstrated with Bzedga and open Tan lolil him he shuuld not knock down F rien d ’s cm aJu au L IVORY FLAKES IVORY SOAP the boxes. Trial Justice Newton B. Twico The Wear With Ivoiyf lakes Kind To Evorything 9 Touchoa Smith, found Bellows not guilty venini R o d S B lU IO il lb, tin -and dismissed him. Rffown Bread 2 cans 4 5 / LARGE LARGE 4 7 t John, from there on. until he M a o B i T ‘> 4 a raschad his home, toppled over. until' A aavtei PliTlags MotPS n Aborn’s PKG O D CAKE 1 I Sevan raoro boxaa. It w’as tastlflad. WHITE t CaOREO-SUCEO FOR YOUR CONVENIENCI SHOF 4NQ COMPAU .. then m e ->iV' -WMEN AVAlUBli- -tSHCN AVAItAOSa" Pleading guilty to tha oliarges, John was flnad $80 for evading /reek, trend mew tmieeh mode im ear mwn The COLONY FURNITURE CO. 9 J e U i e s ' i*' 2 3 / C o f f e e . '*'!>■ i" 5 5 / icsponsiblllty, $44 of which was fmlmy. They me net titmencr imitet, met T H E GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA CO lemittcd by the court. Judgment Hoot UKipfet, nut JiMvNliHHcd putUrn*. A W AYSIDE Purmilmre Store / I Wiiium from H erlforft Meim StreH was withheld on the charge of de- fHOr 4SO idvtu 774 CONNECTICUT ILVO. EAST HAETFORP, at Wa Iri4«s PHONE t-0142 |*K|at|l;lj


MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. (TJNN.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27,194T tors or to an lasMctdr of another chief rt lb* Army Air Forces pm- lack of Initlatix'e on (he part of tfl Killed In SkIrmMi been. klllWl in a clash of troupa P A G E 8 C L Health Nurses For Train iiif Disabled Veto state whose standarda ware almilar valescent program during th* war, D m handicapped. "Our bark bed­ at Medan In northorn Sumatra. to ours. Aa a result of this policy told the Cennacttcut Rehabilita­ rooms and attic* are full of handi­ Batavia, Java, Feb. 2T—(46—A He aald a Dutch patrol had com* the “ Y ” continue on the tipgradei, many handicapped veterans have tion Association yeaterday that capped people who could heneflt iinioiportant Ultl* teat tub* which Netherlands army spokesman an­ upon the Indonesian troops oper­ we think that all entarpriaea and Old Subjects In Big Demand rccelarcd operators' Ucenseo. the reatoratlon of disabled persona theroselx’** and society generally ating Inside Netherlands territoty AmrlfPEtpr ia navar really »®ln* to eaplod*. Say Tiny Gasoline Motor Oommlaaloncr Wataon aloo calls to useful living was hampered by if they could obtain proper train­ nounced today that one Dtitchman intereata In Mancheater ahoiild in violation of a cease-fire and no matter what <1an(r*roua Inrred- attention to the fact that veterans lack of opportunity rather than by ing.” be declared. and 16 Indonesian nationaliats had stand-faat agrcemanL €Dpnitt0 l$rrald lenta or* toaeert Into It. They rome to the recognition that hero 'ocfie'<3. Before Solons Their Skilled AMistance of World War II who are entlUed ruauHUEO »t think It la a food place to teat and la an Inatitiitlon which doe* de- Saved Lives of- II Flyen to compcnaatlon for the loea, or ■nULO rKlNTINO CO.. INC COLUMN loea of use. of one or both legs at aene their permanent financial Helps Combat Winter's a •iw n ■ bluff America without running too er above th* ankle aro ellgibl* un­ Uoan. aupport. State Assembly Com* high a danger of anmethlng like Wcatover Fisld, Maaa., FaS. STfog being aaalgiied to furtlmr Arc- Ills der PubUc Law 6«S. 79th Congroaa T a u iitf rKitooaoM Such recognition haa been grow- By Hal Bayla ♦ Jockey auffera much leaa than hia pTM.. Trwfc, o « n real war. Hialeah Racetrack. Kcb. watching frau during a race. mittees Start Wading -o n -B le v e n American srmy Ah^ ; tlc^ghU^^^ tion enjosred only by crumbling Hartford. Feb. 37 New menL On* section of the applica­ Famoutf Bvtdy Aid^n Bread ■r-ra* <3»ra » » ll»»t«T.______forUtude. The foothold we have in i hitherto choaen to aupport the went to the post. "Moe" before flying back to thetr letter* from home and one even ua In former years. It has been old white-haired Kentucky col- "He's wonderful," she aald. "He * arguments over old subjects cap­ tion for tola motor vehicle pro­ Korea la amall ahd. militarily i "Y ." We hope more aiich dona- hunted, hut with no succesa. The a hard one from toe point of view vides that toe state licensing agen­ •UML'RimON lUTES onela who made up their track terrible strong and only W illie"— ital punlabment, compulaory au- Alaskan base today. lettam were dropped by sesrobers. tlona develop In the laat day* of of alckneaa. The records of tha cy muat certify that the applicant UM f*»r IU)I ...... apeaking. Inaeciire. But the good loaae* by poaing hand-in-hand with apparently her pet name "Mae" la a tiny gasoline-pow­ The only remaining eaaiuUty of I I U o z L o a f m« aranlM Hall ...... I a.ou fof j tomubila inapactlons and tha ever- Manchester PubUc Health Nurs­ haa been Isaued an operator’s li­ i i.uuj faith of America I* at atake in the drive, ao that the " Y ” can end mint Julep* for the whtakey ada. Doug " can really handle him, ered auxiliary motor which pro­ the crash of the B-20 TCee Bird." ing Association show conclusively OM awntli •» Han ...... And here I am head-over-heel* preaent, related toptca of taxes cense. To date, says the Commla- siB(H dmy ...... I jJ ; mir poaltlon there. We niiiat hold Ita flrat piihllc appeal under ita Net Temperameutal vided Juice for making radio con­ aa the crew prepared to return to that the Public Health Nurses have fcjr CarHtr ...... rasy about a horae. eraty aa little tam^r'amental' finance* are occupying the oioncr, we have so certified for iTfl Vtmmr. lu.uu I new regime with aaaiirance of "Armed isn't Ita base, was Lt. Cowan who had received an aver increasing amount appileanu. 8aka. Mivaraa. On* T*ar ..... ' that poaitlon with unflinching Boy'Blue over hi* little toy dog. 'though' Nothing bothers him. He attention of the General Aasem- tact with a search plane that An­ a frostbitten big toe. of calls this year. O n t H waat e* H*#*.. rn»*ir> ...... • iw ni communlty>wld* aupport. However, there are some handi­ moral atrength. and In aiich a Sweeteat Thiug m n ^ B gnowa what he la doing.'* Wy’ably’s buaybusy commlttoea, now well ally located the stranded Stem on Lt. Vem H. Arnett, of Riverside No doubt not all of this la en­ The “ Y ” belonga to all Man- The horse la named Armed, end capped veterans, particularly thoes HBMHSR Of I manner aa to dentonatrate that. Then somebody yeUad "They’r# atarted on their way through the an ica-oovtred laka in Greenland. Calif., Instructor pilot, who sur­ tirely due to increased sickneas, TUfc PKKIMI he le the eweeteet thing on hoof* The dual cootrollad e«r equipped with the drivtag aidk needed who have lost the iiae of both legs, aranc*atee prea* '» aaciir****ly ’ however unimportantly Riiaaia ^ cheater. It can. properly func> off." And Mm. Dodaon-A pretty maas of aome 2,600 bill* turned In 600 miles from th* north pole. vived a crash landing in th* Aru- for wrinter always increaaea iU- that ever ran In drclea. Old "W# owe everything to Moe." tlc once before said the "Kee Bird" neasca although part of It may be by disabled veterans to aaftly operate la assigned by the CbounU- who cannot obtain a car equipped eetitlas ts lb* u*( #f rtauW-tauoi. ol eatimate the Korean le*t tioning. help make alt Mancheater dlgnifled women who knew she for oonaideration. xxith the driving aids that they Baked only at the First timer* can have their pacing Dan would get to go to CAlifomla with The Income tax phase of the said Lt. Bert Cowan. M. of Oran'’ went down Friday morning about accounted for by actual neceaalty civd'tes tiM* 'pea*' •"* tube, everything America ha* ia in * better and healthier town In th* Patch, middle time* are welcome tiooer of Motor Vehicles for training disabled veterans ao that they need so that they can obtain to* her husband If Armed pron —be­ taxca-flnancea problem occupiea Island, Nebr., navigator of the 10 o’clock Alaskan time after hit­ Rather these calls have come In National Bakeries—sold only alae th* •*»*• «*•• auuliebeo h*r*. back of our position theie. future. It can and should be * to Man-o-War I'll take Armed craahed bomber, aa (he crew drank ting a bad storm at 24.000 feet. from doctors whe know how much may obtain an operator^ licenw. Reading left to right — Deputy necessary practice and skill to gan Jumping up and down like a the headline spot today at the demonstrate to the examining In­ by First National Stores If It la the Ritaalana who. with training ground for the future • on a wet or dry track. pogo Btick shouting: Capitol wbera a 2 p. m. hearing a hearty toast to U>e little engine. Arnett aald he believed the a trained Public Health Nurse can All ngM* of reauW'celKKi ef •pec'*i The people who hang out at Commissioner Charles F. KeMey. Sgt. V. P. ReU. the flrat amputee spector that they are entitled to an i*ea*tine» aerein. ar* aiw> r##*r»*e. ’’Com* on, Wlllla! Come on, Wil­ on two auch propoMla ha* been Apparently fully recovered___ . . . . small lake on which LL Bobble do to make bed patients more com­ gl,|l err, re el'eni el R. A. fl*rw** **emr - Nf* fatlgable. And. aoonrr or later, recognising any obligation to thsl -ever lived. They point oul cent tncreaae In the unincorporat­ and to a man they expressed hope four or five feet. giving companion to every meal. thst he ha* been In the money In ed. who usually worries the bettom \ full time nurse la not required, the dual controlled car ahould be of York Ct>''^»« OelreU •i»e fleeton. ed buslneaa tax. Betty Alden White Sliced Bread the Ruaalana muat know that their aupport and Impaove th* general 30 out of 44 aUrta. They aay'lf by hanging back a little at the Public Health Nurse can and does particular value. HRHSCK ACPIT RL'flCAU ur future of Mancheater should rac- sU rt took a quick lead. The One of the bills for an Income do yeoman service. Commissioner of Motor Vehicles. Is made from enriched flours— lltile game haa been lost. he wina at Santa Anita In Cali­ s prison guard In an escap* at- a wide variety of rnsthods of xxho need experience In the opera­ ognlie, we think, that that obliga­ horae* were a blur on the back tax, a revenue raising plan op- Manchester ia particularly for­ Elmer S. Wstson, announces that tripIc-slfted. Combined with the fornia next Saturday, he may pick aaaesElrg property valuations. tion of a car equipped with driv­ Training Needed xery best, pure shortenings, it I4. The HetaM PniUtka Uoaipany. Inc.. : iny fn, Bway'a record and become the laat turn. flve trained nurses. Not only are car fully equipped with all of the troc^raalMeai arrer* aapecnnt .m ad- Roth (iuilty fliich recognition, from aome which favors a **lc« tax Instead, commiasloner, contended abolition erator's license are requested to New Haven, Feb. 27.~(A6—Dr. with a critp, brown crust. Dated greateat money-maker of all time Whipping down the aome alretch The meyora pioposed that each they registered nurses, bu. they driving aids that may be needed by tlaamrat*I aaS other roodinirsadma maii*r. in has been Introduced by the Demo­ uf capital punishment would Jeop­ write Commissioner Elmer S. Wat­ Howard A. lUisk of the New York dally to guarantee (rethnesi. quartcra. ha* helped push the cur­ But I don't care about hla Dun he sped In muscled rhythmic towm receive a stats grant ot $76 are trained In Public Health work. any disabled veteran to assist him Th* Maarhratet C**n*ns- IJcra't It la Impossible to keep Ameri­ cratic minority and the other by ardise toe safety of law enforce- i for each pupil In school. Fhla. they aon, State Department of Motor University College of Medicine, Let your family enjoy delicious rent "Y " drive well beyond the A Bradatreet rating. My affec­ beauty. Hr ran cffortlaaaly and They know Just what to do In to safely operate toe xehlcle. This Vehicles, Hartford, Oonn.. regard­ can foreign policy from becoming an "Independent" Republican leg- ir.ent ofleers by encouraging ha­ aa'd. would cost the state about car is to be used to give veterans Betty Alden Bread with every llnirsday. February t t half-w'iy mark. That la good, con- tion lan’t even baaed on the 32 60 raintlly. hla heavy chast and body home* not fully equipped for *lck- ing ap|>olntment for training, or Involved In American alectiona. no lalatof. bitual criminal* to corns Into toe $I8..100,0C0. The (x-nding education ne*a, how to make a patient com­ the actual operating experience meal. In tasty landwichet and he won for me In two race*, be- alrooat floating, hla leg* churning I* Meeting Opposition to James M. Quinn, director of Vet­ matter how "unparUaan" the main P” ‘ ‘ ■Hite. bill would invnivt- an estimate ex­ fortable xx’hetoer or not every that they need In order to obtain ..V golden, buttered toast. cauae that lan'l even chicken feed the dust In light delicate thrust* It was Hickey's second appear- erans' Reemployment and Advisory Tkc KsrcHN Test Tube I drive*, but It I* not good en'uigh, Political aympathlea appeared penditure of $15,000,000 a year. facility ia ax-atlable, and beat of an operator's license. courar of that foreign policy may in Florida. The chicken* here Ilka notes of music. to be running coiinter-clockwlae ance of the day before the commit- Commlaalon, who is assisting the Dulany 1(* Sale ' conaldering the need* of tha pres­ won't even peck at anything As he streamed over the finish Mayor Celentano commented all they are llx'e women who In­ Commissioner Wataon plans to Nowhere on the surface of the aeem to be. Tlie plain and iin- at yesterday’s hearing on the MU tee. On th* other occasion he asked commissioner In arranging for ap­ ■mailer than a 110 bill. line with a new track record I t .at under either propoaal the spire confidence and trust among have the Inapector to w ^ m the ent ami the fiiluie. It ahould go to Increase the unincorporated approval of a bill which would their patients. These Public pointment*. Ywaa* ia the inability of Ruasia pleaeanl fact la that whenever Ha* Spinal Shiver* could almost see my on hla cities would be helping to pay for car is assigned call at the residence over the top. And peihapa you. . $6 buslneaa tax rate from lU present permit police to retain toe finger­ Health Nurse* are at your asrxice' During August, 1946, Commis­ and AmariCA to cooperate more there la an election approaching, No. I jUHt go for the way nose and the $1.26 profit riding on j j 5^ of retail education in snisller towns, and of the veteran who is to receive If you think about tt, are one » t prints of suspect* who have been ho slid there waa no doubt that In good weather and tn bad weato- training In the proper operation of sioner ot Motor Vehicles Elmer 8. glaringly evident than In that par-; the pollticlana of America neglect Armed runa. You don't have to 1 the end of that gloaay black toll | buamMs and from 26 cent* to 38 acquitted of a crime for at least CHOICB MB ATS fOP THB WBBK'BNV! those Imllviduala who aboiHd add be a racetrack fan to get a thrill the cities must give such help, ef, striving day in and day out to toe vehicle This training and ac- < Watson announced that the Conn­ tlcular tnatance where the tw o . no oppurtimity for glib and paaa- I feathering the air like a victorious ^ents per $1,000 on wholesale bual- AO days after acquittal. At present bring healing and comfort to those ecticut State Department of Mo­ n , the " Y " to your lUt of community out of thia little brown horae with "but the help muat be in qnore tual on the road operation will Yin*** Ftathly nstiona moat dIracUy confront on# Ing appeal* to every racial group I banner. ' neaa! one of toe plans the admin- j the acquitted suspect la allowed to equitable pro^itton than th> divi­ xx’ho need It. continue by appointment until such tor Vehicles waa prepared to Issue the long black tall Twice 1 ' Ntirk* Out Tongue for Hugar latration haa advocated to help 1 demand the Immediate return of another. That la th* inatanc* uf they ran aee harbored within thi* uWIgatlon# watched him come In flrat. and sion proposed In toe bill prepared ' time as the Inspector is satisfied an operator's license to any handi­ ' Aa Armed strolled off the track meet an all-time high budget and ' tiia fingerprints, I that the trainee pan safely operate capped veteran who could demon­ rORTERHOUSC OR SIRLOIN Kotm, which la aplit batwean country'* roamopolltan popuia- " “ each time he gave me the apinal by the State Board of Education." he atuck out hla tongue for his unusual expenditures as a The police commissioner told the I the car and Is entitled to an oper- 1 strate hla ability to operate a mo­ ABMriCAn and Ruaatan. occupying Uon. shiver* you get from reading a share of the $50,000 purse —th# j veterans' bonus. committee everybody ought to be Mayor Jasper McLcvy of Bridge­ Y C oniribulions line of good poetry or watching a port also was supposed to attend ator's license. tor vehicle safely either to one of N T E i% K ...... fOreea. Thu* It wa* that neither Presi­ two lumps of augtr he usually g e t* ' its chief opponent at the hear-' fingerprinted "from toe data of All x'eterana of World War IT Ithe Connecticut examining Inspec-i •j: *1 3 * line of marching anidlera. ir u-mninowinning. Ing waa Frederick H. Waterhouse. | birth." and said It was unfortu- yesterday's conference, but had to HEAVY CORN-FED STEER lEEF Theae two adminiatrationa are, Connecticut Armed haa peraonalltv a* w ell! Prexloualy acknowledged $6,737.79 i dent Truman nor Governor Dewey There In the grandstand I want- counsel for the Connecticut Aaso-, „atc that fingerprints flrat were ln» appear before toe General Aaaem- by the terma of the Moacow as speed. He has the best head bly on other bualneas. He sent Arthur N ile* ...... 1.00 1 r 4 3 ' RIB ROAST OF BEEF could realAt making, before la^t ed to do something more for him elation of Manufacturer*, general- tioduced aa a means of Identifying Mr. and Mrs. T E. Bros- i Agraofoant of ISM. auppoaed to on a home’* body aince Chiron, the word to Mayor Monagan, however, November'* election, an appeal to wisest centaur, pounded the hills —throw bucket after bucket of |y regarded aa being In aympatov crimlngls. toua creating a public nan ...... 3,00; HEAVY STEER REEF - RONE IN Yankee alto Republican alms, and Ita ; pre|u«Uce against them, that he was in favor of a "more cooparat* towsrd th* eatahllah- th* Jcwlah vote In thia country. champagne over him. That aeemed ' •"<* , , ,, ABA Tool and Engineer- I of Theaaaly. chief supporter waa State Tax T h e , Judiciary committee, be- equitable" distribution j f school ■MBt tt An indapendent Korea In > Both did It by coming out In favor By A. H. O. 1 stood next to Mrs. Doug Dod­ the only fltUng way to cool off aid funds, and the latter said Mc- ' Ing Co...... 26.00! C HECK ROAxST . . . . this equine greatness. You Commiasloner Walter H. Walah , conducting public hearings, Dr. Charles H. Peckham 10.00' BOGB ------Sv* jrenra Uroc. Thia propoaed of Increaaed Jewlah Immigratiun son. wife of the man up on Armed a DemocraL announced favorable report* yea* Levy undoubtedly would add hla FLAVOR’S THE THING FRESH CHOICI-LEAN In th# $60,000 Wldener handicap wouldn't want to ua# tap water on signature to toe telegrams sent by William B. Roulatone, Jr. 2.00 Waterhouse’* main objection t o ; gn •evetal bills, including Larsen's Feed and Hard- last .Saturday, and learned that a a $ horse. his three fellow mayors. C HOPPED BEEF . . . vlctima haa kmg bean a aentlmen-, Truman Jumped ahead wlih a aug- „ f the propoaal that state Motor the tax. he aald. w-a# that, while I making the White Oak Con- xvare ...... 20.OO toe Increase ■< In Itaelf didn t necticut'a state tree and another Dr. M. E. Morlarty .... 10.00 i MILK FED tal oflUM with Americana. It was | geMion that 100.000 Jewa be ad- Vehicles Commissioner ~ ...... Lliiier ,S. amount to very much, the cumu- \ giving the governor a completely Wataon and Legislative Coininia- Deputy Dalry^naa Rev. A. L WlllUm* .... 10.00 j pMdged flt th* Chito Oonfarenc*. mltted. Governor Dewey ralaerl latlve effect of various proposed ■ hand In appointing member* Dr. R. W. Watson ...... 10.00 ! IVOI^T SALT ALL SIZES •••••• aloner Elmer W. Ryan be given F O W L baiMS RumIa waa In th* war. It I the anU to "aeveral" hundred Versions Vary tax increases would be to Impose ' of various boards and commisaiona. Oregon, III., Feb. 27—iJCi— Part •Mr*. Edwin A. L y d a ll___ 3.00 salary indemnifleatinn for the pe­ Open Forum Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. TOP QUALITY SKINLESS WM pledged again at Moacow, Injtbouaand. riod during which they unuiiKcsa- . , WW7 1 1 « • "alteable" loiul of bnalncsa. - present appointment* to agen- of Deputy Sheriff Willard M. Bur- * / * oelFI®®* A l a g a i f f v U e a l L r o i l f ! Give* other side ! clea like the pharmacy commission right’s official duties temporarily Quinn ...... 2.00 on Gnipefruif! 1S4S, when th* higher level* of aam# vote-seeking lactica fully clalined their offices seemed Do Plow The Sidewalk* ■ *w iF 1F l a E v v CaflgHaFaai.| Walsh, advising the co m m it^ end various boaids connected with Don Willis Garage ...... 5.OO | FRAA KFORTS . . . . a piece of atrategy pointed at ts milking cowa for Edward Thom­ dIpiMnacy undertook to cur* «»• j extended down through the polltl- To the Ethtor; to approve the proposal, teatlfled ^ig^rent phases of toe healing Center Pharmacy ...... 10.00 ; WANTED dlab**’ AT THE MEAT COUNTER former House Speaker E. Lea The heading in one of your Open as, a dairy farmer. Lee Darling, Sr...... REKF COW.S ,^ND ImgflBBi wUcb waa alraady appar-!I cal ranks to the moet minor of The heading in one of your Open _ p .. Uhat bualneaamcn had assured him i .^ a profession must be made 1.00 i Marah,, Jr. ForumK letters of Feb. 24th read* j W a r r illiC L l l l i o n r a c l i o n t i ,.|t would not be burdensome. The] 1,,^^ prepared by profeasional Thomas, called for circuit court . J. Raymond Horan ...... 6.00' CALVES 001 act betweea the rival Russtsn The Marah reaolutlons proposing 59* SACERKRACT . . . . candidate*. "Plow Your Sidewalks. ^*-''^’‘‘ 1 * commissioner said the asaoclatlons. Jury service, had asked to be ex­ .Mr*. Peterson ...... so' ■ltd American sonea In Koras. back pay awards to the two com- pericnce might help answer that; 111 M a lP r lM ir y | been yielding about $ 8 0 0 . 0 0 0 ; ______cused because he had no one to Mr. Whapic* ...... 25 Get a better price by nelling The same technique alao reault- tnlaaloners might have been, In But froas th* atari of that new question. ' I a year, enriched the state by more ' milk hla cows. But Judge Leon Zick Mr*. Colpttts and Family 1.00 direct to:: ■ ed. last fall. In resounding pledges ordinary- clrrumatancea, a routine It took a power plow U-ss than S t a t e m e n t s assigned Burrlgbt to toe Job. , A. W. Drlgga ...... 2.00 from both Republicans and Demo- political move, fertaim y II has than $1,000,000 last year- because GROCBRY SPECIALS I f minutes to clear a walk of '22.''i of Inflated price*. Counties get ; The deputy later reported to toe J. H. McCarthy ...... 100 rratm «/. th. i "ot yct bccomc generally evident Watcibury. Feb. 27- (e »—War­ State’s Grants Manchester VARY YOUR. crata to the cause of a free and Republican organlxa- ft. In length, and the op<-ning of half the revenue at present, but , court on hm new job—there wer# William F. Shea ...... 1 OO WHOU UNPEELED twain tha Rumtan and Aroarican ring factions In the relielllon Louis Palmer ...... 1.00 URTiy m m Independenf” Poland. That was tion has atUined a degree of pur- two driveway* from the walk the bill under consideration would 19 cows to be'milked twice daily. aoeaa. Tha Baaalani began by through the gutter Into the atrert. against the Mine, Mill and Smel­ cut tola" percentage to one-third. . William VIttner ...... 2.00 Slaughter House APRIUOTK Wim THfft SPiCtAU aeeklng the Polish vote It M l; Ity and abatentton *0 extreme that For Education fusing to have anything to do with The walks were about .1 ft. In ter Worker# union (CIOI present- The automobile Inspection Issue. I Ernest Becker ...... 1,00 TEL. 2-1300 CERRER'S STRAINED asemx an Inevitable and unpleas-'{^ automatically frown* on apnie wVdth and toe drlvevvays ab«mt 16 | ed varying versions today of what Mr. and Mr*. E. F. Mori- Koraaoa who had criticlaad th* ) largesse with state funds fot which which In toe P«at haa produced ft. In width. This work wss done 1 they said was a threatened walk- *rty ...... 2.00 A h¥ BABY F O O D « Moacow Agraanant bscause It ant part of the game of American jn fairly reasonable excuse, some of the warmest debating ] last Snturd.iy morning. The snow i out at the plant of th# W aerbu^ i heaid 'ln Connecticut, came | M a y O P S B c IlC V C S T S P c F R. D. Smith . . ; ...... 50 DEL MONtCO Fine, Mad or Wid* Snew't Deiicioui failad to give Korea Inuaedlats la- politics, and we should be heartily j 80, when the state organisation ' nthonv J. K ra d a s...... 50 lean *» pable* ashamed of the way In which promptly repudiated the Marsh was packed hard and high on ^"<».i‘E p - p " J. C. Proulx ...... 1.00 elation *®’^c*H *n‘ « XOOBLKX 16 ox Pkg s UlaiH U haailrr “ , “ * 1 5 ' dopondoBC*. W t countarsd by re* most of the xvalk, and at the (o»m«'** , pod- American politician, make auch > Copper company employing about , ‘J ^commlwloner Elmer 8 .. i-alrbanka ...... i.OO \ SMITH GREEN Reardiley Skraddad d^eg fuaing to penalise such Koreans . J face, to hr motivated primarily by drlx’cxx-ays there was the usual Basic Cut ILb 1.000 persons. , , Watson appeared before the ap- Mra. Otto Hellei ...... 1.00 tor aapreeelng Uitlr oam view* on obximia and often Ipalncere ap-, f„.t that It had been March :-.mount of snow piled on In^the fS74 S P L I T P K A X Pkg UflNifiah Pkfl gutter by the town's street plow. A spokesman for the nnlon conslder- VMhha and George TonakI ..60 tkalr caoBtry’s fata. And fiu a peala to special racial and nation-1 one of the potential Insurgents of charged In a radio talk last night ' budget, Waterbury, Fab. 27—( ^ — When Albert Agostlnellt ...... 'v ..60 \ EASY cleaning R A M Prsparad K > -«z C K O C At the rate of $6 an hour, xvhlch 3 9 ' 11-ot that point on too dlffartncaa be- al IntereaU Inalde tola melting pot ‘ he present aeaalon—who had In- that John J. Dri«x.n head of ‘ l> t P IS T h " would like to the state undertakes to help Its Anna Gustafson ...... ^ .2.6 FiaiR C akes tm j v t f I troduced them. Ua prompt and xx-as the coat for that poxver plow, M. Janes ...... '...... i.oo OAKITF Wr democracy of onr*. |deliter*te snub ni the icaolutions the cost for the above snow- clear­ Provisional Metals Woflter* «»un- inspections which have communities pay their education tween Ruaelan and American re- Richard Johnson ...... i.oo *' TIDY HOUSE In Pko oi Rordsfl't Tatty Ckatssu 8 K O C All that being aald. however, I t ; ..i^nx-d designed to ni* xe ing was about 80 cents. If this cll c o m p ^ a locals which haw ; « the war. coats It ahould do *0 on a basis of WATKINS gimea bax-e deepened and wore- acceded from the union, pleaded outUnrii New Plan WlUard A. Cole ...... I.OO SAUDI fliacae 2 Lb Leaf D tl ' can be aerioualy doubted that look a little futile, and to tell tnc xx'ork xcas done through the entire ■ ■OTHERS. INC. P LA C E .MATX of 3S a with shop stewards of the W ater-; jho moment. the number of school pupils In Marcus Morlarty ...... 1.00 B . . , 'BrlUln's Forelm Socretarv Bevin' lentleinan from Old Lyme that the 1 street the cost xvould even be less. each town, says Mayors John S W. B. Kloppenburg...... 2.00 LYNOEN 16 OI 8 lor Harbor K>Vi-ota SBC Whan tbs Russians set up “ ; organisation doesn't like him even, because of time saving. But. even FUNERAL Mra. W. Helm ...... I.OO Monagan of thia city, Eldward N TEA’BAOS RAVIOLI 2 JSM il Ulaai Cfcawflar tm F O iron curtain In front of tbelr aone,■ Paleatin* situation (, the typical groove' at the above rate the cost of clear- formal statement out- BU’PTEB SERVICE Jacob Klein ...... i.oo Rich lather hi your dally wa nUUatsd with aa Iron curtain ; *° * paaceful aoUitlon that' of practical polltica. ing of snoxv by power plow of thf ''■"I!’*’ "?\ *'*® "*"‘‘ 'iHnTnrrpran''w^^^^^^ **ld xvould Allen of Hartford and William C. R. J. Donahue ...... 2.00 bath praxrants "B. O.” SILVER LANE PI Clover Maid Pur* Id-os BF K k ® average 60 ft. house-lot frontage , the PMC , *s . a bargaining , repre-1 n*"na"eliminate " F many of ....toe dlIBciiltle*Aum of oxir own. Wh*i» toe Ruaalani' Pifaldent Truman's electioneering' But, although the fact that Celentano of New Haven. Harold Duff ...... 1.00 “ p e a n u t ROT PKBPLBX Jar HaacY Jar ^cr Mar*h xxa* In the front of the of sidcxx-.-xlk could be iliim- fo r ' aentotive lor Us employes, of the old procedure" under which ■Ormand J.Weu Ix>ul.s DeBandi ...... I.OO M ake Flavortul Tea 1 5 ' baffsn political paraacutlon of tba statement on the situation 1 The three chief executives, meet­ MFERIIOV plilure may have adiled some about 20 cents the job, and done ' Driscoll quickly replied that motorists had to go twice a year Director Mr. and Mr*. J. Suchy .. 1.00 b u t t e r ooow woBwwomma Aaaiocratic Korsana who happened "apoileil everything." If ihere haa zeal to the organiution’a alral- early in the morning the same as 1 thia waa wholly untrue. He said to Inspection lanea at designated ing here yesterday, sent telegrams he met with the shop stewards Mr. Fitzgerald ...... 30 been one permanent factor w-hich egy, the main *nub xxa* not to the rest of the town highways-- localities where their car* were to Governor McConaughy, State S. W. Baraw ...... to be In tkair aona, w* began toe after learning that there w*as sen­ 1.10 Richly ^n‘ - DO YOUR has prevented a solution of the him. II carried, aa It muat have toe w-alka are Just aa much a part ^ checked for mechsnical defect* at Education Commiasloner Alonso Elaine x^iot ...... 60 1 0 ' rtforoua anppraHton of Oommu- timent at the plant t t f a walkout WHP4 AVAILAflLl ®^’ r r PalMtlne situation, it has quite' been Intended to carry, direelly of the town highxvay* aa any part 1 a 2.6-cent fee. G. Grace and their representatives Walter Hlllnskl ...... i.oo ’ P " craeh*^* * /i < LENTEN FISHING FOOD alat apaack In our aone. of the highways that the town and the meeting "agreed that at In the GenersI Assembly e.xpound- over hi* head and winged II* I Watson said there would be no Mrs. Hazel Hax’e s ts...... 1 oo llclou* . Br**6- ■n It haa ftnaUy come to the state probably been that nervous ilefer- xxay toward Washington, xxith this time there would be fee for inspection# under the new-, Ing thi* view. ^ F o r whitar, brighter .Betty 3/96 Michael Rohan ...... 1.00 clothei, easier washdays V ( NEREI FACTS wbart Qaoeral Hodge, our com­ enc^ to the Arab position shown Us ultimate destination the per­ The*'method of our sidewalk snow ' ** the plan, proposed plan, and toe Inspection# , They said they believed a per Mrs. W. S. McCormick .. 1.00 son o( Menalnr Raymond E. I stit¥nf PopoKfts poit :) manding officer In Korea, la now ^ In Mr. Bexin'a same speech Tues- j clearing la a* antiquated and a* would be condxu ted over a 1 pupil allocation would be morj fair H. Scoville ...... 1.00 5 1 LR ih*. by Baldwin. incmclent as ahoveling by man * " Ch“ “* stewards would Mrs. Harold V. Heffron .. 1.00 back In Waablngton, reporting; d»>'- Then, for instance, he ic- months period al atate approved making grants based on Tho Sign of m miu^Asr Am m FAmr It was Baldwin who originally power the anew from our Improved ' ^ -M in in g ittuatlon ^ ! garages of th* motoHaf* own I ^ valuaUona In each town, Mra. F. W. Laraon .... .60 FANCY BKTTT ALDCN ti»«« tha Ruaalana do not aven an-i‘ **'''^ I" respecUul tones to the C. Scholsky ...... 50 jtfsr tonup rftmt VP named,med these two commissioner# to . treots Into horae drawn carta. It , 1 choosing. ,. ' % I. proposed In sn education aid , W O RTH Y SERVICR Mad Pkg 1 4 * aar*r tala communications, and Arabs had been in the poi Mr. and Mrs. William F. l l l a r k r r r i j "....I “ ehange...... ^ Th.The rChase -h «« Wr«n«Bras* and WWaterbury ateehmv' ! The...^ Inspecting.... , ----- _ „ - ,I bill...... now. rpending_____„ ... In thetl Legislature. 142 Eflflt ('tnler Street coacludlng that no solution ot tbs P*lc"tlne for "2,(KMI years." as tf ed their legal dlfflcultlea. It xx-as William Rubinow. Issue stickers, and Inapector# of | Connecticut town* have Taylor ...... i.oo FANCY • I K K * BREAD TIPS he who tixik the court decisions American Bras* company locals. . V. Saminskey ...... i.OO Lg* Pkg 3 4 * Korean aituation ia possible un- gave them an historical claim the motor vehicle# department I Betty Alden Bread Time la every tempoiarilv ousting them ao much ' ^ 1. is rax • claiming to represent more than —------; on toe C. H. Treat ...... i.oo WHEN AVAHJUILB B a i l i l o r k F i l l r i w » s I D prior to that of the Jews. 7.000 employes are among the | « ouW meal, #x-#ry day and frequently In leas to* question is again taken to heart that hla urge to put them o < * l l O O l l M ) V I F I C 8 Edna and Clifford Ulm .. 1.00 FANCY • t a a c between. Chooa* your favorite Betty back In office had at least aome . . nine Con^ectlnit locals that have | ' T. J. Robinson ...... 25 up at that aanie high diplomatic This deference to the Arabs li -1 Alden Bread—White, Whole Wheat seceded from the union. •"^ticpated.-WaUor. said, / mw most popoms Ilu iind<'r F i l l e t w o J D not entirely Bittiah, either, Preal- , j Mr*. Ruth C. Weir ...... 25 S e e i l o n t and White, Cracked Wheat, Raielu leval—th* foreign mlntstera level loKiiiHmiseif The tw'o companies, faced w-ith L C. Anderson ...... 50 FANCY that this nexv syatem xx1ll ancour wovLP u m n cj tf m and Sweet Rye. —which pretended to aoive toe dent Truman, for all his fine elec­ gel out of polltica permanently. urmancisdemand* iromfrom bothnciui cac;iionBfactions foloi r ; --- - Mislr ears Mrs. Rachel j. Hopper .. 1.00 MAK mm wmf vttMM. R i dfiwh Fillrlw • * • quaetlon once before. tion alatrmeiit, which could safely Finally, It xvas he who asked Rep- Baltimore. Feb. 27 Barbara Schenning...... 1.60 rb* favorite soap of tba « 3.9* • ' " - f ; : 3 x r w'ero JPV rOPOVA FOR PATTY Drawing* ou Egyptian tomb* ang On top of toe general unpleaa- take the Jewish side hccaiiae no resentstive Marsh to IntnMnee the year-old Bruce Jennings,M. found aF VmnBir. with little or no low of Mra. Kendell ...•...... 50 mox'Is stars" two back pay resolutions. thrr. but wei*e waltinf for the sit- repairs, with litt e Mr. Dickson ...... 50 SHFUS Am KSSFRTS. TOO. clay model* of bakeries n'birh have ■ntneaa. General Hodge reports Aiabi vote In Una country, ha* hanging by a woolen e.-arf from SFLtCT rnutr *tto pooducf ! All this, according to our infor­ a hook In the cloakroom of an ustion to clear. , ws.aMi.ibfviBint tftaue Mr. SmachettI ...... 1.00 LUX been unearthed tell th* vlory of th* k- bis suspicion that the Russian*' hiiay since election boxving mation. was knoxx-n to Governor Driscoll said yestenisyyeaterday there capital puni------profearlan of bread making aa early Essex, Md.. school, was reportad had It# btannlal hearing yesterday Mr. and Mrs. R, E. Noren 1.00 .McConaughy and to the party or­ was no question but that the PMC I TOILET KOAP aa 2000 B.C. Betty Alden Bakera ar* *nffafed In raising and equip-' aci-aping with various Arab In critical condition today at city before the Judiciary committee D. C. K o h l...... 1.00 took what !*ve discovered^ GREEN HEADS - Fancy Calilornia aw . ping an Army of 500.000 Korean* 1 ■"'* American oil In­ ganization. Perhaps. In one case, honpital. was the rightful collective bar­ Mr*. John Hare’ . . . ___ 1.00 are modern maatar* of this profe*- that of CommiRsioner Watson, they gaining agent, and that refusal .to which had under consideration a R. Smith ....J...... 1.00 BRfN.'COLI bch eloD. in thair half of the country. K“ 'ernment appioval Essex polivf said hla teacher bill to abolish It. thought they were doing enough discovered the boy unronsvious recognize It ns such would result Mr. Taras ...... i.OO . . ^ l o * FANCY RUTARACA * • • Wbatoer tola army la Intended for [ backing, have M-eii moving ' for an indlx-itlual whn did not stir 111 the filing of an unfair labor | Caiillal Punishment Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wada- WHEW AVAIl-ABt,g Good food atari* th* day' ngM. yesterday shortly sfter she had Charles Henctjri. a New Haven POP0¥CRS (Or Breakfast! Ibe avlntual conquest of the heavily Inin (he .\iab Near Ka.xl their enthusiaiii anyway v.hen sent him to the cloakroom as practices complaint xxith the Na- ‘ worth ...... 2.00 Longer Hf* for dainty TUBXTP5^ :i LRS U* Herve Betty Aldan Trench toaat for lawx’er and a tormer Democratic brcakfait. Beat two agg* with 14 Amartcan aone, or merely to pro­ in a manner which glx-es the they carried thruu,':n hla new and punishment for rapping another ttonal Labor Relations board < Mr. Junklna ...... i.oo color*, lovely cloth** NEW GREEN SOLID HEAD pernianent appointment. The Wat- against the txx o companies, xvhlch; leader In the Houa*. told th* com­ E. C arlson ...... 2.00 cups of milk and a pinch of ult, Arabs a club over American pol­ third-grader over the need with a mittee the fact that a client of hi* tect parmanent Incorporation of Nun case was somewhat different book. with the Scovlll Maniifarturing P. H. Thoran ...... 1.00 CABBAOi: ' 3 LRS lok*^ dip slices of bread In It, fry to a icy on I’alestine.i tihg LUX northeiu Korea into the RusHig;i from that of Kyan. too. Ir that toe Corporal Harry Freund and Pa­ company comprise the "big three"] presently ia K. A. Stroble ...... 5,03 r iping hot pepovera FRESH, TENDER golden brown on each tide, set vs that really pop . . . ■chame ot tolnga la ralaUvely un­ ! If Britain has tliinknl its nature and timing ol the latter's trolman Carroll______Huffinea______said_ the of Waterbury^ brass industry. I min,! that Mr. and Mr*. H. P. Peck- PEAK with Mirabel Jam. legal case rcqulrerl him to spend | teacher. Mr*. Audrey J. Edward*. I „ Situation IHsruased . .brought freshly to mm m m ^ ^ x ham ...... 1.00 broken open and Med Pkg 14* T h o M P * * * • 2 LRS 3 3 " important. Its creaUon has no ii. Palestine. America hasn't con- spread with butter Mr. Gallant ...... l.OO CRISP WESTERN Ax'old that tired mld-morning ; guess seventy-five cents George Scheiber ...... 1.00 - or preserva* . . and . xvrvt ittfx S ’,„ r ...... Lg* Pkg 3 f i * i :a b r o t s slump with a Betty Alden sandwich ' Affr**m*nt, which wa* that Rua-^ rircltwierring statements. Neither But the decision w a* obviously 1 utes to come out. Smelter Worker* who was *ent ’’throughout my W * I Mr. case ...... 76 served «dth ^ 2 RCHS 1 3 " . . . That's s breakfast WHEN AVAtoACLE REST YELLOW and a cup of Homeland Tea. ; ■la and America would w-ork lo-i^’T *'* has much license to try and. to be ronalatrnt and not be dls- she found him with hi* febt on i hare to take Charge of the union's • f * ‘h*‘ ‘t. . Grtsxvold-'a Service Station 5.00 ,.'**•. ’ is about right” A. B. Woodward ...... 1,00 the family win really getbar to cr*ate a provisional above the blame on the other Net- the main attitude at 1 the floor and hi* knees buckled. ] affaira when the revolt against 1 Henchal “ '5^*** rsAard for "go" for. OXIOXX 5 LRS u r LunOhooo Menu: Toroafo |ulc47 | ther of us bs. resilv m-d, . sin with the scarf xvraped around hla President Reid Robinson broke In- 1 eating toe biff out of rogato W Janet Paton ...... 1.00 •wr.. .K onaa govanunent. to work un- he. of 1, ha, leally made a aln- of difference In the two cases. And throat and one e n d ^ u re d to the ' to the open a montMago. hud what hla client, '^ h o i^ h * qu ot^ aa Mr. and Mrs. M. Paton .. 1.00 And here's another' grand T.OPOVA arin hdp yon mok* COOKING — For Piai or Seuc* ■ cheese scallop, tossed salad. Joan j an carUer, less com­ Because of large volume breakfast idea. Break the pop- them caaily. All you have to do •m r » Carol Hot Cross Buns, fresh fruit | dar AUlAd trjuUeabip . for live xeic and tlioioiiKli effort to create'the main attitude at hand seemed ..oathook. the officers aald. « company spokesman de.vilbed having told him fr^OenUytlm t he W. E. Grady ...... 1.00 lrs and correspondingly low- overs in halvas and fill hol­ it timply mix taao beaten cfc* A PPLLX :i oup, milk. I -yaara. and U»*n to receive its com- " solution of th* problem. And; snub In the direction^ of The crexv of a police radio car as "a general discussion of the alt- would rather "w b ra ce Om i plex day the old system H. A. K ro d e l...... l.OO Baby soap rare for tb'« low inalde* with creamed and a cup of sweet milk to' JUICY FLORIDA a-KMKm * ■ * * : iBdtDaiKlance perhain it it the knowledge that 1 ' detect any heart-, nation" with Chase Brnw officiaU th# electric chair* #p*no ni# of “ gucssiimaring" pre- overhsad prices w* charge N. J. Tangney ...... 1.00 chipped beef. TOPOVA. Then put in muffin ;ompl*xjtfn. Whit* floating plato liMMpaiKiance. T . . A* t ^ column In i^a ed amm beat In the boy when they arrived, yeaterday. but he was imM.cceaa- Hfe In priapn. hu‘ V * < * w r f an C. N. ITpham, J r ...... 1.00 Cheese scallop: Boat 2 egg*, add 2 t yesterday, but he was unsucceaa- avenge f|ther lest thaa Pqpovara are dalicieua sarved pan* and bake. Fsllure-pioof OBAXOLX 5 LRS Z S I Koraa itaalf, obviously, ia bard- both pf us are guilty which make*' alter Ibe November elex-llona. the | Bruce responded only after roi Iti an atlemot to confer with "InlenaeIMVvtiw faellngawvssas^ that------Conn*cU^t •cription prices may bax* John W r ig h t...... 1.00 . cup* soft Betty Alden bread • ful In an attempt to confer with lor lunch and dinner, too. Their dircetien* are right on the INIWAX KOAP crumbs, 2 cups diced ebeess, 2 ebp* | ^ weirtb all ,th|s Soviet trouble, the prrarnt recriminatlona ba- poaitlon of ( onnecllrut’a new atlmolanta and artificial reaplr* or wiy oth^r aUito it comwltung t served moderately well. "you would expMt to pay. C. J. Stanaflcid ...... 1.00 TOPOVA pacUfL American Brass company officer*. criap. glaired cruat makea .won­ JOAN CABOL Cvsngclloe evaporated milk, 1 cup j senator is not. brganIzallonaU.x , uon had been admlnlatere* ~TM’*’~"‘"'T~~Ttara(Wf» director of crime when It InfllcU capital pun- William C „ Glenty ...... 1 00 derful patty attella for cremed TOPOVA coats only lOf or n # flUMflmMvsRMnin # Today, the patron wranis to Elaine W e b b ...... 40 MydSar | 0 * |flieli, rlorl4» water, plneh of salt. Turn Into ! io 'k a that bars Ruaaia baa seen. ^ *F«H»«hMt. too ae**uro.lHwU..knai*«.4«M *». to*u.h*M an 4icur. Industrial *reliitioi)Atini.,i,L HtoagmarUn -8^-*'*"•■* ’“■^rpltvered'-' fr - r v if""* * * * * - ovtn 100* until sat, about I hour. I present ejilaode, hla slightest latroducllon that the company would not b e , Henchel r e p r ^ t a d R ® ^H BrM charged is tba price. r, r.,~v xvlahea are nut aulomatleallv ; right JUICLA dally. A tasty *ea- Council Bluffs. I*.. Feb. 27-«F) »ble to grant hU request for a con-1 ley. I TMaslrsaisz mtrtnmmmutt- C. 8. Porter ...... ’ .50 "pop,” at evciy bakuig. It y it— WHEW AVAIi-ABLE . * * * j carried Into effect. What will In this establitbmeol., lonal variation to - tr 1 —Two low* state highway patrol- fercnce thi* morningmorning "due to pre- convicted of killing tor*# otner liM sf PtoMraa $sftMM rad Mra. F. Scott ...... 50 moke a r ^ - at our riak. If for any reason you your daily mcni. Raisin toast sad cannad fruit • ■ad kflidneaa ot tk* Russian] Cbeney BmUura. in aniiounUiig he Inlrrestlng, in lime, will be ester »rs/mSsa«/ »*fsra« tes Friends ...... 18.6I toite men. walUng In the sherlfr* office , yiou* engagements." negroea. prices are based oo sccunta- ly different are not pleated arito TOPOVA Bath* your finest thing* tn Children Ic'v* them. make a happy ending for a perfect | ■CliaflM ot tklnga dtractly against' its $500 gift to the present cam-' tor xxay In xxlik-li Senator Bald- 1 .Aleorn’s Opialoa ■e^e IM aleoaeo • mkUtf Friend ...... 200.00 dcaaert. your money will be refunded. gantle cnilffon fludt. meal. * r for a traffic violator who waa late, At Anaonla today the 2.600' ly determined costs, plus nc»tmhtm ttmrtt /er $k*:t ■\0P0^^ citru* J •»»«•* wkatauar backboos and raaotva paign of the Coninuinity "V," la­ will In-gins handling tlie fCdi-ral sp cd a man coming down the cor- ■ member* of the union's Local hjp , Hugh M. .Alcorn, Jr., Mo mat­ Thet'a an offer are could not af­ * • * 1 patronnge which wll|, In- at hi* wte Met d0tnJtfh AHMrtca m ar ptaafla- Tkay have beled the gift a special recognltiun ridur, 145. moat of them American Bi-**» county ''J’ ® a modirrate fixed profit. «a IMtfrir Sr/r* Total ....$6,168.45 te r how ford to moka unlets are arere aura Ms. $—Clip *sr yaur rsalpf ala. { dNposal. I youaerve you are going to like TOPOVA. UHIEEO.X iataoBMI to diaflgraa witk ua ever tt toe s|ie<'ial pui|Hiaea of the "Here Is our man." one patrol­ company employes, w-ere ached . against the bill, said capital pui Ishment w-aa used "aparlngly" In • REGISTERED PHARMACISTS IN ATTENDANCB Dr. Flaher 80 Vear* OM pop. Telephone your grocer for SOAP FLAKES Koraa ftoa$ tba alart. Tkia la tbelr preaent drive, and stipulated that man NSid calling to the man. "Get iiled to ballot In a referendum on lluiilila Isiss In here bud." , ^ 1 the questidn of *ece.ssion. A pre­ Connecticut, but contended It was over*. TOPOVA. rigttl now. tdaa o f a baato taat t t atn n gth jlt should not be ronaidereii aa a neecaaary to keep It on the statute Mevr Haven, Feb. 27.— tlvlty 4t to* "Y " in past yaars, dio. fluabed, introduces ;hemaelvss to then arranged to# referendum, He cited to th# commute* the pnoumabty, bacaua* logical aUpulaUon. The music put bim to sleep. He Iowa's new public safety oommla- contending toe previous vote waa c,»** of thr*« convict*—two of TELCPHUNTI IS$1 them life termer* who had been ■r K o n a a relatively j But assuming that conditions at mlaaed hla bus,And—- . sioner, the bose of the highway pa- not reprtaentative- becauaa #0 faw- a ihiaf wof bln rsdim I trol. had taken part. J eonvlcted of murder—w ho killed ^ • WAWUHBSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27. 1947 MANCHESTER EVENING HKKALU. MANt.'HISS'l KK. tXl^lN.. TriUKSUAY, r LHKUAKY 27, 1947 ^AGE EIGHT PAGE the highway ard Mocking paaaaga March 7 at a p.m. to make the State Map Shows both north and south. It waa al- Uuree-day aanual retreat at the after a month's confinement and I os mietreas of ceremonita and pi«. wart a lof with a amall Reids Manage IS at her home recuperating Engagement Aiinual Event Manchester tnoat five hours before a new pola Paaaiontat monastery in Spring- Little Change South i oven try I aented the following proKram ar- sunk hatchet, a number of Camping Trip A most anjoyabl* time waa LECIERC was installed and tha wiras re­ field. Chairman of the parish unit j ranged by Americanism Chairman also had a bunch o f cbanrtaa a t Police Find Shooting Street Relocation spent Monday evening when a P v iw n il H a m * placed. Meanwhile, traffic waa di­ Is Waldo Hyaon. Jr. Mrs. Ethel Nelson: tachad. Mra. Edna Lawta waa Date ito^k Auto Auctions Local resMcnta deeply ^ n gn t goodly number of membcia of the Tests Scouts StriiiiiK'Hollbter By Beetkovens verted over Route 15. The Senior Children of Mary 111 Situation An introduction of Mtaa Audrey charge of tlw doeoratlons. At tha ] th* paacing of Poatmaster George Earl W. Green Poat No. 82 and The Bute Highway Department 22 Mals !tlr»rt Hilary Cuthbert of Springfield, hax-e elected Anna Florl to crown Bourgeois guest and local repre- conclusion of tho program Georg#^ H. Robertson at hie home TVeaday Auxiliary oheerx-ed AmericanUro Entirely Accidental Today haa submitted map* to the Select­ driver of the truck, said be applied thv statue o f the Blessed Virgin aentatlv* at laet summer’s aesalon Prue played hia alactrtc guitar and nMmIng and community sympathy Phnn* S2«9 Novel Car Market Has during May. Betty and Jane Pryi- Night at their rooms on Wall Blizzard Conditions Wrrnpr Will C^ondurt' Internal Revenue deputies at men of Manchester showing the th* brakes to avoid hitting a car NpHsprinl for the U. S. la extended to Mn. RoberUon. of Girl*' State at the Univeiaity waa accompaniad by Mra. Oambln* tata were chosen aa attendants. etraat A covered lUh supper was Building to aaaiat In proposed relocation of Tolland Begun Operating in in front of him when the truck Many have most certainly missed of CTonnectlcut. by Mrs. Helen at tha planta Prove Work and Fun (Hub in Even! Sel for mins Inen Roae Ann Berber and Mary Dillon To Be Crilieally Slow serx’cd with M ri Alma Barrows filing Income Tax returns. Daily I Turapike from Windsor street tack-knifed pulling to the right hie moat fam iliar figure paaaing MacFarland. Olrta* State Chair­ Discharge of Cartridge |J g E x p e c l i t l o i l East Windsor and up the incline. Cuthbert es­ will attend the summer school of in charge. Thla Was followed by .May .’)th except Saturdays with the ex-1 west to the Mancheater-Sut Hart- Until April on Main street to and from hla man; banjo solo by Thomas Palm­ For Troo|» 91 ception o f Saturday March 8 and ford town line. The new map* caped injury. Crtholic action conducted by the the presentation of the Gold Stat In Unmounted Rifle r ^ duUe* as recently he was confined er accompanied by Mra. Palmer at Tt,s R..nih..ven «le e Ciub w ill ^ from V a m. to show that Toll.r^l Turnpike atart- Mrs. Delia Sullivan R. M. Raid and Sons have been Pros and cons of the proposed Senior Conference In .New York Pina by Mra. Madeline Jamea. the piano; s Bud Rainey reading Barrel Taken, Life of T o A l l t a r r t l C a On Seltirdey,, Feb. 22nd. mem- ' The Beethoven Oiee ciuo wiii, ^ p ]j Windsor street will h* August 17 to 33. Ottawa, Feb. 28--<4Pi~Deliv*ry to the Windham Community Me­ chairman of that committee, to Branchial Coogki nanjed aucUoneere for an automo­ conaoUdated schools were discuss­ of newsprint to the United States, morial hospital for three weeka by Mr*. Cynthia Harlow; tap ber* of Troop »l Boy Hcoiit* of ' present Its Twenty-^cond Annual ■ Branch office of State Motor | moved farther to the north mak- ed Thursday night at a maetlag of •nie EUsworth basketball team Mra. Mas Reynold*. Mrs. Martha dance by Georgianha and Faith Michael dnMond Orncert at the High Sch(X)l Audi- Dept, open at Municipa | Ing a better approach to the biidoe 8PE.NCER bile auction marhet which opens coached by Alble LoefOer. con- which depends on Canada for more and for the past month had been Green, both of this town; Mita D iw T o C o ld . America under the guidance of ■ in Baat Windsor on Monday, and the South Windsor and Wapping Hill with accompaniment by Mr. torium on Monday evening, ^ y Building. Office hours 8:3C to 5. Which will now be used to c n ^ c'oasKfirji quered Bloomfield High Saturday than four-fifths o f its supply, will confined to his home. Lura Green, Wllllmantio; Mr*. Great Siieeess Kugene Spleaa and KrIIng Jenaen 5, 1M7. The Beethoven membei- " ' "*"vn wui now o« uaeo to croaa where auction aalea of automobiles P.T.A.'s, the League of Women be critically slow at least until Members of the First tiongivga- I and Mr*. Palmer; brief remarks wppwr im iim wui m iiMiiw Otutonbury Police Chief Oeorfe the hew Wilbur Cross Hi ghway at Voters and the EkMrd o f Bkhica- nl^t. 37 to 28. Leon Roberts was Margaret Luaaler and .Mrs. Emily by Mra. Nelson. Included In the ------I undaunted bv the worat weather] ahip this year l onalata of thirty-1 ~ ... 5 Broad Street wiU be held twice a week. high point man for the winner*, April, transport controller B. 8. tional church choir will meet F r l- , C. Hail Uat nlKht nald Uiat he felt that point na the new highway la tion. Representative Harry Fam - Gamblno. both o f Mansfield. Mr*. progmin whb b ilng of CAMAOlOt Mltcvw (rontiaued from Page One) j „p,rienced thia winter, j two voice*. Frederic K. Werner | ^ The auction market is known aa with 13 qoints. Liberty said today. day evening at the church for re- . that the ahootlnu of Michael O. fo go under Tolland Turnpike. ham of this town and Ralph Laa- Verna Watrou*, also a member ol t. oMi mt4 b.n r •fwOSaL' 'J sa conductor and Erneat ('oaman *” V" f- i. ta CAU. t-oana the Southern Automobile Auction In April, however, the situation hearsal. * the Beautiful" by the aasembly. SW W mm TOT oM a duMond. 39. proprietor of the Thla layout waa agreed on be­ / bury, Jr., director o f the Connectl- Thl* makes s record of 17 win# the auxiliary waa not present to WBJt obtAinpd In forrlnK Rrt forth on Ihrir o v r v \ aa accompanlat. The club haa been j •‘ •’ ••■y- ^ Salat, and U conducted by C. W ar­ should be substantially better. Lib­ Mr. and Mra, Howard Boynton ' The rooms were appropriately and CAMAOKH MI.IW..U.IW.. M *. I* U. I. A. bf la. a duMoad Gun Oompany In Eaat enre tween the Selectmen and the SUte Before a A. M. cii: Shade Growera asaorlatlon and no defeaU for Ellsworth. receive her award. Mra. Virginia •*• It ...* Miitoe a.a* ■.*tii.. n !t a Z ^ h t iV v " w h ^ '^ 'u r (^ yea^ through the Icepack, which acarce-1 „ight camping trip In mountain- very active this year In present-' vlrtua. South ren Shaw, and Lawrrcnce G. T ii^ erty declared In an interview. of Wethersfield were Sunday viai- effectively decorated wl*h red. Highway Comm'satoner aome Or A fter 4 P. N . The Ellsworth Jayvees took the Snow, auxiliary president, served I. 44 at e**a eMM ly cmdd be to u re r. All ahlpa. de- U ? tenta to teat their .k ill* of aur- Ing concert* throughout the state i . bla. Both are from the South. were guest speakers. Main topics Shipments of newsprint now are white and blue. Tabic place favors and nelghboriitg aUtea, due to the! Meeting of Alcoholics, Anony- months ago, but the map* were preliminary game 31-20. tora at Bruohsida Terrace. J. W. Rsl* rare. m l^ in hi* death before he could apite thin hull.,hiilla, werewera ^n*ht j yival In the great outdoor* under , for Appnlotment It ia the firat auction market ut of discussion included proposed far below normal, forcing Ameri­ •mt received until this week show­ The Girl Scout meeting will be Coventry Grange No. 78 will through *nccea*frdly, although i „ | ; rondltlona. | easement of war-time ieatrlctlons. i’” '***" Pathfinders Oub. Nor- iU kind to be held in the East al­ legislation which would affect reach Mancheirter Memorial ho*- ing the exset Inymit. At Vonr Home omitted thla week on account rtf can publlsnera to curtail consump­ sponsor a dance at the hall In the McrUck lost a rudder and | parking their camping gear on Thl* Indicates a fine annual con- • " * * Mreeta at 8 p .- though such auctiona are common South Windsor youtha. tion drastically in many cases. The pltal. waa acddeatal. cert, for the work of the Beethov- lurther Information c or Miae A ll achoola In town were cloeed school vacation. The next meet­ North Ooveniry tomorrow evaning. Chief Hall waa called to the other veaaela auffererl minor dam- j „g| aleda they headed for . their ■ in the South and Waat. Any per- crisis Is the result of a severe en* has received very high praise 2-0700 evenings. Friday on account of the storm. ing will be held Wednesday, March * Mrs. Jeannette Pettinglll waa gun factory aoon after the acci­ age. Cruaen aald the damage wa* | tentatively named 81 ] aon may o ffer hla car fo r aale. A 3. ' shortage o f railway box cars. in each and every concert sung this Saturday. .March I They ar* having their mid-winter released from the William W. dent took place, and aa a readit of leaa than he had expected. i Haven located In the wood* at > laa o( ten dollars la charged for bis The box car shortage Waa accen­ past • season. However, the Glee 25th Birthday celebration and Notice vacation this waek. The first cottage meeting during Backua hoapital, Norwich. Sunday, hia own Inveatlgatlon he learned In aviation exploration. Cruxen! i^ydnn and Venion xtreet* on the entrance fee and only daalera can tuated sharply on Feb. 14 by a Ca­ Club is known for Its fine work first quarterly meeting of Waah- The annual George Washington Lent will be held Thursday eve­ that duMond waa shot with a 30-30 aald, "one of the moat aurpriaing ; Heatley property which wn» reach- buy. A person in offerin g hla car nadian government order com- thlnga waa the ability of seaplane* I without ineident, Th"n began ss It has always sung to full audi- > Ington Social Club, Drnce, which was to have been ning. Feb. 27 at 8 p. m. at the Weekend Values at cartridge from an unmounted Taken by virtue of an execution haa the right to reject the highest mandering 1,176 box can dally for Miss Phyllla Hollister ences at the High school during its Monday. March S given Friday evening by the Fel- home o f Mr. and Mra. Harold Cum­ rifle barrel ,-hlch waa being han­ to operate In the open aea from ; jj,, arduoua task of breaking trail to me directed and will be sold at bid it It proves what the owner aid to Orest Britain. The wheat twenty-two year* of organixatlon. I Military Whist of Sunset Re- lowcraft Club of Evergreen Lodge, mings o f Oakland road. Rev. Vlr- dled by Charles Flnocche of Glaa- seaplane tender, which had been. Hirough more than fifteen Inches public vendue to, the highest bid­ considers too low. Thla la the had piled up for several weeks built only to service seaplane* In- anow whleh waa augmented by Mr.fand Mrs. (.Tiarlcs W. Hollis­ glVIng to Msnehester music lovers, bekah L.odge In Odd Fellows hsil. at the Community Houoe, waa brook Nutter will preach. Please tonbury, an employee. ter of .12 Hollister street, an- der at Gorman's Oarage, 285 Main same method that is followed in bring your Bibles. prior to this because o f blisaarda The cartridge went off while aide sheltered harbors " , rtlff northwest wind, w hich each year a full concert program, AdJOumed Town Meeting at postponed Indefinitely on account ' nounce the engagement of their the local strawberry auction mar­ Town Court Proaecutnr Ralph In the west which held hundreds of rinocrhe waa holding the barrel fJot ... made the task anything but plras- of sf< iilar and sacred music. ' High School hall at 8. .Special Town t V** Manchester ket. o f the storm. I daughter, Phyllis, to .loscph A. - Meeting to follow. !''■>* " « « « • «^hlch will be M. Grant w ill apeak on the hlatnry c a n snowbound. FOSTER'S Aa In past yeaia. the Beethov-i Meeting to follow, With Charlie Otidinatis and ai^ waa reaching for a atiing with Renr AdndrsI ?il„*!*nt. Arriving at the north side of On the opening day, Monday, The box car scarcity has Im­ 84 OAKLANO STREET • TEI KPHinvR I sterling, son of Mrs. Mary Ster- on Friday. Feb. 28. at 11 o'clock Ronald Roberts accounting for 22 o f John Fitch at a meeting o f the which to (Ire the piece which waa tl.e clearing the Reouta were dl- ena plan on bringing to Manches-1 Friday. .March 7 about 75 cara were entered for auc­ l In the forenoon, to aatlafy said points each, the Union School bas­ South Windsor Garden Otib Tuea- proved cxmsiderably in the past ten OPEN THUR.SDAY AND FRIDAY UNTIL 8 P. M. SATUIWAY UNT^T 6^^^^^ ter a well-known concert arllat. Opening of olds for Vets Houa- tion. and bids which ranged from days with better weather. Liberty sin chsm**-! ?w*Trl..s‘"’e S n v ir^netr^! ^^nd' ?o'ert.bMsh^Vh^^.mp^n's "'widdln” " w!m tsU rp la. e m execution and my fees thereon, ihe | ketball team defeated the Broad day, March 4 at Wood Memorial ! bad Just been r-ompleted In cha^m new "reas. e s p e ^ lly m pener^ra , , ^.^ic), would , .,,^1 .Sevcral have been contacted and a \ (ng. Housing Authority, 80 Wad- $50 on a 1934 Plymouth sedan to I said today, snd some of the back­ baring the barrel and a test waa i tton beyond the formal announcement will be made , dell Road, following described property to Brook grammar quintet at Ells­ Library at 3 p. ro. Final plana fo r' $3,880 on a 1946 Bui(!k Roadmaater ' the acci- I tesii was found aa soon aa a contract haa been wit: worth High school, Thursday a f­ the club'a trip to Boaton will be | log of shipping hat been cut down. r i \z, s';.;' r r „ r r i — ------Saturda,v. March 8 Sedan were received. There were struck duMond ; featiirelMs. (.Yuxen continued. secured by the business manager, One 1834 Buick coupe. ternoon 65 to 12. In the other announced. Hostesses will be Mrs. i "UMth continued good weather, d - u . « ™ k ,„d th. >™., W..I Tlir,-.,. Klk» Here Third Anniversary Marine Corps / B U R K E 0 ) buyers present from the South, Unbed of Ciwulty Beef In the abdomen. The man was t Twenty-nine Arthur H. Anderson. Dated at Manchester, this I4th lengue contest. Warehouse Point A. C. Johnson, Mrs. James Stough­ and with quicked turn-arounda the lb League Dinner Dance, Garden from the Midwest, and from New situation should improve gradual­ STEAKS raehed to the Manchester Memo- vi'ere mode from' Little America i *'P ""*• •***' equipment The club is working diligently day o f Feb., A D., 1947. defeated Wapping School 4k to 1$. ton and Mra. Arthur Spielman. 5 9 ^ ^ Was stowed Inside, and .u._ then the... . Y^.dj,. piiiji I r 8M '.iNrffi '.T HiB ..KHS XM York a t y . The next sale wiU be rial hospital in W. P. Quish'a am- during the brief stay there, nt under the able conductorahip of A ttest:— The Catholic War Veterans of The Rev. Lorlng B. Chase of' ly,” he said, "but we are atlll far next Important requirement for' held tomorrow, starting at noon­ bulattce. On arrival at the «> spital ^htrh 20 did mapping work, he Frederic E. Werner, who needs Tuesday, March II St. Francia of Aaaissl church, Durham preached at the Wapping short of ran we require and wa comfort was the procurement of | JAMES DUFFY. Constable. time. Lean— Toaty—Fresh he was examined by Dr. J. R- addeV ‘h*' merry cry of Timber , a i„, fp^turml nt the meeting whs '"Cf® t" present concerts of su and Henry Kutyta. 58-miUion years ago, long before took pUca Is in a small building ' „ng„ow n areas. On the home- a* another haxi.rd of the womls ' A lso feaniicri lU me meeung w h s ---- , hall, Da’ ightera o f Isabella. gone about two weeks. the Initiation of 18 candidates In perior quality. Porter Collins and Don Wether- Statlona of the Cross were said the human race appeared. Baby Beef 4)«allly located on the ^ East *8 aidealatA of the ward vovage, olTleera ... alao are—_I i MVAnAwent elalAa'n down lev to Ks>be rkti put to good use The Beethoven Glee Club is a Friday. April II LIVER what IS known as the Neil Moylaii ell apent the week-end at South Sunday at the 6:30 a.m. maos for road. Just before entering the small also busy compiling repotU on lea-j Supper was cooked over the member of the Associated Glee Buy Scouta Jamboree at State PubUc Market O’4 9 ^ Class, named for the late miiyor of Royalston, VL the Sunday School children of S t vUlaga— o( Bast Glastonbury from sons learned regartling eqtiipment, i open fires and the ramp woia made Clubs o f America. It has always , A'*nory. American Legion Band to, WANTED Hartford, who waa a memlwr of 805-807 MAIN STREET Martin Reister of Mountain Francis. Stations of the Cross for Manchester. The factory was ea- clothaa, food, conatnictlon i secure for the night. Then folimved taken an active part In civic and P**y- „ . , . Hartford Dnlge of Elks. The Ini­ View Road, is a patient at the all parishioners will be held this BOILED HAM welfare programs of Manchester, ; , , . Saturday, April to | tabllshed by Mr. duMond in **<*'•! ,n,|-ouier fields In the greatest • short session srotind a crackling Manchester Memorial hospital. evening at 7:30 p.m., followed by " > 8 9 ^ tiation was coniluctcd entirely by and feela happy to announce that Fiftieth anniversary b^quet of , He waa a native of Steven* Point, < .rrled otit In the Sre where instriictiona were given Mrs. Hafry Stoughton of Main Benediction of the Blessed ^cra- Beef Cows W la .^ mowd from that MatePolar reglona. III properly dIarchIng before climb­ the past exalted rulers. The meet- , again thla year for the twenty-1 South Manchester Hrc Dept., at atreet has returned from Hartford ment. ^ Lorg»-4.*cal—Strictly Pieah Hartford In 1841. and later moved , ___ __ ing Into ateeping bag and bliinkets. Ing was preceded by a dinner! second time It la going to present , Masonic Temple, and EGGS to Glastonbury, making his home i which was .served at 7 o'clock. A f­ FRIDAY SPECIALS hospital following an operation Ten men of the St Francis of "I? At nine o'clock all were In bed a full concert iirogram in the High I Tuesday, April 1.1 | performed Feb. 5. Assissi pariah, members o f the ”> 5 9 < on MUI Road In Eaat Glastonbury, r a i ...... 1 . ^ . - ter the meeting several acts of en­ Sch(Kil Auditorium on .Monday Entertainnient at Tinker hall with the fires fcopi-rly out. ConnecUcut Laymen's Retreat when ha established his factory In i 1 C*U ( llU I T W « 1 £ C tertainment were presented; evening May 5. 1947. sponsored by Degree of Poca-1 Mr. and Mra. Thomas Barry of It waa near xern Sunday morn­ Station 31 road, celebrated their movement ivlll leave the church BHgbtwoad— 3-S Lha. Each lb 6 9 ^ ing when the .Icnuta acrambled out An attendance of about 300 Elks ______I hontaa. POT ROAST VEAL ROAST Calves DAISY HAMS golden wedding anniversary Sun­ Boon after the accident the o f thejr beda and needles* to *sy was present, and among them were ' I Wednesday, April 30 Glaatonbuhy and the State Police Seliwliilc Sel the ' The Netherlands Eaat Indies ex-; Concert at Emanuel Lutheran | Grade A Steer Beef Oven or Pot day afternoon and evening with Sell your low prodnceni much haste was made in dreasing imany of the old timers of about 50 friends and relatives trara noUflad. Both reaponded im> tended over a distance of more. church by the Emanuel choir for Lean-*—Tender Evteeeratad— Ready To Uao and atarting the Area to cook \ lodge, Milk Fed->Fresh present. now when beef ia bring­ FRYERS lb 5 9 / Mediately and sent Investlgat* than 3.000 miles. 1 benefit o f organ fund. (Coallmied from Page Ona) breakfast and the air waa noon I — They were married Feb. 23. 1897 ■A- tag offlcera. Captain Carroll o( filled with the aroma of baron and ' |u|s«u ing (hr most. We take the State 'Police said last night at SL Catherine's church, Broad creaaea are fully Inatalled In 1847-^ egga, toast snd cocoa which whs | l»*PI8 Irtix n KEMP'S Brook. Mrs. Barry was the for­ In trade for Milk that Oilaf Hall of U)e Glastonbury | rommlttee said the quas- 39c Ib. 29c Ib. - A - Orado ' l b 5 9 / enough to entice huge apiietites In mer Agnes Coleman of Broad LEGS otLAMB Pollce had already made an Iqves- |t(o„ whether thla would be done Cows or buy it outright. the moat sparing eater. Breakfast ^ aniier 'Fodav Brook. tlZ^Gon when th# State Police ar- j willingness rather than over the skis and sleds were rived and feeling that the death . ,bUltv to pay. PINEHURST... FRIDAY The couple has three children. brcMight Into play white other Lean— Fresh Richard E. Barry of Elm street, FRANKFURTS K R A F T * ' was caused by accident the SU te | . Norw:alk can afford what Is BCoiita prepareil and pa sard aecond (I ontinurd Inun Page One) Store Opens .\t 8:00 A. M. VELVEBTA Police withdrew from the Invest!-; necessary to purchase gno4l sr'hiMtls Eaat Hartford: Thomas Harris PEILA COLD CUTS elnaa testa. Alao during thla period ; ' ’ II Barry of South Windsor and Mrs **.S?*' .. . J w . 1. ■ ^or It* children." the reprirt ssid. Measrs. Spieaa and Jensei took ' **ro I Fahrenheit l temperature, Hamburg Ib. 35c POI.I8H RING* FIZZ rinoc^e arrested by the i Meeting CHICKEN AND "CHICKEN John T. Reardon of Bristol. Both CHEESE aeveral pieturea of the eamp which ! '*bd the weather huremi said no are members of St. Francis of BROTHERS Olaatonbui^ Police on a charge of | o„,y ,bout 150 townspeople at- will be preaen-ed with the Troops i relief from the prolonged, eold "Tender as chicken" la a frequent comparison which la aome- Fresh afgnyated aaa^t, but was Im-1 lant night's public meeting Asatssi church. 49c lb. camping records Sever:'I visitors I wove was in alght. limra hugely Ironic. Brcaiiae the creature la a feathered bl-ped 25c pkg. raadlately released ur^r 81,000 which the committee members Ellsworth Memorial High school 264 Bidwell Street 2 lb. box 99c nendlna tha flndlnaa of t h e '" ' '.'w ...... j ; ’ Inspected the unusual enmp and, Wodciatliig we.ither helped and arratch'cs. Isn't eonclualvr proof that It la either tender in basketball team will play In the bond the tooth or ea|»cclnlly agreeable to the palate. .Many a hardened Veal Chops Ib. 39c coroners^S?a^UrdcC?ty SJ;rn"XiXn to U w aaZu:'"" comfortable !‘le„r snow blocked roods In Hol- State Class C-D tournament which j Telephone 7405 ------.------. ..v and no reaction to it was rorin q„„Hers established. land and Belgium, but during the old warrior of the poultry yard, skinny, scrawny and malevolent, CAPITOL MOTORS,« Mr. duMond la aurvived by hla starts soon. They practiced yes­ Manchester’s Piano Wx Vartatto* roming immediately. becomes a "chicken" after the wiry quills are pulled out of its Sliced w ife, Mra. Reims duMond; and More skiing and anow fun was night temperatures drop|>ed again terday afternoon at the high, 368 M4l8 .S f,-.> < ' -HARlfORD JELLIES Among those declining comment tomenr or below freezing. ancient hide. Distributor for jar 25c tw o t < w MtehMl. 9' and Dennis, Alexander R. Serena, chalr- had after the noon meal and flnallv school gym under their coach, A l­ Temiieratiirca wavered near the When PInehurst says "chicken" it ME.ANM chicken. bert Loeffler. T. all o f Bast Glastonbury: and a o? t^ : of F:;"uc.tron; ! Dried Beef i Ib. 59c •SOHMER Land O* Lakes Evaportad Mstor, Mrs. Sylvia Bchiibert' of I Fires properly extinguished and freexing point In western Ger­ W e have some now that are noble specimens o f their species. The Ladles' Aid Society of the MILK Frederick Lovejoy, a former chair­ many. Fancy, soft mcated, .Native, fresh dressed Frying C'hirkena. fixed Wapping Community church will 3 Ige. cans 39c Warrlngtoa, Florida. man and still a 'member of the campsite rlearied, the long trek •GUI3RANSEN Moarow radio reported the lem- thk PInehurst nay, ready for the pan. Price. .. .yesj Don't for­ meet Friday evening at 7:30 at Tha body waa removed to the board and Sidney Vogel, an attor­ homeward waa made to anxious Lowe Funeral Home In Bast Hart­ I parents who were waiting with pearature had risen to shove get the price, only 48c pound. ROWE’S LARGE FRYING OYSTERS the home of Mrs. William Foster •WURLITZER MIRACLE WHIP Kraft Salad Dresalag D^a jar 39c ney who rapreaented the Teachers freexing In the Rusaiun capital. of Avery atreet. Mrs. Little will ford yeaterday evening, and funer­ many queatlona to ask. ALNO WOMB PLUMP MILK-FF.D FOWL. The kind that MACKEREL association in its negotiations dur­ FILLET OF SOLE apeak about the work at Cross- •HARDMAN Dinner was late that night al anetngemenU will not be eom- ing the strike of 224 of Its 2.36 The weekly meeting of the gl\e you that dellctnus home made chicken soup... .and plenty nore. pleted until late thla afternoon. member* last September. Troop on Monday evening at the HALIBUT SMELTS SWORDFISH Always the Best At Kemp’s of tender meat to use the way you like best. And w'hy worry Tax Collector E. H. Cowles ha* TUNA FISH tin 39c Mayor Edward J. Kelley did not Green school diacloaed the fact REFRICEKATOR and about the prlr-e ol Pork, when you can gel this Fowl for 49c announced that about 43 per cent attend the meeting. that much was learned about self Boneless and Skinless jiound! They will weigh five |Miundx and over. of the old age assistance tax still Prepnr e T r i a l Reason For Mur\ey ! preservation as well as having fun W ASH ING IVI.\r.lllNE I in camping umici such conditions. REAIIV TO SERVE remains unpaid with the deadline KEMP'S PEACHES No. 2J can 29c TTie committee aald it iindertiMik FROM (;K0TK & WEICiEL SERVICE March 1. Mr. Cowles said that ita study with the premise that ■ Mr. .Irnsrn ciimpllmcnteil the FILLET5 Ib. 39c INC. F or JapaiicHC Frankfurts Minced Ham deducting the number of service­ there waa a crisis In the teaching Rcouta on their prowess and will- Furniture and Music Kelgeria—No. $(4 Caa* C Q fl ^ t l 9 C HAMS men and others exempt from the I profession throughout the country liignesa to lenril mid then sn- Rcp.iirs On 411 Makes! Bologna Veal Loaf tax, a total o f 1,400 people must (Coollaoed from Page One) i which could be solvetl only by ea- : nouiiced the next overnlghtrr From .Morrell, Only .).'U' Pound I'rompt, Kronomical! pay at the beginning of this week ■ ^ - tnhllKhlng "the teaching pnife*- ■ would bo held soon hikI it would First Prlrc. Short Shanked Genoa Salami, B. C. Hard Salami, J U I C E S Ooaald Dack—Ne. 3 Caa* ^ 3 COIl$ 25C in Yokohama March 6 before a U, ‘ aion on a aound economic lutatM aa tnkc tliein to Portlmid, Conn, and KIngnan Only 760 had made payment. 8. Eighth Arm y tiibimal. la full-time life |)rofea*lon for able where a dilTercnt condition would SHOIT.DER HAMS.. lb. 47c At the meeting of Evergreen Notice Fresh Oysters The Japanese loaded 30 Allied I men and w<»men." i require their akilla. It la feats such Potterton's Boiled Ham, Thu ringer, Deerfoot Lodge, A. F. A A. M. at Masonic Rolled llam Lean, Small. Fresh hall Monday evening the District national and 1,589 American pria- "Such a proreasion cannot be mi above coupled with regularly Manchester's l.arxesl Radio SPARK R IB S ...... lb. 49c To Contractors SOAP P0^VDERS'‘•“^ box 34c *•>•1* — 1.100 of them ofTlcers rstabliahed v\ ithout adequate and ncheduled trip* under all condi­ and Inpllance aif,re Orlrd Beef Form Sausage, Smoked Shoulders, Deputy waa present and the E. A. Pollsli Kings moatlv o f field grade rank from fair salar>'' ncheduies and without tion*...... all... year...... thiit ,prompted...... the At the tyn tel Fat (for lieans) degree was conferred. Refresh­ BlUbId piiaon In Manila Into three an Improved attltiido toward teach- District Commlttre to select Troop 6311.141 M AIN H1KEET loimb Patties SALT IH)RK...... lb. 27c Sliced and Slob Bacon, Redi-fro-eat ments were aerved after the meet­ Sealed proposals will be re­ 3 lb. can $1.25 holda o f tha Oryokii Mam, the le -je r» on the part of the-publlc," salil 9t aa the mosl nutatanding ramp- Drerfoot Sausage ing. ceived by the Homing Authority Brookfield Sausage Fresh Ground There wras one accident due to *** “D*** •" hap- the report. ! 'ng troop In Mnnehenter District CHUCK...... lb. 45c Hams. of the Town of Mancneater, Con­ P****® 8fter the prison ship set nut Under the si hediile (he coniinit-; for the past two years and the 1st Prise Sausage Friday's storm, when a trailer necticut. prior to five tS) o'clock ’Ttaappy**— la l-Poiiad Caaa ^ C O H S 3 3 c fo r J a ^ : .tee prop»iaed teachers with Bach-itrisip which displaces them as trucked Jack-knifed on Route 8, In the afternoon, March 7. 1847, AUled planes attacked A direct elm's degrees would start at 8'*’.4()0 chmn|is will really have to do an ANDOVER PINEHURST CORNED BEEF climbed a anowbank, and crashed for the construction of one hun­ temb hit killed 100 men, and the • a year and receive increases of ' uniisuallv nlitstiindlng lob durinx into a utility pole, breaking It off dred (1001 Temporary Housing Who pul the Com In Corned Beef? PInehurst. of course! Luncheon Meat HAMS at the bate. The telegraph and tel­ CHOCOLATE PUDDING 4 25c ahip was abandoned. But even ns 8';h8i snnuiillv until ihclr sainry 191" *In ' order * • to disloitge them. ImmrdiHlp Ori-upant-y! Units, Installation o f W ater and the prlaonera fmight to save them- leache,! 84.600. We started It over 3.1 years ago. when Mr. Allyn Avery made ephone wires stretched across the There are atlll a few vneandes PInehurst famous for quallt.v coming of beef... .and have kept It Sewer Mains, and construction of ■alvea, guards ■praj’ed the holds For teschers with Msstrr's de- Cudahy— Puritan Swift Premium road sagging dangerously low over various Highways. Sidewalks, open In. the TriM>p for boya aged Are you lisiklng for a modern up ever since. Customers have been asking for a low price heel with machinegun fire and pouted gree* the starting salary would be 12 ye.nrs and ovei. home within iR miles of H art­ 6-Pound Tin Lean—Tender—Shank etc.. In a certain Subdivision bullets at men who had reached 82.6IM) and the niaxlniiiiii 85,'200: llial they could use imrtly for hash, and s«ime for slicing. T o known 'and designated as "V E T - We Will Have a Limited S'iodIv of ford 7 4 rooms down with 3 take carir of this demand, we coraed some boneless plate meat VOft*- those with six or more years of H A V E N ." Manchester, Conn. All ilnfliilshetl up. tiiirage In base­ this week It w ill be ready Friday. The price Is right... Mho Surtivor* were assembled at college tiHtniiig, 82.800 to 85.800. work to he done shall be In ac­ ment. Flreplaer. Insulation flavor is as good as brisket. The leanest cuts will aell at 89c 49c lb. BONELESS FRESH HAMS ond FRESH SHOULDERS San Fernando. Philippine Islands. ' Ataivr thla, the coniniitter said. Isilllo SIimtI W ill anil all eonvrnlenera. I.m-ated 59c lb. cordance with npeclflcations on W ada and Toshino asked for the salaries of 86.000 and more would pound, and those not quite so lean at 39c pound. I f you want real Tills will be good to have on on large lot. Only 8I.IHMI Oown hand when fresh pork I* no A low price for a quality i file In the office of the Housing 18 sickeat men to be hospltallxed not be unreasonable for teachers Iran slicing Corned Beef, ask for a PInehurst Brisket. j Authority o f the Town o f Mhn- Bo K\IoiuI“«■ teaehers' salary schedule |ilus Brids Eve Corn pkg. 27 .for high « hool vl. e-pi lncl- : The change will make possible Fresh Texas Whole Strawberries pkg. 63c trical DIatrtbutien. Northera Spie* ar "Macs" ------P*''’' koldance director* snd spe- .the extension of the water malii* Cauliflower APPLES BEETS ...... 2 bchfi. 25c Finished -Monuments and Each bid forwarded to the Hous­ 2 lbs. 29e ual supcmiairs. from the east side of the railroad Iceberg I-eP.uce Sour Pitted Cherries pkg. 35c Markers In Our Display ing Authority of the Town of Governor iMaken 'Tilt lom m iltre said It was ss- tracks, under the Hacks into Little (irniiine Tomatoes SM'EET POTATOES Yard To Choose Prom! Manchester. Connec^ticut, at the CARROTS Largo—Fanry—4'aSfof|ita above addreos and accompanied 3 bchs. 29c His App<»intim‘ntH b> III. Implies of U.3 teacheis who 1. goned for indiistiv from renter Tiimlp* . 2 pounds 29c • niled out qiiealiotmalres, lilt, of street a* far north, a* LiUle atrect Bmccoll The Finest In nith a bid bond in the amount o f lind. nisht.for littls . . . to help a atricken people reatoia their tlieni reimrting that their salaries and theie has been a great demand .Smull. W.hite twenty per cent (20% r of the to­ Fancy-Finn Radishes NEW LOW PRICES tal bid, payable to the Town treas­ Linda. A swollen Susquehanna River had homea. BROCCOLI B u te Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 27

J / ■


MANL'Hl£8rEK EVEMNU HEKALU MANCHESTER. CUNN.. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1942 Drive Leaders Plan Rejected Another Girl Dodd as Speaker Cer-Ron^ Books PAGE ELEVnf the Tri-Ominty Christian Uatoa, Columbia March 9; Hebron's part the engine got there. The wind Air National Guard held at the Hebron Ocngregational Clark and I’hilllp Clark of Hebron in the irvice w ill be at the Gilead was not In a illrectlon tq cause , By Educators At Vets’ Parlfey church Sunday evening, though and la well knmvn here, whore she Are Descril>ecl Filing on Form, W-2 church. March 18. *1lh Rev. Paul much threat, otherwise 4ba result To Hear Talk Sadist Victim doubtleaa the extreme cold and often visits. She la a' former re­ Ross Lynn, profaaaar of practical might have been serious. Tbe fire (Continued frtmi Fngu Unei Hartford, Feb. 37— Titoinas deep anow kept a good many gent o f Colonel Henry Cfliamnlon theology and rural aoclolo^ Jn the waa on th* Berkowitz property Chapter, DAR. Seeks Recniits Here iB. / Deatha J. Dodd. Jr., form er chief prosecu­ awa>'. Tlie program wa* presented Hartford Seminary foundatran. as near the (Xmgregatlonal church. INCOM E T A X Red Cross Campaign bably would not became effective' 17 Year Old Student tor for the Nuremberg war crimi- Jfnne Inventory Shower Not Difficult Task by the Windham Choral Qub. with Miaa Irma Lord of the WUIlnian- laader. The service fbr March 33 A nufflbar ot Hebron people a t­ until July 1 and "the teachers David E. CXrr nala trial, w ill be one o f the speak­ Hermann Beckert as director, awg tic Teacher's Oollege, la spending Gashed and Burned; $139,000 in Turkeys w ill be at South Coventry and will tended the preaentation of an opez' Workers Will Get Final want action now." David E. Carr, 73, formerly of ers Saturday night, March 8, at with Virginia Allen aa accompan- a week'# vacation at hev Hebron Do you know ALL your dednetiona and what iB Old Yankee Hying Promise Moi’C be primarily for young people. The etta at Bacon Acndemy, (3McbaS' 142 HUl street, Hartford, who was the All Veterans New England 1*1. It was greaUy enjoyed. With home. Her slater. 3lrs. Clarence income and what isn’t? Instructions Meanwhile. the principal of Was Tossed from Car Court Told Must Have All Receipts s p ie r s will be ti>e studeaU from ter,, Inat Thursday evening. M ra Squadron Has Wanes i c School 43, Miaa Helen Weia, aald admitted to the Manchester Me­ conference'sponsored by the firat INCOME TAX a few excepuona It was made up Hamilton, returned to Hartford region of the Jewish Wer Vet­ To Make Rejhirn; Oth- the Ckrtmua AasoclaUoa of the Charlotte Tribble, who was for­ Tueaday, after spending a few Do you know your exemptions and whalbar a Iorb "aeveral groups of larger boye" morial hospital on February 15 o f claasical selections. The pro- University o f OonnecUcut. And Materiel; Many M e e t tO i ^ t o p A general meeting of all resi­ Long Beach. Calif., Feb. 27— from South Coventry died at the erans of the U. 8. A. et the Hotel Rockville, Feb. 27— (Special| — merly apecial music teacher In the days here. had vieited the vicinity of her ABCs for 1 9 4 7 f^ m follows: "The Heavens are The laat aenrlca, March 30. will ia a CAPITAL kws or an ORDINARY htoa? dential district workers for the oF) —Possibly the victim of anoth­ hospital last night'. He was r mem­ Bond. Tha principal wttnaas in tha Su erwiae Form 1040, Hebron achoota. a-aa In charm. The Ranks Open to Vets school and had thrown snow balls Declaring" by Beethoven; "Ador- be at North Coventry, when there Red Cross fund campaign will be er sadist, a pretty 17-year-old ber ol the Brotherhood of Loco­ Mr. Dodd will appear on the perior Court trial of the SUU program waa much enjoyed. at aeveral teachers aa they left Should Be Used | amus Te." RoaaelU; “ MIghtv wUI be a program o f Easter Music, SOLVE YOUR TAX PROBLEMS BY CALLING Car Sliorlage held at the Hollister Street ichool, High school girl was found nearly motive Engineers and Firemen of Americanlam panel of the two-day versus Ger-Ron turkey farms to M ra Alpbonae W right haa bean The U S ai F lfh U r Squadron. A ir Friday evening at .8 p. m. J. F. the school yesterday. nude, her body gashed and burned all-veterans conference, first of tU day was Eric Robbins, public ac “ Oome Unto Him," sung by th* choir o f the Second chosen to tak* the place o f Mrs. .No Dam age Done Blast Hartford, and a veteran of (Messiah) Handel; Regina Coali" FO R S A LE NaUoaal G^uard. la now conducUng I Miller. (..Iiairman Residential Dlvi- with a rlgaret, beneath a . railroad World War I having served with kind attempted In New England. countant o f Springfield, Maas. (Edttat'a^Natat Thia la tha Oongragstloaal church ’ under the l>roy H. Octchell aa member of (ilunlinurd 'rum I'age One) However, Police Commissioner Hanneral; "Ave Marla. " Schubert MANCHESTER 2-0714 a racnilUng campaign to fill up Ita . slon asks that all majors, raptninr underpass last night. the Canadian Army during that Other speakers on this panel will Mr. Robbins was examined bj fourth of 13 atorira esflxlalng dirscUoa of Donald H ay^ . The the HaOIAm bridge club. Madinm Sixe Thomas J McMahon said there jrtth Doris Dalgneeult as soprano ' ,, (Or Wmimanlle nO-W-l) cnliated complement The squad­ refrigerator car* expected with ' and teams mskc a point of Iwing A five foot, 112-pound blonde, war. He is survived by his wife, include Governor John O. Pastore Attorney Richard Gideon. The ac Hha mxat do what aboiit Allag services tn all caaea win open at 8 Mias Maude Clark o f East Hamp­ ron. tha original Flying Yanhee spring vegetable harvest. i present as all supplies and instruc- "were no reports of'vandalism or she was identified by police as Mra. Bertha Carson* Carr. The of Rhode Island and the Rev. L,. countant explained the Inatalla Aa laeome taa retura). i I^alring.*' p.m. A ll arc cordUlly Invited. ton was tendered a card ahow- TURKEY HENS Squadron, saw service during the any damage" resulting from Bach-Wilaon; "Die# Irac." iRe- Yunii. Aliz. Shippers said 23 ' tions Will be given out at this Jacquelyn Mae Stang, daughter of funeral will be held tomorrow M. Blrkhead, Frederick B. Harris, tion o f the bookkeping ayatem s' On Thursday evening laat the er on her birthday, Monday. WINTHROP MERKIAM . war in the CBl theater, and was boleter iisnesa of school children. Meriden police court prosecutor By Jaam Marion qtiiem Masai Jtosart; "Laebrv- HaOiAm bridge club met at tha FOR ROASTING Riplev Hill percent of this year's lettuce crop time. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd 8tang. Stang afternoon at 3:30 at the Newkirk the Oer-Ron Farms. Inc. Tha ays She ia the sister o f Miaa E. Ana* Arenaalant- Andllor XM Martk recognised by the federal govern­ "The non-striking teachers ap­ la a Long Beach bustneasman. and former JWV National Com­ .TI?**'" Mozart; "Prayer." Curran* home of Mrs. c:ari Lankof. Mrs. will be lost due to shortage. Following the dUtributlon of and W hitney Funera< Home. 921 tem consisted of a daily sales m WashtngtM), Feb. 37 — m — Ornith Open Tharaday N lihta a a « ment August 7, IMA. It is one of A paoirtng motorist saw her ly­ mander, w ill preside as panel 1 R e c ^ lo n a l." DeKoven; "Oom- Winiam Hammond woa high acoro. Drawn and Delivered Seattle, Wash. —Great Northern campaign materials a Ave-mlnute parently weren't nnoleated al­ Main street in East Hartford. Rev. port; an accounts reccivabl* Tou’ra making your 194A Income Coventry . the first A ir National Guard out- ing below an embankment, wher^ moderator. T*:. 'Meaalahi Handel. Ro- Mrs. Leroy H. Oatchall, one o f the Now Many Wtar All Day latarRay railroad said lack of cars was caus- though In some Instances children Hugh Barber, pastor of the First ledger; an accounts payable ledgei tax return on Form W-3, the with­ In the Uuited SUtes to receive movie will be shown depicting in she appidrently had rolled after Assistant modentora will be ' bert Johnson, tenor; "M y Lord membara. waa nleaaantly aurprtsad 5 5 c Pound Ing heavy losses in lumber and graphic detail what happens when had called them 'aerfhs'," McMahon Congregational church of South and B general Journal. '* holding etetement. * CHOOSE federal recognition, and as such being tossed from a car. Un- Coventry will officiate and burial former State Senator Paul J. Rob­ What a Mornin'." Burleigh; "Steal whan a bcauUful Ubieclotb and a FALSE TEETH grain shipments, and movement of disaster strikes and how the na- declared, adding; The witneaa also explained boa Thet'a the receipt the boea givea ^as already had most of Its mate- conocloiia when picked up, she will be In the Veterans’ Memorial ins of Providence, R. I., JWV De­ ■ you for taxea withheld from your 1 Away." Burleigh; "The Rosary" nice card table were praaentad to Washington apples eastward was j Uonal and local chapters of the "For a while looked aa though the various books functioned li with Liiih vnnr i rial consigned. A t prearnt there there might be some trouble at •merged from the coma In a hos­ B'ield, Hillside cemetery, East partment commander, and Prof. wagea or aalary In 194A. He muat YO UR FORM I Nc\ln; "The Lord's Prayer." Mai- bar as a farewell gift. Tha Getch- Kal. talk lauah or tneew wlthoui FR ED L U C K , ire 14 P47Ns assigned to the squa- hindered. I Red Cross swing Into action to pital and, after emergency treat­ Hartford. Joseph Ctnamon o f Boston, JW V the sale of turkeys. When aske< fiv e It to you. alla are moving to Springfield fear of inserutv r*la« terth droaMna. Enid. Okla.—MovemenU of wheat relieve the suffering that follows, School 32 and at lAfayette High if the reports and the books ahouU slIpplBa or wabbling. rA B T n T II Telephone 4026 ' Iron, and more are being ferrtfr in school but that was handled right ment. was permitted to go home. National executive committeeman. I f you xrorkad for more than one ,**^*®" program which this weak. and oil were being delayed three,, miss GIsconda Balllano. a Man- The two-day aesslon wtU begin show a true picture of the buti witmnoioino i t a t i - hold* ristss Armor and mor* eomtort- ;rom the West Coast to bring the Police quoted doctora as saying boaa who withheld tax from you, I will take in this and surrounding (3aorga Orifflng. son o f Mr. and sbly. This pleasant powder has ao _ I JAMES J. ROHAN & SON days to a week because of lack of | rhester girl who haa. been a Red away by the officers on the scene." Saturday afternoon with a veter­ nets, Robblna replied, “yea, thej • M M T saves y e « meaay I town* haa been arranged. Dr. j ‘ull strength of the outfit to 23 The strike, largest In the na­ *h*. had not been raped, and was get a Foim W-3 receipt from each. A Mrs. Joseph Orifflng, la a paUent fummr. gooty. pasty Isete or foellng. box and tank cars. i Oosa field worker In Italy for IB ans symposium and the final group should." Asked if th^ books wert if ysvr allewaMe dadvetiens I Itockwell Harmon Potter. Dean Doesn't rauer nausea. It's alkaltne REAL ESTATE ! P47s. tion's history, haa not affected the apparently suffering no 111 effects You cent, without all the re- at St Francia' hoapltal. Hartford. Rationing .\dnpled months, will describe briefly how meeting will be held In the main properly maintained, the wttneoi cetpta, make a return on Form are lasa than taa par cant af Emeritus of the Hartford Srmin- (non-ocldi. Checks "piste odor" (den­ t Also assigned to the squadron from shock or exposure. He underwent an operation Mon­ ture breath >. net rAATKETH St any Chicago—Incoming shlpincnts of Croat serves the men In instruction of 2B.881 children at ball room Sunday afternoon. The said, "starting in 1943, they w en W-3. Without them all. you'll have j ary and Honorary Minister of Can­ ; tr« four A2Ss, two ATAs, and a the city'a 87 parocltlal, dioceason Detetctlve-lnapector C. J. No­ Otto L, Seelert day. His condition I* rnvornble. drug More. AI.L LINES OF INSURANCE coal, fuel oil were reduced greatly | ^^med forces and how. through votny said the girl told him she sessions will he broadcast and the pretty well. Prior to that, no." , to uae Form 1040. ter church. Hartford, was alated to : 'tv . These ships will be used for and private Catholic echoola. Tbe Hebron fire engine wna call­ and some dealers adopted Informal, Service-in local chaptem. It was followed by x man a* she The T. P. Holloran Funeral public la invited to attend. Mr. Robblna was then asked U Whet, you have them all. a t­ I apeak at Andover. Feb. 23; Dr I Jtlllty work, and tow target work. Mayor Bernard J. Dowd tossed SHORT fORM aavas yau ed out a few days ago to help out 517 Hartford Road I lA. CoU Thomas Carroll, com- rationing. ___, (.grries on Its responsibilities to- made her way home from Poly­ Home, 173 Center aU»t, will be explain the balance sheet, show­ tach them to the Form W-3 re­ John E. Hartalcr. professor of With a grass fire in (>>lumbla near the problem of settling the four- • meaay if year warh en­ I nandlng officer of the squadron. Columbus, O. —Survey of 2.VI ward those men after they have technic High school about A p. m. open this evening from seven to ing th . condition o f the bualnesi ceipt from your last bona. B 1 to e o l^ y • Dnd philosophy in the tbe green. Needleas to say thia manufacturers showed only 31 per received the discharges and be­ day-old walkout of 2,400 teachers yesterday. ten o'clock for friends of Mr. as of June 30, 194A. ITie witnesi FUl Out And File Laat One tails avt-iri-tawn aapansas. Hartford Seminary Foundation' waa before the laat snou’fall. Le­ EARLE S. ROHAN Tel. 7433 ..' itated last night that there is a If cent getting sufficient cars and one to the state yesterday for th« sec­ The Olrl'B Htatement Seelert. Private funeral services aald that he had prepared a state- The laat one ia the one you All whidi Mn ha listad aa item- and bishop in the Mennonite you’re short of cash and '., freat need for all kinds of enlisted come veteran*. North Coventry roy H. Uetchell, Carl Lankof. haven't finished voui shopping the plant said it will lay off 3,300 ond time In aa many days. This " I ran.” he quoted her. "but he will be held tomorrow afternoon ment, taken from a trial balanca out and file. Don't fill out the isad separata sheet. I church, will lead devotiona at Bol­ j nen. All technical apeclallat Walter C.< Hewitt and Earl Porter brat solution may be lo see “ Her- TH. 7911______Established 1912 "within a few days.” There wsa-a time he made his appeal a formal grabbed me when I was near an at two o'clock at the Funeral shown without audit. others. ton. March 2; Dr. Robert C. Bald- were on the engine. The fire had i jranches have openings, some up The C. O. D. Claaa held thetr raual." the company that libra to - . ‘Jo the rank o f Tech nical general shortage of coal cars and i one In a letter to New York State alley and that Is all I can remem­ Home, 175 Center street, will be The inventory of live stock aa ol And—don’t tend money with it wln. chairman of the department pretty much been subdued before sliding party on Tuesday evening. when you fill It out and mall it IONO PORM saves yav •ay "Yea" to loan requests — no vand Maater Sergeant Some two large mines reported working I Molten FloofI Education Commissioner Francis ber. It felt like he put a hand In Hams of St. Mary's Episcopal June SO, 194A at the Ger-Ror philosophy at the Univeiatty of FcbruaiV 23th Instead o f the 38th to tha internal revenue coRector. • meaay if daductians matter how amall th* amount 133. *■ it the branches that need three-day week, T. Spaulding. a leather glove over my mouth." church officiating and Interment Farms was valued at 3130,947.74 C Oonnecticut, w ill be la charge at Boston—A Chamber of fkm i-, aa previously announced. Follow­ He'll check it. If you owe him amawnt te mare than tan par 830. 1100 Ol 3300) nor how quickly ^ Den the worst are eleriral. radio, Meanwhile, a report by Dewey's 8ho was not found until several in the West cemetery. ing the sliding games and refresh­ In dollars and cents for turkeys, merce spokeamsn said box car j NeiirH lluiiilct money, he'll notify you. A fte r he cant af fatal iacama. It's needed. * mUi mechanics, and an airborne special leglslattva committee due hours later. Doctors treated lac­ ments were served at the Citurch 311.371.30 for broilers; anf ^ WHEN SICKNESS shortage "hit New 'England be­ for siibmlsulon tomorrow was ex­ erations across her chest and a nottflea you. you have 80 days to W# don’t waste time in deciding ' I iperator, armorera, message center Peter T. Lx Cxfta Community House 3348.30 for pheaaanta. Evergreen STRIKES! to make the loan—it's YK8 4 time* $$ TOP DOLLAR $$ tween the eyes." Maine's paper In­ ilMnllniieii from Page One) pected to recommend a salary hum on her wrist, which they aald poy- g ‘lerks. radar men. IF F men, and Funeral services for Peter Thom­ Friends of George H. Robertson The Oer-Ron Farms are charg­ out of 3. Loan* made on signature dustry was moat affected, with if the fiery stream was not arrest­ schedule which administration had been caused by a lighted clg- You'll get a refund if. in check­ i reather men. as La Cafta of 124 Birch atreet. were saddened to learn o< hla ed with conarpiracy to cheat anf Hava yoar Aorlor lela- only. A loan nt 3100 coats 3‘Jn 60 2.300 workers laid off temporarily. ed. spokesmen Indicated might satis­ sret. She had been bound with ing your return, ha tlnda too much Tourist Home pbona hla prvsrriptloa PAID FOR DERELICT AUT05 t The A ir Guard la enlisting men World W ar II veteran, were held death on Tuesday rooming at hia defraud. Warrants were Issuec tax waa withheld from you in My Soul." accompanied by the or­ when promptly repaid in 12 month­ 1 letween the ages o f IB to SA, and Some areas reported no serious For Passo Plsctaro, an outlying fy the demands of the striking strip* cut from her own under­ lEmergencyl to W'rtdiHi'e for Imme­ effects aa yet. The Denver and part of Castlgllone dl Sicilia on thia morning from the Holloran home in South Coventry. Mr. Ro- last December which accuaed Uii 1848. ganist. Mra. William O. Seyms. ly cnnaeciitive Installment* of BY 9 Hitaide of that age limit if they members of the Buffalo Teachera wear. Funeral home at 8:30, and 9:00 bertaon at tbe time o f his death defendants of mlsrepresentatlor Owing to the Inclement weather 422 East Center Street diate deHter)' In vnur 310 0,1 each. To get money In |u*t Rio Grande Western railroad said the volcano's northesstem slope, Novotny aald the girl was un­ Husbands and wives don't have home. P lave had experience In tbe Arm y Federation. a. m. from St. James's church. was poetmaater of the postofftce of the weights of turkeys sold or the Interment was postponed and ' I viall. pimne first —then come in I Forces. I lia Guard prefers not It had been able to deliver some there were only an estimated three It was anticipated that the able to fumiah any description of to worry about filing Jointly or Catls surplus cars to connecting roads. or four days of life remaining at Rev, Robert Wood was celebrant. of Coventry, located In South Cov­ various occasions between Augiut separately If they both had 1946 will be held at the convenience o f ' NOW OPEN FOR by appointment and pick up the . g o enltat any men who arc becom- committee's report would propose her assailant, but would be ques­ Rev. Frederick McLean, deacon, entry, a position he had held for tbe family. It will be in the fam ily The Oolorsdo and .Southern road the lava’s pres<-nt measured rate 1944 and the date of the Warrants Income and can use Form W-2 as WELDON'S cash. Small monihlv payment*. l ng immediately eligible for draft, a 12,000 minimum salary acale. tioned further today. and Rev. W. J. Dunn, sub-deacon. the past fourteen years. He alao lot In St. Prter'a Ometery, Heb­ Evervbndy welimme — men and PANTAIEO'S said It was short of cars. The Sea­ of advance. Mennwhile, In Lt»a Angeles, po- Today marked the third day of a aeparate or Joint raturn. k mwever they are taking men who The present Buffalo scale Is $1, Mrs. John Barry presided at the served on the school board for the ron. BUSINESS f: i Eeglatered wmmen. married or single, tvhat* board Air Line railway reported In Kmoke Obscures Seen* lice acknowledged they were the trial. POLICE Pkermaeinta USED AUTO PARTS a nv-e bad no expcriencewhataoever 873-12,373 for elementary teach­ organ and accompanied the sing­ towT) of Coventry for a period of CiaB't Loaa Either M ay Schools*were closed early Fri­ ever vmii work or himiner,*. Come VIrgieia there was no serious Smoke from tbe molten streams F R aircraft line and are training ers and 12,173-12.973 for ocrondary without s lead In their Investiga­ ers, Arthur Keating and Joseph 43 years and was a member o f the They can’t lone either way. day owing to the sudden swoop o fi 9AI MAI.N STR E E T in or phone today. shortage of cars. still obscured the scene .ind barred tions of the sadistic mutilation PHONE 2-97B0 Horace Street Tclaphoaa ‘ F hem in all phases of the work. An teachera. The Federation Is de­ Della Fera. legialature during 1903-1903. Mr. When he gets their Joint or separ­ zero weather and a bllsxard o f ’ 4 3 « VM New York reported .coal and oil nreurate observations. murders of Elizabeth Short. 22- F Hicellent o f^ rtu n ity la afforded manding an immediate 31.025 in­ Interment was in St. Jamea's Robertson also served aa town ate returns, the collector by law aorta. A t the center a few hardy • av.* Wbi 'i supplies adequate and'xno com­ The population of Pnsso Pts- vear-nld Medford, Mass., film C.I.O. Officers I f an the Guam to learn all of the crease for all teachers, with a cemetery. Rev. Robert Wood con­ clerk and Judge of probate In the muat figure out 'xhich way la children showed up and substitute ' iBvdea connected with aircraft plaints of hardship from nianiifnc- ciaro, which Is at an altitude of hopeful, and Jeanne Axford 12,400 minimum for beginners. ducted the committal service and toM-n. Bom, January 7, 1875 In cheaper for them. teachers were hdstily called Into HUNDREDS OP USED AUTO PARTS FOR AI.L about 2,200 feet, was reported to French. 40, bit actress and pion­ FIRE U n A o n a l I Btaintenance. • turera. Oregon reported onl^tpinor the bearers were Harry Buckmin­ South Coventry, he was tbe son of Deny Chargpfi I f he finds there'! any refund service, but before noon aeaaions i MAKES OF CARS CAN RE FOUND HERE— delays In shipping movements. \ be about 1,000, and the population Mayor Down, asserting that the eer avlatrlx. Still held on a FINANrf CO. Be Haekiy Drill ster, Justin Caiiuio. AVllllam Mur­ Elijah and Dorcas Hobertoon. He due them, .hell send it to them. were called off. As the acbool j iM)l!TH NORTH of Castigtionc dl Slcltla. at about strike was' ‘not a local lasu, but a hooking of siisplelon of murder In WTArr. Tbralri Sitllilliig AMAZINGLY I.OW! DROP IN — L(N)K AROUND! The 118th Fighter Squadron phy, Michael .Teanette, Arthur and (C^ontliiued from Page One) The Form W-2 you get from 2.000 feet, about 10,000. The larger fumlamentnl slate problem," ap­ the Short case was Phillip E taught school In his earlier life in vacation began Saturday the chlld- ; «»ec»*e n ««r !•*•*• SIM jiolda a weekly two hour drill pe­ town was not expected to be #n- pealed to Dr. .Spaulding to Inter­ Richard La Cafta. East Hartford. Versailles and your boss ia tn "original" and gave a Joyous whoop and can 4321 5 4 3 2 n N M*r, at their quartern at Bradley Smalley. 31. Knoxville, Tenn.. I l.hrn*# a*. S*l Paeifie Inland d a ^ eered by the lava. vene "In this revolt” against the electrician, but homicide sqiiarl Ridgefield. He is a member of Jer- Are Not 8ympxHilzer« "duplicate." Fill in tbe "original" play In the deep anow until achool GENERAL REALTY Fleld e\’ery Wednesday evening at ThFswIftest rate of flow ncar- state's educational authority. ' iisalem Lodge, A. F. and A. M. of Ball wanted to know whethei 'a n d aend It to the collector. Keep begtna again March 3. There waa 8 o'clock. Anybody wishing to cn- officers indicated he probably I !• a quart**' r*f * nille an hour— The mayor's appeal wo* follow­ would be released shortly. j Ridgefield, the Masonic Veterans Fitzerald regarded these two union the "duplicate." no transportation to Windham 251 No. Main Street Manchcttler, Conn. llat is ssked to appear at the Plan Not Opposeil was not directed st Pssso Placisro, ed quickly by a declaration of Asks for Records I Associations and the State and Na- offfclala as "Communist sym­ On the "o rigin a l" the boss haa High schMl, and the vacation for ■ay. -.yg r Wadnaaday meeting. He was ordered held while offi-1 TAXI which won some extra time be- emergency by the city board of errs checked a story that a girl . * ■ 'D ! ' tlonal Postmasters Associations. pathizer*.” written your name and address, that achool correaponda with the r-- Following is a Uat of tbe Man- iCnfiHniied frurr Rage One) ■ O l o lll| )8 111 ,l\ ll8 8 lcl He i* survived by his wife, Mra. •'No, I do not," Fitzgerald shot hia name and address, the amount local recess. Magnificent View cheater men already connected rnuse of the fact that ravines were education which resulted In the he met In a bar Jan. 9 may have I'' gathering p.irt o| the lavs flood, closing of the 19 schools kept Iwcn Mlss|.9hort. She was found I * - Ethel Robertson to whom sincere back. o f money he paid you, and the tax There waa a fine attendance at 416$ with the squadron. They may be Council siithorltv to alter or ter­ sympathy Is extended. Ball said: “ You are aware they withheld. - ■ which nt certain points was des­ o|»en by the .lOO hon-strtktng bHtleiecximatel.v Six Months From Dale of could be made without the consent n question whether Marshall could covers which was to have been on the front, of the "origlpal." AftHthy, 38 Gerard street; Ed­ i!.s«tr dispiitrlies to Home last the atart of the strike. be compelled to comply with a lief. Senator." the husky leadei of the United States. night raid the lava had iippfoached Tite teanislers Joint foiricil of held on Friday, February 28th at retorted. added that It wa* You don't do anything o n , the ward B. Frasier, 134 Spruce U. S. Delegate Warren R Aus­ House subpoena. When Secretary the home of their leader. A new This Advertisement street; Burton H. Wbeelock, 1&8 to within than two nillFs of Ruffalo and vicinity (AKL,l voted About Town i of Interior Krug was siihpio-naed because of Ball'* "bitterness" that fro n t Except to be sure your Am bulance tin would not contmcnl on the PiiKso Plsctaro. A tllspati'h fl^n unanimously last night to decline dale will be set after the school members of the union had oppos­ name and address art right. Cash Lenox street; end Norman Rytan- amendments, pending more csm->(:inrr< by the House Surplus Property varatlon period. Monthly “Let me to the Rome newspaper der. 13 Hudson street. to deliver fuel or other supplies to Mrs C. T. Anderson of Prince-; committee session, he app«-nr- ed his re-election. Aaawer Mmpie f^neatloas (Burke) 6 8 6 8 fill study, hut informed quarters RIsorglmento Ltbemir salj the The local leader training class Required (.'harRCfi picketed schools. fon street, with her son. Allan and ' ed before the committee hut said Then Fitzgerald shouted: "Dc Turn it over. You answer *lmple .1-R(wm Apartment said the last of the three was the flow at some |H,lnts had speedeil held their second lesson on the .vou want to ask me whether I question* on the back. ---- $5,(NM).00 532.00 I only one which was tlkely to ralee daughter. Priscilla, have been tak-1 he was doing so "voluntarily." (Hnllnran) 3 0 6 0 to about l,.'loo feet an hour on a making of slip covers at Coventry am a Communist? I am not!” Here's bow: 4-Room Apartment. •6o*a#see .54,000.00 53N.OO ; serious objections. Some members lug In the sight* In New York this ; Veteran eongresalonal employees Grange Hall on Ifebruarj’ 23th. Gives Tentative front of .iboiit 300 yards. week. Accompanying thorn were | "aid the Krug subpoena was the The committee i» holding gen­ Say you're married and have 6-Room Apartment ___ 1.5,000.00 541.50 : of the U. S. delegation expressed (Risorgimonto's correspondent The class met for an all-day meet- (Quiah) 4 3 4 0 (lliineHC Kedn Mr. Anderson's sister. Mrs. William ! hrst issued by n House rommlttee eral hearing* on the queation ol two children. Your Income waa A lld a v fa B f #asaA 1 belief that this proposal was In said the Inhabitants of P.isao Pis- 1,^ , ms "'Hh Miss Cora Webb. Home t a x ^ i u e a u u i l 8 | ^ . ( ^ , ( , . , „ charter. (J. Bengston of Falgerton street [ Ihr a rabtnet officer In a score of ■ ii^monstratlon Agent aa instrirc- enacting new labor laws. Fitzger­ 34.800 from aalary. (Your children l-eaa Cash Will Increase the .Monthly Charge. riaro had assenibleil their belong­ ald contended that all proposed had income under 3300 but a de> .- - On this point the charter sav.s ings In front o> "Ihclr poor homes" Open Big Drive snd daughters, Barbara and Caro- , yearsi. leaders from four The above monthly chargea include beat, hot water, jan­ the terms of trusteeship for each line. Wcichel is rhaiiman of the aub- surrounding town* present to rc- labor legislation I* “ injurious" te pendent's Income under 3300 HOSPITAL (CoaHxfd trmn Page u«e| In readiness to flee, I/iinita's Cn- workers and "aimed directly at doesn’t count to forget It) But itor’s payroll, repairs, taxes, interest on mortgage, prin­ territory to be placed under tms- lanin correspondent described the (('■nlinMeil iron) Page One) — I rommlttee on ship :,ales. charters ccive instruction In the class. teeahlp, "tnctnding any alteration King David Lorogram a few hours ing, aeveral daiegates imllcatcil tliey were using a limited amount Saturday. They should contact close to the committee and Con- ma.\ Chapter. No. 98. O. E. 8. met only result in Industrial chaos." You write your wife’s name on To Giirli Vi'ar InJurifMia To Empln,vees before the finanoc _pot- ter wages for the w’orkers of the J by issuing a statement during the live* in Sslem, Mas*., are expected i to the committee and to the Con' fore it U taxed.) In the Mouse, Republican lead­ to maintain air and naval haaes 1946' Congressional flection cam­ North street, took place Saturday luck supper will be served at 6:30 Industry.” home today. ! (tre*a the content* of the reply prior to the meeting. Fitzgerald contended that “ pow­ Since thia is a Joint return, you er George C. Conway of Guil­ on the islands and to clamp down paign. evening at seven o'clock In a can­ and your w ife sign. (You atond M A ^ 6 Z : ford announced that tomorrow ____ ! sa.ving it was not for the commit- Monilay morning, February 24th erful employer interests" are the same secrecy on the Island "On all questions," the foreign dlelight service at the Second Con­ would sign it if you alone had in­ would be the last Friday holiday Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Rylander. **'*’• there was an Egg-Grading School pressing for enactment of labor fortifications as on any other minister sold with emphasis, "our gregational church. Rev. Leland O. come or jrour wife, having inoome, enjoyed by the legislators for some 8r„ of Grove street have returned conducted at the Grange Hall by legislation which "would drastie- American bases. relations with the U. ,8. are of a Hunt performed the double ring was making a aeparate return. | BALANCE time. Me said that beginning next Action on the U. 8. plan was most eordlsl rharacter We> shall ceremony. Walter Grzyb. friend after a month's vacation In Flor­ Owen Trask. This wa* widely at­ ally weaken labor's bargaining power and materially increase the Having filled It out, you now, week the L,eglslature would resume postponed until March 7 at the re­ not all()W any wedge to be driven of the bride and bridegroom was ida. They visited Miami. St. Pet­ tended and enjoyed by all present. already dlaproportlonate power of null It to jnur nearest intarnal | _ THE FRONT WHEEL5 Friday aeaaions for an Indefinite quest of Australian delegate PaiTl between our two countries." organist. He also sang three num­ ersburg and a number of places of South Goveiilrv At 1:13 several car* left for a tour period. interest, having made the trip by Induatry." revenue collector. Remember: i Hasluck to give the delegatea time bers, "Oh Promise Me,” “ 1 Love of the Eastern States Experimen­ Don't nend money with it. •• Reflecting the leadership's de­ to study the proposals and to get automobile. Unbalanced Wheels Are DangerouK — Cause Tires tu You Truly" and "Ava Maria." tal Farm at Ellington for 4-H (Frida): uslag Ihe 1640 sire for an early adjournment, Instructions from their govern­ Guests were ushered by Henry All Interested In the reorganlz members and parents. Several of Wear Out 50r; to 100'/, Quicker. WaNlrful and Ex- poosibly In May, Oemway urged Don't IJke Goose-F.gga short-form) • • •«> ..dMkira'W'V ments. Service CenterV The annual tea of The Mission­ ing of a Girl Scout Troop In this j tha 4-H members from the North penaive. \ committee rhairmen to complete WIerzbIckI and Kazmier Oryxb of Manchester. ary Circle will be held tomorrow town are'urged to attend * spe-j end were privlledged to sec theig their achedules o f hearings on evening at eight o’clock in Eman­ Neither the Cleveland Barons Seliednle Ghniiged The bride, who ws# given in ctsl meeting this evening at R .it , picture* In one of the Hartford nor the Indianapolla (Sipa of the pending legislation and submit uel Lutheran church. The guest I the firehouse. _ | newspaper* on Tuesday evening, them to him by March 1. marriage by her father was at­ American H*>ekcy I^eagiie has NEW BALANCING MACHINE SURE hope it’a at big aa all out­ speaker will be Mr*. Dean Dob-1 Charlotte Brooks was showing varlou* *poU of the lour. been shut-out thua far thi* scanon. Hebron Now that X can get up and aroiund, I The House passed a bill per­ DUf to orders received ' from tended by her sister. Miss LlUtan m itting any towTi to establish a Faring Great Tost Scott as maid of honor. Charles S. 5 ? • surprise mis-: ‘ o''r was greatly enjoyed by I doors. For, brother, how I need still need morp of the time kind of med­ Veterans’ AdmlnlMration Head­ XBMions showcr Monday eve-1 «nd Is s day. long to be remem- Funeral aarvlcea for Loren Mer­ fire department, eliminating the quarters in Washington. D. C„ the Lukas waa bast man for hia broth­ Guoronfee* Precison Bolonce your helpl icine. I need a place where l ean laugh, necessity of requesting speclsl er. w 11 be s w X i ' Mr*. Elmer | bered. rick Lord, who died Friday at the (Continued Irom Page Onel representative* of the VA at the « d T r A e r thi* Wlllington. given by On Friday evening at 7:30 tbe MANCHF.STER— Windham Community Memorial where I can sing, where I can play. iegiglatlon. The measure fiew goes Manchester Veterans' Service For her wedding costume the new Dynamic Balancing Machine guarantees hair- I was plugged at Okinawa. Ahnoat to the Senate. tJiriod^wlth*^ refroS^mTnt^ 1 * ^ '’‘** Miss Fallth Boy Scout Troop No. 65 led by llnnie. lint air heat. hoApltaL were bald Sunday st 2 , Sr lar daytime Working hour* and •Center will ho longer be able to bride chose a pearl gray suit with Ho* » ^ i » e y . Your car will roll easier, smoother and irtll be M lived A corS il w^lconie I N‘®bola of M'est and South Wil- William Edmondson and Elmer All convenlenreK. Excellent eon- p ,*.. at tbe Hebron GtongregsUon- ever since then, I’ve been in one hos­ that staggered working hours wrork overtime on Wednesday eve­ orchid acceaaories and an orchid r. ‘ to those interested i •'®»P'‘®tiverv, and whicli Ulark will put on a demonstration dltinn. Can he bought for aa al eburcb. the lU v. Georgs M. with better eOctency. On our new machine each wheel And there such e place. It’e right ' would have to be maintained for nings. corsage. The maid of honor wore pital’bed. I'va baeathed ao much ether ig an aqua suit with pink accessories whethVt fnembers of the 3n*»lon-1 " by 20 of her htend* <>f "coining. Moving pictures wUl Rule as 8IJI0O down. Terms Milne, pastor. offlciaUng, aaalatad is fkvolved at high speed. ' It detcclM every i«pot on the- two or three year* until electric These orders were received last ntm u - ="***“ ” ' i A delicious luncheon of sandwich- | be slmwn and the Charter formally by th* Rev H. R. Keen of 8L and diainfectant I’ve forgotten what near theae hospital grounds. It’a the Hospital Notes and carried a nosegay of pink Arranged. wheel whirh ia out of balance. power plant* ar, extended and .week, but rather than disappoint ary tjirci ____ , pjckle*. cake, coffee and.^ Ice i presented to the Troop by the Ex- Pator's Bplacopal church. Th* aer- , « USO Club. From now on. I ’ll be going roses pure nir is like. modernized. Britain "mu«t get on any veterans in .Manchester who About 300 people yesterdav ap- ‘’-V ^be hoste.saes | ecutlve Bertram Wood. The -Troop EART IIARTFOKD— ,. vioea smre largely atteodsd. Mr. | with it at otite," he added. had planned to consult the repre- The bride's mother .wore a gray committee and parents are Invited over often for that imporfenf change Admitted yesterday: Mrs. Vlr- p^aml. Ht , thf office of 'Tia*Tax I'Col- - conclusion .vir*. of •«. lh<* on^n: A RoOiii* with ail llnprove- Lord waa S3 yasra old. He was Under the government’s broad sfntative.s last Might they work­ dress and black ha'l, and the bride- to attend. NO GUE55WORK " M fu ln r $ 1 2 .1 0 NOW ^ 8 a 5 0 And I gueaa I’d be an expert on what of eeenery. l^ la Borello, 109 Eldridge atreet: menlR. Kale Hriee 97JUIO. Term* honiiia Hebron. July 7. 1884, the plan R third of the nation'* 7,000,- ed on their pivn time The cut In grooni'a mother a gray print dress lector Samuel Nel*on. to pay their Guests attended from Ronald Blesso, 29 Lenox street; Arranged. . son of Noble Bvsistt Lord and »A3EB5aES»L-. fiiala#8a«' Mioa Nellie. Bogdonas. 2 Pearl wQrt Old Age Asristance Tax. (Viiimplon district. ConantvUIe ,,XOU G A N "S^ IT’fftH ri^ ^ if nJWiyi.ABiiirliahipiri larfi. ana bai weren’t for One thing . j . thoae USO. • D ^ t ; M id ireMniiew ro* *i)lt of the economy program eur- giuilehia “ ewssge^^ ^ «8ffl**S' ~BW»kw ' lived hWe all hla Hf*. He waa a ae##laf~ Kemembert It's pemr doHera that mg at'night, but some tentative Following a reception at the he will keep hi* office open ^nigllt ,l^,^^hter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter hospital ahowa. They’ve, been like renlly taking pla^e in iWoshlng- Bern, Switzerland - (.PI—French (ItMid Rile fni a hoslnes*. 809 farmer and had bald many toem DRIVE A INCREASE keep this USO going. So give from the Admlttad today: Nancy Hines, plan* suggested that factories in VeiTion Inn for .10 guest*, the until[II 9 o cli^ck to ] Brooks of Depot road, I* to He ton authorities tn Baden-Baden have ft. frnniMge , die4 ta 1888. Tbetr golden wedding the U S. Navy. He is now em­ its meetli^ this etl^ning In St. local, Coventry Juniors and I a matt baceming hair-do. YeuY lov# th# way tha plka. waxt. The Daily HeraM organ of the I In x'ariniM oei-tlnn* nl Van- aanlvefnary waa obaerved Ui 1881. DONn' WAIT! XMacdutfged jreatarday; Bruce ployed hy his father. Mrs. Lukas Mary's parish house. Coventry cSiha basketball teams | Labor party, pointed but that ■ Warrantee Deed rhester. Sale l*riee« aUH) and Mr. Lofd leaves all hla eWIdrtn, lenqer-lattinf wava* frow prattiar with aaeh eemb- Malna. Lebanon; Mrs. Marie Dal- special legislation would be need-! is with iiie Traveler'* Insurance — . played two comparative teams si up. Terms Arranged. Mrs. Harriet L. VIner, Miaa Ira u •aU, 304 Oak Grove street; Mra. William F. Johnson to William 'Co. Anderson-Shea Post. \ eterans of ; Nathan Hale Community Cen-; ed to amend industrial acts which ! A. Walsh et iix, property on Can- Personal Notices Lord. Mra. CUrenca L. Hamilton ing. YeuY leva tha aaiy-to-managa vartatility et AIb m Pine, WllUmanUc; Mra. prohibit women and persons un- ' Foreign Wars, will hold a sports f^|. Tuesday afternoon. In the first AimiTIONAI I.ISTIMiS of Hartford, Wallace U Lord, of trrbiirv’ street. night rally tonight at the Post, gmpp with the RockvTIle Mnlgeti Keep it up... \ m m i^’t let thev Rm I Leolaa Btachalaky, A1 Eldridge der IS from working at night. j AT OUR 0|-n« E WatorvUet. N. Y.. and Elmer M. a Scljultf permanant. Mreat: Mrs. Grace Moore, 49 Pton- Marriage License Home at 8 o’clock. Circulars were | me oib s scored a victory of 4,1-24; In .Mvmoriam In any event, introduction of ■ ■ Arthur Clayton Foley, Jr., of 51 l*>rd o f Lebanon. He fc aurVived *er arcle; Mra. Haxel Welta. Bol- the night ahlft—In a nation so i sent out to all member* and a , however. In the second game the ALLEN KEA» TV ; > by 10 grandchildren and ten great­ Sehool etreet, East Hartford, and large attendance la axperted Juniors lost to the Rockville Bar- In lovin( memory of JsmM XcK««. geared to daytime work that.sub- ) Jane Converse of 61 Phelps road who dl*d Febnisry J7, 1*41. RKAI TOItM grandchildren.. M tO im vaaterdoy: A ' son to Mr. sky team by one point, the score wajD close soon efter midnight and ! have applied at the Town Clerk’s The monthly meeting of (Tub IMA (TK.N'ri.K MTKKET He is a UneaJ descendant of n d M r a .iSdwln : _____ Wtrtalla. ' ______704 Par- most reatauranta and pub* close at i It ia estjinated that American being Barskv 47. Juniors 46. On I fiRve lost my snul's companion, Tbomaa Lord of Hartford who „ „ _ I office (or a marriage llcenae. Thev Pack No 3 wlil be held al 7.30 to- \ Ufu llnk'*it with mv An‘n. TEI F.I'IIONF .lin.l BtMiti SaloR kar atreet; a daughtar to Mr. and IQ conimunitiro have ordered 940.-, Friday the Junior team wl'l com- Mm* with th* Hooker party front ■ P. '?■ * revolution |. r,: lo married Fehniarj- '28 by morrmv evening in the ba.senu'nt 1)00,000 worth of flic tniclsH which nete with the Williijgtcn team nt .*iii'.l fln.v (lay I miFii turn m‘Tv 41) I Ink* III Insiir.ini <> lira. John Oonkw. 323 Henry A.4 1 taiHrUgh life $lun^ * Newtown, Maaa. " habit* of Britain, Rev. Lcland O. Hutu of the .Second’ of the Quail.vviUc .Methodist n onufcbtiiiers cannot deliver fo r , that town in a game scheduled for H ' Im-ludlbg l.tir on* official said. j CtongregaUonal cHuren. During the funeral *srv(cc Mra. church. soifte year*. A p. m. •Mnrtgages Arranged, Herbert w . Porter gang "Now the $85 MAIN 8T. MANCHESTER TEL. 8951 Dey la O ver," and "Hark, Hark. 5 .More SchpHx SaJoas In Greater Hartford

- i - t V MANUH ESTER tALD, MANUI CXINN„ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1947 MAm.’HEHl'CR EVENING HERALD. MANL’ME8 T E R . IX IN N - T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 27, 1947 PAGE THntTEEIf T A O S T W E L T H Town Avoiding Too Many Offer* JolK Eight Club ml Valentitif Party Radio Program Muddy Ruel Left Security Polish Americans Trounce New Britain At Rec^ 58 to 36 To Aid Daughter For Russians To Tackle Big Assignment Marker Rush f WP^i. ■■ Windsor, Feb. 27— m - Mr« Serisa and handling the Immor­ MsBchMler Motorist* Oiarlei J. Hertler *•>•* «he l« Stale Department De* By Harry Graysoa tal Walter Johnson. Disclose CIAC Here It bl (rrateful to all the people offering j NEA .HfMirts Editor **I even talked The Big Pram Second Series Game Local Sport Chatter Set a New Record for auggeationa to atop the hlcfoiigh- «'i«le* to Change It into using that dinky curve that | Saverick and Ed Kose Ihg of her daughter, Dorla, 17, but For the Better Miami, Fla., — IN E A I— Herold waa hia darling aa a change of Cage Pairings Promptnes* ahe wiahea they would write in­ Ruel U a local boy going home to pace. Instead of aa a convincar." On Tomorrow Evening Movies of all departments andp Pet# Server is devoting moat of stead of telephoning or railing per- attempt to maka good aa a he amtiea. functions of the Recreation Centers hia time thee# days to recondition Tte# local office of the Motor annallyj Washington, Feb. 27—

rV /


AeteewbOee for 8olo 4 Binlatw Svriicca Offered 13 that It 7 You felt you bad to come KNI.NKIfA II.I.U HII.KS HV HIN'I AINK FllX itu O FlM u - apsoiaitsing ta re- T R O n C A b fish , GMsIar's' Mid IHACroito impiamsntA aoow 81A REWARD for sulUhls 4 to 6 back 7” The worts trembled with SHBET.MBTAL WUKK contem pt CALL 89S6 pairtag roots ot all Mads, also foods, aquarium plants, Hsadiyx Mo f a gardan traetora 6m us roqm epsFtswt or bsosA: na- Clasnfied "H e said you needed me, Ckasle. Sense anil Nonsense % C h n f i e d For Demooetration of One of Rat Alt rumaae Raealrlng. new roofA No job too small or cages. Store open 8 a m. to 7 p. tor your neada. Oubito Traetm funOsbed. Retlabte ooniMe with 8 OLD MR .& M r s . S h a n k s h a v b r e n t e d o u t t h e B o m b Iw o d f large. Q—Pair of rlmloM gUaau gauge, 3” mesh, flne, high 150’ Ucally new. Call 8-2391. hen-house w ith cement floom, hot water. 3H yean* old. Imme­ How many farmers realise how 718 North Main Street Phone he Isn’t really— that la, ha— ” "He said you weren't going to is for you to come back to me." there to hear It no white m.nn, no ta eaao, oom or c t Wellington and long, $6 roll. One platform scale, running water, electricity, for diate occupancy, price 88,800. greatly favored they are In their BROAD STREET 4777. REX GAS water heater. New con­ »ril take the key now. If you marry him after all.” Indian, no Eskimo, no monae, deer Laneaatar Roadai Phema 8084. Moving—Tracking— 600 poundA Phone 3-0668. 3200 broltera. ^ iib le garage, bus OsU Manchester 2-371A She found herself suddenly in complete control over their rolling dition, price reasonable. Phone please." Parker said. ’The clerk "No,” the admitted. hiB arms, with her face agalnat caribou, rabbit, wolf, mouse, owl. lOSO DE LUXE Ford sedan. In Storage 20 line, brook, 8 brooder atovea aerso o f land, theirs tn do with a* PIELA’S Refrigeration servlco. BIRD SEED In bulk; canary, rape, 4884. & handed it to him. “I was going to "W h y n ot?” the rough tweed o f his shoulder. Not a living thing with ears. very good condition mechanically. poultry equipment Included, 86,* "Therefore,” the professor con­ they wish? It la not thus in msnv Domestic, commercial, repairs on T H E AU.STIN A. Chambera Co., canary and rape, 11 aeed mix, Lots lor Solo get your uiggage and put It In the Her throat was full of cotton. Her a rm a fe lt the way his shoul­ Inquire 10 Jackson street Phone 800. Terma, Bargain. Southward cludes, "though this m ighty tree other lands. all makes. Day and night service. local or long distance moving. wild bird seed. Gravel, oyater CHAMBER FIreleaa gas range car, so we could get started the "Because I found out I didn't— I ders mnkVd as he drew her tight •AVS 8CMP1BLT. Tour money 2-007A 38 Birch street Phone 2-1428. with automatic ahut-off on oven. Agency, WiUimantlc. Telephone RESIDENTIAL building lot 100' crashes to the forest floor, taking Moving, packing and atorage. ahell, charcoal, flax, hemp, ateel moment you came.” didn't love him, after all.” against him. And she felt the “ Blessed is he who Itiis found i arin pay ganeroua returns and be Owner changing to electricity. 187. X 596'. Manchester Green section. half an acre of lesser growth with 1980 B U IC K 4-door sedan, radio, Phone Mancheater 6187 or Hart­ cut oats, hulled oats, UUstls or •’But Parker. I—” Parker opened the closet and got hard pounding o f his heart. his xrork; let him ask no other tal^ Inamod up to $8,000. Cau CLAM 34^ Hapaircd. Guarantaao Call 8118. Phone 6329. i t there is no sound,” heatar, completely overhauled. ford 6-1423. Niger, blue poppy or maw dou­ FACTORY-bullt garages avail­ “ Cbrne on,” he said gruffly. 'T il out her suiteaxe and on “ W hat a fool I've been. Cassis!” blessedneas.’’—Carlyle. ^ today and let as tan you bow work, reasonable raUA prompt "1 don't believe It ” you challenged. Pistons, expanded, new rings, ble breeding cageA 842.50 dosen. able 14’x20'. Ideal for country help you get your things now.” the bed. He said, with hla back to he said huskily. . futekty satrlnga aoeumnlate The servlet, will pick up aad daliver MOVING, hnuaehold ^ ood a and APARTMENT atse, flat-tm white “ It couldn't be. Anybody with any pins, connecting rods, valves Get our breeders price Hat. Free cottage, also adaptable to many They stepped into the elevator, her. "H e told me about the baby, "1 love you'” CSssie whispered, Many an old hen makes a goose Mannheatar BoUOng and Wylus. Dial 2-1961 pianoa moved anywhere In the gas stove. Reasonable. Phone 2- Wanti^d—Haul Kstat* sense knows what a big crash a big ground, etc. Very clean through­ delivery over $1 00 In Manches­ usea. Complete with doors, win­ and almost automatically (?assie too, Caasie." "more than I ever thought 1 of herself trying to make the Agaoeiatton, Inc. iftatc. AJao general tnicking and 2049. tiee would make.” out 1938 Buick twoHloor, newly A liT H jU C S rettninbed and repair ter. Porterfleld'A 68 Spruce. dows and flower boxes. Prefabri- WANTED—A modem stogie. Will ptuhed the button for third. She "About-the baby?” could love anyone. Only It took me “ Remember, I said there was no world think she'a a chicken. li * ■' rubblah removed. Pianoa our couldn’t seem to think somehow, ‘■Yes.” an awful long time to And it out. It \ WBlbC -rOKT last Doan’s P v painted, new slip covers, runs ad Rush Of splint seats replaced Phone 3-9620. Wholesale and re­ ration Insures quick, easy assem­ pay up to 812,000 cash for home ear to hear It?” P n ■p-alnger and .Madi- OA8 STOVE for sale. Price rea­ but ahe didn’t care much. Harry—I understand you mar­ asaal ServtM offers 100 par oani smoothly, has eys appeal. 1987 ^emann, 189 South Main street tail. bly, Price 8398. Carload lots spec­ which will satisfy. Write Box B. "So you—came back to—sort of took a lot of tears and remem­ “ Yea, but sound waves were aet g..n. Phone 6847. sonable. Phone 4378. “ W hat did you run away fo r? ” ried j’our ex-wlfe's alstcr? ootten laraey ttrow-mga at $8A8 Pontiac convertible coupe, runa Phone 364.3 ial prices. 251 North Main street Herald. — make an honeat woman o f me. Is bering and thinking. But I know up.” Oiarito—Ttiafa right; 1 figured and handles nicely. Two 1941 I IMMEDIA’TE delivery on frosen Phone 2-1301. It now, and it's something I'll “But they have to make an Im­ aaeh. 84” v4S” with bright taaals SILVERTONE radio, cabinet style, it would be too tough breaking In OldauMbile four-door sedans. One RADIO Clnic, washing mschinu food cabinets, lawn mowera and LIST YOUR property. Residential never forget as long as I live, no pact on a sensitive hearing nerve. (Himaa. Cblatful anlld pattams or Painting—Pap«Ting 21 flne condition, price $50. Phone FUNNY KI'SINKSS a new mother-ta-law. slx-cytlndcr, one eight-cylinder. household appUances, electric I chain saws. Capitol Grinding MODERN Seven-room colonial and bustneaa Have many clients. matter what happens.” They’re like tho telephone. They’ve pstata. Phoea 8408 for dstaOa. 3-2689. Both have radios, heaters and motors. Will call and deliver PAINTING AND Paperhanglng, Company, 38 Main street. home in A-Zone. Lot 100'x230’ George L. Graxladlo. Realtor, 109 mi A fter a while Parker said, “ We'd got to have an ear at the other > May we be slaves to nothing CXCUJSrVB b; Oaaa’o Pateonai are exceptionally clean through­ Ouarantecd workmanship. Jones reasonable rates. Paper removed beautifully landscaped. Laundry Henry atreet Phone 6278. bettor get moving. Thia la a horrid end.” FOR S A L E —Tw o upright pianoa, FOR SALE—Oas hot water heat­ but our duty, and friends to noth­ B ftn o t, sup aMalda, tha new out 1948 Ford super deluxe Furniture, 36 Usk street, Man­ by steam. For estlmatea call An­ and lavatory on*8rat floor, flre­ room, Cassie— and they're waiting You’re had tc convince. Fancy one player; studio couch, very er and tank, 810; thermostat and PROPERTY Ownera, if yoo are ing but merit. 'IcN'tatkl Rradini*. la*. plaeue orantion that protects tudor, radio and heater. 1941 chester 2-1041. drew TIuck. 4661. place, screened in porch. Hmken for ua back at the farm. It's a giant redwood falling, or even control for coal burning furnace, consMerlsg capi'alixtog on the your epfeotatarsd furniture. Weab- Chevrolet bustneaa eoutw, very good condition; bedroom aulte, air-conditioning, balaom wool In­ Christmas Eve. Remember?” h tamarack In the swamp, and not JSI WOULD you like your radio or three placet, good condition; 1934 813. Phone 2-2393 after 5. present high prleee, oontaet us. able, wnterprooC. atatn-roslataat, nlc« condition. Drop over and see iN'IICKlOK Painting, wall paper­ sulation throughout attached ga­ They laughed together. making a sound! phonograph repaired expertly and We are paying top cash for resi­ KUOrS AND HER UUDUIKH MMffpaaaivo, * stirtas te St nil for yourself If we do exaggerate. ing, celling* rellniahed ano floors Plymouth sedan. Call Rockville SAVE 830. 3-piece bedroom suites rage. 83 Phelps Road. Phone "We'll have to get married all T o dust o f another, how about Careful,JMirandy! ' BY EDGAR MARI IN reasonably? All work guaranteed. 862-5. dential commerclai property types o4 ebalrs end aodea. Pboas A ll oara are axactly as described. Phone Edward K Pnoa. k-luU8. In maple, w alnut blond chest, 5919. Priced for quick sale. No 01 over again,” Caasie said. "This a train that Is exactly a mile long ? I *PN, TMOet UTT\.% WPOVQ U* a a Phone 7828 for pickup and de For action. *oday phone 173M or The caboose is at station A when 64M Cor fusthur datalls. Douglas Motor SaleA 888 Main V FR IG ID A IR E . alao gulU r, both dresser, bed. Regular 8130— your agenta. lan't even respectable, Parker livery. BRUSH and spray 'painting, 6329, or writ* Brae-Bum Raaity the man gets on. Whan the train strest ‘*nis dealer who recondl reasonable and In excellent con­ choice 8100. Benson Furniture A Hamilton, you and I in a hotel j b o b W A T K IIIS ODOoaut oU tbnm oaperhanging, new celUnga Boor* T W O -F A M IL Y fla t 5 rooms each, Oo.. Realtors. IIS East Center starts, he begins walking on top tloos his cars.” Ask tha man who OAR A N D Electric welding, all Appliancea, 713 Main street room Ilkfe this—and not even mar­ moa, eougb eyniA rad end wbiu sanded and flnished, general re­ dition. 79 Adams atreet Buck- all modem tmprovementa. One atreet, Mancheater. ried.” of the cars toward the engine. teught ona. Open ’til 9 p. m. metals, lead burning. Eighteen temneat, purs Mack peppsr. ea- pair. R. 8. Porterfield. Tel. 4763- land. tenement vacant. Price 113.600. Just as the man gets to th* engine, yasra experience. George U. W A N T E D T o Buy— A 6-7 room "I promised Mama I'd bring you ' traeta, spteea OaO Qua PTaak. 4894. Musical Instruments 53 James J. Rohan and Son. Phone II arrives at station B, 10 miles 1934 CHEVROLET 2-DOOR Green, 473 Gardner itreet. Call M A N 'S S U IT (new ), alxe 34; 36-* or decent two-family. Will home. And I've apent this whole gallon aquarium, planted with 7433-7911. day going from one hotel to an- nw.iy from station A. How far did SEDAN« heater, good traiiB 8047. C A IA OlJl-ert Ftckett for your MUSICAL (natrumenta of all wait for occupancy. Writ* Box the man walk? How far did he flah; encyclopedia Americana, 31 other, and believe me this town is ' NOTE. Gape Ood portattbn. painting and paperhanging, kinds— new, used, trades, terms. M a n c h e s t e r — Two ilingie MP. Herald. ride? ’ volumee, complete story recent full of hotels. Papa drove down- j ...... I i d u Car sale. Phona Rook- itooma 12x16 done for 812. In­ Instrumental Inatructlona. Ward homes, one 6-room with all im­ "H e rode nine mile*," says the REFRIGERATION SERVICE war; range with old burner, drum, PROMPT action oo all realty town in the truck to buy a bottle VOU lo o t. cludes paper at 60c a roll. Call Krause. Tel. 6.136. provements, good, location. Can bright boy, usually found at the 1940 FORD 2-DOOR SEDAN. 4208. pump; Tork automatic clock, car trahsacUona Stoglea. doubles and o f wine, so we could celebrate. I be occupied In 60 days. No. 2, 6- buF nesses for sale. Suburban He even promised Sid a little nip. | head o f the class, "and walked MAMCHEBTER Oaawra .* radio and heater, fairly ALL MAKEii heater, medium aixed trunk. 49 one.” I.NTEKIOK Painting and paper- room home with all Improve­ Realty CO.. Pealtora 49 Perkins if I really brought you back with I to apoMorfaff a oeoiaa in d f a n . Glcnwood atreet. A GOOD buy In an upright piano “ How could he?” another asks. HOUSEHOLD AND hanging rioore sanded and re- ments, 2 additional rooms partly street Telephone 8316. m e" itaiy piMtography. A with bench. Phone 4327. “ Tho towns are 10 miles apart and flnished. All fypes o f commer­ E V E R Y D A Y cards and peraonallx- finished. Approximately 3-4 acre .. "Parker- everything's going to ! af ala weakly taetnrsA For lie was riding ull the way. He rrxie 'M r COMMERCIAL ed atatlonery. M ay be seen by ap­ of land, nice location. Can be CUSTOMERS Waiting—List your •v! - y a > be so wonderful!” | pbeoaS-Utt. 1042 FORD CLUB COUPE, cial and industrial spraying 10 and walked one.” I’bomaa J. McKinney. Phone 2- pointment Call 2-0973 after 5:30. Wanleil—To Buy 5S occupied In 30 days. Apply Jones lake cottage or year round home “ Wonderful doesn't begin to dc- ’ radio and heater. Priced “ Well, he wa.s walking all the - a . - * i J > *4M8 BV a# * 0106 Realty. Tel. 836L between 8 and with ua for 16 days, before prices scribe the way It'a going to be,” right. HOME-MADE table saw with two M A N ltH E STE K 'S dealer In rags, 10 p. m. drop. 35 years o f succeaeful sell­ way too. He didn't walk 10 miles, fw 8rIo SCIENTIFIC he replied. He picked up her suit­ did h e?" PAINTING and paperhanglng aawa, 8” and 10” . Inquire 32 papet and scrap metals calls at ing la your guarantee. Reynold*, case. "Come alouK now, Caasie ALL% OUP Two Schoola of Thought MARCH 15 Occuparcy. Owner Thul one is usiutlly good for half BT V. T. RAMIJN, TOUR PONTIAC DEALER REFRIGERATION CO.. INC. Good work. Reasonable rates UCs Essex street. your door and pays you higbeet the Lake Speclaltst Hartford 6- Fletcher," he said, "w e’ ve wasted I M t F A O K A R O Btx 14' room pspered, 813. includes prices. Ostrinsky, 182 Blaaell leaving state. 6-room single, (^pe an hour. O f course you know pie NONf w h e n '' 6123. Evenings 3-6.'07. too much time, already. W e've a answer or do you? A C O R N E L 18 Oval paper at 60c a roll Raymond RANGE Oil burner*. Have a few street. Phone .1879. Ood style, 1 room unfinished. COLE MOTORS long road to travel together, you Well, whether we understand B A Y .^TA y 60 COTTAGE STREET Flake Phone 388A brand new ones. Have no further Large lot, shade fTces, semi air- W A N T E D — Three acre* or more, klAMli and I !” SOOOB 1841 Coob^r W E BUY rags papers and scrap these simple things or not. Isn't 91 CENTER STREET use for them. For a real buy call condltloned heat, gas domestic view, near bus line, within 18 The End Oaam tfeieuglMat Radio. Bast at- MANCHESTER 2-1226 l.vrF.RIOR and exterior painting, at once. Phone 8264 between 8 metala. Call Arnold Nelson, 737 hot water. Storm sash and miles from Aircraft Phone Rock­ ‘IVa an axtanaion—4 have trouble finding the doorknob It fun to be talking sm'nll talk takas n. Gbn T048. PHONE 4164 Lydall street 8906 screens. Convenient to schools paperhanglng, floor sanding, and 10 p. m. ville 1003. whan I com* home hit*!’* l . l A M US BY GAl.imAlTTl 1888 DODOE sport coup* la very R AD IO nee« flaing? Hava It re­ and reflnialiing calking, roofing, and shopping at 132 Middle Turn­ 1933 CHEVROLET truck with WANTED—A single or two-tarn H XA L VALU ES IN GOOD good eoBdlUoa aMchaalcally. Can paired by experts Pick-up aerv prewar prices. 12x16 room paper­ pike W e s t Price, 37.900. Ehtclu- CARNIVAL some farm machinery and a Rooms Without Board 59 lly house In Manchester or Close BY uic;k t u r n e r na aaaa at Oaorga’a Bsao Station, Ice, fuaraiiieed work. Seta check ed, 113. Now booking outside aive with Cecil W. England, u s e d large water tank. Name your . ' GABS id IWssiTl strsatA ed In the r.ome. t?ar radios s spring and summer contractA ROOMS Foi Kent, twin beds. De­ Agent, Real Estate A Insurance, by. Will wait reasonable time for own price. Phone 8364 between specialty. Manchester Radl< Sprgy or brush. Call R. E. Web­ sirable’or on bus line Phone 364 Main street. Telephone .1212. occupancy. Cash waiting. .No lake 'AT DB OOBIUER 8 and 10 p. m. Service, 73 BIrrh street. Phone ster. 606.1. 3-9780. property desired. W rite Bov G. - ‘ MOTOR SALES Alto 2-0840. AUTUMN Street — Porter street Herald. INTERIOR and sxterlor painting. Furl and Favd 49* A ROOM W IT H twin beds, heated. section. Six-room fingle, two SAVE U P to 80 per ooat la Warda BUCCTKIC Motors repairing and Alao paperhanglng Prompt aerv- For gentlemen. Phone M98, or rooms unfinished, oil burner,'ga­ > S iil Ifwniii j CMb Coops, radio drum lot oU aalA lauaedlata or rawtadlng. All work guaranteed Ice. Fair price D E. Frechette. WELL SEASONED hard wood for 116 North Schol street. rage. Nice porch, beaultful ) Caalaas d ob Ooopa, faturs doUvory. Nothing to pay Ac* Electric Motor HepairA 221 Phone 76.10. grounds, fruit trees. Now vacant. until you gat tha oU. Check these atove, fumacA or flreplace. 816 a itw aad dafrostar. North Main street opposite De­ cord, delivered. Telephone 6970. ROOM For Rent miitable for one Move right In. 111,900, terms. low i^oes oa vttaUaed oil. 88- or two persons. Glrle preferred. Wm. Goodchild, Jr., Real Estate INSURE 8-Door Bsdaa, pot entrance on North School Private Inatrurtions 2M FKECKI.h.S AM ) HIS FUIKNDS H aliHxaidttloalBE. gaUon or two 80-gallon drunm, street Phone 6642. WELL SEASONED hardwood, cut Phone 4U1. and Development Ca. 689 Main with No High-Taat Oata? BY MEKKILL BLOSSEE 06o a gallon; SO-gallon drum, 09o k O sota iy 44>oor Badaa. SPEECH Correction, clear voice any length When ordering pleas* street, Manchester. Phone 2-9343 MrKINNKY BROTHBRS a gaUoa; 15-gallon drum at 62c PLUMBING, Heating, oil burner A rc acALLV V J iN t. KJor IN C ro ss mv n a m e o r r th e b o o l s . voo'u 8c BACK 'b The ^ a m asw ttraa, Private leaaons In reading, alge- give else and length wanted. Im­ anytime. Real Batate aad Inaaraae* a gallon, plus dc a gallon federal repair. Call Henry Parent. Phone Bu8int«9 lAwationa for aOviG ?D SCHOOL ) NOW ON. COOtO vewiCLeiRiauNS ..AC* VMMNIOO t aS tha w a y l) brA phonetle work, radio tech­ mediate deUvery 817 for com 6*6 M A IN 8T. TE L. aOM IM A SURACV 7 y 7W4T3 OUR tax. Monlgoamry Ward, 828 Main 3-0186. Rent 64 WHITNEY ROAD SlX-room ‘'VC , I dal Dabuaa 4- nique. W hit* Studio. 709 Mato toad, 89 for H cord load. Call ■ TIZANSPORTADON' HANOS/ JUNOR./ _ ___ I aad hsatar. atraoC Phonr 8181. ' 7083. Leonard GlgUo. single, two roomr unfinished. ALL APPLIANCES serviced and street. Pbone 2-1.192. MODERN 1-room office. 100 per Foifr yeara old, flreplace, oil burn­ 1840 I M O o ^ eery alea, haatar cent Main street location, com­ N b W TIKBS, naw rooapa, uaed repaired, burners, refrigeratora. SOME NICE Hay at a rare bar­ er, large comer lot. Move right INCOME TAX ttras and tuboA Expert vulcanla- rangaa, washera etc. All work pletely redecorated. Available in on day o f sale. Excellent con­ I S4)oor Badaa, radio Help Wanted—Female 36 gain. Must be sold at once. Evealaga, 7 to 9 P. M. lag, • hours recapping asrvlcA guaranteed. Metro Service Co., Inunedlstely. Apply Marlow'a. dition. 39.200 b'lya U, 83.200 Phone 8364 between 8 and 10 p. Saturdays, I to 4 P. M. ItfiT fV M d 84>oer Badan. baatar. Maachastar lir a aad Racapping Tel. MancheaUr 2-0883. m. cash. Don't hesitate on this one. Company, Broad atraat. ’Tslo- EXPERIENCED stltchera wanted. WantH to Keut 68 Wm. Goodchild, Jr., Real Estate T. J. SHEA ' (V a n Maaa). SKATES Sharpened, aawa filed, (Form er Deputy C>olIeetor T______R A m P O RFATION T i EPBCIALB! phonc 8869 Opan 6 a m. to 7 p. Apply Kaklar C?loth Toy Co., For­ sml Development Co., 689 Main lawn mowera Wiarpened, now, be­ est street Garden—Farm-Dairy BEING EVICTED after 27 yeara with Internal Revenue) X8ld OMnaobOa 8-Door Bodaa. d- local family of 3 adults desire street. Manchester. Phone 3-9343 MHadsr, radio aad baatar. (A fore the rush. Free atorage until Products 5(1 anytime. Sa Otvlalen S t Phone 2-17*8 needed. OapUol Grinding Oo., 38 WOMAN FOR tray room work, rent of 4, 5, or 6 rooms. Phone rtal bay-aaw tlraa aad all). seven to four, six day week, t g id lb tra p U iia 4-Door Bodaa. Tralltni for Salt 6-A Mato street Pbone 7968. GREEN MOUNTAIN poUtoes 8039. steady work. Apply Dietitian, number on* and number two. F O U R -F A M IL Y house. West Side, AMERICAN — Bchult — Palace RADIO — Electrical, Appliance Manchester Memorial hospital. Amelia larvta 873 Parksr atreet near Center. Phone 6101. Rpud Herultl Atlva. Id arfy aio n th Coopa, Sport baat- Superior — Elmmer — Prairie Service, repaira picked up and Phone 70*28. ar. Schooner — lataratata — Travelo delivered promptly. 30 years' COOLIDGE ST. 1886 Cbavrolat Coupe. — Hrallarhomaa, Inc., Phone 4480. HOUSEKEEPER for family of eaperirnce. John. Maloney. Phone Ixtvely a-Room Magle. nsie REU KlUKR 1880 Ford Model “A ” 4-Door. A 8-1046. 1 Walnut atreet two. Plain rooking. Phone 4060. A Setup for Hanlon HY FKFIi HARM AN good aaa. Household (j4NNlB 61 room MRflnlslKd. Excellrat cchalrs 1988 DeLUXE CHEVROLET Covering Cto 66 Cottage etreet Help Wanted—Male or for rent or sale. Rates reason­ TUDOR SPORT SEDAN— Call 6688 Female 37 able. Phone Keith's Furniture JARVIS ROAD Bafflo and heater, new tires. Building—Contracting 14 4169. —------A J.a n .^^a^a______■ V BROADLEAF Tobacco aortera, a-Room Slagle. Oil homer. ROGERS CORP. -CUAPEkLi'tii JKSlA,^Qi.Ajl,..iaG^ HtON- FlfHttoArN"'Pe»>''Karii)wri«r ' AenaBa-BoA alAXtoWkMJIMiit. .AUnchcatcr lYAsii ru lilts good miming car. Priced AJao nibblab and ashsa removed itoofa, •Iding, additions and alter­ vie, 872 Parker atreet. Phone complete. New condition Price tor a O. I. 8 ^ - Inunedi How’a That? ations. Also new construction at* ocropaney BY LESLIE riJKNEM snable. 38 Foley etreet Pbone 871A 7026. reasonable. Call 4864, SIrffert Phone 3-0263. 6 ^ 1 1 * toK 90U an ALL MAKES of washing ma- We Have Several Good B. A N D p -Oonatructlon Company chtoes repaired. 10 years' eaper- Buys fof Veterans lanea UaU A. Brewer. 3-0649. Concrete work, retaining walla, WE DO ALL KINDS cinder bloclu, aepUc tank*, land- PH O N E 4113 W'ho Can Qualify. acaping, grading. Call 3-1601 OF AUTOMOBILE WANTED after 6. For Further Information REPAIR WORK ON CARPENTRY work ot all klndA Aliout This Property— Girls for Aaaembling and Packing remodeling -and reflniahing rooms. ALL MAKES OF Goodchild Reasonable rates. CaU 3-2716. 6 KiMim*. Fireplace. Hot GIbm Kitrlipuwiirp. Permanent Work. Water Heat, Open Stair* CARS Realty Company way. Tile Bath, Laundry in 16 Foreat St. Mancheater Apply To Basement, Copper Tubing, GORMAN Phone 7925 Beautifully l*and*caped. * » • » ? MOTOR SALES Or Hartford 2-0767 The S. & W. Company Priced For Quick Sale!. Coruer Tolland Tumpikr andltd Oaklano SUrcct 285 Main St. Tel. 7220 Mornings or*Kvrning!i gtSSrtl5LP»J