THE GAZETTE, 24TH MARCH, 1967 105 MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND REGISTRATION OF PLACE OF SOCIAL SERVICES WORSHIP FOR MARRIAGES Notice is hereby given that the Ministry of Health Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of March, and Social Services, in exercise of the powers con- 1967, the building known as Methodist ferred on it by section 61(1) of the Health Services Church, , Finaghy, situated in the Act () 1948, and of all other powers Parish of Drumbeg and County of Antrim, was duly enabling it in that behalf, has made regulations en- registered for the solemnisation of Marriages therein titled the Health Services (Superannuation) (Amend- pursuant to the Marriages (Ireland) Act, 1844, in ment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1967. substitution for the building formerly used and known These regulations were made on 14th March, 1967, as the Wesley Hall, Finaghy. and come into operation on 1st April, 1967. L. E. Goodman, Registrar of Marriages for They amend the Health Services (Superannuation) the District of Lisburn. Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1962, which provide for the superannuation of persons engaged in the 16th March, 1967. Health Service.

Notice is hereby given that the Ministry of Health and Social Services by virtue of the powers conferred on it by the Food and Drugs Act (Northern Ireland) 1958, had made regulations entitled: "Food (Control of Irradiation) Regulations (Nor- thern Ireland) 1967." The regulations will come into force on 1st June, 1967. Copies of the regulations can be obtained from Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 7-11 Linenhall Street, Belfast, 1, or through booksellers.

Public Notices NOTICES UNDER THE In the Matter of COMPANIES ACT (N.I.) 1960 RIADA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY LTD. Creditors' Voluntary Winding-up Members Voluntary Winding-up Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 263 of the NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT OF LIQUIDATOR Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1960 that a Meeting of the Creditors of the above-named Com- Name of company—Harbison Limited. pany will be held at the Chartered Accountants' Nature of business—Spirit Merchants. Library, 6 Callender Street, Belfast 1, on Wednes- Address of registered office—19 Ann Street, Belfast. day the 5th day of April 1967, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon for the purposes of Sections 263, 264, Liquidator's name and address—Don O'Donnell, 265 and 266 of the above Act. F.C.A., Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast. Date of appointment—15th March 1967. John S. Dunlop, Secretary. By whom appointed—Members. By order of the Board. Dated this 15th day of March 1967. John W. Pinkerton & Son, Solicitors, Bally- money, Co. Antrim. Don O'Donnell, Liquidator. Joseph 1. Donaghy & Co., Solicitors, 142 Royal Avenue, Belfast.

AGRICULTURAL SUPPLIES (ULSTER) LTD. In the Matter of Notice is hereby given in pursuance of Section 260 HARBISON LIMITED of the Companies Act (Northern Ireland) 1960 that a General Meeting of the Members of the above- (In Voluntary Liquidation) named Company will be held at Skelmorlie Castle, Notice is hereby given that the Creditors of the Skelmorlie, Ayrshire, on Wednesday the 26th day of above-named Company are required on or before April 1967, at two o'clock in the afternoon for the the 15th day of May, 1967, to send their names and purpose of having an account laid before them addresses and particulars of their Debts and Claims showing the manner in which the winding-up has and the names and addresses of Solicitors (if any) been conducted and the property of the Company to the undersigned Don O'Donnell, Chartered disposed of and of hearing any explanation that may Accountant, of Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast, the be given by the Liquidator and also of determining Liquidator of the Company, and, if so required by by Extraordinary Resolution the manner in which notice in writing from him, are by their Solicitors or the books, accounts and documents of the Company personally to come in and prove their Debts and and of the Liquidator thereof shall be disposed of. Claims at such time and place as shall be specified in such notice, or in default thereof, they will be Dated the 15th day of March 1967. excluded from the benefit of any distribution made Douglas McNeill, Liquidator. before such Debts are proved. Dated this 15th day of March, 1967. Note—A Member entitled to attend and vote at the above Meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to Don O'Donnell, Liquidator, Mayfair, Arthur attend and vote in his stead. A proxy need not be Square, Belfast. a Member of the Company. Joseph I. Donaghy <6 Co., Solicitors, 142 Royal Shean & Dickson, Solicitors for Liquidator, Avenue, Belfast. 14/16 High Street, Belfast.