NEWSLETTER – 11 June 2021


This Sunday, we hear about a tiny little seed. But when it is planted it grows into a big bush with branches big enough for all the birds to come and sit in.

The mustard seed is a tiny little seed. But it grows into a very big bush with very big branches. Big enough for birds to be able to come and sit in to get out of the sun. So, what do you think Jesus is trying to tell us? Perhaps it’s that the Kingdom of heaven is also always growing, just like the seed, so that there’s room for everyone who wants to be there. The mustard seed also shows us how size doesn’t matter – even the tiniest seed can produce a great big tree. The same is true for us – even the smallest person can do great things. And even the smallest action can have big results.

Prayer: Loving God, you show us that the littlest actions can have huge results, and that the smallest of people can do great things. Inspire us to play our part in making the world a fairer place for everyone. Amen.

Wednesday Word

Please see the link to read this week's Wednesday Word here.

Mugs for Mary’s Meal Fundraiser

This half term we will be taking part in the "Fill a Mug" appeal in school for the charity, Mary's Meals. This charity provides one meal a day to overseas children who need support whilst they attend school. This helps them concentrate on their lessons and do their best work.

A St Mary's mug has been placed in each classroom as a collection point for children to bring small donations from home. Just 8p pays for one meal for one child. We are hoping that each class will be able to raise at least £15.90 (enough to feed one child for a whole year whilst they are at school) and possibly even more. The children know they must ask your permission to bring any donations into school and that every penny counts. We have suggested that they might like to donate their change from any treats they buy or perhaps do some household jobs to raise some pennies.

On Friday 25th June the Mini Vinnie's will be organising a parent's collection for Mary's Meals at drop off so you will have an opportunity to join us in raising money for this very worthwhile cause. The appeal will run from 8.6.21 to 15.7.21.

Hot weather

We are enjoying the hot weather and the sunny days. Please ensure that your child brings a water bottle filled with water, not juice, a hat and has sun cream applied before school too as the sunny weather looks set to continue.

NEWSLETTER – 11 June 2021

School Council mosaic competition

We have received some amazing mosaic designs for the new mosaic for outside of school. The School Council are going to have a very difficult decision choosing the best one. Here are just a few of the designs.

Summer Food Bank Appeal for the SVP

In the week commencing 14 June, the Mini Vinnies have organised a food bank appeal for the SVP Centre at York Road. The Mini Vinnies are hoping you can help them collect some food which they can then deliver to the centre.

All items are very welcome, but we understand that the following items are extremely helpful:

 cereal  long life milk  tinned fish  tinned meat  tinned vegetables and fruit  juice & fruit drinks  crisps  long life healthy snacks  commercial biscuits and cakes

Any donations should be left outside the classroom from 14th June in the crate provided so that they can be stored safely. Donations will close on Monday 21st June.

Catch up Groups

A number of children missed their catch up groups this week as they had missed the information in the newsletter dated 21 May and the following week’s diary dates. The current catch up groups will continue until Friday 9 July with a focus on writing. There will be no catch up sessions from Monday 12th July. Year 6 received their own information regarding catch up classes before the holidays.

NEWSLETTER – 11 June 2021

Busy first week

It has been quite a week with the children accessing the NSPCC stay safe, speak out virtual assembly, the launch of our Mugs for Mary’s Meals fundraiser, the CAFOD Fratelli Tutti assembly, frisbee day, Year 6’s Holocaust visit, a girl’s football match against St Peter’s and St Paul’s and the new Reception parent meeting. The whole of this half term is full of fun activities so please ensure you look at the diary dates and curriculum newsletters so you know what is coming up!

Health week

When we were last able to run our health week in 2019, the feedback from parents was that they would have liked a greater range of activities. Miss A Roberts has created a jam packed week of activities but we have had to cancel one of those activities as by Thursday we had only received 67% of the parental contributions. We appreciate that not everybody can contribute to the activities for financial reasons however the school is not in the financial position to be able to cover 33% of the costs. We have had to cancel a smoothie making activity where the children make a smoothie by cycling on a bike which I’m sure they would have enjoyed but at a cost of £400 we were unable to go ahead with this. We hoped that by giving parents 6 weeks’ notice to make their contribution and by getting as many free activities as possible to keep the cost under £10 per child, it would be possible to provide a greater range of activities.

We hope that the children will still enjoy all the activities planned – Olympics carousel, rounders, obstacle courses, dance, orienteering, skipping, led by Menston sports leaders and the inflatable. The children will also be learning about a local sports personality in their class. NEWSLETTER – 11 June 2021

Reception - Dame Jessica Ennis Hill (DME) (Sheffield) Y1 - Alistair & () Y2 - James Milner (footballer) Horsforth, Y3 - Nile Wilson - Gymnast (Pudsey) Y4 - Jamie Jones-Buchanan (, Bramley) Y5 - Nicola Adams - Boxer (Leeds) Y6 - Hannah Cockcroft (MBE) Paralympian (Halifax)

Please send your child to school all week in sports clothes, these do not have to be PE kit and appropriate trainers. High top Converse are not appropriate for playing sports as they do not give the appropriate support to the children’s feet.

The inflatable will be in school on Thursday, please ensure your children do not go on this before or after school for health and safety reasons.

Little Library at Horsforth Morrisons

Horsforth Morrisons have recently launched a Little Library in store as part of our Stories of Hope and have asked for our help. Please can you see if you have any children's books that you no longer read or need and consider donating them to our Little Library. You can post them in the drop off part or hand them in. The idea is that your children can come and take a book, then bring it back and swap for a new one. Morrisons hope they will receive enough books so they can donate some locally to children who don't have the same access to books as others. There are 380,000 households in our country that do not have access to a single book, that means no bedtime story or the chance to grow their imagination. If you have a large number of books but are unable to bring them in, then please message Morrisons either through the Facebook page - Morrisons Horsforth Community Champion or via this number 07811 715794.


Headteacher Awards Virtue Awards

Reception – Iris H & Jan C Reception – George T

Year 1 – Ursula P & William S Year 1 – Freya C

Year 2 – George B & Jacob P Year 2 – Oonagh K-E

Year 3 – Emily S & Callum G Year 3 – Evie D

Year 4 – Eve R & Oliver L Year 4 – Orlaith G

Year 5 – Peter U & Bess H Year 5 – Enzo G

Year 6 – Evie D & Ruby T Year 6 – Thomas M

NEWSLETTER – 11 June 2021

Diary Dates

Please note dates and times may have to change according to Government guidance.


W/b 14 Food bank appeal for SVP Monday 14 Health week – children to come in sports clothes all week Thursday 17 9.30am Year 4 class assembly* - Zoom Monday 21 Bikeability Y6 Monday 21 3.45pm New starters stay and play Tuesday 22 9.30am New starters open morning Thursday 24 9.30am Y1 class assembly* Thursday 24 1.30pm New starters open afternoon Friday 25 9.30am Key Stage 2 Sports Day* Friday 25 2.00pm Reception and Key Stage 1 Sports Day* Tuesday 29 11.00am Whole school Mass led by Y6* Wednesday 30 9.30am Y2 class assembly*


Thursday 1 Mini Vinnie and School Council cake sale for CAFOD Thursday 1 9.30am Y5 Class Assembly Wednesday 7 2.00pm Y6 Production* Friday 9 Reports to parents Friday 9 Moving up morning Friday 9 Catch up classes end Monday 12 Y6 activity week Monday 12 Mary’s Meals Mug appeal closes Tuesday 13 Moving up morning Monday 19 9.15-10.15 Meet the new teacher moving up session* Tuesday 20 2.00pm Y6 Leavers’ Mass in church* Wednesday 21 12.30pm Reception and KS1 disco (come to school in party clothes) Wednesday 21 1.15pm Y3 and Y4 disco (come to school in party clothes) Wednesday 21 2.15pm Y5 and Y6 disco (come to school in party clothes) Thursday 22 9.30pm Y6 Leavers’ Assembly* Friday 23 9.30am Whole School Mass * Friday 23 School closes

NEWSLETTER – 11 June 2021

Parish News


Recently the Diocese issued updates to Celebration of Mass guidance in line with the easing with some of restriction by the Government. While we are delighted to see a few small changes can be made, i.e. the Priest can now process at the start and end of Mass, servers on the altar, a group of 6 singers for a choir (still no congregational singing), we are still required to follow the other guidelines that were put in place last year. Booking for the Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses is essential and signing in for weekday Masses is required. Masks must be worn unless under the age of 12 or medically exempt. Can we also ask that now the Priest is processing that parishioners please wait in their benches to be dismissed by the stewards so that an appropriate social distance is maintained on the way out of church for everyone’s safety. Thank you.

Click on the links below to enter the registration pages. Holy Name St Mary's Church Our Lady Assumption


Over the next 6 weeks after the 10am Masses in both Holy Name and St Mary’s church, we will be welcoming small groups of children who have recently prepared to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Please remember them and their families in your prayers. “Lord, You are good and forgiving; full of merciful love for everyone.”(Psalm 86:5)


Those wishing to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation will now be able to do so on Saturday mornings at Holy Name from 10am – 11am & at St Mary’s, from 10.40am – 11.15am in each Sacristy. Access will be via the side door of HN & the external Sacristy door at SM. In order to comply with COVID 19 restrictions, it will be necessary to book an appointment with Father Emmanuel on his mobile (see bulletin header) to make an appointment. If you don’t get a reply, please leave a message and he will get back to you.

SUNDAY MASSES (Saturday Vigil)

Holy Name 6.30pm St Mary’s 8.15am Holy Name 9.00am Assumption 9.45am St Mary’s 11.00am Holy Name 11.15am