Social Security Candidate Pack

Working with us A simple guide to applying for a job with Social Security Scotland


Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

All you need to know

This guide gives you useful information and helpful advice on how to apply for a job with us and why we think you should

We’ll tell you all about:

• Who we are and what we do • Our commitment to diversity and inclusion • How to apply and what happens next • The Guaranteed Interview Scheme • How competency based and video interviews work • The many benefits of working with us

You can get this pack in tape, Braille, easy read, large print or alternative languages simply by calling 0800 029 4974.


Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

Who we are and what we do

Social Security Scotland is still a relatively new organisation having been set up by the in September 2018 to deliver a range of benefits and to make sure the people of Scotland get the money are entitled to.

Once fully operational, we will deliver financial support for people on low incomes, disabled people, carers, and young people, entering the workplace and to help people heat their homes. These benefits will be introduced in stages by the Scottish Governm ent who decide what the benefit s should be. Social Security Scotland then delivers those benefits.

Our head office is in and we have a second office in . We also have teams based in communities across the country so they can meet face-to-face with people applying for benefits .

Why we do it:

Our aim is to help create a fairer society. We will be there to provide support to the people of Scotland whenever any of us need it. And we will treat people with dignity, fairness and respect which we have made our organisation’s values.

Why do we need you?

As we deliver more and more benefits we need people who share our value s and are enthusiastic about giving a great service. We want a workforce that reflects the people we are here to help so we are a Carer Positive and a Disability Confident Employer and we offer flexible working to help yo u balance your work and home life.

To help you deliver a great service, we will provide you with all the training , development and support you need to be a success.

Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

As an Executive Agency of the Scottish Government we are responsible to Scottish Ministers but we are not part of Govern m e nt itself.

You can find out more about us in:

• our Interim Corporate Plan, which explains what we are here to do and how we will go about doing it • Our Charter, which sets out what people should expect from the Scotland’s social security system


Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

Our diversity and inclusion commitment

We want our workforce to reflect the people we are here to serve. It will make us better at what we do because we will be able to understand people’s needs and empathise with their individual circumstances.

Bringing together people with a wide range of backgrounds and experie n ce won’t just benefit our clients it will also make Social Security Scotland an even better place to work.

We are working hard to make our organisation inclusive. It’s up to all of us to bring our values of dignity, fairness and respect to life. This includes having a workpl a ce that meets everyone’s needs, provides specialist support and helps everyone feel that they belong and can be themselves.

Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

How to apply

When you apply for a job with us, we will ask you to tell us about yourself . So we can see if you would be a good fit, we ask you to give differen t examples in three or four areas related to the job you are applying for. This is your opportunity to show us that you have the knowledge, skills and personal qualities that will be important for the role.

You won’t be expected to have experience of this type of job so the examples you use don’t have to be work related. They could be from any part of your life including education, a sport or hobby or even from your personal or family life.

When you submit your application, we will look at these examples and consider if the situation you describe has meets what we are looking for. We score each example 0, 1 or 2.

• 0 - you have not demonstrated in your example enough of the knowle d g e, skills or qualities we are looking for • 1 - you have demonstrated the knowledge, skills or qualities we are looking for • 2 - you have more than demonstrated the knowledge, skills or qualities we are looking for

We will total up your scores across these ‘essential criteria’ and those with the highest marks will be invited to interview.

Unfortunately, if you score a 0 for any of your examples we won’t be able to invite you to an interview. It doesn’t necessarily mean that you don’t have the skills we are looking for, it could be that you just haven’t made it clear in your answer.

Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

To help you provide examples as clearly as possible, we would recommend that you use something called the STARR approach. The STARR approach allows you to structure your examples, setting out the key information we are looking for.

S - Situation (What situation or challenge did you find yourself in?) T - Task (What did you specifically have to achieve?) A - Action (What actions did you take to achieve your task? How did you do this and why?) R - Result (What was the outcome and conclusion of your actions?) R - Reflection (What did you learn from this situation?)

There is a word count limit of 300 words for each exampl e . We are most interested in hearing about the ‘action’ you took, but don’t be tempted to write more than 300 words, extra words won’t be counted and you could miss out on giving us some high scoring information.

Video Interview All completed applications will be assessed and as long as you achieve at least the minimum pass mark, you will be invited to the next stage, a recorded interview.

Using easy-to-use software your video interview will be carrie d out virtually on mobile devices or a desktop computer. We’ll email you a link with instructions of how to log on and complete your interview. Your video interviews can be completed at a time that suits you between 12th – 19th May.

The interview questions will cover Self-Awareness, Team Work, Customer Service, Information Management and Communications and Engagement. You record your answer s to each interview question and these will be scored using the Scottish Government’s ‘Skills for Success’ framework. Don’t worry, we’ll share details of the framework and how to prepa r e for the video interview when we invite you to take part.

Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

We’re Disability Confident

As a Disability Confident employer, we’re committed to the employment and career development of disabled people and that starts with our recruitment. The Disability Confident scheme has replaced the Guaranteed Interview scheme and encourages us to think differently about disability and take action to improve how we recruit, retain and develop disabled people.

We welcome applications through the Disability Confident scheme and all applications will be considered equally on merit. So when you apply through the scheme, as long as you application meets the minimum requirement you will be invited to come along for an interview, even when there are a large number of applicants.

If you consider yourself to be disabled, you will be able to let us know you are applying through Disability Confident Scheme when you submit your online application. We will ask you to let us know if you need any adjustments for any part of the recruitment process and we will make reasonable adjustments to help you, just as we will if you join us as a colleague.

Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

Let’s meet!

If you have done well in your application so far, you will be invited to a face- to-face interview so we can find out more. We use what are called competency-based interviews. Don’t let that term worry you, they are very similar to the application form you completed.

We will ask you questions and your answers should demonstrate a time where you have used or demonstrated certain knowledge, skills or qualities we are looking for..

We use something called ‘Skills for Success’ to measure your performance at interview. Before you come to meet us, take a look at the ‘Skills for Success’ requirements for the job you are applying for and have a think about times in your life when you have demonstrated these skills and behaviours. You can give examples from work, education, a sport or hobby or something in your personal life.

You can make notes of examples and bring them with you to the interview. It’s OK to refer to them as a reminder – bullet points might help jog your memory - but don’t read out a scripted answer, we want to hear from the real you.

The questions we ask will begin with a phrase like “Tell me about a time when you…” or “Give me an example of when…”. The interview panel need to know in each case what you did, why you chose to act the way you did and what the outcome was. Listen to the interviewer’s questions, and choose an example which best shows your ability.

You don’t need to rush your answer – you can take your time and think about what the best example would be. You can also ask the interview panel to clarify or repeat the question if you don’t understand or didn’t hear it.

When answering, it can be helpful to follow the STARR approach that we recommend for filling in your application form.

Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

The many benefits of working with us

We think Social Security Scotland is a great place to work. As well as a rewarding job and the knowledge that you are helping to create a fairer Scotland, you also get:

Paid annual leave 25 days annual leave on joining, increasing to 30 days after four full years’ service, plus 11.5 public holidays and Civil Service privilege days leave. We also offer up to three days paid special leave a year for volunteering.

Flexible working hours The work we do is incredibly important – but that doesn’t mean your job should take over your life. We can offer the possibility of full time, part time, term time, and job shares. We also offer and encourage flexible working. We work hard to ensure that you maintain a healthy work/life balance.

Pay Your salary will be paid monthly in arrears normally on the last working day of the month. You will join on the base salary level of your job grade and you will have the opportunity to progress up your pay scale over time.

Pension You will automatically be enrolled into the well regarded Civil Service Pension Scheme and our contributions will be to the value of at least 20% of your salary.

Financial incentives and personalized support You can access a range of retail, travel and lifestyle discounts. You will also have access to an Employee Assistance Program me which provides confidential, independent and unbiased information and guidance 24/7.


Social Security Scotland Candidate Pack

Contact us @SocSecScot Social Security Scotland

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