Fairhaven Neighborhood News A publication of all things Fairhaven FREE!

The little paper with a big voice! Volume 16, Issue 2 • January 7, 2021 Teeming with information you need. (And some you don’t need, but will be glad you have anyway.) Not official...but still cool

The motto on the shirts of the annual Fort Phoenix Polar Plunge is “Be Cool — Plunge.” Well, there was no official plunge on New Year’s Day this year due to the pandemic, but some people decided to be cool and plunge anyway. ABOVE: A group of family members/cousins jump in the water at Fort Phoenix on 1/1/21 even though the annual polar plunge was canceled due to the pandemic. See page 12 for story. Photo by Beth David. First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Judge Murray Gurfein, Pentagon Papers case, June 17, 1971: “The security of the Nation is not at the ramparts alone. Security also lies in the value of our free institutions. A cantankerous press, an obstinate press, a ubiquitous press must be suffered by those in authority in order to preserve the even greater values of freedom of expression and the right of the people to know.” From Fairhaven Neighborhood News The Editor Volume 16, Issue 2 WEST ISLAND — Thursday, January 7, 2021 A day late and many dollars short. Copyright 2020 Elizabeth A. David Editor: Beth David Oh, here we go again. This is Photographers/Correspondents: getting sooooo tiresome. Elizabeth DaCunha, Mary Macedo, Pattie Pacella, Contrary to Mr. Freitas’s fantasy Jean Perry, Glenn C. Silva world where first there are so many Published weekly on Thursday by reporters clamoring to get into the Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, at room it could never be allowed due 166 Dogwood Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 to overcrowding concerns and Beth David, Publisher second there hasn’t been a reporter [email protected] in the room in years (yes, he said both things were true at the www.NeighbNews.com same time, see page 4), the Neighb News has been faithfully 508-979-5593 • Fax: 508-991-5580 covering Selectboard meetings for 16 years. We have been in the Contributions: The Neighb News accepts press releases, editorial room for nearly all of them, simply missing one or two here and contribu tions and letters to the editor at the above address; by email there over the years, until COVID restrictions and Mr. Freitas’s with copy in the body of the email, not as an attachment. If mailed by brazen attack on the First Amendment and this paper by keeping USPS or faxed, editorial must be typewritten, 500 words or fewer. Unfortu- us out of the room. nately, The Neighb News is not able to pay money for contributions at this Mr. Silvia, you will remember, was allowed in the room during time. Contributors agree, by virtue of their submissions, to grant The the campaign before he was a Selectboard member and during Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, the right to publish submissions in the most stringent restrictions. We have asked repeatedly to be print and online. Contributors also verify, by virtue of their submissions, let in the room, as the Zoom option is woefully inadequate. Mr. that they own the right to publish the work submitted. Any claims of Freitas said no, Mr. Espindola said yes, and Mr. Silvia (who may copyright infringement will be referred to the contributor, who will also as well cite his white male privilege out loud) has never be responsible for any and all costs associated with said claims. responded to the email requests that were made by the town Advertising: Call or write for rate card and sample issue or visit our administrator. website at www.NeighbNews.com. Are you disgusted with these guys yet and their blatant The Fairhaven Neighborhood News, LLC, reserves the right to refuse double standard? advertising and editorial for any reason. The Neighb News will not assume Mr. Freitas’s assertion that the governor has ordered it is any liability, financial or otherwise, for errors in ads or in editorial ridiculous. He did not. Town Counsel wrote in an email that it is content submitted by contributors. The Neighb News will run a correction up to the board. (Besides, anyone can read the exectuive order. It’s on the inside front cover to rectify any misprints or errors in the previous pretty clear.) The press is an essential service, essential to week’s issue. Readers, advertisers, and writers are responsible for democracy, essential to the public, essential to transparent notifying The Neighb News of any inconsistencies or errors in the paper. government, all things that apparently are not important to Mr. Freitas. Advertisers are responsible for all claims made in their ads. The Neighb Are you disgusted yet? News is not be liable in any way for claims made by advertisers. They routinely let in people with appointments, have let in Advertisers are responsible for their own content. We will, to the extent several people at a time when it’s something they think is reasonable, try to verify any claims that seem unreasonable or unlikely important. to be true. Readers are encouraged to report any problems with our Well, the press is important. And watching it on TV, via Zoom, advertisers. or on the computer is not the same as being in the room. Of Subscriptions are available for 6 months (24 issues) or one year (48 course, they know that. Which is why they want us out. issues) at $1.75 per issue for a total of $42.00 or $84.00 respectively. Also Donthathink?Are you disgusted yet? available for free online at www.neighbnews.com. For free email Anyway, welcome back. subscription, send to NeighbNews@ comcast.net and include your first and Fire Chief Tim Francis is retiring (see page 13), and his ride last name. home shindig is on Friday (see page 5). I’m sure we’ll be seeing Copyright 2021 Elizabeth A. David him around town, though. Vroom vroom...see you on the bike in the spring, Tim! Contents Oh, can’t forget our cover. No official plunge Acushnet swears in new police officer ...... 16 this year, but people still wanna have fun! Classifieds ...... 21 See page 12 for some brrrr talk. COVER: Plunge...... 12 Until next week then...see ya COVID-19 update ...... 3 (from a distance DaCunha’s Dispatches ...... 11 Chief Francis retiring ...... 13 Fairhaven Selectboard...... 4 Support local journalism Happenings ...... 5, 8, 9 No one does local like a local newspaper. And it does not Legal Notices/Public Hearings...... 22 get more local than the Neighb News. Any small amount will Letter from the editor...... 2 help. Just clip the coupon and send check or money order to Fairhaven Neighborhood News, 166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, MA Letters from our readers...... 20 02719. Ask for a bumper sticker that says “I Support the Neighb Senior Center/Rec. Ctr...... 14 News.” And thank you for reading the little paper with a big voice. Tides ...... 22 Name: ______Upcoming meetings/Fairhaven & Acushnet ...... 21 Address: ______CORRECTIONS/CLARIFICATIONS In our last issue (12/17/20), we inadvertently left off the City/State/Zip: ______name of a letter writer, on the letter entitled “Board of Health is not protecting public health. The letter writer Email: ______was Diane Hahn, and we assure you she did not intend Do you want to receive the paper by email? Y N to be anonymous. We apologize for any confusion our error may have caused. COVID-19 update: More contagious COVID-19 By Jean Perry facilities and shelters), and home- and treatment. It also expands the Neighb News Correspondent based health care workers. scope of practice for nurse practi- Massacusetts Governor Charlie The state adjusted its Phase 2 tioners and other specialized nurses Baker warned residents on January 5 priority group on January 4 to include to prevent consumers from receiving that the new, more contagious COVID- citizens age 75+ and individuals with unexpected medical bills. 19 variant is likely already in the state two or more comorbidities, both “Massachusetts has long been a and residents should remain vigilant deemed high-risk for severe compli- leader in ensuring health care quality in exercising precautions to mitigate ca tions of COVID-19. From February and access, and with this new law, we exposure. until April, pre-k and k-12 education are making further progress in “I think most of us are working on employees will receive the vaccine, building a strong, accessible, and the assumption that it’s here,” Gov. plus workers in transit, grocery utility, affordable health care system, a goal Baker said during a press conference public works, sanitation, and public that is more important now than on Tuesday. “There would be no health workers. Phase 2 also includes ever,” said Gov. Baker on Monday. reason not to.” individuals age 65+ and those with There were 4,358 new cases con - The new virus has already been one comorbidity. firmed on January 4 for a total of confirmed in New York, Colorado, Phase 3 should begin in April when 375,455 since the start of the pandemic. Florida, and California. the vaccine will be available to the There were 81,449 estimated active The Baker-Polito Administration general public. cases as of press time; 2,339 COVID-19 announced on January 4 that the The interactive COVID-19 Dash- patients hospitalized, with 423 in state’s first responders, the next board is receiving some upgrades to Intensive Care and 258 intubated. eligible priority group in Phase 1 of allow users to more easily select Sixty new deaths were reported on the Vaccine Distribution timeline, will specific timeframes, among other January 4 for a total of 12,401 since be eligible for vaccinations starting features to enhance user-friendliness. the pandemic began. on January 11. The state is continuing to add further Fairhaven had a two-week total of During Phase 1, expected to last enhancements to the Dashboard. 179 new active cases as of Thursday, from now through February, the On January 1, Governor Baker December 31, for a total of 931 cases. vaccine will be offered to the signed legislation expanding access In Acushnet, there were 93 new remaining priority groups such as to quality healthcare, affordable care, cases in two weeks for a total of 574. residents and workers in congregate promoting Telehealth access, and Both towns remain in the red on care centers (including correctional protecting access to COVID-19 testing the state’s color-coded map. Competitive Insurance Rates for Auto • Home Business

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Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 3 Wendy Graves appointed interim Town Administrator By Jean Perry Mr. Freitas believes the two could they’ll take us in the right direction.” Neighb News Correspondent manage the additional full-time “Let’s see what they can do,” said Mr. The Fairhaven Selectboard on workload. He called the two women Freitas. “One of the names is already on 12/21/20 took steps to appoint Finance “phenomenal employees,” and Mr. Silvia there.” Earlier in the meeting, Mr. Freitas Director/Treasurer/Tax Col lector added, “Very qualified, very qualified.” stated that Ms. Graves’ name was Wendy Graves as the interim town In response to Mr. Espindola’s plea already on the list. administrator, but the 2-1 vote reflected for input, Mr. Lynch was reticent. “This The Neighb News contacted Mr. Rees Selectboard member Bob Espindola’s really is outside of my scope entirely, to confirm whether Ms. Graves is an concern about over burdening the but there are retired [town applicant for the permanent TA workload of an internal candidate, administrators] in the area that are position, but he did not respond. especially one whose position is available,” said Mr. Lynch. “Communi - Immediately after, the board essential to the fiscal year 2022 budget ties go a range of different ways,” some accepted Ms. Carreiro’s resignation season. looking in-house while others look for from the TA Search Committee. In her When Selectboard Chairperson outside experienced TAs. letter to the Selectboard, she gave no Daniel Freitas asked the board if either He said it was a “judgment call” for reason for her resignation. member had anyone in mind, the board and it was “tough” to involve Ms. Carreiro was appointed to the Selectboard member Keith Silvia said, “I himself in the decision. He later told Mr. town employee seat on the committee would love to see Wendy Graves. She’s Freitas the average rate for an external and was the only woman among the been working with you for five years. I interim TA is about $75 an hour, which seven members. think she’s involved in the budget all the Mr. Freitas found too high. The Selectboard was slated to time; she knows what’s going on in here, Mr. Freitas said Mr. Rees should appoint Department of Public Works and I think she’d be a perfect fit….” approach Ms. Graves and Ms. Carreiro Superintendent Vincent Furtado but While Ms. Graves would be “a great the following day with the proposal and changed its mind to keep a woman on person to help someone who fills in as then “figure out how to slide people the committee. the interim person,” said Mr. Espindola, around.” Mr. Freitas said he received “a lot of “If you think about it, she has a job that emails,” as did Mr. Silvia, and said the she has to do now….” two “got beat up about this.” He Ms. Graves was hired in 2013 as the Are we loading her up? It just defended the original plan to appoint treasurer/finance director, and the doesn’t make sense to me when Mr. Furtado, saying that it was Mr. position was eventually expanded to we have [enough money in the TA Rees’s suggestion. He pointed out that encompass the tax collector position, a the boards and committees that consolida tion recommended by the salary budget] to get an outside appointed a member to the search Depart ment of Revenue after a 2012 person. [Bob Espindola] committee each chose their own Financial Management Review. representative — all of which were men. “Are we loading her up?” Mr. The Selectboard then each ap pointed a Espindola continued. “It just doesn’t Sensing how an ensuing vote would representative, all of which were men, make sense to me when we have result, Mr. Espindola then asserted that with Mr. Freitas appointing himself [enough money in the TA salary budget] there would be sufficient money in the instead of choosing a member of the to get an outside person.” TA salary budget line to cover the cost community at large. Current Town Administrator Mark of an experienced interim TA. He again The Selectboard’s choice for the Rees will leave on 1/8. The town’s emphasized that the town was well into town employee seat, Mr. Freitas said, professional search consultant, Bernie the FY22 budget season. was Ms. Carreiro, “a female,” which he Lynch, estimates the town could need “It’s a critical time for all of that claimed, “was done prior to any of this an interim TA from three weeks up to process,” said Mr. Espindola. “The town being brought up.” He then alluded to two and a half months. deserves full resources avail able during “an email or two emails” he received Mr. Espindola said Mr. Lynch could that process [and Mr. Rees] relies from committees or boards with likely provide the board with potential heavily on [Ms. Graves and Ms. appointees on the search committee external interim TA candidates and Carreiro].” that conveyed “that we’ve done asked if Mr. Lynch would unmute He said he supports having them something wrong. himself and talk about it. both involved in the transition process “I think you need to look inner at But first, Mr. Freitas objected to but urged the board to “take advantage yourselves and figure out why you hiring an outside candidate that “may of the resources while we have funding didn’t send us over a female,” said Mr. not know anything,” citing a learning in the budget.” He then motioned to hire Freitas. He said one email was curve, taking the first two weeks on the an external interim TA, which was not “offensive” and suggested that the job just “figuring out the streets” and seconded. sender himself “step aside and allow a “who’s who.” He said the hopes the new Mr. Freitas then motioned to have Mr. female” to sit on the search committee. TA could start early February and Rees approach Ms. Graves for the He then lauded himself and Mr. Silvia voiced his support for hiring Ms. position, with Ms. Carreiro as an for advancing two women to fill the one Graves. assistant, and said the board could meet interim TA position and claimed that he “If it was Wendy that was offered this again for a brief meeting for a formal maintained from the start that he would position … I’d like to see Anne Carreiro appointment. like to see 50% of the TA candidates be (the town accountant) beneath her to “I’ll gladly second that,” said Mr. women and is “not against a woman help her out,” Mr. Freitas said. “If her Silvia. “I think they’re very confident. I taking the job.” and Anne would like to do this,” then think they’re real good people. I think SELECT: cont’d on page 20 Page 4 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News AROUND TOWN HAPPENINGS vehicles shall be permitted to remain notice. Next Dates: Sat., 1/9, 16, 23, Last ride home either on the east* side of streets 30, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Fire Chief Tim Francis is retiring running north and south or on the Fairhaven Recreation Center, 227 and his last ride home will be on north side of streets running east and Huttleston Ave. WALK-IN ONLY, NO Friday, 1/8. From 10 a.m. to noon, the west. Violators will be towed and/or appointments. Visit https://www. fire apparatus floor will be open for ticketed. fairhaven-ma.gov/fire-department- visitors. MASKS REQUIRED. Due to ems-ema/news/free-covid-19-testing- COVID limitations, personnel in the fairhaven to get the form and fill it oui station will be limited. Please keep Cmas Tree pickup ahead of time to expedite your visit. your visit brief to allow others to Town of Fairhaven Christmas tree pickup, Jan. 12–15. Christmas tree Please contact the Health Depart - visit. ment with questions at boh@ 12:45 p.m.: Vehicles will assemble pick up is one day after regular rubbish day. Place trees curbside by fairhaven-ma.gov or 508-979-4023 ext. for parade route. 125. 1 p.m.: Parade begins, west along 7:00 am on day of pick up Washington St., turn south (left) onto Remove all ornaments and tinsel Green St. to Center St., turn west DO NOT PUT IN PLASTIC BAGS Digital Library (right) and pause in front of town Reg. Trash CMas Tree Pick Up You may access the whole digital hall for a presentation by the Select - Day Day collection of your local library, using board (outside). Turn north onto Monday Tuesday, Jan. 12 your library card. SAILS Library Main Street (right) and proceed to Tuesday Wednesday, Jan. 13 Network has digitized the concept of Rte. 6. Turn east (right) onto Rte. 6 to Wednesday Thursday, Jan. 14 physical reading rooms by creating a Alden Road to Oliver Street and take Thursday Friday, Jan. 15 specialized eReading Room of right on Oliver St., to 25 Rivard Lane. Missed trees may be dropped off at magazines at https://sails.overdrive. Masks required on RIvard Lane. the gate at the Recycle Center, 5 com/library/magazines and on Libby Arsene Street (https://www.overdrive.com/apps/ libby/). SAILS Library Network’s Snow Park Ban digital collection offers thousands of No vehicles shall be permitted to COVID Testing The Fairhaven Fire/EMS depart - ebooks, audiobooks and magazines in remain on the hydrant side of all a variety of genres. To explore the streets in Fairhaven from December ment, in cooperation with the Fair - haven Board of Health, will be offering library’s eReading rooms of ebooks 1st to March 31st from midnight to and audiobooks, visit https://sails. 8:00 a.m. and also at the time of any a FREE Covid Test Clinic EVERY SATURDAY for Fairhaven residents overdrive.com or download Libby snowfall or snow removal operations. today from the app store. On streets with no hydrants, NO and town employees until further Moby-Dick goes remote Press Release President and CEO Amanda McMullen for the Friday event must be The best known literary event is confident that participants “will purchased in advance and cost $10 centered on Herman Melville’s iconic still be drawn in by the drama and for Whaling Museum members and American novel Moby-Dick is moving excitement of the hunt for the white $15 for non-members. online in 2021. The New Bedford whale. As always, there will be plenty All weekend long, people living in Whaling Museum’s annual Moby-Dick of opportunities to have fun and to Dartmouth, New Bedford, Acushnet, Marathon attracts thousands of dive deeper into the content in our or Fairhaven, Massachusetts can people of all ages from around the hosted talks with experts on zoom.” have warm chowder, delicious brews, world, who share a fascination with Hundreds of readers from across or a full meal well-suited for a hungry the sweeping story. the country recorded themselves sailor delivered to their homes, The 25th anniversary of this reading passages from the book and thanks to the Museum’s event remarkable read-a-thon falls in the sent them in to the Museum to be partners Moby-Dick Brewing Co. and middle of a pandemic, so organizers stitched together as a full cover-to- Gotchew delivery service. Go to the have moved the event online. The cover reading of Moby-Dick. The final Museum’s website for details on how Moby-Dick Marathon runs from product will be played beginning to order. Jan. 8 to Jan. 10, 2021. Details are at Saturday, January 9 at 11:30 a.m. A virtual chat with Melville www.whalingmuseum.org. and run through Sunday ending Scholars takes place at 2:30 p.m. on Every winter, the Whaling around noon. Saturday, January 9 via Zoom. Museum’s Moby-Dick Marathon Activities begin on Friday, January Whaling Museum Curator of Maritime marks the anniversary of Melville’s 8 at 7 p.m. with a lively online History Michael Dyer will pair January 1841 departure from the Port presentation “‘A Wonder, a Grandeur, artworks with Melville’s writings of New Bedford, aboard the and a Woe’: Melville and Human during “Visualizing Melville: An whaleship Acushnet. Melville would Progress,” with Steven Olsen-Smith. A Exhibition of Words, Ideas, Images, later pen Moby-Dick, publishing the past president of The Melville Society, and Objects,” an online presentation famous novel in 1851. Olsen-Smith is Professor at Boise on Sunday beginning at 10 a.m. These Although the marathon will be State University and General Editor of events and activities as well as the virtual in 2021, Whaling Museum Melville’s Marginalia Online. Tickets MOBY: cont’d on page 8

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 5 Santa adapts to COVID-19 reality

Santa made many trips to the area at Christmas time, but had to adapt to the reality of COVID-9 restrictions. He rode around on the antique fire truck in Fairhaven, waving to children of all ages. He was not able to stop and let the little ones sit on his lap, but he still let everyone know that although many events had been canceled due to the pandemic, Christmas was not canceled. ABOVE: Santa and Mrs. Claus pass by Fairhaven High School in an antique fire truck during their Santa parade on 12/19/20. Photos courtesy of Kelly Smith Studios.

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Page 6 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News BPW discusses beach changes, banning dogs By Mary Macedo noticed issues with floatation devices should consider raising the prices of Neighb News Correspondent such as rafts, tubes, floaties, and even the beach passes. He said many At its meeting on Monday 12/14 the life vests. The big floatation devices residents told him that $30 for a Fairhaven Board of Public Works get blown away by the wind; as for season pass was a bargain. Even the discussed changes in town beach floaties and life vests, parents put senior citizens said that $10 for a regulations for the 2021 season, and them on the children and let them go senior season pass was a great deal. continued their discussion about the into the ocean by themselves, which He said he felt like it costs more BPW independent study. is still very dangerous. money to pay the employees and The board met with Gary Lavalette He suggested they install signs maintain the cleanliness of the beach. and Brett Silva who worked at the banning dogs and flotation devices on Vice-Chairperson Robert “Hoppy” town beach last summer, to discuss the lifeguarded section of the beach. Hobson also suggested that they start changes for the 2021 season that will, He said if people want to bring their hiring employees and lifeguards hopefully, help make everything run dogs and floatation devices they can earlier this year. more smoothly. go on the other side of the beach. Mr. Furtado said the problem with BPW Superintendent Vinnie Mr. Lavalette also informed the the lifeguards is that every year they Furtado said he invited them so the board that most residents at the are asked to work until Labor Day and board could get a head start on what beach was between 750-800 people at they agree, but then in mid-august needs to be done for the 2021 season. a time. The beach can hold around they often have to take time off to go Mr. Lavalette explained that two 1200 people with distancing limits. He to college orientations or they start issues they had last year were with said the beach would probably never college before Labor Day. residents bringing their dogs and reach capacity because people are in Chairperson Brian Wotton sug- floatation devices into the water. He and out all day. He suggested that gested that they reach out to the said that no other public beaches in they allow non-residents to purchase YMCA earlier this year. the area allow dogs or floatation passes again, specifically Acushnet Mr. Silva said this year he had devices, both can be a liability. residents. issues with the lifeguards not wanting If a dog bites someone that is a Board member Cameron Durant to swim or get in the water. He said he liability. They also have a lot of issues suggested that they wait until spring also had issues with the lifeguards with people leaving dog poop on the to look at the COVID numbers and not wanting to wear their bathing suit ground. then decide about beach passes. uniform. They would sit in a sweat - Mr. Lavalette said that they also Mr. Lavalette also said the board BPW: cont’d on page 10

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 7 MOBY: cont’d from page 5 established home of the Melville region and an international seaport. Society Cultural Project and the The cornerstone of New Bedford reading itself are all free and open to Melville Society Archive, which is Whaling National Historical Park, the the public. housed in the Museum’s Research Museum is located at 18 Johnny Cake Although participants will not be Library. The archive constitutes one Hill in the heart of the city's historic able to gather for the traditional of the best collections of Melville downtown. Whaling Museum hours “Stump the Scholars” session, scholarship and resources anywhere are Mondays (members only), and scholars from The Melville Society in the world. Wednesday through Sunday (open to have created a Moby-Dick quiz, so Visit www.whalingmuseum.org for all), 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is everyone can test their Melville the full schedule of events and details free for Museum members and knowledge. The quiz will be available on how to participate. children ages three and under; adults online during the Moby-Dick The New Bedford Whaling Museum $19, seniors (65+) $17, students (19+) Marathon on the Museum’s website. ignites learning through explorations $12, child and youth $9. The Whaling Museum, in collabora - of art, history, science and culture For more information visit www. tion with The Melville Society, is the rooted in the stories of people, the whalingmuseum.org. HAPPENINGS OVERTOWN New Bedford Harbor Microsoft Company. Author Mike Foley will NB COVID testing Teams Virtual Meeting speak about his family's history as Free daily testing for all Mass. For a link to join by MS Teams, well as the process of writing the residents is available at the Whale’s email [email protected] book. Learn more about Mike Foley Tooth Parking Lot, 532 Acushnet Ave., To join by phone: 857-299-6148 and Swimming Upstream at mike- New Bedford, every day (appoint - Conference ID: 76165581# foley.com. ment is required), 10 a.m.–4 p.m.; call NOTE: If you have any technical Please contact Hannah at 401-654-4679 with ques tions; for other issues, visit: www.epa.gov/superfund/ [email protected] sites in NB, visit https://www. newbedford as the presentation will with any questions. newbedford-ma.gov/health- be on the website Dock-u-mentaries are presented by department/covid-19-resources-2/ The link for closed captioning will New Bedford Fishing Heritage Center be posted prior to the presentation in and New Bedford Whaling National Moby-Dick the chat box, please contact me at Historical Park. Thank you to [email protected] or (617) 918- BankFive for supporting our film Marathon 1306 with any issues you have prior series. See page 5 to the start of the meeting. New Bedford Fishing Heritage AGENDA: Review of 2020 Center is dedicated to preserving and EPA Meeting Accomplishments and Summary of presenting the story of the In an effort to keep community Upcoming 2021 Remedial Actions commercial fishing industry past, members informed, the U.S. Environ - NOTE: By participating in EPA present, and future through exhibits, mental Protection Agency (EPA) will hosted virtual meetings and events, programs, and archives. For more be hosting a Virtual Public Informa - you are consenting to abide by the information, visit the Center's tional Meeting via Microsoft Teams agency’s terms of use. In addition, website at fishingheritagecenter.org, on Wednesday, January 13th, 2021 at you acknowledge that content you email programs@fishingheritagecente 6PM to 7:30PM. Instructions on how post may be collected and used in r.org, or call (508) 993-8894. to join and the agenda are available support of FOIA and eDiscovery The Center is open Thursday- soon at: www.epa.gov/superfund/ activities. Saturday, 10:00am- 4:00pm. newbedford under ‘Stay Updated’ and Admission is free. ‘What’s New’. Dock-U-Mentary In addition, all lines will be muted New Bedford Fishing Heritage Patrons of the Arts during the presentation and will open Center’s Dock-u-mentaries series Each year New Bedford Art up during the Q & A portion at the continues with the virtual event, Museum/ArtWorks! has been end so please refrain from unmuting Swimming Upstream: A Book Talk by privileged to recognize individuals your mic to avoid any background Mike Foley. and organizations that have helped noise during the meeting. Also, if you This program will take place over the arts succeed through their feel comfortable we encourage ZOOM at 7:00pm on Friday, January generous support and work in the partici pants to utilize/turn on their 15th. The event is free and open to community. Because of them, the arts cameras to increase engagement the public. To join the ZOOM Meeting, flourish here in New Bedford. during the meeting. Please feel free to use the link, bit.ly/JanuaryBookTalk. It is our privilege to shine a light on reach out with any questions, special Swimming Upstream is the story of Irene and Norman Buck and the New needs or assistance you may need four generations of Foley fish- Bedford Symphony Orchestra. Each prior to joining. mongers, their successes and has played a pivotal role in NOTE: This meeting will be failures, their talents and foibles. supporting the arts for many years. In recorded and shared on local cable Hear the story of Michael Foley who recognition of their support, we will access stations. immigrated to the United States from be presenting each with a specially We look forward to providing you a Ireland in the late 19th Century and commissioned hand-carved wooden Site update! eventually started Foley Fish HAPPS NB: cont’d next page

Page 8 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News HAPPS NB: cont’d from previous page amazing work done at ArtWorks! ties they epitomize the honor of bird whistle made by New Bedford Partners for the Art by Irene and Patrons of the Arts. artist Bill White. Norm’s development of Ropeworks! Watch the Awards Here: https:// 2020 Patrons of the Arts Honorees Artist Condominium project to name www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ9- Irene and Norman Buck & New a few. 4fArFuDRmZrxWLOfa5A Bedford Symphony Orchestra are The Bucks and the NBSO are Thank you to this year's sponsors! longtime supporters of the arts. The longtime friends and supporters of Timothy Mahoney and Pamela Bucks moved the south coast’s the Museum. From collaborative Donnelly, Allan and Priscilla creative culture forward through the programming to supporting events, Ditchfield, Margaret and Michael to advancing educational opportuni - Nash HAPPENINGS/OTHER LATITUDES Africa; the nature of his relation- We offer a convenient, secure Snow Park Ban/ ships with several important persons donation form via our website: Acushnet who contributed significantly to his https://wpthistory.org/join-support/ By vote of Town Meeting, parking success, namely his father, Cuff donate/ Westport Historical Society, is restricted as follows: in water Slocum, his business partners, 508-636-6011, westporthistory@west district, parking allowed opposite William Rotch Sr. and Jr. and Michael porthistory.net; www.wpthistory.org side of hydrants, out of water district, Wainer; and the various properties parking allowed north side of street that Paul and Michael owned in and Meet Thomas running east and west; and, parking around the town of Westport — allowed on west side of streets including their locations, how and Howland running north and south. why they were acquired, and the When Thomas Howland applied for Violators subject to being towed purposes for which they were used. his passport, the Providence Journal away at owner’s expense. (Authority, The three authors will be joined by reported on the response he Article 17, March 11, 1970 Annual Joseph Thomas, the head of Spinner received, and the story was picked up Town Meeting, which adopted Chapter Publications, in a discussion of this by the New York Times, where it ran 40, Section 22D of the General Laws.) publication both in terms of what’s on October 23, 1857. Howland had Parking restriction is from November new and how this book complements applied through a Providence notary, 25, 2020 to April 15, 2021. Acushnet the forthcoming book by Lamont Mr. Martin, who received the Selectboard: Kevin Gaspar, Sr., David Thomas about Paul Cuffe that will following reply: “Mr. Martin must Desroches, David E. Wojnar soon be published by Spinner. certainly be aware that passports are Click here to register in advance not issued to persons of African for this webinar: https://us02web. extraction. Such persons are not Family Activities zoom.us/webinar/ register/WN_9D_ deemed citizens of the United States.” Family Activities along the Handy PH0poTiuKV9ndRr03Fw This response came in the wake of House Heritage Trail SAVE THE DATE the Dred Scott decision of March 6, (A friendly family of log deer will An Audience with 1857. Howland’s expression is all the greet visitors to the trail this winter!) Susannah White Winslow more resonant given that he was a Archaeology Scavenger Hunt Sat., 1/22, 2 p.m. Join citizen with voting rights in his home Archaeologists look for clues on passenger Susannah White Winslow state of Rhode Island, and was the surface to help them find sites and discover the harrowing stories elected warden of Providence’s Third and artifacts that are buried under - about her life in England and the Ward in 1857, the first African ground, and to understand what challenges of building a new life in a American elected official in the city. people did in the past. Be an world unknown to her. This first- After Dred Scott, is it any wonder archaeologist for a day and help person living history program is Howland left for Liberia? figure out what happened along the presented by Plimoth- The New York Times reported that Handy House Trail! (formerly Plimoth Plantation), a living he was leaving with his wife and Download your scavenger hunt history museum in Plymouth, Mass. daughter, who intended to “engage in here: https://wpthistory.org/handy- Registration details coming soon! teaching” in Liberia, a task for which house-heritage-trail/family-activities- Annual Appeal she had qualified herself in Provi - on-the-trail/ We would like to thank those of dence’s public schools. Paul Cuffe: His Purpose, Partners you who have already responded ~ Kirsten Hammerstrom, Former and Properties generously to our annual appeal. We Director of Collections (at RIHS 2000- Sat., 1/9, at 2 p.m. A new book are closing in on our goal but still 2017) about Paul Cuffe, written by David have a way to go! Visit The Rhode Island Historical Cole, Richard Gifford and Betty Slade, If you are a previous donor --Thank Society, https://www.rihs.org/faith- with illustrations by Ray Shaw, has You! Would you consider a move to a freedom-friday-thomas-howland/ recently been published by Spinner higher gift level? If you are a new Publications of New Bedford. Paul donor, please understand that your Don’t forget to tell Cuffe: His Purpose, Partners and participation is critical to our Properties focuses on clarifying or success. Whatever level you choose, our advertisers you resolving uncertainties about three you have our heartfelt thanks for the saw their ads in the aspects of Paul Cuffe’s remarkable support and confidence you have life: the purpose of his travels to placed in us. Neighb News!

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 9 BPW: cont’d from page 7 cost around $20,000. Mr. Furtado said Recipe of the Week shirt and sweat pants all day and no he had no problem with a study being Crockpot Meatballs one could tell they were a lifeguard. done, but it needs to be on specific Mr. Furtado said at their kickoff areas because there are no problems 1 pound hamburg meeting he will go over the rules and regarding the BPW finances because 1/2 cup Italian bread crumbs uniform policy. all financial items go through a 1/2 cup spagetti sauce Mr. Lavalette said that the biggest lengthy process of approval. 1/4 cup parmesan cheese problem they had in the 2020 beach Mr. Wotton agreed, saying that the 1 egg season was residents refusing to put BPW does not make a lot of financial their beach pass sticker on their decisions; most go through the Town Mix together and make 8 balls Administrator or Town Meeting or Place in crock pot with rest of vehicles. The attendants were con- stantly being yelled at by residents the Finance Committee. sauce. who refused to put their stickers on Board member Frank Coelho Cook 6 hours on low their cars. The police had to be call agreed that most things in the study 2–3 times because of it. Mr. Lavalette are not necessary, but added that he said most residents who did not want would like the company to look at To share a recipe to put their beach stickers on theirs things that are wasting money such car said they wanted to use the as the digester they do not use and with your neighbors sticker on multiple cars. the lack of planning for the recycling Mail to 166 Dogwood St., Fairhaven, Mr. Furtado said that will not center. He said maybe the company MA 02719; fax to 508-991-5580; happen next year and that they are would know better ways to use them. email to [email protected] looking into getting different stickers. Mr. Furtado said they cannot do anything with the recycling center (Email preferred) Mr. Lavalette said they also had a problem with parasailers getting too until they approve of an area to build close to the shore, and over people’s a new facility. He said the problem heads, which can be dangerous. with the digester is that the town of Don’t forget to tell Mr. Hobson said he really likes the Fairhaven does not make enough our advertisers you parasailers and people like to watch waste for it to work properly. The them. He asked if they could desig - digester requires live microbes that saw their ads in the nate a section of the beach for them. eat the solid waste; the critters burp Mr. Lavalette’s last suggestion was methane gas that is used to make Neighb News! that the town hire a police detail for electricity or generate renewable the 4th of July. He energy credits. The process does not said the trash left work because the town just does not Save Sum Earn Sum Consignment behind from the make enough waste. Used Furniture & Home Decor holiday was over- He said he was hoping when the whelming, with new nitrogen plant is built they may 105 Sconticut Neck Road NEW fireworks debris be able to resurrect the digester. Fairhaven, MA 02719 Mr. Coelho said maybe the engi- 508-991-2002 LOCATION and liquor bottles Plenty of room to spread out. all over the neering company can give the board Around the corner from our former site beach. Mr. Hobs- ideas on what to do with the digester. on agreed that Mr. Furtado said the digester Wed–Fri 10–5 • Sat 9–4 • Sun 9–4 they should have should have never been a project for Shop in Store or Online police moni tor ing this town. the area for the Mr. Durant said he is only okay  holiday. with the engineering company doing a study if the company just comes in [email protected] In another mat- ter the board and suggests ways they can save time www.savesumearnsum.com reopened their or money or make things more discussion efficient. regarding an Mr. Hobson said he is against the independent whole study, there is no need to study of BPW spend thousands on a study to save spending to see if very little. there are any Mr. Furtado suggested having areas were the Tighe and Bond interview staff in BPW can save each BPW department to see if there money. are any indications that certain At the last depart ments can save time or money meet ing Mr. Fur - or make things more efficient. He said tado presented he can ask the company to give the the board with an board a proposal and costs. example of a The board tabled the proposal study Tighe and until Mr. Furtado receives the costs. Bond that would

Page 10 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News practices/games. Sanitizing will be a same project at one time. The bonds DaCunha’s part of the athletes’ routine, washing that are formed, the lessons that are their hands constantly. learned, and the memories that are The Athletic Director at FHS summed made are priceless. Our goal is to Dispatches up the new rules in a recent email make sure that these elements still News from high saying, “We only have one gym and a exist without the traditionally staged lot of restrictions on how to use it.” production.” school in the The athletics department will be I am hopeful that despite the age of COVID giving this COVID-safe version of modifications having been made, the sports a try, and only time will tell if it drama club will continue to amaze us By Elizabeth ends up being a success. with their magnificent productions. DaCunha I also spoke with the Drama Club Lastly, I wanted to capture what Special to the Neighb News director, Mr. Young, who spoke about exactly is happening with the student the challenges he has faced in getting council at FHS. I spoke with Mr. Dacunha’s Dispatches here, back the the drama club bak up. Hevey, the student council advisor, again with another article. As “Due to COVID-19 restrictions, we who shared the struggles student promised, I have done my research, had to think outside of the box. council has faced so far. and am prepared to deliver with all of Instead of a fully staged show, we are “Currently there are no plans for the new info on high school going to be producing small 10-15 student council since most extra- extracurriculars. curricular activities are not taking Let’s start off with sports. This place,” said Mr. Hevey. “But I’m year, we didn’t know if sports were The school spirit, Blue-Devil, hoping this will change as it seems going to happen, but the high school like sports are slowly being allowed.” is happy to announce that they will carpe diem culture is what keeps However, the school council has be starting up winter sports. These FHS alive, and as a student there been working with administration to include basketball, winter cheer, myself, I truly do hope that provide “questions of the week’ as track, and hockey. Track is being well as sell their “Dinner for Two” delayed into the Fall II season, be - our students and staff will keep books, one of the school’s most cause GNBRVT (Greater New Bedford their spirits up, and make the successful fundraisers, that are Regional Voc-Tech) has not agreed to most of what we ve got. currently on sale. start track. Fall sports and others that Recently, the election for class are being delayed are being put into officers was held, and Mr. Hevey this new season called Fall II which will minute variety shows…then share shared how COVID affected it. happen after the winter sport season. with the public digitally,” said Mr. “Voter turnout is much lower Hockey is TBD, with ORR (Old Young. because students have to log on to Rochester Regional) making this final Just like sports, drama club vote,” he said, since voting was done decision. members will have to keep these new electronically rather than the The new and improved rules that regulations in mind while rehearsing traditional ballot. have been instilled because of COVID, and performing. Meeting together as a group has revolve around mask-wearing, social Speaking on the new struggles he’s also been a challenge, but meeting distancing, and sanitization. Athletes had to face because of COVID, Mr. through Zoom may become an option are essentially mandated to wear Young stated, “The hardest part very soon. masks at all times, aside from about restarting this year is letting go The school spirit, Blue-Devil, carpe scheduled mask breaks. Some of the of the traditional format of a staged diem culture is what keeps FHS alive, social distancing precautions include production while trying to maintain and as a student there myself, I truly assigned seats on the bus, distancing all of the elements that make the do hope that our students and staff markers on the bench, and staying drama club special. There is will keep their spirits up, and make the suggested six feet apart at all something magical about the creative the most of what we ve got. times before, during, and after energy of 75+ students working on the Happy New Year! Kitchens To Fit Your Fitzgerald Company Lifestyle & Budget Your Hometown Roofing Visit Our Showroom Specialist for 25 Years • Full Service Computerized • Fine Cabinetry in as Little Roof Replacement and Emergency Repairs Kitchen Planning as 3 Days • Free In-Home • Custom Cabinets & Gutters and Chimney Work Measurement Service Countertops We also offer clean-outs and disposal services All work is guaranteed • Call for a free estimate Fairhaven Lumber Co. Shawn Fitzgerald • 508-353-3224 508-993-2611 Lic. #139884 120 Alden Road • Fairhaven, MA

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 11 Not official...but still cool By Beth David sentiment, saying she was “starting rest of the body followed,” said Ms. Editor fresh,” for the new year. And, she Perry. “It feels good.” The annual Fort Phoenix Polar noted, she was a first time plunger. A group of cousins decided with Plunge, usually held on New Year’s “That was unreal,” said Ms. their uncle and dad to brave the cold day, was canceled due to the Donovan after the little dip, adding waters. pandemic. But that did not stop a she would “absolutely” do it again. “I did know [it was canceled], but handful of hardy souls from jumping She said she had heard of polar we still decided we were going to do it into the 45’sh degree water. plunges, but it was never on her no matter what,” said Lucas. “It’s a Kate Donovan of Freetown and “radar.” great way to start 2020.” Steve Gleason of Fairhaven said they “It was cool,” she said, which is The official plunge is free, but the did not know the plunge had been fitting because the official t-shirt organizers usually sell T-shirts to canceled. They decided to jump in usually says “Be Cool — Plunge.” raise money for scholarships for high anyway. “Refreshing,” said Mr. Gleason. school students. They will still be “Just to wash off 2020 and start “2020 is out of our system.” awarding scholarships and are asking 2021 fresh and clean,” said Mr. “The feet are the first to go,” said for donations. If you would like to Gleason, who has plunged a few Ms. Perry. “I need to thaw.” donate, please make checks payable times. “It’s been a rough year for After a minute or two, she decided to DFS Polar Plunge, 100 Cedar St., everyone.” it was all good. Fairhaven, MA 02719. Ms. Donovan agreed with the “As soon as I got my feet warm, the

ABOVE LEFT: A group of family members/cousins jump in the water at Fort Phoenix on 1/1/21 even though the annual polar plunge was canceled due to the pandemic. ABOVE RIGHT, L-R, FRONT: Ryder, Jameson, dad/uncle Gary, Slade; L-R, BACK: Lucas, Vance, try to pose for the local free sheet after jumping into the 45’sh degree water at Fort Phoenix on 1/1/21, although the annual polar plunge was canceled due to the pandemic. BELOW L-R: Kate Donovan, Steve Gleason, and Jean Perry react to the cold water as they head back from their plunge into the 45’sh degree water at Fort Phoenix on 1/1/21 even though the annual polar plunge was canceled due to the pandemic. Photos by Beth David.

Page 12 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News Fire Chief Timothy Francis retires after 42 years with dept. By Beth David difficult. The worst days are the ones plus I have great people behind me.” Editor where a life is lost, or someone is He sang the praises of the office staff, Tim Francis has had a good run... injured. the firefighters, and especially the well, lots of runs, fire and ambulance “No chief likes to lose a building or a administrative assistant Kristine runs to be exact. After 42 years in the life,” said Chief Francis. Austin: “She keeps me out of trouble.” Fairhaven Fire Department, 22 as chief, One of the worst was when he had to So does Todd Correia, who is deputy Mr. Francis is retiring. notify a friend, a co-worker, of a family chief, but will take over as interim chief His tenure saw lots of changes, member’s death in a car accident. It was now, and then chief. including the move of the ambulance deputy chief Donn Fletcher’s sister who No on is “an island,” said Chief service from the police department to was killed, and he was on the scene. Francis, they all have to rely on each the fire department. Firefighters had to They did not know who it was until other. “I trust them with everything I be trained as paramedics, the whole do.” shebang had to be outfitted. He He said he wants everyone to know negotiated with the hospital ambulance what a great place Fairhaven is, a town service for equipment, the union for the he was born and raised in, and can’t new job requirements, and town imagine living away from. He loves officials for everything else. living in town, he loves seeing people at Mr. Francis started with the depart- the grocery store and they know his ment as a call firefighter in 1979, was name. appointed as a permanent firefighter in “I want people to realize what a gem 1982, rose to the rank of lieutenant in we have in this town,” said Chief 1993, was appointed deputy chief in Francis, with good people, a great place 1995, and replaced Chief David Crowley to raise children. “Everybody knows in 1999. everybody.” “Dave Crowley taught me a lot,” said “If you fall in the street, somebody’s Chief Francis. going to pick you up, and no one’s going By far, the biggest thing was taking to walk over you,” he said. over the ambulance service. Chief The chief is looking forward to Francis said for firefighters to become Fairhaven Fire Chief Timothy Francis sits spending time with his first grandchild, paramedics is “all part of rescue,” and behind his desk at the Fire Station on an activity that COVID-19 has restricted being first responders. 12/29/20, one of his last days on the job so far. “It goes hand in hand,” he said. before he retires on 1/8/21 after 42 years The chief also disclosed that he had The department now runs three with the department, 22 as chief. Photo by the virus, had pneumonia. He was ambulances, and they are “going Beth David. worried, but did not have severe constantly.” later. symptoms. Department personnel are also “Then we realized it was her. That The best part of the job was “just training constantly, allowing them to was one of the worst days,” he said. knowing that you’re helping people,” he branch out with things like COVID Another tough day was the Oxford said, adding that people call the fire testing. Pub fire, which resulted in one man’s department for all kinds of reasons. Of course, not all days are filled with death and one man severely burned. He’s proud that they always try to help. training. Some days, you have to use Chief Francis said he was the first “It’s the best feeling to have helped,” that training. It can be extremely one to pull up in the ladder truck he said. rewarding, and it can be extremely because everyone else was out on a He recalled helping a woman whose call. That made it harder, being alone parakeet got out and they rescued it. for those first minutes. And, he had to “She was so grateful, we got it and drive the ladder truck, something he put it in the cage.” had not done in a long time. He said people call when they have “But the good days outweigh the water in their basements, and they bad,” said the chief. “There were a lot pump out when they can. of good days.” “We don’t just put out fires,” he said. He enjoyed going to work every day, Call, ask, you’d be surprised what they enjoyed the people he worked with, can help with. enjoyed the challenge of meet ing the People show their appreciation, too, needs of Fairhaven and the wider he said, by dropping by the station with public, too, through his member ship in baked goods and other goodies. a couple of state and regional He tells his firefighters: “Treat them organizations. like you would treat your family. Open “I’m a guy that needs a challenge up your heart.” every day,” he said. “You never know Not everyone can do it. Fairhaven Fire Chief Timothy Francis gives what you’re going to run into every day. “You learn from it,” he said, adding a big smile to the local free sheet on It could be a false alarm, or a working that the worst part of the job is 10/6/19 at the department’s annual fire safety demonstration. Neighb News file house fire.” disciplining someone. photo by Beth David. “It’s been a very fulfilling career, CHIEF: cont’d on page 21

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 13 Fairhaven Fairhaven Senior Center Recreation Center 508-979-4029 • 229 Huttleston Ave Supportive Senior Day Care Program, 9-3 • 508-993-9455 Open Mon-Thurs, 6 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri., 6 a.m.-6 p.m.; Sat., 8 a.m.- Respite Care: one day, half-a-day. Regular rates apply. 2 p.m.; Closed Sunday • 227 Visit our website at: Huttleston Ave, 508-993-9269 http://fairhavenma.virtualtownhall.net/Pages/FairhavenMA_COA/index https://www.fairhaven- ma.gov/recreation-department Fairhaven Council on Aging The Gym is Open! The Fairhaven Council on Aging the van. The van will be thoroughly We have socially distanced! Senior Center remains closed to the sanitized after each use. Volunteer All cardio equipment has been public until further notice. The staff is moved to the gymnasium. No Medical transportation has not yet appointment is required. We are available to take phone calls and to been resumed. assist you in any way possible. open regular hours. At this time no The Dental Hygienist other activities will be allowed in the Holiday Schedule gymnasium also no rentals Preventive dental services are • Locker rooms will not be open The Senior Center will be open for being offered by Mobile Dental • Members must bring in their own calls half a day, December 24 and 31. Hygienist. water bottles or purchase from The Center will be closed on Please call 508-827-6725 to set up December 25 and January 1. machine. an appointment or with any questions. • Members must wear masks upon Transportation [email protected] entering and exiting building • Members must sanitize equipment The COA van will run Monday Fuel Assistance after use through Friday beginning at 8:00 a.m. Recertifications • Members must adhere to social for in town shopping and errands as distancing guidelines well as daily trips to Market Basket. For new applications, call Maria • All members must stop to wash All passengers will have their Grace at PACE at 508-999-4473. If you hands or receive sanitizer upon temperature taken before entering the have any Questions, please call Phyllis entering the building van and must wear a mask while on at the Senior Center at 508-979-4029.

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Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 15 Acushnet swears in new police officer, promotes two others By Beth David Editor The town of Acushnet welcomed Travis Ferreira to the ranks of the police department as a part time officer in on 12/9. Mr. Ferreira, 23, is a lifelong Acushnet resident and a graduate of Fairhaven High School. He holds an Associate’s degree in Criminal Justice from Bristol Community College and graduated in September, 2020, from the Southeastern Massachusetts Police Training Academy (SEMPTA) permanent intermittent police academy hosted in part at the Acushnet Police Department. Mr. Ferreira will be working as a ABOVE: Travis Ferreira part time officer once he has is sworn in as a completed his field training program part-time police officer with the department, wrote Acushnet by Acushnet town clerk Pamela Labonte on Police Chief Christopher Richmond in 12/9/20. LEFT: Travis an email. He said Mr. Ferreira will Ferreira poses in significant additional training in all front of the big sign areas including firearms and at the Acushnet Police dispatching. Department after he is “When a full time position opens sworn in as a part-time police officer on 12/9/20. up for him, Travis will have to attend a full time academy,” said Chief Submitted Richmond. photos. Also on 12/9, the Selectboard appointed two part time officers to Municipal Police full time status. Nathaniel Turgeon Academy this has already completed a full time month. He will academy and began his full time achieve full time employment on 12/13/20. status upon “WE GO WHERE THE PROBLEM TREES GROW” Part time police officer Dominik graduation in • TREE REMOVAL • LOT CLEARING Sullivan-Souza was scheduled to May, 2021. • AERIAL BUCKET TRUCK & BOBCAT SERVICE begin the full time Cape Cod • FIREWOOD • PRUNING OF LARGE HISTORICAL TREES DIVORCE CONSULTATION • YEAR ROUND SERVICE • Before You Take The Next Step SPECIALISTS IN LARGE DIFFICULT TREE REMOVAL • Pre & Post Divorce Mediation • Family & Relationship Issues Free Estimates Lorri Seibert Woodacre Attorney and Counselor at Law • Wellesley & Mattapoisett 508-993-3588 [email protected] | T 781-237-6020 | F 1-800-852-2470 Fairhaven

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4%'* A$6?$"B* $"5';)* $';9=@(?* 8$6B* "* :6BA'@@&'* I#<)* "$'* ZW'<* 6&'$* 5%'* CD* B6(5%;* 68* 5%'* '=':5$#:* ;9AA=>* "?$''B'(5*.HV,3*8$6B*E"(9"$>*020/*5%$69?%*S':'BI'$*020CF*4%'*!"#$%"&'(*GH,*A$6<9:5*6Y'$#(?;*"(<*$"5';* Electric aggregation7#==*I'[* program renewed Press Release The town of Fairhaven announces '12/J57/;2!/-82 "-./0-123!@2F-7:8! 4')!5>=53-:!/-82J that it has renewed its electricity /-82! +5;-:!P/223!DCQ aggregation program for another 35 R-J.;!J2/1.;2! "-./0-123!+5;-:! "-./0-123!+5;-:! "-./0-123!R-J.; months starting in January 2021. No !S/2J.@23=-:! P/223!GCQ P/223!DCCQ action is required on the part of the ;7J8562/JT current program participants as +''5;*;5"5'* /2K*#(*"<<#@6(*56* D2K*#(*"<<#@6(*56* /22K*#(*"<<#@6(*56* +''5;*;5"5'* they will continue their electricity $'('7"I='* ;5"5'*$'('7"I='* ;5"5'*$'('7"I='* ;5"5'*$'('7"I='* $'('7"I='* service automatically with the new '=':5$#:#5>* '=':5$#:#5>*;5"(<"$<; '=':5$#:#5>* '=':5$#:#5>* '=':5$#:#5>* supplier, Constellation. ;5"(<"$<; ;5"(<"$<; ;5"(<"$<; ;5"(<"$<; The Fairhaven CEA program is part M2F//NN01PR% UCVDCWEG M2F/0\\D1PR% $0.144201PR% M2F/2\]21PR% of a larger electricity purchasing group, providing Fairhaven residents Duration (7/-=53O!A-37-/9!BCBD!H!(2;26I2/!BCBL! January - June ^$6<9:5;*<';:$#I'<*";*P/223!:6(5"#(*$'('7"I='*'=':5$#:#5>*"I6&'*5%"5*$'L9#$'<*I>*;5"5'* and businesses with competitive 2021 choice and longer-term price ="7F*4%'*"<<#@6("=*$'('7"I='*'=':5$#:#5>*L9"=#Z';*86$*+,*G=";;*X*<';#?("@6(*"(<*:6B';* stability. 6(=>* 8$6B* ;6="$)* 7#(<)* "("'$6I#:* <#?';@6(* "(<* =67J#BA":5* %><$6* =6:"5'<* 7#5%#(* _'7* The new default program rate H(?="(*;#W* electricity than required by state law. B6(5%;*86$*$';#<'(@"=*"(<*:6BB'$:#"=*"::69(5;*"(<*'&'$>*5%$''*B6(5%;*86$*#(<9;5$#"=*"::69(5;F** The new default rate is $0.10865 per kilowatt hour (kWh) from January G9$$'(5*!"#$%"&'(*$';#<'(5;*"(<*I9;#(';;';*7%6*"$'*A"$@:#A"@(?*#(*5%'*GH,*A$6?$"B*7#==*I'*"956B"@:"==>* 2021 through December 2023. The 5$"(;#@6('<*56*5%'*('7*<'8"9=5*'=':5$#:#5>*$"5'*";*68*5%'#$*E"(9"$>*020/*B'5'$*$'"<*<"5'F** Eversource Residential Basic Service electricity rate is $0.11882/kWh for that contains no additional renewable Disclaimer: Savings cannot be the six-month period January electricity beyond the state guaranteed as compared to Basic through June 2021. In addition, the standards. More information about Service rates which change every six program also offers two options with the program and all the options can months for residential and even more renewable electricity than be found on the program website commercial accounts and every three required by state law and an option masscea.com/Fairhaven months for industrial accounts. The program Current Fairhaven residents and rates, resulting businesses who are participating in from a the CEA program will be auto- competitive bid, matically transitioned to the new are fixed over the default electricity rate as of their 35 months of the January 2021 meter read date. electric supply Those who do not want to agree ment (ESA) participate in Fairhaven CEA can opt from January out without penalty or change to a 2021 through different program option at any time December 2023. on the program website masscea. The Fairhaven com/Fairhaven or by calling the CEA product supplier Constellation at 833-461-0813. offerings and For more information about the rates are noted in program, go to masscea.com/ the chart (above). Fairhaven Fairhaven Neighborhood News Ad rates • Call 508-979-5593 • Email: [email protected] 1/16 page 1/3 page vertical (only) One week run: $26.00 One week run: $130.00 4+ weeks: $21.00/week 4+ weeks: $120.00/week ($84/month) Color: $144/mo. ($460/month) Color: $640/mo. 1/8 page 1/2 page vert. or hor. One week run: $45.00 One week run: $125.00 4+ weeks: $31.00/week 4+ weeks: $105.00/ week ($124/month) Color: $184/mo. ($420/month) Color: $620/mo. 1/6 page vertical (only) Full Page One week run: $77.00 One week run: $230.00 4+ weeks: $55.00/week 4+ weeks: $178.00/week ($220/month) Color: $340/mo ($712/month) Color: $952/mo. 1/4 page One week run: $77.00 Classified: $7/first 3 lines, 4+ weeks: $52.00/ week $1.00 each additional line ($208/month) Color: $328/mo. 3,200 copies every week

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 17 From our readers Pantry says “thank you” success goes to the much needed and donated over 100 turkeys that were This letter of thanks goes out to all appreciated newspaper articles from handed out the week before the generous people who contributed The Standard-Times and the . Thanks to the Long money and/or non-perishable food to Fairhaven Neighborhood News. Also, Plain United Methodist Church, our 18th annual Shepherd’s Pantry a BIG thank you to some of the area’s located at 1215 Main St. Acushnet, for holiday fundraiser. With a monthly businesses, churches, schools and housing the Shepherd’s Pantry. expenditure of over $7,000.00 used to non-profit groups and organizations Without this church, we would not purchase food that is either running that have donated their time and have a home. Also, thanks to the low or out completely, monetary money towards our yearly venture. Fairhaven Stop & Shop bakery donations are necessary to keep the I’d also like to acknowledge the department for handing out day old pantry running smoothly. Blanche donors who have visited our web site, bread and pastries each Friday that Pepin, the pantry’s administrator, and shepherdspantry.org, and felt are ultimately handed out on all of the hard working and dedicated inspired to help our cause. Saturday mornings at the pantry. volunteers, handed out thousands of Another big contributor this year And finally, the food bins located at food items during this past year. And was thanks to the The Greater New the Stop & Shop Supermarket, with the pandemic that ravaged our Bedford Track Club and Union located in Fairhaven and the area’s 7 world this past year, we continued to Running from Fairhaven for their hard Churches, where generous people hand out much needed food every work of promoting and running our have dropped off thousands of week as safely as we could, each annual Turkey Trot road race. pounds of non-perishable food this Saturday between the hours of 9 and However, this annual Thanksgiving past year, will continue. If you have 11 a.m. event went virtually this year because any questions about the pantry or “We've been impressed and of covid19. need help, please call 508-763-9289. gratified by how many contributions Also, I need to thank Skip’s Marine Gerry Payette, Holiday fund raiser made to the pantry were from an Inc., who donate their time and much coordinator and Executive Director extremely generous group of first- needed truck to transport the food Mattapoisett Rail Trail time donors,” said Ms. Pepin. “In that is delivered to the pantry work continues throughout the year. A big thank you these unprecedented times, so many To Our Supporters: Thanks to your goes to the Raymond Canastra family have stepped up to help the less generosity, we have accomplished so who donated over 200 turkeys and fortunate.” much together during this challeng - the Hawthorn Medical workers who A BIG thank you for this years LETTERS: cont’d next page

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Page 18 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News LETTERS: cont’d from previous page ing year. The Shining Tides construc - everyone to follow the rules. It is also owe it to those people to give your tion continued with minimal delay, important for every business to best. our Fall Fundraiser for the Marion follow the rules. The vast majority of We all under stand things come up Connector was a huge success, and local businesses are stepping up and in life. I have children. I have family. I our regional biking and walking paths ensuring a safe place to enter and have a career. However I have provided a bit of solace for us all. stay for a while. Those that aren’t are commit ments. Your com mit ment is to WISHING YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY achieving an unfair advantage over give the town your presence once per SEASON AND A HEALTHY NEW YEAR! those that do and I, for one, want to week plus whatever commit tees you The Friends of the Mattapoisett be able to reward those who are choose to oversee. Rail Trail watching out for me and my loved Meetings are typically on a ones by visiting their establishments. calendar well ahead of time and it is A new year, a new idea A solution: the posting of the your job to plan. I have missed Fighting the Covid 19 pandemic temporary occupant load at a place meetings but I have never needs to be job #1 for every public of high visibility by the entrance of an complained and begged for sympathy health official. While the federal establishment. That way, we can see because I was simply too busy. We’re government provides funding and the what the rules say the number should adults and we are responsible for our state provides regulations, I believe be, take a quick look around and actions. there are several steps our local make a decision, based on facts. To Mr Chairman (of the Selectboard) government can take that might help some it won’t matter but for those you should be ashamed of yourself. slow the spread of this persistent who want to make an informed You sat in front of the town and talked virus. decision it would be helpful. about how tough it is to be you. You Here is one new idea. I’ve done some research. Go to a told us how difficult it is to do the job Every place of public assembly has restaurant in Reno, Nevada or a you asked us to choose you to do. an established maximum capacity, cafeteria at the University of Tennes - This is obviously too much for you. referred to as the “occupancy load.” see and you will see a prominent sign Your temperament has told us this for Typically, the certificate that shows stating the number of people who some time. Your lack of professional - that number is posted on a wall. You should be in that facility in these ism has told us. Your immaturity has would be hard pressed to find it in Covid times. If the occupant load told us. Your handling of debate has most locations. Effective on Decem- changes, the number on the sign told us. Your response to disagree - ber 26th, the state reduced the changes. Seems sort of simple. Seems ment has told us. Your whining has capacity of certain places in order to pretty informative. Seems like a new told us. Your bickering has told us. reduce the threat of community idea for Fairhaven. Your flirting with resignation has told spread of Covid 19. This change lasts Kevin A. Gallagher, Fairhaven us. until at least January 10th and, if (Kevin Gallagher is a candidate for Maybe there was a time when you things don’t get better, will probably the Fairhaven Board of Health) had the love for the job, the town, be extended. and/or the people. However, today Given that we, the general public, Public servant means you you don’t have that love and on don’t know the original occupancy choose to serve behalf of the people we tell you number, how do we determine when The great thing about being a simply we don’t want to be in a we walk through the door if a facility public servant is that you choose to relationship with someone who isn’t is in compliance with the reduced be a public servant. People don’t going to love us the way we deserve. number? choose their race, gender, orienta - You made a suggestion to a woman For example, my wife Cindy and I tion, etc. However you make the who asked you a question that people decide to catch a quick bite at a local decision to serve others. In the event need to get involved. Her track record restaurant. We enter wearing masks, that you’re unsure of this desire, speaks for itself. That woman has are shown to our seats and read the there are steps and hoops to jump volunteered her time to making this menu off our cellphones. We look through. There are signatures you town better and fights to do so. That around and see several other patrons have to gather, there’s a campaign to woman’s name is Ann Richard. doing the same. The staff is keeping run and there are votes to earn. If any good has come from the busy. Is this scenario in compliance As you go through a campaign, you abusive relationship you have with with the December 26th regulation? tell people the type of servant you’ll the town, is that there is someone We don’t know. Are we at risk? We be and why you’re the one for the job. willing to love the people and love the don’t know. You ask each person for their vote town waiting to serve the people. If we are going to turn the corner and upon winning the election, you Leon Correy, Fairhaven away from Covid it is important for

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Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 19 SELECT: cont’d from page 4 Mr. Furtado said he had “zero Mr. Freitas said it is “tiresome” what ends up on the broadcast.” problems” stepping aside. “Honestly, I getting “beaten up” and said he wished The Neighb News has requested won’t be offended whatsoever.” people knew “the full aspect of what’s several times that boards end the Mr. Freitas said he preferred to avoid going on” and that people shouldn’t practice of muting the sound of Zoom appointing a department head to the judge him for putting his livelihood virtual meetings during recesses, committee “because it could be con- ahead of his town obligations. arguing that the press and the public sidered later on that ‘you owe me one.’” At a meeting on 1/4/21, Ms. Graves would be able to hear the conversations Mr. Furtado pointed out that the was formerly appointed as interim TA. that take place during a recess with a Board of Public Works oversees those She will get her regular salary quorum present in the room if there positions, not the TA. (approximately $114K) plus a stipend of were no pandemic restrictions. When Mr. Freitas asked if anyone on $25/hour for 40 hours/week for a total of “You’ve done an awesome job,” Mr. the Selectboard had a suggestion for an $1000/week. Mr. Espindola tried to get Freitas told Mr. Frates. “I think some appointee, Mr. Espindola said that he the other board members to pay a people are going to complain no matter was surprised to see Mr. Furtado’s name smaller amount, saying she cannot what happens….” on the agenda since the board had not possibly spend 40 hours a week at her Mr. Freitas then addressed the met to discuss Ms. Carreiro’s resigna - job and 40 hours a week at the TA job. practice of not allowing members of the tion or a candidate to replace her. He also noted that if she were to get the press to physically attend board “It [is] a joint appointment of our TA job permanently, they would either meetings throughout the pandemic, a board,” and the community’s response have to increase that salary by tens of development that the Neighb News has called for a woman appointee,” said Mr. thousands of dollars, or she would take attempted in vain to rectify multiple Espindola. “This committee deserves to a pay cut. times. have a woman on it.” Ms. Graves started getting the According to Mr. Freitas, Governor Mr. Espindola said he reached out to stipend the next day, 1/5. Mr. Rees’s last Charlie Baker announced that “press Sewer Superintendent Linda Schick to day is Friday, 1/8. wasn’t allowed” to attend meetings ask her if she would be interested, The board discussed at length the physically. adding that she holds a bachelor’s hourly rate, the termination clause in “[We are] not telling them they can’t; degree in science, two master’s the governor basically said we can’t,” degrees — one in marine biology and stated Mr. Freitas. one in business administration — and In that regard it may be useful to However, in an email from town has been a town employee since 1987. consider that the governor’s list counsel Thomas Crotty on 11/2/20 that “I thought that concept was a good of essential workers which was in went to all three board members, Mr. one to tie Public Works in,” said Mr. Rees, and the Neighb News, Mr. Crotty Espindola. “I feel strongly that a woman effect last spring did include disputed that claim, writing: “Unless the should be that person, and I feel that news reporters [Town Counsel court rules otherwise, my Linda Schick is very qualified to be in Thomas Crotty email] understanding of the governor’s orders that role….” is that it is up to the local board to His motion to appoint her was not determine whose physical presence is seconded. the contract, and the vacation policy, essential, and who can otherwise attend Mr. Silvia then suggested Cathy deciding Ms. Graves would get paid the remotely. I am not aware of any legal Melanson for the seat, adding that she stipend in addition to her regular salary requirement that the press be allowed had been a member of the first search for holidays. to physically attend public meetings committee when Mr. Rees was hired. Also during the 12/21 meeting, Mr. when the public in general is not. That is Ms. Melanson, however, is not a town Espindola asked to address emails that left to local discretion. employee, Mr. Espindola pointed out, resident and local activist Diane Hahn “In that regard it may be useful to but she does sit on the Planning Board, had sent the board about alleged consider that the governor’s list of which has an appointment on the selective editing of government essential workers which was in effect committee. meetings posted to the Fairhaven public last spring did include news reporters.” “The [appointment] was supposed to access channel. Ms. Hahn was Mr. Freitas further stated that “You be for town staff,” said Mr. Espindola. specifically concerned about the rarely saw [members of the press] “It doesn’t have to be,” said Mr. recording of the 12/2 Board of Health here,” and added, “You say ‘no,’ they Freitas. “It’s the three [Selectboard meeting, during which BOH member want it even more.”* members] who choose.” Michael Ristuccia called her a “jerk” a He again claimed that allowing the Resident Ann Richard asked to speak split second after the gavel sounded press to attend is “not really our and pointed out that the first TA Search adjournment. The comment could be decision.” He said if the press were Committee meeting was that prior heard when it ran live, but was allowed to attend, then there could be Monday and that while Mr. Freitas subsequently cut out on the town’s upwards of “ten press members,” which appointed himself, he did not attend the website. would interfere with the board’s ability meeting. Mr. Freitas said he could not Director of Public Access Derek to allow people on the agenda to attend. avoid a work-related conflict and would Frates said there has never been any *A Neighb News reporter has be present at the next meeting. He said intentional editing of anything recorded physically attended nearly every regularly he is busy between his job and his role during public session, except for the scheduled Selectboard meeting for the on the Selectboard, but Ms. Richard occasional recess mid-meeting. last 16 years; and during the last few replied, “You chose yourself, knowing Sometimes “things come out in human years, our reporter has often been the you were busy….” error,” he said. “Everything in session is only reporter in the room. Page 20 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News CHIEF: cont’d from page 13 community” and they are happy they NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR “But it’s a necessity of the job,” he picked a woman, but made it clear that CLASSIFIEDS said. is not why they picked her. FAIRHAVEN ALARM SYSTEM, SINCE 1976 “I’ve had a good run of 22 years as “It’s not about her being female, it’s Burglar, Fire and Camera Systems. chief,” with good men and women he about her being qualified,” said Mr. Ask about our low rate on U.L 24-hour alarm worked with, and he got to see the Correia. monitoring and FREE MONITORING. Ms. Nichols said she could see the Replace your old alarm system with a new department “come a long way.” system for as little as $299 Complete “We came out of the dark ages in 30 opening was coming up and started FREE ESTIMATE: 508-992-7633 years,” said Chief Francis, noting that studying for the exam about a year and LOCAL ELECTRICIAN: now they respond to all kinds of a half ago. Others took the test, too, but 28 years’ experience. Lic. #13901A. disasters and hazards such as oil spills she passed it. Small jobs preferred. Old houses a specialty. She said she has plans for the new Generator hook-ups. Eric, 774-849-0425. in the harbor, marine rescues. “And people call us for everything.” role, but it was “premature” to be HANDYMAN He also said he is leaving the talking about them, but, “I have my own Painting, Leaf Removal, Cleanouts, Carpentry ideas I want to bring forward.” Gutters Cleaned, Power Washing, Tiling, department in good hands, with Mr. 12/17 Sheetrock. Call Ernie T. at 774-770-7425 12/17 Correia set to take the reins, and Joy She downplayed the significance of being the first woman in the job. RAY THE PLUMBER: Professsional Nichols appointed as deputy chief, the plumbing and heating service you can afford. first woman in that job. “I’m just happy to be given the License # 16266. Call 508-958-0925. ongoing “Todd will do an awesome job as opportunity,” she said. “If you can do FIREARMS SAFETY COURSE State approved chief,” said Mr. Francis, adding that he the job I really don’t see why it makes a for Mass. license to carry firearms or FID card. will take the department into the future. difference one way or the other.” Call Phil Lacerda, 508-989-6093. ongoin “I’ve worked under him my whole She said she never had trouble with FIND ’EM career,” said Mr. Correia, adding that the men in the department: “Once you BAD CHECK • REPO • JUDGEMENT when he started as a call firefighter, Mr. establish you can do what anyone else (Atty. Disc.) can do you really don’t have any Ted Silva Investigations Francis was lieutenant, and then http://www.TSInvestigations.net appointed him the first EMS training issues.” In an email statement, Selectboard ALL PHASES OF CARPENTRY Roofs, decks, officer in 2005. “And from there he’s sid ing. Small jobs, big jobs. Free estimates. Call been a real great mentor.” chairper son Daniel Freitas said he Dave, 508-971-0929. Ong “He’s a very smart individual,” said worked under Chief Francis as a call firefighter and the chief always wanted HOUSE CLEANING Mr. Correia. “He’s very politically smart Experienced cleaner, $15/hour and business smart.” “nothing but the best for his firefighters Call 508-991-1104 He said they went to the state house and in turn his hometown.” and everyone seemed to know Mr. He said the chief earned the respect Upcoming Meetings Francis by name. of the residents and they in turn gave the department what it needed. In-person attendance is restricted during Through his work politically and the COVID-19 crisis. The information on through organizations, he has “dis - “As a Selectman I have worked with how to join remotely is listed on the persed” a lot of money, maybe tens of the Chief on many occasions and it was agendas. Most meetings also run live on millions of dollars, to the southcoast. always a privilege to be able to work the government access channels, and “I don’t think people know that,” said with him. I’ve known Tim since I was a Fairhaven meetings are livestreamed at Mr. Correia. kid and my dad worked for the Fire FairhavenTV.com Department. I’m going to miss seeing Visit https://www.fairhaven-ma.gov for But it wasn’t always easy. remote access information “He’s a tough boss,” said Mr. Correia. him heading to calls and knowing his “He’s always been pretty tough, but guys would be [all right] because he Fairhaven fair.” was a great Fire Chief. I wish him much “He’s been a great mentor to me, and relaxation in his retirement!” Board of Health Town Administrator Mark Rees, who Wed., 1/13, Town Hall, 5 p.m. has prepared me for the next step,” said Mr. Correia. “I can’t wait to get started.” is also retiring this week, also had Broadband Study Comm Josh Benoit will be the new nothing but praise for Chief Francis, Thurs., 1/14, Remote, 6 p.m. lieutenant, and Ms. Nichols the new saying it was “nothing but a pleasure” EPA Harbor Update deputy chief. to work with him over the last five Wed., 1/13, Remote, 6 p.m. “We never like ‘yes people,’” said Mr. years. Correia, adding that Ms. Nichols was “He’s a consummate team player. He School Committee loves the fire department and the Wed., 1/13, FHS Library, 6:30 p.m. never afraid to speak her mind. “We like people to challenge the decision we are services it provides,” said Mr. Rees, Selectboard making so we look at all avenues.” adding that he has “seldom seen Mon., 1/11, Town Hall, 6:30 p.m. She’s very dedicated, he said and someone as dedicated as he is.” Town Admin. Screening “very union,” but she also under stands Mr. Rees said it takes a “special type Thus., 1/7, Town Hall, 4 p.m. her next role is a management role. of person get in situations and have the “But she’ll also be bringing that to calmness and capability and training to Acushnet the office,” he said, adding that she has deal with some pretty anguishing stuff a master’s degree in fire management sometimes.” Board of Appeals and is “more than capable, and we’re He said the chief leaves his depart - Tues., 1/12/21, Zoom, 6:30 p.m. excited. It doesn’t matter that she’s a ment in good shape. Conservation Comm female, she’s a qualified individual.” “He should be greatly appreciated Tues., 1/12, Remote, 6 p.m. He said they’ve been “watching the for his work,” said Mr. Rees. •••

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 21 502 1726 1045* 2244* 0601 1824 0003 1302* 0801 2031 0148 1422* 0448 1712 1054 2342 Friday 1 0916 2145 0210* 1454* 1020 224 549 1813 1137* 2334* 0649 1914 0030* 1401* 0851 2125 0238* 1515* 0530 1754 1142 ---- Saturday 2 1001 2232 0258* 1534* 1100 23 635 1900 ---- 1228* 0738 2004 0105* 1502* 0942 2219 0329* 1608** 0618 1842 0030 1230 SundayTIDE 3 1050 TABLE 2325 0344* 1615* 1144 ---- Public Hearings/Legal Notices US Army Corps of Engineers, Cape Cod 723 1950NOTE: 0024* All 1322* legal notices 0830 2058are available 0200* on 1558* the Neighb 1034 News 2312 website, 0421* www.NeighbNews.com, 1701** 0706 under 1930 the “Legal 0118 1324 MondayCanal/Piney 4 1144Point/Wing’s---- 0433* Neck 1702* 0017 12 Notices” tab on the top of the main page. Legal ads are also available at http://masspublicnotices.org, search 815 2044 0118* 1419* 0924 2151 0343*under 1651* “Fairhaven 1126 Neighborhood---- 0513* News” 1754** 0800 2030 0206 1418 TuesdayJan. 5 0021HIGH 1242 0532* LOW 1759* 0111 13 a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. 908 2138 0215* 1510* 1017 2243 0443* 1748* 0006 1219proposed 0606* 1847**location is 158, 166 0900 Main 2124Street, 0300and 17 1518 Wednesday2021 6 0117 1338 0646 1904* 0206 14 Acushnet Wing Road (Assessor’s Map 13, Lots 36, 38, and 001 2233Zoning 0309* 1555* Board 1110 2338 of 0553 Appeals 1851* 0100 131338A), 0700* owned 1941** by Delta Realty, LLC 1000 (c/o 2224 0354 1618 Thursday 7 0212 1435 0758 2006* 0305 152 The Zoning Board of Appeals is hereby giving 3. Case #2021.01.12A A case of Kevin Murray, of 75 056 2332notice 0358* that 1641*a meeting---- will1205 be held 0708 by 1952*the Board 0155 on 1410Lambert 0755* 2036**Street, Acushnet who 1100 is petitioning 2324 0448 for a 1724 Friday 8 0312 1541 0911 2107* 0413 164 Tuesday, January 12th, 2021 at 6:30 P.M. via Zoom Variance to be able to change the lot lines of his 156 ----Meetings:0450 1743 0036 1304 0813 2048* 0253 1508properties 0853 2132* located at 7 and---- 9 Kendrick1200 0548Street, 1830 Saturday 9 0418 1647 1042* 2213* 0522 17 Join Zoom Meeting: Acushnet. This request is being made under the pro - 033 1255 0616https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83297986217?pwd=d 1949 0135 1401 0911 2142* 0352 1608visions 0953 of 2228*Section 3.3.1 E: Development 0024 1300 Standards. 0642 1930 Sunday 10 0516 1742 1151* 2315* 0620 184 k4rUk5pY0loQXUveXBCSjJOMzB3UT09 4. Case #2021.01.12B A case of David Calheta, of 19 130 1350 0842 2059Meeting0234 ID: 1458 832 9798 1009 6217 2235* 0451 1710Darling 1054 Street, 2325 Acushnet who is 0118 petitioning 1354 the 0736 Board 2024 Monday 11 0606 1831 ---- 1249* 0712 19 Passcode: 480063 for a Special Permit to be able to construct an 224 1446 0956 2204 0336One tap 1602 mobile 1107 2327 0550 1812accessory 1156 ---- apartment at his Darling0218 Street 1448 address. 0836 2124 Tuesday 12 0654 1919 0009* 1352* 0803 20 +13126266799,,83297986217#,,,,,,0#,,480063# This request is being made under the provisions of 322 1547 1057 2257 0443US (Chicago) 1708 ---- 1200 0646 1912Section 0020 3.3.1 1255 B (1). 0312 1542 0924 2212 Wednesday 13 0742 2009 0102* 1440* 0854 21 +16465588656,,83297986217#,,,,,,0#,,480063# Please note that the October 20th, 2020 meeting 421 1645 1146 2337 0542US (New 1802 York) 0015 1250 0738 2007went 0112 as follows: 1350 Case #2020.07.28A 0400 was 1630 continued, 1018 2306 Thursday 14 0830 2058 0200* 1510* 0944 22 Dial by your location Case #2020.10.20A was continued, and Case 510 1732 ---- 1231+1 312 0628 626 6799 1846 US 0059 (Chicago) 1338 0824 2056#2020.10.20B 0201 1439 was granted a Special 0454 Permit. 1718 1112 2354 Friday 15 0917 2145 0245* 1529* 1031 22 +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) ***Plans are available for Public view in the Town ---- 2358Meeting ID: 832 9798 6217 Clerk’s office during their normal 0542business 1812 hours.***---- 1200 Saturday 16 1002 2231 0321* 1549* 1117 234 Passcode: 480063 FNN, 12/10/20, 12/17/20, 1/7/21 551 1812 ---- 1316 0710 1927 0143 1425 0907 2141 0246 1524 0542 1812 ---- 1200 Saturday 16 1002 2231 0321* 1549* 1117 234 ---- 2342PUBLIC HEARINGS 0636 1900 0042 1254 Sunday 17 1048 2319 0354 1616* ---- 12 1. Case #2020.07.28A A continuation of the case of Get the Neighb 628 1849 New---- England1359 Retail 0751 Development, 2008 0228 LLC 1510 c/o 0947 Tom 2222 0330 1607 0730 1948 0130 1342 Monday 18 1137 ---- 0429 1649 0033 125 Pratt, who is petitioning the Board for a Special 705 1928Permit 0001 to 1425be able 0832 to open 2049 and operate 0045 1550 a gas station 1027 2302 0412News 1648 by 0818email 2042 0218 1436 Tuesday 19 0010 1228 0513 1730 0125 134 and convenience store with drive-thru, within the Get the Neighb News delivered 744 2009Village 0032 Business 1336 0913District. 2130 The 0123proposed 1626 location 1106 is 2342 0455 1730 0912 2130 0312 1524 Wednesday 20 0100 1318 0614 1825 0215 14 158, 166 Main Street, and 17 Wing Road (Assessor’s directly to your desktop. Email us at 825 2051Map 0110 13, Lots 1407 36, 0951 38, and 2207 38A), 0208 which 1701 are currently 1146 ---- [email protected],0536 1811 1012 2224with 0400 your 1618 Thursday 21 0148 1408 0727 1922 0308 15 owned by Delta Realty, LLC (c/o Mickey Higgins) and full name, and we will send you your 906 2134Tony’s 0153 Service 1442 Center 1026 (c/o 2243 Tony0255 Faria). 1741 This request 0022 1226 0618 1852 1100 2312 0448 1712 Friday 22 0239 1503 1029 2012 0414 16 is being made under the provisions of Section 3.3.2 very own copy of the Neighb News in 948 2217(B) 0238 and 3.4 1517* (A). 1057 2319 0337 1832 0102 1306 0700 1934 1154 ---- 0530 1806 Saturday 23 0337 1607 1122 2103 0521 17 2. Case#2020.10.20A A continuation of the case of a PDF. 031 2304New 0320 England 1554* Retail 1130 Development, 2359 0416 LLC 1927 c/o 0143 Tom 1349 0744You’ll 2017 get it bright 0000 and 1236 0618early 1854 Sunday 24 0436 1703 ---- 1200 0611 18 Pratt, who is petitioning the Board for a Variance to 120 2356be 0402 able to 1634* allow ----wall signs1209 in 0455excess 2014of 50 square 0227 1433Thursday 0830 2102 morning every week *= Predicted minus tides from -0.1---- ft. to -1.02158 ft feet and pole sign in excess of 15 feet tall. The without even leaving your house. **Predicted minus tides from -1.1 ft to -2.0 ft or more -- 1214 0451 1722* 0044 1254 0549 2054 0312 1521 0919 2148 0048 1318 0700 1942 Monday 25 0525 1748 1151 2249 0650 190 050 1307 0552 1822* 0133 1344 0905 2132 0359 1613 1010 2236 0130 1400 0742 2024 Tuesday 26 0607 1828 1156 2334 0726 19 141 1400 0704 1923* 0223 1437 1003 2210 0448 1708 1105 2327 0212 1442 0824 2106St. Wednesday Anthony 27 0646 of 1909 New---- 1229 0802 20 234 1457 0810 2019* 0320 1541 1103 2251 0540 1807 ---- 1202 0254 1524 0906 2148 ThursdayBedford 28 0727Federal 1952 0019* 1309* 0840 20 334 1602 0915 2117* 0429 1658 1158 2335 0635 1907 0021 1300 0336 1600 0948 2230 FridayCredit 29 0811Union 2037 0107* 1353* 0920 214 435 1703 1023* 2218* 0535 1802 ---- 1252* 0730 2006 0115 1357* 0418 1642 1030Your 2312 SaturdayCommunity 30 0856 Credit 2123 0159* Union 1436* 1000 22 529 1754 1124* 2315* 0630 1855 0018 1350* 0825 2104 0210 1453* 0506 1730 1118 ---- Sunday 31 0941 2209 0249* 1516* 1042 23 Did you know you can buy out THE CAPE COD CANAL EXTENDS FROM CAPE CO RISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! your leaseCLEVELAND contract? LEDGE LIGHT IN BUZZA We can help! EASTERN STANDARDSubmission TIME of Town EASTERN STANDARD TIME cted Minus Tides from - 0.1 ft. to - 1.0 ft. 2020–2019: 1.99%** APR 5* YRS= Predicted Minus Tides from - 0.1 ft. to - d Minus Tides from - 1.1 ft.Meeting to - 2.0 ft. or more Articles 2020–2019: 2.24%** APR** = 5Predicted YRS Minus Tides from - 1.1 ft. to - 2.0 RENT TURNSPursuant APPROXIMATELY to Chapter 15 MINUTES 50, Section BEFORE, 2 of the Town of NOTE: SANDWICH CURRENT TURNS APPROXIMATELY 1 ENT TURNSFairhaven APPROXIMATELY By-Laws, 15 MINUTES all citizen AFTER. petition articles for WINGS NECK CURRENT TURNS APPROXIMATELY 15 the May 1, 2021 annual town meeting, including street acceptance articles, must be submitted in writing with the signatures of not less than 10 voters to the Board of Selectmen, Fairhaven Town Hall, 40 Center Street, Fairhaven, MA by February 8, 2021 at 4:00 p.m. Petitions can be found on the town webpage at https://www.fairhaven-ma.gov/board- 1743 Acushnet Ave., New Bedford, MA 02746 selectmen/pages/licenses-and-permits *APR = Annual Percentage Rate. **For qualified borrowers only. Rates subject to change. Fairhaven Board of Selectmen Some restrictions may apply.

Page 22 Thursday, January 7, 2021 Fairhaven Neighborhood News Indoor Seating and Take-Out Septic System Install & Repair Foundation Excavating Kitchen Water Main-Water Service Building Demolition Open Sewer Excavation Repair Concrete Coring till 9:30 Roof Drains — Catch Basins Site Work — Stumping – Grinding p.m. Trucking Rental & Deliveries — Loam, Gravel, Stone Full Low Bed Service — Dump Trailer Services menu Rock, Stump & Brush Removal & Disposal available for pick- Stone Driveways up or Dumpster Rental Disposal Service: 15 • 20 • 30 • 40 Yard delivery Tree Service Call 508-996-9212 for reservations or take-out. Bucket Truck • Chipper Service Now serving full bar and breakfast daily: Single Trees to Complex Lot Clearing Weekdays at 8 a.m., Weekends at 10 a.m. TRIVIA IS BACK: Thursdays at 7 p.m. Free [email protected] Lic. & 125 Sconticut Neck Road, Fairhaven • 508-996-9212 Estimates 340 Converse Rd., Marion, MA 02738 Insured www.BaysideLoungeFhvn.com

Fairhaven Neighborhood News Thursday, January 7, 2021 Page 23 NEED HELP TO SELL? General Contractor We buy cars CASH • Not Enough for Your trade-in Licensed General Contractor • Estate Sale for 40 years • Lost License • Giving Up Your License • Divorce • Illness Our Services Include All Aspects • For Any Other Reason of Your Interior/Exterior Remodeling Needs FULL SERVICE DEPT. OPEN Materials Supplied by ABC Supply Company Custom Auto Sales & Service 14 So. Main Street • Acushnet, MA 02743 Marc A. Gadbois • 508-992-0226 508-984-5667

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