Companion Cube

DIxD Honours Project Project Booklet

By Jack Thakore Rodger Dedicated to Sam Lewis, who's laughter, joy and life gave us all the confidence and inspiration to just be ourselves.

2 3 Special thanks to my ever-loving and encouraging parents. Who have inspired, Foreword supported and talked sense into my ever frantic mind, everyday without fail.

And let me stay in the house until the grand ol' age of 27. ❤

4 5 Contents

• Foreword

• Acknowledgements

• Introduction

• Design Process - Discover - Define - Develop - Deliver

• Critical Reflections

• Advice for Future Years

• Final Note

the throwdown’

6 7 University Aiden Johnstone, Alex Binyon, Wiktoria, Anne, Acknowledgements Companions McCubbin, Elliot Cansfield, In no special order, a heartfelt thanks to everyone who have Ethan Hunt, Jamie Carlyle, helped make my entire university journey so memorable. Matthew Ross, Anna Holly Walker, Lachlan Mitchelmore, Jodie Musset, Kerri Graham, Sinclair, Beth Shannon, Izzat, Matthew Milroy, Lois 欄 Gurus Houlihan, Chris Blair, Glithero, Patrick Bourne, - Tiernan Haugh Summer Jade, Malcom Brough, Rachel Blair, - Patrick Stevenson-Keating Bradley, Calum Orr, Angus Dan Sayer, Charlie Kleobe - Rachel Farquharson Stevenson, Lucy Carrie, Rogers, Craig Reoch, Lauren Staff - Neil Dawson Ishbell Dickson, Gareth Donachie, Charlie Johnstone, - Andy Ross McMurchy, Katie Mckinlay, Jessie Delatoucsche, Oscar - Dr Andrew Cook - Craig Lamb Emily White, Madeleine Van Cripwell, Stefanie Chant, - Dr Paul Gault Dam, Lydia Perrin, Cory Paula Shalke, Emily Millar, - Ewan Steel Research West, Berdan Kaplan, Jade Alana Spence, Claire Hartley, - Martin Skelly Participants Chau, Jack Fletcher, Calum Belle Manning, Connor - Gary Kennedy Laird, Christy Tukalo, Eilidh Finlay, Naomi McGuire, - Martin Skelly - Chika Inatimi Macleod, Sammy Corbett, Sofie Tait, Daniella Levins, - Professor Graham Pullin - Tom Inns Laura Ewen, Kelda Young, Ruaridh Wood, Patrick - Rachel Menzies - Rodney Mountain Owen Pyles, Finlay Grant, Heger, Lindsey Walker, - Jason Nelson - Sandy Kennedy Finn Rush Taylor, Mina Freya Macleod, Helen Stout, - Metal work Jason - Annie Hosie Curran, Chi Vo, Ellie Jane, Kirk McGrady, Lucy Dickie, - Robert Jackson - Barrie Pullar Ewan Watt, Carys Please, Peter Carluke, Charlotte - Canteen Alison - Holly Stansfield Ben Akkari, Zoe Gibson, Kate Baillie, Seona Mackay, Big - Gwyneth Stewart Harvey, Blair Boyle, Lauren -D, Dervla-duncan-Cox, Donachie, Grant Milne, Fin- Jamie McGregor, Daniella Alumni Test Dummies tams-Gray, Kellie Laonnou, Mendes, Kate Bruce, Pablo - Arooj Alim - Jamie Brown Anna Simpson, Natasha Boy, Rodriguez, Kerina Nepali, - Julie Cumming - Amy Bryson Mhairi Cook, Sophie Gibb, Adam Koval, Richy Lettice, - Jenna Maudlin - Annie & Lily Hosie Rachel Fleming, Suki-Suki Ife, Laura Porteous, Elaine - Chris Wesley - Adam & Dean Stewart Tenbucki, Yiwen Jin, Jignyi Simpson, Jordan Remy - Callum Laird - Lucy Carrie Zhang, Kit Dickson, Peter O’Brien, Molly Nicolson, Ross - Cara Pirie - Ishbell Dickson Bentley, Kieran Rutherford, Young, Deanne Small, John - Kirsten Mae - Julie Thakore Rodger Russel Craig, Dave Garrow, Millar, Megan Baxter, Niamh - Shobhan Thakore Glen Craig, Andrew Arthur, Browllie and more. 8 9 Introduction

About the  Designer Am I meant to write this is Jack Thakore Rodger is an first or third person? Interaction Designer based in Dundee, Scotland. Curated from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design, Okay back to normal tense. Jack has a previous career in construction, which he was surprised to find has a lot of Let’s try the third. similarities with design Core Values Aspirations - makes sense really. Be curious and ask stupid Continually learn and gain He enjoys design that questions. experiences. sparks wonder, curiosity and conversation through Any any chance push Help pioneer the industry meaningful experiences that yourself into the unknown or into its next phase. can connect people together. uncomfortable. Get in touch ✍ Become a Design Leader/ Most of all, Jack likes Help inspire others Educator. [email protected] colourful walls and looking twitter/insta: @jtr-ixd mildy uncomfortable getting "Enjoy yourself, its lighter Eventually give back to his photo took. than you think" - SC Dundee/ Scotland.

10 11 Are you sitting comfortably?

12 13 Let’s begin.

14 15 Design Process

 Welcome, to Jurassic Park.

No, not really - obviously. But this is my behemoth of a design process. I found Miro a great way to track progress, refer to research, share with others and stay on the bus.

Click here if you’d like to take a donder through...

16 17 Discovery

The Idea The Approach

Growing up I experienced I coined the phrase: and noticed a particular trend in how us Scots often “The eyebrows that get tend to tear each other raised at anyone who dares Gonzo Research down, instead of build each to be different” This was very much an other up. Dr Cook said this happy accident. I had always was an excellent starting tied loosely with wanted to paint my nails, and point and off I went. as I was getting the paint “Is it, shite being Scottish?” applied to Anna I thought And literally just started “fuck this would work really chatting to people. well for my research”. - Worked a treat. Pink to make the boys? A more, boots on the ground, undercover, first hand account of checking if my bias was right...

18 19 Nail Comments “Jack I love them!” “I’m sorry mate but what the fuck is that on your hands?” “Like you turning Gay?”

“Nothing against your nails girlfriend” “Nice nails sistaa!”

“He should never have painted his nails?” “NICE nails Dude!”

So what’s going on with “YOU GAY?” the whole nail situation? “You going for the whole metro-sexual look?” “MATE WHAT ARE YOU WEARING ON YOUR HANDS?”

I guess you could say my  bias was confirmed - and that my friends are pricks.

20 21 Secondary Research

The thinker of “the eye brows that get raised at someone who Tender thoughts dares to be different” By Sheil Silvertsein Peoples eyebrows would in fact raise and instantly I re-discovered this relate, as a result. illustration quite early on during some secondary Conversations would flow research. naturally onto anecdotes and opinions of times the I found the illustration individuals had experienced incredibly powerful. It such a moment. highlights the precise issue I was exploring. This connection purely from passing conversation It is raw, depressing, and provided a great drive for completely relatable. this project.

Living in fear of judgement Sheil’s illustration just about of others is something that brought me to tears in the we all have suffered from library. It is layered with greatly whether its growing detail and something I up or later in our adult life. decided I wanted to explore We are constantly doubting more later in my research. ourselves.

Its such a common issue that whenever I would quote:

Why do you think he leaves a single flower?

22 23 Primary Research

Rodney Mountain understanding of your core Kicking things off with a values and strengths. series of 1:1 semi structured interviews, we had Rodney I liked the imagery and Mountain, a South African symbolism this provided. - BFG. Rodney shared interest into my project To me a corner represented after discussing it at my ear strength in its structure, appointment. safety in its the protection it provides and the opportunity Rodney experience moving for growth by being a here in the 70’s as a Junior foundation. Doctor shed light on the fact of whether this I took inspiration for this was a Scottish issue or later in my cultural probes, international issue. and ultimately this first conversation ended up He shared anecdotes of becoming the crucial first trend setting by removing domino in my process. doctors ties and talked more personal mantras. I remember later down the line opening up a random One of which stood out, booklet in the studio and was his belief Radio 1 DJ discovering that Rodney was Zane Lows “Build your own a commonly featured Guru corner” mantra. Exposing within DJCAD. that to build confidence you must first develop an “Fucking right”. I thought. 24 25 Tom Inns

Tom inns, a well respected Design Consultant, educated me on Scotland’s lack of diversity and how its monoculture can lead to small mindedness.

Tom shared a personal anecdote about only ever feeling English when he moved to Scotland. Highlighting the contrast in different cultures.

26 27 Annie Hosie

On a much more ground level about diversity leading to basis, Annie managed to confidence and acceptance, reinforce Toms theories and when sharing her personal suggestions. experience moving from school to college. She amplified the thought

28 29 Chika Inatimi

An incredible hour long conversation with quite possibly the most selfless man on the planet.

Chika Inatimi, a man dedicated to facilitating others hopes and dreams, shared deep insights into the history of Scottish Culture and particularly Dundee’s part in it.

He offered fantastic perspective in the issues regarding people being held back structurally and how we’re all dreamers.

30 31 Sandy Kennedy history of pioneers.

Tom linked me with One particular story Sandy Kennedy, CEO of stood out, when he noted Entrepreneurial Scotland. about Edinburgh's famous alleyways were designed in Sandy graciously gave me a such a way that you would 30 mins of his time to prod often get engineers, medics his perplexed brain on the and scientists bumping and issue. brushing shoulders with each other. He provided me with a deep historic insight into Scotland Excellent for innovation. 32 33 Infinite Insights Channelling my inner Xzibit ... of insights. and put my affinity maps insights into one large collective affinity map...


34 35 Cultural Probes

Better late, than never. Late December I issued out cultural probes packs. These were heavily inspired by “A Presence Project”, and I was in the search for ‘rich-textured fragments’ of human life.

Sketching ideas of possible methods

I sent out 6-8 packs just before the height of the Christmas lockdown, smashing stuff.

36 37 Build your Wall - inspired Dream Catcher - What got in by Zane Lows Corner the way of your dreams? philosophy.

I asked users to empathy Self Explanatory. I asked map a selected illustrations participants to do one in the in Sheil’s drawing. future, and one in the past.

 ✏

38 39 Define

40 41 Summary


At this point my primary research had uncovered just why we tend to be judgemental pricks at times.

It is largely down to our local environment, mono-cultural and people being held back structurally.

These all attribute to small mindedness and as a result, we tend to not like change.

Because we aren’t exposed My A3 board displayed on Guru's day. to it enough.

42 43 Guru’s Day

Insert Caption Here


I don’t have much to say spaces for people to pop into Feedback on this apart from I really meetings and share thoughts enjoyed watching that many collaboratively with ease. Hearings everyone positive The best advice I received colourful cursors float about. and encouraging feedback was from PSK, who was a great buzz, if a little suggested I set an outlandish Don’t get me wrong COVID intimidating. end Goal such as pitching to sucks and i'm sure it was the first minister. So watch nothing like the proper The interest generated out big Nic, I’m coming for experience. co-created a higher you. level of pressure to meet But it really has brought to expectations. But a good Shoot for the stars, land on light the benefit on online drive none the less. the clouds, eh. 44 45 Prototype 1.0

This was a result of the 15min quick and dirty prototype storm session. More symbolic in its nature, I used a catapult as a visual metaphor to express what I wanted my, ‘whatever’ it was Ideation I was going to do, do.

The catapult demonstrates the output; the participant provided with a mechanism to overcome their fears or anxiety.

And so, the big question was:

What was the mechanism?

46 47 Develop

48 49 Onwards & Upwards 

Mission Statement  Core Values

I created a mission statement Along with the statement I to help steer the bus a bit. defined some core values to And my god did it do just follow in the next stages: that. I would often refer back to it in stages of research • Do, don’t think and reflection. • Lets make a change. Not knowing what I was doing or where I was going • Enjoy yourself, its lighter was really starting to stress than you think. me and this was the best thing I could do to help ease These were inspired by key that. parts of my research.

or is it upwards & onwards?

50 51 A bottom heavy Do, don’t think. solution, to a top I was fairly lost. heavy problem What I did know though, I was faced with a hurdle was the mechanism had to ahead of me. Time was tick- be people. And that if our ing and I STILL didn’t have a environment and culture are clue what direction to take the problem, then equally my project it. they can be the solution.

Dr Cook advised to jump So it was time to just dive to the finish line, and think into testing some user about the design language, experiences. and packaging to help me visualise what it could look “Do or do not, there is no try.” Yoda - Design Philospher like.

This worked a treat and my neurons were firing off all sorts of ideas of what the product could feeeeel like.

Okay that’s two too many Leo’s totum was his wedding ring. pop culture references 52 53 User Testing

The format

So, to help get the ball rolling I organised a few zoom calls and began testing experiences on people.

The first version was an “Quite healthy to do this” incredibly stripped down #1 Brothers version of participants “Very constructive” identified key strengths and weakness, visual identities Dean, 25 and Adam Stewart, “I didn't realise I smoked on first themselves and then 23 we’re my first pair of THAT much, I should each other. guinea pigs. probably stop.” It was purposely basic and The experience was “I know you inside out” on the nose, but I was more positively received. so testing the different Comparing they're two “As brothers, you don’t often reactions on different sheets, they knew each talk about these things” relationships of people. other extremely well but still managed to learns something knew about “Funny to see what we themselves in doing so. think of each other, its quite beneficial to be reminded”

54 55 “I’m going to put this on my wall its so cute”

“Your so much more confident than you think”

“You’ve put self assured, but im not”

“-No I would say you really are”

“You’ve got me down to a T” #3 - Strangers or decided to chatted #2 Bestfriends about if they chose to do “Life is so fast, I don't think Jamie Brown & Amy Bryson so. Jamie and Amy were Lucy Carrie & Ishbell Dickson about often about what I’ve completely gracious and achieved” Considered the most playful, gave it their all, given the Again, the test was well- unexpected and very much a unusual circumstances. It received. Perhaps the most “fuck it we’ll just try and see was expectedly awkward interesting insight was both what happens” the Jamie at times. Yet, users still participants viewed each self and Amy, had never met managed to identify much more negatively then before. key traits off very little they viewed each-other. information. highlighting the value in But being good friends with doing such a experience. both, I knew they’d make a I decided that if I was too good match and give it their pursue exploring strangers In this iteration I began all. connections more, the playing with timing and experience would require a alternative traits, giving the They were tasked the completely different tasks users the freedom to pick same as before, with only and chose. information that they And so I thought best to could see on the screen, focus on what works . 56 57 Feedback

Overall feedback from the interesting angle to explore. experience was that it was The fact that these sheets productive, worthwhile and could be kept as time good to have a trigger to do capsule and/or record of something. progress stood out to me.

Up until this point, I was the The first few drafts of these mechanism bringing the attempted to solve some of people together, so I knew I the issues that came up in would have to develop more the testing such as silence, of a physical format for the or lack of freedom. experience.

Prototype #2

As part of the discussion post tests, users were fond of keeping and sharing their partners results on them.

This idea gave birth to the post card format. It was almost two birds-one stone, with the ability to post the sheet forward.

Letters/postcards hold deep sentimental value to people - I think my mums kept any Christmas cards I’ve ever made!

To me this was a really 

58 59 Feedback Denise, Andrew & Graham

Each tutor I reached  out to provided an excellent response in their  User Testing retrospective minds. Self Annie & Lily Hosie Andrew understood my concerns of self doubt and it I was reasonably chuffed Post Mark 2 presentations being too simple. that I had actually been able I issued out a few copies of to produce a prototype, the product to gain some Denise balanced this with especially after spending so more feedback. encouragement and the long having no idea how this support to go on. thing could look. These two copies that came back from Annie her sister, Graham offered a more I was slightly suspicious lily. Were highly detailed, analytic view of the process that most of the positive and suggested a few a delightful and colourful response. textured data into how they feedback was bias of people viewed each other. options. wanting to please me. It was really hard to know. One major issue that arose from this, was 3rd party My own bias in my head posty privacy concerns. was troubling me too, I Perhaps users wouldn’t didn't think it was anywhere want to be so personal and enough. After asking myself revealing. "would I be proud to present this at degree show" i A good issue to solve. very quickly came to the conclusion that I had push and build on it MORE.

60 61 A recreation of Holly's Cube. Knife for scale/hold the form. Thinking Through Prototype #3  Making fiddling with blocks and This was a lengthy and After deciding I that I need to shapes until, at the end of And so, it dawned on me complicated process getting push it further, I was on the the zoom call I discovered I that I could prototype this right but through constant hunt for inspiration. had made this cube which experience with paper, user testing and feedback I reminded me of a childhood creating Prototype 3. dialled it down to focusing on This cube shaped blocks puzzle. three aspects. came from my hands looking The postcard would evolve for something to do whilst on "Beautifully sexy" was into a team building puzzle Simplify - the process, a unrelated zoom call. scribed on the top block and experience, asking users to Meaning - develop the my curiosity was triggered, create cubes on each other, purpose It was Holly's 'Build your sparking me to to explore with each face representing Digital - help make it FUN. Corner' that was at my more. a different value or theme nearest vicinity and it wasn't 樂 about the participant. Postcard to puzzle, what long before my hands were 'Hmm' I thought. next? a jig saw? 62 63 Storytime

2 participants fill out each The fold the flat profiles These shapes form a cube, Users gain insight into their flat profile block on one and together to make 7 No tetris which they then exchange. respective cube. other. like shaped blocks

64 65 Welcome! What’s this? Who are you? Purpose: Physical What’s this all about, why are you in my house? Together you will explore themes of:

Hello, and welcome to the Partnership Companion Cube Experience! Traits Your friend Bentley has sent Desires you this pack to complete together. Development Identity Your personal ID is: #947-678-124. Inspirations Arrange a time with Brian, and use your ID to log in to: Embracement to begin the experience.

(Or if your playing in person, just ignore that bit. It means Contents: absolutely nothing to you) Each box includes the following items: Basically, we here at Companion Cube are sick of the world tearing  1 x Set of instructions(this) ‘Che’ itself apart and decided to do Founder and all-round gg  7 x Flat Profile A4 Blocks something about it. And out of This was of a process of trial everyone in the world your friend  3 x Different types of pen(lucky you) Brian chose YOU to do it with.

So good luck and we do  1 x Card Glue hope you both gain something from it. and error.  1 x A little Plynth

with love,  1 x Re-usable Packaging che x

 1 x Cheat sheet

Each iteration, print, test experimented with: materials, Building the Cube instructions, logic, questions, Struggling to put it altogether? Here’s a little cheat sheet “Self-Help-Guide”. tone, graphic design, glues, shapes, folds, timing, fidelity, Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Collect your blocks Start with a central “L” shaped block next. Slot in weird piece. material strengths, thickness together. block. of cards, etching, colour and more. Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8

Add “C” block. Zig-zag block. Don’t worry we struggled et voilà ! with this too... *chefs kiss* It was a time consuming process, and these photos only highlight a small percentage of the noocks and crannies I was working out.

Slowly but surely, the I gained a solid understanding of what works best and the final prototype reflects a multitude of innovation, logic and reasoning, with only a small A little plinth for users to display their cubes proudly.

Getting the text orientated was a particular nuanced brain tickler. 66 67 Digital  Development

Working on the digital aspect engaging environment to of the experience allowed help participants form a bond me to focus on two areas of and memorable experience. improvement: Gamification and Branding. the idea of an online platform Hero Page Personal ID log in was originally due to COVID Using Figma, I created restrictions and wanting to a basic design system, break the digital divide with components and began a fun experience you can developing the over all feel both share from the comfort and look of the website. of your own homes.

The service would offer I'm glad I used both a mainly two things. physical and digital aspect to my product, 1 because 1. A sign up service to its tested my own creative accommodate purchasing making and 2 its purpose is and delivery, with character really strong. Style guide, components and frame Character personalisation/user form, customisation to add to subtle but engaging details the personalisation of the experience

2. A platform for users to log into their live streams together with instructions, music, sound and visual effects.

This contributing to Digital timed experience Pointers and instructions throughout. developing the playful and

68 69 Purpose  Development

A man that needs no I designated one rule: introduction, Matthew Ross helped me develop 'No Direct Questions' the purpose aspect to Companion Cube. Onwards we went. Brainstorming, chatting shit Matt has the most and up to our usual fantastical, often tomfoolery. philosophical and down right hilarious brain. The key insight from this experience was for the faces He has the ability to make to be a mixture of funny and you feel like the funniest poignant, to make it overall person on the planet. A rare more engaging and powerful. quality that could I've never came across before. Top: Front: Right: In the box below, draw where you both Who’s their What could they be If they could kick Money? imagine yourselves in a year from now, top idol? champion of? anyone in the balls, Fame? and agree to review. Don’t be scared to dead or alive, who would Happiness? OR push yourselves into the unknown... it be and WHY? ______Sign What do they need a Where are they most and date: kick up the arse for? likely to open a world famous oyster I set the scene in the 2nd restaurant?

Number of pet cats? List everything Date night with: Name their favourite 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, that both need Nigel Farage HYPE tune? OR 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, to do, to make year studio, blessed with Ed Milliband? 11, 12, 13, 14, your dream 15, 16, 17, 18+ together a reality: beers and quite possibly one Partnership Inspirations Desires the best studio views in the entire UK, if not planet.

I tasked us with exploring Bottom: Back: Left:

Cross off untrue statements : Most similar Draw their most Their How does the world look tall, handsome, funny, famous TV greatest through their eyes? themes of possible faces gorgeous, sweet, savoury, character? embarrassing achievement? outgoing, in- going, high moment: jumper, skittles or M&M’s, allergic to____, long arms, One thing new hot sauce ingredient to their secretWhats the big toes, What would they do Whats something on the cubes. Up until now good hugger, they must they’ve held themselves try this week? better dancer, in a hostage back on before? smells similar situation? to ____,winner, loser, caring, gherkin- lover, they had been place holder, selfie-taker, What do they What’s their most irrational fear Draw what you admire caring leader, never shut and what’s the first step they can do about them: nail-bitter, up about? to over come it? animal lover/ on the nose, so this was muncher? the opportunity to give it a Traits Embracing Identity strong sense of purpose. A beautiful metaphor of our university career if anything. From A to B

70 71 Final few Prototypes

I lost count at how many iterations and tests of the cube I had done.

If I was to take a wild guess I’d would be in the range of 15-20, if we include the quick paper fuck ups then that figure is easily doubled, if not tripled.

The three blocks on the far right were just before the final coloured version to the exact right.

I used three of my best pals to test experience on myself, which I can’t wait to show them.

I toyed around with the branding for social media and it might just because they’re all gorgeous humans but the aesthetics and overlay work really well together.

72 73 Deliver 74 75 Project Statement

We are a nation of pioneers, grafters, and most importantly dreamers. Yet all too often we hold ourselves back in fear of judgement from others. This begs the question; how much talent and potential have we lost from doing so?

Exploring this problem space, my research revealed this is due to several underlying issues such as our local environment and history. However, if people and their surroundings are at the root cause, then equally they are the solution.

‘Companion Cube’ looks to solve this complex issue through a thought-provoking and confidence-installing team bonding puzzle. It utilises both a physical and digital experience to create a playful and meaningful environment for participants to explore themes of identity, inspirations, dreams and more.

Ultimately, ‘Companion Cube’ develops a partnership between two individuals. By holding each other accountable it aims to encourage growth, trust and the safety net to push each other into pursuing our ambitions. Why does this help?

Because nobody is self-made. One Great Image

I chose this image to showcase the keepsies aspect to an individuals cube.

76 77 One other One final Great Image Great Image

This focus on the digital I wanted to show the experience highlighting the experience in alternative guides and helpful pointers face to face scenario. and setting within someones house. “Serendipities” is a local cafe in the town centre. Its ethos and purpose is to promote mental health, well-being and positive community engagement. A perfect match for the Companion Cube.

78 79 Sorry I lied here’s one more. I really like the lightening and framing.

80 81 Critical Reflections

Project Personal

I had a fascination with terms of 'Companion Cube', It’s important to acknowledge But equally important to wondering what my final it doesn’t get much more some of the lows that ran acknowledge, is that I years project would look creative, engaging and parallel with this project. got through them, we got like from day 1 of starting playful than that'. We're no stranger to the through them and I will University. Four years later this years own difficulties, always continue to get here I am. Sat with it in front I even managed to enjoy but providing that on top through them. of me. In the library at 11pm UI, which is an incredible of producing two of the on a Sunday right. accomplishment in itself. largest bodies of work we've This project brought a lot curated, was a different of positivity and happiness, It's grown with me and I’ve On top of this I've just gravy altogether. and I’m very much grateful to grown with it. I didn't quite generally develop in terms of have such a large distraction realise just how right they confidence of knowing what There was times where to focus on, instead of the were when declaring that I like and don't like, can and stress, anxiety and repeated world ending news final years projects become a can't do. Its pretty neat. depression would hit hard. and existential crisis'. value of you as a designer. And there was nothing to Turns out you can teach an do but just embrace it. Its not about the problem In terms of project goals, old dog new tricks. Frequently I found myself that defines you, you're I had one over arching exhausted, and bed ridden determined by how you deal set goal to do something for days. with it. creative, playful and engaging. And I think in Let the lows define you.

82 83 Advice for Future Years

 Your process will benefit greatly as a result.

4. Welcome failure as an Heyo opportunity to learn. If you do something right the first Things that I wish I knew time then your probably before heading into this final doing something wrong. years project: Don’t put too much pressure on the final result. Focus on 1. Nothing really matters the p-p-process. and the universe does not care about you. (well i kinda 5. Finally, and most knew that already but it’s still importantly: important. ) Remember to sing and 2. If your struggling with a dance the entire time. starting point, approach a really abstract point of view Good luck, and I cant wait to or something you may have see each years projects with noticed. From there go wide an even better appreciation in your research then you’ll of the experience. be faced with almost too many angles. Like me.

3. Be honest with yourself, your project and core values. 84 85 Dear Future Self enter the next chapter of life with your head held high. Jack, Your eager, anxious and a Its me - you. Only younger, little bit devastated to be more handsome and with a finishing. But you’ve had a lot more hair. blast from start to finish and shared some of the best I want you to write you this moments of your life so far letter to let you know that with loved ones. you should be proud of yourself. Don’t look back at And I don’t think that’s going uni with any regrets, in fact to stop anytime soon. don’t look back at your 20s with any regrets. You took Best of luck later in life, every opportunity that came your way and are about to You x 86 87 A final thanks and Goodbye.

88 89 For now...

90 91