SoccerNews Issue # 4, July 4th 2016 Continental/Division Tires Buettnerstraße 25 | 30165 Hannover Alexander Bahlmann Phone: +49 511 938 2615 Lukas Podolski (left) played his first tournament Head of Communications & E-Mail:
[email protected] match against Slovakia. He said he enjoys every Public Relations PLT moment at EURO 2016. Photo: Imago SoccerNews # 4/2016 2 News Football Association (DFB) is one of the youn- gest with an average age of just over 25 years. But right from kick-off a very clever, strong Löw the fire- fighting Italian team presented themselves with a 2-0 win over Belgium. Since the “Azzurri” then ousted the 2008 and 2012 European champi- extinguisher ons Spain 2-0 in the first knock-out stage, there has been no doubt about the extra class of Germany’s next opponents. Back in 2006 Italy won the World Cup title from a similar initial Italy remain the most feared op- position. Prior to the World Cup in Germany a ponents for the German national sporting disaster had also been predicted for the Italians. team, for they have never won a major tournament encounter Loew loves the big games with the most pressure against the “Azzurri“. If the World Loew’s message to the media reads: The hot Cup champions defeat the Itali- and cold coverage, moulding the attitude of the millions of fans in Germany, is too diver- ans, they would meet the winner gent for my liking. The cool man from Freiburg of the match between France considers it excessive in both directions, sug- gesting that his team was almost ousted from and Iceland in the semi-finals.