DIRECTORy.1 . ORS~TT. 221 gravel and clay. The chief crops are wheat, barley and POST OFFICE.-Edward Knights, receiver. Letters from roots. The area is 4,381 acres; rateable value, £7,531 and Brentwood arrive at 7.30 a.m.; dispatched at 4.45 p.m. the population in 1881 was 1061. Letters for Nine Ashes through Ingatestone. The nearest ASTELYNS, otherwise Gapps, a hamlet in this , is money order & telegraph office is at Chipping Ongar remarkable for its ancient'seat, now a farm: here Thomas National School (mixed), built in 1867 for 125 children, with Howard, duke of Norfolk, is said to have concealed himself an average attendance of 8o; Thomas Daunt, master; when charged with high treason for abetting Mary Queen Mrs. Ann Daunt, mistress of Scots. Infant School, built in 1865, for 60 children, with an a"erage Parish Clerk, Edward Mead. attendance of 33, Nine Ashes; Mrs. Thirza Collett, mistress [Marked thus t receive letters through French James, farmer, Nash hall Radrick Richard, carpenter Ingatestone.] Graves George, chimney sweeper Saltmash Henry, grocer Bond Rev. Wm. Henry M.A. Rectory Hodgson George, Red Lion inn Shaw WaIter, Two Bl'ewel's Charrington Nicholas Edward, Marden Holgate Benjamin, wheelwright Smith Charles, solicitor, clerk to magis- Ash house Inge John, farmer, Chevers hall trates for the Ongar division, clerk to Chisholm Rev.Samuel [Congregational], Jordan Mannasseh, bakel" the guardians, assessors' committee Marden Ash King William Joseph, watch maker & rural sanitary authority of Ongar Cure Arthur Capel, Slate house,Marden KnightSaml. wheelwright, Nine Ashes union & to commissioners of taxes Ash tKnight Sam!. jun. wheelwrt. NineAshes & to the school board of Dagenham & Firmin George Peppercorne, Ashley Knights Edwd. shopkeeper, & post office superintendent registrar & steward of house, Marden Ash tLocke John, White Horse, Nine Ashes the manors of Stondon & Bobbing- Gilbert Josiah, Marden Ash' ' tMalyon Rt. marine st. dlr. Nine Ashes worth, Landview house, Marden Ash Low Rev.Chas. B.A. [curate],MardenAsh t Marriott Charles, farmer, & shopkeeper tSmith Frank, farmer, Spurrier Newall John Lightfoot J.P. Forest hall Nine Ashes Smith Samuel, farmer, Glebe Smith Chas. Landview ho. MardenAsh Martin Uriah, beer retailer, Marden Ash Snape Frank,farmer, The Wonts COMMERCIAL. t Maryon J oseph, farmer, Nine Ashes Spurge John, farmer, plumber, painter Allen Charles, shopkeeper, London road Mills Victoria (Miss), dress maker &glazier, Cooper's Hill house tAmos Robert, farmer, Larkins farm, Mills William, boot & shoe maker, tSteabben Elizabeth (Mrs.), farmer, Nine Ashes Marden Ash Orchard farm Archer William, bricklayer tMullucks Emily(Mrs.),frmr.NineAshes Stokes Richard, farmer, tax collector & Baker Matthew, farmer, Wardens Mullucks John, farmer inspector of nuisances & school in- Barltrop Henry, blacksmith tOliver Susan (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Nine quiry & attendance officer to the rural Bean Henry, farmer, Paslow hall Ashes sanitary authority of Ongar union Burton Alfred Edwin, farmer Palmer Jonathan & James, brewers Turner 'I\'alter, beer retailer tCaton Abraham,farmer & cattle sales- & maltsters, Marden Ash Wheal George, Wheat Sheaf man, Nine Ashes tParker William, farmer, Blewgates Witham James, fishmonger tDay George, beer retailer, Nine Ashes Pearson Josiah, beer retailer &shopkpr tWoolorton Jeremiah, farmer, New ho DerhamEdwn. beer retailer,Marden Ash Phillips George, shoemaker (the Horse's heath) is a village, parish and College, Oxford and rural dean of Orsett. Here is aLiter­ head of a union in the Southern division of the county, I ary Institute erected by the late R. B. Wingfield-Baker Barstable hundred, Brentwood county court district, Orsett f esq. of in 1860, at which lectures and concerts rural deanery, Essex archdeaconry and St. Albans diocese, are given twice in the month from October to May. 4 miles north-east from Grays station, 10 south from Brent- Here is a Congregational chapel erected in 1843, the wood, 6 north from Fort, 13 south-east from Rom- I Primitive Methodists have one at Baker Street. Charities, ford and 21 from London via Rainham. The church of St. Iamounting to £150 yearly, arising from benefactions left Giles and All Saints is a building of flint with stone faeings, in 1495 by Thomas Hotofte, by Alice, wife of Isaac consisting of chancel, nave, north aisle with transept and Heminge, in 1643, as well as by Ambrose Gilbert D.D. chapel, and a western tower of brick with a dwarf spire and others are distributed in bread, fuel, clothing and containing 5 bells. This church was of Norman founda- money, at the discretion of the rector. Orsett Hall is tion and rebuilt in the 13th century, but underwent exten- the seat of Captain Digby Hanmer Richard Wingfield D.L. sive alterations both in the Decorated and Perpendicular lord of the manor and principal landowner. The soil and periods; it is entered on the south by a fine Norman door- subsoil are various in different parts; the chief crops are way and presents a grand and spacious interior; the nave, the usual cereals and vegetables. The area is 4,220 acres; five bays in length, is separated from the north aisle by a rateable value, £8,353 ; the population in 188t was 1496. fine arcad~, the arches springing from circular or clustered BAKER STREET is I mile west and nearer Grays and the ~hafts while two very fine arch~s open from t~e chan~el Thames. ' mto.the north <;hapel; the ~ast ~ndow of four lIght.s With Pal'ish Clerk Richard Ridgwell flOWIng tracery In the head, IS staIned; on the south Side are' . three sedilia with Purbeck shafts and a trefoil-headed POST, MONEY ORDER & TELEGRAPH OFFICE & Savmgs piscina. An elegant screen of the ~4th century separates Bank.-William Powe~l, receiver. Letters arrive from the north aisle from its chapel and has some traces of at 7 a.m.; ~Ispatched at 5 p.m. Box: closes at colouring; the tower was rebuilt early in the 17th century 4.50 • L~TTER Box III the wall, Baker Street, cleared and has in its north wall a brass plate recording the bene- 5 p.m. daIly faction of Thomas Hotofte 1495; the font is Perpendicular: INsu.R~NcE A~ENTS:- . a vestry was built by the rector in 1865 and the chancel B1'ttts~ El'!ptre Mutual, W. Woollmgs, Baker street. aisle re-opened in 1870; the church will now seat about 600. PhuJnt:£ Ftre, W. Powell The church plate includes a flagon and paten, given by Mrs. Que.en, S. Sanders, Baker street .. Margaret Silverlock in 1575 and two silver alms-dishes Reltan~e if East of ~n.'1land Mutual Life, G. BIddell given by D. Harper and the Rev. Thomas Harper in 1677 Sun Fzre, Mrs. S. Fmch and 1705. There are brasses to Thomas Latham, 1485 ORSETT UNION. and Jane his wife (effigies lost) with one son and two Board Day, alternate thursdays, II a.m daughters, to Robert Kinge, parson, 1584, at. 47, with verses Orsett union comprises the followiug viz.:- in Latin and English, a small mural brass of a civilian, 1535 , Bulpham, Chadwell St. Mary, Corringham, East and another of six children, c. 1520. A large marble tomb Tilbury, , Grays 'fhurrock, Homdon-on-the-Hill, commemorates John Hatt, attorney of the City of London , Little , , North Ockenden, and once owner of this lordship, with a recumbent figure, , Orsett, Stanford-le-Hope, , Wes~ robed; in the chancel are mural monuments to the family Thurrock and ; the population of the union in af Baker and a brass to Dorothy Williamson, who reached 1881 was 16,286 ; rateable value, £89,743 . the great age of 104. Within the communion rails are the Clerk, Robert Lloyd Williams, Grays memorials of four rectors of this church: Rev. William CollectO'r to the Guardians, William Henry Sackett Gilbert D.D. 1640; Rev. Matthew Styles D.D. sub-rector of Relieving et Vaccination Officer, John Phillips, Grays Exeter College, Oxford and proctor, ob. 10 Aug. 1652; and Medical Officers if Public Vaccinators, Orsett district, Rea the Rev. M. Usko, ob. Dec. 31st, 1841. The register of Corbet, Orsett; Stanford-le-Hope district, A. W. Mercer, baptisms and burials dates from 1669; marriages, 1670. Stanford-le-Hope; Gray's distrtet, A. T. Roworth, Grays ; The living is a rectory, tithe rent-charge [1,225, with 10 Ockendendistrict, Alfred Haynes Mason,South Ockenden; acres of glebe and residence built in 1843by the Rev. I. Aveley district, M. J. De Brent, ATeley; Orsett Hamlet Blomfield, in the gift of the Bishop of St. Albans and held district, Arthur Clarke, Stock by the Rev. Richard Thomas Whittington M.A. of Brasenose Superintendent Registmr, George Biddell, Orsett •