
Young’s Park People

10 years on...... Issue 31 ~ Summer 2017 Your Annual General Meeting was held at the Conservative Club in Palace Avenue on Wednesday 21st of June. The meeting went very well and all your officers we re-elected for a further term.

Committee member, Major Ron Godwin, arranged the venue for us and our thanks go to him and the Paignton Conservative Club, for allowing us to host our A.G.M. there and also to Jenny Tozer - your treasure - for supplying the financial report.

Thanks also go out to Councillor Jane Barnby for arranging a wonderful cake to celebrate Young’s Park People’s 10th anniversary. We all enjoyed a slice of the cake with a drink after the meeting closed.

We were reminded, by a long standing member of P.A.G. That this group made been going even longer! In fact Palace Avenue Guardians was formed way back in 2003.

So a big thank you to members new and old who have supported your committee throughout the last decade. Here’s to the next ten years. Please continue to show your love and support by remaining members of these two active and award winning park groups.

A. G. M. News...... 1

Poppy grave...... 2

Judges are visiting...... 3

Bandstand Events...... 4

Contact Details...... 4 Anniversary Cake at our A.G.M. Grave Project Major Thomas Hill of the 47th Regiment has been at rest since 1815, in Young’s Park, actually long before the park was created in 1938 by the then P.U.D.C. - Paignton Urban District Council.

He died in the adjoining building that was a Napoleonic Hospital - now the Inn on the Quay. As he was a British officer, he was one of the few to be given a headstone. Many of the French solider's buried in the consecrated area of the park were not afforded the same respect.

His family, now living in Helston , still visit and lay flowers on the headstone.

The South West in Bloom judges in 2016 suggested that the grave needed tidying up and some TLC. This was brought up at a committee meeting of your group. After various ideas were discussed, it was decided that the planting of poppies would be fitting and add colour to the park. YPP volunteers then took action.

The first task was to remove and ‘treat’ the wild garlic which had taken hold of the grave. After digging out as much as possible, salt was used as an eco friendly way of killing off the garlic. Next weed matting - kindly donated by a YPP committee member - was laid and 2 x 100 litres of multi purpose compost spread over the area. Then four different types of poppy seeds were scattered and lightly raked over. With the regular watering and a lot of good fortune we now have a wonderful, vibrant display of glorious colour.

Our own little piece of Flanders in Goodrington.

2 Issue 31 ~ 2017 Judges have visited

Tuesday the 11th July was a very overcast, wet and windy day. Not ideal conditions for the national judges from Britain in Bloom to see our parks in all their splendour. As the Paignton entry was in the “Champion of Champions” category this year, we were graced with the Chairman of RHS South West in Bloom, Mr Jon Wheatley, accompanied by Josephine Spring of , judging.

The day started at Paignton Zoo, where the judges and some park group volunteers met for an opening speech from our deputy civic mayor - Councillor Ian Doggett. This was followed by a graphic display and commentary by Tim Ely - Chairman of Torbay In Bloom. After tea and biscuits Curator of Plants and Gardens at the zoo, Giles Palmer, showed the party around various displays. Major sponsors of South West in Bloom Our judging started at 12.15pm at the wildfowl conservation area. They spent some time walking through this area before inspecting the park, making notes about the flower beds, bandstand, planters and the floral boat display. They especially liked the effort put into the poppy grave ‘feature’.

After a spot of lunch they proceeded to Palace Avenue to meet our chairman, Councillor Christine Carter, who guided the judges through the park, pointing out the main efforts and accomplishments of the Palace Avenue Guardians.

Despite the negative weather the judges were extremely positive about what they saw in both of our parks.

Then, on Monday 17th July we had our “It’s Your Neighbourhood” entries judged by Richard Taylor, national judge, shadowed by a future judge from . Thankfully, the gods were good to us on this day, the sun shone brightly and showed our beautiful parks off in the very best of light.

They followed the same route as the South West in Bloom judges the week before - but without the umbrellas and hats and coats. Again they were very happy with the very high standard of presentation in both parks and our thanks must go to the Tor2 gardeners who, as always, pulled out all the stops to ensure the grass was cut in Young’s Park and the flower beds, in Palace Avenue Gardens, were just spectacular again this summer.

Results of both the Paignton in Bloom and the two “It’s Your Neighbourhood” will be announced at the annual presentation at the Imperial Hotel in on the 5th October.

So fingers crossed!!!

Volunteers watering the long flower bed - before the rains came!

New ‘bug hotel’ in the D bed Issue 31 ~ 2017 3 Bandstands Events We have held 4 events already this summer but we still have two more very special ones still to come.

On Saturday the 29th July we have a fantastic duo performing in the Young’s Park Bandstand. They are two professional singer song-writers, Dan Stokes and Katya Edwards, who both attended the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts. They play in numerous bands in London and Liverpool and are session musicians, as well as independent solo artists. One not to miss!!

On August Bank Holiday weekend, there will again this year be The Big Seaside Family Fun Day in aid of Rowcroft Hospice. Last year, the enthusiastic ‘girls’ with your help, raised an amazing £14 thousand for this remarkable charity.

So please come and support these two fantastic events.

Put these dates in your diary Now!!

Dan & Katya ~ Saturday 29th July @ 2.00pm

The Big Seaside Family Fun Day in aid of Rowcroft Sunday 27th August 11.00 to 6.00pm

Membership Renewal Due Don’t forget your membership re-newels were due in May. But it’s not too late. It’s is only £5 a year and don’t forget, that is for membership to both groups. We are still trying to make a difference to these parks we love.

Your help by being a member really does matter. It not only helps fund the plants for the flower beds but also maintain the boardwalks and the bandstand.

By being a strongly supported group we also have a voice in opposing development and the council changing/spoiling these two beautiful parks.

Just send your subscription - £5 per person to the secretary..... address just below Contact Details Chair: Christine Carter Secretary: Ruth Gorman C/- Harwin Apartments, 21, Alta Vista Road, Paignton, TQ4 6DA Tel:~ 07952497364 e-mail [email protected]

4 Issue 31 ~ 2017