Te Awamutu Your local rural expert Neville Kemp 027 271 9801 | www.nevillekemp.co.nz YourC community newspaper for over 100 years THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2018 Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed REAA2008 Helicopter Back to the future saves hunter Waikato Westpac Rescue Helicopter rescued a deer New paper launch across Waipa district hunter who activated his beacon in rough terrain south of Hauturu Saturday morning. BY DEAN TAYLOR The man in his late 30s sustained a stab wound to his Welcome to the first issue of thigh while dressing a deer. He 2018 — and exciting news that was unable to move and we are launching a new product from next week that will serve hypothermic from laying the entire Waipa community. partially in a river. And to make that move into After being attended the future, we are looking to the medically he was winched off past and bringing back the mast- the riverbank and flown to head that launched the Te Awa- Waikato Hospital. mutu Courier — Waipa Post. The paper was started by AG Passport to Warburton, and continued by three generations of the family. Waipa history Mr Warburton had pre- Learn more about Waipa viously worked at the New Zea- District by picking up a Waipa land Herald and several provin- Heritage Passport from Te cial newspapers before coming Awamutu Museum. to Te Awamutu in 1908 to oper- The second in the series of ate a commercial printing busi- collectable passports will teach ness. you more about local history, He soon recognised the need bird life and native plants. for a newspaper in the growing Te Awamutu Museum town and on Tuesday, April 18, opening hours are Monday- 1911 Waipa Post hit the streets. To mark its first quarter Friday 10am-4pm and century of operation it was Saturday 10am-2pm. renamed Te Awamutu Courier For more information and its first edition under the contact 872 0085 or new masthead was museum@waipadc.govt.nz published on Friday, Rods on show April 17, TC110118DT10 Te Awamutu Rod and 1936. NZME Waikato sales manager Belinda Wolland and Te Awamutu Courier editor Custom Club and Burger Fuel Just over Dean Taylor head the team who will publish Waipa Post from next Tuesday. are staging a car display from eight decades 6pm this friday evening. later we are Street rods, hot rods and bringing back classic cars will be parked on the Waipa Sloane Street and overflow into Post as our Countdown carpark for the Tuesday public to view and vote for their edition. favourite — enter at Burger It will Fuel. continue to be delivered free to Spark open all homes in Te Awamutu and districts — and extend into After temporarily closing-up Cambridge and districts. rural shop in Alexandra Street in Waipa Post will offer new liftout. November because of opportunities for advertisers Te Awamutu Courier earthquake resilience right across Waipa, as well as will continue as a Thursday concerns, Spark re-opened in a being the only newspaper to publication and maintain the temporary location at 25 Roche bring news and views that are focus on the news and views that Street last month. important to the whole district. are important to our commun- Spark intend returning to the The new product will also ity. original site once remediation carry The Country — both as It will also continue to carry work is complete. pages within the main publi- the fortnightly Property Guide cation on a weekly basis and liftout and monthly Driven once a month as the popular liftout. 3 NO SPRINKLERS HAND-HELD HOSING ANY TIME 2 Te Awamutu Courier Thursday, January 11, 2018 Nominate an asthma achiever Do you know someone with came from all walks of life and was diagnosed with COPD 25 • Asthma 5-12 years old; asthma or a respiratory ill- their stories are all inspira- years after giving up smoking. • Asthma 13-18 years old; ness who is so inspiring they tional. They include: While many everyday things • Asthma adult; should be acknowledged? • Jaide Campbell of Canter- are an effort, Pauline regu- • COPD The Asthma and Respir- bury, winner of the asthma larly supports others at pul- • Other respiratory conditions atory Foundation NZ is now 5-12 years category who lives monary rehabilitation pro- (including cystic fibrosis, calling for nominations for life to the fullest despite grammes; bronchiolitis, bronchiectasis). the Respiratory Achievers’ having had over 30 hospital • Emily Arps also of Christ- All nominations will also Awards 2018. admissions; church, winner of the other be eligible for the Cody Forbes Foundation chief executive • Josh Marker of Whangarei, respiratory conditions cat- Award for Courage. This Letitia O’Dwyer says the winner of the asthma 13-18 egory, has a rare syndrome award is in honour of a boy awards are an opportunity to years category who has that causes frequent from Turangi, who had cystic honour and celebrate the achieved impressive results infections of the lungs, fibrosis and sadly died in May achievements of New Zea- racing BMX nationally, des- sinuses and ears. Emily works 2007, shortly after his 16th landers living with a respir- pite having moderately severe as a health promotor and birthday. atory condition and every asthma; engages in a number of volun- The Respiratory Achievers nominee receives a certifi- • Holly Pittar of Wellington, teer roles. Awards ceremony will be cate. winner of the asthma adult “What better way to say held in conjunction with the Six achievers’ award win- category who has almost lost well done to a friend or col- Respiratory Media Awards, ners will be flown to Welling- her life on a number of occa- league who has a respiratory which reward excellence in ton all expenses paid, to be sions due to asthma, however condition than by nominating health journalism. presented an award at a pres- this doesn’t stop her from them for a Respiratory tigious national award cere- studying to be a GP; Achievers’ Award. Make ■ Nominations close on mony on Thursday, April 19. • Pauline Mohi of Christ- someone’s year and send Wednesday, February 28. To The awards have been held church, winner of the chronic through your nomination download a nomination form every two years since 1988. obstructive pulmonary dis- today.” visit Previous achievers in 2016 ease (COPD) category. Pauline The award categories are: asthmaandrespiratory.org.nz. Outward Bound First auditions Scholarships are now avail- 300 words why they want to able for Outward Bound’s attend Outward Bound, what called for 2018 Southern Cross 21-day course they hope to get out of the in the Marlborough Sounds. course, and why a scholarship The course runs from Feb- would help you accomplish Te Awamutu Light Operatic Celtic Connection ruary 2-22 and is for 18 to this. Society’s first production for auditions are at the 26-year-olds from culturally The scholarship covers the the year is Celtic Connection Woolshed Theatre on diverse backgrounds keen to full course fee of $4349. and you are invited to audition. Monday, January 29 from learn more about cultural and Participants just need to The musical follows the 2-5pm and Tuesday, January ethnic diversity in New Zea- cover the cost of a medical travels of a young New Zea- 30 from 7-8.30pm. land. appointment and travel to and lander journeying through The show will be staged in Successful applicants need from Picton. Wales, Ireland and Scotland on early May. to be involved in their local an OE. community and willing to ■ Call 0800 688 927 or go to Writer and director Fiona ■ For more information contact share their experience with www.outward Miller promises a fast-paced, 0274434397 or visit others. bound.co.nz for more music-filled journey that meets www.teawamutulightoperatics- Applicants need to write in information. many characters along the way. ociety.com 27a Grey Street, 1650 Te Rahu Road, Kihikihi Te Awamutu Two storey home offers seven Open plan living and private brms. Bathroom and living on outside portico area. Three great each level - some renovations sized bedrooms, master with done. Garage with mechanics pit ensuite and walk in wardrobe, is also on site. Huge 2585sqm oversized bathroom and extra Open Home flat section. Possibly subdivision. Open Home wide hallways. Great storage, Sale By Deadline Closes Tuesday double glazing and office nook. 7 February, 2018 at 1.00pm For Sale $665,000 (may be sold prior) View Sunday 14 January View Sunday 14 January 12.00 - 12.30pm 1.00 - 1.30pm Kirstie McGrail Kirstie McGrail 0272 703 175 0272 703 175 rwteawamutu.co.nz/TEA22846 rwteawamutu.co.nz/TEA22845 Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) 100 McGarry Lane, 1/96 Raikes Avenue, Te Awamutu Te Awamutu Elevated home with deck that Low maintenance, close to town, leads from open plan living and private easy care section, four modern kitchen. Four bedrooms bedrooms, two bathrooms, two and family bathroom, all fully living areas plus a rumpus/utility renovated. Internal access room. Large deck at the rear, two basement garage and a free heat pumps, double glazed and Open Home standing double. Open Home an HRV system. Built in 2009 by GJ Gardner Homes. For Sale $495,000 For Sale $580,000 View Sunday 14 January View Sunday 14 January 2.00 - 2.30pm 3.00 - 3.30pm Kirstie McGrail Carol Ryan 0272 703 175 027 290 3784 rwteawamutu.co.nz/TEA22831 rwteawamutu.co.nz/TEA22830 Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed (REAA 2008) Thursday, January 11, 2018 Te Awamutu Courier 3 07 883 1195 Lifestyle & Storm damages network Farm Sales Faults dealt with across the Waipa area BUYING OR SELLING? Contact David McGuire 027 472 2572 38B Main Road, Tirau www.ruralandlifestylesales.com eebbrraattiinn CCeell gg Cel 2255yyeeaarrss 25 WIND damage to trees caused most of the power outages last week.
Te Awamutu Courier Is Part Of, to Waipa¯Council Plans Explain Our Response to the COVID-19 Situation
Te Awamutu Rural sales specialist Noldy Rust 027 255 3047 | rwteawamutu.co.nz YourC community newspaper for over 100 years Thursday, March 19, 2020 Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed REAA2008 Challenging year for Message from our CEO On page 7 today there is a letter from Michael Boggs, CEO of NZME, which Te Awamutu Courier is part of, to Waipa¯council plans explain our response to the COVID-19 situation. While our front doors are Waipa¯District Council says next year will closed, we remain committed be one of its most challenging years yet — and to serving our community. that’s before the onslaught of Covid-19 is known. Phone us on 871 5151 or Council confirmed Tuesday it would con- to contact editorial staff check sult the community on a proposed 2020/21 the contact numbers and average rates increase of 4.2 per cent. This emails on page 2 of every compares to 2.7 per cent forecast in the edition. Council’s Long Term Plan. Mayor Jim Mylchreest said he expected Singalong still Covid-19 to hit Waipa¯and New Zealand hard, but said the virus has not impacted what on at library Council was proposing. There is a new start time, “It’s becoming more and more apparent and numbers will be limited, that Covid-19 is going to make life much but the Te Reo Singalong harder for everyone. Show with Sharon Holt is still “But the onslaught of the virus has come on at this stage at Te far too late for us to factor that into our Awamutu Library on Friday.
Rural sales specialist Howard Ashmore 027 438 8556 | rwteawamutu.co.nz Thursday, August 12, 2021 Rosetown Realty Ltd Licensed REAA2008 BRIEFLY New venue for Vax centre can do eco-waste collection The Urban Miners eco-waste collection will now run from the by-pass parking area in front of the Te Awamutu Sports club rooms on Albert Park Dr. 250 jabs per day They will continue to be held on the first Sunday of every month from 9am to 11am, recommencing September 5. Variety of topics for Continuing Ed. guest speaker Noldy Rust will be speaking about ‘variety of work’ at the Continuing Education meeting on Wednesday, August 18 from 10am. Of Swiss descent, Noldy has been a dairy farmer most of his life. He is involved in several dairy industry organisations including Vetora Waikato and the Smaller Herds Association. Recently he worked as an area manager for a maize Waipa¯iwi relations adviser Shane Te Ruki leads Waipa¯mayor Jim Mylchreest and guests into Te Awamutu’s newly opened Covid-19 community vaccination seed company and is now centre. Photo / Dean Taylor working as a Rural Real Estate agent as part of the he former Bunnings store in Welcome area So far, more than 140,000 local Ray White team. Te Awamutu has been trans- of the newly vaccinations have been administered He also enjoys being part of formed into the Waikato’s opened Covid- across the Waikato to date. It will take other local organisations, latest Covid-19 community 19 community until the end of the year to ensure including the local theatre Tvaccination centre.
New Zealand Wars Sources at the Hocken Collections Part 2 – 1860S and 1870S
Reference Guide New Zealand Wars Sources at the Hocken Collections Part 2 – 1860s and 1870s Henry Jame Warre. Camp at Poutoko (1863). Watercolour on paper: 254 x 353mm. Accession no.: 8,610. Hocken Collections/Te Uare Taoka o Hākena, University of Otago Library Nau Mai Haere Mai ki Te Uare Taoka o Hākena: Welcome to the Hocken Collections He mihi nui tēnei ki a koutou kā uri o kā hau e whā arā, kā mātāwaka o te motu, o te ao whānui hoki. Nau mai, haere mai ki te taumata. As you arrive We seek to preserve all the taoka we hold for future generations. So that all taoka are properly protected, we ask that you: place your bags (including computer bags and sleeves) in the lockers provided leave all food and drink including water bottles in the lockers (we have a researcher lounge off the foyer which everyone is welcome to use) bring any materials you need for research and some ID in with you sign the Readers’ Register each day enquire at the reference desk first if you wish to take digital photographs Beginning your research This guide gives examples of the types of material relating to the New Zealand Wars in the 1860s and 1870s held at the Hocken. All items must be used within the library. As the collection is large and constantly growing not every item is listed here, but you can search for other material on our Online Public Access Catalogues: for books, theses, journals, magazines, newspapers, maps, and audiovisual material, use Library Search|Ketu.
ANNUAL REPORT 2015 1 / CYCLING NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2015 CYCLING NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2015 / 2 CONTENTS Chairman & CEO Report 2 High Performance Report 5 Community Development Report 8 Education Development Report 9 Athlete Development Report 10 Events 12 2015 Highlights 16 Road & Track President’s Report 18 MTB President’s Report 21 BMX Chairman’s Report 23 NZ School Cycling Association Report 24 2014/15 Performance Results 26 2015 Financial Information 32 Our Partners 40 Board & MO Officers 41 Natasha Hansen Photo: Bryn Lennon/Getty Images 3 / CYCLING NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2015 CYCLING NEW ZEALAND ANNUAL REPORT 2015 / 4 CHAIRMAN & CEO SIMON PERRY & ANDREW MATHESON // REPORT This is our first year reporting under our new name Cycling New Zealand, and it certainly has been a large and productive year. Our learning and the depth of understanding of the histories and cultures of all codes has continued, likewise our clarity of the opportunities and challenges facing cycling has sharpened. There were many highlights in 2015 that deserve recognition. Firstly, and of considerable note, this year we welcomed APL Windows Solutions as our new principal partner, with the partnership committed through to 2020. Owned by the Plaw Family, APL are a highly successful Hamilton based organisation started in 1971 which has grown to become “ ...CYCLING IN GENERAL IS GAINING SOME VERY New Zealand’s foremost window supplier, offering a range of residential and commercial window systems. The breadth of STRONG MOMENTUM IN MANY WAYS. WE ARE SEEING APL’s consumer brands align effectively with our respective EXTENSIVE DEVELOPMENT IN TRAILS AND CYCLEWAYS, cycling codes; First Windows & Doors with BMX, Altherm Window Systems with MTB, and Vantage Windows & Doors INVESTMENT IN SAFER CYCLING INITIATIVES, AND with road and track.
2010 Yunca Junior Tour Entries To Date Name Club Name Club U13 M U13 F Hamish Beadle Southland Tahlay Christie Midland CC WA Joshua Carpenter Southland Lakein Cottam New Plymouth Thomas Glew Southland Madeleine Gough Southland Caleb Hope Southland Charlotte Hadfield Pegasus Liam Johnson CHB Caitlin Kelly Otago Noah Mason-Smith CHB Phoebe McCaughan Pegasus Cade McDermott PnP Wellington Ashley O'Neill Wanganui Tom Sexton Southland Nicole Shields Wakatipu Fletcher Sharman Southland Joshua Smith Pegasus Brayden Stephens Southland Hayden Strong Southland U15 M U15 F Harrison Carter Bathurst NSW Libby Bayne Southland Brendan Cole NSW Brooke Brazier Southland Josh Connor Tinwald Laura Copeland Southland Paddy Corcoran NSW Maxyna Cottam New Plymouth Nicholas Costello Racing Kangaroos NSW Holly Edmondston Saint Andrews Michael Culling Southland Madison Farrant Hamilton Henry Draper CMC Auckland Bronwyn Graham Southland Jack Edwards NSW Shannon Grinter Te Awamutu Shea Emett Southland Laura Heywood Southland Mark Gibson NSW Sophie McMurdo Southland Regan Gough CHB Georgia Vessey Wakatipu William Green Ramblers Sean Grimes Queensland Liam Haggerty Southland Bradley Heffernan Racing Kangaroos NSW Ollie Jones PnP Wellington Nick Kergozou Southland Noah Knol Southland Bailey Koppert-Duggan Otago Corbin Mason-Smith CHB Jed McDermott PnP Wellington Lachlan McGregor Otago Tobias Robertshawe Ramblers Blake Schuman Racing Kangaroos NSW Reon Sheath North Harbour Travis Smedley Bankstown Sports NSW Connor Stead Pegasus Greg Westerman Wagga Wagga U17 M U17
Next to Te Awamutu The Hire Centre Te Awamutu Landscape Lane, Te Awamutu Thursday, August 5, 2021 0800 TA Hire | www.hirecentreta.co.nz BRIEFLY Country Music Club Waipa¯smokefree date incorrect The date for Te Awamutu Country Music Club’s next club day is Sunday, August 15 Public areas across the district become smoke and vape free from September 1 — not August 4 as accidentally printed in last week’s ‘What’s aipa¯ District Council On’. yesterday adopted a Venue is the Methodist policy that will have Church Hall from 1pm-4.30pm. public areas across the Vaping will be banned in Wdistrict become smoke and vape free. public areas. Photo / Bevan Conley The policy, which comes into ef- Rotary Book Fair fect from September 1, includes Te Awamutu Rotary Book Fair council-owned and managed parks will take place from August and reserves, bus stops and outdoor 24-28. The club is after any public areas, including for outdoor books, CDs, DVDs, LPs and dining, within the central business jigsaw puzzles. districts of Cambridge, Te Awamutu, Drop off points are Mitre 10 Kihikihi, O¯ haupo¯and Pirongia. Mega, Te Awamutu during After Tuesday’s deliberations the store hours or at 38 Churchill policy has also been updated to in- St (previously Coresteel from clude road corridors immediately 9am-llam on Monday, next to education providers in the Wednesday and Friday. definition of public places. Friday, August 20 is the final The council heard from two day for drop offs. submitters, including Cambridge High School deputy principal John McDonnell, who said he was pleased Museum Closures to see vaping included in the policy.
Te Awamutu Community Board 10 November 2020 - Agenda
Te Awamutu Community Board 10 November 2020 - Agenda Te Awamutu Community Board 10 November 2020 Council Chambers, Waipa District Council, 101 Bank Street, Te Awamutu AM Holt (Chairperson), CG Derbyshire, RM Hurrell, J Taylor, KG Titchener, Councillor LE Brown, Councillor SC O'Regan 10 November 2020 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM Agenda Topic Page 1. Apologies 3 2. Disclosure of Members' Interests 4 3. Late Items 5 4. Confirmation of Order of Meeting 6 5. Public Forum 7 6. Confirmation of Minutes 8 6.1 Te Awamutu Community Board Minutes 13 October 2020 9 7. Waipa District Plan - Plan Changes Update 14 8. Quarterly Reports 18 8.1 District Growth Quarterly Report 19 8.2 Civil Defence Emergency Management Quarterly Report 83 9. Treasury Report 104 10. Notice of Motion 107 11. Payment from the Waste Minimisation Fund 108 11.1 Appendix 1 109 12. Discretionary Fund Applications 110 12.1 Application Dean Taylor 112 12.2 Application North End Church Trust 116 1 Te Awamutu Community Board 10 November 2020 - Agenda 13. Chairperson’s Report 120 14. Board Members Report from Meetings attended on behalf of the Te Awamutu Community 123 Board 15. Date of Next Meeting 124 2 Te Awamutu Community Board 10 November 2020 - Apologies To: The Chairperson and Members of the Te Awamutu Community Board From: Governance Subject: Apologies Meeting Date: 10 November 2020 A member who does not have leave of absence may tender an apology should they be absent from all or part of a meeting. The Chairperson (or acting chair) must invite apologies at the beginning of each meeting, including apologies for lateness and early departure.
Team Name - Cat1 Riders Lists Cycling New Zealand Pieter Bulling Alex Frame Regan Gough Cameron Karwowski Nick Kergozou Dylan Kennett Marc Ryan
Team Name - Cat1 Riders Lists Cycling New Zealand Pieter Bulling Alex Frame Regan Gough Cameron Karwowski Nick Kergozou Dylan Kennett Marc Ryan Saint Cycles Nathan Bell Jared Holmes Trent Thorpe Alex Beaven Nick Reeves Julian Trinder Cade Wass Speed Works Cipollini Daniel Molyneux Ryan Christinsen Joshua Kuysten Jared Gray Matias Fitzwater Alex West Jacob Sievwright Sam Dobbs The Rolling Revolution Alex Heaney Nick Bain Callum Gordon Connor Brown Matt Markby Webscope Tim Clark Cameron Wynniatt Mark Parry David Venter Lee McLean Nick Wilson Frank Simons Te Awamutu Cycling Club Nathan Bunn Blair Treymane Michael Black Dean Tonks Karl Poole Frank Sutton Blindz Direct Michael Torckler Joshua Aldridge Jason Thomason Mel Titter Paul Duynhoven Phillip Marfell Gregory Marfell Blake Fergus Spoken Cycles 1 Logan Griffin Luke Mudgeway Ryan Wills Anton Oconnell Nick Mcgill Carne Groube James Denholm Nick Reddish Rotorua Racing Sam Phipps Harry Phipps Daniel Johnston Jared Johnston Taylor Johnston Xavier Mansell Cosmo Bloor Nathan Johnston BikeLab Josh Page Gordon McCauley David Fussell Steve Furminger John Newman-Watt Cory Cannings Ben Earnshaw Sam Horn Speed Works ALE Dean Peterken Stephen Lewthwaite Lynton Chitty Rod Carpinter Jeremy Vennell Fergus Allan Matthew Goode Ant Gardner Ricoh Bradley Leitch Laurence Kerby Michael Carswell Jack Montgomerie Ben Goodman Alex Wilson Ben Madsen Team Name - Cat2 Rider Lists Thermal Chemistry/Dynamo David Addison Glen Carabine Heath Lett Jim McMurray Chris Gaze Richard McKey Simon Hammond Nigel Stent Team East
Benchmark Homes Elite Cycling Series 2013 Individual Points Classification - ELITE/UNDER 23 MEN NAME TEAM CATEGORY TOT RD1 RD2 RD3 RD4 RD5 RD6 1 Sam Horgan Benchmark Homes Elite 10 12 25 18 14 79 2 Joseph Chapman L&M Group Racing Elite 20 14 20 10 12 76 3 Tom Hubbard Homestyle Under 23 9 22 25 9 65 4 Brad Evans Fitlab Under 23 25 18 12 4 59 5 Cameron Karwowski H&J's Outdoor World Avanti+ Under 23 16 20 16 52 6 Tim Rush Team Calder Stewart Road Elite 5 20 20 6 51 7 Dylan Kennett Breads of Europe All About Plumbing Under 23 22 22 44 8 Hamish Schreurs Benchmark Homes Under 23 25 18 43 9 Adam Bull Homestyle Under 23 4 6 12 18 3 43 10 Scott Thomas L&M Group Racing Elite 18 6 10 5 39 11 Sam Friend Breads of Europe All About Plumbing Under 23 10 4 12 7 33 12 Grayson Napier Fitlab Under 23 16 16 32 13 James Early Benchmark Homes Elite 9 22 31 14 Mitchell Podmore Homestyle Under 23 12 5 9 3 29 15 Ian Smallman Scotty Browns Vision Systems Elite 22 5 27 16 Marc Ryan Scotty Browns Vision Systems Elite 25 25 17 Daniel Whitehouse TotalPOS Cycling Under 23 9 16 25 18 Tom Davison Scotty Browns Vision Systems Elite 25 25 19 Mathew Zenovich H&J's Outdoor World Avanti+ Under 23 8 14 22 20 Bradley Tuhi Benchmark Homes Under 23 22 22 21 Robin Reid Scotty Browns Vision Systems Elite 6 8 8 22 22 Jason Allen Scotty Browns Vision Systems Elite 20 20 23 Jacob Grieve Fitlab Elite 8 10 18 24 Tim Chapman L&M Group Racing Elite 18 18 25 Ben Johnstone Homestyle Under 23 3 14 17 26 Sean Finning H&J's Outdoor World Avanti+ Elite 16 16 27 Jason Christie Team Calder Stewart
TE AWAMUTU COLLEGE NEWSLETTER JUNE 2021 P O Box 369 Te Awamutu 3840 938 Alexandra Street Te Awamutu 3800 Telephone: 07 871 4199 Fax: 07 871 4198 Email: info@tac.school.nz www.tac.school.nz PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Greetings to the Te Awamutu College Community. TERM 2 is proceeding at a fast pace. Events have included: 2SPE Health & Safety Training 1SSC Surf and High Ropes Trips Yr 10 Vision Testing Inter-House Basketball 9OEE Trip to Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari Visual Arts Exhibition 1OED Rock Climbing “Engineering in Action” Trip Waikato University Open Day Pink Shirt Day “Chiefs Training” Trip NISS Horse Trials 3MED “Censor for a Day” Trip 2OED Rock climbing WSS Golf Champs Inter-House Cross Country 1AGR Field Trip to Owl Farm GATE Trip to Galileo Exhibition 1GEO Trip to Waitomo Senior Report Evening Mufti Day 3ESS Trip to Wharepapa South 3OED Rock Climbing WBoP Cross Country National Chamber Music Competition “Girls in High Viz” Trip WSS Squash NISS Swimming Careers Expo (Yr 12 & Yr 13) Inter-House Volleyball So, a lot of worthwhile opportunities for our students. SENIOR REPORT EVENING — was held on 3 June. There was a very pleasing turnout of both parents/caregivers and students. Thanks for your interest and support. WINTER SPORTS Thanks to coaches, managers, players and supporters for your participation and support. We acknowledge our results and successes in assemblies. All the best for the remainder of your season. MUFTI DAY - (Term 2) raised over $1,900.00 for CanTeen (another worthwhile charity selected by the Service Committee). BOT INTERNAL FUNDING The Board of Trustees has allocated almost $30,000 to our TAC Sports Clubs (for transport, gear/equipment, uniforms, entry fees etc).
Woollaston Estates / Tineli Tour de Vineyards 2014 Race 1 General Classification - Stage 4 Place Race No Name Club/Team Division Gap 1 67 Ryan Wills Rotorua Men - Sen 9:14:57 2 10 Daniel Barry Budget Forklifts Men - Sen +01:16 3 5 Robin Reid Scotty Browns Men - Sen +01:56 4 41 Hayden MacCormack Lotto Belisol Men - U23 +03:05 5 8 Scott Thomas L & M Group Racing Men - Sen +03:25 6 60 Thomas Hubbard Breads of Europe Men - Sen +03:43 7 50 Regan Gough CHB Cycling Men - U19 +04:08 8 66 Jack Bauer Garmin-Sharp Men - Sen +04:34 9 1 George Bennett Cannondale Men - Sen +04:35 10 64 Andy Hagan PNP Cycling Club Men - Sen +06:38 11 36 Josh Aldridge Counties Manukau Men - Sen +06:56 12 2 Jason Christie Breads of Europe Men - Sen +08:06 13 11 Daniel Molyneux Dynamo Cycling Club Men - Sen +08:45 14 61 Brodie Catterick Cuddon Cycling Marlborough Men - U23 +11:35 15 49 Sam Dobbs Taupo Men - U19 +11:50 16 35 Keagan Girdlestone Pegasus Men - U19 +12:14 17 43 Scott Mullaly Counties Manukau Men - Sen +12:42 18 29 Adam Bull Pegasus Men - U19 +12:55 19 47 Joshua Haggerty Cycling Southland Men - U23 +14:13 20 7 Grayson Napier L & M Group Racing Men - U23 +14:30 21 26 Luke Mudgway Ricoh Pro Cycling Men - U19 +14:47 22 27 Charlie Michel Ricoh Pro Cycling Men - U19 +15:01 23 58 Brad Tilby Tasman Wheelers Men - Sen +15:44 24 23 Logan Griffin Ricoh Pro Cycling Men - U23 +15:44 25 38 Jack Ford Cycling Timaru Men - U19 +16:24 26 56 Sam Friend Pegasus Men - U23 +17:07 27 4 Tim Rush Timaru Men - Sen +17:47 28 21 Luke McDermott MeoGP Racing Team Men - U23 +17:58 29 24
Next to Te Awamutu The Hire Centre Te Awamutu Landscape Lane, Te Awamutu Thursday, May 6, 2021 0800 TA Hire | www.hirecentreta.co.nz BRIEFLY Pink Ribbon Injury not stopping Max Morning Tea Te Pahu¯Women's Institute is holding a Pink Ribbon morning tea on Tuesday, May Mayor lining up for 11 at 10 am at the Te Pahu¯ Community Hall. half-marathon with Speakers are from the Treasure Chest dragon boat hi-tech crutches team. Everyone is welcome, there is Dean Taylor a gold coin donation, proceeds to the Breast Cancer Research. e Kawa West’s Max Baxter is a well known figure around the Te Awamutu and NZ Music Month O¯ torohanga districts — but It's May - and that means it's forT 30 years has been carrying a leg New Zealand Music Month! injury that has threatened his mobil- Join in at the Te Awamutu ity. Library for one of the music That injury has gone largely un- month activities that are on noticed as Max continued his dairy offer. farming career and then entered local Beginners Hip Hop/Street body politics — serving as mayor of Dance Class (ages 10+), O¯ torohanga District since 2013. Imperious Dance Company Also not as well known is his Hip Hop Demonstration, passion for athletics — namely run- Introduction to Ukulele ning marathons. (beginners only, Teens and In 1991, Baxter ran his debut mara- above) and Ukulele Jam with thon in Rotorua, finishing in 3h 14m. Kihikihi Ukulele Club. He wanted to do better, making up Cambridge Libary will also for some disappointment as a prom- host activities.