SPRINGS • FRIDAY Edition t Edition

\'V'ashington and Lee Semi-Weekly Newspaper

Volume LVI LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA, APRIL 27, 1956 Number 48

IFC Proposes Meeting Two Dances With Faculty Ivlonday Scheduled; No Concert Four reprcsencam cs of the Intcrfraterniry Council have pro· B) VOIGT SMml posed to meet Monday with a f acuity commiccct> to discuss ways It' "Sprmg Faesta" tame! of ending ctrtam initiation hazing practices now m effect. Th<' 1956 Sprmg Dance Set got un­ Action leadmg co the conference was taken )'CStcrdar after· drr wa) al 3:30 p.m. today tn lh<' noon at a spectal meeting of the IFC. This meeting was called Pme Room of thf' Ml\'ftowrt walh the SAE's punch party in honor or drulc to 1cport housl' scnllmrnl n~ardms "'111 lnkl plnrc out tdc• of the Crater- ret p~adrnt Rob Peeplet. Chauncey ELOI E IUARSIIALL th<' •·no hiltm~" ordl'r l~!iuPd by tlw ntty huu c "'11h lhl• cxrt·ptton of '' llh Bill llou ton Bo..rcl of Tru ~li'C'S t•arller thts wcc•k . I>Uch furocuons ns a fornml milla­ Brown's combo provad<'d mus1c for the guest'!. O,.n• lll·ncil'n;on, Bill Shropsharc, l1on, ls,mqul!t, 01 !>l'I"\'ICt' to the• com­ Ru Ladd and Morgan Schafer wall muntt\ ," Tonight'& danct' \\all bl'J(an at 10 n JH('Sent the we in lh<' prOJIO'-C-d The• lfC ofh m·d tills clnU!Il' to p.m. with mwac: by the Billy Ma~· ' mcl'lml(. lll'llnat ph·d~o:m..: •ll'lt\'JIIl'.s to l,e Orchestra ond will end al 2 a.m. The' Hcprl'M'nt,tllv<' of fh<' Dt:ltn Tnu ca•••l·d out 111 tlw to""n. hut not Cotillion Club Ogure will be nl 11:30 D< lin hou•<· rct•cl a prOJXlstil suu- outsuJ<· or thl• Lt·xmglun Cllr ltmlts. p.m. ~~ •lin~ n m<'Nm,l( wtlh tJ 1C' Faculty · Saturday's dance, n toemi-formal Commlllt•c on Fratcrmtws The sug- Thutu 11 hou c.s wen• I< IJil' entl.:•l dance, will bc~m at 9 p.m to lh<' · tum wn~ un<~mmou h· appron11l nt lht 1111 ' t.n... P1 KnppCI Alpha, mu!liC or Larry Elliott Thl~ !>('COnd The IFC thm discusst"<< the three 1 ~•m 1 ~" Chi Alflhn. Pa Knwa Plu da•1ce well end 11 1 midntght hnzing proposals adopted hy MIT. oiiHI SIJ;Illl J\lflhll t:p, dull \\'~IC nut ThC'r<' will he' no concert tomorrow. fh<"Sc proposals fn\'Orabh· lnlJI ('SSl'ludcnb prefer to "take off" r.t(ps nt'edcd to abohsh hnzmg nt Honors Bestowed for Goshen and C8\'c Mountain Lake. W&L. Lcadmg tonight's flgurr will be The fir t propo!>nl \\as llt<'CJilM m Martha Knowlton, C6corled by Presi- Its <'lltJn•tv. It rrods. "No fmUm1tv Upon Two Profs Jwll vaol~te the b:,•ac prmc1pltos ~r \,., hmgtun ;ono. l.rc Un1n l'bJI\' good ln~tc.•, and a fratematy wtll CALENDAR \\Ill hnno1 '"" of ats n tmng fncult; tntllnlc: no Com bo. PAT EDWARDS the Board (as executed by MIT) PII.'Sldtnl Frunc•~ P. G<1inc' :,ay~ • 10 p.m.-2 a.m.-Formal Dance in with Al Platt reads. "No m•liallon or pledge ln:un- Ot. Jw1ll'S Stronl! Moffatt will be­ Gym. Billy Ma~ Ort hl':olra under ing actJ\'tty -;haJJ conslttute any phy­ come Pt ofc."Sfior of En~Ji.,h Eml'rilus, Sam D onahue . SICal or emolionnl ha:wrd to the m­ •and Or. William W Mo1lon will bc­ Independents List 28 Candidates 11 :10 p.m.-cotlllinn Cluh fll!lll't' dtvldunl Such potC'nlml haz.trd m- cornt• Pt of<•J>.sor of Phtlo.,ophy nnd 1 a"emhlr:.. elude the 'long walk' the 'treasure Ht'lll!tOn, Ernuitu~. To Run in May 7 Oass Elections II ::10 p.m.-Cotillion Club figu re. hunt,' dangerous phys1cnl (•xcrlion Both announced lhl•Jr pluns for or exhau:ottvc phy!>tcal violrnce, pnd­ rt•llrt men! l'llrlu r thi' V<'.JI' Or Mof­ A rull ~; late or 28 nommecs \VII!\ and H1~torion , Fred Ramsay ( PI Saturday, April 28 1 dlm~ and the 'mock tnllllltion ·." fntl has ht·c n .1t Wrt ha~gton ond L<·e rmnounccd tochw by the Independent Kappa Phi) ll-J2 p.m.-Semi- formal dance Tim J)tOflOS.,I wa' accC'ptcd wath th<· <.tnt'<' 19211. und Dr. ,\lorton JOtnl·d Party, ns the campaign ror the cln-;s Sophomor~ Class: Executive Com­ in the G., m. l.nrr) EJUott Orrhc ~­ P'C"JlliOil of the "trca«ure hunt fllld tht fl't'Ult) Ill 1!125 l'lcction!; on May 7 opcnC'd . mtltCl'man, E\'an Kemp (Sigma Chi); tra. the 'mock in11ia11on." The honor appomlmy the Wli\'cr­ p0 ~ 111 tht risin~ ~phomore, junior, Tau Delta): Vic~-President. Dick denl Rob PC'cpll'lt Ma Knowlton b plt'dge traming or imtialton nctl\'tlv lllly's lloard C'l Trusl<:c:.. and senior elM. lOS, and for officers In Newb<''lt ( Phi Kappa Ps.i); Secretary, from Randolph-Macon and Memphis, the Intea-Fratcmity CouncU. lht! Bob Lowe (Lambda Chi Alpha); and ------~--- Tenn. Cotillion Club, White Friars, and Pi Historum, Larry Smail (Phi Gamma The dance set vace-prl'l>tdcnts and Alpha Nu. Delta) their dates arc. Dorothv Coodwan Dances, Conventions, SIP A Bring Candidate!! nominated on the Ln­ IF'C President Don Luria ( Phi from F'londa Stat<' Uni~ersity and depcnd(!Jlt Party ~ale a re· Eps1lon Pa); Vace-Pres1dent, BiU Jacksonville, Flo., with Archte Jen­ Hectic Week to W&L Campus &maor Cla.s~ Execultve Commal­ Shro~hlre (Phi Gamma D~lla); Sec­ kin!~ , Rulh Kohn of lloUms and ti'Cman, Zcb Holbrook !Kappa Sig­ retary, AI Caller (Lambda Chi Al­ Wachmgton .md l..c< Unt\'H'tty WAS int(·ndcd-a S(Ymnnsaum. South Orange, N J., wilh Bill Abel­ 1 ma), Pre:.idenl, Pres Pate (Sigma pha). and Treasurer, Norm Proulx off. and Lexington ha\'C h:~d onw busy 1 Thl·n l>."'ck up go as manv of lht Chi), Laberal Arts Vice-Pn-sident, CPa Kappa Phi). lim~ in yt!ar.. past, hut lhe len dayli danC't• d~cornltons us have b<.en ;o;nl­ Also Nancy Smith of Holhns and John Sinwell !Phi Kappa Psi), Com­ Coulla on Club: Secretary-Treas­ lx-g nntn,:! todn\· Will probnhly he re- \'RI{I'tl, for on Fridny ntJtht, SlPA Norfolk \\.ilh Buck Buchanan; Pat merce Vice-Prl'sident. Steve Nach­ urt'r, Jtm Von Cleave (Phi Gamma mt-mlxrcd a t:ome of the m~l hccti<' conV('nlionN~ have their nnnunl Edwards of Holhns and Wilmette, lli., rnnn CPh1 Ep:;ilon Pa); Scil'ncc Vicc­ Delta). with AI Platt: and Eloise Marshall lh<' ~rhool and the town h;w~ ~ver clant'<' and hl';ll J>Cl:l'hcs by cnndi- Prc~ldl'nt. Khm~ton Lf.p's SpnnJ,C forl'l • .md do\\nlown busilll''-SI';, rln 1Ctmpus Club). Tonight\ dance w11l lx> {ormnJ. ,mel Sll(ma); and Secretary, Sid Whipple Dnnc(•s today ilntl tomonQ\\, with llunk ulltlw. d('tl\'ity wondHful, nnd Jmuor Class Ext'CUII\.C' Commlt­ Saturday 111ght's dance will be semi­ CSagmo Chi). mor·t- than 500 ! "ill •ti-!H<' thnl "sonu­ Tl u Delta 1. Vacl'-Presidcnl, J ock Dance llrKUlationo; Elliott. hodv ~oolt'fl" in s«'ht·dulmg '0 marl\' L.tckrnann !C1•mpus Club): &.oere­ On\'1' Dunton ( Kappa Sigma); and Dance Boord r('~tulations prohlbal t'\tllls 111 &o latth• tum•. t;u-y, Budd , Mower (Sagma Chi); (Continued on paa-e rour) !2) Tlw I!l:;t; Dtmoc111tic Mock smokm~t on lhe donee floor, In the Convt>nt 1011 on A111 tl 31-M:w I, with balconv nnd at the office end of lhe om~ 2,(l(JO \'JStlors CXJK'C'Ird in town gymnasaum Sanokmg is permitted to \\ atdl lht• opcnm~ llitradc al 2 only in thr lounS~C and the has<'ment p.m. on 1\londay and latl'r nttcnd Delegates Plan Nominations of 13 Hopefuls The chaperonl'lt allhe Friday night the' l'fll\\'l'lllllJ; I"S.'liOn Ill Don II\US dance w1ll he M<'- N . and Mile~. E. Cymnaslllm. Nnmm 111 .md 1wcomhug f pcak­ K dnU\'CI and Mnrk Oii\'IS and Boh m,tl<' Allx-n Barklev. Tom Bradford C'n; 101 the ~tfXk ConHIIIIon hn\'1! Ha\l.kms '' 1ll m.1kc the ('('Oilding w•ll ddt\'er the ~~ndmg spc«h. Faris, E. C. Griffith, Mr. R<'ad, Me-~r . ( 3) ThP 27th RIIIIU<:ul JIIICIIJ\lul uml the tud< nt poh­ S(JNcht~. Roh PcepiC'S wtll nommale Texas and Miles W J . R1tr., J . If. Starlin~. the Soulh<'m lnh•rschola.~llt• flrl!SS J . E. D;wll. F A. Fcdderman, J . N. • •~·•·•11~ nrc llfl\\ bu y poh huu:: up 8.11 Hughl'S \\Ill nom mate· Averell fnvorJl< l(Jttochcs will Warren Goodwyn wall make the sec­ d• lcg.tll'S faorn 14 touthcm ~>tal and ar, T. J Laswell, Kno""lton, F. J . \\'.11 rcn W1lcox, C.tltfc>l nlil chair- be made h.> Tum O'Br icn. Sage Ly­ onding pcceh. Bill Fitzgerald will the Dt~lncl of Columbia t·xpccled to Gilham. and Mn.. Felde LC'~ Wagner. man, wall nominate Adina St<'V•·n• on Md B~n Hoover. Michigan chair­ nommatc Congre~ional Majority attend. Abo chaperonang tontght will be . on nnd It, 'lully, l..ou Clo •' und AI mnn Warren Wdch will nominate LC'ader tMn.,~.) John M. McCormack. Sporting E' cnt... Mr. and Mn.. C W. Barrell Dr and f I. ttl "all dl'ltn r th(• thn~\' 'ot-cond­ "Soap\" Walhums .md sccondmJ( Jof'l BennNt, Mt.ssouri delegation M" Cninc • Mt·Mn;. and Mlle!i. J. In .uldalion, lltl'r<: 's ,, lrui.'K mn·t l E> pccch('~ '' all I.e rn,1dc by Tom Moore chatrman. wall nomanalc Sluarl Sym­ ing J'( l'<·hc . D. Farrar, C. W, Bam:ll J . Cook, \\tth Dilvid.on Apr1l 2i, and Wa•h• 'It nru.,.st•c ddt•~U~ticm ch.t!rm;m and Run Ahhott. ington. Jerry Moyer and Bill Hodges DOROTHY GOODWIN S 0,1\ tdson, E. Alwood C. V. Laugh­ U\J(Ion nntl L<'c will ho~l U1c D1slracl Fu:,hman Amu Barbc.•1 will nom- "'111 mnk<• lht M.'Condinl( !>pceches. with Archie Jenkins John WC'llrord Will nominah• f.,lt..><: lin. 5 hil!h ~;r hool Iinck nwcl lomonow. I\'1'11111'tka rhnirman Bernie Smath Thc chapea on(•, for Sial urday nisht ll.unptltn-S~ ·dnt Jo pl.ty::. I( nn1 heat• w1ll nominnh• Harry S. Truman and will be M(,.:;r~ , und Mile!. E. Smtih, Apnl 30, nnd Wa•hin~lon 1md Lt'u's Ot•'l; St<•pht•n~on and Henry llt'Cht C. P R Roy!ilon. J D. lac• O!..'' tl'rull ,,lny, Wn~hm~:lon Col­ "'111 t•concl till' nom anal ion. Phil Li~tht. w. F'nnar, W. Jl'llkll, R W Nelson, M. t. loll' hl'H' J\ln\ 2, nnd tltt• Mt. Wafh­ MonJ,~ o.l will mnkf' lhr 110minatin~ P1 r• ~·. G. F. D1 akt•, MuJOr Bodkin llll!lon Ldno:... , Club hl'll' M u~· 5. ~IWt·C'h fo1 l~r.mk Lauschc. &'tond­ and M1· D<•:.hR Foc•ul JK>IIIl for tiH' m.tJUr ll<'ll\'11 it•S ing I'IJt·t•rht•!> \I. ill bt- made by Norman as l>oH 11111~ C.i:vmnnslllm, n building Rocll~t·r. Ot·<) mnnr Jal­ Lt•anmgcr. ftll·nt functmn that '" ho~s I)( en John Ella ''ill nominal<: Go\ crnOI' Officers Are Elected t"all<-<1 "a JMH man'!; .:\1ad1Slir\ d«!legate~. lteln, Mayor of Lexinilon. versity Chrl tmu Scrvtcco. Page 2 THB RING-TUM PHI Miss America Float Is Highlight Adlai a ~Must' Nominee for Of Mile-long Convention Parade Mock Session

0) llOU 1,0\\ 1:: "hlch " ·•rt• hdd tlus week 111 Win­ otlwr float m thc parade which wu Ov DII.L. MII.LF.R The pndc and beauty of all An1cr- chc ter. The commlllf'C from the made 11nd dcs1gned by the student ·The Waslungton and Lee 1956 1ca will nde through the ~•eels of New Jersey delcgntton wh1C'h pcr­ delcg11t • Mock Convcnt1on WILL-mdt'Cd it The estimated over-all co.,t, which th1s Vlrg•ma city next Monda~· ns ~Mll )' wt'nl to Winchester to pick MUST- nommate Adlai Stevenson the huge parade hl'gms wh1C'h wdl out thi particulnt' f1oat says, "we mcludls the professionally built Aoat, as the probable Democrahc nominee M1ss Amcraca'10 c.xpenscs aeveral lnaugmatc the 19!>6 Mock Dl·mo­ had ou•· choice of all the floats in and for Pr<'S1dent CI-allc Con\'entton on the Wa!!hing­ other minor <'Xpcnscs, amount. to l::nn 1£ St \'Cnson docs not rc­ wt'll O\Cr $700. Th1 t'xpcn e wa!l ton and Lee campus. rt••ve the Do ·mocratic nomtnalion, hclpL' and for ye3rs--a fault of Democrats and rade 8!> lt w md:. through tht' slr<'cts manv oth•. ,. merchants in tht' com­ Rl'puhlicans ulikr. of Ltxington. munity. Most of the money was Garlic and Sapphires: t'or years we have needed a states­ D<'tamed w1th Molhcr cmta~cml'nt raj9C() ~.u~ m Lexmgton although man but constantly the party bosses on Sundav afternoon. MISS Ritch•e a lo~rg &um of money was donated have g•vcn us a w11l arm·~ in Roanoke from Nt"w to th t>>-peru.c funu by the Atlanhc "vote getter" in­ Cltv Chamber or Commerce. Hazing Order Comes As Surprise; stead. Now the John Elll!i, who worked suc~ssful­ Tht• Ext>ruth r CommittC<' 1\n­ party bou<.os have lv ,., hnne MISS Amc:ric:a h<'re for nounrtd toda;\ that there will IX' Mistake Betters WeL Go'Vernment gl'·l'n us a states­ the paretde, w1U be her official esc:ort man. Our rt'jection no public drinkin~ durinJ thc nt all the .-vena wh1:' Min Ritc:hle 8) Cl.A \' CARR llilhOn, Too many of us are apt to Mock Con\·cntion 111 the paradc or of him would i~ in IA:xin~r,u. MU.· Ritchie wlll W<'11, II hapl>l'lll'd. The Boa11l of tnkr our freedom Cor stnmted, and another on thr ron,ention floor. tudent think that ke arc free by right J, :.·1 Lex:• g:ou <: n '; uu city. Tru11tec~ has 01 de red hazmg abol­ cries of "vote Body Pr <'~i den t F.lli'o Drew '>Did, Almost 120 f1oota.. drill tea.m, bancl5. from any admmt.,.lrativr sntC'Ifer­ "ju\1 a .. at the home root ball pm t'~ L~hcd . gcltcn;." ThiS we colo1 cuards and marchme un•~ cncl'- . nd to lnkc ofTcru.c when this the .,tudent\ conduC't will reflect I thtnk that 11 n·ally c,mw II ~ a hnppt·n~ do not want. are t-xpccted to partu:ipate in the Stevenson (and di rectl~ upon the l' nh t'r'iit~·: I hue;. m•lc-lon11 parade. The parade u. un­ surpnsc to cveryonc. We km•w that Tlw., of coun:.e, IS not U1e case. We it io, imperatin that t'ach .. tudt'nt they might take sonw action, hut we ure frN' hem.'-more Cree than stu­ p o s s i b I y only .\ BA CKWARD .:tanre at the 1952 der the direction of Tcstcr and we thmk we ,ot crutic Party togt'ther dunng this down Letcher Avenue toward Je!­ Pc!'l'onally. I'm sorry that 11 had l'l 1f thi' mc;ms thnt the University Cllllcal clcchon year. and tht' t 'nh e r.,il) durinK thc Pl'­ the prcllie~l that the)' had." fc·• on Street. then to Mam Street. happen this "ay 1 wns one of those ~oufTcrs for our octions. radc:- will expoc;c:- hlmo;etr to di'id­ AI first, Kc!auvet• looked like he Sinct' thr float has bC<'n made and The marchers w11l continue down fo1· the abolition of The Doard of Trustees felt that U1e plinary action b~ the EC. dl'cOnltt'd by a profl"S:.1ona.l organi- to McDowell. then right to J effer­ !levcral of the hoz- contmuanct of J>addlmg and like "ould be Jll\'llllt Adlai a rt'al push. On the ron\t'nlion floor: (1) no but reaction ha:. ~ct in and it look.:. 7.allon, 11 w11l not be eligible for son ~~~am . The parade will move up mg acli\'llll "-and practice:. \\ere prcjudical to the in­ ~r wIll I~ allo\\cd, (2) into,l­ hkc it is hl'tC to sl<•Y Stcvt'nson has competitiOn for the pnzes wh1ch are Jcflcn;on to Washmgton Street where ofH:n impatient to teaosts of the !>Chool. ConacqucnUy, cated 'otudent'i will not he admlttrd now obviously pulled oul in front o1Tr1 <:d . However, the New Jersey the 1outc swmgs to the lclt, winding st·l' measurc:li were thry hod no cho1cc but to take step:. and will he rt'mm<'d from thr con­ ddt'!Wtion is planning on havm; an- up aL Do1-emu Gymi\QSIUtn. wkcn. But I thjnk to ICil'IO\'C them This was done in in the deadly pnmary struggle. Re­ li.rhlt' ~ourcL'S rc•por t that he should ' entlon floor by lhr floor maf'hnl'i, that in many cases good fnith. and we should accept 1l take the hotly contc.,tctl lllatc:> of (3) 'iolator.. "ill I~ reported to lht' t h c c measure ns ,uC'h. We didn't take the right C:thfomia nnd Floridn by a fair ma· F.C. Was/,itJglon aud Lee Coufidential were taken. The i\CIIon I!O someone had to jority. J(<'ncral Sl·nlunent At the ~me lime, however, I hope Th«.> convc·nt•on w1ll he a !'~Cram­ York Cit\' on Sund;w ni!lht. Mcclin~ Convention Hullabaloo Destroys on cumpus this that this decision by the Board does bled oiTair in the fi!'l>l two ballol'> hl·r at tht airport and conductlnJ( wa• has h<'cn to- not show anv ll'"-'l'ned £11ith m the when the d1fferent states nominate stoP Pins; !.tudcnl That we are able to her to Le.xuurton w II he Carl Swan­ ~·ard body. thc•r !avonte ~ons. ln Ute su~­ son. chairman of 1\111''1: Convt'ntion. Serene Atmosphere of Lexington CARR many of the prac- ·•cccpt rcspon:-,•bihty has been shown qucnt ballots it is almost certain that Andv Greenman ant: J ·hn Ellis. lice:., and it has over and over again. 1 believe that SL<'vcnson w1ll now pull ahead of 1ANTS OF LEXINGTON FOR HAR- had tangible •csult.:>. Given " little it will continue. AI. o on hand al tnc arrival will 8' IIARRY MOSES hh oppo:.•lion. he a number of newspaper rcport<'rs nnd F.l.LIOTT JOfo'FF. RIMAN. ll'll be stupendous ." more time, many aspects of pl<'ds!in~ 1 once heard democracy definl'd as would ha\'C dit·d a n;;~tural death. Both the wnv the votrr~ have been from the immediate area as well as Thr ot ht r da\' "t wuc "an11l-rin~t "Rut Jack \\C mtcrruptl'd. "Wa1l "each man's freedom to make hi.s 'upportmg Stl.'\ c·tU>On and thl' Gallup local rad•o and TV hroadca~tcrs. around LcxinRton. There was no " ,t cond," hl' rcphl'd. •·rm not But. due to thl• mc1d1 nt at MIT, oY. n mu.takc... · Thts st'Cil'IS to mc to ~ou1 ''l'ys ~t:em to md1cale that the Miss America w1ll r1de on a pro­ douht th.1t it wns ~opnnst. for every­ th1 ou~h . Get Lh1s. The chmax of the Ith1s lime wru.n't a' nilablc to us. No (Con tinued 00 pare four) rucc wilt lx· St<•\'C•n<.on vc:, lkt'. ft'l't>ional f1oal ~oecurcd from the fes- one ~l'Cmcd tmw unlh happv. Tllt'l'e wholco thma is slupcndou.'l. On the molter what ou1 reaction to the 11\·illl'll al the A pple Blossom Festival \\Ha 110 hurryin~t for atlpoinlnll'nt:.. lao,( p.lll or thl• nonl, 500 smgcrs from BOilrd or Tru,tle.' deCI5IOn ll Wlllo and th(' 1>tudents appeared to enjoy \':\I IOU!> JUniOr colle~tcs and paro- n('C!' ary. Public opmlon ~ould have IPeanuts Cartoonist wins Award \\alkmg leisurely in the fine da~· dual '-Chools "111 smg our tht'mc- madt' the occw·l'ncc of a s1m1lar mc•- ong: H-A-double R-1 M-A-N spells dent here l>\IICidal Then outSide o( Doc's _. noi e in­ Charles M. Schulz, creator of "Pea­ •uras from h1s own childrt'n. Art Exhibit Is Hat1lman.'' The qUClillon now 1s· Wlmt cfTcct Ius tcnuptNI lhe nlmo,phcrc. From a nut~> wecklv comrc tolr'p for Thl! ''However, 1l l-"n't all that easy," he "But Jack.'' we Interrupted "Two will thl deciSIOn hove.: on thl· student h1ddl·n loud spcak<'r came Ute plea, Rln.:- tum Phi wo~ votl'd Cnrtooni.st addt'd ''I do U"-l' more actual inci­ little mrn told us Oh10 was 'IUpport- bodv? The nct10n has c.1use-d much Displayed Here to thl' tunc of the popular commer­ v he Year by tl ,. Nali•mnl Car­ dwts in«' I he b1rth of the kids; ing L L.•usehe." Tlw award wus mndL• Tuc:.day Mo.~t or thrs<' things 1 could never We asked one of wn~ <;till shouting nbout his f1onl. My main hope IS that il "ill not on tht' walls were done by Charles llll(hl, Apnl 24 ••1t the Soc1cly's nn­ h;l\ l' donl' lwfo•·r I wa.c; mnrried. No the little men who A:. Y.e p~cd the student union, cau.-<~ on:v friction betwcn the "tu­ Smith who Lo; prt'!l<'nlly tca~'hlng at nu.rl dinner in New York im11gmal1on could have ever suggcst­ Lau.~e was, sup­ the Unl\·er<;ity of Virginia. " l' ·~" three more little men capped dents and tht' Board, or Ute Adminis­ Schutz.. 3l. ~ays he l!t'b many of t-d them." posing that they With bcani<'S. Tht'y were carrymg M1. Smith has h. l'tte company. Ir­ what ddcgalion they r<'prcsented His works a1 <' represented in 28 ritated by our until \\e thought better o! it dUferenl a rt collcc:llons which in­ question. they in­ It was sliJI a beautiful day, but clude.' The Museum of Modem Art. forml'd us rather llrt'd and confused we look in a LOOK AT IT THIS WAY Art Museum of Chicago. PorUond. nl\~llly that Laus­ mo\'IC to relax our nl'n·cs. We walk­ Oregon Arl Museum, Detro1l ltlSll­ C'Ill' was Ohio's ed mto the men's room. Not reoliz­ Our Arrow University shjrts offer all the lul<' of Arts, Laurence Museum of favoruc ton c:m­ ml! that that "ll' the ht'ndquarters Williams College, Tht' Ro enwald d1datc for the for tlw V1rgin l~oland dt'lcgalion. we features the college man wants. What's Collcc:llon m Ute National Gallery of Democratic Mock ovcrh~:ard n heated plan Cor kldnap­ more, these smart-looking oxford shirts Art and The Rcmn. ~ance Soctt'ly of Convention pmJ( Mt'\." Amu•cn from the New come in 8 solid colors. Also, S authentic Ute Umvcrsity of Ch1cago. We noddl.'- hook and unothct you'll need a few of these fine Arrow shiru. paper plute:. WCl'C c·nJOY it hccau~c omt' onl' m b,,ck of ont' will hr pubhshrd l'1rly in Mny r,,.. Tut ning the us wn~ rxplaming how thl' Mock $5 .00 in oxford, $5.95 in gingham plaids. comer we hump­ Conn•nllon Parade "as J.IOing to be Class Sc/,cdulc Mouday ed mto Jack Mc­ rl'pl illC'd the folio" m~ wct'kend for Quuu~an r.t1ll m SIPA dl'll'~nll• Thnnk God, " <''II bl.• Adair-Hutton, Inc. On the opconlllA day or thl' MOC'k hlack .race !rom out or town for thut Com•t'ntion (Monday. Aprtl :10) lhl' MOSES I h c M 1 n s l r c I. schl'dult' of das...~ w1l~ be Bruthh.'l>slv tw mrormcd us of the A 8~25 - 9:05 float thnt Oh1o w a j.lOmg to enter C 9.05 - 9:45 m the• p;~rade . "It's ~oim: In I)( thr E 9:45- 10;25 the• lngl{l'sl lhm~ l.<'lOn~ton 's ever J ust look around campu'\. You'll sec that the From any angle- G 10:25 - 11:05 se·c·n," h<' <.;uri "'l'hr flonl lbt•lf will "custom" clctailo; of thi.., .\~row U nivcr,ity ~lmt 1 11:05 - 11.45 be fi\'c block. lonr nnd w1ll be :.rc ddimtcl} "collc!!,c cOtrld!' The hm. pleat, Thrrc "ill IX' no clas.o;<'S on ru~- haull'd hv an ciC'pllanl from M1ke's da\' Ma\' 1. Zoo ;md 'two tanks from VMI. In 1t the ~ft - roll button-down collar, and the back it says "College man" A'tl<·ndancc I!> l('qUired llt the will bl' mmaiUII' rq>hl·ru. or £-:art N. button arc basic.: rcqutrcmcnt,. In 9 c;olid colol"', opening SC'SSIOn on April :10, nnd ot Ll'Vitl\ slorr, Sh•\·r\ duwt, Jni>O's th i~ is the oxford .,hirt for ptu. 'Vear it with the con\'l'ning ll'&IOn Tue•dsy morn- and tlw Sub\\i11V Barlwr Shot) w1lh comfortable Arrow Bermuda c;horts. They're a hU"i' 1\f'On 1gn fMI\'UoJi: !\1£-:IICH- mg . .. poplin, and available in 6 color:~. Shim, $5.00. Tie, $2.SO.Shorts, $5.00.

Fric.Lay Staff Pubhshed on Tuetd.ay and Friday durmg the coll~ge year. Ed1tutlal and Bualness office~: Student Union BuUdlng. Mailing addre~os : Box 899. - first Pnnted at the Jounalism lAboratory Prt' of W11~hm~tton and L.t-e Um­ in fashion venuty, Le.xmgton. Vtrguua. NBC News Analyst Is I MIUI • till • llACII Enwred u 1ec:ond class matter Septt'mb<-r 20. 1946 at the P~t Office, Lexmcton, Virginia, under the act of March 3, 1879. . • Friday SIPA Speaker National Advertllinl Representative: The National Adverll!illlll Scrv1ce, One we· k from todav Wa hin ton Inc., Madison Avenue, New York. •20 1111 1 l.cc w 1!1 be t nvelopt."d 111 1ts I'Cc­ Editorials ate ~umed to be \\ rittcn h)- the l·clitur unlc" otbt'"' ~'t' onrl c·om l'nllon, th1• Southrrn lnt<'I­ initialed. srholrtbiiC Prc!SS A!>l oc1allon Con\'en­ twn JERRY HOPKINS LARRY ATL.l::R Un ~! of the f~oturcd p<'nkNs Friday Editor Buam Managt'r !rlwdulctl for thr thr< -day mC<'hng lltanalltll Editor-·-"·····- .. ·--- - ·- .. ._...... - •. - ...... D1t'k Anderson 1 N11IIOI\al Rroadt"astmg Company Newt Edltor •...•- ...... --· ---...... - ...... - .B•ll M•ller nc.m r.naly!it Pauhn~ Frl'd<'nck. Miss Sports Edt lor...... •.. • .... NlC'k Cl~r~ 1-'11 rlnll'k, wmrwr of the 1953 duPont Assllllanl Sport.a Editor...... - ...... · "'" .... • · ... Kun ° ,\\\old lor outstundmg contrlbulton:> Reportel'li: Phil Insley, Duke Norell, Vo1gL Sm1th, Bob Lowe, Steve Berg a.s a mtho c-ommentator, w11l peak •• Staff _ ...... --·-"""" ...... _. Bob Blair, John Esper111n on Mny 4 in lk( Chapd on "A ign­ Spor...... 1 hl Th Advertis.ing...... _ ...... Phil Crunpbf.'l , C ar t'l> ompson ment: United N.1tions." THB RING.TUM PHI Page 3 Netmen Crush Virginia Tech, 9-0; Newberg Gets Third Win WcL Ten Seeks Third Win o,er Team Encouraged by 5-2 Record In 9-8 Triumph Over H-S Winless Blue Devils Tomorrow The W&L varsity tennis team get n . cedinq alonjC wilh Phillips crusht:'d a ~-eak V1rginiR Tech squad In llie Conference tournament next 8) JOliN ESPERIAN fly ball mlo Jell field but the out­ The victory starved Washmgt.on been one of the lop four dcf<'n"'C!men fieldt'r w11s not able to hold on to yesterday for the second time lhis week. WW>hin.;ton and Lee's and Lee stickmen hope to get back all year. In order to bolster the Peale and Glauser Clinch Match it 11fter making a spectacular try. season, 9-0. Th~ Generals dropped runt> added another win to their on the winning track tomorrow when weakened defense, Chuck Com and The General's lhird doubles team Alford was held up at sewnd. only on~ set in th~ entire nine match record yesterday at Smith Ftcld as thl'y meet the Duke Blue Devils in Mike O'Day were brouaht up from of Gowenlock and Kim Wood evened the frCllhman team. contest when the Blue and White Lhey ouuuugged ~pden-Sydneys After Skolnick looked at a third Durham. number two man, John Peale, losllhe the score of lhe General-Indian con­ powerful Tigers 9-8. Previous to this strike, Beldon a smgle which Duke has not garnered a victory The rest of the squad is up to top first set of has singles match. Peale test at Cour matches apiece wht•n In five outlniJS thla season, but has J~amc, the Generals had been 5 and 11tarted the Washington and Lee phy10ieal shape for tomorrow's en­ prr.·allt:'d in tht- last two set!;, how­ they \'anqui~hcd William and Mary's sconng, but Dom Flora grounded consistently mel some o£ the top counter. Henry LeBrun and Nick 4 while the T1gca-s were 8 and 2. ever. 6-3, 6-0. The team'~< record now Jef[ Dixon and Mason Swann, 6-2, out to end llie . competition in the C1>untry. They Charles, who were injured last Sat­ Frc:me with the play or the midfield group. hind 6-3. Charlie Broil started ofi within one run of the Tigers 4-3. learns. The Blue Devil~ have im­ Singles proved with each game and their Bill Caspari and Bob McHenry have the inning by reaching first on an Cal Couch got to second on an shown tremendous hustle and Im­ Glaust:r (W&L) defeated Bryant, error charged to the shortshop. record is not indicative of their po­ 6-0, 6-3. error and scored on Alford's safety tentiality. provement over the past week while Catcher John Aliord sent a 3 and 2 to right cenkr. Humphreys fanned LeBrun seems to have completely Peale (W&L) defeated King, 3-6, pitch out of the infield for another Broll prior to Alford's hit and with J ohnson Inju red reoovered from his injury. 8-3, 6-0. !iingle as Broil took third. Hubbard (W&L) defeated Zim­ one out. Coach McCann put in pinch The Generals received one ol their This is the first time lhat LeBrun merman. 6-1, 6-3. Newberg llitl. Triple hitter John Turner. bigge&t setbacks of the season when has been in lop shape since the TW'ner lined one to shallow right Co-captain Dick Johnson came up first game, yet he has still managed Butrick CW&L) defeated ParkC!r, Dick Newberg, who had relieved 6·1, 6-3. the fln;l W&L hurler Dick Skolnik, for a single and drove in Aliord with an injured knee in last Satur­ to lead the team in scormg to date. Corrigan feels that lhis is lhe Stuart (W&L) defeated Grecm, 6-1. stepped up and dro\le a long liner from third. Hurnphreys then bore day's contest and will pr1>bably be 6-4. to dght center for a u·iple scoring down and fired 6 strikes past Bel- ouL for the remainder of the season. game in wh1ch the Generals will show what has been expected of Gowcnlock (W&L) defeated Pol­ Broil and Alford. He was Jell strand­ don and Flora, to end lhe inning. Dick has beet1 one of the main- lard, G-1, 6-1. ed though as Bob Humphreys, who Newberg allowed two more runs ~otays of this year's squad and of them oil year. He feels that the team received the loss, bore down to get on two hits and an error ln the sev- every squad that he has played on i.s in top shape, both mentally and Doubles the next lhrcc men out in order. enth, but got back three more per- at W&L. lHs dc!enslve ability has physically, and with the Improvement Butrick and Boyle CW&L> defeat­ The Tigers got one run back in the sonally in the next two frames to in- rnany time& meant the difference be­ that they have shown in the past ed King and Zimmerman, 6-3, 6-2. top of lhc eighth as Jess Grltfm ad­ sure his third win. tween victory and deieal, and his week they will produce a vactory to­ Glauser and Peale CW&L) defeat­ vanced t~ second on a sacri.ficc by The Tigers threatened again in continual hustle has always been one morrow. ed Lilllc and and Parker, 6-1, 6-2. Humphreys aCter being hit by a the last inning as Newberg began to o( his strongest points. It was for Gowenlock and Wood (W&L} de­ pitched ball. Newberg got the next lo~e his control. He hit llic first bat- these and many other reasons that feated Pollard and Green, 6-4, 6-0. batter to hit to the box, but walked ter witl1 a pitched ball and a wild hi! was elected one of this year's !a­ IM Program in Final Stages the nexl man up. throw allowed the runner lo take crosse co-captains and the team real ­ Competition in the Spnng Sports This put runners on flrsl and sec­ second. McCann then put in Roy 1zes the tremendous gap that his loss Carnival saw action in the horse­ ond, and Griffin stole third and Davis for Newberg and he retired Ihas created. shoe, tennis and golf events this scored on a wild pilch. This lefl the s.ide allcr allowing only one run Coach Gene Con·igan feels, how­ week. Jn the horst'shoes, Oder (Law) the Generals behind again by two to boost the Generals record to six ever, that the vacancy will be ably and Rca (Sigma Nu) reached the runs as the next batter grounded wins and four losses. filled by Chuck Crawford, who has !!Ingles finals, wh lle B1·oyles and out to Dick Beldon. Colbins (Law) advanced to the General!. E.-ded to fi?al round of the golf singles will Term papers, book reports, etc. t o41/UI,,..,._ brought Couch in for run number Lee trackmen will oppose a power- compete with Southern Conference pit Lulcken (Kappa Sigma) agamsl ~ l\IJSS LA.LOU ORI'' ER + :;even with a looping double as ful Davidson team in a Southern schools, will probably plague the Russell (Phi K ap) and Branch (Sig- Ph 640 t Broil wenl to tllird. Confer·ence meet on the Wilson field Generals again today as in past ma Chi) against Wilkinson. (Law). one + Up stepped Newberg again and cinders. meets. Only Alex Platt and Gibby fr~~~~~~~~~~~~ 'fo+++ ""+++ ++++ + ++++++: sent the first pitch far out into Davidson, one of lhc three best McSpadden seem to be consistent right field fot· a sacrifice that brought teams in the Conference tllis year, winners. However, If such men as in Broil and put W&L ahead by one is loaded with lop sprinters and Pres Pule, Randy Creel, Ken Jones 1·un. Dick Beldon got hold of one firld mf'n. They have several men and Dan Ward can win in thclr re­ wh1ch the center fieldc1· lost sight who can do the hundred in 11 ncar spectivc events. Davidson might be Coffee Break __, or and headed loa!cly for· third as 10 flat. The Wildcats also have two oiTered some stilT competition. AICord scored the nmth run. From ...... __ then on out it wal> the General's ball excellent men for both lhc broad - JUmp and pole vault. game. Tolley's Hardware Co. at ~ The ~lugfe~t started ofT wilh the Coach Norm Lord expressed his Mr. and 1\l rs. F. G. Tolley ~-"""'--- Tigers scoring two runs in tlle very belief thal Davidson, along wilh -'"' -,. For all ki.nd!l ol llantware """' ~ first lwo . An et·ror by the Richmond, and VPI, wall be one of ,...... ,..... ~ Generals accounted for two more the top contenders for the Southern 13 S. 1\Wn St. Phone 14 DOC'S Tiger runs In the third, but the Gen­ Conference crown. Lexinrton, Vlrrinill Robert E. Lee ~~ in erals came to life lhe bottom or The lack of depth in consistent :::. 'ifeadfor ? l.he third. ======Hotel m Alford, with one out, knocked a •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••• STATLER HOTELS • • • • FEATURlNG :++++++++++++++++++++++: : Wetdubaklnr aad Ellfr8vlnr : • • offerin& : MILLERS-Gifts : Banquet FecUitle~~ 5c : Hamric and Sheridan : + + Specially Prepared IAL STUDENT RATES : JEWELERS : : GIFTS AND CARDS : : SPEEDY SERVICE • • Charcoal Steak~ i : Oppollite State Theater : • FOR ALL OCCASIONS • In Buffalo, Boston, Hartford, ~ on • • New York and Washlnctoft ;;; all makes of cars ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ••••••••••••••••••••••••• • i Whe~l Alignment YOU ' LL BOTH GO FOR THIS CIGARETTE! + Body 110 d Fender Repair.. t GENERAL REPAIRS + i Cars called for and delivered 'fbU.ItUJL 1 I BAKER WINSTON ~ #}wen ! Ford Sales f !ii;b :: Your Friendly Ford Dealer i+ + in Lex.inKton + LIKE A : Phone J:l!J : + + ?++++++•++++++++++++++++ CIGARETTE SHOULD!


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We appreciate yo141' patrouage • When Winston came along, college s mokers finally got flavor - full, ~ rich, tobacco ftavor - in a filter cigarette! Along with this finer flavor, 'Wl:NSTON Clover Creamery Co. Winston also brings you an exclusive filter that works so well the flavor really ~'s~0'.1 Route 11 gets through to you. Join the switch to Winston - and enJOY filter smoking! Phone 766 or 64 ~ ciLiOJtelt£.! II .J IICYHO~D· TOIACCO CO., WU

the rt'Cenl c:ampus election. It IS Hazing Order Is Surprise ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Independents Lists 28 Candidates the dcsir~ of the Party to nommate • • only those who are desetvmg of a (Continued trom paae two) • • (Continued from page one) the upc:ommg class elections. class office and are capable of ful­ catch th<' C!'Scnce of the liyslcm of i Civic Bowling Center i !;t·t·ntu•·, John Budd (Phi Gamma Eight frntcmities remain in ln­ filling the dulic.:. required of them. Dt'ltal. dcpendc:-nt mnks following the elec­ studt-nt government al Washington • • "ThL<; 1s lhe only way that cithc>r : NOW OPEN : hon eve switch o( the 55-member and Lee. Not abolishing ~orne of our Th(' lndepl·ndenl Party will be pal"ly can honestly serve the wuver­ altt•mpting in thl' May elections to Delta Upsilon house to the UniVer­ hazing practice:. soon enough was a • • lntv and perform the trUe dulles of mistake-but we would be less than : Completely Reconditioned : rN~O\'l'r lt·om a one-sided defeat at sity Party. This switch was claimed a political party," he added. we arc had we not made H. th~· rands of Unh·ersity Party candl­ by Independent leaders to bavl.' • • dath m tht• Student Body elections CaU:;ed the overwhelminf! defeat the : TEN PINS DUCK PINS BILLIARDS : April 19, in \\ hic:h the only Inde­ next day. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· . . : Open Daily: 2 p.m. til 11 p.m. : Jll'nd.. nt nominee able to win was The Univt-r.c.ity Party co-c:hnimlcn Secrt·tar~ of the Student Body-elect, ttntd tht'ir slate would be announced ! 14 E. Nelson SL Phone 1121 : Bob Miller. next Friday. Confirmation of the • • Campu), Cluh represt'ntatives were flall' will be completed Thursday. STEVE'S DINER •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • prt'!'!•nt Cot tht' first hme this week i.>('()ntll'd Grt'enebaum nnd War­ ill lndepend(•nl Party councils, fol­ r('n W1lcox h;we been elected eo­ Established 1910 Io\\ ina uhgnment of the approxi­ cha•rnwn o( the Unin•rsih· P:1rtv mately 30-ml·mber non-fraternity Oxner, who piloted the ·party to GOOD FOOD We Fcatl4re or~anizauon with the Independent \'ictory m the rt'Cenl student bodv HOURS Party April 16. Two Campu:. Club elections. said, "The Univentily Party men were nominated by the party for !,., contmumg to u.~c the preCeren·­ 6 a.m.-1 a.m. SEAL TEST hal ballot system that was used in Friday and Saturday--6 a.m.-2 a.m. Dairy Products hnley Thinclads Meet Davidson ..To Get the Best Get Swtest" Wlntlr'• STATE ( Continued from page three) Over twenty different products in addition to Last Tuesday lhe trackmen d•·op• •········1·1·························1···1········ • delicious Sealtest ice cream pcd a dual meet to the state's most : If you want good food : LAST TIMES SAT. potent team, Roanoke, by a score of • , • Block and Crushed Ice Paramoutll or.. enla 100 2 3 to 30 1 3. In downing the . . • its • Your favorite mixes...-lce Cold BING OoNALD Generals the Roanoke trackmen set • • CROS8'1· O'cONNOR three new records and lied one for theu· home trnek Randy Creel, in ~ The College Inn ~ * JtANMAIRf the JB\'chn. and Alex Platt in the • • M/TZI PulL. discus were tlw only first place win­ : We Specialize in ltalia1l Dishes : Maple-Rock Distributors, Inc. Mrs (or the Blue and White. GAYNOR· HARRIS- Coach Lord announced this week •1 8 North i\Iain Street Phone- 90311 • Phone 73 !'ome good and bad news. Dick Shcr­ • • • 11 a.m. to 1 a.m.-E,·ery Night • ~~~~~~~;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rington, who was thought to be lost . . : 1 I ~fhTffi/.I Gfa@i\ for the re!>t of thl" j;enson, is now ex­ : TONIGHT: JAZZ QUARTET, 8 tu 12 : : • • • •• • •• • ••• •• • • • • • • • •• •• •• • 1 •• •• • • • e1 •• • • • • • • • peeled to be ready for aclton in about • • • • two weeks. The bad news eom<>s with ~~ ;,cm<:3too '~!V~;;t the departure of versatile Frank ·························~······················· i MONEY . . . i Hoss. who was co-chamlon in the . : Southern Conference high jump last year. For Your Convenience • • • Look at Leggett's SUN.-~tON. The University Supply Store HAROLD and JOHN'S CAGNEY IN HIS GREATEST ROL£1 GULF STATION Now Offers * Ivy League Bermudas operated by Harold D. Edwards and LAUNDRY AND DRY CLEANING SERVICE Johnny Goodbar * Cotton Cord Suits Rt. 60 East Phone 1034 * • Try their economical service today * Ivy League Polo Shirts ROCKBRIDGE LAUNDRY & CLEANERS STUDENT AGENT IN FRATERNITY HOUSES Leggett's Dept. Store

····························· ~· ···············I·· • •

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It•~·~··················· · ························+ i + ~ : ~· + y + + ·=- ·:·+• The + + + + y i University Supply Store ~l~ + ; i + + + + ALL THE STUDENT NEEDS t + + •. t+ ; ¥ ~ + ! w + ~ + J.. ·:· ,, ~ + + + ...... •1: No1•dLics of all kinds i• H ere you h ;we the llc.,t in riltcred smokins­ f ilt~r Tip Tarcqon, the lihcr dgarettc that smokes ~ German Beer Steins i milder, smokes smoother, draws easier .. . the only y + + + one chat give~ you Aeth aced Charcoal filtration. • + All the plcasuru come~ tbru ... tbL taMe i~ great I "'' Seal Book Ends + . ~ t. ! t Pennants • ~+ y + + + :1: Parker and Schaffer Pens and Pencils ~: + + + + ~ ~ t + y ~ ~# " C\// /./' ··~•++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++~ PRODUCT Of' c./-fW t,JlVn~n JuOtLCCC>-l'cwyJ(l)'tf A~HHH'A'~ I.I:: ADING MANU.'ACTlJitl.:It OF ClGA.lU~TTES •