A African Americans, 693, 738. See also Blacks at Abba, Charles D., 37 Union; Viney, Moses Abbe, Robert T., 37 African and Latino Alliance of Students, 113, 691 Abbott, Lawrence Jacob, 1, 206, 246 Africana Studies Program, 11 3, 661 Abell, Arthur H . Jr., 211 African-American Studies, 48 Aberdeen Proving Grounds, 486 Afcimus, Joseph Fari, 35 Abolitionism, 163, 250, 655 Aiken, Charles Augustus, 9, 15- 17, 75, 128, 148, Abramowitz, Marrin, 763 179,202,239,508,526,529,541,553,578, 580,606,746,748,755 Absence rules, 1-2 Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps, 17-19, Abstinence pledges, 693 37,67,236,282,288,400,431,611,684,689, Academic Affairs Council, 344 699,766,767,776 Academic consorciums, 400 Air travel, 742 Academic freedom, 2-7, 19,217,271,301,553, Albany (Removal co), 23-26, 363, 601, 736 621,633,720 Albany Academy, 28 Academic Opportunity Program, 7, 14, 81, 111 112, 661 ' Albany College of Pharmacy, 18, 19-20, 242, 301, 347, 757. See also Union University Academic/Pre-professional student organizations 684-88 , Albany Law School, 19-21, 26, 220, 347, 576, 627, 644. See also Union University Academy and Library Company, 7 Albany Medical College, 18, 20, 21-23, 103, 156, Accreditation, 86, 87, 161-62, 253-54, 347, 484, 546, 551, 577, 627, 784. See also Union Middle States Association of 488, 586. See also University Colleges and Schools Albers, Josef, 61, 107 Accreditation Board for Engineering and Albright, Frank P., 56-57, 82 Technology, 253-54 Alcoholic beverages, 531, 598 Achilles, Henry Laurence, 8, 66, 150-51, 198,329, 391,394,476,608 Alden, Joseph, 32 Achilles Field, 66 Alexander, George, 25, 26-27, 125, 225, 259, 579, 591,606,610,647,749,772 , 8, 54, 65, 116, 177,198,391, 395 Alexander, Harold D., 21 Acting Professor (rank), 275 Alexander, Robert Career, 35, 367, 592, 599, 615 Adams, Bill, 767 Alexander, Stephen, 32, 802 Adams, Maude, 32 Alexander Field, 64-65, 177, 740 Adams, William M., 605 Adams, William R., 211 Alexander Lane, 615 Alexanderson, Ernest F. W, 328, 630 Addison, Daniel Dulany, 35 Alger, Philip, 328, 630 Adelphic Society, 28, 181-83, 227, 288, 452, 460-61,591,647, 650,665,681, 726,751 All-College Council, 191, 27 4, 343 Adirondack Research Center, 8, 457 Allen, Benjamin, 27- 28, 154,193,251,268,272, 451,466,477,512,558,606,657 Adjunct Professor (rank), 275 Allen, David Oliver, 32 Administration, 8-10, 82, 798 Allen, George, 605 Administration Building, 6, 10-11, 120, 284, 320, 572,576,582,769 Allen, Neal W Jr., 30, 209, 235, 257, 268, 271, Admissions, 9, 11- 15, 18, 121, 256, 600, 643 319,388,391,625,657,741,750 and fraternities, 314 Allen, Thomas, 33 examinations, 12 Allen, William, 36 examinations, 11, 269 Allen, William Fitch, 28 films, 283 Allen, William T. Jr., 30, 37 interviews, 12 Allen Essay Prize, 28 office, 15, 509 Allis, Edward Phelps, 33 policies, 271, 736 Allison, Bruce, 432, 800 quotas, 6, 14, 21, 78, 11 0, 219, 264, 272, 301, Allison, George F., 28, 30 418,476,641,776,797 Allison-Foore Debates, 28, 227 recruitment, 161,549,572,666, 713 requirements, 12, 22, 118, 169,262,391,494, Alma Marer. See Ode to Old Union 612,640 Alpha Delea Phi, 28, 51, 304,602,641, 683, 764 rourguides, 702 Alpha Delea Phi House, 28 Advertising, 185, 594 Alpha Epsilon Pi, 28 Advisors. See Student Advisor System Alpha Gamma Phi, 28, 158, 230 Aerospace organizations, student, 686 Alpha Kappa Delea, 28 Aerospace Studies, 18 Alpha Mu Sigma, 28 808 I NDEX

Alpha Phi Alpha, 28, 113 Annual Fund, 45, 82, 774. See also Development Alpha Phi Delta, 29 Office; Gifts Alpha Phi Omega, 29 Anthony, Susan B., 448 Alpha Sigma, 29 Anthropology, 304, 660-63 Alpha Zeta, 29, 744 Anci-Cacholicism, 543 Alpher, Ralph, 560 Anti-Secret Confederation, 265 Alumni, 121, 145 Anti-Secret Society, 507 activities, 72, 268, 645, 741 Anti-Semitism, 418,419 and athletics, 72 Anti-Slavery Sociery, 693 and coeducation, 796 Apollo Club, 428 Civil War era, 164 Applegarth, Lillian, 29, 668, 7 15 directories, 31, 145, 453, 539 Aptheker, Herbert, 5 distinguished, 31-36, 761 fund-raising, 321, 487 Archibald, James, 34 magazines, 38-42 Architects, College. See Architecture of Union organizations, 42-47, 348, 569, 574, 610, 746 College; McKim, Mead and White; Potter, records, 125 Edward Tuckerman; Potter, William Appleton relations, 9, 342 Architecture (courses in), 48 Alumni Affairs, Director of, 44, 46 Architecture of , 10-11, 49- 55, 60, Alumni Award for Meritorious Service, 29, 45 101, 129, 139,141,249,331,432,468,512, Alumni Council, 29, 30, 56, 72, 773 518,537,581,596,613,628,650,741,779, 781, 789. See also names of individual buildings Alumni Day, 30, 44, 179 Archives, 31, 125, 333, 358, 778, 802 Alumni Gold Medal, 36 Argersinger, Roy, 36 Alumni Gymnasium, 18, 37- 38, 52, 67, 73, 213, 281, 287,355,466,495, 610, 78 1. See also Arioan, Leo, 347 Gymnasiums Armory, College, 37, 94, 488 Alumni Office, 46, 774, 789. See also College Armory Club, 684 Relations Armsby, James H., 21, 23 Alumnus Trustees, 745, 746 Armstrong (Thomas) Professor of Economics, 256 Amateur (The), 695 Army Reserve Officers Training Corps, 285 American Alumni Council, 41 Army Signal Corps, 242 American Association of Universiry Professors, 1, Arnold, Donal d, 347 47,191,270,341,441,631,661, 720, 47 Arnold, Laurer. Briggs, 33 American Association of Universiry Women, 276, Arnold Air Sociery, 18, 684 303 Aronstamm, Grady C., 212 American Chemical Sociery, 157, 684 Arony, Alexander J., 374 American Colonization Sociery, 693 Arson, 284, 709 American Institute of Electrical Engineers, 686 Arc, 49- 59, 216 American Locomotive Co., 60, 267, 483, 610, 626, Arc galleries, 58, 59, 94, 332 640,736,765,789,795 Arc history, 260, 354 , 250, 316, 619, 716 Arthur, Chester Alan, 33,461,465, 506, 581, 607, American Sociery of Civil Engineers, 686 761 American Sociery of Mechanical Engineers, 686 Arthur (Chester) Campaign Club, 693 American Student Union, 694 Arthur (Chester) House, 508 American Studies, 47-48 Arthur (Chester) Statue, 59, 672, 709 Amherst College, 606, 796 Artist in Residence, 107 Amnesry Internacional, 695 Arts Building, 58, 59-60, 272, 650. See also Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, 15 5, 380 Philosophical Hall Ancient Order of Snakes, 690 Arts clubs, 681, 688 Anderson, Ann, 485 Arts Department, 49, 55, 57, 59, 60-62, 82, 86, Anderson, Janet, 157 122,212,261,400,503,557,572,636,678, Andreen, F. B., 641 699- 701, 725. See also Art; Dance; Music; Andrews, Sherlock James, 32 Photography; Theatre Angell, James R., 667 Ashmore, Sidney Gillespie, 60-63, 86, 170, 267, Angle, Richard W., 37 383,575,581,606,623,657,710 Anima, 48, 711 Ashton, Charles Hamilton, 35 Annan, Charles Muirhead, 56 Asian Student Union, 691 Asian Studies Club, 688 Anniversaries, 146, 645, 647 Assistant Professor (rank), 275 INDEX 809

Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies, 226 Bacon, Egbert K., 156 Associate Professor (rank), 275 Badeau, John S., 36 Association for Computing Machinery, 686 Baggerly, Hiland L., 36 Association of Graduates of Union College, 42 Bagnoli, Al, 291, 720, 800 Assyrian tablets, 63 Bailey, Frank, 3-4, 25, 36, 56, 75-80, 99, 146, Astiz, Maria T., 667 152, 172, 181, 216-17, 224,235,236,240, Astronomy, 355, 376, 634. See also Dudley 246,253,263,270,321,454,475,520,522, Observatory; Telescope 566,582, 589,602,639,671-74, 743,746, At Union, 42, 64 748,750, 76~764, 775,796 Athletic Advisory Board, 46, 68-69, 68, 72, 289, Bailey (Frank and Marie Louise) Professorship of 527,706 Physics, 257, 560 Athletic Department, 115, 651, 793 Bailey (Frank) Professorship of Classics, 257 Athletic fields, 8, 64-66, 495 Bailey (Marie L_ouise) Chair of Mathematics, 257 Athletics, 46, 66--73, 217,269,475,612,625, Bailey Collection of American Wit and Humor, 80, 642, 672, 740. See also names of individual sports 455 administration, 69 Bailey Cup, 80, 470 alumni involvement in, 72 Bailey Field, 65 associations, 691 Bailey Hall, 53, 77, 80- 81, 272, 610, 634 coaching, 69-70 Bain, George, 319 directors, 73 Baird, Theodore, 260 eligibility, 69, 740 Baker, David K., 625 facilities, 650 Baker, George P., 492 funding, 69, 90, 622 insignia, 243 Baker, Harold W, 211 intercollegiate, 67, 68 Baker, Henry Allen, 660 intramural, 73 Baker, John T., 21 leagues, 70 Baker, Kenneth, 560 managers, 704 Baker, Lois Duffie, 83, 746, 798 news coverage, 187 Baker, May I. C., 455 radio broadcasts, 594 Baker (May LC.) Professorship in Fine Arts, 57, 58, recreational, 67 257 recruitment, 71, 72 Baker, Robert, 556, 723 scheduling, 69 Baker, Robert K., 212 tax, 69, 678 Baker, Wallace, 624 women's, 68, 72-73, 797. See also Women's sports Baker, Walter Cummings, 5, 18, 36, 45, 57, 60, 78, 80- 83, 122,205,218,257,273,293,301,360, Attendance. See Absence rules 408,455,483,504,582,586,641,650,681, Aubrey, William C., 483 744, 749- 50, 775,781,789 Auburn, Norman Paul, 73, 579 Baker (Walter C.) Lectureship in Art and Audino, John, 92 Civilization, 83 Auditoriums, 659 Baker, Walter Ransom Gail, 36, 328 Audubon, John James, 411. See also Birds of Balagur, Richard, 711 America Balanced College Concept, 83-88, 554 Auriesville Martyrs Shrine, 672 Balch, Richard L., 211 Automobiles, 53, 137, 439 Ball, Peter V, 236 Averill, Chester, 43, 74, 101,154,333,348,451, Bands,470, 678,695, 698-99 501 Banrham, Albert P., 30, 36 Avery, Harold Gardner, 74, 246 Banyar, Goldsbrow, 450, 636 Avery, Jared C., 37 Barbanel, Julius, 479 Awards, 29, 40, 45, 100, 125, 296, 308, 323, 366, Barber shop, 650 416. See also Prizes Barbieri, Anthony, 650 Aydelotte, William, 719 Barhydt, George Weed, 515 B Barnard, George G., 33 BIW Club, 108 Barnard, Robert, 586 Baas, John C. Jr., 30, 37 Barnard College, 795 Babcock, Charles, 33 Barnes, Daniel, 32 Bache, Alexander, 242 Barnes, Frank Coe, 3, 11, 15, 88- 89, 224, 284, Backus, Jonathan Trumbull, 74-75, 179,382,402, 336,490,643,657,666,685,713 572,749 Barney, Edgar Scarr, 35, 89, 457, 749 810 INDEX

Barney, H. S. Co., 594 Bennett, John Ira Sr., 34, 97 Barns. See Buildings Bennecc, Ralph D., 28, 37, 80, 82, 161, 483, 594 Barrete, Donald Beach, 326 Bennecc, William Whipple, 4, 29, 81, 98, 225, 246, Barry, Lucius Chilton, 667 272,612,625 Barca, Lynne, 93, 663 Benneccon, Norman Adrian, 98-99, 317 Barclecc, Richard J ., 21 Bensinger, David, 622 Baruch, Bernard, 454 Benson, Robert, 720 Bascom, Frederick G., 36, 80 Berg, Ernst Julius, 1, 87, 99-100, 106, 160, 235, Baseball, 64, 68, 89- 92, 272, 535, 599 252,328,350,~93,612,630,639 Basie, Count, 230 Berg Scholarship Cup, 100 Basketball, 68, 92-94, 112 Bergmark, David A., 236 Bassecc, Susan, 716 Berk, Stephen M., 388, 722 Bates, Erskine Sweet, 34 Berkenblic, Daniel, 631 Bayard, Edward, 684 Bernhardt, Robert, 80 Bayard, Henry, 671 Bernscorff, Johann von, 100, 286 Bayard, James Ashecon, 32 Berthold, Howard, 722 Bayard, Stephen N., 744 Berthoud, Edward Louis, 34 Beakley, George Frederic, 35 Best, Clermont L., 66, 488, 504 Beall, Samuel Wootton, 32 Beta Eta Upsilon, 100 Beam, Sheila Jayne, 798 Beta Pi Chi, 100, 683 Beattie, Anne O'Neill, 94, 715 Beta Sigma, 101 Beaccie, James, 304 Beta Theta Pi, 51, 101, 282, 641 Beattie, Robert, 304 Beta Theta Pi House, 101 Beaudry, Robert E. Jr., 658, 720 Bibber, Harold Whitney, 253 Beck, Lewis Caleb, 32 Bible Society, 681 Beck, Theodric Romeyn, 32, 757, 761 Bible study, 608, 718. See also Bible Society; Becker, Howard I., 630 Religion; Religious organizations Becker (Stanley R.) Hall, 52, 95. See also Old Gym Biblical scholarship, 788 Hall Bick, Theodore A., 30,479, 770 Beckett, Clark, 624 Bicycling clubs, 690 Beckwith, Nathan, 550 Big Brothers/Big Sisters, 702, 739 Beecher, Callender, 712 Bigelow, John, 33, 165, 455, 628, 761, 782 Beechey, Veronica, 662 Bigelow (John) Professorship of History, 257 Beekman, Dow, 35, 36 Bingham, Anson, 33 Beer far the Kitten, 95, 323 Biological Sciences Department, 81, 101- 6, 130, Begley, Owen, 621, 630 165,332,456,480,502,509,601,634,798 Belanger, Franyois, 597 Biology Building, 106-7, 166 Belanger, John W, 328 Biology Club, 686 Bell, Howard, 479 Birds, campus, 137 Bellamy, Edward, 32, 762 Birds ofAmerica (Audubon), 333, 415, 456 Bells, 95-96, 509, 709, 786. See also Chimes Birecka, Helena, 104, 798 Belsky, Marcin H., 21 Bishop, Francis Michler, 36, 211 Benack, Suzanne, 588 Bishop, Robert M., 212, 589 Benedict, James Everard, 35 Bitcleman, Arnold Irwin, 57, 60, 107- 8, 326, 503 Benedict, Joel, 511 Biccleman, Dolores Dembus, 58, 107 Benedict, Julia, 96,412, 504, 546 Black, James William, 108, 224, 257, 387 Benedict, Samuel Tweedy, 97, 284 Black Alliance, 694 Benedict House, 52, 97, 284, 363 Black and Latin Alliance of Students, 113, 691, 786 Benfield, Clifford]., 36 Black Cat Club, 81, 681 Benham, Henry Hill, 488 Black Dispatch, 108, 112 Beninati, Daro, 728 Black Student Alliance, 108, 111, 182, 547, 691, Benjamin, George Hillard, 35 769 Benjamin, Marcin, 58, 557 Blacks at Union, 7, 14, 22, 109-14, 594, 665, 714. Benjamin, Robert W, 212 See also African-Americans Benjamin, Walter Romeyn, 35, 455, 663 Blair, Austin, 33 Benjamin, William Evarts, 35 Blair, John, 654 Bennecc, John Ira, 38, 97-98, 139, 170, 267, 774 Blair, Samuel, 654 INDEX 811

Blake, Diane, 181 Brewster, James, 121- 23, 454 Blake, W J., 33 Bridge Club, 692 Blankman, Peter, 42, 590 Bridge to Medicine Program, 11 3 Blatchford, Devonshire, 658 Briggs, Emily, 123 Blatchford, Richard Milford, 32, 177 Brignall, Thomas, 581 Blessing, Arthur, 630 Bristol, William B., 388, 723, 766 Bliss, George Newman, 165 Bronner, Frederick Lidell, 36, 40, 123--24, 257, Bliss, Neziah, 401 387,454,625,6J7, 761,778,782 Block U Society, 691 Bronner House, 112, 506 Blodgett, Harold E., 35, 257, 262 Bronson, Greene C., 20 Blodgett, H arold W, 258, 260, 261, 449, 465, 657, Brook, college. See Hans Groot's Kill 778 Brooks, James Gordon, 32 Blodgett, Raymond S., 211 Brooks, T homas Benton, 34 Bloomrosen, Lee, 728 Broughton, Leslie Nathan, 35 Blue Gare, ll4-15, 448, 537, 616 Brown, Alan Willard, 40, 268, 585, 590 Blumberg, Baruch, 417, 559 Brown, C. Foster, 36 Board, Joseph B., 258, 565, 577, 750, 768 Brown, C. Victor, 151, 608 Board of Managers, 680, 707 Brown, Charles Brockden, 537 Boards of Visitors, 115 Brown, Charles C., 11,159,649 Boating. See Crew Brown, Clifford, 565 Boehm, Arthur R., 93 Brown, Edgar, 35 Bolting, 1, 100 Brown, Gary, 658 Bondurant, Stuart; 23 Brown, James D., 80 Bonner, Frederick, 643 Brown, Joseph Ransom Jr., 31, 36, 40, 45, 123--25, Bonner, John, 191 383,453 Bonner, Thomas Neville, 10, 15, 41, 58, ll5- 20, Brown, Peter, 720 179,188,224,271,291,293,343,351,388, Brown, Robert M., 275 579-80,494,579-80,632, 749,760 Brown (Stephen P.) Memorial Trophy, 125, 550 Bookstore, 11, 88, 115-20, 256, 495, 780 , 606 Bose, Vilmar K., 80 Brownell, Silas Brown, 82, 125- 26, 606, 747-49 Boss, Benjamin, 242 Brownell, Thomas Church, 126-27, 154, 267, 269, Boss, Lewis, 24, 242 333,508,591, 634,790 Bostock, George, 28 Brownell Gate, 125 Botany, 528, 539. See also Biological Sciences Brownlee, Paula Pimlott, 226, 798 Department Brubaker, Crawford F., 508, 641 Botany Bay, 13, 120,510,512, 736, 742 Bruce, Harold Anson, 67, 71, 73,196,281,431, Bowdoin College, 796 658, 740, 794 Bowie, John T., 648 Bruhn, Robert L., 37 Bowie, Thomas F., 648 Brumond, Harry L., 427 Bowling, 68, 94, 121, 678 Brunet, Meade, 9, 36, 45, 80, 82, 127, 293, 579, Boxing, 121, 281 666, 700, 747,750 Boy Scours of America, 29 Brungraber, Robert J., 161, 576 Boyer, Barbara, 104, 724 Bryan, William Jennings, 27, 694 Boyer, John, 104 Bryn Mawr College, 795 Brackett, Byron B., 252 Buck, Alben F., 587 Brackett, Edgar T., 732 Buckland, Florence Fogler, 349, 739, 795 Brackett (Edgar T.) Memorial Lectureship, 121, 564 Buckland, H., 55 Bradbury, John Mason, 56, 60, 121-23, 261, 502, Budka, Richard W., 765 719 Buildings, 127- 28, 180, 215, 236, 243, 363, Bradford, Alexander Warfield, 33 461- 62, 466, 471, 505, 630, 789. See also names Bradley, Frank E., 764 of individual buildings Bradley, Samuel B., 32 Burek, Barbara C., 30 Braidwood, Clinton, 296 Burial and Resurrection of the Trustees, 16, Bray, M. William, 35 128- 29, 519 Brecher, Laurie E., 212 Burkett, Frederick James Hyland, 129 Breckenridge, Robert Jefferson, 32 Burlin, Paul, 56 Breese, Sidney, 32 Burns, Arnold I., 37,296,417,418, 724, 750 812 INDEX

Burns, William, 750 Campbell, Robert, 697 Burr, Aaron, 511 Campbell, William A., 690 Burr, William Henry, 33 Campbell, William W, 32, 646 Burroughs Corporation, 183 Campus, 135-42, 262. See also Architecture of Burrow, Simon, 767 Union College; Pasture Burrows, Francis, 557 adjacent lands, 136-37 Bursar, 181 expansion, 330 Burt, David, 505 improvements, 138' Burt, David R.R., 625 lighting, 65, 138, 140, 172, 239, 331. 487, 506 planning, 139-40, 729 Burt, , 12, 712 plants and birds, 137 Burt, , 33 Ramee plan, 49-55, 60, 138, 139, 150, 279, Burtis, Arthur, 427 331,400,411,437,443,505,509,519,581, Burwell, J. Patrice, 7 596,610,628,748,779,789 Bush, , 58, 62 roads,57,280-81,437,439, 614, 729 Busha, Roger W., 472 sale of land, 329, 602 Business Manager, 467 snow removal, 614 Butterfield, Daniel, 34, 129, 130, 165,281,667 topography, 135- 36 Butterfield Hall, 52, 59, 128, 129- 30, 156, 255, Campus Action Committee, 694, 766 286,610,634,638 Campus Center, 11 7, 141-42, 238, 407, 470, 495, Butterfield Lecture Course, 130, 245, 667 610. See also College Center; College Union; Butterfield Literary Society, 130, 681 Reamer Campus Center; Student Center Butterick, Frederick A., 744 Campus Chest, 702 Butterstein, George, I 04 Campus Chronicle, 42, 117 Buttrick, Wallace, 624 Campus Operations Center, 142 Bucz, Henry A., 34 Campus Religious Council, 683 Butzel, Henry M. Jr., 103, 130 Campus store. See Bookstore By the Light ofthe Moon, 42 Campus Voice, 142 Byers, Cecil Wesley, 130 Cane Rush, 369 Canes, 142 C Canoe Club, 689 C. E. Piling, 686 Canterbury Club, 683 Cabaret, 700 Cantwell, Edward, 151 Cadet Corps, 488, 684. See also Military science; Cap and Gown, 143, 179,497 Union College Zouaves Capital District Library Council, 456, 734 Cady, Eleazer L., 671 Carafano, James, 663 Cady, Monroe, 785 Card-playing, 692 Cahill, Thomas, 92, 291 Career Development Center, 143, 739. See also Cain, Walker 0., 54, 469, 628, 634 Placement Office Cain (Walker) Associates, 468 Carey, Edward, 34 Calabria, Frank, 588 Carey, Joseph Maull, 34 Calendar, 87, 131-34, 162,207,219,253,261, Carlile, Frank, 662 382,473,555,640-41 Carman, A. Firman, 534 Calerenean Society, 681 Carman, Bernard R., 29, 41,358, 384, 590, 752 Callan, Albert S., 37 Carman, Harry J ., 206 Callander, Robert R., 40, 589 Carnegie, Andrew, 45, 130,141,257,270,321, Calliopean Society, 459, 681 453,520,575,602,745 Callithumpian Society, 366, 703 Carnegie Corporation, 48, 56, 260, 492 Camera Club, 692 Carnegie Foundation, 174, 555, 670 Cameron, Charles B., 37 Carnegie Hall, 52,141,495, 781 Cameron, Donald Forrester, 36 Carpenter, Benjamin Platt, 34 Cameron, Edward M., 30 Carr, Georgina, 453 Camp Union, 134, 288 Carroll, Edward Linus, 60, 143-44, 261, 283, 493, Campaign for Union, 495 725,727 Campbell, Douglas, 34, 667 Carroll, Francis L., 374 Campbell, Douglas Whitney, 134, 227, 564 Carter, James Earl ("Jimmy"), 144, 58 1 Campbell, Hugh C., 211 Cartmill, Thomas A., 93, 224, 225, 658, 719 Campbell, James, 23 Carver Community Center, 627 INDEX' 813

Case School of Applied Science, 669 Chinese Language Club, 687 Cassidy, Eugene F., 37 Chinese Students Association, 691 Cassidy, William, 33 Choate, Joseph, 257 Castelli, Patricia, 212, 699 Choir, 148, 698 Cat Lab. See Sculpture studio Cholera, 177,372,423, 739 Catalogue, College, 12, 144-45 Christensen, Robert A., 697 Catholic Church. See Roman Catholicism Christian Associationi 143, 317, 682, 773. See also Cats, 102 Young Men's Christian Association Caverc, Samuel McCrea, 35, 211 Christian Union, 68 1 Cawse-Morgan, Norman E., 19 Christian Union Endowment, 158 Cemetery plot (College), 136, 145-46, 449. See Christianity, 151-53, 419,600,612. See also also Vale Cemetery Religion Censor, 146, 534, 711 Churchill, Winston, 647 Censorship, 3, 190-91, 590, 707, 756 Ciccolella, Richard, 93 Centennial Celebration, 146-47, 180, 575 Ciovacco, John P., 80 Central Utilities Building, 147. See also Campus Circle K Club, 702 Operations Center; Physical Plant Civil Aeronautics Authority, 639 Cercle Comique, 700 Civil Defense, 140, 640 Cercle Franc;:ais, 687 Civil Engineering, 13, 48, 86, 141, 158, 159-62, Ceteris Paribus, 688 233,252,294,337,349,361,389,436,483, Chadbourne, Norman 0., 37 488,509,514,626,631,634,668,717,748, Chairs, department, 234, 254, 262 763, 779, 780, 791, 793. See also Engineering; Chandler, Charles Frederick, 95, 109, 147-48, 155, General Engineering Department 275,334,444,501,546,631,664,684 Civil Engineering Club, 686 Chang, Yu, 254 Civil liberties, 2-7 Chapel attendance rules, 148-50, 591 Civil Rights Committee, 694 Chapels, 150, 486-87, 507 Civil Rights movement, 295 Chaplain and Campus Ministry, 11, 19, 149, Civil War, 13, 159-65, 263,381,446, 519, 544, 150-51,418,422,509,650,682, 718 571,639,665,753,777,783,792 Chaplin, Winfield S., 508, 697 draft riots, 448 Chapman, David F., 80 Civilian Pilot Training, 639 Character Research Project, 94, 150-53, 422, 458, Clark, Leonard Bertrand, 103-4, 165-66, 174, 588 625,636 Charter, 153, 297-98, 320, 607, 630, 632, 636, Clark, W. Van Alan Jr., 296 717,735, 745-46, 747,749,795 Clarke, Nathaniel G., 259, 444, 591 Charter Day, 295, 602 Clarkson, John G., 92 Chase, Leonard, 578 Class Day, 165-67, 412, 704 Chase, Stanley Perkins, 47, 154, 286, 357, 700, Class fights, 16, 168, 368, 366-72, 703, 706, 776. 726 See also Fights Cheating. See Honor System Class gifts, 167-68, 288, 426, 455, 545, 650, 676 Cheerleading, 691 Class of 1863 Elm, 167 Chemical museum, 156 Class of 1884 Gate, 167 Chemical Society, 459, 684, 751 Class of 1906 Well, 167, 413 Chemistry Club, 684 Class officers, 705 Chemistry Department, 59, 115, 126, 129, 147, Class schedule. See Daily schedule 154-57,216,255,348,403,424, 509,516, Class suppers, 168-69, 371 546,566,604,631,635,664,797 Classics Club, 171,688 Chess clubs, 692 Classics Department, 63, 169- 72, 174, 400, 422, Chi Epsilon, 158 429,603,780 Chi Iota, 10 l, 158, 683 Classrooms, 169- 72, 176, 664 Chi Psi, 51, 158,304,455,641 Clements, Andrew V, 21 Chi Psi Lodge, 158 Clements, Bruce, 765 Chidsey, Alan Lake, 36 Clerical staff, 731. See also Support staff Chidsey, Harold, 554 Cleveland, H. Burdett, 211 Chillrud, Franklin Chester, 158, 248, 587 Cline, James Mason, 172-73, 205, 260, 300, 791 Chimes, 96, 486, 731 Clinton, Catherine, 389 Chinese, 158, 491, 799 Clinton, DeWitt (Governor), 620 814 INDEX

Clinton, DeWitt (Librarian), 173, 453 College properties, 400-403, 735, 789. See also Clinton, George (Governor), 154, 173, 296, 620, Campus 632,735 College Relations, 174 Clinton College, 173, 296, 620, 632 College Senate, 343 Clock, 173 College Spectator, 175, 599, 711 Clough, Wilson 0., 36 College Union, 175'-76, 237, 595 Clowe, G. Marcellus, 373 Collegiate Science Technology Entry Pn\ ram (C- Clubs, 356,651,664, 666. See also Alumni organi- STEP), 7, 113 zations; Student organizations Collins, Leroy P., 35 Clure, George, 715 Colors, Class, 176 Clute, Peter J.M., 36, 286 Columbia University, 292, 300, 455, 461-62, 521, Coburn, Charles, 302, 492 606,629,651,720 Cochran, James, 450 Commencement, 30, 131, 142, 166, 176-81, 268, Cochrane, Clark B., 382 284,410,511,520,578,591,726,760,771 Cochrane, Henry F., 751 ball, 213 Cochrane, John, 33 concert, 696 Cocks, Orin Giddings, 35 marshals, 703 mid-year, Coe, John R., 454 641 security at, 643 Coe, Jonas, 450 speakers, 606, 611 Coeducation, 474, 491, 748, 795-98. See also Committee on Standing of Students, Women at Union 2, 119, 721 Common Cause, 1 Coffeehouse, 332, 521, 701 Communism, 3-4, 78-79, 442, 694, 721. See also Coffin, Carlyn Gichner, 95, 174, 727 McCarthyism Coffin, Harrison Cadwallader, 95, 160, 171, 174, Community relations. See Town-gown relations 235,257,354,441,596,612,778 Community service, 496, 702, 738-39 Coffin, Lewis Augustus, 35 Comparative Anatomy Laboratory. See Sculpture Cohan, H. Jerome, 80 studio Cohen, David, 59 Comprehensive Education, 62, 207-9, 233, 261, Cohen, Jay, 417 388,473,661,734,800 Cohen, Morris Marshall, 417 Comptroller, 10, 160, 181,389,467, 470, 731 Cohn, Jay Norman, 212 Computer Center, 5, 111, 181-82, 241,633,769. Cohn, Morris Mandel, 36, 630 See also Peschel (Stanley) Computer Center Colburn, Oliver C., 36 Computer Science, 182-83, 253, 254, 351, 633, Cold War, 377 763 Cole, Orsamus, 33 Computers, 329, 457, 479, 494, 547, 585, 650, Coleman, Ronald J., 7 41, 800 653,679 Colee, Corazon, 609 Computers for Humanities Undergraduate Courses, Coley, Clarence J., 252 494,653 , 796, 799 Comstock, Frederick Lacy, 37, 101,231, 789 College Admission Examination Board, 12 Comstock, George Franklin, 33, 402 College Bowl, 692 Comte, Auguste, 338 College Center, 141. See also Campus Center; Concerts. See Musical concerts College Union; Reamer Campus Center Concordia, 183, 460, 711 College collections, 13, 80,198,333,335,366, Concordiensis, 38, 112, 117, 139, 147, 184-91, 416,455-56,501,626,634,653, 790.Seealso 276,286,309,405,419,497,535,547, Art galleries; Museum 572-73, 592, 638,640,643,644,647,650- 51, College Commons, 361 678- 80,692, 695, 706-8, 711,756,758,763, College Dramatic Club, 700 765,774,780 College Entrance Examination Board. See Concrete canoe competition, 686 Admissions Conde, Edwin Groat, 35, 36 College Grove, 174, 740 Conduce, code o( See Parietal Rules College Hill Golf Club, 600 Conferences, 479, 731 College of New Jersey. See Congregation Temple Gates of Heaven, 627 College of Physicians and Surgeons, 462 Congregationalist Church, 656 College Park, 535 Conkling, Alfred, 32 College press. See Union College Press Conservation, 1 Consorciums, 7 Constant, Joseph A., 427 INDEX 815

Converse, Franklin F., 36 Cummins, Earl Everett, 3, 81, 197-98, 204, 234, Cook, Ellsworth DeWitt, 36, 328 246,255,564,621,647,679,694 Cooley, LeRoy Clark, 34 Cummins Poetry Collection, 198 Coon, Nelson, 36 Cummins, Virginia Kent, 198 Coons, Henry, 765 Cunningham, Robert S., 23 Cooper, Frank, 30, 158 Curling, 198-99. See also Achilles Rink Cooper, James Fenimore, 412, 523 Curriculum, 17, 18, 48, 83- 88, 155, 169, 180, Copp, Henry Norris, 34 198,204, 199- 211,245,253,259,269,286, Coppee, Henry, 63, 191- 92, 385 336,340,342,346,473,477,480,490,494, Corn-Bailey-Ensis, 81, 192, 442 503,513,552,555,558,561, 576-78,604, Cornell University, 117 608,640,666,680,734,748,786, 797.Seealso Comprehensive Education; General Education Cory, George R. Jr., 80 curriculum Cosine, 192 • Curtis, Edgar, 57, 60, 502, 698 Cosmopolitan Club, 691 CurJis, Richard S., 156, 508 Cossey, David, 182 Curtis, Walter M., 482 Cotton, John Storrs, 35 Cusaco, Louis S., 28 Cotton, Marietta, 97 Cutter, John A., 761 Counseling Cenrer, 192-93, 650, 789 Cutrer, Lawrence D., 254 Countermine, John Donnan, 35 Cuyler, John Cornelius, 296 Course evaluations. See Student course evaluations Courts and judicial boards, 193- 94 D Cowles, Augustus Woodruff, 33 Da Costa, Marjorie, 650 Cox, Dennis, 15 1 Dad's Day, 211 Cox, George F., 36 Daggett (E. Josephine) Prize, 211 Craig, Edward Joseph, 10, 30, 182, 226, 235, Dailey, William Nelson Potter, 35, 36 253-54 Daily schedule, 134, 161 Cram, Ralph ("Rube"), 92 Daily Union, 25 Cramer, William E., 33 Dale, Ernest Edward, 3, 103, 212 Crane, A. Judson, 712, 794 Dales, John, 304 Crane, Jonathan, 402 Daley, George Herbert, 30, 35, 65, 69, 72 Crawford, Peter M., 763 Daley Field, 45, 65 Credit hours, 86 Dana, Alexander H., 32 Creek, college. See Hans Groot's Kill Dana, Charles Edmund, 34, 59 Creighton Club, 670 Dana Foundation, 494 Creighton, Elmer, 252, 328, 780 Dance, 212, 699 Cremation ofTexrbooks, 194-95, 371, 737 Dances and Weekends, 94, 212- 14, 425 Crew, 195-96 D'Andrea, Thomas D., 210,226,509,586,588, Cricket, 68, 196 624 Crime, 622, 675, 737. See also Security and safety; Daniels, William, 112, 114, 226, 565 Theft; Vandalism Dann, Ernest M., 211 Crocker, (Mrs.) George A., 426 Danner, Carl F., 211 Cromwell, Charles T., 648 Danco, Arthur, 556 Cronkhite, William W, 36 Danton, George Henry, 214-15, 336, 490, 657, Crosby, Edwin Lorenzo, 5, 36 805 Cross-Country, 196-97 Darling, Timothy, 375, 587 Crow, Warren, 800 Darwinian theory, 785 Crowell, Robert Warner, 197 Davenport, Lee L., 118, 296, 559 Crucible (The), 711 David, Ethel B., 7 Cruger, Harriet Douglas, 320, 581 David, Stephen, 417 Cullen, Edward Montgomery, 453 Davidson, Capitola Brown, 296 Cullen, Henry J., 453 Davidson, Carter, 70, 87, 99, 115, 174, 215- 19, Cultural Unity Center, 507, 786 224,318,422,579,580,604,606,631,677, Culver, Charles Mortimer, 35, 522 761, 777 Culver, Charles W, 289 and academic freedom, 4-5 Cumings, Edgar Roscoe, 35, 584 and admissions, 14, 419 and Air Force ROTC, 17 Cumming, George Burton, 56 and Albany College of Pharmacy, 20 and alumni magazine, 40 816 INDEX

and Biological Sciences Department, 166 Dean of Students, 224-25, 323, 341, 577, 580, and curriculum, 207 679,680,798 and faculty recruitment, 260 Dean of Students Office, 780 and faculty salaries, 270 Dean of the College, 225-26, 793 and fraternities, 315 Dean of the Faculty, 225-26, 341, 798 and fund-raising, 322 Deans, 9 and sabbatical leaves, 623 and student advising, 679 Dean's List, 2, 345, 631 and student exchange programs, 266, 624 Debating, 227, 260, 459, 563, 646, 681, 716 and the arcs, 57 Debating Team, 468 and Union University, 758 DeBaun, Vincent, 260 calendar, 132 II. DeBello, John, 80 resignation of, 749 Decker, Gordon L., 236 Davidson Fellows, 219, 627 DeG,-aff, John I., 630 Davidson House, 54, 216, 219-20, 239, 282, 533, Degrees, 156,169,201,203,216, 227-30, 249, 729 268,287,346,349,484,577,641, 763.Seea&o Davies, A. Edgar, 36 Honorary degrees Davis, Arthur Kent, 206, 660 DeGroot, Henry W., 33 Davis, Felmon, 114, 557, 609 Dein, Judith, 80 Davis, George S., 92 Delavan, Edward C., 334, 790 Davis, Henry, 171, 220, 802 Delchamps, Harold J., 30, 36 Davis, Hugh Garnecc, 384 Delphian Institute, 146, 461,586,681 Davis, Jackson, 4 Delphic Society, 318, 679, 702 Davis, Jefferson, 792 Delta Chi, 220,230, 329,603,641, 737 Davis, Joseph, 582 Delta Delta, 230 Davis, Norwood C., 7, 113 Delta Delta Delta, 230, 664 Davis, Paul D., 37 Delta Gamma, 230, 664 Davy, Wheeler P., 335 Delta Kappa, 231 Dawson, Fredrick Thomas, 69, 92, 290, 793 Delta Kappa Epsilon, 231 Day Care Center, 220 Delta Phi, 51,231,304,610,641 Day, Frank Parker, 71-72, 221-24, 579, 580, 667 Delta Phi Delta, 664 and alumni clubs, 46 Delta Phi House, 231 and athletics, 71, 198, 794 Delta Phi Sundial, 231 and college landscaping, 65, 438 Delta Pi Nu, 231 and college library, 454 Delta Psi Delta, 231 and curriculum, 198 Delta Q, 367, 703 and Engineering Division, 100 and evening division, 267 Delta Theta, 158, 231 and faculty research, 751 Delta Theta Phi, 231, 729 and fences, 280 Delta Upsilon, 51,232,266,432,610,641 and fraternities, 409 Delta Upsilon House, 287 and honors program, 398 Delventhal, Bruce, 394 and religious requirements, 149 Demgen, Harrison G., 37, 46 and religious tolerance, 419 DeMichele, Donald, 80 and student advising, 679 DeMolay Club, 683 and Terrace Council, 706 Demonstrations, 683, 694. See a&o Protests credentials of, 204 Denio, John J., 212 presidency of, 234 Denniston, Robert, 382 Day, Horace G., 448 Densham, Robert S., 28 Day Qoseph P.) Lectures on Civic Administration, 224,564 Departments, Divisions and Centers, 232-35 Day, Richard G. Jr., 37, 258, 750 DePont Corporation, 157 Day, S. Mills, 636 Depression. See Great Depression Deacon, David, 181 DePuy, Frank A., 35 Dean, Amos, 20, 21, 32 DePuy, Henry Farr, 35, 687 Dean, George, 375 DeRemer, John, 548 Dean, Lyall, 212 Derry, George H., 647 Dean of Engineering, 161,235,254 Des Forges, A. Van Vranken, 161, 236 Dean of Graduate and Continuing Studies, 224 Deutscher Verein, 687 INDEX 817

Development Office, 236, 322. See also Annual Doyle, Keith, 291 Fund Doyle, Miriam, 727 Devlin, Edward I., 454 Dran,611,639,641, 766,767,769 Dewey, Alexander Gordon, 227, 564 Drama. See Arts Department; Mountebanks; Dewey, Ellen M., 120, 236 Theatre Dewey, Hardey Frederic, 120,181,224, 236,647, Drama clubs, 726 744 Dress code, 142, 150, 237-38, 534 Dewey, John, 667 Dreyfus Foundations, 157 Dewey, Melvil, 24 Driscoll, Robert, 92 Dewey, Thomas (Governor), 236 Drohan, Francis E., 93 Dewey, William S., 36 Drugs, 532, 649 Dewey Decimal system, 451-52, 453, 45"! Dryburgh, Andrew, 624 Dewey Hall, 18, 236, 596 Duane, Alexander, 30, 35, 44, 577, 592 Dexter, Newton, 35 Duane, James Chatham, 33, 464 Deyo, Solomon Lefevre, 34 Duchscherer, Charles F., 36 Diabolus Rid.em, 712 Duchscherer, Philip E., 30, 36 Diamond (The), 586 Dudden, Faye E., 258, 389, 799 Diamond, Robert, 405 Dudley, Blandina, 242 Diamond, Steven W, 765 Dudley, Charles E., 242 Dickinson, Asa Don, 453 Dudley Observatory, 20, 136, 159, 241--43, 299, Digital Equipment Corporation, 183 329, 331, 355, 376, 436. See also Astronomy; Dike, Mary Jane, 212 Union University Dining facilities, 175-76, 189, 237- 38, 361,407, Duncan, Chris, 58 418, 495, 598, 650, 780, 789. See also Eating Dunciad (The), 712 clubs; Dutch Hollow Pub; Kosher Kitchen; Duryea, Isaac G., 43, 320, 738 Rathskeller; Scuttlebutt Duryee, Charles C., 630 Dinnocenw, Michael F., 80 Dushman, Saul, 619, 713 Diplomas, 50, 180, 269, 642. See also Dutch elm disease, 438 Commencement Dutch Hollow Pub, 238, 599 Discipline, 27, 168,251,269,342,382,482,512, Dutch Pipers, 664, 698 523,568,579,643,707,709,712,717,748, Dutch Reformed Church, 7, 109, 176, 243, 296, 766, 784, 801. See also Parietal Rules 501,578,607,619,628,648,717,735,793 Discrimination, 14,110,219,301, 310-11, 409, Dutchess Community College, 254, 347 429,432,592,648,665,707,797 Dutchmen, 243 Divisional system, 58, 81, 198, 234-35, 340, 341, Dutchmen's Rathskeller. See Rathskeller 387,670 Dutchmen's Village, 65, 243--44, 280, 471. See also Dix, Charles Temple, 34, 59 Veterans' housing Dixon, Ronald C., 36 Duvilaire, Nadia, 113, 212 Doane, George Washington, 32, 126, 408, 465, Dwore, Marvin, 719 568 Doctoral programs, 229, 347. See also Graduate E programs ETH Exchange Program, 266 Dodge, Horace E. III, 37 Eagle Hotel, 649 Dogs, campus, 137, 194, 240, 729, 778 East College, 239, 461 Doherty, Don, 727 East Lane, 615 Donnan, Joseph T., 37 Easterbrook, Anthony, 624 Donnan, Raymond C., 36, 211 Eastern College Athletic Conference, 69 Doolittle, Robert J., 37 Eastman Kodak Corp., 8 Dorion, Philip S., 30, 36 Eating clubs, 312, 688 Dormitories, 12, 50, 51, 54, 94,111,182, 239--41, Eaton, Amos, 607 243,263,407,603,613, 714-15, 730,738, Eaton, Robert, 19 786, 789, 797. See also Veterans' Housing Eberts, Russ, 7 41 Dormitory regulations, 533 Eckert, W Dean, 57, 60 Dory, Joseph David, 241--42, 257, 387, 577, 688, Eclectic students. See University students 719 Economic development, 4 1 Dougherty, Andrew Henry, 35, 55, 59 Economics Club, 688 Downsbrough, Bruce 0., 212 818 INDEX

Economics Department, 1, 98, 11 5, 244--48, 257, Engineering, 268, 557, 649, 666. See also Balanced 333,526,604,621,780,796 College Concept; Civil Engineering; Electrical Eddy, Devotion Carnot, 33 Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Eddy, Horace T., 252 clubs, 686, 75 1 Eddy, Spencer B., 36 curriculum, 83-88 Edgeworth, Maria, 411 department, 138, 186, 607. See also Gillespie, William Mitchell Edison Engineering Program, 328 division, 235 Edison, T homas, 327 honor society, 716 Edmonds, John Worth, 32 tuition, 750 Educational Studies Program, 158, 248-49, 350, Engineering Laboratory, 258, 495 366,494,588,589 Engineering, Science and Management War Edwards, Isaac, 21 Training Course, 259, 267 Edwards, Jonathan, 109, 199, 249- 51, 578, 580, Engineers' Council for Professional Development, 606,619-20,657, 754 483-85 E~ ards House, 54, 239, 244--49, 729 English Club, 356, 685 Eggert, Rudolph, 485 English Department, 4, 11 5, 122, 173,198,216, Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule. See ETH 259- 62,332,354,359,377,400,420,429, Program 715, 772, 787, 796, 798. See also American Einhorn, Leon M., 249, 378 Studies; Public speaking Eisenstadt, Raymond, 483 Enrollment, 111, 162, 163-64, 192, 204, 215, Elder, Frank, 630 259-65,391,417,476,514,612,641,665, Electrical Engineering, 56, 85, 99, 106, 182, 233, 785, 797. See also Admissions 251- 54,266-67,269,327,349,354,408,430, Enslow, Harold, 564 449,478,482,528,593,602,622,631,672, Enteman, Willard F., 10, 119, 209, 474, 556, 585, 674,748,764,780,796 722 Electrical Engineering Building, 52, 53, 253, 321, Environmental clubs, 695 328, 509, 593-95, 622. See also Biology Environmental Studies, 140 Building; Steinmetz Hall Enzer, Milton M., 36, 80,224,418, 589,590,627, Electrical Engineering Club, 686 650,686,727 Electrification, 51, 95, 138-40, 172,239,453,780 Episcopal Church, 568,607, 616- 17 Elements ofCriticism (Karnes), 412, 590 Episcopal Fellowship, 683 (ship), 254 Episcopal T heological Society, 681 Ellery, Edward, 3, 156, 198,204, 222, 224-25, Epsilon Nu, 265 226,233-34,255-56,267,340,508, 549,579, Equestrian Club, 690 608,649 Equitable Union, 266, 306, 667, 712 Ellis, Job Bicknell, 34, 101 Erdos, Paul, 479 Ellis Hospital, 373, 627 , 333,516,648,684, 736, 742, 790 Elliston, Frederick Allan, 556, 700 Erskine, Peter, 58 Elocution. See Public speaking Escalante, Judson R., 30, 37 Ely, Charles, 402 Eta Kappa Nu, 266, 686 Ely, Esther Griffin, 120, 256, 605, 742, 789, 798 Ethnic organizations, 691 Ely, Jonathan, 802 Ethnicity, 271 Emeritus Professor (rank), 275 Evans, Elwyn L., 93, 658 Emerson, George B., 569 Evans, John Gary, 35 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 465 Evans, Oliver, 642 Emma Willard School, 624, 795 Evans, Rurh Anne, 29, 366, 388, 455, 457, 796 Emmons, G. E., 230 Evening Division, 15, 48, 166, 266-68, 329, 352, Empire Supermarkets, 626 485,795 Employee benefits, 268, 270-71 Everest, Robert D., 80, 317 Emspak, Julius, 328 Everling, Gerald, 291, 800 Endowed professorships, 5, 155, 256-58, 387,495 Everyman's Supper, 268 Endowments, 60, 83,117,121, 158, 198,216, Examinations, 234, 25 1, 397-98, 404 243,335,414,432,495,587,613,627,632, proficiency, 208 650, 667, 669, 682, 744, 795. See also Annual Expositions, 103, 253 Fund; Fund-raising; G ifts Expulsions, 398 Enemark, Robert B., 724 Extendibles Program, 399 Extension courses. See Evening Division INDEX 819

F Federighi, Francis, 183 Facsimile, 111, 112 Feffer, Andrew, 389 Faculty, 268-72, 523 Feigenbaum Administration Building. See abstinence pledges, 523 Administration Building benefits, 145,217,272 Feigenbaum, Armand V, 296, 346 college service, 21 7 Feigenbaum, Rita, 752 committees, 4 Feinsot, Aaron, 224, 352, 418 Constitution, 18, 273, 343 Fellows, 274 contributions to war effort, 245, 3.,88, 437, 439, Fences, 11, 52, 146, 222, 244, 279-81, 535, 643, 442,459,618,640,657,670,783,795 709 discipline, 770 Fencing, 68, 281-82, 489, 543 exchange program, 624 Ferguson, Henry, 207 hiring, 262, 580 housing, 50, 52, 99, 124, 270, 274, 282, 294, Ferguson, Olin J ., 328, 478, 673 330,390,446,468,506-9, 566,657 Ferguson, Richard, 80 Jewish, 418 Fero, Franklin L., 282 loyalty oaths, 3 Fero House, 50, 52, 282, 482, 739 meetings, 341, 342, 642 Ferrier, Bruce D., 19 nicknames, 63, 74, 107, 337, 355, 359, 377, Field hockey, 282 410,429,430,436,440,468,471,539,567, Fiero, James Newton, 20, 21, 24, 34 571,585,599,653,668,672,675,765,788, Fights, 288, 309, 533, 571, 703. See also Class 803,805 fights number of, 495 Film Committee, 6, 701 politics, 81 Film Series, 701 portraits, 325 rank, 274-76 Filmmaking, 654, 692 recruitment, 56,114,216,260,301 Films of Union College, 282- 83 research, 105,157,217,301,389,478,497, Finance, 57, 77,270,329, 400-403, 415, 435-36, 560,751 475-76, 512,571,601,731,735,743,762, retirement, 295 785, 802. See also Endowments; Fund-raising; retreats, 217, 473 Gifts; Grants; Lotteries salaries, 47, 252, 270, 342, 484, 495, 602, 613, Financial aid, 5, 113, 161,191,391,462. See also 624,750 Indigent Students Fund scholarship requirements, 261 Finegan, James Emmet, 30, 35 service, 342 Finkelstein, Joseph, 30, 40, 225, 388, 389, 741, support for library, 452 752 teaching loads, 495, 497 Firearms, 240, 533, 566, 709 trustees, 7 46 Fires and fire protection, 11, 88, 128, 283-84, 360, women, 388, 798 396, 510, 533, 780. See also Arson Faculty Children's Tuition Benefit, 272 First World War, 3, 17, 67, 106, 127, 129, 187, Faculty Council, 273-74, 341, 343 279,284-87,374,486, 594,611,639,657, Faculty Men's Club, 272, 274 666,776 Faculty Paper, 46 Fisher, Eric, 741 Faculty Review Board, 344, 679, 721 Fishman, Irwin, 157 Faculty Take-Off Day, 276 Fisk, Richmond, 34 Faculty Women's Club, 218, 276----77 Fitz, Edwin A., 287 Fairbanks, George Rainsford, 33 Fitz (Ed) Trophy, 309 Fairchild, William, 479 Fitzgerald, Matty, 92 Farber, Rudolph, 375,418 Fladger, Ellen, 456 Farm and Nursery, College, 276----79, 285 Flag, Union College, 288 Farnham, John M. W., 34, 405, 465 Flag rushes, 371 Farrell, Orin James, 257, 279, 478, 497 Flagpoles, 18, 288, 766 Farren, James J., 341 Fleischman, Joseph, 238 Fascism, 3 Fleming, Nexander, 181 Faust, John W., 211 Fleming, William, 161 Fazio, Victor H., 212 Flinn, Daniel F., 211 Fearey, Thomas H., 165 Flint, Weston, 34 Featherstonehaugh, Thomas, 373 Flood, George, 291 Federal Writers' Project, 772 Flores, Angel, 666, 686, 771 Federalism, 1 Floriad (The), 288, 460, 535, 711 820 INDEX

Flying Club, 690 and student advising, 679 Flying Dutchman, 288 and student chapel attendance, 149 Flying Dutchmen, Inc., 690 and student exchange programs, 624 Flynn, Barbara, 389 and tenure, 720 Fobes, Francis, 171 and the arcs, 57, 492, 502, 630 Fogg's Manor Academy, 654 and theatre, 725 Fonda, Jane, 770 and Union University, 758 Food. Su Dining facilities and wartime enrollment, 264 on name of college, 754 Football,65,68, 7 l , 288-92,299,397, 642, 793. publications of, 45, 383 Su also Athletics Fox, Frederick C. Jr., 37 Foote, Samuel A. , 444 Fox, Katherine, 648 Foote, Wallace Turner Jr., 28 Ford, Henry, 611 Fox, Marian Osgood, 120, 168, 302, 413, 535, 547,581,764 Ford Foundation, 321, 799 Fox, Norman W., 37 Foreign exchange. See International students; Saint Fox,Sherwood Dean, 303-4,660-62 Andrews Exchange Program; Student exchange programs; Terms Abroad Fox, William F., 165 Forman, Joshua, 32 Fox House, 54, 216, 219- 20, 239, 533, 729 Forstmeyer, Kurt von, 281 Frame, Michael, 479 Fore Ticonderoga, 292 Franchot, Nicholas Van Vranken, 648 Frankel, Jacob, 417 Fortenbaugh, Samuel Byrod Jr., 37, 186, 189, 292- 93,384, 486,637, 747,750,752, 796 Franklin, Cornelius E., 24, 537, 663 Forrnighdy Club, 593 Franklin Society, 692 Fortnightly Institute, 681 Fraternal Society, 303-4 For~ , 687 Fraternities, 265-66, 304-15, 459, 547, 667, 736, Fosdick, Harry Emerson, 27 753 Foster, Janet I., 7 activities, 195, 308,324,355,667,713,719 and academics, 2-7 Foster, John, 159, 202, 282, 284, 293-95, 382, and Concordiensis, 185, 188 444,505,510,542,558,572,580,583,635, and independents, 407 646,648,718,755 and student exchange programs, 625 Foster, Michael James, 555, 766 and student government, 400 Foundations, 321 attitudes about, 305-6 Founders' Day, 31, 230, 293-95, 632, 761 awards, 100, 550 Founders Medal, 296 benefits, 314 Founding of Union College, 296-99. Su also Black, 28, 113 Town-gown relations catalogues, 145, 324, 427 Fox, Augustus Henry, 4, 110, 257, 268, 299, 478, coed, 664 596,640 discipline, 194, 427, 649 Fox, Dixon Ryan, 3-4, 22-23, 36, 39, 110, 148, discrimination by, 110, 310- 11 , 429, 432, 549, 216,224,253,295,299-302,521, 576, 550,648 579-80,606,631, 647, 727,775 during wartime, 287, 55 1 and admissions quotas, 14 factionalism and cooperation, 309- 10 and Albany College of Pharmacy, 20 first, 607 and curriculum, 84, 300 gifts, 11 5 and dining facilities, 237 governance, 408, 707 and divisional system, 204, 234 growth of, 306-7 and dormitories, 240 hazing, 312 and engineering, 483 high school, 561, 744 and faculty salaries, 270 housing, 51, 139, 158,219, 231-32, 237,239, and fraternities, 314 240,249, 312- 14,329,378,427,426-29, and graduate programs, 349 432,506,550,576, 586,603,602-3,610, and History Department, 387 642,648,673,737 and library, 454, 782 Italian-American, 29 and military training, 639 Jewish, 28,417,428,550,551,592,805 and placement, 143 membership, 307-8 and political science, 564 mock, 524 and public relations, 589 mockery of, 357 and radio, 739, 778 opposition to, 305 and recruitment films, 283 prehistory, 304 relationship with administration, 314-15 INDEX 821

rushing and bidding, 311-12, 409 Gale, George Washington, 32, 216 Frazer, D. Ross Jr., 212 Gale, Leonard Dunnell, 32 Frazier, Adrian, 261 Gallo, Simeo Joseph, 212 Freed, Lisa A., 80 Galpin, Perrin, 286 Freedman, Leo C., 594--95 Gambling, 90, 530, 532 Freeman, Bruce, 800 Gaming Association, 692 Freeman, Geoffrey, 142 Gamma Alpha, 646 Freeman, Nathan, 644 Gamma Phi Beta, 322, 664 Freemasonry, 305, 637 Gardens, 13, 65, 444, 466, 471, 545-47, 581, 616, French, 12, 169, 268, 315-17, 489-90, 583, 609, 650, 764. See auo Farm and Nursery; Jackson's 637,656,804 • Garden; Perkins (Mrs.) Garden French, Patterson H., 3, 564 Gardner, Carroll A., 794, 800 Freshman Camp, 317, 682 Garfield, James, 607 Freshman Dance, 214 Garis, Charles Frederick Fleming, 47, 65, 100, 110, Freshman Handbook, 592 224,225,226,322- 23,478,507,532,605, Freshman Orientation, 318 606,680,706,756,776 Freshman Peerade, 276, 282, 318 Garis Cup, 323 Freshman Preceptorial Program, 209, 409, 494 Garis Field, 65 Freshman Record, 318, 606, 679, 711 Garnet (color), 323 Freshman-Sophomore Rivalry Week, 372 Garnet (yearbook), 108, 145, 147,185,307, Freund, Hans, 58, 257,261,609 324-27, 572,592,672,680,695,711,758 Fried, Christopher, 588 Garnet Goblins, 698 Fried, Harold, 247 Garnet Guard, 327 Garnet Key Society, 498, 702 Friederich, Walter J., 283 Garnet Minstrelles, 698 Friedlander, Robert L., 23, 760 Friends of the Union College Library, 318, 456, Garnet Review, a journal ofOpinion, 327 734 Garver, John, 336 Friends of Union Athletics, 319 Garvin, Robert, 609 Frisbee, 319 Gary, Nancy, 23 Froelig, Henry R. , 80 Gatchell, Frank B. Jr., 211 Frohlich, Michael, 104 Gatekeepers, 702 Frosch, Carl John, 36 Gates, 52, 114, 125, 137, 167, 272, 426, 537 Fry, J. Weston, 30, 37 Gari, Charles, 274, 343, 565, 765, 767, 769 Frying Pan for Poor Sinners, 319, 667, 712 Gavel Club, 694 Fuchs, Michael, 417 Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Alliance, 695 Fuller, Albert W., 28, 141, 507, 650 Gebhardt, Richard, 483 Fuller, Joseph, 10 Gehling, Bonnie, 93 Fuller, Robert Mason, 34, 156, 454 Geisel, Theodore ("Dr. Seuss"), 756 Fuller, Ware D., 484 Geismar, Arthur, 697 Fuller House, 88 Gelsleichter, William J., 80 Fullerton, H. D., 550 Gel-time, 134 Fulmer, Jeffrey Y., 212 General Education curriculum, 10, 62, 207- 11, Fulton, Robert B., 151, 508, 609 389,473,555,723 Fund-raising, 9, 16, 44, 80, 94, 216, 280, 283, General Education Fund, 321 285,318,319-22,381,475,486,495, 521, General Electric Co., 99, 127, 161, 197,252,286, 528,572,647,740,748,774,785, 788.Seeauo 299,609,626,648,649,658,673,691,736, Annual Fund; Endowments; Gifts; Lotteries 768,771 and Union College, 85, 109, 141, 160, 181 , Funk, Nanette, 555, 796 183, 267,282,321,327-29,346,483,589, G 593- 95,602,612,619,674,685, 713,780 Gado, Frank, 210,227,261,405,410, 701, 722, General Electric Realty Plot, 52, 65, 66, 77, 99, 752,781 136,230,239,313, 327- 31,428,495, 536, Gadoua, Joyce, 151 602- 3,609,647,673, 729,737 Gagliano, Nancy, 212 General Electric Research and Development Center, Gagnon, George C., 151 673 Gajjar, Jagdish Trikamji, 254 General Electric Research Laboratory, 156, 165, Galantowicz, Thomas Anthony, 254 480 822 INDEX

General Electric Science Fellowship Program, 157 Glen, John, 450, 655 General Engineering Building, 52, 141, 288, 321, Glenn, Mitzi J ., 7 602 Glindmyer, Lawrence, 715 General Engineering Department, 482 Gluck, Alma, 32, 504, 537 Genetics, 103 Gmelch, George, 662, 723 Genung, John Franklin, 34 Gmelch, Sharon, 609, 662-63, 723, 799 Geological Hall, 49, 50, 284, 331-33, 452, 469, Goble, Theodore, 560 501,582 Godshall, Wilson Leon, 227, 339-41, 563, 721 Geology Department, 115, 332, 333- 36, 349, 494, Goff, Homer P., 211 502,584, 600-601, 653,791 Goldman, Henry A., 285 Geometric models. See Olivier Models Golf, 68, 272, 340, 535, 599, 612, 670 Geometry, 526 Golub, Lewis, 347 George, Carl, 104, 522 Gomez-Duran, Eduardo, 666 George, Gail, 212, 699 Goodale, Samuel, 586 George, Robert Hudson, 387 Goodheart, Clarence Francis, 253, 449 George, William T., 37 Goodman, Benny, 230 George Goes to Union, 283 Goodman, Betty, 143 Gerhan, David, 625 Goodrich, James, 592 German,336,490-91, 542,675,687 Goodwin, Hannibal, 33 Ghost, 764 Goose Hill, 341 Gibbons, Hiram, 304 Gospel Ensemble, 113, 698 Gibson, Charles, 19 Gosselin, Raymond I., 36 Giddings, Franklin Henry, 35, 659, 749 Gotshall, William Charles, 341 Gi1ts, 10,21,45, 55-58, 59-60, 66, 77-82, 89, Gould, Benjamin Apthorp, 242 97, 106, 122, 129, 141, 156, 157, 158, 172, Gould, George B. ("Tom"), 643 174, 181,183,216,219,231,237,240,270, Gould, R. Gordon, 559 280,282,327,333,339,361,391,399,412, 418,455,459,468,476,483,486,501,509, Gould (R. Gordon) Professorship of Physics, 258 520,547,572,575,581,582,586,589,593, Governance, 119, 341-44, 722 596,602,613,616,619,622,624,627,628, Government Department. See Political Science 639,650,670,674,128,735,741,744, Gowenlock, James N., 363 779-80, 781. See also Endowments; Fund-rais­ Grace, J. Peter, 179 ing; Library Gracey, Harry L., 662 Gilbert, Eliphalet Wheeler, 32 Grades, 341--46, 429 Gilbert, George W, 605 Graduate and Continuing Studies, 10, 224, 248, Gilbert, Morris, 36 268, 352, 418, 432. See also Graduate programs Gillespie, Mary, 659, 663 Graduate Council, 30-31, 37, 44, 80,143,321, Gillespie, William Mitchell, 48, 85, 159, 163, 275, 397, 613, 729, 747, 773, 787. See also Alumni 336--39,444,477,488,509, 514,519,526, Council 562,606-7,635,645,668, 754 Graduate degrees, 22, 228- 29, 328, 349,350,661, library of, 450 662 Gillespie Club, 186, 686 Graduate Management Institute, 247, 266, Gilligan, Ambrose H., 36 346-48, 388, 589, 760, 792. See also Industrial Gilmartin, Raymond V., 212 Administration Program; Institute for Gilmore, Lynn, 763 Administration and Management Gilmour, James, 583 Graduate programs, 20, 48, 105, 156, 159, 183, Gilmour, William Gibson, 648 252,268,299, 328,329,351,346--52,379, 380,473,485,514,556,653,675,739,760, Gilston, Robert, 374 789, 795. See also Doctoral programs; Graduate Ginsburg, Judith, 667 and Continuing Studies; Graduate Management Gioseffi, Daniel, 36 Institute Girdner, John, 588, 727 Graduates Hall, 381. See also Girling, Wallace S., 290, 339 Graham, Joseph B., 630 Girling Center, 339, 495 Grant, Herbert B., 37 Given, Kingsley W, 590 Grant, Ulysses S., 582, 779 Glass, John, 80 Granes, 48, 104-5, 113, 117, 130, 152, 161, 166, Glee Club, 503, 678, 680, 695-98 174,205,248,262,332,346,347,399,409, Gleich, Franz, 658 462,484,492,494,555,606,613,632,653, Glen, Henry, 35 662,670,761 INDEX 823

Graves, Clare Wray, 6, 29, 352-53, 588 Hale, Horace Morrison, 34 Gray, Janee, 238 Hale, Nathan, 508, 587 Great Depression, 1, 45, 78, 120, 143, 187, 222, Hale, Rose Perkins, 137, 146, 360, 361 270,349,623,627,670,776 Hale Club, 98, 260, 356-58, 670, 685, 726 Greek, 12,169,174,268,444,656 Hale House, 82, 128, 150, 176, 237-38, 272, 274, Green, James Sproat V, 56, 60, 260, 354, 639 301,360-61,636,641,650,665 Green Mountain College, 505 Hall, Baynard Rush, 32 Greenberg, Seth, 258, 588 Hall, Francis B., 165 Greene, Holley D. III, 120 Hall, James, 757 Greene, Homer, 35, 663 Hall, Leo, 335 Greenhouses. See Farm and Nursery; Melius Hall, Lewis B., 21 Conservatory Hall, Russell Alger, 160, 361 Greenpoint property. See Hunter's Point, Hall, W illiam, 664 Greenpoint and Stuyvesant Cove Properties of Halleck, Henry Wager, 33, 165, 762 Union College Hallenback, John L., 36 Gregg, David L., 33, 712 Halls, William Jr., 403 Gregory, Bruce, 56 Halpert, Henry I., 428 Gregory, John Milton, 33 Halsey, Charles, 756 Grenzebach, Earl W, 765 Hamilton, Alan, 347 Griffin, James H., 35 Hamilton, Alexander, 511 Griffis, William E., 55, 587, 671 Hamilton, Frank Hastings, 32 Griffith, Dickinson E., 30, 36 Hamilton, John, 643 Griggs, Francis, 162, 335, 593 Hamilton College, 47, 462 Griswold, Francis, 36 Hammerstrom, Samuel C., 80, 291 Griswold, Guy B., 498 Hammond, Harold E., 40, 589, 590 Griswold, Hervey DeWitt, 738 Hampton-Sydney Academy, 654-55 Grocers, 626 Handicapped access, 140, 361 Groggin, E. F., 698 Handy, Rollo, 555 Groot, Hans. See Hans Groot's Kill Hanigan, Thomas E. Jr., 37, 724 Grounds. See Campus Hanna, H. Melville, 779, 780 Grover, Frederick Warren, 253, 354, 630 Hanna Hall, 59, 143, 452, 610, 727, 780 Grumet, Barbara R., 760 Hannay, David, 183, 750 Guest house, 331, 495 Hannon, John P., 644 Guillet, Ernest G., 212 Hannon, Mary A., 763 Guiceau, George, 712 Hans Groot's Kill, 136, 138, 146, 361, 525, 615. Gulick, Harold V., 36 See also Pollution Gun Club, 689 Hansen, Erik, 388 Gurley, Lewis E., 34, 282 Hapsburg, Otto von, 640 Gussin, Arnold E. S., 224, 268, 352, 418 Harders, Robert, 728 Gymnasiums, 52, 66, 94, 355, 572. See also Alumni Harding, Justin W, 286 Gymnasium; Memorial Field House; Old Gym Hardman, William, 93 Hall Hare, George Emlen, 32 H Hare and Hound races. See Cross-country H.E.L.P. Program, 355 Hargreaves, John, 625 Haag, Fred, 485 Harkness, Nevin (Ned), 15, 70, 116, 199,291, Hadley, Sterling Goodale, 586 391-94 Hadley's quadrant, 634 Harkness, William, 391,431 Haefner, Sylvester Jacob, 253 Harlow, H. Gilbert, 29, 160, 268, 413, 438, 483, Hager, Horace McNeil, 211 616,640 Haight, Harry, 36 Harper's Monthly, 448 Hainebach, Hans, 336, 356 Harris, George F., 80 Hainebach, Hedda, 356 Harris, Ira, 20, 21, 23, 32, 43, 75, 128, 362-63, 578, 746,748 Haines, John R., 268, 352 Harrison and Mero (architects), 603 Hale, Edward Everett, 39, 47, 70, 173, 259, 261, 267,284,285,287,340,356-60, 545,591, Harroun, Gilbert King, 363, 403, 667, 743 600,602,664,685,709,726 Hart, George, 283 Hale (Edward E. Jr.) Professorship in English, 257 Harmagel, Christie Andrew, 35, 36, 584 824 INDEX

Hartranft, John Frederick, 33, 165, 785 Henly, John W, 712 Hartwick, John Chriscopher, 450 Hennelly, Edward F., 30, 36 Hartwick College, 450 Henry, Joseph, 242,477,631 Hartwig, Frederick, 565 Henry, Patrick, 655 , 14, 260,265,418,606 Henry, Richard, 560 Harvard University Press, 752 Hequembourg, Charles L., 36 Harvey, Charles Washington, 586 Heritage Home for Women, 518 Harvey, Jocelyn, 796 Herman, Robert S., 247 Haskell, George, 624 Hermann, C. W A., 501 Haskins, Caryl P. , 105,364,413 Herrick, Raymond Morse, 60, 260, 377, 404, 725, Haskins Laboratory, 363-64, 595, 596 727 Hassler, Ferdinand Rudolph, 36~6, 477, 558, Herrington, Dave, 74 1 631, 762 Hesson, Samuel M., 21, 227 Hatfield, George Elliot, 92, 290 Hewitt, Philip, 335 Hathaway, Clemens F., 36 Hewlett, Clarence, 630 Hacke, Walter, 59 Heysinger, Isaac Wimer, 34 Hats, 142, 366 Hickok, Harrison Theodore, 34 Hauntings, 764 Hickok, Laurens Perseus, 269, 272, 378-83, 411, Haviland, James W., 211 444,562,578,580,646,761 Haviland, Morrison L., 30, 36 and curriculum, 202, 552 Hawes, (Mrs.) Claude M., 624 and psychology, 587 Hawkes, Donald C., 36 and religious studies, 608 and trustees, 748 Hawkes, Donald Jr., C. 37 house of, 508 Hawkes, Edward Zeh, 30, 35, 36 opposition co, 8, 75, 528, 579 Hawkes, John L., 296 presidency of, 541 Hawkes, Stuart Zeh, 30, 36 retirement of, 16 Hawkes Collection, 366, 456, 752 Hickok House, 54, 111, 112, 239, 378 Hawley, Gideon, 32, 762 High school programs, 156. See also Upward Bound Hawley (Gideon) Teacher Recognition Award, 366 Program Hawley, Giles, 259, 591, 647, 697-98 Hiking and camping clubs, 690 Hayden, Joseph, 673 Hill, Hilda, 120 Hayden, Tom, 770 Hill, Jack H., 7 15 Hayes, H. L., 699 Hill, Robert T., 659 Hazing, 16, 168, 312, 366-72, 409, 533, 561, 703, Hillel, 375, 417 729,805 Hindustan Club, 691 Hazzard, George, 119, 344 Hinman, N. A., 146 Head, Reuben D., 211 Hinsie, Leland E., 36 Headley, Joel Tyler, 33 Hislop, Codman, 48, 54, 80, 260, 333, 384, 443, Health Services, 128, 287, 372- 74, 547. See also 512,537,542,562,623,648,663,727,730, Infirmary 752 Health Studies Center, 347 Hispanic Society, 687 Heat Engines Laboratory, 466 Hiscorical Society, 687 Heating, 172, 239-40, 453,506,523,581,779, Histories of Union College, 165, 295, 302, 355, 780,790 378-84, 542,638,776 Heating Plant, 51,147, 374 Hiscory Department, 6, 123,241,332, 38W9, Hebrew, 375, 4 I 8, 49 I, 608 422,439, 715, 741, 780, 796. See also American Hebrew inscription on Nott Memorial, 50, 375-76 Studies Hebrew Technical Institute, 89 History of Union University (Raymond), 453 Heck, Oswald D., 36, 526, 683 Hitchcock, Henry-Russell, 54 Heckelman, Dvorah, 375 Hitchcock, Oscar B., 454 Hein, Melvin, 291, 642 Hitchcock, Thomas E., 37 Heinegg, Peter, 261 Hoadley, Anthony de Hothleigh, 160, 181 , 211, Held, John, 756 236,282, 389,390,394,467,612 Hemenway, Curtis Leland, 242, 376-77, 560, 761 Hoadley, George Arthur, 35 Henderson, John, 624-25 Hoadley House, 19, 37,282 Hendricks, William, 723 Hoag, Pierre, 211 INDEX 825

Hobart College, 47, 63, 575 House Presidents' Council, 400, 409 Hochuli, Walter, 36 Housing. See Dormitories Hocker, Carl, 403 Howe, Samuel Burnett, 755, 756 Hockey, 8, 15, 68, 70, 72, 116-19, 188,224,271, Howell, John T., 80 384-94,476, 739 Howell, Lewis and Shea (architects), 147 Hockey rinks, 339, 394-95 Hubbell, Henry W, 488 Hoernle, Reinhold Friedrich Alfred, 554, 587 Hudson-Mohawk Association of Colleges and Hoffman, Frank Sargent, 11, 121, 258, 284, 386, Universities, 133, 400 395-96,465, 550,553,587,608,623,624 Huggins, Martha K., 258, 662-63, 724, 799 Hoffman, John Thompson, 33, 746 Hughes, Charles Evans, 257 Hoffman, Robert P., 522 Hull, Albert W, 335, 559, 630 Hoffman, Thomas Ripton, 182, 253, 633, 672 Hull, Leslie, 157 Hoffman, Valerie, 80 Hull, Roger, 418, 753 Hoffmann, Banesh, 319 Human Subjects Research Review Committee, 7 Hokerk, Lynde De Forest, 80 Humanities Building, 54, 58, 182, 216, 272, 400 Holbrook, Stephen, 236 Humanities Division, 56, 80, 174,235 Holcombe, Chester, 34 Humboldt Foundation, 753 Holidays, 6, 131-33, 295 Hume, Robert, 304 Holland, Alexander, 396,401,539,605, 664, 744, Hume, Sallie L., 746 763 Humor. See Bailey Collection of American Wit and Holland, John, 726 Humor; Corn-Bailey-Ensis; Student publications Holland, Jonas, 397, 488, 507, 605, 684, 744 Humphrey, Marvin A., 373 Holland, Robert Jr., 110-11, 212 Hun, Thomas, 23, 32, 427 Hollander, Lawrence, 235 Hunt, Ward, 32 Hollis, Ira N., 482, 545 Hunter, John Hart, 427 Hollocher, Kurt, 335 Hunter's Point, Greenpoint and Stuyvesant Cove Holmes, Charles, 114 Properties of Union College, 400-403, 435, Holmes, Oliver Wendell, 523 574,601 Holt, Wayne, 182 Huntley, C. William, 9, 29, 36, 96, 119, 226, 258, Home for the Friendless, 518 272,384,413,438,507,585,588,606,643 Homecoming Weekend, 292, 397 Huntley Lane, 615 Hometown clubs, 701 Hurd, Charles Buel, 156, 403-4, 604, 612, 631 Honor societies, 28, 100, 524, 526, 560, 586, 649, Hutchens, Don K., 211 686,687,716,741,763 Hutchinson, David, 563 Honor System, 193, 287, 397- 98, 682 Huthsteiner, Gustave, 593 Honorary degrees, 99, 117, 229-30, 502, 582, 584, Hutton, George, 636 647,673,677,731,792 Hutton, Isaac, 636 Honorary Fellows, 398 Hyde, , 305, 534 Honors program, 178, 222, 398-400, 409, 674. Hygiene, 176, 404 See also Scholarly Honors Hooker, Philip, 21, 49, 789 I Hopkins, Jane, 663 IBM, 254 Horman House, 330 Ickier, John, 573 Iconoclast (The), 404, 711 Hormel, James, 283 Horner, Maurice L., 641 Idealist (The), 404, 712 Hornet (The), 711 Idle Interval (The), 404, 711 Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz, 389 Idol,292,367,370,405-7,498,607,678, 709 Horses, 192, 259 ldol(The),46,260,377,404-5, 592,711 Horsfall, Joseph, 523 Idol Club, 689 Horton, Malcolm D., 212 Independents, 407, 474, 683. See also Pyramid Club Horwitz, William A., 36 Indiana University, 631 Hough, Franklin Benjamin, 33, 101, 263, 383 Indians. See Native Americans Hough, George Washington, 34, 242, 676 Indigent Students Fund, 320, 750. See also Houghton, Donald G., 37 Financial aid; Student loans Houghton, Herbert R. Jr., 151,608, 650 Industrial Administration Program, 346. See also Houghton, Ross Clark, 34 Graduate Management Institute; Institute for House, Samuel Reynolds, 33 Administration and Management 826 INDEX

Infirmary, 374,509,641,650. See Health James, Henry Jr., 443 Services James, Henry Sr., 32,361, 762 Ingham Essay Prize, 26 James, William, 414-15, 443,463,512,802 Ingvarsson, Ingvar Valdimar, 408 James Foundation, 455 Initiations, 232, 312, 689 Jameson, Gerardus, 374 Inkspoc Club, 560 Jancar, Barbara Wolfe, 565 Inman (Henry) portrait of Eliphalec Nott, 50, 408 Jansen (Carl B.) Professorship in Engineering, 258 Insinuator (The), 408 Japanese, 415, 492 Institute for Administration and Management, 634, Jarvis, Abraham, 616-17 760. See Graduate Management Institute; Jay, Marcin, 41 7 Industrial Administration Program Jefferson, Thomas, 49, 655 Institute of the Theatre, 492 Jeffrey, Alon, 765 Institutional Studies, 9 Jenkins, Berry-Jean, 644 Instructor (rank), 275 Jenkins, Charles Jones, 32 Intellectual Cabaret, 700 Jenkins, Edgar M., 574, 605, 743 lncercollegiace Athletic Conference, 217 Jenkins, Helen F., 120, 243 Interdepartmental courses, 205-6 Jenkins, John Holmes, 296, 415- 17, 457, 733 lnterfracerniry Council, 158, 194, 310, 400, 408, 418,528,774 Jenkins Award for Bibliography, 415 Jensen, Merrill, 319 Internal Education Foundation, 209, 399, 409, 799 Jernakoff, Nadja, 622 Internacional Relations Club, 3, 5, 687 Jerome, Leonard Walter, 33 Internacional students, 253, 355, 691, 772 Internacional Students Union, 691 Jessen, Garret R., 36 Jewell, Thomas, 162 lntervarsiry Christian Fellowship, 682 Investment Club, 688 Jewish Communiry Center, 627 Iota Lambda Mu, 409 Jewish Student Union, 682 Ippolico, Anconio L., 28 Jews at Union, 185,310, 417- 19, 607. See Admissions quotas Irland, Kevin W, 80 Johansen, John C., 100 Irvine, James, 624 Joh nson, Benjamin Pierce, 32 Irving, Washington, 537 Johnson, Burges Americus, 4, 95, 173, 260, 404, Irving (Washington) Chair in Modern Literary and 417-21, 590,596,780 Historical Studies, 257 Johnson, Catherine A., 212 Italian, 409, 490 Johnson, Mary Louise, 454 Italian Club, 687 Ives Law, 3 Johnson (Mary Louise) Library Fund, 83 Johnson, orman Burrows, 150-5 1, 171,216,272, lwanik, John, 410, 622, 666 421,609 J Johnson, Remsen Jr., 80 Jackowski, Stanley J., 747 Johnson, Samuel, 715 Jackson, Edward, 35, 577 Jonas, Manfred, 47, 48, 257, 388, 389, 722, 752, Jackson, Edward A. F., 624 768,769 Jackson, Isaac Wilbur, 16, 43, 50, 97, 128, 138, Jones, Chris, 560 180,192,202,272,275,348,363,380, Jones, Donald, 725, 727 410-11,426,444,446,465,477,488, 505, Jones, Frederick Robertson, 386, 602, 659 523,558,579,684,709,714,754 Jones, Leonard Chester, 180, 387, 422 Jackson, Leara R., 80, 113 Jones, Leslie W, 36 Jackson, Sheldon, 34, 762 Jones, Sam uel William, 630 Jackson, William A., 164, 411, 636 Jones, Silas Paul, 317 Jackson Scientific Association, 686 Jordan, Bernard A., 36 Jackson's Garden, 45, 50, 53, 55, 97, 136-37, 167, Jorgensen, Grace, 796 174,231,278,281,301,302,304,362,364, Joslin, Benjamin Franklin, 102, 423-24, 445, 477, 411- 14,426, 506,518,616,667,714,739, 501,558,709,718,802 764 Journalism, 560 Jacobs, Sidney, 761 Joy, Charles Arad, 147, 155,334, 424-25, 445, Jaffe, William 8., 37, 4 18, 457 523,546,635 Jaffe (William B.) Arc Lecture Series, 414,418 Judaic studies, 418 Jagu, Fernand, 317,414 Junior Professor (rank), 275 James, Chuck, 741 Junior Prom, 213, 667 INDEX 827

Junior Week, 425 King, Wendell W, 109, 594 Juris Prudentia, 688 Kingdon, Kenneth, 630 King's College. See Columbia University K Kirchwey, George W, 20, 21 Kahn, Lawrence, 80 Kiwanis, 702 Kahre, Henry, 413 Klarman, Karl J., 212 Karnes (Eliphalet Note's Course in), 259, 425-26, Kleeman, Louise G., Blanch M. and William G., 514,552 457 Kaminsky, Stanley, 557 Kleeman, Richard Daniel, 430, 559 Kaplan, Harry R., 37 Klein, J. Douglass, 247, 798 Kaplan, Ilene M., 226, 662-63, 724 Kleinhauf, John, 644 Kappa Alpha Gate, 426 Klemm, Frederick A., 29, 48,268,336,491, 723 Kappa Alpha House, 287, 426, 641 Knapp, Seaman A., 34, 761 Kappa Alpha Society, 51,304,410,427, 602, 607, Kneedler, Franklin, 175 610,683,712 Knickerbocker, Calvin H., 212 Kappa Beta Phi, 127, 427 Knight, Frank M., 211 Kappa Nu, 100,249,417,428, 550 Knight, Ralph, 663, 726 Kappa Phi, 158, 428 Knopf, Alfred ("Pat") Jr., 80, 405 Kappa Phi Delta, 428 Knopf, Alfred Sr., 421 Kappa Sigma, 330, 428, 576 Knox College, 216 Karate clubs, 690 Knull, Gale C., 800 Karz, Lisa S., 80 Koblenz, Andrew D., 80 Karz, Stephen, 375 Kohler, Wolfgang, 667 Kauffman, Muriel, 746, 798 Kolehmainen, Waino M., 80 Keaveney, Katherine M., 212 Koller, John, 609 Keck Foundation, 157, 183 Korean War, 18, 431 Keckeley, H. B., 404 Kori, James, 643 Keep, William John, 34 Kosher Kitchen, 238, 455, 789 Kellenter, Sigrid, 336, 491 Kreisman, Norman, 36 Keller, Harold, 57 Krejci, Joan, 248 Kellen, Ellis, 166, 456, 636. See also Microscope collection Kresge Foundation, 455 Kron, Gabriel, 630, 734, 752 Kellett, Robert H., 225, 508 Kellogg, George Dwight, 171, 261, 282, 429, 591, Kruesi, Oscar R., 212 688,726 Kruesi, Walter E., 36, 58 Keniny, Daniel J., 756 Kuhn, Fritz, 3,417,687 Kennedy, John Boyd, 659 Kunsder, William, 769 Kenney, James M., 80, 247 Kuolt, Oscar, 93 Kent, William, 444 Kurtz, Paul Winter, 5, 555 Kenyon, William Colgrove, 33 Kusserow, Bert K., 36 Ker, Montgomery, 593 L Kerr, Diana, 282 La Monte, George, 34 Kershner, Thomas Richard, 247, 768-69 Labor relations, 667 Kessler, Donald A., 212 Labor unions, 197, 621 Ketchum, Gardner M., 29, 207, 344, 483, 750 Laboratories, 156, 161, 165, 183, 252, 258, 294, Kerz, Wilford H., 9, 15 , 29, 67, 196,225,317, 328,389,483,491,495,558,576,635,636, 647,690,741,782,794 664 Ketz House, 647 Lacrosse, 68, 431-32 Key and Blade, 689 Ladies Benevolent Society, 518 Key and Coffin Society, 689 Lamb, Andrian, 302 Keyser, Ephraim, 59 Lamb, David J., 236 Kilburn, Patrick Emory, 262, 429, 727 Lamb, John, 632 Kilpatrick, Charles, 35, 740 Lambda Chi Alpha, 232, 432 Kim, Paul, 142 Lambert, Francis L., 1, 104 Kimball, S. W, 66 Lambrinos, James, 347 King, Morland, 253, 430, 624 Lamont, Daniel Scott, 35, 432, 602 King, Preston, 32 Lamont, Thomas W., 432 828 INDEX

Lamont (Thomas) Professorship of Ancient and Levine Wildflower Garden, 414,444 Modern Literature, 257 Lewis, Bradley G ., 247, 801 Lamont House, 47, 51,432 Lewis, Charles, 446, 545 Lamont Lecture Series, 432 Lewis, Dio, 66 Lamoroux, Wendell L., 275,317,336,409, Lewis, John Prior, 80, 246, 624 433- 34, 444,452, 504,586,601,666,780 Lewis, Tayler, 145, 163, 164,171,201,243,361, Landon, Judson Stuart, 44, 146, 256, 342, 386, 375,378,381,411,424,444,444-49,450, 402,434-36,547, 563,573,579,582,583, 508,523,543,553,562,608,631,648,709, 669, 710,748 761,787,788 Landon, Melville de Lancey, 34, 697 Lewis, Thomas H. A., 36 Landress, Ilene S., 80 Lewis, Walter Wallace, 253, 449 Landreth, Olin Henry, 85, 159,282, 285, 436-37, Liberal Arts curriculum, 83- 88 453,478,535 Liberal C lub, 197, 694, 773 Landscaping, 53, 137, 138-40, 280,302, 437-39, Liberal Learning, 209- 10 610, 724, 793. See also Architecture of Union Librarians, 173, 269, 433, 451-58, 488, 555, 670, College 733-35, 782,796 Lane, Levi Cooper, 34 Library, 123, 124, 301, 318, 332-33, 366,434, LaJJgmuir, Irving, 156, 282, 559 435,449-58,459,462, 520,551,601,602, Langsam, Walter Consuelo, 387, 439 603, 779, 780, 782, 790. See also Nott Lansing, John Gulian, 35 Memorial; Schaffer Library Larrabee, Doris, 443, 796 Library Annex, 458 Larrabee, Harold Atkins, 4, 29, 40, 48, 54, 67, 81, Library Field, 18, 64, 90 174, 180, 189,192,205,235,258,271,273, Library Lane, 128, 615 357,383,439-43,554, 564,596,597,608, Lichterman, Martin, 10,226, 235,262,418, 508, 612,647,669-70, 761,778 565,585 Latin, 12, 169, 268, 465, 505, 542 Ligon, Ernest Mayfield, 151-53, 458, 509, 588 Latin American Studies, 663 Lilly Foundation, 152, 588 Latin honors, 443 Linebacker (The), 679 Lattimore, Owen, 4 Linhardt, Eric R., 404 Lavery, John Y., 36 Linhart, Christopher P., 66, 121,281,373, 740 Lavery, Norman G., 80 Linn, Archibald L., 630 Law, Joseph, 427 Linn, William, 250 Lawrence, Arthur, 92, 196, 29 1 Linville, J. Hays, 33 Lawrence, C harles Brush, 33 Lippman, Walter, 681 Lawrence, Egbert C., 386 Literary publications, 146, 186, 288, 404-5, 460, Laws, 12,200,214,237,283,481,482,529,580, 636, 751, 762. See also Student publications 590,606,616,646,692,704,710,713,726, Literary societies, 162, 177, 181,183,227,452, 790 459-61,560, 590,603,665,681,703 Lazarus, Marvin, 227 Little, Livingston, 159 League of Evangelical Students, 682 Littlejohn, Abram Newkirk, 33 League of Women Voters, 276 Litynski, John G., 30, 140, 438. See also Robens Leake, Simeon, 726 and Litynski; Saratoga Associates Leary, Perry E., 290 Livestock, 535, 710, 724 Leavitt, Katherine Spencer, 258, 587, 612, 667 Livingston (Gilbert R.) Professorship in Psychology, LeBaron, Robert, 35 258 LeClerc, Paul, 317,491 Lloyd, William T. IV, 80 Lecturer (rank), 275 Lochner, Kathy, 663 Ledoux, Claude-Nicolas, 597 Locke, John, 609 Leech (The), 276, 444, 712 Lockwood, Lewis Conger, 33 Legros, Evans, 113 Lockwood, Theodore D., 9, 29, 60, 122, 127, 207, Lehigh University, 63 226,235,253,473,477,508,555,565,585, Leonard, Charles Henri, 35 731 Lester, Bernadotte P., 211, 444 Lodge, Henry Cabot, 284, 611 Lester, C. C., 747 Long, James, 367 Lester, James W., 287 Long College, 239, 461, 648 Lester Conferences, 444 Long Island C ity property. See Hunter's Point, Lester (Margaret) Memorial Fund, 444 Greenpoinr and Stuyvesant Cove Properties of Levine, Ron, 444 Union College INDEX 829

Longley, Gordon J., 642 Mandeville, Ernest, 726 Loomis, Alfred Lebbens, 34 Manhattan property. See Hunter's Point, Greenpoint Loseke, Donileen, 799 and Stuyvesant Cove Properties of Union Lotteries, 341,415, 461-64, 512,802 College Loudon, Neil B., 624 Mann, John E., 724 Lovett, John, 800 Mansfield, Harold W, 482 Lowe, Egbert, 360 Mansfield, Lewis William, 33 Lowell, Robert Traill Spence, 464-65 Mansfield, William, 20 Lowen, Walter, 29, 266, 483, 771 Mantica, Paul, 644 Ludlow, Fitzhugh, 34, 178, 524-26, 532, 663, 761 Mapes, Eugene L., 666 Ludlow (Fitzhugh) Cup, 465, 663, 667 Maranville, Jack, 42, 175, 590, 752 Ludlow (Fitzhugh) Day, 465 Maras, Joseph T., 291 Ludlow, Henry Gilbert, 33 March, Alden, 21, 23 Ludlow and Valentine (architects), 106 March, John Lewis, 38, 137, 317, 470-72, 587, Ludwig, Jan Keith, 180, 556, 609, 722 715,780 Ludwig of Bavaria, 542 Marchant-Shapiro, Theresa, 565 Lumpkin, Smiley, 174 Marine biology, 783 Lundquist, Daniel, 15 Marist College, 254 Lunieski, Richard, 413 Markfield, Gloria, 347 Lynes, George Briggs, 453, 659 Markhoff, Alex, 58 Lyons, Craig L., 30, 37 Marking systems. See Grades Marks, George Edwin, 35 M Marsh, Samuel, 761 MacArthur Foundation, 495 Marshalls, 142, 180, 645 MacArthur Foundation Professorship, 258 Marsters, James C., 282 MacDonald, William, 720 Martin, Bradley, 34 Machine Shop, 161,258,466,483 Martin, Daniel Strobel, 502 Mackaye, Marion Morse, 561 Martin, Harold Clark, 60, 140, 175,207,261,272, Mackaye, Percy, 561 293,296,301,311,315,341,470-77, 532, Mackenzie, Leonard Coles Jr., 36 555,579,580,604,606,634,721,749,752 Mackenzie College, 772 administration of, 770 MacLane, Saunders, 479 and admissions quotas, 6, 15, 418 MacMurray, Junius W, 138, 488, 557 and alumni, 41 and athletics, 70 Macomber, Alexander, 127 and coeducation, 796 Maddaus, lngo, 479 and draft deferments, 766 Madden, Thomas L., 211 and engineering, 86 Mafi, Mohammad, 162 and faculty research, 105, 389 Magee, Robert V, 658, 741 and graduate programs, 350 MaGill, Charles A., 46, 143 and minority programs, 112 Mail, College, 469, 742 and the arts, 503 Maintenance and Operations Department, 715, and Union University, 760 780 and war protests, 766 Majlaton, Eli, 120 Marcin, William B. Jr., 30, 267, 750 Majors, 233 Martindale, Edward, 586 Makofski, Sigmund, 80, 93 Marvin, Arthur, 756 Maksoud, Clovis, 6 Marvin, Chester T., 80 Male, Charles Thomas Jr., 160, 690, 699 Marvin, Frederic Rowland, 34 Male, Charles Thomas Sr., 36, 80, 161, 181, Mascots, 729 470-71,478,699, 715 Masonic Club, 683 Malloy, Edward, 508 Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology, 252, 328 Mammola, Joseph L., 225, 414 Master's Degree. See Graduate degrees Man, Albon, 34 Mathematical models. See Olivier Models Management programs, 351. See also Graduate Mathematics, 81, 129, 268, 286, 299, 322, 364, Management Institute; Industrial Administration 410,470,477-80,496, 567,582,634,657, Program; Institute for Administration and 796-97 Management Mathematics clubs, 686 Mandeville, David C., 37 Mathias, Walter, 161, 483 830 INDEX

Machias, William, 715 McNulry, Robert, 378 Matteo, Patricia, 143 Meade, Teresa, 389 Mattoon, Stephen, 33 Meadows-Shuford, Maxine, 7 Mausert, Bernard R., 697 Meads, Orlando, 427 Mavor, James Wan, 103, 166,328,480, 578 Meal plans, 237-38 Maxcy, Jonathan, 27, 193, 282, 480-82, 529, 578, Means, Anna, 720 580,590,606 Mechanical Engineering, 86, 14 1, l 6 l, 466, Maxcy House, 282 482-86,561,626,634, 771 Maxon, W. D., 375 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, 466 Mazur, M. Joann, 80 Mechanical Engineering organizations, 686 Mazzone, Angelo, 238 Mechanical Technology Inc., 626 McAuley, Thomas, 411, 466-67, 477, 505, 558, Mechanics and Thermodynamics Department, 483 635,718 Megerian, Thomas]., 212 McCabe, Timothy, 80 Melamec, Ken, 286 McCall, Donald M., 625 Melber, Kate, 715 McCarthyism, 4, 271, 442, 660. See also Melius Conservatory, 413, 486 Communism Melius, Ludlow, 30, 515, 764 McCarty, Therese, 247 Mellon Foundation, 409 McClellan, Samuel Paris, 30, 36, 44 Memorial Chapel, 28, 53, 149, 150, 165, 173, 177, McClellan Cup, 30 287,321, 486-87,502, 596,610,621,630, McClure, Archibald, 19 730,739 McComber, Stewart A., 37, 67, 196,373, 466, 740 chimes, 96 McCord, James, 262, 319 Memorial Field House, 37, 38, 45, 54, 67, 72, 93, McCray, Lawrence, 80 177,216,455,487,642 McDermott, Helen, 491 Mendelsohn, Leatrice, 49, 58 McDonald, Bonney, 261 Mendenhall, Robert C., 303, 660 McDonald, Janee, 249 Meneely Foundry, 95, 96 McDougall, Alexander, 752 Mercer, Glen, 594 McDowell, Raymond S., 36 Mercer, Norman Andrew, 247 McEJroy, William H., 34 Meriwether, William, 60, 261, 493, 728 McElwain, Daniel C., 90 Mesick, John, 60 McGee, Mary Grimes, 682 Metcalf, Keyes, 455 McGee, Richard J., 19 Methodist Church, 176, 504 McGeoch, John, 427 Metropolitan Museum of Art, 57, 64 Mcilwaine, Theodore Richard, 467, 508, 731 Metzger, Sol S., 67, 290, 685, 740 Mcilwaine (Theodore R.) Memorial Courryard, M ichaelis, Gustavus, 19 468 Michelsen, Kenneth, 7 41 Mdnryre, Archibald, 462, 802 Mickey, Irving, 589 McKean, Horace Grant, 227, 260, 468, 591 Microscope colleccion, 634, 636, 752 McKean House, 52, 468, 619 Middle Lane, 615 McKibben, Frank Pape, 141, 160 Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, McKim, Mead and White, 53, 81, 125,288,468, 9, 15,82,224,226,350,352,488, 586,749 486-87, 521,576,586,603,613,628,650, M idoneck, Shari R., 80 675,789 Milano, Joseph E., 30, 36, 361 McKinley, William, 21,581,693 Milillo, Frank F., 258, 485 McKinney, Corliss, 34 M ilitary company. See Union College Zouaves McKnight, Grace Marion, 453 Military organizations, 684 McLaughry, John J., 291 Military Science, 17, 66,191, 488,689. See also Air McLeod, Alexander, 32 Force ROTC; Military training; Students Army McLeod, Elmer, 587 Training Corps McMahon, Eugene J ., 36 Military training, 163, 285, 338, 572, 6 I 1, 626, McMahon, Frank C., 697 639-42, 786 McMartin, Daniel, 605 Miller, Alexander, 735 McMurray, Charles Backman, 36, 94, 469, 579 Miller, Charles C., 34 McMurray, Robert G., 658, 720 Miller, Frances D., 319,456 Mc amara, John Richard, 248, 768 Miller, H. Wharton, 281,454, 488, 719 McNaughton, James, 23 Miller, Jacob W., 286 INDEX 831

Miller, John, 728 Morrison, Charles, 394 Miller, Kenneth W., 20 Morrison, J. Lawton, 80, 266 Miller, Peter Schuyler, 36 Morrison, Martha, 282, 432, 659 Miller, Robert, 699 Morse, David Sherman, 257,478, 496-97, 664 Miller, Stanley C., 36 Morton, J. Sterling, 32 Miller, Susanna M., 143 Moses, John, 37 Miller, Warner, 34 Mosher, J. Montgomery, 35, 577 Millham, Donald, 9, 174, 236 Mosher, Jacob S., 19 Mills, J. Richard, 715 Mosher, Sandy A., 374 Miltimore, Louis D., 37, 744 Moss, James A., 114, 661 Mindell, Arnold, 266 Moss, John, 335 Mineral collections, 331,334, 501, 653, 790 Motion pictures, 625, 781. See also Films of Union Mineralogy, 126. See also Geology Department College Minerva Prize, 799 Motto, College, 384. See also Seal and Motto Minerva Review, 751 Mott-Smith, Geoffrey A., 36 Minerva's Laws, 489 Mountain, Frank H., 35, 90 Minerva's Race, 30 Mountebanks, 4, 129, 143, 284,288,378,417, Miroff, George, 636 521,537,670,678,700,726,780 Missionaries, 126, 656, 738 Moving Finger Club, 681 Mitchel, Ormsby, 242 Moving-Up Day, 497-98 Modern History Forum, 687 Moyano, Pilar, 667 Modern Jazz Society, 699 Mozley, Walter Alan, 104, 498-500 Modern Language Building, 489, 491 Muir, Roy C., 328 Modern Languages and Literatures Department, 81, Mulane, Ray, 716 86, 88, 115,356,400, 410-15, 433, 489-92, Mulligan, John J., 800 667,701,725 Munno, William, 80 Modrey, Joseph, 483 Munsterberg, Hugo, 667 Moeller, Sanford A., 35 Murphy, B. Russell, 67, 740 Moffat, Robert W Jr., 212 Murphy, James W, 150-51, 767 Mohawk and Hudson Railroad, 742 Murphy, William M., 18, 29, 258, 260, 261, 625, Mohawk Association of Scientists and Engineers, 632,677 633 Murray, David, 34, 749 Mohawk Club, 213 Murray, Robert F. Jr., 80, 110, 111 Mohawk Drama Festival and Institute of the Museum, 59, 94, 102, 156, 332, 334, 498-502, Theatre, 39, 65, 143, 302, 492-93, 775 520, 784, 790. See also Art galleries; College col­ , 260, 648 lections Moline Elm, 518 Music, 502-4, 610, 654, 667, 697, 730 Molloy, Edward, 224 Musical Association, 696 Monane, Joseph, 661 Musical Clubs, 696 Montez, Lola, 542 Musical concerts, 37, 69, 82, 90, 214, 425, 486, Moody, Dwight, 682 487,502-4,610,630,695,696 Moon, Rexford G. Jr., 37 Musical organizations, 60, 113, 678, 695-99, 730. Moore, Harold Ransom ("Blue"), 289 See also Bands; Choir; Glee C lub; Orchestra Moore, Leroy 0., 112 Myers, Darlene, 212 Moorhead, Robert, 58 Myers, Mordecai, 465 Morgan, J.P., 257 Mynderse, William Ten Broeck, 11, 167 Morgan, Jonathan, 32 N Morgan, Lewis Henry, 33,631, 659, 761 NBC, 697 Morhous, William R., 19 Napear, Bertram J., 36 Morley, James W, 388 Nardini, Anna, 81 Morrell, Samuel, 728, 781 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Morrill Act, 795 242,484,761 Morris, Ernest B., 30, 36 National Commons Club, 593 Morris, John Selwyn, 10, 42, 112, 114, 141, 169, National Conference on Undergraduate Research, 226,296,322,493-96, 556,579,580,609 494 Morris, T. Dwight, 712 National Defense Education Act, 5 832 INDEX

National Education Association, 229 N ichols, James, 304 National Guard Club, 684 N ielsen, Edgar W., 37 National Science Foundation, 157, 166, 242, 713 N iemeyer, Carl, 29, 48, 258, 260, 261, 555, N:uional Society of Black Engineers, 686 624-25, 796 National Youth Administration, 469, 504, 526 Nikolai, Anna Maria, 715 Native Americans, 249, 297, 537, 794 Nisrad, Peter J., 93, 719 Natural History, 333, 676, 783. See also Biology; Nisriquona Hill, 505 Geology Nitchman, Alvin F., 80 Natural Philosophy, 154, 268, 293, 557. See also N itchman, Donald E., 211 Chemistry; Physics N itchman, Nelson W, 93, 290 Naturally Yours, 238 Nixdorff, Samuel P., 630 Navy Y-5 Program, 640 N ixon, Richard, 732 Navy Y-7 Program, 640 No Deal Agreement, 704 Navy Y-12 Program, 190,264,361, 508, 639, Nobel Prize, 328, 559, 618 641-42,680,683,699, 707,729,780,792, Non-credit courses, 751 795 Nondescript (The), 712 Nazism, 3,354,417,639 Nordlander, Birger W, 364, 630 Needleman, Carol S., 15 1 Nordstrand, Roy H ., 212 Neifield, Susan, 479 North College, 50, 136, 239-40, 269, 274, 284, Nelson, H. Alan, 60,207,226,260,271,358, 727, 411,437,451,459, 505- 9,512, 597,797 801 North Colonnade, 50, 59, 77, 252, 509, 558 Nelson, Peter, 453 North Emry Road, 615 Nelson, Walter J., 92 North Hall, 50, 237, 282, 294, 510 Neumann, Gerard A., 296 North Lane, 615 Neutral Club, 407, 683. See also Independents North, Edward Payson, 34 Nevin, Hugh, 151 North, Robert C., 21 1 Nevin, John Williamson, 32 Northeastern Youth O rchestra, 698 Nevius, John Livingston, 33 Northern Missionary Society, 656 Nevius, Reuben Denton, 33 Northfield, 682 New Deal, 3, 504 Northrup, H enry, 304 New York Public Interest Group, 695 Northrup, William P., 740 New York State Norton, Margaret, 72 architecture, 597 Norton, Sidney Augustus, 34 geology, 676 Nott, Benjamin, 23, 510 histories, 260, 263, 300 Legislature, 3,341,511,512,677,745,802 Nott, Charles Cooper, 34 Librarian, 453 Nott, Eliphalet, 16, 27, 126, 163-64, 200-201, politics, 732 259,265,268,272,278,341,481, 510-15, New York State Board of Regents. See Regents, 578,580,583,591,606,648,665,761,786 Board of and admissions, 13 and C ivil Engineering, 337 New York State College Presidents Association, 67 and college architecture, 49 New York State Geological Association, 654 and college cemetery plot, 145-46 New York Scare Historical Association, 302, 589, and college finances, 379, 579 772 and college land, 49, 135, 329 New York Scare Thruway, 730, 742 and curriculum, 83, 159, 169, 346, 490, 579 New York University, 53 and degrees, 227 New York World's Fair, 730 and fences, 279 Newcomer, Sam Herold, 212 and fraternities, 304-6 Newman, Jay, 560 and Geological Hall, 331 Newman, John, 171, 504, 636, 664, 739 and graduate program, 348 Newman Club, 682 and honor system, 397 and Joseph Ramee, 597 News Bureau, 500, 589, 650, 685, 789. See also and Laurens P. Hickok, 379 Public Relations and lotteries, 415, 461-64, 735, 745, 802 Newspapers, student. See College Spectator, and Phi Beta Kappa, 548 Concordiensis; Student publications; Union and political science, 561 College Chronicle and Rensselaer Polytechnic lnsticuce, 607 Newton, Isaac, 626 an d student housing, 239 Nichols, Byron, 344, 399, 565, 722 and Tayler Lewis, 446 INDEX 833

and temperance movement, 738 Nott Scholars, 632 and theatre, 726 Nott stoves, 239,396,513,515,523,664 and townspeople, 737 Nott Street Field, 65 and trustees, 7 48 Nott Terrace High School, 267 and tuition, 750 Nott Trust Fund, 136,155,256,320,342,348, and Union University, 757 379,381,385,397,400-401,461, 514,524, at Semi-Centennial, 645 527,632,743,785,803 biography of, 260, 384, 449, 542, 752 Nourse, Kenneth A., 15, 30 birthplace of, 515 courses taught by, 171,425,552,561,586 Nowack, Wayne K., 56-57 criticism of, 444, 777, 794 Nu Sigma Gamma, 524 daughter of, 576 Nunoo-Essandoh, Kwesi J.B., 7 death of, 541 Nursery. See Farm and Nursery, College degrees, 606 Nursing, 2\ 757 disciplinary methods of, 192-93, 269, 342, 510, Nydegger, Rudy, 225, 588, 750 529-31, 579,606,643,705 Nye, David P., 48, 329 education of, 580 Nygard, Charles, 662 educational policies of, 678 experiments of, 635 0 fund-raising efforts of, 320, 519 0. A. N., 524 grading system of, 344 Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 484 health problems of, 361 Oakes, Edward, 361 missionary work of, 656 O'Bier, Charles J., 19 mockery of, 357 O'Brien, Francis J., 20 on books, 450 on John Blair Smith, 656 Obscenity, 190 on science, 558 Observatory, 718. See also Astronomy; Dudley on slavery, 109 Observatory popularity of, 665 Ode to Old Union (Ludlow), 17, 178, 368, 524-26, portrait of, 50, 408 663 power of, 2, 579 Off-campus housing, 737 pranks on, 709 O'Grady, Arthur Bernard, 756 residences of, 508, 664 Olberg, Robert, 104, 267 satirical attack on, 712 Old Chapel, 58, 59, 95, 150, 331-32, 452, 610. servant of, 770. See also Viney, Moses See also Geological Hall Nott (Eliphalet) Memorial Highway, 515 Old Gym Hall, 94, 239, 355,469,495, 596, 641. Nott, Gertrude Peebles Tibbits, 515 See also Becker (Stanley R.) Hall Nott, Howard, 515, 605 Old Union beside the Mohawk vale, 283 Nott, Joel Benedict, 101, 154, 333, 424, 516, 645, Oliphant, Elmer Quillen, 67, 121, 287, 740 801 Olivier Models, 13, 338, 526, 635, 686 Nott, John, 275, 375, 408, 516, 524, 591, 646 Olmsted, Frederick Law, 789 Nott, Samuel, 32, 250, 510 O'Loughlin, Gerald, 80 Nott, Sarah Maria Benedict, 517 Olson, Donald T., 80 Nott, Urania Eleanor Sheldon, 145-46, 380, 382, Olton, Charles S., 224, 225, 319, 768 504,513,517,581,739,771 Ombudsman, 526 Nott Elm, 167,412,518,667 Omicron Delta Epsilon, 526 Nott Hole, 636 O'Neill, Joseph Alan, 663 Nott Memorial, 50-51, 128,453,495, 518-22, Oothout, Abraham, 630 710, 728, 779 Opdyke, Howard, 64, 527, 559, 648, 801 art exhibitions, 59 construction of, 284, 338, 571, 668 Oppenheim, Louis, 36 funding of, 43, 77, 320 Oram, Richard R., 80 inscription, 375 Orchestra, 503, 698 library in, 321, 331, 452, 454, 602, 627, 780, Ordway, Thomas, 23, 760 782 Organists, 502, 718, 730 museum, 501 Ornston, Bud, 720 name of, 570 O'Rourke, Vernon, 135 Nott News, 522 Orrery, 634 Nott Professorships, 155, 256, 270,401,424, 445, Ostrander, John, 737 523 Outing Club, 690 834 INDEX p Pearson, Jonathan, 6, 74, 275, 278, 333, 383, 402, PYE Club, 695 403,411,434,444, 518,538-40,630,648, Paige, A. Winslow Jr., 30, 37 664,736,743,777 alumni directory of, 31 Paige, Alonzo Christopher, 382, 527 and college cemetery plot, 145-46 Paige, Edward Winslow, 528, 539, 575 and Geological Hall, 331 Paige, George S., 643 and museum, 501 Paige, Harriet Mumford, 528 as librarian, 451 Palermo, Anthony James, 528 historical research of, 243, 540 Palmer, Beriah, 450 house of, 128, 787 Palmer, Erastus D., 55 satirical attack on, 712 Palmer, James, 10, 161, 235, 254, 468, 485, 585, teaching responsibilities, 101-2, 154, 424 767 travels of, 541 Pan-Hellenic Council, 409, 528 Pearson (Jonathan) Diary, 540-42 Panlilio, Filadelfo, 483 Pearson, Jonathan (M.D.), 373 Paper Highway, 711 Pearson, Jonathan III, 15, 29, 46, 143, 198, 542 Paquette, Mike, 800 Pearson, William L., 373, 504 Parachini, Patricia A., 151 Pease, Charles E., 165 Parachute Club, 690 Pebley, Anne R., 212 Parades, 163,371,561, 710 Peck, Charles Horton, 34, 101 Pardon, Earl, 56 Peckham, Wheeler Hazard, 34 Parents Association, 528 Peek, Frank, 328 Parents' Weekend, 529, 583, 702 Peirce, Benjamin, 242 Parietal Rules, 407, 529-34 Peissner, Elias, 128, 163-64, 245,275,281,317, Parker, Amasa Junius Jr., 20, 32 336,356,409,446,488,490, 508,538-45, Parker, Amasa Junius Sr., 21, 24, 34, 403, 729 562,648,666,753 Parker, Henry B. Jr., 30, 36 Peissner, Margaret Lewis, 545, 600, 605, 798 Parker, Ralph C., 35 Pell, William F., 292 Parker, Robert Bogardus, 36 Pelletiere, Jean C., 319,457 Parker, Ruth Vallily, 556, 796 Pellettier, Lawrence V. Jr., 211 Parking, 217 Penney, Sherry, 389 Parry, Charles Christopher, 33, 101 Pennie, John C., 35 Parshelsky, Isaac, 534 Pensions, 523 Parsons, Dwight Levi, 549 Pep Band, 699 Parsons, Eugene, 35 Pep rallies, 691 Parthenon (The), 186, 534, 636, 711 Performing arts. See Arts Department; Dance; Mohawk Drama Festival; Mountebanks; Theatre Pastime (The), 535, 536, 711 Performing arts organizations, 695-701. See also Pasture, 45, 52, 55, 138, 278, 280, 285, 435, Bands; Choir; Dance; Glee Club; Mohawk 535-36,610,640, 765 Drama Festival; Mountebanks; Orchestra Paszeski, William, 644 Perkins, Anne Dunbar Potts, 97, 465, 545, 664 Patrik, Linda, 556, 798 Perkins, Charles, 557 Patterson, James L., 478, 657 Perkins, Jesse, 93 Patterson, Robert Porter, 18, 35, 36, 287, 627 642 762 ' ' Perkins, Maurice, 21, 64, 76, 102, 156, 295, 334, 360,373,501, 546-47, 563,577,649 664 Patterson (Robert Porter) Professorship, 258 692 ' ' Paul, Joseph E., 211 Perkins' (Mrs.) Garden, 302, 547 Paul, William E., 36 Perry, Stuart, 33 Payne, John Howard, 32, 213, 461, 535, 536--37, Personnel Office, 667 726 Perspective, 112, 547 mockery of, 357 Peschel (Stanley) Computer Center, 181 , 547,675 Payne Gate, 24, 52, 284, 537, 610, 685 Peskin, Dennis, 769 Peace Corps, 771 Peters, Homer E., 37 Peacocks, 412-13 Peterson, Patricia, 212, 699 Peak, David, 30, 257, 560, 750 Peterson, Sven Richard, 225, 555, 609, 625 Pearl Harbor, 640 Pew Memorial Trust, 457 Pearson, John Magoun, 541 Pfordte, Otto, 791 Pharmacy. See Albany College of Pharmacy INDEX 835

Phaup, E. Dwight, 247, 248, 258 Plug Hat Parade, 371, 561 Phelps, Charles A., 33 Poe, Edgar Allan, 337 Phelps, Philip, 33 Poet-in-Residence, 561 Phi Alpha Society, 547 Poetry, 604, 610, 685 Phi Beta Kappa, 304, 427, 441, 459, 497, 547-49, Police. See Security and safety 560,586,627,632,649,675,700,752 Political clubs, 687, 693 Phi Beta Phi, 549 Political Economy. See Economics Department Phi Delta Theta, 51, 549, 610, 641 Political Forum, 694 Phi Delta Theta House, 284, 550 Political Science, 339, 387, 561, 561-66, 577, 665 Phi Epsilon Pi, 417,428, 550, 805 Pollard, Frederick, 304 Phi Gamma Delta, 11, 51, 287, 396, 550, 641, 673 Pollard, John W H., 66, 740 Phi Gamma Delta House, 550 Pollock, Horatio M., 659 Phi Nu Theta, 158, 551, 729 Pollock, 0 . Edward, 224 Phi Sigma Delta, 100,125,249,417,551,805 Pollock, Sydney, 781 Phi Sigma Kappa, 551, 724 Pollution, 140, 362, 375, 413, 438, 676 Phi Upsilon House, 28 Pond, Charles B., 181,236,371,566,602,647, Philanthropy, 627. See also Gifts 744 Philatelic Club, 692 Pool, 716 Phillips, Herbert H,, 4 Poppleton, Andrew J., 747 Philomathean Society, 28 , 181-83, 227,288,452, Porter, Jermain Doty, 566 459-61, 507,591, 647,650,665,680-81, 703, Portraits, 45, 187, 293, 360, 408, 486, 674, 752, 726,751 776 Philosophical Hall, 50, 59,331,424,558 Post Office. See Mail, College Philosophy Club, 688 Post, George B. and Sons, 37, 129, 139, 437, 537, Philosophy Department, 174, 380, 395, 400, 440, 780 551-57,669,675, 676,733,780,796 Post, Philip Sidney, 34, 165 Photography, 58, 329, 364, 557, 692 Potter, Alonzo, 8,201,244,259,337,378,381, Physical Education, 66-68, 73, 102, 235, 269, 281, 408,444,451,477,508,514,524,552,558, 466, 612, 640, 641, 793. See also Athletics 562,567-70, 591,645,664,725,794 Physical Plant, 644, 715 Potter, Clarkson Nott, 320, 401, 405, 515, 519, Physicians, College, 37, 373-74 572, 771 Physics apparatus, 635 Potter, Donald, 485 Physics clubs, 649, 686 Potter, Edward Tuckerman, 10, 34, 50,375, 519, Physics Department, 59, 115, 131, 216, 294, 349, 521,572,581, 779 364,376,431,509, 527,557-60,619, 633, Potter, Eliphalet Nott, 23, 43, 91, 189, 192, 195, 794,797,800 225,240,383,402,434,488,519,553, Pi Beta Phi Society, 445, 548, 560 570-76, 578,582,665,715,720 Pi Delta Epsilon, 560, 756 and college architecture, 51 Pi Gamma Mu, 561, 687 and college library, 452 and curriculum, 202, 294 Pi Phi, 561 and history, 385 Pi Sigma Alpha, 561 and music, 502 Pi Sigma Omicron, 561 and Nott Memorial, 779 Pi Tau Sigma, 561 and religious studies, 608 Pickett, Joseph C., 278, 714 and the arts, 55, 60 Pierson, George S., 668 and trustees, 745 Pierson, Hamilton Wilcox, 33 and Union University, 20, 22, 186, 349, 757 Pikul, Richard, 162 criticism of, 540 Pilcher, Ennis, 560, 700 fund-raising efforts of, 10, 94, 128, 158, 263, Pilot training. See Civilian Pilot Training 320 opposition to, 26, 547, 747, 784, 788 Pipes, Class, 561 powers of, 2 Pithonian Society, 681 presidency of, 541, 7 48 Placement Office, 789. See also Career relationship with faculty of, 63, 271 Development Center resignation of, 520 Planned Parenthood, 276 Potter, Helen Fuller, 504, 575 Planning and Priorities Committee, 585 Potter, Horatio, 32, 126 Pledge Presidents Council, 683 Potter, Howard Nott, 35, 402, 519, 572 Plesums, Charles Alcon, 181, 183, 253 Potter, James H., 211 836 INDEX

Potter, Platt, 75, 402, 528, 572 Proudfo, Alexander, 444, 451 Potter, Sarah Maria Nott, 576 Proudfo, James, 427 Potter (Stephen J.) Testing Laboratory, 161, 576 Proudfo, Robert, 171, 275, 508, 584 Potter, William Appleton, 34, 49, 51, 55, 97, 139, Provost, 585-86, 643 444,521,572,779 Psi Chi, 586 Potter House, 54, 239, 396, 428, 576 Psi Upsilon, 51, 288, 304, 548, 586, 593, 641, 683 Potts, David B., 48, 226, 722, 750, 768 Psi Upsilon House, 53, 83, 284, 287, 586, 781 Powell, Fred R., 212 Psychology Club, 688 Powell, James A., 146 Psychology Department, 115, 151-52, 158,353, Powers, Ridgley Ceylon, 34 458,471,509, 586,586-89, 667 Powers, Thomas Henry, 779 Public health, 155 Pranks, 59, 74, 95, 128, 168, 195, 284, 288, 294, Public Relations, 122, 17 4, 301, 589-90, 686. See 195,522,535,607,703,705, 708-10 also News Bureau Pray, Francis C., 590 Public speaking, 227, 259, 429, 590-92 Prayer. See Chapel Attendance Rules; Religion Publications Board, 190, 592 Pre-Health Society, 578, 688 Punishment. See Discipline Pre-law programs, 576 Pyramid, 592 Pre-Law Society, 688 Pyramid Club, 407, 593, 683, 728. See also Pre-medical programs, 13, 14, 103, 104-5, 166, Independents 577-78, 631,750 Preparatory schools, 582, 629, 756 Q Quarry, College, Presbyterian Church, 176,511,578,607,655, 593 654-57,681 Queens College, 628 Presidential Advisory Board, 118 Quillinan, Frank, 644 Presidents and the presidency, 578-81 R President's House, 10, 50, 82, 128, 302, 320, 524, Race relations, 111, 112, 117 581 Racism, 110 Presidents of the , 581 Radcliffe College, 795 • President's Office, 10-11, 582, 779 Radiation Laboratory, 593 Press Club, 685 Radio,23, 99,127,236,253,285,364,407,441, Price, Don P., 211 593-96, 607,666,686-87, 780 Price, Isaiah Benjamin, 138, 202, 385, 477, 573, Radio broadcasts, 174,227,301,596,647,654, 582,631,649,687 670,696-97, 727,730,739,768,778 Price, Joseph, 35 Railroads, 648, 742 Prichard, Helga, 212 Raleigh, Robert L., 374 Prime, Edward Dorr Griffin, 33 Ralston, Thomas, 624 Princeton University, 14, 418, 606, 618, 654-56, Ramee, Joseph, 49, 411, 465, 512, 596-98, 648, 749,789,796 762, 778. See also Campus-Ramee plan Princetown Academy, 434, 582 Ramo, Simon, 253 Print Workshop. See Sculpture studio Randall, Henry Stephens, 33 Pritchard, Helga, 699 Rankine, William Birch, 35, 602 Prize Day, 117, 583 Ransdell, Joseph Eugene, 35, 666 Prizes, 26, 28, 36, 55, 100, 156,177,211,240, Rapelje, Charlotte MacDougal, 29, 598, 605, 798 242,363,554,572,591,609,654,663,667, Rappaport, Raymond, 103, 357 675, 764, 778, 799, 804. See also Awards Raser, George B., 317 Proa!, Pierre Alexis, 275,316,490, 583, 666 Rasmussen, Robert B., 175 Professor (rank), 274 Rathbone, Henry Reed, 34, 165, 363, 761 Progressive Club, 694 Rathskeller, 598, 636 Prohibition Club, 693 Ratner, Jeffrey H ., 212 Project HOPE, 14 Raymond, Andrew Van Vranken, 20, 24, 25, 31, Pro-Life Forum, 695 45, 51, 65, 106, 125, 129, 146, 154,180,203, Promise ofthe Arches, 283 233,239,263-64,340, 383,403,575,579, Prosper, Peter Anthony, 247 580,582, 599-603,667, 748,780,789,793 Prosser, Charles Smith, 102-3, 203, 334, 583-84, and college library, 453 600,601,791 and electrical engineering, 85, 252, 327, 478, Protestant Student Council, 683 609 Protests, 5, 18, 19,111, 178-79, 189,274,363, and sabbatical leaves, 623 417,435,519,631,694,765,785 and trustees, 434, 746 INDEX 837

and Union University, 759 Reynolds, Marcus T., 60 disciplinary methods of, 370, 705, 709 Reynolds, Neil B., 30, 36 fund-raising efforts of, 320 Rhetoric. See Public speaking Raymond, John Howard, 33 Rheubottom, David B., 661, 768 Raymond, Robert, 712 Rhode Island College. See Brown University Raymond House, 54, 230, 239, 576, 603 Rice, Alexander Hamilton, 33 Reading Room, 603 Rice, Edwin Wilbur Jr., 174, 222, 246, 270, 327, Reagles, Christopher, 278, 714 328,330,609,630,749 Reagles, James, 34 Rice, Edwin Wilbur Sr., 34, 785 Reamer (Murray and Ruth) Campus Center, 142 Rice-Parker House, 609 Reamer, Norton H., 37, 142, 750 Rich (Mrs. Edwin L.) Prize, 609 Recorder, 603 Richards, Doris J., 374 Records, 6, 284, 7 42. See also Recorder Richards, Frederick B., 30, 36, 300 Redford, Robert, 781 Richards, Steven L., 80 Redington, Edmund B., 80 Richmond, Charles Alexander, 3, 17, 21, 22, 44, Reece, David William, 58, 170,171,257,603 86,139,149,168,239, 240,263-64,278, 280, Reed, Byron William, 664 283,284,321,486,504,579,580,581,582, Reed, Frank A., 36 595, 606,609-13, 642,648,665,667,772 Reed, George Henry, 157,216,403,604 and admissions, 13 Reed, Ralph C., 212 and athletics, 69, 71 and college landscaping, 437 Reed, Thomas C., 43, 171, 244, 275, 348, 385, and fraternities, 314 552,562,586,604,646,720,794 and military training, 286, 639 Reform clubs, 692 and music program, 502 Regents, Board of, 22, 23, 173, 292, 296-98, 462, and physical education, 67 492,620,629,632,735,745 and student exchange programs, 624 Registrar, 120, 225, 256, 396, 545, 598, 605 and the arts, 56 Registrar's Office, 507, 509, 545, 598, 605 and Union University, 758 Reich, Gary, 560 musical recitals of, 780 Reid, Antoinette, 7 Richmond, Henry Augustus, 599 Reid, Ralston B., 36 Richmond, Sarah, 504 Reid, William Wharry, 32 Richmond House, 54, 216, 239,284,613, 797 Reidel, James, 227 Ridings, Robert M., 29, 243 Reisman, James, 30, 37 Rie, Herbert E., 212 Relations with other Colleges and Universities, Riedel, James A., 565 606-7 Rieschick, Paul, 46 Religion, 6, 8, 150, 151-53, 158, 179, 298-99, Riese, Teut, 625 418,422,481, 578,607-9, 738,754, 784.See Rifle Association, 689 also Bible study; Chapel Attendance Rules; Rinaldi, Louis J., 80 Chaplains and Campus Ministry; Christianity Ripley, Edward Hastings, 34 Religious organizations, 678, 681, 683, 681-83 Ripley, Nelson A. Jr., 37 Religious programs, 149, 494, 718 Ripton, Benjamin Henry, 25, 47, 224, 225, 226, Remur House, 52 267,286,386,478,563, 610,613-14,657, Rensselaer Institute. See Rensselaer Polytechnic 659 Institute Ripton, J. Harold, 15, 211, 614 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 19, 22, 23, 47, Rivera, Mario, 485 113, 116, 228, 335, 337, 350, 406, 513, 578, Roads. See Campus 607,624 Robbins, Daniel, 58, 61, 62, 257 Rensselaerville, New York, 639 Robert, Charlyn, 282, 663 Republican clubs, 693 Roberts, Alan, 317,491,671, 723 Research funding. See Internal Education Roberts, George A., 590 Foundation Roberts, Richard E., 30, 36 Resident Assistants, 533 Roberts and Litynski (architects), 468 ReUnion Weekend. See Alumni Day Robertson, William Schenck, 33 Revolutionary War, 366, 456, 752 Robinson, David, 574 Reynaud, Pierre Gregoire, 200, 316, 490, 609 Robinson, Phil, 417 Reynolds, Bruce, 247 Robinson, Samuel, 418, 428, 772 Reynolds, Gary, 92 Robinson, Scharn, 80, 113 Reynolds, George, 344 838 INDEX

Robinson, Stewart, 479 Rush, Pat, 799 Robison, Ellis Howes, 616 Rushworth, Francis Alwyn, 625 Robison Herb Garden, 413, 616 Russ, Richard Baldwin, 253 Rock, M. D., 428 Russell, Joseph W, 19 Rockefeller Center, 462 Russell Sage College, 624, 795 Roc~efeller Foundation, 624 Russian, 410, 491, 622 Rogers, Ammi, 180, 616-18, 655 Russian Club, 687 Rogers, James, 469, 713 Ruth, Edward C., 80 Rogers, John H., 55 Rutledge, Archibald, 35, 666 Rogers, Oscar H., 35, 577 Ryan, Francis X., 151, 682 Rojansky, Vladimir Borisovich, 4, 257, 468, 559, Ryberg, Paul, 335 618-19, 633,713 Ryder, Harold Russell, 77, 622-23, 674 Rojas-Hill, Carlos, 7 Ryder Hall. See Steinmetz Hall Roland, Sidney A., 286 Roman Catholicism, 14, 151, 543, 682 s Romeyn, Dirck, 142, 180, 296,450, 481, 578, S.S. Novelty, 513, 516 606,618- 21, 628, 629, 632,655,735 S.S. Union Victory, 623 Romeyn, James V C., 655 Sabbatical leaves, 217,495,600,611,623 Romeyn, Thomas, 375 Saga Food Services, 238, 599 Roosevelt, Franklin 0., 647 Sage, Margaret, 270, 321, 624 Roosevelt, James, 33 Sailing Club, 689 Roosevelt, Theodore, 289 Sailing Team, 678 Root, Elihu, 257 Saint Andrews Exchange Program, 266,611, Rose, Ellsworth E., 36 624-25, 724 Roseborough, Howard E., 661 Sakala, Richard S. , 30, 92, 118, 319 Rosell, David, 109, 665 Salt and Tomato Rush, 369 Rosenberg, H. E., 428 Salvatore, Arthur C. Jr., 37 Rosenblum, Nina, 58, 557 Sampson, Richard, 109, 713 Rosenkrantz, Howard, 3 7 Sanborn, Warren Gilman, 165 Rosenthal, Kimmo, 479 Sandford, Lewis H., 32 Rosman, Adam L., 212 Sanford, Henry, 534 Ross, Jesse, 354 Sanitation, 51, 138, 239---40, 533, 668 Ross, Tom, 504 Santee, Howard, 36 Rost, William, 697, 698 Saratoga Associates, 139, 439 ROTC. See Air Force Reserve Officers Training Saratoga Springs, New York, 713 Corps; Army Reserve Officers Training Corps Sargent, Steven D., 389 Roth, Willard 0 ., 29, 61, 104, 226, 578 Sarnacki, Eleanor, 374 Rotundo, Barbara, 796 Sather, Clifford, 661 Rotundo,Joseph, l , 227,246, 596,621-22 Saturday's Heroes, 625 Roulier, John, 479 Savage, Christopher, 625 Rourke, Charles F., 373 Savage, Edward ("Ned"), 154, 333 Rowing. See Crew Savage, John, 32, 43 Rowland, Sidney, 478 Savart's Bell, 635 Roy, Arthur Jay, 35 Sayre, Mortimer Freeman, 4, 160, 259, 268, Rubenstein, James E., 212 482-84, 612,625, 778 Rudd, William P., 30 Scaife, Charles, 157 Ruder, William E., 630 Scanlon, William, 93, 475 Rudko, Michael, 254 Schadler, Margaret, 226, 799 Rudman, Joseph Jr., 715 Schaefer, Paul, 8 Rudman, Joseph Sr., 715 Schaefer, Robert W , 30, 157 Schaffer, Henry, 219, 296, 418, 455, 626-27 735 Rudolph, Frederick, 83 746 ' ' Ruffner (Charles S.) Lectures, 622 Schaffer, Morris, 417, 627 Rugb~68, 288,622, 678 Schaffer Faculty Fellowships, 627 Rules, 193. See also Absence Rules; Chapel Attendance Rules; Laws; Parietal Rules Schaffer Library, 51, 54, 83, 116,177,216,243, 329,400,408,418, 456, 597,627-28, 635, Rulison, Elbert T. Jr. , 211 733-35, 752,781,783 Ruquist, Richard 0., 212 Schaffer Library (Albany Medical College) , 21 INDEX 839

Schatzel, Rudolph A., 37, 438 Scholarships, 5, 13, 55, 83, 110, 127, 135, 157, Schauffler, Henry Albert, 697 249,252,263,341,363,462,469,471,534, Schaumberg, S., 375, 418 572,627,632,666,676 Schechter, Samuel, 428 Scholastic Aptitude Test, 14, 118, 494. See also Schell, Augustus, 33 College Admission Examination Board Schenectady, New York, 296-97, 630, 674, 729 Scholfield, Frank, 660 College relations with, 486, 643, 735 Schoolcraft, Cornelia Cunningham, 472 growth of, 52 Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe, 32 history of, 648 Schoolcraft, J. Leslie, 30, 36 industrialization of, 327, 736 Schoppe, Amalia, 356, 543 massacre, 648 Schubert Singers, 731 mayors, 630, 739 Schuyler, Montgomery, 52 politics, 677, 778 Schuyler, Philip, 297, 620, 629, 632, 735 public buildings, 735, 790 Schwarz, Theodore George, 30, 182, 183, 253, public library, 443, 450, 745, 786 267,632 public schools, 294, 790. See also Union School sanitation, 676 Schwarz, William, 590 Stockade, 670 Schwarz, Winfred Max, 207, 257, 560, 633 Schenectady Academy, 7, 150, 172,199,296,477, Schweigardt, Erwin, 151 557,606, 620,628-30,632, 681,717,735, Schwerin, Henry R., 754 755,789 Science and Engineering Center, 54, 59, 81, 86, Schenectady Alumni Club, 24 104,107,128,129,161,272,485,634 Schenectady Archives of Science and Technology, Science Division, 235 456,630 Science Technology Entry Program (STEP), 7 Schenectady Bureau of Municipal Research, 626 Scientific apparatus, 294, 509, 558, 634-36 Schenectady Chemicals, Inc., 157. See also Scientific Club, 686 Schenectady International Scott, Allan C., 103 Schenectady Civic Players, 129, 260, 378, 670, 727 Scott, Anne, 258 Schenectady County Community College, 268, 494 Scott, William C., 110 Schenectady County Historical Society, 63, 124, Scribner, John Marston, 33 496,542,745 Scroll (The), 535, 636, 711 Schenectady Freedom Forum, 4 Scuba Club, 690 Schenectady Gazette, 81,190,659 Scull, Norman E., 212 Schenectady International, 801 Sculpture studio, 128, 364, 521, 636 Schenectady Lyceum, 649, 738 Scuttlebutt, 636 Schenectady Museum, 56, 59, 64, 243, 302, 329, Seal and motto, 636--38 502,596,627 Searls Conference Center, 639 Schenectady Museum-Union College Concert Sears, Edmund Hamilton, 33 Series, 630, 739 Sebring, Lewis B., 36, 40, 590 Schenectady Recorder Consort, 699 Second World War, 17, 67, 81, 122, 131, 144, 160, Schenectady Senior Citizens Center, 627 188,192,205,215,237,249, 264,267-69, Schenectady Trust Co., 622 279,299,301,302,313,346,374,442,486, Schermerhorn, Isaac M., 630 487,560, 596,623,624,639-42,647,666, Schermerhorn, Richard Jr., 53,412 778,780,795 Scheuer, Kevin C., 212 Secret societies. See Fraternities Schick, Kenneth L., 257, 560, 750, 771 Secretarial Association, 668 Schlesinger, Arthur Jr., 766 Secretaries, 94, 668, 715, 742. See also Support staff Schlesinger, Arthur M. Sr., 300, 301 Secretary of the College, 9, 269, 606, 642 Schmee, Josef, 347, 750 Security and safety, 140, 284, 448, 643-44. See also Schmertz, Eric, 347,417 Town-gown relations Schmid, Chris, 93 Seed, Geoffrey, 625 Schmidt, Calvin G., 37, 605 Seelman, Viola Bailey, 756 Schmidt, Frederic Cowles, 156, 403, 631 Seelye, Laurenus Clark, 34 Schmidt, Shelton S., 247 Seemann, Ann M., 457 Schneider, Dale, 747 Seiken, Arnold, 479 Schneller, Eugene, 662 Semerad, Ralph Donald, 21, 30, 36, 93, 211, 290, Scholarly honors, 631, 674. See also Honors 644,747 Program Semester. See Calendar Semi-Centennial Celebration, 645-46 840 INDEX

Senate and House of Representatives (student), 591, Sigma Tau, 649 646--47, 751 Sigma Xi, 255, 548, 632, 649, 700, 800 Senecal, Wayne T., 724 Silber, Gordon, 4,317,330,410,491,637, 778 Senior Society, 689 Silliman, Benjamin, 126 Senior vacation, 133-34 Silliman, Horace Brinsmade, 321, 602, 650 Servants, 109, 127, 361, 581,611, 713. See also Silliman Hall, 28, 51, 58, 82, 374, 602, 650-51 Support staff; Viney, Moses Simon, Max M., 36, 428 Service organizations, 694, 702, 771. See also Simons, Howard, 36, 405, 417 Community service; Fraternities Simons, Scott, 711 Sesquicentennial Celebration, 647 Simplot, Alexander, 34, 165 Seventeen South Lane, 52, 647 Simpson, Brian, 624 Seward, Frederick William, 34, 130 Singer, Walter, 20 Seward, George Frederic, 34 Singh, Inderghit, 720 Seward, William Henry, 32, 43, 165, 261, 378, Singing groups, 697-98, 762 444,465,549,646,761 Ski Team, 651, 678 Seward Place, 535 , 113, 596, 698, 720, 753, 768, Sex education. See Hygiene 795 Sexton, James, 469 Skiing, 68 Seymour, Daniel, 34 Skinner, George D., 36 Sforza, Carlo, 639 Skloot, Edward, 80 Shaffer, Laurance, 36 Skloot, Robert, 80 Shakespeare, 259 Slang, Union College, 651-53 Shakespearean Club, 685 Slavery, 448, 513, 655, 665. See also Abolitionism; Shanebrook, J. Richard, 485 American Colonization Society; Anti-slavery Sharlet, Robert, 565, 750, 768-69 societies; Blacks at Union; Viney, Moses Sharp, J. Anthony, 763 Sloan Foundation, 494, 653 Sharpe (Kenneth B.) Professorship in Management, Sloat, Emmet, 550 258 Slocum, Stephen E., 35 Sharrocks, Susan, 625 Smallpox, 372 Shaver, Frances, 455, 654 Smith, Adam, 304 Shaw, Daniel, 33 Smith, Barry, 62, 503, 728 Shaw, George H., 258, 336 Smith, Charles Emory, 34 Sheehan, Perley Poore, 35 Smith, D. Glen, 373 Sheinkman, Mordecai, 503 Smith, Edward Staples Cousens, 283, 335, 593, Sheldon, Kenneth S., 630 612,653-54,692 Sheldon, Porter F., 19 Smith, Everett, 630 Shelley, George LeRoy, 211 Smith, George, 114 Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 537 Smith, Gerardus, 35 Shepley, Bullfinch, Richardson and Abbott Smith, Horace E., 21 (architects), 142 Smith, John Blair, 109, 180, 268, 385, 450, 477, Sherwood, Adie!, 32 511,529,578,580,606, 620,653-57, 754 Sherwood (Florence) Professorships of Life Sciences, Smith (John Blair) House, 28, 52, 88, 239, 657 Physical Sciences, and History and Culture, 258 Smith, John Nash, 577 Sherwood, John L., 235 Smith, Jordan, 261 Shinagel, Michael, 262, 722 Smith, Lester B., 667 Ships, 254, 623 Smith, Mark, 119,224, 508 Shirley, William, 282 Smith, Peter K., 30 Shupe, Jasper A. D., 15, 392, 798 Smith, Philip, 727 Shuter, James, 450 Smith, Richard N. W, 555, 625 Siena College, 19 Smith, Samuel Stanhope, 450, 654 Sigma Chi, 330, 603, 647 Smith, Timothy Tredwell, 171, 657 Sigma Delta Tau, 508, 648, 664 Smith College, 795 Sigma Kappa, 648 Smithsonian Institution, 635 Sigma Lambda Chi, 648 Smoking, 303, 366. See also Tobacco Sigma Phi, 51, 304, 602, 641, 648, 683 Smyth, Thomas, 715 Sigma Phi Place, 648 Smythe, Daniel W, 36 Sigma Pi Sigma, 649 Snider, David, 19, 150-51, 609, 767 INDEX 841

Snow, Jesse Baker, 35 Spores. See Athletics; Physical education Snow, Phillip, 162 Sports Car Club, 692 Snyder, Arthur Dodd, 286, 478, 657 Spores clubs, 689-91. See also Athletics; Physical Snyder, Richard C., 211 education Soccer, 68, 288, 658-59 Sports Illustrated, 644 Social Action Committee, 694 Sprague, Charles Ezra, 34, 454 Social clubs, 689 Spraker, Marguerite, 59 Social Problems Forum, 694 Spring, Donald, 225 Social Relations Club, 694 Spring Night, 667 Social Science Research Center, 792 Spy-Glass, 667, 712 Social Sciences Building, 54, 216, 272, 400, 659 St. Clare's Hospital, 627 Social Sciences Division, 56, 80, 198, 204, 235, Staff. See Support staff 246,340 Staff Association, 667 Social Studies Club, 564, 679, 687 Stale~ Cad~9,48, 85, 159,202,225-26, 338, Socialism, 659, 674 367, 520,668-69,671, 743 Socialist Club, 694 Staley, Jack R., 212 Socialist Party, 3 Standish, Charles J., 478, 497 Society for the Advancement of Management, 686 Stanford, Leland, 50 Society of Alumni (The), 44 Stanford University, 50, 720 Society of Women Engineers, 686 Stanley, Catherine, 670 Sociology Department, 114, 216, 245, 303, 386, Stanley, Philip Edwin, 440, 554, 612, 669-71, 727 614,659-63 Stanley, William, 630 Softball, 663 Stanton, Benjamin, 444, 508, 671, 755 Somers, Wayne, 319 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady, 75, 671, 795 Songs, school, 24, 465, 524, 663-64, 699, 724. See Starin, John Henry, 59, 671 also Ludlow, Fitzhugh; Ode to 0/,d Union (Ludlow) Starzenski, Victor, 431 Sophomore Discipline Committee, 368 State University of New York, 473 Sophomore Independent, 664, 711 State University of New York at Albany, 18, 20, 61, Sophomore mere-scham, 712 242,268,607,759,761,768,783,799,800 Sophomore Soiree, 214 State University of New York at Binghamton, 485 Sororities, 113, 230, 322, 409, 528, 664 Steamboat travel, 7 42 Jewish, 648 Stebbins, Rowland, 35 Sorum, Christina, 172,210,257 Steckler, Charles, 58, 62, 503, 728 Soulliere, Edward J ., 19 Steingut, Stanley, 36 Souter, Douglas, 347 Steinman and Cain (architects), 54, 219, 400, 468 South, William, 237-38 Steinman, Cain and White (architects), 54, 522 South College, 50, 136, 146, 150, 239, 269, 274, Steinmetz, Charles Proteus, 3, 47, 84-85, 99, 106, 437,459,469,505-9, 597 159,233,252,263,269,285,327,399,418, South College String Band, 695 430,478,482, 550,602,630,631,672-74, South Colonnade, 50, 60, 331, 360, 664 739,762,780 - South Hall, 50, 237, 510 Steinmetz automobile, 672 South Lane, 615 Steinmetz Curriculum, 399 Southern students, 13, 109, 163, 164, 263, 319, Steinmetz Hall, 547, 634, 672-75 461, 572,648,665-66, 777 Steinmetz Memorial Lectures, 675 Spanish, 490, 583, 666--67, 686, 771, 804 Stephenson, Henry M., 36 Spanish-American War, 667 Sternfeld, Milton Hymes, 417, 675 Speech Club, 681 Sternfeld Prize, 554, 675 Speer, John L. D. Jr., 80 Sternlicht, Beno, 771 Spencer (Ichabod) Lectures in Psychology, 3, 612, Stevens, Francis Bowden, 36 667 Stevens, Frank R., 211 Spencer (Ichabod) Professorship of Philosophy, 258 Stevenson, Albert H., 80 Spencer, John Canfield, 32, 513, 524, 527, 803 Stevenson, Ruth, 262, 750, 798 Spencer, Philip, 33, 158, 761 Steward's Council, 683 Spencer, Walter, 80 Stewart, Charles F., 212 Spencerian Reading Club, 685 Stewart, Merwin Henry, 469, 586 Spillway, 686 Stewart, Morton Collins, 3, 336, 490, 549, 670, Sponsler, Thomas H., 21 675 842 INDEX

Stickney, Robert, 265 organizations, 88, 110, 113, 147, 276, 590, Stillman, Abbott L., 724 680-703 Stillman, Charles, 304 parties, 134, 167. See also Dances and Weekends Stillman, Jacob Davis Babcock, 33 patriotism, 164, 285, 753 Stillman, Michael S., 455 petitions, 68, 251 photographs, 679 Stillman, William James, 34, 59, 455, 761 psychological testing, 679 Stimson, Samuel E., 743 publications, 3, 112,175, 308,319,327, 404, Stimson Gate, 426 408,444,522, 534, 536, 592, 636, 664, 666, Stineback, David, 262 667,679,686, 711-12, 751,755,761,762, Stock market crash, 675 771, 794 Stoller, Hugh Montgomery, 36, 95 sexual behavior, 532 Stoller, James Hough, 102, 267, 331, 332, 334, taxes, 185, 707, 728. See also Athletics taxes; 501 , 508,623,633,649,676 Student Activities Fee Stoller Hall. See Geological Hall tutors, 801 Stone, Doris Zemurray, 257, 258 voting rights, 739 Stone, John Seely, 32 Student Activities Fee, 678 Stone, Marshall H., 478 Student Advisor System, 678 Stone, Roger Thayer, 257, 258 Student Affairs Council, 191 , 344 Stone (Roger Thayer) Professorship of Sociology Student body meetings. See Student government and Anthropology, 258, 495, 663 Student Center, 141, 596. See also Campus Center; Stone, Samuel Z., 258 College Union Stone, Walter, 715 Student Council, 190, 191 , 193, 642, 729, 766. See Stone, William Cady, 29, 180,257,319, 357,479, also Student government 526,671 Student course evaluations, 564, 679 Stone Boat Canoe Club, 686 Student Environmental Alliance, 695 Stone College, 251, 461, 481, 790. See also West Student exchange programs, 266, 473, 624-25 College (old) Student Forum, 138, 191, 703, 708. See also Stoneman, Katherine G., 20 Student government Stonequist, Everett, 661 Student handbook, 530-34, 679, 680, 711 Story, Stephen B., 211 Student International Meditation Society, 683 Stout, Katherine M., 797 Student Senate. See Student government Strange, Thad S., 19 Student Steering Committee, 708 Stratton, Samuel Studdiford, 555, 676--78, 739 Student Wives' Club, 712 Streaking, 710 Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD), 693 Streeter, George Linius, 35 Students' Album (The), 711, 712 Streisand, Barbra, 781 Students Army Training Corps, 17, 175, 286-87, Strong, Edward W , 36 611 Strong, Herbert, 560 Students for a Democratic Society, 766 Students for Political Awareness and Action, Strong, Homer, 475 695 Studer, Frank, Strong, Margaret Woodbury, 475 559 Strosberg, Martin, 347 Stuyvesant Cove property. See Hunter's Point, Greenpoint and Stuyvesant Cove Properties of Student Union College accounts, 602, 750 activism, 111,182,417,474,476,683,755, Styles, Twitty, 104, 114 765-70 Sub-Freshman Weekend, 311 , 713 activities, 94, 106, 121, 163,194,225,286, Suits, C. Guy, 328 465,780 Sulzer, William, 732 behavior, 591. See also Parietal Rules; Pranks Summer Institutes for Teachers, 157,604, 619, church affiliations, 578 713,794 dress, 142, 366, 692 Summer school, 113, 485, 639, 640, 713, 739, 763 employment, 95, 237, 256, 469, 504, 702, 742 Summers, Craig A., 113, 212 fire company, 283 Sumner, Charles, 549 government, 185, 400, 407, 548, 592, 703-8 Superintendents, 278, 280, 715 grievances, 526 Support staff, 81, 713-16 health, 66. See also Health Services loans, 669. See also Financial aid; Indigent Sussman, Marvin, 660 Students Fund Swanker, Henry J., 29, 36, 41, 46, 143 lounge, 789 Swartz, Charles, 560 military service, 287, 640 Sweetman, Joseph, 135, 645, 656 INDEX 843

Swimming, 68, 716, 797 Thacher, George Horton, 23 Swiss Navy Society, 689 Thacher, John Boyd, 24, 601, 736 Sylvester, Harold, 778 Thayer, Samuel Richard, 34 , 22 Theatre, 60,143,261,521, 700-701, 725-28, Syracuse University Press, 752 739, 780. See also Arts Department; Mohawk Drama Festival; Mountebanks; Public speaking T Thefr,416,452,456, 738 TIAA, 198 Theme houses, 786 Table Tennis Club, 690 Themean Society, 459 Takeuchi, Tatsuji, 688 Theological Society, 183,459,681, 751 Tallmadge, Nathaniel Pitcher, 32 Theta Delta Chi, 249, 304, 330, 675, 683, 728 Tamsett, James, 92 Theta Delta Tau, 729 Tann, Hilary, 503, 593 Theta Lambda Phi, 108, 729 Taormina, Francis R., 30, 37 Theta Nu Epsilon, 551,729 Tappan, Henry Philip, 32, 348, 762 Thimm, Alfred L., 209, 227, 247, 346, 722, 723, Tapscott, Ralph, 36 752,765 Tartaglia, Anthony P., 23, 80 This is Nott News, 711 Tau Beta Pi, 716 Thomas, Norman, 3, 78 TauKappaAlpha,227, 716 Thomas, William T., 211 Taylor, Alan, 479 Thomas, William W, 317,491, 723, 750 Taylor, Brenton T., 80 Thompson, George D., 80 Taylor, Elizabeth Langtry, 718 Thompson, Howard A., 175 Taylor, Harold, 58 Thompson, Lemon, 454 Taylor, John, 43, 154, 268, 451, 477, 557, 578, Thompson, Mildred, 455 606,629,655,657, 716-17 Thompson, T. McN., 69 Taylor, John Orville, 33 Thomson, Alexander J., 25 Taylor, John W, 32 Thomson, Launt, 545 Taylor, Richard, 258, 556 Thomson, Philip L., 35, 36 Taylor, Warren Crosby, 151,160,394,483,612, Thorne, Howald Olwin, 593 657,717,778 Throckmorton, 729 Teacher education, 350, 713, 739. See also Thruway, 729-30 Educational Studies Program Thurlow, Winthrop H., 80 Teapot Dome scandal, 732 Thursday Musical Club, 731 Tedisco, James, 93, 212, 739 Thurston, Donald R., 388, 389, 565, 723 Telecommunications, 138, 453 Tibbits, Benjamin, 515 Telegraph, 106, 685, 795. See also Radio Tibbits, Gertrude Peebles, 512 Telescope, 634, 718 Ticknor, Joel 0., 212 Tellkampf, Johann Ludwig, 244, 336, 385, 490, 562,718 Tidmarch, Charles M., 565, 750 Temperance movement, 513, 693 Tidmarsh, Elmer Arthur, 60, 502, 610, 663, 697, 718, 730-31 Temple, John E., 724 Tiger's Eye Society, 689 Ten Broeck, Abraham, 636, 655 Tilden, George, 93 Tennis, 68, 612, 718-20 Tilley, Edmund, 317,658 Tennis Association, 678 Tillman, Samuel 0., 534 Tennis courts, 101 Timberlake, Dale France, 96,181,731, 744 Tenure,47,217,270, 301,458,474,580, 720-23 Tippecanoe Conference, 731 Term in Washington, 566 Titus, Frank, 560 Terms, 131-33 Tobacco, 531 Terms Abroad, 317,375,418,491,494,662,667, 723-24. See also Student exchange programs Tobiessen, Joanne, 143, 798 Terrace Club, 158,551,724 Tobiessen, Peter L., 104, 722 Terrace Council, 193, 224, 285, 368,398,498, Todd, Hiram Charles, 36, 82, 667, 731-32, 750, 691,703,706,724 775 Terrace Lane, 615 Tolan, Edwin Kirkman, 29,318,456, 555, 609, 733-35 Terrace Wall, 49, 55, 280, 371, 593, 724-25 Tomlinson, Everett Titsworth, 35 Terry, John, 763 Tomlinson, Redfield, 36 Terwilliger, Charles, 286 Textbooks. See Cremation of textbooks 844 INDEX

Toombs, Robert Augustus, 32, 165, 295, 465, 665, Turner, Alexander M., 37 762 Turner, Paul, 781 Topography of campus, 135-36 Tutors, 274 Tornadoes, 140 Tuttle, George Washington, 586 Tornga, J. Edward, 720 Tway, John C., 80, 242 Torres, Wanda I., 7 Tweedy, Frank, 35 Tower, WalterT., 318,319,405,456,734 Twenty-One Club, 599 Town-gown relations, 735-39 Typewriters, 453 Town Meeting ofthe Air, 596, 739, 778 Typhoid fever, 138, 373 Towne, Herbert L., 67, 92, 373 Townsend, Robert, 33 u Townsley, Clarence Page, 35, 287 U.S. Army, 640 Track and field, 65, 68, 691, 740-41, 794 U.S. Naval Reserve, 640 Tracy Room and Fund, 741 Ugly Club, 703 Tradition Night, 741, 776 Ulam, Stanislaw, 479 Transportation, 742 Ullman, David G., 672 Travis, Frances, 504, 598, 603, 605, 742-43 Ullmann, Samson 0. A., 319 Treasurer, 181, 236, 363,396,403, 507, 566, 605, Undergraduate Council, 703, 704, 705 669, 743-44, 745 Undergraduate Review, 711, 751 Treat (The), 712 Underwood, James E., 226, 565, 586, 768 Trees, 137-38, 167,174,518,521,535,610. See Union Alumni Monthly, 3, 40, 98, 139, 287, 542, also Landscaping 774 Triangle (The), 689 Union Alumni Review, 40 Trimester. See Calendar Union Alumnus, 40 Trinity College, 126 Union Annual, 751 Tripp, Granger, 80 Union Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Advocates and Trolleys, 742 Defenders (UBGLAD), 695 Troy Business College, 245, 757 Union Book (The), 324 Truax, James Reagles, 29, 115, 259, 591, 602, 647, Union Broadcasting System, 595 649,672,685,744 Union Civic Club, 694 Trumbull, Van Vechten, 211 Union Classical Institute, 671, 738, 755 Trump, James, 80 Union College, 42 Trustees, Board of, 11, 26, 75, 125, 153, 223, 293, Union College Academy for Lifelong Learning, 751 297,341,342,402,572,574,580,601,627, Union College Alumni Review, 40 732, 745-50, 801 Union College Band, 699 alumni representation, 43 Union College Bulletin, 31 and Board of Regents, 802 Union College Christian Fellowship, 682 and campus planning, 729 Union College Chronicle, 41, 664, 711, 751 and lotteries, 462, 512, 527 Union College Engineers Club, and Nott Professorships, 523 751 annual reports to, 16 Union College Faculty Papers, 751 bylaws, 606 Union College I Remember (The) (Waldron), 777 faculty reports to, 269 Union College Locker Association, 508 first meeting of, 636 Union College Magazine, 175, 183, 460, 589, 711, first woman on, 798 751,758 membership, 243 Union College Plan for the Intellectual Truth, 712 Advancement of Youth, 204 Tryon, James Rufus, 34, 465 Union College Press, 509, 752-53 Tuberculosis, 338, 372, 668, 671, 714, 756, 802 Union College Review, 31, 41 Tucker, Willis G., 19, 23 Union College Social Club, 683, 753 Tuckerman, Edward, 33, 101 Union College Symposium, 41, 46, 590 Tuckman, Alan, 700 Union College Year (A), 283 Tugwell, Rexford, 3, 78 Union College Zouaves, 163, 544, 753 Tuition, 12, 262, 678, 750 Union College-an unfinished history (Fox), 647 Tullidge, George Bowler, 577 Union Colleges, 754 Tulloss, Rodham E., 80, 765 Union College's name, 754 Tully, David, 583 Union Lampoone, 711, 755 Tunnard, Christopher, 54 Union Meerschaum, 711, 755 INDEX 845

Union Musical Association, 695 Van Den Heuvel, Cornelius Willem, 154, 557, 763 Union ofPeople (,4), 283 Van der Bogert, Giles Y., 778 Union Offering and Freshman Review (The), 711, Van der Veer, Albert, 23-24 755 Van der Veer, Alice, 764 Union Press, 711, 755, 769 Van Horne, David, 34, 785 Union Press Club, 589 Van Ingen, Dirck, 629, 743, 763 Union Ram, 712 Van Loan, Mary P., 30 Union Review, 40 Van Olinda, J. E., 696 Union Review of Books, 755 Van Orden Prize, 764 Union School, 75, 668, 671, 755, 793 Van Rensselaer, Maunsell, 33 Union Sentinel, 712, 756 Van Rensselaer, Stephen, 636 Union Soot (The), 756 Van Santvoord, Cornelius, 449 Union Street School, 790 Van Santvoord, George, 33 Union Theological Seminary, 467, 756 Van Santvoord, Seymour, 35 Union Triad, 306 Van Schaick, John, 35 Union University, 19, 22, 69,117,154,178,186, Van Schaick, Sally Brown, 796 242,349,572,580,602,638, 756--61 Van Vechten, Abraham, 802 Union University Club, 761 Van Vechten, Jacob, 382 Union University Quarterly, 38, 63, 472, 758 Van Vleck and Goldsmith (architects), 432 Union University School of Nursing, 757 Van Yoast, Horace S. Jr., 36 Union Views, 711, 761 Van Yoast, Horace S. Sr., 630 Union \%mans Handbook (The), 799 Van Yoast, John C., 302, 412, 764 Union Worthies, 31, 761 Van Yoast Qohn) Cup, 30 Union, 1924, 282 Van Yoast Evergreen Garden, 413, 764 Unionaires, 762 Van Vranken, Gary I., 581 Unionian (The), 175, 711, 762 Van Wagenen, John, 284 Union's Holding Corporation, 762 Van Winkle, Edgar Beach, 454, 664 Union's Real Estate Corporation, 762 Van Wormer, Charles S., 37 Union-Skidmore Orchestra, 698 Vandalism, 11, 280, 281,283,288,292,406, 607, United States Constitution, 3, 191, 655 643,708 University of Albany, 20-22, 242, 757 Vanderbilt, William, 76 University of Missouri, 252 Vanderveer, Charles W, 66, 643, 764 University of Rochester, 785 Vanneck,John,623,636, 719,780 University of South Carolina, 482 Vanneck Foundation, 5, 79 University of Virginia, 49 Varsity Club, 72 University students, 762 Vash, Arthur, 418 Untermeyer, Martin, 593 Vassar College, 254, 347, 795 Upham, Don Alonzo Joshua, 33 Vedder, Alexander M., 102, 630 Uphoff, Lewis S., 551 Vedder, John Nicholas Vrooman, 253, 482, 764 Upperclass Walk, 763 Vedder, Nicholas, 523, 664 Upsilon Pi Epsilon, 763 Veeder, Albert, 34 Upson, Walter Lyman, 253 Veeder, Andrew T., 591 Upward Bound Program, 14,110,112,184,763 Veiller, Anthony, 36 Usher, Harold, 715 Veterans, 236, 239, 268, 483, 531, 642, 694, 712 Utilities, 138 Veterans' housing, 243, 264, 390, 471, 536, 765. Utley, Samuel, 75 See also Dutchmen's Village Uzzo, Robert, 522 Vetterling, Mary, 556 Vice Presidents, 8, 226, 378 V Victory Gardens, 65, 279 VITA, 771 Vietnam War, 5, 150,179,254,474,694, 755, Vacations, 131-33 765-70 Vaccinations, 373 Viewpoint, 711 Vale Cemetery, 136, 145-46, 736. See also Viglielmo, Melissa, 212 Cemetery plot (College) Villard, Oswald Garrison, 257 Van Buren, Martin, 510, 582 Viney, Moses, 109,128,361,581,611,648, 714, Van Curler Opera House, 726 770 Van de Car, Harold, 9, 36,236 Vinick, Raquel, 667 846 INDEX

½sion (The), 712 Warner, Horatio Gates, 778 Visiting Professor (rank), 275 Warner, William, 624 Visual arts, 58, 62. See also Art; Arts Department; Warner Prize, 189, 573, 778 Art galleries; Photography Warning (The), 712 Vlaun, Joan, 151 Warren, Russell E., 596 Volinski, Benjamin, 80 Washburn, Edward Abie!, 55, 779 Volleyball, 68 Washburn Hall, 46, 51, 54, 83, 120, 284, 286, Von Schlichten, Erwin, 227 452,572,582,596,610,636, 778-81 Vosburgh, Charles H., 36 Washington, Booker T., 109 Vought, Robert H., 560, 625 Washington, Jack, 93 Voz de Union, 666, 686, 711, 771 Watchmen. See Security and Safety Vrooman, Barent, 628 Water supply, campus, 136, 138, 240, 284, 373, Vrooman, Isaac, 450 739 Vrooman, John J., 35 Waters, Emory, 503 Watland, Charles, 666 w Watson, Mark S., 35 WAMC-FM, 23 Watson (Thomas J.) and Emma Watson Day WGY, 227, 595, 596, 621, 654, 670, 687, 696-97, Professorship in Engineering, 258, 495 727,730,739,778 Way We Are (The), 711 WMHT, 356 Way We Were (The), 283, 522, 781-82 WRL, 595 Way, Harold E., 216, 235, 257, 468, 560 WRUC, 302, 595, 596, 727, 768, 780 Wayland, Francis, 32, 154, 477, 552, 558, 563, WSNY, 778 567,606,750,801 Waddell, William Alfred, 35, 135, 605, 771 Weaver, Myron M., 29, 352, 374, 759 Wadehra, Margaret, 801 Weaver, Sheila, 93, 663 Wadsworth, Charles, 33 Webb, Helmer Lewis, 333, 454, 456, 733, 782-83, Wadsworth, George W, 36 796 Wagner, Murray, 373 Webster, Harrison Edwin, 3, 13, 21, 44, 75, 102, Wainger, Bertrand Max, 48, 260, 418, 772-73 146,202,228,229,263,269,271,332,334, Wakefield, Rowan A., 29, 236, 590, 771 342,386,434-36,488, 501,507,508,573, Waldman, Joshua, 625 575,577,578,579,580,581,582,599,608, Waldron, Charles Newman, l, 9, 15, 36, 38-40, 669,720,748, 783-86 44,46, 72, 82,124,143,198,211,223,224, Webster, Mark G., 212 226,264,269,286,287,296,300,302,333, Webster, Noah, 786 340,354,357,361,384,387,418,466,472, Webster House, 52, 239, 786 508,546,610,639,643,741,747,761, Weed, LeRoy J., 30, 36 772-78 Weed, Truman, 664 Waldron, Cornelius A., 30 Weeks, Daniel Richard, 39, 260, 283, 776, 786 Waldron, William A., 37, 80, 343, 678 Weeks, David L., 765 Walker, Mark, 389 Weeks, Edwin Lord, 35 Walker, Robert M., 771 Weifenbach, William L., 224, 268, 352 Walker, W Loretta, 114, 457 Weil, Henry, 728 Walling, John R., 715 Weiler, Theodore, 660 Wallington, James S., 36 Weinberg, Elbert, 58 Walls Tell a Story, 596, 778 Weiner, Terry, 226, 248, 272, 418, 662-63 Walrath, Otto J., 36 Weiss, Paul, 162 Walters, Gary, 93, 475, 720 Welch, Ransom Bethune, 259, 382, 553, 591, 787 Walton, Henry, 636 Welch, Robert, 715 Walton, J. Leslie, 36 Welkovics, David, 375 Walworth, Clarence Augustus, 33 Wellesley College, 795 Walworth, Mansfield Tracy, 34 Wellette, Clarence F. ("Bill"), 644 War Information Center, 778 Wells, Alice, 256, 789 Warofl812,692, 778,802 Wells, Newton A., 55 Ward, Samuel B., 23 Wells, Robert V, 209, 257, 388, 389, 752, 799 Ward, Thomas, 66, 288, 488 Wells, William, 295,317,336,386,409,419,447, Warde, Anton R., 37, 211, 336, 344, 491, 722 490,649,666,710, 787-89 Warger, Thomas, 182 Wells House, 47, 52, 256, 789 Warner, Henry W, 537 Wemple, Archibald, 630 INDEX 847

Wemple, Mary Elizabeth, 30 Wilk, Richard, 485 Wend, Milton, 371 Wilkie, Franc Bangs, 34, 165 Werner, Thomas C., 157, 722 Wilkins, Mira, 796 Wersten, William, 17 4 Willard, Levi H., 605 Wesleyan University, 796 William and Mary College, 654 Wesleyan University Press, 752 Williams, Clinton Earl, 161, 793 West, Charles Edwin, 33 Williams, George Harry, 183, 254, 633 West, Daniel, 414 Williams, R. Neil, 252 West, Karl F. , 211 Williams, Stephen K., 33 West College, 54, 59, 123, 136, 150, 216, 238, Williams, Trish, 114 237-38,239,264, 470, 729,789 Williams College, 607, 727, 796 West College (old), 49,263,294,451,459,461, Willison, Malcolm, 661-62, 765, 766 648,735, 789-90 Wills, Ivah, 492 West College Library, 455 Willson, Marcius, 33 West Point Military Academy, 117 Wilson, David, 33 Westinghouse Co., 528, 594 Wilson, Hugh Allen, 29, 60, 503, 697 Westinghouse, George, 34, 630 Wilson, Jacob, 34 Weyrauch, Martin H., 35 Wilson, John Leighton, 32 Whalen, Kenneth J., 37, 80, 291 Wilson, Peter, 250, 620, 793 Wheadon, Royton F., 35 Wilson, Woodrow, 610 Wheatley and Pfordte Mineral Collections, 334, Winans, Edwin, 478 790 Wineapple, Brenda, 261 When Diplomacy Fails, 684 Wingate, Gifford, 60, 261, 727 Whinnery, John R., 253 Winne, Jesse M., 664 Whipple, Squire, 33, 465, 626, 761, 778, 791 Winne, William T., 70, 103, 137, 578 Whipple, Thomas King, 286, 736, 791 Winrers (Chauncey H.) Professorship in Economic Whipple Truss Bridge, 791 Thought, 258 Whist Club, 692 Wirth, Joseph, 291 Whitaker, Benjamin Palmer, l, 5, 17, 29 , 79, 160, Wise, Stephen, 3, 688 181,218, 246, 257,346, 364,374,508,579, Witherspoon, Thomas F., 648 642,677, 791-92 Wittner, John Harold, 36, 64, 67, 92, 793-94 Whitaker, David J., 30, 37 Witzel, Carl W, 93, 658, 719 Whitaker House, 508 Wizard (The), 712, 794 White, Albert Smith, 32 Wohler, Friedrich, 155 White, Katherine, 797 Wold, John Schiller, 624, 795 White, Lawrence Grant, 469, 486, 521 Wold Oohn and Jane) Professorship in Geology, White Alliance, 694 258,335,495 Whitehill, David H., 765 Wold, Peter Irving, 3, 468, 559, 612, 618, 634, Whitehorne, Henry, 76, 97, 170, 171,172,202, 639, 713,794 225,226,373,386,446,454,508,600,755, Wolf, Dwight S., 605 791-93 Wolf, Job, 643 Whitfield, George, 658 Wolfe, Catharine Lorillard, 55, 59, 501, 520, 572, Whitford, William Clarke, 34 666 Whitney Oohn Hay) Foundation, 56 Wolfson, Glenn C., 212 Whitney, Josiah Dwight, 501 , 791 Wollin, David A., 212 Whitney, Willis Rodney, 156, 328, 480, 649 Women at Union, 15, 21, 48, 262, 265, 267, 271, Whos who in America, 471 276, 349-50, 358,374,455,474,532,557, Wickenden, Rollin H., 622 613, 625,638,644, 650,686,695,727,746, Wickes, Stephen, 33 798, 795-98 Wicks, Frank, 485 Women's Caucus, 695 Widmann, Oscar 0 ., 360 Women's Network, 695 Wiese, Roy, 80 Women's Staff Association, 668 Wiggers, Harold C., 23 Women's Support Group, 695 Wikoff, Henry, 33, 465 Women's Glee Club, 697 Wilcox, Timothy Erastus, 34 Women's groups, 695 Wilde, John, 457 Women's issues, 48 Wiley, John Cooper, 36 Women's shelters, 739 848 INDEX

Women's sports, 659, 720, 741, 797. See also Yates, Austin Andrew, 165 Athletics Yates, Henry, 462,463, 744, 802-3 Women's Studies Program, 494, 556, 663, 798, Yates, John Austin, 2, 171, 375, 445, 508, 605, 798-99 720, 794, 803-4 Womyn's Union, 695, 799 Yates, John B., 462, 802 Woo, William Tsung Chien, 158, 799 Yates, Joseph C., 450, 801 Wood, Bradford R., 32 Yates, Robert, 629 Wood, Clifford, 644 Yates, William C., 30, 36, 719 Wood, James, 32 Yavits, Isadore "Doc", 417 Woodruff, Robert S., 431 Yearbook. See Garnet Woods, Daniel Bates, 33 Yellow fever, 6 57, 717 Woods, Leonard Jr., 32, 43 Yergin, Paul F., 80 Woodward, James L., 574, 743 Yoga Club, 690 Woodward, John, 534 Young, Charles C., 684 Woody, Charles L., 623 Young, Jean, 625 Woollen, William L., 50, 60, 331 Young Men's Christian Association, 276, 418, 505, World War I. See First World War 626,650,682,691,702,705,738,741 World War II. See Second World War Younglove, John, 269 World Wide Web, 590 Yudis Prize, 804 Wrestling, 68, 281, 794, 800 Yulman, Morton H., 37,296,417,418 Wright, Allen, 34 Yulman Theatre, 62, 411,414,418, 486, 728 Wright, Arthur Silas, 386, 508 Yunich, David L., 80, 417 Wright, Eliphalet Nott, 35 Wright, Henry, 801 z Zabuesnic, Augustus Philipp, 317, 804-5 Wright, John, 34 Zachlin, Anthony S., 28 Wright, Thomas Boughton, 281, 801 Zaloom, Suzanne, 659, 663 Wright, Thomas Wallace, 478, 508, 559, 623, 649, Zavisca, Ernest George, 254 800-801 Zero Population Growth, 695 Wright, William Howard, 35, 36, 157, 222, 593, 801 Zervas, George J., 212 Writing Board, 801 Zeta Beta Tau, 417,550,551,805 Writing Center, 332, 509, 801 Zeta Psi, 805 Wu, Yd-Chiang, 479 Zierer, Frank R., 211 Wyatt, Frederic, 9, 15, 36, 46, 110,143,225,227, Zimelman, Sidney, 609 283,508,643,690 Zimmer (Melvin) Award for Excellence in Public Wyer, J. I., 453 Speaking, 592 Wylen, Herbert, 10, 226 Zimmerman, Herman, 335, 722 Zimmermann, Karl, 479 y Zoning, 329-31 , 14, 265 Zouaves. See Union College Zouaves Yates House, 648 Zubres, Merton L., 282 Yates, Abraham Jr., 801 Zwicker, William, 210,479 Yates, Andrew, 171,251,451,516,552,657, 801-2