League of Oregon Cities Board of Directors Meeting AGENDA

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League of Oregon Cities Board of Directors Meeting AGENDA League of Oregon Cities Board of Directors Meeting December 4, 2020 │ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84791083698?pwd=MDVrblZwMk14V1JjWXNjTy9kWUFuQT09 Meeting ID: 847 9108 3698 Passcode: 959019 One tap mobile +14086380968,,84791083698#,,,,,,0#,,959019# US (San Jose) +16699006833,,84791083698#,,,,,,0#,,959019# US (San Jose) AGENDA 1. Welcome (President Jake Boone) ………………………………………….............................................. 2. Consent Calendar* (President Jake Boone) …………………………………………………………………...... a. Minutes of October 13, 2020 LOC Board Meeting.......................................................... 03 b. Financial Report............................................................................................................... 08 c. Legal Research Division & Litigation Update.................................................................... 15 d. Intergovernmental Division Report.................................................................................. 25 e. Report on LOC Recognized Caucuses & Pending Applications ........................................ 39 f. Appointment of Kathryn Greiner to CIS Board of Directors,........................................... 40 g. Appointment to 2021 Budget Committee........................................................................ 42 h. Evaluations of 2020 Annual Conference........................................................................... 43 i. LOC Board Schedule and Locations for 2021.................................................................... 74 3. Executive Director Performance Review (Patty Mulvihill)................................................... 75 4. Executive Director Compensation (Patty Mulvihill)............................................................... 77 5. CIS Update (Patrick Priestt).................................................................................................... 6. Executive Directors Report (Mike Cully)................................................................................ 79 7. Committees Reports and Action Items a) Bylaws Committee i) Request for Support of Constitutional Bylaws Amendments in 2021* (Patty 92 Mulvihill)................................................................................................................... b) Finance Committee i) Status Report and Update (Taneea Browning)......................................................... c) Equity & Inclusion Committee i) Status Report and Update (Councilor Greg Evans & Commissioner Fritz)............... ii) Review & Adoption of Equity Lens* (Jayme Hafner)................................................ 96 8. Discussion of Audit Report for 2019/2020 (Jamie Johnson-Davis)....................................... 97 9. LOC Foundation Reports & Action Items a) Recommendation of President for the Foundation....................................................... 98 1 b) Appointment of Members to the Foundation............................................................... 10. City Dues Delinquency (Jamie Johnson-Davis)....................................................................... 100 11. FY 2022 City Dues Rates (Jamie Johnson-Davis).................................................................... 101 a) LOC City Dues FY2021-2022 v3 Alpha 1%....................................................................... 104 b) LOC City Dues FY2021-2022 v3 Pop 1%.......................................................................... 110 c) LOC City Dues FY2021-2022 v3 Pop 0%.......................................................................... 116 12. Approval of 190 Agreements for Housing Money (Patty Mulvihill)...................................... 122 * Agenda items denoted with an asterisk indicate a motion is recommended. The sample motion will appear in the agenda item’s associated materials. - 2 LOC Board of Directors October 13, 2020 9:03 am – 11:02-09 am 1201 NE Court Street, Suite 200, Salem, Oregon 97301 via Zoom MINUTES Voting Board Members: Drew Farmer, Director - Present Jake Boone, President - Present Amanda Fritz, Director - Present Keith Mays, Vice President - Present Peter Hall, Director - Present Taneea Browning, Treasurer – Present Dean Sawyer, Director - Present Greg Evans, Past President - Present Kevin Stine, Director - Present Steve Callaway, Director - Present Steve Uffelman, Director - Present Scott Derickson, Director - Present Ken Gibson, Director – Present Non-Voting Board Member: Byron Smith, Director, Absent Ex-Officio Past Presidents: Denny Doyle, John McArdle, Brad Nanke, Timm Slater and Peter Truax. Staff: Executive Director, Mike Cully - Present Mark Gharst – Not Required Julie Oke – Present Jayme Hafner – Present Scott Winkels – Present Jamie Johnson-Davis – Present Tracy Rutten – Not Required Jenna Jones – Present Kevin Toon - Present Jim McCauley – Present Lisa Trevino – Present Patty Mulvihill - Present Kelly Richardson - Present Ariel Nelson – Not Required Other: Angie Lantner, OAMR President, Councilor Roland Herrera, Keizer, Paul Chalmers A. Welcome 9:03 am President Jake Boone called the meeting of October 13, 2020 to order at 9:03 am and welcomed everyone. Page 1 of 5 LOC Board Meeting 10/13/2020 3 B. Zoom Protocols President Boone went over the Zoom protocols for the meeting. Following the presentation Paul Chalmers, who had just that week resigned his position on the Pendleton City Council and thus the LOC Board of Directors, thanked everyone on the Board along with LOC staff. C. Consent Calendar 9:08 am Consisted of the following: 1. Minutes of the June 12, 2020 LOC Board of Directors Meeting 2. Minutes of the August 19, 2020 LOC Board of Directors Special Meeting 3. Current Financial Report 4. George Endicott appointment 5. Legal Research Division Report & Litigation Update 6. Communications & Marketing Division Report 7. Board Schedule and Locations for 2021 8. Executive Director Evaluation Process 9. Update on Housing Agreement with OHCS All items in the consent calendar can be read in their entirety in the packet for the October Board packet. Treasurer Browning noted that the memo marked Item F should be with the financial report in the consent agenda. It was moved by Vice President Mays and seconded by Immediate Past President Evans to approve the consent calendar with the exception noted by Treasurer Browning. The motion passed 12-0 (12 Yes [Boone, Browning, Farmer, Sawyer, Callaway, Evans, Stine, Mays, Fritz, Hall, Uffelman, Derickson,], 0- No, 0- Abstain,-Absent 0). D. Executive Director Report 9:25 am Executive Director Mike Cully presented the Board with an overview of his report and thanked all the staff members who had contributed to the report. The entire report can be read in its entirety in the packet of October 13, 2020. E. LOC Equity Committee Update Immediate Past President Greg Evans gave a brief overview of the Committee and following the Board discussion no action was taken. The entire report can be read in the attached packet of the October 13, 2020 packet. Page 2 of 5 LOC Board Meeting 10/13/2020 4 F. Finance Committee Update 9:51 am Treasurer Browning gave the Board a brief overview of the last two Committee meetings. Browning stated that the meetings were going well and were helpful. There was no action taken by the Board. G. Proposed Bylaws Amendment (Regarding City Managers & Caucuses) 10:03 am General Counsel Patty Mulvihill gave a brief overview of the proposed Bylaws changes recommended by the Bylaws Committee. The changes to the Bylaws can be read in their entirety in the October 13, 2020 meeting packet. Before the vote was taken Director Hall asked staff to clarify who is a voting member of the board and who is not. Vice President Mays also noted that the motion needed to show that it was only for the City Managers portion of the updates. Record shows Immediate Past President Evans had left at 10:03 and did not return. It was moved by Director Uffelman and seconded by Director Dean Sawyer to approve the Bylaws as proposed for the City Managers only as recommended by the Bylaws Committee. The motion passed 11-0 (11 Yes [Boone, Browning, Farmer, Sawyer, Callaway, Stine, Mays, Fritz, Hall, Uffelman, Derickson,], 0- No, 0- Abstain,-Absent Evans, Smith and Endicott). The second part of this agenda item Bylaws recommendation regarding Caucuses was presented by Mulvihill and following the overview the Board had a brief discussion regarding logistics. This motion was made at approximately 10:04 am and still showing Evans not returned. It was moved by Director Stine and seconded by Director Amanda Fritz to approve the Bylaws as proposed for the Caucuses only as recommended by the Bylaws Committee. The motion passed 10-1 (10 Yes [Boone, Browning, Farmer, Sawyer, Callaway, Stine, Mays, Fritz, Hall, Derickson,], 1, Uffelman- No, - Abstain,-Absent Evans, Smith and Endicott). H. Recognition of People of Color Caucus 10:35 am Assistant Counsel Jayme Hafner gave a brief overview of the request for recognition of the People of Color Caucus. The entire report can be read in the October 13, 2020 packet. Following Hafner’s overview, Councilor Herrera from Keizer thanked everyone involved and affirmed everything in the Page 3 of 5 LOC Board Meeting 10/13/2020 5 report. Director Uffelman left at approximately 10:28 am and returned approximately at 10:38 am missing the vote. It was moved by Vice President Mays and seconded by Director Drew Farmer to approve and formally recognize the People of Color Caucus. The motion passed 10-0 (10 Yes [Boone, Browning,
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