Military Religious Freedom Foundation Hate Mail Compilation March 2008 – April 2018


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March 2008 – March 2010 are not dated and were culled from past Newsletters and Weekly Watches and can be found below the dated emails starting on Pg. 507.

2010 Hate Emails………………………………………………………………...3

2011 Hate Emails………………………………………………………………62

2012 Hate Emails………………………………………….………...... 114

2013 Hate Emails ……………………………………………………………149

2014 Hate Emails …………………………………………………...... 290

2015 Hate Emails …………………………………………………...... 344

2016 Hate Emails …………………………………………………...... 427

2017 Hate Emails …………………………………………………...... 475

2018 Hate Emails …………………………………………………...... 499

Hate Mail Without Dates………………………………………………...... 507

Hateful Email Addresses…………………………………………………..548

Hateful Graphic Images………………………………………….…………552

Dates above emails represent the date they were posted to the Military Religious Freedom Foundation website, not the date they came in. All emails were posted to the site within a few days, if not the day they arrived.



1. March 8, 2010 Dear (name withheld),

I have no desire to practice any particular religion, but, from my perspective, you people are are joke. You can not be serious!!! Get yourselves real jobs and grow up.

Best (name withheld)

2. March 11, 2010 Mikey: Are you still ferreting-out each and every infinitesimal speck of Christianity and scouring it from the public consciousness? How’s the relativistic business going? In other words: are you still doing the Devil’s work? I hope not. I’m sure nothing I’ve written has softened your heart, but I pray that someday, somehow, you will see the Light.

3. March 14, 2010 So, sacrificed any Christian babies lately? Or are you one of those secular humanist jews?

(name withheld)

4. March 16, 2010 Attention MRFF:

Do Not tell me you are preserving anything, or that I am capitalizing on an oppurtunity, you gotta stand up for something and your attitude, live and let live, I hope will be the end of you. You aren’t helping anyone! Oh and by the way it may not be a holy war for you but try asking a scumbag muslim from al qaeda what it means to him! You ARE A MORON!!!!!


(name withheld)

5. April 3, 2010 To Military Religious Freedom Foundation: the soldiers of christ have prevented you people from desecrating the word!! thank tyhe god i know ,that does not recognize the seperation of church and state. we are a nation that was built on religious freedoms. did’t those asshole pilgrams come here because they were thrown out of every nation/state in europa for being radical assholes. my family was here before the god for saken pilgrams landed here. my people tried to help the dumb assjholes and they shuinned them??!! we the people comes from we the native americans. call us indians; o.k. do not refuse my food and knowledge. to bad they did’t all die outr there on the hook. why history is taught ,the pilgrams were the firss, they were not. still; religious freedom. try telling jesus hernandez that he or she cannot ewwear their cross into battle!!? not! remember, there are only three words uttered when a soldier is hit in combat;there is no seperation of church and state and your compliant is piss in the winds of war. if there is no god? who made you and your spirit?? yopurs in the army of christ,support my troops;”god bless white america,” (name withheld)

6. April 5, 2010 It’s your tribe that fosters hate, big shot! Racial politics is your m.o. The dumbass white people who are your enablers do not allow themselves to say out loud what their eyes see everyday. Pushy jews in front of microphones and cameras, in news bylines and movie credits, and in the shadows with their bags of dirty money. Pontificating, self-important, narcicistic gasbags. This poor schlub for whom you have contempt could be my “pal”, although I suspect he’s not a white person. He just wants God to be at the center of our national life. How hateful! Hadn’t you better get back to sliming tea partiers?

7. April 20, 2010 Dear Mikey Weinstein, We feel that Franklin Graham has every right to speak at the Pentagon’s Natl. Day of Prayer program. It is our right to prayer and our country was founded on Judeo- Christian rights. Our forefathers prayed at Congressional meetings and we want you to include Franklin Graham as the keynote speaker!


Thanks, and God bless America, (name withheld)

8. April 20, 2010 Mikey,

I have just read a little about you and your foundation. And I just have a few questions. I know that you will never read this. Someone who reads your e-mail will delete it for you. But I will know that at least I asked. The results are not my responsiblity.

1. Do you believe that the ‘rights’ enumerated on your website also apply to those who are of the Christian faith? Or do they only apply to Muslims, Buddhists, and Jews? It isn’t clear to me. I only am reading of your hatred for Gentile Christians, not your support.

2. Were the majority of the founding fathers of this country Muslims? Buddhists? Jewish? Is it logical that the fouding documents of this country were written from the viewpoint of the beliefs of those who wrote them? Are the founding documents of India or China written in any other way?

3. Do you realize that Gentiles of the Christian faith are the reason that a country exists for the sons of Israel today? Do you realize that without the shed blood of Gentile Christians your Jewish ‘race’ would never have been rescued from the ovens?

4. Do you realize that Gentile Christians revere the nation and land of Israel, even more than many s0-called Jews, who are Jewish by blood by not by faith or practice?

Just wondering. (name withheld)

9. April 20, 2010 After reading the about your regime wanting to stop Rev. Graham from speaking at the day of prayer, I have concluded that your organization is nothing more then tax dollar STEALING thugs. I have no respect for nazi groups that want to twist the Constitution and say that there is a wall of seperation. Obviously you, like alot of other useless tax dollar stealers, do NOT know the Constitution. AT BEST you have a


1st grade understanding of the Constitution. I have no doubt you were taught about the Constitution by someone who had No clue as to what the Consitution actually means. As for the lead Nazi saying he is a 3rd generation military soldier. Bullshit. Probably a 3rd generation coward.

10. April 20, 2010 Dear MRFF islam is not compatible with freedom. it was the judeo-christian faith that gave us our laws and freedoms. these criminals only want to behead us and abuse women. open your eyes, all around the world these thugs brutalize christians and anyone else who gets in their way to further expand their faith. one difference between Christianity and islam-you have to volunteer to be Christian. by torture and other hideous practices you are forced to be muslim or die. God (not allah) is withdrawing His hand of protection from this country. He is a gentleman. If you ask Him to leave, He will. and allah or any of the other wanna be gods will gladly take His placed. enjoy your wickedness while you can. as the Bible says, there is pleasure in sin……..for a while……. (name withheld)

11. April 20, 2010 To whom it may concern,

I respectfully ask you to reconsider your objection to Franklin Graham speaking at the Pentagon during the National Day of Prayer. Franklin Graham has worked tirelessly in help Muslims in disaster stricken counties. I believe more Muslims endorse his efforts to help others than do not.

Thank you, (name withheld)

12. April 20, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

I wonder about your theology. The American flag is not a religious symbol; the American Constitution is not scripture; patriotism is not a religious faith. As a veteran of the United States Marine Corps I voluntarily served out of love for the United States and what it stands for. Never once did I or my fellow Marines exchange our religious belief, or none belief, for the secular theology which you proclaim. Our flag and Constitution are to be loved and respected. Patriotism is a


virtue. However, none of the three should ever be considered elements of faith and worship…that is false religion.

Also, just in passing , don’t try to disguise your personal “anti” philosophy by draping it in the noble sounding phrases of protecting the religious beliefs and freedoms of the military. We know better, don’t we?

(name withheld)

13. April 20, 2010 Mikey Weinstein, Don’t you have anything better to do than protest a day of prayer? Christians, even Christian Soldiers, have a right to have a day of prayer and to use a preacher who is a Christian to host it. If Muslims are offended by the remarks by Mr. Graham then maybe the ones who are offended should do more to clean up their religion, which does commit atrocities both against other religions and their own women. If they spent their energy fixing their problems instead of killing people who let their behavior be known then maybe that would change our perception of the religion. Not every Muslim is a terrorist, but the vast majority of terrorist are Muslim. Maybe there is something to Mr. Graham’s criticism.

(name withheld)

14. April 20, 2010 This is for Mikey Weinstein (what a pansy name), since he or she is too chicken-crap to put his or her or its own email on the website, but the rest of you need to read it as well: You oblivious, ignorant, undeniably brain-dead, Far-Left, Ultra-Liberal, anti- Christian, anti-American, biased, prejudiced, damn, stinking, hypocritical BIGOTS! Who the Hell do you think you are to deny Franklin Graham his US Constitution-guaranteed right to free speech and to address the troops? You know damn well if it was a Muslim or a Jew who came to speak hate towards Christians, you damn, hypocritical Liberals would jump all up and down and demand his right to spew his hate towards Christians, but since it is a Christian (who has no intention of doing anything remotely like that to Muslims in his speech) you say he has to be silenced. Again, who the Hell do you think you are? All you damn Liberals are the biggest hypocrites ever in the history of the Universe. YOU ARE THE PREJUDICED BIGOTS AGAINST CHRISTIANS BIASED IN FAVOR OF MUSLIMS!!!!! Why the Hell don’t you go to a Muslim country like Iran and see how far your damn rights to free speech go, you ignorant, ultimate hypocrites! If you don’t like what Franklin has to say, then stay the Hell home or don’t listen but don’t you damn Liberal hypocrites


dare deny him the right to address US troops that want and need to hear him! Again you’d be jumping up and down screaming and going straight to court to allow a damn Muslim’s OR Jew’s right to speak but you do the opposite when it is a Christian!!!!! HYPOCRITAL BIGOTS, ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you don’t like this country, it’s heritage, it’s rights to its people, including that to freely express their religion, then why in the Hell don’t you get out and go to Russia, or China, or Cuba, or Venezuela where your anti-Christian, anti-conservative views would be not only welcomed but embraced! Mikey (ain’t that a kid’s name, not a name for a grown man? Or maybe a name for a gay man?),I would tell you you were going to burn in Hell, but that’s a foregone conclusion. By the way I love the Jewish people and the state of Israel, but I hate hypocritical, anti-Christian bigots like you! HYPOCRITAL BIGOTS, STINKING HYPOCRITAL BIGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

15. April 20, 2010 What is the matter with you? It was alright to have a muslim day!, well that offended me and many others. What is fair for one group is fair for another.. Don’t you realize a muslim would kill you in a heartbeat. If they are offended send them back to muslim land and they won’t have to hear Christian prayers.. When their religion teaches murder they don’t have the freedom of their religion, it’s not a religion it’s a murdering cult

16. April 20, 2010 Mikey– go to hell. You’re a pain in the ass.

From a combat veteran Jewish navy officer.

Don’t parade around like your some military guy– you’re a jag lawyer.

You want to argue, call me xxx-xxx-xxxx

(name withheld)

17. April 21, 2010 Dear Mrs. Weinstein:

Please tell Mikey to grow a backbone. This country was founded on Christianity, and Franklin is just stating facts about the Muslim terrorist acts. Who was behind 9- 11? Remember that day?! (name withheld)


18. April 21, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

I cannot find the direct phone number for the Military Religious Foundation, so I will contact you here. I am sick and tired of your groups attacking Christianity. I suggest you all take the first boat out of the United States and don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

You know, it is odd that nothing was said when the Jewish worship centers were built on some military bases, but when Franklin Graham or some other Christian minister wants to speak to military personnel, your groups cry fowl.

Well, you know what I have printed and researched the amount of Jews who serve in the United States military it is disgusting. Oh, I know, many of you like to hold dual citizenship and if you have your sons serve in any military, you want them to serve in Israel’s armed forces, right. I say, it is time organizations like yours bite the dust! I am fed up with your tyrannical behavior and so are most people in the United States, and frankly throughout the world. (name withheld)

19. April 21, 2010 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

The United States Constitution does NOT ban religious practice by the United States government; it does, however, ban the government from establishing “a” religion. It DOES, in the second sentence clearly state that the government may NOT prohibit the free exercise thereof. Since your religion is you,perhaps We, The People, should ban you. This nation was established based on Judeo-Christian beliefs and practices, not on atheists or clowns with an agenda to try to destroy this nation from within. You want me to be tolerant of your ignorance but don’t wish to be tolerant of my beliefs? Hypocrite. (name withheld)

20. April 21, 2010 Dear MRFF: You’re actually thinking of dis-inviting Rev. Billy Graham to speak at the National Day of Prayer at the Pentagon?!?!? Because of his remarks about Islam???? Let me


get this straight - you’re worried that his being there will offend Muslins????? After Ft. Hood??? After 9/11???? You are out of your ever-loving minds. I can only hope that Franklin Graham backs out on his own accord objecting to the lack of Freedom of Speech - that way there will be NO ONE at the observance - as it’s a certainty that the only reason Muslins would be there would be to protest Graham. Surely this must be on the orders of our beloved President. Otherwise, the military would have better sense. (name withheld)

21. April 21, 2010 Mr. Weinstein, U.S. leaders have called for a day of prayer during times of crisis since 1775 but individuals such as you have the tradition under attack. This is because they did not have Alah in mind when they called for this day. As a former U. S. Army soldier and Army Sailor who served as a Chaplain’s Assistant, I am embarrassed for you and your attacks of America’s great Christian heritage. Your continued attacks on Christianity by stating that Reverend Graham’s invitation offended Muslim employees at the Pentagon and that it would endanger American troops by stirring up Muslim extremists, are ignorant, shallow and show a great disregard for History. It was a Muslim, Maj. Nidal Malik Hasan, who opened fire on Fort Hood soldiers but I suppose you do not call that evil, I suppose you have your own politically correct interpretation of the event. America’s great Christian history and foundation will not be erased by people such as you. Christians have always been the best great friends of Israel and it was Christendom who defended the Holy land from the barbaric attacks of the Muslims during the crusades and it was a great majority of Christian soldiers who fought against the Nazis, who were backed by Muslims, during WWII. A Christian worldview got the US involved in the war, not a Muslim world view. What an insult your actions are to our great nation. Your concern for a few Muslim employees at the Pentagon is nothing more than a pretext for your own agenda and personal dislike of Christianity. I hope many Christian employees at the Pentagon speak up against your bigotry and historical revisionism and ignorance. Let’s see if you will defend their right to listen to Reverend Graham who had the courage to call Islam, not Muslims, what it is, and di so in the context of 9/11, after Muslim terrorists committed acts of war on civilian’s. The Koran is an evil religion indeed and history, even present events, clearly show this. A religion which hates Jews and Christians alike. Have you read the Koran? America is not a Muslim nation but with your aid, it just might become one soon. The first day of prayer was declared when the Continental Congress “designated a time for prayer in forming a new nation. A


bill proclaiming an annual National Day of Prayer was unanimously passed by both houses of congress. President Truman signed it into law. It required the President to select a day for national prayer each year.

(name withheld)

22. April 21, 2010 Dear MRFF:

You guys are so afraid of upsetting a Muslin that you are setting up the country for their easy takeover. You will report to a Muslim cleric one day and not have to worry about our freedoms. not so proud veteren.

23. April 21, 2010 Mr. Weinstein,

I guess you will have to change the name of your so called “watchdog” group to “Military Religious Freedom Foundation for the Defense of Muslim Terror versus Christian Leaders that Tell the Truth”.

How myopic and prejudiced of you to say the things you did. You must know that the military, because of politically correct pressures, looked the other way and allowed 13 of our brave young men and women to be gunned down at Ft. Hood. While ignoring the obvious signs that Franklin Graham warns us of.

Just what threat to you is the truth. Just what fear motivates you to challenge that same truth. You protect no one but yourself by the words you wrote in this article. Franklin Graham is a prime example of a man transformed. That is if you bother to do any real research before you comment.

Unhappily your views will skew many against a man of peace who dare to openly protest those who kill for the sake of killing. Doing it in the name of god (small gee intended). Acts that are totally contrary to the religious freedoms that you and your organization profess to defend.

If this is how someone becomes well published it is truly a sad state of affairs.


It’s only my opinion, but you don’t seem to have a founded faith of your own. If you did you couldn’t say the things you have no matter your religious inclination. I would call it a secular view of faith. One that makes it what one wants from it rather than accepting the conviction that comes from true introspection.

I pray you find a way to build up rather than tear down as you “watchdog” others.

Oops! Did I say pray? I as Franklin Graham am “not ashamed”. Please look that up. You are a journalist after all. (name withheld)

24. April 21, 2010 Mr. Weinstein: Go read your history. Mohammad taught that if someone didn’t convert to Islam, they would be better dead. Freedom of religion in America means we can practice what we desire. Freedom of speech says we can talk about it, too. Regardless of who speaks at the NDP, it will be religious in nature and someone won’t like it. You’ve had your 15 minutes worth, now sit down.

(name withheld)

25. April 21, 2010 Dear MRFF: I find it hard to understand how a org. with freedom in it’s name can come out against someone else speaking at the pentagon. Muslims are evil wacked out people that need to be run out of this country you idiots.

26. April 21, 2010 Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Does anyone in your sick group need to be reminded that AMERICA was founded on Christian Religious Beliefs.

When in AMERICA the Islam need to follow Americans. If they could be upset – then get the hell out of AMERICA. If you are not Catholic and go to work in Rome do you think you would say that the POPE cannot hold a public prayer service?


All lands are welcome in AMERICA but do not try to change AMERICA to be their country. Maybe it would be best for your simple minded leader to move to be with the Islam people in their country and then have him tell them it upsets him to see them bowing to the east all the time and the Islam people must STOP that.

Get a grip on life or all of you should get OUT OF AMERICA.

What a bunch of cry baby whiners. You are disgusting, sick, and bottom dwellers. (name withheld)

27. April 21, 2010 To Whom It May Concern,

An investigation must be conducted regarding the truths revealed in the following comment posted. Also, an investigation must be conducted on the treasonous elected officials who helped facilitate the Jews enslavement of the world’s population.

(name withheld)

28. April 21, 2010 Shut the fuck up you commie cunt. As a retired military member, you disgust me. You support terrorist agaist this country and should be tried for treason. Judgement day is coming.

29. April 21, 2010 Mikey Weinstein:

Mr. Graham spoke the truth about the Muslims, but, perhaps he should have couched his remark in a more conciliatory phrase: “Certain branches of the Muslim religions are evil and encourage violence against us.”

I could care less if they’re offended by his words. They offended me and every other citizen by murdering nearly 3,000 people on 9/11. All of the world should have been offended by that act since, if I remember correctly, people of 32 nations were murdered alongside of American citizens.

Your actions are offensive to me.


(name withheld)

30. April 21, 2010 MRFF:

Your organization is shamefull , embarrassing and full of BS.

What religion were the 911 terrorists??

What religion do the people we are fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan belong to.

What is wrong with having biblical expressions on our weapons.

Your organization does no one any good.

Shame,Shame,Shame why don’t you go to another country you are not wanted here.

(name withheld)

31. April 22, 2010 Hey Mikey,

You are officially a force! First, the Jesus Rifles which was HUGE and now this Franklin Graham invitation. I don’t know how you do it but thankfully, nothing escapes your notice. As I’ve said again and again, you are an American hero and patriot. I only hope we don’t have to wait for history to recognize the importance of all you’re doing.

I’ve pasted the piece from today’s hard copy of the TImes and attached it as well just in case you no longer get the paper.

Best to best,

(name withheld)

32. April 22, 2010 I just heard that you asked to rescind the invitation to Franklin Graham to speak at the National Day of Prayer. WHAT ARE YOU THINKING???? This great country is


a Christian nation founded on Christian principles. THIS IS NOT A MUSLIM COUNTRY! What Franklin Graham said is true – Christians don’t hate the Muslim people. We pray that they accept Jesus Christ as the Son of God and their personal Savior. This is a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY! This is a volunteer event. The muslim people are NOT forced to attend. IF the Muslims at the Pentagon don’t like it, they don’t have to attend but DON’T ask to disinvite a great Christian leader to a National Day of Prayer for a CHRISTIAN NATION just to be “politically correct”.

(name withheld)

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have. -Thomas Jefferson

33. April 22, 2010 Mikey Weinstein,

You missed named your group. You should have called it Mikey deciders about your religion. Are you just afraid that JESUS CHRIST will make a difference in someones life? I hear Mahmoud_Ahmadinejad” is looking for someone like you to run his airforce. Maybe you should make a trip to IRAN and don’t come back.

(name withheld)

34. April 22, 2010 Micheal L. Weinstein: what the hell are you thinking.! Your action just lost me….. your group is nothing but a worthless left wing Un-American group….Now that we know what you stand for We the American people can DE-FUND your worthless group. You don’t want Christians then find… go elsewhere from you funding – Don’t ask me for any.


Sincerely (a from big pro Military guy)

(name withheld)


35. April 22, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

It is dispicable that you would support uninviting Franklin Graham. You do not represent mainstream America, nor do you represent Christians. Obviously you don’t like Christians. That’s apparent.

(name withheld)

36. April 22, 2010 Your organization is an anathema to this nation! You are totally devoid of integrity and what the founding principles of America are about. I will oppose you at my every opportunity! Liberty Forever!

37. April 22, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

Congratulations!! You have helped push America into a state of reprobate apostasy. This country will never again be in the place it once was – which is in the hallow of God’s hand. We, as a nation, have decided to plunge headlong into pluralism. We have lost our way and are on the same course as China and other atheistic countries. Our country, in order to appear more acceptable to the world, is traveling the course that Israel took when it forsook the God of its fathers after Solomon. You probably don’t even have a clue as to what I am talking about. So sad. I will continue to pray with people like Franklin Graham that the people of this country will humble themselves and pray, turn from the wicked ways and repent. Then God will hear from Heaven, forgive our sins and heal our land. And if we do not, we will face the judgment we deserve. May God have mercy on the United States of America.

(name withheld)

38. April 22, 2010 Mickey Weinstein:


As a retired military personnel with 70 years of service between us, we find it appalling that your organization would cause Franklin Graham to be dis-invited from the Pentagon Prayer Breakfast. What ever happened to freedom of speech? Graham is being persecuted by your ilk for his personal beliefs. It is fringe organizations like yours that are ruining all of the things we have fought so hard for through the years. From our perspective, you are providing a great disservice to this country. Unfortunately, you probably believe you are saving us from ourselves. Incidentally, “We aren’t exactly doing cartwheels” either.

(name withheld)

39. April 22, 2010 MRFF:

It’s the thinking of people like you which is the cause of the massacre at Fort Hood.

You ignorant saps don’t even realize that the Constitution guarantees freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. And your hypocrisy certainly would not prevent a Muslim speaking at the event, even if the Muslim berated Christianity. Mr. Graham is no doubt better off not having to be in the presence of antichrist people such as your organization.

Just remember, the Bible clearly states that “…every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord…”.

That includes you AND the evil Muslims!

(name withheld)

40. April 22, 2010 Mikey: you’re jewish and you don’t think Islam is evil? oy vey!

(name withheld)

41. April 22, 2010


Dear MRFF:

Weinstein is a NUT!

(name withheld)

42. April 22, 2010 Mikey, Would you please explain to me your position as to why you opposed Rev. Graham speaking at the prayer event.. Please know that I am not one of the crazies that have been threaten you…but I really would love to open a dialogue with you in order to better understand your position.

(name withheld)

43. April 22, 2010 Mikey,

I am very disappointed that you asked for the invitation to Franklin Graham’s speaking engagement at the Pentagon to be revoked. Your organization says its mission is to make sure religious freedom is not suppressed in the military, yet this very humble, honorable, man was denied his right to speak and pray at this engagement. I was very privileged to hear Franklin speak in our area. Thousands attended the event, and were not disappointed. His message has always been one of the love of God, forgiveness, and redemption. At this time in history, with our troops in harm’s way, and unrest across the world, this message of hope is exactly what would have encouraged those that would have heard him.

Also, Franklin, as a father of a man in the military, should have been encouraged to come and present that message of hope to those that serve our country.

When Franklin made the comment in 2001, we were experiencing Islamic terrorism. Islam is a faith that encourages death to those that don’t believe in their religion. You really need to do a fact check and find out who is a threat to whom.

Well, God will take care of it all in the end, and His purpose prevails. My prayer is the same as Franklin’s- that you know the Lord Jesus, find redemption, and faith in God.


(name withheld)

44. April 22, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

Graham is right-muslim or islamic theology-can’t even call it a religion want to kill all infidels and is a violent bunch. The pentagon hasn’t got the balls to tell you to take a hike as they should. The military has become to PC-even have female muslim chaplains. But with a wannabe muslim as president Gates won’t take a stand.

(name withheld)

45. April 22, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

Shame on you for attacking Franklin Graham and having his invitation to the Pentagon Prayer Breakfast rescinded. “Woe to you, hypocrites and scribes.” “Salt is good; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is fit neither for the land nor for the dunghill; men throw it away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” (Luke 14:34ff)

In the modern era, it would seem only the ‘politically correct’ have free speech. The rest of us are ‘hate mongers’ and are to be suppressed… no doubt before we’re shipped off somewhere TBD (Boston?? San Francisco??) for ‘re-education.’ Nazis did it; soviets did it; Vietnamese did it; Saudis do it (talk about a culture that stifles freedom of religion!); Taliban just cut off your head. In fact, all repressive regimes did/do it. Religious and political leaders who are faithful to their convictions and who have to courage to observe that ‘something doesn’t smell quite right’ are always among the first to go.

You don’t silence those who see things differently by denying them a platform. You only silence those who ideas and beliefs can be to be in error (i.e., non-factual; untrue). It is neither unloving nor un-Christian to call a spade a spade. It is what it is.

Scary when our sworn enemies’ rights not to hear the inconvenient truth trump true patriots rights to be heard!


(name withheld)

46. April 22, 2010 To: Military Religious Freedom Foundation: As a Veteran there’s no words to describe the disgust I have for your organization. Your type of political correctness led to the Ft. Hood massacre by that radical muslim, and yet you defend radical islam over Christianity. Your type of political correctness will lead to more events like the Ft. Hood massacre. Its sad that you support terrorism. (name withheld)

47. April 22, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

I guess your foundation will now support a muslim radical to speak at the Pentagon, right? What a bunch of hypocrites you are.

(name withheld)

48. April 22, 2010 Dear MRFF:

This particular faith you are protecting is responsible for all the attacks on this country. They hate us they want us dead. Are you nuts???

(name withheld)

49. April 22, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

Since when did the American flag become a religious symbol?

Since when did the Constitution become religious scripture?

Since when did patriotism become a religious faith?


Who authorized your organization to exist?

Do you receive any federal money to support your operation?

Is this a family business, it appears many person named have the same last name?

Who gives you the right to say who may attend events and who may not?

Try to respond sometime in the near future to my questions.

(name withheld)

50. April 22, 2010 Dear MRFF: mikey wienstein and awad share the same theme..but awad saying nobody should speak who downgrades another religion? whew, why don’t they just invite osama bin laden and find a constitutional argument to support inane nitpicking?

(name withheld)

51. April 22, 2010 To MRFF:

Mickey a mickey,or give him a mike.

Either way, he will be heard and make as much sense, but whatever you do, never ever allow him to be separated from what the Constitution never said.

The Nobel Prize is no longer noble except for those who are left enough not to be left out of such dishonor. Didn’t Al Gore win that prize for his global warming? Did Arafat win that prize for something as ambivalent and as vague? And didn’t Barak Obama win the same prize for the same reasoning?

Mickey, you are no prize.


Your reasoning (as your political correct stance) is more political than it is correct. (name withheld)

52. April 22, 2010 Dear MRFF:

SHAME on you for not having the gull to say what Mr. Graham says. Call the Islam faith what it is. And then you want to withdraw your invitation for him to speak. You people are the disgrace!

(name withheld)

53. April 22, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

Over the ages Jews are accepted then rejected. They are accepted as a minority group in a much larger population disrespect the values of the majority. The majority rejects the Jews sometimes with great violence, as happened in WW2.

Jews have an influence in this country way beyond their numbers. Their influence is becoming troublesome because they strive to diminish the prerogative of the majority to shape things how they see fit.

You don’t like Christian centered organizations in the military, I dont have a problem with them. Your rant against Christianity is “uncivil and unwanted. Your rabid anti Christian crusade belies a Jewish infatuation to murder Christ again, like Jews did two thousand years ago.

The Jewish lobby that distorts American foreign policy protect Israel and organizations such as yours that attempt to derail the values of the majority weaken America, the country you claim to love. Your fear of Christians, who have been only kind,welcoming and protective of you, is disheartening.

Shame on you!

(name withheld)


54. April 22, 2010 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I was just recently made aware of your organization, quite frankly as an American and former Marine I am ashamed that it even exists. This country was founded upon Christian beliefs and in your mottled politically correct world only seem to be concerned about stripping this core religious beliefs from our country.

With regards to the little I know about your organization you seem willing denounce those who speak out about the evils within the religion of Islam, and yes I said evils. Any religion that promotes violence is evil, anyone how speaks out against and counter acts evil is a hero.

If you can explain to me and others how being a good muslim and following the teachings of mohamed is not evil, I will happily resend any statement I have have ever made and will work diligently to change the publics perception of islam.

Before you go there let me explain the difference between being a good person or human and being a good muslim. A good person does not do anything or say anything that will cause harm or suffering to others ( following the golden rule) A good muslim follows the teaching of the prophet mohamed to the letter, please explain to me were this is going if you can.

Unfortunately I would probably not be considered a good person by my own definition, as I will say and write inflammatory words about sensitive subjects as I have not fallen for the religion of political correctness. Until we as a society find the intestinal fortitude to call a spade a spade and take actions to stop those who will use the excuse of being religiously offended to commit violence against others in the name of their religion we will not have religious freedom.

Go ahead and keep sticking your collective heads in the sand and see what happens when you have stripped away our Christian beliefs (that would be the teachings of Jesus Christ) and left the muslims alone to do what they will, due to your fear of violent responses.

God Bless this country (name withheld)


55. April 22, 2010 Dear Mrs Weinstein:

I HAVE SEEN IT ALL! Bad enough we bow down to non-English speaking episodes on the phone, on signs, everywhere you turn. Bad enough God is being taken out of schools , public buildings, interpretations by Judges., ‘Now a speaker is barred because you don’t like it ,,,as I speak by my words,,,, you feel you are so powerful that you speak for everyone in your organization. Let me inform you that you DO NOT! You are still supported by your members ,,I am making it my destiny to spread the word to stop all support of your antics and your controls to everyone with hopes of the near future to have you and everyone involved be dissolved for lack of finances. Call on your Muslim friends to bail you out!

(name withheld)

56. April 22, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Shame on you and the person reading this email (staff).

It appears that you (and your staff) will not rest until you are succeed in removing the name Jesus Christ from any aspect of the military, while others like you work to remove His name from all aspects of public life. At the same time, judges and the ACLU work to remove the ‘historical’ Christian foundation of this nation from the public square.

As a Jew, you are making a grave mistake in your misguided efforts, as you believe tolerance and equal standing, especially towards Muslims, will insure your place amongst equals.

To make the excuse that Mr. Graham’s appearance at the Pentagon would put our troops in jeopardy, is a lie and you know it. It really only serves your purposes, and those of your organization, and has nothing to do with your misleading statements.

What really puts our troops in jeopardy is not Christianity, or the Savior who died on the Cross for our sins, but an Islam that speaks often of their hate towards the “infidels”, especially Jews. I assure you, Israel is not concerned with America’s


Christians leaders (Mr. Graham included), nor Christian evangelists, but the growing fanaticism of a resurgent Islam.

Why you (and those working for you) feel threatened and angry at true Christianity (those that speak of Jesus as the Savior of the World) when so much evil is evident everywhere one looks today, is amazing. I can think of a scripture that would apply as follows:

“Professing to be wise, they became fools.”

Be careful what you wish for, for as men (and women) like you push the Christ the Savior further and further out of the public square it will be filled with other voices, and then you only be able to look back on your efforts and realize- you were indeed a fool.

(name withheld)

PS I do not have any association with Mr. Graham or his organization, but am speaking as a Christian and as an American, in that order

57. April 22, 2010 As a member of the MAJORITY, I say to you—”SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP”. We Christians have the right to worship as we please.

This country was built on Christian values, if you do not like them PLEASE feel free to leave. Iraq, Iran, and mant others would be glad to have you. (name withheld)

58. April 22, 2010 Mikey– go to hell. You’re a pain in the ass.

From a combat veteran Jewish navy officer.

Don’t parade around like your some military guy– you’re a jag lawyer.

You want to argue, call me xxx-xxx-xxxx

(name withheld)


59. April 23, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

Franklin Graham has every right to say what he did about Islamic extremists. America continues to find ways to quiet the those who adhere to scripture and speaking in the name of Jesus. The Bible is clear that the WORLD does not like the LIGHT but Loves DARKNESS. If America continues to eliminate God from the public sector it will experience a moral decline, more so than what has already invaded our country. People in Congress typically do not stand for anything other than their self interests anyway, certainly not on their convictions. The greatest thing regarding Franklin graham that he can go to bed each night at peace with his Creator (our Creator as well) knowing that condemnation will never be experienced by but is currently on those who don’t know the Creator. thanks (name and location withheld)

60. April 23, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

Shame on you! Maybe you can get a Muslim to pray more to your liking. But remember, Muslims don’t attack with words, they use bombs and guns (as in Ft. Hood, you do remember that, right?)

(name withheld)

61. April 23, 2010 Greetings MRFF,

I write to you about the revoking of Franklin Graham’s invitation to speak at the Pentagon. The MRFF states it’s case at to Graham’s comments on Islam. Well, Have ANY of you ever read the Quran? Franklin Graham SPEAKS THE TRUTH about Islam. Sometimes the truth is tough and obviusly the MRFF seems pretty spineless. Doesn’t the MRFF stand for Military Religious FREEDOM Foundation. It seems that Christianity is being singled out here, Folks.



Sincerely, (name withheld)

62. April 23, 2010 MRFF:

I would like to let you know that your stand to have Franklin Graham removed from the Pentagon’s National day of Prayer observance was and is a mistake. Islam is a religion that pushes for the takeover of the world and the removal of anyone that refuses to turn to Islam. It is in their book and you are helping to erase the freedoms in the United States by believing something contrary to what they say. I will pray that you will see the truth before it is too late and America is no more.

(name withheld)

63. April 23, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

Hasan praised his god as he slaughtered innocent Army personnel. Islam is evil. Anyone who promotes evil is evil. America IS a Christian country. The Pentagon surely needs prayer right now.

(name withheld)

64. April 23, 2010 To MRFF:

You disgust me, you are so anti-American that it makes me sick thinking of it.

First of all this country was based on Christian Principles Period. Deny it all you want it is the truth. Secondly the military was fine religiously until groups like you started spreading your filthy evil. I served my country for 14 years and it makes me sick to my stomach to see organizations like yours tearing it down. When I was active duty our


ID tags had our religion stamped on it. If no religion then none was put their. It was our choice. Groups like yours want to take that away from us.

For your information My faith is in Jesus Christ, not the military, I was proud to serve but I did not worship the military. If you think that is what this is all about you are sadly mistaken.

My Religious symbol is the cross and not the American Flag. Again I love and respect, that flag but I do not worship it. Again if that is what you think you are really mistaken. My Scripture is the Holy Bible not the constitution. Where do you get off saying such obnoxious things. Who do you think you are? You degrade what this country stands for. Your stench of evil is unbearable. I honor the constitution which again was built on Christian Judea principles. To be followed but not worshipped. God’s Holy Word always comes first. Don’t like that to bad.

Finally the day of Prayer is a CHRISTIAN event. Reverend Graham is a man of God. To get him uninvited is treachery at its worst. It shows me you don’t want religious freedoms. You want to destroy Christianity plain and simple. I doubt you even care about the Muslims freedom to worship their way. It is just your evil way of attacking God’s people. You had no business doing this. If one is in a foxhole with mortar rounds reigning down on them they get religion real quick. Praying to the flag or the constitution or the military will not save anyone. Only Jesus saves.

(name withheld)

65. April 23, 2010 Good afternoon,

I’m sure you’re aware of the controversary about your husband’s comments over the National Day of Prayer. Honestly, if this were a Jewish-related event, would you really protest or even make comments to stir up media attention? I think we both know the answer to that.

Jesus loves you.

(name withheld)


66. April 23, 2010 Dear MRFF:

You all do not support religious freedoms at all so change your name to ANTI-military religious freedoms for you are in actuality militants who support that anti-American attitude that has run out of your lying mouths before and more so sense Obamy stole office. You’re uninformed and scared fools for Islam are a killer religion and will murder you to if you use your words against Muhammad there “prophet” like they did to that man in England some years ago. Christians are peaceful as the Lord God Commands and unlike Islam it is written in the ten commandments of the Christian bible and in the Jews Torah “Thou shalt not murder”. But Islam will murder in the name of their prophet Muhammad for to them we all are evil and if you do not convert to Islam you are to be destroyed and that is why they will not hesitate to use Nukes on “infidel” nation(s), which they call the U.S. and Israel.

I know you are not for religious freedom and never have been. Again, you are in actuality an anti-American hate group who like spoiled little children want there own way at the expense of the American people who do NOT share your Anti-God and Anti-Jew views. I am ex military and you all disgust me. I am very thankful you clowns were not around when I was in the military service. Go to Cuba for you would be the kind of evil Castro would like in his suppressive zero freedom country.

You all make me vomit with your very empty rhetoric for not all of us are fooled for we know you all are communist socialist fascist with a smiling mask; or are you possibly an Islamic group trying to undermine the United States?

Oh and another thing the U.S. Constitution is based on the Christian truths of the Bible not on your Lies. Because of your insistence in pursuing these lies you all are cursed and damned to HELL. For you mock the Lord God who created the Heavens and the Earth, and you will reap what you sow by his hand and his hand


alone for vengeance is mine says the Lord God. For there is no where that you can hide from the living God.

I LOVE MY COUNTRY and groups like you and obamy make us the laughing stock and the butt of every joke of all nations in this world. May God do to you and more so that you have done to America!


(name withheld)

67. April 23, 2010 “Forgive them Father for they know not what they do”! I hope these words ring a bell with those that would deny Jesus Christ and Rev. Franklin Graham’s scheduled invocation at the Pentagon’s Day of Prayer.

It is said of our outstanding military personnel that there are no Atheist in foxholes which means that God will be called on to help protect those brave young Americans in harm’s way. I just can’t imagine soldiers under fire calling on “Political Correctness” to help protect them! Can you? I have always been taught that if one denies Jesus Christ on earth, He will deny you before the Father! I believe that! Yes, i am a Christian and YES we are a Christian Nation!

(name and location withheld)

68. April 23, 2010 Military Religious Freedom Foundation: So you people think muslims are nice and islam is a peaceful religion? But Franklin Graham is evil? Are all of you nuts or just evil yourselves? All the terrorist acts over the past 40 years have been committed by muslim males between the ages of 17 and 40. When have you ever heard of Christians or Jews putting bombs on themselves or their children (how insane is that?), then going into a crowd of innocent people and blowing themselves up so they can kill others and go to heaven and get 72 virgins? Never! It is the islam nuts that do that. When has a Christian or a Jew ever hi-jacked a plane? Right in the islam so called bible it reads,” anyone that is not muslim are of the great satan and worthy of death, cut off their hands, cut off their heads”. Go read it for yourselves. muslims are evil, islam is evil. Too bad King Richard did not have enough troops to kill all of them!!!! Oh, by the way I didn’t capitalize muslim on purpose. Before you go off on evil King Richard, he did not go to the Mideast to kill muslims because they were muslims. He went there because the muslims had sealed


off Jerusalem and would not let anyone in that was not muslim. The muslims or Arabs were also invading other countries in the area, raping, burning, stealing and killing people. Gee, does what the muslims from Iraq did when they invaded Kuwait sound similar? They rapped the women, killed a lot of people, stole and set their oil fields on fire. Sounds just like the Arabs King Richard went to fight. Your organization must be run by terrorist loving communist; all of you should be kicked out of the United States, better yet put in prison for trying to over throw the CHRISTIAN NATION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!!! By the way I served 26 years in Air Force and the idea that an organization like yours exists and has the nerve to use a military name for your organization is more than insulting!!!

69. April 24, 2010 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Shame on you…you are supposed to support “religious freedom” in the military…not Islam only. The Constitution requires that all faiths be represented in this nation…and that the state not preference one over another. It appears quite obvious to the public that you are by your screaming headline that you defeated Franklin Graham. To the rest of America and her military of Americans by the latest polls) we find the pro- Islamic stance quite disturbing and not acceptable.

Your organization should be stripped of whatever power it has to intervene on behalf of our military…you are very un-American!!!!!!

Shame on you for turning your back on the Constitution and your country.

(name and location withheld)

70. April 25, 2010 Dear Mikey:

On my return return flight yesterday I sat behind a Muslim mother in a burka with her four adorable children ranging in age from about two to seven, two boys and two girls. The oldest boy helped the mother fasten the seat belt of the little ones. They were some of the most polite, well dressed and behaved children you’d ever find on a plane. The little girl of about five couldn’t resist a game of peek-a-boo with me looking back between the space in the seats.


My epiphany (figure of speech there) that MRFF had arrived came at about 32000 feet :

Right before my eyes was the very reason it would have been evil and wicked for Franklin Graham to lead the country of this young mother and her precious children in a National Day of Prayer.

I was thrilled all the way back to my flight destination (LA) over MRFF’s most recent monumental achievement in getting the Pentagon to “dis-invite” Graham from speaking there on its National Day of Prayer event.

(name withheld)

71. April 25, 2010 To MRFF:

How dare you object and dis-invite Franklin Graham from prayer service at the Pentagon. Since when have Muslims taken over? This is America or have you forgotten? He was right on target with his Islam comments and has the right to say them. If I remember correctly freedom of speech is guaranteed under our first amendment. This country was founded on Christianity and not Islam and should stay that way. Muslims are visitors here and if they don’t like it then they should return to their own country where decapitation in the name of Allah is a common practice, instead of mooching off our land. Or in my opinion, if they object, they can all burn in hell.

(name withheld)

72. April 26, 2010 Hey Hateful Christina Bigots,

Good luck in trying to take God out of the foxhole! I guess the hater who started this pathetic organization because he can’t work and make a decent living….You produce nothing but hate……Nothing else….But let me know when you get God out of the Foxhole!

1st Cav Division…….


Where God Goes!

If anyone is a bigot it is you , your husband or relative.

Do you have an issue with Christianity due to the fact you are Jewish, or just sad little atheist? My country was founded on religious principles and for you idiots not knowing who the enemy is , nor their religion, are just ignorant! Oh, the framers did not make this country or Republic per religion diversity but from government making all laws dealing with such…How do I know, my gggg was one of those framers. How dare you people judge our country and even Dr, Graham….You are the enemy within. You are the ones who are destructive to our country. We as a people or nation don’t have to tolerate fanatics or a religion that calls for the death of non believers. Our country is a Christina nation and if you don’t like it, get on a boat and leave the way yours came. Also, labeling people phobic is so third grade, try that crap somewhere else, because the majority of the country don’t buy into that liberal bullshit.

The person who heads this sorry organization, you are a disgrace to the American Armed Forces and calling yourself an American. You are pathetic misguided hypocrites.

(name withheld)

73. April 26, 2010 Dear Mikey:

I’m writing to tell you that if you or the religion your in is in ANY WAY connected to ISLAM

YOU – CAN KISS MY ASS ! don’t hide behind MY Flag Motherfucker because YOUR NOT FUCKING WELCOME. Take your evil and dangerous fucking asshole religion and your GOD DAMN country back where you belong, back to iran or the fucking Towelhead land where you came from BITCH ! you had a REAL Christian leader disinvited so you can spead your trashy fucking religion in OUR capitol.



I’ll say it to your motherfucking face — just give me the chance. I don’t care what fucking uniform your wearing. I HATE ISLAMISTS for 9-11I’ll NEVER FORGET what those motherfuckers did to our people & our nation. I Fucking HATE them !

(name withheld)

74. April 26, 2010 Dear MRFF:

I would like to know who runs this country anyway? The American People or those who are secretly against God’s Chosen People. I am sick and tired as are others to the notion that we have to dance to others (countries) rules and not our own. We are on a downhill slide because of such nonsense that is going on in our civilization today. No wonder everything is in a turmoil. Come here, speaka de english, or adapt to our customs and/or stay home.

This is our country and it is traditionally Christian from day one. Get over it!

(name withheld)

75. April 26, 2010 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I am very disturbed by Mikey Weinstein’s slogan at the heading of your web page. I have news for Mr. Weinstein, “religion” sends people to Hell – a relationship with Jesus Christ is the only way to God.

I agree wholeheartedly with Rev. Graham because Islam is not a religion of peace but of war and domination. Also the comment at the end of Andrea Stone’s article that Mr Weinstein made about “Aunt Bertha” as compared to Mr. Graham was very unprofessional for a man in his position.

In Christ, (name withheld)

76. April 26, 2010


Mikey or what ever your name is, I am ashamed of you. I take the word military OUT of your name. It implies you are supported by the military. After 27 years as an ARMY wife, I assure you, you do not represent me or the majority of my friends through the military. Like it or not, most military are Christians. As Christians we are not perfect but forgiven. We are the most forgiving and tolerant religion represented in the military. If you are so big on being tolerant, then why can’t you tolerate Mr. Graham? How have you been able to tolerate all of the atrocities to Americans from Islam? You can tolerate all of the murders from them and the threats to kill us all, but you are not able to tolerate one kind Christian who speaks his mind?

And!!!!! you are totally wrong that there is only one religion on the battlefield. WHAT AN IDIOT you are. Soldiers have carried God and Jesus into battle with them for centuries! Try as you may, but our country was founded on Christian principals and you cannot change that. The constitution says “Freedom of Religion”, not freedom from it. I am sure Mr. Graham is praying for you right now, while the Islam extremist are trying to kill us all. How dare you brag about this “victory” on your website. I will use all of my connections to do all I can to expose your organization and hopefully have it shut down until you remove any mention of the military in your organization’s name. You are a black mark on the soldiers who have served faithfully!

(name withheld)

77. April 26, 2010 Hey Muslim Religious Freedom Foundation

Is that list of 10 comments typical of the “enormous” amount of email from supporters and detractors?

(name and location withheld)

78. April 26, 2010 Hey Mikey……

Saw you quoted in Andrea Stone’s article about the Council for the American Islamic Republic and Franklin Graham.


Don’t know how to say it politely……

You, sir, are one huge asshole. A seditious asshole. Wonder what’s in your attic?

(name and location withheld) ps: now assholes everywhere will say I’m doing them an injustice calling you one……

79. April 26, 2010 Leadership of MRF -

I am saddened and disappointed in your recent campaign against Franklin Graham. Our society was founded on Christian principals along with the aspect of religious freedom that you appear to hold dear. With that, differences on religion are always open to debate and discussion. I have personally heard leaders from other religions – from Muslin to Buddism say worse things about Chrisitans than Franklin Graham.

Personal campaigns like you have undertaken serve no purpose in the context. How can you have an honest and open debate if your first reaction – which I felt was done in haste – to say say “kick them out if they disagree.” Tell me how that is different from the criticizm you’ve leveled against him?

Thank you

(name withheld)

80. April 26, 2010 All I have to say is you are lucky you have one of your own in the White House. Osama Obama did not fool all of the people. I for one despise the bastard. Additionally, I say that Allah goes down on little boys and grown men, on the guise of getting them to kill them selves and get 72 virgins……All he wants is fresh meat. Allah is a sick dog……..and your religion represents dogs as well

81. April 26, 2010 Mike, you are so off base. YOU want all Christians DEAD? I read your comments. YOU are what is wrong with this country. Are you closet Muslim? Do you hate our country so much? There was NEVER anything that said there was to be a separation of church and state!!!!!!! Just freedom to practice any religion. You want to force your evil views on all people. Yes Christians believe the Bible and for your


information, you and your organization are helping fulfill prophecy by condemning Christ and His followers. But, whether you believe or not, YOU are still going to burn in Hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wish all you people would leave my country, (I am a native American, so I have every right to this country, YOU have zero rights to this land) People like you are ushering in Islam for everyone. I bet you voted for the pretender and chief, Obama the liar. Congratulations, you are anti-American, pro-evil, anti- Semitic, anti- Christian and just plain stupid. May God forgive you, for you know not what you do I will stand for Jesus and lay my life down for His word, me and 38 million other fanatics

82. April 27, 2010 Mikey Weinstein, there’s something you have a dangerous misconception about. I just figured you were behind that Pentagon thing. You think Christianity is just one of many religions. It is not.

Religions are mans attempts to reach up to God when in reality God came down to man. Religions are Satan’s devises to keep people from God.

Our military officers desperately need to be encouraged by God’s ministers. Jesus last instructions to us were to go everywhere and tell everyone the good news. Evangelism is important!

I’m reading a book about the Iraq war and it’s so heartbreaking that some of the commanders didn’t understand what the war was about and they were fighting it the wrong way which cost many American and Iraqi lives and prolonged the war. Our military need to be in a close relationship with the Creator and Sustainer of the universe.

You will have a lot to answer for when you have to stand before your Maker for the damage you have done to His country. I pray for you.

(name withheld)

83. April 27, 2010 Mr. Mikey Weinstein: If you think Islam is a tolerant religion and that CAIR is interested in the free expression of religion, I’ve got some swamp land in Florida to sell you as prime building sites. Never in the history of Islam has it ever shown itself tolerant except when it wasn’t in the majority. With a name like Weinstein, you of all people should


know that Muslims want to wipe out every vestige of religious tolerance in the world. Why don’t you go to Saudi Arabia and try to promote your brand of tolerance; see how far that gets you. The U.S. Military is fighting for freedom of religious expression. You surely know that by censoring Franklin Graham from speaking at the Pentagon, you are violating the Constitution that you purport to support. Graham speaks the truth. You, sir, undermine the very principle that you claim to advocate. (name withheld)

84. April 27, 2010 Dear MRFF:

If Christians used the same lying tactics as MMRF we would be called bigots and traitors. I believe the rulers of his day mocked Jesus. Many changed their minds after his resurrection. I am not surprised by your words and actions. (name and rank withheld)

85. April 28, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:

You do not know me but please know that your action of standing up against religious and ethnic intolerance, no matter how well disguised and no matter how popular with the establishment, is a source of encouragement to all Americans, especially for those of us who are on the receiving end of this type of hateful behavior. America is a beautiful construct of some very enlightened human beings who were our founding fathers, but those who stand for its ideals of religious tolerance and understanding, are the true sons of those founding fathers. Thank you again Sir. You deserve our respect, admiration and above all our support.


(Name Withheld)

86. April 28, 2010 Mr. Weinstein:


You do not know me but please know that your action of standing up against religious and ethnic intolerance, no matter how well disguised and no matter how popular with the establishment, is a source of encouragement to all Americans, especially for those of us who are on the receiving end of this type of hateful behavior. America is a beautiful construct of some very enlightened human beings who were our founding fathers, but those who stand for its ideals of religious tolerance and understanding, are the true sons of those founding fathers. Thank you again Sir. You deserve our respect, admiration and above all our support.


(Name Withheld)

87. April 28, 2010 To MRFF you bunch of egg sucking dogs have no business sticking your fucking nose in religious beliefs. Join with the egg sucking CAIR and fight against Graham. We will not be safe until Cair and people like you are eradicated like cockroaches from the land of the USA. Islam and everyone supporting Islam is evil. Accept it. You are trying to take over the USA. Not without a fight. we have had it.

88. April 29, 2010 To Mikey Weinstien: Western values have clashed with Islamic values since time immemorial. Democracy is inherently anti-Islam. Equality of sexes is definitely anti- Islam. If living my life as a liberty-conscious American makes me a “Crusader,” then so be it. Stop kowtowing to fundamentalist Islam. The Star-Spangled Banner is not a religious icon, since you want religion gone from American military bases; you cannot have your athiest desires dictate what is right and wrong to people who believe in God. Religious freedom? Why is it that everyone who claims to want that attacks Christianity? Try telling Saudi Arabia to give up all Islamic symbols in their government, see how far you get with that. Having stated my case, I now ask that you fuck off and die.

89. April 29, 2010 Dear MRFF:

Stop your bs’ing with trying to make a medical unit change their symbol. The cross has alway symbolized medical units through out the entire military. What’s next? Your going to go after the RED CROSS who helps countless people in need. Get a life!


And yes I am in the military 22 years, Senior Chief Petty Officer stationed overseas. This type of “crying” is rediculous. (name withheld)

90. April 29, 2010 I cannot believe Mikey Weinstein wanting to remove a cross from an emblem. It’s nothing more than that of the devil!! That’s what the devil is trying to do. But of course we are in the end times so go ahead. Evidently anyone who has the gall to do such a thing must surely not be a saved person on their way to Heaven!!!!!!!!!! I for one will not be seeing any of these ridiculous people in hell!

91. April 29, 2010 You people are not American in my mind or forget how America was formed so I think you should leave this free country immediately! Your freedom to live here has been taken from you now go and don’t look back. Try Russia…..or any of those other countries that quell religious freedom.

Good bye fools!

92. April 29, 2010 you realize that you will soon need oxygen and find that it is time to remove your respective heads from your respective rectums maybe said oxygen just might cause a few rational synapses to fire and cause you to do something useful. Perhaps the former army officer in Texas is your hero at this time, but we are fighting a war against MUSLIM TERRORISTS. Get it through your warped bleeding heart liberal excuses for minds or leave the country for those who care to defend it. GET A LIFE!! Unrespectfully, (name withheld)

93. April 29, 2010 I will first say that I disagree with the belief of your foundation for a separation of church and state, and the removal of all religion from the military. In the last 16 years there have been many instances where that faith has been the only thing to get me though my deployments. Times when you have a great personal struggle and the Chaplain’s words can be the force that allows you to recover. That being said I do however defend your freedom to say what you believe, as is guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. What I have not found though is this Constitutional law that separates


Church and State. So I ask that you, being that you are a lawyer and I am but a humble enlisted man, would put on your website the actual cite from the constitution or any amendments of said document. I’m not asking for the legal precedent, because that could just be someone’s interpretation, but the black and white statement itself that you so often refer to. I would ask that you place this not in a reply, but give it a permanent home with a link from your front page. This way instead of a vague reference those of who disagree with you can read the law for ourselves. Remember the judicial branch is a check and balance for the other two, and this is a republic. Popular opinion is not law, which I’m sure you often rely on. So instead of all the name calling and other useless post you show in your inbox, let’s replace it with a logical and well thought out discussion. I welcome the challenge.

Respectfully, (name withheld)

94. April 29, 2010 Mikey, This is a Christian country no matter what your President says. You are wreaking havoc. I would not want to be you come judgement day.

95. April 29, 2010 I’m curious how you can balance the supposed purpose of your organization – which according to your web site says: “The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is dedicated to ensuring that all members of the United States Armed Forces fully receive the Constitutional guarantee of religious freedom to which they and all Americans are entitled by virtue of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment” – with fighting so hard to keep Franklin Graham from speaking at an event? I thought part of my religious freedom was to able to choose whether I wanted to go and listen or stay away? Instead – because of people like you – really few in number – the supposed “rights” that you say you are fighting to protect have been limited and excluded from me. Makes no sense. Would love to hear an explanation. Respectfully, (name withheld) COL (Ret), US Army

96. April 29, 2010


I’m sorry but you people are pathetic, and I take great offense to you trying to remove a religious symbol that does nothing to hurt anyone, nor affects the outcome of how the Army base, (Fort Carson) operates, or functions as well as the troops assigned to this base. If it annoys someone, DON”T LOOK AT IT!!! This symbol represents the Christianity that saved my soul as well as millions of others. There is absolutely nothing negative about it. Who the heck are you to try and destroy that which the vast majority enjoy to satisfy a measly few. You call yourselves watch dogs, what a joke. We don’t need you, the military doesn’t need you. They were doing fine before you came along. Leave the symbol alone! It hurts no one!!!

97. April 29, 2010 You people are out of your minds. You have no idea what this country was founded on . You all can’t be that ignorant that you don’t know why this country was founded for in the first place. It was freedom of religion not from religion.

98. April 29, 2010 I read the article about the “Army symbol is religious, should be changed”… you people need to get a life… I’m not Christian and I don’t see this symbol as religious. People’s religions and beliefs make who they are, regardless of what they look like on the outside. Seeing as how your group is up in a bunch about some symbol, it tells me your religious beliefs taught you to be close minded. And separation of Church and state was put in place to keep the government out of people religious rights, not the other way around… if it was to keep religion out of government, every single people in Washington would have to leave government because in one form or another they have some kind of religious beliefs. What every their God is, Money, politics… ect, they have some religious beliefs and thus are pushing their beliefs on someone else… like your wanting to change a symbol of some military group. You people need to find something productive to do, try doing what they Red Cross does, go help someone. Oh no… The Red Cross uses the word Cross in their name… it must be religious… I will send a comment to my congress men and women… if a non-profit is not actually helping other people… they should have their non-profit status pulled… spending time like this it not to help anyone, and should not be considered and kind of non-profit group. only a fake religious group to push hate of others.

99. April 29, 2010 Why don’t you jerks go to Russia or China to do your thing(sic). Personally I think you all are a bunch of losers, liberals and what ever that want to destroy just what the US of A stands for. We don’t need nor want your type here in the USA. Why don’t you worry about your own house before trying to mess up everything else. Losers,


whiners and what ever else you are and I am trying to be polite. If you are so worried about the Muslims, go over there and try to help them….

100. April 29, 2010 You people are the reason terrorism is spreading. They know you have no backbone for a belief in anything. The terrorist can intimidate you into making this country neutral on everything. Hopefully you go broke. (name withheld)

101. April 29, 2010 I think it is ridiculous to want to remove the cross from Evans Army Community Hospital at Fort Carson. You are in the minority when it comes to condemning Christianity in this country. I am sure you are also in the minority at this hospital. You really should be ashamed of yourself. People like you are bringing this country down. God Bless America! –(name withheld)

102. April 29, 2010 When Iran bombs the Jewish nation into dust it won’t bother you will it. Heck no, dude you are in America. You all be sure and keep them nasty Christians from bad mouthing them loving Islamic folks. By the way, is Bonnie, your wife, a full blooded German?

103. April 30, 2010 Mikey Weinstein - I would like a damn interview with you. You are proud of what you have done. Grow some balls and invite me to a discussion… But the joy I get when i realize you are put away for eternity in the Red Hot Hotel and the rest of the Muslims. keeps me going. Laugh all you want but you lose. I hope you remember this note when they shut the door, you egg sucking dog.

104. April 30, 2010 Mr Wienstien Let’s not only eliminate the National Day of Prayer, let us also free ourselves from any and all influences of religion. That would mean eliminating the following from our laws 1 all laws prohibiting theft of any kind 2 all laws prohibiting murder 3 all laws prohibiting false testimony


4 all marital laws The above listed items have their foundation based in religion. So, based on your desire and that theory, because those laws on the books are unconstitutional, I am free to steal your car, take your life, lie to the authorities about it, and sleep with your wife. Just an english lesson to you on the meaning of the words of and from Entry Word: of Function: preposition Meaning: 1 earlier than — see before 1 2 having to do with Main Entry: from Pronunciation: \ˈfrəm, ˈfräm also fəm\ Function: preposition Etymology: Middle English, from Old English from, fram; akin to Old High German fram, adverb, forth, away, Old English faran to go — more at fare Date: before 12th century 1 a —used as a function word to indicate a starting point of a physical movement or a starting point in measuring or reckoning or in a statement of limits b —used as a function word to indicate the starting or focal point of an activity 2 —used as a function word to indicate physical separation or an act or condition of removal, abstention, exclusion, release, subtraction, or differentiation 3 —used as a function word to indicate the source, cause, agent, or basis

The 1st amendment guarantees me freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion. In other words I can talk, pray and worship publicly to the god of my choice without government intervention. Both you and Judge Crabb must have been snorting something behind the bleachers during American History class to miss that very important lesson. Just to piss the both of you off I am going to encourage our troops to pray on May 6th on base. I DARE you to stop me

105. April 30, 2010 Dear MRFF: I have just read that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation asked the Army this week to change the emblem of Evans Army Community Hospital at Fort Carson, outside Colorado Springs because it looks too much like a cross. I am wondering if you are thinking about protesting the crosses that are used in the military


cemeteries which identify the soldiers that died so you could carry on such frivolous BS.

106. April 30, 2010 E mail to Mr. Weinstein: Your pious stance on the importance of symbolism is completely invalidated by your obfuscation of the flag of the United States of America on the header in your Website. A pentagon filled with the stars and stripes is a bastardization of the symbol of my country. You took the symbol and twisted it for your own purposes. Your claim that the only symbol that should be used on an American Armed Forces uniform should be the American Flag is undermined by your use of our flag for your own purposes. You people are a bad joke. Grow up and find real work you moron.




108. April 30, 2010 You know, with all respect for your right to express your ideas and to be Jewish and have Christian associates in the org you have here. After reading to posts and articles I cannot help but think that yours is one more organization that uses the “Religious Freedom” name to take away religious freedoms from the one religion that is actually the foundation for you to be able to express your ideas. The Christian faith, the true Christian faith is not hateful of spiteful EVER. So, those that call you names are at fault for doing so. Now, since I said that I must say that the Constitutation NOWHERE has the “separation of church and state” in it. But you know this I am sure and exploit the ignorance of the ones that do not. The anti- Christian movement is spreading and even when it is not specific the movement to remove the freedom of the Christians will result in the rights of the Jewish people going down the tubes too. I am a Retired Air Force NCO and al the time in the military I saw the erosion of these freedoms, first overseas and then at base chapels in the States to the point that we had to go to off base fellowships if we wanted to have true freedom of the expression of our Christian faith. THe history of this country shows that if not for the Christian faith this country would not exist. This history is easily found if one looks for it. Just want you to know that I pray for you and your org that it will repent and come to the truth of the warfare that surrounds us, both Christian and Jew. I pray for the peace of Jerusalem, but that The Lord of Eternity, the Eternal One, will silence the ones that resist Him. Proverbs 30:4 In His Service, (name and rank withheld) I have but a single purpose for my life, To know Jesus & to make Jesus known.



April 30, 2010 Call your self a military man………………??? How can you even be tied to a entity who wishes to remove the greatest example of love ever given…………All that you as a military man, is supposed to be about is the willingness to lay down your life for the lesser few who are unable to fight for their own freedom……the greatest sacrifice………to give one’s life for someone you never knew or may never meet……………That is what Jesus did…………And the Cross exemplifies this example to what the military is supposed to stand for……….and you want to change that…………..????? Only a Polluck could even think of even putting forth such a stupid idea…………….

110. April 30, 2010 To the MRFF staff:

I think your organization would be more accurately named “The Military Religious Restrictions Foundation”

Its a sad commentary that people like you try to erase a large part of the heritage of this country by suing to remove crosses or words that our founding fathers used and endorsed . You so mis-interpete the meaning of the phrase of not promoting the establishment of religion and do so much damage to the character of this country that I detest you and your cause.

(name withheld)

111. April 30, 2010 Dear MRFF: Please use your energy on something useful. My dad was in the US Air force for over 28 years. We have bigger fish to fry and larger problems to solve. (name withheld)

112. May 1, 2010 To All at MRFF, I was sad and disappointed to read the article regarding your attempts to change the medical unit’s crest. I looked at your website and was disappointed even further. How sad for all of you that your purpose in life is to shut out God. There may come a time in your lives when you realize the errors of your ways and, at that point, you may be too old or may have gone too far to atone for what you’ve done. I feel sorry for all of you. You surround yourselves with others who are equally misguided in life, so you lose sight of how pathetic your existence really is.


I have also noticed a lack of references to Islam. What are your thoughts on those of Islamic faith growing beards and other religious-based uniform changes? Not ready to tackle that yet, are you? I guess it’s only Christianity you are persecuting. That makes your organization that much more sad and pathetic. There is a special place in Hell for all of you associating yourselves with this organization. Finally, I deeply resent your using the military in the name of your organization–you do not represent me, my country, or the military. Maybe I’ll petition to have the word “military” removed from your title. Regards, (name withheld) US Army In God I Trust

113. May 2, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein; I don’t know what to say, I’m flabbergasted. My wife and I have just finished viewing “Constantines Sword”. I am sorry that your kids had to put up with that intimidation and harassment, I truly am. I no longer have any use for man controlled religions, my Love for GOD is beyond them. To quote some scripture “This love is beyond the study of theology, that old trickery and hypocrisy, if you want to improve your mind that way…sleep on”. I have no idea what I could do to assist you, but if anything comes to mind drop me an e-mail. If you happen to come down to the southeast coast of Florida, you’re welcome at this house …. All our love, (names withheld)

114. May 2, 2010 Mickey

Since when is a patch conflicting with the separation of church and government.. It’s a patch stupid. Quit reading things into it that aren’t there. Why not concentrate on worthwhile projects like helping to stem the flow of illegal aliens into our country. Why aren’t you after the government for not securing the border? For not sending those here illegally, back to where they came from? Why not seek out deportation of those illegal aliens instead of some measly patch that has been in use for generations? You would really be doing something then. (name withheld)

115. May 6, 2010 Dear MRFF: Things sure would be a lot simpler if groups like yours would find something constructive to do with thier time. I’ll warrent that there isn’t a single person that you are representing that has even seen combat, because if they had, then they


would know that there isn’t such a thing as a “foxhole athiest”. This country was founded on Christian values, and remained as such until recently, as expressed by your president. For the record, islam is the most evil and vile cult that our planet has ever seen. I can’t believe an American such as yourself would condemn the speeches of a Christian Preacher, but not those of the hate-spewing heathens otherwise known as imams. You should be proud of yourself. Signed, (name withheld)

116. May 6, 2010 To Whom It May Concern, I believe your organization is grossly misguided in the Franklin Graham Pentagon prayer breakfast issue. If you think his remarks regarding Islam were strong, whatever do you feel about the remarks made by militant Islamics who call America (including you and your organization) things like “the Great Satan”? You do not know the full extent of what you are defending. I agree with equal representation for ALL religions at our Pentagon prayer breakfasts, especially the country’s founding religion of Christianity. To exclude this one religion shows your lack of tolerance. Respectfully, (name withheld)

117. May 6, 2010 Dear MRFF: I’m a Disabled military Veteran and i you made a HUGE mistake. Regarding your prejudice against Rev. Graham and his remarks about Islam, why don’t you enlighten us all as to what EXACTLY he said that is NOT true about the Muslim practice? You can’t, can you? was it the part about orthodox Muslim followers beating their wives? or honor killings? the beheadings on TV and the Internet? exactly WHAT part wasn’t accurate? You and the South Park writers all just bent over and cow-towed to a few, unjustified Muslim outcries and to YOUR GOD, Mr. Obama, and the media zealots that can’t stop congratulating themselves having a Muslim as President of the US? You are not only unenlightened, you are COWARDS and lackeys. Did you like the big pats on the back you got as YOUR GOD’s lapdogs? Remind me to watch on Judgement Day as you get to explain the outright censorship and unfair treatment of a man that has more grace and good heartedness in his little


finger than you have in your entire soul, you ignorant wimp! The proof will be in the pudding, so to speak. (name withheld)

118. May 6, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein you are a classic example as to what happens when you give an idiot a degree, I’ll have you know that as a retired military person, we have served God and country since the beginning of our country, now the question is just who the hell are you to try to come in and try to change things around, you must be from California because only a Californian with their fucking liberal ideas, and their over-bloated sense of self-importance would come up with something like that.

I would strongly suggest that you concentrate on fixing real problems you know the stuff that other idiots with degrees have messed up, this country (and I realize that they didn’t teach this in yuppie school, especially in California) but it was founded on religous freedoms and Biblical principals, and yes I realize that they don’t honor God in California because they’re too busy being under the dilusion that they are God, which is one reason why that State along with the west coast are in a sad state of affairs.

I strongly suggest you reexamine your priorites and get a real life

Sincerely yours

(name withheld)

119. May 6, 2010 Mikey, Your banner on the web site proudly proclaims the following “When one proudly dons the US Military uniform there is only 1 religious symbol, the American flag” Well then Mikey,rove you are not just an anti Christian hypocrite and sue the Army to prevent the Sikhs from wearing their religious symbols while in uniform. Now, I have nothing against the Sokhs, glad they are serving, BUT if you are to live by your own words, you should sue to stop them from wearing these religious symbols while in uniform. But you won’t…because they’re not conservative Christians and are therefore immune from your hate. They are not as your hate filled regional director has called conservative Christians “vile and inhumane”..”lemmings with no


formal education”. (name withheld)

120. May 6, 2010 To Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Your group’s actions in the news recently is causing me great consern. Stop what you are doing NOW

121. May 6, 2010 Mr. Weinstein: I think it’s shameful what you do! (name withheld)

122. May 6, 2010 To MRFF staff: Things sure would be a lot simpler if groups like yours would find something constructive to do with thier time. I’ll warrent that there isn’t a single person that you are representing that has even seen combat, because if they had, then they would know that there isn’t such a thing as a “foxhole athiest”. This country was founded on Christian values, and remained as such until recently, as expressed by your president. For the record, islam is the most evil and vile cult that our planet has ever seen. I can’t believe an American such as yourself would condemn the speeches of a Christian Preacher, but not those of the hate-spewing heathens otherwise known as imams. You should be proud of yourself. Signed, (name withheld)

123. May 7, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

How unfortunate that you and your organization “blackballed” Franklin Graham from the Pentagon on May 6th! In doing so, you yourself have opened a proverbial can of worms…the very guilt that you cast on Mr. Graham, you now own. The comment comparing Mr. Graham to “crazy aunt Bertha in the attic” was hateful & divisive and it shone a giant spotlight on your heart. You have no idea what religious freedom is until you face your own hang-ups against Christ and his followers in the Christian faith…Called to speak the truth in LOVE, no matter what the cost.


It would be wise of you to expose yourself to ALL the good and truly wonderful deeds Franklin Graham has given to thousands of people around the world (including those of the Muslim faith)! Maybe then, you won’t be so fast to cast a stone at, truly, a man of God.


(names and location withheld)

124. May 7, 2010 To MRFF:

I am an American and I am appalled at your decision to not let Franklin Graham pray at the National Day of Prayer. Since when is our freedom of speech taken away from us? It seems to me it is acceptable for others to criticize Christians as long as it’s not about the Islam religion. We wouldn’t want to offend them, now don’t we? I was proud that my son served in your army years ago, but now I am NOT proud, I am ashamed of this country and I am furious at you siding with these people that want to destroy us over Christian Americans that want only to pray for this country!!! Discard God and you shall see what is to become of America. You are giving these people power over us. How stupid can you be to let them intimate you? You well know that once you visit their country you have to abide by their rules and religion or they hang you. You are allowing them to take away our freedom of religion and our freedom of speech as to not offend them! Then I advise you To pack up and go live in their country and see how much they offend you!!!! (name withheld) An angry American!

125. May 7, 2010 Mikey, I thought you might like to know that as expected there is a lot of discussion on “edodo” about your getting the invitation for Franklin Graham withdrawn. It is nice to see that several folks have commended your actions while others of course are critical. This one comment does however stand out, referencing your fight to get the Army Hospital at Ft. Carson to alter its “Crusader Cross” logo and patch.


Military patches and symbols change all the time–and many are revised when progress and a little wisdom make us realize that they are really not that appropriate anymore. We see this sort of thing outside of the military, too. White entertainers in black-face? Funny to some in the 20s–not so much anymore. Playboy bunnies on military patches? Not many of those these days. Zig-Zag man on the ‘Barnstormin’ cadet squadron patch? Only if he has a chronic backache and a doc’s prescription in CO. We can change patches. That doesn’t mean the original designers were evil Christians imposing their will on us heathens. It just means that we’ve past that point and we want some symbol that better represents us IN THE PRESENT.

Tradition is not an excuse for continuing actions that are clearly counter to the document we’ve affirmed to defend. It wasn’t when segregation was the order of the day, and it isn’t now when an increasingly diverse society finds it disrespectful, oppressive, and counter to the current struggle to have a specific brand of superstition endorsed and announced by the PTB in an hierarchical organization pledged to non-partisanship.

Repeat after me everyone (I know someone that calls this the XXXX Doctrine): No belief system has a monopoly on honorable service, nor is any religion or belief system a necessary and sufficient condition for same.

If we could get commanders to mouth those words and think (as some are increasingly) before they ASSUME that everyone wants to hear a monotheistic invocation before an awards ceremony or that everyone NEEDS a group hug and Zombie pledge before a dangerous mission or a staff meeting, that maybe, just maybe this is a personal matter that doesn’t need or warrant advertisement and public proclamation by someone in uniform, we might be on the way to real respect and dignity for all that serve. Sincerely, (name withheld)

126. May 7, 2010 TO MRFF:

You and your group make me sick. Religion in the military is never pushed on anyone!!!!! It is there if you need it and seek it out. Out of the 12 years I have served in the United States Marine Corps I have never ever once had it pushed on me. There have been many times that I have looked for SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE and


the the Chaplin was there for me. There have been many times that I have just needed someone to talk to during stressful situations and the Chaplin was there!!!!! What you and your organization stands for makes me sick!!! How about you find something better to do with your time and all your donations, like taking care of all of our Wounded Warriors who put there lives on the line for ignorant people like you!!!!

127. May 8, 2010 TO MRFF: Freedom NOT from Religion. Freedom OF Religion. Why don’t you guys just get a job! (name withheld)

128. May 11, 2010 A note to: Mr. Michael L. Weinstein,

As a Jew living in America who found peace with God through the Christian faith, I find your hatred of Christianity appalling. You’re a disgrace to the Jewish people, and an affront to God Almighty. I will pray for your salvation.

(name withheld)

129. May 22, 2010 Mr. Weinstein: Your organization has seemed to ignore the principles of our founding fathers. I cannot believe that someone has dedicated energy and committment to your cause. Words cannot describe my level of dissapointment at the causes to which your organization has endeavored. Your intentions have been received as un- american and serving the special interests. Shame on all of you and do not call yourselves loyal Americans. Respectfully, 7th Great Grandson of a founding father and a soldier in the U.S. Army.

130. May 22, 2010 Dear MRFF: How can you support a religion, Islam that treats women as property, that condones the beatings and killing of women. That thinks nothing of stoning a women. It just seems odd that an organization supposedly dedicated to freedom would not only


support this primitive neanderthal religion but actually help enable it in our society. People seem to forget that over 3000 people were horribly murdered on 9/11. The images of people jumping to their deaths still haunts my memory. Have you forgotten them? (name withheld)

131. May 30, 2010 Dear Mike Stryer, president of the PACIFIC PALISADES DACM (democrat assholes of Californica mob):

I want to thank you for supporting my decision to dump the DEMONCRAT Party and become an Independent, because all you dark glassed honked-ear types proved me correct by your decision to dis-invite a true non-partisan American Hero to be your speaker to a bunch of proven lame-brains who thrive on lies and half-truths, like is proven for the dem party especially over the past 2 years.

I am a retired USMC LtCol who came up thru the ranks from Pvt USMC, and served in three wars that you fat ass civilians started and we patriotic Marines, serving and responding to you fat ass civilians as our Beloved Constitution orders us to do, and getting my own ass shot off in one of the wars. You have absolutely no idea of how much good Mr. Mikey Weinstein has done, and is doing for our military which is now being made an armed-to-the-teeth religious war arm for the radical right evangelic christians. I am a Catholic who knows first hand what is happening in our Military. And by the way I have a Masters Degree in Political History. Try doing research, if you even know what research means. You might even try doing just a little research, if you can find the time away from your golf and tennis, to find out that Mikey Weinstein, A True American Non-Partisan Hero, did work in the White House during the Reagan (not Regan as you think it is spelled) administration, on official orders from the USAF. Of course he said he was proud to have served the country during the Iran Contra affair. HE SERVED BY SUPPORTING THE CASE AGAINST, NOT FOR. That’s another reason that you should have honored him, even though he was under military orders and doing his job (25 YEARS AGO, dummies) TRY DOING SOME RESEARCH, ASSHOLES). YOU ALL SHOULD BE HANGING YOUR HEADS IN SHAME__if you have any conscience at all, which I doubt.

(name withheld)



June 2, 2010 Mikey, being the liberal that you are the very people who wish to recognize you are already apoligetic! about wahwhat?? typical demo-krap for brainz and the bain of ther 21 century. thank GOD the assholes will be out of ther system at the next election. so the nigger fucked up again, oh!oh!oh! it was THE BUSHGUY!!?? why can-not niggers take the responsibility for their own fAILURES. WE GAVE THEM FREEDOM AND THEY SRTTILL WANT TOO TAKE THE ELEVATOR INSTEAD OF THE STRIRS LIKE ALL THE RST OF US??!! WAS JUDAS QUEER? have fun out there with the wet pantiez pull-pussy and all her wqueer friend,. by the way; leave the queers alone in the military… some of my besss frenzz are queer. tell those weak rectums too make another sociual; disorder, like fill the well/hole NIGGER.god bless america,yours in christ,support my troops.your buddy

133. June 15, 2010 Dear MRFF,

I would be honored to take any bible verse into battle if I were a soldier and I believe contrary to what you printed that more are happy about it than unhappy. When are people going to stop referring to separation of church and state and read the Bill of Rights which guarantees us the freedom to exercise our religion? There is absolutely nothing, nothing in the Constitution or Bill of Rights that says separation of church and state. It simply says that the State, meaning the Federal Govt. doesn’t have the right to establish a certain religion like Britain did with the Church of England and then persecuted those who were not of that faith. That was why people came here so that they could practice the religion of their choice but the way it is today, your group and others want to stop the free exercise of religion in the name of something that never existed – a phrase of Separation of Church and State. That does not appear anywhere except in a letter Jefferson wrote to a friend and that is not a legal document. However, those who want to take away religious freedom have twisted it to their desires. Are you going to print this? No, probably not so where is our guaranteed right to disagree and freedom of speech.

(name withheld)

134. July 11, 2010 Hello, I first found out about you and your foundation when I was reading about the Trijicon scopes that were inscribed with Bible verses. First and foremost, I truly


think that if you think scopes shouldn’t have bible verses on them then you should not be permitted to use US currency since it says “In God We Trust” if you won’t use a scope with a Bible verse on it then you should have NO American money. If no one has noticed that these scopes had verses on them in over 30 years then whats the big deal about it now? 76% of the United States is Christian, 76% of the United States pray for our Troops daily. Aren’t you glad that over half the United States takes time everyday to pray for them? Whether you believe in God or not it should at least make you happy that somewhere at any given time someone is praying for your son (if he is still in the Air Force)? If for one second you can tell me that doesn’t make the feel anything at all then you my sir do not deserve to live in the United States. I understand that not everyone is Christian and everyone has a choice to believe in whatever they want, well I specifically read on your Facebook page that your goal was not to take Religion out of the Military. If that was truly your goal then why would you care if a scope had a tiny barely noticeable Bible verse on it? You are trying to take Religion out of the Military! I really don’t need to go on anymore than I already have (if you even take the time to read it). I think you can tell from my message that I absolutely DO NOT agree with your foundation or anything about it. No wonder your against Religion your a Jew,you WERE God’s Chosen People and all you did was deny him, and then you wonder why the Holocaust happened?!? HUMMM….I think if you told a second grader the facts on this he could tell you exactly why it happened! Sorry to bother you with my EXTREMIST views……ohh and by the way my subject for this email was a little off but I thought it was the only way you could take time “from your busy day” to read it. (name withheld) “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.”

135. September 1, 2010 Regarding MRFF’s 2010 Nobel Peace Prize Nominations:

Its appropriate…they gave the award to Barack bin Obush after all. So giving this same award to a bunch of Hegel-worshiping, collectivist/statists disguised in “secular” camouflage is consistent.

136. September 1, 2010


Dominion is here jew-boy (and tools of the jews) get used to it. It will start on Wall Street (Jew Street) and it will finish in Washington (Jewshington). Have a nice day JEW-BOY!

137. September 1, 2010 Non-Dominionists shouldnt try to enter the military…just go away, go back to your Television and leave us Dominionists alone. Stay away before things get “worst”, there are 2 kind of people, those who are awake and against the (J)New World Order and those who arent…there will be a time when those who arent, will simply become too troublesome and the standard persuasion techniques will not be used anymore. Do everyone a favour and stay away from the Military.

138. September 1, 2010 Victories?! LOL…you are too little too late. Its so easy to bypass your pathetic totalitarian organization, the irony is that we learned a lot from you devils, we replicate and improved all the techniques you use to conquer society. Army is ours, Navy is ours, Air Force is ours (including the big firecrackers) the only thing that isnt ours is the Marines because they are mostly a bunch of butch-faggots just like the Greeks were (i heard Kissinger loves his Marines if you know what i mean…) You think we were going to let you do to us what you did to the Russians? Those FEMA camps are going to be used…the problem for you is that instead of commies being the guards its going to be Christians.

139. September 5, 2010 What's the real number and why are jewish lives more precious than Christian lives? Where are the museums dedicated to the Ukrainian victims of jewish Bolshevism? Jews lie as naturally as they breathe. Did you know that B Disraeli was the only jewish PM of England. Except that he was a practicing Christian from the age of 12 forward. Or are jews a race after all?

140. September 8, 2010 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

For every Quran you buy, I will buy two and burn both, after I use several pages to clean my toilet with. Hell, I might even throw in an imam or two just to add flavor to the books. HELLLLL…i might as well just throw dog feces into the first mosque I come to. Who knows…maybe you will be at one of the mosques.

(name and e mail address withheld)


141. September 25, 2010 Its coming Mikey, get ready


142. October 12, 2010 This commenter on our website charmingly named himself “Talmud Trasher”

Go back to IsraHELL and take your Nazi racist-supremacist Talmud with you jewBOY!!

143. October 30, 2010 To Mikey, You sound more like freedom from God is your banner. You would have been one of he few who wouldn’t have put the blood of the lamb on your doorpost in Egypt. An atheist who is so plagued by mere mention of Jesus is fighting to silence what is really inside himself. In other words your at war with God. With the Jews back in their land’ Israel, as predicted in many places in the bible (Eze. 37 being one) you can know that the Lord still has his hand in the affairs of man. He will show himself strong very soon and make the world know that the Jews are his people and Israel is their land. Also check out Psalms 60 and 108 and you will see that the West Bank and Gaza belong to the Lord and his people the Jews. God Bless You All at MRFF, (name withheld)

144. November 19, 2010 Dear Mikey:

If ignorance is bliss, You must be the happiest man alive!

(name withheld)

145. December 16, 2010 Good luck-you and I will be long dead by the time our military could be viewed as anything but a Christian fighting force. You are wasting your and your family's lives, barking at the moon.


146. December 16, 2010 After your black heart stops and you are lost forever away from God there will be another take your place. There are many more Assanges in the World than Tillmans.

Nevertheless, neither will we ever stop rooting out you and your ilk and rendering you harmless. Ultimately, good and love always win over evil and hate.

See you in the streets.

147. December 18, 2010 You know, Mickey, I’ve been rethinking your request for me to keep your family out of this. Because of my ethical standards, I at first acquiesced. However, after reading article after article after article where you are quoted using your son, your wife, your daughter-in-law, you son’s estranged father-in-law as pawns and tools in your selfish, paranoid obsession-I have changed my mind. Why should I respect them when you don’t? Nope-not gonna comply with your whining and begging. And you know what?- it is because you’ve already brought them into it- proactively and voluntarily. If you cared so much about them you yourself would have kept them out of it, but no-as long as it helps to enforce your psychotic, self-centered delusions and satiate your evil compulsions you would do ANYTHING, even sacrifice your parents- no, wait…you already have! YOU HAVE NO DECENCY, NO HUMILITY OR REMORSE- NO AWARENESS OF SELF.

Bite me you bald-headed, short, impotent little mouse of a Jew. squeak squeak

BTW-what size shoe do you wear-8, 9…10? let’s see if you have enough courage to answer the question honestly. I’ll bet you don’t.

(name and location withheld)

148. December 23, 2010 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

Believe it or not you actually shocked me this morning. I saw this article and I really could not believe it. You, coward, are a traitor. You are engaged in subversion and I consider you an enemy of the State. You can believe this particular information will immediately be going our to my Christians for Cadets team of Warriors. If I were


only 30 years younger and could have had the wisdom to know what you are at such a young age—and then to see you on the battlefield or standing watch at 0300 on the deck of a ship underway…

You truly are an evil, miserable heathen. People like you, who were in the wrong place at the wrong time in history, devised things like the “final solution”, the rape of Nanking, death marches, etc… You have no limits at all-you will do anything-you are pure evil. I thank God you were born here and because of our Christian laws and beliefs have been rendered impotent and irrelevant. If you’d been born in some of the more unfortunate places in the World you would have become another Eichman, Stalin, Mao, Idi Amin-a bloodthirsty God-less animal driven by nothing but selfish desire for power.

(name and location withheld)



149. January 6, 2011 Dear MRFF:

Your organization is trying to destroy the military!!!

(name withheld)

150. January 22, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

To print your e-mail from a Marine, and the reply to it was totally unprofessional…. Makes your organization lack credibility, and is embarrassing… makes it very difficult to support your organization or take it seriously!

(name withheld)

USAR,Ret….2 combat tours in Iraq.

151. January 26, 2011 Mikey-

Thanks for causing an a disturbance regarding the Air Force Acadamy’s optional prayer luncheon speaker. I think you may be wasting your time but that’s okay–it’s your job and you feel a certain moral obligation to do so.

Speaking of moral obligations, if we were on a boat in the ocean, and we happened to be in shark-infested waters. I’d do my best to leave bananas all around the boat in hopes that you’d slip…. Just sayin.

(name withheld)

152. February 1, 2011


No wonder this country’s going in the toilet! With organizations such as yourself, and then calling yourself patriots and or soldiers? Your no better than that communist organization that calls itself the ACLU.

Very poor use of the courts to forward an anti christian agenda.

Go back to your history books and find out where this country came from.

(name withheld)

153. February 1, 2011 Comment to Colo. Springs Gazette Story about MRFF and Co-Plaintiffs Fed’l Lawsuit vs. USAF Academy

10:44 AM on February 1, 2011

If the AFA invited an Islamic Cleric to explain to cadets how and why Islam and its Koran considers all non-Muslims, including Christians Infidels, and how fatwas work and who can issue them, by that rotten AFA grad Weinstein’s logic, that would a violation of the Constitution.

Even if is it was for TRAINING PURPOSES. 99% of ALL Americans, and all US Military personnel who have not been to Afghan or Iraq and gotten SPECIFIC training on how and why Islamic terrorists do what they do, are ignorant of the basic belief system of our SWORN ENEMIES! In today’s world any military officer wanna-be that does NOT know all the religions including his own is not fit for command. And that goes for you athiests too.

Weinstein should be recalled to active duty, sent to GROUND duty in Afganistan, and be required to wear the Star of David on his helmet so the Islamic radicals know what HE believes in.

154. February 2, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

Pity the man who rages at God because of perceived injustices from His hand. He gave you life, ears to hear with and breath in your lungs – and yet you rage because you cannot tolerate the fact that He requires obedience and morality from His creation. You look at creation and deny the Creator, all the while knowing deep in your conscience that He exists and that all of creation testifies to that fact. Pity you who have no hope and yet feel the need to foster that hopelessness in the hearts of others. Regardless of whether you hate Him or deny Him, He loves you – yes, even YOU !


(name withheld)

155. February 2, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein:

I guess this means that you hypocrites don’t want people praying for you that you will see the Truth so that you and your families won’t go to hell. How sad! (name withheld)

156. February 17, 2011 Hey, Mikey. Get a Life.

Whether you like it or not, this country was founded on religious freedom, centered on Christianity. You seem bound and determined to find any excuse to expose any Christian military member who choose to exercise this right while in uniform. Should we also rid ourselves of the Chaplains who provide spiritual guidance? Should we further insist and enforce upon spiritual neutrality on all our service members? Sorry, but I believe the time and resources you have spent and caused the country to spend defending against your accusations is more than a waste. It’s a shame. I felt it was worth a few electrons to tell you so.

So, Get a Life. Who knows – maybe you’ll even find some spiritual enlightenment once you stop your obsession with this misbegotten cause? I sure hope so, for your sake.

I’ll say a prayer for you.

(name withheld)

157. March 3, 2011 Jews lie as naturally as they breathe, without even thinking about it. “Thank you for being a voice for so many men and woman in the armed forces who are unable to speak out. ”

Unable to speak out?! BS!! Who can shut them up?!

A jew decides to go to law school. What’s new? He wants to “use the law”, like you. An open admission of guilt. Another Christian hating jew. A religious jew no doubt, since everyone knows there is no such thing as race. Except the Talmud.

Feel The Hate


(name withheld)

158. March 3, 2011 Got a thing for little boys' pee, Mike the Kike? Watched 2 minutes of Faux News Sunday, with the kike Chris Wallace. His guest panel regulars? 3 kikes, a professional nigger and a bimbo blonde race traiter. No white men allowed... Why are you Dirty Jews so afraid of white Christian males?

159. March 3, 2011 Harmless? Then why do you jews obsess on “neo-nazis”? The SPLC, ADL and all the jew-media seem to be very afraid of people like me who are on to them. Your kind are the true aliens among us. So don’t forget your history. Israel can be taken out with a few well placed nukes. And Big Jew will scatter like cockroaches exposed to the light of truth.

(name withheld)

160. March 3, 2011 Jews think they wont be noticed if no one is allowed to point them out because to do so would be anti-semitic. JEW, JEW, we see you! The synagogue of Satan…

(name withheld)

161. March 3, 2011 In terms you could understand, phony jew "science", you're projecting your own inadequacies as a man, and pretending to be a patriot. You are in fact a leech and undeserving of the gift of freedom which white Christians have fought and died for. You do Satans' work when you try to deny Christians in the military the right to spread the Word. It's evil.

162. March 10, 2011 Sent to MRFF Senior Research Director Chris Rodda

Ms Idiot: That’s just about enought from your bad ass self. Who do you think you are? Let me shed light, you are a pitiful ecuse, who came first Sheen or you? I hope you don’t show up at a public function where I might be. You will not like the enhanced learning curve you’ll be put on. Father of a warrior and ex and proud of it!!!!!!! You will reap what you sow………

163. March 21, 2011


listen up, fuck you jew-boy Mikey trayter; you and your Jesus hating band of anti American MFRR scum can try all you want to keep our lord and savioyer's love of christyan power out of our USA Army but you will fail as you all are of the evil demon devil and always have been you try to stop us from bringing His grace and love to the rest of the world with the USA armd forces and especially to the arab raghead and camul jockeys and our King of kings will open can of whup ass on you MFRR jew bastrds as He has done to punihs Japan and theyr false religyuns you will all burn in hell anyways for your evilness to fight Jesus in the USA Army!

164. March 23, 2011 Mr. Mickey Wienstien, my church and its fine pastors, our congregation and my family and I all wonder how you and your MRFF helpers sleep at night? We have read the articles like the one in last month's Nation magazine about you and your wife and family and your Jewish-athiest MRFF. You have singlehandidly disgraced America and its Christian faith and culture and its Christian military. Whether you and your fellow evildoers accept it or not, America IS a CHRISTIAN NATION as it was always the ONLY plan of the founding fathers to be just that. Of course America's military MUST be a Christian military because America was always meant to be a CHRISTIAN nation. All of the founding fathers such as Washington and Adams and Franklin and Jefferson were devout followers NOT of Islam or Judiism or athiesm but of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. America is a Temple to our Lord and Savior and you and your MRFF trash dishonor and disgrace our American Temple and its Christian military with lies from Satan and secularists like a so-called separation of church and state which is NOWHERE anywhere in the constitution. And you call yourself a lawyer? Other religions can be and exist in our CHRISTIAN America but only as long as they understand that they are NOT the real reason America shines like a Beacon of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on a Hill as President Reagan said. You are a just a Jew, as we have read in the newspapers and magazines, and are allowed to be a respectful guest in Christian America and you will be tolerated and safe, along with all the other false faiths and athiests as long as you understand who and what and where you stand in regard to America's Lord and Savior. Don't you understand that America's success in spreading the good news message of Christ to its citizens and to the world depends on our military to be its example and its messengers. End your furious battle against our Lord and surrender to His grace, spirit and guidance before it becomes too late. In Jesus' name, we will pray for you and your family and MRFF to stop or be stopped. 1 Corinthians 1:18

(name and location withheld)

165. March 24, 2011 Mickey:

It never ceases to amaze me to see otherwise mature and intelligent men allow their hatred to destroy their soul. However, your sin is much worse as you have been


consumed by your hate and having allowed this to happen, you are now spewing your hatred and spreading it to all those around you. You are a despicable little elf who is eaten up with fear, resentment and false-pride.

When you write these things, do you ever re-read them at a time of less manic activity and, with a new more normal perspective, comprehend how words like “rape” and “war” and “Jim Crow” do not help your cause but only serve to clearly delineate you as a liberal, ant-Christian loon? Even most atheists know your true agenda.

I truly pray that your heart will quit or your brain will bleed-out or your liver will develop cancer. I hate you and what you are doing to our wonderful warriors and I pray God will remove you from this Earth sooner than later (really-I JUST said the prayer) so as to stop your hatred and the damage it has done and put an end to your insidious plans. I have prayed in the past for your Salvation, but having now seen that He has turned you over to your ways, I am now praying for the death of you, your followers and co-conspirators.

Over the last several months I have spent many, many hours on the phone with Paul Baranek and many others in your circle to include your filthy, vermin atheist comrades. It is a sad, sad situation you are responsible for-it is especially disheartening to see what you’ve done to your family-each and every one of them. You truly love yourself more than them. Have you no shame whatsoever? You are the most haughty, vain person devoid of any humility whatsoever that I have ever had the misfortune of encountering.

I wish I could have been there to witness the event that was the seed of your vendetta and searing hatred. Whoever it was has surely fucked you for life!! I’ll bet he laughs at you every time he sees your pain and the evil things you’ve allowed it to cause you to do. Forgive him!!! Forgive yourself!!! I implore you.

I will continue to fight you until my last breath- I will NEVER stop. Wherever you are, whatever lies and fear you are spreading, I will find you and your Christian- hating, Homosexual-loving troupe no matter where you hide and I will SEE YOU IN THE STREETS!

“Adding to his repertoire, Weinstein now appropriates terminology from the civil rights era. In response to the US Army approving a planned atheist event on its grounds — but not on the terms Weinstein wanted – Weinstein had this to say:

This is taking North Carolina back to the Jim Crow laws of the 1950’s where white people were told they can drink water from the nicest, cleanest and shiniest water fountains, can enjoy the best seating in restaurants and can sit at the front of the bus, but black people were told they had to sit in the back of the bus, at restaurant tables by the kitchen and drink from old, rusty water fountains around the back.


Not to totally break from pattern, however, Weinstein continued to appropriate the terminology of rape to his cause:

The constitutional perversion that is happening at Fort Bragg is nothing short of spiritual rape being perpetrated by fundamentalist Christian religious predators.

So the US Army approving an atheist event at Fort Bragg is spiritual rape? How does Weinstein know that the approving US Army official is even Christian? He doesn’t. He just assigns religions and followers as he sees fit, without regard to the truth.

Naturally, hosting the atheist event in an Army post’s theater (rather than the parade grounds) also aids the enemy:

This action enrages our Islamic allies, emboldens our Islamic enemies and deeply demoralizes the order and discipline within the ranks of the US Armed Services. The ironic part of that ludicrous statement is that Islam actually views atheism even less favorably than it views Christianity. Yet how many people are accusing the Army of emboldening our Islamic enemies by hosting an event for atheists?

After all that, there are still naïve people who think Michael Weinstein is really just about religious freedom. The truly sad part, however, is that there are atheists in the military and some at Fort Bragg who were looking forward to Rock Beyond Belief even if it occurred in a theatre as opposed to the parade field. While even they may not have completely liked the Army’s response to RBB, it is unlikely they wanted their superiors called spiritual rapists and predators in the national media. Weinstein, of course, has no qualms stepping on American Soldiers to make his case.

Weinstein isn’t concerned about the troops or their freedoms. His only concern is his ego, wrapped in his personal vendetta.”

(name withheld)

166. April 11, 2011 Dear Mikey: Read your Congress speech and your nothing but a jew lawyer crybaby who sucks moslems cock. Why do you love Islams more than Americans? Oh yeh, your a jew lawyer crybaby and thats why.

167. April 12, 2011 Hi You Liars, i just saw you article about Walid Shoebat, Kamal Saleem and the other ex-Terrorist and I found it false. I saw many of those lectures on you tube, even the one from the


columbia university which ur article is also talking about and it is simply false what you accuse those 3 men of! Anybody can see it on youtube, inclusive Q&A! Should u not correct ur false article, should u not tell the ppl that when walid talked about christianity on the air force academy that he was simply answering a question? Since u advocation the freedom of religion, or rather advocate antireligion, should you also denounce the fort hood killings, I have not seen anyhing of that kind and when hassan shouted “allahu akbar” he was being religious at the army, but yet you say nothing about that, you got better things to do and that is personal attacks on christians, false accusations and so on. the thing is, soon or later the truth ALWAYS leaks through and I really really hope that you will be brought to justice and that you will be judged with ZERO tolerance.

If you just were an atheists group who would be at least consistant, I still would not like your work, but I would not call you names such as thugs, low lifes, Liars, or criminals, but since you are indeed inconsistant and messure with 2 different scales, I call you all that and I wish I could speak into your face pesonally, but maybe I will sometime in the future. so, shove you lies up your filthy asses. (name withheld)

168. May 12, 2011 aw, too bad that mikey the kikey doesnt like the Wash Times calling the Air Forces Academy’s freak religins exactly what they are, FREAK Religons? of course because hes a piece of shit jew filth trying to hide behind the constittusion so he can be of his true coniving Savior killing jew nature. And demon-clever lawyer away all of our Christian rights out of our Christian country and Christian army, navy, air force and marines founded by Christians FOR Christians and BY Christians. kikey mikey doesnt like it? MFRR doesnt like it? it doesnt matter since you will all burn in hell for murdering the USA savior Jesus Christ who is not a freak religiun unlike jews and islams and hundis and buddists and athists and all the other homo freaks you try to replace peaceful American Christians with. mikey the kikey mikey the kikey mikey the kikey mikey the kikey see you soon

(name withheld)

169. May 16, 2011 “Satan-Totally-Owns-Poor-Mikey’s-Religious-Freedom-Foundation.” But as Mickey and the MRFF will find out this coming Saturday, May of the twenty-first day, Judgment Day is finally upon him and the MRFF. Repent Now this instant. You must do this jewish Mikey and the MRFF before your time is run out. Surrender now to your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and confess the countless sin of your evil works and evil fleshes and of your demonic Islam and athiest organization of herutics. Your


commanded to obey and may not resist unless you wish for the Lord and Savior to send you all to burn in the Hell which is what you deserve for your works of Satan. At the name of Jesus, every knee of every creature on Earth and in heaven shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord of all. (Philipians 2: 8-11) Your going to see the Lords judgment, jewish Mickey and his evil family and evil MRFF. Halleluya!

(name withheld)

170. May 31, 2011 UN-AMERICANS FIGHT FRANKLIN GRAHAM ! What kind of wine has Mikey Weinstein been drinking? As an anti-Christian Jewish supremacist and as the president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, he’s doing all he can to create an anti-Jewish backlash and help bring about the predicted endtime Holocaust of Jews that’ll be worse than Hitler’s. Neither Falwell, Hagee nor any other Christian initiated this prediction. But Weinstein’s ancient Hebrew prophets did. In the 13th and 14th chapters of his Old Testament book, Zechariah predicted that after Israel’s rebirth ALL nations will eventually be against Israel and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed! Malachi revealed the reasons: “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this.” Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the hate-filled back-stabbing by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher etc.) against followers of Jesus such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Weinstein wouldn’t dare assert that citizens on government property don’t have freedom of speech or press freedom or freedom to assemble or to petition the government. But God-hater Weinstein maliciously wants to eliminate from government property the “free exercise” of religion – especially by evangelicals – a freedom found in the same First Amendment. Significantly, this freedom was purposely listed FIRST by America’s founders! And Weinstein wouldn’t try to foist “separation of church and state” on strongly-Jewish Israel, but he does try to foist this non-Constitution-mentioned phrase on strongly-Christian America. In light of Weinstein’s Jewish protectionism and violently anti-Christian obsession, Christians in these endtimes synagogues ye shall be beaten.” Maybe it’s time for some modern Paul Reveres to saddle up and shout “The Yiddish are Coming!” PS – Some, like Weinstein, are so treacherously anti-Christian they will even join hands at times with enemies, including Muslims, in order to silence evangelicals. It was Weinstein, BTW, who put pressure on the Pentagon to dis-invite Franklin Graham from speaking there on the National Day of Prayer! PPS – Weinstein is an echo of the anti-Christian, anti-American Hollywood which for a century has dangled every known vice before young people. We seriously wonder how soon the lethal worldwide “flood of filth” (global harming!) that Hollywood has created will engulf and destroy itself and help to bring to power the endtime Antichrist (a.k.a. the Man of Sin and the Wicked One)!



June 14, 2011 This is a gas, Mickey!!

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy watching your little tantrums result in nothing but frustration. Keep burning yourself out, you short little God-less loser!

(name withheld)

172. June 15, 2011 Our nation and it’s soldiers yearn for the sweet and nurturing love of Christ Jesus. And only our Savior, to give us the military might and leadership to smite Satan and the gays and the Lord of Lies’ moslem and atheist armies of evil. This clever judas lawyer Weinstien’s real father is Satan. It is the Word of our Lord. And his witch wife and demon spawn children are too of Satan (John 8:44). And MFRR henchmen are as well. They all so eagerly fly to stand in direct conflict with our Son of Man, Christ Jesus. They are of Darkness. They fight only for islamist and atheists and queers and false Christians. They fight for Satan. But our Lord is an awesome Lord. Every true American citizen soul to Jesus in this Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave will rejoice and feast when our Lord hurls judas Weinstien and his hosts to there second deaths into the depths of the Fire Lake of eternal damnation. (Revelation 20:14) As it is written it shall be done.

(name withheld)

173. June 22, 2011 Know Jesus, know Peace. No Jesus, no peace. Know Weinstein, know satan. No Weinstein, no satan. (Colossians 2:15)

(name withheld)

174. June 30, 2011 Can’t stand that freedom of speech thing, can you, kike? Move to Europe, maybe you could have me arrested for hate speech. That’s how much you love this country and the Constitution. And quit calling us anti-Semites, since most of us have no particular beef with Arabs. You’re a gasbag who wouldn’t have the guts to walk into my house.

(name withheld)

175. July 5, 2011


KIKEy Weinstein, ambASSador Joe Wilson, Mike-The Kike Lover-Farrell, Ed ASSner and Reza ASSlan. Unhappy Forth of July. None of you are real Americans. You will all burn for all eternity in hellfire. John 3:36

(name withheld)

176. August 3, 2011 Dear MRFF:

For a group that preaches tolerants in relegious freedom and freedom from relegion. I would have to say you people are the least tolerant, in seeing other peoples points of view.

(name and e mail address withheld)

177. August 3, 2011 Dear MRFF:

4 years in US Marines, you my friend are a piece of real SHIT. if you do not love this country than get out. stop trying to distroy it. cant wait until the 2012 election so we can get rid of all you liberal cry babys. maybe our country can be great again. you make me sick.

(name withheld)

178. August 3, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I recently read about a complaint that was filed by your organisation with regards to a class taught by the US Air Force. I am just a bit baffled by your position on this matter as it appears that your complaint is centered about the quotation of Biblical passages. There is of course no such thing as a ‘separation of church and state’ found in the US Constitution, and likewise there is no separation of the state and religion in the US Constitution. Beyond those matters of simple English and history lies the fact that merely quoting a religious source does in no way establish a religion by the State. I would assume that you agree with certain protections against the US federal government from the establishment of a religion, and on that matter I agree with you. But there is also not only the free practice clause, but also the fact that using various religious materials would not only be somewhat normalised, but would also be expected. We are a people who believe in the freedom of education and information which should include, not exclude, information from various sources. I am quite troubled by your insertion of foreign wording and thoughts into the US


Constitution and then expecting the Air Force and federal government to pay heed to your gross misreading of the US Constitution.

(name withheld)

179. August 3, 2011 MRFF: Die you fucking jews

(name withheld)

Why do all you Jews always get expelled from every Country that lets you in? You’re a fucking minority in America, most Americans are Christian, if you don’t like that then go get gassed or go something else you fucking kike.

Sooner or later it’s a reality, Don’t you love how America is waking up to all your little tricks. You think you won be will def have the last laugh kike.

180. August 3, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

“But the watchdog group, Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said the course violated the constitutional separation of church and state and filed a complaint last Wednesday on behalf of 31 missile launch officers – both instructors and students. ”

Fox News

Do you clowns realize there is NO “Constitutional separation of church and state”????? The whole idea of separation between church and state is actually from a letter that Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Danbury Baptist Association in 1802. “…I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” Jefferson reflected his frequent speaking theme that the government is not to interfere with religion. The ONLY reference in the US Constitution is in the First Amendment – “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”

Sounds like you are just as ill-informed and willing to promote FALSE ideology in order to promote a progressive, socialistic agenda as any other liberal, socialist or fascist group out there.

Albeit according to Mickey Weinstein, the military uniform is a religious symbol and American Patriotism is the only one religious faith when in uniform [as i understand


his words], then you should be promoting the removal of all military uniforms and condemning American Patriotism as that is also supported by the military since you are complaining about the “Christian-Themed Ethics Training Program” under the myth of your “Constitutional separation of church and state.” complaint.

Methinks you do more harm than good, not only to the military but also for those the military serves and protects. I welcome your comments on my thoughts.

(name withheld)

181. August 3, 2011 Dear MRFF:

Separation of church and state is not possible. Without religion, we have no morals or ethics. The government is made up of “we the people”. Last time I checked, most people practice religion. Hard to separate religion and belief from people.

Groups like yours will ruin our country.

(name withheld)

182. August 3, 2011 Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

You are a Marxist front organization You will be defeated. You will close.

(name withheld)

183. August 3, 2011 Dear Mikey Winstein:

Read article on Fox News relative to your having an Air Force military program that included reference to scriptures, both Old and New testament, at least temporarily suspended. Dorks like yourself and the mentally and spiritually challenged persons, assuming you all are persons, do not know what the hell you are talking about. there is no “separation of church and state” in the constitution, nor was that Jefferson’s intent in the Danbury letter. One of these days you derelicts of society are going to literally crap in your drawers when King Jesus, who incidentally is and will come back as a warrior, actually comes back, and if you are not ready, I pitty your sorry derrieres


(name and e mail address withheld)

184. August 3, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Thanks for making people of faith look like quacks, and mindless creatures. IF you think you have done favors for the military you are fooling yourselves. In combat there are few atheists, and few who wouldn’t like to have faith in something. When the going gets tough it would be incredibly naïve to think the end is hopeless and not stand and fight for all your beliefs. Boo to you and your organization. I pray one day you will have the faith to look up and see redemption before it is too late. I stand for Jesus Christ, I live for Jesus Christ, and I will die preaching for Jesus Christ. To do otherwise would be betraying the one who made this country great! Think I am wrong? Remember we are all created equal, with unalienable rights endowed by our creator. The whole point of our very existence. We will be praying for you folks. We hope you realize that a truly religious Christian fanatic will die in your place rather than let someone of another faith kill because they want to force their beliefs on the rest of the world.

(name withheld)

185. August 3, 2011 Hi Chris,

This is concerning your pressing of the Air Force Chaplains to remove bible passages from their course. I would like to know why you all are dragging your feet and wasting you time with this small stuff. Just go for the jugular already. sue the military over the very existence of Chaplains themselves. There is no room for faith or religion in the armed forces because it offends the extreme minority. Are Chaplains not employees of the government? Are they not the most despicable example of the mixture of church and state it its very core? As long as there are military Chaplains, there is government endorsed religion and you all have failed. I say get to it already. Do it and do it now. Get it over with already. This bit by bit crap is a total waste of everyone’s time and resources.

After all, how dare most people believe differently =han you and your organization? I say you should accelerate the litigation process so you can hurry up and force everyone to believe as you do. After all, that’s the core mission of your organization. Am I ill informed?

(name withheld)

Thank you for your time.


186. August 4, 2011 Dear Mikey:

“When one proudly dons a U.S. military uniform, there is only one religious symbol; the American flag.”

Dear Schlemazel – a tallit is a “religious symbol.” When you designate the American Flag as a “religious symbol,” you are akin to the Islamic Brotherhood waving their [Egyptian, Syrian, Palestinian, Lebanese, Saudi, Pakistani] banners calling for worldwide Islam domination.

“There is only one religious scripture; the American constitution.”

Schlemiel – you, who insist on separation of church and state, are doing a bang-up job of equating a STATE document such as our Constitution, to a “religious scripture.”

“Finally, there is only one religious faith: American patriotism.” ~ Mikey Weinstein

Nudnik: AMERICAN PATRIOTISM is NOT a “religious faith.” PATRIOTISM denotes our NATIONAL IDENTITY and our NATIONAL ALLEGIANCE. “Religious faith,” is each and every American citizen’s PRIVATE, PERSONAL, INTIMATE, and SACROSANCT relationship to GOD.

Tell me “MIKEY,” did you study Torah and Talmud? Did you chant a Torah portion at your Bar – Mitzvah, or did you spout an editorial from Der Forvaard? Were your parents so assimilated, so embarrassed of their Judaism, too eager to shed their 6,000 year-old Heritage?

“Mikey” was named one of the 50 most influential Jews in America by the Forward, one of the nation’s preeminent LEFTIST SOCIALIST Jewish publications.” [big surprise]

On which side of the Jordan River do you stand, “Mikey,” on the issue of Eretz Yisrael being goaded by the schvartze, to revert to 1967 borders in exchange for some bullshit goyishe promises of a Peace Plan?

When I read the article on Fox News about the “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” breaking the balls of the Air Force over references to the Bible, I knew IMMEDIATLEY that the founder of the MRFF would be a leftie Jew.

Refer to The Chumash, our “ancient” Hebrew Bible upon which Western Civilization was founded: Was David a WARRIOR? Did DEBORAH THE PROPHETESS not inspire Barak to lead his troops to victory?


(name and e mail address withheld)

187. August 4, 2011 Dear Mr. Mickey Mouse:

Short, bald, impotent, cowardly, paranoid atheist. (oh, I almost forgot-with tiny feet!-I can only be embarrassed for you at the thought of your equally infinitesimal pecker!–short jews are infamous for stubby units) What’s shorter than a jew’s prick?…a black man’s to-do list!!

(name and location and employer’s name withheld)

188. August 5, 2011 That you hold man-sanctioned sheepskin in such high regard betrays your humanist ideaology. You are a tremendous fool-all this time you’ve believed intellectualism and education is what makes a man. You’ve been so enamored by high-brow propaganda as to be motivated to suck an education out of the government.

That you hold man-sanctioned sheepskin in such high regard betrays your humanist ideaology. You are a tremendous fool-all this time you’ve believed intellectualism and education is what makes a man. You’ve been so enamored by high-brow propaganda as to be motivated to suck an education out of the government.

No wonder you’re such a paranoid loser. What you hold in high-esteem is worthless when you are confronted by a bully alone, late at night. Did your brains help you any then? Of course not-those kind of things take balls. Coward. (name and location withheld)

189. August 7, 2011 Mikey, Michael “the wienie” Savage is one of the accursed haters I recorded for some years. I don’t do it anymore because, perhaps, his forehead is the most deserving of a four ft. length of oak 2×4. He is just too hateful and stressful to listen to any longer — pure human (supposedly) garbage.

Quite often in American discourse someone will accuse another of being Hitler-like or a Nazi, and most times it is the accuser that’s Nazi-like. If a person has read Hitler’s famous book and read the speeches of the major Nazi Party leaders, they blame the Jews for the loss of WWI and the devastated German economy. They denied the Jews any claim to German citizenship and/or patriotism. In fact, they blamed the Jews for anything that could be imagined (plus killing Christ) as being negative to “pure blood” German superiority.

Actually, a person can identify the Nazi-like among the people of the U.S. quite easily


by searching for those who use the same rhetorical and policy methods used by the Nazis of the Holocaust period . All one needs do in today’s U.S. is go back to those same Nazi writings and speeches and substitute the word “liberal” for Jew, and remember that for the most part the two words have been well-mixed, especially in German rhetoric during that period. The Nazis filled the work camps with Germany’s liberals. Hitler’s first official order having having total control was to outlaw atheism and freethinking, making such “freedom for thought” against the law. How odd it is that the first people who supported Hitler nationally were the conservative evangelical Christians, especially the Catholics. Now all our own conservative dominionist Christians can do is to pretend that Hitler was not a baptised Christian, and a person who used God talk as frequently as do so many “rightists” now serving in the American government/military/courts.

Yes indeed, we, the American people, are in deep ignorant/shit! Those who are governed by superstition, illusion, ignorance, and pretend reality are in for a very bumpy ride.

(name withheld)

190. August 7, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Your recent efforts to remove any and all religious references to Air Force training materials is the act of individuals truly ignorant of the constitution’s content and respect for those that developed this document. It also disrespects the memories of all our fallen heroes of all faiths that have acted to defend and protect our great country. If you would prefer to live in a country devoid of any religious respect and tolerance I would invite you to move there immediately.

The continued operations of organizations like yours in this country is an obnoxious fact that we tolerate under our constitution so try respecting other points of view. I doubt that is possible. Perhaps we will all live to see the day organizations like yours are closed because the people have a better education and your ignorance cannot prevail.

(name withheld)

191. August 7, 2011 Dear MRFF:

“a quote from an ex-Nazi SS officer.”

Really. That is absurdly sensationalistic. Why not put, “a quote from Dr. Wehrner von Braun, leading scientist for NASA during the Apollo era”? And what was that


quote? It was about why he and his fellow scientists surrendered and agreed to cooperate with the US.

The problem here was not that there were Biblical quotes, or that a chaplain taught it. The problem was that the Biblical quotes were selected to do a form of training that would turn missile officers into automatons who would obey orders without question. Had they done real just war training, which aims at developing critical faculties, so that officers can weigh individual acts, and emphasized that there are times when you must disobey illegal orders, that would have been something different. This just war tradition is rooted in Greek philosophy, and in Augustine and Aquinas, and is the basis for international law on war crimes. You don’t want that taught? What kind of military do you want?

(name withheld)

192. August 8, 2011 Dear MRFF:

I support what you guys are trying to do—but I can no longer support you as an organization. It grabs headlines, but you purposefully insult our intelligence by playing the Nazi-card. To use your (il)logic, every single word ever uttered by Wernher von Braun, every action take by him on behalf of the USA, must be taken as the words and actions of a Nazi. According to your logic, our entire space program is Nazi inspired and should therefore be condemned. Why don’t you start a campaign to have his National Medal of Science taken away from him because he’s a “Nazi.”

Can you comprehend why I see your efforts as insulting to our intelligence? I find your motive (to make something out to be other than what it is to draw attention to yourself) to be base and repulsive. This is the second strike against MRFF. After seeing Mikey’s daughter (on a previous occasion) mercilessly insult someone in print as if they were subhuman, and now this flagrant attempt to mislead the public, you’ll never get another cent from me. You’ve proved unworthy of my financial support. I’m glad the Air Force (of which I’m a veteran) dropped their Christian- linked training course. That’s the real issue. The Nazi stuff is a giant red herring, and if you don’t know that, then I suspect you’re hopelessly blinded by your own self- importance, or your own hate, or both.

I bid you peace and rationality… (name withheld)

193. August 9, 2011 are you to tell the rest of us how to live? What a whiny-ass, bed wetting POS you must be to insist the entire country and AF live by YOUR personal standards.


NO WHERE in the constitution does it demand separation of church and state, and someday we’ll have a leader with backbone enough to stand up to haters like you.

May God have mercy on your satan filled soul.

(name and e mail address withheld)

194. August 10, 2011 Weinstein,

Thank you for putting another nail in the coffin of the United States. You are having your fifteen minutes of fame by your outrageous action and the politically correct military caved, but I am not surprised at anything that comes out of the current Administration. I am certain your efforts are endorsed by the American Criminal Lobby Union (ACLU).

I know this offends you, but do not care, “God help us”!

(name withheld)

195. August 13, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

One of these days I hope all of you can find your hell for making Christians the bad guys. Your crap is worthless, but works because of our Constitution. And I served to protect your crap. I just wish I could select who I served for—-you and your ilk would be stricken from the list.

(name and e mail address withheld)

196. August 31, 2011 Dear MRFF: I am proud wife of a Green Beret combat soldier who is true man of faith, a true Christian father to our children and a true warrior for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and USA. In our bible study on base we know of you and pray and talk of you Mickey and your evildoing with MFRR. We also know that Jesus speak to you to warn you to stop trying to take Chrisianity away from our military and our USA. USA is and was always a Christian nation meant to bring Jesus to all the world. We know and can see that Jesus does speak to you and will stand up to you and you supporters. Look at how miserable your life is now. We see you on the newspapers and tv. You will never defeat the Lord. Jesus wills it all. Your wife has multiple


skluroses and will die a painful death all twisted up with pain and bent in agony because of you fighting against Jesus. Your daughter in laws Amber’s father has brave chosen Jesus over her because she has fallen out to the Evil One cause of you and whom you serve. Your sons and daughter Amanda will watch helpless as you waste away and slowly die in poverty all alone and forgotten and further disgrace than you have earned now due to you fighting Jesus. You will only save them and you if surrender to Lord and Savior Jesus who is the only way and truth and life as John 14:6. Mickey, you are so wicked evil as is your lying MFRR and your family and all those you try to get to join up to fight Jesus. Bit Jesus still loves you all. Why can’t you just see His Love and stop trying to destroy Christians in armed forces? If you can’t do it for you do it for your wife and children and USA.

(name and location withheld)

197. September 6, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Way to go on all your recent court victories against the Christian heritage of this formerly great country .… I’m ABSOLUTELY certain that once you reach Hell, Satan himself is going to throw you a big party. There will be balloons and lots of clowns … but precious little ice water. You apparently call yourself a Republican … PLEASE … do all right-thinking folks in this country a favor and call yourself something else … “pimple” will be more appropriate.

(name and e mail address withheld)

198. September 8, 2011 Dirty jew Mikey, saw all about you on Fox News the other day and how you and your anti-American jew mrff foundation are trying to take the love and knowledge of Jesus out of our Air Force atom bomb missile training. Filthy stinking conniving merderous disloyal jew Mikey. everything you touch, jew boy, you corrupt. Go play with your arab raghead buddies and leave the Air Force nuclears and our Saviors blessings on how to launch them alone from your greedy bloody damn jew hands. (name and location withheld)

199. September 21, 2011 “Finally, there is only one religious faith: American patriotism. ~ Mikey Weinstein”

Wow!-did you get a boner when you thought this one up?

Looks like you’re going broke. Or is that just a lie you use to pander to your sycophants?


Piece of shit.

(name withheld)

200. September 22, 2011 now you make the air force get rid of even sharing the love of Jesus? america needs to be rid of plotting jew lawyers like you mikey Whinerstein

(name withheld)

201. September 24, 2011 One religious symbol, the flag? Your an idolater. One scripture, the Constitution? Your a fool. One faith, partiotism, once again you’re a fool.

I am a Christian and a veteran, and frankly people like you and your kind are ruining this country. Have you forgotten what kind of people founded this grand experiment that is the United States of America? Do some research and stop being afraid of Jesus. He doesn’t need you, me or anyone else. He does love us, and died for our salvation. Why do you still hammer the nails into his wrists? What’d he do to you?

By the way, I’ve told the ACLU this and I’ll remind you, there is no such thing as an Establishment Clause in the first amendment. One letter from Jefferson to a church in Conneticut does not a law make,.

Congress shall make no law respecting an estabishment of religion, or prohibiting the free excersise thereof; (which is what you people are trying to do) or abridgingthe freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble (as in prayer? hmm?), and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

That’s it, why does that bother you? I’ve read your mission statement. Seems to me you have common sense. Don’t forget the real number one reason to don the uniform: Service.

Be a servant, Mikey. Read your bible. Pray. The Lord hates idolaters.

(name withheld) USAF Veteran

202. September 27, 2011


Mikey Wineshit you defile our neighborhood with your little road sign? the filth of your Christ hating horde of leftist jew-cowards and Christian pretenders is sad for America

(name withheld)

203. September 29, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I am absolutely saddened that Mickey Weinstein declared the recent USAFA religion billboard a “victory for the U.S. Constitution,” and further declared “Lady Liberty is smiling today.” Organizations like yours are actually destroying the US Constitution and weakening our country. While you may think that Lady Liberty is “smiling”, our founding fathers are rolling in their graves from disgust and contempt at what organizations like yours have turned our once great country into. Your organization has completely taken the Second Amendment out of context. Our founding fathers recognized the inherent virtue of freedom of religion and and not freedom from religion and did not want the US gov’t to establish one national religion at the expense of any others. Organizations like yours and many others have successful kicked God out of our schools, government and public arena, allowing relative moralism to prevail.

Shame on you for fostering the moral decline of our great country. When you read about all the crime, scandals and political corruption, if you wonder who is to blame, take a look at the person you see in the mirror every day.

I will continue to pray to the one and only soveriegn God, Jehovah, for your souls. You certainly need it.

(name and location withheld)

204. October 3, 2011 Dear MRFF: jewboy Mikey Whiningstein uses his endless jew money to buy a roadway sign in the streets near the Air Force Academy to show a message from another jewboy General shwartz who heads up the air force to force the hand of a good man, a folower of the Lord Jesus Christ, General Guold. To send out the first General’s message to try to stop the brave Christian General Guold who heads up the Air force’s academy from trying to save the souls of lost jews and athiest and all the others who are lost to satan at this academy. Funny isnt it. Just look deep enough whenever anyone tries to stop the spread of the word of Jesus and you will always find a disesed jew like mikey whinerstein and his jew loot and his master satan.


(name withheld)

205. October 20, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation: yet another stupid act of misadvocacy public chaplaincy benedictions have never been deemed religious activity in any constitutional sense, see Article VI US Constitution… to argue as MRFF idiotically does is to assert that for two hundred years the consisent practice of well educated, well meaning Americans has been unconstitutional, such an argument is mere hubris… if a soldier refused to bow their head on command to avoid an incoming bullet with carvings “Long Live Allah” on them, one suspects the defiance would be actionable, even if the soldier were a professed or avowed agnostic as claimed… by advising the public of the orders, MRFF has violated the fiduciary duty to the soldier by making it very unambiguous who is the ONE at attention… y’all can’t find any more important human rights work to do than this?

(name withheld)

206. October 24, 2011 Mikey, I am an upperclass cadet at the USAF Academy. And yes I am a Christian but not an “Air Force Academy approved” one. Late yesterday, the Academy’s head chaplain, a full colonel, sent out an e-mail advertising a clearly evangelical Christian family/marriage seminar to ALL personnel at the Academy. In it, the most senior ranking Academy chaplain tells us all that his e-mail complies with General Schwartz’s 1 Sept. 2011 memo on the importance of religious neutrality. How nice of him to do that. Except, given that, except for us cadets (thanks to MRFF putting up that billboard of the Chief of Staff’s directive in Col. Springs) , noone else in either the Academy faculty, the 10th Air base Wing and other Academy orgs. has even seen General Schwartz’s memo. It is just totally hypocritical bullshit that the CHRISTIAN family/marriage event gets OFFICIALLY sent to EVERYBODY when the Chief of Staff’s memo has obviously been kept under wraps by Lt. General Gould and his staff. Why? What is the message here? Simple. Lt. Gen. Gould and his Academy want you to be a zealous Christian in the USAF more than it wants you to know about the Chief of Staff’s memo on the limits and perils of being a zealous Christian in the USAF. Again, bullshit. Thank you and MRFF for being the only place we can go to protest. If we could “Occupy Lt. Gen. Gould’s office” a la Wall Street we would. But we can’t. Therefore, we come to you.


(name and e mail address withheld)

207. November 4, 2011 Dear MRFF:

Thanks to assholes like Mikey weinstein. Jews like myself haev to suffer further anti Semitism!! No wonder so much in the military are anti Semitic. Its thanks to liberal idiots like Mikey! I am Jewish, and so what if The Air Force wants a Christmas party to raise money for charity! Does this Shmuck have anything better to do to serve his country, other than being a sniveling coward!!

(name withheld)

208. November 4, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

You’ve got it wrong.

It should be the Military Freedom From Religious Freedom organization. I cannot believe you actually exist – the epitome of what is wrong with this country.

(name withheld)

209. November 4, 2011 Dear MRFF:

Very disappointed in your organization. Your organization is a SHAM.. you threaten the US AIR FORCE ACADEMY???? because they support a program to give CHRISTmas presents to children around the country and world.

OUR religion is not the US FLAG, (and I do love it,) But God comes first.


I will be working with a group to remove your tax exempt status…why? because you are not a religion, or non profit, you want to remove the rights of Christians to worship…


GOD, have mercy on your souls, you need it.

(name withheld)

210. November 4, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Shame on you,

Cannot believe your opposition to Operation Christmas Child. I have personally been involved in delivering these boxes and seen the glow on the faces of kids who have nothing and will not have gotten anything if it had not been for Operation Christmas Child. Seems you are too involved in your own cause to care about children who have nothing no matter what religion they are. The Air Force was not forcing people to donate.

Try doing some good in this world instead of stroking your ego! You sure don’t mind asking for money though. You will NEVER see a dime from me or anyone else I know.

(name withheld)


212. November 4, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:


Robbing innocent, needy children of love and gifts just because a few idiots like you don’t agree with the (loving and caring) message attached to the gift. People and organizations like you and yours are a big reason for all the dissonance in our world today.

God is love. The Military Religious Freedom (hah – what a misnomer) Foundation is hateful.

(name withheld)


213. November 4, 2011 As a military veteran of 24 year I find your organization an outrage.

You an all other liberial, left leaningorganizations are trying to remove God from every aspect of our culture. This nation was founded on Christian beliefs and as our nation trays farther and farther away from god thanks to organization like yours we become more and more corrupt. So many aspects of our nation are falling into the gutter and instead of trying to rid our culture or society of theft, robbery, adultery, childabuse, single families, absent fathers, spousal abuse, murder, rape, incest, drugs, drug abuse, human trafficing you want to take Christ and God our of every aspect of the U.S.

Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

As a member of the military I want to ensure you know you do not represent me.

I would bet if the Air Force Academy wanted to send the quran or the Hindu Veda’s your organization would not even care one bit. But since the AFA wanted to participate in a worthy cause and send underprivleaged children gifts are Christmas a Christian Holiday that would have a christian message inside the box you are up in arms.

Now I would say you have a point to be upset if they tried to do the same thing at the time of a Hindu holy day or Muslim holy day, but to send these types of boxes at a christian holy day is stupid and wrong.

(name withheld)

214. November 4, 2011 You guys are a bunch of schmucks!

(name withheld)

215. November 4, 2011 Dear MRFF:

Tell Mikey he should start an Occupy Air Force protest all across The United States (In God We Trust) on December 24th. Each of you can man a housetop with the hopes of shooting down Santa Claus. That will show them you mean business.

Keep marching left and remember to keep “Christ” in Christmas this holiday season.

(name withheld)


216. November 4, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

You are a piece of fucking shit organization, and Weistein is a piece of shit asshole, who only represents a FEW. Last time I looked This was a democracy for everyone. Weinstein needs to be court martialed as a traitor to Americans, and hopefully your Organization of a few will be destroyed. You should watch your back!

(name withheld)

217. November 4, 2011 Dear MRFF:

You don’t “free” people from having to be involved with religion against their will. You discourage religion. You should be ashamed of yourselves. It’s a sad day that we live in America with people that are only concerned to eliminate Christianity. YOU ARE A DISGRACE!!!!!!!

May GOD Bless you and your Family! I hope he keeps you safe and provides for you as he does for me and mine.

With love from a Christian.

218. November 4, 2011 Dear MRFF:

You people are truly offensive. You should have your American Citizenship REVOKED! You should be taken to the Mexican border and dropped off! If you don’t like the fact that this is a CHRISTIAN COUNTRY … then GET OUT!!!

“The Military Religious Freedom Foundation said military commanders crossed the line when they promoted the gift program, sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse, an organization run by Franklin Graham.”

(name withheld)

219. November 4, 2011 Mikey Weinstein,


I’m sure you are well aware but I just wanted to remind you that you are a complete asshole. Only a complete asshole would take presents away from kids at Christmas time just to make a point. X( angry Have a shitty day!

(name withheld)

P.S. Any E-mail screener working for Mikey is an asshole too.

220. November 4, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

As a twenty year US Navy veteran, I find your organization an afront to everything I fought for! People like you are the reason this country is in such moral upheaval!! Go away!!!

(name withheld)

221. November 4, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein.

I usually take your comments I see often in the news as what they are–unworthy of any intelligent response. However, I recently read a news article regarding your organization’s response to the Operation Christmas Child program and the USAF Academy’s support or supposed support of said program. This is not about the military supporting one religion, this is about one religion caring for impoverished children around the world. WHERE ARE THE MUSLIM AND OTHER RELIGIOUS GROUPS ASKING TO FILL SHOE BOXES WITH GIFTS FOR NEEDY CHILDREN? Seems to me that the Muslim faith needs to step up and help those in need, rather than complain about those that do. Furthermore, where are you? Why don’t you step up to the plate and help rather than continually spew out your venom. If you want to go to hell, that is of course, your business. But why stand in the way of a good program that helps countless needy children around the world both physically and spiritually? Additionally, if Mr. Graham is, as you say, “an absolutely incredible islamophobe,” then you sir are, an absolutely incredible Christianphobe. In fact, you are an enemy of the Cross of Christ–make no mistake about it! My pray for you is that God would open your blind eyes, that you would see the light of the Gospel of the glory of Jesus Christ, repent of your sin, recognize Jesus is indeed the Jewish Messiah and your only hope for eternal life.

(name withheld)

222. November 4, 2011


Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I am contributing to Operation Christmas Child through Samaritan’s Purse. Wanna try and stop me you gutless cowards! Your letter to the U.S. Air Force is despicable! You wouldn’t know the Constitution if you it bit you on the ass. It is apparent that your agenda is nothing more than a ruse to take religion out of our country and particularly the Christian religion. Know what? You are going to fail BIG time! Bring it on lowlife!

(name withheld)

223. November 4, 2011 Dear Mikey,


You couldn’t haven’t held your tongue, in honor of helping out needy children? Hate Christians that bad do we? Or is it just any religion?

And our flag is NOT a religion. It’s a symbol of what this country stands for. Not that I’m sure what that is anymore.

On a day when I read this, and a previous MN governor denounces this country and wants to relocate permanently to MEXICO of all god-forsake places, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

There’s going to be a another civil war.


(name withheld)

224. November 4, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I am in the Air Force, and I totally disagree with your position on this. Groups like yourselves destroy the goodwill that organizations like Samaritans Purse provide around the world. You get so “PC” if the title says Christian in it, you miss out on the gifts which helps millions of poor children and families.

Did you survey Air Force cadets before you made your decision? Or just bully your way through?


The real sad part about it….YOU are the minority in this nation of citizens who approve of Christianity and its charities. It is funded by taxpayer money. Why don’t you survey Americans about this? Or military members?

YOU WOULD lose….that’s why you don’t and you know it. How a small percentage of people can overthrow something like this is wrong.

Again, I serve in the Air Force and do not agree with this at all.

(name withheld)

225. November 4, 2011 Dear MRFF, your organization is a bunch of loons. and mikey weinstiesn is a jew jackass- scumbag.

(name withheld)

226. November 5, 2011 Hello,

I encourage to rethink your efforts regarding Operation Christmas Child. What is wrong with you? Would you have done the same thing if this was a Muslim organization? I sincerely doubt it. What a bunch of Grinches you all are. I also encourage you to repent. Shame on you.

(name and location withheld)

227. November 5, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Just read the recent article of how “mikey” ruined a lot of kids holidays. You jackasses don’t even realize in your homepage second line it says “separtion of church and state. READ THE 2ND AMENDMENT, YOU FUCKING FUCKS. Mind your own fucking business and knock off the fucking PC bullshit. We don’t fucking exist to make you happy. MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!

(name withheld)


228. November 5, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Nowhere in the Constitution is there any mention of “separation of church and state”. You should call your organization “Godless heathens who are going to hell” the sooner the better.”

(name withheld)

229. November 5, 2011 Merry Christmas you piece of shit.

(name withheld)

230. November 5, 2011 Dear Mikey:

You are not doing good things and you are hurting well intentioned people and their programs to help the poor, children, and other people in need.

I do not even know how “donations” to your program are tax deductible. You are not a charity. You are the anti-charity.

You are filling yourself up with self aggrandized pomp and circumstance “man of the year” give me a break – what have you done? Have you built a home for a homeless person? Have you built a Hospital to help people in nee? Have you opened a food pantry? I don’t think so – all you are is ANTI.

The world is a less caring place because of you, and well intentioned people are less able to help people.

Since YOU don’t want to help people it makes YOU feel bad, so YOU try and stop people from helping people so YOU don’t feel so empty.

Well has what you’ve done really helped YOU feel better? Is it because you are too cheap to give to charity yourselves? Is what you’re doing really really making you sleep better at night?

(name withheld)

231. November 5, 2011


Dear MRFF:

In God We Trust

The Constitution relies on Divine Providence yet you ignore it.

Our founders were Christians, yet you deny that.

You espouse religious freedom yet your sole purpose is to deny it.

Satan couldn’t ask for a better ally.

(name withheld)

232. November 5, 2011 Dear MRFF:

How a Jew can say it is too Christian? That what he is ,,no? Mikey Weinstein.. No wonder there is antisemitism in USA…because of Jews like him. Jews like Mikey Weinstein are the reason…

(name withheld)

233. November 5, 2011 Dear Mikey:

Its a tremendous document. Your cause abuses it. You should do something better with your lives, like clean the toilets at the Air Force Academy than what you have chosen to do. There should be a kick Mikey, Mickey, whatever the hell your name is, in the butt day every year. Shame on you. I live in the same country you do, am a USAF Vet of 6 years, US Commendation Medal Award winner and am ashamed to have you anywhere near that branch of the service. Political correctness has gotten in the way of true common sense. People like you don’t really get it. I guess I’m more sorry for you than anything. What a weak life you must have.

(name withheld)

234. November 5, 2011 Ugh. I guess you won’t be happy until no one in the military ever mentions their religious viewpoints, or any belief at all for that matter. The e-mail was sent by a cadet… Did you hear that? A cadet to other cadets! You do know that people have free will, right? If they don’t want to participate, they can simply click “Delete”.


You are a self-promoting hate-monger that wont’t be satisfied unless the last drop of religious thought is sucked out of the minds of our military members and not one of them ever mentions the word “Jesus” again. Your organization would more properly be labeled “Military Freedom FROM Religion”, wouldn’t it? Good luck with that, you’ll need all the help you can get as long as there are people like me that believe in free speech.

(name withheld)

235. November 5, 2011 Dear sirs:

I can’t imagine any one being more self-serving and cold-hearted than to deny needy children the gift of a shoebox filled with items they need. Many have never received any gift before. Shame on you! Sincerely, (name withheld)

236. November 6, 2011 Mr. Weinstein,

You are no longer an honorable soldier. You are a very sad man who has missed the point of what charity is. You would rather think you are right than appreciate charity wherever it comes from, isn’t this what you fight for? Charity? I agree all religions should have the right to practice. That is the American way. No one told those cadets they must donate. This was voluntary. Why could they not have come up with another wonderful way to donate to children. Our God Jehovah loves those children more than he loves your agenda. I would love to see your financials and see just how much charity is going into your pocket vs the pockets of children in need. You should be ashamed.

(name withheld)

237. November 6, 2011 As a Jew I resent what you are doing at the USAF Acadamy. Let the Christians be who they are. Stop hindering them and making Jews look bad. If you want to do something have the Jewish Chaplain arrange a nice Chanukah gift drive as there are also Jewish Children who would appreciate this. When I was a boy there was only Christmas….no Chanukah. That has changed. Separation of Church (Synagogue) and state shouldn’t cause America to turn our back on religion. Respect


for all relgions and even the Athiests is America. Not forcing abandonment just because one serves in the military.

(name withheld)


(name withheld)

239. November 6, 2011 Hey Mike,

Ignore the message below…I started writing it trying to understand your position but then it hit me…you hate Christians and everything they represent, including this Country. It took me a minute to realize this…well, I sincerely, deeply and wholeheartedly feel bad for you.

Just in case you are wondering here is the email. Oh, it hit me as I was typing so if the wording lacks continuity that is why.

I hope you are doing well today. It is obvious you are a busy as am I. I took a few minutes to review most of your website. Please take a few minutes to consider, reflect and if you willing respond to the following:

As I understand it you have recently attacked the donation of gifts to children world- wide because one person who clearly hates Christians requested you to do so? In light of the assertion made on your website this seems a very curious stand to take. On your own website you have quoted the first amendment but have somehow ignored the wording. Two things specifically come to mind:

1. Congress shall make no law…the Air Force, clearly, by name, function, etc., is not Congress and they did not make a law. As I understand it they were merely encouraging participation, clearly it was not mandatory…it seems impossible that a


man of your background could miss this? Have you ignored this intentionally? I sincerely ask.

2. No law shall be established to prohibit the free exercise thereof…take a minute to reflect on this. The gentlemen that you assert you are representing by stopping the Air Force from promoting gifts to children was not restricted in any way to practice his hate for, well I am guessing here, children, Christians, Mr. Graham, the object was not clear but the hate is. Unfortunately you have been a participant, perhaps unwittingly, in spotlighting the heart of this one Muslim gentlemen. When you consider what you claim to be representing, Religious Freedom, this is inexplicable. Unless that is not what you are truly about. Which, I will be transparent here, both of us know what you are really doing. Anyway, your actions stand juxtaposed to your claims. Any kind intellectual honesty, would provide all the evidence one would need to see that you are presenting a façade to mask a deep hatred for anything to do with Faith. It’s ok I understand.

Well I have some questions: Have you thought about the impact to the children? Maybe you would say they don’t have to hear a Christian Evangelical message which is clearly what you are afraid of and stand opposed too…again I completely understand.

This would explain why you hate Mr. Graham. But why viciously attack the man? Exaggerated name calling? Are you not above this? I don’t get that one. Why do you attack only Christians? This is the moment it hit me! Clear as day. The only reason for your position is hate, there is no other explanation. You make no effort to quell or self-govern the hate you have towards Christians…can you please explain why you have this deep ceded anger? To be honest I am surprised that you have not been brought up on hate crimes charges and for promoting hate. Or is it legal and socially acceptable to hate Christians…seems to be that way, you and I both know that doesn’t make it ok.

Why do you describe Christians as “Militant?” Any group has exceptions but you have applied a blanket statement that lacks merit.

I am guessing you are Jewish, perhaps in name only, have you heard any of what the Middle Eastern leaders/mullahs propose to do you and the USA? A very legitimate question and one I encourage you to deeply consider.

Ah lots more questions but I have low expectation for a reasoned response because the hate you have is clearly unreasonable, void of logic and intellectual integrity, sorry to be blunt.

Important Note: I am not a member of the media nor do I represent any group or organization. I also do not represent any political party or religious group. I went to your site after reading what seemed incredibly preposterous in light of today’s culture. And ended up with all of these thoughts and questions. Mr. Weinstein I


respectfully challenge you to consider what is readily seen as an overtly hypocritical, hateful and erroneously based endeavor.

All the best to you sir, (name withheld)

Ps If you are going to have any credibly you have to reconsider your news stories, sources and headlines. This grandstanding, drama, and skewing of the facts is obvious when you, Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS or anyone else does it. Give us (the general public) and yourself a little more credit.

I would also encourage you to read and study from a variety of sources what it was that took us out of England…the nature and spirit of it. And finally, check out where the “separation of church” came from and why Jefferson wrote the Church about it. As an attorney I hope you know it is not part of our Constitution, I think you do.

(name withheld)

240. November 7, 2011 Another brilliant move by your organization regarding the Christmas charity Operation Christmas Child. I see by your lack of response to my previous email regarding your uneducated ideology of the “Separation of Church and State” you obviously have no firm ground to stand on to promote your view. Do you not realize that Christmas is a CHRISTIAN holiday????? Because of people like you one can get into trouble for saying “Merry Christmas” and the 10 Commandments are removed from our schools and courthouses. I wonder if there were Muslims who wanted to do the same and they included a Muslim message with their holiday if you would go after them with the same vehement fervor you go after Christians and Christian ideas and holidays. I would bet that you do not go after those other religions who try to force their views on the Christians, as that would take true moral fiber. You are doing more damage to this country than any terrorist organization could do – you are chipping away at the foundation of the USA. As before, I welcome your comments on my thoughts but alas, methinks your lack of response is indicative of how truly weak your position is – both morally and academically. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!! And by the way – as long as there are tests in schools – there will be prayer – get over it.

(name withheld)

241. November 8, 2011 To whom it may concern: You morons seem to have more time on your hands than you know what to do with. Religious freedom is a constitutional right, but it is also a God given right. Your organization spends so much time and energy trying to make sure that no one in the


service even hears the name of Jesus Christ and it is sickening that you would even contemplate the idea to take away the joys of Christmas away from children around the world. You know if the athiest and devil worshiping solders, salors, and airmen don’t want to participate in giving a child a christmas gift for Christmas this year then all they had to do was delete the e-mail. You did not have to threaten our military with a lawsuit. God will have his way with you and your supporters and God is always just, especially when you hinder His children from doing His work. I pray that you recieve conviction soon, because your place in hell is heating up.

(name withheld)

242. November 8, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,



243. November 8, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

I don’t believe your purpose is to prevent indoctrination or any other seemingly nondescript unfairness. I believe you just want to add more pain and sadness to an already messed up world. How “Samaritan’s Purse” could possibly do any harm by sending upwards of eight million Christmas gifts to poor children the world over is something you can never substantiate.

When your time comes; you will burn in hell. FOREVER

(name and location withheld)

244. November 8, 2011 Dear MRFF, Blah, blah, blah…nice try!

Let’s check some facts here, shall we?

Is Congress even involved in this program? No.

Is Congress therefore attempting to establish a state religion? No.


Are YOU on the other hand stifling the “free expression thereof” when it pertains to the cadets’ faith. Yes.

To even attempt to convince me that I couldn’t have a better friend when it comes to defending my faith is ludicrous at best. All that you do is stifle the faith of others. How is it that cadets freely volunteering to distribute gifts to children somehow threatens anyone, or their faith? No command structure on ANY base is attempting to impose anything on anyone when it comes to their faith! Show me the written command ordering cadets to volunteer, to read the Bible, to attend mass or any other imposition of faith. You can’t and you know it.

(name withheld)

245. November 8, 2011 Dear Mikey,

You souuld be ashamed for your selves for threatening a law suit against the Air Force Academy for assisting in Operation Christmas Child this year. This is the only chance many of these children will have all year to recieve gifts!

As for calling Franklin Graham a fundamentalist…so were our founding fathers who wrote the constitution. As for calling him an Islam-a-phobic… we should all be – they mean us harm. I think your organization is Christian-a phobic.

I am confident that God will deal with your organization in an appropriate way.

(name withheld)

246. November 8, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

I am outraged that you would terminate delivering the Operation Christmas Child boxes. I understand your feelings on separating church with the military but this is about poor children who have nothing. No toys, no Christmas. They’re thrilled to get these shoe boxes of toys, as small a gift as they are. To take Christmas away from all these poor children is disgusting. And to pull out not 3 weeks before the boxes are to be delivered is just appalling. I’m assuming you’re the type of man that would take candy away from a baby.

Personally, I have not always been a religious person. I strayed because I wanted to do what I wanted to do. This didn’t work for me so much. The more I strayed from God the worse my life got and I see that happening with our country. Our


forefather’s were God fearing men. The more we take God out of the Government, the worse it’s getting.

“In God we Trust” (name withheld)

247. November 8, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I don’t care if you are the anti-Christian, anti-faith Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

God will deal with you soon enough.

I don’t understand why you do not want the children to to get help.

What have the children done to you?

You are a coward and a fool.

(name withheld)

248. November 9, 2011 Mickey, Your recent victory in stopping the Air Force from delivering Christmas Shoeboxes assembled by Samaritans Purse to the third world children is utterly amazing. How you can put your personal agenda ahead of all the joy and happiness that these toys bring is beyond human expression. Selfish, egotistical, arrogant bigoted are a few to start with. The few of you behind this movement is completely out of step with Americans. It is all in your misguided and misunderstood interpretation of separation of state and religion – which, by the way, is not in the Constitution. Why don’t you focus on something worthwhile like fighting to legalize more people that now illegally cross our borders, or getting involved in the childhood and homes of the underprivileged that stunt the education and development of the poor neighborhoods. You call your organization freedom of religion, it should be freedom from religion. If you do not like it, then don’t join in. But don’t deny those children the happiest day of their lives. You, Mickey, are an atheist in your actions. Do you really think the God or Abraham and Isaac would smile on your action????? Why are you frightened by goodness and generosity?

(name withheld)

249. November 9, 2011 Mikey Weinstein and Military Religious Freedom Foundation,


I find the political correctness that your organization pursues to be an outrage to the people who placed the very constitutional freedoms into place; freedoms you pledge to protect. Religious freedom and separation of church and state, have become by words to silence the Christian church and programs associated with it, even if they aim to help those in need. (I.e. Operation Christmas Child). Americans in the past would have simply ignored something if it was not their religious preference, rather than complain that someone or something, were “doing wrong”. It is common knowledge, and common sense, that you cannot and will not appease everyone. We have instead, looked to the “entitlement” mindset, as if someone or something owes us freedom from disagreement or discomfort, rather than simply ignoring it. When the constitution was written, many Americans were respectful of God, as a higher being, whether or not they believed Christianity. Thus, “respect no ESTABLISHMENT of religion” keenly implied a sect or denomination, rather than religion as a whole. While I am ok with not shoving it down someone’s throat, you show me where one terrorist has ever respected the thoughts or beliefs of any one they were seeking to kill. Ironically, Christians on the other hand, are told to “love your enemies; bless those who persecute you”.

Have a wonderful, blessed day.

249. November 9, 2011 Dear Mikey: How dare you call yourself a religious freedom organization? How dare you stop Franklin Graham’s outreach to children because the gifts contain Bible verses? How dare you pervert the Constitution as cover for you anti-Christian attacks? Why are you angry with God?

The measure that you measure with will be measured back to you.

Think about it.

(name withheld)

251. November 9, 2011 “Mikey” – I cannot believe that one person is so evil and twisted as to browbeat the military into depriving thousands upon thousands of deprived kids both the necessities and toys they otherwise would never receive – and just because this evil and twisted person does not believe in God! I know that I am saved, so I guess we’ll never meet in the next life. What a sorry and pitiful person you must be!

(name withheld)



November 10, 2011 Dear Mikey Weinstein,

Typical stinking jew boy Mikey to try to stop the love of Jesus to bring toys to needy children who will burn forever in the Lake of fire (like jewboy mikey will for sure) unless they are saved by the grace of Jesus and Franklin Graham’s Xmas gift shoeboxes. whats the matter jewboy mikey? you don’t like little kids getting Xmas presents from the Air academy cadets because their are lessons about why they must be saved from certain hell by only Jesus tucked inside the shoe boxes for their education? Too bad jewboy scum. fuck you jewboy scum. you will burn in hell jewboy scum with all your other jew scum burning with you for what you did to our Lord and savior and what you still try to do to this very day jewboy mikey. if you had only been born a few years earlier. Hitler would have taken care of you but good so you could no longer attack Jesus and the little children the Air Academy cadets are only trying to help Jesus save from the hell you will burn in forever. Oh I do love the smell of jewboy mikey burning in the morning. fuck you jew mikey. Fuck you jew family and your jew slut wife and jew mongrel ofspring and fuck your jew MFRR. I pray to Jesus that your heart will explode and bleed out gushing through your pointy jew nose. Jesus and the Air Academy will have the last laugh while you choke to death on your own blood you evil jew scum fucker.

(name withheld)

253. November 10, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

Hello, my name is (name withheld), an senior undergrad at Liberty University. How dare you poison and corrupt the Air Force with your FILTH, forcing the General’s hand to remove emails promoting a GREAT, Christmas organization that has done FAR MORE for poor children on Christmas than your Grinch front will ever do. I know you Religious Atheists can’t stand to say Christ-Mas…but it gives you no right to invade the Air Force with clearly an egregious and false Constitutional authority! you have already committed the highest form of hypocrisy by demanding the Air Force promote the religion of secular humanism, which according to YOUR consitutional intrepretation is in violation of!! Stop twisting so deviously the American Constiution, founded in Judeo-Christian heritage, to fit your imaginary secularist neutrality. On behalf of your 132 Muslims you were so deeply offended, they can shove it.

(name withheld)

254. November 10, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,


It’s antichristian pos groups like yourself that suck the life and history out of America. Stop being a bunch of politically correct pussies crying poor me when you’re offended by something the majority in this country believes in. Fuck you and your organization if you don’t like the things the majority in this country believes in get the fuck out of this country and stop fucking it up for everyone else

(name withheld)

255. November 13, 2011 Mikey Weinstein, et al,

The Samaritans Purse shoeboxes are distributed to needy children of all faiths all over the world! To say that Graham is proselitizing is disingenuous!….Are you not trampling on the religious rights of the largest number of cadets of the AirForce Academy who are Christians?

Your organization, as well as the ACLU, has no shame! Both are patently anti- Christian!

(name and location withheld)

256. November 13, 2011 Hello Mr. Weinstien:

I could not locate an e-mail address for you, so this my well just fall on deaf ears. It appears to me that the name of your organization is very misleading. ” Religious Freedom “. It would more accrately describe what you do if it was called the ” Anti Religious Foundation” or maybe just say it like it is, “Anti Christian Foundation”. To attempt to take away the generosity of cadets who want to give a gift to a child seems a bit much, even if the organization that is sponsoring the program is a Christian one.

I guess the cadets just don’t have the same constitonal freedoms that someone like you has.

Sinserely, (name withheld)

257. November 13, 2011 Dear MRFF:


I am a graduate of the USAFA class of 1966. You are the most disgusting entity I have yet seen in my life. I pray that I will never be in any way near any of you. Our founding fathers and are many great heros would be horrified by your evilnessl

(name withheld)

258. November 13, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Shame on you! Because you cannot stand religion in public life, you are willing to let thousands of children be deprived of their Christmas presents. By limiting the field of those contacted and given the opportunity to donate to the children (which is not the same as donating to Samaritan’s Purse since the donation is essentially a pass-through), you are hurting those little ones because of your predilections.

(name withheld)

259. November 14, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

I have read that Mikey Weinstein wants to stop or has stopped operation christmas child!!!!! What’s the deal???? This has been going on for many years now. Why stop it??? That isn’t right!!!! These people that get these shoe boxes enjoy it and they are people who can’t afford to get their children things that may come in these boxes. They are parents like we are and how do you feel if you can’t afford to give your child something he or she needs or wants. Oh well I guess you guys up there in Washington and in the big ole white house don’t have to worry bout NOT BEING ABLE TO AFFORD THINGS FOR YOUR KIDS!!! I know what its like. Its no fun to have your child want or need something that you can’t afford to get them. And OOOHHHH pray tell its soooo bad that it bares the name of Christ or that its done by christians or those that believe in God. That’s not acceptable. And why not. Oh we might make someone mad. So we have to be politically correct these days for fear of upsetting someone else. Well I say this… if the people that started this are Christians then why shouldn’t it bare that name. It would be so different if another group started this operation Christmas child. But they didn’t sooooo whats the big issue?? I think you guys up there in that white house had better start looking at what this country was built on. In my history book way back when I studied the reason we came to america was because of the right to worship and believe in God the way we wanted to. But now because we have so many different people in our United States its no longer acceptable for us to do what has been all these years. I mean come on how long has it been a Christmas tree and in the last what 10 years maybe we cant call it a Christmas tree any more its gotta be a holiaday tree. Give it up!!!!!! You mean if I say Merry Christmas to someone I am morally wrong. If people werent so freaking


touchy these days that wouldn’t bother them. It doesn’t bother me if someone has Happy yule or anything like that to me. It means the same thing. But…. oh pray tell these people out here today are just being stupid and thats the long and short of it stupid. And this not being able to do the operation Christmas Child is stupid. Oh please….. What is this world coming to???? No wonder our United States is going down hill faster then a speeding bullet. People can’t believe in God with out our rights being taken away. We are being told we can’t do this or that because of offending someone. And its coming down to after awhile we wont even be able to set foot in a church because its gonna offend someone. I think its down right stupid to stop these people in the air force who help get this stuff to these kids to be made not to be able to help do it. Thats just stupid. Stuff like this just gets me off and someone needs to stand up and say that its just not right. Guess that would be me. Unless you have heard from others. But…. lets get real here I dont tell you that you have to believe in God or that you have to make up a shoe box to give these kids in Christ’s name so why should we be told we can’t. And why should it be taken away from these other countries that expect this stuff. We spend tax dollars on other stupid stuff so why not something to help someone or to make a few kids happy. It is just all crazy. I just dont get it. This isn’t right. Thank you (name withheld)

260. November 14, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

You misunderstand. Our founding fathers wanted us to have freedom to practice our faith/religion. Not to prevent us from giving expression to it. How about giving poor, disadvantaged children a Hanukkah Gift, a gift from the Christ Child, and maybe the Muslims will get jealous and give a gift in honor of Allah. That is true freedom.

I feel sad for a person who thinks prevents another from a good he has every right to because they are so wounded.

I’ll pray for you Shalom, (name withheld)

261. November 18, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

You need a new category besides hate mail. Pity mail. I pity your misdirected malice towards Christians trying to exercise their rights. Your deceitful efforts to muzzle others is hypocritical. You would be better off attacking smokers. Second hand smoke is far more dangerous than genuine patriots expressing their beliefs. Mr. Weinstein is an embarrassment to all fellow alumni for his misanthropic antics.


(name withheld)

262. November 18, 2011 Dear Mikey Weinstein,

Shame on you Mikey Weinstein and your organization for killing the Air Force program that would have sent shoe box gifts at Christmas to 8 million underprivileged children to 100 countries around the world. As a Christian my wife and I have no problem supporting underprivileged children of any religion. You should know that hunger and impoverishment knows no one religion and discriminates toward none. I am a firm supporter of Israel as a State in spite of the fact that it is a Jewish State. Please re-read amendment 1 to the Constitution of the United States which reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and etc.”. As you should clearly see, that Air Force gifts program neither attempted to “establish religion”. Also note that Congress should not prohibit the “free exercise thereof”. I assume your organization would not deprive needy children of a bit of joy that might accompany them around their religious holidays so why would you play the grinch in this situation? Innocent children should not be punished over religion. It is adults that harbor such vile discriminations. Organizations like yours does nothing but foster divisions in our society in it’s attempt to pigeon-hole people. Get over it, we are all human beings created by the same God whether or not you wish to acknowledge the existence of one or not!

(name withheld)

263. November 22, 2011 Hey, you piece of shit!

I just wanted to write you during this Holiday season and tell you I hope you choke on a matzo ball-even though I know you heathens don’t celebrate being contrite, humble and thankful.

(name and location withheld)

264. December 2, 2011 Dear Mikey Weinstein,

Your new cult makes communist look like a bunch of Choir boys.

It’s unbelievable the harm that you are causing in the Greatest country in the world.


There will be a great reckoning for you and those that you bring down with you.

I pray that the eyes of your understanding will be open before it’s too late.

“IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

(name and location withheld)

265. December 2, 2011 Dear MRFF: in-u-s-military/ you’re doing a great service in Satan’s army. Keep up the fight for debauchery!

(name withheld)

266. December 2, 2011 Dear Mikey,

Liberty gives my neighbor and me the right to choose our religious faith without threat or fear of reprisal from employers and government officials. Tyranny is the system that allows employers, governmental officials, and neighbors who become their willing accomplices to dictate to the citizen which faith he will embrace (at least publicly) and which he will not embrace.

How can one read the founding documents of our great republic and look at an organization that simply upholds those basic principles and label MRFF a “cult” akin to one the most dangerous enemies of freedom!


It is painful to see such ignorance, but that is also a condition of liberty. Not only can my neighbor choose to worship an idol, he can also chose to be ignorant about politics too.

(name withheld)

267. December 14, 2011 Now that I have your attention… ATHEISTS can go straight to HELL! MOST of us BELIEVE in Jesus!

(name withheld)

268. December 16, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

Sorry guys but you sound more like an anti-religious group than what your name implies. The display at Travis does not support one religious group. It has a nativity scene and a menorah. They are not establishing any state religion. It’s just the time of year.

Get real and stop being scrooges.

(name withheld)

269. December 18, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

And there is only 1 God…Jesus Christ our Savior!

Fully support NOT removing the Nativity as this country was FOUNDED on Christ!! Don’t like it…move to the middle east. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Blessings! (name withheld)

270. December 18, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, I can appreciate that you are only acting upon your sincere belief that your interpretation of the First Amendment is correct, but until SCOTUS settles the matter once and for all… yours is but a minority opinion.


Your platform rides a wave of political correctness instead of one that is based on fundamental truth. Which is to say, a truth that is self-evident. You are against the government trying to force a belief or religion upon you but have no problem trying to force the majority to believe as you do. With regard to the United States as we know it, there is much more harm done by tearing down a belief system than there is in just letting it be. People here are too keenly aware of their freedom, and they won’t let someone come along and tell them they must worship a singular religion, as opposed to allowing them to express their own religious beliefs. The establishment clause was written to protect religious freedom not hinder it. As long as the government passes no law forcing you to believe one way or another and doesn’t punish you for your belief then your argument is void. And I feel that you cannot see the difference and possibly don’t want to. Like most “Freedom” based organizations today their name is but a ruse to hide their real intention and this gives them and added push by the PC crowd. But such a victory is short lived. Telling people they must not worship as they wish might get you the opposite result and therefore you may inadvertently be sabotaging your own argument, but I guess that’s a risk you are willing to take.

People won’t stand for a dictatorship either way, unless it comes through a most catastrophic turn of events. And if so, whatever system was in place previously wouldn’t matter anyhow. If your way is a superior belief, then time will tell. Every generation thinks they are more enlightened than the last and they somehow know the “real” truth or interpretation of a given thing. If Christianity is supremely flawed then it will peter-out on it’s own witout any help from you. But history tells us that Christianity has endured and will endure extreme adversity. And if you think Empirical Truth can fill the void in a human soul then you don’t know human nature very well.

(name withheld)

271. December 18, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

I have been compelled to send this message after reading the position of Mr. Weinstein concerning the assertions based on fact by Franklin Graham on the murder and persecution of Christians in the Middle East. I find the position to be offensive, to put it lightly, and am deeply disturbed by the obvious disconnect between reality and the political posturing of your organization. Also, to slander Mr. Graham for his position goes far beyond attacking his character, but is an outright attack on the ideology of the majority of right-of-center Americans, like myself, and an attack on the vision of our forefathers. Your usage of the First Amendment to shield the radical position of your organization is atrocious and misguided, as well. If you can possibly condone the halting of our scrutiny of radical Muslims, yet ignore the dire condition of Christians abroad you are as much of a threat to the sovereignty of this nation as the enemies of ours who will only be satisfied when


Israel and the US are utterly destroyed. This view that you have aligned with is not forwarding equality, but tolerance for the intolerant and a separation from the values of the founders which have been in place since this country’s inception. Your shameful accusations are treacherous and are in line with Hitler’s admonishment to Europe, lamenting the Muslims for having to deal with the “Flabby Christians”. I will vigilant in spreading the word to my friends and family to turn against your mantra of hatred towards Christianity which dares to challenge all of those who tell us we are not allowed to have a voice. God Bless America.

(name withheld)

272. December 19, 2011 Dear MRFF,

Be Afraid, be very afraid – - – The Christians are coming!!!

(name withheld)

273. December 20, 2011 Dear MRFF, its always you low dirty jews, mickey who spoil it all for the rest of humanity. killing and selling out our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was never enough for your demonic breed. no, you have to take manger scenes away from our troops on their bases and Christmas toy away from inocent kids at the air academy. we see that you have kids too. what would you do to a jewboy who took their manger scenes away and took the Christmas toys away too? what will Jesus do to you, jew? your just a lovely tool of satan as are all jew trash. but you jew mickey are satans special favorite. which is why you are the numer one enemy of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. you will lose jew mickey. you will lose everything.

(name and location withheld)

274. December 20, 2011 To whom it may concern,

With the evolution of Christmas and what it means, Santa Claus has taken the forefront of the marketing scene and every other symbolism of Christmas. This constitutes a religion, wouldn’t you say? Santa Claus has become a religious figure with appropriate beliefs and actions to follow. If you’re good, you get presents. If you’re bad, you get a lump of coal. He’s able to accomplish supernatural things, like circumventing the world in a single night and enabling reindeer to fly. Everything about Santa Claus reveres him as a religious leader.


As a person who doesn’t believe in Santa Claus, that offends me! Are you willing to advocate on my behalf to have all Santa Claus propaganda retreated to their appropriate places?

I look forward to your reply…

(name withheld)

275. December 21, 2011 Dear MRFF,

I find your stand pretentious, childish and idiotic. I have the right to pray and speak as I see fit and I’ll be darned if you are going to take that away. Find some other group to harass, say George Soros and his bought and paid for congress..

(name withheld)

276. December 21, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

And tell good ole Mikey to go fuck himself?…Please

This in in regards to the Camp Pendleton cross.

Please tell him that the Air Force is not even a real military service and has no clue about what us Marines have done.

Tell him why not do something better with the ‘charities’ time and quit getting his panties in a bunch.


Tebow! Tebow! Tebow!

277. December 23, 2011 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Go F—k yourself !!! , don’t even touch that Nativity scene on Travis, from a VietNam era vet.”

(name withheld)


278. December 23, 2011 Dear MRFF,

The ‘hurt’ feelings of the minority seem to always take precedence over the majority. This Airman, who stated he “joined the military to support and defend the Constitution,” seemed to forget the fundamental rule of a democracy; majority rules. This Airman offends me by attacking my beliefs. What makes a nation is best summed up by Michael Savage: borders, language, and culture. Christmas just so happens to be in our culture. So as I type this email from the Middle East defending our nation’s borders, language, and culture. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!”

(name withheld)

279. December 23, 2011 Dear MRFF,

Your mission statement indicates that you are an organization that strives to allow all service members to equal access to participate in their religion of choice if they so desire.

If that is in fact true, then why is your group “Demanding” that Travis AFB remove a Manger scene and a Menorah from public view. Other groups/squadrons have been allowed to “publish” their expressions of holiday cheer to include an Atheist group. Why then, are the only groups being asked to remove their expression are those of Chapel squadron? All groups were given the opportunity to put together their own display. So, if a group decided not to participate in the holiday cheer, who then is harmed?

Where is this a freedom of religion? Based on your group’s actions, this would be a ban of religious activities. The very thing that your group says they are trying to prevent.

Shame on you!

(name withheld)

280. December 26, 2011 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

If the people who came before you fools acted the way you do none of us would have any religious freedom and that is what built this wonderful country.


Get over yourselves. If you choose not to practice any religious beliefs or practices you are welcome too, but don’t think for one moment you have the right to tell any of the rest of us that the values that built this country are no longer allowed to be displayed in public.

If you spent more time actually practicing charity and compassion this country would be a much more human place for everyone.

(name withheld)

281. December 30, 2011 Dear Mikey Weinstein,

The only thing Happy New Year about 2012 is if Jesus makes it your last mikie shitface jewboy winingstein from satans hell. why you hate America and our Christians so much? cause we want to share Christ’s promice everlasting life with the soldiers who are lost? and the arab sand niggers who are also lost you skeeming fucking kike. How can you even stand to be alive with your evilness?America hates you and your dark mfrr followers so you and thier wickedness cannot stand in our Saviors way.

(name withheld)



282. January 6, 2012 Our church prayer group hope that Mikey and his band of Christ haters at the Military Religious RAPE Foundation, mrff are finally happy that they have won their war for satan at the Air Force Academy. Because of this one alone horrible man and the evil horde he leads all of the goodness of the Word from Jesus has been removed from the cadets. Is it any wonder that rapes are happening? And more evil is surely on its way there. this is what Mikey wants. Thanks to Mikey and his sick diciples. world history shows that any time you remove the Word of the Savior from the people than satan’s demons rush in. But satan cant do this without his leutenants of darkness. which Mikey and the mrff hordes are. ok, do you see that mikey is the worst rapist there is. He and his black army rape the Word of the Christ from where our American leaders wanted it all along next to the heart and harth of every good citizen. This is specialy true for our military. And what should we do to rapists like Mikey? No Jesus No Peace. Know Jesus Know Peace. No mikey no mrff and no rape no satan. (name withheld)

283. January 29, 2012 Why this maniacal obsession about Islam. Christianity and Judaism are just as dangerous and poisonous as Islam is. Their actions are just as diabolic. In fact Islam owes its existence to the founders of Christianity and Judaism. So really, it is the Jews we should be taking it out on. All the silly rituals and barbaric rules, human/animal rights abuse all stem from Jewish laws. Jews are suibhuman, less evolved primates who should be eliminated in a peaceful manner. Such as by spraying them with mega toxic pesticides like you try to eliminate locusts and other field posts. (name withheld) 284. January 31, 2012 …you stop an American hero like Gerenal Boykin from praying with the West Point soldiers and your happy, jewboy? you wont be so happy when our Lord and Savior burns you and your little foundation in the Lake of fire for all time never ending will you? you will be fucked then jewboy. Jesus will have the last laugh on you and your homo commie MRFR villians. of course your a jewboy to do this to a real man and hero as the general Boykin. The general fought and won over Arabs. What have you ever done mickey jewboy fucker. Get ready for your eternity in hell.

(name withheld)

285. February 1, 2012


Dear MRFF, Wow. How sad. You show you are not caving in to one religion by by caving in to two other religions – Islam and Atheism. And then you say you are protecting religious rights. Shameful….. (name withheld)

286. February 9, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, As a former Marine infantryman, current Army 11B, college student and avowed atheist, for some time I have thought the MRFF as an organization worthy of my support. However, your recent attack on Scout Snipers to fulfill a clearly self-serving agenda has reversed that opinion, and I will avidly try to dissuade people from supporting you. It is quite obvious that you have little understanding of STA platoons and their culture, and that is now manifesting itself in your utterly absurd decision to attack something Scout Snipers have done for years. Most of my friends who are Marine snipers have the lightning bolt tattoo, whether they be white, black, hispanic, or asian. It is part of a small units culture, not some political or religious statement, and it has been around for a long time. The level of politically correct absurdity in your stance is mindblowing, you clearly are just looking for a topic to cry about instead of actually looking out for service members well being. Utterly despicable, and I will take every chance I get to speak negatively about your organization. (name withheld)

287. February 9, 2012 Dear MRFF, What the hell are you doing or not doing. do you have any clue to demanding and in investigation for a photo is over 2 yeas old The SS means scout sniper your ignorance is beside me and you are a bunch of morons. This has been tradition for many years If you got your head out of your ass and ask some body, you may not wasteing the worlds times A PROUD FORMER US MARINE SCOUT SNIPER THAT HAS AND WILL ALWAYS WILL CARRY AN SS PATCH AND T-SHIRT THAT I EARNED AND RESPECT I AM NOT A FUCKING NAZI JUST A SCOUT SNIPER

288. February 9, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, From the wife of a deployed service member, I want to tell your organization TO GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, readers saw an SS nazi symbol? Do you or your readers have anything to do? Do you spend your life looking for something that could remotely offend you? Do you look for Nazi symbols in the clouds, toast, alphabet soup?


IT STANDS FOR SCOUT SNIPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but now the symbol is unacceptable and has to be removed….. Why don’t you thin skined, do nothing but leech off the sacrifices of others, move to the middle east where free speech, freedom of thought and expression is NOT TOLERATED, you’ll fit right in. I’M ASHAMED MY HUSBAND IS FIGHTING FOR YOUR FREEDOMS! Very soon all of the incredible hero’s and real men who are sick of people that don’t appreciate their sacrifice will leave the service and the armed forces will probably have to have a draft because all of the REAL PATRIOTS of this country are tired of protecting people that do not appreciate what they have in the US. GOOD LUCK WHEN THE TIME COMES WHEN YOU AMERICA HATERS HAVE TO FEND FOR YOURSELVES…. The true patriots and prior defenders of our freedoms will do just fine. My children just asked after reading the article, Mom what do they think they are in Afghanistan for….to fight the Jews! I”M ASHAMED OF ALL OF YOU!

(name withheld)

289. February 10, 2012 Dear MRFF, I used to support Jews and would have fought to protect Israel, but because of you, I will never feel that way again. (name withheld)

290. February 10, 2012 Dear Mikey, My son is a career soldier. My daughter-in-law is, too. I am incensed about your whining about the behavior of our warriors. So what if they piss on dead Taliban killers! More power to them! So what if they INNOCENTLY show a flag that had two S’s on it! They didn’t even know about the Nazi SS. You need to take the broom stick out of you ass and spend your time doing something useful. I am tired of liberal morons who live by the code of political correctness. The United States Marine Corps has my full support. I sincerely hope their snipers never stop killing these rag head bastards. The best thing that could happen to our planet is if we killed ever single muslim; man, woman, and child and then deleted all mention and history of the religion and its founder.

I proudly sign my name as an American Patriot… (name withheld) and by-the-way… GO FUCK YOURSELF, MIKEY!!!!!


291. February 10, 2012 Dear MRFF, Just so you all know. The “SS” lightning bolts are nothing more than the Norse Rune for “S” which was around long before National Socialist Germany. Essentially, you all are whining about a font. Since SS lightning bolts can be translated to SS, then to use the letters SS for social security, secret service, and scout sniper should now be consider “Nazi” actions. It’s ok though. I understand you all need to continue bringing up the holocaust every chance you get. I am sure reparations from Germany are starting to dry up by now. Empty kosher pockets can indeed be a problem for the chosen ones so why not steal from others who had nothing to do with it? Mikey Weinstein… He should be helping to end racism and anti-semitism. The place to start would be campaigning for Israel to allow Israelis to marry Palestinians. How about them grapes? (name withheld)

292. February 10, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Mikey Weinstein and the Rabbi Marvin Hier can both, please, shut their stupid mouths up in regards to the matter of the Marine Corps. photo with the Schutzstaffel flag. Your paltry website very visibly quotes the 1st amendment. Jew hypocrites all too often forget that trampling on other’s beliefs applies to you as well. Plenty of Jews have willingly had their photos taken with that very SS flag. It’s a sign of honor, privilege, and brothership between the Scout Snipers to have taken that flag and symbol from the Nazi’s and made it their own, not unlike Adolf Hitler taking the thousands of years old Swastika symbol from the Chinese and Indians and made it his Nazi party symbol. Also the Ankh and the Christian Cross. The fact that your organization is a tax deductible affair sickens me. I’m sure a large chunk of people’s well-meaning donations have gone towards your German-made luxury cars and expensive clothing made by anti-Semites. Congratulations on spending your adult years being a parasite who harms your country.

(name withheld)

293. February 10, 2012 See below link. Thought I’d share an article with all you HOGS. Haven’t we gone through this like 5 times in the past 20 years? Isn’t there enough history and documentation to show that the use of the lightning bolt SS has nothing to do with Nazi Germany and everything to do with motivation, history and traditions. All important things that keep these young warriors heads held high and give them a sense of honor and pride. Just my .02 cents.

117 ss-symbol-in-afghanistan/ Semper Fi, (name withheld) For every one hundred men you send us, Ten should not even be here. Eighty are nothing but targets, Nine are real fighters, We are lucky to have them, they the battle make. Ah, but the one. One of them is a warrior, And he will bring the others back. Heraclitus, 500 BC

294. February 10, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Tell your buddy Mikey Weinstein that he has no idea what those men and women sacrifice on a daily basis for his lousy desk riding, pencil pushing behind. He demands punishment for those who have already suffered enough on our behalf. Well, then I demand that he put on a uniform and join those me before he makes any more demands. If this is the message that your organization sends out, then count me out and remove the words religious from your titles. You give those who truly support religious freedom a bad name. Shame on Mikey and shame on your organization! (name withheld)

295. February 10, 2012 Mikey, Not surprisingly the Vanguard Neo-Nazi website forum picked up on the Marines/Nazi flag story and they mention you, and include a picture of you giving an interview to Russia Today. Well, if these Marines apologize profusely and beg forgiveness to the supremacist kikes for their outrageous and insensitive afront to them, posing with, and using a flag that stands for “Scout Snipers” that resembles an insignia once used by truly manly men, then perhaps, they shouldn’t be dishonorably discharged from that military organization that jews are loathe to join. it is a bit confusing. Seeing the jewbots, fighting for Israel, with an SS flag. I really can’t understand what the confusion is all about. We are fighting wars for Israel/Jews/Mossad and the military can’t urinate, can’t display a SS flag, but the military can sure kill innocent men, women, and children and it’s not considered deplorable. However, urinating on dead bodies and showing a SS flag is an abomination! No, absolutely not! There’s no confusion at all when we have jews like “Mikey” Weinstein or male jews named “Sharon” that are either children’s names or feminine names in our midsts. This sort of thing is not deplorable or an abomination at all. Mikey Weinstein blubbers on (Picture of Mikey being Interviewed) Now there’s another handsome jewboy!


296. February 10, 2012 Dear MRFF, “In short, this shameful display of SS “lightning bolts” by U.S. service personnel enrages our regional allies, emboldens the extremist Islamist forces with whom we are contending, and eviscerates good order, morale, and discipline within the U.S. Marine Corps.” Is that right? What does an Air Force Lawyer know about the Marine Corps anyway? Absolutely nothing is what! It is painfully apparent that your hysterical reaction to 2 letters in our alphabet that Marine Scout Snipers use to signify who they are, and not any association to past German military units, shows your clouded sense of reality. Those Marines don’t give a rat’s ass about you, your background, your religious preferences or anything that has to do with the Jewish faith. Get that through your thick skulls! What they care about is accomplishing their assigned missions of locating and killing the enemy with extreme prejudice. And the last time I looked, they are eliminating the very people that would rather see all Jews and the Israeli Nation wiped out! But wait…what would an Air Force Lawyer know about front-line combat? Again..nothing! Your time could be better spent recruiting young Jewish men and women into our Services instead of crying that the sky is falling. You owe those Marines an apology for your outrageous and absolutely stupid behavior. With absolutely no respect whatsoever, (name withheld)

297. February 12, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Just thought I’d let you know, I’m sick and tired of you and the rest of the jews shoving your “we the poor mistreated people of the holocaust” down the throats of the people of the world….It was over 65 years ago, GET OVER IT!!!!!!!!!! As for your organizations demand for an investigation of the circumstances of the picture of the Marines with the alleged “SS” flag, give me a break. Get over yourselves….I fed up with you peoples (and fortunately it’s really a very small minority of jews) constantly crying about ancient history. Hello, this is the 21st century, GET OVER IT and do something constructive with your lives. BTW, As a point of how tired I am of hearing about the “holocaust”, I have begun teaching my children that it ever happened, and that it was drempt up by a group of people so that they could steal land from the Palestinians.

(name withheld)


298. February 12, 2012 Dear Mr. Weinstein, I just read about your group trying to make something out of nothing with the Marine photo. As a Proud former Marine and Veteran of OEF and OIF leave it alone and shut up. (name withheld)

299. February 15, 2012 I, as a decorated Marine, who served from 1981-1985 and 2006-2009 wanted to chime in on this whining about the flag that the Marines displayed with the American flag. If your organization had anyone with even the slightest bit of knowledge about the Marine Corps Scout/Sniper program than there would be no doubt that the SS stood for just that, Scout Sniper. I suspect that the attention that your bringing to the fore mentioned picture is more motivated by a liberal agenda than anything else. Mikey was in the Air Force, a non infantry unit and no doubt spent his time packing his chute. You organization should put it’s efforts toward thanking those who are boots on the ground and do the real war fighting and killing the enemy instead of being anally retentive and criticizing the real war heroes. (name withheld)

300. February 15, 2012 Dear Members of Military Religious Freedom, Why don’t you people do something constructive instead of going on your little witch hunt within the military? You don’t think these brave men and women have enough on their minds without having to watch their political correctness due to scum like you looking over their shoulders? What’s next, you want to remove the pictures of the pin-up girls from the sides of the WWII bombers so they don’t look sexist? It’s assholes like you people that are ruining this country with your PC bullshit. I bet most of you have never served, so why don’t you just shut your cowardly mouths and say thank you to these fine veterans. You’re pathetic, (name withheld)

301. February 15, 2012 Fucking liberal faggots! Those Marine snipers let you jerk off in the comfort of your warm bed while you complete your fetish with your dog! (name withheld)

302. February 16, 2012 Dear Mikey,


If that is all you ambulance chasers have to do, why don’t you go try screwing yourself. NJP isn’t warranted, must less more Mikey. Maybe you should try doing their job, Mr Whinestein.

303. February 16, 2012 Dear Mr. Weinstein, I am appalled at the display of the Nazi SS flag by US marines in a photo taken in Afghanistan in September, 2010. Now I have also come to understand that the SS symbol was known to have been used by marines as far back as 2004. As the story has so far developed, we are being told that the use of the SS symbol was simply naiveté on the part of those who displayed it. We are told that its use was just a happenstance since it might only be a “homegrown” logo for the marines’ scout snipers, and nothing else. The suggestion is also made that these scout snipers are unaware of the real story of 20th century American History, the story in which my father’s generation defeated Nazism, defeated fascism, and defeated militarism. I don’t buy any of this! I believe that what is going on is an example of a plan of systematic infiltration of our armed services by fascist and right-wing social forces, enemies of the Constitution and the American people. And just what might they be planning? My father was in the Battle of the Bulge, and honored some years ago for his wartime service by the governor of Florida. His cousin was there on Utah Beach, his brother was in the Pacific Theater. My other uncle was a flight trainer for the Naval Air Corps. Yes, they and hundreds of thousands of others fought to protect our way of life and our rights. They did not fight for fascist indoctrination in the US armed forces. They did not fight for right-wing evangelizing in the armed forces. Supposedly, the SS display issue was resolved at the “unit level.” That would suggest to me that no deeper probe was or is in the works. That should not be the case. I believe that, to the extent that any superior officer(s) knew of the SS display, even as far back as 2004 and did nothing, let it ride, or kept it at the unit level alone, they must be stripped of rank, and drummed out of the armed forces. May the commander-in-chief do that? I certainly hope so. Those in the armed forces displaying or found to have displayed any fascist logo of any sort ought immediately to be court-martialed, with the courts-martial seeking to strip them of rank and immediately separate them from service. But there is deeper question. Just look white supremacy’s legitimation within CPAC. Are military fascists their armed and uniformed echo? How far into the ranks of our armed forces have these right-wing and fascist elements burrowed? For the sake of America, this must be determined. And they must all be rooted out. Thank you for considering my concerns. Sincerely, (name withheld)

304. February 17, 2012


Dear Sir/Ma’am, Are ya’ll really that bored and sensative? So what if the name of a Combat Outpost is Aryan. The name is very valid. After all Afghanistan, Iran and India is where the Aryan’s came from. My reference: Here is an article from the Garhwal Post, an English language paper in India. R Day celebrated at Aryan School. (2012, February 13). Garhwal Post,***[insert pages]***. Retrieved February 15, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2584402701). Here is another article from India. Warning the word Aryan is used. Aryans open doors for JK students. (2012, February 5). Early Times,***[insert pages]***. Retrieved February 15, 2012, from ProQuest Newsstand. (Document ID: 2578250021). Give our guys some credit for knowing their history. I think naming the COP Aryan was very astute and pellucid. Instead of demanding a name change, why not educate the masses on the true meaning of the word Aryan and how Hitler used it for his purposes. Educate, don’t instigate. Respectfully, (name withheld)

305. February 19, 2012

Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

Christians are sweet, loving, gentle, caring, spirit-filled spreaders of the light of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and, thus are blessd with eternal life. Mikey Whinstein the jew-lawyer and his evil MRFF demons are sour, hateful, brutal, callous, satan-filled sewers of the darkness of the Devil and, thus are condemned to eternity in the fires of hell.

(name withheld)

306. February 21, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, The Marines obviously did not use the SS logo in their picture. I had never heard of your organization until this silly controversy started. Before we began any mission our unit had a group prayer. Only twice in two tours did one of the unit members decline to participate. That was his choice and we never forced the issue. After he was wounded on his second ops he was begging the med not to let him die and please pray for him. As the old saying goes “there is no atheist in a foxhole”. I have seen many non religious soldiers change their views when faced with the extreme violence of combat. To my knowledge none ended their tour and became a preacher but all had a better understanding of good and evil and ALL wanted a prayer before each ops. While I’m sure there are exceptions I have never personally witnessed any.


I always welcome any person with an idea to lead from the front. Until you are willing to walk point with my soldiers and personally experience their mission, I suggest you stay safely in your little office. As for the Marines pissing on dead enemy, I would beat the idiot that took the pictures and tell the rest of that team “well done, you’re alive and the enemy is dead”. I would cover every Muslim, dead or alive, with pig blood if I had the opportunity. For you to be offended by the scout sniper SS is absurd. I am sure you can find a few veteran malcontents to be offended for you and champion their hurt feelings but really? You are offended? I suggest you have a counseling session with R Lee Ermey. He should be the spokesman for the Marines and the Army, not the PC wonders that are in the Pentagon.

(name withheld)

307. February 21, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Please remind your boss that these brave men and women are over there in part protecting Israel from various Arab groups that wish them far greater harm than the misuse of a ss symbol by some young Marines that had not intended it to be used as a hate logo. Their choice of the logo just goes to show that young American’s have no idea of history and that the very liberal left is out to re write it. Instead of calling for these Marines heads, why not use this as an example of how the liberals in this country are miss leading the youth in the actual horrors that did occur during WWII. (name withheld)

308. February 22, 2012 Hey Mr. Weinstein, Today was the first day I’ve ever heard a USAF Academy teacher talk about you and the foundation in a positive light. I just wanted to let you know and maybe put a smile on your face. Cadets here don’t understand what you do because you’re so demonized so he kind of shed more light on it. I wish there was some way that they could actually see your work for regular airmen not on what you do around the school. Hope all is well (name withheld)

309. February 23, 2012 Dear MRFF, Please stop thumping your chest and spewing your propaganda about the Marines using the initials SS. Yes it looks the same as the Nazi SS symbol. Marines use it because it the angular “s” resembles a lighting bolt and it looks cool. It stands for Scout-Sniper, which is what the Marines have called their sniper platoons for years. The Marine sniper platoon is a reconnaissance asset that is organic to the infantry battalion and directly controlled by the battalion commander. They are also highly


trained snipers with a mission to eliminate selected targets in combat operations. Therefore, scout-sniper or SS. It has nothing to do with Nazi’s or Aryan race. I was a Marine sniper and still have one of my old platoon shirts with the exact SS lettering on it. It had nothing to do with Nazi’s. Who exactly is the MRFF anyway? I was in the Marine Corps for twelve years of active duty and served with Christians, Muslims, Agnostics, Atheists, and others, and they all held their own beliefs and they all worked together to defend our constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. No one was pressured to believe anything. There has always been separation of church and state in our military. It appears you are a scam using your propaganda to scare people about losing their rights or some such nonsense so they can send you money. You then continue to spread your “news” of your great achievements and report all these service members who have come to you to save them from some military industrial religious bogey-man. Please Mikey get a real job and stop scamming people. Do you really think you are a patriotic American? (name withheld)

310. February 23, 2012 This message is for Mr. Weinstein, First off, I assume that because of my lack of political affiliation, or magnitude of campaign donations that I will receive either a no response or a generic response to this message. I have one question in lieu of his position on recent matters in the press: Has Mr. Weinstein ever killed any one person on the line of duty? Hope to hear from him soon! Thanks! (name withheld)

311. February 23, 2012 Mikey, Give it a rest on the NON Marine issue and stop trying to make something of nothing! this has completely changed my attitude towards you and your organization. These Marines bleed and die for “your” freedoms. (name withheld)

312. February 23, 2012 Dear Mr. Weinstein, Through your jewish enforcement of the believe that their Scout Sniper logo – SS is an affront to your jewish population of holocaust survivors, which is NOT an belief shared by all – or even many… you have directly pressed for the imposition of a religious issue by the command on these Marines – particularly by calling for punishment for them. Shame Shame Shame… Either live by your tenents… or don’t. But don’t press your jewish beliefs on the non-jews in the military.


For that matter, on the “desecration of the dead” video as well – don’t push, or accept the pushing, of some people’s belief that what was done is a moral or relgious outrage. Desecration of the dead, unless an act is SPECIFICALLY spelled out in a statute (which peeing is not) – is traditionally taken within the context of one’s religious up-bringing. So forcing your beliefs on the Marines (or any soldiers) goes contrary to the very thing you seem to be preaching. And for what it is worth – I used to support your cause – but with this attack on these boys (some of which are dead or maimed now), you have lost that support. Not every use of two SS together reminds kids of this generation of something that happened half a decade ago. Just like the word “retard” to most kids does not connect in any way to a child that is developmentally challenged. KISS, the band, made the SS design within their logo benign to a generation of kids who have absolutely NO CLUE over the emotions of a war that was fought before their parents were even born. So screaming “off-with-their-heads” because they fly the SCOUT SNIPER logo that has been used for at least a decade that I am aware of with no complaints, even by jewish snipers, just turns this generation against any support you thought you may gain. I question now why any of the US military should sacrifice themselves in the defense of the jews in israel, given the jews attack on boys dying and being maimed in the desert fighting an enemy that is FAR MORE the threat of israel than the US. THAT is what your tirade, and the tirade of a few rabbi’s has caused for me, my family, and every Marine parent I know of a wounded or fallen hero. But if you are going to attack the miltary – at least stay true to your own doctorines – and don’t push your jewish beliefs on this logo down the throats of the troops. Otherwise you are no better than the Govt trying to force any religious issue on these boys. (name withheld)

313. February 26, 2012 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Thousands of Afghans consider it acceptable to murder American/ISAF service members over the burning of a book (accidental or intentional), but US military leadership are the villains here? Have you lost your mind? The US must not apologize. The US must safeguard the rights of its citizens to speak freely about religion. The fact that you don’t vehemently oppose the idea of a trial of those responsible for the Koran burning is incomprehensible to me- almost to the extent that I seriously question my affiliation with the organization… (name withheld)

314. February 29, 2012 Mr. Michael Weinstein, Yes, we knew what that flag meant. We are mainly composed of white people of European descent (blacks can’t swim and it is too tough for jews). We have always acknowledged true fighters and the Waffen SS are an elite brotherhood of warriors, much like we are. More than 99% never saw a concentration camp or participated in


Einsaztgruppen actions, much like the vast majority of the USMC has never perpetrated any war crimes. Many of our members are of German descent and not a few have ancestors who were in the Waffen SS. We certainly do not have the combat distinction of your Israeli Commandos (if I were a 12 year old Palestinian boy throwing rocks I may be scared) or the Air Farce. You are correct; we knew what that flag meant. (name withheld)

315. March 11, 2012 To whom it may concern , Your post regarding the ” Truthout ” article is a bunch of hogwash . I think you folks at MRFF have finally jumped the shark ! It doesn’t matter if the Korans were deliberately burned or not ? WTH ? You might as well say it doesn’t matter if you intended to run someone over with your car or not. Oh , wait a minute , the law actually does say that intent matters . Um , how inconvenient for you and yours . Apparently it doesn’t matter to you and your fellow travelers that it was the Muslim prisoners who actually defaced the Korans to send messages and foment trouble IN THE FIRST PLACE. This desecration of their own holy book seems to get short shrift from you and “Truthout ” ( what an oxymoron ) . Perhaps we should have sent these mutilated Korans back to a landfill in the US or perhaps we could have recycled them ? Islam is not just a religion , it is an economic , legal , political and cultural system all at the same time . When are you going to start treating it like more than a religion , which it undeniably is ? Islam was birthed in blood ( the blood of it’s victims ) , even from the time of Mohammed himself . What was the Battle of the Trench all about ? Why was there a Muslim fleet in the harbor of Constantinople less than 40 years after Mohammed’s death ? Were they there to run a Tupperware campaign ? The five historical Sees of Christendom are Alexandria , Jerusalem , Antioch , Constantinople and Rome . Except for Rome and Jerusalem ( a big thank you to Israel ) , how are the rest doing currently ? If Islam is the religion of peace , then I’m Dolly Parton and I’m giving you a lifetime pass to Dollywood ! Do you folks favor a ” Victory Mosque ” at the NYC 9/11 memorial site ? When are you folks going to stop being apologists for Islam ? What size is your prayer rug ? But dimmhi does look good on you folks .

Sincerely, (name withheld)

316. March 27, 2012 Hello again, We see that “you people” are starting your crap in North Carolina about praying in the wonderful name of JESUS. We also see that “you people” have teamed up with the anti-AMERICAN, anti-CHRIST, RACIST NO-ACCOUNTS CALLED THE ACLU. “you people” will not get anything done against us NORTH CAROLINA BOYS. Once again, you have stuck your big nose where it don’t belong. We haer that “you


people” are not winning any cases. We are praying that “you people” will have all of the BAD LUCK that you could possibley have on this issue as well.


317. April 2, 2012 Dear Mikey, Good morning you piece of shit! I pray your week is totally worthless. Fucking coward! (name and location withheld)

318. April 11, 2012 Mr. Weinstein, I am a graduate of the Air Force Academy. And I live in Colorado Springs. And guess what, I am a devout believer in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and in spreading the Gospel of His grace and truth far and wide. I speak on behalf of many fellow Academy graduates from all over the country who have a message for you and your unbiblical Military “Religious Freedom” Foundation. Apparently you have a serious problem with Christians. Which stems from the fact that you deliberately believe that the Constitution separates our Lord’s Church from state and that America was not founded to be a Christian nation. It is likely that you also are unhappy with the fact that due to your own free choice your rejection of Jesus Christ will be consigning you to burn in torment in hell forever. That’s right Mr. Weinstein. Hell awaits you. As it awaits your wife and children and all who align with the satanic darkness you and your “Freedom Foundation” preach Mr. Weinstein. And we are frankly very glad of it. You hurt people Mr. Weinstein by denying them access to Christ through our Academy and the military more broadly. There is no changing your hatred of Jesus (2 Corinthians 6:14). As a result of your hatred of Jesus Christ and his followers and your refusal to accept the singular Christian heritage of America you have unfortunately single-handedly become the most recognizable graduate of our Academy in its history. A sinister evil demonic clever and conniving and infamous jewish graduate. Why are we not surprised? And now because of the liberal socialist press your blackness overshadows all of the Air Force Academy’s wonderful graduates and their actual accomplishments. You shame our Academy and its cadets families of cadets and staffers and supporters. We know you were born today. As you have become only the strongest tool of the devil it would have been so much better for America and its true Christian heritage had you never been born at all. As you blow out the candles on your cake today Mr. Weinstein your fellow Academy graduates want you to remember that you will not live forever on earth. But that you will live forever in the flames of those candles.

(name and e mail address withheld)


319. April 15, 2012 Dear Mikey, you filhty stinking puny jewboy who fucks his whore diseased wife and breeds subhumain male and female jew- spawn as we see in your new jewshit book. in the pages never forget the faces of the jew family of Americas disgrace. about how you hateChristians and the Christian USA but love athiests and satan and muslem slimes. You crucified our Lord and laughed and made him suffer for your 20 pieces of silver jewboy mickey. and you nail Him to the Cross with your perverted constitution as the hammer in your evil jew paw.You hate the Word of God and the Bible and Xmas and chaplins and NRA and the Marines corps. You and your she-jew whore wife and jewshit retard children will burn in hell and you all don’t care. How about we shove a nuke up your little laywer jewhole and nail you to the cross the very next time mickey fucker? Now let us pray for it everyday for it. (name and e mail address withheld)

320. April 15, 2012 Dear MRFF, For your information, “the separation of church and state” is not in the constitution. Look it up for yourself, it was written in a letter to Danbury Baptist by Jefferson, but no mention in the constitution. You may look a little smarter in your fight if you know the facts, this statement does NOT give you much credibility. Leave the crosses along at Fort Pendleton. (name withheld)

321. April 15, 2012 To whom it concerns: Removing those crosses only takes away freedom of religion from those that wish to worship there. You have found a nice little niche in the world to give yourselves some purpose. Unfortunately you’re using said “purpose” to infringe on the rights, beliefs, and wishes of others. Separation of church and state…you take it MUCH too literally. Why don’t you fight to KEEP those crosses to allow those who wish to worship there that freedom? Oh, that wouldn’t make a headline to give you notariety and more “pledges”. I’m sorry. I forgot that part. Thank you for helping destroy our country. (name withheld)

322. April 15, 2012 Dear Mikey, I wanted to say Dear Sir, but it looks like your club is ran by a bunch of women. We are writing for a couple of reasons wanted to know why you are concerned about a


couple of crosses on a U.S. Marine Base and what that has to do with your little merry band of men or looks like women? We read with interest where your little club’s goal was to support the constitution, we are assuming you mean the U.S. Constitution, but you said the constitution mandates separation of church and state. We have spent days looking for that mandate, but can’t find that in the U.S. Constitution? And, then we read where you have 27,000 club members that have found that in the U.S. Constitution, we would sure like for you to show us where exactly that appear in that document? Did you get up that morning and wolf down a big bowl of stupid and follow it with a large glass of dumb ass. You have to be one of the dumbest people on Earth! You lack of wisdom is appalling! The reporter that reported this story painted you in a very dim light, probably because your elevator doesn’t go all the way to top! Regards, (name withheld) P.S. I immigrated to this great country and am amazed at how really stupid, ungrateful, and ignorant Americans are about their rich history, which doesn’t mandate separation of church and state.

323. April 15, 2012 you gotta be idiots , our active soldiers honouring their fallen comrads that paid the ulimate price just so you can have freedom to condem their actions, you,ve got to be an atheist to have something against a cross as a memorial, why dont you try to remove the crosses in our national cemetaries, you and your staff do not deserve to live in america, why dont you just go out and try to remove the crosses all by yourselves i,ll bet a bunch of marines mite just want to have a privite meeeting with you, i do hope that one day god grabs you by the neck and puts you where you deserve be. you and your staff are a disgrace to the uniform and a disgrace to this country. sincrerly (name withheld) oh and i sure would like to see in our constition where it says church and state should be separate because it doesnt, your idiots

324. April 19, 2012 Hello, I served active duty for over 20 years. I find your stand on Fighter Attack Squadrons symbol change appalling, and quite frankly you people should be ashamed of yourselves for even using the word “freedom” in your name. I think you folks wouldn’t say much if the symbol had Muslim overtones to it, because your a bunch of pacifist that in the light of truth would rather bow down to our enemy than vanquish them. Why doesn’t your organization grow a backbone and realize the enemy declared Jihad on “US”! You want religious freedom, and then let it stand. If it helps our boys out there then so be it. Who’s it hurting, other than a way for you guys get more “donations”? I am also posting this on the internet article. I hope that


you will receive many more of these emails so you can understand where the AMERICAN people stand. Sincerely, (name withheld)

325. April 24, 2012 Mickey Wienstien, we called you on the weekend to advice you that our womens prayer circle at our church will be ending your wickedness against Christ Jesus and his anointed of the USA in our military. In America which is Jesus’ country we can pray all we want for anything we want. you hung up on us and were rude to our leader. but will that stop us or Christ Jesus? No it will not and never could have, wicked Mickey. Our prayer circle has never failed to acheive our hosts granting of the scripture we pray. for direct intervention against you as you are a true demon to America. Luke 9:1 We will not stop our prayers until you stop the evil you do with Lucifer on a daly basis. Luke 9:1 But not against you Mickey. We know by your internet site and your book who it is to be. Now for our prayer, we pray that the women who work in your MFRR and the women in your family will befall fast moving breast cancer which can not everbe cured. We pray this for Leah Bruton, and Becki Miller, Patricia Corigan, Chris Rodda, Edie Disler, Vicky Garrison, Kristin Leslie, Melinda Moeton and Joan Slish. And you evil clan too, we pray this for Bonnie Wiensten and Amanda and Amber Wienstein and the woman lawyers Cariline Mitchel and Katherin Ritchy and all women of all who work at with for Military Freedom Against Religon Foundation. know that we pray and pray hard all the days until you stop your destruction of our American army and accept Christ Jesus as Lord and join His army.

326. May 10, 2012 Mikey, In the event you haven’t seen this already, Rev Ted Pike who is described by the SPLC as a radical anti-semite ( mentioned you in his latest e- mail alert of 16 Apr titled, “Mockery of Jesus: A Jewish Tradition” In the alert, he blames the Jews for every anti-Christian action since the advent of Jesus and to quote: Its smell is unmistakable in the arrogance of Rabbi Arnold Resnicoff, who helped create US Air Force and Navy guidelines to forbid public prayers in Jesus’ name. Resnicoff was assisted by lay Jewish activist Mikey Weinstein, whose objections to Christian evangelism at the Air Force Academy ultimately compelled it to restrain Christian free speech. Resnicoff was the primary force causing Chaplain Gordon Klingenschmidtt to be expelled from the Navy for illegally using the name of Jesus in public prayer.

Not surprisingly, Rev Pike’s virulent anti-semitism extends to blaming the Jews for


“spearheading promotion of miscegenation between blacks and whites.” In a racist filled e-mail alert he wrote in a 2009 article about Obama fulfilling prophecy: Especially for the past century, liberal Jewish-dominated media and “civil liberties” groups have spearheaded promotion of miscegenation between blacks and whites. They have been spectacularly successful. America is fast moving toward a biracial, not predominantly white, nation. After the election of Obama, Jewish media supremacists more than ever push blacks and whites together to mix the genetic seed of iron peoples with clay. (iron peoples being Pike’s euphemism for whites and blacks as clay) (name withheld)

327. May 10, 2012 Dear Mikey, The blood of Jews and Christians is on your hands as you help those who perpetrated 9/11 to attack us again. (name withheld)

328. May 10, 2012 Dear Mikey, Well tell mommy she will be going up the chimney with you as you help your Islamist friends to kill the tramp off. (name withheld)

329. May 10, 2012 What is Shorter? than a jew’s prick? A black guy’s to-do list!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!, you coward loser. (name withheld)

330. May 10, 2012 I assume Weinstein is your fathers name. Lucky you mom asked it before she took his money and spread her legs. Well sadly he didn’t use a condom before he climbed on her and pumped and dumped. (name and e mail address withheld)

331. May 10, 2012 Dear Mikey, We will soon remove all muslims from our military and country for our own safety and you will be welcome to join them in arabia (name withheld)


332. May 10, 2012 Dear Mikey, When you get done swallowing the muslims cum and taking it in the ass from them like you did from your daddy let me know so we can teach you how to be an American (name withheld)

333. May 11, 2012 Dear Mikey, “One Family’s Courageous War” OMG – STILL putting your family out there, huh? You remind me of John Edwards. You are one self-centered coward jew, that’s for sure! Why don’t you run for a political office? You’d be a shoe-in for sure! You and BO, with all your Nobel prizes and nominations, would be fantastic butt-buddies. Have a paranoid weekend! (name and e mail address withheld)

334. May 14, 2012 Dear MRFF, Please forward this to MR WEINSTEIN, SIR i normally do not get too upset about things that people wright, but while i understand what your organization is trying to do and respect it. I sir do not respect your malicious statement about fundamentalist christians I AM a christian, and an active member of the armed forces, those which are at this very moment fighting to keep YOU and your FAMILY safe, so while i don’t need an apology i would please sir certainly ask that you be a little more considerate of your statements towards those of us that are active duty and christian. thank you sir. my email is (email address withheld) (name withheld)

335. May 14, 2012 Dear Mikey, we known many things about you mikey. we know you love the arab muslem sand niggers and hate Lord Jesus and Christians. We know you are a kike jew lawyer with a big mouth and uppity attitude. we know the commie pinko reporters write whatever you tell them to write because you are a doomed jew prick. and we know where you live and travel and everything. and we know you hate America which is a nation founded up on Jesus our Savior PERIOD. Poor Kikey Whineshit now you scream and howl about our brave Army teaching the only answer to islam sand niggery. Which is to drop nukes on muslems cities and the terorists living there which is all the populations weather they be islam children or grown ups its all the same. all muslems are terorists its in there blood. just like jewblood loves only money and betraying trechery as you framed and murdered Jesus. you just can’t


help yourself jewboy Kikey. Any more than the muslems can. blood does as blood does. Nuke All The a-rabs Now should be our Army’s battle cry and no. 1 order of there day. Which it was fine and dandy until you shoved your big jew nose into there war business. The Army has it right and now you try to stop it? you don’t have long and you won’t. It is always comforting to know as a patriotic American Christian that you will burn forever in the fire ovens of hell in unending torture with your muslem scum pals and your Military Religous Foundation fools and your ugly Whineshit kike wife and jew piglet children.

(name withheld)

336. May 16, 2012 Mr. Weinstein, I have never responded to any online survey, made comments about an article that I have read or similar such notion. But you Sir… As a combat veteran of the US Army and the US Navy I must say your comment as reported by “This is representative of a larger more sinister force which is fundamentalist Christianity.” over the Anti-Muslim materials in our military’s training is disgusting. If you were ever a true supporter of this country, which I pray you were considering the positions reported that you held, then you have disgraced yourself and your prior positions. So attacks against Muslim philosophy are reprehensible but referring to Christianity as a cancer is OK, again, you disgust me, hypocrite. You swore to defend this country based on the ideals of this country, those are Christian ideals. To know that I fought on the front lines, why you stood behind me in a cushy office with your anti-American beliefs makes me believe that my weapon was pointed in the wrong direction. MRFF = Military Rejects For Fanatics. (name withheld)

337. May 19, 2012 Dear Mr. Weinstein, Because your work has done nothing but lose ground, you have to be mentally challenged to fail to recognize why the convention clause is part of the Constitution. You say you revere it yet deny a feature of it meant to deal with institutionalized corruption and theocratization of both society and its military. You should be ashamed of yourself, unless of course this is a conscious charade on your part. Please do call for a reminder of why you are currently NOT an ally because you’re blocking out the solution. In other words, objectively, you’re a bumbling, thinking you’re doing good works when in actuality your actions only help to move us towards absolute despotism. You’d be surprised what the look of the religious fanatics would be if you talked convention.

338. May 19, 2012


Dear MRFF,

MIkey doesn’ like “it”? Mikey doesn’t like it when real Americans stand up to Muslum murderers and liars. Mikey doesn’t like it when real Americans say that all the Muslums are murderers and liars, which they are, young and old, male and female because their so-called “faith” require it of them. Mikey doesn’t like it when our top military schools and military leaders tell us that to protect the world from these murdering and lying smelly creatures that we need to use nuclaer weapons on them and destroy them all before they and their do it to us. Mikey also doesn’t like it when real Americans say that queers should not be allowed to serve in the military or to mary other queers. Mikey doesn’t like it when he told that the real America is a nation of devot Chrsitians and that was the way it has been from the beginning. Mikey doesn’t like that real Americans are lovers of Jesus Christ not haters of our Lord like Mikey is. Oh Mikey says that many “Chrsitians” support him and his fake foundasion group of MRRF. But when you look at Mikeys “Christians” it’s a funny thing that they are not true followers of our Savior at all. Funny thing about Mikey is that he’s a jew. yes a clever jew and that says it all. Real Americans are not jews and real Americans know how the muslums have to be eliminated and real Americans know that the faggots deserve no safe and respect and especially not in the army of America. How do we get through to Mikey and his false prophet group of MRRF. same way we get through to the muslums and the queers.

(name withheld)

339. May 22, 2012 Mr. Weinstein, you have no idea the strength and power of God in our military. I have had over 21 years of the honor and privilege to serve in the military with other Christians. we have had wonderful times debating the proof of God and Jesus. In most every case someone was convicted and converted to Christ. At the very least others became more curious and sought more information from true sources on God. And those who could or would not even objectively look at Christianity and see it for what it really is or at least respect the beliefs of others who do believe. Those people showed themselves for what they are, inflexible, intolerant, and close minded. I have always found a way to incorporate God into training and classes that get people thinking and seeking. I am happy to say that many others who I know are doing the same. We know that there will come a time when Christians are persecuted like by most of the world, but that time isn’t now. The power of God is alive and strong in our military and many more warriors for God are hard at work seeking other warriors for Christ. God bless them and God bless our forces. (name withheld)

340. May 25, 2012 Dear MRFF,


Have been trying to send to you people on how much you disgust me with your attack on the Corps. But after reading “Mikey’s” bio it is understandable. Not a fighter in the wole bunch of losers. wingwipers and squids. what else can you expect! (name withheld)

341. May 25, 2012 Sir, I fear that I find no record of tens of thousands of Jewish combat troops serving in our present conflicts. So while gallons of Christian blood are being spilled to protect certain areas of the middle east you find the symbols of their faith repugnant. The paucity of gratitude is more than stunning. You sir, make me sick to the pit of my stomach.

(name withheld)

342. May 28, 2012 Dear MRFF, This unit was the Crusaders for many years and the name should not have been changed. The Marine Corps should have told you where to go and how to get there. Another example of liberals getting what they want. I have the unit t-shirt and well continue to where if for no other reason I know it will piss off the liberals. (name withheld)

343. May 28, 2012 Dear Mr. Weinstein, During my time in the Marine Corps I proudly served in VMFA-122 the Crusaders and am personally very upset with you and your organization sticking their nose into military business. I served in both the Marines and Army and feel that you have no right to do what you’re doing. I don’t give a damn that the old Crusader insignia that I wore might offend some muslim. Do they worry when they are blowing up our troops? Cutting the heads off our journalists? Flying planes into buildings? But we have to be cautious of insulting them? What kind of politically correct nonsense is that? I love this country and support the Constitution but feel quite strongly that your organization does not speak for all of us at all. I will continue to wear my apparently awful and insensitive Crusader patch with great pride. Keep your nose out of military business. (name and rank withheld)

344. May 28, 2012 MRFF,


I found it quite interesting that your organization puts pressure on the U.S. Marines VMFA-122 to change the name of their Squadron from the “Crusaders” to the “Werewolves”. I say it is interesting since it clearly demonstrates the partisan and hypocritical nature of your organization. The article on MSNBC states that “The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which advocates complete separation of church and state, welcomed the policy change.” I have to wonder, if your group “advocates for the complete separation of church and state”, then no religious group may tell the military what it may or may not use for a unit designation, for the “wall of separation” would preclude such demands, and the unit may not espouse any precepts of the religion, for the same reason. But that does not preclude the use of mere words, which in the end is all the nick name is, a word. What difference does it make if a military unit uses a religious name in its unit designations, if the unit does not espouse the teachings of that group? In fact it doesn’t violate the separation, it simply allows a military unit the freedom to pick a name desired by the members of the unit. It is the demand by your group . . . on the grounds of religious offense, that the military submit to your outrage, which violates the separation. I have written to the Commandant of the Marine Corps, to advise him of my analysis and asked him to reconsider this order to force the Squadron changes.

(name withheld)

345. May 29, 2012 Dear MRFF, Oh, I’m so glad you got that USMC Squadron to change its name from Crusaders to Werewolves. Yes, that was so offensive. Thank you for scoring a victory to shove religion into the dark corner of some basement. You people are ridiculous. Go tackle some problem that’s actually important. (name withheld)




(name withheld)

347. June 3, 2012 Dear Mikey, saw you in our texas paper today crapping on our savior His nation of America and those of us who follow Him, jewboy. maybe you should look around this fallen country and this lost world and see that it is only by surrendering to Christ as his slave of mercy and obedience that any of us will be spared the bloodbath to come thanks to your lord satan. and you would take Jesus away from our soldiers? you try to hide behind a damn piece of paper the constitution. more jew lawyer tricks. there are no Godly freedoms there in that old paper in washington museum. try though you might you will lose, jew. read your New Testament bible before it is too late, jew. it is probably already too late for you and your black evil MRRF anyway. Im glad of it. we will be seeing you around. we are many.

(name and e mail address withheld)

348. June 4, 2012 Dear MRFF, Per the “Bible” humanity’s sin, past & present, collectively ALL of humanity’s sin, put Christ on the cross. We ALL “killed” the Christ. I understand that Judaism does not share the view, however we ALL individually get to make a decision. Jesus Christ of Nazareth is a Jew. His birth, death (including manner), family genaology…is a matter of record from the Old Testament. What you speak of, that misbehavior at the academy, is just another horrible aspect of human beings-dark hearts + can not think. Sorry to hear of it, love ya brother…Oh by the way the United States military industrial complex (remember Eisenhower spent 1.5 hours of national TV time warning US about) AND oil interests, irrevocably have wrecked the currency-hence our future, in which the military, just following orders, also has not been doing much thinking either…bomb baby bomb, save some of your bombs for the academy…Go Jews..Go Christians..Go all those who do not want to try to think….The point of it is: God so loved the world (everyone) He gave His only begotten Son such whomever(everyone, again) believes this shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life…that would be with God, Christ and Holy Spirit, as heaven is a place AND a relationship with God through Christ. So, if it don’t look like love, it ain’t. The genius of this Bible is it’s simplicity. Yet you can spend your whole life studying it and never be able to explain it ALL…God so loved the world.. (name withheld)

349. June 6, 2012


Hey Mikey, apparently you ate it! Mikey eats anything. I dislike being referred to as a detractor – a nonsupporter, yes, that is okay. The word detractor is a word worse than your position on VMFA-122. It would be interesting to know what percentage of military you actually truelly represent. The cause sounds great, but your implementation is less than admireable. What The Marine Corps did for VMFA-122 and all of who served and are proudly serving in that squadron have been viciously and unfoundedly attacked by your input. It is obvious that you are totally out of contact with the reality of military service, if you even were. There is nothing attacking religious freedom in this issue. The squadron was named after a Chance-Vought aircraft and never, until you and other boneheads raised the issue, any religious intent or purpose. You speak about this possibly raising hatred around the world. Wake-up, this will in no way affect how the radical islamic element thinks of us. They preach and teach that we are infidels and our only purpose in life is to die at their hand. Your supposed rant will in no way change that. In my opinion, after hearing about your action regarding the Marine Corps and studying your website, you have convinced me that your only purpose in life is make a bundle of money, like otther media evangelists have done to date. You are only intersted in using seneitive subjects to improve your wealth and ego. I hope your evangelistic tent burns down around you and that God strikes you and leaves a great scar – death is to good for you but lasting pain and discomfort would serve a better purpose. I am a VMF-AW-122 Crusader veteran and will always be so. While you suggest you are speaking for military freedoms, you don’t speak for the many military veterans and active duty that I know. You would serve us better as a mine sweeper or rpg decoy. [name withheld]

350. June 11, 2012 be sure to send a nice card to your daddy satan for fathers day this sunday, mickey. he must be so proud of the work you his favortie son and you fellow slaves to satan do to weakin America by destroying her armies at your mfrr. Christ see it all and your time to pay is fast approaching (John 3:36).

351. June 15, 2012 apart from self-hatred? What ever happened to live and let live. I could understand your having a problem if people were being forced to buy these Bibles. What next– cease and desist the sale of toilet paper because it causes inordinate attention to assholes?I can only imagine the struggle life must present for you–given all indicators I have seen, you are being forced to cope with IQs most people would assume would represent a shoe size.Oh, and while you’re at it, PLEASE change your surnames (as appropriate). G-d knows we Jews have enough problems to overcome without your very dubious assistance.


Shame on all of you!

352. June 15, 2012 That your organization even exists. It amounts to dereliction of duty on your part…. Or am I deceived. This country was decidedly developed by the one true and living God as our forefathers conceded. You add to it’s mockery. The other religions are here as our guests. Encouraging my oldest son to explore the armed forces even in this time of uncertainty leaves me aghast that I should be so naive to think our military could conjure up such ilk. Maybe you should really study the real roots of why our forefathers designed the 1st amendment because, sadly you are mistaken.

(name withheld)

353. June 19, 2012 Wepray Thee that our Lord and Savior bursts your aorta vein while you sleep and you wake up in death pain and drown choking in your own kike blood. Then, mickey jewboy you can think in your last moments before you burn in agony hell how you left your liberel black mfrr mark on Christ Jesus’ America’s army. pleasant dreams to you and your satan spawn family from hell.

354. June 21, 2012 ….coming soon to a bookstore near you is ‘No Weinstein Left Alive in a Avalanche’.

(name and e mail withheld)

355. June 24, 2012 There is no reason I can conjure that you would take it upon yourself to eradicate religion from the Armed Forces other than the fact that you are surely working for the Antichrist.

Though that may seem preposterous to some, it does not to you because you and I both know the truth. Know this Satan, in the end you will ultimately fail.

(name withheld)

356. June 25, 2012


Just read that you all are bragging about the emblem ban on military bibles. You’re a bunch of goddamn idiots and people like you are the ruination of this nation. Fuck you,

357. June 25, 2012 If all you have to do is whine about military insignia on bibles you must be a bunch of really bored useless drones. People like you make my roids itch.

358. June 26, 2012 This is what happens when the Holy God of Israel gives over a nation! Romans 1:28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God any longer, God gave the over to a depraved min, to do those things which are not proper. Romans 1;24 There God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. Romans 1:26-27 For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural 27and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another, men with men committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error…….Where ever, & when ever, death finds you, eternity will keep you.

(name withheld)

359. June 26, 2012 First of all, there is no such thing as SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE – read the CONSTITUTION bone heads! Get your hands off the U.S. Military and our freedom of religion. I am a retired United States Air Force MSgt and this is for all current and former members of our proud defenders of liberty. Get out of our faces and stay out!

(name withheld)

360. June 26, 2012 You guys are all assholes; bibles-a national security threat? You morons are the threat.

(name withheld)

361. July 1, 2012 You people are so ignorant. Do you not realize that freedom of religion is not to keep the Church in check. It is to keep the state from trampling on the Church. Your little bitch move of whining about the military Bibles is but one small piece of the plan


that you and your little Marxist buddies are up too. Don’t think that for one second you are going to go unnoticed. The good Christian people of this country are watching you, and you will not go unchecked.

(name withheld)

362. July 1, 2012 hey kikey whinercrybabystein give it up already jewboy. your MFRR is just a bunches of queer lesbians and homos, kikes, sand nigger lovers and athiests, feminazis and hollywood spineless commies and of course totaly fake Christians. Who are not really true servints of Christ. You don’t think we know this? your wife is made a pathitic cripple with no chance and your nasty spawn children are a disgrace to Christian America. And its Chrisitan army and military forces. which gave them and you there free education also. you jews just love that ‘free’ dont you kikey? Just like pigs to filth and garbage. its over for you all now. All of you are just fuel for the hellfire. You just don’t know it yet. your family and children and mfrr are just snakes and vipers. Jesus has already sentenced you all to hell (Matthew 23:33). There is no escape for you and your works of evil. Our Lord and Savior knows your demon plans.

(name withheld)

363. July 5, 2012 GO TO HELL!! I am very angry with your organization and I know this is falling on deaf ears but I needed you to see my comment. THE MILITARY HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT RELIGIOUS FREEDOM…. You are worse than the ACLU….. Don’t military Chaplains have to be schooled in ALL religions and denominations? It looks to me like you are after publicity! It is your GOD given right to say what you wish, but to force it on other people is worse, and that is what you did! If you have been in a PX you would see not only the normal bibles but also ones that showed pride in our military by putting a unit logo on it. If you were even the least bit of smart, you would see that it never hurt anyone. Your organization is not about religious freedom it is about YOUR religious freedom. If you had a complaint about military logos on bibles then your organization should have made sure other religious items had logos or the PX had other bibles for sale without logos also.

Quit pushing your so called religious freedom on other people like our troops and let them be their selves for a change. You are doing nothing but making a name for yourself. I have more respect for the ACLU then you. The PX is not the Federal Government, it is a store that sells quality items to quality people (Our Soldiers and Sailors). (name withheld)



July 5, 2012 You people are IDIOTS! (name withheld)

365. July 5, 2012 mickey=jew lawyer=internasional kike=Jesus hater=america hater=islam lover=the grave (name withheld)

366. July 23, 2012 Mr. Mikey Weintein, I am an American and a college graduate. I have a wife and children. I just finished reading your book. I am very active in my church, We are all believers in the truth that Jesus Christ as the sole Lord and Savior of fallen mankind. (John 14:6) The men in my church have been closely observing the fiendish activity of your Military Religioius Freedom Foundatiuon for some time now. We have seen the negative messages sent to you and your family and the MRFF. This e-mail will contain no misspellings or grammatical errors or profanity as you often receive in your so- called hate mail. As you can see I am an educated man with a profession requiring intelligence. This communciation will, however, beg you to disband immediately your black foundation as it is both unGodly, unChristian and unAmerican. I know that you do not believe that satan is real. But he is and you and your wife and children and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation and all of those who support it are either willing or ignorant slaves to the Dark One. We do not yet know which but we will find out soon. It doen’t really matter as you are all responsible for the evil you spread by trying to drive Christianity out of the armed services. All of you, especially you, Mr. Weinstein, as the charismatic and clever ring leader must stop your wickedness immediately and suit up to fight off your Master who is satan. (Ephesians 6:11) You have opened wide the door to the devil by denying America’s Chrisitan priorities of State. Your blasphemous “success” has grown steadily more dangerous as you rush so hard to work to deny Christ his rightful presence and prominence in our nation’s military. You have opened the door wide, wide, wide Mr. Weinstein for your ecstatic master, satan. Last Friday he bought a ticket to see the Batman movie in Colorado. Courtesy of you and your fellow travelers of pro- abortion, no guns allowed, judges get to decide everything and muslims are as good as Christians. And gays are “born that way”. And the U.S. is a “secular” nation where Christianity is just another “religion option” for our troops and the lost peoples of the many countries they are fighting in. How ignorant you are. Can you not see that if you take away Jesus there is a void which will happily be filled, and is filled, by satan? The blood of that movie theater is on all of your hands. Cease and desist, Mr Weinstein. Let Christ replace satan in your still beating heart. (Matthew 7:8)

367. July 27, 2012


The fact is, Mikey Weinstein has proven by his actions that his so-called Military Religious Freedom Foundation promotes freedom for all religions except Christians. He’s used it as a front to promote his endemic anti-Christian bigotry. And he reaps a rich harvest of shekels for his “activism”, thus ensuring that he will find more “issues” in the future. He emulates the business model so successfully employed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which casts a wider net to artificially increase the number of “hate groups”. My advice to Weinstein remains unchanged: Walk it off, lampshade.

368. August 2, 2012 Mikey_Weinstein Mikey Weinstein, Jesus-Basher by A Concerned American What kind of wine has Mikey Weinstein been drinking? As an anti-Christian Jewish supremacist and as the president of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, he’s doing all he can to create an anti-Jewish backlash and help bring about the predicted endtime Holocaust of Jews that’ll be worse than Hitler’s.

Neither Falwell, Hagee nor any other Christian initiated this prediction. But Weinstein’s ancient Hebrew prophets did. In the 13th and 14th chapters of his Old Testament book, Zechariah predicted that after Israel’s rebirth ALL nations will eventually be against Israel and that TWO- THIRDS of all Jews will be killed! Malachi revealed the reasons: “Judah hath dealt treacherously” and “the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this.” Haven’t evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the hate-filled back-stabbing by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher etc.) against followers of Jesus such as Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann. Weinstein wouldn’t dare assert that citizens on government property don’t have freedom of speech or press freedom or freedom to assemble or to petition the government. But God-hater Weinstein maliciously wants to eliminate from government property the “free exercise” of religion – especially by evangelicals – a freedom found in the same First Amendment. Significantly, this freedom was purposely listed FIRST by America’s founders! And Weinstein wouldn’t try to foist “separation of church and state” on strongly- Jewish Israel, but he does try to foist this non-Constitution-mentioned phrase on strongly-Christian American. In light of Weinstein’s Jewish protectionism and violently anti-Christian obsession, Christians in these endtimes should be reminded of Jesus’ warning in Mark 13:9 (see also Luke 21:12) that “in the synagogues ye shall be beaten.”


Maybe it’s time for some modern Paul Reveres to saddle up and shout “The Yiddish are Coming!” PS – Some, like Weinstein, are so treacherously anti-Christian they will even join hands at times with enemies, including Muslims, in order to silence evangelicals. It was Weinstein, BTW, who put pressure on the Pentagon to dis-invite Franklin Graham from speaking there on the National Day of Prayer!

369. August 18, 2012 Dear Mikey Weinstein, fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you jew mudperson subhumen murdrerer of our Savior and betrayor of our army and military forces. drop dead jew mudperson. (name withheld)

370. August 28, 2012 Good morning, I would like to express my disgust with recent comments made by Mikey Weinstein regarding the internet video posted by MG Umbarger. Here we have a senior Army leader who, for all intensive purposes, is simply trying to help Soldiers. So what do groups like yours do? They litigate, persecute, and seek to crucify men like the general for doing nothing more than caring. Mr. Weinstein’s “opinion” on the general being court martialed is noted. In MY opinion, Mikey should be thrown in jail and have his life ruined. Sounds silly doesn’t it? I would like to ask whether or not Soldiers of the general’s unit were required to watch such a video? Were they forced to practice a specific religion? Although I agree with what your group stands for based off of your website, I do not agree with the comments made or your group’s stand on this matter.

(Name withheld)

371. September 25, 2012 pray the Psalm 109 to our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus to mightily shorten the days of life for the evil children and the wicked wife of the demon mickey wienstien. Who worships mulsims and homos, abortions and satan and money. But pray that Jesus keeps the demon mickey living for many years. so that he brutaly suffers the loss of his brood and spawn all the days of his life. as he makes the saved children of the Lord Jesus suffer. By taking Christianity and The Word away from our army and our nation of Christians. Pray the Psalm 109.

(name withheld)

372. October 3, 2012


Mr. Weinstin, you just have to suck the Jesus out of this country’s fine army and its rifle weapons don’t you? Now you wont even let the chaplins pray for Jesus blessing so the GIs will stop killing all of themselves. Murderer! What kind of evil one are you? I know you are Jew lawyer and hate those of us who profess the Word for Jesus. Youhave made big name for yourself as fighting against the Christian nature and law of America. And its military defenders. Why? The USA was and will always be based upon the Word of Christ and only that. Others may live hear but they will hear His Word. And surrender to His will and His love. There is nothing you can do to stop it. There is no other way than Jesus. For our army and for you. Only damnation and the service of the devil which you do. and force others to bend to your evil like that dead Seal. You will be dead one day too, Mr. Weinstin. Better think on that awhile. and how hot hell will be for you. You and your devil slaves deserve no mercy from Jesus. None.

(name withheld)

373. October 8, 2012 Dear MRFF, I confess I haven’t done an exhaustive search on your website. I was looking for specific religious beliefs of Mr. Weinstein. I see lots of info about the military involvement of he and others in his family. Based on the info I have read I understand he believes that there is an excessive amount of Christian “activity” within the military. I am not sure of the following: What is his foundation for his cause (i.e. who did/does what to motivate him create his foundation)? Is his goal to eradicate Christianity from the Military? (Please consider this question carefully – I know what the “About” page says, but it is not in context to a statement of Mr. Weinstein’s beliefs – our personal beliefs are the key motivators for everyone. As you can probably tell, I am a Christian. I believe that part of my responsibly as a Christian is to share my faith with others that may not know what it means to be a Christian or how to become a Christian. From what I have read it appears that Mr. Weinstein is a Jewish man that has chosen to be an atheist. I sincerely hope that I am wrong and that you can emphatically correct me. It was disappointing to see the the mail that you receive that used vulgarities to try to make point. Jesus Christ would never approve of such language. Wishing death on someone is not something a Christian should ever do. Instead of wishing harm and death to anyone in your organization, I hope for the opposite. A longer life for you all that you will one day experience the life-eternal change of accepting Jesus Christ as your Savior. I try to remind myself of the fact that God loves so unconditionally that it would boggle your mind. He loves each of you so mush, no matter what you’ve done or what you think of Him, as he does anyone that has accepted His son, Jesus Christ, as savior.


Sincerely, (name withheld)

374. October 8, 2012 Dear MRFF, Yesterday my church had a much attended discussion after the service about who in America is dragging our nation into literal hell. Along with Hussein Obama and some other traitors your name came up for being the clever jew leader of an organization dedicated to the Dark One. And to stripping our armed forces of the Power of Christ in order to allow the diseased Muslims and faggits to take control of America and the world. I have a request of Mr. Weinstein. Would you please just drop dead and save us all the trouble?

(name withheld)

375. October 15, 2012 Good evening Michael Weinstein. I am a classmate of yours from the USAF Academy Class of 1977. I have written to you before. I am a Spirit-filled born again Christian. My wife is a spirit-filled born again Christian and my children are as well. I came to the Lord during my years as a cadet at the Academy. A number of your classmates have asked me to convey a simple message to you. It is a two part message. First, we ask you to reconsider coming to our 35th reunion next week. Yes, we found out you are coming. And second we ask you to believe in and fear the Power of Prayer if you refuse to reconsider. I didn’t know you well at the Academy but well enough to see the darkness of spirit within you. You hate the followers of the Lord. You elevate Christ’s enemies over our Savior. Gays and Muslims and atheists are the object of your love. I even recall your love of the perverted Muslims back then. You dressed up as a cadet as a Muslim. You wore the attire of Yasser Arafat and gave a fiery speech as this same terrorist. Supporting his terror against those who follow Jesus. Don’t try to deny this Michael Weinstein. You thought we would forget that? I watched that speech in the lectinar in Fairchild Hall. I and others remember feeling your powerful spirit of evil that very day. You have only gotten stronger in your walk with satan as the years have past. Haven’t you. A number of your classmates, myself included, have had enough of you. We thought you weren’t coming to any more reunions. But then we watched your website and saw you’re giving another one of your Christian hate speeches at UCCS the first night of the reunion. So you’ll be in town? Clever of you to make sure your name doesn’t appear on the AOG registry for the reunion. Our friends of friends there have confirmed that you intend to be there anyway. Your darkness and evil is unwanted. You shame our class and our alma mater. You shame the Christian heritage of America, You have the hell- spirit of the devil within you and I have seen and felt it. Eye witness, personally. You use your evil powers to pull the wool over the eyes of the innocents. Just as scripture warned and foretold (2 Corinthians 11:14-15, John 8:44, James 4:7). No longer Michael Weinstein. Your time has past. You are helpless to the Power of


Prayer (Matthew 21:22, Mark 11:24, Mark 9:29). On behalf of our classmates, I ask and beg you to publicly announce that you are withdrawing from the speech at UCCS. And that you and your wife Bonny will not be attending our Class of 1977 Academy reunion. We will give you until this Wednesday night to do this. If you refuse to do it then we will pray the Psalm 109. We will pray at home and at church. Our families will pray it together. We will pray to the Lord to stop your poison. We will pray the Psalm against you and your wife and all those who give you sanctuary and protection in Colorado Springs. Let me be clear. None of us will harm you or your wife. That would be illegal and wrong. It is not our place to mete out the justice and punishment you and your followers deserve and have earned. We won’t have to. The Lord will. It is our God-given right to pray for His intervention and protection from your evil. Even under the Constitution you worship as an idol in place of the Son of God. Reconsider and know the Power of Prayer. Fear the Power of Christ, Michael Weinstein (1 Peter 1: 17-21).

(name withheld)

376. November 7, 2012 the nigger won and you kikes and you raghead islams and the homos you worship can celebrate in the damnation our Lord and savior will bring on your evil heads. Jesus will not be denied and the USA military will be Christs right arm. The End is coming and you and MFRR will be destroyed by the breath of Jesus mouth, demon mickey. (2 thessalonians 2:8).

377. November 29, 2012 Mr Weinstein, funny how you and your loudmouth band of “freedom FROM religion” troublemakers at the MRFF only try to stop our devout and humble Christians clergymen from preaching and witnessing the Truth of our Savior’s Gospel, isn’t it? Doesn’t matter if its at the West Point Academy or AF Academy. And now yet again you strike an ambush at the pentagon? You and your MRFF cohorts in crime only target Christian leaders and preachers who proudly walk with The Christ in The Spirit. And try to expose with gentelness and grace of spirit and Christian love The Word. To our otherwise lost soldiers. It is a simple rescue operation, Mr. weinstein. If you die without knowing Jesus you will be in hell with satan for all eternity. The more soldiers which hear the Gospel of Jesus the less will be in hell a flame in tormant. What can you and your followers not understand about this mercy? Far be it from the MRFF to ever try to stop a jew or moslem or atheist or queer right? Of course you do fully understand it all. We know you do. Your a lost one as being a jew. And give a jew a chance to lend a hand to satan and the jew will follow his lying devil nature. As our Savior already predicted in John chapter eight, verse forty four* you Mr. Wienstein will do your father satans bidding. Oh you think you won today at the pentagon? You did. But only for satan your father and the sire of all jews. Our soldiers battle with Satan continues. And all you do is help the evil one. By stopping


Christ’s leaders on fallen earth. Their blood is on your hands and the hands of the MRFF. And when your blood is spilt whose hands will it be on then jew?

(name withheld)

* John 8:44 (KVJ): Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

378. December 9, 2012 Mr. Weinstein, You should be ashamed of yourself!! John Adams said “This Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people, it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. George Washingtons first general order to the troops on July 4th 1775 was “The General most earnestly requires and expects a due observance of those articles of war established fro the government of the Army which forbid profane cursing, swearing and drunkenness. And in like manner he is requires and expects of all officers and soldiers not engaged in actual duty, a punctual attendance of Divine services, to implore the blessing of Heaven upon the means used for our safety and defense”. This was the FIRST general order he issued! I served as a Marine in the early 80′s and our war was against a foreign Communist enemy, from the way it looks, and from the organization that you are the founder of, that enemy now resides from within!! You Mr. Weinstein are the domestic enemy our oath described!! The “Useful idiot” Lenin and Stalin spoke of. Christianity has always been the bedrock foundation of this country, now we have traitors such as yourself that want to tear it down and destroy this great nation!

379. December 24, 2012 Christ was born and lives to conquer the World with grace and His Word away from satan. The U.S. of A was born to carry the Word of Jesus to the fallen world at large. Our military is the sacred instrument of Jesus to save the world from itself. And etenity in Lake of Fire. You and your ‘charity’ are the instruments of satan, mr. Mickey Wienstien. You use your jew lawyer clever traits to enslave our soldiers away from the Only Truth ofChrist. But you will fail of course. (2 Timothy 2:26) Only the lake of Fire will be your award for all time. And the inheritance of your evil wife and ugly children. and all who serve you. You all will burn forver as you serve the dark one. Merry Christmas to the doomed fool mickey. Enemy of our Lord and Savior. your time to plunge draws close. And heaven and earth will rejoice in your certain damnation. ‘and you (wienstein) will be tormented day and night forever and ever.’ (Revelations 20:10)

(name withheld)



380. January 31, 2013 Dear Mikey, You are not a human being worth saving mikey wienstein. There are those who are in the body of Christ and there are those that love America which is in Christ. Our army and airforce and navy marines give defense of the USA only with the love and word and grace of the only true Savior. You and your evil organisation of jews will stop at nothing to cut out Jesus from guiding our nation’s military might. From leading that might which is Christ’s right. You are lowest of the low and the most evil man on the planet. You rejoice at your evil don’t you. You think you and your horde of swine is winning don’t you mikey weinstien. Your time is coming fast to pay dear with the revenge of our Lord. You cannot hide anymore than could Jonah. Just try. Christ will see you soon.

(name withheld)

381. February 7, 2013 Michael Weinstein of MFRR: You and your foundation are the largest threat to America. And it’s historic and most important national Christian faith. My family and I and our church and pastor take happiness in knowing what Jesus will be doing to you and your family and followers of the darkness. As he will disembowel the antichrist and his evil legions, Christ will rip out your guts and the innards of your wife. And of your children and followers and worshipers of your dark path. Your spent entrails will pave the path for his Kingdom of Peace to come forever. This is your purpose. And what your inherit and deserve.

(name withheld)

382. February 21, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, you love the fags so much at the air academy jewboy whydon’t you just try fucking yourself. To see why Jesus said that faggots should be stoned to death. you and your whole family and your mfrr tribe should all be too.

(name withheld)

383. March 22, 2013


Know how hated you are Micky kikeboy. Sandn***** and queer lover. Lord Jesus will take off your head. Like bin Ladens. and serve it to your stink trator wife. And coward children on silver platter. No escape for you. die.

384. March 23, 2013 Your billboard is so offensive that words don’t begin to describe it. As I understand it, the Academy sent a link regarding Judiasm in connection with a jewish holiday. The Academy has a history of doing similar things when other religious holidays come up. But somehow, you’ve decided to take issues of homosexuality and theft, combine them, and put up a confusing and damning billboard? Perhaps I’m missing the connection here, but I’m not missing the fact your billboard is inflammatory, deceptive, fraudulent, and may well incite people to take action against your organization. If you have a point to make, something less obtuse and less offensive would be the way to go. For now, take down the billboard.

(name withheld)

385. March 25, 2013 Hi, I have read about your attacks on Christian Chaplains and Christianity in general, and would just like to ask if this is how Mikey Weinstein celebrates Good Friday (The Crucifixion of Christ)? Just like in the old days about 33 AD.

Let’s Not Just Email One Another The Latest News, Let’s Act On It And Contact Friend And Foe With Our Support And Criticisms – Always In Prayer

386. March 29, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, Every Easter for the past few years a member of our ladies church group is asked to contact you. She has demanded that you cease and desist from further crucifying our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. And every year you reject the demand. You are a stiff necked jew (Exodus 32:9). And you just keep on crucifying The Christ. You crucify Him by your public denials. You deny, deny, deny. You deny that America is and always has been founded only as a Christian Nation. You deny that our American military is designed to further the Gospel of the Lord. For sake of all the world. You deny that our soldiers can be offerred The Gift of salvation buy their military leaders. You deny that the arabs in afghanistan Iran, Iraq and Kuwait shall be presented with The Word of Christ. With tender love by our Christian soldiers. We know your a jew. In America even jews, atheists and muslems are tolerated to be citizens. But not if they do not allow American Christians the fair chance to save them. From their false faiths. From an eternity in Hell with satan. A fair chance is all we ask you, Mickey and MRRF. Its right there in the constitution. You deny that too. You say your a lawyer so you should know this. Noone stops our soldiers from being saved more than you. So they're blood is on your hands. We have told you this. You


don't care. Your in league with satan and will suffer for that in Hell for eternity. It is too late for you. You are a cowardly detestable sorcerer. Your second death is assured. (Revelations 21:8). Jesus The Christ commands you to hell. But you have a wife and children. We have all their pictures. And we pray on them for their salvation. That it is not too late for them. We ask you to think of your family. In order to stop you from fighting the Gospels spread in our military. And to the arabs in Arabia. And even the godless in Korea. Mickey fights and denies Christ to our troops. satan smiles. Jesus bleeds. At least see your family saved from your fate in the Lake of Fire. You are a deceiver and slave to satan (Revelations 20:10

387. April 20, 2013 My husband is a proud USMC sniper. We and our children and all the real marines in our unit are proud Christians. We all walk our life in the Lord’s Word. This means that it is our number one job to bring the lost to the Word and Grace of our Savior. By all the means necessary. If we fail to do so all who do not find Christ will burn in the darkness of hell. Mr. Mikey Wienstien has dedicated his earthly life to satan. To trying to stop marines and soldiers and the American forces from bringing the fallen world to Christ. And most of the world is fallen. Christ is the one and only way. This makes Mikey the number one enemy of the Savior. Mikey on tv. Mikey on the radio. Mikey in the magazines and newspapers and Mikey all over the internet. Mikey won’t stop defying Christ and persecuting his followers in the service. But Mikey’s earthly life will end one day soon we pray. It is then he will pay. It’s then we will sing and smile. Our prayer circle on base is large and effective. Our prayer circle prayer is a dream of a world with no Mikey Wienstein in it. The dream we share is of Mikey in hell on fire and screaming. And screaming and screaming and screaming. As the flames bake him. For all eternity as our Lord has proclaimed. And noone can hear him. Noone can help him. Watch Mikey sceam in our dream. Here Mikey scream in our dream. Forever in hell with his friends the homos, the muslems the communists, the leftists. And the gun haters and the abortion lovers. Christ makes all things new again. Christ answers the prayers of his faithful. and noone is more faithful to Christ than the USMC. Burn, burn Mikey burn. Halleluya

(name withheld)

388. April 26, 2013 Michael Weinstein. You and the mfrr have nothing better to do than bully and fight the Christian soldiers who built this nation. From the wreckage of the indian savages? And made it the only shining light of the world? Have you forgotten history? Our soldiers are made strong because of their faith in Jesus Christ and Christianity. When America's soldiers are strong America is strong. I am such a soldier. Proud of my Savior and the USA. One among many in my unit who know you for what you truely are. A bunch of us at chapel watched some of the speeches you gave. On you tube. We all noticed how much you resemeble the devil. Seriously you do. And you have the devils slippery powers of false persuasion too. You and the


devil both hate Christ. You and the devil are the losers. You will both have hell as your home for all ages to come. Your life is totally a waste. Mr. Weinstein give it up and surrender to the Word of Christ. Our fighting forces fight with Jesus as our Lord and leader in all things. Deal with it. You try to mess with that and you totally deserve to suffer. Your fallen childrens deserve to suffer. Your fallen wife deserves to suffer. Your fallen parents deserve to suffer. All your fallen friends of the mfrr deserve to suffer too. And they wil

389. April 29, 2013 Dear MRFF, Are you kidding me? You guys suck on ice. Sincerely, (name withheld)


391. April 30, 2013 Mikey is one dangerous sick anti Christian bigot! I am a Jew. and he is an embarrassment to us all! People like him cause anti Semitism. Why doesn’t little Mikey have the guts to stand up against Radical Islam Because he is a sniveling coward , that’s why!! He is a traitor to his country!

(name withheld)

392. April 30, 2013 Dear Mikey, I am amazed, I look at your site and if we disagree with you its labeled hate mail! Wow, you tell a chaplain he can’t witness to someone who could face God! You call it spiritual rape? I am a retired military and I would have laughed in your face at what you are suggesting. I applaud our chaplains who are with us in combat. You are a wolf in Sheep’s clothing you claim republican, liar! Go ahead and add this to your “hate” mail. Because I will fight what your trying to do to the military who have the very real possibility to put off this mortal coil and they need to have the peace that


Christ gives. If you don’t see that we’ll who’s the hater now? I pray You meet Jesus before its too late. But I promise this I will oppose your plans and peacefully fight you with millions of others who disagree with you and you don’t have the guts to discuss with you just label it hate, ironic when it’s love. (name withheld)


394. May 1, 2013 Always a leftist atheist Jew who has abandoned the torah of Judaism and now embraces the torah of leftism. this ingrate fails to realize that the next pogram will not come from a Christian American where malcontents like him have been safe but from Islam where they salivate to give a Mikey Weinstein the Daniel Pearl haircut.

(name withheld)

395. May 1, 2013 Dear Mikey, I find your hate filled organization repugnant. You would not dare spill such hate filled bile against muslims, you know better. But you have found your target against Christians who will not, no, cannot fight back. I have never seen such bile filled hate in my life except out of other extremist groups such as the KKK or the Black Panthers. Is this the tack of your group. Target Christians to raise money and express your hatred and drive Christians out of the military? Do you have a hammer and nails at the ready for when you and your marxist comrads have your opportuntiy to round up Christians and nail them to crosses once again or feed them to wild beasts? God save of from the new anti-Christian holocaust you seem to want to impose upon America. (name withheld)

396. May 2, 2013 Tell Mikey that isn’t the only son who couldn’t compare to their father. I’m sure he forgives Mikey. Good luck because God is pretty Pissed off!



May 2, 2013 Dear Mikey, You and your organization are a bunch of fucking nutcases. YOU are fundamentalist. Revoke your citizenship like the good American you profess to be. You are worse than fucking Rev Al Sharpton. I hear the bottom of the ocean has lots of real estate. Its very quiet. Move there. And fuck you.

398. May 3, 2013 Tell weinstein to take his Christian censorship and put it where the sun doesn’t shine.

399. May 4, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, I wanted to thank you for all the attention you have drawn to your organization with regard to the so called Christian menace posed by the Armed Forces. You may have single handedly generated more publicity for, and curiosity about Christian evangelism than has happened for a long time. From the strident, outrageous claims you have made as an ersatz, self-appointed Judaizer, one can only conclude that you are indeed a blessing in disguise. I would like to see more coverage of all the “heinous” crimes being committed, by practicing Christians all over the world. We have not had a gift like you since Madeline Murray O’Hare’s crusade to obliterate the Christian Gospel from the planet. I also pray that you will not experience the same fate as Ms. O’Hare either. You are much too valuable to lose before your appointed time. Many Christians are of the belief that the U.S. will never be a great nation again until its Christians are persecuted to the fullest degree possible. The more outrageous your accusations, the more raucous your hyperbolic rhetoric is, the better. We need a revival in this country and you may be the one who has sparked the flame that will light up a new day for Christ. I hope and pray that you may have an encounter, as did Saul, on the road to Damascus. As you probably know, some of the most radical detractors of The Gospel have become its most ardent and eloquent evangelists. Since God works in mysterious ways, there is always hope for you and your organization. Keep up the good work! Yours in Christ, (name withheld)

400. May 4, 2013 What a shame Hitler didn’t wipe the seed of Weinstein off the face of the globe.


401. May 4, 2013 Dear Mikey, You are one pathetic Individual. Your organization is evil and is all about Control of the lives of others. You won’t succeed. Christ will succeed. You will NEVER remove Christianity from the Military, because you won’t be able to remove the love of Jesus Christ form the hearts of men. Good luck to you loser. (name withheld)

402. May 5, 2013 Dear Mikey,

Asshole. Comparing Christians to the Taliban is beyond the pale, you prick.

Go fuck yourself, asshole.

(name withheld)

403. May 5, 2013 Dear Mikey, 1) You confuse racial Jew hatred with the Christian religion. What you have experienced is not hatred against you based on what you believe, but on your phenotype (e.g., your body, face, the way you carry yourself and move, the way you talk) and assumed genotype (i.e., the abstract notion of blood or race). You would have experienced the same things even if you claimed you believed in Jesus because those people who treated you that way were not acting out of the Christian faith but because of a response to your Jewish race. You know this, yet you attack the Christian faith because you are looking for a gentle victim, just as those who you ha were. 2) The proportion of Christians you have met that have threatened your life or done violence to you is very small. The proportion of Christians you have met that have done you great good and treated you with extreme kindness of very small. 3) Your apologetics for the Muslim Nidal Hassan show that you have zero concern for America. 3) By suppressing the threat of Muslims in the military and Islam in general, you are aiding the jihad, and so you are a traitor. You are not alone in this, and you might be secretly tickled that many nominal Christians, but not Christians in truth, are in collusion with you to suppress Christian freedom and expand Muslim infiltration into the military. 4) You are a coward. And you and/or others in your racially Jewish family will reap the poetic and tragic reward of your cowardice and treason when the Muslims gain sufficient political power (aided by the efforts of people like yourself) to implement


a sufficient degree of Sharia. Then, perhaps, you will understand that you have not defended anything except the enemies of the good nor attacked anything but the cornerstone of this country. 5) Despite your hypocrisy and sinfulness, you can still repent by apologizing to Christians of all races (including Jews, who are a race), and changing your ways. 5) If you want to respond to any of this, in any way, please feel free to call me or visit me. I will supply the necessary contact information by request. (name withheld)

404. May 5, 2013 Dear Mikey, What you people are doing is a direct violation of our constitution,FREEDOM OF RELIGION. How is sharing our faith “spiritual rape”?! Rape is probably much more unpleasant but I’m just speculating here. The MFFR should be categorized as a hate group. The reason I say this is because you are targeting Christians, not Muslims or Buddhists or any other religion. Please excuse my grammatical errors as I am extremely pissed but I hope you get the message (: (name withheld)

405. May 6, 2013 Sir, Someone sharing their personal faith with a friend is as normal as talking about their kids, or their job. It’s an intricate part of their life and identity. Your “organization” is both unAmerican, because America was established as a Christian nation. Do some honest research, read our founding documents you libturd! And it’s unconstitutional, the constitution guarantees freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. You atheists are as religious about what you believe as believers. You push your beliefs on others and seek to restrict the free expression of faith of any kind. As an Army Chaplain I shared the Gospel of Jesus Christ with my units and MANY came to personal faith in Christ. Their lives were enriched by grace and peace and the joy of having a personal relationship with their creator. I remember how disgusting Madeline Murray O’Hare was. Her lack of Biblical ethics led that shining example of an atheist to steal $600,000 from her organization and then die like an animal in the woods as she attempted to sneak away. No one even knows where shes buried. And her son that is a pastor today is still preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ! I am sorry for you. I dont know why you are so threatened by people of faith. Certainly we dont have a problem with your unbelief.. so why your campaign??? For all you railing and throwing dust.. You sir, will pass away like the grass that is here today and gone tomorrow… but the Word of God and His eternal Kingdom will last forever!


(name withheld) Spring, Texas

406. May 6, 2013 Dear Mr Weinstein, re : - removes-bible-reference-from-scopes/

So, is the USA Christian or NOT (from its very inception) , dear Jewish person?????? Is Israel…..mostly populated by traditional followers of the OT – or not, dear oh so blind Jewish person??? What religion exactly did King David (whose star features on Israel’s flag) adhere to, himself????

Read the Word of the God of Israel : 2 Cor 14-16 and…… REPENT !!!

Do BOTH these countries not allow YOU the FREEDOM to practice your own religion (WHATEVER it may be) – as well?

(name withheld)

407. May 6, 2013 Dear Mikey, First of all moron, I’m not the one attacking the Christian faith and the 1st amendment like you anti Christ are doing! And it is our job to call a spade a spade! You weisle’s think your slick and above the constitution but you will not escape the wrath of almighty God coming on everyone who attacks believer’s and their faith. God gave us a great command to obey him and to preach his word in all the world. And no weisle like yourself is going to stop that great commission! People in this country are not going to be told what they can and can’t do by a bunch of godless snakes like this group! You think you can stop the hand of God with your gustapo style thuggery on the precious 1st amendment? Again, God help you weisles come judgement day for your talibanish attacks on people of faith! You have lied about the separation of church and state and in your zeal have tried to pervert the 1st amendment. But it’s obvious your getting your asses handed to you in court. Cause people know they have a right and no punk ass weisle’s like yourselves are going to abridge that right! You are nothing but imisary’s of the devil and will spend eternity with your father whom you weisles serve! And don’t quote scripture when your too busy perverting it with your attempt to silence those of the Christian faith! The devil can quote scripture too…so what? But you weisles are ungodly atheist and you want to silence people of faith, so you morons can be the only voice in the arena. You and the a.c.l.u. or as we like to call those weisles…the (anti Christ liberals union). I can


only imagine what judgement day will be like for you morons who pervert the truth and who seek to go against God’s word about sharing the faith to others? You attack cause your ignorant of the truth and his word and will pay a dear price with your soul’s one day for your attack on the church and people of faith! I could never be an imisary of the devil like you weisles are! And who should we follow man (you weisles) or God’s word? That’s a no brainer to a lot of christian’s today. You think you can intimidate christian’s? bring it on weisles! our God is greater than your father the devil, whom you devotedly serve! Good luck in hell varmits! (name withheld)

408. May 6, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, Your cause to stop Christians and other religious groups from proselytizing is in vain. Just as you have the “right” to demand they stop exercising their religious beliefs, they have a right to exercise them. Your goal is to demand tolerance while, at the same time, being intolerant. This is not a hate mail message. I don’t care what you do with your time. I just want you to know, there are religious people in the military (I was one of them) that are fighting for your freedom to live your life however you want. So to use that power to take away more freedoms from these service men and women, is a douche bag move. Being a former service member (Marines), I can assure you they have signed away the majority of their freedoms. Someone like you would hate to live in a world that your told where to do every minute of everyday, being forced to wear clothes that you didn’t choose, doing things that you didn’t choose to do. That’s what they do. Freedom is what they give up. Regardless of their motives. Whether or not they joined to get a job, just wanted to do the right thing, or joined to avoid going to jail, the end result is still your freedoms being protected. So cut them some slack. if people don’t want to talk about Christianity, then they need to get new friends. its the same situation if a democrat wants to talk politics all the time, are you going to fight against that as well? Your supporters are weak minded, regardless if they are service members. Don’t try to take away more things from these people, as they have so little as it is. If you haven’t been to war ( I don’t know your background), then you wouldn’t know what its like finding hope in the middle of something that has very little hope. Your cause would do more harm than good. Therefore, if you go on with it knowing that, then you’re knowingly doing not good things. In which case you’re not a decent person and your cause is in vain, and you will not succeed. Respect their freedom of religion. Its one of the few they have. Again, this isn’t hate mail, I don’t care what you do. I just felt strongly enough about this to write to you, which is something I very rarely do. Take care, (name withheld)



May 6, 2013 Hey weisle… I hear they bring you, another anti Christ a’hole to try to shut down free speech into the pentagon to try to abridge the 1st amendment. Got newsflash for you douche…the first amendment is not going anywhere. And according to this article, you’re a loser whose lost 5 court fight’s… And that b.s. your espousing separation crap is never going to win cause it’s a lie from hell and you know it weisle! I pity you come judgement day loon! Paul was one of the greatest persecutor’s of the church but was converted on the road to demascus. I think the judgement for those who go after christian’s will be the greatest degree of punishment from almighty God ever! God commands us to go out and make desciples and a weisle like you thinks you can stop that? I will always speak about Christ and no punk weisle like yourself will ever stop me. And any person disciplined in our military will back up the brinks if he’s ever court martialed for speaking about their faith. It’s obvious that satan knows his days are numbered and he has his little immisary’s like you doing his evil bidding to get as many soul’s to hell as he can. I can only hope for your sake, you have a conversion like paul did. Cause you will be spending eternity with your father the devil forever for your trying to go after his people the way you are! It’s obvious that you hate God and his people and seek to hurt him. But you will face the wrath of an angry God in the next life. I feel sorry for yur family to have such an anti Christ in their family! (name withheld)

410. May 6, 2013 Dear MRFF, Is this guy for real? If he is then your whole foundation are a bunch of typical Obama brain dead zombies. Work for the good of a Nation not the destruction of one. Get a Life or choke on your hatred. (name withheld) a very angry old white guy and legal American.

411. May 6, 2013 Wienstein, you’re a traitor, plain and simple. You are what is wrong with America today. Another puppet of the Obama Administration. Shame on you. Our founding fathers would be sad to see this. From a Viet Nam Era Vet, (name withheld)

412. May 7, 2013 Dear MRFF, Where exactly does our law state that? You people are such anti-American, anti- Christians pigs it’d be laughable if the Muslim in chief didn’t admire you as much as he does. You do realize that satan loses in the end don’t you? Why then would you


align yourselves with him? Losers just gotta have someone to hang with? The light is just to bright on the other side? Enjoy eternity, and dress lightly, it’ll be very warm where you’re headed! (name withheld)

413. May 7, 2013 Greetings Bekki, Many of us are disappointed in the comments Mikey has been making of religious freedom lately. We find it offensive and a feeble attempt on his part to gain an opportunity with an administration that is anti-Christian and anti-religious. If wants to taken seriously by those that make a difference, he should give up the rhetoric and keep to a language that is balanced. I am sure he realizes that this administration is about 3 years from being irrelevant which could make him as equally irrelevant when there is a more conservative leadership in charge. Warm regards, (name withheld)

414. May 7, 2013 Dear Mikey, No your not that important. You are not the anti Christ, Satan or anyone else of importance. You are simply one of many prophesied about in end times, that will be false teachers hiding behind half truths. End times needs folks like you to fulfill prophesy as Judas, Herod, Pilate and many others were made by God to fulfill prophesy. Matthew 7:22-23 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ God bless (name withheld

415. May 8, 2013 Mike Weinstein, These acts of redefining tolerance by coming against religious rights of Christians in the military is so upsurd, rediculous, and immoral. You shame yourself as a Jew and mis-represent Jews, and the God of Yisrael, and Yisrael itself. Christians support and bless Yisrael and the Jews and is this how you reward them. You are acting in darkness and you are showing there is nothing good in you in this hateful intolerant action with the Pentagon. This will shorten your life. I am a practicing Jew and was a part of the US Air Force. I am sick and see parallels with Hitler in what you are doing. I guess you love Hitler and intend to imitate him. That is a very shameful


thing for a so-called Jew. Are you a new Hitler? Turn around before the same judgement he had comes upon you. (name withheld)

416. May 10, 2013 You are a disgrace to Jews the world over. evangelical /prostelyzing Has been around for ever. YOU just learn to ignore it

417. May 12, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Why so many distrust and/or dislike Jews as a group, while counting individuals as friends, without religion playing a role?

It is because of people like you, Mr. Weinstein.

You must have been one hell of a pain in the butt at USAFA and in the Air Force.

(name withheld)

418. May 12, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, your a fucking barking dog jew weinstien. you and your little group of mffr queers are all jews. one and all. includin jewbassador jew wilson. and col. lawrense wiljewerson who is the house nigger of that niggerjew colin powell. you all have no right to stop our armies from being the warriors for Christ. for which our christian nation was formed. for Christians. by Christians and only Christians. meant to spread the gospel of The Lamb to the world held prisoner by jew killers and there international fellow travelers. we know what you want mickey The Big Jew weinstien. and your evil jew blood and the animal blood of your family and friends will be spilt by the counless gallons in vain. we will laugh with the Lord as the Christ slaughters all of you. hitler was the only one to stand up to your jew filth. He saw you subhumans for what you are. we who follow the Christ will never let you win for the devil. America’s armies live and fight for The Word of the Christ. praise the Lord Jesus who will finish what hitler started. you have no chance and no prayer.

(name withheld)

419. May 14, 2013 Dear Mikey,


again, you give me some gutless weisle who thinks he can abrogate our right’s with his hatred for christian’s! it might have well of been satan writing that godless atheist attack on christian’s. he compares christian’s to al queda? Don’t see no christian’s blowing crap up do you? Pathetic and we will fight this moron and any other idiot who dares to try to abrogate our 1st amendment cause they have a perverted grudge to bear! We like making fools of you idiot’s in court as you’ve already learned the hard way! 0-5! (name withheld)

420. May 15, 2013 Dear Mikey, Thank you for you service and that of your family. I can say the same of my own family. Our history goes back to the third man to scale the wall at Edinburgh Castle and direct blood line descendant to William the Conquer, Army, Navy SWCC, Marines so with respect KISS MY ASS!!! So where did you you see anywhere that I pray to ANY GOD or BFF in the FUCKING Sky you fuckin Squib!! You just want to feel like a fucking enlightened liberal that has some knowledge that the rest of us don’t have. You can save your fucking liberal agenda for someone who gives a fuck. Finally figured out that the liberal chicks where freakier in bed? WOW, late for the game again!!! AND Your fuckin Rag head buddies can lick my fuckin sack, if they don’t want to fight for the cause then fuck em and if they did and got fucked in the ass then get in line like the rest of us and stop fuckin crying. If you think I give 2 fuckin shits about anybodies fucking religion then you’re more lost then you seem. I just don’t think that you have the right to tell somebody what they can believe and when they can pull it it out you worthless piece of shit!! Goddamn but you cry like a fuckin PUSSY!!!! Jesus FUCKIN Christ, you liberals are like a bunch of fuckin cockroaches when the lights come on, LOL. NO Atheist’s in fox holes, NOW THAT’S SOME FUNNY SHIT!!!!! FUCK YOU JOE BOB!!!! Death is prevalent in those situations and I fear NO EVIL, save the FUCKIN rhetoric for the fuckin recruits!!! You know good and goddamned well what I was fucking saying and you can kiss my fucking harry ass you FUCKING PUSSY!!!!!!! I have no fear and will complete all tasks assigned to me with extreme prejudice…… Blahh Blahh Blahh, you know the drill. Fog… or you liked it… been in the sand box, with BOTH hands. You are just defending a liberal piece of shit that is trying to limit soldiers social liberties SIR. FUCK OFF!!!!!!!! (name withheld)

421. May 20, 2013 Dear Mikey, You sir have stirred up a pot of cow manure. You have created a worse situation for anyone Jewish/Hebrew in the military. There has always been forms of racism in the world our military and society. With your acts of following this Godless government and President, who thinks he is God, you have opened a can of worms


you can not control. My son’s in the military had been cursed, shamed, and threatened in the past for merely being Jewish/Hebrew and this by non christian’s as well as those claiming to be christian’s. You sir have caused a problem to become worse. You can not see the hatred you have created. This is why the world makes US out to be veil and evil people. Thank you for making the situation even worse. Antisemitism is are ready growing in this country and around the world, and you have just unleashed another monster upon your own people. You sir, are not serving Hashem/Jehovah/God, but you are serving Azazel, Semjaza and Sariel to follow after and work for the false god and god’s of this world and the moon god Allah, whom your President serves. May the Father of all Spirit’s have mercy on your soul and your children’s soul’s. P.S. Please not the scripture below my name, I too am a Jew/Hebrew who follows Messiah Christ the Elect One the Holy One the Anointed One and Hashem/Jehovah/Adonai His Father the Lord of Spirit’s is the One and only GOD. You follow after your god the adversary satan.” (name withheld)

422. May 20, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

“Screw Your Filthy Talmud!!!

All of you Talmudic RACIST “Jews” are working together to destroy Christianity world wide and we know who you are and what you’ve all done!!! YOU WILL FAIL!!! Jesus Christ will prevail over you and you will bow your knees and praise Him as YOUR God and King!!! Rod Jacobs a Christian Jew!!!”

423. May 20, 2013 Dear Mikey, if you are on the side of the NWO and the martial law agenda, you are on the eternally losing side. Jesus IS the ONLY MESSIAH that God will ever send to the Jews, and the only Savior of the world as well. He is eternally THE MESSIAH, He loves you and He died for your sins as well as mine. How many of my Jewish friends have discovered the true joys of knowing Jesus as their true Messiah! He is real. And what if you are wrong about Him? And what if you have to stand before Almighty God for your role in fighting against the Messiah of the Jewish people and the Savior of the world? What if you have to give an account for all His followers that YOU have helped to persecute? Jesus the Messiah taught, “Fear God, Who has the power to destroy body and soul IN HELL. I say to you, FEAR HIM.” It will take more than the threats of prisoner boxcars with shackles, guillotines, and deathcamps under martial law, or military court martial to stop the Christian witness to America, the US military…and the world. We cannot be silenced from the world’s scene. Even death itself cannot silence the Christian witness. Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross…yet His testimony to the world continues to this very day! The blood of the Christian martyrs remains the seed of the Church to this very day.


Communists tried for 7 decades to crush Christianity in the former Soviet Union, and failed. Their efforts will fail once again in America. You can’t fight against Almighty God and His Mashiach/Messiah, and hope to win, Mikey. I remember making a pilgrimage to Dachau twice, on behalf of all the Jews and others who tragically died there. My heart grieved for all they suffered under the horrific Nazi regime. And I too said in my heart, “NEVER AGAIN.” But now it is MY Christian people facing the deathcamps solely for our faith and nothing else, here in America. I see the same type of agenda as used by the Bolsheviks and the Nazis as well, using prisoner trains and deathcamps in America’s future,to eliminate all perceived (and misperceived) enemies of the coming NWO. I find it most tragic that here in America, wherein you have so many Christians praying for the Jews and for Israel and voicing their support for Israel, that so many Jews in this nation have been secretly working on this NWO Zionist agenda which will sentence these very same Christians to death for their faith and confession of Jesus Christ as Son of God and Messiah. I understand perfectly the purposes of the many modern guillotines in America, and the Noahide Laws that accompany them. And it does not deter me from MY faith. Jesus Christ IS the Messiah, He IS divine, and He IS God in the flesh, and I indeed worship Him as my Lord and Savior, sent of God to save the world from sin. Very sad, the camps and the guillotines for the Christians who love the Jews and are praying for Israel. A true betrayal of people’s love and good will, indeed. But nothing will deter the faith of THE TRUE FOLLOWER of Jesus the Messiah. Let us die in the camps for Him, if needs be, Who also suffered and died for us. You will find it is impossible to eradicate Christianity from the face of the earth. because whatsoever is born of God is ETERNAL and can NEVER be destroyed. Continuing to pray for God to open your eyes to THE TRUTH…….. Your friend, (name withheld)

424. May 20, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, Your organization, in my opinion, is immeasurably evil. Why do you fear a Christian that shares his/her belief? I was in Vietnam for 13 months and thanked God every time I saw a Chaplain praying with the wounded and dying, risking their lives to bring comfort, often assisting as medics. Obviously you were never in combat and have no idea of the strength faith brings. How can you try to deny service personnel the most basic freedom of this country? Have you ever stopped to think that some want to hear the Gospel? I hope God has mercy on you and exposes just how harmful you are. If I were you, I wouldn’t look forward to death. I know you are too consumed with hate to reply to this in a rational way, so I don’t expect it. (name withheld)



June 1, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, I have just read the story on Fox about this beautiful painting being taken down due to the complaint, apparently registered with your organization, of an “unidentified complainant” and also of your demand that it be taken down “in one hour”! I learned many things in multiple decades of practicing law and honoring our Rule of Law and our Constitution and Bill of Rights but one of the bedrock principles I learned was that every person has a right to confront those who would complain against him or her. It is impossible for me to state in just words the revulsion I felt in reading that a beautiful inspirational painting has to be taken down – IN ONE HOUR!—due to the complaint of some ninny who got all “uncomfortable, disappointed and disheartened” at having to look at this painting. When I was in the Military – I very proudly served as an aircrew member in the Strategic Air Command—we had another word for “unidentified complainants”, and it left no doubt as to the depth of the contempt we felt for such weasels who will not come out into the sunlight and be identified. You will note from the very complete contact information below that I am NOT, and NEVER WILL BE, such an “unidentified complainant.” And, in closing, since your organization is dedicated to Military Religious Freedom, I will pass along a short message which is based on my own religious beliefs and foundations: God Help Us and our Beloved Nation if the future belongs to your organization and the “unidentified complainants” who apparently make up its membership and, much more sadly, the body of the current United States Military. May God Continue to Bless America, (name withheld)

426. June 2, 2013 Dear MRFF: Have a miserable time in hell heathen! Say hi to hitler for me! (name withheld)

427. June 5, 2013 PLEASE Pass this on to Mikey “What country have you been living in? The primary reason the pilgrims came to America was for religious freedom. It’s in the FIRST AMENDMENT. Why are you using your religious bigotry to tromp all over FREEDOM OF RELIGION? Grow up and get a life! (name withheld)

428. June 6, 2013 PLEASE Pass this on to Mikey “What country have you been living in? The primary reason the pilgrims came to America was for religious freedom. It’s in the FIRST AMENDMENT. Why are you


using your religious bigotry to tromp all over FREEDOM OF RELIGION? Grow up and get a life! (name withheld)


430. June 6, 2013 Sir. It is your right to disbelieve in God. But it is also the right of other to believe. And don’t even try the Jefferson Letter (wall) argument. It will only show your lack of knowledge and history of our country. No this also, those like yourself are the reason this country is in such moral decay. And very soon the define judgement of God will destroy what is left. Why, because people like yourself think it is there duty to cleans our society of his word because your offended by anything you cannot comprehend in your limited mental ability. ANSWER THIS THEN. explain the technological wonder of the 19 churches hollowed of solid granite in worship to God. We cannot do it even today yet they are14000+ years old.

431. June 7, 2013 We are totally disgusted with your despicable anti-religion agenda.That individual at the base who supposedly complained and said the picture made “me feel terribly uncomfortable, disheartened and disappointed”needs mental help, that painting shouldn’t dishearten or make anyone uncomfortable. If he doesn’t like the painting don’t look at it… it’s real simple. And please don’t claim it violates the establishment clause of the first amendment, it doesn’t. Congress never made a law forcing anyone to look at it. You act like there is a freedom from being exposed to religion, there isn’t! I will be contacting my congressman about this fascism. Matthew 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers; for they shall be called the children of God. (name withheld)

432. June 10, 2013 “Mr. Weinstein I have been following you and your organization lately. I want to inform you that I proudly wear my uniform and have sworn to up hold the Constitution of The United States. I am a Christian and wear a St. Michael around my neck and will continue to do so. I will speak my mind no what the subject including religion when and where I like. I recently learned that you were responsible for a painting, titled Blessed are the Peace Keepers, to be taken down at the Mountain Home AFB. I will be obtaining a print of that painting and will proudly display it in my office. There is no one in this country who can force me take it down. Not you, the government or the courts.


Looking at you web site I believe that you and your organization are nothing more than terrorists who are trying to undermine everything this country stands for. You have the right to your opinion but when you force your beliefs on others by taking the actions that you have taken you should be charged and arrested for violating peoples civil rights.” (name withheld)

433. July 10, 2013 Three of my children are in the armed forces. They tell me how their chaplains have told them that you and the MFRR want to take Christ away from the military. They all fear you. Many military fear you. Even the generals and Congressmen. I do not. My church does not. My church supports the military. Our pastor has researched all about you and that MFRR. At this mornings sermon he told us all what he had discovered. Your a jew. You have a sick wife and some children. Sons and Daughters. Your loving arabs and there violent faith of Allah. Your in New Mexico. Your loving the homos and want them to be equal. To normal people of faith and be married. You love abortions and the doctors who do them. Your a atheist probably too. Your a communist sympathiser. Your a leftist pretending to be a Republican. You hate Jesus Christ and all who worship Him. You have a very strong power from your darkness. You are clever and hard to trap. you just scared the Air Force into taking down all painting of Americas and the Worlds only True Savior the Lord Jesus Christ. Unbelieveable hate mixed with the power of anti-christ. Pastor tells us It is very likely that you are demon possessed. Or are even the very dark one himself. Satan get thee behind me. As Pastor said by Ephesians 4:27! No wonder so many fear you. And your satan army of that MFRR. But our Army of Christ is very much stronger Mikey Weinstein. All of this has been prophesied. Your trapped and doomed. Our pastor told us of your cripple wife. No doubt having multipole sclerosis is a just punishment for your evil. Oh but she does deserves it and more suffering too. Soon. He said you have sons and daughters too. They are all part of it too. We have a good and blessed plan for you now. We have prayed on it. Our church's prayer chain is launched today. We will pray day and night for your fall. May you experience pain beyond all understanding. For eternity. May Christ Jesus take your wife and sons and daughters to hell this day. before your very eyes. May Christ Jesus take all who do there evil in that MFRR to hell this very day before your very eyes. May you live forever in flames as Christ Jesus sweeps you to hell eternal this very day. Pasor ended his sermon by saying that there is no amazing grace for a wretchs like you. Your wife. Your sons your daughters. And all of those in that MFRR. Your suffering for all time is fulfillment of His Word and Prophesy.

434. July 10, 2013 mikey cannot wait until your made dead and punted to hell by The Lamb where youll burn forever for foursaking Jesus' love for you and for keeping our army under spell of your father satan. very soon now. oh and we pray your whole famly and the mfrr is made dead by The prince of Peace and also burn with you naked in hell for


time imemorial

435. June 11, 2013 Dear Mikey, You should be so proud of your persecution of God’s family pal? So now you get to tell our military what books they can and can’t read cause it might offend these intolerant muslims? Make me puke! I hope this guy sues the hell out of these gustapo thugs in the air force. This is a very slippery slope dude! I bet he could read all the Marxist/communist your messiah Obama studied growing up and he’d never be told anything? Or he could read about what a peace loving relgion muslims are? I bet that’d be ok. But how dare he read about the demise of our country and it’s liberty’s by this tyrannical regime? Who speak the truth that this regime hates cause the truth will set you free! And being a demorat or liberal is to divorce yourself from any truth! We are definitely in the final days before his coming cause he said, you will be persecuted and hated for my name sake! Thanks for helping the devil out emissary! You really are so delusional that you think your doing something nobel. Not even realizing your adding up more degrees of punishment every day you persecute his people?? I can only imagine God’s wrath for you? You think you were mad about people attacking your family. Wait until you meet him before the great white throne of judgement? And your books get opened up about all the persecution you did? God help you mikey Weinstein! Wow…his wrath will be poured out so fierce against you on that day! I don’t wish hell on my worst enemy, cause it will be forever with no getting out of torment day & nite! But I just can’t see your judgement being much lesser than these brutal dictator’s we’ve had in our history? That’s why each person will stand before him naked on that day. To pay for your sin’s and all your deeds. Just like here, when they arrest a person and is put in jail. And awaits their trial. Same as in the after life…you too mikey Weinstein will pay for every dirty deed you did against God’s people! So every act you do, will increase your suffering in the next life and you don’t even realize it cause your so blinded by satan and your hatred for God’s people! (name withheld)

436. June 12, 2013 Dear MRFF, What a bunch of slimeballs you are. We are certainly praying for you. God help you. (name withheld)

437. July 4, 2013 Dear Scourge: Yes, that’s what you are by preventing children from all over the world from having the support of the affluent military who could send gifts to children. You are fighting something very sick maybe inside of yourself. Yes, you may have been spoken to by unkind Christians, but who are you supporting-the


devil? You aren’t turning your experience into something that helps this country or its citizens. What did Jay Seklow say to you in your debate? Reconsider whatever it was. Aren’t you supporting the muslims or atheists? Aren’t you controlling the military academy now by your law suit against them helping needy children? What do you think God will say to you about your life? Can’t you do something productive with your life? Are you not having a tantrum??? (name withheld)

438. July 15, 2013 Dear Mikey, I am a pilot in the U.S. Air Force. Stationed where your daughter and her husband are also stationed. In (withheld) at (withheld). They don’t know me but we know them. They’re not in my squadron. My wife and our friends and I feel sorry for them when we see them. They probably have some affection for you as any children would. But they don’t know you as we do. And as the Lord knows you Mikey. By your never-ending persecution of Christians here at Vance and everywhere else. Mikey you had better stop and consider what awaits you for your crimes against Christ and his Word. You have placed your soul in Harms Way Mikey. Yes even you have one. If you don’t stop your persecution of the followers of Jesus immediately you face the consequences of spending eternity in hell. It’s as simple as that. Can you just understand that simple basic point? You’re a lawyer so you must have some smarts. Don’t have your family grieve for you being in hell. Stop persecuting those of us who follow the only way truth and life: John 14:6. And start worrying about your own eternal life. Keep your big nose out of the business of Christians trying to save you your daughter and her husband and everyone else. You should be thanking us instead of persecuting us. (name withheld)

439. July 17, 2013 Jews against Catholics. Catholics against Jews. Same old Abrahamic religious warfare going on. Why not let non-Abrahamic religionists be at the helm of your org so we aren’t fighting for Jews against Catholics? (name withheld)

440. July 22, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Mikey Wienstien is an enemy to American people. I will die for Jesus Christ and fight for Jesus Christ. I fought for this country for freedom. Not for people like Mikey to steal it. Mikey will fall like the coward him and his family is. If he thinks he’s gonna win then he will soon be crushed like the Nazi regime he supports. He is the same as a child rapist or adolf Hitler. You will never take god from us. This country was founded on it. Watch as you fail.


(name withheld)

441. July 24, 2013 Dear MRFF, It seems you all lack a traditional education where primary documents are used as sources rather than reading the opinions and interpretations of history according to Marxists, secret societies, and bitter, hateful, vengeful people. Is it that hard to be productive with the one life that God has given you under the sun? 1Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? 2The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, 3Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.4He that sits in the heavens shall laugh: the LORD shall have them in derision. 5Then shall he speak to them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure. 6Yet have I set my king on my holy hill of Zion. 7I will declare the decree: the LORD has said to me, You are my Son; this day have I begotten you.8Ask of me, and I shall give you the heathen for your inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for your possession. 9You shall break them with a rod of iron; you shall dash them in pieces like a potter’s vessel. 10Be wise now therefore, O you kings: be instructed, you judges of the earth. 11Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him. – Psalm 2 (name withheld)

442. July 26, 2013 Dear MRFF, I learned of your organization through an email regarding your attack on a Chaplain for writing an opinion piece on ‘no atheists in foxholes’. You succeeded in having him censored, so you must be very proud of your achievement. I’m sure the Devil (or Satan if you will) is likewise proud of you for doing his work. In today’s politically correct culture, you will continue to win your so-called battles (ones which you formulate from the flimsiest of events), because the U.S. and the world has become a fertile garden for your attacks on religion, particularly the Christian religion. Hence it will do me, and millions of others who believe as I do, no good to complain to the likes of our current administration — in fact, the seemingly aid and abet your nefarious game. Yes, I said game, because you are accomplishing nothing of value even though you adulate yourself as doing so. However, your day will come. On Judgment Day, you will stand before God and confess your sins. I earnestly pray that you will see the error of your ways and turn to the truth before it is too late. (name withheld)



July 26, 2013 Mr. Weinstein, I am at a loss as to what I have read today regarding you and your “organization’s” drive to punish a Christian Chaplain. All because this Chaplain instituted his 1st Amendment right to free speech and referenced a speech made by President Eisenhower “I am delighted that our veterans are sponsoring a movement to increase our awareness of God in our daily lives. In battle, they learned a great truth that there are no atheists in the foxholes.” Although I have researched and found out that you were in the Air Force Academy, have you ever actually been in battle? If not then you sir are a hypocrite and an armchair quarterback. Your own quote which includes “there is only one religious scripture: the American Constitution” actually shows how little you regard our Constitution as you are denigrating this Chaplain for instituting his right to free speech. You want him punished? For what? I have seen time and time again how the atheists in our country skew the religious liberty stated in our Constitution to fit their own agenda. I am baffled by the ineptitude of these people and people like yourself. As you proclaim to be a lawyer, I am thinking you are somewhat smart? Our founding fathers placed the separation of Church and State in our Constitution because they themselves felt persecuted in England for wanting to practice their own religion. This does not mean that Church, The Bible and Christianity is to be taken out of every function and establishment, including our military. It means that all Americans have the freedom to chose their own religion. You claim to have had several stints at prominent law firms. Was it Constitutional Law? What did you do as a JAG? Why so vague? Last, what is wrong with Christianity? The majority of Christians are peaceful, helpful, charitable people. Whether you chose to believe there is actually a God, which it appears you don’t, what is the harm of others doing so? God has been a part of our military since the founding of this country. My family as well has a long history of military service, by the way all active, not academy and they all believed in God in one way or another. The last I remember, any soldier, like a citizen, has the right to choose whether to attend services. Also, the last research I did shows that 85% of our population is Christian and 90% of active and non-active military personnel are Christian. Do you watch a channel you don’t like or listen to a radio station you do not like or do you turn that channel or station. Do us all a favor, turn the station. Leave the majority of us good Christian Americans alone. Sincerely, (name withheld)

444. July 26, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, Quite a nice scam you have going here. Kudos for inventing a problem that does not exist, creating a non-profit to “fix it”, and soliciting $$$ from low-information


sheeples. It is revolting and a sad commentary on our society that you are apparently succeeding. The quote featured on your headline banner “When one proudly dons a US military uniform, there is only one religious symbol: the American flag. There is only one religious scripture: the American Constitution. Finally there is only one religious faith: American patriotism” is moronic on all levels. What blather! Our founders would be aghast that you distort the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and equate belief in this country to a religious experience. This is precisely what Islamists do and enforce. As a Jew, I find your misguided crusade an enormous embarassment. Finally, do you really call yourself “Mickey”? Most kids grow out of the cute adolescent nickname by age 10 and adopt the more mature “Mike” or “Michael”. Grow up, get a real job and contribute something meaningful to society. This ain’t it. Regards (name withheld)

445. July 26, 2013 “Sirs I came across a controversy involving your organization and some Christian chaplain and decided to look up your website. The first thing that popped up when I got there was a motto of your organization, a quote by Mikey Weinstein. It was a rather curious statement. Which reminded me of an old Jewish joke (myself being Jewish): a certain Jew is asked as to why he does not believe that there is God. He answers that God could not possibly exist as he knows no one who is smarter the he. Mikey Weistein seems to belong to the same type of people who seem to be sure they have no fault and also know all there is to know. Mr. Weistein seems to detest religions, but he would be well advised to read Torah, and Christian Bible for that matter, there is a lot praise there of the virtue of humility, the character trait that Mr. Weinstein sorely lacks. Sincerely (name withheld)

446. July 28, 2013 Hello, I recently read about your organization and the events which took place concerning LtCol Reyes of the USAF. So you believe it is ok to silence people who have differing options from you because you do not share their beliefs? However you seemingly force your unwanted options upon many people. I think you and your organization is deplorable, and as a former Marine, I agree with the USMC stance regarding faith and morals. You mission/charter statements read as: “The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is a watchdog / advocacy group and civil rights organization whose stated goals are to ensure that members of the United States Armed Forces receive the Constitutional guarantee of religious


freedom to which they are entitled by virtue of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.” However you seem like an off shoot to a Christian hate group, whose only real freedoms you are care about are those that promote your opinion and/or agenda. I think you are all useless individuals that serve little to no purpose except continuing to support an agenda to further cause separation and division within this country. As I’m sure you are well aware cause such division within the military would be problematic to say the least. I can only guess no one within your organization has ever served in the military nor would understand that what you “believe” is a problem is only your opinion. I find the relationship between your founder and the president and Secretary of Defense concerns and think you people will not stop until the military is ruined. The day will come when the US needs a strong military but Politically Correct, stick up their ass do nothing except complain individuals like yourselves will have completely rendered it useless. Then I guess you will be happy. I see your organization in the same light as the Westboro Baptist Church, and everyone knows they are scum too. Best of luck to you and your selfish endeavors. (name withheld)

447. July 28, 2013 Dear Mikey, MRFF believes there is no afterlife and THIS is how you spend your precious limited life? MRFF Payoff must be to make everyone as miserable as you are? Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) contacted the base commander, Col. Brian Duffy, demanding he take action on Reyes’s “anti-secular diatribe.” (name withheld)

448. July 29, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, I understand that your organization has petitioned the military to punish Col. Reyes for quoting Dwight Eisenhower’s famous foxhole comment. You people need immediate, intensive, professional care. However, if you were to seek psychological care, I still would not donate. The damage you’re doing may be irreversible as an essential for our politically correct national sickness. Shame on you!!! (name withheld)

449. July 30, 2013 Dear MRFF, I just need to ask… what is wrong with your ORG? Why do you have the word Religious in your organization’s title?


You don’t promote Religious freedom, from what I read you promote Religious censorship. You promote the violation of The First Amendment. If individuals are not happy with speeches or homilies or just an opinion, they have the right not to listen and they have the right to complain. But what about the speaker or the homilist, or the opinionator, why must you insist their rights be violated? Why does it not go both ways? Oh, by the way. Did any of your complainers actually hear the chaplin’s homily? You should all be ashamed of yourselves. Respectfully, (name withheld)

450. July 31, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, There are no atheists in fox holes. They are not smart enough to get in when danger is near. The Chaplain should be suing you for being so studied as to they to have him punished for repeating a quote. From this I can only assume you want to rewrite history, which means you are a liberal idiot (my apologies for the redundant statement). (name withheld)

451. August 2, 2013 I recently read about the situation with Lt. Col. Kenneth Reyes. Personally, I feel you are taking this situation too far in thinking that he should be punished for his saying “No atheists in foxholes.” He had a right to say what he thought as a chaplain. He also has 1st amendment rights, and it is also just not logical for you to take offense to something like this. Basically the statement that he said, I believe, is, in the American language, simply another way of saying that in foxholes everyone is stressed and scared for their life; and therefore everyone is going to be believing in something or some higher power. And in the American language the word atheist means to many that there is simply an absence of belief in anything. Anyways, my point is that it is unnecessary to be so radical in taking offense over this. I believe that your time and money could go to more blatant problems concerning keeping people safe from discrimination and such.

I wish you the best and hope that you will be wise in the battles you choose.

(name withheld)

452. August 4, 2013


> Sir or Ma’am, > > I noted on your website that you claim to be a civil rights organization, protecting the rights of military members. I respectfully request you re-look your stance and the cause upon which your organization takes its purpose. > > 1. While most everyone would appreciate you paying attention to religious freedom, to focus on it the way you do, with hyperbolic and vitriolic statements belittles the points you try to make.

> This is especially so when you target members of the Chaplains Corps. Also, your recent comments are completely hypocritical. You condemn a current Chaplain for invoking the words of GEN Eisenhower and demand the Chaplain be punished. However, you make no mention of GEN Eisenhower. Those were his words. If you feel as strongly as your wickedly crafted words would indicate, then your failure to call upon the DoD to post-humously punish Ike is hypocritical.

> Military Chaplains come to the aid of service members 24/7, every day of the year. I’ve seen them at work and I can honestly tell you that I’ve never seen one push his faith on a service member. When service members are depressed, distraught, or suicidal, the Chaplains are often the second ones called and the first to make a difference – and they do it in such a way that you would never be able to guess what faith they practice. Naturally I speak only from my experiences, but they are more than just a few.

> 2. Of all the infringements upon civil rights, conducted by the military, the least damaging, least obtrusive, and least present is that related to religion and the expression thereof. > > 3. Survey court records and records of the boards for correction of military records throughout the service branches. You will quickly find many cases in which service members claim to have had one or more of their civil rights violated by the military. Of those cases, those pertaining to religion are few and far between. Due process, other components of free speech, representation, counsel, and fair and impartial application of adjudicatory proceedings not only far outweigh issues related to religious expression, but the tolling of these infringements is wide spread and severe. Lives and families are utterly destroyed by these actions. Every day throughout the military, members are administratively separated for unfounded


reasons, by means of unjust procedures, and without any semblance of equal footing in the eyes of the law. A recent federal court decision stated that service members have no ‘Bivens’ type recourse for damages suffered while in the service, and that includes civil rights violations, no matter how severe. First of all, such jurisprudence could be used to justify the military turning a deaf ear to everything you say, so long as they don’t have institutional policies and actions that substantively deprive civil rights. Second of all, that court decision and the long history of abuse with regard to virtually every administrative action in the military, should be what an organization such as yours targets. If you claim to defend civil rights of military members, why not defend the ones that are violated and attack the causes for those violations and the damages they inflict?

> Do not underestimate the damage done, largely unseen, by administrative proceedings. They are devastating, virtually unchecked, totally lacking of oversight, and their whimsical nature strikes at the heart of justice and all the rights our Constitution was designed to secure. Yet, your organization says nothing. But when a Chaplain echoes the words of a former General, you are up in arms. > > During the current period of downsizing, service members are going to need every bit of assistance they can get as administrative measures to reduce the force are going to wreck lives, destroy families, soil reputations, end careers, and add to the unemployment line. There has never been and never will be a time when trampling fundamental rights under the boot of military authority can be seen as a productive activity for our military and its obligation to support and defend the Constitution. The fact that your organization wishes to attend to that issue is laudable. > > But, to have a positive effect, you must go after the problems that exist, that demonstrate impropriety, and inflict the greatest damage. > > Thank you.

(name withheld)

453. August 4, 2013 ETERNITY: Mount Everest, the tallest mountain on Earth, is 5.5 miles high. If you could remove only one teaspoon of dirt from Mount Everest every 1,000 years until the entire mountain was gone, the 1st second of eternity would not have even started by the time you were finished.


Four out of five dentists recommend Trident, but ten out of every ten people die. We are all part of this ultimate statistic. Have you ever wondered what happens after someone dies? The Bible tells us in Hebrews 9:27 that we are all appointed to die and then face judgment. This judgment is for sin (disobedience to God’s laws). The Bible declares in Romans 3:23 that all have sinned and come short of God’s glory. Our sins separate us from God, who is holy and righteous. Through our God-given conscience, the 10 Commandments reveal sin to us. We know that it’s wrong to lie, steal, commit adultery, murder, and use God’s name in vain.

As a righteous judge, God cannot overlook disobedience to His laws. The judgment for anyone who dies in their sins will be eternal separation from God in a fiery place of torment called Hell. However, we can escape this judgment and inherit eternal life in Heaven because the Son of God, Jesus Christ, took the judgment for mankind’s sins upon Himself as He gave His life on the Cross at Calvary. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead and is alive forevermore. Jesus Christ is the only one to walk this earth without breaking any commandments (Hebrews 4:15). The sinless blood that Jesus shed on the Cross washes away sin and is the only payment for our violation of God’s laws. We cannot earn our way to Heaven; good deeds do not outweigh bad deeds. We need the righteousness of Christ in order to be acceptable to God. John 3:16 says that God sacrificed His Son for the entire world. Regardless of things like wealth or status in life, everyone needs Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Eternal salvation is ONLY obtained by receiving Jesus Christ into your heart by faith. Call upon Him in prayer, believing that He is the Son of God who died and rose again for your sins. Confess to Jesus that you’re a sinner. Ask Him to come into your heart and forgive you, and repent (turn away) from all sin. Tell others about your trust in Jesus as your Savior, be baptized, and make Him the Lord of your life as you live by faith in Him and obedience to the Bible.

James 4:14 says that life is like a vapor; it exists for a short time and then vanishes. There is no promise of tomorrow. Receive Christ today and be prepared to meet Him when your appointed time with death comes.

(name withheld)

454. August 4, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,


What a sad organization. To hate the love of God our creator.

Every knee shall bow and every tounge confess that Jesus Christ is lord.

We will be praying for you

(name withheld)

455. August 7, 2013 This letter was mailed to Mikey Weinstein and three female members of MRFF’s staff:

The answer is very simple:

Muslims bow down and sniff each other’s ass-hole five times a day. All God give them is shit for brains. Then they want to kill and murder all others who do not want to sniff ass-holes. Muslims are crotch worshippers. They do not worship God.

Dogs and Muslims have the same religion; take a look around. Muslims and dogs are both on all fours sniffing ass-holes.

Dogs are more civilized than Muslims. Dogs are full of love and affection. Dogs will protect you. Muslims want to kill and destroy.

It is better to have a dog as a friend. They will love and defend you. Muslims want to kill every one that doesn’t sniff an ass-hole. Muslims, call us “infidels.” We call Muslims “murdering shit heads.”

Added Note: This organization and other Anti-Religious Organization are trying to Destroy Religion in America.



Moslem cc: Christian Organization

Cairs and Mosque



456. August 7, 2013 Sir,

I cannot understand your constant issues with the USAF. The name of your organization is baffling. You seem opposed to anything “religious”, and there is certainly no “freedom” permitted.

My father was a career AF pilot, and my whole family have military connections. Not once in my life (I am 77) have I been aware of any military person doing or saying anything offensive regarding his or her religious beliefs.

If you are an atheist, then by all means be one, but allow others to be Christian, Jewish, or whatever belief they embrace. Why should that bother you? Let the chaplains do what chaplains are for. No one is forcing any belief on you or any other atheist. Atheists in the military are not forced to attend chapel services.

Apparently you don’t even feel that you owe the USAF any thanks for putting you through law school. I don’t detect any loyalty on your part.

Our nation has become a bunch of whiners, ever anxious to create problems where none exist. I should think you might find something better to do with your law degree than to find complaints about our Air Force. It’s very sad to me.


(name withheld)

457. August 7, 2013 Good evening,

I would like to provide a short statement as a retired AF enlisted SNCO for you. As a non practicing protestant with no official affiliation I am appalled at you and your organization’s infiltration of DOD. Just because you possibly one served gives no right to bombard and force your opinion of what your views of the religious current should be in the Armed Services. Let the Active duty/Guard/Reserve decide their religious fate, we didn’t have your type of influence in the early ’90s thru early ’00


and existed harmoniously. There will always be a small minority that complains just like in the civilian populace ( we are a slice of America), maybe take up their cause?

(name withheld)

458. August 7, 2013 Dear MRFF,

You ppl need to Shut Up and Go back to our History! It is true we believe in Freedoms for Spirituality but our Founding Fathers were not atheists. Our Country was based on Christianity. That is Fact, stop twisting the truth because you want to Be Stupid. Look at our Money, Look at our Courts. Read about our founding Fathers. Keep God in our military, Keep God in Our Country like he was ment to be! and if you ignore this email cause u don’t like the Truth, then come to my Door and I will Bitch Slap the sense into your Pea Brain… Also get out of our Military. all your doing is causing Shit and hurting our ability to defend our Country… IDIOTS!

(name withheld)

459. August 7, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

Lt. Col. Kenneth Reyes expressed his own thoughts and views. That constitutes his ‘opinion’ and is covered by the First Amendment under Freedom of Speech. It was not sanctioned by the government. If you don’t like the freedoms given to us by the founding fathers of this nation, then you should get your ass to another country. Since you ‘can’t please all of the people all of the time’, our rule of law has been the ‘majority rule’. If you don’t like that, find another country. What gives you the right to shove you views off on the majority? Clinton ushered in political correctness. What a farce and bullshit. It gives people an excuse to lie. Not much different than the ‘warm and fuzzy, touchy feely’ emotions a child gets when we reward all students who participate, rather than only those who STRIVE to excel. It is time to get this country back on track. Before you get the idea that I’m some kind of religious Bible thumper, forget it. I just believe in applying common sense to every situation. ‘Common sense’ is a misnomer because it isn’t ‘common’ any more. Few people have it. Just the same as few have real integrity. Back off on your goals. Like I said, if you don’t like it, leave it.


(name withheld) A Patriotic American

Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?

460. August 9, 2013 Dear mikey This country is under attack but not from religion or Christianity but from self righteous people like yourself who are bent on the concept of “self”, The thought process of our own power as the driving force of events. Deep inside yourself you know this isn’t true. This country was founded and consecrated to God because our founding fathers understood that without the creator we will not be the great nation any longer.

Our founding fathers were right in keeping separation of church and state apart but not the creator. Your crusade is misguided you are being used by the great deceiver of man, turn and pray on your crusade for a month to God for the truth and you will see. “Knock and the door will be opened”. May God bless you my fellow American.

(name withheld)

461. August 9, 2013 Dear MRFF,

I am perplexed by your intolerance for those of us who serve in the military who happen to have faith in God. I have never pressed my beliefs on anyone, yet you seek to press your beliefs on me and others like me, who have a desire to engage in and be identified with our faith, even when we wear the uniform. Almost without exception, the very things you accuse Christians of, you yourself are guilty of. And your comment, “This country was founded on a very critical principle — the founding framers looked at the horrors that occurred throughout history by mixing religion and war, and they said, we’re going to separate church and state.” is contradiction of early American history. Those who found and founded our country did so in order to gain religious freedom, and were willing to fight for it while fighting in it. I don’t know what bad experience you’ve had in life with someone who had faith in God- but not all of us are like that person or circumstance…

(name withheld)


462. August 12, 2013 Mikey Weinstein,

Your arguments against religion in government are totally in opposition to the First Amendment. I am an atheist but I totally disagree with what you are doing to the USA. You are divisive and basically unthinking in your closed-mindedness.

This latest foofaraw about the Marine Corps judging service members based on their spirituality is hogwash. Members are not being “judged” on their religion, it is a matter of taking note of their religion, or lack thereof. What the military cannot do is treat atheists differently from those who profess a religion. Studying the suicide problem from a point of view of the “soldier’s” religion or lack of religion is statistically valid.

I am sick and tired of your rants against those who do not agree with your beliefs.

(name withheld)

463. August 12, 2013 i never heard of this communist marxist jewish organization and there lots of these organizations now ..filthy little fagot kikes who head them up like they head up the nigger naacp…this following organization is pointedely obvious that weinstein is a filthy shitkike and seeks to further the lubavitch agenda against whites and christianity and islam is getting a pass on this shit ..the name allah can be used and praying or thanking jesus in school or track meet or military will get you in trouble … The MRFF is a very insidious organization. It is headed up by a man named Mikey Weinstein. He has called Christians “human monsters” and “enemies of the United States Constitution“. Weinstein is convinced that sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ while in the military is “sedition and treason” and should be punished as such. You would think that people like Weinstein would be dismissed as lunatics, but unfortunately under the Obama administration he has been brought in as a special adviser to the Pentagon. What a crazy world that we live in. .. its not funny but it is preposterous that the enemy of mankind ,the jew says christians are monsters when oit was the jews who killed 70 million white russians after the bloody coup in russia 1917 was the jews who have committed every


genocide against wghites since esther and cypress and romans in 117 ad to 200,000 people ..france revolutio was jews …the irish starvation holocaust committed by kike disraeli pm of britain (5 million irish perish)…civil war 700,000 total kia from both sides ……slavery and the death of hundreds of thousands of whites who were slaves as well as niggers during the slave years ….1915 armenian 4.7 million nkiled by jews ..1936 bolshevik kikes rolled into spain and murdered 2.5 million women children and priests and they tried to stain franco with this shit but it was jews ..the genocide of germany dressed up to look like ww2 ..40 million germans dead ..1940 -1955 includes ethnic germans from checkos yugoslav poland pows def’s ..etc orphans ..sachenhausen camp where commmisars killed 700,000 germans ..i only heard about the 14,000 german teenagers the jews torured and killed there and buried them on the property ..they are still there ..the jews have always maintained a ludicrous statement that germans killed 700,000 russians there ..and then they said it was jews ..or maybe they meant russian jews ..if so ,good ..but its the old lie where wehn the jews hurt you they scream in pain .. this MRFF shit is so off the charts and to claim christians hate the constitution is a big lie that no one believes anyway …this guy needs to be shut down and all communist kikes like him ..if we dont get creative and busy we will suffer the same fate as many other nations who are and have been under the control of murderous jew communists and their rabbis ..

464. August 13, 2013 Dear MRFF,

I’ve been a vocal, and sometimes financial, supporter of MRFF since it started. There’s obviously a need for such an organization to fitht the use of the military for proselytizing.

However, it becomes harder and harder for me to tolerate Mr. Weinstein’s rage- filled rhetoric as reflected in his writings to various officials, and impossible for me to consider making further donations. I think his purple writing weakens his arguments, and risks making MRFF sound like one more shrill special-interest lobby, rather than an intellectually and legally sound advocacy organization.

For instance, in his most recent letter to the USMC, without much effort I counted 15 turns of phrase that sound as if they were written by a freshman with a new thesaurus. Examples:


“completely noxious” (what is partially noxious?) “veritable legion” (what is an unveritable legion?) “ignobly branded”, etc. The jewel was undoubtedly “sufficiently advanced unconstitutional incompetence”

I know that the USAFA isn’t an academic powerhouse, and his law school may not have emphasized legal writing, but surely he has somewhere run into the idea of simplicity and clarity as powerful writing tools. His present style makes him sound foolish, more concerned with expressing his anger than with getting results. The truth does not become truer by adding adverbs.

I don’t know if Mr. Wienstein tolerates personal criticism (I sense he doesn’t), but it would be good for our cause if someone could help him achieve an equally emphatic but more adult level of writing.

The work to which MRFF is dedicated is too important not to sharpen all its tools.


(name withheld)

465. August 18, 2013 MRFF does not take advantage of any religious obligation or occasion to solicit contributions, but I do feel that the Jewish New Year tradition of “Life” affirming donations to worthy causes is appropriate. For those who don’t know this tradition, contributions of $18 or multiples thereof, are considered to be especially meaningful because the numerical value of the Hebrew letters that spell out “Chai” the Hebrew word for “life” is 18. I have chosen to make a Rosh Hashana gift to MRFF.

On my budget, this is a significant contribution! I have previously purchased “Bricks in the Wall” to support MRFF’s work. My son, S/Sgt (name withheld), an active duty Army medic who has served 4 tours in the Middle East theatre of hostilities, was instructed during basic training years ago to conceal his Jewish identity, both overseas and stateside. Even his dogtags were re-issued to remove this. When his family had on-post housing, he was told


that any non-Christian displays–e.g. placing a menorah in a window during Hanuka– were inappropriate and would lead to a reprimand. This happened at Ft Drum and Ft Hood. He arranged for off-post housing before his wife and children arrived at Ft Carson, but the previous indoctrination that only certain religious affiliations were acceptable had been effective. My grandchildren know nothing of their ethnic heritage, of the brave woman who literally walked across Europe from the Warsaw Ghetto to the coast of France to bring her children to America. They do not understand that their father–my son–is only the latest of many generations of defenders of freedom.

How strange that my grandparents, like their ancestors, had to flee their homeland to find the freedom to worship G-d without persecution for their beliefs, and that now their great-grandson is denied that right by the military of the country that was their refuge.

Non Illegitimus Carborundum! (name withheld), across the Bay from (location withheld)

466. August 19, 2013 Mikey, On 01 August 2013, during the Navy ROTC New Instructors Seminar at NAS Pensacola, Rear Admiral Dee Mewbourne (Commander, Naval Service Training Command) conducted a morning video teleconference with prospective NROTC instructors. During this video teleconference, the accompanying power point contained a passage from Corinthians which was supposed to illustrate some sort of moral parable. RADM Mewbourne’s inclusion and narration of this passage was highly inappropriate, intellectually insulting and an affront to the constitutional values which the United States Navy fights for.

Please don’t include my personal information when further disclosing this information. Thank you.

(U.S. Naval Officer’s name, rank, unit and assigned base all withheld)

467. August 28, 2013 mikey WHINERstien the jewboy demonkike the sooner you die and burn in hell the sooner The Lamb returns. and the sooner your she bitch wife traitor dies and burns


with you the sooner the Angels of Christ Jesus will sing. and your diseased sons and daughters who are the spwan of satan? the sooner they die and burn in the Lake of Fire with there parents of Perdition the sooner The Messiah will rule. and the soonest that all of your evil mffr soldiers of satan die and are cast to hell the sooner will come Peace on Earth.

(name withheld)

468. August 29, 2013 Dear MRFF,


(name withheld)

469. September 10, 2013 Dear Mikey,

Sent from Windows Mai This separation of Church and State is nonsense . The government is not to name any denomination to be instrumental in our beliefs as a Nation but they certainly did not intend to eliminate God from Government. Who do you think has protected our Nation all these years? Won battles for us, covered our Country with loving arms and was the inspiration to our forefathers to create this Nation. Political correctness has ruined this country plus this administration pushing Islam and letting them set the tone for our Country instead of fitting into our Country beliefs. THIS IS OUR COUNTRY. OUR BEING AMERICANS. Taking God out of our Nation has brought us nothing but heartache and problems. Now you don’t want our Service men to pray our read the Bible as it might offend others . Where are all our God fearing heros to stand up for Christ in this Country. Very disappointed in our leaders today. Pansys all of them not willing to stand up for what is right. Really seems like Germany in the 30’s This President is not God he is the worst thing to happen to this country since it was founded. Why are you following him. He lies, he cheats, he hates America, He is a Muslim, Why oH! Why do you not stand up and call his bluff? VERY SAD TIME IN AMERICAN HISTORY.

(name withheld)



September 13, 2013 Dear MRFF & Mr. Weinstein

Just a simple note. You keep slapping Gods face and glorifying yourself through your own fallible thoughts and actions you will pay the price.

God ill not be mocked, and you are a deceiver of men and your all will be accounted for.

Thank you (name withheld)

471. September 14, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

I will pray that the Lord will open your blinded eyes..You are not for religious freedom..Do you say the muslims are bigoted too…? Do the muslims have free access to push their cult religion on others?? You are so corrupted with evil from the obomba administration you are both spawned from your father satan..This is my opinion….I hope you take them with gracefulness….NO….there are no atheist in fox holes….at the end, we all meet our Master when we take our last breath…You and your people will have to give an account of what you did here…It depends on who your god is….My God and the God of Lt.Col. Kenneth Reyes was told he was bigoted and when he apologized it wasn’t good enough for you all….You want to make an example of him, well, he is an example to all those who love the Lord…I am praying for him…You know…God will take care of this precious Col…you sir, will be kneeling before the Lord one day… Be careful, GOD is not mocked…You need to ask Him to forgive you..He is coming soon….Will you be ready? God bless America and God bless Lt.Col. Kenneth Reyes… (name withheld)

472. September 14, 2013 To Whom It May Concern:

I am not sure what or who you are supporting … Satan, perhaps?


Lt. Col. Reyes, chaplain, a Man of God, was doing his job when your organization saw fit to attack and criticize him for the article he wrote entitled, “”No Atheists in Foxholes: Chaplains Gave All in World War II.”

Shame on you.

I will pray for all of you because it is obvious you definitely need it, and may God have mercy on your souls.

I do not see any purpose in donating to your organization, now … or ever.

(name withheld)

473. September 25, 2013 I am a proud Christian living and spreading The Word of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ here in Tulsa. Me and my wife came to listen to the devil’s own Mikie Wienstein at the All Soul’s unitarian church here last saturday. Our pastor told us the next day at Sunday Service that this so called “church” should be renamed as “All Soul’s Going To Hell” for 2 reasons. First it invited one of the greatest enemys of Christ wienstein to even speak here in Tulsa in the first place. Second because noone at that “church” has been saved by the blood of the Lamb Jesus Christ. And they all then will burn in the Lake of Fire for they rejection of our Savior. We listened to mikie Wienstein speak his evil words against allowing Christ to impower our U.S. army soldiers. We watched the jews face. We could not help but notice his face. Being a cunning jew he has a shrewd jew face to begin with to confuse the people. But the spirit on that dark face of his could only be of the Dark One himself satan. It was so obvious. It gave my wife and me chils to behold his demonism. My wife wanted to ask him a question at the microphone about him being of satan. But his evil glare from his dark father the fallen angel satan kept her from the strength to do so. And it was useless anyway. As all the others there will burn erternally in hell with that jew of satan. And he had to bring his big nigra guards with him for protection? He has no protection from The Way,The Truth and The Life of Jesus. Mikie should no that there is no protection from those who kiss the lips of satan. And reject the free gift of the love of Christ. He gets what is coming for him from the warriors of the Savior. It is only a matter of time now.

(name withheld)


474. September 27, 2013 I just read where you are attack people in the military for their freedom to speak about Jesus. This country was formed for freedom to worship Jesus Christ. This has been successful because we worship Jesus. This country has been we’ll protected because we worship Jesus. For you to take a stand against Jesus makes you a enemy of the true United States Of America. I would wish that you repent of your sins and turn from your evil and wicked ways. But if you continue to hate Jesus. Then when don’t you pack your bags and get out of America. This country is great and we have no need for fools like you trying to destroy it. There is a day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus as King of Kings and lord of Lords and that includes your knees and your tongue. At that time if Jesus is not your Lord and your name is not in The Lambs Book Of Life, you sir are going to spend forever burning in hell. Fire all over your body never consuming you and pain forever. Don’t be a fool. Repent and stop your evil and worthless attack NOW !!!

(name withheld)

475. October 2, 2013 Hello!

I understand you want to be free from religion. I just have something that I notice about organizations like yours that seems a little like bigotry. The only religion you attack is Christianity it seems. That is the only religion you are against. It doesn’t seem to matter to you that the one that attacked our country(Islam) is becoming rampant and our president seems to support it. November is now National Muslim Month. They get a monument near the place where they killed Americans. They are the ones blowing people up overseas and killing innocent people in the mall at Kenya. I have never seen a Christian terrorist group that wants to blow people up for not believing in Jesus, yet you fight them like that are. Yes, they do have strong convictions and so do muslims. It seems you just have a strong distaste for Jesus and that is what fuels your organization. I never hear anything fighting against Buddist and Hindu freedoms. A lot of their religious practices are in our schools today. Like Yoga, that is where it came from. Being tolerant is not taking away the freedom to be against a belief, true tolerance would be someone who is able to have strong convictions and live in the same country without blowing them up. There are some extreme Christians out there(Westboro), but even they have not made death threats to my knowledge. Most Christians do not live that way and have done a lot of good


things in the country. I am just confused about what your about. It seems that you only want to target Christians. Thank you.

(name withheld)

476. October 4, 2013 I think Mr Weinstein is forgetting that the Dutch and English settlers who landed at what is now the coast of Massachusetts in 1620 were seeking real religious freedom and that their faith was Christianity as one of the books they brought with them was the Geneva Bible.

When Mr. Weinstein says that the only religion military members should have is American patriotism he’s forgetting that I, by the Constitution have a right to choose my faith and my religious symbol and my religious scriptures.

And in those scriptures Christ warned all who follow him that they will be hated for his name sake. Mr Weinstein’s quote that was read on “the Five” is absolute proof of his personal hatred for the very idea of Christ. But one day, like it or not, every knee will bend and every head will bow to the King of Kings.

“Trust But Verify”

477. October 9, 2013 You only have good things to say about those who totally agree with you. How boring! God is love. Where is your tolerance?

(name withheld)

478. October 24, 2013 Mr. Weinstein, I am the Christian mother of wonderful Christian children and the wife of a Christian Air Force Officer. We are stationed at the Air Force Academy where my husband proudly serves the Lord, our Family and our country. In that order. We belong to a spirit-filled Christian Church in a town also shining with the Light of Christ. And the Word of Christ. Me, my husband and our entire church are just furious at you and your Christian-hating MRFF gang of trouble-makers. You all just cannot get over yourselves. You think by raising the constitution (small ‘c’) over the Word of Christ (Big ‘C’) you are doing “good”? You are not. My husband and I saw the Colo. Spgs. independent article. By that awful athiest lesbian zubeck writer. It was sent out to us by members of our Church Board last evening. As a reminder of


the work of satan which persists here in Colorado Springs and at the Academy. Aided and led by YOU, Mr. Weinstein. Now you attack the Honor Code at the Academy as you attack all other things sacred in Christ? There is NOTHING wrong with “So help me God” being sworn to by the cadets when they swear to uphold the Honor Code! Would you prefer them to swear to satan? Yes we know that you would. Everyone here knows why you attack the Academy over its love of God and his only begotten son Jesus Christ. Because your own children came here and couldn’t cope with an Air Force Academy where the gentle words of Christ bring hope and ease sorrow for all. You just cannot live and let live if Jesus is working his Word at the Air Force Academy. You deny the only Lord and Savior to the Air Force Academy because you are so very evil. We are taught in Church to hate the sin but love the sinner. But you are all sin, Mr. Weinstein. Our Church prays your days be few until you meet your father satan. defyljew

479. October 24, 2013 Mr Weinstein

As I near the wrap up of my 20 year career in the AF, I see a disturbing trend in our service…the morales and values that transcend a “me focused” worldview are being haphazardly replaced w/hollow programs that seek to fill the void.

As morale relativism continues to be injected into the military, suicides are increasing, divorces are increasing, drug use is increasing, criminal activity is increasing. Is this the manifestation that was intended with “religious freedom”?

Please don’t misunderstand, I don’t intend to come at you w/a heated emotional charge, that doesn’t do anything but offend. But I must say, as a Christian, what if I’m wrong in my faith in Jesus Christ?

I guess I’ve lived my life according to a fantasy that called me to put others before myself, to live for a higher purpose other than my own, and to offer my own desires over to a creator who never existed living with a discipline that even the military cannot put in it’s members.

On the other hand what if you’re wrong?

I may not change your mind in one simple email, but I can’t stand idle and not speak the truth. Both you and I will one day answer to the same creator. I want to meet you there to receive a “job well done”.



(name withheld)

480. October 24, 2013 Hear hear. I support the movement to be certain that all religions are respected EQUALLY in our nations military. So please, stop your psychotic, fundamentalist, hypocritical attacks on Christianity or any other religion. Are you so blinded by your own clearly unresolved anger issues that you are unable to see that YOU are attacking one yourself? You cannot shout the principle of equality then turn and utter hate speech singling out one. A principle is something that applies to ALL. Furthermore, how many cadets, government employees, etc are both against Christianity, and offended by this oath? How many people do you think you’re ACTUALLY “helping” by attacking this proud tradition? So ask yourself; take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself, when I lay on my death bed, did I completely miss the meaning of my life? Did I change the lives of people for the better? Or did I spend an inordinate amount of my short time here only to vaguely affect a couple passing moments in the lives of very few …. Finding things to complain about over and over and over is nothing but a total waste of intellectual existence. Find something worthwhile to stand FOR instead of seeking anything to stand AGAINST.

Signed, PROUD AIR FORCE MEMBER Merry Christmas!

481. October 24, 2013 Dear Mikey Weinstein,

I am a Christian, and I guess you would call me an evangelist, although I am not truly that, but at the same time I would like for all people to have the gift of eternal life, no matter who they are or what kind of life they have led.

When I first heard about you and what you have been asking the Pentagon to enforce in the military, I thought you were an atheist. But I have felt something about you that God was calling me to pray about. I have no clue


as to why this should be so, but it is. I look at your face and I see unhappiness, unforgiveness, angst and other emotions I am not able to put a name to. I thought you hated Christians because they believe in God, and now I have found out by reading different articles, that you in fact, are upset with religious persecution, harrassment and other similar treatment that you and your family have endured. Anyone who does this things is not a Christian in any sense of the word and they cannot possibly know God or His Son Jesus or they would not say or do those things. I myself grew up in some Jewish neighborhoods in the Chicago area and always considered them very loving, compassionate and also friendly people. I also have a granddaughter who is Russian Jewish on her mother’s side, and to say I have a love for the country of Israel is an understatement, because I believe the Jewish people to be the Chosen People of God, of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and that anyone who curses them will themselves be cursed.

Why you don’t think religion, Bibles, or even praying in the military should be allowed is not clear to me, especially when there is no military law against it that I know of, and specifically it does not come against our US Constitution. I agree that nobody should ever be forced to accept God or even Jehovah by anyone and that nobody should ever be forced to pray either, it should be a choice and not a command, except when it comes to God commanding it.

I would like to have you explain to me why you are so adamant about trying to correct what Pentagon and military leaders are doing in regards to people who wish to have a Bible on their desk or on their bunk or even carrying it around with them, or even praying in public and what other areas you might also be concerned about.

I have 4 brothers and 3 of them have been in the Air Force, my father was in the Army, I had two uncles who were Bombardiers in WWII and who lost their lives just prior to the end of that war, and also a nephew who has served in the Marine Corps; so I come from quite a military family. I would hate to think that any of them treated people as you said you and your son were treated in the military, and I don’t truly know if they have, but I would not be vary happy about it if they have done those things.


I am sorry for intruding into your life, and even if you choose not to respond to this e-mail, I will not be offended, but I will continue praying for you, and also your family, regardless.

I will end with a prayer for God’s blessing upon you and your family and also say Shalom!

(name withheld)

482. October 24, 2013 WOW !!! Mikey, I’ve got one word for you after your performance on The Kelley File……….VALIUM. Regardless of the fact that most everyone with half a brain disagrees with your radical position, you did nothing for your view and in fact probably prompted what few supporters you did have to change their views entirely. Let me put this in words with one syllable…………YOU…..MADE…..AN…..ASS…….OF……YOURSELF !!!! Both you and Farrell with his accusation of shoving beliefs down your throats REALLY went off the deep end. Oh contrare, mon frère, Christians are FED UP with radical left wing kooks like you and Farrell shoving your hatred down our throats. You don’t like having any reference of God, fine…….don’t mention his name, I have no problem with it but don’t think for a second that Christians are going to continue to be still while you SHOVE your bigotry and hatred down our throats in the guise of separation of church and state. PLEASE, get real. Noone’s buying it you pathetic, God fearing, family hating bigot.

(name withheld)

483. October 24, 2013 My name is (name witheld). I am a United States Navy Service Connected Disabled Veteran.

And I am offended by your actions. While I served and was injured in the line of duty, I did so for ALL PEOPLE to live free and BELIEVE their OWN way… I did not fight just for people like you that think your way is the correct one and ALL other people should cater to and adhere to your way of doing things.


This country was founded on a number of principals, including freedom OF religion. Not freedom FROM religion. Yet you seem to think your mission includes barring, changing or removing any icons or text or anything else that even hints at religious belief.

This country is over 220+ years old… and it made it this far and until recent years, did not have groups like yours trying to destroy this country, and what so many do believe, from within.

BTW, I am NOT a religious person. I have my own belief but I do NOT try to FORCE everyone else to adhere to my ideals like you and your organization seem hell bent on doing. I am also not ‘offended’ personally because someone else uses certain text, words or otherwise. As far as I am concerned, what ever a person does believe is up to them….. including you people. But you do not see all those people trying to FORCE YOU to adhere to their ways.

IF you were majority, then perhaps some changes would be right because the MAJORITY would decide. But you people use the scare tactic of political correctness to get what you want regardless of what the majority want, and THAT is more insulting than anything else to so many people.

What I also find extremely insulting is that you think 98% of the planet is off their rocker, insane or nuts…. and you and the remaining 2% are right and totally sane and in the know factually about everyone else’s belief. What a crock of shit you are stirring. Just as no one can prove that God or Bhudda or Muhamed or any other diety exists, niether can you DISPROVE it. And yet you think that makes it right for you to pull your moral elite crap on everyone else.

Trying to “FORCE” the U.S. Military, or anyone else for that matter, to change something you do not believe in that they DO believe in is more anti-american than the taliban.

A lot of us out here are getting sick and tired of this crap. If we want to celebrate Christmas with carols, decorated trees or whatever else, what gives you the right to screw it up for everyone else not to mention years and years of traditional celebration? What gives you the


right to impose your ideals on everyone but not accept OUR ideals? You talk about the U.S. Constitution. Your actions are doing more against the intent of the Constitution than anything else. Just because you want to take a literal passage and then change all tradition, that does not mean it is the RIGHT thing to do just because you want it that way.

The talk I just saw on Fox is a great example of how you want to FORCE your ideals on people… Half the time you did not even let Megyn finish her question before you were jumping out of your seat talking over her.

So answer her question…. Why do you “require” certain words to literally be removed in an oath? Why can those who do not want to say the words, just leave them out? Your argument is that the words should be taken out and if WE WANT to say them still we can…. What gives you that right? In other words it is ok for you to literally remove the words that have always been there and “allow” us to say them if we want to, but it is not ok for US to LEAVE the words IN and YOU just not say them if you do not want to…

In other words, like so many other parts of your arguments, you are also hypocrites in reality. You want what you want but anyone else be damned if what they want is against your ideals..

I would love to have a public on TV debate with you on this subject. I already know what would happen. The blow back on you and your organization would be so profound, it would make your head spin. But I know that will not happen because it appears the way you do things is to stay under the political correctness radar and do it all quietly behind the scenes before anyone realizes what you are doing.

If you truly wanted to make a difference and protect the Constitution you would not be wasting time on this crap. Instead you would be going after the politicians who are passing executive orders and changing many different laws against the will of the people. THAT would be a worthwhile mission. Not destroying the very foundation that this country started on and defining those changes to your own ideals.


Sincerely, (name withheld)

484. October 24, 2013 Wow! Mr. Weinstein,

How exciting! The Constitution as our National Bible, and the American Flag our one symbol! I guess I’ve been worshiping that flag every time I cross my chest when it passes on parade! Is that why I get goose bumps? And your statement of purpose is so altruistic- protecting our military from the terrible brainwashing of religionists- especially the Evangelicals! Oh, they are sooo pushy! Next thing you know they’ll be holding knives at people’s throats to convert them like some other group I know. But what compassion you have! What selflessness for you to buck the tide of the “opiate of the people” to help rid them of their addiction! How did this mindset come about-through an evolutionary proccess? You’re a genius! From the slime of the primordial soup to you! You must be the High Priest of this long hidden religion. Pity the people who will not be coerced to join because their benefits are so much better in their faith in the Living God whose Banner over them is Love, as it says in their Book. I guess you’ll just have to see that they are locked up in prison camps, and eventually eliminated. Others have done that pretty successfully. Yes, I know they actually failed, (and were most assuredly sorry when they met their Maker,You know Who–I can;t say it) but maybe you’ll be the guy to really pull it off. Come to think of it, I may even have read about you in that “other” book you hate. And I don’t mean Michael the Archangel. I guess your mother had great hopes.

(name withheld) Christian. Not perfect, just Forgiven

485. October 24, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein

I am wondering whether during Holocust your relatives did not acknowledge and pray to GOD. Why taking such stupid stand about deleting the wow “GOD”. What possible benefit except harm can come out of this?


You may worship Money and fame , but wished you changed your name to avoid hatred toward fellow Jews and rising Anti Semettism .. The only people in the world other than some Jews who are supporting the state of Israel are Christian Rght. May GOD bless them, but assuredly your ancestors will be ashamed of you who from Abraham time believed in GOD as our creator..

Your organization and its aim is shameful. .

One day when you and or family member are experiencing near death situation, I am wondering who if any you will look up to.?

Hopefully for the sake of the welfare of Jews you stop with your unnecessary rhetoric .

Frankly I trust a GOD fearing person rather than an atheist.


(name withheld)

486. October 24, 2013 “Let him know he’s an idiot. Low class on Fox with Meghan Kelley. People like him who ruin our world.”

(name withheld)

487. October 24, 2013 You are all a cancer on our society. I believe you are all Jewish and, as a fellow Jew, a Vietnam Veteran and a patriot I find you to be an insult to our religion and our core values. You all have probably never served this country, are leftist assholes and I condemn you to your own worst views of hell.

I am proud to sign this,

(name withheld)

488. October 24, 2013


Mikey Weinstein:

I am sorry you are so convicted about the use of “God” in the Air Force Academy Oath. I pray God does not hold the same conviction toward you when it comes time for you to stand before Him in judgment. Hebrews 9:27 says, “It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment.” Mikey, you will die, and you will stand before your creator whether you want to or not. It may well be that He will say, “I never knew you, depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.” It is not God’s desire that he sentence you so, but it appears you are well on your way to hear those damning words. There is still time to repent and trust Jesus as your Saviour, but your time may be shorter than you think.

(name withheld)

489. October 24, 2013 God wants men to be free. Free to demonstrate toughness when a situation or relationship demands it. Free to display grit, strength, commitment, and decisiveness under the Holy Spirit’s direction. God also wants men to be free to demonstrate tenderness, sensitivity and humility. Free to be vulnerable enough to foster intimacy and to shed tears. Authentic masculinity produces a divine elasticity in men. Finally they can lead with firmness, then submit with humility. They can challenge with a cutting edge, then encourage with enthusiasm. They can fight aggressively for a just cause, then moments later weep over suffering. Secure, free, authentic men leave a mark – on their colleagues, friends, wives, and especially their children .

God Bless

(name withheld)

490. October 24, 2013 I love these Words they are part of this great nation and everything it stands for. And you people, you Fucking weirdos have nothing better to do than to try and





So FUCK OFF!!!! Get a life people.

(name withheld)

491. October 24, 2013 Please pass this on to Mickey.

You didn’t help yourself on Fox tonight. I am a regular Fox viewer and despite your “Fox World” comment upon introduction, I found your constitutional argument had merit. However, you were such an obnoxious guest, you treated Ms Kelly in a very


condescending manner, which I connected to your initial comment. You came in a with a disparaging view of Fox and it’s audience. I do not appreciate your condescension.

(name withheld)

492. October 24, 2013 Didn’t you graduate from the AF Academy? Wasn’t your education free? I guess it’s true what people say about jews: Hypocrite Lie Steal Cheat Filthy Bound for Hell

(name withheld)

493. October 24, 2013 Mikey -

Your arguments on The Kelly File on 23 October do not stand up. Show a little respect to those whom have volunteered to uphold The Constitution of this great nation. The phrase “so help me God” IS Constitutional. There is no harm in saying them and abiding by those words.

You really need to focus your personal issues on a cause that is good and meaningful instead of demeaning others, and demeaning the foundation of our great nation. For example, why don’t you steer your efforts to determining what happened in Benghazi, hold former Secretary of State Ms. Hilary Clinton, Mr. Barrack Hussein Obama, and others accountable for their mismanagement and lack of leadership.

You claim to be a USAF Academy graduate. You claim to be a registered Republican. You claim to have been legal counsel in the Reagan Administration. Yet, you clearly do not live your life as a Republican, or conservative, or Christian. The First Amendment, and Article VI clearly do not speak to the use of “so help me God” in the military. Lastly, when Jefferson wrote, “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make


no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.”, it clearly has been accepted to mean our government shall not order us to be Methodist, Catholic, Pentecostal, etc.

The same Constitution gives you the right to say what you say, but do not drag others into your pathetic, stupid, petty rant.

Find out where the buck stops with respect to Benghazi, Fast and Furious, IRS, Solyndra, Obama-care and numerous other scandals – make something of yourself.

(Name withheld)

494. October 24, 2013 (In the immortal words of Sgt. Hulka in the classic comedy Stripes(1981)…Lighten up Francis!

My response (in quotation marks (“) to your calm and thoughtful letter below.


Andy Kasehagen

Let me say that You people make me sick, and I use the term people loosely, your more like a case of the crabs that just can’t be eradicated.

“I wouldn’t know but here’s a helpful link for your next ‘episode’ (”

Who put you in charge.?

“…of what may I ask? ”

You want to be a Jew, or a atheist, go right ahead, who are you to tell Americans that they can’t believe in God, or that God doesn’t have a place in America.. God has no place in your life, that’s your business, but you have no right to impose your nonsense on the rest of us.


“Assuming your hyperventilation is the result of reporting by Meghan Kelly or some other equally fine journalist I offer this:

Ms. Kelly, and others, contend that individuals taking the oath at the Air Force Academy (among others) could simply leave ‘those words’ off on their own. Logically then, Ms. Kelly obviously feels those words are clearly extraneous and therefore essentially meaningless to the oath. Why are they included in the government’s oath then? Additionally, if they are meaningless, why all the worry and ‘pearl clutching’ in light of the commendable objective of limited government intrusion so usually expressed by Ms. Kelly?

Now consider the reverse of what Ms. Kelly said; that individuals taking the oath could simply add ‘those words’ on their own (this was Mikey’s point to Ms. Kelly). Have individual members of the military been denied this personal ability when completing their require oaths? If you are aware of this happening, please let us know here at MRFF, we’ll jump all over that government intrusion into religious faith just a vigorously. Personally, my Christian faith in God and Jesus do not require government prompting for expression.

Now let’s consider the no harm/no foul concept while replacing ‘those words’ in a required government oath with ‘So help me Allah’. So help me Jehovah? So help me Vishnu? Buddha? Flying Spaghetti Monster?….etc. How’s your comfort level now? Any objections being included in a required government oath?

The same Constitution that gives you the right to say what you say also prohibits religious establishment and tests. When a government prompts religious expression through the use of extraneous and meaningless words in a required oath; what other purpose can it logically have than support/establish or test for a preferred religious response when there is absolutely no prohibition against an individual’s expression of religious faith after taking such oath?”

It’s amazing, every time I turn around there is another left wing nut claiming that we’re not tolerant of there beliefs and views etc, yet it’s you the left wing nut that is not tolerant , the moment you don’t agree with someone else’s views there you go trashing it and trying to say it is impeding your rights.. Being tolerant isn’t one sided you asshole! You want us to tolerate all your crap but not the other way around. Go to hell you hypocritical ass..there are other ways to earn a living beside trashing other peoples rights. We have every right in this country to worship God, our country is a Christian Nation, it has always been a Christina Nation, and it repulsed


me that people like you are even listened to let alone taken seriously, you people won’t be happy until we are a Godless, Marxist , military state in which the crazy liberals, and gays are in charge forcing everyone to bow down to there warped thought process. I wish people like you and your whole organization would just shut up already and leave this Country alone. Your destroying what’s left of it.. You and Obama ought to just go take over some island and start your own left wing nut country , you can all support eachother and trash God,.

” We’ll give thoughtful consideration to your views in light of the following:

-MRFF operates on an annual budget of around $700k while the Dominionist seeking to turn the U.S. Military into government paid missionaries operate on hundreds of millions including taxpayer dollars (MRFF receives $0 taxpayer funding).

-Fox News, in solidarity with several Dominionist Christian organizations, recently announced they will forego all advertising revenue and suspend executive and on- air talent pay while they continue to whip up the masses with their phony ‘War on Christianity’ meme.

Guess what? Only one of these statements is true. You figure it out ‘Einstein’.

One final helpful link since you seem to be having several unrelated episodes here (”

495. October 24, 2013 I watched a clip of Mr. Weinstein and Ms. Kelly.

Mr. Weinstein’s got a real problem. It’s very evident he cannot help listening and thinking with his mouth.

(name withheld)

496. October 24, 2013 “Mikey” Weinstein’s biography under your “About” tab doesn’t mention the part about what a fool he is.


A) God has no religion. Religion is a creation of man. Therefore, attempting to keep the word “GOD” from an oath has nothing to do with religious freedom.

B) “Mikey” graduated from the AF Academy. Good for him. That means he is intelligent, but not (obviously) wise.

C) Whether you believe in him or not doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist. He does, and only a fool would think otherwise.

D) Better change your way of thinking……you are all not as intelligent as you think you are.

(name withheld)

497. October 24, 2013 I find it hard to believe that any organization that claims to support freedom and our military would be pushing to eliminate GOD from everyone. Particularly because a few misguide, selfish little people are offended. Freedom is about being able to chose what you want, not have it dictated to you by a few.

I heard am angry self righteous man on TV last night named Mikey. He had no valid point. Article 6 already allows people to not say “under God” if they do not want to. Once again you have no point.

Also, all these positions are volunteer positions. No one is forced to join our armed forces.

Since your only purpose is to eliminate our rights as Americans, perhaps you should consider moving to a different country where they will not say under god. Perhaps Iran would welcome you. You certainly have no concept of what it is to be free, everyone is free, not just small self righteous groups that cannot be contacted directly.

(name withheld)

498. October 24, 2013 Wow! Mikey might have had a compelling point of view to share but his harsh, crass attitude caused my ears to slam shut. I can understand why someone whipped his


ass at the Academy, and I bet it had nothing to do with being Jewish; it had everything to do with being obnoxious.

(name withheld)

499. October 24, 2013 So I understand that you’re trying to help those that are offended but what about those that believe in God and want to say it? Wouldn’t it be fair if those that want to say it can and those that don’t want to say it don’t have to? Wouldn’t that be fair? I’m trying to understand your argument but it makes no sense to me that it has to be dropped for everyone? You’re not representing everyone, just a small minority.

I look forward to your response.

Thanks, (name withheld)

500. October 24, 2013 I have watched people like you try to subject this country to your very narrow viewpoint, and the thing that scares the hell out of me is that there are those that even listen to your drivel. People of your ilk are only happy when they can impose their view on those around them. You forget that each of us has the right under the constitution to have and speak our own opinions. That is true equality, not the one sided view that you speak. If you would bother to read history you might find that this country was founded on the belief in God, and Freedom of religion does not give you or anyone else the right to foist your belief on everyone else. Every cadet at the military institution has as much right to speak the words “so help me God” as you do to spout your one sided garbage. They are as entitled to do that as you are to fight it regardless of your interpretation of our wonderful constitution.

(name withheld)

501. October 25, 2013 Mr. Farrell:

I found your recently published comments regarding the oath at the Air Force Academy to be very disturbing. This country was founded on the Judeo-Christian


ethic and is absolutely “One nation, under God”. If you do not wish to live in a nation supporting the freedom and liberty the USA offers, I would suggest you relocate to a country more in accordance with your beliefs. God bless and educate your spirit.

Sincerely, (name withheld)

502. October 25, 2013 Mr. Weinstein, I was watching fox news last night & could not believe my ears when u said the Air Force should remove “so help me God” from the oath! This country was founded on God & if some people who have other religious beliefs don’t want to say it then they should not have to, but I found you very offensive & do NOT agree with you at all. Sincerely, (name withheld)

503. October 25, 2013 “The Air Force is considering removing the phrase ‘so help me God’ from the oath that every cadet has to take.”

Ummm…I can’t seem to find anything pertaining to any particular God. Can you prove that the statement “so help me God” is associated with a specific religion? I’m not hearing anything like “Christian God” or “Hebrew God” or “Allah God” or “Shiva God” or “Egyptian Ra God” – what is wrong with you people? It exemplifies a benign affiliation.

This is nonsense – I can assure you, most people are not offended by the non denominational word “God”…so what is the problem?

This kind of stuff is so trifling and irrelevant – it has no merit and lacks any foundational credibility. Mind your own business and leave these people alone.

(name withheld)

504. October 25, 2013 Mr. Weinstein, instead of trying to run God out of everything and trying to stop members of our military from worshipping God why don’t you and your Atheistic


pieces of whale excrment just pack up and move to somewhere like N. Korea. I’m sure you would fit right in. If you God hating child of Satan needs help leaving feel free to contact me I would be more than happy to show you the door.

(name withheld)

505. October 25, 2013 I am going to make the assumption that you, Mike Farrel, are the actor from MASH that I heard paraphrased on the news prior to the interview with “Mikey”. I am well aware that this show was anti-war and had good, moral messages as well as some I did not agree with. I also remember one episode, if I remember it correctly, that you asked the soldier “Jesus” if God hears all prayers and the answer was “Yes, but sometimes the answer is no”.

As a Nam Vet this is the episode that sticks with me. I also remember how the majority of Hollywood types, as well as a manipulated civilian population, punished the Nam Vets for the policies they had nothing to do with and you all treated us with a very left wing approach. You ignored the people you attacked and treated them like shit, not caring about them as people nor as deserving of any respect.

YOU all are doing the same thing again. You are taking the westboro baptist church (small letters intentional as they deserve no title or respect) approach of setting out to destroy something that is both tradition and important to the MAJORITY for your own liberal agenda. You care not that the people that agree with you can simply not repeat those few words and especially God. You have to punish the majority, again and again. This country, led by a misguided election, is set on reshaping the country in an image that destroys the intent of the founders, not what protects the people.

If any of you ARE military then you are violating the UCMJ and are subject to court martial, something I would support.


It is the methods you use that I object to. It is the intent to breakdown the system. It is the attacks on the Christian and Jewish chaplains performing their role yet the aiding of Islamic chaplains. It is the attacks on the choice of patriotism over simply getting a paying job. I find you, your group, your message, an affront to our senses and beliefs. MOVE to some place you can live as you want.

You do not have varying political views. You just might not agree on all things. Your political views jibe or you could not be doing this.

No,,, my opinions are not valueless. I do more in this country and overseas in all levels of social projects, economic issues and politics that probably any of your group. I speak for many people and say things they simply do not have the impetus to or do not know how to express.

Valueless? I can be your worst nightmare. I can be an ally. I can be oblivious. I chose which.

Yes, MY name is (name withheld) and I support this message. You should be ashamed of yours, ALL of YOU!.

(name withheld)

506. October 25, 2013 You guys are just a bunch of scammers who found a way to scam money from people to promote you cause which is not supported by either the constitution or the American People. You should be jailed for all the money you take in to life your luxury lifestyle.

(name withheld)

507. October 25, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,


I had to write after watching your interview with Ms. Kelly on Fox and seeing the article about your efforts to remove any reference to God within our military or military oaths. You, the few, are so concerned about people having to take that oath, yet you are the only one crying and whining about it!!!! How about asking military how they feel about taking that oath? Are they distraught about it? Are they upset about it? I’m sure the ones who don’t want to include the oath about God, would be just fine if given the option to leave it out. But that’s not enough. And that’s the funny thing about people like you, you are not satisfied until your dictator line of thinking is imposed on everyone else!!!!!

Shame on you and your organization Mr. Weinstein. Stop imposing your anti- religious rants on everyone else please!!!!


(name withheld)

508. October 25, 2013 Try looking down the barrel of a gun and tell me that you don’t believe in God as you piss yourself. If you don’t like my religion in my Army then GET OUT and leave us Christians alone! If you bring down our military then who will save you from our enemies?

(name withheld)

509. October 27, 2013 I just saw our news channel about taking “so help me God” out of the the oath… what is wrong with you people anyway??? Optional mean you gave the optional to say it or not. It doesn’t mean that have the right to just rake it out. What happened to OUR rights?? Who gave you the “power” over GOD. Let me ask you, would you rather be in heaven or hell when you and your family pass away. You are choosing HELL for all of you by working SO HARD on taking God out of all our , oaths, buildings and etc. Why don’t you work that hard on keeping children fed, young adults helping our country instead of shooting innocent people and defending our country The USA. God WILL make sure your kind are destroyed first when the LORD returns. He WILL be here in all your lifetime, then let’s see how fast you start praying and say “So help me GOD. How ashamed I am that you have become so


thoughtless and immoral. You are no different than terrorists and murderers!!! GOD HELP US ALL.

(name withheld)

510. October 27, 2013 Your goals have shamed everything our ancestors fought to provide with this new nation United States of America! see links below Proc.gif

(name withheld)

511. October 27, 2013 I am curious why Mr. Weinsteinn went on Meghan Kelly’s show and to me was very condescending and disrespectful. I guess the fact that she

Was practicing attorney was lost on him. But since Mr. Weinstein does not want any “coercion” or anything related to religious practice I would like to ask him the following. Isn’t atheism considered a religion? Some cities have been forced to include atheistic symbols next to Christian ones. Aren’t they forcing their beliefs on the majority?

I am under the understanding that Mr. Weinstein is an atheist. I have a few questions for him and I think they are very relevant.

If there is no God who determined that there would be a left, mid and right side of the brain? How did they determine what function would take place on each side?

How did this entity know to develop sight? How did they know that the optic nerve would play such an integral part? How did they know to create an eyelid?


How did they know to create the sense of taste and the various taste buds in the mouth? How did they know to create teeth and what function they would serve?

How did this entity decide that man would need food? How did he decide which fruits and vegetables would be suitable and those that would not?

How did this entity determine that hearing would be crucial?

How did this entity know that the spoken word would be necessary and how did he develop the language? How did this entity communicate this language?

How did this entity determine that meat/protein would be necessary? How did they communicate to man which animals were good and which were predators?

How did this entity know to create a large and small intestine and create specific enzymes to break down food and at what point in the digestive process?

How did this entity know that the waste products must leave the body?

How did this entity know that the liver would be the only organ that could regenerate and that it would filter the blood?

How did this entity know to create the desire on man’s part to hydrate and for the fluid to be filtered through the kidneys?

How did this entity know that DNA would be the mechanism for the vairious characteristics and how did he know which would be the most important and relevant to each person?

How did he know to create the respiratory system and how did he know the need for organs such as the heart and brain to receive oxygen without hesitation?

How did this entity know that the exchange of oxygen would occur at the molecular level and how did they know what the level of nitrogen would have to be in the blood to stimulate breathing?

How did this entity know to create a skull to protect the brain? How did they know that man would need teeth?


How did this entity know the need for a skeletal system and how many ribs would be needed? How did they know how many vertebrae would be needed and what their function would be? How did he know to create legs to hold the body up and the many bones in the foot? How did he know that there would be a need for toes and their distinct sizes?

How did this entity know that cartilage was needed to cushion between the bones in the knee? How did this entity know to create ligaments and what their function would be?

How did this entity know to create a spinal column and the myriad of nerves in the body?

How did this entity know to create a peritoneal cavity to protect the abdominal organs?

How did this entity know to put hair on the various parts of our body?

How did this entity know that the need for menstration each money was essential?

How did this entity determine that intercourse would be the vehicle for reproduction?

How did this entity know that the pregnancy should last roughly 9 months?

How did this entity decide where there would be paternal and fraternal twins?

I think those are very relevant questions in life of his stance. But I do have a few more questions

If you believe in the “bang” who determined what elements were necessary and in what amounts?

What was the triggering mechanism?

What is the exact date this occurred?

If there was no one alive, how can anyone definitively say that’s what happened?

Who decided there would be solar systems? The number? The size?


How was it determined that the sun would provide our heat?

How was it determined that the earth would be 70% water?

How was it determined that there would be the 4 distinct seasons?

How was it determined we’d have a North and South Pole?

How was it determined there would be tornados and what would trigger them?

How was it determined that there would be fish in the sea?

How was it determined that some fish would need to surface to breath?

How was it determined that there would be predators and those for consumption?

How was it determined that there would be fire and what would be needed for it? How did they know what to do the first time?

How was it determined that there would be mountain ranges like the Alps, the Himalayas, the Rocky Mountains?

How was it determined that there would be rattlesnakes, cobra’s and other venomous snakes?

How was it determined that there would be fruit bearing trees and when they would ripen? How did they know to pick them at this time?

How was it determined that shelter would be necessary and how did they learn what materials did they need?

I could go on but I think I made my point. While I respect Mr Weinstein’s right to believe what he wants I think he’s looking for any excuse he can to impose his beliefs on a vast majority. That’s not how elections are decided. Thank you for allowing me to share. To me good healthy debate is better than slurs and slams.

(name withheld)

512. October 27, 2013


I couldn’t find Mikey Weinstein’s address on your website, so I am sending this to you, his wife.

I saw Mr. Weinstein’s appearance on Meghan Kelly’s show in regard to his push to force the Air Force Academy to drop the words “so help me God”.

His case is both weak and demonstrates an inner anger and bitterness in his person. I feel sorry for his affliction, but sympathy for his inner hate and insecurity is no excuse for him imposing his hostility upon others.

First of all, if the original intent of the founders respecting God in the public arena was as Mr. Weinstein and your organization contend, then how do you explain the following examples:

- Benjamin Franklin suggested and led the Constitutional Convention in an all-day prayer session at the height of discord in the Convention when it appeared that it would dissolve over supposed irreconcilable differences.

- During the administration of President Thomas Jefferson, weekly church services were held in the U.S. Capitol, and Jefferson allocated budget funds to allow the U.S. Marine band to play at these services.

Franklin and Jefferson are often cited as the least religious of our founders. Countless examples of others who endorsed God as part of our public life can be cited.

Clearly, the first amendment’s requirement that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion” was meant to be taken literally and singularly. The prohibition was on Congress only and in adopting legislation to establish religion similar to what the English did with the Anglican Church. The application of the concept of “separation of church and state” is nothing more than a 20th Century leftist fabrication misconstruing a statement made by Jefferson in a relatively obscure letter to the Danbury Baptist Church (his intent being the opposite of the more recent interpretation in that he was assuring them of their right to practice their religion). You likely know this or have been told this by others, but you still ignore the facts to promote your own agenda.

Likewise, the prohibition about oaths by public officers isn’t equally misguided. It’s clear that it applies to elected federal/state officials and judiciary appointees, and


may be arguable that it applies to members of the military under the phrase “public Trust”. However, it is absurd to

Interpret the use of the word “God” in a motto/oath is a “religious Test”. As you may know or should know, European states could and did specifically apply a “religious Test” to eliminate individuals from positions of authority, most famously depicted in in the example of King Henry VIII and Thomas More. The United States has never made a condition of election or appointment the recitation of the phrase “so help me God”. As Meghan Kelly kept asking you, if someone objects to that phrase, why not simply refuse to state it? Certainly, any attempt to stop someone from election/appointment for refusal to utter those words would result in a lawsuit and likely a winnable lawsuit. But the use of the phrase has nothing to do with being a “Test” – it is intended as a confirmation of one’s personal veracity and commitment, not different than when the President places his hand on the Bible during inauguration. It is saying that a person recognizes the highest moral standard above the transitory selfish interests of individuals or factions.

The most ridiculous claim of atheists and those who want to chase God (or Jesus Christ) out of the public arena is that the mention of those names or actions to acknowledge their presence in our lives is equivalent to religion. As defined in Webster’s 1823 dictionary, “God’ is defined as;

“1. The Supreme Being; Jehovah; the eternal and infinite spirit, the creator, and the sovereign of the universe.” Clearly, the men and women of the time viewed God as a Being beyond the human realm or at minimum, a concept of supernatural omnipresence and omnipotence that represents a reality outside of our immediate understanding. In either case, the definition of “God” recognizes human limitations/inability to specifically define/describe Him. Religion, on the other hand is a human construct. It is the human attempt to translate a belief in God into specific and concrete practices in our earthly lives. This is an immense difference, for God would not be much of a “God” if we could construct Him and describe his contours and boundaries. We would be “God”.

The prohibitions in our Constitution regarding religion are intended to prevent federal government imposition of a specific religion that either prevents differing exercising of religious beliefs or is a basis of disqualifying individuals from public service. In no way does the mention of God or actions such as prayer by those, who do believe, violate the Constitutional provisions as neither forces anyone to disavow


their individual beliefs, participate in any action with the threat of force by the federal government (specifically by law), or deny individuals the opportunity to publically serve.

It would be a terrible mistake by the Air Force to officially eliminate trust in God, in a power greater than us all. I would not recommend that people serve in an institution, particularly one where they risk their lives, which turns its back on God. That is very dangerous. Historically, we know that those who do so experience ruin. Mr. Weinstein’s Jewish ancestors are a prime example of a people who experienced destruction and calamity whenever they turned their back on God and the highest moral imperatives. Only when they turned back were they blessed. If we believe that we humans are the highest authority and that there is no higher authority outside of us, we are doomed to internal strife, endless conflict, and eventual self-destruction due to man’s inherent personal greed and selfishness.

Mr. Weinstein and your organization distort history and facts and attempt to bully others to follow your dangerous path of immorality. I pray that your hearts and souls will soften and find the Good in God, for your sakes and ours.


(name withheld)

513. October 27, 2013 Yesterday I caught a story about your organization’s attempt to have God removed from an oath. I have to ask, who is having religion forced upon them in the military? I served for 20 years and recently retired. During those two decades, not once did I feel pressured by anyone with regard to religion. For the record, I was an atheist throughout my military career. Since then I have found God, and I have to tell you, your unnecessary attempts to deny religion to those who do believe is reprehensible. What gives you the right, as the minority, to seek to punish the majority? As an atheist, I never felt compelled to take anything away from people who belive. Nor did I feel slighted by their beliefs. Why can’t you just omit the offensive phrase from the oath as you say it? You and your entire group fall into the category I label “victims waiting to be offended”. Are you also fighting to have the DFAC menu changed to fit your personal meal preferences? Should all the left hand dominant servicemen and women fight to have everyone salute with their left hand? God forbid you just accept something that truly has NO IMPACT on your lives. Do


you think it would be more or less difficult for a believer to add God to an oath than it is for you to omit Him? Your efforts are un-American. Nevertheless, I doubt you will be disuaded from your mission for you will surely look upon this throughout the rest of your life as a major accomplishment. The small percentage of non- believers who will have to take the oath will remember you forever. Or not.

(name withheld)

514. October 27, 2013 Hello Bekki!

Quick question. As much as I’d like to berate Mikey Weinstein, I’m going to hold back (a little bit).

It’s clear that he simply does not have the mental capacity to understand his own ignorance, and that alone is punishment enough. After all, I’d hate to go through life with nothing but butterflies upstairs, if you know what I mean.

Anyways, here’s my question:

Of all the issues in America, why focus on removing a few words from an oath? Isn’t this kind of making a mountain of a molehill? I mean, I understand that the liberal agenda is simply to legalize everything and suppress God, but how on Earth could this be considered priority? He should be helping other Autistic kids or something. Amirite?

Thank you, Bekki!

(name withheld)

515. October 27, 2013 Have you considered trying NOT BEING SUCH A THIN SKINNED PUSSY who has to cry like a little bitch because you cant mentally separate yourself from concepts that you disagree with? have you read the declaration of independence and all of the references to “creator”? your oath does not advocate a particular religion which is what the separation of church and state is, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ” that includes your right NOT to practice. But lets all just bow down to pathetic fucks like yourself


because your “offended” but its funny, i dont see where it the constitution that it says you have a right not to be offended by concepts or that concepts that you dont agree with must be hushed in order to accommodate your pathetic mind. actually, Im pretty sure the first amendment PROTECTS us from having idiots like yourself tell us what we are allowed to say whether it pisses you off or not. Poor thing, how have you survived this long on a planet where so many people dont think like you forcing outside concepts into your tiny little mind???

(name withheld)

516. October 27, 2013 To whom it may concern,

As I am typing I’m trying to keep my composure and not get too upset about things I’ve seen going on in my military the last few years especially recently. Honestly, I feel that this email will be disregarded and my comments will be laughed at Mr. Mikey and others like him. I’ve served 9 years so far in the greatest Air Force the world has ever known, and all I’ve seen lately has been a PURE ALL OUT ASSAULT on religious freedom especially Christianity. I stand by my oath to protect my country under all circumstances because I can worship Christ without being persecuted. However, I’ve recently seen several incidents like in Fort Hood and other installations that in training manuals Christians, Tea Party members, and those opposed to abortion are THREATS TO OUR COUNTRY. This is flat out wrong and angers me to no end. Im considered the INTOLERANT one yet the Christian community is attacked every single day. I don’t feel that your organization is protecting religious freedom at all. Such as taking GOD out of the Air Force Academy oath. This country was founded on people running away from religious persecution and seeking freedom. Many of our founders ordered their troops to attend service because he knew how important it was. I go to work day in and day out doing my best at work to support and defend this great nation, but now I have to fear that I might lose my job because I’m a Christian. Also I listen to American family radio on a regular basis and all they do is speak truth in love. They are deemed by the SPLC a hate group yet all I hear is care and concern for our country from them. Tony Perkins from FRC was a Marine for goodness sake. I feel like I needed to contact this office and express my feelings. I feel that I could even be attacked for my very typing of this email. Regardless, I will pray for your organization and our nations leaders and hope that correct decisions will be made, and that you will truly fight for religious freedom and not attack it.


Thank you, (name withheld)

517. October 27, 2013 In regards to your organizations views about religion in the military, I regard your views in the same light as the Westboro Baptist Church. Bigoted, narrow minded, and self-serving. Hopefully soon, the nation will fully awaken from the nightmare brought on by “Political Correctness”, and put PC where it deserves to be, under a rock with a copy of the Federalist Papers and the Constitution for you to read.

(name withheld)

518. October 27, 2013 I see no good for anyone resulting from you actions You are being divisive and destructive. Whether it is by design or as a consequence of being a secular zealot, it is destructive of our national foundations. Maybe you should refer to St. Paul, his letters and life in the Gospels as a reference point.

(name withheld)

519. October 27, 2013 After reading all the crap on your website, you guys are a bunch of losers.

“Mikey” Weinstein? Sure glad he wasn’t in my unit.

(name withheld)

520. October 27, 2013 I just wanted to let you know that I read an article today that aptly renamed your organization. You are now known as MIKEY AND THE MURFS. How appropriate for a little fat scumbag and his minions.

(name withheld)

521. October 27, 2013


How bout that? You retards are wasting alot of time and money on nothing. Distracted attention and resources from homeless and hungry people to those with hurt feelings. You’re fucking stupid and creating victims. Nice job of nothing!

(name withheld)

522. October 27, 2013 When one proudly dons a U.S. military uniform, there is only one religious symbol: the American flag. There is only one religious scripture: the American Constitution. Finally, there is only one religious faith: American patriotism. – Mikey Weinstein

Full Definition of RELIGION 1 a : the state of a religious b (1) : the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2) : commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance 2 : a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices 3 archaic : scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness 4 : a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

If words have specific meaning, then the American Flag, the American Constitution, and American patriotism is not religion. By so saying, the one saying becomes suspect or obvious to all that hold that words have specific meaning, that the one saying is attempting to change another’s perception of reality, or what has been done by so many who wish to control other’s thoughts to achieve the sayer’s particular agenda or control of the dialog.

The American flag is not a religion, it is a symbol of what and who America is – a quite definable state.

The American Constitution is not a religion, it is the prime document stating the law of our society, and is the defining document that states how our society will behave, conduct itself, and champion individual rights.


American patriotism may be contemporaneously speaking, considered a religion, but not in the historical definition of religion. Patriotism is not a worship of the God of patriotism, but a feeling derived from belief in our Constitution.

Religion has more components than belief, it also has a component of faith in those beliefs.

The Constitution is not a belief and does not sustain itself on faith. Rather it defines the operation and the sustainment of itself, by the words written in the Constitution.

To suggest that our American adherence to our Constitution is some religion, and is thus based on belief and faith, is as I suggested, a twisting of the perceptions of reality to promote your agenda.

By the fact that an inscription of some religious proportion appears on a scope seems to me to be a choice of the manufacturer, and in a tolerant, free enterprise society, of which the Constitution suggests that is how free people live and survive, it is illogical to me for an organization to suggest that the brand cannot include an inscription on their brand. To force the brand to remove the inscription is yet another coercion by outside forces to decide for the brand what it can and cannot do with its brand.

By the fact that MRFF imposes its beliefs, its religion, on product companies shows that is not tolerant of free enterprise, nor tolerant of one’s expression of its beliefs.

The question I have, will MRFF also promote individual freedom’s when a manufacturer, or an individual wishes to express one’s belief, with the same vehemence of protecting the right of the individual to express those beliefs? In the case of the free enterprise manufacturer of the rifle scopes, MRFF has fallen down on that principle.

MRFF’s illogic in this instance, demonstrates that what made America and it’s Constitution exemplary in mankind’s history of the pursuit of individual freedom’s, is not really MRFF’s standard.

When the Islamic proponents step forward, which is a political system in the guise of a religion, will MRFF hold this entity to the same standard?


And, when the progressive/liberal/communists proclaim that theirs is a religion, will MRFF proclaim the same standard on those entities?

Freedom of religion and freedom of expression states that we all have the right to express our faith. By denying the right of an individual or in one case that MRFF pursued to deny the manufacturer of including a subscription on its brand, your pursuits become less than promoting of freedom.


(name withheld)

523. October 27, 2013 Just to let you know, God is real and He loves each and every one of us, even those of us that refuse to believe in Him. Also, you may not realize you have faith in God, but you do. I could even prove it but you would have to come here. If you are interested in accepting my challenge, let me know.

God Bless You, (name withheld)

524. October 28, 2013 Your website quotes the Constitution; “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…”

I’ve been in the military for 18 years and I know that many, if not most, would agree; we in the military do not want nor do we need you. We have religious freedom, so, please leave us alone.


(name withheld)

525. October 28, 2013 As the Constitution states – it is “Freedom of Religion”, Not “Freedom from Religion” – he and your members need to get over it.


This country was founded on Christian/Judeo values and beliefs – the Constitution allows you your right to practice what religion you want – however, in God we Trust will always stand as a part of this country.

Again, the Constitution states freedom of religion, not freedom from religion – it has been like that for over 200 years and it will stand. If you have a problem with this, then don’t join the military. There is no draft – you have a choice to join or not to join.

If you have a problem with the Constitution, then get the Congress to change it. Chances are it will not happen as we are not going to change a system for a few people.

(name withheld)

526. October 29, 2013 You have obviously never been in a foxhole, with the enemy breaching the perimeter, bullets flying all around you, as mortars rain from the sky. Flew in an aircraft falling from the sky, or having lived 14 miles from a volcano not knowing if it were going to explode horizontally or vertically.

You have never witnessed an individual regain their hearing, or cured miraculously without medical intervention. Nor have you witnessed the initial breath of a new born babe, or the gasp of a dying man taking his last breath. You my friends obviously have no hope, no vision of a Supreme being, to which you offer no sane reasoning as to why He doesn’t exist other than to brush Him off as a myth.

You’ve been hurt, you’ve been ridiculed, you’ve probably been censored for your non beliefs in your lifetime, I get that, and by


destroying this nation’s military culture and traditions you are pleasing God’s very own Prophecy:

Mat 24:10 At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other,

Mat 24:11 and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.

Mat 24:12 Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold,

Mat 24:13 but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.

Mat 24:14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

For you see, you are being used, and fulfilling man’s destiny. May God’s love, peace, and comfort be with you all.

(name withheld)

527. October 30, 2013 Mikey Weinstein:

Good grief. I get it that you don’t believe in God. That is your right. But stop trying to inflict your views on the majority of Americans who do believe in Him. And back off of trying to mess with “so help me God” in the USAF oath.

I am an Air Force veteran and I resent your trying to do this!

(name withheld)

528. October 31, 2013 BEKKI,




(name withheld)

529. October 31, 2013 you goddamn jewboy homo commie America hating kike. I hate you mikey. my family hats you. my church hates you. My town hates you. We hate your uglyass children and skank cunt of a wife. we pray pray and more pray that your hearts will explode out of your hookjew noses and Christ hating mouths. and that day is coming you jew. We hate your MFFR devil worshippers too. you will all of you pay in time for trying to keep the ONLY Lord of all Jesus out of the sacred oath at the Air Academy. oh you think you won with making Jesus optional little jewboy? there is NO optional when it comes to surrendering to Jesus you damn kike motherfucker. And thats what America was founded for.

(name withheld)

530. October 31, 2013 Wow. I hope this make you feel better. It’s jack-off’s like you who are ruining this Country. I am disgusted that people like you exist. You want to take God out of everything. Was that statement really hurting your feelings?

Go fuck yourself!


531. November 7, 2013 Sorry wanted to donate but realized all my money says “in God we trust” on it.

I see you don’t have a problem with the currency referencing “god” and I’m pretty sure your spending it but now you want to police the military from including it.


Take your atheist group an move to Canada!

God bless, so help me god, one nation under god!


In god we trust!

Have a wonderful day (name withheld)

532. November 10, 2013 Given the opportunity, I would remove Mike Weinsteins ablility to choose, and have him meet his maker and choose his aberrant atheism. But I won’t ever have the opportunity, and must trust that eventually he will answer for his treason and blasphemy. Culture, Science & Faith ‘So Help Me God,’ MaybePatriot Post Unfortunately, most are still responding to an original AP news release on a complaint from Michael Weinstein and his so-called “Military Religious Freedom …

533. November 11, 2013 Mr or Whatever you go by, it is obviously part of an upbringing that you choose to likely forget or you wouldn’t be in the position your hold making such stupid statements to something that helps to assure you have a right to have such an idiotic view that you profess.

No one made you a the sole wanna-be saviour of the world – that is left to one other person who without question has more power and authority to terminate idiots like you who think you should place your view over Him and all the other people who choose to follow Him and not the Devil. It is obvious you are and the others who you subverse as an agent of the Devil and try to emplace your views over all other people. May you and your intent to destroy all that is good let you rot in the Devil’s den forever.

(name withheld)

534. November 12, 2013 Date: November 12, 2013 at 5:05:37 PM MST To: ——— Subject: Dirty FUCKING KIKES!!!!

All you evil low life serpent KIKES will never win!!!!


535. November 14, 2013 It’s your “mind” that hangs low!

(name withheld)

536. November 17, 2013 As a retired veteran, I think back fondly upon the numerous opportunities to worship that kept me inspired and encouraged during some of my darkest days, including during combat.

I am saddened by the suppression of these freedoms, that I enjoyed and exercised, that your organization champions. While you obviously fail to recognize it, you are acting in a manner that deprives and inhibits religious freedom.

I am glad that your organization did not exist while I served on active duty. At the same time, I sympathize with the young men and women in the military today, who have to deal with such oppression of belief as you condone.

(name withheld)

537. November 18, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Regardless of how you feel towards God or Christians, have you ever contemplated that if you are wrong, completely 100% wrong, about God, Jesus Christ, salvation or heaven, how will you respond in front of the Creator of the Universe and God when you stand before Him someday?

Just look at the intricacies of the human body, a plant or the universe. Are you prepared to wager it all that there isn’t a God? All that I know is that since you are choosing to wage such a war on religious freedom in our nation which was truly founded under God…I would hate to be in your shoes someday and I am praying for you right now that God may actually take mercy on you and touch your soul. No one, I repeat, no one will be able to escape accountability for their actions someday….are you prepared to take full responsibility for yours? What is most sad for you, is I am sure that somewhere, a mother or grandmother of yours is truly heartbroken for the path you have chosen to take.


May God have mercy on your soul.

(name withheld)

538. November 19, 2013 Dear MIckey:

I am disappointed to see that you have underhandedly deprived children of “would be participants” in a Christmas Toy Drive because it is Christian and two people complained! Only someone with a chip on their shoulder would look at this as Christian, Jew, Muslim, or Pink spotted alley cat. PLEASE!!! I find this extremely distasteful that you would take this particular cause to make a name for yourself over two persons complaining.

I fail to see this extra curricular activity of a “cadet with a heart” whose thought was of disadvantaged children would be offensive to anyone. What was it? A letter, something posted in the lunch room, an email? PLEASE!!! I stumped my toe and a Pink spotted alley cat was nearby. Let’s blame it on them!!

Sorry to hear that your children were approached in such a non-caring way by someone that apparently cared about them or they would not have said anything. If something that someone says to me is offensive, I tell them politely that I am not interested. Were your children too young to do this on their own? Did they need Daddy to fight their battles, or did you get money for your lawsuit? Are they traumatized by the event? Is there not free medical care in our military for them to get over their disappointment that someonemight care about them?

Seems to me that you have found a niche’ way to make money and make a name for yourself and you are exploiting a Christmas Toy Drive to further your agendas. I feel sad for you, your “cause”, and the Children that missed out on a gift. Will you be replacing these gifts?

Most sincerely,

(name withheld)

539. November 19, 2013


I will try to get a contribution sent off to you. Tonight I will take a major shit, find an appropriate mailing bag and get it off to you.

(name withheld)

540. November 19, 2013 Dear MRFF,

You are either uninformed about the meaning of the First Amendment’s reference to religion or you are intentionally misquoting it.

What the Founders wrote was a prohibitation of the federal government establishing an official religious national denomination such as Great Britain has with it’s Church of England. There never was any intention of a total separation of church and state. In fact, the states are free to establish an official state religious denomination, which some did early in the history of the nation and is still in their state constitutions.

You need only walk around in our nation’s capitol city and look at the numerous examples of Christian heritage intertwined in our national heritage. For decades, church services were held every week in the Capitol Building.

This is a Christian nation, Founded on Christian Biblical Principles.

Most sincerely, (name withheld)

541. November 20, 2013 Madam,

As a resident of Colorado Springs I’ve heard the give/take associated with Mr. Weinstein and his ongoing and increasingly troubling attacks. During the course of this dialogue I’ve changed my view of the motivation of your founder. Having initially thought his was an honest objective to assure a friendly and environment


for all service personnel I’ve come to understand what I now think is this persons agenda.

1. It appears the outsized ego of this person (Mikey) demand he finds ways to appear relevant and influential.

2. He is anti Christian, camouflaging his intolerance and narrow mindedness behind a false and dishonest statement of intent.

If the AFA is a factory producing Christian service personnel it could be because of the large percentage of Christians that enroll and graduate. While some criticisms of the AFA have been valid and useful your organization is taking on the aura of petty harping and irrelevance. I suggest you become more discriminating in your choice of issues and avoid using language that displays ongoing hostility toward Christians.

Thanks for the billboard, it is mobilizing and solidifying your adversaries.

(name withheld)

542. November 20, 2013 I bet you have your nose up Obama’s ASS.

(name withheld)

543. November 21, 2013 Mr. Weinstein and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I am writing this to you today as a client of the MRFF. I happen to be gay. Please keep all of my information confidential as you always do.

I happen to not be out and have no intention of ever being out while I attend USAFA. I am a current cadet at the United States Air Force Academy. I am a Christian. I am also an athlete on one of USAFA’s most publicized NCAA intercollegiate teams here. I have been a client of the MRFF for a while now. It’s the only help we have and it’s a great source of security for me and other gay cadets. So thank you always for that.

I saw USAFA’s self serving press release today about how “happy” all the gay cadets are here. How nice of all of the powers that be to meet with the Spectrum Club all of


the sudden now that they’re in the shits with the media and getting jacked up everywhere for hiring Rosebush. Of course to be in Spectrum you have to out yourself. If I and the many other cadets I know who are LGB came out it would be devastating for our cadet and future Air Force careers. I could never stay on my intercollegiate team. Being LGB here is like not being an “all in” Christian. You’re finished.

What a crock that press release is. What a crock the academy leaders are for keeping Rosebush here. Anyways, I don’t have time to elaborate. Mikey you know how bad it is because we tell you and you have seen it. Those of us who are LGB live in the worst fear of being outed at any moment and suffering for it. Maybe Rosebush can magically make us all “ungay”? Do you know how it makes us feel to know that our school has a man like that here? And how many other Rosebushes are here? If people can’t see it now they never will. Having USAFA keep a person like Rosebush on staff at CCLD here shames all of us. He believes we made a choice to be LGB. He believes us to be “sick” with that gay disease. He believes we are sinning and will go to hell if we don’t repent through Jesus and “choose” to be straight. And he has a “counseling” plan to make us all straight? Doesn’t anyone of the higher ups here know how that makes us feel? It takes away our dignity as human beings. It takes away everything of value.

Mikey, I have to go study. Have finals. Hope this helps explain how so many of us feel destroyed now. Thank you and the MRFF for calling on the Air Force to fire Rosebush. As if that will ever happen.


(USAF Academy Cadet Client’s name, Cadet rank, Cadet Squadron Withheld)

544. November 25, 2013 To Whom it May Concern:

It is tragic that a group like yours has completely misconstrued the constitution as you have. The constitution has never and does not call for a religion free state. Rather it prescribes the right of every person, of whatever faith, even Christians, to practice their own religion. This freedom is not sacrificed by entering into the United States Air Force Academy, or any other U.S. military service. Rather, entering into military service is entering into a long tradition of preserving that right.


The fact that your group spends money on television in order to try to get a military academy to deny these basic rights is tragic indeed. It tells me that you are a “non- tolerance” group. In fact, the add states “we won’t tolerate it.” So your group, I must assume, is no different than any other non-tolerance group, i.e. KKK, radicalized Muslims, etc.

The right to practice religion, be it Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, or yes, even Christianity, is preserved in the constitution. If, in fact, you do not appreciate that freedom, there are many other countries for you to live in that will agree with your non-tolerance policy.

(name withheld)

545. December 4, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

It’s antichristian pos groups like yourself that suck the life and history out of America. Stop being a bunch of politically correct pussies crying poor me when you’re offended by something the majority in this country believes in. Fuck you and your organization if you don’t like the things the majority in this country believes in get the fuck out of this country and stop fucking it up for everyone else

(name withheld)

546. December 4, 2013 Mikey Weinstein, et al,

The Samaritans Purse shoeboxes are distributed to needy children of all faiths all over the world! To say that Graham is proselitizing is disingenuous!….Are you not trampling on the religious rights of the largest number of cadets of the AirForce Academy who are Christians?

Your organization, as well as the ACLU, has no shame! Both are patently anti- Christian!

(name and location withheld)

547. December 4, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,


Shame on you! Because you cannot stand religion in public life, you are willing to let thousands of children be deprived of their Christmas presents. By limiting the field of those contacted and given the opportunity to donate to the children (which is not the same as donating to Samaritan’s Purse since the donation is essentially a pass-through), you are hurting those little ones because of your predilections.

(name withheld)

548. December 4, 2013 Dear Mikey Weinstein,

Shame on you Mikey Weinstein and your organization for killing the Air Force program that would have sent shoe box gifts at Christmas to 8 million underprivileged children to 100 countries around the world. As a Christian my wife and I have no problem supporting underprivileged children of any religion. You should know that hunger and impoverishment knows no one religion and discriminates toward none. I am a firm supporter of Israel as a State in spite of the fact that it is a Jewish State. Please re-read amendment 1 to the Constitution of the United States which reads: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, and etc.”. As you should clearly see, that Air Force gifts program neither attempted to “establish religion”. Also note that Congress should not prohibit the “free exercise thereof”. I assume your organization would not deprive needy children of a bit of joy that might accompany them around their religious holidays so why would you play the grinch in this situation? Innocent children should not be punished over religion. It is adults that harbor such vile discriminations. Organizations like yours does nothing but foster divisions in our society in it’s attempt to pigeon-hole people. Get over it, we are all human beings created by the same God whether or not you wish to acknowledge the existence of one or not!

(name withheld)

549. December 4, 2013 Hey, you piece of shit!

I just wanted to write you during this Holiday season and tell you I hope you choke on a matzo ball-even though I know you heathens don’t celebrate being contrite, humble and thankful.

(name and location withheld)

550. December 4, 2013


Dear Mikey Weinstein,

Your new cult makes communist look like a bunch of Choir boys.

It’s unbelievable the harm that you are causing in the Greatest country in the world.

There will be a great reckoning for you and those that you bring down with you.

I pray that the eyes of your understanding will be open before it’s too late.

“IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.

The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

(name and location withheld)

551. December 4, 2013 Now that I have your attention… ATHEISTS can go straight to HELL! MOST of us BELIEVE in Jesus!

(name withheld)

552. December 4, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

Sorry guys but you sound more like an anti-religious group than what your name implies. The display at Travis does not support one religious group. It has a nativity scene and a menorah. They are not establishing any state religion. It’s just the time of year.

Get real and stop being scrooges.

(name withheld)


553. December 4, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

And there is only 1 God…Jesus Christ our Savior!

Fully support NOT removing the Nativity as this country was FOUNDED on Christ!! Don’t like it…move to the middle east. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Blessings! (name withheld)

554. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF, its always you low dirty jews, mickey who spoil it all for the rest of humanity. killing and selling out our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was never enough for your demonic breed. no, you have to take manger scenes away from our troops on their bases and Christmas toy away from inocent kids at the air academy. we see that you have kids too. what would you do to a jewboy who took their manger scenes away and took the Christmas toys away too? what will Jesus do to you, jew? your just a lovely tool of satan as are all jew trash. but you jew mickey are satans special favorite. which is why you are the numer one enemy of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. you will lose jew mickey. you will lose everything.

(name and location withheld)

555. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,

Be Afraid, be very afraid – - – The Christians are coming!!!

(name withheld)

556. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,

I find your stand pretentious, childish and idiotic. I have the right to pray and speak as I see fit and I’ll be darned if you are going to take that away. Find some other group to harass, say George Soros and his bought and paid for congress..

(name withheld)


557. December 4, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

And tell good ole Mikey to go fuck himself?…Please

This in in regards to the Camp Pendleton cross.

Please tell him that the Air Force is not even a real military service and has no clue about what us Marines have done.

Tell him why not do something better with the ‘charities’ time and quit getting his panties in a bunch.


Tebow! Tebow! Tebow!

558. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,

This great country was based upon the freedom of religion. The founders, not all of which believed in God, understood that this foundation must be one that must be accepted unilaterally among the people of this great nation. This movement to stop those of us who are believers has gone too far. Now we are at a point where Sharia law is given precedence over Christianity. At some point we will no longer accept the trampling of our God and Jesus Christ, and we will annihilate those who have tried to stop us from worshipping as we see fit. It is our right. If you do not agree, fine. That is your Constitutional right.

(name withheld)

559. December 4, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Go F—k yourself !!! , don’t even touch that Nativity scene on Travis, from a VietNam era vet.”

(name withheld)

560. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,


Our church leaders and congregation have been watching Mickey Weinstien and the MRFF for some time now. We read and watch everything in the news about Mickey and his family and MFRR. We started praying years ago for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to open his blinded eyes to the Good News so that Mickey will stop his wicked war on our brethren Christians in the military. But it has not happened. Our church knows why. Our Bible knows why too. Mickey is gone and lost to satan forever and we no longer waste our time praying to the Savior to stop his evil ways. 2 Corinthians 6:14. To Mickey’s wife Bonny we say harken unto the Lord Jesus or face hellfire. To his sons Casey and Curtis we say harken unto the Lord Jesus or face hellfire. To his daughter Amada and his son Caesy’s wife Amber we say harken unto the Lord Jesus or face hellfire. To the MRFF people of Patricia, Becky, Chris and Haley and Linda and Leah, Joan and Elisabeth and Philip and Richard and FJ Taylor and Andy and David Akeva and the Ambassador Wilson we say harken unto the Lord Jesus or face hellfire. Your leader Mickey is all possesed of Satan. Can you not see the obvius? If you ask him he will denie this of course which is always the top sign that he is possesed and in league with the dark one. This Christmas it is still not too late for all of you to break away from Mickey and save your souls. By doing this you will finally understand the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ born on Christmas day. If you do not free yourselves of satan’s barking dog Mickey this Christmas then you will all find out the Bad News of burning forever in hell soon enough. John 3:36 You will not respond to this message as we know how rude and ruthluss MFRR people always are in replying to polite peaceful and loving Christians trying to stop Mickey.

(name withheld)

561. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,

The ‘hurt’ feelings of the minority seem to always take precedence over the majority. This Airman, who stated he “joined the military to support and defend the Constitution,” seemed to forget the fundamental rule of a democracy; majority rules. This Airman offends me by attacking my beliefs. What makes a nation is best summed up by Michael Savage: borders, language, and culture. Christmas just so happens to be in our culture. So as I type this email from the Middle East defending our nation’s borders, language, and culture. Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!”

(name withheld)

562. December 4, 2013 Hello,


As someone who served in the Military, from what I’ve read from your website and have heard on the radio, I just want to let this piece-of-shit organization be made aware of the as an American if any, and I mean ANY, of this BS you spout ever goes to court, as a juror you won’t win. I can promise it.

You don’t think it can’t happen, trust me, it won’t be the first time!

(name withheld)

563. December 4, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

If the people who came before you fools acted the way you do none of us would have any religious freedom and that is what built this wonderful country.

Get over yourselves. If you choose not to practice any religious beliefs or practices you are welcome too, but don’t think for one moment you have the right to tell any of the rest of us that the values that built this country are no longer allowed to be displayed in public.

If you spent more time actually practicing charity and compassion this country would be a much more human place for everyone.

(name withheld)

564. December 4, 2013 Dear Mikey Weinstein,

The only thing Happy New Year about 2012 is if Jesus makes it your last mikie shitface jewboy winingstein from satans hell. why you hate America and our Christians so much? cause we want to share Christ’s promice everlasting life with the soldiers who are lost? and the arab sand niggers who are also lost you skeeming fucking kike. How can you even stand to be alive with your evilness?America hates you and your dark mfrr followers so you and thier wickedness cannot stand in our Saviors way.

(name withheld)

565. December 4, 2013 Our church prayer group hope that Mikey and his band of Christ haters at the Military Religious RAPE Foundation, mrff are finally happy that they have won their war for satan at the Air Force Academy. Because of this one alone horrible man and the evil horde he leads all of the goodness of the Word from Jesus has been removed


from the cadets. Is it any wonder that rapes are happening? And more evil is surely on its way there. this is what Mikey wants. Thanks to Mikey and his sick diciples. world history shows that any time you remove the Word of the Savior from the people than satan’s demons rush in. But satan cant do this without his leutenants of darkness. which Mikey and the mrff hordes are. ok, do you see that mikey is the worst rapist there is. He and his black army rape the Word of the Christ from where our American leaders wanted it all along next to the heart and harth of every good citizen. This is specialy true for our military. And what should we do to rapists like Mikey? No Jesus No Peace. Know Jesus Know Peace. No mikey no mrff and no rape no satan. (name withheld)

566. December 4, 2013 Dear sirs,

General Boykin is a decorated military veteran and should be welcomed to speak at a prayer breakfast at West Point . He has a message our soldiers need to hear. Your attack against him is unbecoming and uninformed. Islam is an oppressive political system, not a religion, not by any reasonable historical standard.

Are you afraid that Gen. Boykin might be right? Are you worried you won’t be able to judge between the things he says? Are falsehoods so powerful that men who are willing to sacrifice their lives their fortunes and their sacred honor are defenseless against them unless those ideas are first filtered by you? Or, are you self-appointed gatekeepers who are no less vulnerable to deception than any other man?

You took an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, so why are you trying to suppress speech? Your knowledge of the Constitution is flawed. You are on a crusade, but armed with only some of the facts. Tsun Tsu taught, “Know your enemy” but you have refused his counsel and may find yourselves on a fools mission.

The truth can stand up to scrutiny. If you are not willing to examine all of the facts about Islam, you have no right to condemn those who have.

I have studied Islam and the history of our Constitution and Boykin is not the one you need to fear. Educate yourselves.


(name withheld)

567. December 4, 2013 …you stop an American hero like Gerenal Boykin from praying with the West Point soldiers and your happy, jewboy? you wont be so happy when our Lord and Savior


burns you and your little foundation in the Lake of fire for all time never ending will you? you will be fucked then jewboy. Jesus will have the last laugh on you and your homo commie MRFR villians. of course your a jewboy to do this to a real man and hero as the general Boykin. The general fought and won over Arabs. What have you ever done mickey jewboy fucker. Get ready for your eternity in hell.

(name withheld)

568. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,

Wow. How sad. You show you are not caving in to one religion by by caving in to two other religions – Islam and Atheism. And then you say you are protecting religious rights. Shameful…..

(name withheld)

569. December 4, 2013 “White Reference is designed for the dissemination of news of interest to the White Nationalist community as well as others interested in such information. This includes reports of crime and oppression against White people worldwide, as well as accounts of White resistance. “ Jewish Gadfly Mikey Weinstein Becomes The Grinch Who Tried To Steal Christmas From Eight Million Kids; USAF Academy Grovels Goyishly Jewish gadfly Michael “Mikey” Weinstein was the subject of previous discussion on January 23rd, 2011 when he was trying to bully the Air Force Academy into rescinding an invitation extended to Clebe McClary to speak at a prayer breakfast scheduled for February 10th, 2011, claiming that McClary would use it as an opportunity to “proselytize” Christianity. McClary, a leading motivational speaker, was critically wounded on March 3rd, 1968 during his 19th reconnaissance mission in Vietnam, suffering the loss of an eye and an arm.

Now Mikey Weinstein is at it again. Whinestein, who heads up the misnamed Military Religious Freedom Foundation (religious freedom for everyone except Christians), accused Air Force Academy commanders of crossing the line by promoting Operation Christmas Child, an annual charity of Samaritan’s Purse, because an evangelical Christian message was included in the gift boxes to be distributed to numerous children. Weinstein was further distressed that an announcement about the Christmas toy drive was made to the entire cadet wing at lunchtime in the large cadet dining hall, and followed up with an e-mail to all cadets. So he filed a complaint on behalf of 132 Academy personnel, including two sets of Muslim parents. But he claimed he’d have no problem with it if the Academy was backing a secular toy drive or if the religious charity was promoted by chaplains rather than cadet leaders.


Operation Christmas Child expects to send more than 8 million shoe box gifts to underprivileged children in 100 countries; around 60,000 churches and 60,000 community groups in the United States are participating.

So what did the Academy do? They were ordered to cave in to this schmuck. The Academy’s commandant of cadets, Brig. Gen. Richard Clark, apologized to Weinstein on Thursday November 3rd, and stated that under orders from Air Force headquarters, only the Chaplain Corps is to be responsible for advertising faith- based programs, so the well-intentioned program should have started with the chaplains, not the Cadet Wing. However, he assures the public that cadets can still participate in the toy drive through the Cadet Chaplain Corps.

The entire incident has triggered backlash. Peter Sprigg of the Family Research Council (FRC) said “Making the opportunity available for cadets to voluntarily participate in a Christmas charity does not come anywhere close to being an establishment of religion that would violate the Constitution”. Opposing Views criticized military leaders for being all too ready to retreat in this brave new anti- Christian, anti-American environment created by President Obama and his Administration. Jordan Sekulow, Executive Director of the ACLJ, said “This is a perfect example of how heartless these groups are when it comes to defending their anti-religion position. It’s not about the First Amendment. It’s about a real hatred of religious people and people of faith that they would go so far as to stop an assistance program like Operation Christmas Child.” And in an LTE published in the Colorado Springs Gazette, Rev. Bob Wahl wondered what’s up with Gen. Clark and other officers at the Academy, asking that if they can’t stand up to the likes of Mikey Weinstein, how can we expect them to defend our country — a country founded on the principle of religious freedom?

Commendable. Good to see a few people shed their fear of being called anti-Semitic and criticizing a Jewish gadfly. But they still stopped short of cutting to the chase. Motivating Mikey Weinstein is the same phenomena which motivates Abe Foxman, Elie Wiesel, Marvin Hier, and other Jewish gadflies — Jewish supremacism. Jewish supremacism is the notion that Jews are a chosen people — superior to everyone else — simply because they are Jews. That means that Jewish suffering gets top billing over the suffering of other people. That means that in any dispute between a Jew and a Gentile, the Jew gets to win — each and every time. The nativity scenes come down, but the menorahs stay up.

Not all Jews are Jewish supremacists, but all Jewish supremacists are Jews. And as for Mikey Whinestein, I have just four words: Walk it off, lampshade.


Anonymous said…


It IS very good to see people stand up to this kike rat. But like you said AA, they need to press it further.

It’s funny, these yids are really pushing their luck, seeing as how THEY rely overwhelmingly on “White Xtian Goyim” to fight their precious wars for them. But, they keep pushing it because they can. They get very little resistance, seeing as how the whole establishment is “in their hands.”

If the jews truly got their “diversity wish” when it comes to the too White, too male military, they would really be in deep trouble. Without White men to run the ZOG World Police force, the USA couldn’t even conquer Nova Scotia.

Also, jewish charities (which are among the wealthiest in the world) ONLY HELP JEWS. I have never heard of the UJA, JUF, etc. helping “goyim.”

This Weinkike needs to be reminded of this before he bitches about an Xmas/Xtian type charity effort that is helping millions of kids around the world.

570. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,

I used to support Jews and would have fought to protect Israel, but because of you, I will never feel that way again.

(name withheld)

571. December 4, 2013 Dear Mikey,

My son is a career soldier. My daughter-in-law is, too.

I am incensed about your whining about the behavior of our warriors. So what if they piss on dead Taliban killers! More power to them! So what if they INNOCENTLY show a flag that had two S’s on it! They didn’t even know about the Nazi SS. You need to take the broom stick out of you ass and spend your time doing something useful. I am tired of liberal morons who live by the code of political correctness.

The United States Marine Corps has my full support. I sincerely hope their snipers never stop killing these rag head bastards. The best thing that could happen to our planet is if we killed ever single muslim; man, woman, and child and then deleted all mention and history of the religion and its founder.


I proudly sign my name as an American Patriot…

(name withheld) and by-the-way… GO FUCK YOURSELF, MIKEY!!!!!

572. December 4, 2013 Dear MRFF,

Just so you all know. The “SS” lightning bolts are nothing more than the Norse Rune for “S” which was around long before National Socialist Germany. Essentially, you all are whining about a font. Since SS lightning bolts can be translated to SS, then to use the letters SS for social security, secret service, and scout sniper should now be consider “Nazi” actions.

It’s ok though. I understand you all need to continue bringing up the holocaust every chance you get. I am sure reparations from Germany are starting to dry up by now. Empty kosher pockets can indeed be a problem for the chosen ones so why not steal from others who had nothing to do with it?

Mikey Weinstein… He should be helping to end racism and anti-semitism. The place to start would be campaigning for Israel to allow Israelis to marry Palestinians. How about them grapes?

(name withheld)

573. December 4, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, The Marines obviously did not use the SS logo in their picture. I had never heard of your organization until this silly controversy started. Before we began any mission our unit had a group prayer. Only twice in two tours did one of the unit members decline to participate. That was his choice and we never forced the issue. After he was wounded on his second ops he was begging the med not to let him die and please pray for him. As the old saying goes “there is no atheist in a foxhole”. I have seen many non religious soldiers change their views when faced with the extreme violence of combat. To my knowledge none ended their tour and became a preacher but all had a better understanding of good and evil and ALL wanted a prayer before each ops. While I’m sure there are exceptions I have never personally witnessed any. I always welcome any person with an idea to lead from the front. Until you are willing to walk point with my soldiers and personally experience their mission, I suggest you stay safely in your little office. As for the Marines pissing on dead enemy, I would beat the idiot that took the pictures and tell the rest of that team “well done, you’re alive and the enemy is dead”. I would cover every Muslim, dead or alive, with pig blood if I had the opportunity. For you to be offended by the scout


sniper SS is absurd. I am sure you can find a few veteran malcontents to be offended for you and champion their hurt feelings but really? You are offended? I suggest you have a counseling session with R Lee Ermey. He should be the spokesman for the Marines and the Army, not the PC wonders that are in the Pentagon.

(name withheld)

574. December 4, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

Mikey Weinstein and the Rabbi Marvin Hier can both, please, shut their stupid mouths up in regards to the matter of the Marine Corps. photo with the Schutzstaffel flag. Your paltry website very visibly quotes the 1st amendment. Jew hypocrites all too often forget that trampling on other’s beliefs applies to you as well. Plenty of Jews have willingly had their photos taken with that very SS flag. It’s a sign of honor, privilege, and brothership between the Scout Snipers to have taken that flag and symbol from the Nazi’s and made it their own, not unlike Adolf Hitler taking the thousands of years old Swastika symbol from the Chinese and Indians and made it his Nazi party symbol. Also the Ankh and the Christian Cross. The fact that your organization is a tax deductible affair sickens me. I’m sure a large chunk of people’s well-meaning donations have gone towards your German-made luxury cars and expensive clothing made by anti-Semites. Congratulations on spending your adult years being a parasite who harms your country.

(name withheld)

575. December 7, 2013 sounds to me like your organization is NOT for freedoms. Sounds like you want to make religion stand in the corner, and muzzle and bind those who practice it. And not let them have any say in the public arena. Aren’t you using your own deeply held views to attack and constrain others who don’t share your opinions? Sounds like you are using words to bend an shape the truth to your own liking. You are using a thin and fragile veneer of “standing up for the oppressed” to justify your livid oppression and antagonism of religion. Sounds like you have an axe to grind.

(name withheld)

576. December 8, 2013 I for one would like to see MLW and the rest of his outfit learn to hike! And then take a nice LONG HIKE directly to HELL!


(name withheld)

577. December 8, 2013 is for your wife and children to have there heads explode with brain anyerisms. similtaniously. but not for you mickie jew. We want you to live with it for years and years to come. what the righteous hand of our Lord and Savior struck your little loved ones down with. and to think about it. its all because of you. What you and your father satan do. to keep the Only true Lord Christ from our marines and flyers and soldiers. And from our nation. you think Jesus will not make you pay dearly? for your wickedness mickie jew? think again when you bury them all. if you love the US of A thank a Christian. semper fi And Merry Christmas.

(name withheld)

578. December 9, 2013 Hello I’m contacting you in regards to the Air Force Base that removed its’ nativity scene.

You state it’s in support of freedom of religion and that it violates rules in the military. How dare you? If people are allowed to practice any religion they wish then why can’t they not do so openly. A muslim is allowed to go to their Mosque, they are allowed to leave work to pray five times a day, and they are allowed to fast even when their training conditions requires them to eat.

It’s okay for gay people now to get married and be open in the military, am I correct? They can openly display themselves in public? It’s their right isn’t it? Why is it not the right of Christians to practice their religion by displaying a nativity scene, in YOUR perspective it should be NO different than displaying gay sexual orientation to the public. You are a disgusting organization to even support such an act as removing a Christian religious holiday decorations.

So people who are offended by Christianity are allowed to cause an uproar over traditions and practices of the religion but I’m not allowed to say that I do NOT want to see or support gay marriage and relationships? If I do, I’m seen as anti-gay or committing hate speech.


This country has been turned upside down and it started with organizations like you that think you have the right to conduct a “balancing act” between people’s lifestyles. Being openly gay and being an open Christian. Being an Obama supporter and just not.

If everyone has the right to do what they please with their life then EVERYONE should be forced to just “leave them alone”, leave the nativity scene up, go stand on a soapbox and talk for eighteen hours and preach your beliefs if that’s what you want, allow Chaplains to do there job because there are so many religions out there.

If you are truly protecting people’s religious beliefs, you would be supporting nativity scenes and not tearing them down.

(name withheld)

579. December 9, 2013 Dear Ms.Miller, and Mr. Lobbe,

I find it shocking that you would be added to those that are against religion and attacking Christmas. Have you birth forgotten and others like you guys, that we would not have “Christmas” without Christ’s birth. It is truly tragic that there are so many people out there that try so hard to ruin it for others, and that we have turned into a politically correct country. I do hope when those that are against principles and values and Jesus, when it comes to their day to meet their maker, I hope they don’t let them in Heaven. I like millions out there are so sick of this politically correct crap, we are becoming a country that our founding fathers and those that died for our freedom to include Jesus Christ too. This is the thanks we give them all? When the military bows down to being like the idiots out there, then they have no business being in the military period! My family history is nothing but military. I am so glad that they are not alive to see this! Mr Lobbe, I’m surprise you are part of those that are also against what Jesus has sacrificed for you too. If you have children, what are you teaching them? I am glad I am not that kind of role model that stoops to such terrible pettiness!

God help us all (name withheld)

580. December 10, 2013


You guys are clearly a communist, atheistic organization that knows nothing about religious freedom. Christmas is about Jesus. If people don’t want to look at the nativity scene, they can look the other way. The Constitution quote that you quote on your web site means that the Government will not establish a State run church that exercises control over the other churches, like what the Church of England did. That’s it, nothing else. The constitution talks about freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Any attempt to restrict religion is un-constitutional. Bottom line: The Government is never, ever, to interfere in the affairs of the church. The church is free to run rampant in society without any restrictions, regardless of what the courts say. The constitution trumps all Air Force regulations that people try to hide behind. Your organization needs to promote religious freedom, not restrict it.

(name withheld)

581. December 10, 2013 Is this the orginazation that fights to keep JESUS or any mention fo GOD and his SON out of the United States. If it is then you all must be workers for satan. You’re not very smart, Evil will never win over GOD, that will never happen. I am a Christian and proud of it. No where in Our Constitution does it state religious freedom is only allowed where our government says it. Our Constitrution protects our right to Religion. Ithis right bothers evil people like yourself then nothing is holding you here, so leave this country. Try your views in another country. We don’t need people like you here. Thank you.

(name withheld)

582. December 10, 2013 Ms Weinstein,

As I think Mikey Weinstein is your husband and you probably know Paul Loebe please give them a msg for me: grow up you little pissants. Glad I never served with cry babies like you when I was in the service. I do not give a monkey’s ass what a persons religious affiliation is or is not, freaks like you who cannot just leave things alone and must pound the table like you have PMS do nothing to make anything better. So what if you are godless, I couldn’t care less and if you want to put up a godless display go ahead, most rational human beings wouldn’t give a crap unless they were insensitive, arrogant, childish, intolerant, histrionically challenged


individuals like yourselves. Your actions do nothing but sow division and acrimony. IDIOTS!

(name withheld)

583. December 10, 2013 Are you trying to get this stopped?

Less than 100 feet from where a hijacked airplane slammed into the Pentagon, Muslim military personnel bring prayer rugs on weekday afternoons for group worship.

How can you allow a religious chapel in the Pentagon?

(name withheld)

584. December 10, 2013 Your organization is misnamed… It should be “Military Freedom From Religion Foundation”. Your moto should be: “Sending people to hell, one base at a time”…

I think you should re-read the constitution and the first amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

You didn’t even finish reading the first sentence! You only made it to the comma! Finish the sentence: “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.

It’s freedom OF religion. NOT freedom FROM religion!

(Joel 3:9-17) Ҧ Proclaim ye this among the Gentiles; Prepare war, wake up the mighty men, let all the men of war draw near; let them come up: {10} Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong. {11} Assemble yourselves, and come, all ye heathen, and gather yourselves together round about: thither cause thy mighty ones to come down, O LORD. {12} Let the heathen be wakened, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat: for there will


I sit to judge all the heathen round about. {13} Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the fats overflow; for their wickedness is great. {14} Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision: for the day of the LORDis near in the valley of decision. {15} The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining. {16} The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the earth shall shake: but the LORDwill be the hope of his people, and the strength of the children of Israel. {17} So shall ye know that I am the LORD your God dwelling in Zion, my holy mountain: then shall Jerusalem be holy, and there shall no strangers pass through her any more.”

Air Force Removes Nativity Scene

The Baby Jesus has been kicked off Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina, according to an organization who relishes any opportunity to eradicate Christianity from the U.S. military.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation praised officials at Shaw Air Force Base for removing a Nativity scene located near Memorial Lake on Friday. The traditional Nativity included plastic statues of Mary, Joseph, the Baby Jesus and an assortment of animals.

Apparently, an undisclosed number of Airmen were so emotionally troubled by the sight of a manger scene that they immediately notified the MRFF.

I can only imagine the psychological damage they must have suffered as a result of glancing at the plastic statues.

I can only imagine the psychological damage they must have suffered as a result of glancing at the plastic statues. I hope no one needed hospitalization, God forbid.

The MRFF’s Paul Loebe wrote in a statement that since the display was not erected near a chapel, it was illegal.

“It was very sectarian in nature and a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution as well as a blatant violation of Air Force Instruction 1-1, Section 2.11,” he said.


So the Newborn King is a violation of Air Force regulations? Who knew?

Loebe swiftly alerted MRFF President Mikey Weinstein who then called his BFFs at the Pentagon. That led to an immediate investigation and more than two hours later, the Nativity had been removed.

“To the Air Force’s credit, it agreed with MRFF’s arguments to remove the Nativity scene swiftly and apparently found this scene to be as much a violation of all the pertinent regulations and the United States Constitution as MRFF did,” he stated.

He praised the Air Force for “acting so swiftly to reverse this egregious violation.”

So why did the Air Force unceremoniously boot the Son of God and why are they so terrified of Mikey Weinstein?

The public affairs office at Shaw AFB did not return three telephone calls and an email seeking comment. They must have been preoccupied hauling away the donkey and the sheep.

Hiram Sasser, the director of litigation for Liberty Institute, told me the military’s actions were unconstitutional.

“This was private speech,” he said. “The military can say no displays on a base but it cannot allow a display and then ban it simply because of its religious viewpoint.”

Sasser said the Supreme Court has ruled in the past that viewpoint discrimination even in a non-public forum such as a military base in unconstitutional.

“It appears that Mikey Weinstein has a special hotline to call his friends in leadership at the Pentagon to alert them to engage in unnecessary and, in this case, unlawful censorship of private religious speech,” he said.

Fox News commentator Sarah Palin, the author of the new book, “Good Tidings and Great Joy,” said what happened at Shaw Air Force base is not surprising.

“We see stories like this every day and yet leftwing pundits still claim that the so- called ‘War on Christmas’ is a figment of the imagination,” Palin told me. “The War on Christmas is just the top of the spear in a larger battle to marginalize expressions of faith and make true religious freedom a thing of the past.”


Palin’s book is a call to arms for Americans to “stand strong on America’s faith-filled foundation.”

“Never let these scrooges strip away the true meaning of Christmas,” she told me.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation bragged that it only took the Air Force two hours and 15 minutes to remove Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

Sasser doubted the military would respond with such speed to correct what he called “unconstitutional religious viewpoint discrimination.”

He said he was surprised the Pentagon responded so swiftly to Weinstein’s demands – “as if he were under attack in a foreign country in need of rescue from a deadly mob.”

“Apparently if you are ever in trouble and need a quick response from the Pentagon, tell them a plastic Baby Jesus is at the gates.”

Maybe that’s what they should’ve done in Benghazi.

(name withheld)

585. December 10, 2013 CHRISTMAS has always been the celebration of the birth of Jesus!

(name withheld)

586. December 10, 2013 Dear MRFF,

You guys are clearly a communist, atheistic organization that knows nothing about religious freedom. Christmas is about Jesus. If people don’t want to look at the nativity scene, they can look the other way. The Constitution quote that you quote on your web site means that the Government will not establish a State run church that exercises control over the other churches, like what the Church of England did. That’s it, nothing else. The constitution talks about freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Any attempt to restrict religion is un-constitutional. Bottom line: The Government is never, ever, to interfere in the affairs of the church. The church is free


to run rampant in society without any restrictions, regardless of what the courts say. The constitution trumps all Air Force regulations that people try to hide behind. Your organization needs to promote religious freedom, not restrict it.

(name withheld)

587. December 10, 2013 Dear MRFF,

You need to go read the constitution I have never in my life seen a more wrong minded group than yours. I pray that someday you will see the error in your ways and the damage you are doing to the greatest military in the world. You hurt the military every time you suppress the freedom of religion that we have fought for. Thank you for your time

(name withheld)

588. December 10, 2013 Dear MRFF,

My name is (name withheld). I am a 1st Lieutenant in the United States Air Force and am currently stationed at Shaw AFB, SC. As one would expect, I have heard the news about the removal of some, if not all of the components of the Nativity scene that was located and positioned at Memorial Lake. While it is regrettable that your organization would take such an aggressive stance against Christianity, as a Non- denominational Christian myself, all I can say in response, is that despite these attacks (because let’s be honest, they are attacks on multiple levels), I am called to forgive and love you all the same.

This is not sparked by some seasonal impulse or Christmas-time compulsion, but a core belief that has been growing and developing within me ever since I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. While the human nature in me feels compelled to react in a defensive and ultimately counterproductive way, the Holy Spirit in me can only tell you that no matter what you do or say, God loves you and truly wants nothing more than to have a relationship with you. I know, call me crazy or irrational or a myriad of other epithets, but I’m serious when I tell you, although you don’t even believe in the God I am talking about, I can say on pretty good authority that you are in fact, loved. This is the narrative of the bible I wish would be more


widespread, in that, despite our wicked nature as fallen creations, God loves us. It defies all logic, but then again, God is not bound by logic.

When I hear stories about individuals such as Mr. Weinstein, to me, there is a sliver of hope that God, as he did with Paul (formerly Saul), will turn someone who was once an enemy and killer of Christians, into arguably one the most renowned and famous evangelists to ever walk this earth (other than Christ himself). Believe it or not, if you will allow him, God can turn what was once considered not-so-good (from a Christian’s perspective) into something wonderful and beautiful. I only say this because as a believer, I want nothing more than to share the gospel with those far from God, ultimately, in the hope that they themselves will meet and develop their own relationship.

Here’s another aspect that you may not have considered. Once again, from a Christian’s perspective, what you are advocating for and fighting so vehemently against in terms of completely eliminating Christianity from all areas of Government service, comes really as no surprise to believers. What is encouraging is that the more God is marginalized across this country and the world at large, the more prophesy is being fulfilled and the more truth your actions are actually speaking in favor of Christian beliefs. So, as far as I can tell, what is happening all across the world, is exactly what was foreseen thousands of years ago–so I’m going to put that in the win column!

My faith, I feel, enhances my effectiveness and ability to lead as an Officer in the Air Force. I know you would disagree, but the beliefs I espouse are not just random thoughts that appear from time to time, and I do my best not to just pick and choose what to believe based on convenience or anything of that nature, but Jesus has done an irreversible work in me, a work that I don’t deserve. I try to apply all of Christ’s teachings to my everyday life and how I choose to lead. To me, what better example of leadership is there than from God himself? Christ encouraged selflessness and sacrifice and lived it every day. Above all else, he commands us to love one another and treat those how we would want to be treated. I hope these are not qualities you would discourage from members of your military. I’ll never be perfect, that’s not the goal nor intent, I am in need of a Savior because I can’t do this life alone and I thank God everyday for not giving up on me. This is the kind of conviction I pray the Holy Spirit will bring to you and anyone who may read this e-mail.


Here’s the bottom line. Whether you believe it or not, whether you like it or not, you are loved. Any person who would write hateful, vitriolic venom your way under the guise of being a “Christian” may need to re-examine their own beliefs. The last time I checked, the Lord I serve, that being Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by his example, would love you and accept you and most importantly, forgive you, for any action you would take against him. That’s the example and interpretation of the gospel I believe in and that is what I wanted to share with you today. No matter what actions or stance you may take against my Christian beliefs, I will never hate you for it. Instead, I will forgive you, pray for you, and love you as if you were a Brother/Sister in Christ.

Very Respectfully,

(name withheld)

589. December 11, 2013 I can’t understand why you are afraid of a Nativity scene or any display of someone else’s religion other than yours. You consider the American flag a symbol of your religion so why are you so intolerant of others? The only being that I can think of that is afraid of Jesus is Satan. I think I know who you work for now.

(name withheld)

590. December 11, 2013 Dear MRFF,

Hello I’m contacting you in regards to the Air Force Base that removed its’ nativity scene.

You state it’s in support of freedom of religion and that it violates rules in the military. How dare you? If people are allowed to practice any religion they wish then why can’t they not do so openly. A muslim is allowed to go to their Mosque, they are allowed to leave work to pray five times a day, and they are allowed to fast even when their training conditions requires them to eat.

It’s okay for gay people now to get married and be open in the military, am I correct? They can openly display themselves in public? It’s their right isn’t it? Why is it not the right of Christians to practice their religion by displaying a nativity scene, in


YOUR perspective it should be NO different than displaying gay sexual orientation to the public. You are a disgusting organization to even support such an act as removing a Christian religious holiday decorations.

So people who are offended by Christianity are allowed to cause an uproar over traditions and practices of the religion but I’m not allowed to say that I do NOT want to see or support gay marriage and relationships? If I do, I’m seen as anti-gay or committing hate speech.

This country has been turned upside down and it started with organizations like you that think you have the right to conduct a “balancing act” between people’s lifestyles. Being openly gay and being an open Christian. Being an Obama supporter and just not.

If everyone has the right to do what they please with their life then EVERYONE should be forced to just “leave them alone”, leave the nativity scene up, go stand on a soapbox and talk for eighteen hours and preach your beliefs if that’s what you want, allow Chaplains to do there job because there are so many religions out there.

If you are truly protecting people’s religious beliefs, you would be supporting nativity scenes and not tearing them down.

(name withheld)

591. December 11, 2013 Dear MRFF,

If you don’t like something, you try to prevent others who like it from enjoying it. Why not ask if you can put up an alternate display? Why can’t you be more libertarian about it and just let others enjoy their freedoms? Why do you have to curb their pursuit of happiness? The right scares me a lot less than the leftists in organizations like yours. You have no limits; the ends justify the means and your ethics are situational. I am not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination, but I don’t go around stomping on the rights of others like you do. I am tolerant. I believe in keeping the government out of my doctor’s office, my bedroom, and my wallet. Christmas is a fun time of the year for me. I don’t understand the whole Kwanza thing, but I don’t oppose allowing those who want to put up public displays to do so. The same goes for Hanukah and whatever the Wiccans, Buddhists, or


anybody else does. I find a lot of wonder in the culture and practices of others, but I find you and your organization to be a not too distant cousin of totalitarianism. You are every bit as bad as the imaginary extremists the you proffer to oppose. You are just as closed minded as those you portray to be your oppressors. You are hypocrites.

(name withheld)

592. December 11, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein, My name is (name withheld), I am writing to you to tell you how insulted and offended I am for the actions you took concerning the Nativity at Shaw AFB in Sumter, SC. My dad served in the Air Force, and I’m sure he is looking down from heaven and shaking his head in disgust at the actions our government is taking. You say you are protecting religious rights for people, what about the Christians rights? Our nation was founded “under God”, what happened to protecting God? My dad fought for our freedoms, yet our so called freedoms seem to be disappearing daily. I for one am tired of being run over by these so called small groups. I have called and spoken with congressmen about a couple of “Freedoms” that offended me and I was told that not enough people complained about it and it was dropped. So, just how many people does it take to get your attention? I would love to know why our government caters to all groups Except Christians? Can you answer that or will you choose to ignore this email? I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, (name withheld)

593. December 11, 2013 You people are the biggest assholes on this planet. Go somewhere and hide yourselves in a cave where you belong. Ass wipes!

(name withheld)

594. December 11, 2013 Dear MRFF,


Your organization is So Intolerant it makes my head spin. What is wrong with letting people do what is necessary to find peace in this short life?? There is no skin off your nose if someone is looking to find peace through prayer. Even Atheists are resorting to group activities on Sundays to find the peace and company that having a meeting place affords. It is like all your organization wants to do is make sure everyone is as miserable as you are??? Why?? RELAX!! You will live longer if you don’t have so much hate in your heart!

(name withheld)

595. December 11, 2013 You are violating my rights

(name withheld)

596. December 11, 2013 Dear Weinstein and MRF-

Proud of yourselves that you have eliminated the Christmas display at Shaw? What else can you do to enhance discrimination against Christians who serve in the military? You should be so proud of knowing that you have something in common with the Islamic radicals who want to eradicate every last trace of Christianity from the world.

As a Vietnam veteran who fought for his country, I thoroughly detest your actions as an organization. Last time I checked, the citizens of this country were guaranteed freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. That includes men and women serving in the military. Any thinking person knows religion isn’t being forced upon you. Do you actually expect me to believe that merely driving by a manger scene at Christmastime upsets you and causes you distress? If you are that thin-skinned and sensitive, perhaps you don’t belong in the military I served in…. nor would I want to serve in a combat situation with any of your members.

Members of the military are entitled to attend to religious services and participate in religious activities, just as you are entitled NOT to do so. Again no one is forcing


anything on anybody. That should be sufficient and that is where it should end. Your tiny minority of anti-Christian zealots should not get to spoil it for the rest of us.

I realize that you receive a lot of negative comments and will probably ignore this, but even though I am not a very religious person I just felt compelled to respond to your misguided, discriminatory actions. I only wish that I could tell you what I really think – face to face. Shame on you.

(name withheld)

597. December 11, 2013 Please stop trying to tear down our country. You do so much more harm, than you do good. Do you REALLY think that having a nativity scene removed helped someone feel better about themselves, or did the vast majority of people read the article and think your group is just another extreme gormless group that believes in nothing, therefor you don’t want anyone else to believe in anything.

Your asseveration is noteworthy, but for what real cause? To be noisome to 99% of the people so you and few minions can feel good about yourselves?

Your agonist actions simply help to degrade our country. Please use your time and talents for something that will actually help our country.

598. December 11, 2013 Dear MRFF,

Never heard of your group before today, but heard that y’all were protesting (for lack of a better term) a Christmas theme at an AFB. I’m a Vietnam vet, So I care deeply about our armed forces and the direction it’s heading. I gather your reasoning for your protest was that all religions, or whatever other group might be interested, wasn’t represented. Get a grip. If You don’t like a picture, leave the theater, don’t blow it up! We have become such a sissified country. You can be sure though, that the founding fathers would be appalled that any American would object to any Christian observation, celebration, etc., at an American military base!

(name withheld)


599. December 11, 2013 If you don’t like the United States then MOVE OUT (military term)!!!!!!!!! A Christian Christmas display doesn’t hurt anyone. If you or they are offended then get out of the US Military and move to another country. Go live in Iran or Cuba or Saudi Arabia. Wake Up!!!! The US is a Christian Nation. You can put up your own display if you want!!! That’s called FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!! You and your organization are doing satan’s work and are being used!!!!!!!!!!!

(name withheld)

600. December 11, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom,

If there was any way I coud possibly make a negative contribution. to your organization I certainly would. You are a group of anti Christ people and anathema to everything we fought for during my 20+ years in the military. Communism also embraces your objectives. I and every single person I know seriously dislike (to say the least) you “Kill Christmas fanatics!

(name withheld)

601. December 12, 2013 Why cant every religion have a holiday display on the military bases? Why is it so offensive to let people celebrate their religious holidays on military bases? Where is the tolerance of mankind? I guess we no longer support each others religious holidays. Will I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

(name withheld)

602. December 12, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

You all should be ashamed of yourselves. To take on the task of removing religion from our military is shameful. You think that this is to the betterment of our country…..I would ask how? By removing religion from our schools, look where our


schools are now. By removing religion from our military? Look where our military will be. There is nothing harmful in displaying a nativity scene. If you haven’t forgotten; 80% of Americans still categorize themselves as Christians. You all are nothing but another organization giving in to the minority by discriminating against the majority and it is shameful.

(name withheld)

603. December 12, 2013 Dear MRFF,

I have a couple of friends who are stationed at Shaw AFB, SC and they have asked me to pass on their best wishes to Mikey Weinstein and his organization……….


(name withheld)

604. December 12, 2013 You are horrible, despicable human beings. Our country is turning into a trash heap because of folks like you. Bonnie, you will stand before our creator some day and give an account!

(name withheld)

605. December 12, 2013 Nice job on eradicating a nativity scene that was hurting no one and would have been enjoyed by most on the base. Your Jew boss is the Grinch who stole Christmas. (name withheld)

606. December 12, 2013 Suck the fattest bag of dicks you can find!

Merry Christmas

(name withheld) XXLxoxoxo,


607. December 12, 2013 Dear MRFF,

As a military spouse I am so tired of organizations like yours. All you are promoting is hate. If there is something you don’t like, DONT LOOK AT IT. How dare you tell me what is right and wrong. My husband and son fight for our freedom of expression. And yours. You don’t see me yelling and pouting every time something is offensive to me. You and your organization are both. God made this country and because of people like you he is turning his back. Funny, when things get so bad, who do you turn to? May God Bless you. And I will pray for your soul. It is not looking good for you.

(name withheld)

608. December 12, 2013

For decades I have met folks like Mike who work hard to remove religion from the public square. But unless he is the first exception, all worked so hard poking every stick they could into the eye of God in an attempt to spark a response from him. Actually one I did meet a few years back probably did so as much to make money and fame, but the others, pokes to elicit a response they just never heard. For those of us that do believe and have taken the time to read scriptures it is clear God does not respond to such attempts to force communication. I would be Mike responds the very same way!

I am sure Mikey does not see that religious scene at the air force base as a threat to national security but rather a threat to his security. I so see Mikey as an unhappy and lonely man uncomfortable in participating in anything so personal as belief in a father in heaven. I know, I was the same once. But this is not something a big important general would want to admit to. Also sad is the way they create staff around them afraid to offer any comfort or real sharing of the meaning of Christianity and the Jewish faith out of fear for their jobs. Hope some day Mike finds a way home again. Despite all his effort to fight off Christians and Jews, the good ones will welcome him home if he chooses to come home. Best regards… (name withheld)


609. December 12, 2013 Hey jewboy Mickey Whinerstein. The Air Force Base in S. Carolina should make a nativity scene out of your dismembered fucking body parts. You stinking kike commie athiest liberal dick sucking Obummer loving Jesus hating faggot lawyer. Who worships satan queers and abortions and muslum sand niggers like Obummer more than your own country. TRAITOR JEW! 610. December 12, 2013

You thin skinned pussies need to get a life. If someone is “offended” by a nativity scene the scene doesn’t need to come down, the “offended” needs to either seek mental health counseling or just kill themselves. You worthless piles of shit need to understand that this country has freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. What a bunch of worthless little babies, I hope you all die a fiery painful death.

611. December 12, 2013 Nobel Peace Prize??… hahaha Why would this falsely representing oranization truely believe they would ever, EVER receive the Nobel Peace Prize for being a Christian HATE group?? I almost spit my coffee out when I read the glorified “self” advertisment of being nominated for this reverned award as if that meant something. If that were the case, we might as well nominate the Ku Klux Klan for the Nobel Peace Prize as well as every other hate group in the United States!! LOL No.. you don’t hate by race or culture.. but you hate and seperate by religion, hiding behind the trash you claim. I’ve even read on the front page of this organization’s website, articles speaking out against Christians and praising themselves for accolades against them. As a United States Soldier, that this organization proudly claims to represent, we the PEOPLE are presently at war with “hate groups” all over the globe…. Just because you hide behind the title of “Military Religious Freedom” doesn’t fool us… We aren’t sheep, we are the people of the United States of America. Find another hobby and let us have our freedom! “Don’t Tread On ME”

(name withheld)

612. December 12, 2013 Dear MRFF,


I hope you will pass this on to whoever runs this awful organization. The name needs to be changed because this is not about religious freedom at all. It’s about trashing Christians and preventing people to honor or pray to God which we have every right to do! This is no better than the ACLU both of which I am very sure will be spending eternity in hell. You see I am not military but I am a Christian and when these people in the military are defending our rights to freedom, you are trying to take it away. Also may of these people risk their lives every day and need and want to make peace with God so they can spend eternity in heaven. This is another bunch of crap from Obama who should have been impeached a long time ago. I wasn’t stupid enough to vote for him. I really hope to see you all down on bended knee before Christ when he comes back. You may not think he is but I am sure of it. What if you are wrong? If I am wrong nothing will happen other than disappointment. But if you are wrong well it’s going to be too late then and rightly so. Shame on this organization for taking away our rights to our faith. The constitution says freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Things will change some after Obama is out which won’t be soon enough because everyone is pretty much sick of him and his lies so hopefully you will all be out of a job.

(name withheld)

613. December 12, 2013 Good job. You should be proud. Your ideas of religious freedoms means no religious freedoms at all. If it was a Muslim scene, would you be so quick to act? The only infringement is for those that fear religious belief, and do all that they can to remove it. You are compared with Iran, North Korea, China, Russia, and so many more. Pure socialist, fascist, and Nazi. Oh, but remember, you have your convictions, in order to usurp someone else’s.

(name withheld)


I know it scares the hell out of you!!!!!

614. December 12, 2013 Dear MRFF,


As a local resident that supports our military I find your agnostic attitude toward our soldiers disgusting. God forbid you find yourself in combat under fire. To whom are you going to pray to save your ass, Obama????

Fuck you

(name withheld)

615. December 12, 2013 Dear MRFF,

I hope you will pass this on to whoever runs this awful organization. The name needs to be changed because this is not about religious freedom at all. It’s about trashing Christians and preventing people to honor or pray to God which we have every right to do! This is no better than the ACLU both of which I am very sure will be spending eternity in hell. You see I am not military but I am a Christian and when these people in the military are defending our rights to freedom, you are trying to take it away. Also may of these people risk their lives every day and need and want to make peace with God so they can spend eternity in heaven. This is another bunch of crap from Obama who should have been impeached a long time ago. I wasn’t stupid enough to vote for him. I really hope to see you all down on bended knee before Christ when he comes back. You may not think he is but I am sure of it. What if you are wrong? If I am wrong nothing will happen other than disappointment. But if you are wrong well it’s going to be too late then and rightly so. Shame on this organization for taking away our rights to our faith. The constitution says freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. Things will change some after Obama is out which won’t be soon enough because everyone is pretty much sick of him and his lies so hopefully you will all be out of a job.

(name withheld)

616. December 12, 2013 Sir, It has been a long time since I have run into a website and the cause you follow that is as disgusting as yours. Greatly saddening!

(name withheld)


617. December 13, 2013 Dear MRFF,

You all should be ashamed of yourselves. To take on the task of removing religion from our military is shameful. You think that this is to the betterment of our country…..I would ask how? By removing religion from our schools, look where our schools are now. By removing religion from our military? Look where our military will be. There is nothing harmful in displaying a nativity scene. If you haven’t forgotten; 80% of Americans still categorize themselves as Christians. You all are nothing but another organization giving in to the minority by discriminating against the majority and it is shameful.

(name withheld)

618. December 13, 2013 Gentlemen,

Before you self-congratulate yourselves on this awful “victory:” on keeping children from seeing (horrors!!!) Jesus in a Manger, I suggest you read the two attachments I am sending.for your perusal.

The first is very deep complex tome written by George Gilder, a sort of jack-of-all trades genius who having written a best-selling book on economics, wrote a brilliant article on the reasons for his progressive misgivings re Evolution as an adequate explanation for Information and how it is found in the living cell titled Evolution and Me.

The second is a extraordinarily well-written description by an individual, a gifted write, of what occurred when he had a cardiac arrest from anphylactic shock. Scroll down to the post written by someone who goes by the username Prophet. Nov 14, 2010, 6:57 PM.

(name withheld)

619. December 13, 2013 Dear Mr. Weinstein,


You filthy communist PIG……..The day is fast approaching when America will elect a far-right nationalist conservatist president. And his adminstration will use all the powers the current commi-nigger traitor president has bestowed upon himself to purge and arrest all the enemies of America & Christ. The NDAA act that the pig president signed into law will be used against YOU. You will be arrested w/ no due process, no warrant, no rights, no lawyers and sent to a FEMA work camp for “re- education and punishment”. Read about Stalins purges, so you are aware of what awaits you in the near future.!!!!!!!

God & FEMA will have no mercy on your pathetic, anti-American, anti-Christian asses.

(name withheld)

620. December 13, 2013 Dear Mikey,

I am an athiest in the military, and I absolutely hate you, your organization, and what you are doing. Your actions are absolutely un-American because you reject our Christian heritage which is undeniable. If I won the lottery, I would make it my purpose in life to destroy your organization in litigation, and drive you and all your American hating commies into poverty and then eject you from our country. It amazes me how you and the likes of you are so offended by the idea of Jesus Christ or anything Christian. As I said, I’m an athiest, but you guys take your cause so far that it disgusts me and other like minded people.

I hope you get a brain tumor and die for your Christmas present.

(name withheld)

621. December 13, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom,

Nice twist on history folks… The forefathers (on literally hundreds if occasions) wrote at length on the inspiration they drew from the Judea-Christian model. Lying (or lying via omission of the truth is just the same) about it is better though…


I also really enjoyed the choice of uneducated “hate mail” you posted. Who would believe your sincerity when you put such ridiculous things on your website (not to say they are not real – I am sure they are – however, they do not help hour plight). Pretty laughable and sad that you would not have the intestinal fortitude to post intelligible emails that disagree with your “mission”. Simply a joke that one would choose those in a feeble attempt to support your seemingly disingenuous and less than righteous cause.

Ever read Dr. Seuss? “You’re a mean one, Mr. Grinch – you really are a heal”… I am not particularly religious, but am intelligent enough to know that striving for the love of ones enemies and striving for the treatment of ones neighbors better than the self are principles we all should strive for.

Why not use this seemingly endless amount of energy that Mikey has to: feed the poor, volunteer at a school to teach math, clean public spaces, hug a child in a oncology ward that has little or no family, reach out to a stranger that is having a seemingly “bad day”. Any one of a million other things that contribute in a positive way to the enlightenment of the human condition… No – you choose this.

Military Religious Freedom Foundation – your very name is disingenuous! Clever, but disingenuous… You have no intention of “fighting for religious freedoms”, your org only wishes for the military to be free FROM religion.

Congratulations Mikey! Thanks for carrying the flag for negativity and the foils of the human condition.

Tell you what – I will donate resources for a Negativity Display at Shaw AFB in your honor… What do you think it should consist of? How about aborted fetuses or unadulterated violence (like screen in most pop culture), both of which are COMPLETELY accepted & championed under the guise of “women’s health” by our culture and current president.

I do not suppose this will make it (or I am sure thousands like it) will make it on to your “hate mail page”… It does not support your mission to defame Christianity or those you would like to pigeon hole as Christian (or religious zealots).

Mikey… You walk a tightrope my friend… A tightrope. Please reconsider your chosen path of hate and disdain… You are seemingly allowing your negative


experiences from the academy motivate your hatred of others… You need a hug brother.

By the way… The Grinch said hi and to keep up the great work!

(name withheld)




(name withheld)

623. December 14, 2013 Dear Mikey,

Why don’t you people figure out a way to actually do some GOOD for our military members? I think I know why: because you’re just another cell of radical agitators who – relying on some fantastical notion that, buried somewhere in our nation’s legal tradition, there exists a right never to be offended, ever – get your jollies by running around trying to tell the majority of Americans what they can and cannot do in public…and now, thanks to the ever-metastasizing ultra-corrupt culture- destruction machinery being institutionalized by your fellow-travelers in the out-of- control Leftist federal government currently holding power in D.C., you’ve figured out a way to profit from it.


It is always helpful when reacting to the absurd attacks staged on ALL things openly Christian by the ACLU and other hyper-radical outfits like yours to remind you that one never sees this kind of campaign waged against the MUSLIMS – because you know that if you were to do so, you’d have a much harder time sleeping soundly for fear of the Islamist militants heading toward your homes with the purpose of committing murder and mayhem upon your persons and those of your families…no, people like you will ever take the gutless path of making war on peaceful Christianity, because you are just that: gutless.

If you don’t like open displays of Christian religiosity, LOOK AWAY. Like it or don’t, this nation was founded BY CHRISTIANS – not by Buddhists, Taoists or Muslims – and certainly not by atheists – UNDER GOD. Your idiotic campaign to expunge all signs of God from public view is offensive to YOUR CREATOR and – just you wait – you will not be rewarded for this assault on the Almighty Geometer of the Universe. Be warned!

(name withheld)

624. December 15, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

Why not move your so called organization to Russia, China, N. Korea, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba or other atheistic countries ? You all will be more than welcome there since you share the same leftist, radical ideology ! Especially over the holidays you all represent a sad day for America and its moral fabric, as we as a nation, slide into an abyss of political correctness, ultraliberalism, anti-Americanism, leftist ideology, socialism, Saul Alinsky Marxism and you all are part of this decline ! Sorry no Shaloms !!!!!!!!!!!

(name withheld)

625. December 15, 2013 Hello, I am a military wife, and a devoted, active Latter Day Saint. I agree with your organizations’ desire to protect our military members, no matter what their


religious beliefs, from unwanted pressure from others to participate in religious activities, or to be able to practice their own religion. However, I do feel that your organization is going beyond the mark in recent activities. As reported on many news networks, your organization was involved in the asked removal of a nativity from Shaw Air Force Base. In your own organization’s Mission Statement, you say, and I quote –

“However, MRFF believes that religious faith is a Constitutionally guaranteed freedom that must never be compromised, except in the most limited of military circumstances, because of its fundamental importance to the preservation of the American nation and the American way of life.”

Is your organization aware that not only active duty military personnel live at Shaw AFB, but also their families? Is it your organization’s belief that asking for the removal of the nativity was not compromising their Constitutionally guaranteed freedom of religion? Surely, a community display is hardly a situation that you would label as “a most limited of military circumstances”, and so I ask, why ask to compromise the freedom of religion in this circumstance? As reported, the base gave ample opportunity for all religious groups to set up displays. If some them chose not to set up displays, should it be cause to disallow the one to display their holiday decoration? Your group’s leader, Michael Weinstein contacted the Pentagon over this holiday display, filing a complaint about it. Again, I will quote your group’s Mission Statement –

“No member of the military may be compelled to curtail – except in the most limited of military circumstances and when it directly impacts military discipline, morale and the successful completion of a specific military goal – the free exercise of their religious practices or beliefs.” Does the erection of a religious holiday display fall under that category? Is it impacting military discipline, moral or the successful completion of a specific military goal? I cannot see how a nativity set up by a community lake could possible do so, and so I wonder why Mr. Weinstein felt it necessary to act in such a way as to compel this group to remove their display. Was it merely the location of the nativity that warranted this complaint? I am indeed grateful that this religious group was allowed to set up their display at an alternate location. I do find it troubling that they were asked to move it at all though, and again, I feel that your organization has gone beyond the mark, as far as its purported


Mission is concerned. How would your organization have responded, had you been contacted, and asked to help protect this religious groups’ right to display a nativity? Has your group ever worked to protect a military member’s right to exercise his or her religion? I would love to hear about any such situations. Thank you for your work in cases where military members’ religious freedoms are truly being suppressed, or when they are truly being pressured to join in religious practices that go against their own beliefs. I hope to hear back about the questions I have asked in this email, so I can better understand the true nature of your organization. – Sincerely,

(name withheld)

626. December 15, 2013 Dear Mikey,

Shame on you for not standing up for this countries Christian values. Values that have been handed down for centuries. If other religions want to put something up that is not offensive and supports their religious beliefs then let them but don’t take down the Nativity Set. Stand for something for pete sake!

(Name withheld)

627. December 15, 2013 As a veteran, and a Christian, I am very concerned with your organizations understanding of what freedom really means. From what I have heard, and read, about your organizations activities lately, you do not stand for liberty and freedom, rather you simply want to push forward your secular philosophy.

My understand of “religious freedom”, falls in line with the Constitution…..specifically the 1st Amendment, which states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Your organizations activities, would deny the rights of others to worship as they choose. On the other hand, allowing others to freely exercise their


Constitutionally protected rights, to worship how they choose, in no way violates your right, not too.

And the tired, old explanation, that by having a nativity scene, or using the phrase “So help me God”, does violate your rights, holds no water. First of all, just because you may find something offensive, doesn’t actually make it offensive. Secondly, if you don’t like what you are seeing, or hearing, you can simply remove yourself from the situation….it’s really that simple. If I am offended by something I see or hear on the television, I have the right to change the channel. However, once organizations such as yours, forces their will on the rest of us by having certain things that offend you banned, then we lose the right to choose.

The truth is, any and every person entering the military already has the option to decline uttering the phrase “so help me God” when they repeat their oath. So it appears that, you really could care less about “religious freedom”, you are only interested in pushing your secular agenda. I cringe at what this Country has become, especially when those of us that served it and defended freedom, no longer understand what freedom really is.

(name withheld)

628. December 15, 2013 I hope they hunt you (name withheld)

629. December 15, 2013 Hello, I just read the article on The Blaze that you requested a Nativity scene to be taken down. Can you please inform me where in the Constitution that indicates this to be a violation? I respect all religions and beliefs but what gives you the right to force this scene to be taken down? Why should those who do not share your beliefs be forced to abide by them? Should I tell someone to take down a Menorah since I’m not Jewish? No! That is their right to display that. What about those on military bases who wish to celebrate Thanksgiving? We are giving thanks to many things including showing our gratitude toward God. Help me understand why what you did is OK. Thanks for your time.


(name withheld)

630. December 19, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

A God hating Jew…..figures There is no separation of church and state in the Constitution…..Of coarse Mikey is too stupid to know that

Just like there will be separation of Mikey from hell when he dies…

(name withheld)

631. December 19, 2013 Good evening,

I have been in the Military for nearly 35 years now. I’m a Christian and I like Christian decorations as well as those of other religions because it makes things special. I don’t force MY decorations on anyone yet, you and your organization are trying to take them away from me.

You really need to take a poll here on Guantanamo Bay and get a “true” picture of what people really want and just how accommodating people are to others. There are plenty of decorations of all faiths. NONE have been denied. One is NOT favored over another.

Even on your website, you state you protect people who are deemed “Not Christian Enough”. Sorry but, that’s basically a slam against Christianity isn’t it??

I have people of various faiths working for me and I DO NOT treat them differently because of this and I value this diversity highly!! I take you saying that as a direct insult. Do I now sue you because you’ve violated my freedoms with respect to allowing me to practice my open and accommodating views while serving my country??

GTMO is a Community and a family. I don’t see anyone denying anyone freedoms by saying “NO”. There are simply a select few who are choosing to deny others their freedoms by speaking out and hiring organizations like yours.


I’m in the Military and it’s well within my rights to say that I truly don’t need you nor do I like you trying to interfere with mission accomplishment. Which is also why I’m doing this at HOME in my personal time without compromising others by doing this on my Active Duty “work” time.

It’s a sad day when ALL cannot practice their religion freely due to meddling organizations.

I hope whatever religion you are, you have a very blessed season and can find it in your hearts to truly accept everyone.

(name withheld)

632. December 19, 2013 Nativity scene removed from base…………. WOW. Are you people for real? The scene represents Christmas. Thats it !!!!! Nothing more or less. No one is holding a gun to anyone’s head to force them into religion. This “mickey mouse” organization is nothing more than a way for “thin-skinned” Mikey to line his pockets. He obviously surrounds himself with idiots (thats you Bekki) to advance his personal agenda. I have news for all you sapps. This only is making the SILENT MAJORITY stronger and united. It’s a matter of time before all you pathetic, fraud committing thiefs, who are throwing yer weight around get pushed back. Its gonna happen……………… And give Mikey a message for me;


633. December 19, 2013 Hello:

Dear Mr. Weinstein,

I’m (name withheld): Jewish Trooper

Keep the Nativity Scene in Gitmo! Mr. Wienstein, I am assuming you are Jewish. Or have a Jewish Dad.

You seem to prove the Anti-Semites right when you obnoxiously appear to be a supporter of free speech.


Yes, there is free speech. And then there are harmless asides.

My Born Again friends would invite me to put up a Menorah in the DFAC.

I’m Jewish with three kids, teenagers. One is in Yeshiva. I go to shul. We keep Shabbat as best we can.

I have 19 years of service. Three MOBs to Kuwait, Afghanistan and the Mediteranian.

Born Again Christians are Israel’s best friends. I know Armies of them. They all listen when I tell them what Judaism is about.

Last, devout Christians are VERY understanding. I admire the way Christianity has turned people around. Gives people meaning.

They also listen to the bad sides. I have confessed to a few that if I assessed Christianity only on my Dad’s experience in Nazi Germany, then it’s the World’s biggest lie.

In fact, campaign against Ahmadinejad (Iran), the Taliban and other real bad guys. But that would require courage.

(name withheld)

634. December 19, 2013 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation,

Either you stand up FOR the Christians Christmas display at Guantanamo OR you Need to change your name to “Military Religious Freedom Foundation for Every Religion EXCEPT Christianity”

Either you are for EVERYONE Religious Freedom, or you are for NO ONES Religious Freedom. You Cannot Have It Both Ways. Christians HAVE EVERY RIGHT Under the US Constitution To Have Their Religious Freedom, The Constitution DOES NOT SAY, “Freedom FROM Religion”, it SAYS, :Freedom OF Religion and the Frees Association thereof”

(name withheld)


635. December 19, 2013 This nation was founded on the basis of Judeo-Christian principles. The Constitution & Bill of Rights of the United States of America CLEARLY says “Freedom OF Religion”, NOT “Freedom FROM Religion”. Your organization SUCKS! L I served this country to preserve that and all our other Freedoms & the Liberty that Americans fought and died for since the founding of the nation. That includes CHRISTIANITY! I will NOT contribute one cent to your rotten organization; in fact you could not PAY ME to join it! Merry CHRISTMAS to you LOWLIFES! Semper Fi, (name withheld)

636. December 20, 2013 Nativity scene removed from base…………. WOW. Are you people for real? The scene represents Christmas. Thats it !!!!! Nothing more or less. No one is holding a gun to anyone’s head to force them into religion. This “mickey mouse” organization is nothing more than a way for “thin-skinned” Mikey to line his pockets. He obviously surrounds himself with idiots (thats you Bekki) to advance his personal agenda. I have news for all you sapps. This only is making the SILENT MAJORITY stronger and united. It’s a matter of time before all you pathetic, fraud committing thiefs, who are throwing yer weight around get pushed back. Its gonna happen……………… And give Mikey a message for me;


637. December 20, 2013 Dear MRFF

A God hating Jew…..figures

There is no separation of church and state in the Constitution…..Of coarse Mikey is too stupid to know that

Just like there will be separation of Mikey from hell when he dies..

(name withheld)

638. December 21, 2013


To Whom it May Concern:

I just saw the story about the Nativity Scene being directed to be taken down on Shaw Air Force Base. The base chapel is a place for personnel to exercise their religious freedom and for the longest time the chapel was a place for Christians and Jewish personnel to go and worship Christ and God. I have rubbed elbows with Jewish people and Muslims alike, in their own countries. Neither of which have any disapproval of Christ or Christians, they welcome them Christians, show them friendship, and are not bothered by Christian customs. Why are the satan worshippers or people who choose not to have a religion allowed to infringe on our religious freedoms of Christians and worshippers of God? The nativity scene was placed by personnel who work at Shaw Air Force Base, not placed there by the government, so now you have infringed on their religious freedom. It people like yourselves that cause us not to all get along. Were these people trying to shove this down someone’s throat, no they were expressing their religious freedom. Give it a break already.


(name withheld)

639. December 21, 2013 Dear Mikey,

I saw it. He had to shut up because you resorted to name calling.

You are pathetic and anti-Jesus. It will come back on to you.

If you do not want to celebrate Christmas, that is fine. Those soldiers should not get any time off who complained.

If they die in combat, good riddance.

Thank you. (name withheld)


640. December 21, 2013 Dear Mikey,

I am a disabled Marine Corps veteran that is not religious at all. Maybe you can clarify something for me? Recently read an article about your organization having a nativity scene removed at the naval base in Gitmo. If your organization feels the need to pursue displays of Nativity Scenes that depicts the birth of Jesus which is why there is a federal holiday called Christmas held on Dec 25th where all military members receive 96 hours of liberty. If this is unconstitutional then the Federal holiday itself is unconstitutional am I correct? Michael L. Weinstein answer this question for me? If that is the case then go after this federal holiday. After researching some of Michael L. Weinstein’s articles and watching his latest interview via Youtube on Fox news. I’ve come to the conclusion that Mr. Weinstein is completely out of touch with who he thinks he is supporting. You do not support the US military. Instead you are furthering your own agenda which appears to be one of a bully or someone who has nothing else to do than cause trouble when there is no trouble at all. Instead of name calling and being a complete ass of yourself sir. Why don’t you spend your time fighting for disabled vets who are mistreated through the Veterans Administration and our own government. We gave our mind or a body part to keep you free. Do us a favor and be an asset not an ass!

(name withheld)

641. December 21, 2013 Dear Mikey,

Nothing. Watched you cast your evil spell on Bill Oreilly. Whole world saw it. And now knows you for what and who you really are “Mikey”. Satan pure and simple. You are evil incarnite.

(name withheld)

642. December 22, 2013 Mr.Weinstein, I saw the interview with you and Mr.O’Reilly. I have good news for you, Jesus is the One and Only Messiah of the Jews and everyone else in the world. I am a Marine and a National Guardsman. My Grandmother who passed away was a


Israeli Jew from Poland. I read the Bible thru every year, you should too. Jesus is our ONLY Hope now and after we die. If we reject Jesus the Christ as our Saviour we will suffer eternal vengeance for our sins against God. He is the Lamb of God!!!! Please listen and call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus and be saved. Thank you.

(name withheld)

643. December 23, 2013 Dear Mikey,

Go to Israel, your true country. This country was founded by my ancestors and not yours. If you are uncomfortable with a Christian Country, Please leave. I participated in the 911 response and all that I saw was the rabbis arguing the Menorah should be higher than the Christmas tree on West end Ave. I did not observe any Jewish organizations offering their help during the crisis. However, I did observe many Christian volunteers and organizations helping out. In addition, there are very few Jewish men in our armed forces today.

As to the freedom of religion amendment. It was intended to prevent the establishment of a mandated religion similar to the Church of England. It was intended that the government not to prohibit the practice of religion in any form. This includes the display of Christmas Trees. I hereby promise that I will protest any Menorah that is placed on any publically owned land as long as your group is in existence. Once again , this country was established by Christians, who wanted a country free of religious persecution.

Menorahs are hocus pocus just like Christmas trees. The oil did not burn for 8 consecutive nights (it is tradition). Instead of being concerned of Christmas (Druid worship of nature) trees and nativity scenes; I would be concerned that because the liberals elected Obama; Iran may nuke Israel and the rest of the world. My family fought in the Revolution. I am proud to state that Nathan Hale and John Hancock are in my family tree along with many other heroes.

My wife is half-Jewish and my 4 children are Jewish by Jewish law. Her uncle (mother’s brother)was at Bataan. My mother-in-law lost family in the holocaust. She did begrudge any religion and celebrated both holidays.


One day, people will take your religious persecution to the supreme court. You are no different than the KKK burning and bombing black churches in the south.

(name withheld)

644. December 23, 2013 Dear MRFF,

Just wanted to comment on a statement that Mr. Weinstein made on the interview last night. He made the claim that eighteen individuals out of hundreds on the Guantanamo Bay installation complained about Nativity scenes on the base, and caused the displays to be moved, after pressure from your organization, and I’m sure his count was correct. However he also stated that among those eighteen individuals were Protestants and Catholics that wanted the displays taken down, and I must dispute that as I have never know a follower of Christianity to be appalled or outraged by a display of the Nativity during the Christmas season. If there were actually those that believe so strongly in the separation of church and state while at the same time profess to be practicing Catholics or Protestants then our nation and the world are in far worse shape than I can even imagine. The interview itself went downhill pretty quickly as Mr. Weinstein was more evasive on answering questions directly than White House Press Secretary Jay Carney during an Obamacare questioning session. And though I do believe that Mr. O’Reilly is rather full of himself most of the time, he did make Mr. Weinstein look rather foolish and more like a jackboot for the A.C.L.U. than a savior of the Constitution. I do not agree with what your organization does as I believe that there are enough secular watchdogs and government thugs prowling the streets, without another operation trying to remove God, Christianity, and religion from every nook and cranny of our Judeo/Christian founded nation, all in the name of tax-free donations and media exposure. I’m sure you feel that your work is good and necessary, however I am curious as to what the five-year plans are for Mr. Weinstein and company, as there are only so many Nativity scenes, Ten Commandment displays, and crosses on public or government land that you can have removed. MRFF and other operations of the same type are obsolete by design and by mission,


and hopefully will cease to exist about the same time as the secular resident that currently occupies the White House. Thank you for your time, and regards!

Sincerely, (name withheld)

645. December 23, 2013 Mr. Weinstein, You should be ashamed of yourself for advocating intolerance to Christians, and mind you, are the majority in GTMO and the USA. America is a “Republic” hence the majority rules. Our country was founded and rooted in Christian-Judeo doctrine. Read up on the history of our forefathers and you’ll see. Even modern-day presidents (JFK, Reagan, and G.W.) had strong Christian faith and believed that without Almighty God, our country would not be richly blessed. Christmas is a federal holiday. Christmas (“Christ Mass”) is celebrated to acknowledge and give thanks for God Almighty for sending his son, Jesus, as the savior of this world. The majority celebrate the birthday/ the birth of Christ on Christmas. To take away the Nativity scene or other decorations that represent Christmas, takes away from why America has a Christmas holiday.

For you and others (the minority) to press your anti-Christian agenda is wrong and promotes intolerance. For most Christians, you don’t see us telling you (the minority) to takes down your menorah; or tell a black American not to celebrate Kwanza; or tell a Muslim not to honor their celebrations of Ramadan; or tell an Atheist not to display a spaghetti monster in a public place; or tell a non-Christian not to celebrate Santa Claus, flying reindeer, or Frosty the Snowman. Christmas is open to all Americans who want to celebrate it, regardless of what’s displayed; we Christians don’t force you to worship the Nativity scene. It’s the many symbols of Christmas that is represented. It’s your choice to believe or simply to ignore. That’s tolerance and respectful to others. Tolerance can’t be a one-way street.

I’m stationed here in GTMO, and the galleys represent all facets of people who celebrate Christmas. Each galley is decorated with both a Christian theme and secular theme. Each has a Christmas tree; they did have a Nativity scene until you made a stink about it; all Christian and secular sayings are displayed in the galleys (Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Season’s Greetings) in order to be equal and open to all people of different faiths or those who don’t have a particular faith


(believe me, there are many who celebrate Christmas and aren’t Christians); and there are decorations that are both, Christian in nature and secular. Taking the Nativity down is forcing your secular beliefs on me. If secular, atheistic themes such as Santa, Frosty, Santa’s reindeer, and other secular symbols will be allowed to be displayed, then a Nativity scene should have that same acceptance to be displayed. Remember, it can’t be one-sided. If you’re going to allow one thing, then the other needs have equal opportunity.

(name withheld)

646. December 23, 2013 Hey…do me a favor and ask Mikey how he felt after Bill O’Reilly made him look like a little weasel during his appearance on The Factor? HAHAHA!!!

(name withheld)

647. December 23, 2013 Hello, my name is [name withheld] and I’m a 17 year old from South Florida. My father graduated the Air Force Academy in 1977, with Mikey. I recently watched several interviews with Mikey and some radio hosts. I just wanted to see if you could tell Mikey how much I respect him and how surprised I am that some of these radio hosts can be so inane and unintelligent. In one interview with Jesse Lee Peterson, I witnessed how wrong some people can be. Mikey was attacked and insulted for being correct about his views. I was very impressed with the way Mikey responded except I just felt way too angry, that people could get away with attacking him like that. Personally I am a Agnostic-Atheist, and I have similar religious beliefs to Mikey, and I am strongly against all of the religious fundamentalists. It pleases me to see people like Mikey and your organization fighting the religious oppression of people in the military and the entire country. I would just like you to realize the impact your organization has had on me and how proud I am that there are people like you making this country a better place. Thanks and continue the great things your doing.

648. December 24, 2013 Der MRFF,


You people need to shut up you dont like our nativity scenes our christmad lights tough shit.i personally would love to knock your teeth down your throats.stay out of our lives our religion’s. You are starting a war in which you people will get hurt badly.hope you choke and die you ignorant bastards.and those 18 military asswipes that complained better drop out .they will get theirs when we find out their names.go to hell bastards

(name withheld)

649. December 26, 2013 Dear MRFF

Just saw Mikey Weinstein on O’Reilly, good job.

I was watching because I always watch The Factor and am an O’Reilly fan. But when it comes to separation of Church and State he plays dumb. Personally as a Jew, I understand and accept that in my country, the U.S., which is nearly 80% Christian it has been and is tradition to prioritize and infuse Christianity in public life. I understand how religion is core to many people’s identity and is part of their lives and in a country a group which was the super-super majority in the founding and early development and still accounts for nearly 80% of the population naturally incorporates and wants to incorporate their religion in the national community. I understand, accept this.

What disappoints me about O’Reilly on this issue, on Christianity in America, is that he chooses, pretends, not to recognize there is a flip side. And the flip side is well known, the Separation of Church and State in our Constitution. And it is equally well-known the conflict of action versus the Constitution; the mention of God, the Creator, “In God We Trust,” “So help you God,” In our Declaration of Independence, on our money, on the wall above our Judges, in the swearing in of our President. O’Reilly has even said on his program that Christianity is not a religion, it is a philosophy. Technically if this is true, if this is true, O’Reilly would have scorned any guest or anyone he was commenting on if they applied the same wordsmithing to whatever agenda they were supporting.

I really which O’Reilly had, or rather using his own words, “wasn’t a coward,” wasn’t manipulative, and would present on his program: There are two sides to this issue, both are understandable, they are…, and I side with X because…


I understand both sides of the abortion issue, and by understand I don’t mean I am aware of, I mean I understand both sides rationale and why both sides believe their view is correct, and I don’t think either side are either mean or dumb. I think certain issues are very difficult and there is valid contrasting views, abortion is one such issue, religion is one. Even though a fan of O’Reilly and his program, I’m always disappointed how he purposely discusses this issue as a child (not a simple man, but a child) and pretends to be so innocent about the issue, and I’m a Jew, a proud Jew, who also understands the natural tendency in a country that is 80% Christian to display Christian imagery in the public square.

And unless O’Reilly was an on the ground battlefield under fire war reporter “with a pen” in four wars, his mentioning covering four wars “with a pen” in the same breath as being in the military s embarrassing. It’s right up there with Kanye West equating being an on-stage music performer is just like being a policeman.

Well done,

(name withheld)

650. December 26, 2013 Dear MRFF,

You people need to shut up you dont like our nativity scenes our christmad lights tough shit.i personally would love to knock your teeth down your throats.stay out of our lives our religion’s. You are starting a war in which you people will get hurt badly.hope you choke and die you ignorant bastards.and those 18 military asswipes that complained better drop out .they will get theirs when we find out their names.go to hell bastards

(name withheld)

651. December 27, 2013 Dear Mikey,

I understand that you guys hate GOD, and the GOD of the Bible, that you have “Historical Ignorance” on how and why our country was founded.


its sad but I Get it. I have been ignorant on many things. Jesus said. ” if the world hates you, remember they hated me first.

I Cant make you believe in GOD.

I don’t attempt to. but why can you run all over the places spending your money on hate towards Christianity? going to this base and that base having the ‘nativity scene taken down because you hate it?

BUT you never say anything about “santa claus” “halloween ” the “easter bunny” their is absolutely nothing on your web site about getting these PAGAN RELIGIOUS traditions taken out of the bases, every base I have seen has Santa visits, tree lighting, easter egg hunts, halloween parties and dress up days. and its all supported by the Government.

BUT YOU AND YOUR GROUPIES don’t say a word about it.that I have seen. NOTHING. but yet you hate christianity, and that kind of thing. so you really should call yourselves

“the freedom from CHRIST in the military Organization” LOL. if you don’t like our country then leave go to Iraq and if you don’t believe in Allah you no what happens. in the U.S. WE HAVE FREEDOM to believe in what we want even our military members. NO BODY forced You to look at the Nativity. so if it offends you, TURN YOUR HEAD and leave our country alone. If i have to turn my head when I see a fat fake “santa clause” on base because we live in a FREE country. then you and your American haters can turn your head. thank you. good day.

(name withheld)

652. December 27, 2013 You’re foundation is ridiculous, and is classified as a hate group. How dare you say you’re fighting to support religious freedom in the military when all your organization is out to do is attack christians. You are a hate group like any other hate


group regretfully in this country. You don’t fool anyone and as a soldier in the United States Army, I resent your words and take your actions as an attack on the people of the United States military. As a promise to you, I will fight you on every word and action motivated by your hate of this country and vow to aid in the downfall of this ludicrous organization.

(name withheld)

653. December 28, 2013 I was hoping you could forward this to Mike Weinstein.

Mr. Weinstein,

I am a Christian. I read your book regarding the treatment of your sons and their Jewish faith while serving in the military. I felt that Christians should have given other religions their church while they worshipped in a basement or a room instead. I sympathized with you and your sons, and I have since stood up for religious freedom in the military. But, I have to say, I cannot agree with you regarding the removal of the nativity scene. Because Christmas is a national holiday in America I felt like you overstepped your authority. I also feel you are falling down a slippery slope where you will lose supporters like myself due to your over-stretching of your hands.

Thank you for your time,

(name withheld)

654. December 29, 2013 Dear MRFF,

When the framers of the constitution wrote the constitution and the bill of rights they were advocating that there would be no government sponsored religion such was the case in england.

So when people talk about the separation of government and religion they have it all wrong. The writers of the constitution wanted the people to be able to pursue any religion they wanted and not have the government force one upon them.


We still are a democratic free country that is still predominately a Judeo-Christian country where the majority rules. You people should realize this – the majority rules – and not some wacko group such as yourselves.

One day you will all see where you are when the Muslim brotherhood takes over and you are put before the wall.

Good luck to you in the future,

(name withheld)

655. December 29, 2013 Your organization disgusts me. You are what is wrong with people in this country. You should work with the westboro baptist church they seem to be right up your alley of hate and trying to destroy others attempt to practice their own religion in peaceful ways.

(name withheld)

656. December 31, 2013 Mikey & Carol:

You may have won the galley battle but we WON THE WHOLE WAR!! The Nativity Scene may have been moved but it is currently UP AND IN PLAIN SIGHT and where MORE PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY SEE IT!! AND, I have that very picture pinned so that I can wear it on ALL of my shirts and I will wear it everyday all over the ENTIRE base!!

So, the joke is on you!! Sorry to tell you but as a GREAT LAWYER once said…”YOU CAN’T FIX STUPID”!!

Thanks for the ENTERTAINMENT!!




657. January 2, 2014 “MIKEY”, There is NO SUCH THING AS “FREEDOM FROM RELIGION.” Here in America our religious rights are protected. Our Freedom OF RELIGION is protected from Liars and deceivers like you. You intentionally mislead and knowingly lie to our service members & you should be ashamed of yourself. As soon as the American civilian world gets a whiff of your stench, game over for you pal. You are in the tiny minority of ppl that have no faith in God, and the FAITHFUL will shut you down. You have a right to your beliefs, but you shouldnt be lying and misleading everybody & you should be protecting Religious rights. They promote high- morale and good morals and values. Again, shame on you sir. Best Regards, (name withheld)

658. January 2, 2014 May our Lord and savior sweep all of you away to you rightfull places burning in hell eternal. Starting with Mickey Weinstein. Who loves the fags muslems and jews more than he loves America and its people. May the new year bring Jesus wrath upon you all. (name withheld)

659. January 13, 2014 Mr. Wienstein, Our Army Chaplain at our base bible study this morning asked us all to pray for your immortal soul. And the souls of your suffering wife and children. He said she has the MS. He has most of your alls’ family pictures from the internet and FaceBook. We passed them around. And we prayed hard on them. And for the souls of all of the Lost to our Savior Jesus Christ at the military Religious freedom foundation. The Chaplain taught that the evil you and your followers do in our ArmyMr. Wienstein is because you all have chosen to serve satan. Satan is your Lord. You all hate Christ because he blesses the Army in this fallen world. Therefore you will all burn in hell eternal unless our prayers for your salvation are answered. If we can unharden your and the MFRR’s hearts we can remove satan’s influnece in our Army. And you so deserve to burn if you reject Christ’s love. All of you. It is only through the Grace of Christ that you your famliy and all you all at the MFRR will be spard the flames of hell. You think the constitution is your idol. America was founded as a nation of Christians for Christians. We won the Revolutionary war with Christians dying and fighting in our victorious army and navy. Not the jews or the muslams buddists or athiests or homosexuals. We know your a jew but you can’t deny the


facts of history. You claim to be a lawyer but don’t even know your American history? Surrender now on your knees. To Jesus Christ and beg forgivemess Mr. Wienstein. It is The 1 and Only Answer to the holes in your alls’ hearts at the MFRR. John Chap. 14 verce 6. Refuse this free gift of His grace and hell is for you all. You will all burn. Forever and a day. Revelations Chap. 21 verce 8. Your only hope is we pray hard enough. We promise you we will do our part here. 12 Christian Army couples who enough care to try to save you all in spite of yourselves

660. January 19, 2014 Dear Mikey, I am a Christian,because of a Jew. How sad to hear that you want to destroy my faith..that gotten me through many trials and gives me hope. When you are dying, where will you go…Your efforts and name will be forgotten…all that you have accomplished will rust and be destroyed, All you have written Will be forgotten. It is bitterness in your heart. Too will eat you up. One bad experience has brought you the hole in your soul. I live so close to you in Abq, maybe i will visit to meet you in person. Just because….I am sorry somebody tried to shove something down your throat.your life changed. (name withheld) Best wishes,for I know you will not accept my prayer for you.

661. January 28, 2014 Hey Kikey Whinersteen. It figures you’d go on a TV show hosted by filthy stinking muslem arabs like Cenk Uyger (notice stupid non-American name). You and him fooled no true Americans. None.

He sucked your perverted curcumsized dick real good for you on TV. Didn’t he Kikey? The only things uglier than your and Cenks faces are your skank wives. You and Cenk must be pitiful hard up. 2 uglier women then your squaws there are not. What you expect of she-kikes and she camel-jockeys?

Oh and Nice try crucifying our savior Jesus Christ again and again on the A-rab’s TV show. It’s all a hellbound hebe like you would know anyway. Can’t you get it threw your jew head that America’s armed forces are designed to be of The Christ and for The Christ. And only The Christ? The military’s Mission is to kill the rag heads. Convert the jewboys and jewgirls or kill them too. Liquidate the fags and queers. And terminate the abortionists and socialists. Nuke em all. Your days are numbered Kikey Whinersteen. Too bad you were born too late for the crematory camps.


Christ returns soon. His kingdom come Thy will be done. America’s armed forces are Christ’s right hand.

Stop your jew war on Jesus The Christ in the military now. you will not be warned again.

We pray for your long and painful children’s deaths. They are drench in the blood of your sins. Suffer as you make Christ Jesus suffer you fucking kike.

On your knees to The Christ NOW!

Do it, Kikey! Heil Hitler!

(name withheld)

662. January 30, 2014 Ya’ll are horrible this nation was founded on God, and now that people have “feelings” everything has to change this world is going down. If you have stupid feelings you don’t need to be in the military or go to war.

(name withheld)

663. February 4, 2014 I am a combat Marine F4 Pilot- 110 missions out of Chu Lai- mostly CAS- considerable action at close range. I am also an enrolled Sioux Indian from So Dakota. Your over zealous Christians really did a number on us. First you Ban our Religion (Spirituality actually- We base our beliefs on what Benevolent Creator makes- Nature- you believe in what Man states) I know quite a bit about your beliefs as every missionary has tried to convert us. You lobbied Congress to also build a Canton SD Federally staffed All Indian Insane Asylum for mostly our innocent Medicine Men and women almost 200 graves to prove it.. Cunning way to wipe out differing beliefs. You are horribly unconstitutional if you happen to believe in such. You set up Boarding schools to brain wash our Indian youth and consequently you provided a pitiful academic education because your focus was on Jessusss, Jesus. I have 12 brothers and sisters and none were capable of entering college. I was spared from such criminal atrocity and have a J D. I doubt if they would have ever been qualified to fly a F-4 Phantom the premier fighter attack weapon in Vietnam. You also pedophiled our youth and recently your xtian legislators set back the Statue of Limitations to prevent the innocent victims from receiving just monetary compensation. Governor Glenn Rounds, SD, decision after being lobbied by Catholic Bishops. He now is running for Senate. In the military, combat in Vietnam, none of us went to your church services, none of us were promoted or demoted because of our religious beliefs. Now, I understand the military is rife with religious Nut


commanders who judge a man on whether he goes to church or not. Such, is causing Innocent servicemen to throw their hands up and quit the military costing untold millions in training loss also making my combat machine deficient and dangerous to fly because of some ill brained Jesus nut putting my electronics together or my ejection seat. Basically, we need you squirrels out of manipulating our military. With the atomic weaponry that we have, only two of you nuts are needed to fulfill Pat Robertsons (The Extreme Nut) hoped for prediction- “A valley shall run with blood,’ and punch off an atomic conflagration. Fanaticism is extremely dangerous- that is one issue the MRFF is focused upon- Thank Creator- if there is one< Ed McGaa, Eagle Man, Oglala Sioux. Please note- I am a truthful, proud warrior. When I issue a statement I have the balls to state my name and post correct e-mail unlike 90% of you gutless untruthful, feeble minded, sheep creeps who blast and run anonymously at MRFF. In the Indian’s mind they are Untruthful and will pay dearly in the Spirit World that awaits. Creator is All truth and All Knowledge in our Sioux beliefs and our Track Record for Truth widely surpasses your pitiful record that cannot qualify for the word – Track Record. Talk about being Doomed- You pitifuls are IT. Damn- I forgot to bring up what your Christian country did to the Jews- WW II. Oh well- Maybe another time.

664. February 5, 2014 Michael Weinstein, You, sir, and your repulsive family are the most disgraceful plague ever to be visited upon our beloved Air Force Academy. What you and your so-called “Military Freedom FROM Religious Foundation” have done to destroy the Academy’s good name can only be described as evil incarnate. You are so despised in the Academy graduate community. How does that make you feel? And no little forgetable speech by the Academy Dean will ever change what you are. You are an isolated outcast forever among your fellow graduates.. Know how much you are hated Michael Weinstein. Know how much your fellow USAFA graduates will rejoice when you eventually croak. You will go straight to hell for your deliberate crimes of rebellion against America, its special Christian heritage of anointment and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We can’t wait to piss on your grave, Weinstein. Fast, Neat, Average, Friendly, Dead, Dead. signed, many graduates of the United States Air Force Academy Proud to be Christians Proud to be Americans

665. February 11, 2014 Dear sir and associates. I am an American who believe as the vast majority of our founding fathers did as did 99.9 percent of those who came to these shores to be able to worship GOD almighty in the particular (Christian) denomination of their


choice. You obviously possess what is considered to be above average intelligence so I can only believe that you either choose to ignore the original intent of the signers of our sacred constitution , are an historical revisionist and basically a liar, are just ignorant of American history or would say well, that was then and this is now etc. in any case, up until 1949 when a certain Supreme Court justice who regretfully first uttered your mantra in the context which you have chosen to adopt, this country was regarded as a Christian nation as evidenced by the policies ,many quotations, enacting days of prayer and supplication, support of evangelism to indians by printing bibles for them , $300.00 to build a church for the and to pay for a mssionary to them all paid for by tax payers money of all of the first group of presidents of the United States. The two least “religious” of the founding fathers would be considered on the extreme religious right today being Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson who was the advocate for the tax paid support for the evangelization of the above referenced Indians. As you I am very sure are aware, Jefferson in reply to the Danbury baptist letter to him regarding their concern that they might be forced to switch to some national denomination of Christianity assured them that they would not because of the “wall of separation “of church and state would not allow this to happen. It was always assumed that this country was and always would be Christian and our very purpose was evangelization. All soldiers in washing tons army were require to take sacred oaths and expected to be Christian soldiers. John Adams stated that ” our constitution was made only for a religious and moral people and is wholly inadequate for the governance of any other ” which was echoed by Washington and James Madison . The founding of this country was basically a big church re location period. In the 1890s the Supreme Court declared after much research and deliberation, this is a Christian nation”. I could go on and on but I will just say that since you declare as I understand your self to be Jewish, I am sure you understand the implications of forgetting GOD nationally and the ramifications as demonstrated several times in Jewish history which culminated in destruction, capture, slavery and genocide. Your actions sir if you are successful, would serve to bring the same curse on our armys and our land. We have already surpassed sodom and Gomorrah for evil and I believe GOD is only allowing us to continue to exist because of his remnant who are still in the land. I will pray that you like Paul will have a Damascus road experience and will have a great revelation of truth before it is too late. GOD has made you for a righteous purpose and given you awesome talents. Please stop serving the enemy , be born again , pray to be filled with the Holy Spirit and anointed to fulfill your Devine purpose in the name of Jesus Yeshua HaAmashiach. Amen. It is appointed for man once to die and after this, the judgement.

(name withheld)

666. February 17, 2014 Michael Weinstein, From this day onward you have been officially expelled from our Air Force Academy Class of 1977. As far as we’re concerned you simply do not exist. None of us will


communicate with you ever again. None of us will acknowledge your presence at any future Academy reunions or any other Academy events. Nor any other gatherings. Should you ever need help of any kind you will not receive any from your former classmates. You are unwelcome. You are a ghost and will be treated forever as such. Your continued baseless assault against our Christian faith at the Air Force Academy, the Air Force and the rest of DoD grows both worrisome and tiresome. You are a pariah to all of your now former classmates. You are a danger to our country. You are a disgrace to all who follow the both the Cross and the American flag defending it. We, your former classmates, want nothing to ever do with you again. We will be requesting the Assn. of Graduates to strike your name forever from its membership roles. While we may not speak for our whole class, we are many if not most of your former classmates. When we gather with other grads and they find out which class we’re in it’s always the same thing. They want to know why we as your classmates can’t rein you in from your vicious attacks on the Son of God? We are collectively blamed for your crimes against Christ. But no more. You have reaped what you have sown. We had warned you to stop but you ignored us all. We tell them that we have tried but you’re unwilling to stop your baseless crusade. You are more than an embarrassment to our Class of ’77. You have become a true threat to our entire alma mater our military and our country. All of our classmates (except at most four or maybe five) despise you and your raging against the freedom to merely share the love our Lord and Savior as we desire to do. Why do you do this Michael Weinstein? Is it because you and your children could not handle it? Being merely exposed lovingly to the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the Academy? By deception you converted your daughter-in-law away from The Word and tore her from her father. Nothing your sons have ever claimed has been verified. Nor has anything you have ever claimed nor anything your so-called clients have ever claimed. You wage an unjust war against those of Christ who have never done the slightest offense against you, your family or anyone else. You defile Christ where He can and must provide His Grace to the Academy and the Air Force and all who wear the uniform. When you die, Michael Weinstein, none of us will attend your funeral. We will encourage others to boycott as well. Instead we will rejoice and celebrate. We know where your eternal soul will rightfully reside. You have earned Christ’s righteous sentence to burn in the pits of hell forever. With disrespect and dishonor intended, The Majority of Your Former Classmates; USAFA Class of 1977

667. February 17, 2014 Hello I couldn’t find an email address to Mr. Weinstein so I chose this email to send a letter to him.


As a Christian and veteran I find it sad that a person can personally attack a military Chaplain (Chaplain Charles Popov) while he does his job overseas serving the men he is assigned to. To me, Weinstein has taken the one freedom that he served to protect and is trying to use it against the spreading of the Gospel. If all other religions are allowed to practice their faith in the military why would Weinstein objects to a military chaplain doing his job for the men and women he serves with. The accusations that are spelled out in an article he wrote are his personal beliefs. He was not with these missionaries and the Chaplain Popov while they served in Combat in Iraq yet he is accusing these men of doing things he feels are wrong. Mr. Weinstein, I for one know Chaplain Popov as a friend and you for sure are way off base on your opinion. I would suggest that give back all of your military earnings reimburse the academy for your education and find a country that will not let you spout off about religious freedoms and the military. May Iraq would be a great place to move to. Reading your article has explained to me that why our US Air Force Academy in Colorado has made some of the changes they made in the last few years in regards to honoring our God the Father creator of Earth. Lastly, I have always wondered that if you crybaby’s got your way what would you whine about then. Answer me that Mr. Weinstein. “May We All Earn Wilderness” (name withheld) “Kodiak”

668. March 3, 2014 Bekki,

Please let your boss, Michael Weinstein, know, if you try to steal someone’s religious liberty, you will pay a price. You will stand before your Creator one day and believe me, you won’t be speaking out, you’ll be listening and bowing down. And you’ll answer for all your deeds against the faith. Think about it.

(name withheld)

669. March 10, 2014 Mickey Weinstein, Jews like you always have to try to crucify those Christians who walk closest with the Lord Jesus Christ. Like our American hero General Boykin. That is why we have the name kike for traitor coniving Jews like you. You are clever deceivers. You are liars. You all were born that way. Born to tear down and exploit. Born to serve satan your father. Born to worship 30 pieces of silver. Its what you do mickey. The jews are the worst of all creatures on Christ’s earth. You jew Mickey are the worst jew of them all. you are beyond redemption.


The more you and your father satan attack Jesus and those who walk with Him like General Boykin the stronger We of Christ become. America belongs to our savior Jesus Christ. So does our military. The U.S. military is His right arm of Power. His alone. General Boykin is a hero to both. He speaks the Truth the Life and the Way. You are nothing mickey. Just a dead man walking to hell. Walking to hell with the rest of your kike filth. The evil blood in your veins is the blood of betrayers. Same for your wife. Same for your children and same for your followers from the darkness. You attack General Boykin and you attack Jesus Christ and His America. The consequences of defiance to Christ is hell eternal. kike Mickey Weinstein and the MFRR. Dead man walking to hell.

(name withheld)

670. March 12, 2014 Dear MRFF,

How dare you people make up a bullshit foundation to ridicule conservatives. At some point, all of you liberal douche bags have to sit and laugh at how stupid you really are. It is beyond hilarious that people like you enjoy this kind of thing. Why should he be punished? His rights have no been violated. Maybe I will start a foundation to counter your foundation and so on and so forth.

It is disturbing that now it is all fine to suck dick and lick crotch in the military and everyone has to be fine with it, but heaven forbid a service member expresses their religion by their constitutional right but some how it violates some pack of wild cry babies freedom. In 2016 your organization and others will undoubtedly be wiped from being a constant thorn in the happy existence of humans everywhere. I was ridiculed for being a straight white male from a religious family with money and never ran to the prinicipal when i was picked on or offended. Eventually the world will be normal again and it will not be a crime to be straight, love god and express it freely without persecution from the likes of you and other bleeding hearts who seek to control this country like hitler did. America was founded on god and you would all be well to remember that rather than try to rid it from our history and bow to the muslim heretic in the white house.

(name withheld)

671. March 12, 2014 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Stay away from my Christianity with your vulgar presence.

(name withheld)


672. March 12, 2014 Good Morning, Maybe the religious people should get together and sue you for hatemongering and intolerance. Am I a Christian? No… Actually I am a Buddhist. I do find it rather amusing that you preach tolerance and inclusiveness while demanding the exclusion of those you do not agree with.

I do find it offensive that you preach peace and coexistence which are tenants of my philosophical beliefs and views. But let’s be honest about it. Tolerance in your definition of the word is only when it aligns with your world view and personal doctrine. If it does not, it cannot be allowed to be seen, heard or read.

You can call this hate speech, as I am sure you will. (My opinion and beliefs do not fit your world view) but at least be honest with yourself, your readers already know it. The segregation being conducted is by you and organizations like you. You do not want to see views other than your own posted anywhere.

I hope you have a great day

(name withheld)

673. March 12, 2014 Dear Mikey,

Your web site is disgraceful to the United States of America and Jesus Christ – who by the way is the only way to get to heaven. (Just so you know “Mikey”)

This is the end times and lines are beginning to be drawn. Woe to you who stands in the way of salvation.

If you read American history, you would know that this country is based on Judeo- Christianity. Nothing else. We don’t need Muslims fighting in our military – do you remember Fort Hood?

Get it together, Mikey. I hope you have a revelation to see what you’re doing is wrong the next time you want to wipe away Truth from a whiteboard.

(name withheld)

674. March 12, 2014


First of all, what adult is named Mikey? Pretty funny. Anyhow, I think “Mikey” needs do dust of his history books a bit and delve into our nation’s past. Founded on Christian principles, one nation under God. You guys can believe what you want…free country. But don’t demonize those who follow the founding father principles. By the way, I’ll bet if that student had a phrase from the prophet Muhammad on the door you wouldn’t touch it with a 10′ pole.

(name withheld)

675. March 12, 2014 Dear MRFF,

So, Mikey Weinstein says that an Air Force cadet must remove a Bible scripture from his whiteboard. Who died and made Mr. Weinstein judge and jury? Mr. Weinstein can rant and rave all he wants. But let him get this through his thick skull: The Word of God has absolute authority, and in the end, it doesn’t matter what Weinstein’s opinion is.

You can take this to the bank: Unless Weinstein repents of his evil ways, this is what will eventually happen. On the day of judgment, one of God’s angels will drag Mr. Weinstein–while he is screaming in absolute terror–to a place where he definitely does not want to go. It is a place of absolute darkness, where God is absent and Satan has absolute domain. It is a place where Weinstein will live in eternity, and where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. At that point, Weinstein will believe in God, but it will be too late for him.

(name withheld)

676. March 12, 2014 Dear Mikey,

Learn to read. You have freedom of religion not freedom from religion. A note on a cadet’s door is in no way breaking any rules or laws. This organization is just ignorant. Get a life and worry about yourself and stop worrying about other people’s business.

(name withheld)

677. March 12, 2014 Disagree with everything you stand for. You are a charlatan and an sad man. (name withheld)



March 13, 2014 So, Mikey Weinstein says that an Air Force cadet must remove a Bible scripture from his whiteboard. Who died and made Mr. Weinstein judge and jury? Mr. Weinstein can rant and rave all he wants. But let him get this through his thick skull: The Word of God has absolute authority, and in the end, it doesn’t matter what Weinstein’s opinion is.

You can take this to the bank: Unless Weinstein repents of his evil ways, this is what will eventually happen. On the day of judgment, one of God’s angels will drag Mr. Weinstein–while he is screaming in absolute terror–to a place where he definitely does not want to go. It is a place of absolute darkness, where God is absent and Satan has absolute domain. It is a place where Weinstein will live in eternity, and where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. At that point, Weinstein will believe in God, but it will be too late for him.

(name withheld)

679. March 13, 2014 Dear Mikey,

Please change your name to the far more accurate, “Military Freedom From Religion Foundation.” You, Mikey are a jerk. You’re likely one of those ignoramuses that believe that Separation of Church and State is in the Bill of Rights. It isn’t, the phrase appeared in a private letter from Thomas Jefferson and has been taken wholly out of context. Like it or not, Bud, we are a Christian Nation, always have been, always will be despite the likes of you. Get your heathen attitudes out of my military. BTW I did two tours in Vietnam. Were you even in the military? I doubt it. You’re just another liberal asshole.

(name withheld)

680. March 13, 2014 Mikey, The heart is desperately wicked and deceitful above all things Jesus loves you,me and all

(name withheld)

681. March 13, 2014 Dear Mikey,


You are nothing but a hate group. Why don’t you try to help people especially at a time when Obama is cutting military benefits. Are you another form of the KBG like in the old soviet union?

(names withheld)

682. March 13, 2014

Dear Mr Weinstein: Your recent attack on one of our country’s aspiring Air Force officers is out of line and sorely misguided. The First Amendment said “Congress shall make no law….” – not that “citizens should not be allowed to peacefully express their beliefs.” No sir – your zealous attempt to silence those who would faithfully and dutifully uphold our Constitution because of their personal and spiritual convictions just goes to show where your allegiance lies. You, sir, are a self-loathing, self-righteous un- Constitutionalist who wouldn’t know the Bill of Rights from The Communist Manifesto. Why don’t you take your left-wing, censoring, cowardly hind end to some island where Piers Morgan and Rachel Maddow and Keith Olberman and the like will surely provide you good company. God have mercy on you and may God bless you in spite of your ignorance and useless driveling. P.S. I’m sure this email brings you great pleasure, since this is another patriotic American you have thoroughly pissed off.

Sincerely, (name withheld)

683. March 13, 2014 Dear MRFF,

I will pray to Jesus for Mikey and all of you who look to persecute Christians.

Many blessings, (name withheld)

684. March 13, 2014 Dear Mikey,

Nice title of your organization to hide your true anti-religious mission. Your bio describes your military experience. I wonder what the first general of our country, the first president of our country, the man who led the daring charge across the Deleware would say about your organization. He might have a comment right after he got up off his knees after praying to God. The same God that people like you are


trying to push out of our country. I look around and wonder how that is working for us. I can say with great confidence that one day we will look back at guys like you and realize that you had great impact on the demise of this great country. Now you can put this in the “hate mail” bucket. People who respectfully disagree with you are haters. Interesting way to approach things.

(name withheld)

685. March 14, 2014 Dear MRFF,

I cannot believe that your org. would go after a young cadet over his posting of a bible verse and after it being taken down your representative wanting him to be punished. I have always been sympathetic toward your faith and the persecution of your people. I just cannot believe what I just read and what your rep. said. This in no way was an attack on your faith and the hate that generates from your org. actions puts a new light on your faith. I hope this is just one person speaking and that your org. is not this full of hate toward others.

(name withheld)

686. March 14, 2014 Dear with Sympathy, as far as my thinking apparatus goes, it is working well. I am an educated man with many years of school, life, and work experience under my belt. 1.Kudos to you for standing up to Freedom of religion, but I feel you all stand more for the “Freedom From Religion”. His fit throwing was his turning over the information to the air force academy. There was NO ONE forcing them into Christianity nor proselytizing to them. It was the individual cadets way to give himself motivation, do not take that away from him. This is exactly what your group has managed to do. 2. The Academies’ leadership has never had a problem with this kind of behavior in the past and I’m sure they will not in the future. It is kind of like a kid, the adult catches them doing something, the kid will stop for a little bit, but they will go back to doing what they have been doing. Your group brought it to light, the air force corrected, you go away, life goes back to normal, believe me it is already happening. On the Air Force Academies grounds they have many faiths represented there and have services that are directed to each faith. I have been there I have personally seen it. I have family that attends the air force academy currently and believe me, outside forces messing with the academy is not a good thing. You all are making the cadets scared to say anything that may be judged impartial, unfair, bigoted, racist , sexist, or religious. With the way things are going you will see a massive dropout there since this is the only academy that is bowing down to status quo and popular


culture. 3.One thing that I will tell you that you are completely wrong about is that outside of what you believe I believe that everyone has right to worship and believe how ever they want to. If it helps a young man or woman to stay motivated then have at it. They are by no means saying hey worship Buddha or Mohammed or anything else, it is for them PERSONALLY!!! 4. I find it interesting that only the Christian religion is becoming more of a threat these days to hate mongers such as this group that you are representing. Never do I find in the news, “air force cadet forced to remove Koran writing from their white board” nor will I ever. Your group exemplifies the very thing that is wrong with this country, You will tear down the very fabric that has kept this country together, that fabric is faith. To the unbeliever in anything I pity. What is there to look forward to in this life? What is there to be happy about? I am going to live a fruitless, non- meaning existence and give everybody hell while i’m here? I really feel that this kind of existence is dangerous. You live by no code, no morals, and you will answer yes I do, then in turn I will say where did your moral foundation come from? What code do you live by? Thank God (with a Capital “G”) That the Marines are not turning into what our popular culture wants them to be. Ooo rah God, Corp, Country, Semper Fidelis. Enjoy your fruitless life and your non eternal existence, personally I do not care if you think I am narrow minded or not. If people are too chicken to stand up for themselves at an air force academy how in the hell are they going to stand up to the enemy on the battlefield. Oh wait enemy you hurt my feelings I am going to call Weinstein and he is going to tell on you and make you stop. you people make me sick. Sincerely, MSgt. I don’t give a damn. BY THE WAY YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW NOTHING ABOUT CHRISITIANITY!!!! YOU ARE SUCH A DOUCHE!!!!!!!!!! (name withheld)


688. March 14, 2014 Dear MRFF, Please change your name to the far more accurate, “Military Freedom From Religion Foundation.” You, Mikey are a jerk. You’re likely one of those ignoramuses that believe that Separation of Church and State is in the Bill of Rights. It isn’t, the phrase appeared in a private letter from Thomas Jefferson and has been taken wholly out of context. Like it or not, Bud, we are a Christian Nation, always have been, always will be despite the likes of you. Get your heathen attitudes out of my military. BTW I did two tours in Vietnam. Were you even in the military? I doubt it. You’re just another liberal asshole. (name withheld)


689. March 15, 2014 Dear Mikey

Your organization is a collection of bigoted misfits that is more to be pitied than scorned.

(name withheld)

690. March16, 2014 Dear Mikey Get a life my friend! (name withheld)

691. March 16, 2014 Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, After viewing your website, I was beyond appalled. You have taken it upon yourself to launch a self-promoting religious war upon the United States’ armed forces. There is no public mandate for this action. The vocal extreme minority has unfortunately dominated the discussion, and the powers of “political correctness” have rendered this minority untouchable. When I go to sleep at night I can rest assured that I have served my brothers and sisters in arms to the fullest of my abilities. What has your organization done? I can tell you: nothing positive. At the very best your actions will result in a weaker military and one bound by the same “witch-hunt” tactics so prevalent in the Air Force Academy. Let me remind you of something, the founding fathers established this as a fundamentally Christian nation. However godless we may become as a society, we cannot ignore the fact that we are One nation under god according to them. All discussion of the constitution must be framed with this in mind. We do not discriminate in this regard, and have programs in place to actively prevent discrimination from happening. Writing one’s religious beliefs on an erasable whiteboard lies well within constitutional freedoms, and your subsequent character attack on an honorable cadet involves nothing more than a character assassination by a band of gutless cowards bent on a shallow political aim. I realize that this fringe group was not worthy of this response, but I could not view such a ridiculous article without some degree of vocal response. Enjoy your 15 minute of fame and I pray to god that I will never be required to fight alongside scum like you. (name withheld)

692. March 16, 2014 “Mikey “Whiney” Whinestein, Your stupid ass was owned on the Matt Patrick Show. You thought you could bully him and he gut punched you like the little punk ass LibTARD you are.


You are the true definition of The Pussifucation of America and part of the reason why this once great country is being played by Russia and Putin, while our POTUS stands around with his hands in his pockets. You need to have your American citizenship and man card revoked. Regards, Concerned American”

693. March 18, 2014 Hey Mike stop being a woman and picking on cadets. Get a life grampa.

(name withheld)

694. March 19, 2014 Mikey,’ Wow – what sensationalism you’ve displayed! Don’t you think that that’s a little extreme!? “It clearly elevated one religious faith [fundamentalist Christianity] over all others at an already virulently hyper-fundamentalist Christian institution,” he said. “It massively poured fundamentalist Christian gasoline on an already raging out-of- control conflagration of fundamentalist Christian tyranny, exceptionalism and supremacy at USAFA.” Source: academy-god-word-vs-pentagon-word/?intcmp=latestnews It sickens me ever time I read about anti-Christian groups such as yours attacking Christian believers. How did this cadet pour fundamentalist Christian gasoline on anything? The way I see it, this is simply a case of one individual writing a verse that means something to him in a place that he was entitled to write personal things. There was no proselytization. No threat to anyone. Just hyper-sensitivity to any and all things ‘Christian.’ Would we read about your anti-Christian organization attacking a Muslim cadet for posting a verse from the Koran on his white board? Or a Buddhist cadet for posting the ‘great quotes of Buddha’ on his white board? I think not. Regretfully, (name withheld) Class of ’95

695. March 19, 2014 Dear Mr Weinstein, You are not for religious freedom but rather religious suppression and your real agenda of hate, intolerance and destruction of the individual right of conscience is being cloaked behind the otherwise noble words you wrap yourself with which you have usurped from our constitution. Also, your own further bias is evidenced by the fact that the letters you post, purportedly from your detractors, portray them all to have been written by semi


literate, ignorant and rabidly hateful or intolerant individuals and those messages are not coming from true Christians of the faith, the vast majority of whom are decent loving people who do not express themselves in such a manner. In fact in all my 62 years I have never even heard anyone speak or write like that at any of the numerous churches I have attended either here or abroad and if they had I am sure the rest of the parishioners would have asked them to leave. Moreover, an instruction in or upraising in the faith does produce the sort of low life, mental rubbish by-product you have posted from your detractors. Simply stated, those truly educated in Christ’s teachings and blessed with the knowledge of God do not express themselves in such a manner. You are in fact confusing educated faith and practiced Christianity with ignorance and bigotry which the latter has no place in the all inclusive, healing and loving faith of Christ. Thus, by your employment of the written examples of ignorance and evil which you post, all examples of a negative spiritual condition not even related to any level of Christian teaching or state of grace, you are appearing to be little more than an intellectually dishonest propagandist hiding behind some ulterior agenda. Your disingenuous MOs appears to be the use of real cases of ignorance and bigotry to justify your own agenda of religious persecution. When a person writes a letter like some of the ones you claim to have received they are not being written people who have been instructed in or are practicing the Christian faith. Agreeably not all gentiles are saintly nor Christian but true practicing Christians do not behave in the manner you are portraying and so you are wrong to blame purely prurient behavior upon the teachings of Christ and in fact no where does the gospel teach or countenance such things. Conversely, Christ’s gospel is a teaching of love, charity, healing and forgiveness and no where in the book can you point to otherwise and it is also all inclusive. Moreover, the mail from your supporters all appears to have been written by the same person or group of people, which is suspect in its own right. I have analyzed the style and it is all similar with the writing samples being portrayed as originating from well spoken and literate individuals who all claim to have suffered abuse or discrimination of some form while in the military. Thus, the impression being conveyed by your organization is that these intelligent and nice people are being victimized and abused by nasty, prejudiced and ignorant ones which you then via some leap of imagination attempt to equate to the practicing Christians as being the cause of all their misfortunate experiences. Some of the accounts you post actually remind me of the sort of fantasy fables produced by self inflicting personalities such as that young black girl who claimed she was raped by white police officers…or the Jewish man who was found to have painted swastikas on his own house while concocting tales of persecution or the wife of a mixed race couple who repeatedly painted the words “nigger lover” on her own home at night in order to cause a media stir and generated some kind of publicity or sympathy–until a police stake out caught her in the act one time. Unfortunately, some of what you claim has or does in fact take place to varying degrees in all countries on Earth and for all sorts of reasons but blaming people who study or quote the Christian scriptures probably ranks lowest of all the causes of human rights abuse.


We are not living in the dark ages anymore and this is not Tsarist Russia either which seems to be where your own personal point of reference of what constitutes Christianity is seems to be rooted. Your further contention that bigotry and abuse in the US Military can only be blamed upon Christianity and those who profess it is an absurd libel on your part and it is sad to observe a Jewish man such as yourself, whose ancestors probably did suffer real persecution in old Europe, now becoming the persecutor himself. Indeed bigotry and intolerance does exist but it is not being caused by those who study the scriptures and then attempt to live by those tenets. Thus, when you trample the faith of others or attempt to equate it as the cause of some of your ugly examples of bias and bigotry, you are really pointing the finger at the wrong set of people. I have also observed this same type of non-sequitur thought process which you employ at work before when I was in the former Soviet Union where I spent some time many years ago. That was also a place where those who practiced any religious faith were portrayed in a negative manner, were persecuted, scorned, libeled and even sent to the gulag as a part of a state policy via use of the same denigrating and persecutory techniques which you currently practice. Actually, it is your techniques and actions to suppress free religious expressions which, if anything, are possibly generating anger and hatred towards Jews in certain fringe quarters, since you are the one who is being perceived as the persecutor. Moreover, instead of working with Christian groups and invoking their own tenets to love one another and to stand up against bigotry and intolerance you are instead alienating them by blaming them for the causes of such. In other words instead of developing allies in your cause against intolerance what you are doing instead is both polarizing and non constructive and is only generating bad will and causing or giving fringe elements the ammunition to claim that it is Jews who the ones who are really intolerant and spiteful towards other faiths. Also unfortunately, because of the situation with the displaced Palestinians around Israel Muslims already feel that way about Jews and you already have 1/3 of the world mad at Jews. The majority of Christians in this country however have long been supporters of Israel and tolerant of Jews and the Jewish faith and but what you are doing by suppressing innocent manifestations of faith, such as a verse written on a personal chalk board, could rapidly cause all of that to change. That would be a real tragedy and will only serve to create resentment towards the perceived source of the bigotry and persecution…you personally and your co-religionists in general. I do not understand your motivations but, perhaps like the man who painted swastikas on his own house, that is what you want to happen so you can further justify your own acts of persecution and intolerance??? To get over your Christiano-phobia, I suggest that you attend a Catholic or Protestant service or sit in to observe a youth bible study session, you will be welcomed to attend, and you will find all manner of elevated notions being taught: love, tolerance, forgiveness, charity, humility,protection of the weak, healing and the consoling of the emotionally injured as being paths to know God , etc, etc..and not hatred of Jews or gays, etc..and thus you might go away feeling refreshed and inspired but certainly not in fear for your life of the people who study and live for


Christianity. Hopefully you will understand that those are not the sources of the intolerance and hate you otherwise claim to seek to remedy. Finally besides creating bad will where non existed before and giving fodder and excuses to un-Christian haters to keep hating, you should otherwise understand the contextual historic futility of what you are doing, anyway. Christianity is here to stay, has suffered every form of persecution every where and has survived and always become even stronger. Even 70 years of absolute state power backed up by mass murder and banishment and total state control over education and information by the communists could not destroy it in Russia and you will never have such powers as those at your disposal to do what you are trying to do here. Also, long after you and your organization have turned to dust…even a thousand years in the future…Christianity as the light of the world, professing universal truths of love and a positive form of personal conduct and representing the best hope for all of humanity will still be taught and practiced by even more people than now. Thus, no matter how many irritating little pin pricks people like you attempt to employ to try to defame it, suppress it and stop it, people will always seek out the positive and uplifting while you are merely a negative offering nothing better in turn. So, in the market place of free ideals and thoughts…and human nature being what it is, those concepts which inspire and uplift the individual soul will triumph and those who seek to limit or destroy it always loose and that is the way it has always been. Now go in peace and stop your persecutions and threats to disrupt the freedoms of the individuals of this nation or you may indeed awake a monster beyond the one you merely imagine exists. Sincerely, (name withheld) PS. I doubt if you will post my letter…since it will not support your case.

696. March 21, 2014 To Whomever,

Please remove “Military” from the name of your organization. As a devout Christian and service member, you do not represent me and never will. I am appalled by your use of the title “Military” in the name of your organization as it implies you have some association with it, an obvious falsehood.

As your organization and your clients are so easily offended by the smallest expression of religious freedom in this country (like posting a simple Bible verse on a whiteboard designated for PERSONAL USE, something so offensive I am amazed that anyone was able to keep their previously eaten food in their sensitive bodies), I would like to express just how overwhelmingly offended I am by your use of the word “Military” in the name of this “Foundation”.

However, the feelings and desires for freedom expressed by a Christian service member (who would protect you the same as any other service member) are to be


suppressed at all costs and are not remotely as important as those of another person. Because lets be honest here…this “Foundation” really isn’t about religious freedom at all is it? It is about religious suppression.


Your Loyal Follower of Christ Your Loyal Service Member A Person Who Would Die to Protect You and Your Family

697. March 21, 2014 Hi all, (Shalom) If you are the one who found the scripture on the person’s door at the Academy, then you are in deep trouble with Elohim Himself. If not, then forgive me. If you are, then read this verse. Psa 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer. Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight (Those Christians should be fired and hanged, slaughtered, and killed. The people above them should be punished as well), Note: You probably said it more tactful then I just did in the ( ). But in your heart and mind, you may have been thinking this. If not forgive me again. O Adonai (Lord, Y (hands) H (behold, reveal)V (nails)H, AT (Head of the Cross), Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Messianic King who arrives in 2015 and 2017) Aleph (head, first, beginning), Tav (Cross, end, last). AT is mentioned in the Torah 600 times and totally in the Tanakh 2000 times. You call yourself a Jew but you have an hatred to God of Creation, the Universe and the World. Since you take your hatred out against Christians, then you are taking your hatred out against ELOHIM HIMSELF. Unlike you who worship no G-d, at least the Christians worship the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Let every knee bow unto Elohim. Forgive me if I offended you on this phrase “Unlike you who worship no G-d”. O Adonai my strength, and my redeemer. The Messianic King is their redeemer as well is yours. The difference between them and you is that they found Him and reached out to Him before you ever will because you are in rebellion to ELOHIM HIMSELF. Note: If you are not in rebellion to EL then forgive me again. Your fight is not against the Christians but against ELOHIM HIMSELF. The Lawsuit against the Christian should actually be a Lawsuit against ELOHIM HIMSELF and not against followers of the Messianic King who will be your brothers and sisters in the Messianic Kingdom in 2017. Everytime you kill a Christian/Messianic/ Messianic Jew for their belief in the Messiah (Mashiach) then you kill ELOHIM HIMSELF.


I am no attorney like you are, but I believe in the Torah (Elohim’s Biblical Instructions) just as much as the Attorneys who are representing the Christian. They also are on Elohim’s team. If not all of them are, most of them are Jews. Jay Sekulow is a Jew. Remember this: You are fighting against your own brother. Every person in this world since 30 AD or possibly all the way back to creation (I don’t know this for sure), will be judged by fire from the Messianic King Himself for every thought, word, and action since the age of five (I think, but I am not quite sure about the start age time). Since Elohim is Holy and you are not nor am I as well as all beings on this earth, only purified beings (purified by fire by God’s Biblical Instructions) will be accepted into the Messianic Kingdom. These are those who have been redeemed by the Messianic King (Jesus Christ, Yeshua (my salvation)) by accepting Him into their heart and are totally following the Torah including the Kosher Dietary Laws which most if not all Christians do not do. Those who say they are Christians and have not really been circumcised in the heart will be surprised when they find out that they will not be the wife of Yehoshua on their wedding day in 2017. Those who follow all other religions of the world will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity. All Jews who do not accept the Mashiach will also burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity. If you bet on percentages, 90-95 percent of humanity will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity. Are you going to be one of these or do you want to be in the Messianic Kingdom? If you want to be in the Messianic Kingdom for eternity, then talk to Jay since he is an attorney. The following attachments support the return of the Messianic King in 2015/2017. Also attached is a study on things happening on Annual Sabbaths since Creation. The two Feast Dates articles was one but they got so large that I had to divide them. You may modify them any way possible by adding scripture from the Torah or the Tanakh. You may also change the titles if needed or desired on the two Feast Dates. Since I challenged El to prove to me that Yeshua is Adonai of the Sabbath, He has not let me down. My first study was on Lev. 23 which took two years to study. I have been stuck on the fourth day of Creation and anything related to it since 2007 when I met the Messianic King in a dream for real in 2007. Yes I have found The Messiah just like the Rabbi in Jerusalem which there is a book about his findings. Friend. Forgive me again if you found anything offensive in this note. John Aschraft [email protected] Deut 6:4-5 and Lev. 19:18c. Remember that the Christians also follow these two commandments if they truly love El. Shalom: This is my beloved bride who I love. May my Shalom cover your body, soul, spirit, and mind for all of eternity. This is what the Messiah told me in that dream in 2007 when I saw the holes in His wrists. Yes the Messiah is for real. BTW: That was the fourth Godly dream I had since the age of eight. In all I had 7. 7 = completion. Godly dreams you never forget and you remember all the details. If you want to read my brief on this, I love to share it. It is about 25 pages long. If you look


at the Menorrah, the fourth candle is the servant candle which Messianics call the Christ candle. Isn’t it interesting that I met the Messiah for real at that fourth dream. I live in Tijeras and would love to meet you some day. Shalom. Have a wonderful Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom

698. March 22, 2014 Bonnie,

Tell me what religious freedom means please? Have you read the Tanach and how unbelievers were able to live in ancient Israel peacefully? Is Moses on the frieze of the U.S. Supreme Court Building holding the Ten Commandments? Do all public officials take an oath on the Bible before being sworn in to office? I’m guessing that religious freedom to you means nobody is free in their religion, and we all have to act like atheists. It’s too bad all my Jewish friends along with you folks are atheists. You’re not helping America by restricting religious freedom which is what you’re doing. Nobody can make you believe in or worship God. I know in Israel that proselytizing is not allowed. That’s Israel. Maybe you should live there instead of trying to destroy America’s heritage. Read the preamble to the state constitution of Connecticut, “the Constitution State”, which you can find on line. Read the true history of America from non-atheistic, non-establishment, non-communist, non- corporatist/fascist sources, and you might be surprised. Google Christian references by George Washington and John Jay our first Supreme Court Chief Justice. You may find that you are in error. Is your morality superior to the Scriptures? If so, please tell me how that is so? If you kick God out of our public life, then you will just leave a void for avaricious men to fill the position.

(name withheld)

699. March 22, 2014 Sir,

Your pedigree is impressive with your families military academy education. But what went wrong?? You got hazed? Grow a pair and get over it.

I too was an AF officer, and you are an embarrassment to all of us. How dare you turn around and bite the proverbial hand that fed you Get a life! Leave the cadets alone, our country was based upon our belief in God. If you don’t like it then leave!

(name withheld)

700. March 23, 2014 Greetings;


I am writing you to express my utter outrage at your organization’s mission to completely erase all traces of Christianity from America’s military. For over two centuries, the Bible and Christianity has been an important component of all branches of the military. While other faiths – and yes, even atheists – have been a part of that military, those of the Christian faith have been by far the major contributors to america’s military prowess. Where do you folks get off telling people in the military to keep their faith “in the closet?” Further, why is it only Christians being harassed, and not Muslims or Jews? You may mot like or agree with another’s faith, but you have no right to stifle their free expression of that faith. Hiding behind your distorted view of the constitution – which tens of thousands of the Christians you despise have died to defend – is nothing short of cowardice. Your claims of extreme fundamentalist Christians in every corner trying to force their faith on others is akin to Chicken Little drying “The sky is falling!” I close with two questions: What are you afraid of, and Why do you fear the Christian message so much?

Sincerely and in anger, (name withheld)

701. March 24, 2014 Dear Mikey,

I am writing you to make you aware of a religion infringing upon my rights on a daily basis. I am currently in Afghanistan and I am subjected to the daily Islamic call to prayer. I am unable to avoid it and leadership seemingly does nothing to stop it.

(name withheld)

702. March 24, 2014 Dear Mikey,

So I see you bullied some young cadet from posting a Bible verse on a white board that was meant for both official and personal messages. You argue you don’t mind if he has that in his room, but it is not ok to post it outside his room.

If that is the case, I am sure you are filing suit with the Department of Defense for allowing Indian Sikhs from wearing their religious headgear throughout our military bases. Can I get an update on how that case is progressing?

(name withheld)

703. March 24, 2014 Hello. Mr. Weinstein appears to be an educated and intelligent man.


I was recently reading about your organization’s doctrine and felt compelled to write.

First and foremost I will pray to the Father-Son-Holy Ghost for you and your organization to be filled with the Holy Spirit.

With all due respect, for some reason, you are being greatly deceived.

Your goals will not be realized. The Word of God will never be silenced.

The Bible is the Spirit Breathed Word of God, inerrant- The Total and Absolute Truth.


There is absolutely nothing your organization can do to stop GOD’S WILL or stop the spread of the Gospel. The enemy has tried to do this since his fall from grace

The enemy has already been defeated at the Cross.

Again, I am praying for y’all to see the light.

Either way, the effect of persecution of Christians will be to fire us up even more to engage the enemy even more zealously and bring more people to Christ.

All of us are immortal and we ourselves decide where to spend it.


(name withheld)

704. March 24, 2014 Dear MRFF, I never heard of your organization. From what I read about it on line scared me. You go out of your way to infringe on the Constitutional rights of non-Atheists. If I’m not mistaken, many of your members are in the military of the U.S. Why does organized religion offend you so much? Atheists scare the shit out of me. To me, there is no hope in the atheist mind. No hope equals a person who has no reason to live by the standards of a society. How do Atheists get such a big say in what I can display? Pretty soon I won’t be able to wear my crucifix where it will be seen by others. When that day comes I’ll have a rifle in my hands.


You are the Vast minority of this country, yet you have a big voice. So much effort in trying to make people feel bad about life. Put this effort in trying to do something constructive.

(name withheld)

705. March 26, 2014 Dear Mikey,

You are a sham, a farce, a fraud and an evil. You speak out of a severe lack of understanding of life itself. The separation of church and state is to PROTECT the church from the state, and I believe you know this. How you, and many others of your kind, have perverted it, is beyond obvious.

(name withheld)

706. March 30, 2014 Dear Mikey:

You sorry little sack of shit! Our men and women fight and die to give us the right to practice our religion wherever we want but you and other dicks want to take away that freedom. You need to read the Bill of Rights it says freedom OF Religion not freedom from Religion. How does it hurt anyone if our men and women in uniform want to read a Bible, it doesn’t you just want to trample on the rights of Christians. I haven’t heard you bitch about Soldiers being able to wear Muslim Scarves, why not, because like other pricks you only want to persecute Christians. Persecution is proof that Christ is right and he scares the crap out of idiots like you. You can’t run and hide.

(name withheld)

707. April 1, 2014 Because he is a devil loving Christian hating, fag loving muslum loving, America hating, military hating athiest commie leftist with a big jew mouth an uppity jew anarchist socialist attitude. Fire up the ovens boys!

(name withheld)

708. April 2, 2014 So, Mikey boy, are you and your little followers having fun suppressing religious freedom at the Air Force Academy? Kind of cool getting your name and your pathetic little organization MRFF in the news and on a few websites, eh? Come to


think of it, ginning up this kind of phony controversy is probably the only way your little group can garner any publicity.

(name withheld)

709. April 10, 2014 From: Our Army Combat Unit’s Daily Morning Bible Study Prayerful Soldiers

To: The MRFF’s Evil Michael Weinstein

Message: Drop Dead. Preferably while you are driving into your driveway at home so you can hit as many family members as possible with your vehicle. Multiple dead Weinsteins for the price of one. Such a deal!


Proud Christians in the United States Army Proud Americans in the Christian United States

710. April 18, 2014 Mikey and Bonnie,

You are sharing your views and values that are detracting from the patriotic landscape at the USAFA. It is within the right of each cadet as a citizen of the USA to show his or her feelings and express his or her perspective as “freedom of speech” on their whiteboards. You have no say as to what can or cannot be abided those hallways. You’re presuming that you as a watchdog agency is bogus. You only want to inculcate your values which are of “no particular use” to stir up the cretinesque viewpoint you support! Go help out the Kremlin’s ethics or the Chinese Chancellor’s civil rights problems!

Best Always….. (name withheld)

711. April 21, 2014 Your efforts to undermine the worshipping of the only true God in the universe, namely Jesus Christ of Nazareth is heartbreaking.

Unlike any other ‘religions’ where a single individual went into a bush, or consulted an oracle, and came out declaring that ‘God’ spoke to him, without any witnesses, Jesus Christ proved Himself to be God, in the presence of thousands of witnesses.


Thousands wrote manuscripts of what they saw, and this formed the Holy Bible. And they did write it independently, even as far away as Egypt.

And when Jesus Christ died on the cross, Hê died so that everyone that believes in Him, could have eternal life. However those that reject this truth, has only the judgment of God waiting for them, you included.

You are a Jew, and yes once you were the chosen nation of God, after God made a convent with Israel; the Bereith. This convent could only end with the death of one of the parties – God or Israel.

And this is exactly what happened when Israel crucified the Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, also God.

Then that was the end of Israel’s privileged position, and the dawn of all that believe in Jesus Christ.

All the nations witnessed God in action on earth, Jesus Christ and his works, even the Muslims of today, were there, the Africans as slaves and the nations around the Mediterranean Sea.

No other religion had a God performing miracles and being witnessed by thousands of people, and then putting their experiences to a book.

Christianity and those believing in Jesus Christ are the only ones that believe in the one and only true God. Don’t blaspheme God, and keep in mind, the judgment of God awaits those that shy away and deny what I am telling you. Be warned that the ignoring of this letter will put yourself in jeopardy.

That you can take as a fact. Save this letter. You might one day want to refer to it, and see at which crossroad in your life, your whole life started to fall apart. This is that crossroad, in this letter.

Regards (name withheld)

712. April 21, 2014 I know who and what you are. I warn you be careful what you say, what you do, and what you cause because it will be turned against you one day soon. You have been warned. I know who you represent and whom you serve. I and many like me can see right through you.

(name withheld)


713. April 23, 2014 Good morning!

I recently read the article where Mr. Weinstein ranted about the National Day of Prayer. How can one person be so ignorant and evil?

Do you not know that Christ came to save all? Even Mr. Weinstein.

Christianity is not about forcing religion on someone, it is about love. Plain and simple. It is about acknowledging that God sent his Son Jesus to save us from our sin and to love all people. It is not difficult to understand, nor is it difficult to do.

It is institutions like yours, and people like Mr. Weinstein, who have caused the US Government to fall away from it’s roots (based in Christianity). This is also the reason that Christians are now labeled as terrorists and extremists according to the Pentagon. christians-catholics-as-extremists.html

Our very forefathers built this land upon the tenants of the Bible. Where do you think our justice system came from?

How, knowing that our forefathers based our laws and land on the Bible and Christianity, can you call a National Day of Prayer an event “to promote their rapaciously exclusivist religion as the quasi-official religion of the nation.” This is plain hate.

I pray that the Lord will cause you to see Him. That you would be brought to the point where you have no choice but to acknowledge Jesus. I pray that you are saved before you die so that you will not be lost in Hell for eternity. The love of Christ is an easy burden to bear. Hatred such as yours weighs you down and ruins your life, and your eternity.

Please, confess your sin and ask Jesus into your heart before it is too late. I pray He will open your eyes.

In Christ’s love,

(name withheld)

714. April 23, 2014 To Whom this may concern I saw story online about the cadet at the Air Force Academy that was told to


“voluntarily” erase the bible verse from his note board outside his room. Once I’d investigated more I ran across your organization and learned about all the horrible cases of what you call spiritual rape that you’ve rescued “actual” Christian’s from. I can’t think of a more offensive experience for a cadet than to be forced to “have” to read a bible verse posted on a fellow cadets door. Horror of horrors!!! Certainly every well informed atheist has absolute proof that there is no God so I’m not sure why an encouraging bible verse wouldn’t be considered little more than a harmless hobby or crutch for the weak that aren’t tough like atheists. Atheists are interestingly so afraid of posted spiritual words representing a “god” that does not exist. Certainly interesting to say the least. This bible verse would certainly be considered much much more offensive than a bill board advertising a porn shop. We all know that porn doesn’t exist either and that no man has ever been addicted to it. Let’s go after “God” who we certainly know doesn’t exist and ignore the porn industry which we all know has absolutely no effect on society whatsoever. We should open up the purchase of porn to all ages. Oh and yes, alcohol as well posted bible verses are much more of an issue than alcohol has ever been. Why restrict porn or alcohol only to those of the age of majority. Horror of horrors and spiritual rape, having to be forced to look at a horribly offensive bible verse as a cadet at the Air Force Academy. Yes, we should sell porn and alcohol to minors and restrict them from any horrible religious teaching ’til they are at least 30. That early religious teaching has sure hurt most every child that has ever been raped by it. With posted bible verses on cadets doors being one of, if not the, biggest problems that our nation is dealing with these days many Americans can rest assured that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation is always at the ready to clear the societal air of horribly offensive bible verses representing this god for which there is absolute proof does not exist. We certainly wouldn’t want to motivate anyone to care about their neighbor or pray for someone. After all pray to a god that doesn’t exist is an evil waste of time but watching hours and hours of TV certainly isn’t and is not even close to being an issue in our great nation. Hats off to the MRFF for protection from those evil Christians that, in and of themselves, are completely responsible for ALL of our nations problems. God (or nobody) forbid that someone would be influenced to forgive someone or help an old lady across a street. That We can all feel so much safer knowing that the MRFF is at the ready to keep a god who doesn’t exist out of the delicate innocent minds of service men who can’t think for themselves and protect them from the horrible rape of having to look at bible verses put up by cadets on what they mistakenly thought was their space in this wonderfully open totally free nation.

(name withheld)

715. April 24, 2014 Dear Mikey, fuck you jewboy mickey and your jewboy wife and jewboy sons and jewboy daughters and jew boy friends and satan loving jew boy helpers. The National


Prayer Day belongs to Christ Jesus and our soldiers and sailors and flyers not jew killers like you you jewboy faggit. why don’t you go be a muslam or budist if you don’t like Jesus? The nazies knew how to handle jew pussies like you mickey jewboy. Soon.

(name withheld)

716. April 24, 2014 Looks like weiny doesn’t have a direct e-mail. Just want to let him know he is the biggest coward in America today. Why don’t you stop hiding behind your titles and face the the 38 million people you hate so much. This country has no room for hate and as easy as it would be for to pack your trash and find another place to live you’d rather hide behind your titles and the constitution. Your a disgrace and your day of judgement will come like everyone else’s. I’ll continue to pray for you……

(name withheld)

717. April 25, 2014 As a veteran, I must tell you how appalled I am at the content of your organization.

You do not want the military to take part in a day of prayer, yet you claim to be a “Religious Freedom” group?

Even your atheist beliefs should understand that this country was built on the foundation of “Religious Freedom” ! By the way, that means ” to be able to freely pursue and worship ones religious beliefs”!

So, my suggestion is…Stay quiet, let our soldiers and sailors pray if they wish ( Freedom of Religion), and if someone is having religion forced upon them, then open your yaps! (Oh, maybe you should relocate to the middle east where that religion is forced upon its citizens, and they are killed if they believe in another religion).

Please start using your heads for something other than a hat rack. Geez….

(name withheld)

718. April 25, 2014 Dear MRFF,

I just wanted to express my pleasure that you misguided scumbags lost this attempt implementing your demented goal and mission. It’s but one battle in a major war, euphemistically speaking. This letter is not intended to be threatening or intimidating in any fashion. Mikey Weinstein is a dirt bag, damaged scumbag and


you folks that aid this are just as bad…again, no threats…peace to all but you all really suck…:)….It’s easy enough to trace an email so by all means waste your time on me….I’m done wasting it on you turds…free speech is great huh?…lol… calls-pentagon-bar-servicemembers-prayer-event p.s…..”I don’t attend church, synagogue or mosque”….:)…

(name withheld)

719. April 25, 2014 Dear Mikey, I am a retired Vet! I can honestly say your are or were an Officer in the Military because you have no clue what goes on in the Enlisted ranks. For over 20 years, I have come in contact with very few atheists and the ones who were atheists did not speak about being one. Those persons were generally not like and not trusted and the ones who wore their stance on their sleeve were just avoided and they did their time and got out. I can tell you never lead troops in the field or on the flight line, or commanded a squadron, or a ship, because leadership never influenced or gave personal opinion, or made religion mandatory. I have an idea for you? Why don’t you attack Islam or are you afraid? Islam is attacking the first amendment, the same one you blanket yourself with. Islam is where you should focusing your energy on and I garentee you that fight could pick up momentum. I am not sure who is disliked more, atheists or Islam, actually you guys are disliked more. I laugh at you because your are the one legged drunk guy getting his ass kicked by the little guys!

(name withheld)

720. April 26, 2014 Dear Mikey

Your organization is on par with the Westboro baptists. As soldiers, we are free to pray, as we see fit, without your oversight, interference, or involvement. If you have sufficient resources, to interdict our right to gather, perhaps you should find something useful, to do with yourselves.

(name withheld)

721. April 26, 2014 Mr. Mickey Whinestain a friend of a friend just told our bibly study group that you;re now a grandparent. Did you ever ask yourself how will explain your ungodly


satantic attack on the #1 faith of America-Christianity? To your poor grandchild when it grows up? You will be the biggest embarrassment to that grandchild ever to be. You’ll never be able to live that down you evil one.

(name withheld)

722. April 26, 2014 Mr. Weinstein, As an atheist I would think you would be open to well reasoned arguments for and against a creator. If you are I have a book suggestion for you…”A Case For A Creator”, by Lee Strobel.

It is a book founded in the logical and rational thinking of scientists for and against intelligent design, God.

Rather than continuing to whistle by the graveyard you might actually benefit from some rational thinking from rational adults.

(name withheld)

723. April 28, 2014 Good morning my friend. As promised I greet you this week.

Last week I spoke to you about who you are.

This week I will speak to you about who you serve.

You call yourself an organization of religious freedom but you persecute others faiths. Freedom means the right to all to believe in what they choose and to voice their opinion without discrimination and punishment. That’s what FREE WILL is all about my friend. Just like you choose to believe in what you believe but you force and convince others that your right and they are wrong, let’s see reminds me of our current president Mr. Barack Obama and his régime. He forces others to bow to his will and the will of his cronies, and if they don’t, well they find themselves without a job, a home, an income, and a way to support themselves and/or their families. Not a very nice person or people are they?

Now don’t get me wrong I’m not telling you or our President what to do or judging you that’s not my place I’m just offering some friendly advice and guidance, perceive and use it however you choose. It’s your choice, your freedom, and most importantly your FREE WILL.

Abraham Lincoln once put it:


Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.

Soon you will find yourself in that position if you do not change your misguided and evil ways. Judgement is coming my friend and coming soon for you and your organization, and all of the people that you and your organization have led astray and caused to sin.

That’s right my friend you serve the only one that is completely and one hundred percent on your side and that one is SATAN, also known as the DESTROYER, and the MASTER DECEIVER. You know that you and others like you are considered an ABOMINATION and you all will be dealt with accordingly and justly. There is still time for you to change and turn back as well as others that choose to listen to your rhetoric.

As for me and my house we choose to worship The Lord Our God and Serve Him Only, that is our choice and we are not alone there are more of us than there are of you, as you will find this out soon.

Please turn back my friend and tell others like you to do so as well. Time is running out my friend please make the right choice before it’s too late.

We shall speak again my friend until next time my friend.

Best Wishes, God Bless and Peace Be With You.

Your friend in Christ, The Ghost Rider

724. April 28, 2014 Mr. Weinstein, What you do to persecute the faithful of Christ in our military today is far worse than anything the Nazis were ever accused of doing to your jewish people. The same jewish people who rejected His grace and love. The same jewish people who crucified Him. Without mercy. (And one of their own.) As you Mr. Weinstein continue to do every day. Want to talk about a real holocaust day? You will suffer your own holocaust. Buring in hell forever. Semper Fi! V/R 8 Active Duty Officers, USMC Living For Jesus Christ in Act, Word and Deed Spreading His Good News to All Marines We Can in the Corps

725. April 30, 2014 Dear Mikey,


You say you are all about our military. When one is about to go into harm’s way he does not pray to our American Flag. He prays to his or her God for protection and strength. No one is forcing our military to say prayers, you should not try to keep us from showing our love for God.

(name withheld)

726. May 7, 2014 Hey mickey mickey mickey. Did you like our new Supreme Court decision Mr. jewmouth wienstine? you and your fellow Christ haters can just shove that new ruling up your ugly hebe asses. Where the Son of God don’t shine. The Supremes have liberated the military from the devilhold of the MFRR. Jesus shall rule again in the Army and Navy and Marines and Air forces. You tried to crucify Jesus yet again but you’ve been stopped. Dead in tracks. You are less than nothing little jew. Filthy liberel kikes! Your abortion on demand queer rights and camel jockey agenda is now destroyed. The only Savior for the world has triumphed. Jesus is the commander of the U.S. troops again! Burn in hell you Judases!

(name withheld)

727. May 12, 2014 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

I don’t know how you could fight against religious freedoms espically through our military me. They have the right to pray just as you have the right to believe what you want to believe. You and your organization, when you limit these religious freedoms are doing the work and promoting the ideas of the same kind that killed your ancestors in german war camps. The freedom of religion and freedom of speech in our country is what makes us unique. It is what our soldiers died for and your restrictions on those beliefs are for your own glorification and nothing to do with rights. I bet you make your family very proud.

(name withheld)

728. May 15, 2014 As Christ has cursed your devil children and their evil children for your sins of rebellion against Him. Mikey you are a ugly modern day Judas. John 18:1-40. A true demon. Luke 4: 31-37. And Christ Jesus will insure your eternal damnation for plotting with satan against His U.S. soldiers of faith. Matthew 7:19.


(name withheld)

729. May 20, 2014 Mr. Mikey Weinstein you are the Number One Enemy of America. You don’t deserve American citizenship. You deserve no safety nor sanctuary. You should be hunted down like an animal with rabies. You are our country’s foremost enemy. Along with your Jesus-hating organization MRFF. You take no Christian prisoners Mr. Weinstein? Why should you receive any mercy? It makes sense that you have other American traitors as fellow travelers of deceit. Joseph Wilson is such a traitor. Mike Farrell is also such a traitor. Lawrence Wilkerson is a snake who betrays even his own Republicans. Edward Asner is a red godless communist like you are. But you are the slimebag responsible for it all. Your evil grows substantial. The father of lies is your benefactor. Lucifer leads you in your rebellion against Christ in our military. All of us with a clean heart and soul for the Son of Man see this. His Grace reveals your treachery. We pray to the Son that your days be few and your suffering be unbearable. That you live only so long as to see your children and wife despoiled. Ravaged and ruined before your eyes. We pray to Him that your tears be unending. Let your tears be of acid so as to burn your jew face of darkness threw to the bone.

(name withheld)

730. June 3, 2014 Bought your 'No Snowflake book'. Right after Fox news reported that Ayatollah Hussein Obama appointed (should we say 'annointed'?) you to persecute loving Christians in our U.S. armed forces. Burned that book right after reading it all. Spirit of Satan on every single page. Saw how you brought your fellow evildoers Joseph Wilson and Lawrence Wilkerson to your pentagon meeting. Our church is near a large Army base. Our church had a faith retreat this weekend. Many military families among us. You were the main topic. You are a very dangerous man to America, Michael Wienstein. You grow more dangerous every day. Especially to Jesus Christ. We have agreed that you are irredeemable. Now your forcing Christian paintings to be taken down on military bases. The pentagon is very afraid of you even. Of course that is Hussein Obama's plan. Because if they stand up to you you will sick our Muslim president on them. You have this demonic power of darkness in abundance. Saw the pictures of you and your family in the book. Too bad for you. And worse for them. We prayed at the retreat this weekend that they will surely burn for all time. In the unquechable fires of hell. For your willing sins. John 3:36. Mark 9:43. We prayed that Wilson and Wilkerson will also burn in hell for your sins, Michael Weinstien. We prayed that you will be the last to burn. So that you may first


experience the divine eternal suffering of your wife, children and Wilson and Wilkerson. Our Lord and Savior has promised us this. That He will make our prayers for you to witness those you love and care for suffer come true. It is already written. 1 John 5:14-15. Your time draws near. You think all is peaceful and secure for yourself and those you harbor. But there is no escape. 1 Thessaloninas 5:3. You will watch them all burn in chains forged by the Son of Man. And then you will burn, son of satan.

731. June 3, 2014 Dear MRFF, You show nothing but stupidity and contribute to the problem of a society that is Godless and believes they alone have the answers (name withheld)

732. June 12, 2014 From: [email protected] Subject: A Poem of 2 Jewboys. Eric cantor and mikey Whinesteen

Eric and Mikey sitting in a tree

Crying over the Tea Party

Eric is a loser

Mickey is one too

They were born that way

When they born as jews.

733. June 16, 2014 Die in agony. For what you and your fellow MRRF do to keep Christ Jesus from our soldiers you are the Dark father of All Lies. You are exposed for the what you are kikey wienstien. The Father of Hate for the only true Lord and Savior. He who will soon return to lay vengeance on your blackness. And He with our spirit filled Christian US of A military will destroy you and your evil family of demon followers. By Jesus hand you will soon be cast into the pits of your jew home in hell. To burn forever and ever screaming in pain. Rejoice in the Word! kikey wienstein’s Day of Judgment draws near. John 8 and verse 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.


Revelations 20 and verse 10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.

(name withheld)

734. June 26, 2014 Weinstein controls Obama’s military. Force’s the soldiers of Christ to pray to evil weinstein. Now that we all know who and what he is the only question is what will we do to stop him dead in his tracks?

735. July 18, 2014 We drove through you spic infested town of wet backs yesterday. Had the windows down. So we could smell the mixture of your kike stink and demon shame. on you and you’re she kike bitch cripple wife. You try to bring your father satan to destroy our soldiers jewboy? No way. The Word shall defeat you. And lay you in ruins for eternity. But it is we who shall destroy you for the glory of Christ. You are death and will be destroyed by The Lamb. 1 Corinthians 15:26

736. July 21, 2014 Ever notice how the death counts are skyrocketing for both sides in the war in Israel and Gaza? Ever notice how neither side has Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? Ever notice how Mikey Weinstein is perfecting his gastly job of erasing the innocent Grace and love of Jesus Christ in the USA’s military? Ever notice where dead American soldiers will go if we let Mikey keep Jesus out of their lives? Ever notice how Mikey Weinstein is a jew? A jew who rejects the love and saving Grace of Jesus Christ? And does this boldly for all to see. Hides behind the constiution as the MFRF persicutes lovers of the Only True Son of God. Christ Jesus sees MIkey and the MFRF too. Ever notice what Jesus Christ will do to Mikey and his MFRF follower slaves? Ever notice how Mikey Weinstein (when he finally dies we pray) and the dead muslims in Gaza and the dead Israelis will all burn together in hell eternel? For refusing Christ’s free gift of being saved in His blood? “Free” Mikey. What a deal and all we know jews cannot turn down free deals. (Except when the Son of the God they murdered offers his free forgiveness to them huh.) May they all burn forever in the land of their leader satan. Christ’s enemies burning for all time. Ever notice how AWESOME this makes us all feel? Just sayin’.

(name withheld) Rockin’ It With Jesus and Spreading the Gospel to All Soldiers For Christ Praying for Mikey and the MFRF to fuel the bondfires of hell


737. July 30, 2014 Mr. M Weinstein I am a spirit-filled ordained pastor of The Gospel from the great state of Nebraska. Stop your attack on God Almighty and His only Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Stop your attack on His holy Christian wariors in our armed military forces! My congregation includes many military from the nearby air force base. We pray as one for you to die tonight in your sleep leaving a bloody mess for your family to find at daybreak. And that they think hard about it in the morning. Before its’ also too late for them all. In Jesus Holy Name we pray. amen.

(name withheld)

738. July 31, 2014 Seems the military is really pushing the Muslim religion on our troops. What is your organization going to do about this? drinking-in-front-muslims/?intcmp=latestnews

(name withheld) Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people whom he has chosen as his heritage!-Psalms 33:12

739. August 3, 2014 Mr. Weinstein I am the mother of a cadet at the Air Force Academy the wife of an Academy graduate and a sister of another Academy graduate who flies fighters. I am also deeply faithful in my love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and His Gospel of Grace. I also love our Air Force and all of the military. I understand how the faith in Christ is the only ingredient that can Save America through our military. I know you are the sworn enemy of Christ and the Air Force. But I will learn much more about you tomorrow. Our church has a Sunday morning Bible study group which focuses on how current events are fulfulling the Prophesy of Christ of the end days. The end days are not only for real but are happneng now. Tomorrow’s class is all about you Mr. Weinstein. How you and the MRFF and your family are merely willing pawns for satan in all that plays out according to Christ’s plan. The class materials show you and your family. They look nice but we all know that the slaves to the father of lies can take any form. Especially pleasing ones. (2 Corinthians 11-14.) You fool noone. It’s not really all of your fault as you have been assigned the role of the vicar of lucifer. Your evil because none of you cannot resist this. Our pastor teaches the class and is a known expert on you the MRFF and your family. This is why you lead the


MRFF on the road to hell. This is why your wife sons and daughters will perish into the Lake of Fire with you. Along with all of those defilers of Christ with the hellbound MRFF. Once aflame in hell you can never ever be let out. Why would you wish this on yourself? On your wife and sons and daughters? On the people at the MRFF who serve satan with you? (Revelation 12:9.) I write you today to beg you to resist lucifer and his hold over you and your family. You must try harder to fight against satan and only for Jesus. Many follow you and your loud charisma against Jesus. You are a great influencer for the dark one. You are a very clever deceiver. Just as foretold. If you would just summon the strength of Jesus Christ you could be the next Paul of Tarsus. As a jew especially you must fight harder to resist the hold of the father of lies over you and of your kind. (John 8:44.) Over the MRFF. Over your family. All of your all’s eternal salvation depends upon this. We who are in Christ already know we will win in the end. And you and your fellow sinners of satan will lose and burn eternal for it. I know in your heart you do not want your children and to burn. But they will and it’s your fault if you make them burn for your sins. Please Mr. Weinstein. Change sides now and fight for Jesus. Reject your master lucifer. There is little time left. Save your family and friends. Jesus is your only hope. (John 14:6.)

(name withheld)

740. August 8, 2014 Mr. Michael Weinstein, we who represent the majority of USAFA graduates cannot help but notice what an evil pestilence you and your family have been to the legacy of our once proud Air Force Academy institution. The simple truth of the matter is that there has never even been documented one single case of religious abuse at our Academy coming from Christians. The only abusers are you and your family and you target only Christians. Your Academy graduate children are all liars in one way or another. Your daughter-in-law Amanda and sons Casey and Curtis cannot prove they sufferred any prejudice at all. Nor can your son in law Mark. Nor can you. Either can anyone else there. Noone has suffered except for Christians and at the hands of the Christian-hating Weinsteins and your MRFF henchmen. And you all are very good at hurting the followers of Jesus Christ at USAFA. Its’ a Weinstein family business and ‘tradition’. Which makes you all alot of money. Blood money. You all get your 30 pieces of silver just like Judas did. Makes you ‘heroes’ in the minds of America-hating liberals who stand for everything Jesus and our Air Force Academy fight against. What is known is that your Academy graduate children have all joined you in attacking Christians at the Academy. Over and over again. Why you and your


children hate the followers of Jesus Christ is not known. But your family’s actions of attack against Christians and only Christians is well known. And to think that your wife Bonnie and Amanda and your son in law were all raised as Christians makes the picture pretty clear. The one thing they all have in common is you, Michael Weinstein. Yes you Mr. Atheist with the big mouth. Know how much you are hated Michael Weinstein. We pray for Jesus Christ to put a swift end to the Christian hate spree of you, your evil children and wife and the MRFF. And don’t even think of replying. Your e-mails will all be rejected. Everyone knows how you and your anti-Christian MRFF cohorts gang up on anyone who writes in to express their love of our Savior. Or they’re oppostion to you. Just more Weinstein family and MRFF abuse of Christians. It’s the only thing you’re about. May your remaining days on Earth be few and painful Michael Weinstein. May your time burning in hell be eternal.


USAFA Graduates For Christ of the Classes of 1964, 1968, 1972, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1987, 1990, 1991,1995, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2011, 2013. ‘Fast, Neat, Average, Friendly, Good, Good’

741. August 11, 2014 Served 25 plus years in this MANs Army. My nephews still do. We made history by beating the faggots and queers to raw meat. Kicking shit out of sand niggers and hajis in the Gulf war. The faith that shows us in the Army how to win is only one. Jesus Christ period. Hope your happy helping homos and a-rabs destroy America you jew bait Weinstein. You say you help ‘Christians' but only the ones who are fucking scared to stand up for Jesus Christ. Where it counts. Which is everywhere. You want a-rab raggity heads and fudge packers leading our military? Only thing worse would be womans and jews. Course all jews are women anyway.

742. August 12, 2014 Do any of you understand what kind of low life human beings you actually are? To impose YOUR beliefs on the military is just as much a violation of the “establishment clause” as you complain about all the time. As a matter of FACT it is MORE a violation of the establishment clause since you are attempting to force those


in the military to have NO religion whatsoever, which is a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. There is absolutely NOTHING in the Constitution that says that those in the military cannot be allowed access to ANY religious materials just because a few anti-religious bigots don’t want them to. And there is NOTHING in the Constitution that says that a “lodge” can’t have a Bible to the exclusion of any other reading material, or that having a Bible in a lodge is any kind of violation whatsoever, other than to your own personal hatred for those that believe in a God or higher power. And also, if you would READ the Constitution instead of attacking those that have religious beliefs,, and the First Amendment actually ALLOWS those in the military to have the FREEDOM of religion. Neither the Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice says that those in the military cannot have access nor speak on their personal religious beliefs, despite the dishonest garbage you put out. These people are putting their LIVES ON THE LINE for this nation, and unfortunately, for you. And you pieces of garbage actually want to prevent them to have the right to have access to a military Chaplain of their beliefs, to gather with others of their belief, or to even have something as simple as a Bible that YOU don’t believe in anyway. Simply because even though you are too COWARDLY to defend this nation with your life yourself, you feel you have the right to impose YOUR anti- religious beliefs on those that do. I spent 22 years on active duty with the ABSOLUTE knowledge that if I felt the need for a Chaplain for any reason, be it religious, counselling, get religious material, or simply to speak to privately, that there was one available. You jerks want to take that RIGHT away from everyone because of your own stupid BIGOTRY. You’re disgusting beyond words with your propaganda, hatred, and trash. (name withheld)



(name withheld)

744. August 15, 2014 How can you serve less than 10% of the military in blocking my freedom to Worship as I Chose. People like you and the President are driving this wonderful country into the ground. Our fore-fathers came to this country to escape the small thinking such as your groups. If you believe that 95% of your clients are Christians then I have ocean front property for sale in Arizona. I don’t demand others believe as I do but


why should my rights be violated because they are the same as your clients. I wonder how many of your clients have been in a combat situation.

(name withheld)

745. August 18, 2014 Do any of you understand what kind of low life human beings you actually are?

To impose YOUR beliefs on the military is just as much a violation of the “establishment clause” as you complain about all the time. As a matter of FACT it is MORE a violation of the establishment clause since you are attempting to force those in the military to have NO religion whatsoever, which is a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States. There is absolutely NOTHING in the Constitution that says that those in the military cannot be allowed access to ANY religious materials just because a few anti-religious bigots don’t want them to. And there is NOTHING in the Constitution that says that a “lodge” can’t have a Bible to the exclusion of any other reading material, or that having a Bible in a lodge is any kind of violation whatsoever, other than to your own personal hatred for those that believe in a God or higher power. And also, if you would READ the Constitution instead of attacking those that have religious beliefs,, and the First Amendment actually ALLOWS those in the military to have the FREEDOM of religion. Neither the Constitution nor the Uniform Code of Military Justice says that those in the military cannot have access nor speak on their personal religious beliefs, despite the dishonest garbage you put out. These people are putting their LIVES ON THE LINE for this nation, and unfortunately, for you. And you pieces of garbage actually want to prevent them to have the right to have access to a military Chaplain of their beliefs, to gather with others of their belief, or to even have something as simple as a Bible that YOU don’t believe in anyway. Simply because even though you are too COWARDLY to defend this nation with your life yourself, you feel you have the right to impose YOUR anti- religious beliefs on those that do. I spent 22 years on active duty with the ABSOLUTE knowledge that if I felt the need for a Chaplain for any reason, be it religious, counselling, get religious material, or simply to speak to privately, that there was one available. You jerks want to take that RIGHT away from everyone because of your own stupid BIGOTRY. You’re disgusting beyond words with your propaganda, hatred, and trash.

(name withheld)

746. August 19, 2014 Your stand against Bibles in the Navy shows that u have never come close to death & experience GOD. Try a pitching aircraft carrier night landing & you’ll be praying that you’ll get aboard. Or see your best friend killed then you’ll be praying. Never met a dying sailor who wasn’t praying.


(name withheld) Captain US Navy Retired – Naval Aviator

747. August 20, 2014 Universities not immune to religious controversy you ever come back here to Georgia again Mickey Whinerboystien and we of Christ pray that Lord Jesus will strike you down with a holy bolt of thunder and burnted you to a hebe crisp. Leave UNG alone. And let Jesus rule all as it was always mean to be for America and the UNG cadets Corpse and the students there too mickey moneylover nosey jew. my God son is a cadet there and he is bccced on this you shyster kike

(name withheld)

748. August 22, 2014 > jewboy don’t you evercome back to our state. Your not wanted here. Keep you godam mffr hands off our Holy Univ. of No. Georgia Cadets corps. you fucking jew muslam queer loving jew. servant of satan. Why don’t you eat some of your jewbread soked with the blood of innocent Christian children? To make it tasty for you you jew of jews. We don’t eat your jew children wienstein. How you like it if we eat your jew children wienstein? Our church met last night to disgust all about you right here in our back yard in Ga. We all hope you choke to death eating your little piece of jewbread. Then burn for all ages in hell. Jesus Christ Rules and His Kingdom Come at UNG Corps! (name withheld)

749. August 28, 2014 When you croak weinstein you best have a unmarked grave? Know alot of good folks who will love to piss and take a dump on it if not. The MRFF is just like ISIS but even worse. You love the muslims better than your own American Christians? We all know why. Because you hide behind the constitution? play hide and seek with The Truth of Christ’s Gospel. You pretend to help the troops. But you only want to keep The Good News from us and our families. Yes Jesus was a Jew. But not the deceiver kind you are. Sooner your in hell the sooner His Will Be Done. Give it up weinstein and surrender to His Word. Or else you burn. Very disrespectfully,, 7 US Army Noncoms and our wifes and children

750. September 7, 2014 Really Mickey Shitface Whinesteen? Take Christ out of our Air Force oath? Hows' about we pray to Jesus to take YOU AND YOUR DISEASSED FAMILY AND THE MFRR out of America and out of this earthly life first? The flesh and bones of you and your


ugly wife and retard fucktoid children will burn neverending in hells' fire. Along with your fellow jew plotters of Joan River and Robin William. What, dont hear anyone laughing now huh Mickey? They got theres and you get yours. We pray your next. You think you can beat Jesus out of the Air Force? Jesus will beat your jew ass like a fucking drum. HalleJEWyuh! HATE YOU. Jane. I am wife of AF lifer and mom of 5 and 1 on the way)

751. September 11, 2014 Air Force is right to put God in the oath. mikey weinstien is wrong to even still be breething. Air force should save a bomb from dropping on ISIS and drop it on mikey.

752. September 22, 2014 We hate you little jew trouble-maker Michael Weinstein. We hate your jew wife and we hate your jew children. We hate everyone at vomit drinking Military religious Freedom foundation. We hate everything about you. Why? Because we are commanded to serve Jesus Christ of Nazareth the Prince of Peace and our Lord.

And who are we? We are everywhere the Lord Jesus is. You will never stop us all.

And Jesus hate all of you too. You stole the oath to Christ away from our soldiers. Just like you crucified our Lord and savior. And tried to blame romans. Blood on your hands little jew Michael weinstein.

Pat robertson is right about you. To expose you but good. For all of us to see. You all frighten the air force because your in league with husiene obama and satan.

But you don’t frighten us. We are military families washed in the Blood of the Lamb. The Armour of the Lord Jesus protect us from you and your wicked followers of the devil. Perish and burn followers of michael weinstein. May you children and wife rot before your eyes forevermore.

753. September 25, 2014 Mr. Weinstein, it seems to me and my fellow Air Force Academy grad classmates that you are pro-gay, pro-abortion, pro-Islam, pro-atheist, anti-Christian, anti-Jesus. anti-Bible, pro-females (over males), anti-Christmas, anti-military, anti-USAFA, anti- guns, anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian? Why are you so wrong on every issue that makes America the greatest country in the world, sir? How did you ever even manage to graduate from our esteemed Academy? Shame, shame on you and your Academy graduate children too.

V/R xxxxxxx x. xxxxxxx, USAFA Class of xxxx


754. September 29, 2014 Well now, Mikey, I sent the most recent email I received from your organization to young USMA enlisted man just back from a deployment ordered by President Obomber. He sent this Utube to me to watch and suggested I send it to you. He had some other comments for you but I chose to edit them because of your sensitivities to anyone in the military who thinks worship is ok.

755. September 30, 2014 Whenever we run short of toilet paper in the house my wife and I just print off some pictures of you and your little clan of weinstein Christ haters from the computer. Works great. Feel bad for the paper though.

Wishing you the damnation you all have coming Little Mikey Boy. Sleep well and wake up in hell.

V/R Active Duty US Army and Proud of our Flag and our Savior

756. October 3, 2014 There is no atheist in the fox hole. Mikey Weinstein is a liberal idiot. The phrase was well noted by ex-ww2 soldiers.

757. October 8, 2014

From: [email protected] Subject: Mikey is Kikey you won't find too many kikes in the US military because it's the goyem's job to die for the chosen. If it smacks of manual labor, kikes will back away from it like a cheese filled sausage. Fucking kike bastards, I hope they are nuked if Jizz-real attacks Iran. ______Kikes make better fuel than they do human beings!

758. October 15, 2014 You choose to take our religious freedoms .

I feel sad for you.


I think you are very small and misguided person but of course you are free to your ideas and thoughts. . You just really depress me and my son serving in combat now. Glad I did not know of you when I served in Viet Nam.

759. October 31, 2014 Sir

Having read first the article from Air Force Col. Floencio Marquinez and then read your dialogue with the 180th Fighter Wing Commander Col. Craig Baker, you are a disgrace to this nation and your position.

How dare you condemn a man’s comments about faith in God as “odious and offending”. Jesus Christ said “Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before others, I will disown before my Father in heaven.” Matthew’s Gospel 10:32-33 It seems evident you have never read that. There is also a first amendment in this country. You would do well to live by it. It is YOUR comments, Mr Weinstein, which are odious and offending. Do the Nation and the Armed Forces a favor: resign. Resign and repent. You do more harm than good.

Respectfully and unapologetically

(Name Withheld)

760. October 31, 2014 weinstein you are one sick dude. You have this total fixation against Christians. You are nothing but a sociopath and needs to be medicated and hospitalized. Your day will come when you have to face Our God Almighty and would not want to be in your shoes. You and your ilk think you are so intelligent and stand above the rest but you are sickening and nothing but a joke and a huge one at that. By the way, where is your stand against the muslims? you either are one like your golden idol charlatan closet muslim obama or you are afraid of them. We believe you are both. You really are sick!!!

761. November 1, 2014 Hey Mikey, If you would ever take the time to read our US Constitution you will find that there


is nothing in that document that says anything about separation of Church & State. Therefore, are you just trying to be a bully because you are an atheist and have no respect for anything to do with the Christian religion? Your day will come when you meet your Maker to tell him why you are doing what you are doing.

(name withheld)

762. November 2, 2014 “False Military Religious Freedom Foundation-Mikey Weinstein”:


The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees an airman’s right to express his faith, and the National Defense Authorization Act specifically states religious beliefs must be accommodated by the Armed Forces!!!!!!!

I am outraged that “False Military Religious Freedom Foundation-Mikey Weinstein” spearheaded-supports the removal of a life’s personal testimony article written by Col. Marquinez from “The Stinger!!!!!!!”

To deny Col. Marquinez his right to write a story about his personal faith, while allowing others to post non-religious material clearly demonstrates a distinct case of religious assault-discrimination!!!!!!!

I demand that you immediately justly respect and honor the religious liberties airmen are entitled to, and to clear up and right this wrong matter quickly!!!!!!!




(name withheld)

763. November 2, 2014 “Can’t wait till you pieces of shit die off, then you can tell god himself how he doesn’t exist.”

(name withheld)

764. November 12, 2014 hey hey hey! On that billboard today. Hello skank whore wife of Kikey Whinestien the Jesus hater. What a crybaby. oh boo hoo hoo for the jews? Same little fuckers who sent THE ONLY Lord to the Cross. Ok she was pretty hot for a she-jew. I’d fuck her. But only if she paid me 1st to do her. start with anal. No checks just cash. Or you're kikey head on a platter.

765. November 12, 2014 Dear Bonnie,

Please ask your retarded husband why he wants, and feels the need to be such an obvious asshole. Why does he not grow some juevos and publicly tell all of us why he has such a rat up his ass about religion, especially Christian? Even if he hates religion what harm does it do to allow others their faith. Your husband is a straight line agitator and for no good reason accept I guess his twisted perceptions of what is important. At least religion helps some people to deal with life in a positive way but for the life of me the only thing I see your husband doing is stroking his ego with no real positive effect on anything except maybe his hateful psyche. What a waste of human tissue

(name withheld)

766. November 12, 2014



Let Mikey comment on it, he doesn’t like anything Christian.

Christian colleges have the right to establish the faith requirements of all of its faculty …. ROTC related or not.

To do what you are demanding could lead to a hater of Christians like you teaching at the college and they can’t allow that and you know that don’t you Mikey?

The real goal is to stop ROTC programs at Christian colleges so you can continue your campaign to “de-God” the military.

Mikey, Mikey ….. what a hater you are and stop hiding your Christian hate march behind the U.S. Constitution. It belittles you even more.

(name withheld) Republic of Arizona

767. November 12, 2014 I am so offended after reading your statement. Your true colors were revealed when you said the following “Franklin Graham is a fundamentalist – a total enemy of the Constitution – an absolutely incredible Islamophobe,” Weinstein said. So by your comment we now understand why you are so aggressively attack the religious freedoms of the military. You support Islam, which is completely opposite of what this great country what founded on and stands for! Shame on you for supporting such an horrendous false religion who believes in killing innocent people, including children for their own horrendous ideology. Who hate America because we are infidels according to their religion! That you have decided to call Franklin Graham an enemy of the Constitution shows you have no clue what you are talking about. You represent only a MINORITY and we Christian Americans will not sit by and be silent by someone who is so intolerant of the Christian faith our country was founded on. No, we will not be silent, shame on you!!!!

(name withheld)



November 13, 2014 Paul,

Please ask your retarded... No. I take that back. It would be beneath me to lower myself to your level.

For that matter, I intend to use proper spelling (it's "huevos", not "juevos"), grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, as well. Oh, and no profanity.

Mikey Weinstein asked me to respond, a couple days ago. Sorry I couldn't get to this, sooner, but I was busy doing other things to protect our American citizenry from misguided missiles of Christian defense, like yourself. The fact is, nearly 40,000 individuals have come to Mikey for help, because their military chains of command were attacking them, and 96% were being attacked for being Christians! Wait. Let me clarify that: They were being attacked for not being Christian enough.

So, Paul, what do you think is Christian enough? Do you think you're Christian enough? Well, what if your boss said you weren't, and that you had to go to his church, believe in his version of God, and follow his particular religious rituals, or you'd get the most dangerous assignments? What if your refusal meant going to prison for disobeying a military order? Would that be acceptable?

Such behavior is illegal according to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and a couple centuries of case law, as well. Every military member must take an oath to "support and defend the Constitution" -- not the nation, not the politicians, not the land -- "against all enemies, foreign and domestic." That Constitution is the absolute foundation of our nation, our land, and the laws our politicians, who also take that oath, write -- or should write. Those who, within our military (as that is MRFF's focus), use their rank and power to force their religion on others or mistreat others for not being what they consider the right religion, are breaking their oath, breaking the law, and working in breach of the rights of their underlings. This has to stop.

You can be part of the problem or part of the solution. The choice is yours.

Sincerely, An American veteran, proud patriot, and staunch MRFF supporter

769. November 15, 2014 Hello,


I have perused your web site. You are exactly what is wrong with the world. Your intellectual ability to twist truth is quite fascinating. It would also be hilarious if it weren’t so dark and destructive on so many levels.

I share frequently with my twelve year old about the deep spiritual nature of what is occurring in the world. Your group provides a great example for me to be able to teach her about possibly good meaning but misguided people. You with your “Civil Rights” and “Freedom from Religion” feel good communist marketing slogans! What bunk! Civil Justice is not in the constitution. It is “Equal Justice” and with your agenda “Equal” is a foreign concept to you. When my stomach goes sideways when your propaganda enters my spirit, I thank God for the gift of discernment to recognize false proselytizers.

Before you judge my stance and character, know this, I work with some leading Jewish businessmen. My respect for their faith and the state of Israel is strong and unwavering. My Love of who the Jewish people Are, brings constant tears from my soul.

Just wanted to be clear before I get a barrage of left-wing Horses__t thrown at me.

Why go so far left? The founding Fathers would have been shooting already.

Oh, have a nice day!

(name withheld)

770. November 17, 2014

Losers…and you always will be..

(name withheld)

771. November 22, 2014 Who you think you are? You want to stop our American soldiers from spreading The Word of our Savior to all others with ears to hear? Over my dead body JEWdas mikie


weinstein. Better yet over the dead bodies of your jew wife and jew children pray Christ to take them soon. Keep your jew disease out of Congress mikey. You comanded to bend your knees and confess Jesus your Savior before it is too late. Romans 14:11. We hate your evil sins but love you as a sinner. You are the number one sinner against our Lord Jesus in America. Everyone know and you can’t hide form us or Jesus. Surrender to Christ or be in hells flames for all time.

(name withheld)

772. December 8, 2014 We know that Hitler was right. Leave US soldiers alone mickey. Get you a nosejob hebe. And why not swindle someone in business? While eating a bagle and showing off your jew diamonds.

(name withheld)

773. December 9, 2014 Hey there Mickey your own people are thinking of making Judaism the official religion of the state and actually calling it a Jewish state. Pick up your briefcase and your money and head out there quick because God knows what they are going to make those officers swear to. I woderu if you hate Jews as much as you hate Christians.

(name withheld)

774. December 11, 2014 Mr. Weinstein your wife seems like so pretty. But is also even more so decieved.

Our own base chaplin noticed this first. If you look at the pictures of her in the news she has a demonic shadow over her face in all of them. And that shadow is the shadow of satan. It is the shadow of YOU Mr Weinstein. You are pure evil. You have doomed her to share your fate in the flames of hell eternal. You rebell against the Holy Gospel and Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.


But we know you for who and what you truly are. Satan get thee behind me!

775. December 21, 2014 fuck your crybaby slut ass wife and fuck your crybaby spoiled children. Who got their fancy air force academy educations all paid for by the GRACE of Amercan CHRISTIAN taxpayers. And just look what we got for our tax money. The family Whiningsteen jew traitors from HELL.

Cry cry cry cause you have it so bad in a CHRISTIAN made country. You know what you all happier in North koria or back in Jewsrael. get OUT of our country! Here Jesus is KING and if you dont like it than fuck you.

And especially FUCK YOU MICKEY CRYBABY WHINESTEEN. Oh it must be so hard to be a little jewboy. fucking everything up in the Christian military for our Christian soldiers. Who have made your WHOLE WORTHLESS life even possible. OUR CHURCH HATE YOU!

Hope you fucking die. Painfully and slow and suffer long. like you make our CHRISTIAN soldiers suffer. because thats what JEWS do all the time. Even to the Son of God.

So you can now suffer you little peace of jew shit. FUCK YOU. wish you were never born.

776. December 25, 2014 And deport all other athiest jews in America. Athiest jews are servents of satan. They do not deserve America. Mikey weinsteen does not deserve life any place but espcialy in the USA. He is THE leader of all which is wrong in America and all who fight Jesus Christ which is the only true God in the universe. Weinsteen will destroy our military and the whole country if he is not deported. Send him to Cuba which niger Obummer loves so much. Or send him and all the other athiests to North Korea to rot and starve.

777. December 30, 2014 Our Spirit-Filled Church prays to Christ Jesus thru Psalm 109 for His Hand to curse Judas Weinstein (Matthew 27: 3-5) down as per Scripture in 2015 for sins against His Church and His armed forces and His America:

We Pray Thee Lord Jesus To Lay Thy Avenging Hands (Revelation 19:11-16) on unbaptized (Mark 16:16) Michael Weinstein his evil wife and evil children (john 8:44) and all of the evil doers who work at MFRR (Revelation 21:8);


"6 Appoint someone evil to oppose my enemy; let an accuser stand at his right hand. 7 When he is tried, let him be found guilty, and may his prayers condemn him. 8 May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership. 9 May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. 10 May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes. 11 May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor. 12 May no one extend kindness to him or take pity on his fatherless children. 13 May his descendants be cut off, their names blotted out from the next generation. 14 May the iniquity of his fathers be remembered before the LORD; may the sin of his mother never be blotted out. 15 May their sins always remain before the LORD, that he may blot out their name from the earth.”

(Spirit-Filled U.S.A.F. families in Jesus Christ who Live in the Word--John 3:36--and the only Savior who speaks the Word)



778. January 16, 2015 Will you please find something else to do. Why can't someone anyone post or display what they want without someone like you making soooooo wrong. For Christ sake. Yep i said christ!!! Whats the big deal!!

(name withheld) Us ARMY retired.

Sent from my LG G Flex, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone

779. January 17, 2015 Weinstein is a ass. For god and country and in god we trust. Maybe if the Jews fought in the revolution and wrote the constitution he would have a right too speak. Other wise shut the f up. Name one thing he has done that has changed our way of life!

780. January 18, 2015 You represent the most disgusting organization this side of the ACLU, American Nazi Party, CPUSA, and KKK.

Thankfully, judgment is a certainty and Mr. Weinstein’s future – and the rest of your staff – is secure. And eternity is forever. I’m sure you’ll be able to “argue” your way out of what is before you.

(name withheld)

781. January 18, 2015 There's ones like me, 45 years old and an atheist all my life (but taught to respect people who are religious and their rights and beliefs) and who acknowledges that yes, indeed this country has a Judeo-Christian background. And then there's the deliberate provocoteurs, like you asshole, who spend their time shitting all over other people's beliefs and denying the true heritage of this nation.

You know, the asshole who said this:

“But whoever, in any way, shape or form, allowed that poster to be designed, prepared and displayed, those individuals should be aggressively investigated and very visibly punished.”


Yeah that will show them you fucking prick.

782. January 18, 2015 Go sit on a frag grenade. You are a disgrace to the United States military. Your comments on the Arizona recruiting poster are your own fucked up thoughts. I sure hope no one ever thinks you represent any one in uniform. I for 1 and my entire family think that sign was entirely appreciate and represents part of the foundation of this country. I highly suspect you use this site as a ruse for your own personal gain. You disgust me.

783. January 18, 2015 Where’s religious freedom for us that beleive in Jesus? who are you anti-american pieces of garbage? you sure don’t know about the believes of the founding fathers. you’re nothing but libs that can’t get recognized for anything on merit!

784. January 18, 2015 you people are CREEPY and uneducated in the Bible and the US constitution.

785 January 18, 2015 Your organization and all organizations like yours are a disgrace and laughing stock to God, God of the bible, and this country! You don't speak for me! It's because of God and this country that allow you to spread your filth around. Your idiots , spending all your time infringing on the rights and liberties of others over God that you don't even believe in! Your nasty org filthy piece work.

Go get a life!

Sent from my iPhone







787. January 18, 2015 I am disgusted by your organization. You demand the revival of God and Country sign outside of a recruiting office, however you enjoy the freedom to practice whatever religion you want. You are hypocritical and definitely NOT patriots.

I don't care what you choose to believe, however this country will not change for your twisted benefit.

(name withheld)

788. January 18, 2015 I am disgusted by your organization. You demand the revival of God and Country sign outside of a recruiting office, however you enjoy the freedom to practice whatever religion you want. You are hypocritical and definitely NOT patriots.

I don't care what you choose to believe, however this country will not change for your twisted benefit.

(name withheld)

789. January 19, 2015 Just to let you know. You can't get rid of God. He's here to stay long after you are gone. And since you don't believe ...once you are gone you are gone for good. Nothing after death for you. All your protesting and complaining and fears won't be remembered 5 minutes after you are dead. Feel real sorry for you. Wasted life all because you were afraid. Poor insignificant you. You could have spent your life doing something good and actually making a positive contribution but out of fear you wasted your life being inconsequential. You are who? You did what? Exactly!!! God's not dead. You are.


790. January 19, 2015 I have come across a number of Atheist groups in the past but your group might take the cake for the most obviously insecure and outwardly seething with anger over feelings of inadequacy I have ever seen.

I find it almost funny and it would be if it wasn't also sad that the main "action" that Atheist groups like yours take is them doing the exact things they claim to hate about religious groups/people. Although, in actuality you all a lot of the time actually go further and do everything in your power to crap on anybody who dares disagree with you and you in turn shove your ignorant beliefs into everybody else's face despite claiming that you hate such actions when it is others doing the "shoving".

You all claim to be "enlightened", "superior" and not "fooled by religion" yet all of your actions(actions speak louder than words after all) scream out about just how insecure you actually happen to be.

Anyway, I am praying you all will eventually "get over yourselves" and admit what each of you know to be true which is that, at the very least, deep down, if you admit this to yourselves or not, that is the undeniable fact that each of you at "military religious freedom" are missing something extremely important in your lives and I truly do hope and pray you all find it sooner rather than later.

791. January 19, 2015 Count on a Jew to strip God from the military. Face it Mikey, you hate the God of your ancestors for your own personal reasons, not your love of the constitution and country.

Without Faith, love and God, people like HITLER come to power. You have a bad memory, Mikey.

792. January 19, 2015 Count on a Jew to strip God from the military. Face it Mikey, you hate the God of your ancestors for your own personal reasons, not your love of the constitution and country.

Without Faith, love and God, people like HITLER come to power. You have a bad memory, Mikey.


793. January 20, 2015 I am so sick and tired of you atheists forcing your non-beliefs on people. You do what you fight so strongly against. It's freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. Fyi separation of church and state was put in the Constitution to keep the government out of the church, not the other way around. Why are you so offended by something you don't believe in? I used to be agnostic, but after looking at all the evidence, I've come to realize that intelligent design is the only possible answer. There are way too many things that have to be perfect for intelligent life to form. Distance from the sun. size, composition and distance of the moon. The tilt of the earth on its axis are just a few things that, if changed even slightly, would prevent life from forming. Now I don't know what or who "god" is. Could be an extremely advanced alien race, could be an all powerful being, who knows. But your right to not believe does not trump my right to believe. So stop, please. You don't like something of a religious nature, ignore it. Plane and simple. And think on this. Would you rather believe in heaven and hell and be wrong or not believe and be wrong. If you don't believe and you're wrong, have fun in hell. If you're wrong and do believe you're just dead. I think I'll believe.

794. January 22, 2015 Youv had your fun making the Army bow to your satan will Mickey Wiensteen. now let’s all watch how Jesus makes you pay for taking Him out of the Army. Your hellbound ‘religious freedom FROM religion” followers too. You all try to fool everybody and hide behind the contitution. Your afraid of the Gospel. Why is it you give a jew a chance to recrusify our Savior and he’ll do it ever time. And your the worse of jews in the world. Blood thrifty for inocent Christians bringing The Word to the Army. damn you and die. And burn for youre sins against Christ Jesus. For all time.

795. January 26, 2015 Micky, Micky, why does’t thou persecute me over the removal of 'for both God and country' Army sign in Arizona?


796. January 29, 2015 Don’t die. Just keep eating shit Michael Loser Weinstein. Fun to watch you eat shit. For all time. Since you and your little family of mfrr shit eaters are nothing but shit anyway. Your only hope is to surrender to Jesus Christ. Your a stiff necked jew so you will not (Exodus 32 and verse 9). Thus you have no hope. Keep your shitty self


out of Christ’s military and Christ’s nation you dirty shit bag. Of course your a jew what else could you be. SHITTY jew.

797. January 30, 2015 How can you attack and discredit the things of God when you don't believe in GOD, That is soooo!!! stupid and ignorant?? and you people are probably educated. please tell me how you can disagree with something you don't believe in?? I don't believe in Santa Claus so it does not bother me!! and I don't go around asking people to take down Santa Claus, let them do what they want its not bothering me, Let people believe what they want to believe, not everybody wants to be as you are. We still have the freedom to choose! I guess you people have lots of money and time that you don't know what to do with it?? Get a life?!?!? don't impose your misery on others!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Regards, mind your own business

798. February 1, 2015 So Bonnie Weinstein is complaining about the so-called 'hate mail' she gets from Christians in her new book? Too bad. What a shameless pity party. She doesn’t like it when we fight back against satan? Hey stupid lady it’s not ‘hate mail’ when those of Christ are trying to save her and her kids and grandchildren from their association with the evilest person alive. It’s called ‘help' Bonnie. Its called caring Bonnie. Its called love lady. You and your kids deserve this from those of us who know Jesus Christ. You know the ones your husband is trying to destroy for his boss lucifer? Mikey Weinstein is a true demon from hell. He is pure evil. He tries to stop the Gospel from being spread to our soldiers. Like forcing the Army to take down that poster for our Lord and Country. Like all the persecution he doe against Christians. Wake up Bonnie! The same soldiers who win all of our wars to preserve this country’s Christian heritage. Look at history Bonnie. It was Christians on the wagons west and Christians who built this country of and for the Glory of Christ. Christians saved the American indians from going to hell and Christian stopped the nazis and commies from taking over the world. Christians liberated negroes from slavery and gave the jews Israel and are the only ones protecting the unborn and trying to keep marriage pure. It was even Christians whom put men on the moon. And now its Christians who die to stop the moslems from beheading us all. The common theme for you Bonnie is Christians. And do not believe that lie about ‘separation of church and state’. Not even in the constitution. Nowhere there. In America noone have to be Christian but they do have to hear and consider His Word. Bonnie you will go to hell with all you kids if you do not separate from your wicked husband. Take a good look at 1 Timothy 5:22 and John 3:18 and 2 Corinthians 6:14. And this is not 'hate mail' Bonnie Weinstein. Do not dare to call it that! This is LOVE mail. We are showing truest Christian love. And sacrifice in the name of The Lamb. We are here for you and your kids. We are trying to change your fate. We are trying to save you and your


kids from your evil husband. He who cannot be saved. Get as far away from Mikey Weinstein as you can. Jesus is coming soon for him and his followers. Christ will slay Mikey Weinstein with The Sword of Righteousness. Your serpant husband will be cut down by Jesus and mutilated for his evil doings. Then him and they all will be cast wiggling and screaming into the Lake of Fire to burn for all time. See John 3:36 and Revelations 20:14. You still have time Bonnie and so do your kids. This is ‘Truth’ mail from those Christians who love you so much and your kids and grandkids too. You all come to know Christ now.

799. February 10, 2015 Our local Christian radio station call in show was all about you and your little band of Christ hating bastards today. You have a problem with the Army fighting for our Lord and country Wienstien? You and your little clone followers of satan can just get the fuck out of our USA! Scram you blasphemers! I hope the Isis captures you and skins you alive for your family to see. For the world to see. Then watch you beg our marines and soldiers who walk in Christ to save your pussy ass jewboy. But it will be too late for you as you will burn in hell. Still not to late for America to drop to its knees and confess Christ over all else. To include your constitution and bill of declaration independence rights. Where do you think that all came from anyway? From Jesus thats where. Your a doomed and stupid fool. A false prophete of darkness. A corpse torch forever burning in the Lake of Fire.

800. February 22, 2015 May God have mercy on your soul for your unbelief. Don't ever threaten me. You won't like the outcome.

801. February 28, 2015 Please tell "Mikey" Weinstein that he and his organization are nothing more than whores for the liberal, atheist whores in Democratic Party! Change your organization's name to Military Religious Intolerance Foundation and do it quickly!

802. March 11, 2015 As a US Naval veteran, you are an affront to my senses. You have no understanding of what “Freedom of Religion” means and you are working to degrade our military. I'm sure you have already been enlightened concerning the term "wall of separation" and its source (not the Constitution). I served for your right to speak and support your ridiculous notions. You may continue to do so but not without my undying opposition and that of my worldwide family.


803. March 11, 2015 Good for them. We'll keep you on our radar. God bless and have a nice day.

804. March 11, 2015 May the Lord Jesus bless you and your organization with conversion of heart, mind and soul giving you at least a little bit of common sense and wisdom in light of the Holy Spirit.

805. March 11, 2015 Hey Bekki, I'm sure your parents are real proud of you!! Or maybe they are as sorry as you are for supporting that piece of garbage Mikey!! What a joke of a name!! Why don't you go get a REAL job and do something worthwhile with the life God gave you instead of being a worthless piece of garbage working for that pervert mikey. That's right mikey, you are a pervert!! I can guarantee one day you will meet God, both of you will, and you will find out how very wrong about His existence you have been!!!

Mikey, you can scare and intimidate some people punk!! It's a damn shame our military officers even listen to you one bit!!! Well you listen to me you sick perverted bastard!! You don't scare me, you can't intimidate me, and you can't reason with me!! You are nothing but a worthless sub-human degenerate who is nothing but a stain on the fabric of this great nation!!

I'm sure your parents are real proud of you too!!

Have a Blessed day!!!

God Bless America!!!

806. March 11, 2015 I sincerely hope the next administration kicks you out of your position and title so hard you feel it for the rest of your life.

Your anti Christian drivel is the afront to the nostrils of millions of Americans. Shame on you, you nasty man.

Enjoy your last 2 years in this position. I have a feeling when we are free of Obama in 2016 a lot of the dirt will be wiped off when he goes.

And thank God for it. It can't come soon enough. Very sincerely


807. March 11, 2015 We learned all about you at bible study tonight on post satan Mickey. You are now revealed for all the world of loving Christians to see. Evil doer of jew blood ancestory. Educated by Uncle Sam and turns on the Christian hands who fed him. Eat vomit and choke till you croak on it. You anti Christ.

808. March 13, 2015 Tell Mikey: Have a Blessed day! Jackass!

Sincerely, (name withheld) - Retired

809. March 14, 2015 Mr. Weinstein, I'd like to let you know that your recent position on "gate greetings" proves your organization sucks. It's people and organizations like yours that are destroying the fabric of this once great nation. In short, I hope you choke on your own arrogance. The United States would be a better place without you in it. Respectfully, (name withheld)

810. March 15, 2015 I dream of mikey whineystien the perpetually offended little jewboy who wanted to be a real man. Take him down Jesus! I dream of him burning in hell forever with his buddies bin Laden and Saddam. May mikey scream in eternal agony as his flesh is consumed aflame. Let your howls be drowned out only by the screams of your wife bonny, your children and, friends as they roast forever with you. Hooah! Payback is a bitch mikey. Have a blessed day and always remember that 'arbeit macht frei”.

811. March 16, 2015 To Mikey and all your staff.....

How does it feel to be the "ASS HOLES OF AMERICA?"

That's exactly what you are...and in my opinion you are violating the constitutional rights of every serviceman and woman!


Also...I think you should be banished from this country because I think you are absolutely ANTI-AMERICAN!

Very Sincerely, (name withheld)

812. March 16, 2015 In God we Trust,

And Have a Blessed Day!

You must be a very angry group of people.

No I will not donate to you.

I am sure you are hugging the ACLU in trying to destroy America.

So, I say again, just to irritate you,

In God we Trust,

And Have a Blessed Day. (name withheld)

813. March 17, 2015 I dream of mikey whineystien the perpetually offended little jewboy who wanted to be a real man. Take him down Jesus! I dream of him burning in hell forever with his buddies bin Laden and Saddam. May mikey scream in eternal agony as his flesh is consumed aflame. Let your howls be drowned out only by the screams of your wife bonny, your children and, friends as they roast forever with you. Hooah! Payback is a bitch mikey. Have a blessed day and always remember that 'arbeit macht frei”.

814. March 17, 2015 We learned all about you at bible study tonight on post satan Mickey. You are now revealed for all the world of loving Christians to see. Evil doer of jew blood ancestory. Educated by Uncle Sam and turns on the Christian hands who fed him. Eat vomit and choke till you croak on it. You anti Christ.


815. March 19, 2015 Just thought I'd pass this on to you all even though I'm sure you've gotten the message already. In your face Mikey. Take that NO and shove it. I sure would hate be in your shoes when you meet your maker, lets hope you wake up and accept him before that time. GOD BLESS YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY!!!!

- (name withheld)

816. March 20, 2015 You have interfered. With the military's right to religious freedom. And free speech. They can say have a blessed day anytime anywhere thank you very much

817. March 24, 2015 Mr. Whinerstein I hate all you and your devil gangsters stand for and pray for your soon demise. My prayers are always answered in Christ so your time is near. I am a strong Christian woman and military wife with a devout Christian marriage to a actual member of the opposite sex (guess we’re not cool enough to be homo?). My soldier husband is also saved as a True Christian and we rearing four Christ fearing children. It is one thing for you to reject the common sense of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But it is much of another thing for you and your little band of Christ hating whores to try to stop His Word from saving every trooper in the military. And they all need to be saved from what is coming. From the anceint one. The fallen dark one you and your henchmen serve Mr. Whinerstein. And you get no pity because your wife is Disease Central and your kids have no backbone to accept The Offered Word. And don’t try to hide behind your fancy lawyer words and your constitution you dirty animal. Your words fall short and the constitution is just paper. But the Word of The Lord is Eternal Light. Your lawyer words will not help you as your Judgement draws near. Your constitution is a pebble and the Bible is a mountain. And you are a little piggy on the way to market. Just a little stiff necked piggy leading a pack of piggys. The Air Force cadets will bow their heads and take their oath to Jesus. The Air Force gate police will spread blessing to all they meet. And the army’s leaders will make sure that our soldiers will come to know the Peace of Christ. Theres nothing you all can do to stop God and His Son. Surrender to your fate. Your mission from satan is hopeless and your damnation from the Holy One is promised is coming. So soon we pray in Jesus Holy name.


818. March 25, 2015 Mr. Weinstein,

As a US Naval veteran, you are an affront to my senses. You have no understanding of what “Freedom of Religion” means and you are working to degrade our military. I'm sure you have already been enlightened concerning the term "wall of separation" and its source (not the Constitution). I served for your right to speak and support your ridiculous notions. You may continue to do so but not without my undying opposition and that of my worldwide family.

(name withheld)

819. March 28, 2015 Mickey Wienstein, You are un-american and unChristian and unhuman. Un-fit to live. May our Lord and Savior damn you and your sour family to the depths of hell to burn for all eternety. Your MRRF is just full of fake Christians, athiest commies and women and men queers. Too bad none of you served in uniform. We hope the Lord’s critters poop and pee all over your unmarked grave. We plan to dance on it every Christmas and Easter.

820. March 28, 2015 Subject: Mikey Whiney-Stein gets slapped down. From: (email address withheld) Date: March 28, 2015 at 3:11:54 PM MDT To: Mikey Weinstein

Action Alert: Finally, the Air Force grounds Mikey Weinstein

821. March 29, 2015 What a fat, bald, pompous ass you are. I wouldn't want to be in your shoes on judgement day boy! Oh! That's right, you think we "evolved" miraculously from a burning mass of lava to the life we enjoy today. What a dummy!

(name withheld) North Carolina



823. March 30, 2015 How does it feel to be the laughing stock of the whole country? LOL

824. March 30, 2015 Please tell Mikey to have a blessed day and that God loves him. God has great plans for him one day.

825. March 30, 2015 As a true Christian mother of 5 and wife of a career active duty spirit-filled Marine I’d just like to tell you to FUCK OFF. The only words you deserve.

The Corps teaches the love of Christ to all and runs on it and fights with it. Our country’s enemies (like YOU and your MRFF) fear the USMC because the Corps is of Christ and has Christ in it. You take Christ out of the Corps and you cripple it. Do that and America falls and its YOUR fault Weinstein.

Your last name its jewish right? This all makes sense because we all know who killed Jesus. Don’t try to blame the Romans either.

I pity you. I even more pity your poor wife and children and grandchildren to have to live with a Christ hater like you. A Christ killer. Ruthless and brutal.

Guess you can’t help it. Its in your blood.

826. April 20, 2015 Happy Birthday to Hitler Mickey! He did to the kikes who killed The Lamb what you do to the children of The Christ. Don’t get all self rightious and think your any better than Hitler. Your not. Your worst than Hitler.


827. April 28, 2015 Yes Mikey we have a weaponized Christianity but not like the one you have be promulgating for so long. Our weaponized Christianity is even stronger than you have talked about, see 2 Corinthians 10:3-5: 3 For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4 The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

This is how evangelical Christians will defeat your organization, we will pray and we will demolish the spiritual stronghold of MRFF and every argument and pretension you speak against the knowledge of God. In some of you YouTube videos you said that this is a war, well you have got it, but we are armed with greater weapons and more power than you can imagine.

I was just thinking maybe evangelical Christians should do what the Israelites did at Jericho, we can march around every Planned Parenthood office or abortion clinic 7 times and then blow the shofar and by God’s power watch those buildings implode to the ground under the power of God.

Maybe we can even march around the Pentagon for 7 days and then blow the shofar on the seventh day and watch that military stronghold spiritually crumble to the power of God and we re-claim it for God.

Obama can legislate against Christians not to share their faith or you as well, but the one thing you or our government can never stop us from doing is praying which is God’s way of getting things done His way.


(name withheld) Pastoral Care & Teaching

“For Zion’s sake I shall not keep silent” – Isaiah 62:1

828. May 3, 2015 Good morning Mike,

I am not sure why you feel sorry for me or for other hyper-Conservative Christians as you may call them. We live very joy filled lives and we are not always looking for God’s wrath to smite us or lurking around every corner. I find it interesting that with more liberal believers they are always stressing just one part of God’s nature which


is love. They will often repeat we just need to love each other or God is love and He will not hurt us, yet there is a whole other side to God’s nature which they do not want to consider which is His wrath or judgment.

Yes as you pointed out that there are many verses that talk about God’s love for us and we need to stress those as we witness to people but God is also a just God and His patience is wearing thin with humanity. I cannot remember the last time I heard a sermon about hell or the wrath of God. When was the last time when anyone has even listened to the famous sermon by Jonathan Edwards –“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.”

God has shown his wrath many times in the past such as wiping out all of humanity by the flood save for Noah and his family, or the complete annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah for the sin of homosexuality, or God swallowing up the first generation of the Israelites in the desert, or God using the Israelites to destroy Jericho, we have the example of Jesus in the temple whipping those who made his temple a house of thieves and robbers. I think God has been very patient with his creation now for well over some 3,000 years Mike, but I believe that scripture teaches that His patient runs out. God would not be God if He will not address the growing and pervasive sins of abortion, homosexuality, pornography and yes even rampant divorce in the church! I am so sick and tired of the seeker friendly churches and preachers like Joel Osteen who will not address the sins of our culture and speak out against them. Where are the preachers like Charles Finney, Jonathan Edwards, DL Moody and the like who preached out about sin and the wrath of God today? If people feel guilty could it be because the Holy Spirit is convicting them of sin?

I encourage you Mike to not only look up the verses about God’s love but also about His wrath as well.


829. May 4, 2015 God loves you, Christains out number Athiests, salvation, cross, Heaven, prayer, Jesus Jesus Jesus, Christ, Christmas, Veterans For Christ, more Jesus Zjesus Jesus, Christ for Athiests, Athiests Love Jesus in secret, Sent from my regular flip phone

830. May 15, 2015 I just finished reading your mission statement and I'm a bit confused. You "claim" you support freedom and yet you aim to persecute any person who stands up for their faith. I have worn a military uniform for over 24 years. I was a Christian before I joined. I swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and all the freedoms that come


with it. I swore that oath with the ending words "So Help me God". When I signed my enlistment papers it did not say that I give up my rights as an American. So what are you trying to accomplish? Are you saying that we are free to believe what we want to but can't be who we are or talk about it in uniform? Let me ask you this. Our founding Fathers, did they stop talking about God when they put on uniforms to fight for the very freedom you seek to destroy? The answer is no. They in fact embraced God and against overwhelming odds won your freedom. This Freedom did not come cheap. It was earned by the blood of God Fearing Patriots in uniform ( some not) Do you seek to take away my freedom because it may offend someone else? If so, then you have missed the point entirely. I have met many "atheists" in my time. And the big question is this. Are you a true Atheist? Let's look at the word. It means one who does not believe in any deity. A true atheist would not care one way or another about a persons faith. I would argue that today's "Atheists" are in fact anti-theists, seeking to punish or destroy anyone who has chosen to believe in God. Therefore I can only conclude that you are not trying to preserve freedom but rather trying to destroy it for those who choose to Believe. I pity you . You have dedicated your life to hating something you do not understand. Perhaps you were hurt by someone claiming to be religious that did not know God for who He truly is. If that is the case I'm sorry you had to experience that pain. I will make you this promise. I will continue to wear this uniform and defend the rights of every American, including my fellow believers in the armed forces, and I will pray for you. I pray that you will see what God has done for you through His people who refused to bow to the evils of this world that you may have the opportunity to turn from your hate of those who do know Him.



831. May 17, 2015 don’t you have anything better to do you fucking idiots. I’m not religious but don’t give a shit if someone else is. Get a life!!!!

832. May 17, 2015 As a citizen of the United States of America, a supporter of our men and women that serve in the armed forces and a staunch believer in our Constitution, I'm asking you to retract your comments pertaining Major General Olsen. I'd also ask that you disband this organization that obviously has no merit if it believes in the


infringement of the First Amendment. This "non-profit" is not worthy of that status. (name withheld)

833. May 17, 2015 I am not a religious person but must tell you that your mission is wrong. There are too many people in this country that don't understand what freedom of religion means. You are in that category.

834. May 17, 2015 This country was founded on god not all these other beliefs brought here so move to another country i bite my tougne and not tell you what i really think of you

835. May 17, 2015 Your position on Major Gen Olson is an embarassment and a prime example of how delusional and baseless your standards are. Have you not heard of free speech and freedom of religion? Why would anyone give money to this cause?

836. May 17, 2015 Your recent letter to the USAF Chief of Staff is the ultimate oxymoron compared to the name of your organization. The guy you’re going after is a chaplain and the venue was a prayer event. What article of the UCMJ would you charge him with? What part of the Constitution do you feel he violated; freedom of speech?

Your intolerance is morally disgusting. Start bringing people together instead of spreading divineness. You listen to the Obamas too much.

837. May 17, 2015 At what point in America did we squash Freedom of speech ? There is no harm in thanking your God in public regardless of being in or out of Government. Who are you to say what a person can or can not say. We live in a free country (supposedly ).... And to think you have the ability to squash an individual's right to speak from his heart is appalling , unconstitutional with the first amendment , and the beginning of the end to freedoms which all Americans enjoy.


Our founders are rolling over in there graves watching America be torn apart by these acts of dictatorship .

Absolutely a tragedy

838. May 17, 2015 leave Gen Olsun alone you treasonous little jew coward of ZOG. The Gen. loves Jesus and is loving bringing that to the World as the Bible tell us too. Did some checking up on you mickey and you slime children at the air force academy. Weak cry baby all. not surprised to find the Truth. that you all tortured good Christians there. Now you cry when We of Christ fight back? haHa payback is bitch especially for jew cry babys like you little jew boy. Who thinks he’s a real man. and your wife deserves to be so cripple And We of The Lord pray you have brain hemorrage where your eyes pop out. and your shitjew blood streams out of ears.

839. May 17, 2015 Your group has purposely adopted a name that is grossly misleading and intended to confuse.

Your criticism of military personnel who give voice to their belief in God is appalling.

You ignore the fact that country was founded in a believe and trust in God.

You will not silence nor intimidate those in the military and in civilian life who reverently and publicly give credit to God or praise him.

840. May 17, 2015 Michael

I read your letter about an Air Force General saying basically tha God guided him. Who are you to judge what others believe and how they want to believe it? You basically want to seek your notoriety at the expense of others. Its people like you who are demeaning our country and everything about it. Im not a religious person by any means and i absolutely do not care whether the next guy believes in a God or not. Its their right. I also have no problem if classrooms Pledge of Allegiance or if they post the Ten Commandments in public places. The people that live by this have


as much right to see it as you have not to see them. You are basically a hate mongrel and tou spread hate. The sad part is there are those weak minded lost souls who need to follow something and will follow you. Any strong willed human would not give you a second look. You should be ashamed of yourself as a human being for trying to ruin this Soldier for what he believes in. Basically what you created was a cult. Hopefully everyone will be strong and diminish your negative contribution to society.

841. May 17, 2015 I know you’re getting a lot of emails regarding your opinion on General Olson’s speech. Please be aware that there are people praying fervently for all of you. Everything you stand for is on the wrong side of God. According to His Word, God is laughing at you for your fight against Him, and that scares me. Eternity apart from Him is a very real consequence of your actions, and while it should frighten you, it also frighten me for the dangerous position you have put yourself in. Prayers for mercy, and the veil to be lifted are being petitioned for you. Blessings, Tom (name withheld)

842. May 17, 2015 The whole lot of you need to find "Real Jobs"! Because ONE man spoke out about his belief in Christian ideology you are ready to court martial him, ruin his career and his family in the process. I wonder if any of you would be quite so anxious to make an example of him had he said that "Allah" was his guiding force. He is NOT disgusting...but you, most assuredly, are!

(name withheld)

843. May 17, 2015 For your organization to come out a demand a court martial for Major General Craig Olson for his recent speech on May 7th, it defies common sense, common decency and quite frankly un-American. You're using bullying tactics by making such a demand.

Had the General been making this speech in some military or government forum then you have a more valid argument, not one that I'd agree with, but one that would could be argued.


Your organization comes across as a "bully" more than some reasonable organization who is trying to make some reasonable change for decorum. As a result I find what you are doing is irresponsible & reprehensible to our military leaders and members of all the military as well as the citizens of our great Country.

844. May 17, 2015 Good morning, I recently read an article where you want to court martial a general who fought in his career to save the very freedoms in which you live under and hide behind. You cowards....leave well enough alone. He has done nothing that hurts your daily life at all. Why should we live by your beliefs of we can't have ours. Your a disgrace to the foundation of this country. You will not win, there are more of us who will not let that happen. 845. May 17, 2015 YOU ARE AN AMERICA HATING PIECE OF SHIT AND I HOPE YOU FUCKING ROT IN HELL YOU FUCKING MORON!!!!!


846. May 17, 2015 don’t you have anything better to do you fucking idiots. I’m not religious but don’t give a shit if someone else is. Get a life!!!!

847. May 17, 2015 As a citizen of the United States of America, a supporter of our men and women that serve in the armed forces and a staunch believer in our Constitution, I'm asking you to retract your comments pertaining Major General Olsen. I'd also ask that you disband this organization that obviously has no merit if it believes in the infringement of the First Amendment. This "non-profit" is not worthy of that status.

848. May 17, 2015 I am not a religious person but must tell you that your mission is wrong. There are too many people in this country that don't understand what freedom of religion means. You are in that category.


849. May 17, 2015 This country was founded on god not all these other beliefs brought here so move to another country i bite my tougne and not tell you what i really think of you

850. May 17, 2015 Your position on Major Gen Olson is an embarassment and a prime example of how delusional and baseless your standards are. Have you not heard of free speech and freedom of religion?

Why would anyone give money to this cause?

851. May 17, 2015 Your recent letter to the USAF Chief of Staff is the ultimate oxymoron compared to the name of your organization. The guy you’re going after is a chaplain and the venue was a prayer event. What article of the UCMJ would you charge him with? What part of the Constitution do you feel he violated; freedom of speech?

Your intolerance is morally disgusting. Start bringing people together instead of spreading divineness. You listen to the Obamas too much.

852. May 17, 2015 At what point in America did we squash Freedom of speech ? There is no harm in thanking your God in public regardless of being in or out of Government. Who are you to say what a person can or can not say. We live in a free country (supposedly ).... And to think you have the ability to squash an individual's right to speak from his heart is appalling , unconstitutional with the first amendment , and the beginning of the end to freedoms which all Americans enjoy.

Our founders are rolling over in there graves watching America be torn apart by these acts of dictatorship .

Absolutely a tragedy

853. May 17, 2015 leave Gen Olsun alone you treasonous little jew coward of ZOG. The Gen. loves Jesus and is loving bringing that to the World as the Bible tell us too. Did some checking up on you mickey and you slime children at the air force academy. Weak cry baby all. not surprised to find the Truth. that you all tortured good Christians there. Now you cry when We of Christ fight back? haHa payback is bitch especially for jew cry babys like you little jew boy. Who thinks


he’s a real man. and your wife deserves to be so cripple And We of The Lord pray you have brain hemorrage where your eyes pop out. and your shitjew blood streams out of ears.

854. May 17, 2015 Hi Folks.

Just curious did the you get the idea that God is the same as Christianity...or any other religion? That's a strange idea to jump to when you consider that our country was founded on a belief in God to begin with. It's in our constitution and our country is "One nation under God".

The days of anti-American rhetoric are coming to an end because folks like you want to make others do what you want them to do, even if they don't want to. If you worked for what you believed in, in ways that we all can agree on, you would actually accomplish something. When you pick out silly things to try to create attention for yourselves, you look as silly as your letter demanding punishment for celebrating the fabric of America by an American General. Wow! You folks don't really understand this country, do you? Thanks for listening.

855. May 17, 2015 Your group has purposely adopted a name that is grossly misleading and intended to confuse.

Your criticism of military personnel who give voice to their belief in God is appalling.

You ignore the fact that country was founded in a believe and trust in God.

You will not silence nor intimidate those in the military and in civilian life who reverently and publicly give credit to God or praise him.

856. May 17, 2015 I read your letter about an Air Force General saying basically tha God guided him. Who are you to judge what others believe and how they want to believe it? You basically want to seek your notoriety at the expense of others. Its people like you who are demeaning our country and everything about it. Im not a religious person by any means and i absolutely do not care whether the next guy believes in a God or not. Its their right. I also have no problem if classrooms Pledge of Allegiance or if they post the Ten Commandments in public places. The people that live by this have as much right to see it as you have not to see them. You are basically a hate mongrel and tou spread hate. The sad part is there are those weak minded lost souls who


need to follow something and will follow you. Any strong willed human would not give you a second look. You should be ashamed of yourself as a human being for trying to ruin this Soldier for what he believes in. Basically what you created was a cult. Hopefully everyone will be strong and diminish your negative contribution to society.

857. May 17, 2015 I know you’re getting a lot of emails regarding your opinion on General Olson’s speech. Please be aware that there are people praying fervently for all of you. Everything you stand for is on the wrong side of God. According to His Word, God is laughing at you for your fight against Him, and that scares me. Eternity apart from Him is a very real consequence of your actions, and while it should frighten you, it also frighten me for the dangerous position you have put yourself in. Prayers for mercy, and the veil to be lifted are being petitioned for you. Blessings, (name withheld)

858. May 17, 2015 The whole lot of you need to find "Real Jobs"! Because ONE man spoke out about his belief in Christian ideology you are ready to court martial him, ruin his career and his family in the process. I wonder if any of you would be quite so anxious to make an example of him had he said that "Allah" was his guiding force. He is NOT disgusting...but you, most assuredly, are!

859. May 17, 2015 For your organization to come out a demand a court martial for Major General Craig Olson for his recent speech on May 7th, it defies common sense, common decency and quite frankly un-American. You're using bullying tactics by making such a demand.

Had the General been making this speech in some military or government forum then you have a more valid argument, not one that I'd agree with, but one that would could be argued.

Your organization comes across as a "bully" more than some reasonable organization who is trying to make some reasonable change for decorum. As a result I find what you are doing is irresponsible & reprehensible to our military leaders and members of all the military as well as the citizens of our great Country.


860. May 17, 2015 you have reached a new low for groups like yours. truly intolerant and bigoted. thank God you are in such a minority in our military and elsewhere. fully expect to be attacked and welcome it

861. May 17, 2015 MRFF, … with the General. PERIOD! You people are destructive and divisive and out of your minds….My father is a WW II vet and has passed and he is rolling over in his grave at these atrocities of the left. GOD got him through WW II. GOD got our family through WW II and the depression. GOD is my co-pilot, and you are stoking flames here. STOP IT!

862. May 17, 2015 Would you please tell Mikey to stop making shit up.

Thank you,

863. May 17, 2015 Your sick, sad organization is to be pitied.

864. May 17, 2015 FROM a US MARINE...

Go FUCK YOURSELVES and preferrably in Syria, N Korea or Iran!!!

865. May 17, 2015 What your org is attempting to do Maj. Gen. Craig Olson is not only unjust, I find your efforts to crush Freedom of Speech / Religion a threat to our nation.

As a retied USAF member, Combat Vet, and supporter of Freedom of Speech and Religion, I find The Military Religious Freedom Foundation is a just as disgusting as ISIS and the Westboro Baptist Church crew.

However, you can not only thank a Vet for providing you those freedoms, I am GLAD you have this chance to let your ideas be heard (so we can see your true colors).

Understand this, Maj. Gen. Craig Olson has a number of supporters, both in and out of uniform, so please, you do not speak for me and do not throw my support (or the support of countless others) behind your cause.


866. May 17, 2015 May I start by saying that your entire group is no better than the fanatics running wild in the Middle East! you disgust me and your call for a U.S. Military officer to be court martialed is insane! Everyone of you should be locked up! I do not go to church every weekend but I recognize the power of free speech and if this General feels like God help him succeed, then he should be allowed to feel that way and say that! Start worrying about terrorism and how the military that you hate, is going to defend us from fanatics like yourselves and ISIS is in the Middle East. You have been drinking the Kool-Aid too long and apparently you missed out on the Jim Jones meeting in Africa years ago.

867. May 17, 2015 You have nothing better to do in your life than try and stamp out religion? Get a life.

868. May 17, 2015 Each person in your organization should be summarily shot or hanged for you suggestion the general should be court marshaled. You are obviously a bunch of far left extreme liberal democrats. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

869. May 17, 2015 What is shocking and disgusting to me is the fact YOU and your members breath my air. If it was within my abilities, everyone of you would be deported to North Korea where you would need not fear proselytizing of any kind.

Your disgusting attack on General Olson is wholly without merit, and should be treated for what it is - an attempt to damage the military to the benefit of our enemies. In your letter you wrote, "...on behalf of countless members of the United States Air Force who are utterly disgusted and...", yet can not produce ONE person in uniform that you allegedly speak for. Why? Because there are no "victims", just a bunch of hate spewing people who have nothing better to do than rabble rouse.

I have one simple request for YOU, and your disgusting pack of loathsome followers - EAT SHIT AND DIE.

Unrespectfully, (name withheld)


870. May 17, 2015 You can be sure that the asshole Mikey Weinstein does not speak for anybody but himself.

871. May 17, 2015 When the revolution starts, I will personaly send all of you to God.....

872. May 17, 2015 I am a very Liberal Person, but your wanting someone court marshaled for ones own belief shows you are for Freedom only when it's in agreeable to you and those of your ilk. Please mind your own damn business !!!

873. May 17, 2015 Dear Sirs,

Greetings from Switzerland.

You are overlooking something, no?

General Mac Arthur asked for 10 000 Christian missionaries to be sent to Japan after WW2. Would you all have tried court marshaled him too? Do you work for ISIS? Who`s side are you on?

He who sits in the heavens laughs,

The Lord scoffs at them.

5 Then He will speak to them in His anger

And terrify them in His fury, saying,

6 "But as for Me, I have installed My King

Upon Zion, My holy mountain."

NASU Ps 2:4-6

I pray to God for you in Jesus Name, that you would recover your sight.

874. May 17, 2015 How can you claim to support our military members Constitutional right to religious freedom on the one hand. Then demand the court martial of a serving military


member for expressing his faith and how he has it at the center of his life. The oath of service includes the the words, "So help me God."

I was a member of the United States Air Force and swore that oath and I find your hypocrisy both disturbing and offensive.

875. May 17, 2015 Do you have any connection to. The Westboro. Baptist. Church???? Or. The. Lenin. School. Of. Economics???

876. May 17, 2015 Your entire organization is despicable and the people who belong and support you and your organization are key contributors to the downfall of this once great country. This country was founded as a God loving, God fearing nation. That is the key to our greatness. No where IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES IT STATE A SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. THAT IS MADE UP PROPAGANDA. If you dislike this country please please go somewhere else.

877. May 17, 2015 Stop it. The brazen and vulgar manner in which your organization demands that Service members like Craig Olsen be "Punished" as if they had violated DOD regulations is WRONG and in itself against DOD regulation! Your organization is publicly embarrassing to the Military Service, Our Nation and the People of the United States. The despicable and filthy manner in which you try to undermine other's freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the asinine conduct of your organization on social media is nauseating to say the least. I am writing your members this letter not to call you names, but to put your organization on notice that I feel that a class-action lawsuit must be filed against your organization and the senior leaders of your organization by all Military Service members shortly in order to once again secure he freedom and liberty that we never tire of fighting to win. It is dirty and vulgar opportunists such as the members of the "Military Religious Freedom organization" who feel that they will profit by stating illegally that their small bunch of cultists represent the members of the US Armed Forces! How laughable and what a sick joke that illegal statement is! Your organization does NOT represent very many members of the US Armed Forces and one has only to look to the Chaplains Corps and go to the Post Chapel to discover that your organization is dead wrong. Stop it completely right his minute! I demand that you retract your organization's crass and tacky demands against Craig Olsen and refrain from that behavior in the future. STOP attempting to punish other's for exercising the freedom and liberty that your organization espouses to hold so dear! Hypocrisy is obvious when it is as loud and vulgar as the crass demands your sickening bunch makes. Shame and notorious vilification are the just rewards for the sort of acts members of your sad little agnostic cult insist on committing. Fail to apologize publicly and


privately to MG Olsen and the senior leadership of the Armed Forces and the US Air Force no later than noon on Monday, 18 May 2015, or fail to retract your demands to have M Craig Olsen punished and I will personally organize a real Military Religious Freedom Organization AND a class-action lawsuit in the US Superior Courts against your travesty and yourselves. This is a promise from a veteran who knows what religious freedom is, the regulations concerning it and just how illegal your tawdry cult is. I feel that all of the members of the United States Military have been caused undue mental anguish by your organization and that your organization should pay. I also am sure that your organization must be investigated by Congress very soon.

878. May 17, 2015 This email is to Mikey Weinstein who is too much of a coward to post his own email address.

Mr. Weinstein this letter was prompted by you letter to General Mark A. Welsh III regarding your assertion that Maj. Gen. Craig Olson need to be court marshaled as a result of his mentioning God at a National Day of Prayer Task Force speech on May 7.

This was reported at general-for-mentioning-god/#lGxtASHbrXaQoewh.99

Sir you are obviously a Marxist Liberal propagandist, a religious bigot, and an outright liar. Your comments are factually wrong for our country was founded on Christians principles, and these principles were heavily promoted during most of US history. Please look at the “New England Primer,” a book of Catholicism that was used in public schools for almost 200 years. Public schools were started to teach children to read the Bible and this book teaches children to be both good citizens and Christians. You do not have to be a Christian to live in America but you have to except its principles and morality.

Just because you join, the military does not mean you give up your constitutional rights. Maj. Gen. Olson is covered by the 1st Amendment as you are, the same Constitution that recognizes your right to make total fool of yourself, also recognizes Olson’s right to speak of and give thanks to God.

Your letter is wrong on several points”

You have NO standing for this complaint because you are not a member of the military. since 70% of the American public are Christians and our country was founded on Christians principles, just who are you representing and when were you elected to this spot?

Maj. Gen. Olson was at “National Day of Prayer Task Force.” What did you expect him to do, read the Communist Manifesto? Just acknowledging God is


not forcing a religion. This was not a MANDATORY event that the Gen. forced on his men to attened. So it was not proselytizing, which means to convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.

The 1st Amendment has TWO parts, the second you Marxist Liberals seem to ignore. Part one is ONLY meant for Congress not the Government in general or to apply to the States. I says CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. No mention of the Military. In fact until you Marxist started to recently, corrupt the US Constitution the military leaders were know for their prayers. Like Washington, while he was Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces battling for The Independence of the American Colonies gave a prayer at Valley Forge. During WWII US Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower on the eve of the D-Day invasion “wished his troops good luck and sought the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.” Even Gen. George S. Patton on several occasions that he a strong believer in Prayer. On the eve of battle at Bastogne, Patton had printed 250,000 copies of a Christmas day prayer he had written for his men.

The most important part of the 1st Amendment states (congress) “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” Ironically you bring up the phrase “Separation of Church and State” which is not found in the US Constitution, but is found in the constitution of the failed USSR. The comment comes from Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists where he uses the phrase "separation of Church and State" was actually about States’ Rights. The 10th Amendment allowed States to dictate a State Religion. The state religion in Connecticut at the time was Congregationalism. The Danbury Baptists church petitioned Jefferson for aid in the religious disestablishment. Jefferson failed to intervene on the ground that the federal government was strictly FORBIDDEN from interfering in state matters. The full statement reads, " I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislatures should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and State." The "State" to which he referred is clearly Congress, which he calls the "legislature." And of course, he's right. The First Amendment clearly prohibits Congress from getting involved in the establishment of a NATIONAL religion, and the reason is obvious. Congress is prohibited from doing so because the right was reserved for the states and the states alone.

You lie about what Olson did as being a “Felony” under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, not in there. If you look at “Military Personnel and Freedom of Religious Expression: Selected Legal Issues” from April 8, 2010. It talks about “Accommodation of Religious Practices with in the Military service.” Maj. Gen. Olson was engaged in a religious practice “National Day of Prayer Task Force speech” and therefore is free to exercise his religious freedoms. By your trying to get him court marshaled for doing so makes your actions


and interference with his freedoms of religion. That is why MOST people find your actions disgusting. Refer to the comments at mentioning-god/

The majority of your letter is just bigoted nonsense, of make up laws and regulations that do not exist. There are actually definitions of what a religion is and what proselytizing is, and giving a prayer or expressing how God affected your life does not fall into these categories. Maj. Gen. Olson is not “Congress.” What you Marxist Liberals fail to understand is that the US Constitution is to RESTRICT Government, and Government intervention, not the people.

Your letter is nothing more then ranting of a bigoted mad man and I hope General Mark A. Welsh III Air Force Chief of Staff rightfully ignores them. The letter is sad in that if you acknowledge the existence of God that would mean you would have to obey Him. So you spend every waking moment of you pathetic little life trying to convince yourself and anyone else that might be listening that there is no God.

879. May 17, 2015 After reading what you "demand" be done to Maj. Gen. Olson, for giving GOD the credit for his personal accomplishments; I think that you are a very efficient soldier for the Devil, the very spawn, as a matter of fact! You people are pathetic, to say the least and in need of salvation.

Of one thing I am sure, someday your soul WILL kneel before GOD, at The Great White Throne and ACKNOWLEDGE that he is GOD, just before you are most likely tossed into Hell, barring a miracle.

One question comes to mind, IF Olson had given credit to the bogus Allah, would you have said anything?

I pray that the very God you deny will someday, before it is too late, work a miracle in your lives. GOD BLESS.

880. May 17, 2015 The poison your prevaricating religious zealots are spewing is shameful. Your group, faction, or whatever you assume is right is wrong. I'm direct grandson to Rev. William Brewster of the Mayflower. He along with many other survivors of that religious freedom journey, signed the Mayflower compact. It pre-dates the Constitution and American flag. It alone spells out the the true beliefs of Our nation under God. Your taking God out of the foxhole of American service members is poison. You have no right to stomp on threaten or demand to have God removed from the lips of any American. Who gave you the ok to strip the words or feelings


from anyone? I think if your not happy what my family and sacrificed lives have done under God. Then you and your alleged 40.000 members or continued complainants need to leave my America. My family my blood was here first, to include Indian bloodlines.

881. May 17, 2015 My father came ashore at Normandy in 1944 and earned a Purple Heart and Bronze Star in Europe. He is gone now but I am sure that he would agree with me that the only people defiling this once great nation is your group of hate mongers. I will work diligently to request that all veterans and others that I am acquainted with never contribute to your disgusting organization. I realize that this means very little to you but it is a step in the right direction.

882. May 17, 2015 Leave the guy alone you fucking rats. Big surprise, who would have figured this is a Jew run site. Only a fucking Jew would piss on himself because some military guy said Jesus. Go fuck yourself.. You people are wretched,and this is coming from an atheist.

883. May 17, 2015 Did I read correctly that MRFF said in a statement about General Olson that he should be court-martialed for his statements about his dependence on God for various circumstances he was responsible for? In my humble opinion General Olson is who you should be defending not opposing. That's faith. He is a hero. That's the code of the military. Thanks, (name withheld) (phone number withheld)

884. May 17, 2015 Yeah, he died for YOU all too....

Sincerely, (name withheld)

885. May 17, 2015 thought you might be interested to know that a religious symbol would be a Bible, or a Prayer Cloth and not the American Flag, or the Constitution. I think you are so mis-informed and downright bone headed, that your name is an oxymoron. it does not mean what it infers.

Have a Blessed day, (and I hope you meet Jesus someday)


886. May 17, 2015 So let me get this straight. Maj. Gen. Craig Olson. Spoke in his uniform and on television about how his personal Christian faith helped him throughout his life. And you anti-Christian assholes want him court-martialed and put in prison. If I were a betting man I would bet everything I own which isn't much that you hypocrites wouldn't say a damn thing if the general spoke about Islam or Judaism. You scum sucking pigs are all the same. Anytime Christians says anything in public you crucify them. But you don't say shit when it comes to anyone else. Just to make you aware most people in this country are Christian. We have something in this country called freedom of speech. That is not denied to the people in the military or in schools. You communists are the minority. And in the wrong country. I think you would all be happier in a place like North Korea. You really need to change your name from freedom from religion to hypocrites against Christianity. I'm sure you assholes consider yourself atheists. But you're not. True atheists don't believe in God therefore they don't give a damn when someone invokes Jesus. If you truly want to help make this once great nation a better country. Go up to the roof and jump off. Or take a walk in traffic. This world would be a better place without you.

887. May 17, 2015 Disgusting: spoke-god-in-speech-should-be-court-martialed-group-says/

Your deceitful organization is against everything I stood for during my 26-year Navy career: freedom OF religion and the individual rights of our citizens.Like another reader commented, you should change your name to Military Religious Persecution Foundation. Clearly, the atheists have you in their back pocket.

888. May 17, 2015 Dear Mikey Winestein, You are nothing but an intolerant bigot and fascist whom you are lying out your ass when you claim you're fighting for civil liberties. You are wanting to throw people in jail who are Christian because you live your daily life walking around with a flaming hot poker jammed way up your ass and destroy the first amendment for everyone except the hard-left "politically correct". You should be forced to go to sensitivity training so you will learn how to tolerate points of view that aren't your own because I'm extremely offended at your hateful, bigoted demands of criminalization of basic human rights we've enjoyed for centuries. You're a disgrace and a bully.



890. May 17, 2015 You are a very sick bunch of people. Which of you served in the military?

(name withheld) Captain, US Army airborne infantry

891. May 17, 2015 You call the Constitution your "religious" document? Perhaps you need to re-read it carefully...specifically AMENDMENT 1. "Or abridging the free exercise thereof". IF you are so convinced God doesn't exist why do you get your knickers in a bunch about those who believe He does!! You have NO right not to be offended, get over your ugly, self 'righteous' little selves. Or maybe you're bowing and scraping to muslims and are unable to master your fear? You have the unmitigated gall to screech "civil liberty" while you jack boot all over the rights of Christians? But then you who deny God have no clue of truth, integrity, freedom or decency. Which one of your two faces do you wear when you're blathering about the Constitution? We know how the Book lose.

892. May 17, 2015 As a citizen of the United States of America, a supporter of our men and women that serve in the armed forces and a staunch believer in our Constitution, I'm asking you to retract your comments pertaining Major General Olsen. I'd also ask that you disband this organization that obviously has no merit if it believes in the infringement of the First Amendment. This "non-profit" is not worthy of that status.

(name withheld)

893. May 17, 2015 I'll keep it simple...your organization must make all atheists proud. Keep up the good work. Makes my job as a Christian that much easier.


894. May 17, 2015 Strange how part of you "title" contains the word "freedom" yet you aggressively CHOOSE to persecute anyone who disagrees with your "thoughts"! As my husband always says - that's what you get for doing you own thinking! How dare you seek vengeance against the Lt. Col. who mentioned God in his speech! Praise The Lord for him, his service to our country (I dare say none of your organization has served this country) and his words. God's truth is His truth! Whether you CHOOSE to believe or not is irrelevant to God. What is relevant is your salvation & where you CHOOSE to spend eternity! When all of you breath your last EVERY human being is absent from the body present with The Lord. You each WILL stand before God & if you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus, you WILL be judged, you WILL spend ALL eternity separated from God & will be in hell! Your choice - choose wisely! The Lt. Col. did choose wisely - your organization has not! Don't believe it oh well!

(name withheld) Mesquite, NV

895. May 17, 2015 To anti military, anti religion people, you. Go back to worshiping obama or allah or whoever and leave us Christians alone. We mind our own business, you do the same.

Thank you,

(name withheld)

896. May 17, 2015 Your recent letter to the USAF Chief of Staff is the ultimate oxymoron compared to the name of your organization. The guy you’re going after is a chaplain and the venue was a prayer event. What article of the UCMJ would you charge him with? What part of the Constitution do you feel he violated; freedom of speech? Your intolerance is morally disgusting. Start bringing people together instead of spreading divineness. You listen to the Obamas too much.

897. May 17, 2015 The constitution says freedom of religion. The phrase freedom from religion does not appear in the constitution. You and everyone in this country are free to practice or not practice religion as you see fit, as long as your practices do not interfere with anyone else's pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Your recent condemnation of an Air Force general for his speech in support of God is wrong and not in keeping with


the constitution.

Just as you are not protected from hearing, seeing or being exposed to other political beliefs. You are not granted protection from exposure to other religious beliefs. Various churches maybe visible to you on your daily travels, as will advertising, in many forms. Your censorship of religion in the military is as wrong as censorship of political views. This country is a Constitutional Republic, not a mob rule democracy. Since you consider the flag of the republic and the constitution to be the only religious symbols for our military, remember that the constitution does not limit man but government. As it sets forth your God given rights, which are inherently derived from the Creator and not government or man. As such these rights can not be taken away or limited.

(name withheld)

898. May 18, 2015 One can be openly gay, showing sexual preference, yet can't be openly Christian. Under Obama Americans are losing their Freedom of Religion. Christians are under attack!

899. May 18, 2015 You guys are the biggest bunch of idiots. I bet if this general was up there talking about his Muslim faith there would be no problem. No matter what you people do there are those of us who stand with this guy and stand up for the truth. That Jesus is the only way to heaven. Feel sorry for you people when you have to stand before God on judgment day and explain this bunch of crap.

900. May 18, 2015 What is the difference between your piece of shit- Un American organization and those ISIS extremists whom you mirror as an organization. Meaning you both want Christians to be openly silenced and persecuted for their beliefs. Fuck you and you Left wing Liberal Beliefs in which you keep pushing on Real Americans!!! Your organization is no different than those enemies of America. Why don't you move to those countries and join their Jihad! Your a disgrace to Americans who have died for your freedom....May Jesus Christ have mercy on you....Cause I know conservative American Christians would love to watch you suffer


901. May 18, 2015 Dear Michael L. Weinstein, Esq.

The irrational fear and hatred you hold for those who practice the Christian faith are blatantly made known through the choice of insulting words you associated with the Christian, Craig Olson: disgusted and shocked, brutal disgrace, scathingly sectarian, shame spectacle, and sick to damn death to list a spare few. I watched the YouTube video that you provided with the link and don’t understand how you can find anything sickening with its contents unless you have Christianophobia. Craig Olson is a Christian who was addressing fellow Christians at a Christian event. He was by no means proselytizing and even if he was, Olson, as a citizen, is protected under the First Amendment to do so. It is not brazenly illicit to share your faith or an exchange of ideals with another in this country, even for a serviceman standing in front of millions of viewers. Olson’s speech was not sectarian, shameful or in the spirit of supremacy. He encouraged all to pray for God to grant wisdom and success to every member of the military. He asked everyone to pray for those who are deployed and their families, regardless of their creed. There is no more shame or superiority in this than there is in receiving a card from your coworkers who only wish you well. Your objection to Olson’ sharing his testimony is synonymous with censorship. People have heightened, deeply spiritual and otherworldly experiences. To ban such people from sharing their experiences simply because they wear a uniform, is revoking their rights as an American citizen and, in a sense, enslaving them. To demand servicemen and women when dawning their uniforms to give up their rights as American citizens, self-censor and ignore their religion is essentially asking them to deny their very identities, blot out their personalities and become mindless slaves of the institution they willingly joined. Comparing Olson’s personal experiences and prayers to some random Major General’s racist remarks shows how bias and illogical your conclusions are when it comes to Christians. Your poorly constructed equivalency makes it clear that you think it is wrong and even illicit for any servicemen to talk about their faith. Your hatred for Christians is apparent in your desire to oppress and gag them. The argument that Olson’s speech was a national security risk is ridiculous. He said nothing that would ignite the fury of Islamists and cause them to attack our deployed servicemen and women. Olson’s speech wasn’t political—it was personal. Everyone is entitled to share their personal journeys, spiritual or not. “Olson’s screed of fundamentalist Christian triumphalism.”—you make it sound as though Olson got up on the stage and cried out, “Jesus, is the greatest of all gods! He is the only God that ever existed. Christians are so much better than the heathens. All heathens will be their slaves and then go to hell!”. Now, that would have been sickening and disgraceful. Olson would have certainly gotten fired for saying all of that, especially in his uniform. But he didn’t, and probably couldn’t even fathom saying any of that in such a hateful spirit. Instead, Olson peacefully and sincerely spoke about his personal walk with God and he prayed for the well-being of everyone, including unbelievers. You are slandering Olson by essentially putting words in his mouth and saying he is doing something that he is clearly not. I suggest you learn to tolerate people who hold other


worldviews that are different from your own. The only supremacist I found in this letter was you.


(name withheld)

902. May 18, 2015 Did I read correctly that MRFF said in a statement about General Olson that he should be court-martialed for his statements about his dependence on God for various circumstances he was responsible for? In my humble opinion General Olson is who you should be defending not opposing. That's faith. He is a hero. That's the code of the military. Thanks, (name withheld)

903. May 18, 2015 If it wasn't for this country's belief in GOD you and your group would not have the ability to spout off against religon. I don't care if you do or don't believe but to try to limit anyone else in or out of the military in their beliefs is wrong. This country was founded on religious beliefs and that's a FACT.

904. May 18, 2015 Your name states religious freedom yet you seek a court martial for this decorated member of our armed forces. It is easy for anyone with one single, functioning brain cell to see through your name and patriotic looking web site that you are no more than another left leaning liberal seeking the destruction of the USA and all She stands for. It is my hope and PRAYER that your type of false propaganda spread no further than the fools who willing believe you seek any type of "freedom".

905. May 18, 2015 How can you claim to support our military members Constitutional right to religious freedom on the one hand. Then demand the court martial of a serving military member for expressing his faith and how he has it at the center of his life. The oath of service includes the the words, "So help me God." I was a member of the United States Air Force and swore that oath and I find your hypocrisy both disturbing and offensive.

(name withheld)


906. May 18, 2015 Your entire organization is despicable and the people who belong and support you and your organization are key contributors to the downfall of this once great country. This country was founded as a God loving, God fearing nation. That is the key to our greatness. No where IN THE CONSTITUTION DOES IT STATE A SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. THAT IS MADE UP PROPAGANDA. If you dislike this country please please go somewhere else.

907. May 18, 2015 'Religious Freedom' That's right, COMMUNISTS always use the words they are actually at war with to cushion their cause. If you called it 'The TAKE DOWN OF RELIGION' or 'THE DESTRUCTION OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM IN AMERICA' it wouldn't get any where, would it?? You are a despicable 'man' and you need to get out of the Military. If 'men' like you are in our Military I can see why our Military is becoming weak in some areas. Take your JIHAD IDEAS and SHARIA LAWS motivation and join AL-QUEDA. You are forgetting that the REASON WE ARE FREE AND STRONG is because GOOD MEN WHO TRUST IN GOD!! THAT'S RIGHT G-O-D!! THEY are the reason we are a COUNTRY. Not COWARDS! Not TRAITORS! Not WICKED MURDERERS! Not PERVERTS! That's not what built this COUNTRY!! YOU will stand or cringe in Front of GOD! SIGNED, (name withheld)

908. May 18, 2015 Dear Becky, I would very much appreciate you passing this on to Mickey Weinstein. I am writing in response to the comments you made regarding General Olsen's comments at the prayer breakfast that he was a redeemed believer in Christ. Your response indicates that you know nothing and care not the least tiny bit about religious freedoms in this country. Do people criticize others when they speak publicly about Muslim, Jewish, Hindu; etc. beliefs? No, it is because the cross of Christ and the message of redemption is so offensive (the Bible calls it a "stumbling block to unbelievers"). You cannot expect to respond in such a cruel and intolerant manner as you have to General Olson an not get a response from believers. The USA is a free nation. This is especially true in regard to religious freedom. We should not expect such intolerance toward any religion. All of us have a right to share our faith.

909. May 18, 2015 Thanks for doing the work you all do, because it really helps people realize just how incredibly important it is to have religion and God in our military.

Praise the Lord!



(name withheld)

910. May 18, 2015 You people are so full of hatred, worse than the Puritans! When is enough enough??? FUCKING GIVE IT A REST, LET PEOPLE BE WHO THEY ARE! A Christian HAS THE RIGHT to thank his God publicly!!! Fucking ASSHOLES you guys –

(name withheld)

US Navy Veteran

Atlanta, GA

911. May 18, 2015 Shame on your organization for going after the Maj Gen for his speech!

(name withheld)

GySgt USMC (Ret)

912. May 18, 2015 MRFF,

I strongly recommend you collectively leave America and take up residence in one of the "Stans", Syria, or maybe North Korea. Your fervor for censorship, and presumably totalitarianism, is better suited to a godless 3-rd world hell hole. It is certainly not welcome in the USA. I will pray to God every day that your pathetic organization goes bankrupt in the near future.

Worst wishes,

(name withheld) (USAF, LtCol, retired)

913. May 18, 2015 Serve Him and Let Him Take Care of It

BIBLE MEDITATION: “Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in


the sight of all men. If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.” Romans 12:17-18

DEVOTIONAL THOUGHT: A certain minister served a church for many years, then one day the church asked him to leave. He was talking to another preacher friend and said, “What they did to me was dirty. After all I did for them, and they treat me this way.” The preacher friend listening to him thought to himself, “It’s a shame he didn’t do it for God.” If you’re serving God in any way, don’t do it for people; do it for the Lord. Serve Him. If you’re doing right, people may mistreat you, but what difference does it make if you are serving the Lord? God will prove Himself faithful and will reward you for your obedience.

ACTION POINT: Don’t bow to bitterness. Tell God what has happened. Let Him deal with it in His time. He’ll take care of it.

914. May 18, 2015 I am praying that the Light of God would be shown to all of you. I am so thankful for Godly men and women serving in our military and for the testimony they bring. I pray that they remain strong in their faith and that Gods glory will be shown through them.

God Bless,

(name withheld)

915. May 18, 2015 I would like to express my profound disappointment in your organization. How dare your organization attack our freedom, and our militaries freedom, to practice religion. “nor prohibit the practice thereof” What are you people thinking??

(name withheld)

Terryville, Ct

916. May 18, 2015 send m weinstein to communist north korea to talk. how trash like this gets on the internet is beyond reason.


917. May 18, 2015 thought you ought to know that there are more Christians out there that don't go to church...than do. We believe in God just as much as church attenders...but refuse the Sunday ritual of attending a church building. We are many. And we despise your loathing of any of us Christians, attending church or not. You will fail in the end. I will pray for your souls...because you do not operate your website with love for your fellow mankind. If you would not...could not...persecute the many Christians. Shame on you for condemning Major General Craig Olsen. God will judge you, I can only say shame on you.

May you find Grace and Peace someday,

(name withheld)


919. May 18, 2015 You have to be kidding..."standing up for our service members". You are a Communist/a liar. You are not standing up for our military. We serve"GOD, our country and that order. I have over 1.5 million military members in my organization and we are pursuing every channel we know to have your company deleted from all military organizations. We will do everything to get rid of your 'not for profit status'. What you are saying is totally false and very misleading. We can talk about GOD,Prayer, Jesus and who ever is in the books of the Bible. It is is our right and make no mistake we will continue to do so. GOD is in control. Not you deceitful, liars. I and many others will do with all of our power get rid of your organization. People like you don't like our country or our must be Muslim or some other non-christian outfit. We will seek you out and we will get rid of you one way or another. Time is on our side.

(name withheld) US Military Commander

920. May 18, 2015 eave Gen Olsun alone you treasonous little jew coward of ZOG. The Gen. loves Jesus and is loving bringing that to the World as the Bible tell us too. Did some checking up on you mickey and you slime children at the air force academy. Weak cry baby all. not surprised to find the Truth. that you all tortured good Christians there. Now you cry when We of Christ fight back? haHa payback is bitch especially for jew cry


babys like you little jew boy. Who thinks he’s a real man. and your wife deserves to be so cripple And We of The Lord pray you have brain hemorrage where your eyes pop out. and your shitjew blood streams out of ears.

921. May 18, 2015 I will make sure every friend and family member of mine that's in the thousands never donates a dime to you non American shit organization just leave this country we don't want you here!!!

(name withheld)

922. May 18, 2015 Why don't you fucking sorry excuse of Americans leave this country, this country was built on Christianity and this is gods country so just leave especially you Weinstein you Jew piece of shit!!!

923. May 18, 2015 strongly stand with the general in his speech. It was personal experience and personal testimony. The misunderstanding you folks have is the Federalist papers and other documents..the framers of our Constitution did not want another national religion like they left in England. They never meant people in government could not participate in religion. The constitution, which by the way he defends so you can spew your hatred, says cannot establish, and CANNOT prevent the FREE PRACTICE thereof. Maybe if you folks would seek God and His love..maybe you wouldn't be fighting inside of yourselves. You wouldn't be hating. Try love.

924. May 18, 2015 failure to obey an order...REALLY?? bullsnot, you 2-bit ambulance don't know squat. show me the order he disobeyed. here's an idea for you, Glider Skool Honor Grad: why don't you ask your beloved USAF to court-martial everyone who verbally finishes their oath of office / enlistment with, "so help me God"? and just exactly how did you ever make it out of Colo. Springs? I guess you were too much of a retard to get a flight school or missile school slot, so they sent you to the JAG Corps. get a life, Mikey the Loser.


925. May 18, 2015 Miller,

How pathetic and disgusting you and your companies views are with respect to the free and brave serviceman who spoke the truth about his faith! They are vile to all Red Blooded Americans that know and still thank GOD that our country was formed around these principles. There are many places in this world you and your underlings can go to and the vermin like you and yours will fit in perfectly. Get a life and go elsewhere sooner, than later. GOD BLESS YOU NOW AND FOREVER, as you will likely need all the help you can get! Have a nice day!

926. May 18, 2015 Read what Hitler did…you will see my point…is your handbook Nazi propaganda?

927. May 18, 2015 For your organization to come out a demand a court martial for Major General Craig Olson for his recent speech on May 7th, it defies common sense, common decency and quite frankly un-American. You're using bullying tactics by making such a demand. Had the General been making this speech in some military or government forum then you have a more valid argument, not one that I'd agree with, but one that would could be argued. Your organization comes across as a "bully" more than some reasonable organization who is trying to make some reasonable change for decorum. As a result I find what you are doing is irresponsible & reprehensible to our military leaders and members of all the military as well as the citizens of our great Country.

928. May 18, 2015 I have just one question for you: do you SERIOUSLY wish to remove someone who has served their country so skillfully, simply because you disagree with their religious stance? Generals simply do not "grow on trees". As the son of a WWII vet, I'm asking you to stop trying to destroy the military simply over a religious disagreement.

929. May 18, 2015 You have to be kidding..."standing up for our service members". You are a Communist/a liar. You are not standing up for our military. We serve"GOD, our


country and that order. I have over 1.5 million military members in my organization and we are pursuing every channel we know to have your company deleted from all military organizations. We will do everything to get rid of your 'not for profit status'. What you are saying is totally false and very misleading. We can talk about GOD,Prayer, Jesus and who ever is in the books of the Bible. It is is our right and make no mistake we will continue to do so. GOD is in control. Not you deceitful, liars. I and many others will do with all of our power get rid of your organization. People like you don't like our country or our must be Muslim or some other non-christian outfit. We will seek you out and we will get rid of you one way or another. Time is on our side.

(name withheld) US Military Commander

930. May 18, 2015 For your group to say they are for protected Military Religious Freedom something you did nothing for this general is disgraceful. Your group are nothing but a bunch of racist and bigots and after reading what your fonder went through with his faith, but I bet you if you would not do the same thing to a muslin for the fear would offend them and possibly receive death threats. I server proudly in the armed forces for 30 years and believe in the constitution whole hardly and what you have just done by bring action against this officer is do right treasons against this country and those who server in the military

931. May 18, 2015 Thank GOD you folks were not around when this country was established.

(name withheld)

932. May 19, 2015 Bekki,

Please take Military out of your name; you do NOT represent the Military what so ever Please take freedom out of your name: You are not for freedom or freedom of speech Please take Religious out of your name. You have demonstrated you have no religion. What does that make you. NOTHING

God bless America and may He have mercy on you.

(name withheld)


933. May 19, 2015 Why is it that you get to have your freedom of speech but Maj. Gen. Olsen does not? He did not go to a Air Force event, he went to an event for his religious beliefs. Freedom of speech is not one sided. You have a right to not believe in religion and not want it but he and many others have the right to believe and speak their minds. As true Americans I would hope you drop this against Olsen.

Thank you

God Bless

934. May 19, 2015 to whom it better concern:

This demand letter is sent to you on behalf of TENS OF THOUSANDS members of the United States Air Force, and the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of American citizens, who are utterly disgusted and shocked by the brazenly illicit and wholly ridiculous and disgusting attack you have perpetrated upon a loyal and distinguished general of our Armed Forces for your unpatriotic, traitorous publicly attempt to silence and remove this good man from his official commission. Historically, from the time of the American Revolution, ALL of our military leaders -- up to and including the most recent U.S. wars that have been fought -- have in their own way given thanks to Providence, as IN GOD WE TRUST. General Olson was only following suit in the precedence set down by General Of The Army George Washington, no more, no less. If you people cannot tolerate the Constitutionally-protected exercise of expression by any member of our National Armed Forces, then get the hell out of our Country quickly and remove yourselves to Russia where you can try to peddle your insane drivel of trying to silence and remove persons in good standing just because you don't agree with them. we are sick and tired of your neo-Soviet agenda of attempting to remake America in the image of Stalinism you crazy people seem to want. Repeat, stand down and immediately retract your idiotic attack upon Air Force Major-General Craig Olson and, in fact, we also demand your subversive organization issue a publick apology to Great Silent Majority of the Military and General Populace upon whom you people have injured the basic fabric of our Body Politic! for the First Citizens of America (R),

(name withheld)


935. May 19, 2015 MRFF,

… with the General. PERIOD! You people are destructive and divisive and out of your minds….My father is a WW II vet and has passed and he is rolling over in his grave at these atrocities of the left. GOD got him through WW II. GOD got our family through WW II and the depression. GOD is my co-pilot, and you are stoking flames here. STOP IT!

(name withheld)Carmel,NY

FDNY officer ret’d

Son of Chet WW II 3 purple hearts

Brother of 3 sisters and father of two.

936. May 19, 2015 Michael

I read your letter about an Air Force General saying basically tha God guided him. Who are you to judge what others believe and how they want to believe it? You basically want to seek your notoriety at the expense of others. Its people like you who are demeaning our country and everything about it. Im not a religious person by any means and i absolutely do not care whether the next guy believes in a God or not. Its their right. I also have no problem if classrooms Pledge of Allegiance or if they post the Ten Commandments in public places. The people that live by this have as much right to see it as you have not to see them. You are basically a hate mongrel and tou spread hate. The sad part is there are those weak minded lost souls who need to follow something and will follow you. Any strong willed human would not give you a second look. You should be ashamed of yourself as a human being for trying to ruin this Soldier for what he believes in. Basically what you created was a cult. Hopefully everyone will be strong and diminish your negative contribution to society.

937. May 19, 2015 You know what Mikey the world is tired of you. We are tired of people like you violating our right to worship the only God. It's people like you who have the spirit of accommodation which Jesus never had and we are weary of your ranting and raving. This country was borne out of a belief in God and if that doesn't sit well with you - please leave. Your ideology is tiresome and antichrist - so why don't you take your atheistic views and see what happens to you when Jesus comes and your


eternity is in hell. We have a right in this country to have religious freedom and just because a few atheists can't bear the name of Jesus or the view of a real God - we are all suppose to crumble at your feet. We won't. And if you died today would you go to heaven? One must think about that - because you will die and your eternity is marked for heaven or hell. Lord help you.

938. May 19, 2015 You do have a right to post your thoughts. So, just because one speaks of a particular religion you feel compelled to reject it's content or subject matter and act as tho you speak for hundreds . If you feel that words may change your personal thoughts about a particular religion then why be so weak in your own response.

JESUS is the only way

939. May 19, 2015 You people are the perfect example of what is wrong with this country today. You are destroying what use to be the greatest military force in the world. I hope each and everyone who is a part of your organization, and all those who support you, rot in hell!

940. May 19, 2015 You guys scare me with you ignorance. General Welsh was speaking at a National Day of Prayer Task Force. He has the right to talk about Religion. There's nothing wrong with Religion in the military. It's good for moral. No one was ever made to go to church services when I was in the Navy. The Constitution does not say they can’t believe in God or whoever you want to worship. So please stop trying to remove Religion in the Military or in our society, it's been here for a long time. If you stop and think about it, no one has ever gone blind from reading the Bible or lost their hearing from listening to someone preaching from the Bible. Think about it.


(name withheld)

941. May 19, 2015 Would you please tell Mikey to stop making shit up.


Thank you,

(name withheld)

942. May 19, 2015 Dear Mike: There you go again, trying to obliterate God. You remind me of Voltaire who tried to do the same thing but in the end his house became a Bible factory! There is no "wall of separation" in the Constitution, only the 1st amendment which states that Congress shall make no law concerning the establishment of religion NOR LIMITINGTHE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF". Therefore YOU are acting in an unconstitutional manner by trying to LIMIT THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF! I know that with Obama as president, the most unChristian Christian president this country has ever suffered through, but you can't stamp out faith, my friend, even though you obviously want to . The Bible says that where the spirit of the Lord is there is liberty! This freedom you are enjoying to try to restrain religious expression is a God given freedom.I grieve for you and whatever mistreatment you must have suffered in childhood to createsuch God hate and antiChristianbigotry and I pray for your soul. Any time you want to talk I'm here for you.

Rev. (name withheld)

943. May 19, 2015 I am writing this in support of USAF Major General Craig Olson, and to express my total disgust with your attempt to have him court martialed for speaking about his beliefs and faith in God! Like it on not this great country was founded on Christian principles and organizations like yours are part of what is very wrong with this country! The last time I hecked we are still free to speak our minds without persecution!

Your in Christ,

(name withheld)

A Christian and follower of our Lord Jesus Christ!!

944. May 19, 2015 I am curious why you feel General Marsh has none of the freedom of speech guarantees that the rest of us enjoy. He did not ask anyone to believe what he does, simply stated what he felt. He at no point asked anyone to believe as he does. I may not agree with every thing he says, however that does not give anyone the right to try and keep him silent. He is an American citizen and has the same freedom of speech all of us do, his uniform does not take that right away. You are wrong and need to withdraw your complaint WITH an apology to him. Your vicious attack on an officer of the USAF was unwarranted and simply misplaced militant atheism.


(name withheld)

USAF 1970-1974 & 1990-1991

945. May 19, 2015 You people are way off base. Freedom of religion is protected by the U.S. Constitution. You have no right to force other people to not practice the religion of their choice. In addition, freedom of speech is also guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. You have no right to tell other people what they can or cannot say about their religion (or anything else) in public.

There will be a backlash against this Tyranny of the Left.

946. May 19, 2015 Thank you for bring to my attention Maj. Gen Craig Olson. Because of your site I was able to listen to his speech. What a inspiring speech. How great to hear God mentioned at a national Day of Prayer. Your work to bring attention to God to so many people will be rewarded by God when you stand in front of him.

947. May 19, 2015 Michael

I read your letter about an Air Force General saying basically tha God guided him. Who are you to judge what others believe and how they want to believe it? You basically want to seek your notoriety at the expense of others. Its people like you who are demeaning our country and everything about it. Im not a religious person by any means and i absolutely do not care whether the next guy believes in a God or not. Its their right. I also have no problem if classrooms Pledge of Allegiance or if they post the Ten Commandments in public places. The people that live by this have as much right to see it as you have not to see them. You are basically a hate mongrel and tou spread hate. The sad part is there are those weak minded lost souls who need to follow something and will follow you. Any strong willed human would not give you a second look. You should be ashamed of yourself as a human being for trying to ruin this Soldier for what he believes in. Basically what you created was a cult. Hopefully everyone will be strong and diminish your negative contribution to society.

948. May 19, 2015 Why is it that you get to have your freedom of speech but Maj. Gen. Olsen does not? He did not go to a Air Force event, he went to an event for his religious beliefs. Freedom of speech is not one sided. You have a right to not believe in religion and not want it but he and many others have the right to believe and speak their minds. As true Americans I would hope you drop this against Olsen.


Thank you

God Bless

949. May 19, 2015 You guys are an embarrassment to his country. We need more leaders like Craig Olson…not weaklings like yourselves. Pull your heads out of your ass!

950. May 19, 2015 If you are against God, He will be very much against you. Don't be fools

God Bless,

(name withheld)

951. May 19, 2015 hat is shocking and disgusting to me is the fact YOU and your members breath my air. If it was within my abilities, everyone of you would be deported to North Korea where you would need not fear proselytizing of any kind. Your disgusting attack on General Olson is wholly without merit, and should be treated for what it is - an attempt to damage the military to the benefit of our enemies. In your letter you wrote, "...on behalf of countless members of the United States Air Force who are utterly disgusted and...", yet can not produce ONE person in uniform that you allegedly speak for. Why? Because there are no "victims", just a bunch of hate spewing people who have nothing better to do than rabble rouse. I have one simple request for YOU, and your disgusting pack of loathsome followers - EAT SHIT AND DIE.


(name and address withheld)

SEE, I even included my name AND address.

Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.

952. May 19, 2015 In my opinion you're nothing but a bunch of assholes


953. May 20, 2015 Your case against General Olsen reeks of disgusting insanity by a bunch of hypocritical idiots. Your twisted context of a person expressing his own beliefs violates the very thing you profess to represent and in fact is contrary to the principles our constitution sets forth.

954. May 20, 2015 Realize and meditate on what an absolute waste to mankind you are.

955. May 20, 2015 Each person in your organization should be summarily shot or hanged for you suggestion the general should be court marshaled. You are obviously a bunch of far left extreme liberal democrats. You should be ashamed of yourselves.



957. May 20, 2015 The constitution says freedom of religion. The phrase freedom from religion does not appear in the constitution. You and everyone in this country are free to practice or not practice religion as you see fit, as long as your practices do not interfere with anyone else's pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. Your recent condemnation of an Air Force general for his speech in support of God is wrong and not in keeping with the constitution. Just as you are not protected from hearing, seeing or being exposed to other political beliefs. You are not granted protection from exposure to other religious beliefs. Various churches maybe visible to you on your daily travels, as will advertising, in many forms. Your censorship of religion in the military is as wrong as censorship of political views. This country is a Constitutional Republic, not a mob rule democracy. Since you consider the flag of the republic and the constitution to be the only religious symbols for our military, remember that the constitution does not limit man but government. As it sets forth your God given rights, which are inherently derived from the Creator and not government or man. As such these rights can not be taken away or limited. (name withheld)


958. May 20, 2015 I am disgusted and shocked that your anti-American organization would have the impudence to propose a court-martial for Maj. Gen. Craig Olson, the Air Force general who spoke about how God guided his career. The 1st amendment to the Constitution is supposed to protect all Americans in their expression of personal religious beliefs. We have freedom OF religion and freedom OF speech. Not freedom FROM religion or speech. By allowing this A.F. general to share what God means to him personally in no way indicates that Congress is establishing a religion based on his speech. However, by suggesting that Maj. Gen. Olson be court-martialed your organizationis attempting to prohibit the free exercise of his religion & abridge the freedom of his speech - both protected by the Bill of Rights. Maybe you should read the Constitution sometime instead of trying to re-write what it really says! "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

959. May 20, 2015 You guys are a bunch of homosexuals and lesbians are you not? True only to your sexual perversions? Not a patriotic bone in your body? Rampant with Hiv and disease, eager for others to be like you? Filth in NM.

960. May 20, 2015 The poison your prevaricating religious zealots are spewing is shameful. Your group, faction, or whatever you assume is right is wrong. I'm direct grandson to Rev. William Brewster of the Mayflower. He along with many other survivors of that religious freedom journey, signed the Mayflower compact. It pre-dates the Constitution and American flag. It alone spells out the the true beliefs of Our nation under God. Your taking God out of the foxhole of American service members is poison. You have no right to stomp on threaten or demand to have God removed from the lips of any American. Who gave you the ok to strip the words or feelings from anyone? I think if your not happy what my family and sacrificed lives have done under God. Then you and your alleged 40.000 members or continued complainants need to leave my America. My family my blood was here first, to include Indian bloodlines.


961. May 20, 2015 Leave the guy alone you fucking rats. Big surprise, who would have figured this is a Jew run site. Only a fucking Jew would piss on himself because some military guy said Jesus. Go fuck yourself.. You people are wretched,and this is coming from an atheist.

962. May 20, 2015 Screw you guys. If I had the resources I'd sue your organization for stupidity.

963. May 20, 2015 Mrs. Weinstein,

I really can't believe you are wasting your life hating people and trying to erase religious freedom. It is such a waste of one of Gods greatest gift..a meaningful life and you are a waste of space in America. It takes so much energy to hate and will make you look old and ugly. You should move to a Muslim country where they treat women like disposable dish rags since you seem to be so taken with their religion. I have never been in church where the preacher says you should go and kill all people who don't believe like we do, which is what Muslims do. Why would you as a thinking woman support that? Why would a free woman ever want that evil to get a foot hold in America? Good always triumphs evil so I full faith your evil organization will never win! As a wife of a retired Air Force Officer, when you mess with a military man you better be aware their wife will have his back because if they get a hold of you will praying for the good Lord to help you!


(name withheld)

964. May 20, 2015 How is it that you have nothing better to do than take for granted the protection given to you by our nation's military while you criticize and harass them? YOU are the utter disgrace and the very name of your organization is disrespectful. I have nothing left to say to such ignorant, ungrateful wastes of humanity other than this - you'll get yours. You can hope you won't. You can go to sleep wishing you won't. But in the back of your mind, know that you WILL get your comeuppance and just the thought of that puts a smile on my face.

- An American who actually understands the constitution and supports the military


965. May 20, 2015 I am hoping the facts are wrong and you can clear them up. Otherwise, I have a serious complaint against your organization and what is being reported by the news media for May 7, concerning - Maj. Gen. Craig Olson. I will find out the details to your claims and if found to be valid you will need to spend a lot of money to support your case. Seriously- I have to question your judgement as an organization for trying to court martial a man based on his beliefs. There have been countless men speaking their faith in uniform prior to this. Did you seek a court martial for all of them? Let me answer that question for you. You did not. So you cannot hand pick which people you're going to courtmartial and which ones you will ignore. it;s a all or nothing deal. Therefore you case does not hold any merit.

Please drop the case.

(name withheld)

966. May 20, 2015 ou want a fight you have one!!!! Back the fuck off.

967. May 20, 2015 Your call for the court martial of Maj. General Craig Olson is "brazenly" anti- American. The very name of your organization is an oxymoron. If one cannot express his or her belief in whatever faith they believe, than your organization is not granting "freedom." Every serviceman should respect the religious beliefs of every other service man, expressed or unexpressed. As a wife of a retired navy captain AND the mother of an active duty navy diver I think the members of your organization should be ashamed of themselves! Go stand in the corner!

968. May 20, 2015 Mike,

Getting into all this, 'that is not really what they meant, and they are really this mind-set and that mind-set,and they are really a not so nice group' is too much for me. I have no desire for making a religious theocracy, but I am far more comfortable with them, than OBAMA and his ilk...I understand the power of a 'too' religious right and we are seeing the destruction of the 'left'. But General Olsen thanking God for his life, seems petty if challenged. Does he have a agenda behind it? I have zero idea. Do you all have an agenda behind you? It seems, YES!

(name withheld)


969. May 20, 2015 Sad but true at first glance you seem true to cause but deeper twisted and perverted in thoughts.

970. May 20, 2015 When the revolution starts, I will personaly send all of you to God.....

971. May 20, 2015 This email is to Mikey Weinstein who is too much of a coward to post his own email address. Mr. Weinstein this letter was prompted by you letter to General Mark A. Welsh III regarding your assertion that Maj. Gen. Craig Olson need to be court marshaled as a result of his mentioning God at a National Day of Prayer Task Force speech on May 7.

This was reported at general-for-mentioning-god/#lGxtASHbrXaQoewh.99

Sir you are obviously a Marxist Liberal propagandist, a religious bigot, and an outright liar. Your comments are factually wrong for our country was founded on Christians principles, and these principles were heavily promoted during most of US history. Please look at the “New England Primer,” a book of Catholicism that was used in public schools for almost 200 years. Public schools were started to teach children to read the Bible and this book teaches children to be both good citizens and Christians. You do not have to be a Christian to live in America but you have to except its principles and morality. Just because you join, the military does not mean you give up your constitutional rights. Maj. Gen. Olson is covered by the 1st Amendment as you are, the same Constitution that recognizes your right to make total fool of yourself, also recognizes Olson’s right to speak of and give thanks to God.

Your letter is wrong on several points”

You have NO standing for this complaint because you are not a member of the military. since 70% of the American public are Christians and our country was founded on Christians principles, just who are you representing and when were you elected to this spot?

Maj. Gen. Olson was at “National Day of Prayer Task Force.” What did you expect him to do, read the Communist Manifesto? Just acknowledging God is not forcing a religion. This was not a MANDATORY event that the Gen. forced on his men to


attened. So it was not proselytizing, which means to convert or attempt to convert (someone) from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.

The 1st Amendment has TWO parts, the second you Marxist Liberals seem to ignore. Part one is ONLY meant for Congress not the Government in general or to apply to the States. I says CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. No mention of the Military. In fact until you Marxist started to recently, corrupt the US Constitution the military leaders were know for their prayers. Like Washington, while he was Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces battling for The Independence of the American Colonies gave a prayer at Valley Forge. During WWII US Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower on the eve of the D-Day invasion “wished his troops good luck and sought the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.” Even Gen. George S. Patton on several occasions that he a strong believer in Prayer. On the eve of battle at Bastogne, Patton had printed 250,000 copies of a Christmas day prayer he had written for his men.

The most important part of the 1st Amendment states (congress) “or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;” Ironically you bring up the phrase “Separation of Church and State” which is not found in the US Constitution, but is found in the constitution of the failed USSR. The comment comes from Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists where he uses the phrase "separation of Church and State" was actually about States’ Rights. The 10th Amendment allowed States to dictate a State Religion. The state religion in Connecticut at the time was Congregationalism. The Danbury Baptists church petitioned Jefferson for aid in the religious disestablishment. Jefferson failed to intervene on the ground that the federal government was strictly FORBIDDEN from interfering in state matters. The full statement reads, " I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislatures should 'make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and State." The "State" to which he referred is clearly Congress, which he calls the "legislature." And of course, he's right. The First Amendment clearly prohibits Congress from getting involved in the establishment of a NATIONAL religion, and the reason is obvious. Congress is prohibited from doing so because the right was reserved for the states and the states alone.

You lie about what Olson did as being a “Felony” under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, not in there. If you look at “Military Personnel and Freedom of Religious Expression: Selected Legal Issues” from April 8, 2010. It talks about “Accommodation of Religious Practices with in the Military service.” Maj. Gen. Olson was engaged in a religious practice “National Day of Prayer Task Force speech” and therefore is free to exercise his religious freedoms. By your trying to get him court marshaled for doing so makes your actions and interference with his freedoms of religion.


That is why MOST people find your actions disgusting. Refer to the comments at god/

The majority of your letter is just bigoted nonsense, of make up laws and regulations that do not exist. There are actually definitions of what a religion is and what proselytizing is, and giving a prayer or expressing how God affected your life does not fall into these categories. Maj. Gen. Olson is not “Congress.” What you Marxist Liberals fail to understand is that the US Constitution is to RESTRICT Government, and Government intervention, not the people. Your letter is nothing more then ranting of a bigoted mad man and I hope General Mark A. Welsh III Air Force Chief of Staff rightfully ignores them. The letter is sad in that if you acknowledge the existence of God that would mean you would have to obey Him. So you spend every waking moment of you pathetic little life trying to convince yourself and anyone else that might be listening that there is no God.

(name withheld)

972. May 20, 2015 Mikey Mikey Mickey

Obviously, you have not read your comment pages lately ...... I have the feeling someone is tracking you and yours. Be careful out there

973. May 21, 2015 leave Gen Olsun alone you treasonous little jew coward of ZOG. The Gen. loves Jesus and is loving bringing that to the World as the Bible tell us too. Did some checking up on you mickey and you slime children at the air force academy. Weak cry baby all. not surprised to find the Truth. that you all tortured good Christians there. Now you cry when We of Christ fight back? haHa payback is bitch especially for jew cry babys like you little jew boy. Who thinks he’s a real man. and your wife deserves to be so cripple And We of The Lord pray you have brain hemorrage where your eyes pop out. and your shitjew blood streams out of ears.

974. May 21, 2014 Your call for the court martial of Maj. General Craig Olson is “brazenly” anti- American. The very name of your organization is an oxymoron. If one cannot express his or her belief in whatever faith they believe, than your organization is not granting “freedom.” Every serviceman should respect the religious beliefs of every


other service man, expressed or unexpressed. As a wife of a retired navy captain AND the mother of an active duty navy diver I think the members of your organization should be ashamed of themselves! Go stand in the corner!

(name withheld)

975. May 21, 2015 Sad but true at first glance you seem true to cause but deeper twisted and perverted in thoughts.

(name withheld)

976. May 21, 2015 Realize and meditate on what an absolute waste to mankind you are. (name withheld)

977. May 21, 2015 To whom it concerns,

Go ahead tell me to stop talking about God. Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior, and will judge you greatly.

But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.? Matthew 10:13. Oh look I even used scripture!

(name withheld)

978. May 21, 2015 You DARE attack a real American hero like General Olsen just for letting folks know the TRUTH that Jesus Christ is the ONLY true Savior and Salvation for fallen mankind?

We hope you live a long life Mickey. A long long life.

Long enough to watch helpless. As your wife and children and their children and all your clever liberal friends wither and die in agony and shame.

Long enough to suffer the unbearable loneliness of their absence from your


graceless life in service to satan.

Live long enough to see all who you love perish into dust. Long enough to cry a river because you won’t ever see them again.

Leaving you alone with the thoughts of what could have been had only you surrendered to Jesus.

And accepted his Free Gift of Life Eternal.

Just as the General said to do.

Long life to Mickey Wienstein.

(name withheld)

979. May 21, 2015 I am confused. You call your group Military Religious Freedom, what a crock. Your name contradicts your ideology. I was under the assumption that here in the united States, we as either civilians or members of the Military had the right to pray to whom ever, wherever we choose, without persecution.

If this is so why is it so wrong that this good man needs to be court marshaled , ruining his name for life just for thanking God for his good life? Embarrass him in front of the world? Military men do this everyday. Be Christian, Jew, Muslim, or what ever, you should be able to pray anytime, anyplace, it is our constitutional right as free me, in a free nation. If someone is offended by people praying, leave the area. If you have a movie showing in your community that you don’t like, don’t go see it. A politician you don’t like, don’t vote for him/her.

You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing. Have we become so troubled by someone praying at a prayer breakfast that we call for his head on a platter? if so then we are destined to fall apart as a free society. What happened to this great Country that it has come to this? I was a member of the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam conflict and our boys fought and died for our right to Religious freedom, among other things. We prayed everyday that they come home safe. I do not remember anyone getting offended by that, asking for their head on a platter. My father fought in WW2 for the right to pray in public and in private. You are truly confused and ignorant about what the founding fathers were referring to by (Church and State) You people will one day answer to the Lord for your denial and pay the price for your stupidity. May God have some mercy on your poor souls. I will pray for you, out loud and in public, and you can forget getting a dime from me for your group riddled with this type of mind set. That choice is also a right I have as a free American citizen. Please go get a real job,


organize a community or something, but leave those brave Military men and women alone. They are trying to protect your right to be stupid, and are willing to die for that. Go figure.

(name withheld)

980. May 21, 2015 MRF,

Your efforts by Mike Weinstein, to bring charges against Air Force General, Craig Olson, reflect your hatred of our country, the United States of America. You do not stand for the what is good and right about this country, and it is your goal to destroy its very foundations, faith in Jesus Christ and trust in God.

Yahweh is the Lord God over all the earth, and He raises up leaders who know Him and His word, just as General Craig Olson has been. The very horror that exists within your mission statement declares your true hatred for God and His people, as well as their faith in Him. You do not understand the Christian faith so you condemn it, and try to prevent anyone from following the God of the Bible. You say that you experienced “discrimination” because of your Jewish faith, yet it is the Christians who have most ardently stood, and continue to stand alongside Israel.

This country is free, and our freedoms give all people the right to worship the God of the Bible, and believe in His Son, Jesus Christ. Your efforts against men and women, like General Craig Olson, are seen by The Lord God, and He will respond to your hatred and actions against His people. The U.S. Military faces evil from every corner of this world, and in the face of life and death situation men must be able to call upon God for His strength and His guidance, not afraid to do so by some Christian hating group such as yours.

Unashamed, name withheld

981. May 21, 2015 Dear atheistic citizen,

The U.S. Constitution “guarantees” all citizens the right to freedom of religion. In case you did not know this, that includes members of the military, even Generals. It also includes and protects your right to believe in nothing or whatever your personal belief is. I sincerely hope and pray he is NOT disciplined for exercising his freedom. Maybe it is time for us to attack you on every front we can so you can see


what your action feels like.

(name withheld)

982. May 22, 2015 Why are you persecuting Christians, they aren’t the proper focus for a pro American intellect group such as yours. Muslims would be the group your organization needs to focus on as they are a religion of intolerance, where Christianity is a religion of tolerance. Christianity was the Pilgrims religion just like the USAF General that you are roasting the wrong way (Major General Craig Olsen). Is your organization Pro American just as George Washington, and Abe Lincoln, or are you anti American like a lot of our evil Brothers & Sisters……..

Concerned Citizen

983. May 22, 2015 Hello Mr. Weinstein,

I just wanted to let you know how disappointed I am that you have chosen to publicly call for the court martial of a man who has dared to profess his faith in public simply because he was wearing a government uniform at the time. Your right to free speech does not end when you put a military (or any other) uniform on. I celebrate our 2nd amendment rights and thank God that our founders believed that we were all “endowed” with certain “inalienable rights” by our “Creator”. They believed in a man’s right to profess his face in Jesus, Allah or himself if he so chooses, regardless of what he is wearing at the time. We enjoy freedom of religion in this country not freedom from religion.

You need to answer one question. Jesus Christ is either the Son of Man and our Lord as he proclaimed he was, OR he is a liar (who went to His death proclaiming His divinity) OR he was crazy. There is overwhelming historical evidence that He was neither a Liar or a Lunatic. Not only did He go to His death proclaiming divinity, He rose from the dead (as witnessed by more than 5000) and his apostlles went to their deaths (except one) because they would not deny Him. Millions have done the same since He was hung on a cross and they are still being slain today with His name on their lips (see ISIS). You need to ask yourself why this is the case. I hope you seek truth in this matter and set pride aside as you do. It will set you free in your own life. Whether you deny Him or not, you also have a Creator and I just want you know that I am going to pray for you that you call on Him for guidance the next time you take up a fight.

May the Lord’s grace shine upon you, (name withheld)


984. May 23, 2015 Screw you, Mikey, you totalitarian trash: general-for-sharing-faith/?subscriber=1

Why the hell don’t you go after Obama for preaching some bogus “climate change” dogma to the Coast Guard grads at their ceremony? Don’t you know that environmentalism has become a religion for nutcases like him?

One pissed-off patriot

(name withheld)

985. May 23, 2015 To Whomever,

What is your point of getting so upset at Major General Craig Olsen’s comments regarding his Christian faith? I truly want to know. As a Christian, we must profess Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. If we deny Christ before men, He will deny us before The Father. After all, wasn’t America founded upon Christian principals? Jesus tells us that the end times will reveal an increased hatred for followers of Christ and you’re evidence of the truth Jesus spoke about. So, who do you represent? A court martial, really?? Perhaps you should give Jesus a place in your life and let him reside in your heart. If you do, your life will change dramatically and you will actually support those like Craig Olsen.

Follower of Jesus Chris

986. May 23, 2015 Do you refer to people who don’t agree with your view point as haters? LGBT use that tactic to silence people who don’t agree with their agenda. Your group should use a little creativity to think up your own unique tactic. It’s very important to silence the opposing view point.

Christians seem to be an easy target these days. Bullies tend to pick on those they perceive to be weaker. It would be very interesting to see how well your group would make out if you called out someone of Islamic Faith. Not very good I would assume, but staying true to ones convictions are sometimes more important. Have a good evening

(name withheld)


987. May 23, 2015 You really are taking the ball and running with it!! It seems you’re the extremist. Your comments are ridiculous. General Olson has done nothing that even remotely smacks of extremism. Do you know anything about ISIS??? They are extremists-look at their actions. Is General Olson running around beheading people, chopping them up, crucifying them etc. The 3rd grade answer is “NO.” He is a man who attended a prayer meeting in his uniform on a day that was instituted by his government. It apparently upset little Mikey, and now Mikey is having a tantrum, and wants to exact Mikey’s wrath. Poor Mikey!! You should take all that energy and use it for something worthwhile. This 3rd grade circus your running is a waste of time and money. However, I am happy for you that you clearly have absolutely nothing going on in your life right now, which allows you ample time to pursue stupid things. My advice, watch the news. There’s plenty going on right now in the US that’s worth putting all your energy towards. I’ll even give you a list: 1. Radical Islam 2. Joblessness 3. Poor Economy 4. A Presidential Election is coming up in 2016 5. Changes in education These are real issues. Taking decorated generals and trying to destroy their lives is counterproductive.

(name withheld)

988. May 23, 2015 Hi there, I’m a Catholic, I believe in God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, and if you have a problem with it, just let me know. You and your organization are stepping on the wrong toes in going after the Air Force officer or anyone else who openly believes in Jesus. Why aren’t you going after radical Islamists or Satanists? Maybe you’re just one of them in disguise? The American flag is not a religious symbol or icon, the Constitution is not a religious scripture, and American patriotism is a way of life, regardless of your religion. Y’all need to get your facts straight before posing as some legitimate organization, understand me? You sound and look like fools, and if Judaism is your religion and you feel persecuted by Christians, deal with that another way, not this way, and move back to Israel to push your anti-Christian beliefs, they’ll set you straight there too. You’re a disgrace to this country and the men and women who have fought and died for your freedom that you are currently abusing.


Keep it up and you may as well join Islam, and fall with them. Have yourself a nice day. (name withheld)

989. May 23, 2015 I am confused. You call your group Military Religious Freedom, what a crock. Your name contradicts your ideology. I was under the assumption that here in the united States, we as either civilians or members of the Military had the right to pray to whom ever, wherever we choose, without persecution.

If this is so why is it so wrong that this good man needs to be court marshaled , ruining his name for life just for thanking God for his good life? Embarrass him in front of the world? Military men do this everyday. Be Christian, Jew, Muslim, or what ever, you should be able to pray anytime, anyplace, it is our constitutional right as free me, in a free nation. If someone is offended by people praying, leave the area. If you have a movie showing in your community that you don’t like, don’t go see it. A politician you don’t like, don’t vote for him/her. You should be ashamed of yourself for even suggesting such a thing. Have we become so troubled by someone praying at a prayer breakfast that we call for his head on a platter? if so then we are destined to fall apart as a free society. What happened to this great Country that it has come to this? I was a member of the United States Marine Corps during the Vietnam conflict and our boys fought and died for our right to Religious freedom, among other things. We prayed everyday that they come home safe. I do not remember anyone getting offended by that, asking for their head on a platter. My father fought in WW2 for the right to pray in public and in private. You are truly confused and ignorant about what the founding fathers were referring to by (Church and State) You people will one day answer to the Lord for your denial and pay the price for your stupidity. May God have some mercy on your poor souls. I will pray for you, out loud and in public, and you can forget getting a dime from me for your group riddled with this type of mind set. That choice is also a right I have as a free American citizen. Please go get a real job, organize a community or something, but leave those brave Military men and women alone. They are trying to protect your right to be stupid, and are willing to die for that. Go figure. (name withheld)

990. May 23, 2015 You idiots need to be shipped to Russia or China so you can be atheist in those countries. It’s a good thing you yahoos aren’t standing in front of me right now. Better still, let’s put you in an ISIS


Training camp so our country can ultimately drone you so you can have 72 virgins(some of you must be lesbian, so….)

Eat shit people….eat shit!!!!! And I hope you come after me, because I’m ready for people like you.

Very sincerely.

(name withheld)

991. May 24, 2015 mikey WHINEstein IS AN ASSHOLE. GO FUCK YOURSELF WHINEstein

992. May 24, 2015 I am very much aware of your attack on Major General Craig Olsen. After listening to his comments I can’t help but wish, no pray to God almighty, that we would have more people like him in the military. All to many of our military has survived personal attacks on them as warriors with the help of PRAYER. Your organization is a disgrace and certainly is misnamed. You like the rest of our left wing administration are attacking Christianity; our country was founded on Judaeo- Christian values, one of which is the right to PRAY. This man was at a Prayer Breakfast and was free to PRAY and testify on the role of prayer in his life. You are a very SICK group with a very inappropriate name.

993. May 24, 2015 Dear Mickey:

Saw a photo of you recently. Apparently you haven’t missed many meals. You seriously need to get into the gym bubba. And as an Academy grad (72) I gotta say you and your undoubtedly miserable ilk are an embarrassment to us all of us who graduated from the zoo. Get a real life. (name withheld)

994. May 24, 2015 Hey Mikey. You gotta be kidding with wanting to court martial the officer who gave a speech on May 7th thanking God.


You people disgust ME. What’s your military background? I bet not one day of service. Don’t listen to speeches like this if it bothers you just like I ignore you morons who are only in these organizations because you are losers and can’t get a real job. This really is your best shot at making the world a little better place as you pass through. REALLY? (name withheld)

995. May 24, 2015 Dear Mr. Weinstein,

I am incredibly confused by your group’s insistence to hang Maj. Gen. Craig Olson from the rafters because of his comments in an address at a National Day of Prayer Task Force event on May 7, 2015.

The source of my confusion is the Mission statement of the very Foundation that calls for Olson to be “aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions” by a court-martial, adding that any other service members who helped him should be investigated and punished “to the full extent of military law.”

Are you serious???

Like you, I am a legal professional. For the life of me, I cannot reconcile your mission statement with the panicked diatribe in your letter, that falls just short of calling for his head on a platter! Indeed, as I read your letter, I have to admit that I was both shocked and embarrassed when I got the end and saw that you were an attorney!

As I am sure you know, the Constitutional prohibition against the establishment of religion is held against Congress only, as well as the moratorium against Congress infringing upon or prohibiting the free expression thereof. Whether it is a soldier, a doctor – or even a lawyer – who speaks of his or her faith, that is a far cry from the “establishment” of a religion. Moreover, as noted above, unless one has the title of “Congressman” or “Senator” before one’s name, you are NOT a member of Congress, and are therefore not restricted or prohibited from speaking on matters of faith. Likewise, the tenuous argument that it is because the person is in uniform that suddenly makes it a problem. Just because a doctor espouses his belief while wearing a stethoscope around his neck does not necessarily dictate that ALL doctors hold to those same exact beliefs

Your letter was so rife with vitriol and fear, and so obviously based on a deep-seated disdain for Christianity that one would have to be absolutely dead to miss it. I struggled through reading to the conclusion of your letter and I could not help but utter, “Wow. Just-wow!”


Honestly, you sounded like a madman, and I was actually embarrassed for you! What on earth happened to you that caused you to hold such fear and hateful dread of Christianity???

The beauty of the Second Amendment is that it is not needed until they try to take it away. All of our rights remain only because of it; a toothless watchdog protects nothing

(name withheld)

996. May 24, 2015 I am appalled at your so called religious whatever organization…You have absolutely no right to judge any of us who profess our faith in Jesus Christ….You will one day find out for yourself just how wrong you were… you burn in hell forever……just know there are millions of us who do believe and worship the true and living Savior of the world…JESUS CHRIST

997. May 24, 2015 Your treading in deep water when you thumb your nose at Jesus Christ and God the Father. Your an anti-Christ and I pray you’ll repent.

998. May 24, 2015 How do you like this: God is good god is everything GOD is number 1 God is better then you….. Lets see you attack me for saying it…If you do not like it it is to bad is’nt it?

999. May 24, 2015 And that all your organs go into the bodies of American airmen who have been saved by our Lord Jesus Christ. Your earthly form will then all be of Christ. Your immortal sin-soaked soul will then be on fire with lucifer in hell forever. And everyone will be happy.


Halleluyah! Stop attacking the faithful followers of The Only Son of Your God. Fall to your knees and beg the forgiveness MGEN Olson. with hatred and pity for weinstein the evil persecutor of Jesus The Christ; Air Force Academy Graduates Who Live and Walk The Word of Christ

1000. May 25, 2015 Dear Bekki Milller Have you EVER read the Bill of Rights? Since you have probably not read it, here is a recap. The Bill of Rights is part of the base of all laws in the United States. In your proposed court-marshal of Air Force Maj. Gen. Craig Olson you defy one of these rights, Freedom of Speech. This defies his Freedom of speech because you are not allowing him to speak what he wishes. The Bill of Right says this, “Or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech.” If you claim to be a Civil Rights group, then why do you persecute his?

1001. May 26, 2015 I feel sorry for you! Why are you working so hard to keep people from talking about god and Jesus?

The only reason I see is that you are trying to push people away from praying and away from us talking about god.

People who worship satin try to push people away from god.

You should not have any say in how people worship. Everyone will judged by god for what they have done, and even the demons from hell know that.

1002. May 27, 2015 I just don’t get it? Do you not realize that by fighting against the far right extreme, your making yourselves their polar opposite?!? This is not what God wants. If you remove him from the state, he will remove us from any type of prosperity in the future! You claim to be Jewish, but in no way show yourselves to be Godly. Do you not think that a lot of Americans understand that if we allow the far right extreme to govern, then we are no better than the Muslims??? The problem is you think the answer is to remove it completely, but all you will have at that point is a Russian or Chinese type government in charge at that point. God was at the center of all decisions made by the children of Israel and should never be removed from any free thinking people. Maybe you’re a Jew only by name alone and you’re not really a believer? I don’t know what you really think, but I know you in no way represent someone who believes. Don’t be wooed by the far left stroking your ego with awards


and special designations, because all that says is your walking side by side with the ungodly! My uncle was the physical therapist for the Air Force football team for a lot of years, my dad is also a veteran of the Air Force, my Grandfather was stationed in Guam during World War II, and my Nephew is a member of HALO and a trainer in the Air Force, so its not like my family doesn’t have the military in their blood. The thing is, how many guys have you gone after that were Jews mentioning God in any public speeches? I’m ashamed at what your all doing to destroy what was a part of this country since the beginning. There will always extreme fools, but that doesn’t mean to destroy everything that is good and moral just to replace it with the ungodly troves of Hollywood types who are just as likely to fall down and worship a cow if they thought it were cool! Wake up and get off the power trip you’re on!

(name withheld)

1003. May 28, 2015 You are sick and disturbed human beings – there is little truth , light or life in you . How dare you condemn a US officer for praying for his troupes ? The man was praying for God’s LOVE to protect and surround them . And that is a bad thing, in your eyes ? How very arrogant and unloving .

I agree with you that forcibly proselytizing people who signal that they do not want to hear what you have to share , is WRONG . But sharing ideas is a Constitutionally protected right in this Country ! We’re exposed to all kinds of things on a regular basis , that offend and disturb us . So What – this is America . We have freedoms and rights .

1004. June 2, 2015 Would you STOP focusing on the Christian faith with this propaganda crap! Service members of all faiths have Chaplains in their faith and at NO TIME are they approached outside the church. You people disgust me. If not for my Chaplains I would’ve been in bad shape. Don’t knock what you don’t understand.

1005. June 13, 2015 Mr Weinstein, Copied from USA today: “This is propaganda of unparalleled proportions for ISIS,” Weinstein said. “This message is going to kill Americans and kill innocents.”


Your remarks are out of line sir. While I completely understand you may be upset regarding the unauthorized video of Mr Mcdougall promoting his recent book, it is not the remarks that will kill Americans, it is ISIS, and all those that stand against the freedoms the U.S. And even your organization represent. Consider the Nazi response to someone declaring they were Jewish. Is the declaration itself what killed them, or got other Jewish people killed. We, as a people profess, support and defend our freedoms and way of life. I believe this to be the basis for your organization as well. Your remarks, however, make you look foolish and weaken your own foundation. I would rather believe an academy honors graduate and former service member who served to protect our freedoms could do better. Please reconsider your remarks and your future remarks before you undo yourself and us.


(name withheld)

1006. June 17, 2015 I really do hope that Mikey is prepared for what is inexorably progressing at a pace that he and the others of his ilk are ramping up.

Mikey must harbor suicidal tendencies for what he is advocating.

Just my thoughts on what your organization is doing to the military. Your endeavors will ultimately fail at your own peril. (name withheld)

1007. June 22, 2015 Mikey Weinstein it seems you have a problem with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What is your problem? Are you just too stupid to get how simple this is? Or are you just a little stiff necked like most jews? You all always look down your long jewish noses at us who are saved by His Grace. Heres the thing Mikey Weinstein. Accept and bow your knees and confess Him as your personal Lord and Savior. Or burn in torment in hell for all eternity. Really simple. Or is that just a little too hard for you to understand? (Personally my soldier husband and I hope you and that MFRR burn in hell for your crimes against Jesus to our military) (name withheld)


1008. June 24, 2015 guess you guys are afraid to stand up to the muslims so you try to change the whole American system. Chicken huh……..

1009. June 25, 2015 You fucking jewfuck mickey WHINEstein. You don’t even know that our flag is folden then given to the familys of dead soldiers to help them know there sons are now with Jesus. Yes the very same Jesus who you mffr jewfucks crucified for few pieces of silver. How that work out for the jewish race? You are cruel to be the jewfucks you all are. The Air Force is right to have these flags foldings to be about Jesus The Christ. Cause Jesus is for the familys. Oh do you have it coming mickey. You been asking for it and Jesus will answer. We pray to Him you croak in pain and fear and you’re family gets no flag at all ever at your funeral. When you get to hell with your jewskin on fire you can kiss the flag of satan your daddy. Hes a jewfuck just like you and the mffr.

1010. July 3, 2015 I pray that someday soon that you find the love of God and abandon the hate festering I n your heart Mr. Weinstein. (name withheld)

1011. July 3, 2015 Miller,

How pathetic and disgusting you and your companies views are with respect to the free and brave serviceman who spoke the truth about his faith! They are vile to all Red Blooded Americans that know and still thank GOD that our country was formed around these principles. There are many places in this world you and your underlings can go to and the vermin like you and yours will fit in perfectly. Get a life and go elsewhere sooner, than later. GOD BLESS YOU NOW AND FOREVER, as you will likely need all the help you can get! Have a nice day!

1012. July 6, 2015 since the iraqi army throws its weapons down and runs whenever confronted id be happy to have a : jesus rifle . i know id have my bible since the iraqi army throws its weapons down and runs whenever confronted. id be happy to have a : jesus rifle .


this is how an army trained for years by the american government acts when confronted id be happy to have god as my copilot in a situation like that

(name withheld)

1013. July 7, 2015 You have the right to disagree with, ignore, or even ridicule any person of any faith.

However, you do NOT have the right to openly harass a Chaplin talking about God. Oh-no… I used the ‘G’ word. Sorry (NOT!).

How about Jesus, Allah, Moses, or Mohamed. You gonna’ call for my arrest? You gonna’ sue me?, You gonna’ come beat me up?

Military Religious Freedom my ass.

That should mean FREEDOM for EVERYONE!


(yup. I stooped to that level because I doubt you give even the tiniest shit about anything else I said)

(name withheld)

1014. July 7, 2015 Wow. I really don’t know what to say to stupidity. Read the name of your”foundation.” It’s not religious freedom for “some”. It’s either all or nothing.

God rained down hail-fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah. He’ll not keep His hand from a country that was FOUNDED on religious freedom but that now has done a complete 180.

1015. July 8, 2015 Mikey Weinstein is a disgrace to the US Air Force and the United States of America. He and his supporters need to be given one way tickets to Syria. My family has been serving the US military since 1775 and are proud to say that we serve both God and Nation.


1016. July 10, 2015 Praise Jehovah God!! A great victory today in your viscious attack against MG Olson, USAF. I truly don’t know how you can consciously live with yourself. You must be a miserable human being. Your hate and anti God beliefs have blinded you. I will pray God changes your heart before you can destroy the life of another God fearing individual.

(name withheld)

1017. July 10, 2015 Bekka,

Why are you such a hateful person? What happened in your life to make you so angry? Why such disdain for God? I hope you can be healed on day.

(name withheld)

1018. July 13, 2015 Mikey, Why is this ok – Marines frozen let it go But this is not – America’s Marines Singing “Days of Elijah”

(name withheld)

1019. July 19, 2015 Mr. Whinestien and all of the MRRF evilersMy wife and I have 2 sons in the service and we read the story of you in The Blazes on the about how you want to declare war on all the Christian chaplins. For hating the gays for there disgusting non biblical corruptions. Get this. if your a faggit you belong in hell. If your a faggit lover then the same. The bible makes it clear.Oh you seem to be fine with your jew-kin and raghead chaplains tho. You and the MRRF only attack chaplins of Christ.

Well we have a good message from the Lord Jesus Christ for you Mr. Whinestien.


Same for your whores wife and hellbait children of wickedness.

Same for you demon followers at the MRRF.


May the Son of God curse them all to have their eyes pecked out by demons in hell. May you be cursed to suffer there never ending screams of righteous pain.

Mr. jew read the bible.

There is only ONE way to salvation. And only 1 true religion and one savior here to give it as a free gift. His blood shed makes us pure.

There is only 1 county which is the most pure and precious to Jesus and that is the USA.

Our soldiers are soldiers for Christ. No separation of Jesus and state in the constitutions.

We dont need no queers or jewboys and sand niggers to bring down are once proud red white and blue.

The Christian chaplin is right you are todays king harrod.

But actually no.

You are the antichrist for all to see. You fool noone anymore jew demon.

You will soon be tossed to the Lake of Fire to burn for all eternity. Youll have company with all your fag jew and camel jockee buddies.

We plan on enjoying your howls all the way in heaven.

Stars and bars forever!

For the Glory of Christ!

BURN Mickey and demon family for time imemorial

(name withheld)

1020. July 29, 2015

Mikey Wienstien you are worst than iSIS and should be expelled to be with them in Syria and iran, They all probably love you there cause of how you stop the Gospel of the Son of God from being with the soldiers.

As a jew you should thank the Gospel for allowing you to be part of this Christ Blessed nation. USA Christians fight the wars to allow jews and arabs to live here as


guests in peace.

Show some respect. Leave Canon AFB alone to worship Jesus Christ.

Instead you insult Jesus by stopping His Word at the AFB and in the other services.

You and youre fake Mrff are a disgrace to America and your family is too.

Shame on you and this MRff.

(name withheld)

1021. July 30, 2015



(name withheld)

1022. August 5, 2015

Yo, Mikey.

Your wife was really good in bed last night.

But not as good as your daughter 2 nights ago.

When they say that all Weinsteins are fucking sluts they’re wrong.

They’re ROCK STAR fucking sluts.

Keep up the great work keeping Jesus out of the armed services.

I’m so proud of you, your family and the MRFF.

See you all real soon. love,

The Devil


1023. August 15, 2015

We pray thee Lord Jesus that you protect Major Christinna Hooper from the darkness of the grip of the evildoers.

Mickey Weistein and his followers are from Satan. And we pray Thee Lord Jesus to oppose his evil plans to erase Your Word from the Air Force.

Lord Jesus we pray Thee to take his possessions and treasures. Pray Thee take his family. We pray Thee to erase his evil powers from the Dark One over the Air Force.

Lord Jesus we pray you to throw his evil wife and evil children into an early grave for they do not know You as Lord. Consign them to hell eternal.

Lord Jesus bring the just suffering of the Ages to this evil man of Satan. For he is only a man and you are our Lord and Son of Man.

May Mickeys’ tears and shouts of sorrow for his losses be endless. May he be destroyed of all happiness and family and friends and future. May he cut himself and bleed out with knives.

May You drive him into the pits of hell with his evil family to burn eternal. May they’re never-ending screams be testament to your Holy Sovereinitty.

Haleluyah! We pray this in Your Holy Name.

Jesus Christ the Redeemer.

Jesus Christ Lord and Savior.

Jesus Christ The Word Become Flesh.

(name withheld)

1024. August 17, 2015

You better be able to grow eyes in the back of your head jewboy. Lovers of Christ will not be taking anymore of your menacing in the military. Christ’s message of salvation will conquer your kike attacks as Christ was victorious over the Pharisees.


(name withheld)

1025. August 21, 2015

After reading about your paganistic activities, I only wish that I were at the pearly gates when you take your last breath, and I hear the Lord say ” Depart from me your sinful scumbag, and forever enjoy the fires of hell”. Your eternal fate is sealed.

1026. August 25, 2015

Army Rangers will always have Jesus and visa virsa you jew asshole.

(name withheld)

1027. September 3, 2015

Seems Hitler flubbed eliminating your family seed when he had the chance mickey? Win some lose some.

See ya around.

(name withheld)

1028. September Day, 2015

Hey Kikey jew Mikey. Yo! You are a dirty filthy faggot leftist athiest communnist lying clever Christ-killing raghead-loving socialist tool of-Satan kike scumbag. Drained the blood out of any Christian children lately for your matzah snacks? We pray the Lord for the ruin of your diseased children and wife. And all who are at the MFFR and all who give you santuary. You are jew enemy Number 1. You think Obummer can save you from the White house? Niether you or him have favor with Christ Jesus. Our savior know you both not. (Matthew 7:23) And you deserve no mercy from Jesus for how you attack our soldiers. Even the girl negro fighter pilot. And all those spirit-filled chaplins who you turn you


evildoer jew hate upon, For your jew $$. and you jew ego. Stiff necked jew! (proverbs 29:1). Be destroyed! You are what worse than Isis and al quayda and tailban. Jesus is done with you now. Praise The Lord! The Son will have you burn in hell eternal. But first He will have you watch as your wife and children burn before you. You and all darkness are helpless before Jesus. There skin will snap crackle and pop under hells clensing flame of righteous and grace and veangence. you will hear it you will see it you will smell it before you to are sent there mikey. Heat wave coming for you! How will your family smell on fire? Oh hallelujah! you will howl in sorrow for youre burning kin and clan. Snap crackle and pop. snap crackle and pop. Just like that matzahs you eat jewboy.

(name withheld)

1029. September 25, 2015

First you jews crucify our Savior and now you try to crusify the US Marines Corps?

Is there ever enough blood on your jew hands to make you jewish happy?

Hey Mickey we pray to the Lord for a brain aneurysm visits you soon.

Best in your sleep for your jew wife to find in morning.

Soaked sheets of your jew blood to pay for your sins against the Marines and Jesus.

(name withheld)

1030. September 27, 2015

Get a fucking hobby and stay the fuck off and away from Marine Corps bases you liberal fucks!!!

(name withheld)

1031. September 28, 2015


Mikey Weinstein,

I’ve read that your Military Religious Freedom Foundation (so-called) is upset about a sign on a Marine Corps base in Hawaii. You seem to think the First Amendment prohibits such things. Well, let me raise your awareness.

The First Amendment prohibits the government from interfering with the free exercise of religion, even it is being practiced by government employees or military personnel. Your misunderstanding of this well-known fact is not a misunderstanding at all, but a deliberate, malicious, evil attempt to remove God from the United States of America.

As a former Marine and a current ordained preacher, I’m here to tell you you’re going to A) fail and B) burn in Hell if you don’t repent and accept Christ as your Lord and your God. And just so we’re absolutely clear, I’ve taken a line from the first Terminator movie and adopted it for Christians, as follows;

I’m a Christian. I can’t be reasoned with. I can’t be bargained with. I won’t compromise or surrender. And I absolutely will not stop…ever…until Jesus is Lord of all.


(name withheld)

1032. September 28, 2015


(name withheld)

1033. September 28, 2015

Mikey, you are a dumb fuck.

(name withheld)


1034. October 1, 2015

Get your fucking dumb atheist ass head out off the sand and get the fuck out of this country,, you are so far out in space no one wants you here. I’ll buy your one way ticket to get the fuck out.

(name withheld)

1035. October 23, 2015

The MFRR is Public Enemy Number One for America taking innocent little kids Xmas toys away from them. How dare the MFRR attack our Air force for helping kids celebrate the birthday of our Lord and Savior.America is a Christian nation which is why Xmas is a legal holiday you stupid fool. And the Air Force guards this nation as Jesus does.

And you Mickey Weinstein is the worst person in our country. As my husband said when we talked about the MFRR at Weds Nite Church Assembly last night you can always leave it to a jew to try to take Xmas away from those who walk with Jesus. Our prayers will take that chip off your jew shoulder Mister.

We all pray that everything you hold precious and dear is taken from you Mickey. We pray that your wife suffer. Let your kids suffer as you all at the MFRR make the Christian kids suffer without their Xmas gifts. and as our pastor said if this was about gifts to jew or arab kids the MFRR would have never done this crime.

We hate you so much Mickey. Like we hate the MFRR you birth. May our prayers punish you and your loved ones until the Lord sends you to the lake of fire.

(name withheld)

1036. October 27, 2015

I wouldn’t have your, empty headed, no thought process individual, speak to a herd of cows.

Self righteous idiot. He will find out. What a flaming butthole


(name withheld)

1037. November 15, 2015

You piss about a tee shirt with a burka, why don’t you ask the FAMILIES of the French MURDER by the FUCKING RAG HEADS Don;t like my verbiage, we do NOT leave our RELIGION OF GOD at the gates of any Military installation. GOT THAT SHIT HEADS

No where in the Constitution does it state freedom FROM religion. It is only maggots such as you who have invented this phrase. But little by little we are winning against turds such as you. A case in point with the US Marine’s complaint winding to the SC.

(name withheld)

1038. November 19, 2015

I’m not religious at all, and this is sheer fucktardery.

Mikey Weinstein needs to be crucified and fed to sharks.

And the entire chain of command needs to retire in embarrasment for not telling him to go fuck himself.

1039. November 25, 2015

What the fucking fuck you fucking assholes.

Thanks to your fucking bitching we lost the name of our company today.

Go fuck yourselves you oversensitive fucking pussies.

People like you are whats wrong with this country. That name was hurting no one but your feelings. But obviously have more time than brains to puruse things like this.


Go fuck yourselves on a fucking cactus

(name withheld)

1040. November 29, 2015

Sick fucko. We will crush you and hang you out to decompose.

(name withheld)

1041. December 5, 2015

Mickey WHINEsteen: just another pushy little jewboy with a law degree big mouth and a chip on his shylock shoulder against Jesus Christ helping our military. So typical of his breed. Ungrateful the whole lot of them. Ho hum-boring.

GO Air Force Falcons football team! GO Tim Tebow! Go Jesus!

And YOU GO to your place in hell jewboy mickey. We will rejoice as you roast forever aflame.

(name withheld)

1042. December 8, 2015

You people are Scum! I hope you all Rot in Hell with all your RagHead buddies! You are a Disgrace, and the fact you even call yourselves military is a joke!

(name withheld)

1043. December 8, 2015

If you morons don’t want Christians praying in America why don’t you pack your bags and move to some country you do like and leave us


alone ! you stupid liberal, anti Christian, anti American mother fuckers are destroying our country


(name withheld)

1044. December 17, 2015

We will be in heavan at the right hand our Lord and Savior Jesus The Christ. And watching you and your little brood of Christ haters fry in hell for your crimes against Jesus. It will be fun for us the faithful. FUN! The fun will be watching Mikie scream and squirm to stop the fires all over on his angry little jew bod. FUN! it hurts huh Mikie? Maybe it’ll stop some year? Nope. Hey good luck on that Mikie. Plus the fun of watching him watch his burning wife bonny. Howling with their kids and grandkids and great grandkids all burning together. A Wienstein family fire affair! FUN! And all them other MFFR people will burn together. Flaming eternal with there mouths screaming for the Devine justice to stop. Oh andn it never will jewboy. ‘Stop! Stop the burning! I can’t take the pain! Help! Help! You are our only Savior Lord Jesus. Forgive us!” FUN! FUN! FUN! But too late little Mikie and the MFFR. You had your chances to bow your knees and confess Jesus as your onliest King. too many chances. Maybe you should’nt have taken the Air Force prayers to Christ Jesus away from the players at the football games? Opps maybe your thinking you like a do over? Too late too late too late. ya think little Mikie?i Hey hows the whether down there wth Satin! What? No begles and lox for you down there? NO FUN FOR MIKIE AND FAMILY! NO FUN FOR MFFR PEOPLE! hot hot hot hot hot!!

(name withheld)


1045. December 27, 2015

Get yourself loaded on New Years Eve. Get in your car and drive. Into a tree. Crash and burn alive. Meet Jesus as he sends you to hell. Burn alive forever in hell. GO AIR FORCE BEAT CAL! GO JESUS BEAT MIKIE!

(name withheld) 2016

1046. February 7, 2016

My husband and me are a navy family and he is in the navy. We will always serve our lord and savior Jesus Christ before anything else we do for the navy or this country. Jesus Christ is the navy and is our country anyway. Jesus Christ is everything and all things must bow to Him.

People with true souls hear His word and know this to be the Truth. Others will perish for not surrendering to the tender mercies of Jesus.

OK but not you mikey wienstein. You are the great evil of our age. The hunter of all those who follow Jesus and wear the proud uniform of the military. You like saul was. He too was a jew who hunted other jew. You hunt only the lovers of Christ. Mikey Mikey why do you persecute us? Acts 22:7

We hope and to pray you have a car crash and burns alive to death in the reck just like paul walker did. Nothing left of burnt smokie mikey to even bury. You are the evil The Word warns us about. We will not fear you as Jesus protects His flock from steady hunting wolves like you.

(name withheld)

1047. February 9, 2016

Mr. Weinstein, greetings. My bible study Womens Group was asked by our Pastor to prepare a oral report on you and your anti-Christian MRRF and we did a lot of research. No surprise to find out that you are a communist and an atheist and that you are a


soulless jew. That last thing always seems to go with the first two doesn’t it. Also found out that you have been attacking innocent Christians for years now in the armed services. Now like that poor Marine Col. on Hawaii. All because your precious children supposedly got mistreated at the air force academy? You and your wife have raised a bunch of wimps. She’s a soulless jew too and a cripple. satan brought you two hate birds together and taught to breed more hate birds. satan made your wife a cripple and you a High leader of darkness. Can’t you see? Come to find out that all that happened to your brood of kids is that some good folks at air force academy tried to respectful expose them to the love of the Gospel and to The Word of Christ. To save them from eternal damnation for rejecting Jesus Christ as you have done. Like father like children. Stupid is as stupid does. You and your children and wife are so ungrateful to those who Walk in The Word. And for showing such Christian grace and love their “jewish lawyer’ father goes postal forever on innocent Christians in the uniform services. You are a waste and a fool. America was built on Christian values and is a Christian nation with a Christian purpose to fulfill. You can’t fight Jesus Mr. Weinstein so give it up. We will give our report on you tomorrow evening at our church. The Spirit of the Living Christ will be with us all as we do it. We will sing the Israel national anthem and the American national anthem too as we always do. We will pray that you be given a final chance to come to the Lord before satan rewards you for your disservice to America. Your dishonor to the services. You make Jesus just weep. If anyone ever deserved to burn in the lake of fire it is you Mr. Weinstein. Hell was made with commie soulless jews like you in mind. You are very Lost and so shameful.Do not reply to this e-mail as your demonic attempts to attack us will not be allowed to received by the Children of The Lord..

1048. February 19, 2016 hey bald jewboy we hope we pray Jesus rips that kike smirk right off your fucked up jew face we see everywhere our military is sacred to Jesus and your fucking it up trying to take the only Son of God out of it praying for your devil brain to explode right threw your eyes and ears you coward wizard then you can enjoy the sulfur fumes as your are consumed in Lake of Fire for your 2nd death -Revelations 21:8


enjoy Albuquere!

(name withheld)

1049. March 1, 2016

Why removed the bible verses ? If you call the organisation MRF with the freedom in the phrase, then why removed the bible verses????? Stopped being a hypocrite …..Stop bullshitting by calling yourselves MRF…remove the Freedom from your organisation.

(name withheld)

1050. March 1, 2016

There is a special place in Hell for you and the people under you!! If it not bothering anyone then keep your big Jew nose out of it!! Once again go to hell Jew boy and rot!

(name withheld)

1051. March 1, 2016

You have successfully removed the Bible from the Missing Man Display in the Ohio VA hospital and that has made one person gratified, (you), while angering, disappointing, and outraging hundreds if not thousands of Ohio veterans, and thousands more around the country. Why? Because you deny God? And this is what you live for? To deny veterans who have served their country one simple ceremony. Please do not try to sell me you baloney that you represent the non believers, or alternative to Christians. That sir is a load of crap. The MIA POW ceremony was written for the specific purpose of honoring all service members, Christian, Jew, Muslim, and yes, non believers. The reason that the Bible is part of that display is that the Bible is part of Americas founding, part of our Constitution, our Bill of Rights, our Currency, and our very fabric of life as Americans. If you do not like that, get the hell out and move to Russia where you can’t worship. That is where people like .you belong if you insist on taking my rights away.


(name withheld)

1052. March 1, 2016

Founded by Christians all. Every man, woman, and child lived in Christian strictures. A country based on your candy assed principles couldn’t fight its way out of a wet paper bag.

(name withheld)

1053. March 1, 2016

Keep your sorry goat smelling asses out of the VA in Ohio!

(name withheld)

1054. March 1, 2016

Your founder’s recent action claiming that Christians have complained about a Bible at the Missing Man Table is a joke but I’m not laughing.

Do that again asshole and I will lead the picketing of your office and home.

YOu shoul like that publicity.

You’re nothing but a publicity seeking leech on society.

You get zero respect and 100% disgust from the real Christians . . . of all denominations.

You must be an atheist.

(name withheld)

1055. March 1, 2016

Sorry we missed you in Afganistan and Kuwait. A set of crosshairs is saved for you


Communist bastards.

(name withheld)

American vet

1056. March 1, 2016

You must be a big hero in the coffee shop ..your momma must be so proud and how do you ever get away from the mirror your so proud!

(name withheld)

1057. March 1, 2016

Our flag is a religious symbol? Um….no, it’s not. The Constitution is now religious scripture? Um….no, it’s not. Patriotism is a religious faith? Um….no, it’s not. Who came up with that garbage? Your organization is really just pure hogwash. Nothing but a façade! This country doesn’t and never has needed people like you. Hey, what do you say about the USAF paying for two servicemen to attend a wiccan festival? Bunch of two-faced liars! You’re disgusting. G’day

(name withheld)

1058. March 2, 2016

I’ve had enough of your stupid shit.

Stop your bullshit , or pay the consequences.

(name withheld)

1059. March 3, 2016

As being a Combat veitnam Veteran I strongly disagree with the VA move on removing the BIBLE from the table of the missing POW’MIA.WE GAVE ARE WORD



(name withheld)

1059. March 5, 2016

Not hard to see that Weinstein, all his buddies and anyone who supports the perverted insanity of this sewer are the epitome of evil.

(name withheld)

1060. April 1, 2016 you don’t like the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the vet admin clinic POW table mickey? your a lying decitfull ,backstabing money loving, dirty lawyer. Christian hating traitor to America. in other words your a goddamn JEW! we hope they make it a nation holiday when you croak and rot in hell. too bad its to late for the ovens for you and you’re little storm troopers mickey. Or is it?

(name withheld)

1061. April 12, 2016

Please send me the names of the christians who bitched about a bibke on a table. Mikey weinstein perhaps you are a weinerstain instead. I pity your pathetic wasted empty soul. Burn in hell mikey ya overrated baldheaded whackjob doofus. The best part of mikey dribbled down mama weinsteins fat thighs. Screw you minkey ya useless pos.

(name withheld)


1062. April 12, 2016

You people are ignorant assholes and should not even be part of the human race.


(name withheld)

1063. April 12, 2016

While I wasn’t in the military I did work with USAF pilots for 34-years.

And they told me they got really FUCKING RELIGIOUS before a sortie into enemy territory.

You guys SUCK!!!

(name withheld)

1064. April 13, 2016

Step lightly Mikey.

(name withheld)

1065. April 18, 2016 hey mickey now that you taken the Holy Bible from us we should replace it to the pow mia tables with a lampshade. your kind make good ones.

(name withheld)

1066. April 19, 2016

To whom it may concern,


Your insidious out look on MY religious Freedoms are extremely biased! I fought and was wounded 2. I was given a Bible at Walter Reed.

You have the Balls to spout off in E-mails and write ridiculous articles. I would love to see you or one of your so called military constitutes in a foxhole under fire. Real Combat Fire, not firecrackers. Your a joke and would love to have you or one of your workers take the Bible of my VFW MIA/POW Table. Honestly, even if I was still active and not retired I’d still beat your Asses. Your in the same group as the Extremist group ISIL.

Good Evening

(name withheld)

1067. April 21, 2016

What’s wrong with you? Are you just looking for things to protest?

I’m a 19 year active duty soldier.

I’m an athiest.

I don’t see anything wrong with the bible on a missing man display.

What I do see as wrong is our military leaders actually bending to the will of some ridiculous activists who whine about a book on a table.

If it brings comfort to those who are religious, why does it hurt your feelings?

Because you obviously are looking for something to make a name for yourself.

I don’t see why in the world you would bother making such a fuss over something so insignificant.

Get over yourself and live your own life, and let others live theirs.

(name withheld)

1068. April 21, 2016

Your efforts are truly in the wrong place..God bless


(name withheld)

1069. April 21, 2016 hi Mikeymy wifes friends and me and my friends notice that your a skeeming jew with a big nose and black heart of satanno wonder you get the old jew-hate on with the bible of Jesus Christ on the POW tablehaven’t your crucified the Savior enough times already jew? there nothing wrong with having Christs gospel with the POW tableeverbody hate’s you and your little henchmanshope and pray you die tonight in pain and abandonment before you burns in hellBURN IN HELL YOU jew killer of the Lord Jesus

(name withheld)

1070. April 23, 2016

To Mr. Weinstein,

I have been seeing your “work” at many military installations. Seems you are very much against Christianity, probably because of a bad experience in your life. I won’t try to prove Christianity is great, although I could. But I just want you and the other warped (excuse me, I meant misled) individuals on your staff to know how ridiculous your actions are. I am referring to your insistence the Bible be removed from the “Missing Man Tables” displays. What makes YOU so intolerant? What is it about the Bible being there which makes you so upset? Why do you think your disagreement with this practice is a normal way of thinking? Are you happy working for Satan because quite clearly, that is who you are working for.

Now, I believe in freedom, and having served 21 years of active duty, I respect your individual views, but not to the extent of where you are going. Mikey, Jesus Christ has forgiven me of my past sins and I now have a great Christian life, and besides, my God is much, much, much higher than your Allah or Satan, or any other PHONY God who drives your actions. There is ONLY ONE GOD – His name is JEHOVAH. So whether or not you believe it, that is up to you, but I pray someday you will see your need for Him, and avoid Hell which is where you will end up.

So Mikey, it is time to turn off your HATE and quite frankly, it is far past time for you to MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS.


(name withheld)

P.S. I bet you are an Obama supporter. He, being a Muslim, doesn’t believe in Jehovah.

1071. April 29, 2016

I am the wife of a U.S. marine. Leave the marines alone to pray with Jesus as we all see fit. You are awful terrible man. I hope you just drop dead and nobody comes to your funeal. I hope your wife and children cries their eyes out until they shake and faint. Read about them all. Because no marine ever will mourn for you mikey. ‘Semper Fi” means loyalty to the flag and to our Lord and Savior.

Not to a atheist. And no to a hateful liberal. And a pretend jew. Go back to israel and be a commie Christ hater there.

(name withheld)

1072. April 30, 2016

Dear Mr. Michael Weinstein,

It seems that you and your “crucify Jesus as many times as possible” followers at the MFFFR don’t like the rape prevention program put on by the Army at the Red Stone Army base in Alabama.

Apparently the mere mention of faith in “Jesus” and his healing Grace as being the only reasonable cure for rape is just a little too much for the anti-Christian and anti- American likes of you and your liberal Obummer loving groupies. How dare you try to take Christ out of the Army’s anti-rape program you evil leftist. Atheist filth.

We just pray that your wife and daughters get ass raped hard and often and then let us see what you say. Shall we Michael?

You will come begging on hands and knees for Jesus to make them whole. But it will be too late.

You deserve the flames of hell and you will get them. So do your wife and daughters.

Do not reply as noone here wants to hear the lies of Satan from your cursed lips. signed,


Bible Believing Americans, Walking With The Lord Jesus

1072. May 2, 2016

One day you will all stand before God and give an account of your acts. He will cast you into the lake of fire for eternity.

(name withheld)

1073. May 10, 2016

Ok Let me just get this right. You all MRFF think the black negroes girls at west Point are heroes for making a black fist in the air?

(Oh but we can’t call them niggers right?)

And that raghead ay-rabs and fagots in the army are heroes too?

But that Jesus Christ (who is GOD) is the enemy who you must crucify and shit on?

You can just go live with the girl niggers and sand niggers and queers mikey wiensteen.

Get sick and choke to death on your own kike vomit jewboy.

(name withheld)

1074. May 20, 2016

Hey Mikie

Its not only because your a thievery jew that we hate you.

Its’ not just because your a liberal that we hate you.

Its not because your a queer lover that we hate you.

Its not just because you love musloms more than Americans that we hate you.

You know why we hate you?


Because you hate Jesus & Jesus’ bible and all of His followers.

Just kill yourself mikie and make everybody happy. Especially your country and its’ soldiers.

(name withheld)

1075. May 24, 2016

You are going to burn in hell for your evil role in the destruction of our military by removing the presence of the Son of God Jesus Christ.

You and your MRFF crucify Him day after day and you will all pay for eternity as you burn for eternity for your devil deeds. GO Air ForceAcademy!

(name withheld)

1076. June 1, 2016

It’s been awhile since I emailed you and was always tactful…I’m not a religious person. But I support those that are and their freedom to do so…you, little Mikey Weinstein have taken your pathetic anger to a level that’s beyond the pale…you’re a pathetic, angry little turd….probably abused as a child and only an administration as we have now would allow you a voice to spew your hateful manure…You truly are a pathetic shit!!…, please do respond with how many people support you and how your detractors speak and type “word salads”…you’re a piece of trash in the literal sense of the word….and you lost before you started…my guess is the aroma of manure emanates in a ten foot radius around you..what a sad bastard you are..

(name withheld)

1077. June 1, 2016

Since Obama is the Great Apologizer, maybe he will apologize for Mikey Weinstein being a turkey butt and for being one of the worst examples of an Air Force Academy graduate!!

(name withheld)


1078. June 3, 2016

Dear, Sir it is evident to me that you and your Organization has never and will never hold a dying comrade in your arms treating them for their Battle Wounds on the Battlefield. I have and let me tell you there is a God and come judgement day when you stand before him I’m praying you get what’s due to you for your opposition to His Word and for helping Our Marines, Army, and airforce personnel be deprived of what they are fighting for. That your just rewards are in the pit of hell. Because when I die I know where I’m going.

(name withheld)

1079. June 3, 2016

After reading you website I am ashamed that anybody would even indulge your ignorant view of religious freedom. You state 40,000 military members have utilized your service. Easy to claim that with no evidence to support it. You claim Ft Riley soldiers were weeping due to an upcoming speaker, shameful indeed you should be embarrassed.

If you considered responding to me don’t waste your time I would not read it if I was paid to.

(name withheld)

1080. June 3, 2016

Sir you don’t speak for me and my family. I hope we as a nation never get attacked again because with all the political correct crap we would ask permission to fight the enemy. Glad you weren’t around the great wars we would have lost. I am concerned about the direction of this country because being a Christian is becoming illegal.

(name withheld)


1081. June 3, 2016

Mr. Weinstein,

Your recent hate filled, adjective tirade regarding Lt General Boykin flies in the face of the very freedoms you claim to protect. Shame on you & may God Forgive you for your bigoted viewpoints.


(name withheld)

1082. June 3, 2016

You once again made yourself look like uneducated idiots. How sad anyone would even listen to anything Mikey Weinstein has to say. You bring shame to our nation and armed services.

(name withheld)

1083. June 3, 2016

It makes me cringe every time I see someone with a Jewish name pushing some far left, anti- American fruitcake agenda.

As a veteran of the IDF with a son presently serving in the 101st I urge your self serving “not for profit” to chilax. This country is founded on Judeo-Christian values that have guided us for more than 200 years to form a more perfect union. We are still on that journey. If you and your ilk of rejects want to fundamentally change America, I suggest you all move to Saudi Arabia and work from there. I’m sure you can win over your hosts with your vast knowledge of Sharia.

We all due respect

(name withheld)


1084. June 3, 2016

MRFF (Mikey’s Retarded Faggot Federation)

Entire group of PUNKS!!!!

Mikey is the king bitch and the organization is filled with a bunch of anal butt monkeys who swallow each other’s loads while wearing camo fatigues and high heels!

Fuck off!!!

(name withheld)

1085. June 3, 2016

The only reason you and your MFFR don’t want a war hero like Gen Boykin to speak at fort Riley is because your a FUCKING JEW COCKSUCKER CHRIST KILLER WITH A NAPOLEON COMPLEX!!




Mickey have a nice eternity burning with your wife and kids and grandkids. Say hi to obama and hillary.

(name withheld)

1086. June 3, 2016

PLEASE, do every real US citizen (ie true patriots) a huge favor & point a loaded 1911 at your temple and pull the trigger.

If you’re too chicken-shit to complete the task, I volunteer to assist.


This isn’t a threat, I’m merely offering you an opportunity to move the humane race forward.


(name withheld)

1087. June 3, 2016

You are a disgusting and vile human being. I wish people like you would stop hiding behind pc BS and lies and come out as the racist bigots you are!! Be honest with yourself and just say you hate Christians and anyone that doesn’t think like you. But I know you would never do that because you are a coward!

(name withheld)

1088. June 3, 2016

Mr “Mikey”,

How stupid are you sir? Unmeasurable if you ask me… level of intelligence as low as yours. Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin is the purest form of American Heroism there can be. A man whose entire life has been spent sacrificing for others. A man who is humble and brave, honest and hard nosed. How would you expect him to feel about certain issues….ol mikey? Would you have the Delta Force General revere muslims? Muslims, who in huge numbers are turning our entire world on its head, igniting conflicts and wars all over this world? You would have him love those people…and talk about how wonderful they are,how just a small percentage commit these atrocities. I would advise you take a history lesson sir, and listen to someone besides Racheal Maddow. There is a wonderfully insightful video on YouTube by a brilliant young man named Ben Shapiro, called “The myth of the radical muslim minority”. And thats all it is….a myth. The vast majority of muslims have radical beliefs, ranging from “honor killings” to suicide bombings, beheadings and stonings. Yet you would have Lt Gen Boykin hug and kiss those people and extoll their virtues to a crowd. You would have him support perverts who want to use bathrooms with young children, and soon can do so by claiming they “identify” as the opposite sex of which they actually are. You know….the sex that GOD made them. You know sir….you are an employee of the devil, and when you face the Lord our God you will be punished, sent to hell for your foul misdeeds. You are too weak…too cosmopolitan, to do the things Lt Gen Boykin has. You would be the first to run in a fire fight, the first to sacrifice the lives of others around you to selfishly save yourself. You are


reminiscent of those under adolf hitler, willing to lick his boot if it keeps you in favor with the ruling class. It’s because of men like Lt Gen Boykin that you can have the garbage “job” you have and push the homosexual, muslim agenda against the American people. You make me physically sick, you are a disgusting piece of trash. May your “foundation” flounder, may you find no peace, and may God have mercy on your soul when you stand before him. You are a disgrace to yourself, your family lineage, and every red blooded American who doesn’t share your neo-political, flim flam man opinion of so called “civil rights”. You should apologize to Lt Gen Boykin, to the American people, then resign your position and shut down your worthless, ignorant “organization”. Bad day to you sir, may you fail at all you do!

(name withheld)

1089. June 3, 2016 you may try all the antics you like to persecute Christians bit I k ow you do have a soul , that is a fact!! Remember this ( I would rather believe in Jesus Christ and find out that there is no such God than not to believe and find out there is and my soul be eternally in hell). And my freind you are not getting any younger so your time is short My prayers are with you my freind.

(name withheld)

1090. June 3, 2016

Here is the contribution you solicited.

“Hock-tooey!” “Hock-tooey!” That’s me, expectorating in your gaddy-eyed, cowardly, God-hating, America-hating countenance, Boy. Feel my warm, viscous spittle as it strikes your shrieking pissyass mouth. Want to kick my ass, you scuzzy little microbe of insect excrement? Then do it, Boy! DO IT!

(name withheld)

1091. June 3, 2016

Mikey…..One question!

Why are you so AFRAID of GOD and JESUS?


It is OBVIOUS that you ARE!

Truth is…..YOU have a GOOD REASON to be AFRAID! And…I CERTAINLY would HATE to be in YOUR POSITION!

(name withheld)

1092. June 4, 2016

Just wanted to let you know that I’m praying to GOD for you today in light of the fact that you’re probably going to HELL…

Pitching a fit when a retired Army man is going to be the speaker at Riley Air Force Base. What are you so afraid of Mr. Weinstein?

Sounds to me like you’re mighty afraid of what GOD can and will do if you allow people to speak of their faith to others.

But, I’m still praying for you. God says for me to pray for my enemies and you are surely one of them. Have a good day and GOD BLESS YOU.

(name withheld)

1093. June 4, 2016

Mr. Weinstein,

Sir you should be ashamed of yourself and the entire organization that you represent. The silent majority is tired of this constant and persistent pandering of the pithy complaints from the far left “SJW’s”. Coddling whiny, overly sensitive individuals is doing far more harm that good. The slow eradication of Christian and non Christians values of patriotism and free speech is destroying our nation. MRFF is one of several culprits of this action.

This is unfair and unjust that the liberal extremists are given an incredible amount of support and attention while those who support American patriotism, our constitutional rights and the Christian faith are fervently being ostracized. The manner in which you successfully ousted a General officer from speaking to troops (which was a voluntary function for those wished attend) is absolutely sickening. That man is an American hero and you all are “killing” our patriots and heroes. General Boykin should be a role model for young adults but instead maybe you all feel Katelyn Jenner is more appropriate.


Please stop this irrational censorship campaign and really do your job. I hope your worst fears come true and Trump wins the election…


(name withheld)

1094. June 4, 2016

It’s asshole progressive pieces of shit like “Mikey” Weinstein that are making a joke out of our brave men and women in the military! I wonder if little Mikey has ever been in the military, if he has ever been in combat? I would suspect that he is just a pussy, Obama loving, right wing socialist that would probably piss his pants if ever in a fire fight. I wouldn’t cross the room to piss on little dick “Mikey” if he was on fire. With a name like “Mikey” pretty much says it all. Let me tell you something ass wipe, When any one of our military heros life is on the line protecting pussies like you, God is about the only thing that keeps them strong. So, you and your Muslim loving group of cockroaches go fuck yourselves!

(name withheld)

1095. June 4, 2016

Mikey, you and your foundation are a “cancerous tumor” on the moral fabric of this nation and our military!

Russia, China, N. Korea, Cuba, Iran, ISIS and the entire Muslim world love what you do, keep up the good work for them !

Semper Fi.

(name withheld)


1096. June 6, 2016

Mr. Weinstein’s action in regard to Lt. Gen Boykin is outrageous and totaltarian. I have been a life long atheist, and served in the US Navy 1973 – 79. I find this type of censorship disgusting, although under our Constitution it is your right to act like Nazi’s.

(name withheld)

1097. June 6, 2016

It’s asshole progressive pieces of shit like “Mikey” Weinstein that are making a joke out of our brave men and women in the military! I wonder if little Mikey has ever been in the military, if he has ever been in combat? I would suspect that he is just a pussy, Obama loving, right wing socialist that would probably piss his pants if ever in a fire fight. I wouldn’t cross the room to piss on little dick “Mikey” if he was on fire. With a name like “Mikey” pretty much says it all. Let me tell you something ass wipe, When any one of our military heros life is on the line protecting pussies like you, God is about the only thing that keeps them strong. So, you and your Muslim loving group of cockroaches go fuck yourselves!

(name withheld)

1098. June 6, 2016

Dear MRFF,

Just to let you know that Evangelical Christians will no longer bow down to Haman, we will no longer bow down to the militant LGBT movement, we will not bow down to militant atheists.

We will no longer be intimidated by the likes of Mikey Weinstein, we will no longer capitulate, we will hold to our message and to what the Word of God teaches.

Like Marines that run toward the battle, so will we with our Swords of the Spirit which is the Word of God raised high to slay Goliaths that stand before us!!

To the praise of God!!

(name withheld)


1099. June 10, 2016

I think that the bible should be read out loud in front of every military academy and military base in this country! Let’s piss off every atheist we can!!

(name withheld)

1100. June 19, 2016

Hello Mr. Mikey Weinstein. I’m the mother of 4 God fearing children of the Lord Jesus Christ. Do your kids and the Lord’s whole green earth a favor today and choke to death on a chicken bone. You’re a servant of Satan and deserve the flames which will surely await you. 2 Peter 2:4 1 Thessalonians 2:15

(name withheld)

1101. June 21, 2016

Michael Weinstein we hate you!

All red blooded Americans hate you. God hates you.

Get out of America NOW!

How dare you support the ousting of that brave airman at the retirement ceremony from simply reaffirming that America and its flag are God-given and that America is God-blessed. You atheists and jews can’t get it through your stiff-necked heads that we are a Christian nation intentionally by birth and history. And we always will be. Why do you think the pilgrims said prayers at Plymouth Rock. God His Son and the Holy Spirit are what America brings to the fallen world.

Our Muslim president may support you but his term is over thank God in January.

You need to be locked up and waterboarded until you accept the Lord Jesus Christ as the full sinner you are.



June 25, 2016

You guys belong to the KKK ??

(name withheld)

1103. July 4, 2016

The ‘ radical Fundamentalist , far right . Always the same buzz words . Notice how they always say ‘ far right “ ‘ radical “ and other words to describe people who want Judeo – Christian beliefs and traditions we’ve had since the beginning of this Country , to remain in the Armed Services . You are the one who is radical , far left , Cultural Marxist and completely out of step with Americans in this Country .

(name withheld)

1104. July 10, 2016

Mikey Weinerstein is a libtard, coward, and has no guns to defend himself. When Isis attacks here and comes for unarmed, cowardly, libtards like Mikey Weinerstein he will not be able to fight and will be turned into worm dirt. I will never lift a finger to help a worthless libtard. You are on your own you cowardly libtard.

(name withheld)

1105. July 10, 2016

I want to use my real name so you know who I am. I am sick and tired of people like you trying to dictate what can and can’t be used, said, displayed, etc.

Cowards like you never do face to face. No, you always hide behind something or someone else.

Yes, I am calling you a coward.


If I receive any junk mail from you, I will file an FCC complaint.

(name withheld)

1106. July 10, 2016

After reading the article about Fort Rucker and the Crusaders, I find it disgusting that your establishment has nothing better to do and to pick fights about things like that. The military has enough going on, and already has to worry about political correctness to the extent that it interferes with operations and their effectiveness. And now we have to worry about organizations such as yours on top of everything else. People need to grow some thick skin, we can’t please everybody. I don’t blame the top brass at Fort Rucker for blowing you off, they do have better things to worry about like the proper training of Pilots and running their organization. Any red- blooded American in their shoes would blow you off so I don’t know how this comes as a surprise. I’m sure your establishment has its high points and purposes, but there is such thing is going too far just recognize yourself worthy of a cause.

(name withheld)

1107. July 15, 2016

Mikey you just can’t stop persecuting Jesus Christ our Savior.

And we who worship Him in the military services.

We recognize that its not really your fault.

As blood will always win out.

Yours is the curse blood of jew liars and deceivers and plotters.

Jew blood ruins this fallen world of jewish control and money.

In other words your a jew and you will do as satan tells you to do.


Its just right there in your blood Mikey. Right there in the Word of the Lord. John 8:44

Too bad you weren’t taking in the sights in Nice France last night.

Youre jew blood would look so good on that France street.

(name withheld)

1108. July 16, 2016

“Any Muslim supporting Sharia should be deported. Any Muslim who does not follow Sharia, and who will embrace American values is welcome to stay…. Western Civilization is at stake…. I am sick of hearing that the greatest power in the world cannot take on a group of 8th century barbarians…. We need to monitor the mosques & madras…. Any persons plotting terrorism, kill them…. Obama is unwilling to lead.” (As best I could recall) – Newt Gringrich A man with the best political brain in America & a Winston Churchillian backbone. One of the few who “gets it” – and could save the lives of many reading this. THE BIBLICAL PURPOSE OF GOVERNMENT IS TO RESTRAIN EVIL & PROTECT THE CITIZENRY. – Pastor Jim Garlow

It is time to go Israeli on these “radical” Muslims, they are the cockroaches and we are the Raid to exterminate them once and for all!

(name withheld)

1109. August 5, 2016

Mike ur an ahole

(name withheld)


1110. August 10, 2016

Dreamed a little dream last night of shitting on Mickey kikey Whiningsteen’s jew shape grave while all true Americans cheered for Jesus to save.

(Christ died for even you Kikey) your too much a stiff neck jew shyster to know you will soon burn in hell. Better have eyes in back of your head kike.

(name withheld)

1111. August 12, 2016

Mr. Wienstien

What does the communist organization MFFR have against the love of Jesus in the military? You think you won that court case yesterday about that poor Marine lady who wasn’t allowed to show her simple and pure love for Jesus?

You think Jesus won’t make you and those liberal communist judges pay for such blaspheme?

Jesus is the only life truth and way for the military. For the whole world.

Read His Word.

There is no doubt.

Jesus will send you directly to hell for what you have done to stop the spread of his innocent and saving grace. For what you are still doing.

You and your fellow MFFR villains will pay for this unholy defiance.

But none will pay more than you Mr. Wienstien. For you are the blackest and evilest soul on earth.

My husband and I know we are not supposed to say but we will enjoy watching you be consumed forever in flames.

Enjoy your little court case “victory” while you can.


The only true victory is in Christ.

Think on that sir while you are on fire for eternity.

(name withheld)

1112. August 18, 2016

You seem to have forgot that the U.S. Constitution & Bill of Right only added to the right’s of Englishmen and did not take away any of those rights.

How sad that after WWII you now suppress freedom like the Axis powers we fought to defeat.

Sure glad I spent my USAF time during Viet Nam and didn’t have to deal with your ISIS ways.

(name withheld)

1113. August 18, 2016

I am appalled by your stance and intolerance of the bible. Your organization needs to study the first amendment fully. Your persecution of Major Steve Lewis is ridiculous. He was not preaching the bible. Just because he had a bible on his desk does not mean he was preaching the bible. Whether you like it or not, this country was founded on Judeo Christian values. God is mentioned in our constitution. The first amendment prohibits establishing a state sponsored religion, it prohibits impeding the free excercise of religion. Your group is violating the free excercise of religion.

(name withheld)

1114. August 18, 2016

Mikey Weinstein needs to get a life and quit harassing military officers regardless of their faith tradition.

America is about freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion. If Mr. Weinstein truly wants then he should go live on a island where he can enjoy that version of



(name withheld)

1115. August 18, 2016

I don’t understand how you call yourselves the military religious freedom foundation when in fact, in your eyes I would have no freedom in any of the armed forces according to your policies. This is not hate mail, but it is my belief that when you fight against the God who has blessed this country from it’s beginning, you became me a part of the destruction of our nation and the very core that made it great in the first place. Why are you doing this?

(name withheld)

1116. August 18, 2016

I guess you should be afraid of the Bible. Those that will be judged by God certainly don’t want to know what the Bible has to say. It’s not going to go well for you once you die.

Also please quit the military. I want to have respect for those who serve the USA. You and your group are an embarrassment. My family served in the military since WWII.

Nobody will miss you once you leave.

(name withheld)

1117. August 18, 2016

You are going to hell.

(name withheld)

1118. August 18, 2016

You people are a serious joke and will be judged by your beliefs and actions in the end. There will be no heaven for you and your supporters,the good lord above will


see to this. Your whole movement is a sad excuse to draw attention to yourselves and your hopeless cause. This country was built on the belief of Christianity. If you don agree with it that’s fine keep it to yourself. Don’t think you can change the rest of the world to believe in the sterile environment you would like us all to live in. Just crawl back in your caves and stay out of everyone’s businesses. God bless the u.s. And God bless those that believe in and aren’t afraid to practice religion publicly

(name withheld)

1119. August 18, 2016

Hey Bitch:

I see where your chicken shit husband doesn’t have the balls to list his email address on the MRFF website…no surprise as he (and you) are just a couple of muslim terrorist loving slimeballs who are losers in life and have to get back at true Americans! One can only hope that the both of you and everyone else in your piece of shit organization will be struck down with the worst diseases humanity can offer! And if you don’t like what I just said then why don’t you suck my cock, cunt? I live in Virginia and I’ll be more than happy to discuss this with your faggot hubby in person…but we both know he’s a coward and would never show up! Don’t forget to show up for your part time job in the evenings…walking the streets as a 2 bit whore!

(name withheld)

1120. August 18, 2016

You are everything that is wrong with America. We’ve become pussies, worried about “pc” before core values that this country was founded upon.

In God we trust.


(name withheld)

1121. August 18, 2016

Your organization needs to realize that having any religious book, no matter the denomination, is the right of the individual. What ill effect does it have? Why can’t


Maj Lewis read the bible at his desk? According to our religious freedom training, a CBT required annually, it is not a broach of “regulations” as you put it. It’s the right of all service members to have access to spiritual scripture whenever they need.

In a horrible time for the Air Force, where there are more and more suicides everyday, asking anyone not to have their choice of scripture at the ready is ridiculous. Pushing for punishment on an individual based on their religion is preposterous.

Tell your “clients” to grow up and respect others differences and use the chain of command next time.

(name withheld)

1122. August 18, 2016

As a self described atheist, I read your comments about the open bible situation in Colorado Springs and I kindly ask you to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!! You are making the rest of us that don’t care look bad

(name withheld)

1123. August 19, 2016

Consider shooting yourself in the face.

(name withheld)

1124. August 19, 2016

It is so sad that you and your organization are trying to destroy what our nation was built upon. Good Christian men signed and implemented the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution men of God if that means anything to you. I have made a pledge to pray for you and the members of your organization daily that you all might come to know Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Romans 14:11 says that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. May God have mercy on your souls.

(name withheld)


1125. August 19, 2016

Wow, you people REALLY need to find a job that actually matters. An open bible sitting on a desk???? And one that had YELLOW highlighting?? What a danger that must pose?! Unbelievable. Did little people come out and tell you to be a Christian?

I PRAY that if you are ever in a position where you might be in real danger, where you might be in danger of losing your life (Again, I pray this does not happen), remember, not to pray for help from God. Just FYI, these are called “Foxhole Christians”. Please feel free to pray to Satan, Mohammed, or whomever, but you my friend will be out of luck.

I will pray for your soul.

(name withheld)

1126. August 19, 2016

Mr Weinstein,

Your organization doesn’t believe in religious freedom, at all. If you had, the comments that came out of your mouth concerning the 310th would’ve never happened. I read the article about the officer in the 310th and I think you’re an absolute moron. Everyone, I repeat everyone should have the right to practice the religion of their choice, I highly doubt if someone had been displaying the Koran or the Torah that you would’ve batted an eyelash, for fear of being seen as the bigot that you are……your mission is dishonorable and one of many big threats to religious freedom and expression in this country.


(name withheld)

1127. August 19, 2016

I am appalled by your stance and intolerance of the bible. Your organization needs to study the first amendment fully. Your persecution of Major Steve Lewis is ridiculous. He was not preaching the bible. Just because he had a bible on his desk


does not mean he was preaching the bible. Whether you like it or not, this country was founded on Judeo Christian values. God is mentioned in our constitution. The first amendment prohibits establishing a state sponsored religion, it prohibits impeding the free excercise of religion. Your group is violating the free excercise of religion.

(name withheld)

1128. August 19, 2016

Tell Mikey to shut the f— up and go to hell.

(name withheld)

1129. August 19, 2016

Mr. Weinstein

I don’t understand your hatred for christians and christianity. You being a jew should have an understanding of God. What has caused you to deny Him and to hate Him so much.? What gives you the right to hate those who honor Him? Go after those who are lawless .

(name withheld)

1130. August 19, 2016

Dear Sir,

At no time and in no place is there any mention in the U.S Constitution of “separation of church and state”. There is a prohibition of a state religion, a la the Church of England. Your persecution of the Air Force major who had an open bible on his desk is beyond the pale. If the “33 very scared families” are this terrified of an open bible, how are they making it through the day with the constant threat of intifada from the Muslims who are being allowed to serve openly in the US military, without any complaint from you or others of your ilk, I might add. These offended military personnel took an oath to preserve and defend the Constitution of the U.S. How do they square this with persecuting a fellow officer for his religious beliefs? How do you sleep at night knowing that the “work” you do is helping to tear apart


the fabric of the country you once took an oath to protect with your life? When and if these men and women who are party to this frivolous lawsuit are sent to a war zone, with instructions to kill the enemies of this country, what then? Will they do as commanded, or cower in fear because they might happen to see an open Koran or Torah? They are being paid, yes, but the job they do is not an everyday 9 to 5 job like most of us do. They are supposedly the tip of the spear that protects this country, which is the greatest country in recorded history. It isn’t their place to tell people what they can and can’t have open on their desks, no more than it should be your place to be an agitator seeking fortune by using your legal skills to bring misfortune upon innocent, decent, God-fearing people. The major was not proselytizing by having an open Bible on his desk. But you, on the other hand, ARE proselytizing by spreading your hatred of Christians. It is evident that one of the “victims” was able to look at the book often enough to claim it was open to the same place all the time. That appears to be the act of a person seeking to be offended. Try seeking honest work, sir, and doing some good for the country you profess to love, and quit spreading hatred.


(name withheld)

1131. August 19, 2016

Dear little Mikey (what a pussy name!) – it must be truly strange and lonely to be frightened … or let’s be honest and accurate here and use the truthful term and say you PRETEND to be frightened … by a Bible. The mere thought stretches credulity to the breaking point. How can anyone take you seriously? If you came to me with your fake trembling, your dopey histrionics, your sham terror, and tried your con artist act on me, I would laugh my butt off. Right before I told you to get the hell out of my face. Why do people put up with such nonsense? What kind of pussy-ass society have we become that little snots like you, craven little dicks desperate for attention, are treated with any sort of response other than having your stupid jaw slapped and being told to grow a pair and get the hell out of your panties and into your big boy pants? It’s unbelievable. Your parents must’ve been hippy dippy beatniks instead of real people. My dad was a World War II vet who wouldn’t knocked me to the ground if I’d tried any of your whiny, fake oh-I’m-so-frightened lying nonsense. And rightfully so. You should’ve had your nuts kicked into your throat a few times instead of being pampered like a little girl … maybe you would’ve grown up to be a man instead of a simpering, pissing-in-your-pants pussy liberal. Man, you pansy-asses make me sick. Come on over to my house and look at my mean old Bible lying on my desk … it won’t hurt your widdle feewings one little bit, but I’ll knock your pussy teeth down your throat so fast it will make your head spin. You’ll be cleaning shit out of your panties for a week. But of course craven cowards


such as you never take the manly course – you hide behind Big Brother’s skirt tails and demand that Mommy do all the work while you whine in the folds and peek out. Ah, who cares? You’ll get your 15 minutes of attention on Earth and then burn for all eternity – have fun, Priscilla! I’m sure you’ll make a cute BBQ!

You can put me in the hater’s column – I grant you permission, and concur on the accuracy if you assess me as such.

You damn dipshit,

(name withheld)

1131. August 20, 2016

Mr. Michael Weinstein our church has a single question for your to consider.

Has it ever occurred to you that the reason your wife Bonnie suffers with MS is as punishment to you from the Lord Jesus Christ?

Because of the MRRF vicious attacks constant against loving Christians in the armed services. Like you taking the Bible away from Air Force Major.

Just sayin’.

(name withheld)

1132. August 21, 2016

Where in the Constitution does it say I can’t have a Bible? But it does say the government can’t make laws respecting an establishment of religion……which the government einsteins take to mean they can make laws and regulations DISRESPECTING an establishment of religion…what we need is a law banning Koran, which is a handbook on how to make war on humanity…..

(name withheld)

1133. August 22, 2016

I won’t belabor you with my beliefs or attack yours. I just want you to know that in


my opinion you are a disgrace to the thousands of military officers that have gone before you and millions of enlisted people who have loyally served this nation. Many of these people perished so that you could spout your garbage. You should be ashamed and pay back the education that you received free from this country. You have used your education to bring harm to good upstanding people who happen to wear the uniform of this nation.

Mickey as far as my research has shown and in my biased opinion you have demonstrated that you are total jerk and unworthy of the gifts this nation has given you. Shame on you!

(name withheld)

1134. August 28, 2016

Dear Mr. Weinstein,

I’m quite appalled by your activities that looks very much like the Night of Broken Glass in 1938 Nazis Germany , they burned books, and destroyed artwork that was Jewish, and sadly you who bears a Jewish name is playing a role as one of the devil’s henchmen to go against a people who unanamously support Israel and support the Jewish people. Don’t get me wrong Mr. Weinstein, there are some Nazis and Communist who pose as Christians like your Progressive supporters do; Who, if they had their way would eventually come knocking on your door like the Gestapo and taking you in for questioning at one of those FEMA camps to discuss your “Jewishness” after you have helped round up all the Christian sheep in the United States, and helped to dissolve the pro-Israel lobby in Washington D.C.

I pray for you Mr. Weinstein, because really what is wrong for an Officer who fears God and is trying to live an upright life having a Bible on his desk? The Book of Philippians ( which the officer had his Bible opened to) is a wonderful book in the Bible written by Apostle Paul (formerly Shaul of Tarsus) a man who was formerly a Jewish zealot and came to faith in Y’shua while on his way to Damascus to kill followers of Y’shua and as a result of his sacrifice the majority of the B’rit Chadasha (New Covenant) was written by Paul.

Mr. Weinstein what kind of neighbor would you like to have live next door to you? One who honors the Ten Commandments which says, I shall not steal from you, I shall not covet your wife, your house, or your personal property. I shall not


murder, I shall not commit adultery with your spouse. Would you want someone who respects those laws living next to you or some pervert who embraces an anarchy type of philosophy which does not guarantee your home or your personal property is going to be safe unless you buy a gun and make your home into a fortress? Well if you continue to hammer away at religious freedom long enough, you just might come home one day and find your stuff missing and your wife is now no longer your wife because there is no moral compass any longer and she doesn’t have to be married to you because the Bible is what that comes from and the Bible would be nowhere to be found to support your position. The secular humanist in the court would be laughing at you saying; “What are you talking about “Your Wife”?”; She belongs to the state, anybody could have her”; And have her booked for months before you could see her yourself. This is what Soviet Russia had done to Christians, Jews and anyone who opposed the Communist party. They took their wives and daughters and prostituted them to higher party members or they would rape them in prison. Go to Bartlesville, Oklahoma and talk to Voice of The Martyrs and talk to Sabrina Wurmbrand widow of the late Rev. Richard Wurmbrand a survivor of years of torture and imprisonment by the Soviet Union for being a preacher who would not conform to the State religion. You reject God and God will reject you and let you have your way like Burger King and make sure you eat it. Just like what happened to the Israelites who made their golden calf while Moses was on Mt. Sinai. Moses burned it with fire and ground it to powder and made the Israelites drink of the water which the powder was poured into. Exodus 32 Mr. Weinstein I pray you will not have to drink your golden calf Mr. Weinstein I would also like you to know that God loves you (John 3:16) and I compel you in the Name of Y’shua Hamashiach to repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

One important thing I want to bring to your attention is that The Christian Bible you’re so opposed to also says; “Salvation is to The Jew First and then to the Gentile” (Romans 1:16) by attacking the Bible you’re also attacking the Hope of Israel and you are acting as an accomplice to denying Salvation to the Jewish people. Mr. Weinstein I sincerely pray that you being a Jew will not be on the same side as Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin, Nero, Caligula, Antiochus, and Titus who murdered Jews and Christians. You’ll have Six million plus sitting in the jury box listening to the evidence and hearing you testify before Almighty God who will ask What did you do with My Torah, My Tanakh, My B’rit Chadashah?

Sir, I hope that you will stop your seditious activities


(name withheld)


1135. September 2, 2016


I’ve just seen this latest stupidity of Mikey’s over the Bible on the desk and have to think he must be a disciple of Satan and eager to destroy the truth of Jesus and His Second Coming!

When Mikey’s ancestor’s successfully slaughtered Jesus as an offering to Satan they saw GOD tear open the veil of the temple showing that Jesus’s death ended the law yet now 2,000 years later the Mikey’s of this world still prefer to follow Satan to their doom and refuse the simple offer of eternal life Jesus made to all who would accept it by simply believing He is the Son of God.

I do wish you Jews would burn your Torahs and get good NKJV Study Bibles and learn the truth of Jesus and see how simple is the way to eternal life with Him on a renewed Earth.

Good luck for when Jesus returns to destroy all who lie: 1 Corinthians 6:9

(name withheld)

1136. September 3, 2016

The queers and probably some of your “Clients” keep trying to expand their reach… It’s LBGT”I”Q, “I” for “Intersex,” whatever in the hell that is.

(name withheld)

1137. September 4, 2016

Hello Mickey. Your jew right? Of course the nose the curly hair and LOVE that $$ right?

30 pieces of silver to give up the Lord. Gimme Gimme Gimme.

You can stop pretending to be a “civil rights activist’ now you conniving jew lawyer.

And just fess up to the truths of being a Christ hating jewboy from the deeps of hell.

Leave the servicemen who guard our Christian faith alone. You little fuck. What do


we do to jew like you?

And think bout your fellow jews who baked in the ovens for mouthing off once too often. Don’t your kind ever learn?

So typical of a jew to wine Winerstien.

Just like you do all the time.

We who love Jesus Christ and America are sick of hearing you wine. Your done jew.

The new ovens are ready for you.

And your wife and kids. And all the little satin worshipers of Mffr. Your kin burned in the ovens mickey didn’t they?

Have to ask your self why? why why why?

Here is why.

Spare the whip to the jew and hear the wining. Hear them try to attack Jesus and Christians and worship the $$.

But bake a jew in the ovens and love the silence.

No jews know peace. No mickey know quiet.

Best part is that after we bake you in ovens you will still bake for all time in hell.

You loose and Jesus Christ wins jewboy.

Feel the burn yet mickey? OUCH huh?

(name withheld)

1138. September 8, 2016

Hey Mikey leave our West Point football players alone to worship Jesus Christ whenever they feel the need to.

We’re taking up a collection here at work to entice a “person of your special blood” to drop your persecution of these courage Army football players.

So far we’ve got 30 ‘sheeny jew’ silver coins and a big bag of bagels. Will that do the trick?


It usually does for your kind.

(name withheld)

1139. September 10, 2016

Mikey Weinstein:

Mikey, I totally disagree with you on this point….and many others. I’m a retired Army Colonel, Green Beret, my son is a USAFA grad and my Godson was a West Point football player, so I’m very familiar with your many attacks on prayer. I’m aware that you, and your son are also USAFA grads. I assume that you have never served in combat, or you might have a different view of prayer. There are no atheists in the foxhole, so to speak. Sometimes, SF Chaplains need to be armed, sometimes soldiers need to pray. What is wrong with a football team being thankful for a win, a good game, no one being hurt? After all this country was founded on freedom OF religion, not on freedom FROM religion! Trying to wipe out prayer from the military is terribly misguided – you should be ashamed!

(name withheld)

1140. September 11, 2016

You and your actions disgust me. You offend God by your actions. I would like to take you down in a court of law, because you are violating our Constitution. I will be praying for you and hoping that you see the Light.

By the way, your “military religious freedom org” is a misnomer.

Very truly yours,

(name withheld)

1141. September 22, 2016

Dear Mr. Weinstein—let me join in the chorus of outrage about your actions against the Army Football team—my response is simple- it is none of your damn business what goes on in the Army football locker room. Butt out-

But since the issue of religion has been engaged, as it now happens, you have now forced your religion-which I gather is NONE atheism- on the Corps and the football


team- so tell me why you, and those like you, have not violated the ‘church-state’ clause? The absence of .religion. is a religion. And now no ‘religion’ is the prescribed and accepted religion.

But I am sorry you were offended- but you are a big boy now so get over it and mind your own damn business.

(name withheld)

1142. September 23, 2016

To: Michael Weinstein

You and your organization are operating because of the freedoms of this great country. If you had lived in Germany in the 1940s you wouldn’t even be alive and neither would any working in your organization.

You are not stupid although your actions indicate you are. This country has symbols such as on our coins and paper money “In God We Trust”. Everyone should be able to show what they believe at work, in churches, or at sporting events. If you don’t agree you don’t have to participate…that is what freedom is. If you don’t believe what our forefathers based our country on then you and your organization can move to Iraq where you surely would be permitted to express yourselves or you could protest some Iraq soldier having his Koran on the desk.

I would not be offended by some Jew having Jew information on his desk. Why can’t you be the same way or leave this country?

You Jews killed Jesus and you’re still trying to kill his teachings or thoughts. You and your group will surely roast in hell soon. Life is very short on this earth and life in hell is forever. This country will certainly be better off when you and your kind are gone. We don’t want to see another fall of Rome in this country and people like you are trying to make that happen.

(name withheld)

1143. September 29, 2016

First you destroy the reputation of a American hero like General Boykin. And then you destroy the career of another American hero like General Grigsby. For simply inviting General Boykin to address our American hero troops here in Fort Riley Kansas. First you destroy the reputation of a American hero like General Boykin.

And then you destroy the career of another American hero like General Grigsby.


For simply inviting General Boykin to address our American hero troops here in Fort Riley Kansas.

How about we do a little destruction on you Mickey?

Oh but thats right we don’t have to.

Jesus will take all the care of you jews and your jew seed soon enough. (Matthew 27:25 1 John 5:12 John 3:36)

(name withheld) We pray with testimony that your women kinfolk all miscarry in their abort pregnancies.

And that all your men kin have early heart attack and cancer.

The unquenchable flames await you Mickey. And the MRRF.

(name withheld)

1144. October 10, 2016


(name withheld)

1145. October 14, 2016

Mikey Weinstein you are a worthless piece of garbage that cant seem to leave people the hell alone. You are going to mess around and piss off the wrong person and they will bust your teeth down your throat. You need to repent and accept Jesus Christ into your heart before you end up in the pit of fire. Don’t ever try any of your crap around my area as you wont like the outcome. Stay out of Kentucky. Do you understand me boy?

(name withheld)

1146. October 20, 2016


Dear Mikey,

I understand that you are standing up for your religious freedoms and what you believe to be “right”. But I think you have gone too far in your ridiculous complaints about a Bible in a waiting room at the VA. You do know that this once great Country that you claim to love so much was founded under a belief in God. Your founding fathers who built this country that you claim to care so much for believed in the Christian God who you so blatantly denounce. No one is trying to push religion upon you. No one asked you to pick up the Bible and read it. Does it offend you? I don’t read cosmopolitan magazine. But you don’t hear me complaining when I see one at the dentist office. If no one is pushing religion on you then why do you try so hard to push your beliefs on others? Maybe you don’t believe in Christianity but you do love the country that is founded upon its ideas and beliefs. People like you are the reason this country is way worse than it was say 60 years ago. In the 1950’s people didn’t whine when they saw a Bible on a table. You also wouldn’t have seen tv shows advocating teen pregnancy either. There were also less homosexuals and crime. So maybe you should think about how much better of a place this country was with its Christian beliefs in practice and quit whining and live your life and let everyone else live theirs. I mean hey it’s your right to be a baby and cry about whatever you like. Just like it’s my right to email you and tell you I think you are a whiny old fart. At least my religion will forgive me if I ask. And I actually feel bad about saying this to you but not bad enough. I will pray for your soul my friend.


(name withheld)

1147. October 20, 2016

Really ashamed a veteran of the U.S. has the bible removed out of the lobby. I saw it on Fox News. I mean REALLY! What if it was a porn magazine would he have had it removed also? I get offended every day by something just tell the guy to put his big girl panties on and just get over it and move on….that Bible was probably placed there to help someone who needed it. Shame on your group and I would not support you for sure. I Love America and our Vets who served but this is just ridiculous and that is why I thank our veterans for serving and giving me MY Freedom to express this opinion also.

God Bless!

(name withheld)

1148. October 20, 2016


Mr. Weinstein,

Congratulations on your success in removing bibles from a VA medical center . That should teach a lesson to those brave veterans who probably have lost limbs or have some sort of illness resulting from defending your right to take away the only thing that gave them hope and will to survive .

Did you fight the Sikh’s in their use of turbans in the army?

I think you just like to fight Christians. They are easy to fight and get donors to contribute to Military Religious Freedom Foundation. It just shows your fear of muslims and Sikhs , difficulty in succeeding in its removal , being ok with it , just not a or all of the various possibilities mentioned. You religious freedom fighters in general doesn’t have any principal. The only thing you do is fight the easy fight and your sole purpose is to make money. You are a disgrace and if you have any license to operate that so-called foundation of yours it should be pulled. You should be exposed for your hypocrisy. I will expose your double standard.

You have no right to inflict additional pain on our brave veterans. Shame on you.

(name withheld)

1149. October 29, 2016

Stay out of Arizona KIKE. fuck you jewboy mickey wienstein. just as soon as the arab sandnigger is out of the white house you will go to jail with that cunt hillary for stopping bibles from given to veteran hospital soldiers. Stop the word of Christ? Christ will stop you’re words jewboy.

(name withheld)

1150. October 29, 2016

Dear Mikey & MRFF,

This organization is the most pitiful I’ve ever seen – and that’s saying something. I have absolutely no compassion or respect for anything you do. Despicable and abhorrent are apt adjectives for what your mission is.

I find it intriguing that your main goal in life is to offend and dismiss those who recognize a Sovereign God – One you don’t acknowledge. What a waste of your time and energy in the pursuit of futility. Why do you care about what people believe and how exactly does that affect you? So childlike!!


Thanks for listening – I feel better!

Extremely Disgusted,

(name withheld)

1151. November 3, 2016

We will hunt you down with pitchforks.

(name withheld)

1152. November 5, 2016

Mikey, you are hated and so is your nasty Cunt Hillary. You will be in Jail soon and we have many more of your emails. Better hope you are not indicted!

(name withheld)

1153. November 14, 2016

All Communist Democrats like Mikey are worthless and pathetic. Leave the USA now along with your worthless Communist heroes.

(name withheld)

1154. November 14, 2016

Steve Bannon, Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor…. great move by Trump. Beware MRFF!

(name withheld)

1155. November 15, 2016

Great article. God bless the ACLJ. I hope they continue to pursue remedies for these


ridiculous claims promoted by “Mikey” Weinstein and his group. Mikey, do you realize how childish and petulant you appear to be? You remind me of the current crop of helpless millenials on campus, those delicate flowers who need “safe places” to seek comfort and assuage the fear they feel from “offensive” words. Can I send you a pillow or a stuffed animal to hug Mikey??? I’m sure you are an educated man and a man of many talents, so why don’t you cease this harassment and go find something useful to do with your life.

The VA is gutless. They need to “grow a pair” to stand up to this undue harassment from the so-called “MRFF”. It pains me to know that the MRFF enjoys tax-free status as a non-profit and that my hard-earned tax dollars are used to support your wretched organization. I only wish I had the monetary resources to contribute to legal action against your ill advised group or to file my own action against the MRFF as an aggrieved US veteran.


A Vietnam combat vet

1156. November 15, 2016

Dear Mr. Mickey Jewstein,

We have it on good authority that President Trump’s national security team will soon have the MFRF dismantled and torn to the ground.

In the first 100 days.

You’re days of Christ bashing in the armies are over jewboy.

You Mickey and your staff of jew commies and atheist and followers will be round up and tried fair for treason and sedition. There will be joy in the land!

Mickey will be justly sentenced by President Trump for public execution to be televised international and all over the web. Trump himself will pull the hangman switch. Praise the Lord!

The MFRF supporters will be give life sentences at hard labor except your race traitor whore wife and diseased jew children.

They will be maid part of the servents staff at White house to clean and cook for the Trump family and wait on them. Hand and foot. Day and night year round.

We can’t wait for the devine justice to come. Satan can’t wait to welcome you home to the flames for the Second Death. Love the smell of jew flesh burning in the




American Leaders For Christ and Justice

1157. November 23, 2016

No matter how much Mikey is being paid by his foundation, the exchange rate is still the same — thirty pieces of silver.

(name withheld)

1158. December 4, 2016

Just wanted you guys to know I went to my appointment at the local VA clinic yesterday. I got there a little early, so I picked up a Bible in the waiting room and read from the book of Psalms while waiting to see the doctor. When I told the receptionist about your campaign against this sort of thing, she couldn’t believe it. She said she often sees patients pick up the Bible and read while they are waiting, and that they have never had any complaints about the presence of the Good Book in the waiting room.

This got me to thinking….. in the 1920’s and 30’s, Lenin and Stalin repeatedly purged libraries of all books deemed to be “harmful” to society and destroyed them in huge bonfires. Sounds a lot like what you guys are trying to do, albeit in a more subtle way without the bonfires.

(name withheld)

1159. December 6, 2016

Rest not in Peace the MRFR.

President Trump will have you the destroyer of the armed forces jailed and executed.

And life in prison soon enough after inagertion.

Plus your graves will have big Crosses on them for respect to Jesus Christ. The only begotten Lord and savior of America and the soldiers and marines.


Especially for Mickey’s grave with his big jewish nose and tiny jewish prick. Why the jews all have such little dicks? But such big bank accounts?

We’ll make a servant of Christ out of you yet mickey the denier of Christs sovernity.

You will just be in the Lake of Fire after President Trump executes you anyway.

Eternity is a long time to be on fire mickey. Too bad for what you done to the military.

Better get some Fire Insurance harharhar!

As jew you can probably find ‘SUCh the deal.”

(name withheld)

1160. December 12, 2016

Just curious, Does Mr. Weinstein go after muslims who want to wear a burka in the Military? Mr. Weinstein and others in your horseshit organization are horrible,rotten,evil bastards. The MRF,SPLC, and ACLU are the alphabet soup of scumbag

Anti-American,Anti-Christian,Communist pieces of excrement. But during this joyous season I would just like to spread some Holiday Cheer and wish you all A VERY MARRY CHRISTMAS. Now you can crawl back into your safe space and let the rest of us celebrate.

(name withheld)

1161. December 13, 2016

Weinstein-HAHAHA they finally laughed you out of the house. Nice to see you OUTSIDE the temple pissing and wailing and having no effect any longer. Much like the rest of your inbred cabal, eh? Not doing so well this year? HAHAHA. Your whines are delicious as is your frustration you fucking mutt. NOW you DO have the permission of We The People to FUCK OFF YOU LITTLE RAT BITCH. -NEXT!

(name withheld)



December 13, 2016


(name withheld)

1163. December 14, 2016


(name withheld)

1164. December 17, 2016

You could not be more wrong in what you are doing.

America was FOUNDED AS one nation under GOD, not “God’s” Using our military as a dual edged sword to carry the Salvation message to the world is one of the most important things we are doing with our military. It unifies us. It fulfils Jesus’s teaching to go out and spread the gospel… Our Great COMMISSION no less! What you are doing with your organization is going AGAINST the word of God in your misguided belief that our man- made laws (constitutional freedom of speech and worship) TRUMPS God’s Laws/Jesus’ teaching.





(name withheld)

1165. December 19, 2016

In the history of mankind there has been exactly One Good Jew, Jesus Christ Our Lord and Savior.

All the rest have disease in their biology called jewishness.

Adolf Hitler did his best to rid mankind of this disease of jewishness.

History will show him to be a hero.

But the disease comes back in the form of Mikie Weinsteins sometime.

But the tide of righteousness in America has turned. And the disease of jewishness will soon be as extinct as polio.

Mikie Weinstein will just be a wax figure in a museum of the extinct disease race of jewishness.

Merry Christmas to Mikie. The future wax statue.

(name withheld)

1166. December 24, 2016

Mikey: you were hazed not because of Judaism but because you were a disgusting little PRICK!

Thank you. (name withheld)

1167. December 28, 2016

Mr. Michael Weinstein, Greetings. Our church has it on good authority that President Donald Trump will immediately order the dismantling of your anti-Christian collection of leftist queers at the MRFF in his first week on the job.


Also President Trump will do the same with you fellow red commies at the ACLU and the SPLC. Faggots all. Lovers of the Satan Allah too. Shortly thereafter you and the others will be prosecuted for treason against our nation under God and our Lord who is the Son of God. Some of you will get life in prison. But not you Michael Weinstein. You are the leader of the rebellion against Christ’s armies. You will face a firing squad of the righteous. Bullets vs. your head. Bullets win. Thereafter your soul will be immediately consigned to hell to burn for all times.

Repent and renounce your evilness and surrender to Jesus The Christ. You have no other hope.

(name withheld)


1168. January 1, 2017


Your days are numbered as you will soon lose all your contacts in the Pentagon when Trump becomes president. Many Christians will let him know all about you and as the Commander in Chief, he can instruct his officers to ignore your emails and threats, then where will you be. I think you would be either a very good divorce lawyer or ambulance chaser or maybe you can defend priests who are accused of molesting altar boys since you defend those who are homosexuals and perverts!

Trump and Jesus making America Great Again!

Oh yeah, with Mad Dog Mattis as Sec. of Defense, I am sure he will not want gays or transgenders in his military. Here to making our military great again!

Happy New Year!

(name withheld)



January 7, 2017

Hey there Mickey. The good jews are dead. See ya. Be good now.

(name withheld)

1170. January 7, 2017

“Miley” Weinstein is an Asshole”

(name withheld)

1171. January 9, 2017

Ok where in the hell are your so called religious freedom group now, that turban or orther muslim bullshit is spreading religion but those bastards can now where it in our UNITED STATES of AMERICA MILITARY UNIFORM. Don’t even try to excuse this,boy was I a gullible dumbass, believe I got what u said. If you were truly trying to separate religion

From government u would be fighting tha bullshit also,so apparently you are only against Christianity. HYPOCRITES.

(name withheld)

1172. January 15, 2017

Mr. Mikey Weinstein of the MFFR,

I guess you and your group of followers think your helping our military but your not.

I am in the Air Force and one of my biggest missions is to bring my troops to Jesus Christ.


I am a NCO leading many and witness the Gospel and Word of Christ to my troops for who I responsible every chance I get on duty or not. In uniform or not. Whether they ask me or not. The Word is the only light and the life and truth. It is water for those who thirst and food for those who starve. My troops love hearing it. And I love preaching it.

None has ever complained to anyone even once. Until a few days ago. Your name and the MFFR came up in anger and fear against the Lords Word.

My wife and me and others looked at your website. Did some more research on you all. Very eye opening to see such devil hatred from the MFFR. Tools of of the dark one. satan dwells in your house.

You all represent the sin and evil in our nation. MFFR has damaged the military by stopping the Word from being preached. Without the Word none may be saved.

I was sorry to see that your jew but it made a lot of sense to us. Jews of your blood betrayed and murdered Christ. And His blood is forever on their hands and their children hands.

How does that feel to have slaughtered the Lamb of the Lord? Make you feel like a big man jew? You think you help in the Air Force? You killed our Savior by your jews nature.

Our Air Force rejects you. Our military and country rejects you. The MFFR is only welcome by satan.

We will pray that your days of life will be shortened by the Lord. He will come for you and your kinsmen and helpers like a theif in the night.

You all will helpless to stop your destiny.

We pray that you and the MFFR will suffer by flames for all eternity for your sins of defiance and stiff neck jew nature against the Word. (name withheld)

1173. January 20, 2017

Greetings Gentlemen of the FFRF, I’ve just listened to the new President of the United States inauguration speech. It was simply amazing. I’m thrilled to hear that the Almighty God is back in the White House. After so many years without the Creator, it’s great to know his influence will be once again among us.


I can only assume that you and your followers are ready to explode or spontaneously combust.

Good luck in your future endeavors. You’ll need it.

You should’ve left the Bible in the VA Hospital.

Have a great, God Loving, American Day, (name withheld)

1174. January 23, 2017

You are a traitor to Jesus Christ you jew dirt. And you are the traitor to America. We know who you are and the evil you have done.

Our new president knows too. He knows that our military needs to be led by Jesus. Your fight against Jesus is over now.

The old nigger in chief is gone thank Christ. He was a raghead commie monkey moslim who has a transvestite chimp as a wife. He loved you jew monkey. But he all gone now.

Can’t wait for mikey to die and then burn forever. The pain of the flame is your eternity jew killer. jew traitor.

Maybe you can get a raghead moslim to fuck your white traitor wife? She wants a big raghead dick for a change. OINK Oy VAY!

Traitorism runs in the Whinestein family. A fine family of traitors to Christ and America. And you know what President Trump does to traitors mikey?

You about to find out. You’re cell in guantanamo is waiting. bread and water hard labor. Then gallows. Then fires of hell. Halleluyah!

HALLELUYAH (name withheld)

1175. February 1, 2017


We need all Muslims to leave America and Europe. You will be invited back, once the caliphate stops threatening the genocide of our people. This is a warning to all Muslims, that you need to leave America now. You will be invited back, once Muslims priests and caliphates, stop threatening the genocide of America. You also will stop forcing your women to wear rags over their faces. Islamic Sharia Law, and those enforcing the expansion of Sharia Law, are now enemy combatants of the free people of America. All of the Islamic Sharia Law, causing the genocide of the Nigerian people, is going to stop as well. If you are a Muslim, supporting Sharia Law in America or Europe, you will be found, and you will be deported.

(name withheld)

1176. February 4, 2017

Hey mickey,

I just read about you the MFFFR trying to stop another national prayer lunch at a Air Force base in Alabama.

My wife and I are in the Air Force stationed in California. You have so many who hate you at our base. Like our whole Bible study.

And you are so wicked as to try to stop the love of Christ at just a simple annual prayer event?

So what if the Wing Commander made the invite? Non Christians don’t have to come if they don’t want to.

No one has to accept the Gospel.

The Wing Commander is just trying to steal souls back from satan.

Nobodys forced like you say.

It’s freedom OF religion not freedom FROM religion mickey. Your a lawyer and should no better.

The jews and atheists and queers in the military always come running for little mickey to fight Jesus Christ for them. Same with the muslims. And the dot indians.

And your always just so happy to fight for satan against our Lord right mickey? Makes us wonder why?

What’s in it for you?


But we know. Satan pays you well.

jews love the $$.

30 pieces of silver mickey? (Matthew 26:15)

A lot of our friends here in Bible study think your asking for an ass kicking. Your way overdue boy.

The internet says you have kids and a wife and grandkid.

My wife and me and our Bible study just hope you die slow in pain right in front of your wife and kids.

Piss your undies and shit your trou. Bleed out thru your eyes and ears and mouth. A blessed site to see.

My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord. So Jesus is coming for you mickey.

Let your family learn the lesson of what not to be like.

Messy dead daddy is the bible lesson of the day.

You have it coming and Jesus will administer His devine justice on mickey.

His devine wrath is on you.

The Son of God will take your wicked life and kick your whineystien ass all the way to the fires of hell.

You live in sin and will burn in sin. Always and forever. Fire unending and no hope left.

How’s that 30 pieces of silver working out for you now mickey? You and judas too peas in a pod.

Can we have a Halleluyah

(Airmen for Christ and His Kingdom in America)

1177. February 15, 2017

The moment I read that stupid jew-friendly article today in I just knew there would be a stinking jew in that wood pile.


Not a nigger in the wood pile at Langley AFB. A jew. Of course.

And there it was.

The name once again of one of the greatest threats to American democracy and our military power still alive.

(((Mikey Weinstein))).

What a shylock Christ-hater.

Can’t you just do your country a favor and choke to death on the next bagel you eat?

Soaked in the blood of Christian children like your kike family tree did.

Time you disappeared little jew.

No more wood piles for you to infest.

Wood burns you know.

Let’s just visualize the beauty of whimpering jew (((Mikey Weinstein))) on fire just like the others in WW2 Deutschland.

Eliminate the wood piles and bye-bye (((Mikey Weinstein))).

(name withheld)

1178. February 21, 2017

Mr. Mikey with the Jewish last name, We’re sick of hearing that bullshit about how the Jews don’t get equal treatment by the marines and all. Who cares if they can’t put up their minhorah for Hanikkah?

The Jews owe a debt to every Christian who has fought in America’s wars to allow them to even be allowed to reside in our nation. After getting kicked out everywhere else in The Lord’s Green Earth for doing your typical Jew treachery America still lets you stay. Know your Jew place Mr. Mikey.

Some gratitude would be nice from you Jews. Instead of biting off the hands of Christians marines and soldiers who feed you all.


Stay out of San Diego and the marines there. Christmas season for the marines is for CHRISTIANS. Not for Jews.

Not a Jews’ place to complain about the nativity scene at MCRD. Jews don’t like it then just don’t look at it.

Mr. Mikey Likes It only if the MRRF shits on Christians. Christians are the owners of this US of A.

Jews and the others are guests and guests better learn to behave.

Make America Great Again! Keep Christ in Xmas 2017!

(name withheld)

1179. February 27, 2017

Your mother sucks donkey cocks in hell boy!!! We believe that you need some some attitude readjustment and so you best to watch your step punk! We won and you lost so shut the hell up and leave our country! Go to Syria and see how long the Muslims tolerate your whiney bullshit and let you keep your damned head!!! Bye bye you stinky little anal pimple!!!


(name withheld)

1180. March 1, 2017


I have never written like this before but here goes.

How dare you make the Air Force take down their beautiful posters at Langley AFB


honoring our Airmen and our Lord of Hosts.

There was nothing wrong in saying “men” and not “women” too. Everyone knows they meant women as well.

I myself am a Christian mother of 4 and loving wife to a brave Christian Air Force officer. We both devotedly witness our faith in Jesus every chance we get to everyone as an Air Force family. Because you know what MRFF, the Bible says to do it and that’s the end of it. The law encourages us to share our faith with everyone we can.

Saving souls is Constitutional. But more importantly it’s Biblical.

You are all hateful and evil apostates led by the 21st Century version of anti- Christian Hitler, Mr. Michael Weinstein. And he’s a Jew no less. Thinking Judas. Makes sense doesn’t it?

I’ll never lift a hand against you all but I will pray The Word that our righteous Lord and Savior will smite you from this Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

The MRFF burns the Air Force and Jesus? Fine, then let The Lord’s vengeance be swift, sacred and assured. It belongs to Him alone.

First on the list: Pray the Lord to have Mr. Weinstein watch Mrs. Weinstein burn alive in a car accident sounds about right. (Epistle to the Romans, Sixth Book of the NT, Chapter 12))

(name withheld)

1181. March 10, 2017

Mr. Michael Weinstein. You, sir, are the devil incarnate.

Get thee behind me, Satan. Matthew 16:23

(name withheld)

1182. March 11, 2017


You people are about as religious as a swastika. I believe you religious beliefs and values and your main mission from what I can tell is to deride religious expression because you are a Socialist group. You clowns along with the National organization of stupid women. I see no reasonable excuse to have the airforce take down a poster that has been there this long. It’ s leftist commies like your self that pollute this country. I wish you would try and force me to take down a religious symbol anything related to my faith. Never thought this great nation would ever have to deal with pathetic organizations like yours. Frankly when it comes to religion, nobody is going to tell me when, where or how I should pray either. Have a nice day commies.

(name withheld)

1183. March 14, 2017

You folks seem so openly hostile to any form of worship, especially Christianity. I read news items where you people actually propose throwing people in prison for expressing their love for Jesus. Very sad, and unconstitutional by the way. My First Amendment rights will not be taken away by anyone, not even your group. I will continue to express my beliefs wherever and whenever I choose. I will be praying for you all. Praying to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the one true God.

(name withheld)

1184. March 23, 2017

Yo Mickey. Your a goddamn disgrace to America. I hope you get fucked by the greatness of Trump even harder than my posse and me will be fucking your wife tonight. Consensual. She begged us. We’ll send you the sex tape. jews can’t satisfy Christian women. Any better than they can serve as loyal soldiers.


(name withheld)

1185. March 27, 2017

You guys have it all wrong. Why not spread the Gospel? Are you afraid of something ? A military that truly has Faith in the Father, Son ,Holy Spirit. Will do their job very proficiently. They will listen to their leaders and follow through with the task they are given. If one chooses not to attend or want to not listen that’s their option. This nation was formed and founded with lots of prayer read your history . So in other words I Totally disagree with what you are attempting to do. Look at our nation , God was kicked out of schools years ago , we, our nation is behind in every thing. Third world nation’s can beat us in academics now days, Patriotism is no longer accepted in schools, no pledge of allegiance, no love of country and what we once stood for. Our nation is so worse off than it has ever been, no morals. No grounding. Parents is where it starts then schools that have upright teachers with proper morals not this left wing garbage that’s being instilled in young very impressionable minds. Look around you or you have blinders on. I totally disagree with liberal mission.

(name withheld)

1186. March 30, 2017

Question- why do all jews have such big noses?

Answer- because they keep stick them in places where they don’t belong.

Object lesson- Mikey keep your jew nose out of the business of Christians in the armed services.

Post Script- oh and fuck you by the way!

(name withheld)


1187. April 15, 2017 you know, Mikie. That jew smell of murdering the innocent Lamb. The Son of God.

The same Son of God who’s resurrection we will celebrate on Sunday.

Try as you might to keep Jesus out of our military you will just even more nail yourself to the cross of satan.

And you will burn in hell forever.

Every day will be a Dachau day for you. Every night will be a Kristallnacht.

For all eternity.

Hell smells like Mikie. Hell smells like jews.

(name withheld)

1188. May 7, 2017


If they won’t stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance,

In my opinion…they have no place in our Congress.

Any member of the house or senate that refuse to stand and recite the Pledge of Allegiance in the Chambers should be escorted out by the

Sergeant at Arms until they comply. If your allegiance is not with this country and our flag, just who is it with


Why don’t we ask someone like Minnesota’s Muslim congressman Keith Ellison!

Let`s cut off their pay — and all benefits. Give the ingrates two days to decide to retire or be impeached.

(name withheld)

1189. May 10, 2017

Mikey Weinstein,

It’s too damn bad you weren’t born in Warsaw, Poland in 1930. Then maybe Adolf Hitler & his Henchmen could have dealt with you the way you deserve to be dealt with today! I PRAY to OUR/MY GOD that you go the way of Madelyn Murray O’Hare! She HAD the same perverted outlook you have now. She’s in a very special place in Hell! Your special place is waiting for you!

(name withheld)

1190. May 25, 2017

Mikeys mommy sucks donkey dicks in Hell!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa faaaaaaaaaaa lalala


(name withheld)

1191. May 28, 2017

Dear to the MFFR,


My husband and me and many of our fellow Christian couples have seen the Newsweek article about what you said about Bible believing Christians being some national threat to security cause of Pres. Trump. Christians in the military are no threat we are the only Saviors of the military. But you know what the real threat is to it?


Memorial Day means jews need to think about all of the Christians who have died in battle. To let them stay in America to cheat there way to wealth and control. Just look at how jew Hollywood mind controls everyone to say, oh poor little jews.

Go back to your jew churches and be happy we Christians even let you stay here. For now.

You wore out your welcome in Germany and you are doing it here to.

(name withheld)

1192. June 6, 2017 dear fucking jew swine kikey whinerswine, just go fuck yourself over your little supreme court injustice against the Word of Christ Jesus jews like mikey The Whiner can’t stop crucifying our Lord and Savior anymore than raghead ayrabzzzz can stop fucking goats and inbreeding you think you ‘won” a supreme court victory today? you are nothing but a hooked nose POS? nobody stops Jesus Christ certainly not a hellhound corpse like you are.


your nothing but dry kindling for the next concentration camps little mikey cause jews burns good

Jesus doesn’t care about you’re little mrrf supreme court decisions

Jesus IS THE ONLY SUPREME COURT which matters surrender to The Word or burn

1193. June 12, 2017

Please tell the goddamn Liberal BJ Hunnicutt to fuck himself go to hell and die

I support Trump

Fuck Mike Faggot Farrell

(name withheld)

1194. June 30, 2017

I don’t like how your stupid Jewish dickhead leader name mikey Weinstein be insulting my Christian faith and especially our Christian catholic soldiers of the U.S army and your organization is anti-Christian and ya guys never talk on how cruel Islam is to Christians in the Middle East and ya Jews are a cancer to the world and your puppets ( black People) believe all of the lies ya be saying about Christianity

(name withheld)

1195. August 03, 2017

Little ol bitty ol Mikey needs his teeth ripped out with pliers and forcibly sent to an El Salvador prison to be gang raped by MS-13 inmates. hahahaha falalalala.



1196. August 11, 2017 stay the fuck out of transfuckers in the Army we don’t need no faggots or jews neither and no haji arabs you got eyes in back of your head? to go with the horns in front?

(name withheld)

1197. September 6, 2017

It figures that jewboy Mikey weinstein would eventually find a white simpleton housenigger to do his anti Christian hate bidding for him. Right kikey mikey? Your just crematoria firefuel destine for hell’s flames anyway.l And now you got that faggot fairy white trash pretender Tray crowder to step up to bat for you. How much did you pay the pretend hillbilly to do your jew dirty work weinstein? 30 pieces of silver? Supid kike. Judas crowder. Your both traitors to Christ Jesus and his promised land of America. And our soldiers who spread the love of the Son of God. Peckerwood crowder is about as southern as mikey jewboy weinstein is caucasian. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so serious. Fuck you weinstein! Fuck you crowder! hope you die in front of you kids and burn in hell for the apostasy you fuckers are.





1198. September 18, 2017

Hello to the jew lawyer Michael weinstien of the MFFjR (Military Fucking Freeks jew Foundation),

You and your Christ hating hordes best lay off attacking Christ loving chaplins like S. Hernandez of the Air Force.

How you like it if we start throwing back your shit to the jew and arab chaplins. And to the buddists ones? We don’t think so!

Cpt. S. Hernandez is right. counterfeit ‘christians” and you and the MFFjF all serve satan.

LOL! We know Christ has already struck down your jew wife. with the polio. Hey does she slobber when she talk? jew weinstein ever wonder what Jesus has cooked up for you. And your little MFFjF piglets? Oynk Oynk!

(name withheld)

1199. October 4, 2017

Do you fine folks at the MFRR even know that when you die you will not be going to heaven? You will going to your father in Hell. The devil. You will be set on fire to roast for your evil in opposing the Son of God for our military men. And you will have satan’s right hand man to thank for your burning alive forever.


Michael Weinstein. Mikey your fearless leader is of satan by satan and for satan. And he is a jew as we can all see so well. (John 8:44) Mikey is satan’s little helper. Condemn him for his demonic evil before Jesus will make you pay for not doing so.

(a service member’s wife who knows what she is talking about)

1200. October 10, 2017

Weinstein is a disgusting ugly selfish jew who thought he could control the world at his greedy jew fingertips. He is a lying womanizing rapist sexual deviant user and abuser of innocents and all that is right as proclaimed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Then there is that other kike. Besides little mikey. Harvey Weinstein.

1201. October 17, 2017

As soon as my husband who is an U.S. Army senior NCO leader showed me who was behind this supposed “scandal’ at Fort Gordon we both just said “of Course”.

Only a conniving jew of the likes of the infamous mikey weinstein would try to attack a friendly barbecue by the chaplains for all the soldiers to enjoy.

Hey mikey why do you hate Jesus so much and his followers?

And nobody was ordered to be there at all. If they say they were they are just liars all of them.

Probably jews arabs and atheists. Pretending too be soldiers.


Sharing the Gospel of the Son of God with our nation’s young war heroes was just a innocent picnic of love for sinners to learn how to rid themselves of sin thru Christ.

It could only be jacked up by some hell bound hook nose. With a anti-christian agenda of hate towards Jesus Christ.

Hey mikey stay away from our soldiers and just go count and polish your pennies.

Christ will curse you mikey weinstein and all off your children and their children too.

We hate you. The Lord hates you.

1202. October 28, 2017

Michael, you might be a little more respectful, of your President. You do know that Trump will serve eight years.

A few days ago, you were singing the praises of General Silveria. Your attitude has certainly changed. What gives? Surely you know that Silveria does not want Queers in the U.S. Military.

Question… did the “victims,” at the Prep School ever admit that they were the “perpetrators?”

You are just like your Queer friends, always screaming for attention. That tactic comes straight out of Jew Saul Alinsky’s writing

Most of your Classmates, at your reunion, probably thought that you were an idiot.

(name withheld)

1203. October 30, 2017

Mr. Weinstein,

I am an AF Officer currently assigned as a student at a professional development school here at Maxwell AFB in Montgomery, Alabama. I am also a Christian. And I


have the right to believe everyone should be one and have the chance to hear loud and clear why they should be.

(I want to say from the start that I do not want a reply from you or the usual nest of MRFF attack dogs who attack anyone who disagrees with the MRFF. My e-mail address will not accept incoming mail from you or your little band of ‘Antifa Black Lives Matter’ troublemakers at the MRFF.)

Regarding the display at the AF Enlisted Heritage Research Institute I have a simple question for you. Why are you all so afraid of the Christian flag in that post-Korean War exhibit? Does Jesus scare you all so much? Wonder why? Whether you like it or not our country is still a majority Christian country and a democracy. And based upon and fulfilling the Bible from the get go.

Since we have more Christians in America than other religions it’s to be expected that there will be more Christian symbols and followers everywhere including in our military. Duh! If the MRFF doesn’t understand how democracy works I would call your attention to our most recent Presidential election. You see Donald Trump won because he got more electoral votes than the loser Clinton. Get over it already and get over the fact that there are more Christians in America than jews like you and the other so-called ‘minorities.’

Majority rule is how our democracy works. Duh! Doesn’t mean the losers don’t have some rights but it does mean that the losers must respect the rights of the winning majority. Majority rule is an American right. A Christian right.

If you don’t like our Christian flag than maybe you can start your own country or maybe you should move to Israel which is majority jews.

We get that you and the MRFF hate Christians Mr. Weinstein. We get that the MRFF targets only innocent Christians for its wrath. And you never stop because it’s good business for the MRFF to stir up anti-Christian hate. You all are so shrewd, We get that your a jew with a chip on your shoulder about those of us who worship Jesus Christ. Stiff necked jews reject the Holy Spirit as did their fathers and persecute prophets. (Acts 7:51-52)

What we don’t get is why you can’t respect that there are way more of us than there are of you all?

Stop your well known attacks upon those of us who spread the Gospel of Christ in the armed forces. We are the majority and we are the winners in our democracy.

We outnumber you and our democracy requires you to stop from your anti- Christian hate antics. Anti-Christian equals Anti-American especially in our armed forces.

Every knew must bend and tongue confess to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


(Romans 14:11) It’s about time for you and the MRFF to get with the program. Hell to pay otherwise. Duh!

(name withheld)

1204. November 30, 2017

Dear Mike,

Stop overstepping your bounds and making calls on things that are just not your business. I’m not sure who appointed you judge and jury on matters of God but I can tell you that one day you will stand before that God and have to make account. This is in reference to the historical display that has a flag, appropriate for the display, with the account of a war hero Chaplin. Leave it alone. It truly is non of your business.

Kind Regards,

(name withheld)

Vietnam Vet

1205. November 30, 2017

I’m saddened to hear you attacking our Military Chaplain remembrance symbols. I wonder why you’re so angry? Why? Christian People are about love. It’s a Muslim that has their Koran teach to kill at any one who doesn’t believe. Jesus is one who gives forgiveness. That’s what He died for. But better yet, rose up from the grave having taken our punishments for sin. Now you can laugh and choose to ignore Him now, but when your body dies you will stand before Him and answer to the way you have conducted your life. Whether you want to believe or not judgement comes. God bless you may He have mercy on your spirit.

(name withheld)

1206. December 17, 2017 hey mikey jew


whats your problem with the FLAG of CHRIST at the Air force museum?

Every little thing of Jesus makes you go so jew crazy. So jew of you.

Got your long long longest jew nose out of joint again mikey jew boy? All soldiers will bow to the Flag of CHRIST!

Last time we checked there are more white Christians who have bled out and died for our US of A then jews nigras or arab insects. Seriously check them stats.

What say we cut off your circumsize jew prick and display that in the Air force museum?

Hey saw you’re wife again at the whore house the other night.

She has the cheapest rates for the longest ride. getteeupp Mrs. Wienstein!

Give her HEY for me and the boys.

See y’all real soon.

And go back to Israel while we’ll still let you. Got Auschwits? Arbreit macht frei mikeyboy!

(name withheld)

1207. December 21, 2017


Du bist ein wirklich elender Mensch mit unendlichen seelischen Qualen.


(name withheld)

Whine-Stein: What, pray tell (pardon my religion), is “exolaation”? You are not very bright.


My second cousin knew you at the Academy; you are still the “shining wit” you were then, he says.

Thank you.

(name withheld)

Mikey: you were hazed not because of Judaism but because you were a disgusting little PRICK!

(name withheld)

1208. December 24, 2017

(((Mr. Weinstein))),

We all understand that you were born with a big “hate Christians” chip on your shoulder (what jew wasn’t?) but don’t you really think it’s about time for you to leave the national stage, sir?

Afterall (((Mikey))) you’ve had a good run of pretending to “fight back” against the obvious good will of followers of Jesus in the armed services and made all of that nice fame and beaucoup $$ (what jew doesn’t like the fame and $$? Just look at your fellow tribesmen in Hollywood).

This is now the long awaited time of serious political and religious realism. Whether you and your libtard acolytes like it or not our new President embodies the good will of the people of this country. We “Make America Great Again” by ridding ourselves of the crybabies and weak-willed who prey on those who actually built this country from nothing. Umm, that would be ridding ourselves of the faux justice fighters such as you (((Mikey))) and your deceptively named anti-Christian (((MRFF))). To say nothing our our former president, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.

It is just a fact that the real builders of America were and are predominantly white and Christian and heterosexual males. It’s not “bad” for us to simply recognize and celebrate that fact. It’s just the truth, sir.

And our great country’s military has also been made great by the dominant presence of white, Christian and heterosexual males. Try as you might to rewrite history you will fail (what jew doesn’t love to rewrite history?).


Think it over (((Mikey))). You’ve outlasted your usefulness to your country and are now just a constant plague and pestilence upon it’s military forces.

You had your time. Now it is our time.

Leave the scene gracefully before time catches up with you and reminds you that you’re not wanted or needed anymore.

Perhaps open a nice retail sales clothing store, do comedy standup or sell some matzoh ball soup? Maybe become a diamond merchant? It’s in your genes to do it.

We don’t want to hear your big mouth replying to our request so don’t waste your efforts. signed,

Defenders of American Military Mighty

1209. December 27, 2017

Dear Mister Weinstein

I am a retired US Army Sergeant of twenty five years service in the National Guard and Regular Army. I want you to know at the very outset that I am not writing to you because I admire or respect you (the “dear” is formality only). I want you to know that I consider the MRFF to be just a hate group and nothing else. You are not about freedom at all and I consider you nothing more then a bully and a coward who wants to push a selfish agenda. I cannot believe that they let someone like you in the military.

Listen mister we are one nation UNDER GOD. You wanted to punish a poor cadet at a service academy because he had a Bible verse written on a board outside his room that didn’t hurt a thing. You wanted an officer court martialled because he had a Bible on his desk and another because he mentioned in a speech that he believed in God. I cannot believe that ANYONE takes you seriously. The only time that I have every liked Bill O’Reilly was when he called you a jerk and turned off your mic. You even objected to having Bibles at a MIA display. If I had been one of those commanders you had sent a threatning letter to I would just have told you to stick it! I have read books by so many Vietnam POWs who spent years in hell and talked about how only their faith in God kept them sane and saw them thru. When Admiral Jeremiah Denton was released from captivity at Clark Air Base he said “God bless America”.


A Soldier swears to defend his country and his God. I love to write to World War II veterans as a hobby and so many of them told me that faith in God got them through the war. Joe Louis said that we would win because we were on God’s side. General Washington prayed at Valley Forge and Lincoln regularly sought God’s guidance and help during the Civil War. Gee would you have filed complaints against them? I was a chaplains assistant in Operation Desert Storm and let me tell you something moron there are no such things as athiests in foxholes. Of course you wouldn’t know because you’ve never been to war.

I have read the letters you have written threatning people and so often you use overblown words like “disgraceful” and “disgusting” to describe people you want to hurt. I want you to know that you are one of the most despicable, disgraceful people I have ever read about. I cannot believe that they let someone like you wear a uniform. Bullies are basically cowards at heart because they attack people who don’t fight back and someone should have told you off a long time ago. I await your reply if you have the guts COWARD

SGT US Army (Retired) and someone who loves the Lord and proudly serves him

(name withheld)

1210. December 24, 2017

You are a disgrace to your country Mickey. You do not Make America Great Again.

You and your liberal minions only hate Jesus Christ and Make America Weak s Again.

You are cancer to the soldiers and aid for abet the muslim and N. korean hordes.

Our President Trump will wipe you mrff and mueller off the face of the earth.


1211. January 2, 2018

People like you are disgusting slime that crawls the earth. Got nothing better to do,


do you.

Civil liberties my ass, you just want attention that’s all you do this shit for.

Trijicon should’ve told you to shove it up your ass and kept printing the Bible verses on ACOG’s

You’re all ass wipes!!!

(name withheld)

1212. January 31, 2018

You stinking commie jew coward!

Leave Mr K Copeland alone to witness to the soldiers for Christ and America. Make America Great Again by Making America’s Army For Christ Again.

As for you kike? Mickey how’s about you go take a nice little shower just like your burnt relatives did in the camps in WW2?

(name withheld)

1213. February 2, 2018

To Mister Michael Weinstein and his MFRF zombie followers,

Most jews have long disgusting noses. Makes it easier to mark them as jews.

These conniving creatures stick it into everyone else’s business.

We think it would be best if your keep you long jewish nose out of the prayer breakfast events


which our soldiers are trying to celebrate: the life of the One True Christ Jesus.

You know, the One which long nosed jews reject as Lord and Savior. These long nosed jews murdered Jesus.

Hey long-nose Michael Weinstein how’s that working out for you and your long nose tribe lately?

Iraq and Afghan Vets for Jesus Christ

1214. February 4, 2018

You’re a liar, you typical Jew.

1215. March 2, 2018

Regarding where you went after an innocent military surgeon only because he wanted the patient’s family to pray with him for the blessings of Jesus. Who do you think you are anyway Michael Weinstein? You are just one little jew.

You may be a jew but that doesn’t mean you have the right to attack Christians as you do. Why is it the jews always target innocent Christians?

What has Jesus ever done to you anyway to make you so vicious and hateful? Take Jesus away from our military and we’re no better than those Russian military.

I wish you pain and agony in this life and then the Lake of Fire for eternal.

(name withheld)

1216. March 3, 2018


How dare you use a # for Billy Graham. Billy had more integrity and character in his pinky than you have in your puny little penis. Burn in hell Mikey and your children too if you will not accept Christ.

(name withheld)

1217. March 11, 2018

Mikey Weinstein,

My husband is an AF Academy graduate and member of the AF Academy Association of Graduates.

We can’t help but notice how you attacked General Michael Gould the new CEO of the AF Academy Endowment. You did this only because he is principled disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and proudly wore a symbol of His servant leadership on his necktie. Only an evil hellbound soul could do what you did.

Got Satan Mikey? Because he surely has you.

Your hatred of the Academy and Jesus is of legendary evil and puts a smile on the face of the one you serve, The Dark One.

Why it is that you and your family of Christ haters and your satanic MFRF organization are so hateful towards those who worship the One True God and His Son is beyond me, but you better know one thing for sure.

When your time comes to face Jesus Christ He will not forget your savagery against General Michael Gould and all the rest of your crimes against Christendom. You will burn and rot in hell with those same jews who crucified The Lord Jesus Christ 2000 years ago.

My husband and I may send you a special necktie with just the flames of hell on it. Good to know where you are going.

You are a disgrace to the AF Academy just as you are the apple of Satan’s eye.

(name withheld)



March 29, 2018

Hey there Mikey. Quick question for you in honor of the Holiday Season.

(Q) How many jews does it take to crucify the Son of God?

(A) All of them. All the time. Everywhere. (jews have a nose for deicide)

Happy Easter Christ Killer.

(name withheld)

1219. March 29, 2018

Maybe we should make Easter all inclusive and tell about the Jews forcing the decision by the Romans.

(name withheld)

1220. April 5, 2018

You uppity commie kike. You little white man wannabe. You jew persecutor of our pure Christian soldiers.

I hope you just drop dead and get you fucking corpse eaten by starving spic immigrants from mexico.

Then they can just shit out their little mikeymeal. After ICE throws they wetbacks back over the border to taco land where they all belong.And where do you belong mikey? ICE needs to throw you back to the jew camps to burn like your grandpappy burned. And as your daddy burns even now.STOP THE MRFF EVIL AGAINST AMERICA SOLDIERS! BRING THE SWORD AS JESUS DID! Matthew 10:34)

1221. April 5, 2018


You uppity commie kike. You little white man wannabe. You jew persecutor of our pure Christian soldiers.

I hope you just drop dead and get you fucking corpse eaten by starving spic immigrants from mexico.

Then they can just shit out their little mikeymeal. After ICE throws they wetbacks back over the border to taco land where they all belong.And where do you belong mikey? ICE needs to throw you back to the jew camps to burn like your grandpappy burned. And as your daddy burns even now.STOP THE MRFF EVIL AGAINST AMERICA SOLDIERS! BRING THE SWORD AS JESUS DID! Matthew 10:34)

1222. April 8, 2018

Hello, Mr. Weinstein.

I lead our local church study group in discussions about the increasing persecution of fellow Christians by people and groups like you and the MRFF.

We know this is the sign of the closeness of The Rapture and The Tribulation. It is all foretold. Thanks you and the MRFF for heralding in the return of the Lord.

We are reading about the current persecution by MRFF of the Bible being innocently displayed in the Navy hospital in Okinawa.

We have all read your website. Some of us have followed your wickedness for years. You have so much Dark Spiritual Energy driving you.

Tomorrow the MRFF will be the only subject of the church group discussion.

I’m just wondering for purposes of getting prepared to lead the discussion if you are someone who appreciates irony?

In that we have just celebrated Easter where Romans persecuted Jews and Jews then persecuted and executed Jesus.

Here we are 2,000 years later and nothing has changed. You Mr. Weinstein and your MRFF are persecuting Jesus still.

Why does it always seem that Jews like you are attacking loving Christian people and our faith in Christ?I


Don’t label me as ‘antisemitic’ because I’m not. What I am is honest.

There are good Jews.

My wife’s best friend is married to a one who has converted and joined our church. My old Army buddy’s girlfriend was Jew too. They even came to our wedding.

They were nice. You are not nice. The MRFF is not nice.

It’s just so ironic that it always seems to be one of your tribe who is behind acts of nastiness to followers of Jesus.

Throughout time since the crucifixion.

Now more of your evil? Because there is you and the MRFF hammering more nails into and piercing Jesus With this Okinawa Bible nonsense.

Honestly do you think it’s just in your Jew blood or is it a learned Jew behavior?

I do not want you or anyone of your tribe to reply to me. Do not need more rudeness from loud and bad Jews.

This e-mail address will not accept replies.

I just wanted you to think about yourself and the nature of your Jewness.

(name withheld)

1223. April 9, 2018

What’s up dickbag. Sorry you took to many cocks up the ass during your time in the Air Force maybe next time you should join a real branch. I see your whole family for the last 3 generations have served between the Air Force and the Navy what kind of fags are y’all? Well go back to sucking your bags of dicks you silly cock boy and keep your head down never know when someone’s coming for you bitch.

(name withheld)

1224. April 9, 2018


Pathetic, removing bibles and religion is why this country is in the shape and deteriation and it won’t change until people get back to the Bible and God, and if you don’t like seeing the Bible than MOVE ON, Why should you be able to tromping on my rights to have GOD AND BIBLE THERE or Seen !

(name withheld)

1225. April 10, 2018

hate you Mike Weinstien and I hate your stupid organization of Jesus haters. When you pass away when decreed by Jesus and we pray the Son takes you soon to judgment.

It will be a holiday in heaven when Jesus sentences you to burn in the Lake of Fire.

The cheering from the Host and angles will be defeaning and glorious to behold. Hallelujah!

I promise you this. You satanic demon. After you are buried I will find your grave and deficate all over it. And I will use strongest apoxy glue to attach bibles to your headstone.

Just like you won’t let bibles in Japan for the troops. Your grave will have bible on it forever. As you burn in hell

I hate you and your silly little MRRF minions.

–from a retired policeman and Sunday School teacher who loves Jesus and the Bible. And our servicemen and our Flag

1226. April 18, 2018 you should have the bible of Jesus shoved up you jooish asshole inch by inch by Navy SEALs leave the POW-MIA tables alone mickey whiningsteen no one wants your jooish nose in the Lords business anyway (why are all your noses so big anyway? its true and hitler has the pix to prove it) JESUS CHRIST IS KING!


1227. April 18, 2018 you should have the bible of Jesus shoved up you jooish asshole inch by inch by Navy SEALs leave the POW-MIA tables alone mickey whiningsteen no one wants your jooish nose in the Lords business anyway (why are all your noses so big anyway? its true and hitler has the pix to prove it) JESUS CHRIST IS KING!


1. you f*****g piece of shit jew and your stinking jew woman and inbred jew childrun and jew-lover traiter daughterinlaw deserve to torture die you filth jew liberil america hating jesus hating basterd Lord willing none of us will have to wait long america is too good for dirty jew scum of your family and your commie foundasion"

2. My money's on we gas you fucks first, and this time get it right. Cheers!

3. I want to send my help to your organization, by volunteering to help you burn down churches. Especially nigger chruches. You are a fucking idiot!! The only reason that we have been so blessed by GOD is because we were founded on christian principles!!! I CURSE you to fail and die a VERY severe death mikeyweinstein!!!!! I hope all your kids turn out gay as hell, take it in the ass, and get aids and die!!!!! Die Fag

4. Rejoice, Spawn of Satan! Your day is at hand!

5. To the people of the world, im a man of god, and on a mission to speak the truth. Im after the enemy that took control of peoples mind i give this warning to whomever harbors the enemy, don’t go to sleep. Im coming through the night like a thief, to steal the enemy from you. 2 chronicles 7:14 and luke 1:17, this is the season to plant the seed of faith and have a positive mind. Thank you and god bless


6. I am a Retired USMC veteran of the Korean War ( 2 tours) and Nam (4 tours). I have now heard of your activities of removing any kind of Christian mention. That of pressuring the Pentagon about Rev. Graham and now the motto on an Army Hospital plague. Well since you – more so that faggot, queer, motherfucker, asshole, SOB obama asskisser MIKEY (this is a guy?) – think anything Christian should be removed you should not be feeling bad about being called anything like I have. After all, your mother could not name who your father is – I heard it might be one of 400, but then what the hell – when you’re a BASTARD who cares. Hey – all you fuck heads have a nice day and rot in shit.


8. A sheeny shyster? Not a pawn broker or a JEWeler? Big surprise. Like I said, a leech, a blood sucker. Certainly not a nation builder but a nation destroyer. 13,000---96% Christian? You are a congenital LIAR. I repeat, it is in your low nature to oppose God...that is why jews are always advocating for greed, perversity and decadence as perfectly exemplified by Barney Frank, among others. Al Franken comes to mind.

9. Mr. Weinstein: I am a retired USMC with 22 yrs serving my GREAT NATION of the United States of America. Two tours during Korean War and four tours in Nam, decorated three times, five Purple Hearts. I think that I have earned the right to make my comment, so – here goes. For you to gripe about Rev. Graham speaking on National Prayer Day at the Pentagon is purely ludicrous and in my mind ANTI AMERICAN. I did not shed blood to have my country run by being afraid of huring some muslim’s feelings. After all they are the ones that attacked us and are hell bound to destroy my COUNTRY. And if they do not like it – YES – THEY CAN GET THE HELL OUTTA HERE. If our troops are in one of the muslim countries they are expected to abide by that countries rules and traditions. Well, if they are here they can just abide by ours. Rev. Graham’s father is an American Icon and his legacy is being continued by his son. When I needed prayer in Korea or Nam it sure was not the koran that I used. And when our country was founded it was surely NOT saying that prayer on mats five times a day. If they want to share our freedoms it also means that they DO NOT quash our rights in favor of theirs. They can just stay out of the meeting and do their own thing. They are exhibiting tooooo much control over things that I grew up with and now it hurts their feelings – WELL – TO DAMN BAD. Our freedom has nothing


to do with muhammad – SOOOO – tell them to shut up or get the hell out. I am 79 yrs old and would take up arms again if they try to take MY COUNTRY. And obama can get the same message – cause he is trying to destroy MY COUNTRY – it is NOT HIS. He was born out of country to a communist mother and father and with communist grand parents, has communist friends and is a TRAITOR to this country which I shed blood for. Do NOT help these people in their endeavors. We are a CHRISTIAN NATION and always well be.

10. Mr. Mikey Weinstein, Regarding Franklin Graham being disinvited from the National Day of Prayer at the Pentagon, because a person of the Muslim faith was offended by Graham’s truthful remarks concerning Islam, is a disgrace to our country. In this politically correct environment that has arisen in our nation, it is evident that this administration, the ACLU, and others such as yourself, are more concerned about catering to Muslims than standing up for the rights of Christians and Jews. I would suggest that you read the “Koran” and see for yourself, whether this is a peaceful religion, which has been hijacked. While many Muslims are not radical and do not literally follow the Koran, there are enough of them that are and do believe in Jihad, persecution of women, sharia law, etc. Islam is a threat to our country and for your information, YESHUA/JESUS is the only way to Heaven. PLEASE READ ISAIAH 53 and you will find the MESSIAH. Blessings!!

11. Dear MRFF, Just wanted to express my total dismay at your website and purpose in life. So, please **** YOURSELF! To the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, I'll evangelize where ever I like and I don't care what you or the constitution say period. GET IT!!! -C.I.

To C.I., If you violate the U.S. Constitution by the time, place and manner in which you choose to proselytize others with your fundamentalist Christianity, you WILL be punished and held accountable!! -Mikey Weinstein, MRFF Founder and President

To the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Considering the failure record of the federal government in prosecuting religion, and considering how much even the most tyrannical regimes(ie China Roman Empire) have failed in stopping Biblical Christianity your chances of success is nil. There are other who think like me and will take over where I have started and don't finish. So yeah go ahead and try and stop me. Knock yourself out trying. Your prosecution will only strengthen my position not weaken it. -C.I


12. Submitted via our volunteer webform... First Name: You Last Name: Willdie Email Address: [email protected] I would like to volunteer to: x I have this great way I can help - By killing Christians on sight, that's what you want right? Military Background: 1st Brig General Education Background: I learned how to fuck at your moms house Current Job: Plotting the death of mikey weinstein...... nah, just playing,,,,, or am i?? Special Talents: I can kill a dolphin from 1000 yards Areas of Interests: Killing gays, killing liberals, killing fags, killing in general Religious Preference: I believe God will curse you to die for working for such a horrible company!!!

13. Do the right thing - commit mass suicide.

Mikey Weinstein responds: YOU "do the right thing," sport: Get your GED. It's never too late.

Response to Mikey: Maybe you can help me with my history prep for the GED. Did they really make your grandmother into soap?

14. The jew Weinstein, the jew Gould, the jew Zeigler, ad nauseum. Joshua Narowe probably another jew. Apparently we need to put the spotlight on jews in the military, always a security risk.

15. Scp4 Hall is an enemy of the constitution of the United States Of America and the republic for which it stands, Further he needs to loose the attorney we the people have afforded him in these law abiding states, Jeremy Hall is an unfortunate blight to our remaining soldiers who remain in harms way sworn to defend our civil rights, he is a distraction and should be dishonorably discharged, Any individual who takes a sworn oath and refuses to honor it is in violation of that oath. This matter is crystal clear to any reasonable person. This soldier is in violation of the U.C.M.J. need an individual remain in the ranks? I believed it necessary he be relieved of duty in the U.S. armed forces. "What happened to following your first general order Jeremy?" How can anyone in good conscience allow this kind of direct disobiedience. This should not even be thought about twice, let alone a soldier who is suppose to follow the orders of his trusted superiors, Spc. 4 Hall should be given the new rank of E-0


stripped of everything because he sets a bad example and is a disgrace in a time of War. Sad that this should have to even be deliberated over. Treason, mutiny and the like are the aroma here, I wonder if John Walker Lynn could use a cellmate? This is America . Each of us must be willing to fight the people that cause these kinds of disparaging wastes of tax dollars, the real problem is his lawyer, believing he is representing" the people of the united states of America". Why not banish them both one-way to a Somalia prison, they will probably feel right at home.Why not put a price on their head so that they can get the full impact of their betrayal to this U.S.A. I know there are many people who would like to see justice take its course. Jeremy Hall is a risk. There is no freedom here, only slavery you have no right puttting ethics to the sword. Anton Lavey would be pleased. You have no right to allow this individual portray himself as an american in 1991 the law was changed to allow this type of religion in the military, this is also a violation of the Somalia prison, they will probably feel right at home.Why not put a price on their head so that they can get the full impact of their betrayal to this U.S.A. I know there are many people who would like to see justice take its course. Jeremy Hall is a risk. There is no freedom here, only slavery you have no right puttting ethics to the sword. Anton Lavey would be pleased. You have no right to allow this individual portray himself as an american in 1991 the law was changed to allow this type of religion in the military, this is also a violation of the constitution. Unacceptable to the people who serve or who have served. This is a wreckless soldier whose only concern is how to up stage and destroy order. He and his lawyer should be exterminated. A. M.

16. Don't believe in freedom of speech, do you? Don't lie. Hate speech is ok if it's directed against white gentiles--that's what you think. I would pack all the jews off to israel, cram them into that shitty little bastard state, build a wall around them at their expense, and then arm the surrounding arab states to the teeth. Sound good?

17. To: M. Weinstein and MRFF Judaism is the religion of the pharisees. You know, the guys who murdered Jesus and who then brag about it in their rotten Talmud. If Jesus was observing the religion of the pharisees, they wouldn't have killed Him.

18. Why is it completely unsurprising that your organization is led by a bunch of loser mock-dogs? FYI - fucking a mock-dog makes you a mock-dog. Hope & Change

19. I am a police detective and am about to buy a new side arm. (Glock 45) Trijicon sights are more expensive so I didn't plan on buying them. However, thanks to your bringing the "secret Jesus versus" to my attention, I am going to spring the extra


cash and get Trijicon night sights installed on my gun. Mostly as a rebuke of your biggoted, Christian hating, one sided agenda. No one even knew about these versus until you selfservingly and oh so publicly, made an issue of them. It is YOU who have "gave additional incentive and emboldenment to recruiters for our nation’s enemies." I mean really "outragous!" and "a vile national security threat"??? Get off your soap box and give me a break. To Trijicon, who is also getting this e-mail. Thank you. Thank you for making an excellent product. I don't care if you put Peace signs and gang graffiti on your sights. Law enforcement is behind you and against pathetic, do-gooder whiners who spend all their time combing the world looking for anything they can to complain about and then make a public spectical jumping around saying look at me, look at me! Look what I found!!

20. Mikey, So you anti-white anti-christian sheenie monkey, what do you pay yourself as president of your phonie tax dodging foundation? Typical yid money scheme. It would be interesting to see who your "contributors" are, wouldn't it? Why dont you reveal the directors' compensation?

21. Mikey Weinstein, What kind of jew are you? A racial jew? A religious jew? An ethnic jew? A jew is a jew no matter where he is in the world. World jewry, they proclaim it proudly. So just because you have a social security number doesn't make you one of my countrymen. You apply your low-minded intellect to the task of creating a Christian bogeyman in the military. Instead you need to own up to the misery created by Zionism in all its forms. More pearls before swine

22. To Mikey Weinstein and military Religious Freedom Foundation, What is it about Jews that they are up to their eyeballs in financial chicanery, ambulance chasing, pornography, lying thru their mainstream media teeth. That the wealthy doctor who died when his private plane went down in Montana, crashing into a Christian cemetary and killing him, his wife and children, had made millions from owning several abortion clinics and was, big surprise, jewish! The story reported? California doctor and family die in small plane crash. And you want to spread the lie that there is no religious freedom in the military...shame on you. Want to be jewish? The spawn of Satan? Hardly. I'll side with the angels.

23. YOU ARE A ZIONIST! You are also my natural enemy since you strive to harm my people and our way of life which is based on God, marriage, family, community and ultimately national sovereignty. It may require another revolution! If so, look out...



This link in your "newsletter" is all the evidence white Christians need that your loyalty is with world jewry, israel, and the talmud. Notice that even the yid who wrote this says the US Army "retaliated" against the beating of your whiney little jew. The Christian, white US army. And you claim some kind of victory? Now he gets a rabbi and kosher food. What about separation of state and religion? Being a jew isn't about religion, my mistake. It's about changing the world to your liking. Keep it up, big man. Many of us are not just sitting idle.

25. What a woman you are, making everyone feel welcome. The simple truth is some "people", whiney bitches like you especially, are NOT WELCOME. No cross dressers, no NAMBLA, no bolshevik jews, no jihadis, no sub-types who seek to make the majority bend to the minority will. Don't like Christmas parties? Don't go where you're not wanted--a lesson kikes like you can only learn the hard way.

26. I think that you and your organization are terrible. I hope that you get your reward halfway to China - if you know what I mean. I will share you organizations hateful thought with all that I know - and we will pray for your salvation - or "reward". If you have no religion - you have no right to be on this earth - go to be with all of your friends (all 5 of them) in the great reward - down with the snakes of the earth. Good riddance to you all - godless creatures. Say hello to Satan along the way - I hope he entertains you for 5 thousand years or more.

27. Sent to a MRFF supporter and volunteer: what can I say---you found me out. Now I know what they say about you Jew girls is absolutely true. I suppose those Reform types just can't deal with you smart, sophisticated Jew Princesses and that's why they marry dumb, but beautiful shiksees---isn't that what you call them. I'm one of those good ol boys from the hill country of Tennessee. I only had Jews on my maternal side---you know like Elvis, and yes I really do believe you should take Jeezus into your heart. In fact I have a little plastic Jeezus mounted on my car dash! "I don't care if it rains or freezes--- cause I have my plastic Jeezus"! Won't you take Jeezus as your Saviour---my precious little Jew woman!

28. Karl Marx was a jew? You dont say. What is a jew anyway? Most came to this country from Russia and eastern Europe. How came they to be in Russia, Poland, Hungary? Not from the land of Canaan, that's for sure. No, most jews aren't Semitic. They are descendents of the Khazars from west-central Asia. Not even one of the 12 tribes. But I digress. This country was created by "right-wing extremists" who believed in individual rights and small govt. Not leftists like you who believe in group rights (gays, illegals, races, classes), Big Govt, and redistibuting the goys' wealth and income. That means that this nations' European traditions and culture are fundamentally at odds with the collectivist-minded jew and his useful idiots. The


natural enmity between jew and Christian is based on Scripture as well. But again I digress. Almost all Christian fundamentalists support israel and love jews. Ironic, isn't it, how you devote your life to smearing them while they defend your people against the likes of me. I'm your enemy, not them. Believe it. Christian cabals running the govt and military would be laughable if it weren't so sick. But, yeh, you're an American. So? Karl Marx was born a German.

29. I have no opinion one way or the other on the Protocols' authenticity. The UN General Assembly serves no good purpose. Bush was and is a fool and traitor to his people and therfore to this country. Zionism is racism because it places a higher value on the political aspirations of jews than on the natural desires of Arab Palestinions to live on the land of their fathers. Jews descriminate against non- jews, wherever they are, be it Hollywood, Wall Street, or Tel Aviv. You might call it nepotism, I call it racism. But worst of all, world jewry has been and is at the forefront of a globalist agenda that can only mean ultimately an end to individual freedom and the race which gave birth to it, the white race. So yes, you are my natural enemy in these culture wars. Is there an international Zionist conspiracy? It doesn't matter.

30. My worst day is better than your best day because you can't alter what you are. A jew and an enemy of God.

31. Jews are reviled the world over. Only naive, idealistic whites haves foolishly abetted the Zionist jews, and they are starting to get over their guilt trip and are waking up to the snake that is in their bed. Do you dare trade quotes by famous people on the jew?

32. Bolshevik crap. Why do you suppose California is broke and its churches empty on Sunday? I applaud all attempts such as this to secularize the nation because it exposes you and all your ilk for what you are--enemies of God.

33. Gee....what a surprise....a jew wants to ban Christianity...they tried that 2,000 years ago...look what happened from that, ban ahead! only makes the followers of the one true faith, Christianity, stronger...

34. To: Mikey Weinstein Charity work? Is that what you do? You and the other leeches around you benefit only yourselves. Why else would you do it? Altruism? The truth is hatefull to those who hate the truth. Anyway, you're still building your business so don't expect to


maximize your revenues in such a short time. Give it a few more years. After all, what else could you do to make a fiat buck? You have no education and no skills.

35. Dear Interested Friends, This site offers nothing more than that of Madeline O'hare with a flag. Just one look at the condition of our nations public schools should shock each citizen to our knees begging God's forgivness for banning Him from our schools. It doesn't matter whether it is a big city school or a small Columbine, CO school. We have not instructed our children in the most important wisdom of all - that is the fear of God. Your motivation against intolerance is much misdirected...However, I believe much in the truth that you have the right to be WRONG if you want to be wrong. There is one group that is vigilent against both your and my opionion and against liberty and freedom everywhere. Our government has misdirected the battle against terrorism and not against the beliefs that set the terrorist in motion. It is obvious to me that you don't put much study in history and it's repeating of itself. The enemy to freedom and liberty will be the resurgence of the Holy Roman Empire and the Great Religious Whore read that the Roman Catholic Church. It will gain much by having an arm of terror aligned with the willing paticipation of the Muslim scourge. Heads will roll. I fear God and not what man can do unto me. You had better be sure that you know God like you claim.

36. just watched the clip you have posted on your web site .Are you for real preaching about Jesus Christ is a threat to are national security? Youre out of your friggin mind you hate jesus soo much your foaming out the mouthwith this garbage your spewing. the national security threat is some piece of shit trying to stamp out religion in the armed forces your the ones that should be locked up. conspiring with the muslim news media to stamp out christianity. I'll bet if they were trying to convert them to be jewish we would not hear a peep from you but we all know the muslims would rather die than become jewish and you cant stand the fact that someone might decide to follow jesus ohh that would be terrible. well know this after every rotten thing youre trying to do jesus still loves you. in spite of youre being a traiter and a big pile of shit. have a nice day p.s. your org. should be named anti religious freedom because that youre real mission no matter waht you try and pass yourself off as bill the christian

37. Weinstein should be drawn and quartered. I know some Marines who could do the job.

38. BTW don't you just love the way jews nowadays try to blame the Romans exclusively for crucifying our Lord? Traditional Christian teaching is that Pilate saw no blame in Jesus and washed his hands of the matter. Like a bureaucrat, he defered


to the jews themsekves to decide Jesus fate. This is the doctrine which jews oppose and call hateful and anti-Semitic. You are against God and have NO special dispensation from Him. Dumbass Zionist Christians are misguided tools. Can you say Satan?

39. This is a gas, Mickey!!

I can’t tell you how much I enjoy watching your little tantrums result in nothing but frustration. Keep burning yourself out, you short little God-less loser!

(name withheld)

40. comments left by an anonymous user on the MRFF site… Talmudic-piggie killer 1984 going down…New World Order going down…Banker cartel going down…nazi Talmudic-piggie-jews going down… eheheheh…You had the last 250 years, now its our turn.

“The Bible says that the wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous. It is high time that we have top Christian businessmen, businesswomen, bankers, you know, who are men and women of integrity, running the economics of our nations. That’s what we are waiting for. That’s part and parcel of transformation. If you look at the Israelites, you know, that’s how they won. And that’s how they are, even today. When we will see that, you know, the talk transport us in the lands. We see, you know, the bankers. We see the people holding the paths. They are believers. We will not have the kind of corruption that we are hearing in our societies.” – Thomas Muthee

OINK! OINK! Talmudic-piggy going OINK! OINK!

41. you f*****g piece of shit jew and your stinking jew woman and inbred jew childrun and jewlover traiter daughterinlaw deserve to torture die you filth jew liberil america hating jesus hating basterd Lord willing none of us will have to wait long america is too good for dirty jew scum of your family and your commie foundasion"

42. Dear MRFF:

As I explained to Mikey (before he hung up on me), that I hope you enjoy your victory in this latest case with the Air Force, because someday, you will (regardless


whether you believe in God or not), you will pay dearly for taking God out of the equation.

It is organizations like yours, that has this country in serious trouble. Our founding fathers knew that God plays an important part in our lives and our country! It doesn’t matter if you’re an atheist or a believer, if you strive to take God out of the picture, you will surely burn in hell. As strong as this sounds, I truly don’t want you or any of your coworkers to go to Hell, I really mean that!!

You will never be able to stand before God and claim “I didn’t know”. Please take a close look at your beliefs before it’s too late.

As I started out in this e-mail, when I first started talking to Mikey, he hung up on me as I started mentioning I was a Christian and was calling regarding the Air force issue. It confirms that he is a man of no character and not willing to be open to THE TRUTH.

Again, even though I have strong words about those going to Hell, I want you to rethink your beliefs. I’m no Pastor or a big-shot loud mouth. I’m just a simple guy wanting people to realize they need Jesus Christ in their lives.

(name withheld)

43. Good Afternoon,

I am honestly scared by recent courses of action taken by your group. Over the past few months, I have read news relating to the burning of the Quran in Florida, religious discrimination at the Air Force Academy, and now stopping a course at Vandenberg relating to Christianity. I read further and learned a little about your organization and I truly applaud what your organization stands for. However, I am disheartened and concerned about some of the courses of action.

Months ago I wrote an email but never sent it, because the issue was stopped and the burning of Qurans was never completed.

First, the cadets at the Academy that complain about religious discrimination are likely the same individuals who make reference to the Bible during nearly every conversation they have with other cadets. Most cadets prefer to be left alone and not to be preached to. Unfortunately when cadets request not to be preached at or anything in contradiction to the “preaching” cadets, they are labeled as discriminatory. Please understand that cadets do not intentionally discriminate against more religious cadets, quite the opposite, those heavily religious cadets should be instructed that they are not to quote Bible verses during daily conversation. It’s a reality check the cadets need to take.


Second and ultimately more important; why has your group chose the route to destroy Christianity to make muslims feel better. Why would your group choose to provide Qurans to Afghani’s for each book burned in Florida? I do not understand this and I am personally saddened by this action. Where are the 1000s of flags we should give out for ones burned in Iraq and Afghanistan because of the mere mention of burning a book? I do not agree with burning books, its a waste of money and inflammatory. But it is freedom of speech and I would rather people burn the book that has created millions of terrorists than the flag that has created millions of patriots. I also believe the people of the U.S. need to realize we are under attack. No matter what an Imam will say, Islam is an infection that threatens the daily lives of every American. I have been deployed to OIF/OEF and in many other places all over the world, what I hope people will understand is the average Muslim does not want to hurt every Christian, but the larger movement of the religion intends to spread throughout the world; embed itself in our government and society and then control everything.

At some point, I hope that we will begin to understand that the Constitution was written to stop the government from FORCING religion on us. But we have to understand that a cross at a high school graduation or the mention of Christianity at a military ceremony is not the Government forcing us to believe. It is recognizing that we are a country built by Anglo-Saxon Christians seeking freedom from religious persecution, freedom from unfair taxes, and searching for prosperity. Please do not assist the liberal cause, people who hate America, and want to continuously change it. Change is great, if it is in the right direction, if we were to reverse course and understand the founding principles of Christianity is what helped make this country great, then maybe we could return to the Kennedy days and Reagan days when people loved this country and looked out for it. Please continue your fight for religious freedom but do not bow to the political pressures forcing us to glorify Islam.

Thank you. Very respectfully, (name withheld)

44. Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

How can you say the course “Christian Just War Theory” violated the constitutional separation of church and state. I don’t understand such hatred for the things of God. The only Religious Freedom that you are asking for is the freedom from God. You and others have taken this Church and state things way too far. God will judge you for keeping him out of every part of our lives. Our laws were based on the Bible so that we could be a civil society. When God is welcomed in our daily lives, our lives become better not worse.


(name withheld)

45. Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

First of all I would like to say that I liked your approach of using “selected” messages from both supporters and detractors. It shows that you are a completely open and forthcoming organization that only wants the truth. And I would also like to say that I’m being completely sarcastic.

The one and true principle that this country stands for and people come from far and wide to experience… freedom.

Freedom to live where you want, freedom to wear what you want, freedom to eat what you want, to say what you want, to believe what you want. And for that reason I am disappointed that someone like Mr. Weinstein, a man who from his info page has fought for this country and what it stands for.

Why would a website that touts the American Flag stand for anything other than freedom. Why would they try to take away someone’s right to choose anything, let alone the right to take part in one’s religion. Last time I checked reading the bible, even out loud, never hurt anyone. It is one thing to stop someone from wielding a weapon and firing it into a crowd of innocent people, but reading the bible is not dangerous.

Why would we not want to let our men and women, who are making the sacrifice to fight for you and me, choose for themselves whether or not to practice their faith?

The last history book I picked up told me that our founding fathers entered a clause into their constitution about the separation of church and state not to remove religion (you’ll note our dollar bill states “In GOD We Trust”) but to remove religious persecution. To be very honest in my mind you are the one’s persecuting other’s in this scenario. Is your group not dedicated to removing the choice of an individual from practicing a religion of their choice?

I think it’s about time you stand back, take a look at yourselves, and ask what are you really trying to accomplish and what is it that you really stand for? Last time I checked the group you are looking to remove from our military’s men and women, or more appropriately, boys and girls is one that displays love, compassion, pity, honesty, and forgiveness.

I finish with one comment, if we are to truly remove religion from our military then should we also remove the option for one’s last rites? How far are you willing to take this? And how much of your values are you willing to sacrifice?

Yours Truely,


(name withheld)

46. MRRF,

It is a shame that you feel it necessary to ignore what the Constitution actually says in it and instead put your own twist on the greatest document ever written. If you would take the time to read your history, you would know that the term ” separation of Church and State ” was first uttered by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to the Danbury Baptists in 1802. Lawyers and Judges, like yourselves, have used this phrase to somehow make the American people believe something that does not exist. No where in the Constitution does it say there is a separation of Church and State.

Thomas Jefferson said and I quote ” Gentlemen, – The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards me on behalf of the Danbury Baptist Association give me the highest satisfaction….Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God; that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship; that the legislative powers of goverment reach actions only and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ” make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof ” thus building a wall of separation of Church and State.

Please tell me why after 20 years of teaching a course on morality of war with scripture readings, you all of sudden have a problem with it ? Also please feel free to actually read the Constitution and while your at it why not try to read what our founding fathers have said on this issue as well as any judge that spoke on it before the Progressives rewrote and erased our great history.

(name withheld)

47. Dear MRFF,

Succinctly, I’d like to say: The only thing countries in the history of the world that protect and defend the idea of religious freedom are ones who’s predominate constituency is Christian.

If you succeed in ridding the military of ministers who influence all for Christian ends, you will have yourself to thank once your posterity lives under a religion you don’t choose. Look at Europe which is heading towards Islamic rule. They are being overrun by a religion which will eventually outnumber and so impose its religious perspective on the whole even through a democratic system.


The bottom line is this: If Jesus wins it is better for everyone. So you might as well surrender now and find forgiveness and grace from him or be very disappointed once you die and face him on terms that will not be favorable. Besides, your religious freedom this side of eternity depends on it. Oh wait, you won’t be around when your great, great, great grand children have to learn Arabic to read the Koran. So you don’t care.

Turn to Jesus now while you can or you posterity will suffer. Sorry to be so bold but I hope it makes you think a little and so causes you to turn from this nonsense. Christianity is the only thing that allows you to put forward this ridiculous organization.

Let me give you and illustration: You are like a little girl I once saw on a bus sitting in her grandfathers lap holding an ice-cream cone. She dropped the head of the cone on the floor and began to cry. When her grandfather said, she would get another one soon, she turned up and smacked him in the face because soon was not soon enough. Even though everything she had was attributed to her grandfather, she disrespected him and did it in ignorance. Here is the punch line: the Christian God is the only reason why you can complain, why you can have the wonderful education the Air Force academy affords, why America is so great. Yet instead of thanking him and worshiping him, you smack him in the face. Please know he is humble and patient even with your foolishness. But know this, the day is coming when you will realize how foolish you’ve been. I pray not. I pray not. Please understand I do not relish your demise. I pray for you to come to Jesus and surrender before it is too late. v/r, (name withheld)

48. Dear Mr. Weinstein,

What offends you about God? This really has nothing to do with taking “Biblical verses” out of the Military does it. God has been an intricate part of the warrior since time began. He has not only authorized wars for the kings of ancient times since the beginning (read the Bible), but he has been a reason many men decide to go to war. There is a simple Bible verse you may or may not be familiar with it is “Romans 8:31”, (What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?) and it has been used on more than one occasion before our nations warriors have gone to battle.

So why do you have such a disdain for having God as a comforter, a strength, and a reason to choose right from wrong? Someday, you and every other human being will be face to face with you’re Creator, and you will answer for you’re fight to remove God from others lives. You can say you don’t believe in God, you can come up with


any excuse you want, but on your death bed…you will be wondering if you’re decision to “take God away from our Military men and women” was such a wise choice.

It’s unconscionable to me that someone who espouses to want our Military to follow the constitution has no mention of what our Forefathers intended in truth, which was not to remove God from our beliefs. It is a man or woman’s right to “choose” to either believe or not believe just as it is yours. Taking God out of Moral and Ethical decisions would be the last thing I would want any of our Military leaders to do, and in fact it may be the only opportunity for our men and women who have been raised without God in their lives to ever get an opportunity to know that we have a good and loving God. We are creating a nation of men and women today that have no knowledge of God because our Schools, our Government, and now our Military want to destroy Him. Well if you look at the history of the world, those who turned from God were either destroyed in one form or another or turned into slave nations to others…and becoming a Godless Nation is the last thing I would like the United States of America to become. We are becoming weaker as a Nation along with our Allies who have lost their first love; God.

Do you think the world did not pray and beseech Almighty God when Hitler was in power? How about when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, and more recently how about when we were attacked right here in America on 9/11? Do you think America was clamoring to remove God from our teaching then? But yet today we are in one of the worst financial and moral decays in the History of the United States because God is not in the lives of so many in this country…so many have removed Him from their day to day lives.

I am praying that you’re eyes will be opened before its too late…it worked for Saul the Pharisee who hunted the Christians in the early Church days. Christ stopped him on a trip to Damascus to hunt and kill more Christians, and he was completely changed in an instant in his belief. He became Paul the Apostle, who devoted the remaining years of his life for Christ and was responsible for writing the majority of the New Testament books in our Bible. I pray that God will open your eyes before it is too late for you and the many men and women in our military you will affect.

(name and location withheld)

49. Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I am kind of confused about your griping. You want religious freedom in the military but it already exists. Chaplains set up services for tree worshipers. Seriously. That happens. They allow a wicken person on base to administer the service. To perform or provide is what the chaplains do. Any religion is tolerated in the military. You want every one to have religious freedom except for Christians is (I think) your real complaint. To tolerate everyone except Christians. I am in the military and have not


run into any problems or seen/heard of any problems that don’t boil down to the person didn’t have the courage to ask. Every command I have encountered whether I like them or not has handled these incidences with professionalism, whether they agree or not. The military goes to great length to meet the spiritual needs of all it service members and you know that. Just have the courage to say you can’t stand Christians and that is who you are trying to wage war against. If you have a personal problem and want to vent about it, don’t hide behind the false accusation of no religious freedom. Religious freedom exists in the military. You just don’t like Christians and don’t want them to be able to practice their beliefs. At least be honest about that, because it is blatantly obvious from your web site. Thank you for taking the time to read my email. I look forward to hearing from you.

(name withheld) Romans 1-3 Acts 17:30-31 1 John 3:23

50. Mr. Weinstein, my cadet roommate (cadet name and rank withheld) told me last night that one of his friends and classmates was in a class yesterday afternoon in Fairchild when another cadet in the class by the name of (cadet name and rank withheld) was telling people in the class that the only reason that Military Religious Foundation put up the billboard was to attack Christianity at the Academy. Another cadet challenged that statement and the cadet who said it responded by saying that you only put the billboard up because “It’s a Jewish thing, a money thing. He’s just crucifying Christ again for the same 20 pieces of silver.” I’m sorry to pass this on. I am not Jewish. I am Catholic and face the same pressure to convert to being a “complete Christian” all the time. All I can say is that none of us knew anything about General Schwartz’s letter until sometime on Wednesday morning which is the day after you put the sign up in the Springs. Thanks for all you do for all of us here at the Academy. If you want to hear more my class schedule is very tough today and I have alot of GR’s and some papers due but my cell number is (cadet’s cell number withheld). What the leadership has done with General Schwartz’s letter is real messed up. We see the lies. They hate you guys here. But many of us don’t.

(USAF Academy cadet’s name, rank, title and Cadet Squadron withheld).

51. Dear Administrator,

Saw the article on Operation Christmas Child. As a citizen and voter of this fine country just felt compelled to let you know what dirt bags you are. To prove your point, you’d deprive a bunch of kids. To make a stand, Mikey Weinstein and TWO Muslim families will dictate what 8 million will receive. I have an idea. Crawl back in your hole and let the 8 million who aren’t complaining live in peace from dirt bag dictators like you. Stop stepping on my freedom and that of 8 million because of


three people’s damn beliefs. Majority rules, pal. Im going to do what I can on FB to expose this and hopefully get the 8 million non-troublmakers to join up.


(name withheld)

52. Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

As you target the USAF and the collection of shoeboxes for Operation Child as intolerant; why don’t you be sure to explain to all the needy children that might have been helped or received some goodwill from a giving American during this holiday season.

This kind of political posturing is disgusting and only serves to hurt people or in this case needy children while you run the news cycle with YOUR intolerance.

Just add me to the growing group of Americans disgusted by this kind of trash.

(name withheld)

53. Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation:

I have never written to anyone to complain about anything, but your organizations attempt to stop the Operation Christmas child at the Air Force Academy is probably the worst thing I have seen in some time. I have never even heard of your organization until today and I wish I still had not. How sad a life do you have to have to be opposed to something like this? I am not a very religious man and am a veteran and I see no reason why this is an issue. What is it you people want in the world? Is there nothing else productive you can use your resources on that would actually make the world a better place rather than stopping others from doing it? I do not need a response to this e-mail, but rather felt compelled to vent some. I only hope someday everyone will work to help the world rather than complain about others that do.


(name withheld)

54. Dear MRFF:

As usual another left wing radical organization hides behind the constitution saying that it’s wrong to pass out presents to children at Christmas. I was in the US Air


Force from 1968-1972. We did not have a problem with religion. We were concentrating on being the best airman we possibly could. To say it is a violation of the Constitution to pass out gifts to children by the AF Academy is ridiculous. Why don’t you people wake up and stop pushing your minority views on everyone else in America by hiding behind the Constitution? The purpose of the military is to defend our country. The founding fathers said that the country was not allowed to establish a national religion and people were FREE to practice and express what they believe. It did not mean that everything a Christian did should be called out and ridiculed. I get so tired of your ridiculous reasons for trying to prevent anyone from practicing their faith. Gen. Patton prayed during WWII for guidance and help. Abraham Lincoln prayed during the Civil War. Get with it folks and quit craming your views down everyone else’s throat. Just as you are free to express your opinions, so are those who believe in a higher power! You need to remember that. I would be very interested to know if any in your organization believe in this country or mainly believe in yourselves and how rich you have become. Get over it! What is wrong with giving gifts to children? Are you against that also? I’ll bet you wouldn’t have complained if they had a message about Islam in the gifts! Hiding behind the constitution because you are anti-faith is wrong. That is not the purpose of separation of church and state.

This is a quote from the article: ” The Military Religious Freedom Foundation said military commanders crossed the line when they promoted the gift program, sponsored by Samaritan’s Purse, an organization run by Franklin Graham.” MikeyWeinstein, of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, said an evangelical Christian message is also included in the boxes. “This is a proselytizing entity of Franklin Graham,” said the group’s president, Mikey Weinstein. He filed a complaint on behalf of 132 Academy personnel including two sets of Muslim-American parents.”

(name withheld)

55. Spare a Jew from the grave, and he will insult the military that saved him.

Spare a nigger the whip, and he'll turn to insult the man who made the whip. the lesser need to understand that they're made that way. We must cultivate enough knowledge in those who are beneath men that their mouths only open to say "yes sir!" in the full bloom of joy that comes with appreciating their role. This requires a firm but caring attitude; without that, they'll never be led to know that God has a natural hierarchy in which we all play a part. the problem is, it's difficult to convince some creatures that their part in God's plan involves an oven...sometimes only a physical reminder will suffice.


I'm hoping that all jews at the air force academy receive this reminder when McClary thunders truth from the rafters.

The air force always was, and always will be, the vanguard of the Christian front.

56. You and your group are a bunch of Christian haters what your trying to do to our military is a bunch of bull shit thank you for putting a target on your back for all of us to take aim at I will make sure and let every church in MN know what you and your idiot liberal friends are trying to do be prepared for the avalanche to come down on you. (name withheld)

57. Mr Mickey Weinstein, we have family in the military. We have just read where you and your MRFF has stopped the Little Rock AFB from providing badly needed Christian marriage education to the troopes there. Why would anyone who lives in the that we asked ourselves. We do not understand such unlawful hatred against Jesus and His sanctity of marriage. And to deprive our troopes of His saving grace and salvation? Without Christ marriage is doomed.

For clarity, we asked our Pastor at Bible Study this morning. The exact moment we said your name of Mickey and that of the MRFF he knew all he needed to know he said. You are an evil outlaw to humanity. And to America and its fine military. He told us all about you and your MRFFs persecution of Christians in the military. Why do you do what you do to the followers of the only Savior? Pastor gave us the reason. Scripture has you marked as clear as day. It is because you are truly the Antichrist in the flesh he says. You have reveeled yourself Mickey Weinstein. And also all the MRFF slaves to Satan who follow you.

(name withheld)

58. Dear MRFF,

As a former Air Force Doctor and the father of children that have each spent a year in Israel to support the country of Israel I want to let you know that I am praying for you and your group.

I think you are taking advantage of your ring number to push your view of religious freedom or better, freedom from religion, at the Air Force Academy.

I was disappointed when my son did not apply to the Air Force Academy, now I am glad he went to secular school where he could express his religious thoughts without fear of repercussions.


I have visited Russia and am glad I live in a country that states we have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion.

I am praying for you that you will hear the message of love and come to the same viewpoint.

(name withheld)

59. MRFF,

You say you want things to change and yell about getting offended, yet you want to take none of the responsibility on yourself. You act as if the Academy’s problem has nothing to do with you. Start acting responsible and start balancing the reality that military members have the dual responsibility to be FREE TO and to be FREE FROM religion.

Tell me, is your desired solution to this problem that everyone in the military become atheist or that we don’t incorporate military into every part of our lives. Pick your solution wisely: your ability to enjoy the Constitution’s protections depend on the ability of those who have volunteered to defend ALL views, including your own.

(name withheld)

60. Dear Michael, (or anyone reading)

I just want you to know that throughout my life I have been persecuted for my faith. There is no place on earth that is free from harsh words or hurtful people. I just want to say that I have forgiven those who hurt me and cursed me and called me stupid for believing in a God. I don’t hold it against them, I am not a victim. I just want you to know not an ounce of my being believes what you are doing is right, for all intents and purposes I should be against you. However, I am not against you, I love you good sir. Just as God loves you. I know that what you do is not from you. I know you have needs in your body and I would like to pray for you to be healed and anyone in your staff.

I pray that God will fill you with his love, I pray dear Lord that you would show Michael Weinstein your peace and your comfort and your healing.

Even if you hate me and ridicule my pathetic attempt at an email. That’s ok my offer still stands.

(name withheld)


61. Dear MRFF,

I am sure I am not the first, and surely not the last, to suggest that you mission is founded in misguided zeal. On the surface you seem to bring hope to the religious community and strive to restore religious freedoms. Your actions speak differently. In your own words on your home page it states ” ….the Constitutional guarantee of both freedom of religion and freedom from religion, to which they and all Americans are entitled.” Our Constitution does NOT say FREEDOM FROM RELIGION, as I am sure you know. It says CONGRESS shall make NO LAW…… The example is the National Prayer Day. There is no law passed in congress calling for mandatory Prayer Day. Just because it may be sponsored by a group with whom you do not agree (who do you propose sponsor such an event?) doesn’t make millitary participation a VIOLATION OF LAW because as previously stated there is NO LAW for or against such. So Freedom of Religion is actually being infringed upon by YOUR ORGINIZATION. This makes your mission predicated upon untruths

(name withheld)

62. I object to your organization’s efforts to strip Christianity from our military. Your statement below confirms your intent: it is imperative upon America to show by example that religious pluralism is a viable and preferred option. It is not a preferred option. Freedom to choose is the key to freedom of religion – not some appropriate balance, in your view, of having all religions represented. I will never give your organization a dime. I will support groups which will keep an eye on your efforts to thwart Christianity, deny religious freedom and support the development of pluralistic faiths in our military. Your efforts violate our Constitution and place our troops and Americans at risk. - A. A.

63. What a bunch of bullshit If your anti-Christian argument carries so much weight, why don't you sue the United States Congress to remove all mention of the Old and New Testament quotes and images that are embossed on every single federal government building located in Washington, D.C. And you can start with the Supreme Court Building. Goddammit, if it weren't for this Christian nation that saved your ass from Adolf Hitler and Hirohito and Stalin, you would not even have the freedom to worship your atheism. would speaking German if your parents survived Hitlers purge of the United States. Your freedom and liberty is is a gift from God; not man. If they were a gift from man, you would have no freedom and liberty God, i cannot believe how ignorant you are! Christianity rules America. Always has and always will. It was founded by Christians in 1620. In late seventeenth century America was Christian. There were no Jews or Catholics. And yes there were a few agnostics and atheists. But Christians ruled the


day because Christian Caucasians founded this nation, signed the Declaration of Independence and signed the Constitution. And don't forget the Christian-based Masons who designed Washington, D.C. and populated all of of the U.S. Government elitist leaders. And every damned politician swears-in on a Bible. Perhaps you ought to spend more time helping the evil and wicked Muslim bastards convert the USA to Sharia Law. Or perhaps you can sue to to convert our nation to secular/atheist Marxist or Stalinist Law. Is that your preference perhaps? And while you're at it, please put some time into refuting the hundreds of witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What knuckleheads and fools and cretins you are. Get a life! Randy

64. I would suggest that it is far more likely in any corner of our country today that it is the atheists who engage in a tireless tirade against Christianity, and work to punish any and all those Americans who don't keep their Christianity in the closet. It is more often the case that atheists and other non-Christians suppress the majority population with just this tactic. Lawsuits. 'Separation of Church and State' has been deliberately skewed to reflect the demonization of Christianity. In fact, all our forefathers were specifying was that the government could not choose our religion for us; this was as a result of ruling monarchies changing religions as marriages of political convenience took place. In fact, Christianity is the very foundation of Democracy, and our forefathers embraced those principles. Openly and directly, in our Constitution and in our Bill of Rights, and in the display of the Ten Commandments at all court buildings. Without Democracy, which you would not have without Christianity, you would not have the right to file these lawsuits. Ever occur to you? Should anyone be forced to be Christian? Of course not. But neither should you have the right to denounce and suppress a religion you don't like -- and don't appreciate the freedom it has provided you. P.G.

65. WHITE SUPREMACIST SITE ATTACKS MRFF Jewish supremacist Mikey Weinstein attacks Christian faith in US Military From White Pride World Wide Forums Friday July 18, 2008

The Jewish supremacists relentlessly attack, ridicule and marginalize Christians, Christianity and Christian practice in the US through their control of the entertainment industry, press, through the ADL, ACLU etc. The Jewish supremacist controlled entertainment industry demonizes Christians, religious values, promotes hedonism and casual sex etc. Even the successful effort to mainstream pornography is part of this effort -- several Jewish pornographers such as Al Goldstein of Screw Magazine have specifically stated, one of the motivations for Jews to publish


pornography is a hatred of Christianity. Mikey Weinstein is continuing this effort with a new organization Military Religious Freedom Foundation.

66. Dear MRFF, I am amazed that your little coterie of word mechanics and legal parasites remain consumed with your hatred of practicing Christians in the military. Your trite argument is always hung up on the same stump of what you call "Christian Dominionism"; by definition a supreme authority. Let me therefore introduce you to a bit of Supreme Authority, that regardless of your word games, none can escape at the final judgment, which I suspect is the very issue that drives you 'free thinkers' nuts: Since you so loosely refer to codes, articles, and clauses authored by men, let me introduce you to a bit of "Exclusivity" authored by Jesus Christ himself (Heb 5:9). You and the MRFF predicate your argument, mistakenly, on our wonderful 'Constitution' of a few hundred years; I base mine on the New Testament which has stood for thousands of years: John 14:6 "Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me." John 1:12 "But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name." Peter makes a good summation: Acts 4:12 ""Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved." The foundational argument is not who receives eternal life but rather where one gets to spend it. It is my considered positioned that men like Gen.'s Richardson and Petraeus should be lauded for their concern for their men and women's physical safety and spiritual security. Having rendered my thoughts, I suggest you MRFF warriors go fight the real enemy* and leave men like Richardson and Petraeus alone. I sincerely hope that one day you overcome the effects of Romans 11:8 and II Thessalonians 2:11 and take advantage of the fact that whether or not you accept it, Christ has already died in your stead and paid the price for your sin. [name withheld] USN (Ret) (a citizen of the dominion you jostle, for over 51 years) *The real enemy: the ones with their heads wrapped in towels, the ones who send their children and mentally handicapped women out wrapped in bombs; the ones rightfully called Terrorists! They, every single one, are readily discerned by their practice of "Dominionism" is called radical Islam!

67. From: [name, rank and installation withheld] Subject: 2008 Presidential elections - a short reflection and prayer 76 days, 16 hours and 46 minutes left until election day. God’s Desire for Righteousness Reflection: The LORD loves righteousness and justice; the earth is full of his unfailing love. --Psalm 33:5 Prayer: Holy Lord God, all the earth is filled with Your glory and beauty, and your majesty fills the heavens.


You declare Your desire for Your people to long for righteousness. So as we approach election day in our great nation, may our fellow Americans earnestly desire righteousness and a determination to seek You for guidance as we cast our vot. May we hunger to do good in Your eyes, to honor Your ways and to obey You in all things, particularly as we consider those for whom we will vote this fall. In Your Name we pray, amen.

68. Sir: You, and your tribe, are the people who give Jews a bad name! [name withheld] 69. Hello,

This message is intended for Michael Weinstein.

Dear Mr. Weinstein, I feel that you degrade the military service of all of our men and women by secularizing the military. When you asked Dr. MacArthur what planet he was from, I would like to ask YOU what planet you are from. I understand that there are many different religions in the military, but please do not try and make it seem as though most are not Christian. Most people in the military, just like most people in the country, are at least nominally Christian. For your statistic about how 3/4 of the people who came to you were Protestant, and 1/4 was whatever else, what proportion were those to the rest of the general population at the Pentagon? Who the hell are you to step in the way of the beliefs of those who are defending you? Do you think that this is your divine right to destroy the nation? I hope that you think long and hard about the road that you have chosen by trying to actively secularize this nation, when that was NOT the intention of the founding fathers. Where in the Constitution, not your little legal technicalities, is this, that those in uniform cannot proselytize? Church and state may come together at times, like they have without attack until recently from those who seek to turn this nation into a secular nightmare. We conservatives are not through just yet. Where did you go to law school? Uncle Joe's Online 30 Minute Law Course?

Respectfully, [name withheld]

70. to Mikey Weinstein:

I will pray for you. However, I wll nto (sic) read your messages any more as I do not want to play games. But, I will do all in my power to stop your anti-Christian agenda in America and the rest fo (sic) the world.

[name withheld]


71. MRFF, Gee....what a surprise....a jew wants to ban Christianity...they tried that 2,000 years ago...look what happened from that, ban ahead! only makes the followers of the one true faith, Christianity, stronger...

72. I would like you to explain to me where in the Constitution you have found a mandated “separation between church and state.” You are promoting a twisted lie and undermining the foundations of this country with your vicious actions. Perhaps you could better serve your faith and your country by helping to defeat the religious and political threats against our nation and its people. Oh wait... apparently you support this destruction. Good luck with that on judgment day!

73. You have the name "Military Religious Freedom" Foundation yet you offer no freedom to Christians.

Have you not noticed that the Christians are not forcing others to convert but simply sharing their message. Muslim extremists on the other hand force all others, the infidels, to convert to their religion or be killed in a variety of haienous manners.

You are a disgrace to the Constitution which was founded by Christian men.

They escaped the tyranny of Great Brittain to develop a country with the outstanding principles of the infallible Word of God.

This Constitution is the longest lasting Constitution in the world born to one of the youngest nations in the World.

We didn't receive our victorious Sovereignty by bowing to other nations and godless religions. Thanks to false representation like you people are being led astray in their ignorance and rebellion to God's Word and our true foundation.

"I was debating an ACLU attorney at Christmas on an NPR station. I pulled out a Xerox copy of The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States and said to her: 'Until you answer this book, the ACLU can't make a case against America's Christian founding.' She was shocked when she saw it. She asked where I had gotten it. The only thing that gave her relief was the fact that the book was not in print. But now it is." Be afraid ACLU. Be very afraid. Morris packs The Christian Life and Character with page after page of original source material making the case that America was founded as a Christian nation. The evidence is unanswerable and irrefutable. This 1000-page book will astound you and send enemies of Christianity into shock. Keep in mind that it was published in 1864 and has been out of print for more than a century. It has been newly typeset using a very readable font and added


subheads. A new Foreword written by my long-time friend Dr. Archie Jones describes the background of the book and provides a brief biography of the author. —Gary DeMar Benjamin Franklin Morris' book has been out of print for more than 100 years. If you can find an original copy, it's only because you have looked in the deep recesses of university libraries where the volume is probably collecting dust on dimly lit library shelves. Organizations like the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State have done their best to ignore the content of the massive compilation of original source material found in this book. If Americans ever become aware of the content assembled by the author, the arguments for a secular founding of America will turn to dust. Reprinted for the first time in over 140 years in 2007, this book has already been through it's seventh printing. Don't miss out on the fantastic wealth of information this book has in store! Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States could very well be responsible for rediscovering the truth of America's Christian foundation. Copyright: 2007 Matt. 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Jeremiah 1:5 Blessed is the Nation who's God is the Lord.---Psalm 33:12

(name withheld)


[name withheld]

75. I would like you to explain to me where in the Constitution you have found a mandated “separation between church and state.” You are promoting a twisted lie and undermining the foundations of this country with your vicious actions. Perhaps you could better serve your faith and your country by helping to defeat the religious and political threats against our nation and its people. Oh wait... apparently you support this destruction. Good luck with that on judgment day!

76. To: Mikey Weinstein

The six million figure is made up, yeh. I believe that for sure. It's not clear how many Ukrainian Christians were killed by the the atheist Bolshevik jews however. 16 million? Historians aren't sure. But you jews are sure about the 6 million...what a racket!

(name withheld)




Don't believe in freedom of speech, do you? Don't lie. Hate speech is ok if it's directed against white gentiles--that's what you think.

I would pack all the jews off to israel, cram them into that shitty little bastard state, build a wall around them at their expense, and then arm the surrounding arab states to the teeth. Sound good?

(name withheld)

78. Attention MRFF, Subject: Your Kind Has Caused The Trouble In This Country

I am not a religous person. I spent over 20 years in the USAF defending people like you. In the military all good loving religions are accepted. EXCEPT jerks like you, denying our right for freedom of religion. If you don't like GOD or Christians don't listen to people that do love to beleive in something. You have the right to leave the building where those people are worshiping their religion. If that isn't enough, leave America. Your kind has caused the trouble in this country not religions! If you are muslem that hate other religions shut up and exert the right to leave my country or except the fact in America we have hate laws for orginazations that you represent.

(name withheld)

79. Mikey Weinstein

You lying scum, if your bloodthirsty tribe hadn't stolen Palestinian land at gunpoint, this Semitic wingnut would have had no cause to go off. More blood on jewish hands, and all your phony sanctimony can never change that. You should come clean with your Maker while you can.

(name withheld)

80. I came to your website by accident and was appalled by what I read. I am a vet. and this country was built with the words " one nation under GOD". If you do not like it simply move. No-one needs you . Why should I have to follow your wisdom, what makes you higher than God? Get a life.

81. Attention MRFF, You guys can go screw yourself. I am glad that the military is pro-Christian. There is no "Constitutionally mandated wall of separation of church and state." That was a proclamation from an extremely liberal supreme court. Why don't you jerks just


leave the military alone. I was in the military for nine years and loved the fact that people prayed. Hey, if they didn't want to then they didn't have to. So what if they are to be them. You guys are unAmerican pigs and I could care less if you served in the Air Force. Up yours!!!

82. You Jews just never stop.

Move to Israel.

83. As a traditional American Jew, I consider Mikey Weinstein to be both a generic moron and a self-hating Jewish moron. I could care less either about Mikeys left wing politics or his so called distinguished career in the US Air Force. Since Mikey doesn't give a damn about his own Jewish people, please answer the following questions: Mikey, why are you antagonizing the very Christian groups who are the biggest supporters of israel, i.e the Christian Zionists?????? Why are you provoking anti-semetism among Christians and others in these very difficult and sensitive times???????

[name withheld]

84. To: Mikey and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation

(This email comes after watching your debate with Dr. John McArthur on CNN last year) It is unfortunate that “Mickey” is offended by Christianity because he is Jewish or had bad experience with a faithful Soldier of Christ. Should I or others be offended by his Jewsihness because we are Christian and have had horrible expereinces with Jews trying to push their beliefs on us.. Most Jews I know and talk with, no little or nothing about Judiasm. Being Jewsish doesn’t mean one practices Judiasm, does it? There are too many Jews who know nothing about the Torah or Old Testament. As an attorney, Mickey can argue a case in court (which a person doesn’t need to be an attorney to do), but his limited knowledge of Judiasm or Chrisitan history is non existence. He should stick to arguing cases in court that have military importance rather than arguing against the God who created him and proctected him while he was flying his planes in the military. Until he can show us that he has a theological degree, his theological opinion will consistently not be based on truth and will extremely inaccurate. When he comes to know the Truth he shall be set free and realize he is struggling not against flesh and blood, but against princiaplities and power of darkness. I am secure that Heaven is my home, that truth is my footstoll, and that the Creator of the world is my Father. Mickey, either embrace your Jewish roots and live by your 614 laws or leave your religious opinion to those who have little understanding of truth. You will never win the battle against Christianity because the battle has already been won. You will come face to face with the Creator (Jehovah God – YAHWEH) one day and He will simply ask you,


“what have you done with my Son (Jesus)” and your answer will may relfect this idea, that I continued to crucify Him because I didnt believe that one time was enough. Respect the Creator as He is not pleased with your mission but is pleased with His Son’s sacrifice on the Cross for you and for the world. Respectful Someone who cares.

(name withheld)

85. Dear MRFF,

I just watched a video with your founder proselytizing on the constitutionality of religion in america specifically the military. I have to say, I am very disappointed that an organization like yours that advocates religious freedom would then argue why those religious freedoms should be taken away based on your very weak interpretation of our Constitution. I would suggest and encourage your founder and your staff to do your homework before espousing your belief. One can certainly have an opinion, just make sure you know what your talking about before you give it.

There is no such thing as "separation of church and state". Why your founder continues to use this phrase is suspect. This phrase was used as a metaphor in a letter from Thomas Jefferson to the Danberry Baptists concerning the the thanksgiving holiday. NOWHERE in the Constitution does it suggest or imply that the state should be separated from the church. Regarding religion, the Constitution says is:

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; The state cannot "establish" an institution of religion for the people. Pretty clear to me prohibiting the free exercise thereof; The state CANNOT prevent a person from exercising his right to express his belief.

It does NOT say unless you are a "Christian" or "in the military"

I would also like to point out that the officers and enlisted men that claim to be "christians" and harassing their subordinates, are a far cry from what a christian is supposed to be. I would submit that they show evidence that they are not "christian" at all.

The government is supposed to protect the peoples inalienable rights that were granted to us by God. The founders knew this and was part of the Declaration of Independence. Some additional evidences that indicate Christian Theism was the national doctrinal religion are listed below:


• Emblazoned over the Speaker of the House in the US Capitol are the words "In God We Trust." • The Supreme Court building built in the 1930's has carvings of Moses and the Ten Commandments. • God is mentioned in stone all over Washington D.C., on its monuments and buildings. • As a nation, we have celebrated Christmas to commemorate the Savior's birth for centuries. • Oaths in courtrooms have invoked God from the beginning. • The founding fathers often quoted the Bible in their writings. • Every president that has given an inaugural address has mentioned God in that speech. • Prayers have been said at the swearing in of each president. • Each president was sworn in on the Bible, saying the words, "So help me God." • Our national anthem mentions God. • The liberty bell has a Bible verse engraved on it. • The original constitution of all 50 states mentions God. • Chaplains have been in the public payroll from the very beginning. • Our nations birth certificate, the Declaration of Independence, mentions God four times. • The Bible was used as a textbook in the schools

I know that my e-mail will not change anything with regard to how your organization operates or how your over zealous founder sensationalizes these issues in public. I will pray for him and ask God to open his eyes and his heart to start standing up for what God and the founder's originally had intended.

God Bless [name withheld]

86. Subject: Kill Two Birds With One Stone

Jesus fought against the Jewish religion.

My problem is virtually everywhere that Christianity is being opposed in the US, its by Jews. You people come to a Christian country, then you constantly whine about Christianity and try to suppress all public expression. I'm sick of it.

Like I said, if Christianity is so offensive to you, move to Israel. They're begging for Jews to move there. You could kill two birds with one stone: you'd make us Christians happy and the Jews in Israel happy. Such a deal!

[name withheld]



Two hundred years of history prove that America is a Christian country. Or else what are you campaigning for if not the de-christianization of America? You want Christianity suppressed. That's the purpose of your organization. And like virtually all other anti-Christian groups, yours' is led by Jews.

[name withheld]

88. Jews as Americans? It's possible you're ignorant of your own history I suppose. Your (sic) surely not ignorance of your race though! No never. Which is why you always remain apart from the whole. Do you reject Zionism? Fat chance altho a few of you do. Screw the flag waving. Its race that matters. The jews know that better than anyone.

[name withheld]

89. Mikey,

You're like the proctologist of civil rights. Your world involves cutting through the bullshit, and that necessarily results in close encounters with all the scum, vermin and gook that inhabit the bowels of our great country.

(name withheld)

90. Subject: Re: God Can Reach Mikey's Heart

Huh? You certainly have not been set straight, and it's unlikely you ever will. Nothing and no one is working to prevent you from practicing your dollar-chasing, secular jewish racist "religion". Christians, like Musims, believe in conversion. Jewz do not. Why not, Mikey? Could it be because jewz do not choose, rather they are the chosen? Don't the jews believe they must "heal" the world? Isn't that their excuse for minding everybody else's business? Because they know better than gentiles how the gentile should live and worship? All the while working to gather onto themselves all earthly treasures, as promised in their Torah by their own special G-D. Humility and poverty is the life Christ exemplified, not an eartly kingdom which would smite the enemies of israel. And because Jesus rebuked the priests and spoke as an apostate, he had to die. I'm rambling but I think you missed the irony in the email from John K. He's saying it isn't too late for you. I suspect he's wrong.

(name withheld)

91. Mikey,


Please tell Mikey Weinstein, who said he was "outraged" because Bible references were on military weapons, that I am outraged by his statement! I think he said something about this being no way to make friends of the Afghanistan people - maybe it is a way to save them forever! Telling them about Christ is not evil or wrong - it is a wonderful gesture of love! And what a nice comfort for those soldiers who are fighting for US - for our freedom and safety - to see these references. Did those letters harm anyone? NO. I am very upset that he would say this is wrong or offensive, as to me, HE is offensive. There are much more important issues to be concerned about than this one! So drop it and be thankful these weapons are good and there are those willing to serve for our nation. Thank you.

(name witheld) Kansas, USA

92. Sunday, January 23, 2011

[Emphasis added below to highlight specific important passages]

Recently I learned of the existence of the Veterans Today website. On the surface, it appears to be a good resource for U.S. military veterans. They highlight and amplify issues of concern to veterans often underplayed by the mainstream media, in particular fibromyalgia education. Even more noteworthy, Veterans Today also criticizes Israeli supremacism in the Middle East. They acknowledge that the Palestinians are a legitimate people, and thoroughly documented a recent visit to the Occupied Territories by an Australian human rights observer. As an added bonus, one of the contributing staff writers listed on their sidebar is none other than Joe Cortina, the editor of the hard-hitting MyNameIsJoeCortina blog. Cortina's pro- White credentials are absolutely impeccable. Thus I was rather surprised when on January 23rd, 2011, Veterans Today published an attack upon an upcoming Prayer Breakfast at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Entitled "United States Air Force Responds in Defense of Christian Dominionists and Proselytizing", Veterans Today joins others in calling upon the Academy to rescind an invitation extended to Clebe McClary to speak at the prayer breakfast scheduled for February 10th, 2011, claiming that McClary will use it as an opportunity to "proselytize". McClary, a leading motivational speaker, was critically wounded on March 3rd, 1968 during his 19th reconnaissance mission in Vietnam, suffering the loss of an eye and an arm. Odd that a veterans' website would disrespect the service of someone who made such a sacrifice, isn't it?

One of those "others" joining in the attack is the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF). The MRFF claims to be dedicated to ensuring that all members of the United States Armed Forces fully receive the constitutional guarantees of religious freedom to which they and all Americans are entitled by virtue of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. But a visit to their website shows that they have waged frequent campaigns to suppress public expression of faith in the


military. Their rhetoric is seasoned with terms like "Christian supremacist" and "Christian dominionist". Such terms tend to be red flags. But it was the name of the MRFF's Executive Director, Michael L. "Mikey" Weinstein, which really stuck out like a sore thumb. Of course, I observe the Alex Linder Rule here -- a Jewish-sounding surname doesn't automatically make one a Jew. But it prompted me to investigate further, and sure enough...... Mikey Weinstein is not only a Jew, but a virulent Jewish supremacist. In this April 2007 essay (complete post available on OpEd News), Weinstein, pursuing his vendetta against the U.S. Air Force Academy, wrote "As a Jew I confronted a situation through ears that still hear the cries of my people walking silently into the brick buildings that would reduce them to ash. I cannot stand still and let that happen to my country". In addition, this document reveals that Weinstein, a USAF Academy honor graduate himself, was radicalized after the "bitter" religious harassment his sons, as Jewish cadets, and his now daughter-in-law, a Christian cadet, allegedly faced at the Academy.

Oy, vey! Oy, ze hate! So a simple invitation to come to Christ is a precursor to the gas and the ovens? You gotta be kidding me! Yes indeed, the Holocaust Card...... don't leave the synagogue without it.

It's too bad that Veterans Today has decided to ally itself with a virulent Jewish supremacist. It doesn't make the website worthless, but it does impose known limitations which must be factored in. When their interests parallel ours, we support them. When their interests conflict with ours, we oppose them.

Lessons Learned: (1). Pro-White websites, particularly those with multiple contributors, can be co- opted by Jewish supremacists.

(2). Attacks on Christianity are frequently facilitated by or originate with Jewish supremacists. ALWAYS take time to peek behind the curtain.

93. Wow. Funny how all roads lead to the legendary Holohoax. This wasn't even an explicit expression of White Identity or anything remotely critical of jews. Just some Christianity. Any mention or expression of anything that offends the chosen ones and you get references to gas chambers, ashes, death camps, etc, from the hysterical hebes. As for a Vets group condemning one of their own who was wounded in war, well that's no surprise. The US military is ZOGs tool, hopefully more vets AND current soldiers will figure that out. When the kikes apply the pressure, those who know whats best bow to it. Funny how the jews condemn Xtianity in the military. Without the "dumb White goyim soldiers" most of whom are/were from Xtian backgrounds, the jews would never have been able to defeat the "Evil Nazis" in WW2. Or been able to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan for all these years.


Can you imagine a military just made up of jews, blacks, mestizos, queers, etc? Hell, that military couldnt even invade and take over Ontario! (Anonymous)

94. Quite ironic they through words around like christian supremacist or christian dominionist and yet bow to a known jewish supremacist.Makes you wonder just what is really going on huh


95. I've seen him and he is making flying saucers to take over the world. Oppss. I'm sorry. I thought this was the article about Bowles. Oh well. Might as well attack this nutcase too. He is worse than Bowles and Rocky.


96. To whom it may concern I have to ask you if you find it as ironic as I do, that I a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, have and will continue to fight for your rights as a minority to condemn and attempt to suppress the rights of the majority. In a most resent Gallop poll, 76% of American Citizens claimed to be Christians so I would say that definitely puts you in the minority, it is groups like yours how bring discredit to agnostics like myself. On top of that the name of your organization containing military in it, giving the impression that perhaps the Military is somehow involved in you self-serving propaganda is, well disrespectful at a minimum. I see groups like yours in the gay and lesbian communities as well during the most recent census less than 4% of the population said they were homosexual however, thru lobbying that 4% has forced its views on the masses. Now do not try to misread my words I have no ill will towards homosexuals and in fact have friends that are gay and unbelievably actually respect my thoughts on this matter, much as I respect your position on religion. However, you are in no position to force your views as to what is right to be displayed at MY Military Installation on others. Religion is as much a part of this country as is the right to expression. I see religious symbols and icon everyday in everything I do, it does not offend me I simply ignore them and move on about my day. I am having a very hard time understanding how and why you group thinks that your view is the only correct one. Here is sit as an Atheists like you, but my coworkers do not need to know my believes much as I do not care what there believes are. I wear a rank on my sleeve and it is getting rather long I don’t have room to wear my religious believes there too. I Hope that you will respond in kind, with some validity on you stance aganist my Military. And please don’t use the “A letter form and anonymous Airman”.

Thank you for your time (name withheld)


97. Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, Since Mikey is too much of a coward to list his email address I will send this to you. You can forward if you want. Your motto says it all about your beliefs and your lack of historical knowledge. Mikey’s argument against Christianity in the military is ridiculous. Your argument pushes your religion and your god on people while excluding all others. As your motto says, your god is the constitution. You do this while attempting to exclude all other religions. That certainly smacks of intolerance. Your blindness and lack of historical knowledge is heartbreaking. However, your arrogance is disgusting. I hope that your religion brings you peace. However, I do not see how it ever can. Maybe your ignorance will.

(name withheld), military veteran

98. Dear Military Religious Freedom Foundation, At times I think I’ve just got to let go and move on. I feel like an abused spouse. I love her, but she constantly beats me, disappoints me, and cheats on me. I KNOW how good she could be, I know that she should live by the standards she originally pledged to herself–and to many others, but she may just be too far gone to save. Maybe her time has just passed and, while I see her as young, beautiful, and energetic in my heart, the mirror says she’s an aged starlet with too much botox–a shabby image of her shiny days in the black-and-white era, too worried about where the next wrinkle may form to actually accept her role and play the honorable and venerated grande dame. Meanwhile, her entourage of pimps and sycophants blindly tell her how gorgeous she is, sucking at the dry teat of her vanished prestige, building monuments to their own phallacy. (misspelling intended) And then, maybe my hopes and dreams for her are just the remnants of my own flawed, testosterone- soaked, youthful dreams–my moral beer-goggles–and she never was anything more than another Cold War Potemkin Village created by the same wishful idiots that knew that adding two words to the Pledge of Allegiance would certainly arrest the Domino Theory in mid-cascade. I still resist growing up. She really is beautiful, isn’t she? I owe it all to her.

(name withheld)

99. Mickey Mouse:

So, the US Military being Christian is bad?

· Is the Israeli Military anything other than a religious group? A conscripted military group.


· The Israeli flag (a country or a religion organization) has the Star of David – a blatantly religious symbol which is highly offensive to Arabs (Muslims).

· Israel is no different than the Palestinians. Both kill women and children.

· Israel’s land was stolen from the Palestinians – why wouldn’t they want to fight? Israel continues to take their land.

· Did the Jews complain when the Christian US Army freed them from the concentration camps? Did they ever attempt to re-pay America from the certain extinction of Judaism in Europe?

· Israel receives billions of dollars from the US – a predominantly Christian country. Not to mention Apache and Chinook helicopters and F-18’s – all for free. They are designated GOI – Government of Israel – free – the word all Jews covet.

· The only reason Israel exists is because of the US – the Military threat of a Christian country.

· Your argument is that being Christian will make the Arabs (on the surface friendly) mad at America. What do you think funding and protecting Israel does for America?

· Jews are not the chosen people – read past the first 4 books of the Bible. Besides, Jesus was a Jew – the Christ. Who was condemned and killed by Jews. This is another attempt by Jews to kill Christians – oddly in cahoots with Muslims who also hate Christians.

My son is a Firstie (a senior at West Point). He tells me that there are Arab (Muslim) groups, Asian groups mostly without religion, Jewish Groups and a synagogue and agnostic groups. Does the Mossad offer similar freedoms of religion? The Taliban?

I believe in God. I do not, however, believe in organized religion of any kind. The Catholic Church alone is responsible for more than 1 billion deaths. Absolute power corrupts absolutely (i.e. child molestation and cover up and money laundering)

Muslims were recognized as a threat by Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson. The Marine Corps (hymn) recognized that at its founding – from the shores of Tripoli…

I support John Adams view of isolationism. Clearly, the religious groups will never (have never) get along.

The US military protects your right (under the Constitution) to voice your discriminatory beliefs in a public forum and earn a living doing it.


I am sure you are thinking I am anti-Semitic remeber Arabs are Semites too. I am PRO-AMERICA. BTW – You are a .ORG – a non-for-profit like a Religion – I am sure you pull down big $ in a tax free organization…

(name withheld)

100. Wow. I hope this make you feel better. It's jack-off's like you who are ruining this Country. I am disgusted that people like you exist. You want to take God out of everything. Was that statement really hurting your feelings?

Go fuck yourself!








(name withheld)

103. Dear Mikey,

There are no atheists in fox holes. They are not smart enough to get in when danger is near.

The Chaplain should be suing you for being so studied as to they to have him punished for repeating a quote. From this I can only assume you want to rewrite history, which means you are a liberal idiot (my apologies for the redundant statement).

(name withheld)

104. Dear Mr. Weinstein,

I understand that your organization has petitioned the military to punish Col. Reyes for quoting Dwight Eisenhower’s famous foxhole comment.

You people need immediate, intensive, professional care. However, if you were to seek psychological care, I still would not donate. The damage you’re doing may be irreversible as an essential for our politically correct national sickness.

Shame on you!!!

(name withheld)

105. Dear MRFF,

The difference between followers of Jesus Christ and everyone else, let alone persecutors such as yourself, our sins for which we all are accountable have already been paid for. You, if you do not accept the loving Grace of Jesus Christ, will have to


pay for your own sin. And that is eternal separation from Christ and separation from any hope that your condition of burning in an non-consuming fire will ever change. I pray that you turn to Christ. It is prophetic that we will be persecuted for living out our faith in Him. You at this point are only part of the fulfillment of that prophesy. In the end, our reward is eternity in Heaven with Christ…I’ve already discussed the consultation prize.

In Christ.

(name withheld)


Mikey Weinstein as a Jew you know what Hitler did to 8 million Jews in NAZI Germany and I am sure that there are those in your family who still remember. Hitler hated Jews, that represent Gd and who are the chosen of God, so much that he called them animals and put them in huge ovens and cremated them alive. Men, Woman and Children were sent into the ovens to die a horrible death. So as a Jew, how can you a Jew hate when you know where this Hate will lead as it did in NAZI Germany and with a hate that exterminated so many JEWS in NAZI Germany? So please do not hate with the hate of Hitler for as a JEW a chosen of Gd it will lead only to the destruction of your very soul Mikey.

107. Dear Mikey,

MRFF believes there is no afterlife and THIS is how you spend your precious limited life? MRFF Payoff must be to make everyone as miserable as you are?

Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF) contacted the base commander, Col. Brian Duffy, demanding he take action on Reyes’s “anti-secular diatribe.”

(name withheld)

108. Dear (I lost my balls). I will make this easy for you [name disclosed] I would love to compare my Vietnam era service records to whatever records you may have and I will let you name the venue. Although you may consider yourself a Veteran who served his Country (Though I would have to question which Country that is.) At the time of your supposed enlistment how did you recite your oath to this our great country? I will tell you this, the fact you can engage in this scam (Buy a Brick) and the fact you and the rest of your FUND sucking so called patriots knowingly engage in this scam is laughable though very sad. (Translation for you weak left minded blood suckers (fucking over all of those sheep who follow your cult out of their hard earned money). I know for a fact you as well of the rest of your cronies at the


Military Religious Freedom Foundation thank God if not pray to God every day that all of you have the opportunity to bleed the sheep that follow you (Buy a Brick Ha Ha) so you may enjoy the lifestyle that it provides you and that you and the rest of your butt bandits have become accustomed to. The fact you have this right to engage in your attack on the established principles that the founders of this Great Country based their beliefs on and the millions of patriots who gave their lives for so we may all enjoy these freedoms. If you had a PAIR (Translation for you Left Leaning Butt Licks of Balls that is) I would love to debate any of you on facts. The juvenile statements you responded with allows me to visualize you as a young recruit in boot camp bending over to pick up the soap in the shower and hoping maybe even praying to God that you might get it in the ass! So [name disclosed] please advise me of the terms that would allow me to debate you or any of your clan even that chicken shit eating dog Mickey. That's when your finished mopping Bonnie's floor and licking her ASS or whatever is involved, or do you prefer Mickey's ass? If you will not come to terms with the fact that thousands of Veterans gave their lives so you as well as your butt buddies have the right to spew their vial then you as well as your rest of your clan need to buy tickets and of course do it with the money you Fucked all of your so called followers out of and leave this Great Country. And please pick one that will give you all the freedoms to a spouse all of your political and religious beliefs or anti and all the bull shit that you engage in. Maybe IRAN or North Korea although if I could pick it would be Syria maybe a little Gas would clear all of your Fucked up Minds. Thanking you in Advance for all your Service [name disclosed] (Oh Moron)

Oh by the way[name disclosed] you can go FUCK YOURSELF TOO!! PS That's a nice picture, who Shit on your Head?

109. Dear Mr. Weinstein,

Military religious freedom is tyranny to the majority whom God has called.

(name withheld)

110. Again, go f*** yourself. And no, I’m not in that league. I just don’t understand why you God hating mf***ers wanna inflict your beliefs upon everyone. You hate God? Good for you. I don’t care… And you shouldn’t f*** care that I believe in God, and you should not hounr our military is saying so help me God in our oath. Im sure that each of the pilots over the sky right now and those who have been in combat have had God with them. There are no atheists in foxholes. ASSHOLE


A sampling of hateful email addresses MRFF received:

From: [email protected] Subject: Unhappy Fathers Day kikey wienstien Date: June 15, 2014 at 12:39:58 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein

From: Matthew Loran Subject: To Mikey Date: April 28, 2014 6:21:00 AM MDT To: "[email protected] Mikey"

From: [email protected] Subject: grandfather from hell Date: April 26, 2014 8:53:55 AM MDT To: Information Weinstein

From: keith girton Subject: here you go again making trouble for everyone else--all people have the right to worship "as they please"--if they are in uniform when they do it -- so what??? God and worship being eliminated from everything is why this country is ngoing to hell, and its people like you and organizations like this are a big part of that problem. its getting very sickening hearing your name and this groups name flashing across the news causing more trouble. enough already. Date: April 24, 2014 7:45:19 PM MDT To: [email protected] Reply-To: keith girton

From: [email protected] Subject: Drop Dead You Christ Hatting jew Basterd Date: April 23, 2014 3:59:43 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: Formal Request to The Evil One Date: April 9, 2014 8:17:23 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein

From: Citizen Kane Subject: THE KIKE MUTT "WEINSHITSTAIN" Date: March 12, 2014 11:20:04 PM MDT


To: [email protected]

From: [email protected] Subject: You Are Officially Expelled From USAFA Class of 1977 Date: February 17, 2014 10:10:19 AM MST To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: You Are Hated Date: February 4, 2014 11:00:07 PM MST To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: Praying to Keep You from Hell Date: January 12, 2014 10:15:29 AM MST To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: New Year Wishes for Mickey and MFRR Date: January 2, 2014 8:38:28 AM MST To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] ; To: ; Subject: Christmas Sent: Fri, Dec 20, 2013 2:01:58 AM

From: [email protected] Subject: What Is The Difference Between Mikey and Satan? Date: December 20, 2013 9:16:52 PM MST To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: A Nativity to Pray For Date: December 11, 2013 11:09:30 PM MST To: Information Weinstein

From: won hunglow Date: November 12, 2013 at 5:05:37 PM MST To: [email protected] Subject: Dirty FUCKING KIKES!!!!

From: [email protected] Subject: jew jew jew jew jew jew Date: October 29, 2013 9:39:48 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein


From: [email protected] Subject: Why We Hate Michael Weinstien Date: March 31, 2014 9:33:39 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: Michael Weinstein is satan in America Today Date: June 23, 2014 at 4:04:20 PM MDT To: Mikey Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: A Poem of 2 Jewboys. Eric cantor and mikey Whinesteen Date: June 12, 2014 at 7:53:10 AM PDT To: Mikey Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: Warning To Stop, Mr. Weinstein Date: July 22, 2012 11:47:01 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: Ever Notice? Date: July 20, 2014 at 5:47:56 PM MDT To: Mikey Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: Stop Mikey Weinstein Hater of The Word Date: July 29, 2014 at 11:48:19 PM MDT To: Mikey Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: Change Sides Mr. Weinstein Date: August 2, 2014 at 4:37:52 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein

From: [email protected] Subject: The Weinsteins Are The Air Force Academy Abusers Date: August 8, 2014 at 8:53:16 PM EDT To: Information Weinstein [email protected]

From: [email protected] Subject: you fucking piece of shit jew Date: August 21, 2014 at 6:09:03 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein


From: [email protected] Subject: Mikey is Kikey Date: October 8, 2014 at 5:48:00 PM MDT To: Information Weinstein


Graphic images of hate sent to MRFF:

How Would #MikeyWeinstein Like It If Christians Started Calling Jews, Monsters? IDIOT!

This impossible, moronic, jackass lives in America. Mikey has inhabited this land his whole life. Lived in safety from anti-Jewish oppression..He knows that America is supposed to be Christian. Mikey is probably a Bolshevik, atheist, Jewish-born ass-hat. Think about it…A nasty, fat, jabba-the-hut looking fiend is telling Christians to ditch scriptures just because of a little inscription on a gun in the US military – that has no-doubt: given countless Christian soldiers, comfort… True Jews do NOT ‘preach’ to Christians. Period!


Now…300 supposed Marines are just soooo put off by some scriptures on the rifles. And, Mikey the bastard is going to correct this for these ‘un Christian’ soldiers. The gall. The audacity. It’s amazing. Just watching Commie-Jews tell Christians what’s what. They don’t even believe in God to begin with, but they are going to dictate to Christians that they are ‘un Christian’.

YA CAN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP, folks.. Back to the question… I can hear the Commie-Jews screaming bloody murder when the nation decides to go postal on their dumb asses.. I think Christians SHOULD start calling Obama-voting Jews what THEY are: MONSTERS.

Need proof…………?

‘Today, we face incredibly well-funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation’s armed forces. Oh my, my, my, how “Papa’s got a brand new bag.”‘

-Mikey the “Jew”

This was posted to Stormfront, a white nationalist and supremacist neo-Nazi internet forum, and subsequently forwarded to MRFF:


The following messages from "Becky Williams" were posted to Mikey Weinstein's Facebook page on the afternoon of Tuesday, June 4, 2013:


The following was also posted to Becky Williams' Facebook page that same afternoon:

Indeed, a small sampling of posts from Becky Williams' page show the extent of violent hatred that she and her ilk have grown accustomed to espousing on the internet:


These images were sent to Mr. Weinstein with the subjects “Bad Leo Frank” (left, photo taken at trial) and “Good Leo Frank” (right, after lynching) along with the following message: He was guilty as sin, just like you. Tried, convicted, sentenced, appealed, denied. When jew money bought him a Clinton style pardon, white justice stepped in. Are you ready?

This came in an email titled “A Great Man.”


Sent in with the subject “Enjoy...’Jew TV’.” The clever title of this cartoon is “You’ve been exposed!”




This image came in an email with the subject “Free Obama Dolls.”

April 15, 2014 Subject: Mikey Why Do You Pursecute My White People and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ From: [email protected] To: Mikey Weinstein


From: xxxxxxxxxx Subject: Safest Restaurant Date: October 13, 2014 at 6:08:36 AM MDT To: "MRFF Mikey Weinstein"


From: [email protected] Subject: America is CHRISTAIN nation Date: October 13, 2014 at 8:43:27 AM MDT To: Information Weinstein

go back to your jew getto and rot stupid fool


From: [email protected] Subject: How to fix Pentigon Date: October 17, 2014 at 10:01:55 AM MDT To: Mikey Weinstein


From: xxxxxxxxxx Subject: Mikey, learn something today… Date: August 4, 2015 at 9:40:35 AM MDT To: MRFF Mikey Weinstein


xxxxxxxxxxx Sent from my iPad

From: xxxxxxxxxx

Subject: Whinestein Burn in Hell

Date: August 3, 2015 at 3:45:42 PM MDT

To: Mikey Weinstein

You, Michael Whinestein are a Jesus hating faggot who is communist and a athiest and a husein obama kissing leftist jew bastard islam loving kike feminist lawyer.

You will burn for eternity in hell for your many crimes against Jesus Christ and our national armed forces. You have ruined our military by forcing Jesus out and keeping arabs blasphemers abortions and queers in.

Can you picture this final destination for you Michael? Can you feel it? Can you smell the fire and fear? Can you sense the absense of all hope?


We can. And can’t wait you to be aflame in torment. For anguish all eternity. Amen and Hallelujah!

Hell is real and awaits you Mickey. As its never waited so much for anyone ever before.

Sooner than you think for our Saviors is an awesome Savior. And you are just little bald jew with a big mouth. Like your mouth on fire in the snapshot of your soon future below.

(name withheld)