nd 22 ​ November – Diggers & Transformers ​ GOD GUIDES

Genesis 24: 1-67 LAST WEEK _ GOD PPROVIDES : ​ had been obedient to the call of God, but had failed on a number of occasions to trust God completely. We see how much Abraham had grown as he faced the supreme test of faith when God asked him to sacrifice his one and only son, . God sent an angel to stop Abraham from killing Isaac and provided a instead. Abraham has finally learned what it means to truly fear God and put him first in all things.


BIG IDEA: God is faithful in guiding Abraham’s servant to find a wife for Isaac ​ AIM: To teach that we can trust God to guide us as we seek to obey him. ​ YOU WILL NEED:

1. Print out the activities on the 3 last pages Cut out these names below

ADAM ABRAHAM ​ SARAH RACHEL ​ ​ BOAZ AHAB ​ JEZEBEL ISAAC REBEKAH ​ ​ 2. YOUNGER CHILDREN : Use male and female animals : Cut out these pictures and include Isaac and Rebekah.

Bull Cow Duck Drake

Lion Lioness Peacock Peahen

Isaac Rebekkah


READ GENISES 24: 1-31 focus on 12-14, 42-46 and 50 ​

Over view of the story:

Abrahams life shows a growing understanding of what it means to fear God and trust his promises despite circumstances. His relationship with God was based on the promise that, through his offspring ( especially Isaac), God would make him into a great nation, give him the land of the Canaanites and ultimately bless all people on earth. Isaac is now a man and the time had come for him to marry in order to secure a line of descendent for Abraham. But Abraham’s family was alone amongst the Canaanites, whose outlook and culture was completely alien to what God had revealed of himself to Abraham. Abraham understood that a Canaanite wife would not be suitable for Isaac and that Isaac should never leave the land of promise. Abraham had to trust God to guide and provide.

24:1 Abraham was 140 years old, Sarah had died 3 years earlier and Isaac was 40 years old. 24:2 “the thigh” – this marked an extremely solemn vow. This was very important to Abraham. 24: 5-9 Abraham had been called to leave that land forever in pursuit of God’s promises and blessings. 24:10 The camels are other gifts would help conclude the marriage settlement and serve as evidence of Abraham’s wealth. 24: 12-14 The servant uses common sense and a prayerful dependence upon the Lord. 24:15 It doesn’t take long for the servant to realise that this is God’s perfect answer to his prayer. 24:57-58 Rebekah’s family could see that Abraham had received divine protection and blessing. And Rebekah was willing to go. THIS STORY SHOWS VERY CLEARLY THAT GOD GUIDES AND PROVIDES FOR THOSE WHO TRUST HIS PROMISES AND SEEK TO LIVE IN OBEDIENCE.

Discuss and Apply:

1) Sometimes it is difficult to know what is the best thing to do when there are different options available to us. Decisions that are wise or unwise. Think of some practical examples : choice of friends or what you choose to do with your Spare time or how to use pocket money? 2) We can ask God t help us to live the best way. As we pray and read the , God helps us to understand what the best way is to live and he helps us to live that way.

​God’s Character This is the last lesson of the series. Ask the children to tell you what has happened to Abraham in previous stories. As each story is recalled, ask the children what they learned about God. 1. CALLING ABRAHAM : God is Gracious, because he keeps his promises. ​ ​ 2. LOTS CHOICE : God is trustworthy, he does what he says he will do. ​ ​ 3. PROMISE CONFIRMED : God is faithful, even when we find it hard to believe that he ​ ​ will do what he has said. 4. RESULT OF UNBELIEF : God knows what we are going through in difficult situations ​ ​ we can trust him. 5. GOD KEEPS HIS PROMISE: God is powerful so we can trust him. ​ ​ 6. GOD PROVIDES: God has power over death, so we must obey him in all things. ​ ​ 7. GOD GUIDES: God guides us as we seek to obey him ​ ​ Game idea:

Hand out the picture cards or name cards to your children make sure they all have pairs. Hide the card that says Rebekah. Get the children to find the partner, the only one who should be left out is Issac ( the man) The children need to find a wife for Isaac. Searching the room .. you can GUIDE your childeren by saying hot ( close) or cold (far away) until they … find her. In the story today we learn how God guided Abraham’s servant to find a suitable ​ wife for Isaac.

Prayer Time:

Dear God, thank you for the story in the bible about Abraham. Thank you for showing us the great characters of God. Please help us to remember these wonderful truths and help us trust him completely and obey him in all we do so that he can guide our lives in the path that he has set out for us.

MEMORY VERS: PSALM 145:13 THE LORD IS FAITHFUL TO ALL HIS PROMISES. (God will always do what he says)