SUPPLEMENTARY DATA A Middle Triassic kyphosichthyiform from Yunnan, China, and phylogenetic reassessment of early ginglymodians XU Guang-Hui1,2 MA Xin-Ying1,2,3 WU Fei-Xiang1,2 REN Yi1,2,3 (1 Key Laboratory of Vertebrate Evolution and Human Origins of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100044
[email protected]) (2 CAS Center for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment Beijing 100044) (3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100049) Part A Material examined and references Amia calva and Solnhofenamia elongata (Grande and Bemis, 1998); Araripelepidotes temnurus (Maisey, 1991; Thies, 1996); Asialepidotus shingyiensis (Xu and Ma, 2018); Atractosteus spatula, Cuneatus wileyi, Dentilepisosteus laevis, Lepisosteus osseus, Masillosteus janeae, and Obaichthys decoratus (Grande, 2010); Caturus furcatus (Patterson, 1975; Lambers, 1992; Grande and Bemis, 1998; FMNH UC2057); Dorsetichthys (‘Pholidophorus’) bechei (Patterson, 1975; Grande and Bemis, 1998; Arratia, 2013); Elops hawaiensis (Forey, 1973); Fuyuanichthys wangi (Xu et al., 2018); Ichthyokentema purbeckensis (Griffith and Patterson, 1963); Ionoscopus cyprinoides (Grande and Bemis, 1998; Maisey, 1999; FMNH P15472); Isanichthys palustris (Cavin and Suteethorn, 2006); Kyphosichthys grandei (Xu and Wu, 2012; Sun and Ni, 2018); Lashanichthys (‘Sangiorgioichthys’) sui (López-Arbarello et al., 2011); Lashanichthys (‘Sangiorgioichthys’) yangjuanensis (Chen et al, 2014); Lepidotes gigas (Thies,