What AARP Can Do for Your Community

AARP 1 AARP History

• Ethel Percy Andrus • Dr. Andrus then focused founded the her efforts on issues facing Retired Teachers ALL retired Americans Association at 41 years • AARP was founded in 1958 old • Dr. Andrus recruited and • The National Retired was supported by the Teachers Association energy, efforts, and (NRTA) was established commitment of many subsequently and is still volunteers apart of AARP today Who We Are AARP has the second largest membership in the country

38+ million members nationally: > 1.1 million in North Carolina.

Offices in 50 states, Washington, D.C., , and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Governed by a 23-member volunteer Board of Directors.

AARP 3 AARP Mission and Vision

AARP Vision AARP Mission A society in which everyone AARP is dedicated to ages with dignity and enhancing the quality of life purpose, and in which AARP for all as we age. We lead helps people fulfill their positive social change and goals and dreams. deliver value to members through advocacy, service, and information. One AARP

Goal 1: Goal 2: Increase relevance to Lead as a nationally people 50+ so that they can Increase recognized thought live their lives fully – to Relevance leader, trusted resource take advantage of + and advocate for social opportunities, cope Shape and change, shaping and with challenges, and Transform transforming society to fulfill their goals and Society effectively respond to dreams in society demographic, cultural and economic shifts Ways We Accomplish Our Work


Information /Education Member Engagement/ Community Service

6 AARP Public Policy Institute

AARP 7 Increasing our Social Impact

•Caregiving •Brain health Health Security •A healthier lifestyle •Independence & dignity

•Retirement savings plans Financial •Social Security •Fraud protection Resilience •Tax Aide

•Disrupt Aging Personal •Driver Safety •Connecting digitally Fulfillment • Travel, Discounts, Volunteerism

8 What We Do

Older Workers in a Digital Age AARP 9 What We Do: Services and Classes

>AARP Driver Safety >AARP Foundation Tax-Aide

AARP 10 What We Do

> Advocacy – we stand up for our members and people 50+ • Leading efforts to strengthen Social Security, Prescription Drug Costs, and Medicaid for current and future generations; • Working to make North Carolina a better place for people to age • Focusing locally on livable and Age- Friendly communities.

AARP 11 What We DO NOT Do

> Sell AARP memberships > Sell or - even promote - AARP endorsed products or services > Endorse candidates > Contribute to partisan political campaigns or Political Action Committees (PACs)

AARP does NOT have a Political Action Committee (PAC) and does not endorse or finance any political candidates or parties AARP 12 www.AARP.org/nc Facebook.com/AARPNC @AARPNC