別添 4 OIFMC category

Marshallese Mole- Muramur Jera (Large size) Jato Scientific name Siganus argenteus Siganus punctatus Sargocentron spinifera Lutjanus gibbus English common name Streamlined spinefoot Goldspotted spinefoot Sabre squirrelfish Humpback red snapper A

y Japanese name ハナアイゴ ブチアイゴ トガリエビス ヒメフエダイ (Rabit fish) go r

t e Purchase price : $1.35/lb. a

C Sales price : $2.50/lb. (Red snappers) Purchase price : $1.25/lb. Sales price : $2.50/lb.

Marshallese Bwilak Kwi Bejrok Mon Scientific name Naso lituratus Acathurus lineatus Kyphosus cinerascens Myripristis berndti English common name Orangespine unicornfish Lined surgeonfish Blue sea chub Blotcheye soldierfish B

y Japanese name ミヤコテングハギ ニジハギ テンジクイサキ アカマツカサ (Groupers) go r

t e Purchase price : $1.25/lb. a

C Sales price : $2.50/lb. (Others) Purchase price : $1.05/lb. Sales price : $2.00/lb.

Marshallese Moonkeden Jera (Medium size) Lool Aotak Scientific name Sargocentron spinifera Crenimugil crenilabis Liza vaigiensis English common name Sabre squirrelfish Fringelip mullet Squeatail mullet B

y Japanese name トガリエビス フウライボラ オニボラ (Groupers) go r

t e Purchase price : $1.25/lb. a

C Sales price : $2.50/lb. Black colored soldierfish (Others) Purchase price : $1.05/lb. Sales price : $2.00/lb.

Marshallese Lojebjeb Walolo Kuro Jauwe (under#5) Scientific name Epinephelus maculatus Variola louti Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Plectropomus areolatus English common name Highfin grouper Yellowedged lyretail Brown-marbled grouper Squaretail coral grouper B

y Japanese name シロブチハタ バラハタ アカマダラハタ オオアオノメハタ (Groupers) go r

t e Purchase price : $1.25/lb. a

C Sales price : $2.50/lb. (Others) Purchase price : $1.05/lb. Sales price : $2.00/lb.

Marshallese Mone Kuban Jo Jome Scientific name Naso unicornis Acanthurus triostegus Mulloidichthys vanicolensis English common name Bluespine unicornfish Canvict tang Yellowfin goatfish C

y Japanese name テングハギ シマハギ アカヒメジ go r t e

a Purchase price : $0.85/lb.

C Small goatfish with yellow Sales price : $1.85/lb. strip.

Marshallese Matal Dijin Bonej Jej Scientific name Parupeneus barberinus Lethrinus obsoletus Lutjanus vitta Lutjanus fulviflamma English common name Dash-and-dot goatfish Orange striped emperor Brownstripe snapper Dory snapper C

y Japanese name オスジヒメ タテシマフエフキ タテフエダイ ニセクロホシフエダイ go r t e

a Purchase price : $0.85/lb. C Sales price : $1.85/lb.

Marshallese Jetar Berak Mejmej Mojani Scientific name Lutjanus russellii Lethrinus erythracathus Monotaxis grandoculis English common name Bluelined snapper Longfin emperor Humpnose big-eye bream C

y Japanese name ヨコシマフエフキ? ヨコシマクロダイ go r t e

a Purchase price : $0.85/lb. C Sales price : $1.85/lb. ?

Australian National Fish Collection, CSIRO

Marshallese Net Jalia Rewa Ikbwij Scientific name Lethrinus miniatus Lethrinus olivaceus papuensis Caranx sexfasciatus English common name Trumpet emperor Long-nose emperor Brassy trevally Bigeye trevally C

y Japanese name アマミフエフキ キツネフエフキ オニヒラアジ ギンガメアジ go r t e

a Purchase price : $0.85/lb. C Sales price : $1.85/lb.

Jean -Lou Justine Richard C. Wass Larry Basch Marshallese Loom Jauwe (#6-10) Momo Boklim Scientific name Aprion virescens Plectopomus areolatus Epinephelus spilotoceps Epinephelus cyanopodus English common name Green jobfish Squaretail coral grouper Foursaddle grouper Speckled blue grouper C

y Japanese name アオチビキ オオアオノメハタ クラカケハタ ツチホゼり go r t e a Purchase price : $0.85/lb. C Sales price : $1.85/lb.

Richard C.C WSIROass JeanLarry-Lo Buasch Justine

Marshallese Bataklaj Bekdu Ek in ae Ek pa Scientific name Naso brevirostris Acanthurus mata Nasso hexacanthus Macolor macularis English common name spotted unicornfish blue-lined surgeonfish. Midnight snapper D

y Japanese name ツマリテングハギ オスジクロハギ ホホスジタルミ go r t e a Purchase price : $???/lb. C Sales price : $1.50/lb. ?

Richard C. Wass Giuseppe Mazza

Marshallese Lol Lojebetaktak AtkadRuichard C. Wass Jilo JeanLarry-Lo Buasch Justine Scientific name Priacanthus hamrur Aphareus rutilans Polydactylus sexfilis Gymnosarda unicolor English common name Moontail bullseye Rusty jobfish Sixfinger threadfin Dogtooth tuna D

y Japanese name ホウセキキントキ オオグチイシチビキ ナンヨウアゴナシ イソマグロ go r t e a Purchase price : $???/lb. C Sales price : $1.50/lb.

Richard C. Wass http://fishesofaustralia.net.au/home/species/5117

Marshallese Mera Ek mouj Kobat Ikaidik Scientific name Chlorurus sordidus Hipposcarus longiceps Acanthurus xanthopterus Elagatis bipinnulata English common name Bullethead parrotfish Pacific longnose parrotfish Yellowfin surgeonfish Rainbow runner E

y Japanese name ハゲブダイ キツネブダイ クロハギ ツムブリ go r t e a Purchase price : $0.65/lb. C Sales price : $1.25/lb.

Giuseppe Mazza

Richard C. Wass Marshallese Lojabwil Jojo Jauwe (over #11) Bati Scientific name Katsuwonus pelamis Cheilopogon unicolor Plectropomus areolatus Selar crumenophthalmus English common name Skipjack tuna Limpidwing flyingfish Squaretail coral grouper Bigeye scad E

y Japanese name カツオ オオナツトビ オオアオノメハタ メアジ go r t e a Purchase price : $0.65/lb. C Sales price : $1.25/lb.

Marshallese Kweet/Octopus Wor/Lobster Mejen wod Rimouj Scientific name Callistoctopus sp. Panulirus sp. Tridacna maxima Hippopus sp. English common name Octopus Spiny Lobster Elongated giant clam Hippopus giant clam

s Japanese name タコ類 イセエビ類 シラナミガイ シャゴウ/ミガキシャゴウ r th e O

Marshallese Kabour Scientific name Tridacna gigas English common name True giant clam

s Japanese name オオシャコガイ r th e O

https://www.hakaimagazine.com/videos -visuals/raising-giants/

Marshallese Ilmok Jeblo Ael Scientific name Gerres baconensis Lutjanus fulvus Acanthurus gahhm English common name Scaly snouted silver-biddy Blacktail snapper Black surgeonfish オガサワラクロサギ オキフエダイ asa bl e Japanese name h c r on -p u N

Jack Randall 参考文献

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Population structure patterns of a common echinoid (Tripneustes gratilla elatensis). Israel J Zool 34: 191204. 19) 沖縄県水産試験場 (1982) 大規模増殖漁場開発事業調査報告書. 昭和 53~54 年度. pp 50 20) 島袋新功 (1988) シラヒゲウニ. 諸喜田茂充(編著)サンゴ礁城の増養殖. 緑書房. 東京. 299-313 21) C. Morris, S. Bala, G. R. South, J. Lako, M. Lober, T. Simos (2014) Supply chain and marketing of sea grapes, Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh (Chlorophyta: Caulerpaceae) in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. J Appl Phycol. 26. 783-789 22) Judith Klein, Marc Verlaque. (2008) Review The Caulerpa racemosa invasion: A critical review. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 205-225 23) E. COPPEJANS, MARINE ALGAE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA (MADANG PROV.) 2. A REVICED AND COMPLETED LIST OF CAULERPA (CHLOROPHYTA-CAULERPALES), BLUMEA 36 (1992) 383-410 24) Amado S. Tolentino Jr. (2007) Wetland Cultural Heritage in the Pacific, International Review for Environmental Strategies Vol. 7, No. 1, 155-162 25) South, G.R., Morris, C., Bala, S. & Lober, M. 2012. Value adding and supply chain development for and aquaculture products in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga: Scoping study for Caulerpa (Sea grapes). Suva, Fiji: Institute of Marine Resources, School of Marine Studies, FSTE, USP. IMR Technical Report 03/2012. pp 19. 26) Richards, A. (1993) Cook Islands Fisheries Resources Profiles. Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency: Research and Information Division and Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources. FFA Report 93/25 63-65 27) 久高潤, 堀井亨, 泉一郎, 久保弘文, 紫波俊介, 平良勝也, 仁平稔, 岡野祥, 喜屋武向子, 玉那覇康二.(2011) 海ぶどうの清浄化方法の開発. 沖縄県衛生環境研究報第 45 号 28) 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ) 29) 圦本達也 (2002) 藻食性魚類の漁獲・利用の事例 水産工学 Vol.39 No.1, 37-40 30) McLachlan, J. and Bird, C.J. (1986). Gracilaria (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) and productivity. Aquat. Bot., 26, 27-49 15) VaïtilingonD, Rasolofonirina R, Jangoux M. 2005. Reproductive cycle of edible echinoderms 31) 寺田竜太, 能登谷正浩 (2001) 生活史と生長特性 「オゴノリの利用と展望」(寺田竜太, from the Southwestern Indian Ocean. I. Tripneustes gratilla L. (Echinoidea, Echinodermata). 能登谷正浩, 大野正夫編), 恒星社厚生閣, 東京, 25-36 Western Indian Ocean J Mar Sci 4 (1): 47-60. 16) Radjab AW. 1997. Pertumbuhan dan reproduksi bulubabi Tripneustes gratilla di perairan Tamedan, Maluku Tenggara. Prosiding Seminar Kelautan LIPI-UNHAS ke 1. Ambon, Maret 1998. 17) Dafni J. 1992. Growth rate of the sea urchin Tripneustes gratilla elatensis. Israel J Zool 38: 25- 33. 18) Dafni J, Tobol R. 1986. Population structure patterns of a common Red sea echinoid (Tripneustes gratilla elatensis). Israel J Zool 34: 191204. 19) 沖縄県水産試験場 (1982) 大規模増殖漁場開発事業調査報告書. 昭和 53~54 年度. pp 50 20) 島袋新功 (1988) シラヒゲウニ. 諸喜田茂充(編著)サンゴ礁城の増養殖. 緑書房. 東京. 299-313 21) C. Morris, S. Bala, G. R. South, J. Lako, M. Lober, T. Simos (2014) Supply chain and marketing of sea grapes, Caulerpa racemosa (Forsskål) J. Agardh (Chlorophyta: Caulerpaceae) in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga. J Appl Phycol. 26. 783-789 22) Judith Klein, Marc Verlaque. (2008) Review The Caulerpa racemosa invasion: A critical review. Marine Pollution Bulletin 56 205-225 23) E. COPPEJANS, MARINE ALGAE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA (MADANG PROV.) 2. A REVICED AND COMPLETED LIST OF CAULERPA (CHLOROPHYTA-CAULERPALES), BLUMEA 36 (1992) 383-410 24) Amado S. Tolentino Jr. (2007) Wetland Cultural Heritage in the Pacific, International Review for Environmental Strategies Vol. 7, No. 1, 155-162 25) South, G.R., Morris, C., Bala, S. & Lober, M. 2012. Value adding and supply chain development for fisheries and aquaculture products in Fiji, Samoa and Tonga: Scoping study for Caulerpa (Sea grapes). Suva, Fiji: Institute of Marine Resources, School of Marine Studies, FSTE, USP. IMR Technical Report 03/2012. pp 19. 26) Richards, A. (1993) Cook Islands Fisheries Resources Profiles. Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency: Research and Information Division and Cook Islands Ministry of Marine Resources. FFA Report 93/25 63-65 27) 久高潤, 堀井亨, 泉一郎, 久保弘文, 紫波俊介, 平良勝也, 仁平稔, 岡野祥, 喜屋武向子, 玉那覇康二.(2011) 海ぶどうの清浄化方法の開発. 沖縄県衛生環境研究報第 45 号 28) 日本大百科全書(ニッポニカ) 29) 圦本達也 (2002) 藻食性魚類の漁獲・利用の事例 水産工学 Vol.39 No.1, 37-40 30) McLachlan, J. and Bird, C.J. (1986). Gracilaria (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta) and productivity. Aquat. Bot., 26, 27-49