ARADHANA of the heart Year 2 Issue 2 Mar/Apr 2013

Rikhiapeeth, Rikhia, Deoghar, Jharkhand, India

Editor: Rikhiapeeth, Assistant Editors: Printed and Published by Owned by Printed at © Rikhiapeeth 2012 ARADHANA Yoga of the heart is a bi-monthly journal for free distribution.

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2 Sure Steps to Spiritual Life 3 Glory of Ram Naam 6 Freedom 11 God’s Form 16 - Source of Knowledge 20 26 Sat Chandi Mahayajna and Yoga Purnima 32 Satsang 40 Àã½ã ¶ãã½ã ‡ãŠã ½ãÖ㦽¾ã 44 Àã½ãÞããäÀ¦ã-½ãã¶ãÔã ¾ããñØã ‡ãŠãè ‚ãÊãâ‡ãŠããäÀ‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªóãäÍã‡ãŠã 47 ¼ããä§ãŠ ‚ããõÀ Ñããè Àã½ã 50 ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãÔãâØãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã Ôã¦ÔãâØã 54 ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã Ôã¦ÔãâØã

Aradhana Invocation ªñÌã㶼ããÌã¾ã¦ãã¶ãñ¶ã ¦ãñ ªñÌãã ¼ããÌã¾ã¶¦ãì Ìã: ý ¹ãÀÔ¹ãÀâ ¼ããÌã¾ã¶¦ã: Ñãñ¾ã: ¹ãÀ½ãÌãã¹Ô¾ã©ã ýý 3:11 nourish, strengthen and empower the Devas, they in turn empower us. Strengthening and nourishing each other in this way, both attain shreya, prosperity. –Sure Steps to Spiritual Life–

Be Kind A kind man is disposed to do good to others. He is benevolent. He is good- natured, sympathetic, friendly, tender, accommodating and amicable. A kind man wins the hearts of others. Kindness is the cheapest of all things. Exercise of kindness does not involve much trouble and joy. Speak kind and sweet words. Cheer up a man in distress.

Kindness is a grace very near the likeness of God. Any act of benevolence which promotes the happiness or welfare of others is kindness. A kind man wins the hearts of others.

A kind look, a kind word, a kind act, a friendly smile, all cost nothing but bring to others happiness which money cannot buy. They are priceless in their value.

He who entertains kind thoughts is ever calm and cheerful. Kind Kindness is like a healing balm. It soothes suffering. Kindness is the language the deaf can hear and the dumb understand.

Cultivate kindness. Be kind to all. You will soon attain God- realisation. —Swami Sivananda

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 2 Mar/Apr 2013 Glory of Ram Naam Swami

What is that thing which is superior even to Rama? It is Ram Naam. How? said to Sri Rama: “O My Lord, there is something superior to !ee.” Sri Rama was quite astonished. He asked Hanuman: “What is that thing, O Hanuman, which is superior to Me?” Hanuman replied: “Prabhu, you had crossed the river with the help of a boat. But I crossed the ocean with the help of the power and strength of your name alone. So your name is indeed superior to you.” Mahatma Gandhi said: “You must learn to take the name of Rama with full devotion and faith. When you study the , you will learn from Tulasidas the divine power of that blessed name. You might ask me why I tell you to use the word Rama and not one of the many other names of the Creator. True, His names are as many as and more than the leaves on the banyan tree and I might for instance ask you to use the word God. But what meaning, what associations would it have for you? In order to enable you to feel anything when repeating the word God, I would have to teach you some English. I would have to explain to you the thoughts and association of foreigners. But in telling you to repeat the name of Rama, I am giving you a name worshipped since the beginning of time by the people of this land, a name familiar to the very animals and birds, the very stones of Hindustan through so many thousands of years. You all know the story of Ahalya? No, I see you don’t. But you will soon

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 3 Mar/Apr 2013 learn it when you study the Ramayana. You will learn how a stone by the roadside sprang to life at the touch of Rama’s foot as he passed by. You must learn to repeat the blessed Name of Rama with sweetness and such devotion that the birds and beasts will pause for a moment to listen to you; the very trees will bend their leaves towards you, Lord Ram stirred by the divine melody of that Name. And when you are able to do this, I tell you, I will come all the way on foot from Bombay as on a pilgrimage to hear you. In His sweet Name lies a power which can cure all our ills.” Kamal got a severe scolding from his father for prescribing Ram Naam for a rich merchant to be repeated twice for curing leprosy. Kamal asked the merchant to repeat Ram Naam twice and yet he was not cured of this dire disease. Kabir was very much annoyed and told Kamal: “You have brought disgrace on my family by asking the merchant to repeat Ram Naam twice. Repetition of Ram Naam only once is quite su!cient. Now beat the merchant severely with a stick on his head. Ask him to stand in the Ganga and repeat Ram Naam once from the very bottom of his heart.” Kamal followed the instructions of his father and gave a good thrashing on the head of the merchant who began to bleed profusely. He then repeated Ram Naam once only with bhava from the very core of his being and was completely cured of his disease. Kabir sent Kamal to Tulasidas. Tulasidas wrote Ram Naam on a tulsi leaf and sprinkled the juice over "ve hundred lepers. All were cured. Kamal was quite astonished. #en Kabir sent Kamal to Surdas. Surdas asked Kamal to bring the corpse that was $oating in the river. Surdas repeated ‘Ra’ only once (not the full name Rama) in one ear of the corpse and it was brought back to life. Kamal’s heart was "lled with awe and wonder. Such is the power of God’s Name. My dear friends,

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 4 Mar/Apr 2013 my educated college youths, my dear barristers, professors, doctors and judges, don’t be pu!ed up with false, worthless college learning. Repeat the Name of the Lord with bhava and prem from the very bottom of your hearts with all your beings and realise the supreme bliss, knowledge, peace and immortality right now, this very second. Kabir says: “If anyone utters Ram Naam even in dream, I would like to make a pair of shoes out of my skin for his daily use.” Who can describe the glory of God’s Name? Who can really comprehend the greatness and splendour of the holy Names of the Lord? Even Lord ’s consort, failed to describe in adequate terms the very true signi"cance and grandeur of God’s Name. When one sings His Name or hears it sung, he is unconsciously raised to sublime spiritual heights. He loses his body-consciousness. He is immersed in joy and drinks deep the divine nectar of immortality. He gets divine intoxication. Repetition of God’s Name enables the devotee to feel the Divine Presence, the Divine Glory and the Divine consciousness within himself and also everywhere. How sweet is Hari’s Name! How powerful is God’s Name! What an amount of joy and peace and strength it brings to one who repeats His Name! Blessed indeed are those who repeat God’s Name for they will be freed from the wheel of birth and death and attain Param Ananda and immortality.

Sat Chandi Mahayajna, 2012

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 5 Mar/Apr 2013 Freedom Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Freedom is your birthright. Freedom is immortality. Freedom is knowledge, peace and bliss. Consciously or unconsciously, wittingly or unwittingly, everyone is trying to !nd this freedom, whether it is nations !ghting on the battle!eld or a thief a"er freedom from want. Every movement of your feet is towards freedom. #ere is an innate urge in everyone to become independent. No one likes to be guided by the wishes

Swami Sivananda – eternally free of others. You have such a feeling and desire because you are the immortal soul, or atman, which has no rival, which is the inner ruler, which is the support for the whole universe. In reality, you are this atman. In every heart there is the desire for freedom, this all-consuming passion for liberty. Freedom is the very nature of the eternally free soul. Freedom is an attribute of the soul. It is born with you. No force, no known human device, can suppress that desire. Freedom’s $ame is ever burning bright. , or freedom, is the ultimate goal. People have become a slave of the body, senses, mind, creature comforts, food and fashion. Freedom is liberation from the thraldom of mind and matter. Liberty of speech is not freedom. Liberty of thought is not freedom. To move about aimlessly is not freedom. To do just as one likes is not freedom. To have plenty is not freedom. To have a comfortable living is not freedom. To possess immense wealth is not

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 6 Mar/Apr 2013 freedom. To conquer nations is not freedom. To shirk responsibility is not freedom. To renounce the world is not freedom. Material independence will not give you perfect happiness. Bread and jam cannot give you real happiness. !ese little things of the world cannot give you eternal joy. Real freedom is freedom from birth and death, freedom from the bonds of , freedom from attachment to the body, freedom from egoism and desires, freedom from thoughts, likes and dislikes, freedom from lust, anger, greed. Real freedom is identi"cation with the supreme Self. Real freedom is merging in the Absolute. Freedom is in detachment, in desirelessness, in mindlessness. Eradication and extinction of desires lead to the sublime state of supreme bliss and perfect freedom. You have created your own bondage through your desires, attachments, egoism and cravings, and you cry for emanci pation. Attachment is the most powerful weapon of . You would never come into this world if you had no attachments. !e "rst attachment starts with the physical body. !en all other attachments crop up. !e identi"cation of the Self with the body is extended to those who are connected with the body, such as wife, son, house, father, mother, sister, and cares increase a hundredfold. You will have to take care of all these people. !ere is absolutely no end to these cares

Sri Swamiji showering his blessings

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 7 Mar/Apr 2013 and worries. Just as the silkworm and the spider create a web for their own destruction out of their own saliva, so also man creates these cares and worries for his own destruction out of his own ignorance.

!e play of the mind !e mind is the cause of both bondage and salvation. !e mind has two aspects, discriminative and imaginative. Discrimination releases the mind from bondage and attains moksha. Imagination binds the mind to the world. !e mind binds you to this world. Where there is no mind, there is no bondage. When there is no I or egoism, there is liberation. When there is I or egoism, there is bondage, or birth and death. It is bondage when the mind is attached to an object or a sense organ, and liberation when the mind is not attach ed. It is bondage when the mind desires or grieves over anything, rejects or accepts, feels angry or happy at anything. It is liberation when the mind does not desire or reject or accept, or feel happy or angry. Emancipation is release from the bondage of Swami Satyananda, 1976 ego and its desire, and from sensual cravings. !e mind forms a bridge between matter and pure spirit. Cross the bridge. Control the mind. You will gain liberation. You will be free from the trammels of births and deaths. !e di"erentiations such as ‘I’, ‘you’, ‘he’, ‘she’ will vanish. All tribulations, annoyances, miseries and grief will cease. One who has conquered the mind can do anything. He can move about wherever he likes. He is as free as the atmospheric air. His happiness, freedom and peace are unbounded.

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 8 Mar/Apr 2013 Know your real, divine nature. Come out of this earthly rut. You are lions, not sheep. You are real emperors, not beggars. You are children of God, not weaklings tied to this perishable earth. You think of your body, food, family, children, friends, but you do not turn your mind inward to !nd out what lies within yourself. You think that your body - this bundle of "esh and bones - is real, and on this basis you build the whole citadel of life’s ambition and activities. You have mistaken the shadow for the substance. You are contented with super!cial things. #ough you are endowed with the power of thought, you do not wish to utilize this power in quest of the immortal Self. You have abandoned the precious jewel of atman, and caught hold of a broken piece of glass. Is this not a foolish act? Recognize and realize your real, divine nature. On account of ignorance, you have mistaken the body for atman, and you try to have no rivals in the physical body, in business, in college, in games or any !eld of activity. By realizing the atman you become the supreme ruler or absolute monarch of the whole universe. #erefore, realize this wonderful atman and become a veritable, mighty potentate of the three worlds.

Satsang during Yoga Purnima, 2012

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 9 Mar/Apr 2013 Aradhana during Falgun – February Shivaratri 10th March 2013

You see the most important thing you have to remember is that if you want to get out of this level of consciousness in which you are, then you have to use some such means which will have a direct effect on the inner force, and that inner force is called Shiva. This is the philosophy about Shivalingam. That is why concentration and meditation on Shivalingam are considered very important, because it can explode the inner source of awareness evolution of man is stored. —Swami Satyananda Saraswati

The 14th night of the new moon in the dark fortnight during the month of Falgun is known as Shivaratri, the night of Shiva. On this day worship of Lord Shiva is most propitious as on this night we celebrate the union of Shiva and Parvati, the Cosmic Father and Mother. —Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Shiva Aradhana On Shivaratri chant Ramacharitamanas from Balkand doha 70 to 116 as these verses glorify the wedding of Shiva and Parvati. Worship the Shivalingam by offering bel leaves and ganga jal while chanting the mantra Namah Shivaya 108 times. Perform havan of Shiva Sahasra Namavali, the 1000 names of Shiva in the evening. On this day worship Lord Shiva as well as Mother Parvati with prayers and as on this day we remember the cosmic union and how can there be a wedding if there is only a groom and no bride! —Swami Satyasangananda Saraswati

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 10 Mar/Apr 2013 God’s Form Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Swami Satyananda, 1997

God has two forms, transcendental and immanent. God is beyond everything, beyond time, space and matter, and God is present in all beings. We have to accept both concepts of God, not just the transcendental. God is transcendental, beyond name, form and boundary, but there is another form of God which is immanent. !e immanent form is everywhere, in everything. If you serve a tree, you are serving God. If you serve the land, you are serving God. If you purify a river, you are serving God. If you purify the atmosphere, you are serving God. If you help the needy, you are serving God. !en we have the transcendental God also in Hare Rama, Hare Rama. !e realisation of God must become a total experience, not a partial one. In the Bhagavad Gita while showing Arjuna His universal form, Lord said: “Behold, O Arjuna, all My forms by the hundreds and thousands, of di"erent sorts, divine and of various colours and shapes. Behold the Adityas, the Vasus, the , the two Ashvins and also the Maruts; behold many wonders never seen before, O

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 11 Mar/Apr 2013 Arjuna. Now behold in my body the whole universe centred in one, including the moving and the unmoving and whatever else you desire to see.” All living beings in this world are part of God, part of the one form in which God has manifested Himself. !e happy ones, the unhappy ones, the trees, the animals are all a part of Him. If you want to realise God, then try to know not only the transcendental God, but also the God who lives in every living being and also in non-living things. Only then can you know Him fully. Just knowing a part of Him is not enough. You should know Him totally and in all His forms. God is always with you. Nothing is di"cult for Him, only He should be convinced that you are totally honest in whatever you are thinking and doing. God exists in many forms, from the microbe to the towering tree, from the limited mind to the universal mind. God is in the person who needs your help. God is in the animal who needs your protection. People who are dedicated to spiritual life, who think God is their life, must come to serve the forms of God. All the people around you who are su#ering, unhappy, naked and $oundering in darkness are all di#erent forms of God. You cannot ignore that form of God which is immanent and all pervading. You cannot just go running a%er the transcendental God. God has a form but He is formless too. Why can’t a formless entity have form? Clay does not have a form of its own, but whatever form you give it becomes its form. Gold has no form of its own. You can make gold into a bracelet. You give it a form, sakara, and a name, but neither is the form of gold. Just as gold is formless, God is also formless. We may have depicted Him as Rama and Krishna, but it is not incorrect to also say that He is formless, nirakara. Navaratri, 2012

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 12 Mar/Apr 2013 God exists in all forms. You may see God in the form of a serpent, or , the goddess, or a hideous , or Bala Mukunda, the beautiful child Krishna, or Sri Rama with bow in hand. You may see God in any form. You can worship God in whatever form you wish, and that very form will appear before you. As Tulasidas says in Ramacharitamanas, “Everyone visualised in the Lord the re!ection of his own emotional disposition.” Nothing that exists in this world is "ction, everything Sri Swamiji performing the sacred rudrabhishek, Shivarati 2008 is reality. I speak on the basis of my experience. God is our friend who always works for our well-being. We are the ones who forget Him. Swami Sivananda used to sing this by Mahatma Binduji. I have entrusted all the responsibilities of my life to you, O Lord, now my upli#ment or downfall depends on you. I never remember you, still you never abandon me. I am mischievous, still you are my benefactor. $e di%erence between you and me is that I am Nara and you are Narayana. I am in the clutches of the world Which is under your rule. Trying to sail over the ocean of separation I am suspended in mid-journey, Yet I am con"dent because the rudder is in your hands. God exists and He remains always with us like a friend. Swami Sivananda used to say, “God is the breath of the breath, of the

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 13 Mar/Apr 2013 , and the life of lives. God is my reality. !is is the only truth in life.”

What should be the goal or purpose of life? Many people remain insulated due to narrow-mindedness and due to maya, so the electricity does not "ow through them. If we remove the insulation, then the power of God will begin "owing through us. Swami Sivananda had a favourite bhajan that he always used to sing. In earth, water, #re, air and ether is Ram. In the heart, mind, prana and senses is Ram. In the breath, blood, nerves and brain is Ram. In sentiment, thought, word and action is Ram. Within is Ram, without is Ram In front is Ram, behind is Ram. Above is Ram, below is Ram To the right is Ram, to the le$ is Ram Everywhere is Ram. Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Refuge, solace, path, Lord, witness is Ram. Father, mother, friend, relative, Guru is Ram. Support, source, centre, ideal, God is Ram. Creator, preserver, destroyer, redeemer is Ram. Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram Ram !e ultimate goal of one and all is Ram. Attainable through shraddha, prem and worship is Ram. Accessible to devotion and surrender is Ram. Approachable by prayer, and is Ram. Hosanna to Ram, glory to Ram, victory to Ram. Adorations to Ram, salutations to Ram, Prostrations to Ram. Om Sri Ram, Jaya Ram, Jaya Jaya Ram. !is song was not only the experience of Swami Sivananda. Every saint has expressed the same sentiment – God is my friend, my breath, my life. When love for God becomes so deep and intense we are able to see God everywhere, just as a lover sees his beloved

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 14 Mar/Apr 2013 everywhere. In you, in me, in everybody, the glory of God is visible everywhere. Experiencing that, I also become that. Wherever you look, you see Rama. To experience that is the purpose of life. All other activities like study, service, ful!lling desires, rearing children, keeping accounts, have to be done, but all that is maya. What is God? How can I communicate with Him? If I am He, how can I realise it? "at thought should be constantly in our mind. If we are part of God, how can we experience it? We have forgotten that we are a part of Him. "is realisation is the goal of life. Other things are not the real purpose of life because they will all end. "is is just a game of the ego in which we are all involved. Everybody has to live in the world. "e world is like a pool of mud. You can choose to live like the lotus or like the worm, but at any rate you will have to live in this pool of mud.

The name of Sri Rama is sweeter than the sweetest objects. It is the haven of peace. It is the very life of pure souls. With knowledge or without knowledge, correctly or incorrectly, when the word Rama is pronounced, it showers a rain of good on the devotee. —Swami Sivananda Saraswati

Kanyas of Rikhia performing Sri Vidya

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 15 Mar/Apr 2013 Rama - Source of Knowledge Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Swami Satyananda during Ramayan aarti, Sat Chandi Mahayajna 2006

Some people say that Sri Rama was just the hero of a poet's imagination. No wise person should pay heed to such statements. Not everything that we know has archaeological evidence. Can you provide evidence of where your !"eenth grandfather lived? We do not even know about our current grandfather! Archaeological research has its own place. It is a science and we respect that science. However, to assess the history of a place through the limited means of archaeology is not correct. Knowledge of the past comes through stories, dances, traditions and folklore. You may deny something only when everything about it is known, when you can say with con!dence, "Yes, I know that it is wrong." Do not deny that which you do not know, which you have not studied, investigated or immersed your mind in. How do you know that Rama never existed? I know that he existed because I have studied all about him in detail.

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 16 Mar/Apr 2013 Ancestral !gureheads To say that Rama is not a historical truth is akin to denying an entire culture. A !gure who has been worshipped for millions of years cannot be dismissed. "e object that gives you joy is always worth worshipping. "e person who shows you the way is always worth worshipping. "e !gure that people can bring to mind without fear is always worth worshipping. I am not saying all this because Rama was a god. I am speaking about Rama because he was my ancestor. I am using the singular tense, 'my' ancestor, because I was born in the race, in the Ikshvaku lineage. "e Ikshvaku dynasty is a solar dynasty, later it became the Raghu dynasty, in which Rama was born. When I was born, the !rst mantra that my mother whispered in my ear was a Rama mantra. Not because Rama was the name of a god, but because Rama was the name of a very in#uential ancestor of mine. "e term Ramarajya, perfect reign, has been coined a$er his name. Rama is not only my god, but also my ancestor. He became my god later. Rama is the ancestor of this sannyasin. To remember our ancestors is our . Why do we perform shraaddha, or the ceremonies in honour of the departed souls, for our father, grandfather or great-grandfather? We respect our ancestors, that is why we have the tradition of shraaddha. We do it to remember them. Non-acceptance or denial of our ancestors, is wrong whether or not we have evidence for their existence. If you cannot produce any proof of your grandfather's existence, will you deny that he existed? No. We cannot deny our ancestors. It is a di%erent matter that we consider Rama a god, that is our sentiment. But ancestry is a reality. "is is the truth, and you cannot deny this truth. If you begin to deny your ancestors, then what is your identity?

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 17 Mar/Apr 2013 Kanyas of Rikhia worshipping Guru, Yoga Purnima 2012

It is a very important duty to remember our ancestors because in this way, history, society, traditions and customs are preserved. From the social point of view, many things are associated with ancestry. My guru was a Shaiva. When the time for mantra diksha came, he asked me, "Do you worship any god or goddess?" I said, "When I was born, my mother gave me the Rama mantra." Swamiji said, "Okay, do one thing. Do japa of Om Namah Shivaya and think of Rama as your ishta devata." In this way, he divided me in two. My personal mantra was Om Namah Shivaya and my personal god was Sri Rama. !is division continued for several years. !en, one day, I learnt that Rama worships Shiva and Shiva worships Rama. So I wasn't doing anything wrong! I reached an agreement. From that day on, my mind was completely at rest.

Descent of avatars During the time of Jesus Christ, the emperor of India was Shaka Shalivahan, a"er whom the Shaka calendar was created. !ere are two accepted calendars in India – Vikram Samvat and Shaka Samvat. When the Shaka king ruled here, he had an encounter with Jesus Christ. !ere is written proof of this in the Bhavishya Purana where

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 18 Mar/Apr 2013 his dialogue with Jesus Christ has been penned. Shalivahan asked, "Who are you?" Jesus Christ replied, "I am the immaculate son of Mary." !e one who is born of the union of sperm and ovum is not immaculate. !e one who is born without the union of mother and father is immaculate. Jesus Christ was immaculate. He said this to Shalivahan. We should not lie about sages and God. What does it matter that Krishna had many queens! Should we say, “No, he did not have many queens.” What is true is true. God’s play is strange. A human being cannot understand it. When God is born in a particular age, he is born for the people of that age. Rama was born for the people of his age. A hundred thousand years later, Krishna was born for the people of his age. If God is born today, he will be born in the computer age. He will keep a mobile phone, too. It’s simple. Being God does not mean that he is a stupid person. Being God means that he has come with a special power. God assumes the form of an avatar in every age. In every age, God has a chief avatar, as well as anshavatars. However, his poornavatar comes only once in an age. Rama, who was my ancestor, was one of them. !at is why I am proud of him, I feel honoured that I was born in that tradition, and I feel that I should live by it. It is not necessary that Rama burnt Lanka or defeated it, killed Ravana, crossed the ocean or built the bridge across it, but what is important is that Rama was a person worthy of honour and worship. !erefore, the controversy should be removed from this subject.

A sadhaka should take Rama as a sakara purusha, a manifestation of God. ’s beautiful character should move our hearts and bring tears to our eyes. Our hearts should become softer and softer, more and more tender, and slowly we should merge in the formless. —Swami Satyananda Saraswati

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 19 Mar/Apr 2013 Navaratri Swami Niranjanananda Saraswati

Devi Aradhana during Ashwin Navaratri, 2012

Navaratri is one of the most ancient methods of recognizing the force, the , the power and wisdom of God. !ere has been much speculation about who or what God is. However, while everyone claims to speak the truth, very few can claim to see the truth. We all have a body but also inherent in the body is the force or shakti. Where does the strength come from when you have to win a 100 metre sprint, or need to li" a 100 kilos on your shoulders? !at strength is contained in the body. When the energy in the body is focused, it is recognized as strength. Similarly, when the energy of God is focused, when the three qualities of omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence are focused, what manifests at the point of focus is creation, shakti. Just as the coming together of the energy in your body is known as strength, similarly, the coming together of the shakti, the energy of God, is the expression of God’s focus. It is here that the motherly nature, the creatrix, is perceived as one of the multifaceted personalities of God. Being inherent in the body, this strength is therefore no di#erent to the body. So it is visualized as the life force, the life principle.

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 20 Mar/Apr 2013 !ere is a saying that God sleeps in minerals, opens the eyes in trees, walks in animals and thinks in human beings. So, if the God within us is wisdom, knowing when to step forward and when to step back, without arrogance, then by being that we can worship the cosmic nature, the Cosmic Mother. !e nine day of Navaratri is an age-old practice of worshipping the cosmic nature, the Cosmic Mother.

Rama and Navaratri Navaratri is also associated with Rama. Rama personified the highest ideals that an individual can attain. The story of Rama is contained in the Ramayana, written by , and the Ramacharitamanas, by Tulasidas. Rama was a historical figure, a reality which later became a myth. The story of Rama is a very simple one. He was born to a king who was old and had three wives. The king’s name was Dasharatha. Das means ‘ten’, rath means ‘chariot’, so Dasharatha means the chariot pulled by ten horses. Our bodies are that chariot and the ten horses are the ten senses. Within the body there are certain inherent desires. The spiritual traditions have classified human desires into three groups: lokeshana, the need for recognition, viteshana, the need for security, social, financial, etc., and uptreshana, the desire for progeny. So recognition, security and progeny are the three classifications of desires. Some people have one, some have two, some have all three, but there is something all the time. Swami Satyananda giving satsang, 1997

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 21 Mar/Apr 2013 Purnahuti, Sat Chandi Mahayajna 2012

!e birth of Rama In the body of King Dasharatha, the chariot pulled by ten horses, the desire for o!spring was predominant. So Dasharatha went to a , asking for the ful"lment of his desire, and the yogi performed a , which created the right ambience. As the outcome of the yajna, Rama was born to Dasharatha’s "rst wife, Kaushalya, who represents the sattwic nature. Bharata was born to the second wife, Kaikeyi, who represents the tamasic nature, and Lakshmana and Shatrughna, the twins, were born to the third wife, Sumitra, who represents the rajasic nature. #e body of the ten senses also has three wives - sattwa, rajas and tamas. When we are under the sway of a particular wife or husband, our responses become like that - sattwic, rajasic or tamasic. Rama was born from sattwa, Bharata from tamas, and Lakshmana and Shatrughna from rajas. #is is how the birth of Rama took place. #e pure consciousness will only come down in sattwa. In the course of time Rama married Sita. Rama represents the pure Self and Sita represents the individual self. #e marriage represents the union of the individual with the cosmic, with pure consciousness.

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 22 Jan/Feb 2013 !e exile of Rama King Dasharatha came under the sway of Kaikeyi, the tamasic wife, who wanted to send Rama into exile. Only tamas would want to send the pure consciousness away, because in the presence of pure consciousness tamas cannot exist. So Rama was sent into exile. !e pure consciousness is sent away from the body under the sway of tamas. When God leaves the body, who also leaves along with God? When the loved one leaves the room, the lover will also leave the room. So both Sita and Rama leave. Although the exile only applied to Rama, Sita decided she would not stay behind because she couldn’t live without Rama. So for a good thirteen years Rama and Sita had a great time in the forest. !e beloved and the lover, the pure Self and the individual self, were together consorting happily with each other. Now the king had to die, because the individual spirit had le", and tamas had overpowered the king. With the departure of that inherent God, the pure consciousness, and the individual consciousness, the body of the ten senses dies.

!e separation of Rama and Sita Meanwhile Rama and Sita were enjoying each other’s company in the forest, admiring each other and being happy with each other. Now, if these two are together, if the individual self, the con#ned, #nite self, is with the cosmic Self, how can there be creation? !e #nite self has to be brought back down to our level, into the body of the ten senses again. In order to achieve this the ten-headed monster named Dashanam appeared on the scene. Dashanam means ten heads. !e head represents the ego of the senses. !e ten heads are the #ve karmendriyas, the organs of action, and the #ve jnanendriyas, the organs of cognition. Each one has its own ego, so it is identi#ed as the ten heads. It is these indriyas or senses which now have to capture that individual self away from God. What was the object of attraction sent to lure Sita away? A golden deer. !e pure consciousness knows very well that, as God, it has created everything in the world except a golden deer. Rama knew that it was an illusion, that it was foul play. But Rama, the

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 23 Mar/Apr 2013 pure consciousness, also has to play a role which is known as lila. He indulges in this lila in order to manage the ego of the senses and also to upli! the positive qualities and create a balance. So he agrees to get the golden deer for Sita, the individual consciousness. As Rama went a!er the golden deer, the ten-headed monster, Ravana, came and captured Sita and took her to his city of Lanka. Lanka was a city of gold, which again represents ego. Sita was placed in a garden known as Ashoka vatika, the place where sadness can never enter. Where is the place of sadness in our body? "e heart. "e heart is considered to be the seat of the individual soul. In order to discover Sita again, Rama engaged two very important personalities. One was Hanuman, who represents devotion. In order to bring the individual consciousness back to the pure Self, devotion is required. is the last transformation in human life in order to experience the divine - bhakti in its purest form. "is is why Hanuman was the one who discovered Sita.

Rescuing Sita In order to rescue Sita, Rama went to Lanka, which indicates that the pure consciousness has come down to the level of the human experience. It is said that if God is at all hungry, he is only yearning and experiencing hunger for your sentiments. God is attained through devotion, though love, through the qualities of the heart. "erefore, the qualities of the heart have always been emphasized - be kind, be compassionate, be loving, be gentle. A #ght then took place between the ten-headed monster Ravana, the ego of the senses, and Rama, the pure consciousness. Although Rama chopped o$ the heads and the arms of this monster many times, Rama and Sita

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 24 Mar/Apr 2013 they all grew back. !en another personality, Vibhishana, the brother of Ravana, entered the scene. Where Ravana represents the rashness of the ego, Vibhishan represents , the discriminative ability of the intellect. It is this viveka, right wisdom, who tells Rama, the pure consciousness, that if he wants to kill that monster, it is no good just playing with the ten heads and arms as they will grow again. Instead he has to go to the source of their life. What is the source of life? Manipura chakra. A baby is connected to the mother’s body by the umbilical cord. Manipura chakra is also the seat of prana shakti, the life force, which is also very important centre in kriya yoga and . Prana is the source of all manifest creation. So Vibhishana tells Rama to dry up the source so that nothing will grow again. In the war, Rama shot an arrow into the navel of the monster Ravana and then shot ten arrows into Ravana’s ten heads. !e life force that is responsible for giving birth to each ego was destroyed, and the existing ego was destroyed. So Rama was able to reclaim Sita. According to the myth, the birth of Rama, the cosmic consciousness, takes place on Ramanavami, the ninth day of Chaitra Navaratri (Mar/Apr). On Vijaya Dashami, the last day of Ashwin Navaratri (Sep/Oct), Rama is victorious over Ravana, and he is able to reclaim and become one with the individual self. !ese two events are an indication of what we can aspire for. So Navaratri is connected with Rama as well as with Devi, the Cosmic Mother. Navaratri is an attempt to reconnect with the underlying reality within, to tune the individual consciousness with the cosmic consciousness, to redirect life towards the goal of positive evolution.

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 25 Mar/Apr 2013 Aradhana during Chaitra – April Chaitra Navaratri 11th–20th April 2013

spiritual. She is nothing but beauty, kindness and grace. She will never frown on us, but she will destroy all our negative qualities and all the dark forces if we worship her with faith and devotion. —Swami Satyananda Saraswati

Navaratri is a nine day aradhana of Devi. The word literally means ‘nine nights’. This festival is conducted twice a year, once in the month of Chaitra and then in Ashwin. The beginning of summer and the beginning of winter taken as sacred opportunities for the worship of the Divine Mother.

This intense sadhana spanning nine nights will be conducted at Rikhiapeeth from 11th to 20th April with aradhana, satsang, swadhaya and . It is a sacred opportunity to receive the grace of the Cosmic Mother and Lord Ram and clear obstacles on the spiritual path. During this anusthan the entire Ramacharitamanas will be chanted along with Devi aradhana including chanting of the most ancient and eminent text on tantra Saundarya Lahari. Navaratri Aradhana During these nine days immerse yourself in remembrance of Lord Ram, Devi and Guru. Through remembrance you can instantly connect with the powerful spiritual vibrations that emanate from Rikhiapeeth at this time. To participate in this powerful Navaratri sadhana at home you can chant the following daily: Selected verses of the Ramayana Saundarya Lahari: once or divided into parts. Tantroktam Devi Suktam 32 Names of Aim Hreem Kleem Om x 108

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 26 Mar/Apr 2013 Rama - Indweller of the heart

This life is spent without remembering God. What is the use of having a well without water, A bird without feathers? No use.

Which Rama do you worship? There is Rama – the indweller of the heart; Rama – the creator of the cosmos, sun, moon, stars; Rama – the transcendental. The surest, the easiest, the safest Is Rama – the indweller of the heart.

You have wasted your life without remembering God. Without remembering God’s name, you cannot get peace. God is immanent as well as transcendental. It is foolish to say, do not worship God with a form. I call Him Rama – the indweller of the heart.

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart —Swami27 Satyananda SaraswatiMar/Apr 2013 Sat Chandi Mahayajna 14th–18th December 2012 Yoga Purnima 24th–28th December 2012

!e 17th Sat Chandi Mahayajna saw the dawning of a new era at Rikhiapeeth as for the "rst time this sacred yajna was held at Ashram, the World Yoga University. !is Sat Chandi Mahayajna, extolled from the Vedic era, is an essential part of Swami Satyananda’s ongoing sadhana and it is His spiritual legacy to us. !e yajna was presided over by Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda and was dedicated to Paramguru Swami Sivananda whose 125th birthday was being celebrated throughout the world. Sat Chandi Mahayajna 2012 incorporated a new dimension as it was not only an aradhana but also a sadhana. As a feature, hundreds of delegates made the sankalpa to participate as pathis and joined with full faith and devotion in the multiple chantings of Durga Sapthashati and Devi Sahasranaam. As the renowned pandits from Varanasi chanted the 1000 names of Devi, each participant made o#erings of bhasma, kum kum, haldi, $owers and rice to their individual Sri Yantra. !e o#erings and devotion of each individual increased the potency of the yajna. !is extra-ordinary four day event enabled thousands of people from across India and around the globe to bask in the divine vibrations generated by the yajna and to partake in the cardinal teachings of Paramguru Swami Sivananda and Swami Satyananda of ‘Serve, Love

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 28 Mar/Apr 2013 and Give’. !e teachings came alive in a constant and generous stream of ‘giving’ in its many forms. ‘Giving’ of prasad to the multitudes of delegates and to each and every family of Rikhia panchayat. ‘Giving’ of nutritious and delicious prasad to over 5000 people three times a day at Annapurna Kshetram Kanya Kitchen. ‘Giving’ of sewing machines, cycle rickshaws, hand carts and cows to local villagers and bicycles to deserving kanyas. ‘Giving’ of wisdom and insights in the multiple satsangs of Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda. ‘Giving’ of untold blessings from the Cosmic forces which showered on all fortunate to attend. !e kanyas and batuks of Rikhiapeeth guided all aspects of the yajna including leading the spirited kirtans and extensive repertoire of ancient chantings. !eir innocence, purity and spontaneity captivated the audience and led them to new depths of devotion. !e kanyas enthralled audiences with their daily Mangal Nritya in the traditional Bharatnatyam and style. Kanya bhoj was conducted on the "nal day of the yajna and all present witnessed Devi in the form of the innocent kanyas. Swami Niranjanananda and Swami Satyasangananda performed all the rituals with faith and devotion, just as Swami Satyananda had in previous years. One week a#er the conclusion of Sat Chandi Mahayajna Yoga Purnima and Mahamrityunjaya Maha was conducted at Rikhiapeeth. In balance to the powerful, charged Devi energy of Sat Chandi Mahayajna, Yoga Purnima invoked the $uid, more tranquil energies of Guru and Shiva. !is aradhana is an annual celebration of the life and teachings of Paramahansa Satyananda and

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 29 Mar/Apr 2013 also pays homage to the !rst Guru Lord Shiva, the Cosmic consciousness and the supreme reality. "e !rst day of Yoga Purnima, 24th December, was most auspicious as it coincided with the solar birthday of Swami Satyananda and also the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. "is ensured that it was a celebration from the !rst day till the last day! "e !nal day as per tradition aligned with Margasheersh Purnima the lunar birthday of Swami Satyananda. "roughout the !ve day yajna the divine presence of Shiva was felt by all, not only on the subtle plane, but also on the physical, with the temperatures at Rikhiapeeth dropping to a record low of only three degrees. "e freezing temperatures and the swirling mists replicated the environment at Mount Kailash, the abode of Shiva! Undoubtedly Shiva came to bless the yajna and he brought his favourite weather with him! Father Christmas, Santa Claus, arrived on the 24th and 25th December and generously o#ered yajna prasad to sannyasins, delegates and recipients from surrounding villages. He brought much joy, laughter and of course encapsulated the constant focus of the yajna which is giving! "is aradhana also gave hundreds of participants the chance to immerse fully in the worship of Lord Shiva by registering as pathis. Each received a Shiva lingam which they made individual o#erings to during the chanting of the 1000 names of Lord Shiva. Each participant took the sankalpa for peace, plenty and prosperity of all thus magnifying this profound

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 30 Mar/Apr 2013 sankalpa of Paramahansa Satyananda a thousand fold. A feature of Yoga Purnima was the superb dance/drama on the life of Swami Satyananda called Yoga Chaitanya o!ered by the devotees of Satyananda Yoga Centre Mambalam, Chennai. "ere was also a presentation by an internationally acclaimed dance group led by Reela Hota that showcased the di!erent dance styles of India: Odissi, , Gaudiya Nritya, Manipura and Creative Dance. Another highlight were the spirited kirtans sung by sannyasins and kanyas which got everyone warmed up and dancing with abandon. No Yajna is complete without the distribution of prasad and amidst the trance-like chanting by the renowned pandits from Varanasi, thousands of local families received the blessings and grace of Guru in the form of blankets, household utensils, clothes and grains. Deserving recipients were o!ered sewing machines and an autorickshaw. Prizes of MP3 players, cameras, watches, laptops, and games were presented to kanyas and batuks. "e combined power of these two grand yajnas is beyond description. "e vibrations of the sacred mantras continue to permeate at Rikhiapeeth. "e yajnas are a be#tting tribute to Swami Satyananda and a way to o!ers thanks for the inspiration and joy that He continues to bring into our lives. Jaya Gurudev!

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 31 Mar/Apr 2013 Satsang by Swami Satyasangananda Final day of Yoga Purnima, 28th December 2012

Birthday greetings to Swami Satyananda. Let us all join together and wish Sri Swamiji aloud. Happy Birthday Swamiji! I’m sure that it’s reached him through the akasha, and your birthday greetings for Swami Satyananda have now become a part of the akashic records. Today is a very special day in the life of every disciple.Today you can make an auspicious sankalpa for yourself in the presence of the Guru tattwa. Guru is not a physical being, Guru is a tattwa, Guru is energy, Guru is awareness, Guru is all pervading, Guru is everywhere, above, below and beyond. It is our good fortune that we have a chance to make a resolve for ourselves at this time today, when we are celebrating the birth of Swami Satyananda, in the presence of that Guru tattwa which we have been invoking and worshipping for the last four days.

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 32 Mar/Apr 2013 !ere comes a time in life when you begin to feel the need to seek that which is permanent, which does not die, which does not fade, which is ever existent, which is everywhere. A"er having searched for that permanent reality in everything such as wealth, status, friendship, relationships, achievement, accomplishment, and still not having found it, then the inner search begins. At that time the #rst encounter you have to make is with Guru. It is the cosmic law, and also the verdict of the scriptures, that Guru is essential. We always relate to Guru as a physical being but I am speaking of something more than that. Guru as awareness. Guru maybe a physical being but a Guru is one who has attained more than what the body or mind or emotions can o$er. A Guru has attained more than that in his life, for he has moved out of the dimension of the senses and transcended the #eld of gravity to experience non-dual awareness. !at is the de#nition of a Guru. So this day is very important in the life of every disciple because it is a commemoration, it is a remembrance, it is an ode, it is a tribute, it is to reconnect with such a Guru who had attained the fullness, the purnata, the completeness that every disciple owes his Guru. It is

Swami Satyasangananda’s satsang during Yoga Purnima, 2012

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 33 Mar/Apr 2013 the obligation of every disciple towards his Guru, to attain purnata or fullness and completeness in his life. Because the Guru gives the disciple knowledge, he gives him insight, he gives him clarity, he gives him ideas, he gives him a way of life, he gives him so many treasures and in return for that, what should the disciple do? What can he o!er him? Can he o!er him wealth? Can he o!er him ashrams, disciples? No! He has to o!er him in return for all that insight, knowledge, and experience, the birth of a new awareness. He has to o!er him an awareness that has a re"ection of the full potential of man, not half. Right now we are functioning with half potential but when you are able to awaken the full potential that is purnata. When you can function with the higher mind, with the lower mind, with the sattwic mind, with the material mind, with the psychic mind, with the dynamic mind, with the intellectual mind, with ease, and equanimity, only then will your personality be total, balanced and complete. It is for that reason these two yajnas Sat Chandi Mahayajna and Yoga Purnima were started here by Swami Satyananda. #ese are not programs, there is serious stu! going on here.

Swami Satyananda satsang, 2005

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 34 Mar/Apr 2013 Some of it you can understand, some of it you can’t understand, some of it you can see, some of it you can’t see, but a lot is taking place for the evolution of mankind. We o!en say that a great transformation has taken place in Rikhia. Yes it has, but that transformation is just the physical manifestation on the material plane but what about the other subtler 13 manifested in reflection during havan dedicated to Sri Swamiji on 6th manifestations, such as a January 2013 spiritual transformation? Because a spiritual transformation has to take place. "ere has to be a mass awakening in people and for that Swami Satyananda propagated yoga and yajna. We are all aware of the great yoga movement started by Swami Satyananda and the great monument of yoga that he created in his life time at Munger as well as throughout the world. In a short span of twenty years he hoisted the #ag of yoga in every town, city, country of the world. Why did he do that? Not because he wanted a long list of centres and ashrams and disciples. No! No! He did it for the mass awakening, the mass change of awareness of mankind. A quantum shi!, a quantum leap, because that is the destiny of man. It is the duty and obligation of man to work towards his evolution. For that process of inner evolution, Guru is very essential. It is Guru who gives the push, the kick, the way, the address, the telephone number, the direction and also makes you capable of following the path without swerving from it, because distractions and dissipations are many. Do you want to remain stagnant with this awareness throughout your life? Hankering, wanting, desiring, craving? Or do you want to have a new vision, a new way of life, a new way of thinking that

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 35 Mar/Apr 2013 can give you all your desires as well. You don’t have to renounce your desires but you have to gain the insight, the clarity, the wisdom to utilize all you have desired and accomplished in the best manner so that your evolution is not hampered and you don’t get stuck and stagnant. !en a"er twenty years of sowing the seed of yoga when he came to Rikhia, he o#ered us another potent tool for the change of consciousness in man - that of yajna. In Rikhia he presented the system of Kanya Bhoj, 2012 yajna with the same systematic approach as he did for yoga, and millions of people have already bene$ted from that in the last seventeen years that the yajna has been held at his Tapobhumi. !en again for this mass awakening, mass change of awareness, he gave another very important tool - kriya yoga. He introduced the kriya yoga sessions in Rikhia as a continuation of the yajnas. For the yajnas create the environment for the shi" of awareness that is generated through kriya yoga. A"er all you have to also be made ready for that. !e ground has to be made supple to sow the seed. When the ground is hard what is the use of sowing the seed? And he told me that in course of time incorporate kriya yoga with Yoga Purnima. !e yajnas will go on and the kriya yoga will also go on during the yajna. !at it is how dedicated and committed he was for the change in awareness of man. A"er all, why should he care about any change of awareness in you? It is out of his , his Grace that he has given the ways. What other interest would he have? If you don’t care about God, God doesn’t mind. It is you who are the loser. If you don’t care

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 36 Mar/Apr 2013 for the teachings of visionaries and saints and you don’t implement them in your life then it is not the saints who are the loser, it is you who are the loser. And what is the use of having known him in our lives and what is the use of having had his darshan, having heard him, having seen him, unless at least a bit of what he said rubs o! on to us. We should at least re"ect a bit on what he stood for, what he embodied, the kind of life he lived. Many people think that Swamiji was a great preacher, Swamiji was a great teacher, he travelled so much, he was always so busy, he had so many things to do, he had so many disciples, he had so many ashrams, he wrote so many books, he gave so many , he was a guide to so many. But the most important facet of Sri Swamiji was that he was the beloved of millions. He had intimate relations with so many people. Every person thought Sri Swamiji was his own and they were not one, but thousands and millions who had intimate connections, intimate relations with him. Imagine that one single man having intimate relations with so many people on so many di!erent levels. Entire families over several generations from adults to teenagers to little children were captivated by him and all felt Sri Swamiji was so close to them. When he spoke every person thought that he was speaking directly to him and he was answering all the questions that he had when he entered the room. #at was the kind of person that he was and we are lucky that we have seen such a Guru in our life. We are so blessed, we don’t have to imagine or concentrate or meditate in order to reach him. It is not necessary to concentrate Sri Swamiji on tour of ashram you just close your eyes construction, 2004

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 37 Mar/Apr 2013 and he is present because he is so alive in our memories and as long as those memories are alive he is there for you to bless you, to guide you, because he is in your heart. He once told me, “Look Satsangi, when you want to steal something do you announce it on the microphone that you are going to steal? Do you announce on the loud speaker? Or do you quietly creep in and steal your thing and come back? In the same way, I have stolen everybody’s hearts and they don’t know it that I am seated in their hearts.” So we are all indeed very lucky! We just have to look into our own hearts, we don’t have to do anything else. We don’t have to go to the Himalayas, we don’t have to close one nostril and open the other nostril or stand on one’s head in sirshasana. No, no, just close your eyes and look into yourself, look into your heart, he is seated there and he will guide you. He is the person who can take you from shore to shore. Namo Narayan

The call of is to keep always the blaze of God-love shining in your heart. Inner spiritual illumination is real Holi. The spring season is the manifestation of the Lord, according to the Bhagavad Gita.

—Swami Sivananda Saraswati

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 38 Mar/Apr 2013 Àã½ã ¶ãã½ã ‡ãŠã ½ãÖ㦽¾ã ÔÌãã½ããè ãäÍãÌãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 39 Mar/Apr 2013 ‡ãŠãè ‚ããñÀ ‚ãã‡ãðŠÓ› ÖìƒÃ ‚ããõÀ „Ôã¶ãñ ‚ã¹ã¶ãã ½ã¶ã Àã½ã-Àã½ã Í㺪 ‡ãŠãè ‚ããñÀ ÊãØãã¾ããý ƒÔãÔãñ ÌãÖ Àã½ã ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ¹ãî¥ãà Á¹ã Ôãñ †ñÔããè ãä½ãÊããè ãä‡ãŠ ãä¹ãŠÀ „¶ãÔãñ ‡ãŠ¼ããè ‚ãÊãØã ¶ãÖãé ÖìƒÃý †ñÔããè Öõ Àã½ã-¶ãã½ã ‡ãŠãè ½ããäÖ½ãã! ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ºãã¦ã ¶ãÖãé Öõý ‡ãŠã „¹ã¾ããñØã ‡ãŠÀãñý Êãñãä‡ãŠ¶ã ƒÃÍÌãÀ Í㺪 ‡ãŠãõ¶ã-Ôãã ‚ã©ãà ‚ããõÀ ‡ãŠãõ¶ã-Ôããè £ããÀ¥ã ¦ãì½ÖãÀñ Ôã½ãàã „¹ããäÔ©ã¦ã ÞãããäÖ†ý ƒÔã‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¦ãì½Öò ƒÃÍÌãÀ Í㺪 ‡ãŠã ãäÌãÍÊãñÓã¥ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãã ÖãñØããý Ôãºã ‡ãŠãñƒÃ ¦ããñ †ñÔãã ¶ãÖãé ‡ãŠÀ Øãã‚ããñ ¦ããñ ¦ãì½Öò Ôãì¶ã¶ãñ ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠÌãðàã ¼ããè ‚ã¹ã¶ããè ¹ããä§ã¾ããú ¦ãì½ÖãÀãè ‚ããñÀ ¢ãì‡ãŠã ªòý ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ‡ãŠ½ããÊã ‡ãñŠ ¹ããÔã ‚ãã¾ããý „Ôã¶ãñ „Ôã ̾ãã¹ããÀãè Ôãñ ªãñ ºããÀ Àã½ã-¶ãã½ã Êãñ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãñ ‡ãŠÖã, Êãñãä‡ãŠ¶ã ãä¹ãŠÀ ¼ããè „Ôã‡ãŠã ÀãñØã Ÿãè‡ãŠ ¶ãÖãé Öì‚ããý ‡ãŠ½ããÊã ¶ãñ ƒÔã ºãã¦ã ‡ãŠãè ÔãîÞã¶ãã ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ãä¹ã¦ãã ‡ãŠãñ ªãèý Ôãì¶ã¦ãñ Öãè ‡ãŠºããèÀªãÔã ºãÖì¦ã ‡ãìŠãä¹ã¦ã Öì† ‚ããõÀ Êãñ¶ãñ ‡ãŠãñ ‡ãŠÖãý ƒÔãÔãñ ½ãì¢ãñ ‡ãŠÊãâ‡ãŠ ÊãØãã Öõ ý Àã½ã ‡ãŠã ¶ãã½ã ¦ããñ ‡ãñŠÌãÊã †‡ãŠ ºããÀ Êãñ¶ãã ¹ã¾ããù¦ã ¶ãñ ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ãä¹ã¦ãã ‡ãñŠ ‚ããªñÍããò ‡ãŠã ‚ã¶ãìÔãÀ¥ã ãä‡ãŠ¾ããý Swami Satyananda and his loyal friend and disciple Purna, 2008 ̾ãã¹ããÀãè ¶ãñ ¼ããÌã-Ôããä֦㠇ãñŠÌãÊã †‡ãŠ ºããÀ Àã½ã ‡ãŠã

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 40 Mar/Apr 2013 ¶ãã½ã ãäÊã¾ãã ‚ããõÀ „Ôã‡ãŠã ÀãñØã ãäºãʇãìŠÊã Ÿãè‡ãŠ Öãñ Øã¾ããý ‡ãŠºããèÀªãÔã ¶ãñ ‡ãŠ½ããÊã ‡ãŠãñ ¦ãìÊãÔããèªãÔã ‡ãñŠ ¹ããÔ㠇㊽ããÊã ‡ãŠã ת¾ã ‚ããÏÞã¾ãà Ôãñ ¼ãÀ Øã¾ãã ý

Ram Naam Aradhana havan at Rikhiapeeth, 2012

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 41 Mar/Apr 2013

Ö½ããÀãè ÖãñÊããè ‚ã¼ããè ‚ããƒÃ ¶ãÖãé „Ôããè ã䪶㠄Ôã‡ãŠã ¹ã‡ã‹‡ãŠã ÀâØã ֽ㠹ãÀ ÊãØãñØããý Ôãã£ã¶ãã, ‚ã¶ãìÓŸã¶ã Ö½ããÀãè ÖãñÊããè ‡ãŠã ¦¾ããõÖãÀ ÖãñØããý ÔãìÀ¦ã ‡ãŠãè ¢ããñÊããè ½ãò Ôãìãä½ãÀ¥ã ‡ãŠãè ‚ãºããèÀ Êãñ‡ãŠÀý ¼ããä§ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ÀâØã ½ãò ãäºãʇãìŠÊã ¦ãÀý Ôãã£ã¶ãã ‡ãñŠ ÀÔã ½ãò ÔãÀãºããñÀý Ô½ãÀ¥ã ‡ãŠãè ¼ããâØã ‡ãñŠ ¶ãÍãñ ½ãò ½ãÔ¦ãý „¶ã‡ãñŠ Ôãìãä½ãÀ¥ã ½ãò ãäºãʇãìŠÊã £ãì¦ãý Ö½ããÀãè ‚ãÔãÊããè ÖãñÊããè ‚ãã¶ãñ ÌããÊããè Öõ —¹ãÀ½ãÖâÔã Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 42 Mar/Apr 2013 Àã½ãÞããäÀ¦ã-½ãã¶ãÔã ¾ããñØã ‡ãŠãè ‚ãÊãâ‡ãŠããäÀ‡ãŠ ãä¶ãªóãäÍã‡ãŠã ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 43 Mar/Apr 2013 ¹ÇãØããä¦ã ‚ããõÀ ÔãâÜãÓãà ‡ãŠãè ¹ÇãÌãðãä§ã¾ããò ‡ãŠã ‚ãÊãâ‡ãŠããäÀ‡ãŠ Ìã¥ãöã Öõý ‚ã¶ãì¼ãÌã Öãñ¶ãñ ÊãØã¦ãã Öõý ¾ãÖãè Ôãã£ã¶ãã Ôãã£ã¶ãã ‡ãŠãè Þã‡ã‹‡ãŠãè ½ãò ½ã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ ¹ããèÔã¦ãñ-¹ããèÔã¦ãñ †‡ãŠ †ñÔããè ‚ãÌãÔ©ãã Paramahansa Alak Bara, 1995

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 44 Mar/Apr 2013 ‚ããõÀ ÍããÍÌã¦ãá Íããã䶦㠹Çãªã¶ã ‡ãŠÀ¶ãñ ÌããÊããè Öãñ¦ããè Öõý ¼ã§ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÀã£ã¶ãã ‚ããõÀ ‚ã¶ã¶¦ã-ãä½ãÊã¶ã ‡ãñŠ ´ãÀã ÞããÖãñ, ½ãì¢ãÔãñ ƒÔããè Ôã½ã¾ã ¹Çã㹦㠇ãŠÀ Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãñ Öãñý ƒÔã ¹ãÀ ºãããäÊã ‡ãŠã „§ãÀ Ôãìãä¶ã¾ãñ- “ ý” ¾ãÖãè ¼ããÌã¶ãã ¹Çãã¾ã: ‚㶾ã Ôã¼ããè ¾ããñãäØã¾ããò ‡ãŠãñ ‚ã¹ã¶ããè ‚ã㦽ãã ½ãò Êã¾ã ‡ãŠÀ ªñ¶ãñ Ôãñ ¹Çã㹦ã Öãñ¦ããè Öõý

Parikrama of vedi, Sat Chandi Mahayajna 2012

ƒÔã ½ã¶ã ‡ãŠãñ ‚ã¹ã¶ãã ½ã¶ã ¶ã ½ãã¶ã‡ãŠÀ ¹Çã¼ãì ÞãÀ¥ããò ‡ãŠã ÔãñÌã‡ãŠ ºã¶ãã ªãñ, ‡ã‹¾ããòãä‡ãŠ ‚ãÔãÊããè —ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 45 Mar/Apr 2013 ¼ããä§ãŠ ‚ããõÀ Ñããè Àã½ã

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ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 46 Mar/Apr 2013 ¼ããä§ãŠ ‚ããä¦ã ÍããèÜÇã ¹ÇãÔã¸ã Öãñ¦ãã Öîú, ÌãÖãè ‡ãŠãñ ãä‡ãŠÔããè ªîÔãÀñ Ôãã£ã¶ã ‡ãŠã ½ãîÊã Öõý ¾ãÖ †ñÔãã ÔãìØã½ã ½ããØãà Guru Puja, 2007 ‚ã¹ã¶ãñ-‚ã¹ã¶ãñ ‡ãŠ½ããñÄ ½ãò ÊãØãñ ÀÖòý ƒ¶ã ‡ãŠ½ããñÄ ‡ãñŠ ¹ãŠÊãÔÌãÁ¹ã ãä¹ãŠÀ ãäÌãÓã¾ããò ½ãò ÌãõÀãؾã ÖãñØããý ÌãõÀãؾã Öãñ¶ãñ ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã ‡ãŠÀ¦ãã Öîúý ¾ãÖãú ¼ããä§ãŠ ‡ãñŠ ãäÌãÓã¾ã ½ãò ¼ãØãÌãã¶ã ¶ãñ ƒ¦ã¶ããè ÞãÞããà ‡ãŠãè Öõý ¼ããä§ãŠ ‡ãŠãè ÞãÞããà Àã½ãÞããäÀ¦ã½ãã¶ãÔã ½ãò ‚ã¶ãñ‡ãŠ Ô©ãã¶ããò ½ãò ‚ããƒÃ Öõ ‚ããõÀ ÖÀ †‡ãŠ ÞãÞããà ºãÖì¦ã ½ãÖ§Ìã¹ãî¥ãà Öõý ÍãºãÀãè ‡ãŠãñ ¼ããè Ñããè Àã½ã ¶ãñ ¼ããä§ãŠ ‡ãŠã ½ãì¢ãñ ¹ãã Ôã‡ãŠ¦ãã Öõý

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 47 Mar/Apr 2013 ãä¶ãÏÞã¾ã £ã½ãà ‡ãŠãè Àãèãä¦ã ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ Öãñ¦ãã Öõ, ÔãªáÌãÞã¶ã, ÔãªáãäÌãÞããÀ ‚ããõÀ Ôãªá̾ãÌãÖãÀ ‡ãñŠ ‚ã¶ãìÔããÀ Öãñ¦ãã ¾ãÖ ‚ã¶ãì¹ã½ã „¹ãªñÍã ¼ãØãÌãã¶ã ÑããèÀã½ã ¶ãñ Êãà½ã¥ã ‡ãŠãñ ã䪾ãã, ‡ãŠ¼ããè ‚ãÌãÔãÀ ãä½ãÊãñ ¦ããñ ‚ãÀ¥¾ã‡ãŠã¥¡

Sacred Kanya puja on final day, Sat Chandi Mahayajna 2012

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 48 Mar/Apr 2013 ÔÌãã½ããè Ô㦾ãÔãâØãã¶ã¶ª ÔãÀÔÌã¦ããè ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã Ôã¦ÔãâØã

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 49 Mar/Apr 2013 ‡ãŠ¼ããè ãäÞ㶦ã¶ã Öãè ¶ãÖãé ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã, ‚ãã¹ã ¦ããñ ‡ãñŠÌãÊã Àãñ¶ãñ ºãõŸ Øã¾ãñý ̾ããä‡ã‹¦ã ‡ãŠã ‡ãŠÊ¾ãã¥ã Öãñ Øã¾ããý ºã¶ãã¾ãñ, ãä‡ãŠ¦ã¶ãñ ÊããñØããò ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ‚ãã¹ã ãä‡ãŠ¦ã¶ãñ ÊããñØããò ‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ‚ãã¹ã Àãñ†ý ¹ãÀ ÌãÖ ‚ããäÌã¶ããÍããè ¦ã§Ìã ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ãäÊㆠØãìÁ ‡ãŠãè ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ¦ãã Öãñ¦ããè Öõý ØãìÁ ‡ãñŠ ãäºã¶ãã ¾ãÖ Ôã½¼ãÌã ¶ãÖãé Öõý

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 50 Mar/Apr 2013 ‡ãŠã ãäªÊã ÞããñÀãè ãä‡ãŠ¾ãã Öõý „¶ã‡ãŠãñ ¦ããñ ¹ã¦ãã Öãè ¶ãÖãéý’ £ããèÀñ-£ããèÀñ ‚ãã¹ã‡ãŠãñ ¹ã¦ãã ÞãÊãñØãã ãä‡ãŠ ‚ãã¹ã ¦ããñ ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ¼ããè¦ãÀ Öõ, ‚ãã¹ã‡ãñŠ ãäªÊã ½ãò ºãÔãã Öõý ºãÔã, „Ôããè ‡ãñŠ Ôãã©ã ’ ‚ããä¶ãÌãã¾ãà Öõý ¾ãÖ ÞãÞããà ֽããÀñ ãäÊㆠ‚ããÌã;ã‡ãŠ Öõ, „¶ã‡ãñŠ ãäÊㆠ¶ãÖãéý ¾ããäª ‚ãã¹ã „Ôã ‚ããäÌã¶ããÍããè ‚ãÊãØã ‡ãŠÀ ªò, ¦ããñ Ö½ãò Öãè Üãã›ã ÖãñØããý

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 51 Mar/Apr 2013 ¶ã½ããñ ¶ããÀã¾ã¥ãý

Aradhana at Samadhi Sthal, 2012

Form IV (See Rule 8)

Statement about ownership and other particulars about newspaper, after the last day of February. Place of publication: Deoghar. Periodicity of its publication: bi-monthly. Printer’s name: Swami Gyantara Saraswati. Nationality: Indian. Address: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar – 814113, Jharkhand. Publisher’s name: Swami Gyantara Saraswati. Nationality: Indian. Address: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar – 814113, Jharkhand. Editor’s name: Swami Yogamudra Saraswati. Nationality: Indian. Address: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar – 814113, Jharkhand. Names and addresses of individuals who own the newspaper and partners or shareholders holding more than one percent of the total capital: Rikhiapeeth, P.O. Rikhia, Dist. Deoghar – 814113, Jharkhand. I, Swami Gyantara Saraswati, hereby declare that the particulars given above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Date: 1 March 2013 Sd/- (Swami Gyantara Saraswati) Publisher

ARADHANA Yoga of the heart 52 Mar/Apr 2013 Concluding Devi aarti, Sat Chandi Mahayajna 2012 Param Guru Swami Sivananda Pujya Gurudev Swami Satyananda Satsang during Sat Chandi Mahayajna, 2012

Shivaratri Yoga Sadhana: 9th–10th March Diksha – 10th March

Chaitra Navaratri Sadhana: 11th–20th April Diksha – 18th April

Nourishing the Koshas course (French): 4th–12th March Rikhiapeeth Events 2013

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Rikhiapeeth Courses 2013

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