

The Trustees of

Copyright © 1997

1997] INDEX i



Ammeen, Jr., James J., Developments in Appellate Practice in J 996 1 165 Baker, Judge John G., The History of the Court ofAppeals in Indiana 233 Barteau, Honorable Betty, Thirty Years of the Journey ofIndiana's Women Judges 1964-1994 43 Betz, Kevin W., Deibert, Andrew T., An Examination of the Docket, Dispositions, and Voting in 1996 921 Boshkoff, Douglass G., Bankruptcy in the Seventh Circuit: 1996 937 Brown, Christopher A., Recent Changes in Intellectual Property Law 1213 Browning, Minde C, Humphrey, Richard, Kleinschmidt, Bruce Biographical Sketches ofIndiana Supreme Court Justices 329 Chezem, Honorable Linda L., Nagy, Sarah L., Judicial Abrogation of a Husband's Paternity: Can a Third Party Seek to Establish Paternity Over a Child Born into a Marriage While That Marriage Remains Intact? 467 Cooper, Jeffrey O., Recent Developments Under the Indiana Rules

ofEvidence » 1049 Dickson, Justice Brent E., John, Thomas A., Wyman, Katherine A. Lawyers and Judges as Framers of Indiana's 1851 Constitution 397 Dillin, Judge S. Hugh, The Origin and Development of the Indiana Bar Examination 391 Estes, R. Wayne, Joseph, Andrea E., Missing Analytical Link in Supreme Court's "Salting" Decision Disturbs Balance of Union-Management Rights: A Critical Analysis of NLRB V. Town & Country Electric 445 Evans, Kelly A., Developments in Indiana Employment Law 1037 Funk, David A., Two Lives in Law 643 Galbraith, Brad A., Judicial Developments in Business and Contract Law 941 Greenberg, Harold, Patchel, Kathleen, 1996 Survey of the Uniform Commercial Code in Indiana 1359 Grove, Jeffrey W., Remarks Honoring William F. Harvey, Carl M. Gray Professor ofLaw and Advocacy 439

Jegen, III, Lawrence A., Tripp, James S., Murphy, Jr., Stephen P. 1996 Developments in Indiana Taxation 1291 Kidd, Charles M., McKinney, Dennis K., Survey of 1996 Developments in the Law ofProfessional Responsibility 1251 Kinney, Eleanor D., Selby, Justice Myra C, History and Jurisprudence of the Physician-Patient Relationship in Indiana 263 Levinson, Rosalie Berger, State and Federal Constitutional Law Developments 953 Lupton, Suzann Weber, Isaac Blackford: First Man of the Court 319 Maley, John R., 1996 Federal Civil Practice and Procedure Update for Seventh Circuit Practitioners 1099 ii INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol.30

Maley, John R., Survey of Developments in Indiana Civil Procedure 1121 McGreal, Paul E., Constitutional Illiteracy, Review Essay of Louis Michael Seidman & Mark V. Tushnet, Remnants of Belief: Constitutional Issues 693 McMains, Michael B., Morrison, Catherine M, The Impact of Technological Advancement on Pharmaceutical Company Liability 487

Meyer, Tammy J., Cox, Dina M., Recent Developments in Indiana Tort Law ... 1317 Miller, Hon. Gary L., Schumm, Joel M., Recent Developments in Indiana Criminal Law and Procedure 1005 Morris, Jennifer Tracie, The End ofan Era 441 Papke, David Ray, The American Legal Faith: Traditions, Contradictions and Possibilities 645 Pippin, Judy Winn, Foote, Daniel G., Recent Cases in Worker's Compensation Law 1389 Render, John C, Health Care Law: A Survey of 1996 Developments 1131 Saxer, Shelley Ross, Local Autonomy or Regionalism?: Sharing the Benefits and Burdens of Suburban Commercial Development 659 Schaefer, Paula J., Ruppert, Michael G., Survey of Indiana Family Law in 1996 1073 Shepard, Chief Justice Randall T., On the Retirement ofJustice Roger O. DeBruler 7 Shepard, Chief Justice Randall T., Reflections on a Decade at the Indiana Supreme Court, 1987-1997 921 Shepard, Chief Justice Randall T., The Importance ofLegal History

for Modern Lawyering 1 Shoultz, Richard K., Survey of Recent Developments in Insurance Law 1191 Staton, Judge Robert H., Hicklin, Gina M., The History of the Court ofAppeals of Indiana 203 Stommel, R. Robert, Cox, Dina M., Recent Developments in the Indiana Law ofProduct Liability 1227 Stroud, Kenneth M., Justice DeBruler and the Dissenting Opinion 15

Sullivan, Jr., Justice Frank, A Tribute to Justice Roger O. DeBruler 11

Sullivan, Jr., Justice Frank, Indiana as a Forerunner in the Juvenile Court Movement 279 Wilkins, Lawrence P., Tribute to Professor Debra A. Falender 917 Williams, Sandra Boyd, The Indiana Supreme Court and the Struggle Against Slavery 305 Wright, Danaya C, Captive Gas and Condemned Trash: Highs and Lows of Indiana Property Law in 1996 1269 Wright, Danaya C, Private Rights and Public Ways: Property Disputes and Rails-to-Trails in Indiana 723


Blaiklock, A. Richard M., Fiduciary Duties Owed by Frozen-Out Minority Shareholders in Close Corporations 763

Bowman III, Ray F., English Common Law and Indiana Jurisprudence 409 1997] INDEX iii

Church, Steven A., The Weakening of the Presumption of Validity for Design Patents: Continued Confusion Under the Functionality and Matter of Concern Doctrines 499

Donahue, Robert J., Racial Diversity as a Compelling Governmental Interest 523

Johnson, Brian J., The Response to Payne v. Tennessee; Giving the

Victim 's Family a Voice in the Capital Sentencing Process 795 McCauley, John F., CipoUone & Myrick; Deflating the Airbag Preemption Defense 827 Murphy-Farmer, Candice M., Mandatory Appointment of Guardians Ad Litem for Children in Dissolution Proceedings: An Important Step Towards Low-Impact Divorce 551 Ross, Jacqueline, Will States Protect Us, Equally, from Damage Caps in Medical Malpractice Legislation? 575 Ster, Brian T., Photocopying and Fair Use: Exploring the Marketfor Scientific Journal Articles 607

Strain, Jana Schrink, Medicaid vs. The Tobacco Industry: A Reasonable Legislative Solution to a State's Financial Woes? 851 Troyer, Matthew T., Mail Order Retailers and Commerce Clause Nexus: A Bright Line Rule or an Opaque Standard 881 1

iv INDIANA LAW REVffiW [Vol.30



1996 Developments in Indiana Taxation Lawrence A. Jegen, III

James S. Tripp

Stephen P. Murphy, Jr. 1291 1996 Federal Civil Practice and Procedure Update for Seventh Circuit Practitioners John R. Maley 1099 1996 Survey of the Uniform Commercial Code in Indiana Harold Greenberg Kathleen Patchel 1359 A Tribute to Justice Roger O. DeBruler

Justice Frank Sullivan, Jr. 1 An Examination of the Indiana Supreme Court Docket, Dispositions, and Voting in 1996 Kevin W. Betz Andrew T. Deibert 933 Bankruptcy in the Seventh Circuit: 1996 Douglass G. Boshkojf 949 Biographical Sketches of Indiana Supreme Court Justices Minde C. Browning Richard Humphrey Bruce Kleinschmidt 329 Captive Gas and Condemned Trash: Highs and Lows of Indiana Property Law in 1996 Danaya C. Wright 1269 Constitutional Illiteracy Review Essay of Louis Michael Seidman & Mark V. Tushnet, Remnants of Belief: Constitutional Issues Paul E. McGreal 693 Developments in Appellate Practice in 1996

James J. Ammeen, Jr. 1 165 Developments in Indiana Employment Law Kelly A. Evans 1037 Health Care Law: A Survey of 1996 Developments John C. Render 1131 History and Jurisprudence of the Physician-Patient Relationship in Indiana Eleanor D. Kinney Justice Myra C. Selby 263 Indiana as a Forerunner in the Juvenile Court Movement Justice Frank Sullivan, Jr. 279 1997] INDEX

Isaac Blackford: First Man of the Court Suzann Weber Lupton 319 Judicial Abrogation of a Husband's Paternity: Can a Third Party Seek to Establish Paternity Over a Child Born into a Marriage While That Marriage Remains Intact? Honorable Linda L. Chezem Sarah L Nagy 467 Judicial Developments in Business and Contract Law Brad A. Galbraith Timothy D. Freeman 953 Justice DeBruler and the Dissenting Opinion Kenneth M. Stroud 15

Lawyers and Judges as Framers of Indiana's 1851 Constitution Justice Brent E. Dickson Thomas A. John Katherine A. Wyman 397 Local Autonomy or Regionalism?: Sharing the Benefits and Burdens of Suburban Commercial Development Shelley Ross Saxer 659 Missing Analytical Link in Supreme Court's "Salting" Decision Disturbs Balance of Union-Management Rights: A Critical Analysis of

NLRB V. Town & Country Electric R. Wayne Estes Andrea E. Joseph 445 On the Retirement of Justice Roger O. DeBruler ChiefJustice Randall T. Shepard 1

Private Rights and Public Ways: Property Disputes and Rails-to-Trails in Indiana Danaya C. Wright 723 Recent Cases in Worker's Compensation Law Judy Winn Pippin Daniel G. Foote 1389 Recent Changes in Intellectual Property Law Christopher A. Brown 1213 Recent Developments in Indiana Criminal Law and Procedure Hon. Gary L. Miller Joel M. Schumm 1005 Recent Developments in Indiana Tort Law

Tammy J. Meyer DinaM. Cox 1317 Recent Developments in the Indiana Law of Product Liability R. Robert Stommel DinaM. Cox 1227 vi INDIANA LAW REVIEW [Vol.30

Recent Developments Under the Indiana Rules of Evidence Jeffrey O. Cooper 1049 Reflections on a Decade at the Indiana Supreme Court, 1987-1997

ChiefJustice Randall T. Shepard 921 Remaiks Honoring William F. Harvey, Carl M. Gray Professor of Law and Advocacy Jeffrey W. Grove 439 Richard M. Givan: Justice, Indiana Supreme Court, 1969-1994 Chief Justice of Indiana, 1974-1987 Jerome L. Withered 35 State and Federal Constitutional Law Developments Rosalie Berger Levinson 965 Survey of 1996 Developments in the Law of Professional Responsibility Charles M. Kidd Dennis K. McKinney 1251 Survey of Developments in Indiana Civil Procedure JohnR.Maley 1121 Survey of Indiana Family Law in 1996

Paula J. Schaefer Michael G. Ruppert 1073 Survey of Recent Developments in Insurance Law Richard K. Shoultz 1191 The American Legal Faith: Traditions, Contradictions and Possibilities David Ray Papke 645 The End of an Era Jennifer Trade Morris 441 The History of the Court of Appeals of Indiana Judge Robert H. Staton 203 Gina M. Hicklin The History of the Indiana Trial Court System and Attempts at Renovation Judge John G. Baker 233 The Impact of Technological Advancement on Pharmaceutical Company Liability Michael B. McMains Catherine M. Morrison 487 The Importance of Legal History for Modem Lawyering

Chief Justice Randall T. Shepard 1 The Indiana Supreme Court and the Struggle Against Slavery Sandra Boyd Williams 305 The Origin and Development of the Indiana Bar Examination

Judge S. Hugh Dillin 391 Thirty Years of the Journey of Indiana's Women Judges 1964-1994 Honorable Betty Barteau 43 Two Lives in Law David A. Funk 643 Tribute to Professor Debra A. Falender Lawrence P. Wilkins 917 1

1997] INDEX vii


Cipollone 8l Myrick: Deflating the Airbag Preemption Defense John F. McCauley 827 English Common Law and Indiana Jurisprudence Ray F. Bowman III 409 Fiduciary Duties Owed by Frozen-Out Minority Shareholders in Close Corporations A. Richard M. Blaiklock 763 Mail Order Retailers and Commerce Clause Nexus: A Bright Line Rule or an Opaque Standard? Matthew T. Troyer 88 Mandatory Appointment of Guardians Ad Litem for Children in Dissolution Proceedings: An Important Step Towards Low-Impact Divorce Candice M. Murphy-Farmer 55 Medicaid vs. The Tobacco Industry: A Reasonable Legislative Solution to a State's Financial Woes? Jana Schrink Strain 85 Photocopying and Fair Use: Exploring the Market for Scientific Journal Articles

Brian T. Ster 607 Racial Diversity as a Compelling Governmental Interest

Robert J. Donahue 523

The Response to Payne v. Tennessee: Giving the Victim's Family a Voice in the Capital Sentencing Process

Brian J. Johnson 795 The Weakening of the Presumption of Validity for Design Patents: Continued Confusion Under the Functionality and Matter of Concern Doctrines Steven A. Church 499 Will States Protect Us, Equally, from Damage Caps in Medical Malpractice Legislation? Jacqueline Ross 575


1997] INDEX IX


Bivins v. State 806 Blackwell v. Bornstein 963 A Women's Choice-East Side BMWofN.Am.,Inc. V.

Women's Clinic v. Newman 1 154 Gore 982 Adams v. Children's Mercy Hosp. 597 Board of City Comm'rs v. Adams v. State 32 Umbehr 999 Adarand Constructors, Inc. v. Board of Trustees of Clark Mem'l

Pena 525, 527, 537, Hosp. V. Collins 1191 541,543,717 Boggs V. Blue Diamond Coal Co. 1402 Alabama V. White 1012 Bohacv.West 1112

Allstate Ins. Co, v. Smith 1 197 Bonaventura v. Leach 1 101, 1 141 American States Ins. Co. v. Kiger 1207 Booth V. Maryland 795-96

Americanos v. Carter 998 Borgman v. Aikens 1 129 Anderson v. P.A. Radocy Bowers v. Hardwick 991 & Sons, Inc. 1236 Bowman v. Bowman 1086 Arneson v. Olson 599, 603 Braden Corp. v. Citizens Nat'l Atchley v. Heritage Cable Bank 1378 Vision Assocs. 1114 Branti v. Finkel 998

Atkins V. Niermeier 1271 Bratcher V, State 1013 Avia Group Intn'l, Inc. v. Bridwell V. State 1018 L.A. Gear Cal. 506-07 Brown v. Penn Cent. Corp. 738, 742

Brown v. State 1067

-B- Brown v. St. Joseph County 1 106

Brown's Furniture, Inc. v. Bamberger & Feibleman V. IPL 1227 Wagner 906 Bankmark of Fla., Inc. v. Star Fin. Bruch V. Centerview Comm. Card Servs. 1126 Church, Inc. 736 Basko V. Sterling Drug, Inc. 495 Bryan v. Rectors & Visitors of Batson v. 1023 the Univ. of Va. 1152-53

Bell V. Clark 960 Bryant v. Mutual Hosp. Servs. 1 146 Benante v. United Pac. Life Buck V. Banks 1285 Ins. Co. 1210 Buckner v. Sam's Club, Inc. 1112

Bennis v. Michigan 984 Budget Car Sales v. Stott 1 35 Best Lock Corp. v. Ilco Unican Bullitt V. Scribner 419

Corp. 513,520 Bussell V. Minix 1 106 Biel, Inc. v. Kirsch 1196 Buzzard V. State 1063

* The cases listed here are those cases that were discussed in the text of an Article or Note. If a case was only mentioned in footnotes, it does not appear in the Table of Cases. 1


-C- Conrail v. Lewellen 746 Contel of Indiana, Inc. v. C & M Fiberglass Septic Coulson 1273 Tanks, Inc. v. T & N Cox V. American Aggregates Fiberglass Mfg. Co. 519 Corp. 1398 Cage V. Louisiana 1033 Craft Prods., Inc. v. Hartford Cain V. Cain 773 Fire Ins. Co. 1387 Camp V. Gregory 987 Craig V. Bennett 227-28 Campbell v. Acuff-Rose Cruzan v. Missouri Dep't Music, Inc. 632 of Health 988 Campbell v. Criterion Culbertson v. Memitz 267, 269, 27 Group 423,1177 Cummins v. Lyle Indus. 1239

Campbell v. Eckman/Freeman Curless v . Watson 214 Assocs. 1319, 1393 Currin v. State 1023

Canterbury v. Spence 271-72

Cargle v. State 820 -D- Carson v. Maurer 595

Caruso v. DeLuca 999 Dale Elecs., Inc. v. R.C.L.

Cason V. State 1060 Elecs., Inc. 512 Central States, S.E. & S.W. Dandridge v. Williams 603

Pension Fund v. Central D' Archangel v. Allstate Ins. Co. 1 197 Cartage Co. 1118-19 Daubert v. Merrell Dow Channell v. Citicorp Nat'l Pharm.,Inc. 1110-11

Servs., Inc. 1103 Davis V. Central Rent-a-Crane,

Chestnut v. Roof 1232 Inc. 1404

Cipollone v. Liggett Demoulas v. Demoulas Super Group, Inc. 828, 841 Mkts., Inc. 773 City of Minot v. Freelander 1279 Design, Inc. v. Emerson Co. 519

City of Richmond v. J. A. Dickson v. State 29 Croson Co. 540, 546 Dishnow v. School Dist. of Rib C.J.C. V. C.B.J. 1096 Lake 997

Claridge v. Phelps 735 Doe V. Hersemann 1 108 Clark V. Donahue 987 Donahue v. Rodd Clark V. State 1018 Electrotype Co. 769, 774, 779

Clifft V. Indiana Dep't of State Donnell V. State 311 Revenue 979 Doty V. Ford Motor Co. 839 Cobbs V.Grant 271

Collins V. Day 583, 603, 966, 1026 E- Comer v.Gohil 1137 Commercial Union Ins. Co. v. Eckles V. Consolidated Rail Moore 1198 Corp. 1045

Compassion in Dying v. State 987 Egan V. Burkhart 1270

Complete Auto Transit v. Brady 893 Eldon Indus., Inc. v. Vanier

Computers Unlimited, Inc. v. Mfg., Inc. 512

Midwest Data Sys., Inc. 1 350 Elrod V. Burns 998 Conner v. Conner 1083 Encyclopaedia Brittanica, Inc. v.

Connick v. Myers 996 State Bd. of Tax Comm'rs 1 309 1

1996] INDEX XI

Erie Ins. Co. v. George 1 196 G- Erie Ins. Group v. Alliance Envtl., Inc. 1204 Garret v. Ford Motor Co. 840 Estate of Cole v. Fromm 985 G.B. Lewis Co. v. Gould Estate of Meyer v. Meyer 1282 Prods., Inc. 512

Evans v. Schenk Cattle Co. 1330 General Accident Ins. Co. \r

Evans v. Yankeetown Dock Gonzales 1194 Corp. 1390 Gideon v. Wainwright 922 Ex parte France 214 Gilpin v. Gilpin 1090 Ex parte Sweeney 211 Gleason v. Bush 1139 Gnerlich v. Gnerlich 1075

-F- Gonzalez v. Clinton 1394 Gorham Co. v. White 510, 515, 517

Falkenburgh v. Jones 403 Gorka v. Sullivan 1277

Farrington v. Allsop 1353 Graham Farms, Inc. v. IPL 1289

Faulkner v. Markkay, Inc. 1064 Graves v. State 310,315 Fein v. Permanente Med. Greco v. Ford Motor Co. 1233, 1250 Group 596 Greencastle Twp. v. Black 404 Fifer v. Soretore-Dodds 1123 Greer v. State 1049 Firefighters Local Union Gregg V. Georgia 32-33, 800 No. 1784 V. Stotts 540 Griswold v. Connecticut 30, 704, First Source Bank v. First 714 Resource Fed'l Grody v. State 12 Credit Union 1109 Gross V. Gross 1073

Fleck V. Hann 1274 Grund v. State 1066 Fleischmann v. Wausau Bus. Ins. Co. 1396 H- Folsom V. Marsh 609 Foreman v. State 1016 H.B. Zachry Co. v. NLRB 449 44 Liquormart, Inc. v. Rhode Haas V. Chater 993 Island 994 Hacker v. Hacker 1084 Foshee v. Shoney's, Inc. 1391 Hale v. Kemp 1405

Freeman V. Robinson 312,314 Hammond v. Clayton 1 105

Freeman v . State 1010 Hancock v. Indiana Sch. for

Freightliner Corp. v. the Blind 1401

Myrick 828,841 Hanlester Network v. Shalala 1 144 Fresh Cut, Inc. v. Fazli 959 Hanson v. Von Duprin 1392 Fritsch v. ICC 729 Hardsaw V. Courtney 1345 Frye v. Trustees of Rumbletown Harper & Row Pubs., Inc. v. Free Methodist Church 1331 Nation Enter. 63

FTC V. Compagnie De Saint- Hart V. Steel Prods., Inc. 1352 Gobain-Pont-A-Mousson 1108 Hastins Mut. Ins. Co. v.

FTC V. Freeman Hosp. 1 157 Webb 1201

Fullilove V. Klutznick 53 1 , 539 Hayworth v. Schilli Furman v. Georgia 32, 800 Leasing, Inc. 1246 1 2


HCC Credit Corp. v. Springs In re Kelly 1254

Valley Bank & Trust Co. 1 384 In re Koehring 515 Heck V. Robey 1324 In re Koors 1209 Hefty V. All Other Members In re Lawrance 267, 272, 274 of the Certified Settlement In re Marriage of Coyle 1081 Class 742,1128 In re Marriage of Lang 1092 Helm V. Resolution Trust Corp. 1118 In re Marriage of M.E. 474 Helms V. Am. Sec. Co. 410-11 In re Marriage of Tearman 1091 Hendricks County Bd. of Zoning In re Marriage of Vucic 554 Appeals V. Barlow 1288 In re Midway Airlines, Inc. 950 Heoneger v. Lomas 417 In re Myers 1260 Hicks V. State 819 In re Nathurst 1109

Hill V. Rieth-Riley Constr. In re P.L.M. 1093 Co. 1230, 1317 In re Rimsat, Ltd. 952

Hill V. Gateway 2000, Inc. 1370 In re Shur 1108 Hoffman v. United States 597 In re Tolona Pizza 950 Hooks V. State 972 In re Train Collision at Gary 976 Hopwood V. Texas 525, 545 In re Vicars Ins. Agency, Inc. 952 Hosts, Inc. V. Wells 424 In re Webb 516

Hottinger v. Trugreen In re Weybright 1252 Corp. 1062, 1241 Indiana Gaming Conmi'n v.

Howell V. Indiana-American Moseley 975 Water Co. 1288 Indiana Hi-Rail Corp. v. State Hughes V. Glaese 1355 Bd. of Tax Comm'rs 1311

Humbert v. Smith 1094 Indiana Farm Gas Prods. Co. v.

Hupp V. Canal Ins. Co. 1 199 Southern Ind. Gas & Elec. Hurd V. Monsanto Co. 1392 Co. 1283 Hurley v. Eddingfield 267-69, 278 Indiana Ins. Co. v. North Vermillion Conamunity

-I- Sch. Corp. 1206

Interman v. Baker 1133 IDS Property Cas. Ins. Co. v. Intermatic Inc. v. Toeppen 1215 Kalberer 1200 International Paper Co. v. IHSAA V. Cariberg 968 Ouellette 839 IHSAA V. Avant 968 IHSAA V. Reyes 967 -J- In re Anonymous 1256, 1261, 1406 /n re Baby K 1153-54 J Bar H, Inc. v. Johnson 764, 776

In re Carletti 507 Jackson v. Indiana 1

//I re Carousel Intern' Corp. 949 Jackson v. State 25, 1020 //ireC.D.T. 1013 Jefferson v. Ambroz 997 M re Clark 308,315 Jendreas v. Jendreas 1075

/nreComstock 1260 J.I. Chase Credit Corp. v. First /« re Duke 951 Nat'l Bank of Madison In re Fletcher 1258 County 1385

In re Garbo 507 JKB, Sr. V. Armour Pharm. Co. 1231 In re Horine 1256 Joe V. Lebow 1087 1

1996] INDEX xiu

Johnson v. General Motors Leslie v. State 1068 Corp. 840 Lewis V. State 12

Johnson v. St. Vincent Hosp., Inc. 265 L.K.I. Holdings, Inc. v. Johnson v. State 1012, 1015 Tyner 1328, 1340 1028, 1057 Liberty Mut. Ins. Co. v.

Johnson v. University of Connecticut Indem. Co. 1 195 Wisconsin-Equ Claire 996 Lim V. White 1208 Jones V. City of Gary 98 Lincoln Utils., Inc. v. Office Jones V. State Bd. of Med. 600 of Util. Consumer

Jones-Bey v. Wright 1 1 09 Counselor 1277 Judy V. State 33, 1168 Linville v. Hoosier Trim

Justus V. Justus 1073 Products 1410 Lochner v. New York 696 Logansport State Hosp. v. W.S. 977 Lucas V. South Carolina Keilbach v. McCullough 1271 Coastal Council 758 Keith V. Van Hoy, Inc. 1334 Lucas V. United States 601 Kerlin v. State 11,20 Kevorkian v. Amett 1152 -M- Kimble v. State 1054

Kohler v. Leslie Hindman, Inc. 1 107 MacDonald v. Maxwell 1356 Kohlman v. Indiana Univ. 1399 Maddry v. NBD Bank 1104 Kottlowski V. Bridgestone/Firestone, Marshall v. Reeves 1172 Inc. 1280 Martin v. Richey 971

Kovenock v. Mallus 1093 Martinez Chavez v. State 1029

Koziol V. Vojvoda 1061 Maxon v. Tyler Pipe Indus. 1362

Krouse v. Krouse 421 McClain v. State 1064, 1070 K.S.V.R.S. 467,469,471-79, Mclntyre v. Baker 1275 481-85, 1095-96 McQuade v. Draw Tite, Inc. 1401 K.T.H. V. M.K.B. 1096 Mead Data Cent., Inc. v. Toyota Motor Sales, -L- U.S.A., Inc. 1219 Medical Dev. Network Inc. v.

Lake County Trust Co. v. Lane 737 Professional Resp. Lalli V. Lalli 993 Care/Home Med.

Lane v. Brown 424 Equip Servs., Inc. 1 145 Langdon v. Applegate 403 Medley v.Frey 1192 Lannan v. State 11,20 Meridian Mutual Ins. Co. v. Auto-

Lashbrook v. Oerkfitz 978-79, 996 Owners Ins. Co. 1 193 Lasselle v. State 305,317 Meridian Mutual Ins. Co. v. Lay V. State 1056 Harter 1121 Lechmere, Inc. v. NLRB 459 Metro Broad., Inc. v. Lee V. Dayton-Hudson Corp. 508 FCC 525-26,531

Lee V. Weisman 1002 Meyer v. Biedron 1 175 Leisure v. Leisure 1075 Meyer v. Robinson 1117 Lemon v. Kurtzman 1003 Meyers v. Furrow Bldg. Leon V. Caterpillar Indus., Inc. 1237 Materials 1234 3


Michael H. v. Gerald D. 467 O'Hare Truck Serv. v. City of Mid-West Fed' ISavs. Northlake 1001 Bank v. Kerlin 1287 Oklahoma Tax Comm'n v. Miller v. Johnson 541,544 Jefferson Lines, Inc. 904 Miller v. Schoene 695, 709 Ooms V. USX Corp. 1332 Minnesota v. Dickerson 1012 Orr V. Westminster Village Minton v. Sackett 1344 North, Inc. 1041 Missouri v. Jenkins 543 Orvis Co. V. Tax Appeals Mitchell V. Collagen Corp. 1244 Tribunal 883

Mitchell V. State 979, 985 Owen V. Kroger Co. 1 105, 1 1 1 Modesitt V. State 12, 18

Moll V. South Cent. Solar -P- Sys., Inc. 954 Moran v. State 966 Pacific & Southern Co. v. Morton V. Merrillville Duncan 634 Toyota, Inc. 412 Pacific Employer's Ins. Co. v. Motorists Mut. Ins. Co. v. Austgen's Elec, Inc. 1321 Morris 1202 Panaras v. Liquid Carbonic

Mukhtar v. Castleton Serv. Corp. 1161 Indus. Corp. 1100 Murzyn v. Amoco Co. Metro. 1208 Parke State Bank v. Akers 1281 Myrick v. Freuhauf Corp. 843 Parker V. State 1011 Paternity of S.R.I. 474 -N- Patterson V. State 11, 18 Payne v. State 1050 National Ass'n of Miniature Payne v. Tennessee 795, 817

Enthusiasts v. State Bd. Pena v. Mattox 985 of TaxComm'rs 1315 People V. Raley 804 National Bellas Hess, Inc. v. Person v. State 969, 1024 Department of Revenue 884 Petroski v. Northern Ind. Pub. National Eng'g & Contracting Serv. Co. 1228 Co. V. C&P Eng*g Pfenninger v. Pfenninger 1086 & Mfg. Co. 1124 Phelps Dodge Corp. v. NLRB 447 National Steel Erection v. Hinkle 1335 Piatt v.Eads 419

Nelson v. Parker 1272 Piatt V. State 993

Nill V. Martin 1090 Plumlee v. Monroe Guar. NLRB V. Elias Bros. Big Boy 448 Ins. Co. 1211 NLRB V. Henlopen Mfg. Co. 449 Podberesky v. Kirwan 548 NLRB V. Town & Country Polly (a woman of colour) v. Elec, Inc. 447, 456 Lasselle 305 Nobles V. Cartwright 1348 Poorev. State 1021 Norco Prods., Inc. v. Mecca Posadas de Puerto Rico Assocs. v. Dev., Inc. 516 Tourism Co. of Puerto Rico 995 O- Power Controls Corp. v. Hybrinetics 508

Ogle V. Barker 1272 Prenatt v. Stevens 1077 1

1996] INDEX XV

Preseault v. ICC 729, 757 Rider v. Rider 1073

Price V. State 971 Rieheman v. Cornerstone

Prigg V. Pennsylvania 310 Seeds, Inc. 1408 Princeton Univ. Press v. Riley at Jackson Remonstrance Michigan Document Group V. State Bd. of Tax Servs. 633 Comm'rs 1308 Pro-Eco, Inc. v. Board of Ringling Bros.-Barnum & Bailey Comm'rs 984-85 Combined Shows Inc. v. B.E. ProCD, Inc. v. Zeidenberg 1364 Windows Corp. 1217 Proffitt V. Proffitt 473 Ritz V. Indiana & R.R. 737 Protective Ins. Co. v. Cody 141 Roark v. State 1029 Robbins v. IHSAA 969 -Q- Roberts v. Roberts 1077, 1083 Roe V. Wade 704,714 Quackenbush Ins. Co. v. Rogers v. Ford Motor Co. 1248 Allstate 1104 Rollins Burdick Hunter, Inc. v.

Quill Corp. V. North Dakota 883 B oard of Trustees 1210

Quill V. Vacco 987 Romack v. Public Serv. Co. 1038

Quillen v. Quillen 1078, 1083 Romer v. Evans 991

Quinton v. Edison Park Rose V. Locke 29 Dev. Corp. 665 Ross, Inc. V. Legler 739 Russell V. Russell 474, 479 -R- Rutan V. Republican Party 998, 1002

Rynerson v. City of Franklin 981 Raberv. State 1018 Raintree Friends Housing, Inc. v. -S- Indiana Dep't of State Revenue 1313

Rayford v. Lumberman's Mut. San Antonio Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Cas. Co. 1396 Rodriguez 580

R.D.S. V. S.L.S. 473,481 Sapp V. Morton Bldgs., Inc. 1230 Reboy v. Cozzi Iron & Metal 1402 Schiro V. State 1028 Reese v. Reese 1076, 1078-79 Scott V. Scott 1092 Regents of the Univ. of Sebring Homes Corp. v. T.R.

Cal. V. Bakke 524-25, 528, 546 Arnold & Assocs., Inc. 1 103 Reiddle v. Buckner 127 Seymour Mfg. Co. v. Commercial

Reilly v. Daly 980 Ins. Co. 1207

Reilly v. Robinson 12 Shand Mining, Inc. v. Clay County

Reinking v. Metropolitan Bd. Bd. of Comm'rs 1326

of Zoning Appeals 1 279 Shinauh V. State 1014

Resnover v. State 34 Short V. Stotts 416

Rexford Rand, Hagshenas v. Short V. Stotts 418

Gaylord 781 Shots V. CSX Transp., Inc. 1 106 Rexford Rand Corp. v. Ancel 764, 778 Shrock V. United States 1117 Rice V. Strunk 960 Sidel V. Majors 603

Richard S. Brunt Trust v. Plantz 737 Sills V. Irelan 1089

Richmond v. J.A. Croson Co. 526 Sloan V. Metro Health Council 1 133 Riddle v. Newton Crane Serv., Inc. 961 Smith V. Atlantic Props., Inc. 772 1


Smith V. Ford Motor Co. 1 233 T-

Smith V. Midland Brake, Inc. 1 108 Smith V.Moody 31-17 Tacket v. General Motors Corp. 1390 Smith V. Schulte 600 Tanford v. Brand 1003 Sneed v. Associated Group Teegarden v. Teegarden 1090 Ins. 1181,1400 Templeton v. City of Sony Corp. of Amer. v. Universal Hammond 1127 City Studios, Inc. 630 Terry V.Ohio 1011,1016 South Carolina v. Gathers 797 Thiele v. Norfolk & W. Southern Burlington County NAACP Ry.Co. 1327 V. Township of Mount Laurel 666 Thomas v. State 1070 Southern Pac. Co. v. Bogert 773 Thomas v. Review Bd. of Ind.

Spears v. Blackwell 1333 Emp. Sec. Div. 12, 28

St. Mary's Med. Ctr. v. Tompkins v. State 1052

Warrick County 1 145 Town of Highland v. Zerkel 1 34

Staggs v. Chrysler Corp. 839 Town of St. John v. State Bd.

Starzenski v. City of Elkhart 1 279 ofTaxComm'rs 974 State V. Atwood 806 Township of River Vale v. Town State V. Basile 819 of Orangetown 667

State V. Clark 583 Transamerica Ins. Servs. v. State V.Eaton 1342 Kopko 1207

State V. Gentry 813 Tri-Prof 1 Realty v.

State V. Metz 804 Hillenburg 1270 State V. Muhammad 823 Trimble Prods., Inc. v. W.T. State V. Swift 392, 405 Grant Co. 511

State V. Tucker 819 Trojnar v. Trojnar 1 123

State ex rel. ANR Pipeline Co. v. Tucker v. Nike, Inc. 1111 Indiana Dep't of State Twin Peaks Prods., Inc. v.

Revenue 1307 Publications Intern' 1, Ltd. 633

State ex rel. Rondon v. Lake TXO Prod. Corp. v. Alliance Superior Court 12 Resources Corp. 982

State ex rel. Shortridge v. Court of Appeals 226 -U-

State ex rel. Whitehead v. Madison County Circuit Ct. 12 UACC Midwest, Inc. v. Indiana

Steward V. State 1061 Dep' t of State Revenue 1 304 Stewart v. Abend 632 Ultrasystems Western Constructors,

Storm, Inc. v. Indiana Dep't of Inc. V. NLRB 450 State Revenue 1306 Union Auto. Indem. Ass'n v. Strodtman v. Integrity Builders 1285 Shields 1198 Stultz V. Stultz 1092 United Capitol Ins. Co. v.

Stump V. Commercial Union 1394-95 Special Trucks, Inc. 1205 Sturrup V. Mahan 968 United Farm Bureau Mut. Ins. Co. v. Superior Steel Sys., Inc. v. Blossom Chevrolet 1357 Nature's Nuggets, Inc. 963 United Farm Bureau Mut. Ins. Co. v.

Sword V. NKC Hosps., Inc. 1 131 Owen 1203 1996] INDEX xvu

United Services Auto. Ass'n v. Whittington v. State 972 Caplin 1206 Williams v. State 1023, 1057 United States v. Byrum 773 Williams & Wilkins Co. v.

United States v. Greber 1 144 United States 611,617-18 United States v. Mercy Health Williamson County Reg'l

Servs. 1157 Planning Comm'n v.

United States v. Neufeld 1 144 Hamilton Bank 1277

United States v. Paradise 540 Willmar Elec. Serv., Inc. v United States v. Virginia 990 NLRB 450 United States Dep't of Agric. v. Willoughby v. State 1068 Moreno 873 Wilson V. Pleasant 1242 United Steelworkers v. Weber 539 Wilson Fertilizer & Grain, Inc. V. Utley V. Healy 1329 ADM Milling Co. 1359 Winegeart v. State 1031 -V- Wior V. Anchor Indus., Inc. 1038, 1043

Vacco V. Quill 988 Wolvos V. Meyer 1283 Van Schoyck v. Van Schoyck 1088 Woodward v. State 315 Vega V. State 1062 Wright v. Pennamped 1354

Verhaar v. Consumers Power Co. 1402 Wygant v. Jackson Bd. of

Victor V. Nebraska 1032 Educ. 540

Village of Barrington Hills v. Village of Hoffman Estates 664 -X-

Voigt V. Voigt 1085

Vonnegut v. State Bd. of Tax -Y- Comm'rs 1312 Vore V. McFarland 1091 Y.A, V. Bayh 976

Yin V. Society Nat'l Bank Ind. 1373 W- -z- W & W Equip. Co. v. Mink 954-56 Walker v. State 1014, 1026

Wallace v. Benware 998 Walsh V. McCain Foods Ltd. 1107, 1110 Warren v. Indiana Telephone Co. 215 Warth V. Seldin 662 Warzon v. Drew 997-98 Washington v. Glucksberg 987 Waukesha Foundry, Inc. v. Industrial Eng'g Inc. 1362 Webster v. Reproductive Health Servs. 701 Weida v. Dowden 1337 Weiser v. Godby Bros., Inc. 1042 Wells V. Hickman 1339 White V. White 1085