Birmingham 2022 Team Leader Role Description

The Commonwealth Games

The Commonwealth Games is a multi-national, multi-sport event. Held every four years, it involves the elite athletes of the . Attendance at the Commonwealth Games is typically around 5400 athletes. The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) is the organisation responsible for the direction and control of the Commonwealth Games. Individual participating countries have Commonwealth Games Associations, responsible for the national team’s attendance and performance at the Games. There are currently 53 members of the Commonwealth of Nations, and 71 teams participate in the Games. The four constituent countries of the - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland - send separate teams, and individual teams are also sent by Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man. 2022 will be the third addition of the Games hosted in England. The previous two additions were in in 1934 and in in 2002.

The Role

The Commonwealth Games NGB Team Leaders play a vital role in the success of Team England at the Games. They are an integral part of; the build-up to the Games in terms of information gathering and dissemination, administration, and management for the sport; during the Games as a crucial team member for daily organisation, motivation and management of their sport and Team England; and after the Games as a participant in the overall Team England evaluation. Commonwealth Games England (CGE) aims to appoint the most effective Team Leaders for the in Birmingham. Every opportunity will be provided to support and develop each Team Leader to ensure a successful Games experience.

The key elements of the Team Leader position follow.

Responsible: Joint responsibility to British Wrestling and CGE.

Accountable: Chef de Mission for all roles and responsibilities relating to Team England.

Job Purpose: To effectively and efficiently manage the England Wrestling team in the pre- Games, Games and post-Games periods, liaising at all stages with the Chef de Mission and the CGE support team.

Team Leaders must be team players who operate effectively in demanding and high-pressure situations. They must be able to respond efficiently to last minute changes and remain positive at all times towards all Team Members contributing to the creation of a successful performance environment.

Job Performance

Team Leaders will be responsible for evaluating their own performance.

In addition, their performance will be monitored by CGE throughout the whole Games cycle to ensure that their performance and that of the whole team meets the highest standards. A full programme of training, development and support will be implemented by CGE throughout the whole Games cycle to support Team Leaders in their role.

Roles And Responsibilities

The core roles and responsibilities of the Team Leader are: • Liaise effectively with British Wrestling and the CGE team throughout the Games cycle. • Working with the national performance lead, coaches and support staff to establish clear roles and responsibilities for the Commonwealth Games, ensuring that all roles are focussed on delivering a successful Team England performance at the Games. • Establish written agreements with British Wrestling regarding two-way reporting arrangements covering the flow of information into the sport from the Team Leaders’ Programme (through CGE), and reports back from British Wrestling on progress made.

In addition, the Team Leader will:

1. Pre-Games Period • Attend all Team Leader workshops, 121s, and visits to Birmingham where requested • Create and inspire an effective sports management team with clearly identified roles and responsibilities across sport team officials • Identify travel dates and plans for pre-Games training and preparation • Support the Team England familiarisation and Games readiness programme • Establish effective channels of communication with prospective and selected athletes to ensure the best possible team is selected for the Games • Build a rapport with international federation officials and B2022 venue officials and organisers • Liaise with CGE on key areas of team selection and preparation including but not limited to: - Maximising the home advantage - Selection criteria - Kit scope and sizing requirements for delegation, opening ceremony and competition wear - Accreditation - Plus One Percent Data Management - Arrivals and departure plans • Communicate with the Chef de Mission and CGE media team regarding final team selection prior to announcing the team, and keep CGE fully informed of any changes and appeals. • Ensure all team members have completed the relevant UKAD and Safeguarding education prior to travel to the Games.

2. The Games Period

• The Games period will be defined and it is expected that the Team Leader will offer total commitment for the duration of this whole period. • Team Leaders must be prepared to work long and unsocial hours throughout the Games period.

3. Team Arrival • Ensure a smooth transition of the team from the assembly point to the Athletes Village. • To accomplish this, the Team Leader (or their nominee) must move into the Athletes Village at least 24 hours prior to the Team’s arrival. During this period the Team Leader will be expected to familiarise themselves with Team England’s support team and the Village.

4. During the Games • Establish a close working relationship with the Chef de Mission and Deputy Chef de Mission(s) ensuring that they are kept fully abreast of any issues which might affect team performance and/or morale. • Ensure that the Chef Team is kept fully informed of any aspects of the Games organisation which are not running efficiently or require modification • Ensure that the terms of the Team Members Agreement between the Team Members and CGE are maintained. • Be responsible for all areas of sports specific management, including discipline, informing the Chef Team of any problems which might escalate and thus require his/her involvement at a later stage. • Attendance at all Team Leader meetings and engagement with the Team England Communication Systems to ensure that they are up to date with all communication. • Ensure that an effective communication cascade is in place to all team members. • Work in close co-operation and provide effective liaison with the Team England HQ Medical and Administration team. • Provide Team England HQ with a daily schedule sheet, outlining the team programme for each day and ensure athletes are aware of their Whereabouts requirements. • Organise team training sessions as required and ensure that the Games transport systems meet demand. • Make available (competition and training schedules permitting) competitors to attend official functions as requested by the Chef de Mission. • Host VIP’s both at the village and at venues as requested by the Chef de Mission or their team.

5. Departure • Remain resident in the Village until their last team member has moved out. • The Team Leader (or their nominee) is required to remain in the Village for a further 24 hours to perform the inspection and inventory of the accommodation.

• Co-ordinate team and individual departures from the Village liaising with Team England HQ.

6. Post Games Period • Obtain effective feedback from team members (e.g. by questionnaire). • Provide a detailed report for CGE in a timely manner. • Attend, along with the head coach and a competitor where requested, any de- briefing meetings arranged.

7. General Issues • Always comply with all relevant NGB and CGE policies, for example, Equal Opportunities, Health & Safety, and Volunteers etc. • Be willing to work within a non-smoking environment and comply with any Team England policies regarding the consumption of alcohol during the Games period.

2022 Commonwealth Games England Wrestling Team Leader Personal Specification

Quality Essential Desirable Suggested Measure Personal Qualities: Team Player ✓ Reference/Interview Question(s) Approachable and empathetic ✓ Reference Ability to handle pressure – cope with ✓ Reference/Interview unexpected events in a stressful situation Question(s) without panic Motivated with a performance mentality and ✓ Reference/Interview ability to motivate others Question(s) Remains positive in the face of adversity ✓ Reference Able to gain respect of all NGB and Team ✓ Reference England members Ability to engage with others ✓ Reference Capable of working long hours over a ✓ prolonged period Able to evaluate own performance and seek ✓ support if needed Leadership Skills: Experience of leading a national team at ✓ CV senior international event(s) abroad prior to the 2022 Commonwealth Games Experience of leading a team at a multi-sport ✓ event prior to the 2022 Commonwealth Games Ability to delegate roles and responsibilities ✓ CV/Reference and to monitor the output Experience with media interviews ✓ Able to; ✓ CV - Negotiate - Hold meetings - Make informed decisions - View and maintain perspective of the ‘big’ picture Sport and other knowledge: Thorough knowledge of British Wrestling’s ✓ CV and United World Wrestling’s rules and regulations Thorough knowledge of the British ✓ CV Wrestling’s and United World Wrestling’s doping regulations and procedures Good working knowledge of IT (Microsoft ✓ office, emails, databases, phones)

Communication skills: Take time to listen to others and be seen to ✓ Reference/Interview be listening Question(s) Effective verbal and non-verbal ✓ Reference/Interview communication skills Question(s) Ability to identify the most appropriate ✓ Reference/Interview methods of communication Question(s) Effective written communication skills ✓ Reference/Interview including the ability to write reports Question(s) Problem Solving: Ability to analyse, act and review ✓ CV Open to other suggestions and solutions ✓ Reference/Interview Question(s) Organisation skills: Good IT and administration skills - ✓ CV competent with Microsoft Excel spreadsheets for collecting data and recording information Competent with learning and using online ✓ systems to collate and manage data – Plus One Percent.

Training will be offered by CGE where necessary. Attention to detail – accurate information ✓ CV/Reference gathering, plan ahead, thinking it through Ensuring deadlines can be met to not delay ✓ important Games Time projects from being moved forward Being prepared to allocate sufficient time and ✓ Reference/Interview resources to fulfilling the team manager role Question(s)