College Bowl Finalists Select
College Bowl Finalists Select SHKILA CONNEEN After two months of,aimost dally | testing, four students have been Carol Suley Crowned selected to represent Duquesne i Bluff Building Blaze university in its Sunday, Doc. 22 appearance,on the nationally tele vised "General Electric College Festivaf^Week Queen Bowl" program. Causes Heavy Damage Members of the first team are; Thomas L. Cooler, biology junior, Mary Lou Carlson, psychology ju nior, Ronald L. Quinn, School of Music senior, Richard A. Slgnore, history,sophomore, and Sheila L- Conneen, English literature Jun ior, alternate to) the first team. Dr. Emmanuel I. Sillmal, as sociate professor of biology, and Miss Carol Kyle, Instructor in En glish, are the team coaches. " The Rod and Blue'Varsity Scho lars" were selected on the basis of. a tasting program which began in October. Deans, department heada, fraternities and sororities nominated a total of 72 students for the Initial competition. The "G.E. College Bowl* la telecast by NBC (channel 11) at 5;30 eaeh Sunday afternoon. The A GAPING HOLE la the floor, charred wn Is, and falUm lumbar show FESTIVAL SWEETHEART Carol Suley A'M thanks all Duquesne students school of the winning team la some of the estimated $10,000 fire damag In the Guidance building. for voting for Her. Mr. Chuck Hlnkle, KDKA broadcaster, 1., presents awarded a $1,500 General Electric Carol with her trophy. Pete Brunette and Mike Aranson watch ad- scholarship grant. The school of A fire of undetermined ^origin swept tar ugh the I'nlveralty's Gui mlrtsjdy. \ \ i -/ the runner-up team a $500 scho dance Building early Wednesday morning, w tb damage to the structure ~\1 >>/*» • , • / _ .'.
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