Marine Biology (2005) DOI 10.1007/s00227-005-0199-7


Antonio Brante An alternative mechanism to reduce intracapsular hypoxia in ovicapsules of oregonensis ()

Received: 30 March 2005 / Accepted: 15 November 2005 Springer-Verlag 2005

Abstract Oxygen supply inside egg masses has been re- Introduction ported as a constraint of embryo development. Many that enclose their eggs in jelly masses or ovi- Marine invertebrates exhibit several different life history capsules have strategies to avoid or reduce intracapsular and reproductive patterns. In a general view, marine hypoxia. In some amphibian species, a decrease in the invertebrates may be classified into two large groups: wall thickness of the egg capsule over time produces an broadcasting species, which do not provide maternal increase in oxygen conductance of the wall, reducing the care except yolk in species with lecitotrophic develop- problem of intracapsular oxygen limitation. Previous ment, and species with parental care, which may protect studies of gastropods have reported a decrease in the their offspring passively (extraembyonic structures) or thickness of the capsules during development. However, actively (carrying the embryos). Both patterns have there are no studies relating capsule thinning to the advantages and disadvantages from the perspective of oxygen limitation problem in this group. This study offspring. Embryo survival is enhanced in species with links the thinning of egg capsules with oxygen diffusion capsules or egg masses in aggregation (Thorson 1950) as a possible mechanism to reduce or avoid hypoxia but limitation of oxygen inside the egg masses may inside the capsules of the gastropod Fusitriton - constrain embryonic development (Perron and Corpuz ensis. Capsule thickness, capsule area, oxygen partial 1982; Chafee and Strathmann 1984; Strathmann and pressure inside and outside the capsule, and oxygen Strathmann 1995). Oxygen limitation inside embryo consumption of the embryos at early and late develop- aggregation can be mainly explained by the constraint mental stages were measured. The conductance and the that structures supporting and protecting the egg masses diffusion coefficients of the capsule were estimated using impose on oxygen diffusion (Booth 1995; Strathmann these measurements. Results showed that (1) capsule and Strathmann 1995; Cohen and Strathmann 1996; Lee thickness decreased throughout development by about and Strathmann 1998; Ferna´ndez et al. 2000). More- 50%, (2) oxygen consumption of embryos increased over, this constraint may increase throughout develop- from early to late stages, (3) oxygen partial pressure ment, as the metabolic rate of the embryos increases. inside the capsule did not change during development, Several mechanisms to reduce oxygen limitation in- (4) conductance coefficient increased with time, and (5) side capsules and egg masses have been reported. First of estimation of diffusion coefficient was lower than all, gastropod species with egg masses add gel between amphibian egg jelly, shark capsules, egg fishes, and eggs embryos to decrease the density of the metabolizing of giant cuttlefish. The reduction in the thickness of the material and increase oxygen diffusion through the capsule wall and the associated increase in its conduc- masses (Lee and Strathmann 1998). Alternatively, adults tance during embryonic development may reduce oxy- of some species actively increase oxygen availability to gen constraints, especially at late developmental stages. their offspring (Ferna´ndez et al. 2000; Brante et al. 2003). Moreover, there is a positive relationship between embryo metabolic rate and observed frequency of ven- Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin tilating behavior (Brante et al. 2003). Finally, in species A. Brante without active brooding behavior, egg masses or cap- Estacio´n Costera de Investigaciones Marinas of Las Cruces and sules may be deposited in sites where water exchange Center for Advanced Studies in Ecology and Biodiversity, Ecology and oxygen concentration is high (Eyster 1979). Department, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Cato´lica de Chile, Casilla 114-D, Santiago, Chile For eggs of amphibian species and one species of E-mail: [email protected] marine cephalopod (Sepia apama), an increase in egg volume and exchange surface area, and a decrease in wall of their embryos. Two developmental stage categories thickness with developmental time changes the conduc- were used: (1) early (from eggs to late trocophore) and tance of the capsule and facilitates oxygen exchange (2) late (from early veliger to calcified veliger). Seven through the egg mass wall (e.g., Seymour et al. 1991; replicates were used for each developmental stage. Seymour and Bradford 1995; Cronin and Seymour 2000). Mean length of capsules used for the experiments was These kinds of responses have been explained as mech- 8.9 mm for capsules with early stage embryos and anisms to increase the supply of oxygen into egg masses 10.48 mm for capsules with late stage embryos. as metabolic rate increases. Thinning of the capsule wall The Cronin and Seymour (2000) approach was used to over time and space has also been reported for gastro- calculate the diffusive conductance of oxygen across the pods (e.g., Kress 1975; Ojeda and Chaparro 2004). To capsule wall ðÞGO2 and Krogh’s coefficient of diffusion date, capsule thinning in this group has been associated ðÞKO2 , which describes the permeability of the capsule with intracapsular embryonic nutrition given that the wall to oxygen. The following equations were used: capsule wall is a rich source of proteins and lipids (De V ¼ G ðP P Þð1Þ Mahieu et al. 1974; Ojeda and Chaparro 2004). Although O2 O2 O2out O2in there is no direct evidence, changes in wall thickness over where VO is the oxygen consumption of the embryos, time and space in capsules of gastropod species may also 2 and PO2in and PO2out are the partial pressure inside and be associated with a response to oxygen limitation inside outside the capsule, respectively. The conductance of the capsules, as has been suggested for amphibian species. capsule ðÞGO2 depends on the surface area (SA) of the Fusitriton oregonensi (Ranellinae) is a marine snail capsule and its thickness (X) according to: with encapsulated development and lecitotrophic larva.

The capsules are deposited in the subtidal zone in GO2 ¼ KO2 ðÞSA=X ð2Þ clumps of variable sizes. Capsules are rigid and cubical in shape, and each is attached to the substrate by its To estimate the parameters of Eqs. 1 and 2, mean bottom face. Capsules contain between 1,600 and 2,000 capsule thickness, capsule area, internal and external embryos and usually, veligers hatch after 7–8 weeks oxygen partial pressure, and embryonic consumption of (Strathmann 1987). Embryos within capsules are im- oxygen were measured in the same capsules at each mersed in intracapsular fluid, and there are no nurse developmental stage. eggs. Thus, embryos of F. oregonenssi depend on yolk for their development, and possibly on the organic material available inside the capsules (e.g., De Mahieu Thickness and surface area of the capsule et al. 1974; Rivest 1986; Stockmann-Bosbach and Alt- hoff 1989). In many marine gastropods, the organic Capsule thickness (lm) was estimated in the midportion material present in the intracapsular fluid may come of each capsule. Capsules were sliced transversely with a from the internal wall of the capsule (De Mahieu et al. razor blade, and three measurements were made at dif- 1974; Ojeda and Chaparro 2004). Thus, if embryos of F. ferent points of the slice with a compound microscope oregonensi are degrading the capsule wall, a decrease in and ocular micrometer. The average thickness of each the capsule thickness is expected throughout the incu- capsule was considered a replicate for a posteriori bation time. In this work, I relate capsular thinning comparisons. The total surface area of the capsule was calculated during development to the intracapsular oxygen limita- 2 tion problem of F. oregonensis. Thus, oxygen demand of by approximating the surface to a cube (mm ). Length, the embryos, oxygen availability inside of the capsules height, and width of each capsule were measured with a and thickness of capsule walls were measured to estimate dissecting microscope and ocular micrometer. Since the the conductance and diffusion coefficient of the capsule basal face is in contact with the substrate, which does wall. The estimation of the capsule conductance not permit oxygen exchange between intracapsular and throughout development may give some clues about extracapsular environment, it was subtracted from the possible adaptive mechanisms to avoid hypoxia during calculation. Student’s t tests were performed separately encapsulated development of offspring. to compare mean wall thickness and surface area between stages and oxygen percentage between intra- capsular and extracapsular environment. Variances were Materials and methods homogeneous (Cochran c test, P>0.05).

Capsules of F. oregonensis with embryos at different stages of development were carefully collected in June Oxygen availability 2004 in the subtidal of San Juan Island (Washington State, US) and transported to Friday Harbor Oxygen percentage was compared outside and inside the Laboratories in plastic bags filled with seawater. In the capsule and between developmental stages. For this laboratory, capsules were kept in tanks with a constant purpose, a chemical microsensor (Diamond electro-Tech flow of seawater (13±1C and 28.5±1&). Capsules incorporated) connected to a Clark Style microelectrode were categorized according to the developmental stage (125 lm of tip diameter) was used. The microelectrode was calibrated to 0% and 100% air saturation (solution Fig. 1a). Mean thickness of capsules with late stage saturated with nitrogen and aerated water, respectively) embryos was half (48.5 lm) that of capsules with early in sea-filtered water at 15C. Oxygen partial pressure stage embryos (94.6 lm). Mean total surface area did

ðÞPO2 was estimated according to the following equation: not differ significantly between developmental stages (t test: t=0.69, df=12, P<0.001, Fig. 1b). PO2 ¼ 0:2094ðPamb PH2OÞ kPa ð3Þ where Pamb is the ambient atmospheric pressure and, Oxygen availability PH2O, is the saturated water–vapor pressure. Prior to experiments, capsules were cleaned with a paintbrush under a dissecting microscope. Gently, a Percentage of oxygen inside the capsules was signifi- micropipette was inserted through the capsule wall and cantly lower than outside at both developmental stages positioned in the middle of the intracapsular space. The (early stage: t=21.27, df=12, P<0.001; late stage: microelectrode was then inserted through the micropi- t=8.81, df=12, P<0.001), being approximately 46% pette. The oxygen percentage inside and outside the of the outside oxygen concentration. No differences in capsule was recorded for 5 min after measurements the mean intracapsular oxygen partial pressure were stabilized. All trials were run in filtered and oxygen- detected between capsules containing embryos at early saturated seawater (0.125 lm) at 15C, 29&. Tempera- and late stages (t test: t=0.41, df=12, P=0.68, Fig. 2). ture was controlled by an aquarium thermostat and monitored by a thermometer. t tests were conducted to evaluate differences in the oxygen percentage inside and Oxygen consumption of embryos outside the capsules and between developmental stages. Variances were homogeneous (Cochran c test, P>0.05). Oxygen consumption of embryos increased significantly with developmental time (t test: t=12.65, df=12, P<0.001, Fig. 3). Mean oxygen consumption was Oxygen consumption of embryos approximately six times higher in late stage embryos. With the measurements described above, the oxygen Oxygen consumption of the embryos was recorded using conductance and the oxygen diffusion constant of the a metabolic chamber filled with 3 ml of filtered seawater. capsule wall were estimated. Oxygen conductance in- The equipment and its calibration followed the same creased significantly, by more than fourfold, during protocol described above. The microelectrode was positioned inside the chamber through a micropipette 120

and sealed with Vaseline. To prevent an oxygen gradient m) a inside the metabolic chamber, an air–stone was placed in µ 100 the bottom of the aquarium to maintain a gentle movement of both the chamber and the water in the 80 chamber during recording. All trials were run in filtered 60 and oxygen-saturated seawater (0.125 lm) at 15C, * 29&. Temperature was controlled by an aquarium 40 thermostat and monitored by a thermometer. Oxygen consumption of the whole capsule (capsule plus 20 embryos) was recorded for 4 h or until oxygen per- 0 centage decreased to 55%. After each measurement, Capsule wall thickness ( 250 embryos were carefully removed from each capsule. b Then, the oxygen consumption of capsules without 200 embryos was measured and discounted from the whole ) 2 capsule consumption for a more precise estimation of 150 the oxygen consumption of the embryos. Mean oxygen consumption of early and late stage embryos was com- 100 pared with a t test. A Cochran c test was run to check Area (mm homogeneity of variance. Data were log-transformed to 50 meet the t test assumption. 0 Early Late Results EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE

Thickness and surface area of the capsule Fig. 1 F. oregonensis. Changes in the thickness (a) and total area (b) of capsules during embryonic development. Vertical lines indicate ±1 standard error. The asterisk represents significance Mean thickness of the capsules decreased significantly differences between treatments (P<0.05). N=7 for each develop- during development (t test: t=19.49, df=12, P<0.001, mental stage )

24 -1 0.3

20 *kPa -1 0.25 *h 16 2 0.2

12 O (mg 0.15 -3

8 0.1 * 4 0.05 Oxygen partial pressure (kPa) 0 0

Early Late Conductance*10 Early Late EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE Fig. 2 F. oregonensis. Oxygen partial pressure in the intracapsular environment (black bars) and in the external environment (dotted Fig. 4 F. oregonensis. Oxygen conductance of the wall capsule in line) of capsules containing embryos at early and late stage. Vertical capsules containing embryos at early and late stage. The asterisk lines indicate ±1 standard error. N=7 for each developmental represents significance differences between treatments (P<0.05). stage Vertical lines indicate ±1 standard error. N=7 for each develop- mental stage 3 1 1 development, reaching 0.23·10 mg O2 h kPa at late developmental stage (t test: t=19.96, df=7, reduction of the wall is associated with the degradation P<0.001; Fig. 4). Mean Krogh’s coefficient of oxygen of structural proteins (De Mahieu et al. 1974; Kress diffusion over the developmental period was 1975; Rivest 1986; Stockmann-Bosbach and Althoff 8 1 1 1 4.19·10 mg O2 h mm kPa . 1989; Ojeda and Chaparro 2004). A similar phenome- non may be occurring in F. oregonensis, so that larvae could be using capsular material as a food supply. Discussion and conclusions However, a reduction in wall thickness of capsules has been observed in other groups of aquatic species with Morphological and physical responses to oxygen limi- larval encapsulation such as amphibians and cephalo- tation were observed in ovicapsules of F. oregonensis pods, which do not show consumption of extraembry- during embryonic development. First of all, capsule onic material (Seymour and Bradford 1995; Seymour thickness decreased by about 50% from early to late et al. 1991; Cronin and Seymour 2000). These observed stages of development. In addition, oxygen partial changes in capsule wall morphology suggest that capsule pressure inside the capsules did not change throughout thinning during development may play an additional development. Finally, conductance of the capsule in- role in marine gastropods. Indeed, this study shows that creased by more than four times during developmental capsule wall thinning in marine gastropods may be a time. response to embryonic oxygen limitation during devel- Reduction in capsule wall thickness has been ob- opment. served in other gastropod species with a similar strategy Oxygen availability is one of the major constraints to of encapsulation. Many gastropods may use the organic the aggregation of embryos, and this constraint increases content of the capsule as a nutritional source, so that the throughout development (Booth 1995; Strathmann and Strathmann 1995; Cohen and Strathmann 1996; Lee and 0.004 Strathmann 1998; Ferna´ndez et al. 2000; Baeza and Ferna´ndez 2002). For F. oregonensis an increase of six times in the oxygen consumption of larvae throughout 0.003 development was recorded. Almost all invertebrate lar- vae show this trend in oxygen consumption, and it has 0.002 been related to the energy invested in the development of structures and complex systems, such as the circulatory and the respiratory system, and the increase in metab-

consumption (mg/h) 0.001

2 * olizing material (Gerdes 1983; Sprung 1984; Chaparro O and Paschke 1990; Booth 1995). In this way, oxygen 0 availability becomes limited as embryos develop, Early Late affecting important fitness variables such as develop- EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENTAL STAGE mental time and hatching size or in some extreme cases causing larval mortality (Gastropoda: Chafee and Fig. 3 F. oregonensis. Rate of oxygen consumption of embryos at Strathmann 1984; Booth 1995; Lee and Strathmann early and late stage. The asterisk represents significance differences between treatments (P<0.05). Vertical lines indicate ±1 standard 1998; Crustacea: Wear 1974; Ferna´ndez et al. 2003). error. N=7 for each developmental stage Although adults of some marine invertebrates actively ventilate their offspring (e.g., Brachyuran crabs: Dick gastropod species with different developmental modes et al. 1998; Baeza and Ferna´ndez 2002; Dick et al. 2002), and oxygen demands. However, according to the argu- it appears that F. oregonensis does not show any active ment given above and the evidence observed in F. ore- behavior associated with embryo ventilation (personal gonensis, I suggest that more dramatic changes will be observation). Alternatively, a reduction in the amount of observed in conspecific species with direct development metabolizing material per capsule throughout develop- and without nurse eggs. Also, it may be that capsules ment may be another strategy to reduce oxygen com- exposed to hypoxic conditions show higher rates of petition between larvae. This strategy may be reflected in change in the wall thickness or females deposit thinner marine species that show ovophagy or adelphophagy capsules to increase conductance of oxygen. Conduc- which reduce the number of competitors at critical tance of eggs of two species of Ambystoma increases in developmental stages (trocophore and veliger). An in- response to hypoxia, with capsules showing higher crease in the cannibalizing rate at lower oxygen levels is effective surface area at lower oxygen conditions (Mills observed in the gastropod Acanthina monodon suggest- et al. 2001). Phenotypic plasticity in wall thickness has ing that competition for oxygen promotes siblicidal been reported between populations of Nucella emargi- behavior (Lardies and Ferna´ndez 2000). Nevertheless, nata and between species of the Conus genus, and it has species without ovophagy or adelphophagy such as F. been suggested as a response against predatory risk oregonensis are not able to reduce metabolizing material (Perron 1981; Rawling 1990). The present study is the inside capsules. In the scenario of a dramatic increase in first to evaluate capsular plasticity in regards to abiotic oxygen consumption by embryos and no alternative constraints. Intra and interespecific variations in the strategies to increase intracapsular oxygen availability, it morphology of capsules of gastropods and their impli- is expected that the oxygen level inside capsules of F. cations on the evolution of life history strategies must be oregonensis will drop to critical levels. However, no evaluated in a new theoretical framework considering changes in oxygen level condition in the intracapsular the main physical and biological constraints. environment were detected during development (Fig. 2). This may be explained by the increase in the conduc- Acknowledgements I deeply thank Richard Strathmann, Molly Ja- tance of the capsule wall with time (Fig. 4). The change cobs and Danny Gru¨ nbaum for helping with the setup of the in the conductance coefficient was driven by the reduc- experiments and especially for their constant motivation during my stay in Friday Harbor. R. Foley collected capsules. Valuable tion in capsule wall thickness (Fig. 1a), since no differ- comments by Jan Pechenik, Rachel Przeslawski and Roger Sey- ences in the capsular surface area between early and late mour improved the manuscript. Also, I thank Justin Holl who stages were observed (Fig. 1b). This response differed helped me to improve the English version of this manuscript. from other patterns described for some amphibians and Financial support from Friday Harbor Laboratories, Pontificia invertebrate species in which oxygen conductance in- Universidad Cato´lica de Chile, Miriam Ferna´ndez (Fondecyt project-1020860) made my stay possible in Friday Harbor Labo- creases as volume increases with concurrent increase of ratories. A.B. is a Conicyt doctoral fellow. Experiments comply capsular area and reduction of capsule wall thickness with the current laws of the United States of America. (Seymour et al. 1991; Seymour and Bradford 1995; Cronin and Seymour 2000). 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