Present: Parish Cllr Anthony O’Sullivan (Chairman) Parish Cllr Martin Twyman Parish Cllr Christine Le Jeune Parish Cllr John Joice Parish Cllr Faith Wright Miss Chenice Sparkes, Clerk to the Council

1. CHAIRMAN’S OPENING REMARKS AND APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Cllr O’Sullivan welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from Parish Cllr Linda Lodge and Parish Cllr Angela Hamilton.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Cllr Le Jeune declared an interest in planning application CA//13/02146/FUL and CA//13/02147/LB – Quaives Cottage, as she is a neighbouring resident.

3. MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 18 FEBRUARY 2014 The minutes were signed as a true record of the meeting with three amendments; the earliest bus service from Wickhambreaux is 7:56am not 8:10am, under flooding the line reading ‘Within 24 hours over 1,000 acres was flooded with three inches of water a day, rising in some areas’ now reads ‘Within 24 hours over 1,000 acres were flooded with three inches of water a day, rising in some areas’, and Blue Bridge has been changed to two words instead of one.

4. INFORMATION FROM MATTERS ARISING 4. 9(ii) No further evidence has been received regarding refuse lorries mounting the kerb on the corner of Spicer’s Place. 4 (10) Cllr O’Sullivan reported that a few stakeholders were missing from the transport meeting held at the Red Lion in , regarding Community Transport. The meeting was inconclusive, with a further meeting to be held in the near future with the Stodmarsh Road Association. 4.11(i) Cllr Twyman reported that he has chased for the three fallen trees to be removed, but poor weather is still hampering the clean up efforts. 7. Cllr O’Sullivan reported that he had accessed KALC’s ( Association of Local Councils) website and unfortunately the Parish Council has just missed the last training day on producing a Model Emergency Plan. The website will be monitored regularly for future dates. 8. Cllr O’Sullivan reported that further correspondence had been received from the residents who made two proposals to the Parish Council at the last meeting. Cllr Joice reported that, despite further investigating, there is still no definite answer as to who owns the boundary fence. Solicitors have advised that ownership of the fence would show up on the deeds to the property with small ‘T’ markings. Without these markings on the deeds the presumption is that the fence is shared ownership. 9. Mr Porter reported that he has spoken with most of the residents of the properties who face the Village Green and they have given their consent to the film being shown. He reported that the acquisition of the screen has been resolved but the company can only provide the screen, not all the technical equipment. Mr Porter is currently investigating to see what equipment can be used. With regards to providing toilets, investigations discovered that the Rose Inn own the Wickhambreaux toilets, but due to lack of commitment to clean them, they are currently shut. 10. Cllr O’Sullivan reported that he had sent the Parish Council’s comments to Barton Court Grammar School for their consultation around their proposals to relocate to the coast. 11. The Parish Council agreed to rename the ‘Parish Surgery’ to ‘Parish Forum’. A suggestion was received to have individual Councillors at separate tables, enabling more discussion to

take place and to appear less intimidating. The Parish Council decided to keep the layout as the full Council for the first month to trial it before considering any amendments. 15. The Parish Council unanimously ratified to support the KALC Community Awards. 16. Cllr Twyman reported that he had attended the last Parish Council meeting, where it was agreed to hold a meeting with Kent County Council, local farmers and transport ministers to reach a conclusion regarding the bollards at the end of Jubilee Road.

5. PLANNING CA//14/00217/FUL – Sunflowers, Lampen Wall – The Parish Council has no objection the demolishing of a single-storey garage and side extension, and construction of a new garage with a pitched roof and extended loft space, with a pitched roofed sun room to the side of the dwelling.

CA//13/02146/FUL and CA//13/02147/LB – Quaives Cottage, Seaton Road – The Parish Council has no objections to the taking down and rebuilding of the existing garage within the grounds of a Listed Building.

Tree Works: St Andrews Church, The Green – The Parish Council has no objections to the Sycamore adjacent to the Church wall between the Church and Wickham Court Oast having its crown raised by 1.5m, thinning by 20% and Ivy removed. Also no objections to the crown of a Lime tree in the same area being raised by 1.5m, thinning by 20% and the removal of dead wood.

Cllr Le Jeune reported that she had received a query regarding Conservation Area regulations. The Clerk was asked to enquire about planning regulations in Conservation Areas and ask for updated leaflets from City Council.

Flooding Cllr Twyman reported that all around the village, water levels are receding. Water levels at Grove are still problematic but are receding around two inches a day. The hope is that the stretch of road between Grove and Preston Road will open soon. Grove Ferry Road will still be closed for roughly two weeks as water levels are still high.

The pumps at Wickham Lane have now been removed and the road reopened. Drill Lane is still closed and hopefully the water levels in the bypass channel can be reduced further if Ickham Mill can receive more water. The Mill sluices have been working well and Cllr Twyman gave his thanks to all the Mill owners for keeping everything running smoothly. The five pumps at Stourmouth are still in use.

The pipes under the road in Wickham Lane will have to be enlarged but the broadband service pipe cannot be moved. In regards to sewage infiltration, contamination has been a lot more diluted than last year because of new modern equipment, but there is still concern for the health of animals, especially pets. A holding area between Lyminge and Kingston will need to be found to help prevent infiltration in the future.

Cllr Twyman also reported that on Tuesday 11 March 2014 he gave a presentation, acting on behalf of 11 Parish Councils, the NFU and farmers, regarding the Great Stour and all flooding issues. A meeting has been scheduled with representatives from Canterbury City Council and the Environment Agency to view the major blockages on the Great Stour from Sandwich to Grove Ferry. 1,000 acres of farmland have been flooded, including Conservation Areas where the wildlife has been obliterated. This gives the Environment Agency more of an incentive to keep the Great Stour clear of obstructions.

For sandbags, the Chief Engineer at the city council has advised that if residents wish to keep their sandbags they are very welcome to. Residents who do wish to keep sandbags need to

keep them covered in a dark area to stop them degrading too fast. All sandbags around the river need to be kept in place for the time being because the water levels in the aquifer are still very high. Cllr Twyman and Cllr O'Sullivan will liaise to write a leaflet on residents' options with sandbags, which will be distributed with the Annual Parish Meeting invitation letters.

6. THE SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITIES ACT Cllr O’Sullivan reported that local issues with no apparent solution, at the present time or in the future, can now be addressed using the Sustainable Communities Act. This Act allows Parish and Town Councils to submit proposals for changes in relation to things like business rates and the right of appeal on planning applications, directly to the Secretary of State for discussion. It was agreed that the Annual Parish Council meeting will be used to draw residents’ attention to the Act

7. LOCAL GREEN SPACE DESIGNATION This item was deferred until the next Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 15 April 2014.

8. ANNUAL PARISH COUNCIL MEETING The date for the Annual Parish Council meeting was confirmed for Thursday 24 April 2014. Cllr O’Sullivan agreed to write the Chairman’s invitation letter for all the residents, with a separate one for organisations in the village who wish to report on the previous year’s events. The Clerk agreed to present the Statement of Accounts at the meeting. Letters will be distributed by hand by the Councillors to every household; a leaflet will be included detailing information regarding sandbags.

9. TRADING STANDARDS ALERTS The Parish Council is now receiving Trading Standard Alerts (TSA) by email which includes warnings for scams, faulty equipment, suspicious sightings, etc. A link to access the Trading Standards Alerts on Kent County Council’s website will be posted on the Parish Council’s website. Alerts will also be posted on the notice board depending on the space available.

10. HIGHWAYS (i) Cllr Twyman reported that at 2:45am one morning, a vehicle crashed into one of the plant troughs and one section of the bridge, completely demolishing it. This was reported to the Police and Kent Highways. Mr Roger Bodimeade has kindly repaired the flower trough and Cllr Hamilton saved most of the plants from the wreckage. The Clerk was asked to write a letter of thanks to Mr Bodimeade. (ii) Cllr Tywman wished to give his thanks to the local residents who have been repainting the bridge. (iii)Cllr O’Sullivan reported that a number of pot holes were filled in Stodmarsh since the last meeting. Cllr Wright reported that a large pot hole has been marked up by Kent Highways in The List. The Clerk was asked to contact the Kent Highways Steward, to enquire when the gully will be installed in The List. (iv) Cllr O’Sullivan reported that a site visit walk around has been organised with a representative from Canterbury City Council, Mr Bob Pollard, regarding the issue of parking in Wickhambreaux to see if a solution can be reached. The Parish Council has no powers with regards to parking within the village or enforcement. (v) The Clerk was asked to write to Kent County Council to ensure that footpath CB1537 will be on the cutting programme for this year as promised. The Clerk was also asked to confirm how many cuts will be carried out and which months they have been scheduled for so they can be monitored. (vi) Cllr Joice reported he has received a complaint from a resident regarding a delivery vehicle blocking the highway. Unfortunately the Parish Council has no powers to enforce correct and safe parking on the highway.

11. REPORTS FROM COUNTY AND CITY COUNCILLORS County Councillor Michael Northey Cllr Northey reported that, within his area of jurisdiction, there were 16 road closures due to flooding and he had visited all areas affected by flooding within his area. He commented on the fantastic spirit of the community and also all 15 different agencies working together to minimise the impact of flooding. However, through this experience, better plans need to be drawn up to be able to combat future flooding of this magnitude more successfully.

Following on from Cllr Twyman’s report on a meeting with Kent County Council representatives, local farmers and transport representatives being held to evaluate the bollards at the end of Jubilee Road, Cllr Northey reported a demonstration was staged. This demonstration evaluated the highest length and tonnage a vehicle could be to get around safely and the turning circles of different sizes. A decision is pending until more studies have been carried out.

Cllr Northey also reported that the proposed move of Barton Court Grammar School has seen the largest number of letters received from constituents on a single subject. He stated that he was personally against the move; grades are improving all the time despite the apparent “lack of facilities” and that 53% of their pupils come from Canterbury or the surrounding rural villages, therefore Barton Court is in the correct location to accommodate its majority of pupils. There is also the question of equality between girls and boys at stake. Barton Court is the only grammar school in Canterbury that boys can attend without the need to have ‘super grades’.

Kent County Council does not have the decision-making power over Barton Court’s move because it is run by an Academy, who get their money directly from the government, therefore the government have the ultimate decision. As Kent County Council have no power they have a neutral attitude regarding the move and, should the move go ahead, will not provide any money to help fund it. The land Barton Court is currently on has a covenant applied which means the land can only ever be used for educational purposes.

He also reported that Chaucer Technology School will probably shut; it is no longer viable to keep open. 90% of a school’s budget is based on pupil numbers and only 26 children put Chaucer as their first choice for the 120 places available, and only 42 listed it as their second, third or fourth choice. Despite the fact the school has been making fantastic progress under the academy, the school is losing £600,000 from their budget a year. All existing pupils have been offered alternative places. No firm decision has been made. There are also plenty of school places for every pupil for the foreseeable future.

City Councillor Brian Staley Cllr Staley reported that he had been away for four weeks recently in Nepal, supporting his Gurkha charity, and was inundated with emails on his return regarding the flooding. He wished to thank Cllr Twyman and the Chief Engineer at Canterbury City Council, Ted Edwards, for all their hard work during the floods. More pressure needs to be put on Southern Water to upgrade their action plans and flood defences. Another tier of government to help pile pressure that has not yet been considered is the European MP’s - the election is being held on Thursday 22 May 2014.

Following on from Cllr O’Sullivan’s report regarding the Rural Transport Scheme at the Red Lion in Stodmarsh, extending the scheme to Stodmarsh is being held off at this current time to see if more support can be raised. Currently six residents use the scheme in New House Lane. Possible outcomes from the extension could be increased visitors to Stodmarsh Nature Reserve as a day trip and more customers for the Red Lion for lunch. Hopefully the scheme extension should be launched in the next couple of months.

Cllr Staley also reported he is against the proposed move of Barton Court. He accepts there is a need for another secondary school on the coast but believes this is not the answer. With the Canterbury District Local Plan proposing the construction of 4,000 new properties in Canterbury, losing two schools is unthinkable. First thoughts must be with the children and the impact this has on them. On Monday 24 March 2014, the Rural Area Members Panel will meet to discuss the possible loss of two secondary schools in Canterbury; Barton Court and Chaucer.

12. CLLR’S REPORTS Tree Warden – Cllr Wright reported that the planting of the red oak tree and the lime on the village green was now due. Cllr Twyman would contact the Birds to see when it is convenient for them. Cllr Wright also reported there is no further news on the removal of three ash trees on the playing field.

Cllr Wright reported that the replacement for the tree felled at the corner of Spicer’s Place had been scheduled for Wednesday 19 March 2014. However, due to BT planning on locating a broadband box near the site, the planting had been cancelled. The siting of the tree may have to be re-evaluated, so planting is now expected to take place in the autumn. The Clerk was asked to contact Canterbury City Council and enquire whether utilities needed planning permission. Cllr Wright also reported that a resident has offered to donate an oak tree to the village. It was agreed that a suitable location for it would be the playing field and Cllr Wright agreed to correspond with the resident.

Village Hall – Cllr Joice reported the annual jazz concert with the Bill Barnacle Jazz Band, held on Saturday 1 March 2014, raised £700.

Village Greens Cllr Twyman reported that the resident, who normally services the mower, is currently suffering from medical problems. The machinery was meant to be serviced recently but it is unclear whether that has been carried out. The Village Green has been cut.

Cllr Le Jeune reported that the Church would like to have a marquee on the Village Green on Saturday 5 April 2014 for an Easter Egg Hunt. The Parish Council agreed to allow them to have a marquee.

FINANCE The expenditure totalling £273.08 was authorised made up of: • Jane Birt – Mowing Stodmarsh Village Green for year ending March 2014- £100.00 • Chenice Sparkes – Clerk Salary March 2014 - £142.08 • HMRC – Employee and PAYE March 2014 - £31.00

The Clerk was asked to speak to Mr Richard Barton, the Parish Council’s Internal Auditor, and ask if he is able to audit the accounts for the financial year ending March 2014.

13. CLERK REPORT AND CORRESPONDENCE (i) The Open Spaces Society notified the Parish Council that Kent County Council has received a Deposition from the owners of Seaton Meadow .This is a statement that they do not wish to dedicate any further Public Rights of Way and wish to bring to an end any period of use for lawful sports and pastimes which might lead to the registration of a village green. Notices posted by Kent County Council, which should remain on the land for 60 days, were removed in less than 24 hours by persons unknown. (ii) A letter was received from the Headteacher at Barton Court informing the Parish Council of the formal consultation and asking for responses by 20 March 2014. Cllr O’Sullivan has already sent off the Parish Council’s response.

(iii) A letter was received from Zurich Municipal Insurance, asking the Parish Council if they would like to get a competitor’s quote before the renewal of their insurance. (iv) An advertisement leaflet was received from Landscape Services, detailing the different services they provide.

14. ANY OTHER BUSINESS (i) Cllr Wright reported that the Royal British Legion, to commemorate the Centenary of the First World War, is inviting everyone to plant lots of poppies as a tribute. Steven Twyman in Ickham has offered to plant a few of his farming field with poppies, and a few poppies are being planted in Stodmarsh. Cllr O’Sullivan agreed to ask the Church in Wickhambreaux if they would like to plant some poppies. (ii) Cllr O’Sullivan reported that the Electoral Review proposals have now been made and the Parish Council has received a similar grouping to what was suggested. (iii) Cllr O’Sullivan reported that the deadline for the annual Four Villages and Post Office funding applications is Monday 31 May 2014. Any good cause may apply for funding. (iv) Cllr Leune reported that she and Cllr O’Sullivan met with a representative from the IT Clinic at the University of Kent. The Parish Council’s request is still in the discussion stages but they hope to get back with an answer soon. This request has been carried out pro-bono, meaning free of charge.

The meeting closed at 10:00 p.m

Signed……………………...... (Chairman) Date………………………......