Return, Rinse and Repeat Defining ROI for

The Problem • Lack of knowledge around the total value of marketing-contributed revenue and pipeline • Lead quality is mediocre at best

61% of B2B marketers find generating high-quality leads as their biggest challenge.1

74% of companies that weren’t exceeding revenue goals did not know their visitor, lead, MQL, or opportunities.2

Only of qualified leads successfully 5-10% convert for marketers.3

The Solution • Quality vs. Quantity: Focus on driving quality leads that convert -- leads that don’t won’t help your bottom line • Develop lead nurture campaigns to guide prospects down the funnel • Metrics to Prove ROI: Cost Per Lead, Lead to SAO ratio, % of closed revenue that’s marketing influenced

For every $92 spent acquiring customers, only $1 is spent converting them.4

B2B brands see eDataSource saw a

higher conversion rates of leads generated through decrease in lead-gen on LinkedIn than on our LinkedIn campaign are costs when using LinkedIn other social networks. sales accepted. Sponsored Content. -NetBrain Technologies

Expertise in lead nurturing results in a increase in sales-ready 50% 5 leads, along with a 33% decrease in its cost.

“Understanding your objectives is critical in determining how to measure performance and ROI. Map your metrics to what matters." Arjun Desai, Product Marketer

Generate brand awareness, leads and prove ROI on LinkedIn.

Create your first ad.

Next up: Social Media and

Sources: 1: B2B Technology Marketing Community - 2: 3: B2B Technology Marketing Community - 4: Econsultancy 2016 - 5: Forrester Research via HubSpot -