Leader Report: 09 May – 05 June 2006 SPC 15 June 2006

1. HIGHLANDS AND ISLANDS CONVENERS GROUP 1.1 James McLellan and I attended a meeting of the group on 25th May 2006. Correspondence had recently been sent on behalf of the group to Rhona Brankin seeking a meeting to discuss both Scottish Water, in regard to their Q+S3 programme, and the ongoing issue of lack of funding for implementing elements of the Land Reform () Act 2003. It was agreed that a further approach to be made to the Minister to reiterate the request for a meeting.

1.2 I will also be part of a delegation from the Group which will meet with Allan Wilson MSP on 21 June 2006 to discuss the future of the Highlands and Islands Structural Funds Programme.

2. COSLA LEADERS 2.1 The COSLA Leaders meeting on 26th May 2006 dealt with a number of items including Free Personal Care and Efficient Government. Whilst the Scottish Executive have sought recently to clarify what they mean by “assisting with the preparation of food” a number of questions remain and COSLA will be seeking further clarification. I took the opportunity during discussion on Efficient Government to note our continued support for the COSLA position that revenue and benefits should not be delivered on a national basis. Any shift to a centralised staffing model would have implications for employment in rural areas.

3. MEETING WITH WEST LOTHIAN COUNCIL 3.1 Councillor Banks and I travelled with Alison Debling, Leadership Support to meet with Graeme Morrice, Convener and Alex Linkston, Chief Executive of West Lothian Council. West Lothian recently won the LGC Council of the Year Award and it was very informative to hear of the ways in which their partnership approach and customer focus have led to direct service improvement.

4. DUNOON PIER 4.1 Following a meeting with local members and officers from both the Council and Arch Henderson Consultants on 20th May 2006 I have written to Tavish Scott MSP, with a copy to First Minister, Jack McConnell MSP seeking an urgent meeting to discuss the provision of vehicular ferry provision from Dunoon Pier.

4.2 A recent report from Arch Henderson concluded that with a combination of high winds, rough seas, and heavy loads there was potential for serious damage to the pier structure. Given the existence of the new linkspan I am seeking confirmation from the Scottish Executive about the timetable for vessels which can berth at the linkspan, thus removing the reliance on the deteriorating pier whilst giving passengers an improved service. The matter remains under review with the intention that a resolution prior to the onset of the winter season is being sought.

5. EXTERNAL AUDITORS APPOINTED 5.1 The Accounts Commission have appointed RSM Robson Rhodes LLP as our external auditors for 2006-07 to 2010-11.

6. MINISTERIAL VISITS 6.1 I have written to both Tom McCabe MSP, Minister for Finance and Public Sector Reform, and David Cairns MP, Junior Minister, Scotland Office to invite them to visit Argyll and Bute. David has also recently taken over a ministerial portfolio within the Northern Ireland Office Ministerial team which will provide an opportunity to further strengthen the cross boundary links which already exist between Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Date Meeting Key Agenda Items 9 June Volunteer Awards Ceremony 16 June Aqualibrium Opening: First Minister Jack McConnell MSP 19 June George Lyon MSP Home Care / Residential Care, Improvement Plan, Scottish Water

Date: 05 June 2006 Councillor Allan Macaskill, Leader 1